HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-07-06, Page 4t CANADIAN XBWS. Mr. Ford. t000hor at putill's, soltool bcnilio,, A 01milty. Juilge ill Lewis, TOnglA134, No C hintimou are, 4ow. given North Oxford, wits ourwaQuod to ApIwar ba. i tillod A litigalit 4. for baying, 'I I go III 11.40tit !a Noylvil", The petition againot tit* return Of Sit I. for unnooessurily wilip. J)Iag,flys of lit# '00holars for inotiborditiation, )r holiolity—you lawyQrs don't.". Ail 'it), osti - oxIieriment is, b 4 oton It", Well tilrow- ft 4, ing -MILLS A� Mitoilosull. '. for Kill$ PLO olklo 00.0a ,,, CLINTON WOOLLEN put of giturt. F,�Ied' thrQ0 dayo, who" lb w0fl- , The oarnel - bag, been". know'n' (0 go made at tile abittitoir oil tile 14ok-eU diouilsoct), wit i coot# on tho plaintiff., Two twolyo ' 14114, thirteen day"-witl)014 water, Itly(Ir, , I Asertof J,11. Ulloiloa(M."t)('140oford, was of tho "Isgistratoo wom lit favor of tile Above 10.gr NOW York, by W. �. J. drowood'ou Monday while ploy'log oil 00440 d0oWon, 14 Ij� varry4ig tilloo nd, tile third was In favor of son bundrod, 1101,tuds, kind (,Irfivon, ill Order to tflst i THR 3111380IM314111 WOULD TAKE,( THIS 011POUTUNITY OF TUANKIM(l. UIS-. logo lit tile water. jug the q feasibility lifse to a higber court. 001110tikoes four hundred potinds woigbt.' oftransporkilig to nutuorous 01109010rO for their 001`41, PhtrOlIll$01 ill, tilt Past, and 110104 by plow otteptiou. to - Mr Oil tile 25th otaune, 6 youtig mail miuctl busluoso, to, otill, sootire A large shoro, of public couthilmo A, Melville, of F41larton, has a two In the Witiolt. Ifouso of Cotatuons a tile Ularop6au markets, 'A woo'den, 0. Paying flited up! bis MAObblety year Old filly w1ijoh 0 'fraukle Atompted to put all end to '08 style, be Jo now prop4red, to, got . svoighs. Im Ibs, It wan atom C 'endored air tight bas been or . at-olo. by Lord'Haddo. life by lilyiug down his hend on the ratio of pQtit-1011 NVOOnd Ott it'rolloi, three foot in' fitruotilre' I the COATINGS jongt1i and � , tWor feet. in djA crooted, qorres�ponding The DRokin Act was voted. on in Pandas, the Q.T. It, track near Drumbo. Vortuti4to- moter, Awl to 'twoon Cardi- ;�;pin, Weam Full and, Dress Cloth, mit onTifursday, auLEdefehtedbjf A majorlity of ly A Nymuqn Saw, the occurrence, and, with signed il� 102,000 pollfioll-9 osont. d00k Of A steamer, 1with, beaMs nufac- III , 213 votes great prosolloo of in. lost, ran d0wa. and oboyod, wits. pr ture Blanketay Flannel Shirting, Cloth wore polliod, r, furthev,pilvances be books running longitudina 11y; the foolish 641, supposed to be a oress between was approaching, Tbo,oaueQ of this rush at- "I'Llyin, I'll, 11 �t the loyal fawily Tarn; Yarn, &Q, MOW TWEVI)SO An AU, youtIt off, the track as the. trAlft 11.44 - will Do )lung' up tho dead� wArliala, in .6tocking allowed to ik dog and. so wolf,, w4a, shot by tdr. 1). 10outley to uUti, 4 rull;l1tealitioln), -ows milt 1,13 Understood to have boon 4 dies, poilit. ent be nia(Iq of its pro. I 1 01080, togotber. ThQ., tiet.oporilture. In, Writiora, villogo A few days agQ. ment ill Jove. . IV -6 ' ON, I jq sent income, 0 tile ill is kept ap, low a HAS ATAO -COX8t_ANTlA -Alhl.., B"W CLOTHS Xrq, Karney, of Groy, has sonao chillkolia Xr. Johu Brown, of Thorold, Wwoll known by ineans of pipes. I th'rol I I . gh Soveral l(lMloo noor Milford, Nob., ro. which k the 7th of April, and contractor, was Or f w Full, .0 Which were, hatphod Of civil out of n, bugh it 0 Ajar a.soojtM Contly Bought a pool pI, waWr hi Oe in, tile tjliqk. orced by a small pump from a _ent of Tweedoll oy c ra.wcuoe laying tile middle of June., days Since, suatilullig injarlow whioU resulted i1irti . ng Flftunel, est part of tile tank contaitting cc slid hailt. 'The sAlt 13lanketsff $t0oking Tarn -p GrayF 14 Loril Dufrorin, will Ioavt% Aboot."tho latter iuJlis death oil Thutodily., 110*00n3tructod Woods -,yheret they sup- unelf Striped 'ead of July or beginnia of Allount, On his portions of tuo Wellaud.oamll, the Montraft, posod tile 'free florn surptioe, the y wo0d, Do Flannel-, Oheeked, Flannel, ftlt couti ont1ol3ritiah Culumb tion of prevent frota freegin t G1 lit. Rarbor, t. 014ir Flatp olfamlill, SQQ find 1,0111oving their clothing each put. on Ig in the pipep,— verago quarin t titc ail old dress at Th; it ity of milk x colyod tho. Great Wastorn and other wrko. A d went into tile 131no oxporimont was oomn)qnaed five 0 . at 4140 of 111a'dolitli, Ito was ongaged, Oil tbor DOW —W11401f. Rb� JYILL TUA141 FOR WOOL,, Olt SELL 6111,)All,' r Olt GASII.— a S. S u t, r A Fi rs 01101 choose -fact( ry this, year lists boon 'Ito is, old, to leave iyl� ago, a4d it io to be continite(I for 'out in tile W-blIa ud vanal. r for a bath. Tho boy4 round it out. 9,0.00 lbs. daily autk sluco4he Ustil'of may and StGAO the clQthin -nor -would thqy eighteou dayal. Should. the tostprqvp Up subscriber's person a the Cuot '17ING AND 'a fortune. of 01,000,000. g, superintendence will be given t oin toll Carding, linil as, WUO DEVOTVS HI$ TIAM TO OU FITTING ONLY, +12 choose, g twolvo bring 4 bao1c, -but Successful, most, important lisfaction iaiky be relied on, llerooliq living At a. distance from Clit tou, I �y expect to got At Toronto, on Saturday niornin them to Tal)c Altout bard Vince, IV. W, Colo.ovirous boys put off ih a boat of the echooper go t6 their hoinL will h%vo booll 091yed. it will -be re. their wool cArdod while they wait, Wall lit Toroato last. F r1dRy and gaturd4ty 6nd And bRVo- its which was ly.lug *at anollor in the and oollootea t4at one of tho total rocolpts for tile two dys, anwuntod d, * and -with tpjr� ;�ot d r * Q$308 boaraoa licr. Finding no one on, thu vs4sol, York oarried. to Liver. d. 209000; 1 e q. inglag to their limbs, plying to Now wante We of goodl lcon I (j they not all sail, Nvoigbod anchor, AHa_$toorQ 9 A oung lady obsery"bill j.)luaLhij Ilow0ro M. -through the ol� ago. a largo, 9 Stoku. gal) Out into tile take, A IvOrnllt presento(I herself tit all os� .!1 0 tilt ("Umotery Ilistsubday to '110 intin III olillirgo roach( a tho wharf ill i1i'lls) quantit. of Door, and whon placed in tit For whiulutike highest Paid. tioll tablishitiont 41t Paris- on the. loft bank of aliswer oft Monday, but being ii tp.y90 ilia N,-e-s79ol leavill tile harbor. Ho got� 0 it ba( )�- . , I not doteri0atod, The n0 lther 0 1 LIU L 0 'n �o h0ljd,stQpk Yard Coull5uny is. C14114TON' May 23r(I'LI870; Th Stollimer Manitoba, iy1i' tilt ell, bout f1f teen wiles off, Tho Wyo took tbo WWI 0011 oted to the R114 0 ONLY 014E PRIOEP Iday, had Wtlp pr parod to invest finiliple'rit capital tot fain Own Lake 8uporior, oll 8111 for 4 11 lark," left tilero fdollo. lit it quarter of ail 91lartOr it otoamer whicl� will carry. an on boArdlamong her other froigbt,'8100,000 � TlioL!m-uo.oltispectorfQt,tlkptowiiofl'LortiI holir, when the room wds, Opened, she to im,� wits found, BtretohQd in Inoto oil t6o a worth Of tars, bel I a Plan 1%.4lich, Inuot If, Duse supply of nicat to foreign in. r- ay '10 the IlUdsoil'o 1�' Ili 0 Iging to rtant And- bouofivial really li'my hotel, They otily aWait the SuCeeBg Of MANCI 110 S10%, E 11 2%, Houo'" Ell floor. 1twasatfist thouglit she had if. 00pot lAnS boon servo(I -wit) the axperimont how �9 P o 0 04-0 I I it list of tho bar In progrolia,. C3 a ko Asa trinwas loming Loxidou a fow '711i�s , V. - 'of con,�ostion of tile brin,..but th L o bitual. drunkard to $,It tI, died ca -warAQ not C3 PAY. igo, a Inococious youth- clainberoil on to tile ;3 01' Z'04-` a '.auothcr�glass. The shop oopura havd also -Commissary of policej. lloticillj� tliat ili6 CLINTON, June 28, 1870. before Ito was-discoveroa-and ronloved, received the salpo notice. The T V SA -A jejo facts beau by of. the . F IT, a was ]trod (,ra bUt y pp P4LL'- -OR -affir is that"all "g tar 11to c 43 L4 to Mq Wfeiv 2weparations 0 P_ 014 P4 W-1 ;I- ' 10 D engineer. llulwoneLl (I phy8ioiau, who 8aid h.3 - a .,Aware that the Inspector. menos busiaLsu, anti =,d W t=u= 93 )all that grl,4 CD,Vj Iq = V1 4) Mr. Andrew Me 'llsed by scalding iadviotent of the p ove Jul, walt ;�i COCA Od I. will strictly onforcotholaw. ThooQusequQ1100 that doth jilid bebw on c 0 13 W 5,VOrh4tjP__La__tlt0 - btb.­ T Inilton,-lio passed through.st oliow6r of toads g up of the dry bonos; an(L sofiv� of the most - slonfirined. proprietor-oft4e establiqhmout N41 -be -son, 4Parnlia b 4) �; 0, t; ct= 0- a-4-5 " W -.-q 4 cc t Read the joll0wing awl be eotn4a r �d ill is Hollow, VItioli lay as thlolt Oil the 7a writes,. P4 ca toliera liave anuotInced their firin det Ca 0 0,4- 0 -5 9.64 1876. sort to�W a 0 Q) -.g,-40 S U. M F4 R. 1876. �rojtj�djays tthe I air on a doa's ba �triod 14 u 014h, I'lleu-&a0slib for -the lal and liars Sotnil wr6tob, adminiStored 'polson 9040 moro geiiial. �Illhb. Othe� il)artios -are Oil, it'nitince th6iXarcha 0 pwif to E-4 .*, 4 rA J4. P. a .week to,the itant-to f d ,4 obl6brated thoroughbrocl ota' t(W� ofit, Iwould recolawiel 81 14 .3 Jim, Let. tRoir-narnos4upon tliw�ji6t but Ito Ckt -it to,411. n ilton, from thQ oireots'of �aftevr000voring froin'the first'shook have do. 4J.LXVTdN 1114filLET14., West 81u;yurd, writes, .�'X 4dve been. oft. 0 0 10 14 of " a 4 t2 8 PP 0 r4 old after (Ijod. It had won . to�jjlined to 6,111baLl thoij 11 M 0 14 cog, - lQuoy for tho,sup. an, ON r flimilica, P. t F71 W -t -he it Ed 0 y a roal;y a fine atrilmal, per'. of thei July 5;1 1870. Allreiii with lttle or no licnerzt; 0 wh T va he HO. 'A little4girl, two yparp old, named Led, �Vas Whoat"rio6awoll, buah,�Q 98 tilt Y tried the Oil', which t1ave iviinedidta, 0 2 P4 L %* a 1 '00 Four inou 4imped Mork,,T. Pttuirsoll, S. 1-00, -it I .0� relief, (slid since wedil with the beat 4ilect, cc:1 177 4 jday, and I 0 90, 0,9") run.over by ill$) strcet'r�ilway oft King street, 11urIllkAt not -0; eit dn horses �ia tho ciah _4;4 g Toronho, Oil W944 Wo -64 k H Autly' killed. officials 6. the Western: railway, wore 5, a, 0 7 b o 44 . gyp A CX3 - -4 &-60 CD:� V up to tile out.-fis -Saturd' - 1049 - 4'0 -4 111 ill -sporth be-dfivor of e car gayo him 0 ell. ifing in'the Toronto Bay, oil 1ra;r& 4 10 r ar oy, 40 4 0 45 -and upedt liv, PQAB (;5 - polico, -bat he Was oxo�ieratellfrcfn.. 411 ?orit6 Ihara Hold han W ZZ Wrap. wbon'll FLI'lall Caught dredsofbottlaafBe $3 the head cc log r dane tuoittlers in, hessling and retieving Hanliu;;wore ab work orra ladder 40 foot high, Tiw6 rao' in St. John, �Laiuod lColly, n�d thtOwil)g all Of them into the water. F orb,s Flour 5 50, a ojo -0 throgt8-, 46,, wid -is orthy of the yi-eat- 4 ', L 44 " 4 .5 CLOTHIER, AND GENERAL OUTFITT . niid McGee sank at once Patfersdit gu�ccodod 1) 80) aMonday" whol ating them 0 15 0 44 aPotatoes, 0 f)0. CIO a 0 2.7y to bw Thomds, Oil for a 1w)" Ill giltlitig oil the boat, but'llarlbut, who.wa '1111111111g, 'eaug 11 and I)ullod L1 illy killing Wom. They 137 E0 io, a .0.10 lite a,-andIneverfound Id I ; hold of his log b7 04 P4 him off; they both wetit down, bu� were Pick; 0� .0 Ce -proviously boon wainod tl at tha.,Iadder -00 'anthing 114-6, itjo -lay 14 .4 luid 0 0 8 00 1 .9 cu? wqn ass, It iH a ea D insensible by a beat b -to the A, Of, Hamilton, Wark?0rtk was un4afg. ololag"lg Porkj"� .0. 6 50 7 00 'Southern BeII6 and taken, on. board thail ves� Bor loecksr vaa t1vubled n-ttith 'a metled­ JUSt, op d.6 QO made at resuscitation d accident ow.Xondy, 'Nyhioh- will doubtless -were succosBful'in the C -aa& of Patterson, 3.50. a 4 00 te C 14 which c Oil, and before one bottle was' ayg lone Sheopp . - . . , - 1 00 1, F) 0 prove latal. He � was rhking hay, .'whon by but -failed in r6gqrd"to. Aurlburi OL 30 n he loa:vee! a, oWarnl g. he got in front, of the horse: ailid if, all children the other three were o dealer4,1 Price, 25 its. Notice to Debtors. a Six S. N. THOA1AS;11ELeIpq, Ig'. Y. OTIOE 18 HVREBy GIVEN THAT THE'UN- mothy 3AO it 3 50 '0 k" W1 0tjt.d0b.t . foll,dqwn, when stopped. on Ids breast, andL Unmarriod, � An inquest was lioldL and a'Ver. 'An . 41 NORTHROP & LYMAN Toronto L AC. direct from New 1! th tho rated out his to TO will not be rosponsiblo for any debt$ �N THAT AL SIC 8, N GIVR diot returned to the, o0pot that the' ident Tu�ll Illy 0 75 a .1 00 11 D oontradt04 in bor, name,' after this - dat6� without a. firm U, Spooner & The Ont., Solo. Agoitslor t q oplinion. 0 result of ffiexppriondO in $ailing. 0, W writ The Chatham Chief of Polloo, h61-4-mested was-tb * tin order. lat Oil J. Wardrope, of the township of Chatham, T R, o ric-Selejoted.4fid Eloetrized.� DONO1IOE. - chickells, . ­. . a .0 15'- foot r eouofJrl-2�' 1870' 9ths. tile Filiest Goods�ever S' Clint As Lit far 'or' eel TANI t al wag getting in Ilia bay the other 0 25. a .0'26 7G a lob township, ;ano 90 1870. SPOONER, Qd.r for stabbing 4 ln�M;.th()�I)176.Derty Of-J..QIABS- '(lay, h, noticed an Unusual commotion am onk AImitir-rrs, "THOS.-TROMA EAT ford. risorier use4 apitolorkon live horses TIfE -Cril FFALE RF,.M!@D 1870, the swallows, whieh had- built a long row of 7 Clinton,. lay 81 mos., i bel(;ilgiu� tb blaasford, and one of them died, - nosts under tho'eavos' of Iiis- barn. They w Flour ajad, Fee'd. ACKS N. July 5, He alsq ill,usod a cow bol6ngingio DI McDou. groatly'.0X(litedi flyingL ral ViL pe.trod )idl�. about ''Wheal '0 98 a -same .� HE -UNDrRSIGNI Clititon,June 29, 1876. gall, the -neighborhood, , He comp. ;17H�S OPENED A -FLOUR X:o ling the'air with: their drills of ilistress, 0 '00 f�'95 �'Ills well hfi.ovyn iliodicine is no Impositi6i -b and, 8 . ale rQniody for. Ferdale ffi T and reed'Store in, the.building, just south of. the To 49 the load ot hay. Upon which lie was ridirig our 6 00 it '6 50 b 'DI NEW XHA chice, li,,xitted for trial.to thblCourt -Assizes but ga. ut a out where he will keep constantly on han SPECIAL -PRIZE W -ILL:. BE �OFFERJ?D By* on A assed into the barn, he Sw that, a )w1lat. and for sale# Flour, OsarnaM, Bran, Shorts, Oats, A P young Oats 0,,25 -it 2 Itietf and ObstrLidtionir, from anyeau* .43L Messrs. R, Callagdarik cc,, of $00, at thaalf, show ;0 60 a 0,65 )r article generally He 'Of the Hullott Bran - ch Agricultural 80016tly, for the btteti every Oth( kept'in 'such stores. A X-ountod. Policeman writLo from Fort. wallow Ina nest directly. over the 'door had Penn ever; and although a po*orful remedy, it con. W keeping good arilclea-and mailing At 'a' reason. calight 45. tains noth collection ofladica'Fancy Work, lot siti; 2n(i $10, Bed Load IVIah" LaboUt the arriVal of its nook Ili crack b6tween two shingf tire fist 40 a 0 baburtful to' the o6lifititlltiOn. 4b 6 ratd4 receive a share of -public support $9. Partioularg, rogtil6tjops ari(i Allefli call bolind Air LADIES hite lady that oiar came so far west: -Shelhad JoB,and wan unable to liberate itself. �ffo 0 go ri �)5 wid. FOX� Aatpmof R. Callandor & Co., or fro . A. ib otAtors the tivot few dAyS than a cli. t6ain and set the. young-iArd froof Butior 15'.*.a -0 16 Voculiarly'snit4,', it will, In -it sh6rttime Clinton, B�w 14 turn to Eggs� - '.0 10 a_ 0 1 .0 ULIITI . ty,: have in a nogro towl'i. U very man restoring i to Clinton,,ijitil 26 1 "S ape t the nest. Afpion ilia ro 0 �r ng oil the monthly period, . with. ieg. CLI .0 �N. wRSL UXXQUS to have a Post):; MQat of. US' 'JEL- I I not the barii with Ili* next lildd of hay noticing if, alleanbs of Xqrvansnst Spinal Affections, - 9.00. a 10 0.0 or that the awallo '6t, lie 50 7 00 Paiag*i�' the Badk and Litabs.,".Heavil - keRst, soon a white oman for two wa ware q4i examined. Pork 0 26 it '0- 26 Fatil Palpitation of th - - ----- yoa!s. LuNa nbu BE WITH TFN ROONS Milliner, . To 1. .. . the crack, and. fo tied thX they It 0 "up with avoiy couv�niozico, hard and u6iR, Tifli 'the plu w,,for girls. h.df hils- 1110(l it 1 ;no ;E, slight 6maktidu AJ),74'r eel, hojtrt, Ilypto IN -RETURNING XS:TO Hx ,s ov G01MUMIL 111A rice, Sick Headaches,, Whites, water, with hqlf on aere,cf. ground, sltu(Ltd On,VIoto#u 'fairlityf npldtely�with niiLd, so thit,ao watior h6W AN LADHL , . , � ! . .. .­ Clinton anit'11;6� - for p%HjL:fovbrs, begs V w .0, Inall nalood. 1j`mIi1l;. hailing from Pom- o'i.,toipiiqiug,6r,lio%vfoolig,h a yoilllg swallow and all We painjUIL aisen a oellitaipned by 'a Sivoot,noar th6 G, Apply to f to In- Orra, thern thit. she still continuag tho-Hat mud Bounot.. -brokd,' attempted to commit suicide i6botit m, Ight,tv, I 6t'ngain -dAangei-hid life nly 6,! 1876. disordered Bio6m; t1166'eseilIs Vill effect non Clinton, ]kay,81,,1LW6. linsino 0 at the, OF three *00"ingo'by jumping off a bridge'noar or thto PsAoo - of Q11114 (oo'linniunity by �any, 1, --...$0 06 'a 1_00 when al I I otiler means, have, fa6iled. CLINTON MANUFACTURERS ORGANS, jug 0 90 it . 0 9� - Those Pillsavo'nevor boon kii n o: at a distaticu of j�riments Upon �hat crack, ow t f I lie fdll� 10 AQENTS FOR Cc tjOL She is agent f �r Messrs. Brittailek &':Co's European 00 a - 5, -.00. wbei in. ti'60 'and Now York patterno of srsrraoIit�, A ot 'lie only" broke 'Ili$ leg.' '. He. direot�6usbn the 2nd-pa&'of iia 10 t*onty-six fe Ms 0 2) 0 0 28 'a. nd'is conlitantly MOT wbo now on ph ro'colving thd now all sizes And dos4ription" axe, o 6 _W_NG SET "IR kept on hand, whicit title golla at priceo ppocin h eral- I -s psrtioulars. gek,-j? pill NOT HA wis ro ed, to tile 11w0ital h6: arrjej well ob orvo rl ya'ho has not' am ot,fre* TLETY TILE ties. . During thb.144 eleven d, OiQf PAI In t 0 0 43 -a o 4,r) got, . . I _w shelotul . 1. a �XOVTB for Lumber, are reque4ted to da'oo at C%tallogUes. $tie hetioH, by Atrfet as -an aten anything,. all All unpaid Accounts a -Blot IDA— I be- InItL into tbobritlnuotoll.ioritit)ll)ort.tlp&Tio-nage i d'is Ili t Ttib. !3iblo bit 6' -0 .19 a 0 2 5 JOB MORE S, NEW VQRK 11 t4e wit Court, for ALL - ROTOXViLT ATTEllibiqu To. ntull, Mai It, ls� my a 10 00 01.00 and 12a Lbnts for posta�gK.-u-n-elosed to HENRY iti�$FOUD; OUD7 of hors6vWI'6nging,.t6-Ur.,-I'.obAart- 00 '17- Lyman, Toronto, ()tit.-,- goi�ral IT Ifiggins, of thn Gth line, bAulod to Watford on BiWer printed' in 'moro htiii one hu'lldred .0 16 0 Northrop s�. Alt Works, May 9B, 1870. agonts f6r thb-Demblion, will'i r1o: a -.7 60 don ainiug.ovor 50 �ills by koturn mail. T4: 13 largest. -load of nstire s:.bottle UN G Monday last, 80ninbels of spring %'vhoat,� ths. . , - tile Boas ' . Tile grain- and languages. Eggs, 0 10, 0 11 on 10"E4 ILI S. bigs,vrelgi;ila .29 Clinton, April 12, 1876. Tlip� New ),'-ork Nat�oiiil D.pard­ of 1" a. 4. 00 fi6ld, in Olinton by J. It. Combe and George.. cd with Ifit es Rheimatsm out 'n '-afid, two men thstLwgro,ft thb load 305,,ma ing'a*total of 6,405 pounds. Hao'nuy of.our son and r4 jL Lumeden, Son - As to"the ox'61lonce of our 'Orgons, road thd fcdlo,�iug Tesilthonials: Trade bm�.-,by-a conaiderabld inajori.y, '2L 50' a '1 ()0 chialoy; 1"Ifflok ON RHEUMATIC 'ABSOREEN 1YILL 'arioubr6olq Parker & Cattle st J11APLETON, April i0i,j), roadora heard ofanything to beat tbiai d oclar�d hi . favo� of the ronowlil Of rd. 5 00 it fOr,th;.J,KidLI: Q pains within four hourn, And all.pain WOUONTO - '119AIUMTH. -and F, ordan, (Jodericlil E. Cameron, ayIt; Intlaras. AfMRS'. W. Do procal trade ro!iitions with rtrudupeg ligirry & Co., CUNTON 01 L Sunday afterneou,-intho Primitive. Alotllo 1161d, Jit,�.-13buthron,Rodgor#gle:aild all me4j,_� Mto Swellings ulad pains, when ALI alga hav� inuch. p] . - . ..7.- . f'yoar first Or�an 10011t�ln tell- dint Sunday School (lit Queen street, Toronto, .,At Now York oil SatuAlay, Tonoso, July 4, 1876--_- DI arsTiVE 3pnUID-a curtain cure for Sins. -You ask me illy opinion a C 1 10 Ileadau Indi4cotion,"Reg Sleinjeta, Sao Sold' by coeai. The ZQ is! yory full anki. rcaria cor;,, one of tile* teadhors obseryed a. boy, gomor llf- Tilefle, agod 16, wall btirned to death by Whcat�jlajj. ;. ".7 1o6 a ing you that ['consider it a greitt all tainly it Is as gooa an instrument of ill kind as thero is made in.jUanada to -day. I teon yeors Old, named Rocks, in - the 'ftict'of rd "from, P. cracker Wbilat;-Spring. 1 08, it 1'09 druggists. Price. 5 ots., a bottle. 0 Only hope that you will meet with liberal patvotiagb, anti reall.tba raward'that -your loading .1 pistoJ. - He immediately 'sent for. a. 1") cloy 0 5.5 't- . 0-46 Berkshire Boar.-, yt 14. Bitunow, �Wo,01T. thrown at bor b B, Mayer who was% Oa 0 33 a '0 31 y iouterprisoerits., Yours trulyr-1 policeman, �and P. U. Lobb, entered the School om ings tor S JOHN RANSFOUP, and disarmed the.bolligorept youth iinding the '? A T110ROU(I-ITURLPI) 13F RIK911IRF, ''BOAR, -or Two Dwelb ale. lockediip r0l 0 72 .4 A. fikoft late Pod4reo kept on Lot 18, lt! con. Hui - or ant 0,22 111tt, (thiLb railbO front 0 illion L ',on Somforth road,) MUZ7 I take great pleasure in giving my"teiitijilon�,at p stlloaded, to th '10 IT I ith powd 'A smiill boy. while play�ng. in a.ya rd 0 181. a� to the 'excellence of the Clinton I bird-shoL N 0 1-1 'it 0 11.1 �631N coft. V OX � SALE � TWO. DWELLINGS AND. Organ, manufactured Vy Wr Ili power and swootneso of tone, ill A 11061(i4larn several days Mary. Streit, weslof. *ts)nbcliaiiicitliiitornal'arraT!goinen o, -Co. jKliglisli corilt'llyarket, 7 land atta6hed,'siOulto on t iservativO icnia -08 quickness of response to the touch, as *ell as in i A ago, _W, .Is Rttjl0IQ(j [)Y, h _U 1. and in,s -0, a. I I y j P A a V, O�, 6 x a n - S. ittil. v 11131, , i I i d- rooster, -will, so 4 on It seems to me thh't it ill as near porfeetion' rain j�ljjqj pou&ad, quito I is.convduiently stuated. 'and aa Lill �ick oil' tho f61116 Re, badly. amined, of -whiak I havo had knowledge. 1jor were 1) PQ'. L I , . . lit its weelay rovioIr of the v bi ry easy terms. 'Apply -to -emit cheerfully roc�mmend it to any eilt. IM6 *1416cipal opeakors were Sir J. A. ;as to pause Ill's 404le'. MULLING HOUSE wITIT SEVEN OR EIGHT . . .1 1 1 IF YOU Nr4'N'7 GOODS .1-1, Sqrnia, ,as it call well be Allow. nid to say that I trade, _84ys --Tjlo� condition of politidtil af-, Aroonis, collar, ana lawd'and soft. water�pn premises. D.� McTAVIS ell fitted, to on 'himod. R6n Wel'o fairs, 1111H lib&*ifistdined lthough Ilp- Apply I& Or to W. IV. FARRAN, Clinton.. - may roquiro.au instrument, as 0 0 i15:4ve I respect W plyL ill of Iviacdontild, Dr. Tupper, Macdougal lld .11 Four childroit. the ltjmc;a. yojInI1;-tbO firit thl'CO beingCoiworvtiyo �S _ a .9, 1876 nd at, Nev� Yo�k, oil jjefl�LsU& L 0. by� no moafis.of a jDlioton, Feb. R. 6ALUNDER IS.. f of th A . 'in a SLf.L at Aoout L., Jr. U. Molodifft Olhurch,Qiolr, Clinton, sunglitboexpeuted, fo a M.ti W, DourRTY &I C0i the sliceellos from. the Arst-mentioned Wroo tonetriont houe fri a, Starving eondition; paelfic c arike Thd t1%jr& R grl Let it I hft�e Scott during tIla inany yeald lave of tile tot" of tlic-prosent Thoit: father ja dead, nnd - their motlier front Abroli(f corifiderably Ili ex the, People kno"W AmIing tho�lxumcrous Cal�inot- Org Young, Yho was'l I ro. n III I ()11, ! L ' . mcher of -0-Poriorto ific Clifital; 0irgan, Tile IvIinistivy'- while Ali I as 6f Present a � d (r Btcher: Busiiiess, for sale - been a to music, I have not q0du filly 11313 boon -sent to Tfiland f6r bNDERS1GNrWWl8 )!S TO PUROITASE character of ilia tons is both beautiful inet, sympatlictio,-tho, intonatii'm is perfect, auil, ititerrupfc(li ou4taffiod their call'so, to'kho r0liotion nocessary to sonto misdoniorittor. , 'bioy *had b Ilik UA'5­1NTERr§r IN AN oLn innbor:of good, sound horses, wolghimi. froin tile touch easy, and It, Irler'lor to noitio.- is botll�tolhl au(I'alLsant'jilo A front - Virginia City., offoot AIcs,' hamitcher �lbol),L*doinR a good buAfuoos,m- V0.1,200 Mi., and will be At ki;� A It P!' 8 110 T B, L, A.V Cr'It T 11, almost idi6tio f0v waut of fbod. we Applyto: I. fine, sayp':.- hat nothing is Ina -of itte -tilt) 12t ter AT. JVTII�T, Ulinton', will givo ),oil ,In idva of hoky ])rice$ yoow !i7ovk oil Afon(lay, obli Ate, itifluotices tond(ng to advancif prices, Tha W241 POSTER, rVor Y (lay, ox0apt. Friday, and W. Douclr�lr CLITON. first to ji-sy tho City Treas woll so.stinod by. count Y'll 25,, quarrolled- Willi nd hnnunt f6r nv tra(lbsniatf, $f 1) 1- At'OLINT- ON EVE Desiring to obtain an idstru t that W41 Itl combill . 0 all the desiral)lo imi)ro . To. . r iUArtlly, �Oge kots ha"at Wit givoll way. . Arrivals air RY FRMA. tiless 11 ay that I have weelV for $E is W(sek ff)r a- beat his wMi. Sho declared liar inton. t1,L const bave been fair, bittAto fitt NVbora Ito will be pleatio(i t . o'sneob with jln)�lasbavlo' Of tend, I' am happy to h 0 0 won- ise for S Adve�tiae. ments in power, fulnoss, and 9 tax El ou ale, 9 realiz9d all in the Cliut6n Orion. , Tory one who, beari it, go us away ploamod. bill, 816aviouth fbrabedr(lomof r tion 1)0640-li Ril(I thof cLatsotl tbo trade Owto. (list)- go -of. r up eflLUUjr ap, -The valuarblor qualities -which ihiw-o moillitull t-08085 '.St3ltp4 tomye-thorroonovIiet. L6 lockd, illy WILT11, �13osffasocfs at jer ouir- ilig por qUartur. I - t 9 L . I . . . . to Iviliell if ?oll add clothing Bud (lie door, dirmy hot- upon the bod, took has inctsvith ior� Ox r4niiw. eellar, ligutry, well, and otli oneral favorito in, our family circle. littlo c;L tilt once Be I 11reat" I) 'je("( 9 0 0 iftolloy. 36yord (it) 1 you lave o i goo a w mi yi6tr' The rent of my HILOP I to operate for id 0 tomake room for -fres iho peo-_ Having thorougbly tested the tocri(W of tlli� Thogo on' berbreast, at c -n or threat from r4d, )rganij munufacturpa by W. Doherty t h futaro d targain, knoiFit'. %tld -ill all *reispoe,to eillfal, find I" a ad. b co" 1 take pleasure in ssyipg that 1",pousldbr�)henl figurcai will -soont incrediblo to AngiLultoramalf, oar to. car, Ale(! Vt1iy w 8 6V 0 t tile excoRtioli of a few' tra in many pefirtil superior, to any. idea'instrumou in , tear c lit LIGA) Rinflfls has 0 -igib e,propertv fongale Anot4er Chimn�y Goiie." t ' tb\- k t. The case with which b lilloatu-Inillitile,A) El I ty 0 say re. -60—ralled oil its I '.At last a Minister, though not* 16 'is done. its air supyly is maintained ; the stnoohnoss nst biqu f its tons its re Ito averago 111(301011110'6 OXfati, sponse to the touch ; the 6loquentvOlifik of its fall l 8 �14 op%alid the perlbotij�1"Vetio, 'rig out -here, tit hitt they mity to be feared, it OXISTIN0.01? LOT114 No. 161j SCUM SIDE "It , . %� sea for livt it Orthodox omr, prop. Igo C ilo 8 trek, And 10, Dorth "Ida. of Tolv�8010i' AdVeftis() general mechanism, must make it an 6special favori j with i�gauifita. ' c6usidor fabulous wages. 1. have hAd Only to follow ja tbd footsteps of tile APOSt'Q"L Ited Maim ceolLf taloing balf Alt acro of land, , Or! No. oa soloi. Lim _t. ,hurch, oil C. CRAWFOItD, MusioTeachoraadl`Auc� i V,1.24 twenty-three aays' work tllu fitst Vaulls, injji-10. ii, A 011010 80100ii6li 'Of IMArfilg frtilb roe" of find to'fulfiltf,lit, Situation Very doolrabla. Ale A priVateL rest. pcople lite here daily;� 9 . The Now York Shilij)big 1.*;ist,: of joly Istf donco, Apply.,to L 9 r1l, a tion tb b6 all to 01 inen, lias b .,having. nothing to (to. There are fiftocn, far says :-Our pichangos and-privatill lettifis T. 11. MACDONALD, )foundry 00106. otLAMP CHIMNEYS, Mad * i a r banks in fall oporatloii, fill paying heavy Ii- iliscoVorcd ill England. A vell-known t6ut. the, prhicipal iigilculturai Bectiallo of ranco, which permit# a -at you hae r6moved to a now stord, JL cI too eonse, Evaryon pays licomo libro, no lust' Viep Thinkor, Mr. William Armitage) the country, ara quito unarifinaus lit tcati.� f k.o.king about without the all a -old friends know .. wh . are to find you, NOTICZ, THE. PUBLI-Cw- ter wilAt branch of business tbeY ongitgty iW of 11dilderdileld,'diod recently, -The� fying-t gonoralexcoildn'000f the har. rarm,fb� Sale. Itijury, TRY ONE. gentlotl�n- who officiatelat bils furl6ral Vest 0 lit The following accoulft; is given.of tile otorm proalfectu. As iii-thd ffibst fruitful of IV, f4YUBSOtlinnu ovinins Fon SALE TI[le' lialurnotli If4rdware And'stayi lioutd on Sa � y thera are some unsatisfactory r at Rutriiy Bay ceromonios discoVered that4be-gather�. YOU$, farin, lot No. 90, 10th don, Oadoildh Clinto, yund 14t jBi7o. Advertisis HARLAND RD 0 T R E El S falling of the barometer, told, tile' coming - g at the gravo cornpriscil no Inany ports , but thb 'great. majority o( those tit, Township, about qj inties train Clinton, containing so louailallyt tug ever wituesoei F 'Sale. of an atmosph ia thange, ut the ice Storm hand convey tho linpiLlsgidn that in ttio apreow 10 aloarcat remal6dor good hairdwolod bliob, On Obrigtitvns its heroties,� go lie aliftounced the fakru thotd-loa logh6ugoaudbapu, And arm f6r. Deale,rq in MvrtS, &-c7,-`Rn-d'manufacturers of all kinds of Tin, Copper, 0alvAnized, And 1 'jilejt stirpsg4oa in vi lie �vould piow . (lbsonco of apilio disaster not now foreseen failing spring orook. Apply to. Iron Wares, beg to inform their customers and tbe public generally, that thuy hive added to'their -At sovon, O'clo the siorn burnt in * its full that d.- wa Or anUcipated, tile Yield. of wlli,at apd other W=4011 0061(jlitucEFIRLD P. 0. pon SALE, TRAT WELL-SiTUATED VAnm OF if are at thelclil atand, an(l,hew k0foli vtolon 'lasting tell minute", Bill it literally brrellea sorvice,, wliiah wo coVer YOU 'tafront look.din yau'vill InA4. Stove and Tin bui noag, v, uld DO 110 ls will 1ko, among the raost bbuntiful 190 acroo,boinitparbolloto 11 and 12, Horoulload have e i dg.sho*or of ice weighing Moat 3 iluar- --- don.. Ooderich Vpf about three miles from Clinton. A ter to duo bullco' dach drop -more like- n 6ptablo to all parties* and -be ap.tqally with wbich'tho coillitry has ever boon Was. MAU fro a h6usa and barn on the place, also About 80 up the loss If you ADVERT9�, rblos than fitsti Yead thO Customary Chapter iki the ed,, Tile wliet. harvest is f1boitt over in Ifisolilent Act of.,187 area of cedar; About 60 Adroit cleared, 'ThounderAigned FARMERS'& BVILDERV, ohowei, of ft4dt balls otild, largo ilia tho Southern $tates, and. is now.progrosa t grain and polls. are broken burial service, and then iound tip witir Ili nominno to gall the cedar by the ad ' ro tiff the land anythiug else. ThO ..; 1114 tile itiattek of willAnni Naftell, aft sold, For partionl*tsApply to atimy had inardlibil across them, d extract from th I ex Ing In, tho lower portion Of H4 wheat bolt :011N HOLMES, Clinton_P�6. ,�And will keep constantly.6 hand A ifenictal aggortmout, such 0 down i� Wan an 0 rial of Theism," Suzh was the violence of tho. storni that, the of tile Aliddla and Western tates. go fA ClnUay at 11870. grountl presents the appeAraneo of being drjll� When"ono rernonibors the t I is oxtondect,. the resultappear -to be -THE f; 481 it 'D :OHX 8. PORTRIto Or Advertising th.,jimujejablo small holes, whih tile ojittott between Chilrolime1�6nd'Dissen- quite cquhl to oxp�cthtion. -Ill exas the thoTown,of soaloyth, III thd Cdunty.of Iluron, 'MISS 19. GARVIR Nils, Glass, ttyi PRItg) Us; armo -0 Ga n T b,bn qppointed mAignea in this ralittm I've oolsi ant night )lave faile(l. to obli- tors I'vith *reg,ard to funeral iftils,* one is season in -npresented- to have%ean one of CroditorR ato requeoted to Ilia their dittino'befolta we Ilan crohiod watly it gow tusinoll terate. The flowers are broken, fruit tree All a, hard tidtothink that, to displily pAceptiotially great ag�iculttlral pro within one wouth, CUTTING AND DRESS 'MAKING a ,j_�.bclr leaves, and fruit Assigned, And otbor arl.iclea usually ltett in a Rardwire St6ri, sit Nkoh they. will d"sp000 6' at very r`ft' bushes 60AUd9d such ro mdpority. wonablo ratoolto nil favoring t em, with their patronage, thbir Jnutti) W4 innall, progtit to lyUObligitig spirit the ster rw. The parly, estimate of oi yield of twol DbliQlUthd latest Rtyle. Agent for 14ma. Denforostle stjawjj_rho� gioul;d ou'lail-iiides. areely T rn't" goaforth,'gtnd ane, A, D, 1876.' 1 ... L . . $0 reliable patterns. All Ideas slid styles, with laigo 1111a. AdVeitiSin returns, ilaired not to be a christlaii at all. Ron bushels ofwheat in that Stato.bids fair (1 thil-vi-61tation f this fearful stratibaff and fall deg6riptibi2itfoomprigiirFraitthg latilat *zod, M j and earn And ben hodooL 000ape irQ be reali rhilo oats I barley Storm Some have not A pane 00,04 in them, The, Chicago Times hAyg--.Qdd61i plill'aUtylem In ovary departtn6lat of Ladical and ­ BA VB T110 GALT�4=Zjl) 11?09 P06FIXOri -and %tab work Many of tho.ics, gtontla e u tb e yield promiaos to be lit excess of thal of , drosses. A CALL SOLICITED, lto alld will pleaso tako ijO- any pro viloali v REMEMBEn TITM PLLCII.- is �a . ... ... .. . L , , I j- " 1 3 ' , ' I , L Col nolies: i-inallesin-diamoter, oar. InXentuckyandToji, tod from I vietorift. of Engl C ALE (if all 1:1 is tzgeut h,, b AU MON.- S P OP017 IWO fleasco t 10 w 'eat crop- as eon Anbured, O11POgtT9 THE 93k ZAL U6T21j U469 STx larger than a, bon's Ogg,, U66 that"thii foe her to tremblo. fit her boas as alie, and -for tile ninot pattin excellent condition Insolvent Act of 1875 Ott. AdV6rti A la 1 of Milk P&na# J?SJJ04� str;llnerao tud eer 9 P The Norfolk RVorm"L voudhea-lot-ill)-.101, Ilits. in at, tba' Court of , while in Southern and vaflety of Tinw&rej M -a lowing funny, incident ita having occurred In it Illinois, the winter Whoat Iiarvort, is well 6'814te' Of IVILI411'Ir 1tA1?TAVff0',jV1 114"V lit I)IIJIL 'j'Irjj#A1 0ourt.at Simeoe tdo6ritly istakes will 4mos' botel in thb Tow,er of Lonao.n. advanced, and'is one of the boat with whiph the Town of Clinton) ail nliolvent, EMOVAL Ju at received, a krgd, au'pp,ly of Spades, RoGiss Itak"l-VOrk8i &C, happen In the beA ' P1.11W8,11 and Mr. O'bonovan , 1108ga" the mightlest, trcj� the adage might be Vb`�y lapproprilitolyAPpliod, wartier that ever dollected a dbllarf fiAS .64 xNaft me State that other grout, staple, col4n, A. Tso" from tho Assignee to gall by�Poblld Auction mit CUSTOMERS, AND TRE, PUBLic ONNEU. AdVertising at all evenfig A ludicrous miff, In the city of XOW looki; unusually thrifty and stronct, and The mubai,.Aborsi. thilrdtial for paitt Wafto it a d6litilwiltrislo of thit dfirifee to court room$., art tooill the gathered aboll; 61 him i At.tho reAldaud6 of the lngolV-Ofit, At Clintonj an, ALiYo- *111 P1640 take notice that I hive romovotl t kA 6 ad vie githiloo. do toy 1366V Amu fjvwzo*zuv builinces from the old iithn4l " 9"' 'tn. lady, evidently 1ditiba. York a small body L of antermiied non, orollathol agood yield. Ili Virginia; IDela. ay� eel to that now ototo, iLpsolloa ingifty rullill pblaticated !ft legal court atiLlaotte-although wh6 hoa�gworn to oned inora fr6e Ire, ware, Maryland, atid Southern Petinsyl. Strby: 8th hy.,oflaly$ 1876, Cor I Served largo business and ifislikoll MAI Ajildk 21jack, Albart 9trailt, ilakt d160P t6 P, 008h 0 mile was ' evidently w4ll ydrs6d lit another kind f it takes it week, and 'to golitlit. vania. the harvest 1144 made good progress, At One o'clock F, U., tany nor o broo-and A'Ib 1itstroots, Hin dl is oalleA for a, witness satsoirlittiotts as long as 6, arop of blood and, aA ft wholo, With satiAijetory-41eftlisi- --The followltg qaftntify otbaodip tile witioll; bo;t 4nd the :110satnPlas of vow whant whiell have been of Chairs, Loung6g, Beastdadit XRXI' boo3k 'go 'ft, 0AttjVj)jtn & Colo StoftL ale voltio, aud a Mokol' 1 ijbitod front tho , mply read lover, to hot,, iqherisho tCr4flinu ill th qatat6a, boil,& oat was toe oil d Budding, u&Lgo rurnin& thora that X haVe tn4do J�Iga gal -WoohotAn o, find Crocktry, 0116' Ralld-, goo wood flong to my filook, Arld h4*6 now on hAnd it. arat-bIRlig nstqll4ndfy�hat Joido. DoXt' 11)g0ro in the poelret of atly Iriall Set- quality, A lattorfroth 01difoinininfortis ()lie Peddling WAggoa, One Sil'916 WA all, four auto of dw Them is ii, ri way 0,11A 4 wiollg WAY to 11 L !a, pabing the woman -hesitate-, Wd, yjait,girl in t i and putter And; Rabol One %Rob 816161ij duo 81A us tbilt dint iqtato Ivill produto lar an ev ythigi, Mally & altin haq, thWIPIS ILWAY S 0.10 90 1 str&w,'Outtat Alla varloug Other artioloo. IM14 ritboio 611d 01116.0 atgitioWyl j%II hisroapits [a, 0.1id MAO OPLI-. t.-growIng State, hag J, f. ORINt' f Autoil6flildf, . AAA 041dation of the lat4h, ki t 00 1" the lady blushed, std, to' tminia votersua have gone but than over otoro, R JL1j JL he Ahto is tilt (we iraight, ddc! siNfActIon TOM$ 00 rastdo A little 0A 9NAt WAY h� kit) ol� V witli. grim earnest of thoL venara Is crier of jho iotirij rdatflin floss about th+.916A. atia 4,MrTFtt 'no kits. The Cog work, aria hava'ah down and avoira a gofitki -Ady accompliall- hovel c6nolsta )ter trilo S prng fey'lolia 8 � Rittlati, PAUT . IMENT 01' wheAt in, tho wont and north.wbat. will soon ALSO: � K I. courb alaildbut loud, and even the btern fda. oa ilideh. , Thousand$ of dolhirs ham bd re I :. Judicious Advatising. thoL, r businaag from Ii'osorm. Sho para&'Coppor, woiild hereby botify the Inhilbithatit Of Olin' ttlroa jot, th6ludgerelaxed. AgAinthoWaImAn 19410r tIl6'rc(1i50V hrAd ftonl present 86610d tendon '1111 be resolved by the Allot 60 W finaL Oftly a fo�V M"110118 Itidlationa the otop Od to Ift At 80010 th6 parchmeo t,,,. iddto FAXOY GOOM IN BRUESSURMIT.Y. �ehl� raisday toal rt stock In Oodft otklt%�jd oj ton. ana vicinity, filat he *111,06nduot the gampi At ilia bid iltAndi ps told to kiss tile bbok, and agelti the thag. 126 the ttAd, 01' thd 4bola tj at w nitl4h lit the d6liky, keinded6 wtillted t0L CAtch t"he pub. I I I - An to u6tia influence 6t the, orlot's ambrosial foatutog, mto itra noof U, V - CORKPI It OP 11ATT: V33MM AXI) ALMUT STMMA tl Ir lToe, oyo , dtdw ot, attention iind he received, 6 ootond, gathored in, they '�Vlll owbrgd froal lot mantry, t iloligh, tliero js'�Ver tt Its i but,oloar, Villaro he will It and A6106t "antApIr." Th6dauttIlYthlo tiftio WAS 06n- the St, leholao to believe that tile labors of the 'huabituLl. 'on at tho lout PAW# dolit, to thi, 24-0421 Itn"Aahke, 6took 6jr rtibAt thesiJI1141 0144at is to glya infokloo 8,TOCK OF A t GIR0019RIES's, valtea In Un litor'. the Judge g4vq eident ana vilth, �Avortuo,hotolq, purchase a latin will -bo vooll,towaraild Ina Thavoito, Ilatatitto, 80iidtlog, ponollito numbef bt People, AfgAN of Una" Comfit dtld tho, donstablas W44 1 NOS OF FAMILY tII6 WsPoat Of alieAp broad wAs- rattly over 81101A alld Calleg, 006 Iti, 0r1d1ttF To do 41 it Ill the County of Mimi, eMli bt L 11, ho"Will ba Ili (i 60M691 0 sell ht -all .4 . nd %A ho Int6tub gellIfig W4111hi I 11110ndell slid 10000 to divott Atotion nAvy roVOIVOr, Arm' AVO 60110114, 111611), "loro drlaollragibTt. '�Ve shhll 'lit f tie jowoot ratt log Hsi sigshad ponsUbtAbIlt 1111, t1if 110 thdruSeltoo, A. V61Y #4tbfUl'o AtIflimmediatoly procead to titka C�tpa, to, (loll Tbb higiltAl from, xPlAnittim, hoo h Itirgo Iftofo Tfitbi0i one,th1fa bfAS66 1064 0 wonL611 thlij It, **off. the da 'if pd#AiblO dAptt1ra. ilia y r by ad-afident that his agn All 1001ilffillu 'With th6ir Phtfohil9b, *its then glvdh. to, th Md 0 'Of 06plo Illumpo ildoftdonba Note, Mak L14 aita be loon At tlie Ambrionu *Viy 1100ght milt sold'a, six Woollftllifly Jb6Ui0dt1.hd AijyWh6z16 in'TdWill , Blblo and notth6veporliblebriat roftho nNaueyo Llhq.j ao-apm ftdzobop� aaaoxioumme thilt Abi WAN at catta t6kiso the duty wo 0 SAAWILlIv Ut XiAgara Falls It t th FOMAll htan# it lb this prospoej Atilich lifalt. blifjidd t 4,0 1.6 Wido Of 1610 g`4101i . 66a ot AA Amme" d bil4dify. 44rd obligiblo fibilabatiao bdot 116wiftw1ked tolidallby, t ptibils of tho 20144( lihilto W" W: hild got 00114 00 06044 taft No lolk F 0 R' THIS MONTH C ('Ll I in'stru :t ilk U h t f foro b