Clinton New Era, 1876-07-13, Page 3oil Monday, .80 o4 itigh gold is Coined, in- London, by
ANADIAN XBWS, General Ne,w, a it e"M S. Itt Now. -York � sea of D1 � I . I . 11
re sunotrQke 'were, reported before T three AmOican maollinery. So P,ALLT
A yo Man namod Eawfir4. Battroy WON -Th o0Jpt8_,Lt.tho, gato of tile ee_n. oclook" 86yoral of them fatal. Wa tli.ousand of the threads . opit". by
111.0k 1;Plailiart A" b4ra rals.111F. noar 074ni4l'.94 tile 4th itist., were A �QvagQ (104:10 Roe, Ott., attacked, orilinary, full-grwn opiders, when take.
blown - 0 lidbig boad, oil A sill, Was liflifintly killed Dat womn the, 20 Owl Ord of Jilly tbe, 4 moll, who dererde(i, himself with a. togoolivio, do not equal, in ubotancehe W14 to, 0*11 the SP00141 044CA of their frieftili; And the publig to their
Now 7York Fire commissioners. reported IantOrri that lie was carrying,, and tlio WZQ, Of it R1191'
A ollision, occurred between two to L the 40, o human )fair. Splvu4ld A000rtmeut.of 0
trains o the Great. Western, on Wpdfiesaay. tbat116 fires ocourred, none of We WNA 4.0t $SWA
Forty-one gilests of A. hotel III Omaha
ertunately no quo was hurt, but bell% love. h6wo
$active$ Were Mingelied" _Ver, ere large. neck 14 04011 a way As to cause dwtih were polsoned, some or, them almost
IrlIQ pensioners of I A telegram front ManAester, D, ngo by bur
012olo flirtilph OV14
in ,#
favor of the longevity of C nadifills, 006 ncroductiou by.o4ting,ioo crown, tile
a of 10 pot, cent in man litil Ch ina, Ta. Set
YW uATIMt8e in Jersey CIty went Roleop ing 80141100 of wdlich contalue4t or -
N thwor., Beaut"
votexan drawing his pe4lou on Wednesday, tile wages of the cotton operatives, N
ono hol �t Ottawa, was a0wolpanied, by big, fathur, who reduction g%otp o0,000 employees. r I , found oil Lis ofe Also, )4A recelyelli a large consignment of 9,01f.Soitlhl.g�� AN JARS, At lfrlooq. lowerthAff, ever
loo dool�
to Ong hundred au4 four years of ago. step, Late'r three wen were . A- man in St. l'ooll'", with before offetoll; QrLASS GLASS BOWLS, OLASS OAXB STAN -Si
-of t an(f on one neuralgia -dechtro4 that lie we Id III GLASS WAMOR JtTQS, &o., 14 e114100 V46ety. IqA�T, AND r1XAMtXX STOCX.
All exploslo am# ho 'n
w TWEEDS, socoul
er V A ftfrw�ria Brooko on taking bottle )Ila cows .3k, to tile I!opoo eta
01, Friday evening found one of them red at Sbopital�,Qqljlip�'Y,Iip�F"4p.Arna
having F. I � _. -_ - 14.1- -of -theiih
A deep out arpa�ontly witit all -Ave, i , n the . rance, 10orty-two persona wero killed lehild, tile laau'a bootai on
back over the kidneya, Another was also ltild forly-seveti, offriousl injured. -nil on th P, ieNEW CLOTHS. tried everyei dy 0 could Ilea'r
JR badly out, find Quo �fls, misoing And not found of, blit was lie better at the end of tho to the time f w. , riting. inoticowalovor, ,A negro, under the sentence for mur. July 12, 1870.
take $)kill Miscreant, whoavor lie is"o t I On the calling of A c4e, in'a Dub a
allo4od time, nhlie ko t his . r_
collar wil. out ofjail at Luflcaote�,, we d
"by' "' I and hung, A
m court*,, tile Arst tbreo narnes, on the jurors! by taking. ob wIA6
nian in tile, jail was,* liboral;04 by the panel were ea. "ll Michael Murpht�,Arvl Aft- Shw; whi16 having P
(800, 0111 T
Oontahied no loss
ilear Walk ort(),n, while bat) answomd. A* trans, �Conelderable C2(eit6W6R4.WaS �Caujod
hautiv'elye.(IroiviiiitgaeoideLitq., JIwo(jaugh. Crowd, W ell three persons plou�ghing dono ell his, ibout foi
C ]left the name Nvo call A Fi r5l a S S. U t. t er tore of $, Hoare CL
mg. A daughter of Mr, Xreit� L
, 4 , noticed-tho olieu and co'ultor of,
.panel of 4B7 u toes there ATIch.
adti in a. I at Carlisle, Ky,, on the 4bb;, y P, party
Mill ] Lid. G, Hind, of Usborne,
WHO j)r,,VO1JLE8 :RIB TTX9,1 a AND vo
XO OTTTT�N tile widow of Ills �Plollgh b
iGoderfob, L ecoping. L. Richardson, 'Chu. of r4en. compelling
bathing. A. wils lhas re. searchii
On, St. Catharines, American'lower the Araorielin The SllprefuQ QOtlr6 Or 'g tip the Cause, be bad the, ofitis, TH11 WOULl TAT044 m11 -two feet of -water, and lieybT Ill others: flag, 1040,14 Bhe%atl run tip in boner of corttly givert tin original sentence. A of discovering it, rich reddish umerous onstomerg for their, libool atrousgit lik tho p4otj alid hopes by close attention to,
D.aly, Prs4ldent,of J1 Of IL joilty- -It be 'blio confilelice. liav-jilg-A A"' a, -
It cry
to ntArlo the 4fly, governilloill, employee wa, a been testednd' siness, to still secure a large ollaro p, rti lted till ilis 491
-A- r hil Dairmen's A Who ling just re. of
The Goverg(ji
_Qn,_ojght_ iffer6at found. t9.Any1ypg I luL Aylo, be is, if UP
....... trparposalof pairi
nCanadian dairy prodtiots have ell A gre"riobity Q.Xhibi..l C
tirely beaten -dies telegrapbs confirming the report of hi, W ve, Full- an,
�Xfio awards hav days unprisofinififit for aQ-10 qO, tion 11I -amento .)plo of
those of tile United States, $aci ard, Spi e, d DrOss Cloth, in an u ff t 6
the logs of the Rtaft.mer Lio�!
J� 0on, Which, togotb6r Nvith another -6QUtence tbe.rijariy Hat-veht. 'vaiiet--a euri6sity. ture 13 an lannel Shirting- Cloth
been made, but the..resull; WillL "lot bQ
publish. Xroosoirill. the ket , 001C'
o IQ days however. Canadian exhibi. f3trait:4 'Of Two received mAkc.9 his term 124 ear. by reason of its having growing from its
Ly ONE PRI C E Carried Or most ofthe principal hundred. find thirty Yarn, St ingo Yarn, &c,,,
poksollS were
PrIzO, . I . , .1 1 A telegram frollk G side a ittle h1inch of vegetation. -in -the
drowuodq f6rM I HE 9A I S ALSO ON HAND,
r A Young girl, a IforvArito 9r.. Alex., lian. owing to the unprecedont6illy pr of giass, Which hall attained a,
non, Montreal, was Ouglily taken, hold of "A policeman,, speaking of tlie-or4or resole . a Of ti . ade sonic 0:
ed dep f the milf lengt1i of about -an inch, the stalks bein
M/ A 9 TR 9-1, 0 U w h vail$ at the Centennial, said pr6prictors; here, and in other districts white,, while tho s 'do FU11 MOM irtin' ue�
X% While On�, , hic - pre
a yrandonTileAdaylast b ava
0 h saog were Of the a e assox toirIpted �m_qnt 'of T e
HODGIN-B -PAY, bond whi)T'te to ravish A wCo that, up t t e.30th of'Juno he had nob rg. P wift
or f . 0 and- -otherwiso -rosenib
tore, her dress, Thp girl' screa! otland, have notill led W6�k.e of
aed thel rodlor
eeh an intoxicatea" p6r�en on -the , 1 61 CLANTON, June 23, 1876. assailant tied and she reached houto halt faint. 1) oyocs -6f a ton pbr cont �rf;Iductidzll- in Lie giass. The growth'did not -appear B14rikets) fteking Yarpy Gray Flanue',L
gr -of the appl�
ies followed tile all ounds, 6ar the saine thing conI4, Flannqlq Chebkdd .. thoages. This will affidet many then- t6 injure the fr ;
Ilystol to her ner. uit th� skin
"Its system, and in, tow days she became not be said of a Canndian'ixbibltlon..� ---Isands of p' was, not raised where tho gras ed
erso.ris, ah(I some of the work, s emergo,_ W 'A
ar morniq the.,Aerl-, Inert will probably strike.. ftont- it, and the mot
swere so,�djmjriu
XT N xa� propeller. St. Clair wasi barhed . ow "I!h jjQv1q Ia� to n tive or nicely �distribffted_ -Carding, and sa;.
_gft , _T rks,
nil a4perintandence will be'giv6a to, the roll'
UpQrior, 1vo stan Ing t ere was quit@ a litt c bunch tieftotiou in ing."at a distance from 0fiftoft,-May exped to ge
'1876. Continues., Aoorrespondentiff,theLba- b� r ied on. Personslivi
d teh. do ealer Qf,-theg sa-th ',cc QAk4Qd while they wait.
12, 1876, Mile Point, sixteen passengers 4tn rl.Ximos. 04YA(Viat a Moslem -d ey uld not be traced.
g8 a 1 00.
of the ere* �peri
shing from exposure
-1 02 An Hnglisman name
makes choice of four young, unsophis d,NaUn�afid'Ill L W?
bil6iii tIlo wate'r., Only one, licatwils ticated girls, impo' 0 �: had- reriiii bici tnt d
Spring, 0 go a 0�gi; rts them to Conitantim. viife,* appear to have a le tie 0 W00
Oats O�25 a .9,20�000 IbS. Oil& 6*00d, -Ap ee
B 0 27 nople, sells them and then *goes bitelt for -success iA taming -a :,be o i0tor,
launched, and thaf.proed -useless., a' 6 nstr
arley, 0,40 a 0-45 -four such- trips which has juit died. It came. to, be a, F0 whiou. the bitg�o t market price, ina )1,,#il be paid
T C KSOXI-p train ow. -the YiisouR P,
HO& o go a 0 65 more. . Ifbe clin dhibf4 B
lour. near Otterville, Afo,,�was obstruct- in,'ay6ar�bo:ban ''k d Wed the freedom
5 60 ma e a Lo&Hvind Cut family pet, du wapllo
Batter o w % ed by robbers. last Friday night,. who of s teen. women. -of the houz&. I!Vexhibited,gteat CLIi4TOX, May 23rd' 1876.
Many of the Ciroaq
i_�-4:_20 a 0 25 -boanded it and robbbil an, Adams� Ex- sians are*settlod in, Turkey, -ment towards its o�rners not only, but
E slid there NUNN , ommo�
qn tdie United %me 6. now'its friends -0 10 a 0 -10 -press safe Of 64j000 d, actually breqd Children for sile, having* also o' i 8nidng
h no. nfore. Sharae about. it tha'a ft fadht
R -:&N D- e Sheriff and declis om(4( to -,flask"
4 50 6 00' t (or fOL water, tindlo be" tukeft 6walk.
seVe al bodies ma`�: feef aWi I od,'
GENERAL:i ou fT TE it P k- 7 00
r of q med men ara m puiw able 1p,nglisli Moths
:Beef kit., CS 04-
llie iri- If ato ii Ching but pige t) g =..Qi CS C1 ko
Of 3 50 a 4_00 bringing out. her girls ma 0 dn�, consuming
Shoopskins '. - 0 . L .
1 00 a 1 50
OXTq, 10, a 6, 30, A.battld occarred oil the, first, wonial mar4t. �46ut Ono ftL and alwa to C=0
between y. s. I
o_T_,INT0X. ON. , El -19
0 —.0 i4,
e 'of tbb- kit( i : y broakin -s-, !befc,re, 14
'dA ';d.
Timothy 3 �oo .96. Tho'. oti4.pett eir neck
aU. S. troops and a large 'body of, In� '116� th b � I ,
V 0 0
0 60'. a., 0
It could ell -
Geese, at Little 1-forn. in which, grdWs.more c.6 plicated., 1141ioNvn. 'Cru�lling t1fbili in if.9 coils"
Turkeys, '0 75 , '. 1 00 P ca -0
300 white* men were' killed, and a gre'ak English nobleman, recently engaged a tirolk c6ntro1, the: 'of itsi�o (D W
press oils, twin- 0� USt ql)-�11ed, -C 4" 11�) a - 0,15 4D
Y as book, wyro, g(6 the 6- g- A-b6titit -ownWr& - -d- necks,, 0 I'd' 4
14'0- P,
-0 25 a OLg6.. Many, n ialts. no, detgchmeu�* vo, ittin wtirning a nd o ies ri
E -I They often Z
isl:Ar, oiitT diers, among wbich:was Gen. Custar," a I of t%�p or' tbr�e becauge.iho favind �,but novel- litirtin them,. z
.4. 1 r 's. ;r
-ew'Urki - W. i direa* ftom- N otainent officer'in the A-merlean army that he. dealt ivt co-opoiative, ' stores, carkied It abolat� in, travelling when it pr
ULY 12i 1810, were entirely Aestroyod. ccolited, the notice, 1%nd inforin 0 IT' I lie od yenjaind cioliceafe& under flid' cost. as (D P4
C=. ca
clintona 98 ng -W ==
'the. Finest -ever.. a,L Reynolds, lier;that she -,couhr go 1�t tho 011(1* of her though' I'll derstalid! the nevesaft; of 0 E; be
pring, 90--A 0 95 The case of Georg q ;:4
Flour, o A 5 so vltte( rict!'("Ourt, . at Salt ving I 1:� ti C2 t0, 1 in'the bist month. 'Sheiusi4tedon-lea it once, koopin(equict, Whenitivasloftbeliin&
it recognized and -Welcomed its frie -14 �l
Luke, and F3 OL'tWO_ years' im- E :t� coo> Oita. 0-25 0126 eiltenced t' as she 11 could not remain� i;%. the If d tm C= -_q C4
A -C retti 1
Peas '0 60 a 065 rn'wit,iA ogreatost o waing
Barlb� with peoj)�c' Who did. Y, ans CTS 't�Q
'70 a-0
Pr'sorinient and S.500 fiiie,, bein a oto t parlio of-,' 01 ;P4 F71
as�erted-bis legal 11 .Clinton, Jun6 29, IST6 Potitto 040 a, 0 45, -Up6ti -thip. his 1 0, 44 as 25 aso. its regards poly,�anl -wTs'laken to brdshil 11
0,54 0 E4!.
0.1 -a -0, 16. the al- su-�romo._Coarb,`wlliob� '6 titif,aud made lor pay,bizaa in nths Eggs which lie- sont to 'St. 0 c 0, o V. a. fac0 10' j 0 0 0
10 has allirmed the d6cisl6u. 6 'the District W CW Ray,
.0 00. A 1000 for the Jazo proparationa tio FT
'Court. The, oa�sejs n6iv appeal �w 4
ed to the '6 50 ()f Inedidnes which E-4 0
Fork, a- 7 00 0
A cot respondent.'
Wool, 0 25 0 �6 Supreme Court of tbli'Unitcd Statps,, PetalunIft ljad�incnt of,'f)tc peo))Ja'jo?J any great le#gtle Qf MW
red Woods e41
0 Th dc� 'a rmor O'l E; W
'W 0 f: a
near g an�l be --T 0_1m'GANS about twoiity'milcs; from 'P'(-,t,,rl Limp, thpr6 4 -
Says that'ill. the ,
0 T\T CLI NT.. Buffalo, was detected-' in the act of out- A 0
[sill 0:
y 1), 1876.' irI, rocon ly.: adopted g lives a family ivito child vitk f AiII: last ten Ve I have...
::$Q 95_a 00 raging ah 3 to J'24 CW3 Q:�Fial g V
98, Warr for at; -est, but sooner. ab.out ci fits old, wbich,has 'two
'00 a 5 00 'thAn, 0,_ihe disgiace that, -was"iibout to e ll,� 4would )-cpohiinend -it 16
. L. ' �t, L aL . - Tie Oki
RT 0 26 a '0 ")8 dinalo t 11arl, IV"l i0rileif, I'l-have b
D 0 be Lis, dose,Xp Accoi I
ant vas issU4 D7. -4ria Oil, aQsinceth6ahaiehad
well*valop d., ad�pcife'dtly-fqrined
bb prepared ads'ab d, necks is cor
0, 62 -a -0 63
eas, Debto , , . I.. . . a L 0.45 d' awaited "develoomeats.., A mob' be necks unito -wherli'the troubled with*1i6a;
ar ey, , ., L:. I .. I . - Wo bilnedt,
B 11 1 an
OF 0 48L tied o;
MANTYrACTUR otlit000 eatfl6.too ly, as' they were neck joins hebackbone,' and LfrQtn. that '18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT ALL Ac- OP1,44r
P o 18 2; or,2� nch Wtielt j/avd haniediatti OTIbE
Hay.. .9 00 a 10 00 Pont downward to a h6best eect; - 1 cou.XTR lli(b the'lafe-flim of SpIlotier &'Thiltriftei an(I Food Store in'thb building-Just-gonth -of the
taking -him 01A of th"'s ulust be settled before the IstLo keep c6fltantly oil bond
CO]EL C_X�' Batter o') ed: the dose. While , in vt� dfing dog& the be horsc as* Jor they %ill ho Put in Court Idiz collection. &lid . for Salo, Flour, Oatmeal, Bran, Shorts, Oata,ailj
it (4 horses in the case of cuts;&c f Jilly, IB76, othiliviime- NEW Elut office, where be Nn
10 0 17 dy of, but 'o�e ehild. Tho tw6
04iik it etlardly as yoorl fOL2 oyery other artiole generally kept In suohstorpsi. lie
Eggs, 0 10 a 0 11. heads av) -.Wled Dollic. and 011ie. - D01'.: tion he, was ridden oil a: rail -and �6'fher 2-1 �-- VOONER,
rjV 1,j- 1�,� -V S 7 5 Y J14,vQe, lVarkivo h_
Pork, 6 50 a 0 rite,. " 1haro old) TIOS. THOXIAS. bopo§bykeepinggobd articlosAnd sollilligat �&,Tqssou_
3 50 V.- lie'lifis rich brown,h�i�, da;A h*az6l eyes: lovIlL ��Iidreilsqf 6otilesafEclecte Clintot, May 81, 167.6. �Ahie r4ti, , to rec . oiio a, share 61 p0ii , o support, - ,
Hides -o a 4 0 cruelties prifetiged. on hitni,, and as soon it has, done healinp ana Wy. Fox.,
and is a-brunette.-011iahas ev
ilifairskin, Clinton, Way 17, 70
50 a 3 00. as. -be was released he fell dead ?Vortliyof the, eat-
eff'oln, 4
5 00 a 6,00 a 80 auburn hair, -,and blue `Y�ir. -The ra ?I , 91was; Castili 6arden' at Xe y can 1.1conildc cc." J. Ifirisan, Per Notice.
761t 'NTO 111ARRICT' W, Yor il 0
AV] each
as rfound- IDY_
I a) of. an 1400sxG.R. Callander&c., Of $80,attho fol show..
din — — 6- - 07, 11
9 oknowr" nconverse with differ6at' persons on I, a laine
7diff6reprisu. "Je fit theiffha-�l -A' SPECLkL- PRIZE.-ILV-3111, -1 -1-N G
ToRoxTo, July* 11, ISM-* titaily,aestroyed y fire ou..Sunday.-
2,48M. lt4s a great
Clinton, April 1 $1 '06 1`10. 'b ..are, well inf6rined, and intelli it. p4blie A. Al, Hamfilon, Wlarkwortlk Of -the Rullett Branch Agrioulturat Society, for the best
As to the excIalletice of our Okgans read the following testunonialli Wlieat;�F&11- a --Stal -effdrts were made subdue go; )nd
eotis 4 collection ok Ladies' Fanoy'Work, let $ 15, '2 $10 3rd
-sT-AVLETON, A ril 1 th, 1870. Wbeat--7Spring in iorites, '.'Forwecksl tuas troubled-with'a -swelled S6. particular$, iogulations &lid rules, can be beh at
p 0, :8 y 0 55 S 0-06 arrival of the fire do- Amon :English Scientific, eii belief ank-le, whicA annoplid ine & storwof Messirs, R.' Callizider Co., or frozi I.A.
arlo the fire befdre 11 . r was ill
blaelff, . 91 dured to Oil, andbeforeonabottle Ft a. IV. - DOIUW-= CO., CLIXO ' :. '. *
t8-_ o is gaining ground that bydropbobia'may vas Nelles, Secretary.'
Oa 033 a 0 -134 -,par but :�vitbout avail. Clinton, April 26, 1876.
.141 1LA.-You ask me my opinion of your h rst. -organ. . I have Much pleasure in'feU- peas 0 70 a -0 72. bundred erniarants Were in*tbd building result- from the bits of a po
ing you that I consider it a griiat successi The'tone is very full and rich, and car-, rfectly Sold -by all medicine dealers,'Price, 25 eta.
utter 0 18 a: 0 22 and a . 11016bg these th 6reatest exeititnezit. bealtli-i do�. THs.-theory would. seem
as there is, Ind o in,,Ca.n,, to-diy. I E THOMAS, Phelps, X. Y.
,t�iily it is as good an instrument of its find- d ggs 0 11 0 is e. r
with I 'and,reap tb And NORTAILOP
ra thatLypur pr ig their affects and to be gustained by For '8al
oh4y hope that you will meet iberAT patronage,' evailed- �in savii case,which recent- LYMAN,*. Toronto;
lCuRils . h 1111arilite yo On t., Spl Agerts for tho D DI LLING 11OUSE WITH TFX ROOM
enterpriso Merits. Years truly,. escaping from the baritin6 building.. ly occurre .Ill Now, rk. Sev L- o ,
-Elootrizeid. fitr
A a up with 6V*.'coiIvcnion0e, hard end nott
aOlIN RANSFOUD. LONDON, July 10. —'rhO E4710 Bx- The. fire orig sit Mr.', Kelly was. 81 btl�
inatod by sparks from h moti,h 'g.OL.a. ed and
'pres in its weekly review fif the corn trad_e irstir, with be j%n sere Of gr on-Victorid
-Oat lil 0 `M6 Ciif)11�131;0'Of thd0linte is *qstim'*' 4a4 bafid by a pot dog, 10 T1 9, G -9, 1-1WE Dy. �Appjytd .1, .
I takX91 easuro In my togtimuny as' t, T6tal IofJ 950,000. bitterl!oh,t
Orgall, ITI\Lnutauti r,ty of the great Pow6r-4 OWned he,dqg tip, REAT FEgAL
ired by 0 J I)ow6r.iiii(lsNve6tiioii'i)f'ton�, in Tlep wound spon .find as t
to tile tQ11011L, 1 Af&i - —
is -well as in its moolianicthito illarfangements, -hag pievnted il, *atlikeLittitudtLof M
(iiiieknessofrosponso rn 'ticulars, supari if it is dedide(IN equal, and in a l4ktnifent -I have' 6x- ff6th bloreigi ilk, Its Ye(' , aity-gren't iriffiloneo A writer in an:Aflicric .pearedto ilx—n.aj� con-
omo pat
unlined, of whiak i have knowl it i's as near perfection, gritin, , though holders evinced.
011 saw yesterday at tile -police clitionj -no,unoasiness was feI6 about the - Thig wellknowil Medicine i's no imposition
inmend it t6 any !%vba ttaccident. '1"_shDr"iWALaJO1 'howeverj bat a sure and safoiemody for Female Diffi- IF YOU, HAVr., NBAV GOPDS
edge. t I � Notice.
3s it can be., Alloit me to say that I call che soluqwhat increased firmness, The present court a one dollar -bill on the Bank of
- lulfies aiiii Obstnotiono, from anyea . usewh ARTIES NOT HAVING SETTLED THEIR AC-
to-supply1thewant of state -of trade, - therefore, wateb- at-- -n
inny re(JIILI'O ftit- 111-hrumont, its one in'overy rspIsat W. Xell e hibitod avui;`t0_1M_s �� em. -
-lecilinpanied I iy 4pnoty 0064TO for Lumber, no requested to do So at Once.
.1 putho U1110.4.
t Y_ie-511 6ffort . In JI unpaid sce6unts on the sist. Last., will be
Cyiirch Moll' Somelidrgon unknown in pa�yrnent Ot a. ,drophObla. A a o relieve 1i
leader of her risks as war to bo'con- he constitatiLlf..,
v�cre in vaili, aud'after a few dfty$.Of in- C6urt for collection. TO.
W. fftne,. and upon the back. of whic i as nENRY'nANSPO'
The supplies dnrili.g the last Week :. horttime dajisx.-
lliolig the fill' is to .1 havo seen during the many. years I' bft� tense stiffering- he died. Itiwill,inas ,Do Lot -the Teopielnow,
i i , J . # y
have gain exceeded requirersonts, find' 'wri tien the 'followingi in mil brihgnth6monthlyorioa ;Nith regularity.
01 ve not $sell. any so erior to therGlinto4�:Orgaur---T he- -L:_, wficat is goin . g 'to L the , grangr to await 11TIlo Ingt1dollar of an ill'spent fortune, Many of our readers -Will. romen) e
-tor of till- t4 both aut t 0 lat'L - alleasesof,Xorvous-and SpinalAffeebions,
;-hitriu. I , tetia, the intonatiop is perfect, and events. Thern ]Ilia been a stea y conistimp- a ni 11 0 war, about a. man Pains in the Back and Liw4s, eaviness,
h t - 0 rgans.' eat hand
to Idand elegalit,lso an4. while -YOU are reading, tlieso� lines rtading, (I ri 4
toliell easy, Aou,� .. Th . a -�orkfi)aiiship is both sell. ..tive demaidl during, tho wook, althou�b Ill Fatigue on alight dxdrtion, ralpitati6n of the
that notliing is lacking. the writer lies at the bottom:of the Do! being struck ill the head witha canno
ton. boart, -nRUNTON,8 RHEUMATIC A13SO19BENT WILT, 1
AL WHITT, Clin quicter at iho close, them bei ng, ULM? E trait river. Farewell. iToueh 'not the ball an(I living, with the ba!JlVin, mis lichaer Whites, [thin font hours# and ill Pain
in- twelve hours. it, ourel; Riveso- Jixeducied
Wbat-A It waft fact d
tile andallthopainful.diseagoa occasioned by a
W. 1),
& oatintry markets. Floatin o 1011pp a wordorod. aystem,' Off Ir6 hsDesiring tn obtain Rn instrument that would- cowbine'all-tlia desirable iui�roveo been depressed owing to lar 0, Arrivals tit -tim6li warning- doos this shWt post. i1nin MAW* Plicenix, of Cameron. lyllot, fill other means have failed, toffy, 1gvr6u1ngs end pciffs, when all e
0 say,that I have. DiuESIv num-a. edrta 0111, for
niente ill fiAnoagpoand swedtneso of tons, .1 am happy t Ins.1d �y Adverti86.
'o the poita of iand the.96108 at t o.ond script give to every young,'inan I" Mr.Plicenix w�.% a member of the- 86th Those 1�llls liivdnovor been known to fail Headachei-ludigoation, goo, -Sicknest. ',to.
n�alimd all in tho .43bit4n owV..ho bears, 4. XQeEL .1. - :_ . - 0 91-
a Lions a- rociite of L
�;d -Ta&,
0 or. ght efr &nti If List, nre Wall ob
general f;vQrite in our,.family circle. per fin., t Voir fail priAle ;nphlet,freo,of
hrough Burlington, Gfove, Ta Ito was otruck. by a grolie 1.101, ill
-do passed f .111110,9 it
Wits 1, 'all y
STAN'A*0`RV,,Lo9dOc. Road, Staley. shot in the lerh eye, the ball otering "agAilt. RASH'[ 0 R'A, ArMISAPHI It oil ],live old gonds, will oil wAll to get
nd A�ru, tockwell 'd illStantIL r__s P_ d 1", 2 pill G
laving tilornlig -a manufActurod by W.-Dollorty. raft I to . 4! . states crols liteporto. y ' IRK S rid wtullialca room tot frball sto6k, 1.0i tile puw
eldy teste'l tile wertts of the orgiin �Vhilo lyi4lgL his -head renf4nI
was in -
in bod, Mr. Dyl, for five months When 3 011. A1,08Z S, W', NV TO OLX11AOPuIZTqF.
' 1 '111 12J Cents flf Ilia Ailio Rjok out forbargaim, kn4ivitf ftild
I udco pleasure in oftying that I copAider them - in all rpects equal, and. -in it rott&I its way into Ilia mouth The -8 .00 al Aia6thorQh1Mn6y`G0n0-0'
points superior, to ally rued instruniotiv in the m-arkot. The ease With which Crap reports f tom 238 points in Ohio, stantly killed, and the Wily was found Northropt. ljy.ITJAII,. Toronto, Ont;� goneral-,
in ir:iupyly is mrantithied ; tile arnootliness and eqn'l0fty of its tone its ready ie�. Indiana, Illinois, Knutdcky;:, Tatilloag; . so, in lio,wrook of it b.nilding, which w a ball Nvoiglied-a.f.raiction less thatl half a I ! tho Dominion,milt, insure a bottle
t 4 - iLgentsfpi
pound and meagtied I I inches Ity di
sponge to tile touch -,- tile eloc1aenb.-,voieiAg-pf1ts fftnoyswpg�:alld-the Wcro aLeia"n Friday., . Fromheso re -1 ie�eifda to the ground. number of iamo n ontainii ig over 60 pill a by return mail
veneral me.ehanisin, raltot nlake it ail oApecial favorito with orgailiati, appe tot an. lulngini) IlbW 'he 1111t8b Soldin Ullhit6nby dvo6rtisd
Ora thai tile oeabii thus Nr . Ono c A
n,veiry*,-prqPfflrAis, for grwijig_tuout� others. wers injaied, Twenty-
-hag bee, hatd saffl, t e -A with ctight �'otfi r I* * a, icU on and P, i LumRden, Sea -
Of grain, 1)Ut npo o en buildings were riAdled to pieces. At forib; 1, Kidd, Carronbrook; Parker & Cattle
just HE glUBSCRInEU ffAS,,'AVdElVED A I,
proftchos there is ttreato'ned disaster'LfroM 40rkdalo, *tbe Village Was entirely wash F, Jordan, Godaricli; 39, Cameron, Bay T connigmilloint of LAMP CHTAINVYO, inlOWDY thd"
all madi- new pateni in France, *Aibh perinito,ot u1nibst KUY it �Otl haa Vo 6 bd t ow otore. 1.4t, ya
continued rains. �Y rout all p6tutffo oxpopt cd awayt and forty-two persong.drowned.., Tennessee and Southern Xeiltucky, fears. The sG-m was Of but, an instant's bra. A landlady -in Pittsburg, Pit., had a dino dealers. arnotInt,69 knocking about without the olightdot feltr of Old hionds ktidw` who�o;tolslfiftd you.
brekkagb, and will tilde stand shigh dogrea oftitat.*1th-
N EXT I C E TO THE PU13LXC. 'on of a p6ttion of the crops is
of the destructi tion, and its worl;�Of- dostrhotion was- bqardor nanicil Mitchell, who vacated bi on' TRY ONE.
Ito -a; flash of ligh!niug.
fram tbid dauso are entertained.. As the Ii . �Sira�'Co'lt.- DIMS,
crops ziow�stand, 'wheat promises room'betbrfs sottlillo, Ilia bill. SOM6 blantraotitnardwars and stdyd HOW:
r yield of days afterwarda, % fotte'r- addressed to CAME =To supsoninputg pu . rmrsvS, LOT 80, Clinton, Jute It, 1970.
'ROT11 RS oatgloss.tliatt an av age ()top,' The steamer, Tybod, arrived tit San . loth iort, Hullott, aboutther middle of, Juice lalli, 0'. Adwrtlae
D. E I co'n 'imU8UftI1LV. largo,crbp, bay in abun- DomingoOnL' him- wasloft; st'tho house. Ro' called
HARIjAIN' I R. r the iat6i part of Sune ))right bity, MARE COLT�. about three years old. Th
18 fo �Sale'
danc6,butiatilcatid.woody. Whoatisaaj-' ffam. Cape Ilaytion. At the laiter for tlfo giter,-but tho'landlody told him owner if; hereby notiftedto prove property,, pay charge I Par r
,4)PrLle.rq ill STOVFS, &a., nral manufalitutora, qfall kinda of Tin, Copper., he could nobbave it uniff ho, had paid, the And take her awaf.
"Id jorin� considerably from tile rAiagOs.0i t)Vd plaes cloginister of war, Villa Xeuva; nobt. COLE, M Or
I roti Wares, bug to inform their customers find the pulffle generally, tfiat they have added to their y I;, OR SAL19, THAT WEM-BiTUATED. VAL it you tim At tile oJ,1 stand, find now lt4m
weevil, bill', As ho', was not ablo or Willing oF 129 acres, being Pert of 1019 it and ii, rinron Road YOUW11% tilliko
Stovo and Tin business, an rly of . Pontinica, under Gonzales,- have inaJO its front look diplgL
Con., Goderich 'up tile logo it y6u
took. p4oppge Ito am all fralne house and hem an thd j IRT Roturng from the ivarloug gr I Call forms top, about three miles frora.clintoti, A.
�ing_coruntiegs in California) uro of Illy, MOB der a properly Visedpassi do tliis,- sher retained the letter,- and rlace, also ibout 80
FARM ERSF -13U I LDEMSI IWARDWARL oncou agin tisture. A few of the comt port.. 'White at Sa4 Donlingo, a party Mitchell attempted to hajeL her. Arreffta; arning; scresoicador; about 50acrifitoleared'L gMaunderelsM84,
0 The District Attorney, t1joughtL that as win 46fitinne to sell the dedit by the tore till the land
live fia(Itoo tutiell. ain tot SUO. of Solffiers -BY GIVE14 THAT 'THE M Is sold, Vor liffirticlularg a to
countlea -h .Under the otdors of the'raili.. NOTICE IS HERE . XORPYCLUSsi
And will k6j)f donatIntlY on a general ihsottment,. ouch, as comfal,grain oulturej but� those counties do t6ry Governor -Of Sah Domingo, plani6d the lettor-haa been detiverna a6cordiug bEftsion*111 not be resPonsiblo, for any debts
contrictod In hot name, after this date., without a ollicloit, May at 11876.,
to the directions Upon it, it'had, passed' written order.
the wharf ithill- sixt� feet 6rbising. .
not figure in the aggeagsto outturft of grain. cantion on Adv
untioa have. ilso enjoye4 beyond.the control of the Government, God6rich township, June A149 DO OHOE,
lit, 00 of the steamotoo. tben'went on board, not- MISS E. WAVE,@..
Nds, Gloss, fill i and- Garda Tools Ail the whe Atell-inalf u ow 3104180
re6arkable freedom from rust, Irlid West and nonotion could be had under thd
4ide of the San Joaquin Valley yields a Wifhatanding, the 11. So Consul placed '07
this season,. the first in. litany aiS. lso, unless the *oman.haa Open-' A X 1-T 0 U 1; 0 E Agent for, 3
ArA ntbor articles 'asually k eg in a Hakdwire te te, all of whiell they will fftoga of, at very ooa aro t6 Amriowi flai across *the' gangway, or oulcl open the- letter, ajad gave bonb In the Imb. Datuarest's
i4onablif fatea to fill favoring; t ehi with, their. patro, �Ilge, their motto bilug' amok Profq& and quick years. Ito barl6y, crop Ill unusually largo, ana in the liabqe -�4( the Voltei Itates rellablil patterns. AN sizes and style#f. with Istge, Ilia.
tottArr.w. Mitchell no to, prosecute WM. ANDERSONo stratiobe and tau dolorlptiolia, compriblif i AdVertleing
and the surplus for export will be bon- protested against the oatrage, ana'forei. L i sit the M16116
1?MOTtOAL AtAGUINIST 13909 TO ANNOUNCE, Ud b -,ht, ityiWin every department 0 WIN' Bud
b -to lit'g-eava- aw rer wlio% Clinton and -v1a1n1ty�tb&the,him
BA VB I? 0 UORINGi, TTY d - OAZVA A =D IRoy i6ovxu; and� Ab leb ly ok-Vil w .-W4t1' 0 )b g frore, George Diehl's of al kinda exedided -in -a . P* total rea a at is PIWAW"169,000 Cabinet Shopi and opposite the old'Iloyil Ctiflidlad 11*312111111t Titt PtA.M.—
le probably shot. bolditiZ.-thd letter 0 personal ptoperty opened 4 nomiring Shop two dt r
acres ow- A*04111, of which oasourity for the pqnaont of the debt. Buk. awitg yachine.4 of every description repaired. oplosrs zig cou3tgneu ftoT%!t,'ftlslto1l St.
0' Ig or I�Agirket, and. of this pf;,ils of 60 ou 81 1.870'. 97d
of milk ftd. 6VOfy pridii. 4 jourig, Philadolphian, "Mr.-FrOnob, a membek-of �tha Thorro
A large. SUPPI on.. 'Ahere W rob%bly be 181876Y.000 aati0,TrOUl)0.* playing, an
'barley ja 613"090L, acres
P) s6bbed her with, big biont in this Cit, retired to rest at an
(7emety of Tinwarej nEDUMOD PWOZ. -0 lowest PtAt
COnt8619 for ox or , The total Acreage of ritiding his-eidtpO i4bile Of th Betkshlie -toar.
yield, 101066)000, dous in the dity , I - 460, 1669, R of Which 4,606,600 will, probably 't houl.t Rua go n f 11 i to L d THOV010HImED =1trusnint 33O.&n; REMO L
Just rga6lVed, A lArgo oUPP17 OPOPOL stkoo, rorkal em prAnife till qha fell dead at his feet, oep, A
be placed,,on the Market ,, su
tPluff for 01- Wpripl4eld, Wrespe awe girl, wag 8111mbor �MtWthb lapso of tin fiour or lat, mites from clititou, oil 'Boaforth ibad.)
The mligarlb tra, thAthfill for PAgt goliel't 6, 00h0nuance (if th
6 aftfat, port 601A 4i200,000 dentaIg MY OUSTOMERS, AND THE, PIMILIC Or married a, year hdiW& he'Vag RrOnW by 4 feeling Of Over- JOIIN dool.. tl h
?0 t ALLY,, *1 Ittillot0and27 167.1, 41 taeat ald
0 . my DOOK AND SIZAZOUE1V bitAincia fro his il,
rkingmedhatilo. Her.. new life Boom. , powbiltig oppressivelless alla sufrocationj. ntreal Cattle )fork J6 tbAt be* store lad that -rf, hnj� go for SAle. 1 61 4 happy, but in a short tima -$he -left 'ana was horrified to fl qOU, sdrv� , manv, a larg# bull
1irlaill bWf"Albort Atrf6tt, 126zt d0ior to P. CAV61-6 Tho iiinikot on Monday WAs'stosily 4fid ber husbana and wont Voluntarily late. is broast, and-liad its In'tlly
%q sitting -on lit
Coal f Rn ad Albort strootsi
CLMOV, April 20, 18M. quiet, There weve olover, carloilds ofoat. all 41AAh "troot hovol&�ono of tilo worst, head to Ilia mouth agelting PWNY hi's A. GOOD 1,19.01P IJOUSV, IN CLINTON, WIT . I it & i0oli �Tohr-
plitaos in tho worst qtlartoi,'of Lljo city,, brAt'411. wloo�i )�111 be RolI on easy tdisui, Pad droalt, JSd 16ficind thofa�jbs�g i haV6 JuAdO IStgO Udall
per 100 lbo., live vveighL , The aeiiero It. Err ArawlAad
DT to' My stock, Atidlisvd now oil, h r,016 way'alill b"wfong w4y td
Frequent requests to ieturn'lo, hor old 0�haugtOa 0011ditioi); '#0 much so thtif, it'(11MMOTao (folio 4�hp There I -
bomOL Wero.angwored Only witli ;fftho Lo NVAA Unable, to, Sh. k Clinton, lano 14,1870, of ativ
a foan aoub 1,- 6 oly tile. vilillpive
g�la Ot h6lad 61 cattle, walghii, pancyl, '$hd 0111601tation6tyl,
150 IN,, cull, at .4n avoi,47go price of eq, Ault. wr 1�rotfior, Nforrig flon(l httacking him. " Stru 10 'r IIOL
a Miglbr.e" r' rb di saI6 another 1pliMade a little go V6 great
T H E" P op, G-ROGFERY fast gilt P. pe, y
121 per 100 lbs. livo� voielit, Xr', Sim- all, old, anothor soardhe would, the cat Only endtl
nionm,,' Ailss, Craigi pold' two ants At tin b01)11i0n,9tbr1t6 try alld poralladd hor to go tile dooj�'or in bla'ellest, and Nvout Oil tit
GROOMLY D9PAWPUENT OF JUdiclous AdVortiaill'
avor4go rate of $5. 11eild, Nfontv(3114 $Ila- tituntod him,, alid said. slie, its, 11001ble fealt. Ifig gi6an. sont'doiltainfu VAIULTY. their businAg from 11aal;lr, Bli6p.,pard, 0'oopar, would hereby optify the Inhitbitatito of Olin- he 0, 4 Anti Olin$ halt An Item Of Oft the proper -
t .6 6110 66 Motion of hearing (Alit 0664 of
-ton aria vioinity, tlint! ha Wlit 6 lid dt the uther, t thb ld stand, sold "U1184t$4-254 'bull "4 liko4 'Avdr, 6 1 kinds, situati6n vory 2441. as
rest, of bis cattle, avdrging, 1,100 lba., at hor now lirb too well to leave it,— Ila -fortunately brough 'Titlloko sT149 is to tie P11h,
h6 took & aftirilt knife from! =g1lboring lodgers to, 111.4 I'Ad, , rlli6f, Nvailats, Ca!a.eglio
&&MOM, L dando, Apply to or Compatil6h9v &C, 'O'ev
CORMEA OF ND ALMDUT STIMPMy botwoon 04.84 stA 00, Xr, It, To Hop- J, Do AfAOlcitD, 0unaty wilio. ftheraore it should lie skillfally, W Ade'r
R nATTID VWW'"17 A rto
litgo 'Ana seleat pot), montfoill, Wit 2 stdora for $Il.g tfib big pocket anaa,balibod 1116 013tor eight aliA. 114 Ivaq rosollod front his Nghtful $ItAt noolood, kit not, 4owdedc but eleAr, Ana tn the TAI
pair ;, and IS holia, of in avoragdmloight!of 1 1I -Al 'm at the IO&A . 01blo
of tlib, wounds oubblinp an 110AH1011. 11
Ible hutfibor bf WOPIO,
thon. they were STOCK OP ALL I(INDSL OF PAMIL-Y 0JR00 1)160 lbs. 0 0 0 1 0 t, to, the fcatolf� ponst
at prices ranging fYom $1-87,1 Tile poor girl diod within a fe" irall 2
hmo1a Or, 18(1 all(' Plarm for Sale, To i10 Als in thIL Pdullt� of
dxelAf vcl� for .60,411 will be ill 4, position to bell At t6$5, jyr'L 'Deli Iftia sol(I So JiVdbogg at� $6' mlftut08 Oka hop, 4t. 6 OILI over lvutl over Ott tile floor becoto 'all
Anil no he Inmielit tellt th U111 Baid Balt GoLoth, wtv p0erns
live tht46. H)wmf hA4 in the -bugludio ho feblo Or 100 lbo; live,welght Mr. Thomag, hoopitol, Tho brothor tile 00 C61114 bo wltdt�to releasai 00=13 Von SA1 VnAl1l. 0 olag Ono, iogr willol, W611-tittzita fattal 16t 1104 04 u doll, 6001611 e(pep*.
enisfidotit that Ila 0ittl giva I otildh i6 ill fo,6iolug hint 01th T
.0 7
r'b eittlo for Mr. F rene Is Tovmnlilvi about -0i in loalmit butitoi, mitawit 80 Aoja*i&(&m W%toy gotight atid Sold-
41111'elied walk6d quictli tip 1& 66 4A abtndoll i
A TrIA1 Roll 01ted-Ghtidd hbVWhQr# i *41*4, ta� Ab ftoilt to idreg, 10 L oh6ml, ntaoiaddt Oft
11144 iag�j% , face mid elinat bea frightthl 01d 0 nilay, Ito AIJU L , blood ftorit 11,18 kinto bilt Jefti thot C
thotis ola 4 Mir (411111 Atr6ab datkoy. 8fild1l6d Udod And Ilia Wag f 1114 korrible 1301,16 with tho Mo Of
#of IOU 44 W&