Clinton New Era, 1876-07-13, Page 4nee FArm and �Oaa r4or, -Fsoraps 6.u4i eleaulaa. two Cut of deb� and, mysi go0a forlus, a we ally tb4t thl; txq) wegithy, . law, if onfor E, 0 1�) every eealdout of that tjtato injk! Jo ),oil love wo, or 4.6 The 440s of $0110,441. 1 Oro' --I' NY011, say I ' ' 0 0 E 4 I.Tt Toyiew log t 00110 from i.ng a I L I the voltime, of the ()eri. your lot. Wen -17 eery �veok 8 coutizku game*of croqUet Into i0li not ?", 1,4 U I I y lab jr0t40e(4ry 0$ makes of theae, Arm, Owing tnifliono, of dollars,, �the 41nek of 18aturday ovonio,g ir buy- 401A sholl I litivo to return your pro- Always -06m" explodes,. a uelniborO* sink into roranewBpapor weighty and eausible re nd its ate petits V --- ing'. twks, Which e, 1) . ArUeglArly wish to, poverty and obscurity ; but the farmer ou, $unday, or mdillff,, A paper publish- I)r, Vander Weyde says a first-rate TIM, IGN U, P,, 11AVIN OV TilkA, 00(xlly Is out. of 491it .Ow a Imuing, QIA. old I ir impreso uport yQuog men wboare think- Ila a bank that can ad 04 x9aid fkaicla of jely Can be made fr V1JI In future .40yoto'. thoir whole to tbo Liquo.i; ;B-tioluelio. eI 1A Ing of leaving ,the fiarm,. to, engage in never -fail, ipsomiloll � aq Reedtinlo and Tta 110 kilao, in t a Ot any printing office 1,04,804 AR4, Opened Qut in tbfl bit of opigoi-suto rharvest re, V d V sb oi pr0easional rQ01140d ullta the 0114 Of ChilloseJoils at irgitila, City Qonj. can tirnisli, 4tiough. old ooto. to -ii Ow a pursuits. T)iQi,g,is nothing so sure- As : t'MQ, A word IQ. farmers I wria.. . It ing So c9nituQu sirAQiig the' wlilto poop . lo b . arrel of that �ort I of jolly. Pre c'e your fathers own goo(l fArilis vbloh. Are that many of the older pupilft in -the, i i rity love, mliat. a W HOUSEI'CUNTOX (arming if f9 think Tni s rbi=6�1 ,occupied, by the late J. B-. y, ATERLO' .Ilpwed steadilyi intelligent, TITV4Y WILL n V ON IIA10, wish the not ulortgAg6d, doil't 411 abandmi your publio.schools are. bilgi.oraing* to frequent of 1hy luoustacbe Julta (looking inert. of Canada, a st, ri RE SH I)RINT81 f4l3t color -1 10T tijp.ying the" fruit of One Of Y01", At 10, 4 And a-louil call is w4i. to earnestly for 11 womont)—l1why A1LAUGX AND. remain to carry oil the farni wou ),our havat8), for 7 eents;� FREST thoso labor$, to think of all thismlen 19ped by� law. Alfred, wbore ig it ? %%�14y didult, you ug the condition of things fif �y Althaeo, lease of life has expli-od'. You of tollancies it DrIng it, you, duling. V TOX ES11 TICKING$, FRES11 T)RIiI IS Occasionally we Ileav S VR every man. might possibly do better ill some other LIQ OR& 1, 11 from sire to son,"' running that vu __ years agQittad now,. 'For cotl on( CHOICr business, but you had better ;iot risk a This is the Uind.�,of Amogat uoAerivos his living to a greater on FUESH, CORSETS au(I fOr"centii4eo.. One oftheao *0 won- illau, wish iliat some patriot or leis extent. from the, Ian (110,40d in late Buglisli paper$,. that Xr, would ill -tout -A r -,of linen trousers 4. It -is tile Which they o0or to, the pub Q 1,�, TIE 8 al RIBBONS, V RESfF�POTTEI).. ana CSTRIP111 that is the, foutidation lof the whole athat butt4ill are li the a, ok and have land, and to volm mor -01%]. and. of' �Very man'fl Diinfltivs-shlre i&bo, in leaving the arm holes like a ladies drosoin Alt Atiowle(l t�- MUSLM PI'QUB8.ffl1(1- BRILLIANT% g gown.. ,-Incomeartiviigstui., QuilImportersbuy frin, exhibited, d9cumo to. which Show. id there tire there editors un. & It is r goods in Ustichester' aild Olsv6w, -and, Au a0count of a atriinge su'oIde WhIoll ed.tbat his. shannthe I As lately col 1111411 it tiny other class. of proha- CLINTON, Juoe $,.1870. OSTUMB, L ninittod t ried tha COSTUMES a d C sell them in Montreal and TQroolo. 14 Occupallby of -the fittlia, for a p4riod ( ie giveri,in jvqij, It' Seems Sional me- Il or- this keasollk Nye at, this operatioil, shippers, cominis coo , new niakbs, very pretty, VRESIK PARASOLS slota that a young1a,dy, resident of. that city, P040 the In f d -,DjQ f - I . . . . I o them are men o, agents, insurance. OqUipartieli$ bankes A'pot hird-7—an piolc--�10,,,Owillea in SUN. UMBRELLAS1, FRESH TWIJ�IEDS -W91.1 rs, clerks 0* while ypt In allybody's, meellunics, HE WARENO who hil-q. the Inisfortune to , be' 1.0 io� sv* h lawyers, retAil-'mokolatirats, owners' of ft, W to starve wid lier teeiiii, was urged Ogdensburg, 14. Yll and marvell ri R by some Jul: 101OLIS cliltives. to,' a tell things. tire told of it, INrl iQn liberated �E housep, builde nto GO T -T. WARPS W all 0l borers, and tb.p multifarious number A, Colored preacher in. translating' INGS) 'BE, SH CARPET ors, rem I a- It will go to the band of its a iii illtb the bonds of wedlock, The It' a 4$ The harvest big lie iors the sentenc Who depend on these--Wl And -the means F4R'C 0 T 11 G . Bdt what ia bbolight thup sugestod Of8lipplyh4tbe om.fwri assistin threading A needle or WEAVING. C QTTOI�Sp FRE�811 M of livelihood or wealth. I is - over, - the season, is elided, and. tby IF! YOU WANT'. A F1 XPE 'RE H so repug a 2 F place of her lato husband was riliping a 404m, nestl on -her shoulder, soul is not Saved," put, it, 11 Do corn has the final destins ion Of& hirgo part of trianit to her feelings that, in oa tant or to es- o abar h FRESH SOCKS, rRESR TIBS, vr)r 8 ff land, And 64the in a bowl these gpodsi., and cribbed, doro ain't tiny. more w froill" ork, anhaA capa from Qwi pursoonfion of her ad- of water, and when it� has had ito liberty debbi 'GROCER.JES: FRUSH PRUNEtLAS, for Ladies, ill' 75 whencrei is to come the tueans of paying - .1 is still foolln'. wi I d dis coal, , ittises to its bearb's content, it, Fu�4 d an visQrs,'slie d6tevinined to ascend to of the pre flavore., Jop Ve-, a for thetirl This ii tile.,0pint. For if munity," of- a or, in will g6 back into its oa-4 and ,sing its —1hot 'everything pe the country did nooprodit,co what -would Now -is' the. i.time for lovers to get cents er aii. in W eil 4 t t npublicly to conitili"lli6i rry tune. .va for what w.ai purchased, wb , thdy� del me SPIDony over ice crearia, sb[W*takiu.(' a few Having drrived at ihis doteiminal.tion' A, -t _40, 'C.,ento�l ]Per at 1. V III Berlin, the 'Govitalins go to the aepend upon it,. the machine. of , 00 W - 1�rotty dabs. at his vanillai lie borrowing, morce Would . suppond , its operations, a day, a's for the' oerelbolly.— opera from pure, love of music, and they a tasio of, her obocolhte. This process ldYs appear iu--this-coattime which is-uo6t- 10414 T quickly. `th�.anislvor is �'thaila large i. � fhe fixtal -,morning 'the inspireig. eonfidence in- the day when.- they and Qomf,p�tAbi GILROYS drosbO us the Queen of 11cavelif BAR STORE a to them. $ome -ladies !a b a partf what is -imp d fluidly'goos to' ill ..be throwing, corn cai b p ite llaed-�y a large followingi of ad wholegalb ari'd, U those .Who are. culiivati,�ig the 'lillid or tb a 'dress circle �Ppeiir in'fall, toilet, a -rid 6t;q1,GrQPe5 114 lock, actoss the table miring rolativo,s and frionds,,'ztartod milit' POSITE T B PO$9:, OF0101i, clearing the forest - (in�liidlng of'cou roe %ry uniforms are. prominent ili.4tho. .�eai-old.boy' w ring ol�eiatioiis) wyl that the from hot, -late bu audience ; bot, no-one need be surprised flid. as bungry now all luinli sband's .,,house -ia a ) I - ' 0 I the �coiio . to asp. every lady pull'ber, ku t bed -0m.6,' bu did not whole means- of paying fox, what the, open sedan eli4ir for -of tier self- liCting 6lt oi�e nigbt.Just a tox1p nt country imports has flnall`�' to -be re, -el is,a- homely- 90-w.'.A-qna'nitity' of flr'sf�olass I)Ry WOOD-fbr'sale -ell vqsh to"'Isic directly for.sometbing to ont Registry Office for�. E;erV�a S. ititiktod detkth: - By,thd way she visited 6C her pocket, Still . . . , .S. M ." It in this Nvay :-11 Mother, are littilb IL JACKMAN, -STATION10t herpa'rents, to bid them,fareiwel boroiigh� es. We are and plicit, hiAlleaudiencewbich'4st ferred to the sania 'sourQ 111udron wit 1. loath happy CLI June, 1870.. Oln 0 Ill o a a starved t0 IATI $TOI� borrowing large amounts of itioney fr ba, occisionally an - rovee to," taste' ly German. Victoria Stree , Clinton, MANY x.F EnioiR ImIT ONS ltlltloolv� -ore placed Ut it ter after. they die ?" 'A. 'good �big slice of rogato Infor in t4o Inhollitacto of,eilntoo. . and its voi England. It is the -land alone that will . �ands which w A woman in SiiAi6llr,� Euglailld, latel -but . ter w6s the fill' llit that hP.1no-oponed a Regiitry omoo for soryarits. OF THIC v b' -be side of the road, its at. a y bread and Rwor. ora.and btletrosmos ivanting gervanto, and 4 . oryan a enable us, to pay the interest. . If the, als, y made an extraordigary attempt' to kill liras I t Ut, dool ng situations, will find this the best meqns of oba. rst she went into the back tino, things, Tirey'k,org6t t6 giv . . me: Terins of entry on applioutiOn., n -funeral. --On,ayriving at anolep ace, herself. Fi' Some people have a -nio-,way Of.p "MYRTLE NAVY money is spent. on the towll,.an -5p the Ila at -'the 6ok of the Ilai.olihou' Temple, 0 nton, warch Ili, ism, ENT 0 a tain SEWING;',MAC INE .0 -a or occupiers b tmbnt of Atat-claad 1XVrAC011. X.ES alivays ()u eat paid by the owner hieb had yard, placed half a pound of gungowder an'ircle he* and set firs to,.. It, to4ft property., it'must in a 0 I -arQan r i splendid assor fiu�lly 13e made she mounted Oli, a NY stranger anaphin who cnt�nd a restaur- %,WING ant to -goll-bis`dinner, A. -.LQ-AX. s, A out. of the -.1shape or been-Arected f --the purposd,, d' and boa] ngt6o ad every fornilihingg"kept S 'E lim S A S 0. Pw E, JP*A1.R--I IN- �oni �Oil in On6 onoiller As this. aid, her. u 6 imim, she. got,,%' Wh, itef, I aid. I've forgotten: OFFI vast -danistbr, putit. in buo . ket, arad,, LOOJ�r, OUT. F9R T11M'*STAMP n 86wing Afachines, of every inake repaired, and Tiew �artq kopton lianfl. ing boivod,tolhe crowd which, had. pound AGENO dt, BLYTH. for the town lives'lly the country. f the countily is dissatisfied at thi. -assenibled-t6 ituilss e procdings enty.ha dkerchef; I make it a rulo never s, and 1111 . eti,v hor himd oior.It, re to 06, 'grease, on. tity:-mat, tail an I W IT.' G, 0 0 L L E -S) a practica.[ madhinist, all,)vurk done ero is i�ari-antm to 6ivo poa sjievriod with.a loud voice, an* to get. jy.Hv'in­ to eift-i6h-the g Anli outbo"Us'e was blown:46 C NVEYANOEII, SOLTOITOR IN 011ANCEIRY, AND .13 111 B. of Ireland, Charges Me R. N,6RSWQRT11Y town,"it is needful to ream"ind it that the , q y,can t Nplia my inouth on tllis� C Attorney �derate, thinks it is on' ana,earth 1 and rny frieni !''I ani niie �`bwder. -of the Law anil. Equity Courts T & but she was only burned abou. GIENVINE. Iffurilin' Atreet#- one door 1vext of thecommi6rcial Ho-liel" Genealogist, Lapd, Loan, and notate Agent, Law, Life ON Ti[KE, (ountry can'do he more withoutthe towir satisfied to die in Ais�,manner." Vay. inarble lib.'! thefaoe. The'n-sh�stiibbod'iiors(ilfwitlI and Fire Insurance, and General Agent, ; Deeds$ Wi Ing -said this; she Stepped on twa Omit Mortgages, &c.,carefully preparad;Vithis, and claims to A OA46r lost bia� -th., F --- than the -town., witho7iii -the-- couAry. a, Shoemaker' knife, but nob fat , i 4)9st gold pen. and 9 � 411y.; , R , Irish and Foreign Estates investigated, ind.Law Busi. 'Bly ;Wili platform, and t4riust her 1 ie' ad holder a few � t ays ago. V1 )anue6tiouwIthFIAjt-,GIqss ouring', Mills, Butaddressing-men en�tvagea lu...,cow- and. tl'e neighborq carne,.Atfit took charge Aftar� making noes in Europe trang oted in I � 1 EurofeanFirma'"G, dalogiss traead and Pedigree, prqa uf' gh the 400se of a, red cQrd, 'ivhich -of her, I all over the, otlico, Forty'Yosro' Experisifoe; charges inoderate,­ 'Ilia most -census sing Xoney to L O%n prlyste'fauds, and for Publ an one , on$ 0 we wish them to 'look at these throu d, '4 andcou a dozen tranipti.ofits theft a Id `77 T merchil pursuits, or in nian was.9nipended from a -beam above bu a thorough scarol Q�to uliid,, 'I . I'.- -panie's. Debt Notes collected. tl ka to.his Uumer 't be,kd. At the sa'me moinent, 4 ;a ! a. pth TtFsuiii of $10�0.00 Was paid for the "Ic :figures and draw. some . pra�tidill go bi hap r 46 last Illyth, i07 pra od pone I to o liberal p4fr4 *itlibut ilfe—IWAF.hes �ioui she 6:reaqhed Fhila� III. THE GlItAT public geneially.for. theii ra in is -o less than fourteen. on the whole is this, that'we gee he Puri discovered and Wotild.further notify them that It -1 IT U-8 'K'S out of - them - and the lac.ed over 4,ler head and fac' an d miindmoth ox 11 Otsego," that died. as meis in* the afirrouilding, townsbipr and the ctica good ita ajo soon A, I lelph I ii, . pi ' aced If,, and bending d6wn the ol, of ilelage, W 11 n o 1as G C t ''WOR mil") A. 4 junipe&OT the- chair. ea it a a been shown, and -1ts lately added-moit. important improvements to a very striking form the restilts ofsteady, th was l. . Was to 11 v . pefiliolders bf various stylos hieli, he -811* FIVEDY .1 most instantaneous, -and slfie' ' . . , . owners a S to have 'been- Offeted E N Ll expired. his michiiery by putting in a tiew boiler and patient Kobor. Haire are be-foro'our, had IoA_ during the pat 6Vo-ybars; *ithout. the le $Z000 f0i. ts* skeleton.� " As has -been double tho power: hOrefoforo ua�od, and by eyes a number of people Who . have, un-. aeft apparent at# UIS allij that ifwman'is �valkiiia,fbi improvements toge. Unfoitunatply,.t a otrec'66­�bf,t: is young t Thteishing MaChines, dertaken* stated, the ox� measured 14 fge -In niany-obli6r important, a proucing Lepulatry to create health and.,ehj :,theiwith first-class willers, lio is prepa to Cliftlax ouble Cylinder. wilderne' lady's self-deivotion -did Ao6 and- wfila her leitigt1ij, Stood over 7 feeb,in height and. outof a sa,' Aiid they laye I ir'is the'lleat c- This way be trde do first-class work7 in. -ib 6r,.Threshin 'Mic-hine IV& for s6 deep all - impressio l did her! w6ightil 5,000' lbs. Otsego was its 101 �VILLIAM­ <Ione it. The result is patent,:.enougb.* CombWation and- V rat Ilan we. condtiob make on, i6m� boys who bad; is th t the %S'iog%rds'.Ii6aIth, bit , t for onj6yn t GRISTING CHOPPING, &c. 9 birthplace,. and it said . a cbw. Giists weighed in and -oilt.. Parties . from a A drive of a few Milils in 4ny directi It that that gave birth-tc. . re air. '**t It tud they. i it had biien, previously member; one nig it whil it ...took it's GRAY'S And, all.* of- AGIRICULTUALI WilLE ATE NTR n1fdysi;.o'h hand, -witaebsed-�tbe spectacle,' In distaupe can. have th , iris a omo -. mutioa oa,the- foUl6witig day frighte Befdre Ti*i;* After T them. the' same -day, Goo Flodr 'and Tylll or a ri py, �ill she* us We on any raili Ined -an"elephant that for ea four hours to 46 a Mile, t happ what has been done. Our'dUItivated h ever, thfit 6he Old folks had a6fie'to as" To meet the)atgo' tkiild incroli'sing, demand foi oiit colebrated Thi Allig Af 4 by making'Veliove-10 followher"laxwniple� Part of a citd�s which: pagsea`the -field' Ow Feed alw�ys for 4�le at, inoderai6 pric Irflnla; acres in Ontario;one hundred yeari.ig' sh, I 'had. tife nfl,t SPECIFIC'. EDICINE, , . � . 1. "I . ii ni.wo -I ­ I edinpiwe.6tinc, knd a parts of the, Donilin 01 -have, by,pia ii�tiodtlation'dt. tlie lf�tes� ftii(l Ilioilt 0 li-ile- one of them In"w1lich a el,gqkzed. 33 JE R .were nothing, an4production -,but a4ew� a concerned CU D& L V X 33 t P Machin e'ry into-ofir -works great th I I . ]C?londin', th'i tight-ro f is .. . . . I ly inereAsod oilY minufacturing f.ici ities. We al -0 ereroj(k furs. Fifty years ago we had� got near- was adjusting the iopc� rxind his, 'neek pa per Critter pebillty, proittrittiovil ote., willeh, in -many erwould als b e ddnreally care ifjt'tqolc fill illfght, .=�fkto prodneed'by 0-dr.inAulgetteitin. the iodof io. The Subaorib o.inform flib pit. - his playmates. ran b IILT14 -alcoholic neltellicinols lie' that lie has a- large stock. of lumbir of in a Podtlon,to fill all ord�rg proillptl and oil their re isiting San FrAudiscoi 'and'- it, is gad 1 � Y.. 1 __P00,600 acres under cultivafiou, and- t Hpitits; but tile speol % tl all aii unfailing 'cure for di&r it kinds and, l6lagilis rino fioxii I 0 a more e all producing something Q turn ilipy found . ho.: 0 tli�t lie. inrlo"ass t k** ' p.:kis f iure' Intl nutorr1kca, grain, for the ' , a ing U ft Nem I I Kloorz Eyery fbaofliub* is rufi and thoroughly tested- before lay asceildod to beaven on, 0io ba6k Of:a residence iii�, abI SOM,o tirilis''to'..pwit a it ... , follow ick, front 10 to m; Cheriy'. io olto awl wAiriinfied to giva. that city. . � go his met lootency, and all diseasol; that sR ago. tQ,20 ft.; Hentle p fiiost part. Fifty years nickel '. Q ff �llittritistililirionfl9lb6ise. Ar. Balthani, the Quence of sell Abuse, of; 109tu of: X%;ynory, Ujil. Butternut, White Ash; miple, Soft -&44 ]KqZk entirolsfit'isfacti 'on. ed, and now -we have mo . RjO00, -sork, thel�kqcrival inno "Signol?'O'NAUlcah veraut JAX - -1 I re ' thu J'aftl4ifilde. .111alik "Ic ]luck, Ej Im, in lengths to suit the publio,.*Ilioh en. Who is now�ia'trainiu owner of the illroe-year. Old. 6ol t Kisbqr, nwillosg oir vislo ittli re olld A Wel abl - as It al o rs that he may. be, 000 acres-imiler cultivation- prOducing g., fr a -feat- which and many other diseaspottXtrit.1-1111 to 11141ftjkl�� or, im�to'fill I 'rde promises ­to-colipa..anytbing- Blondin hich 'has :'slr6*dy woft the*.Englisl) t otice all soits of grains, besid,�s wool, b�ftto�, C+ews .0VThought. (.*onsunilitloit, and it Prentatitre Grave, all favored with on the shortes n and most ng: a, Derby !Lnd thd:�G,rktnd Prix do PaAii has of which,. u-4 N rule, are first canged by deviating, from reasonable -terms. and has ever d6no; .' It. consikifty.dulici , . ..the path ofnature and over-indulgenee. cheese, cattle,.to i v6l'y lalge� not t6d, a good sized foll tiline' thro lith -of s life study and 0 Call sen fo wid.Ppfe amount. And the rati-o of production Do not be- confent'.with 4oing what an'. horipipe on a tight rope stretched "M 6 1191 a euother has done ; surpass it. victories. The atak6s alon'e were ore Many years of experleiice in tteatingtho4a opoillaldig. BlYths at present IS vastly III e�"Lcess of the ratio distance of. twelve . feet1vol the gro'u: aid eases. Full paltieulars In our pwrephlot, TibI4114 we. do- Truth is -the shortest and, iilii�wreat- way �ha� $50 000J. and' an enorw it. -GLASGOW, �IAOPHFRSONY CIO 0 SUM sire to. scull fr�D by Us thitIlOr in ft SttArgy-lit, with a rope aro,14nd hiq "nook -the pther 'TJ Al 11al of raere cultivation, We have fifteen* t our.erid, caftyi!�g tside -bets. The. Specific 5119djoWo Is,, sold by oil Dr2 gist a $1 e sent by end:. of -Aielf - will:'b fastened to the wa woo"011 ou per package, or a i packages for 05vorwillo ORSE SEIN.0 'and BLAUSMITHING times as -much land unidor c Z mail on r6colpt of tto caone�,bj &ddto .tiltivation'lis line". be* wo. Id re- 1, . I . : we had fifty years ago. - But-the.culti.. A.'man 'ffi-ay not be truli lilippi here 'limb of a S`t6ut'. otak tr0; �So t1tat'; slip ' t"' ii-wer6 a prudent,man NVI o." tire 1r.o.m. tho:tv't.f. as Higher Dru Is where. Northrop & Lyl�sri`rorbnto wlig " ea 1. 0 Th a,grac fulcustorn at the howeve' thatt, elated b y his successi'he .1'o0A 0 I a. then, even when th ,difference between. happy hereafter, ey.have 11 -grbunded- ]top the foot will be likelyrtostrangle him. Wiudor,Onti T vation yields far more now, than it did wit out a., well a of, b6ing .of. ceased winning, �'ha. piobability is, Soldluci . Int,ion by JAD19S H. COISIBE.,and by all T_ T T preserve their youth, anoie city church of St. Katharine the virgin soil a�4 other soil is -taken N.r.he who captivAtes.the horb:arkd-un- will plunge heedlessl "- au&l ;e�kICS'S1.7 y Chotai?l1toyiine, T. Iryson, CS lb. CA411%. Dollar lfe;i4 for $4.150. into account. r1o]r example, the farm- d,r�lta4diliig� never grows old. Ci:eel 'England. On the dtli of.- each into'r4cing ventures and j-acitTg.specila;,. 1.1 MR. Good C*u . bit.. siuiciir.� 0.1.04). ers of 1826 had 13�,000 bead. of live T� ilers up taRtintains must expect. -to stop June the pastor preaches the "Flower ;aIiEP9 .1. It Tefis-,. It lbs, Good Porto Woo ive .,.If tions, and that it! the "course of a few iYURFAL, 11 TM. , W 10 lbs. Good Refluetrist vars si ill kinds.'' In 1871 they had upon a looaa stone slid olide back now aiid So stock of chil4ren, 'Emy member ydars,atniost,.ho willbe.no 4etter off 4,230,000. Thai had only fourteen tbeno�alid so must all aspirafits�aftor dis,: of jhd- co�gregation tairies a nosegay, in thiswoild'i.goodii tb�n* OF 'TE 11IG 1[�ADS large aiitliritried stoqk­qfGTm,­iiZ CVJt0blMIV8,'W1NF8 Aib be was before ids a M LY which w timeq as much land unddr cultivation, apd. in the pl H' ls:plaped a_iA-­ -lie Owned h,lioilso-, thaf-carried`l oft -the tr - kl.�o kold. 4t.09 lowest romuueiati*o pri6e. rp tl," oy r 1rultJ ­-*t,aporK9 _etnt, bouquet,; w ticli t siot,6 , , 0 r1libon" of the U, tilish tuff, 1711 Glass elar —f()r m R, - ibe Beat in t#Q Mark bat their live stock.,, wits- t4irty. titnes-ab. worth if yoU do your ditty, y6fir gbod R',prdaoh r'nover 11 blU` arge stock '61,gZa 11ons;liold Fu iture, amuch. We shall bavi io 2-efdr again to. qnalitioubf lictia and heart will be. discover- fAils to imell'befori beginning -his. dits, Ch:6�9, -` For Cr66keryyClifna, and Glassware, inY stock is.1farge and keiected. The Now York Iforald thus describes hotocidaii fiature, made ofseas6nddinatorial, p tnient of impo� Dinner, Tea. and- Toilet Sets Complete; course. Twent-throe years ago A fine assot. ted work,. such to the statistics of the census, and. do ad and -appreciated. the li horsoL qd'estioti afre-, a; AV(lod and Cane SeatL A`u'r6n Street, CLINTOX r --:.IS not encumber our remarks with figuros To discover it truth and tb, separate it: custom was ini.tiated, slid a t Chairs, Sofas, Loan. A .. CAL is'OLT.Cirru>, a I , ation T. I . , . . . our main object being -to call attention from a falsehood is aurely an occupation presented the bouquet, The H410- girl 1 y asked What,is kinderstood by ges, -What-Nots, &-wer, and why came thAt way Beds, Carvod Bracketis, ititie Framea, &c. rPJIL S.Vil4clf iitat wori-LD TA,4P, TMS.OPPO711.4 41je dqor to Hemrs. 11odyns & Pay's, Briolo, 13&1� to the means. by which *this enerniou's worthy of the host intolle6t, and et at all' woman with obildron _�L. TUITY Of thanking his n4merouss 611stomerpk., ow -of reckopniiig, to be udopte'd nd �rotnrlit Pictures framed with Gilt'or the ioryllber4l putKoltago they have favored Win with progress has been.brought about, Ille. 1411worthy of the best heart. lbti�t.oii'l'iefthgsroawlwnays claimed the li�rivilogc into'gonor. a Gilt Mouldings; Ru9tic Frames, wood, m'oul(lj wliuts oartying on businoss ift this fOWFA, And would at N. ]MOBSOX..- No mattai who �ou are, what joueL lot l use ? J38ford the'power of results are marvellous, Lana I , I I I 0 d,'"r nes, TdrLnto ilic, means, of ad6mini, the C( 02-P lin, the oareetiinolotlellato to thoW, thuiI tkopubIIo1z,,ln-r-*_ N- 13.—AgentfoitQa�tion'St'..Go�rgefteo.,'�mvort rsotpurallediviii-, or* Willer hve, you cannot afrord to do &11i. &bathe, has� nIA40 � Uirangemolits as Vill still he tno . yj)uroh�so, further ontitio lk , �v t o r support, as he bollc�es It steam was gen6rally kubwa and applied Goodyalue given twall w Clinton 'July 21, 1875, Simple' Iis, its we 'have saidj the that: which is wrong. The only way to ob, , A. few ovenings.-sincel -it youilg couple to, meetanical 'purposes, ..horses were with-modo t r L ra 0 ]H -LOOS, ite0ly to xOr a4vaiitage. Looking to tho. ig. triumph of patient and ;-wall direbtod, taiii happiness, and pleasure to youraelf is called Upon ..a clergyman' at Ondida, a hip patrong, Ito has engaged the services of used -to raise coal and other bea4y 1�odles. labor—notbing More.. It has not -come to A0 tho,rightthitig.' Wis-, and stptelJ, tl�at they, wished to lie Ifr,, Aloots in. his exp ri t AIR. W114 1,1, GRI GG Honest and courageus people hdve Vory­ bonds �f niaiiinianj Who was formerly in business forhimsols in this Town, by luck. There has been nb speculation 6 won 3 carefully $ united in the holy red the. rolqtiyo powor the dif- atia was dompideroa tba bast horms shoot it posses in it. . The result has not boqa accom- little to say about either their courage or Before the cerdmony, abiumenced the plished I)jF fits and starts'ot- Work It 8 feraiabreods.'of,horses, and found lIallaWilsomad glitch artangoibeata wItIt their honesty, The suit ha - no need to m ho boast�of his brightness, iidr.tlio ploon o averago equal to raising 0,000L IJOUlJdS J 0 II N U P V. S f young lady excused,berse TAIL has not been done by those who bayofallod heyoff(i . Igance. rooln, -saying, that $!is would retu'ril, i u. a. Oeturn to t6wry to r1ractl(lo Lip,' JlroAdjf,l Marts,ri t Under po f6w ty'ronients. She'Viladed %11`6 '�lfiilg lout, to niso 3 d 10 feet, or three OrL four time�, and .:ended, tbeii as will oliablablia to use hb,; Hk 11 um lox d" vorty who has I it a. r in' povicrt' 80 po'un g find 41 of �QrHosl foole -00L 'NE BOO .y. vXhero has bobla a loarnoo dE] to be dontont )to frats not under ior-iritote which fierilad.soon aftor her 100 IOUn lating to Injud A K' "I ds 3301bot dtiring that space SCH III remarkable uniformity of success i'miction daparhir6. It a all followLs.., Ar.' of atta6hed' tOL ft ]over or DX 8 rr rX. X 0 x%T Id 1-1 --t- wkuuQx of the PfIze for, _R I W9 an v abou this business. I t* is utterly uft- will, d lays Aiido own, K�op -�ait for me in' ain, for �swoop of'a'givori, lonerth. This a . to _1,4, conildm�co alai HAR like In antile pursuita in this respect desire within'balluds- YPuv thur You will M r,__VN' ERTAK1 na can 'S.H th for his kmalu gotltra I PAPEL the longer yon'Wait the fai or L away wards.beeomathastandard of nioasttiu An elegant Ifearso.(qF �o theryiL WALL R, .-�WINLDOW ADES By fir i large majority of mercantile One great wprk ofour yuuth is to acrit sll�oflorlty Over nil 0 id Voillit OtAW that lie le tvil oban't F4rpy yot to-ni about t6 manufacture thout mt a inuch; tnor -a good education, for this, is- the first'stup I . ; 01 kI 14 I )OWervil fOrm nV1114'ell �e rneclit6icai very atUhded. towlV4 170YS AND a Y oil wen� On, ige a year aly 4114 9 anil - all fur�isliin�il �applie(l 'at reasonable ro imDuct, X� X"wCES the other hand the larg' AND. CASE men hav fled and ended worsetbau 'to filino. Youth is the happ Let scasol of gaile, and by the facilities be poggagges, will he o4abled n 0 . �)qrl'oteg, and,whioh is still toned j.4 tates. 'A lirgdstook o to Otter thoeft at GI they beg wi you. now," f Coffins, moulded and ' . I a., I FANCY 'GOODS, VIOLIN " tlto f,wo, free from lic 11I get,ev th 'I'lle , . .. Farourg ariAoth&a 01.4y vest Ampgxcli cilat their Mar est num f rf Of file forest" Our lives' f6r I a Alwo 'ther r of a on hand (trimmed tosuit).o� carea and 4toubloa which Ows6 mor� r d- Ui the -7 I;in�, bade ��tlle At, a are moderate, COX 19TXNAN AN FLIVItEAt, dd,'�,room took gilvat-platadfuruiture or otherwise. andthaeg slid cul I atot of the soil have, sucuod ViLaeod JUL Y�Jara lIaVo to C1.1coulltoll. olergymmi, good byo and - Started for neRE11si ETC". a good, Mike your'homos p1qatiant 0 kaowl�dge of k;;,PQ tobughlegil find 06,100 a orl a ed, and ended their days. W4 . 1101110- .. .". ... -1111y A thorough the"iiAtivif good Work-slidula inctit.. FRANZ T HAVELL inke'ritance; Probably they Wero Calm- ydar-boya hy uot It beariii on th6 gtrind. THOUAS TIMING ING, SATC Th ily tooch Flicto to love the. One of our batilig has just selected a lawswhielt gtivern t1w eotations of digestion THOS,. STnVjq111a9A, $f,OnO tiD(l lxo4,v 'I JALSO, A LAIME, ASSQR'rM33NT OV pellea by circumstances to go oll: an([ hutritioni and by it creful application clintoti, Ang 6y, annotiffeed his intention of old farm, ao whon1licy pome.to be young cashier- 110 - properties if cocoa, Berlin' -Wool, 8.1i $j and Berliyi Wocll Gooels could not give up it they Would. Timy for of th.o fine ilipti, they will ii(it. run id tlib wwit a running the itistitution on a sourld and Atr, has provide.1 nu�- t,031os _0 were bound to be pationt. - Th6y were at; r 8 �itiotl bobin(t tho,c;unter, -but will b6 sli b ig, 1�e 'propoa d osj�ccially tp a dalioAWY 114vrc(I b�vorli a w.h1uh-tany All the latest Pa ers and. Porlodlo�ila alw i on I a fl, Aliro A' rit or tb a pressed into I ersevoranco very at, bi -N E C ay 11 look paper.proticiated for dis6unt, il�vb its 111hily lleavy dipators, fis. 11 is by OTI CE TO. TH UBLI tlro, of au&, ar6rol( ,a of diet that I AND WD 1�j'MliY � G1,013P, conditions of their oxistolico, atid p' Wcaltil-is as Illally licigolls I&, wdil-known, customer, beotight, A it the ja(licifous US0. :bA'1."y- - AND severance brought out thogo splentUd ro-. tuippoaa, 1y and no(,c� 916cashicrexaminoaft.t lulty ba geatlually built up Un. Tile tilleillied, beg -t6 inform the inhabitants of 011isAtop alid surrounding . . I � AMPRICAX MONEY BOUGHT AN 801A)v country that they suits at last. Out mercantile moll In& splendid atittrprillo, Y, til Arouh 01tough to - every ton(lolley Lava into co-Prtnerallip for the pAr- 0 OA'6airying on tha business of manulApturors ItEREMIMU THE XAA1E AND y but 1)y t1lo "laily ly) 13aggles. W_ -.8 and in , quill patronizing wa 11uJI&d8,Of Hubtle maladics are tggons, &,, ilt,hll its vatiods. brauchea, learn lessons from all this, and- iFftiq Ube of 4rdustry, ffugality and 6conoaw. Of C= rtioxi, it at their Ito 'who ruliLs 111)011 th CEO inlettils will rlwaly itUant yet, give us anothor tame. floatfng, aroun(I us ready to attack'Whorever old Lhe.ffiyle 411d n , a ,weak lJoilit, I Ive may ascalmmany firm of are wise and fiwachating as they should he f(iond dcaLi %, atid ote 7" Ye, if you, think it I . NrN totZ. -lie %iho relios upon oil thii !Ifop aft by keppitig oursolvao woll fpVtL- ICORXE13, MARKUT SQVAYR. be, they doubtless wilL 1�atidnt, steady Other, will g 13 8vell, Ing industry will do, just as much oxcrally becoine baillitupt, I ithink it will bp *14 lairp 144(i 41111 .1-A A pt S ir-4 it., lintin (I W) 4 nourish. . . . . CLIXT-LoNo. Oct. 22, 1874. utgo is ,vulgar, tind never better.". '410 Agtloi4ala Vlarit, oft and od fra�ie, Atrilice �,Jold only in mercantile lif; as it will i� � the culti. 1110iii so than wboti it pmeoedstrom niorJi. NO pains will be spateA to execute work equal t�o any in thi Dominion. Their long expe& elbari'L -Was gone about tin and brollgt� iu,kackot8 laballed-11 X.ihrs Co., lli� UiE- — I - vation of the land aud the ily up- 'flud' pTido, disappoilaiLd allibitiob or, oil,, We. yards, long, mmopathie. otice, in theCounty enablea-them. to fully understandtho requiromentii,of their rustomere, and V of the forest. thwatted iyilfulnoaa. A bafflad'doiji,,t is bapk a list Pf noluel; r.11 4 170, Piccadilly, Lon(lom" fliq hope, by strict attdntion to business, to give otitiro, mtiafitation to All those who may w1lidli were pasted to tho note. Thora Ir patronage, the vulgarest, of ditty wretches, no matter favor themwitlithot RICH OUN LOT'S WiF)0 T�itaikant Lynth in- G whather ho Fo ptit of anation.vin­ Avoro-ton millions on -the paper which a7donkoy sinking un.' he handed to. ibe astonished cashier.— f Balton the sh6ro, and tho, Arabs Informe him with despatch. RepairWg Oaa on tao t notice, Stick to Your. 111rals, the des blivoyago ta the founif a hugo xillar 43' A littgd Afid Weet btobk 6ftha bbtCmm6nd4 m&1#141 610nindi Ordarsix�aut&(T, ilimting it; rights, or 0 The'lifo of a farmer is not ad. easy one. der its loAd. it was Lotlwwlfe,� for our.paAwo are much -he 61111cial bad - Igarnod that I 'Like IjAktg 4 allow, that fall,x 'a 'ta- titit when -we look � atbund a p1porceiv (t T� the &egilwitilti t inclined to doubt it, thougll we have no hesi 11CI 060L 8011letbing about enatoraer,, I10 tioninffllyjb'gtllftttli'l�Lbts't thingto cure ­Ooldg, soollittigly quimpoptA boivel, coin- L 17 Call L allotho, , # passed sore throat, arly 22 I wrecks bf fbrttine inade, ofi 'evoily, blind events of life sit , ed one bluslied, tore off the nathes, an(l rheumatism, ljouralgi in , 41 r As the Gode dry nd Mantifuturiug 0111ft aby men efigaged in other pursffitg, tho so aro- �ur habits the papey to tlitl.praqib ot tho 64801#br. r farmer ha' auso to be thankfur kf Ito fertile-, Xb singlo- a0tion ctentog, ho"vilt. —Ndv) Irork r rpu wo hell ot conrit propstreat supply ekildren a good c6mbion eaudation, It the t0xipost hurls tile: avalanche down th6 are A d6untryffifin time to i9ease 19 one of the grittitlost attainal I can Aupporb his fataily afid give bia 'it mpy cxhibit, a mail's character ; but as rho woys of tha.'Lon0on, goull boy 118 A 'go", aentl ever WE HE heisJond()n tile othar day to See the , 0 a, t by mait ; and " Bryall's Pulilloille Wit- fers", will a.q sure cilro colighs, coldg, tickling JL n AL T IF" 0 A D has been stated that (luring the last-eeta mountain, itn4 over so passion, acting upoil, the eleniont'L' 0 r 19 T R tury billy four m0ehAnts-out d every a. A ie3 8' Of tion. of the P&08 (if Wale tho, troat and bundfed have succeeded in inaking their mischief which litrhicions hey pAttad. ab the atatforr, , Ytricrad of W iogothor by imperceptibloL 0044. aior later leid to ineumble, INCOR.POUTEP IM4, $UO"asbril to ThOWSOn W111famd, itoh6llf business profitable; The unsuccegelfu V1040 "Grist ana Sa Milla, Stm, Shinglo ana Ileadig JIL May overthrow the 0 him loolug, big monel in the these Coll) plaints Is ne ones have managed, in many caslea, to ray Money," soon ta la 1) -it lld beat irtitil an OdL Ineso' d virtue, Mach' &04,1 crowd., Nob V,li gs�­ Agricultur- rks A continue in buaitioss -for yeats after-th waig the I liawn't but, a pound, m' If 11 llrytiif's 11uhilonio been ., &, Iteynolds is a remarkablk an? that'S In my Mouth, A I b have. become bankrupt -accordirg. to I smal 0 thorolighly triod rful 040 1144 twel4% yeaviloAll(I te,6u "d Wooden -Mouchal With Moot Boards, 00rilt pleugho, ottitivAte, books ; but, oE courige, fitially bad, to succossrat temparance agitator n, &w lietird th,tif and followed. its rustic; havp tioer boon Tinown to fall, V IhAero Atid, Wid V&tsoh Rattl6h; QNH6 tliVeakOrg will %Is() dorive great benefit succumb to their fate. Those men 15,ngland. Ila elatako to llave indueed when1ho oppprtunify oftrod; 'Saddenly 11rom to, ime of old by all inedicine nomw fir=8014, INtAirlp;T � A, P,, AT X. GA.14T, 000kinst varlbr 'AU4 Box k1f.oveat, of vatlatill kinds, While fit, Ing in good A000 poisons to sign tllo� vwgo, Ivith- got in front of him, ;Ild 'to 'pick cents pl%pho�, J. I'M I)FORD, W. UUNVAT; ORAN'. 8�, tyle, find man luxuriously, have datrio L le'r libefilg till aotne-p6nhfos lillysupill F T 0 continually- ift t1ft Years., He cillfil cit which he himself had S,A L T X A D X '64L, flaying s - oat-, lint Augh ireat efiriositle load'of oare that no farmer over oxp'eri. killidling wood,�' and asked.,conveft he, did he,. it You r L are ali in S 01? ither, there lire MAlly to be fellin -enced and wen fle thno cAm 'that weavred ribbons in their buttoo-hola'a gi )mo Collect_ ot d in various P partq V)f theLe()Juitr tilt we doubt, It thily will Aldoo tt6iftaliA. nvilim CANtingsi,abil their, �uslneao, must be 'Wound up, their tin a notiftation that dilly Will n0V& vn,OW to knoW wfl4k, ever prove, aFt vliltuilb to their owneram t1le. olie . 47.1 MOOR ad go, h' con(fition gonerally has � b6mi' One of ha#;i kod in their nosesy, walltho tomi. ft Whyi", sid tho young 0600144 fir HiArlanil; wV 111140* tier their owile" APS. __ M T, k#,$' AftJ alt I would OAnR der th"111 0101`0 VA10f4lile without the' ,�ly lirbltbil down in Tho NoW York heild thiiit, the JOPOflil'� -WAS golli along 11th tine W601, tilt! 019- i0%'If 113111 W001V RtttQ Of tTl0 hair Drili, 1�0-rsa V,0-0,6roj sawhik poverty and UHL R6i 6tider of's pogkaj pard ii; reAponsibla tot mit Ahepohm h nd aearryffil' of tile �()r' 'g llot'in It 11fl Wh I tim again ; but th6 mitjority Any ellailao t 10 my n1i'l thili Ore 1611or All 414ti Kdatimil to th6 clampAhr, tirb Ativottity, willrdoolid Ajido to jiIftkoL room for athera, bVdntUal_. not ne� and Boilor% all SiZOSt poib, U1160 Amplof-em ntlltod it Ot ul had And tint the oftvo- flAo Darley'a Condition .8ulders -of Stea'm ]Zng r6 to bid r . ac 'Ate t1li) 001tMALD 110DM 11011A0111 110,UTONo' ly to fdllot� in theirfot to 'Itrid. ond it n to in Tim molittil." The eountky. it will AT'Pult AV111,4,111.1,g AND ALL, RINDS,or ilrm, till* r67)iPJjJe Jkl1f, T iya0TtAtra(!ti0hq , 11rify the vlorrect, the Met s and livo,r, *Ui V64 W* Ill kr wq [ 1;6 fi) & itatt Vatmard to dontefitod, Orlt and aw A You ay flo ihoy 111) Apoke: Allowila t1w A4, 411flingullp Ar. r III t ifYO 11 nav tpiiblio moill nA clietts Paaov is 9poeia L6 Mild t6 lay wiiI. Molloy I eidontall falla Into the I1111110, (still ffi;o tho I aItO139UT WJXCIWTAX� OJIML AtAX16119,L 'ear in ri nH povor, a 0 re narka'16 O bou this us'no iko In antile PI y t 3 1hi Ave le n\enj far It hey i'egun Ist a r of:t nut be t a Anowdioltlo, ofit., tie- inedidne 4uvr flot tho e0fldK16Ab t 09496d adar" byt lilt way r�oktftj. lot, tot