HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-07-06, Page 2... ....... coa pot frositior �,oliterilliy alitaoicell tile TarU144 6 0 AU00 POND �XUE. 9" msy� Its, 7444 0 Munitoba 0(wroppoudc,,nov. - A, Zulu �044 'T. A. noties force$. A UIIAVP ClIgAgement oulmed. which 41sp of to-do, t'� (fral 4*0, VA!ru, Acernymr.—Iolla-1111burl Wowtollitto bo,41,10tinctli undo atoO tlialiwedovot Tile folIONAUR. well wilitten letter AP 16�_ 1, ong Osman Veor' TO the Id"Iff (If thO ClilltO74 �A'f 1V J.'iW, atori of (lit"640M 2 PV Ll Albor 0 , 11(lool 0 il�ntv P011.09py. ioon became rotioml, PaRb a, after To- , . —.-- -'Ir - --- - holil ourselvearol Iowa U, oxPrmpil , , t tilr"t. —.1 -. - mv mill, three lioloo from V101oh, . .. .. . ... . .. .. . hilsing 010 ory . .0. outcrod their territory. 2 10;f9uroorre"pon outs. Od in tho Globe on Friday last,. AW DR b Is m Art now AUXIVA"I-411lothor lot of Anzorlo4lo rtlzitilL �X8 'Vito, Irymrmu.—The OrAngemoll Of tilt$ a 'log Anil 4rill, soverod from his body 01) It lit ilulto it While silive litlytilin" ap- aw"t Wtvall tt victoriolawy as ar no Salt, - P10000 1.3140 Listree 10 0,.OQ04 W140, Willie illottopok neighborhood, will colabr4to WOd"Q444y, Tuejoilay, 1) colpitto ill contact with the "Awl To Ole X(Mor of thft New Bra. 1; tile production of the pol� of A taloatod, pearott. In yntir p,� Ol, about out' prairlo proa Carryin A) lie neighboring ervion )baltiolls t uVran pzhiks,, 12th in4t gladly sive it "he e vi I ail, , to ArOsal to 1 0100 Ull 0i Now oorsotil, 0140ok a At 134yllold.. Anil 110 the Ouforo laight, , k Sitt,—In your roport of the-coinmonschool tuwtviwan) we place Ili our givoyoll A foNy itertla, ta lot Tito Tilt- Is I Sao$ ar rula I Ill in. Now Zotiollit ROX449,18, litroit 0140, DintUR cottou'-Doos, trustee ulopting last week, you PAY th4ti L Colo tons foe tile Perusal of- otir re d you UIIOW JJQW OrOPU Oro &0., ill, Now Dross TAU0114, &O.'stt , 777"waXOTIT & FOSTPWro. *B. 13,,A return in4tob will be, played be. 140sous](940.1to. maido ai)(liddoo Abot R Or', " ibiwo(lotion, of blikiiitoba. Irilero 11�s live,, a tWO04 01111t011 And' 13rucefield bao ball It t1io careta4r, iiwl. that eoauso it 011dors * great anloullt ollaud rutliid6r, orop, this pea. -Sovoral 40141 do- 80MAT41110 XJ4W fell THA 1401go. —The Jildiiii; of, I box in this, 1) 400, on �Iolldo ther" w4fj no couiplaint Agaloat him of neglect. wall, also, b. on all that, we. ilea. Olittoll Ana A01111ty.itrit JOY1684 to call A UNINQ- ou ove lot Stilted it. quito had said u pon tile sub -July 4. 0 0 _y noy. t. 4 & % Viowic —The sobohm of., the Method illgloodaty. couplo"lf 11, a"'I it JOOUN 'low w0f thera would be lift $patches alliloullco that bostilitloo coin' , I at Sea. !at $%bbgth Wleol, hero, accompanied by right. I oily wit bit$) leis 'All, Acre, on Uzi a Ago, all over ill leryiesterday 01416 0, , OAX V$( arid CoufooWneq $tore,, slid oximillne tile match playci Nbat I ill 0, tbot tile enrotalier yor, rei[i on the south-castern, fronC eve _ L JXQ#0Vy , 0, colue(I 41 1?8Pi?XCTJolg 1# tLolr friends, hold their annual P101140 On PQ- had,611torvd. into, A �yrjjteu A roomput laot-ycar Ago 1114014t, and in somil 1)tioeg -"tore, If the " 1101). ral on, the AM 4114 dollglitt"I pot4unt bs of - .!a servians were 41300084ful in a ftirtlii, last Thursday, between. the pill 11 million DAy, at, Point Farm, - fear mileal n9r0i ivitii ill _Q trzhote6o; to give,, I I Stu .—Tile facts Iiind Argunionts so ably Vora" will ijQt fly in this. dirAne the onll p9willorod Vertuzz;e in tho powhilila. fl 0 wbolo k tile in I tiou thia Oulu- gagonlents. They c4plivired, the fortillo.d. . lig, Clintou and t4qt pbico, Clinton was defeat- of 04oribli, to whioll, I$Aoe t6oywbrO cl)TAYOP looking After tile alihool And grounds in school prosootod.lit your admirablo Article (of tile mor. outaround Ol HOW 11no exa. T ubonlii o6ol It. 409N solo 04 by 16 raiis. Clinton And, BAyllel of Dombingliana, by a8pault After I'lay o"i by carriages, Notwithstanding tit* un. 'it tile teachers, *Wth inst., on 11 Catkadian Halt" ()light to be bOro, but llot lit numbers oulliment to do ally Agout for Clinton, hours, AudA dbilagr thlip, wii Q throe" boura" fighting, Tho position who A 414011 )tore to-m.oyrow (Vriday)- favorable weatbor, P, very ploasATA timia wars woro, aboont., lVa'ali'li%yea. him 6% a fkvvor to sufliciwit to convince of lkis ailvoi JOUX to tlu) Most fArmern aro busy TaUMDAT, JULY 6, IB7.0. attorios, The'rarko PI)ent in tile usual mallner, -Due t))Iug Which contract for tile branking nil woro prairiao Isonlo as. Ithach ag 4ofolided by Several b V001141011 Day, OLOT111113 F OUND. —0 a Tuesday A youtli, riliging 9f the town bell, I advocate of protdotion., It ithay be it satia. Ab4ndoliod, the 99ago. The -found a couplo of Shirts, A pair of old boots A, way4 $,ends to make 4'.piohoo alleco4f %1, is said that I had 100 acres, And others Moro ot, loss According . � ir arrils. And ba hoarl covIlAttinto, alld it was faction tp you to kricivi, that Some of the CANADIAN PLIUM LW $apply of refrealimeatis, Azhd the I.ililtes not fair to those who hat t to tile iruillbor at to4nis they bRye to wor)i, ,voivor under Mr. Stalibury's storo ezidereil,fur tile Ittrolto river Printl, was cro$404 yostOrdRY, And An" Gadbrich was the only plaize in this inad a re who provided fur this one certainly ilef'erm officii that he should bol -allowed to g 'And, do loading stilt manthfacturors of I xit'ro* TbOx� 18-4 grOA trafflo'on tho'cart trail paot neighborhood which celebrated Porrilui _a Pogag pont, onnqoa before Beloolilla. on house at the station. T if 'so for tile aniple, varied oudyaAlly omool- w9rk in tile 'time IY concur Ili Your View$,. "Ild Would Strong- hQro­; thousands of carts pass, An Ameri0qu, paper Maio, A �short time Day Ina manner to attract many, visitors." t h oy hey appear, A that � lie was"paid by the ly deprecate ail $1 for thei oxclu� Isdonwi )VOry 1404" ball been therii,some tbile, and Ono (if lent provision inado 9AWA o0onslion, , Ulfavo, for Nvinpillog w4rlitt% 11iore Early iq the Morning tit bourd, As regards 110 OQlaplairtt, itwiitu not Sign, of foreign bolloyo that *as it good deal ANX01tonlont lg6t les y Ini 1111V,11�11`y ago, that ther6 were more �olitica to the XA I ore wall every in- the obirts wao somew4t bloody. an k, vrook About pigo, anti 11,rotective 1001 4 fie, as tile board was fully %rooll tha r itiioatiort that it would be a fine day, a.xtd, 00 H al - TO! 11P, t,� lid had, such Ali Attollipt to cr,04to All aitillcial ilia- ilia, 8ioux, of Dakota , rdports itrrivoi acre Ili Caultda than in, AVY �qlfooL,--Mlo 6�aminatlon of tbG Can ADO, 01VINS111 no rig work. contrary to ilia 9tbe 001111- lit to leave the Mr� hfackpnzie, in, Ilia speech at IVII accordingly a large number of orsofis from libpoly Would, not only be unjust to. the that they had crossed. , thei lin ea tt-nd, ,For() in try, a statement, wbich we think is n9t tral School will. be bold on V ridAy -next a6groomout. . I I , (�­. , � consumer,- but' would in thei o Id, be - skill 'thio provincoi but it, was only l rut or. The ry happily poitited'out that tile igrich�l. Bran,foril, London atid informed into places, BAII-6 Rvalume.--Mr. Albert May, �vlio a $L u nioro iiijuria nodacor. ' lit. 000 information IrOPOrta that Itho forces 0 Plost4rted thith r - board till, (to-morrQw) begiuliling at tile us"I SQ110PI short time ago had )Ila liarn destroyed by fiVia, CI zi,*Wuly 4, 1876, far from the trMbP iTd one, also, which %ro far betier W than B"On011e " I . 10.4 its to tho 1101110 f turijits of Ontario 4 hours, in all the rooms. Parents, "14 hasagainvebuilto ilia r of vihieli.tol* . , 8ittitig ]),ill], Cr4kv Nona And others, Caus1it. vor 2,500 tickets Were ilbod, 'it better evillonco of tho pernicious Statds.*' The follow- excursion trains, 0 others interested CtB of tho So-called I'. prptoctive aystonil *6 oomilider., the colintry halo no Temoon thoseof the WeStoru , are respectfully raqu �N�w A of 1,1781,10goo, nuilm MI ilif9r thNt there -are P, Sold along tile. railroad, atid a largo hum- place. a few days ago, y 100 man WeTo About tile 8�,110 offe Ing extract from a Bpeoch delivered. ai oil to Attend. After oxitulinlAiQu tile engaged. Ill. raising 10, Sides wero c warriors, Allowed to oach lodge, there would be to b4 ashan row the a since,,by NrXar- bar going by conveyances soon Swelled the � 41104 tNQ could hardly be given, QLAA I by. .led of, f4i. - r. it is f foe the sunipior boll- caiAolis lloing: Mosars. John, Jenkins and. IX the expQrI, ent I I yl .1 IVA$ Allard% Wasbiligton Sonno till, or Illi- number i;f �Ioasure-saekers to the largest schgol wiLl.bq eeloso.d Z0.1he Oditor of the Gllliton X�w E,;ra. ra lich. 'was 11.411140 in that -About 3,530 warrioraill till ; those vi,�Ould malm knoyvIedge, discussion, iii 4 . praCtichl aball, Ono of the "OPI-Os011t"tivOs f . d Lavis, Tl aly divided still ii tboy come ils a -oil the crowd tlAt -was ever in Godorich, '�kboihit 470- to Sides wore ovol Lighting upon a -paragraph inadoJrom- ail directiouafowyearsago. ltwillborecol� bqatilo band, AJArR --lioldingfor 1 1 fore part, -of t1to, spring will po�.Ilaps throw some light very 010. oduto pq —.On WO41109day last, st4d r"00 1611 )WO'd, r0"It'"g porb,.1 turoz— pplication of lities by thp 10 a,in,, however, it com noticed to rain, 'Ing LiQuouLAm.' Inspeet4i'B Ito lactod tIlCthe-LogiN people nois, astern States farmer . lit Ill - It few, winato.r- -1be -its portisill, through your ooluums. moment to tile iniluol (I It - as t; toy woro ill t d (I , iffloultieti the 11' but cleared QJr, againsoon, after aud_,romaihz� raised )y that has brollg4t �bout -ib-o. -lIgainst-lin(le n. -information Ithill- brInspootor IWO whial ranic4 by .-Itas to -coutond r-Asystoln, Of 1 litrodine Alej), Connell and. is Having tail 0111 few short- Gur, lat Class, $3,10to $5,60� 2na elqss,,�!%oo ed, fink) till evelling, when it again rained Mr. 0. Cole, of tbia toilvil, was brought be. cial responsibility for tile sohool. sighted Advocates of ment of one of the t gov- protectivo dtitioq. Mr. Marshall said .,well put togothor, It is now completed And in, this sooltiou,'in f6 $�l , Wit eat 00 cts, to $1 ; Oats, C5 te, fre�st and befs heavily, The: programme that bad been fore tho,Mayo aud,Xr, MoGarva, for sell. IS A ill) t�ll of my AftQ01i yomrs witll� it duty upo!eFoign Salt, for*tho bonofit, As borloy,,$I,35�; pass, $1,150"And i;Ing tl� his work has it o-loulcingboilding, ItN80 by45 foot, �,ery soarce Armor star!, 1140, 1 have Tory laid out for the day's Amusement was pretty, Mr. Coutiel dosetyp -positive convictions was supp6kliod, of llativo Inallitry. Of; b(itter, 2� c.; eggs,.25 to 80C.; po toes, 81 ernmouts at present under the sun, aud gilue put on- his horse with ilails taxed At Ing liquor wilhout license, an(l.as tile cliargo. It credit $or undortali1mg on perhaps everything!embracoll lit our public was, on twell carried out, notwithstanding the Ili. acoordinq to thoideasoftho each a largo building, as lie has only late] course, it NV40 expected tImt, the ollbot wo la. 'pork rAoss per bbl., $27, dri9d, 16 to 2( a. it will be by pprouing a similar course 67 or cent,; drivoll by 4, haninier taxed, At y orbuot System, and its operations. p terrtiptions. by tAln. While soill oil luado h -o importau'ac 'Olaitaod for thid 86NO61 am- be ':ta :rAiso. tI older tho above to be vory good. prices, for 54 poh, cent., aut it stick with a knife taXed 0 of the magistratoo,'a fine of V20 a0 po#1 wag in, atarte(Lat'lia busilAoj­and husort I I] he price of Ca adian. salt.— COX) �gihlhollg,-009- those Who have Buell for, sale 1 -And visitors,. remained up town. to enjoy them�- fliUoil, agid w r0' a good be -46rt that will enable it to reach a highs 50 os his horse ta-a plough nit' hiph M Ole 1.148. Appealed ploy008- is - Arrogant Iiasull ar6aillt did, Ink fact; itifaliii,r6i on. Editor,hopilignottob4opoul Eta Imoll: r -cent-. � hitoiN and their ti The corl6oq�onc�was a rush of speQ. of perf6etion. No' fault oa� b d 67 selves there, the mjqrity wended their I- ill v o Ao I o 41nituo.t., Colksilloration preposterous. 'Tito. 'no, -of your UWA and space, I.ro Ain, ypuls, gree 0, taxed 5o per with" chains, percent. --He returns to Ilia h6mo*At night. Way to the Wharf, witich way,,i6i6otirse, the. tIilia ulators, azlxidi�cto t Into 0hief I invest inwha was. Sup- iih&aefi on this circuit ; and he Bollool in all to be a highly 10813,— hbs ohl� willeet tax.% -ro of attrw ion. roe, oats, ha ji&. pole prolltAblo busii found with politics not abit more tban, cent Goderiell, last -vioolr, rind a society fox laried-lit to be known uron 0oxinty Co BurRaldo, June 20i 1876, d 'overs himself with, 4 vertised to give excursions pith the lake, arid nvol X : �k. —No better ovidalleaeoul(I be tio e6lon was t4dnin operationaudl-believv- -Now wells wbre'sunk, and production was can be fo "pqd w#b_rljgion�or a ad 58 par ceut;,an 0 tho difIbront given of the good. delta b�, th%.Y9tmg On 8 ill all the Surrounding otheso and probably thp largely increased, far beyond the wailts Of agency or principle that eiistb among blanket that'has,"paid' 250 'Per Q014. l -He for o"lloveIty, the Benton iiiad the Bertichy , tion, ccmposed'o�� notabore of county. f that I hold the rrises in. the mbrahlW, pats oil his humble other—a -AgsoafailmrWl. I firplaca, thati that' 4rger rarity in, t Stanley Council,, were lashed tog 'A] cominullity.. Tfio price of silt there - !do by side Anil ledges One Of TOmb0"'noo bbT or wore vlocto4, by.lawa furilifilied by a -visit to liny of -their, meatimgs,. the country indelitod. to'bint, for, is the sup. upon fell below tat it had been be(Pre, Tha-Conifail mot noau adotiriied.,Court.or nuil A reaolution. ptissod to hold Among the means used to promote $hall, cause plementing,6f Baldwin's Municipal Organiza- Qvi0iont Atoll flalliltil shirt, taxed 80, per cent,1 his coat, wl ankind, but the trouble is the with the Holland,4-werd soon crowded With the" tsty. 0111C ye tbeir-own, fixed lr�0 per cent,; ow6w, Inied �5 '61d And young of both Bexes*. The Clinton "Mission 80110611, holil ovoiyStmday After. tioni with the' great many p�qpLe who lo the dlity was imposed. The duty. w4_8 Ne- dthe 26th of vTone, at, 2, - - - - Brass.Band perforivad on board mootifig in. Clintonin Soptombqr;� is a powers to'tito Councils to form bitit too;­I�'o to relieve the business. teava-, h(t- noon Ili Own In A opinion more than the truth, slid par Anil hat, taxed 70 par cent,; 'opens roolits, and wIlloll is atteirld- 90hool Districts, with, chair. boats,. the Brantford tand on 6o Roll d,. the Trustoes- -fratil ­ff, -,t - --L- ' " on _S"� gar childrouil-atroet w ifs,:iit d- 61 bt6a Q, 00a.w ich it had cause family (vorship with a Bible -taxed 25 per 41ohorinali's It e therein to levy taxols ill -aid �Of tho The assoostnout of (1�. IV, R. AS re� MI furlther'hiterferei and power more tlian right and justi look 0 , others. They. have seven or eight teachom. Schools. ' Tile whole Stilt interest (if Canada, is- how at, and� o0srt Gud... Bogus bills are Ili circulation ut lo6 by supposbd�. and $4,*00-fdrillto sttIOL aa tbe;se.p" and w a' 110 aSits do'O' town, so that the,visitors werefavored �vitli for tfiBzza�*!t.- w' rp and the scholars Ara of a class whom wd wor7ld' dids, slid by',airf Buffering,'not fronibo introduction of.f,, iced.o-00 an aerc and arties can t - carpet n a have bpeli keeing all, jetioni, supe,rvIBIons, and bir t .. I 1 1. and w music whOrevei they *silt. After enjoy- 190� have thought preferred roaming in, idleness. grl salt (of which., as.you point out, very Thi4 was the only appeal. 'than 10 to his humb a ineal - from a plate taxed 40 :out for Soule genuroo.ones. owing us,, terferonoo, I rooetit as,fraudul6nt and tyr,%nlll- Tito clork was itistructoLl to wrAn 'to. ilia as Much, if not,more their 4iveraifi6d' lately, bit t ihus ar,'Iiave faile(f to see ery ('-ell they are wroto.hadly olothod,-but, athbonamy �Iltj ofthe- ith knife alid- fork taxed So orally little comes. into our marliot'), but from the por cen t. per, Ing themselvetiac4ordifig to this fil.iw 400s not loader them appearing iogd- -Ron. John Carling, 0hairman. of theTra6tei)q thates the a, t of the exour�ionistis return- al str Ili se6tlone, arg As important, yobablk,'to ilia efflOcts' of ovor-pry(luctiti6ii and okeegsive. love tho.opposite, a larg nulliber. of cent-. driaks'llis, Cupof collao taxed 0 Per j of thein. Wo dont Nvnt. to a of the L,, H. &'X It.* .1o' 4 mend. Ilia c-oup moraI8 aud. the intellect of t is country as are colnpotition,'diroctl�,caus&d and stimulat- irs, wbo be 'Iong; and wo hope those t - d at 8 o'clock soomis to be dbizll� Ann all larly At School. A prayer'mootiug evor3r Burt - superficial . tbinke �af and 860 ci�nt.j or k6a 78 �61t cent. Seasons his foo, ad home �by train in the ev6ning,. About out eyes too 0 ay evening STY) so much of the charges and rocriminit; with. sitilt taxed 100. per pepper- 257 -nine o'clock it vet good displ&y of�fira-' bbfil.�tbis- paragraph applioi will rolio the Schools themselves, Thp oxistehleg 61 ad b ilia unfqrtuhato attempt to faster Air.. y w ve much gobd,. As. it is conducted unitedly by all those 'is dopondont upon t'[6XIntion—Chioily rblv AIso� to, write to Works w."'give'n, and th 'Items manufacture by a protective, duty. Treasurer of th; lei cont.; orspice, '379 per mit. Ublooks: its. wotInd tip the the strairt'at tile O�rliost o',pportunity. donotainations, the room. always being crowd- general. 'Ono woul 0 ioad, and Special and IoW—aQ a modicum Per' d suppose fh�t It ah1gla leatio loin tZili!hcho orders for the money, for'$5 OCO tions, become wearied -of the discussions irbutid uport'his wifo And children, all taxg- Celebration of Dominion y at Goderiell, a(!. . A reading rootq Lgh, kept in connection In the Subool Finhilihill ltaports,thoro* tip. t of 1111SOXAL.—Mr,, Nillo, Ila$ his Sort would be sufficient, for. t i hoot, 0 the same iiny, takes a chow of tobfic. One feature of. the day's proceedings was P. V. -Brown lie ..Worth of debentures are in'tho 61 Ill. 4 ell Ili With the Assoriiiti6u, Bind everythini.dono.by retire tWo crodits—govornment grant afiA ;I awaiting'his Reboptdizoo of 'the 1 and denounce all participators in tbeto dout- here,' arid ogagodpri determined ghts a4gar oduce - sadness. ig a r been long. resi in", the officaro' thereof to rifiso 'fallen hulliallk, ouitty iraut—and by niouns of those 611allis'' 0 IT co takea at-100q)er qent.; Or Ii of a nature'to pr efleer 'of'prbtection. as falseand 0 up i, cipally pot weaving, Idavost(J-dayfor 'While --oil this- Subject iUtruot i6it-'will Of -0111 -by 046�writd vto the Ottawa, inaigorimitiately taxed 120 per cent,, and then thank,. ilia tive'nitirldi, and that'was"tho'great iiltzhouiat . . in eat to A more exalted �ositiou '--b-Plit- 0't-litidox- drinking that WAS i . nd'ulge4 in` Craigiffle, oil the. Northorn-ltailWdy, near - --. - , ­ - - - . -1 ­ , - 'f 5r ilid a low Me, of, ana- G6vernment, affil state flint, tho, Council diq,eff -aud disturbers of th6-peaoft-of -Ooun-- stars*that:o-Iiv0S-in thoi. frdeat and not deeinitself i6powored fd over ally Apd consequiintli-tho' liirg nimber of' ihl Barrie. He desires us to returr - thaiI6' -than salt',m4kers, to explaiii :some. �f tile pay Government uitidibi Heaven," aL V don't know WItother those who origizz&4' Eart'6f tha,410,000 grant to tho BaVrION Ilp try generallyi for th-liberar'patronago -lie has. rabeivoil STAN E toxioated persons that wore to -be seeno and, ad now: aU tan these so-oallo stotemailts of Profemoi Gibson`n report,. an in n d aids' r6olo, 6r till the 0 oxernment has opomt For the past few wveks' several elece. while' dwellin here, -to? retain or rogues * but will proceed to'tho o,' lifloa, a they tiro, prose4taid, ight liavo,;L malso, what had a.- tendency- to deepen this in Wis kindues , a with Which lig and Xo'llo 1 b andries;0:'Vere thia-humber 6f,�o_uths who memaiy the picnic in Mr. it Is only: noce for low M.01ed by SeeDr. �NVooc s� tion contestd have been in active- pro- m4n.t4land. othic-al l')'oreeption Arn that the Active a�d Mi. GrAhaM Are, oriloreil, Tlib neW Statute at Limitation' �wqio the worse of. liquor. It appqared'aa' was treated. Aikenhead's b on behalf of ilia Sabbath ail re s.a$ to� school in that neighborhood, to�k plactl' 6, *6uld r6grot thisvdault morethau, .,gress bes*M..[L lah�gg. political piianic. ?r If t4siI parties. had gone . thither, tor the On -' NYhon, tko � t6wnsb1p` Col ter -goes" Ilia jJ and accomplish6d Profostior,him- tohavo the J. Allans6R is dater- Friday.. afternoon, last.� Tho day. WAS. all. round, 40 also Utica - uli,.Gar U'eeial �tlllool iax� self, 6-doubtl a -a real estate, - passed in 1874 (38 Vic., a. 36,) -wh (38, 4posoilthat-matto two, at which very len thy speeches on uto Gr on the F irat,6f* -July,, and. PullPose of giving a, loosbi, ri�in to their ap, rs )Bridge, 2nd And 3iii'. Came if 'mined to. takb.'preceddupouS a -that o�uld-bo and'ibe *attehidance, At.2; per cent. wnsllip tax, a. hioli; both as it scientific inmi and -A Moved -by Dr.. AVoods, seo, byllylr, -Keys .9 ' is, , pposing'they�, could. d a-* Out"of tho'To 6 pas. , s'u 0 a ith. ion, having been fiia4e givilit prof orb' " id �o the- County tr 'of thi' that the clerk notify ides have been given, and if an uthilot its provisions-ten-years"adv�rs ity doner,'als, he yoBierday'brotiolif, *us a bas lirgo *,; phip a provis ion is pai Be",. 'former rdsid a district, he was the olork 61 Bayfi6j t1; till -com.I fa� eb.of1ho1now var�bty-'.of polls which hei even for a much larger gA - Surer, aut oat of the sitount thus aggregated outsider, who was totally ignorant. of wo Id not be gpecially-mo �with a both S' fie rights of the Ip as having many iawiol's they k thering ; Ono ta easion will bar t Qwek in p land. After the.Ast of , Juiy any pQr7, would, be eqiially well kilown. tq tl�is.Cbuaoil Will niect' in that �ijlWgo . i' eud, cidled the ble' well loaded With the best of refresh- by ths towtisbips; tho County catincil,appor. 1 . unuil to 8' lately. brought,' tilbn� E�g I I. . thar. who might,p'oruso tia roport.',Soe Tlew td meet tbe Dayfirla Q6 (tld the facts, was to,read them, the only aon'Nyho has been tell yers prior to that The vendors or'nilikers of 'pop, ginger i, Superlatie" the p6d -Of. whicli-atta, euts'licing-abdut eighty tioiiw-ibmet�riug back 'again foi se.eo of land, adversely t -Are beginning io practice. a .-feet t b . 1. pur� pergbiii�havoboot�-lo(lbybisfig'viros.to.Bnp-. the aaeouia-t between t1to tv"6 in date 111 posseWoil' Q the. mean, arnm6th. dimensions.. of fAvo inches, .4ftd_,one'sbortor. Four large sivingi wein is thil ad -16 --could arrive at -would d -it is ollb.d. a I I Parlia'- trick at theso,large gatherings, Yt�llillll pqso that there is a.considerable' difference owner, . i6clalt isIatureaj)POriliousabulk Council tbawadjourned to meo� hai,o w1l, which is the filling of 6 poiti coutnifis ddoubld row of,pofis.'. There Was constant requisition, and dthor Sources. of -sum for Billion its fund. being chiefly the in -ilia strongth,qnd purity of tho-brino dn' the same that David did when he spoke. mentary The first. olailso' of thef on of tale bot also a Cood'sized-oneumber grown in the aniuseirient wore pursued With a; hearty. yig� Hotel, Btyltela,,on the Ist Munday in August J1 Calladidil'salt4re- '-tleg'with wh,6er, and when the purch-astirof partakini'cif.refroshillon'to, the hand ixoney. front the Dominion 33,xi- dlffeie�. at 2, P�. hn. NO; fli.. This, howevilr, is hot tile case.' in haste, and -said-,, Ali men are liaria.11 ft is as follows`- or. Aftbi. hequ�pir'. and this is Chiefly filled froui the gI(. person shall make any entry or dlo­ a battle 4isooiiiers 66' trick*, and charges company gathered, urautid itio.platform, on �o * . . . 00*. that'.7tho. Po]ctions.)4y di nadiah Salt isdrawn' riot like that of 8yia�. It is unfortunate, and to be deplored ADy*aOtiO11 Oi'Stzit- to recover ..the vierhdop with'it,.. the latter dehys thlb Tiiiii C110118 ANJ) T1XV, WtAT For OaStOms. -So iroctly tresfi at bting Whiplithero wero the Revs,,McDopald and : . I saine,and charges the maker;with t; and thepist'four or,fi�o dAys-1ho weather -]ilia I . the county grant ilia indfie6tly tho.'go'yern­ ones and Sagii�aw,'irotn'i3ali'spriligii, but' I Ile I M that so many false assertions- ana..,piis. any land or rant but withirit.ton years nex't, MeCnaig; and Messrs. A.- Matheabil. Ana. ontr8aif - �A � sing - says that -bb sold it 0 he bought iti -an kon, rainiilg tit iiiiervals; dur- mout �raut ;'bosidoa losing a greater Ppre; a.. directly, frorh a deposit or stratu' fit of T i d- been te.ry bro Q oronto lawyer who ramu. to thia� colintry. aa af ter the -firneat ph the right.tQ.makel E� Holmos, the laitar,acting. as.ahairman. ago in thelirdi -il amed '061 erlying a vast ortent. of:country tatoments are made, but 6till. there 18 -ill not.iefund, anilp.of"dours6 the strangilr' -it graikt than their Owu7 t ".und Such' oi.to.bring Stich ac� ig the and, varm, and snrtry -ha, fomor three delivored interesting, iu7 tax costs, afid, a far grea I ill -have rstccened to some It Huron -and Bruce,:ata dopth arylng panj�s her lionto in a fow, aftys. , living Ox entry, oh�Aistrim ,, a �T in Ono. of Miss 14cphorsbit's truth somewhere, Ana it within the qon- or Suit. as. to otiffar the loss. torill.tholast. An& e-insulti that-tbegrants-Whall- Shll �Il, as. coulld'be 86ructive, and impressive' act6elisoB, ii1ter thbro is. Also. ill of what may be d6coulplioglicA b not be paid tb 'the trustboa, but only 6 th6 fro y P as (according to the fri6qualitips of the.grouil reach of every age, if there is a dlsposi� porPon'tfirough*w)totu,hi:i blaimo or if such wis�ed." -As hay is-n6w quito ieady, dry ed.with 861�ihg by'a 80106b, choir. from M:90016 1,200 feek.froni 0 severance and ensrg� !a this, loant%4 of' ight shall not have, a orsob . I .''. --wh6l teachor.- chool, arid also by. the 0 school,. tion to find it'out, and. a 4ent through -whom he., cialms', then Within ten' Pihdr.it, It -will be he 1 .;cruod to any P weather is'watited'to 10-11 the chicisup' T brine drawn, f r6th thl' 'a is Say's ilia Isfitoboll ',0 young man the leadorobip* of Mr. 0. 33airdi sk., a sourc tile undort]W . The' -r6 rulai"MothiblyL mooting itoiX alterations in tho school laws and undiar ordinary, g 'It � to yearsflext aft4i the time at IvIlich the iight, .'.,of eaviest crop. OV4r. gathered in this sec; ouinstances, 'ItIt or hear of Howick, *6. Orpoiltak - ��y tr,�do '004!tced a . a. n Prol.-.,. 'he oom� nd ang or S, r satisfadtion�by their at andL orilOr agin ­ girl.. ho lady Wbozzl'116L. od..another mount of time and labor is'aev6teA -o'not'vo Pany their dl.ight full �es-of flhe� youn to- make inch oil trk di 66ss'o' tobihig iiori.,' Tiie'p6tata'bugs lit to tgh".' bilidbo- oftered two o threo successive. hat ia, 100 dilogre g lady. find. after8viLT& ulftr�i that object; . The full truth ot. ve Mayor tit tho.chair and -all the mornboria fie thia-seasoi) and'fio'dain'age nco.11bo oil- arliamoAts. 1 'objected, through- th6 prea solmnoten'. the Syracuse and 8 aw r,y:� such adtfon'or su� nil lia Mtdr.lhoaldseoi ioexerciseatheromaill-" it oil vii'first acornt-A a, dut the; making, or'� bringinv,'.the prasentr_�exceIili Mi. Stevens. * Kiitos.of tortairled,frolix them. a till when, greatly hz;odig6d, Ilia last,'(Wricd,' Salt Is M11611"Ne.4ker, (stondinig gonorally,at. to a Son last weelt iho child Ivas taken dei. ofthe refreshments were Bold And real- all&. About 60,degroes), thiB,eircumsti 1Vroxeterand i1i tbe mnir of its aston. subject s. not discovered ivith previons meeting read and ad9pted; R6. & to act illy. lolig6k* as trustee. deal skA -I dollars, R X 'Y. G W A B' iniph ized Pomething,over elevei The near the opinion of an, old giontlethan aeross` -gives it- great 'advantage to the n expenditure of algreat labor. alAd The Act covers claims Wider mortgages, pork: of the4ii:14hice Committee.read 'and GA' DR ta ' �OipjS W Ca:adian ished father. A, fow iePay l�eL.received.axL.niiiiiial.bask4t bf,voge6. to I re. who maiptitias hat tile evils ievolt- manufact4ior. When a woll is newly suilk was retarnsd'to'its.mothQr. 'J`h.0 Who e'lland it i& not slifficiont, ta, say-, war 9 d9piOd, rbedimmending the, payment of the; tables froML Ali. . ., E wings, who I 'IS L for. it raise" Ailildow, placad tho infant ti�hn , 1. and-.otb r 6ar'jes Ili 1937, ore not equal'. to thos ict leisei,`h�seiesll do 0 following acconfita --Geo. Routgen, sQJf a which. ill this 4isti however-. or -W-athorT y n t is my opinion becnse. it"i� -iii The in -the Salt a ratum of tho abild jiulra Ott' "ilia and�niidrz welk oil main streets; $�0145fl. moineye.ars PAE[b BLYT111, havo-griewn out our school two.' words - before.the cavi inside And deca%ped, l6avin,, tile j, t of- nuohil , 0 'e charity $8-.- ofwell-grown, rIy'-'kbpt Conti Y, is largo 9nough -to, yield'a, itiffi6iiiat su'pply father befor work In St.: John's Ward $33, potatoes, but this year was oti foilhe opinion, and that of y or three partiod'stole a r6arch upon hitzi. by As. the'area, of the a vory and her Idian 'ExhIbItIou at Option was but 1500'goies 18 Th.0 Cai 54 Thos. MoXay; or� -of 01f abd mail Nf D;ty.'. w4s� here ceIabrilt6d. by but hon the farms contiguous. to thetown of Tiljl� saturated br-in'e, -it will for'no time despaired of.: - Iter. fathor -AIgo lioa in- a 16W mei" simaing us sampleB a couple of weeks go, a b" a will fall below the or-- state an4 is noiing.tho'gray in cemeferyt 834-80- - I Twitcholl, Shingles, 'athlatio sports. The compdtition'fok-Alle became di occur4hat tb rin - ' P judge from the a f; ispotatoog -The f olloWing from the Cozirier dcs M018 J ohn Croll, -so i' vided so as t a Yory fast. , 9�i:_: - p t,'It WAS phirpoobd In the speecbes above;mentioned a worCoii-mark6t, $1 1. E. and, to b ri wad keener than ever befove.in -Blyth Iciefit to,waf '%Je & scit9ol POPu a- dlthniy 13tandard. Thii"wav, probtLbly till) ntub thro& Uag, the leading Frendl trhe!TJnited ho, odill done ilia eanic, so thiLt-he is tion suill Case. Lith th'" Cli' reat deal more fi-ititude was- P.P.Mer, 11�lrel ffOIjrles:&-S�n0:.prInting nd advertisin , 4 have . . a . that the, school sh u be , -uninterrupted. w eL , 66ift -which are ei 9 btaxes, may us ccept6 its tip in el igent and 9 not behind any Ono 4n raising. early pota-- ftTid the Samos or . conducted. nton wall, xred foiby theii soil *Jl6 hag the's Mr. a at 92 do- pathile qf 8 0 FornAndez and out Prof. �Gribsohz'obtaifi6d ilia brin all, whil t the goamp -tAio IuW ruined, f thb display -Which $39.82 Bailey.' .,& Thyne, lumber for the toes and'* d -garden Ferizandei'gave. a cow., Last yeari thilirii f s6bool ago, of wit 67 wore on tile re' I va been sunk ro;. the girl goes free- 'Snrol� title jamw , Inns of Parliant nt' impartial appreciation .990 -ilia oveninw, 76 nanies'w6ro on, at be *Ps taken -on the floor 0audan, has made.. at'Philad6lphia:-' steets,'$90.23 ; Wm-. Thornton and inen in 'tlie Vemplaea.Hall In,, gteao N'Luelly Wells'lla, 0 be done with impun ty tko'Sun4lay School. O�ho would liav i The Canadian Exhibition hoverthat of work, on main -streets, work ia St.L to a full house, all wore'highl ease qtor, A teaLhor is.,cii; cently, and -to brino at Clifilon tiEr w6h as' defectivo 0 to. Suffer fdr because it could 50 T6o.Ta%i&--6n boiniinion Day a.bporb- y lar at $300 (the iato paid last a tIlo'tJnItedStat6s*(to which Woannot be Zortai 'ighb with tlibir perfor�mance� Tfiis 0 Xo 'or ',p is ROW not being under the necessity of sup- xamas Ward, $2, J124 frel MI ?)'I' " - galed for the ail oth , laces in this diatriat* .9 oioUthe St. Thomas y.liryrid-slid 1, howeier, except, Ili a mematiropropor- Wailes palary '&o a Js thd'bog'jaid.workdr fix the 66fistantlyA tho'highostitandard"that'is The dispensers of law and lustieo bad' a Parisi Xinca�diuo via'L.; 11. �Pi 11 andbolow-Yo yt on J I with the okeoption of, perhaps, Six 0 dogrocs. I leavy day iti Wing porting it with 0 inble to- be tionable to the. two conzitries) the advantage 0 - - a , at or close upoul-10 limn buTuesday last, . in -1 an Court, 'or In ititelligent and metfiocild no -of Ilia holtosof t-�o 1141), 1 _iyo Iniegardtothe ohe songstress i�ffl agaiii sing fri BI p15. vhich We 12th, 6a tile good tomplars 0 ongitgod, in tradoi Of coarge I except rents, %ildition-ta;'the iitting of iho Division' . lourt brought to task for any questionable -as- of �arfdct order,of OpThe report of tit() Fire and Wafer Coin- inmnt, on thalievening d have s mical urity, of tlid. whiall pTesbrits a sort of By�optic- hope inay lead our rural friend, to- PuEL or the c(fuivalcati in*a-minimuni. ntoreat for Classi meeting" her aoryi�oa to. Jfurnish Milbia.' - ItL is$ %yo vapitalfixed in bioldingS,L 111 brino, Ilia hmo remarks will apply. JAB the: SO OrCsfing 'Cases -word tried'before a U In all miifeb laid overfiam, last reg'qlar forth greater-exortionS f6i ilia -oradication 'PlozzloatS" cothposed, iablea of the resources, of Canada was then read, th�'tblstle as . we P ligher wages, Clintoubrifio7'whiph. iho.Profo4or analysed Of MOSP',rs serti heir -to �e a first 61asa. affair. Bills 40, Lta. , Tlioro are some roebiving 1 Noolando of brativiiiiii,bf �roducfioh; both natural and n, of that �Oxiolla-,*Pcql Ou6L Of Wilighaln, 11big'.1of Notwithstanding. the great number Movild by Coun. Menzios,- sec. by Conn. fair at the prograninies will be. in A day or tvio, bu6 they woric about 90 days. more 4a iLo Yost- happono& to be weak, it Of course praticod dustrial. �, One would snyii was like, 1; pregent time too littl' Attention ialler proportion 6f -chloride of sodium Armstrong Aloiris; Corbett, that the.Fire and Witter Commit- " Hear wit P� Xelly�a grist'iift is. tit present shut. -arid ofieh hours instead of )ter six; and lose non and Drdnimond of l4yth. ;JPun. charges 'made against Mr. Mackenzie a,book, iAwhich all the subidets were airang is paid to its destructioxi. at he abapt9rby chapter, in a logi a be instructed to have all tanks*clearised down whilb.41le- inillwriihis,plit 'in now by sickness, whiell"Sho Would hot, (Coninion, salt)'than, blio- other bri, n Of Xhiloss, obarged,1110011ow1ug, I 'pro- . , Clinton, ri - - .1 Cal 4hin, says-: "-Shortly ..after loavin eother han C ill own Ora on, ut,v Iichinaiy. d afli nd his Cabinet, we have se6nnone app- md filled .*ith water thht rtiqu i It Irregiflrity, is coniplacinod of, A th ooding from simple to*complex, in wbic l.P that pest of tho. fainior, the datio ada thistlo, ead us, in -t -the end, the iender, fin morn, an �Puflilig-UP4 In a,to -o--- -a- 7�n �A`dOt their dii his any repairs are required, to have- it - --jl-- af poFteO by proof tbat voii1a., I arri.ving t , .. . "I . ­ � - - egg- dii6iiiiiluanco of Belloal fees. 7 his Agurosa somewhat larger proportioh of, 6intrAry10 staidto -1) ted,sucla being j" -Mm .�! & B. statioM 5W 3oapp, and ivith6kit ithdicatop w, hotwo at tile L. 11 vlyth , :I) a' laildi upon aq It, cortahl impla I I-A—estd—egree'to otherwise of Hero* thdbok; - w6 and Water Committeo!s report be not adopt !Ilyth Me s rig will tuuch' in market. Tonolling ik 1106' often outoie(.1 r, tios (sulphato, of lime, and A. Fisher and L; J- Brace, Ivillgliala; Local, ..ilia 6ffo Jurprove, as.& gra 8 '11' ny ilia exhibition. commehides witlitbe 7-. poor.system, of f4raling"' -vo v6*ry much enlarged the' innoni vo0aticii; ;' and I think nevor by -aliorido t1i UIA of Clile �,Wiis.,,Bluovalo; 1, and ry )VI Tito R, R, I�A p than that he is doing his utmost ta,PaT tho�. has llavillg�. Aly expe ban. 'It all it be Tito 6st soil,, y0wh we are hie inadn' 'to understand by. contract with D,. B. ;Konried� for - GuAvAT, RoAa�,;.­The contractors hj�ro siding at this tation ; Ulf ff looks like bugi- positive wo �i rionoo is Rogeriion, cso tried. lose Who becil lon,g in X.0 pa aro� purely casual r. Which was. On. the gover, ps pad specimens of viatiriWg the- strept was readi a6461# d and just closed tho-ob, 6f putting on ourat6eta nes ahoa& that' wao that'001 P. Kelly, q eqb'ande6mpatent.,ono,'wlio aismisada for ,Ament in the interest of the admirable goologicitl ma t.. be bras anainerais, making a completo colloo- which has 'put Tile gravelling of ilia road to tile station had retired f roili it, told we 01rd t Ili or r I dbrino front tlio Santo people., and that be still deserves t t the divoise poiiods. of iorintit!", filed. abdut 220 cords of'graol, that lie oil($ oil lit ity at dilfur� want of sidnei6ub proof.. 1"ho than a ition. is finisligil , it is firsficlitss gravel itnida. j6od ever to jqIl(l%v,.it long'; . 1 9 next case -was that of & , A. Fisher,' e of tlie nion, The report'of the Comejory Committee our principal streets in a good condi 'alid, Itly observatioly yelaiios SII I ly in ita qualt wore fino(l$t And costa. Tito btlie�r support,of the country. On tiiroughatit the whole extent of tile Donti Out ti a _tl quIt"s having agreml it) abide by from British oln wili read, giving an account. of the imolimt It Vvill be romemb d,. that thd County job. he aldpwalk is also completed to 'has jitatified bor conL.IusJ6m Alwasirkkqtl�l VIR is. e wplacehich travellers will fin_ li� mpirationg, hopof uhiegs, buoyancy and oliocr!4 tb. Newfonadland ore d principal. ebarges against' of work. done witligrantll6w6d, And also Council, at last Sitting, urged tlfo diffor6nt the greab as the'diffordrico betivocii flig, brines all at in tlfa case of the r;i -were -manufactures iho. metals show specimens which are equal 'to mineral products Ili the skin furthoi that the fenie nd gate 4.0. the Several gr6a c nos$ of youth against suj)posed � experience. similarly ddalt 11 steel rail purchase," hich, we are .9 1 -municipalities to pub Ana Itoop orivenienca. of different wells,' -Ili fact, it is believed United States, with this obsiirvatiou, they are repoired, and also that the grounds in front 11 zolids Wifffin their bounds. in a good Wo Sumby schools on Wednesday hold Tito ondenvors to descod 6 the leal6f Child. that there is no portilationt -difference in ilia 9 getherally of the same models, -Canada '-alool of Cometery be gradbil, and posts put in grav" ality of ilia brino at tile various locali- --------- iven to understand, wa condition. Our porporlition have done so, a tonic in th;, grove just south of,tbo vil-I ish nd Obtuse'. ilitalleots always doadqn. qii ties. on the advice of Mr. Fleming, (tit 6 -*a pianos, w anfA� Wo hope all otherawill follow their ox- I go; tile juveniles enjoyed the affair jlz�_ Amoigat advanued pupils, there 'is more !it. A. Zomarkablo salueposs porvades Elio, MARRIEP. Mi.. she hiela do not equal those of tile to. tle horees to sit thei-time of f tiner4ls.. Moviall by Conn. Smart, seci by Con. amp oned, and-liot lot them again ge there , -,�as a. tellactualgeope. Tholowesteertilicategrant-- whole dep 170 nent engineer, who was a ointed great faliforics of Xow York and Boston, but )a at t mo Sol w The sarne evening undoubtodly-j) cOOd- pp. to d solid Menzieli, that the report of the Cemetery ell has IlWaYs'-'beell adoquatif--to the mifiiiC. ad from -a- esidenco, of some of them nevertheless are good an in0such a bad coodition as tliarv'ero this' -tocia a -Mr. A. Ildwironcela it) holp pay for it itumenw. stilt lake or inland son the brido"s itither, 11, Mi niontl in this section, Only two girls, long -*Of all early geologic Ora. Thabostovid. Or. 'Jill, 4t1i bEjtjo office by the late Ministry This pnr- instruments; F que once Comthittee be Adopted- g4, stitch in tflzho's�vos nine. ilia fonco, about the W. 11., churd with -the exception iprill w, outercil upon.gootlptr ; and, One trftllr' b(itlit-pl, after te kind, having a special character, ail. of tile clouse askinR for more money,- and jolly fouaw� nd thoio, prosentad A chase Mr. Mackenzie boldly asserts *918 sweritig to a branch of commerce in which. Qa. oyfn U%lity of, tile IV, dalighter o sof the repor 107'avish . Shuf"4v last �,oar. Ott A, ' I . .�) rnia, forknorly of�Clinion. j)je, aud-.every�stepAhAt­w­ -der the �usplpcg:ot the Huron V, Armors & salt produced, Tito. Salt which ws fur-�. oe.r - Canadiaus.bavo.aboy everything n right to be o gran ed-thiii j�ar.�-Carrled..` Misa Elion. McTavish left hero On IIQ!I- '�oipeAeaf ascertain ilia capabili- 1>11y ket.in it was strictly inancord Mechanics Association tacit place 'oil the nialied by several of. the iiiiinufacturarS of '- LIT.�At, Whitby, = tile 4th. ance with. proud of,_is tlii�"§obliotl of yu13XIo instruction, ., A petition froid T. Biddlecombe, and six day mprning for Alpena, Mich. il whore,abe ties And requir6monts of � Crory scholar-; And Ilia b'-' " t which deserves to be studictl with particular dthets) ra ihg that a water tank be cono forth of Mr. 1. Carling near Uxotbr, -eli intond9ftayingsiowwooks, owishher will tAo care to be up to ilia studies railtiirod. Ifurozi to Dcowotib-to'th& 10ontennial -1;,'x- 'tho Rey Ali, Frazer, Mr.. S. law. We think it will bear th.� 0109fS those nlitious which pi(III6 structed.. ft,the east side of Albert street Tuesday, The eathering of spc A Now York pipe� before me mentions two hibiltion, as analysed by Dr;, of To. G. T,. It. C'Iinton,,so Ali Sh Care ven by them . .. 0 a visitt scrutiny without findin' anything in it selves upon pos 'do of to-provent the surface water ir very largo, There. was ail unusual number roiftur L�Tho f 9 Bossing the best meth otu crossin klonationamato to cAiloge�bby*,0110-0f� i6so �lldwiug tablels derived. part. of. Whitby, and sister of 34ra, hero- boin4 of machines, on 'the, ground,. t Career f -read a few li-from bisfigores, to -which tiro'Wod, for )traiton; Clintoij, long. said Street from the -Mark t Squafa,'was presi- that would be discreditable to those *bo bear ural s6eti�ii'yiclds in ten combined and thirtoon dinglo. After Ituileff CP.11111611.� defit, who became a teatillor in histeons , And oolliparinoti, the analygos of the S-PunVL%.-Af'tII6, johide4o o Tho'Canadian bgrtatil� teAd.-Referred to the Stre2b 0ornmittee. f L, at pres' got Ing to the oxhibition of the, States :6fid The Qounail then adjourned, omo. *cry, supposed to knoW ilia hoigiza a, was proolotod Saginaw, andA.1urk's1sland salt ent conduct the eppilint of noth 11 a fair 'contest, inwhich,. a, ilia bridos father on tho 28th, guile, by itiathiments 'of every $orb proserited'are "�* _. . . . 0 1 ?A the I work was_,-dono#- the jad&s -gave th� fol- - Vouncil mot lit La7u6sbaro, n "ilia 30th of- to a Ilatin class. Rd applial himself ad randia the country. equal,, Alin ost-With out An* ektertion,-- There iing prizes, with the poinIs mado Isto une, all -tho'nionibors pretient, and minutes ly, that his Ignorance Was ot; stlaij,96teJ, tile Itov, R. Uro, Mr, sohili 110111IC's, to 'Bliss Aghos Pury 'kit, this town, aocompau. Lord Clarendon, says that Lucius Cary.j Vis. odetich Vp mayi be seen n- Ing ng machines, f former rilooting read Bad confirmed. ii;, both oft; 1 a 4 the residence of the' of gach iirodi TURKEY. B. Bell & Soil, ..St-Goorgof 7.0; 3td, Nexon low, atil-roap ied by iovdiT�l geiablionian train Seaforth, Harris & Swill trahlord, 81 points'- 21rd owing straw cutters, &O� joly(jil by 1. Howson, seo,.bY' J, Britton, count Falkland,*. " was a person, lof t esterdiy, 'tot Scotland. ill at.tho -petition 'of, J,�lzn 0 hu rehill and others g1gul parts of lelwiling and knowtedge, of ifini. wo bridolo'fthor, Exeter, on the 28th. 3-una, mechanic' apparaills, jidmirably coLrIptruoted & Bros., Ingairaoll, 70, 40, A. Maxwell, Mu- W-, 8xrLil;fortnerly a resident of this be gralited, ail& that Qoorgo Warlaor ba paid. inimitable Sweetness and delight in convorsa-, Godorich 08.42 by the Rov, -Iil - W. Holiliogf Mr. Goo, on the newest iclid, most perfected tnodels. 0.00 045 rb is n& 1�nger a qudstion Gf poido' Par . 75 -at tile rate of $7.16o year, Or b6iriling Bad tioup of so flowing And obliging'a humanity 011ikion ........ 08.64 0.18 8 ir, only son of T. Wait, 1sq., of Us, Vor certain ploughs, it is Claimed, that they town, but late of Luckilow, has Ased 1 0.7 Wei have the Advantage of performing t the Ontario House Oode'rich, con clotbin Ooalo'au indigent Person, ItOill ....... 0.20. or ivirar, for hostilities have actually com- )erfeet,;ioork 4 ' 1 0. -0.- X -At A-' regillar meeting of t Mary and goolhibma to mankind, And Of that plinli- ....... O.R8 DAM bar 0 Mary Harri0b, OlAY'datigtor of duet the satuo. 1. ) the �4t of April last. -Carried,' Wr6ainiplicity and integrity of life, Witli Such sfwinaw. int 11.81 no, t with the'least dynamic force. - The products Clinton Lodge Xo, 83, L 0, 0, F 'On Moved by 1.'1VarwiOk, Boo. by X. Mason#- exessive. litilitility AtI6 addration of truth., Turk'A1014,44. 90,70 menced, but it is a question as tO what 6tailied, stiah no grain, etiq, henna, &C.i Tuesday evening,: the following ' officors that ilia othillof $3.50 be refunded to Laws nations and people shall be involved in form it compldia and mothogical series,-whidbt AIUCTIoN SAL9,-Our* readers will fioli* On Now, �only the first -of theoc. qualities call be Thill ta�lc,,ahowg two facts wth sufficlant werai.natalled b� D. D, G� M. Heywood Moore for statute labor4ax, for tho yo r 104, tiseottaine(I-by tompotitive oximination , but clearness. "If, sillolve, firstly, chat tila 1111ron. guides tile 'Obsofvor arid enables Iii1ft to RP- forget, the sale of f urniture, &a., on Satura. IV. poster,,. N. G. w'orlk�l r ifano-as doothrito of all AD auliabilitioa as Slit el Ite-8,10r, it, and a fear is enierfained, based on preciate at it glanca tile agriou tilral PPOducts day, at the iosiddice of Mr. W. Mariton he having pai;l and Peiforined the I Salt produced'at, difroront localities is prac. Wiseman, V. G. oat(! year.-�-Carriod: 'Can be tolerated,. an pass another who has as tical y id&lItic, I in Ali good reasons, that it will not be cbhfined; Ofill splopdi4 molodabb, will. be. offerod. 11 ty for tile sliallt 'furniture 8tock, 116rqcs"Wag- In conolusioh Canada dierves tho gr To Callofider, It. S. lsbyJ.Irawsov, that large nloasuro of then% tit% Ilutildt'ity is Op� got'$, &0., of NTIr. W.. Afarton, lit to Turkey and ]ter revolted Provinabs. credit for the exhibition of its roEPirces. Itis TO COItRU8PDXDPXT9. "We have feceiv6d NV. Hemphill, the ' folloml�g accounts be ttLid, vit.. -Robert by.ovoix fie few ks.. must have, I difr&encoa' tire no gr6alor th'hn would"bo apiar, $4, NV,. able 6f, mar be Spiso the shown b 01 orn oNtration of honest character, it communication over the signature at -Bia"lac, $8.55 -, Mrs. J. y diTaront specimens- of salt taken j. moreover 0, the preference, -1 have learned to do 0 inton, on Baturday,..T�ly 8th, lit Ono Although England upheld Ttirkey in front t Santa %yell, For, installed, ilia, .showing the industry and firbilliets"df its in., "Mark7walth,",butaiwafail tose� Ally Jh.- Con Aikiinti, $6.90; W, Bailey, $3.40 ; 1. TfiotiI04 gtaudardi'aud, come to regard tile cortilleato the Crimean war, and very ikely the,' �Abitadto. I . son, $3,,40 , ;It for gravel for roads, ; Nvilliam, I lid 80afOrth Salt ill tile table All We Soo in it the eve and the hand riterost- in it 1.6 the general public, woith. Goo, Ward,' War', - 640, Only'as*zi pormit-to be, its, impurtineut ows lie indica. present government,are disposed to do of at foreseeing, ndmilaistratloii joalorib-6f the, hold -its publication, 'We are pldudd to ttobt. *XewmArobi 0, S. 18, ]Brown, 35 C., for P106411 - &aflO & IjAvL impoeoot, . - - tion. of chlovido of filagnealuin, but lit tlte� team.� The wholdexhibition 4as been 'cations that for IS road gerAporn; W. 0. Caldwoll, $0 to- AL=t obanias of teachors-which I aut no 11 poArao salt" of the - game wall, Dr. Ellis JUST OPN s receive at Any., time commatit GOO. 06ttle, Q, . IVICCO610, 09, foroutting ailv0dato for; but reasons might be given. Irby found 0.26 of th4 kVoty fitle, assortment of Ftwq, till kinds it again we have no idea th6y wotld �iurlaleltoosa by, 'q, Govortment :0oftimission, to tairing culverts ; , 6 substance, while in tile which has been' aaa maTbleinisrosting10 our readerg, but we Thos, lot 80�-Carrlod, Olintonjvoll-, Singularly ono,ugh, he found. or from, Ill. eon. It. 0. 10" 1 ell a'Cornmuio� White, L, I they fire ftford likely t6 -be soilght for by,00m­ d'pripou, Black Thornp Hazel, Bamboo epliat lat folly, as tho bone and sin6w' each Province. The clitel�risa has tftketi in do not care for Articles that contain neither moved by I Warwick, see. by s. Howson, potent toachersi thati by trustees, ospedially. no bitten of It whatever, 6ihor arialyeog, find Oalt Walking Canesi now stock of f,the country are opposed to tile: AUDI this uhique direction of Aaractor of unity, head, ottail, arid piAoions little body. 'Par- J. A. gRakrider, It, 8, X. that the Rave, and the Treasurot -be author, female 6noi, Lam'n6t given'to changd, ind oil subsequent daa,L MigKb havo exactly re- A11`10 -MOROCCO CARD CA4PS,- AL - apart from the olottg oflatUvidual coutriba, ties aeuding us correspondence for insettioif' S. 9, Morcer,'L, 9,-X, G. izaa to borfoVt from the Canadian Bank of when I have boon A atty tothem, the reasona ersed those propoitiona. 11=84 okeel just, the thing for .. .. ..... )rgor h T] in thb M D, a, Dowaloy, (M, D) It. S. V. 0. - Coramored, or tiny other chartered blink, ilia aeb16, 1 declined a lailla of- it ort of the tyrants. torn, which has left to them, very little initfa� paper nee&Only put 6110 O"t 13tb ?, .- r ther-fa-.t�showir,bytlr6--Liiblo ig'b I And' to' tit p h" 110 D Russia is making gfGAt, jilbg"O, 6A bitt which as a final kiolt cobduces ononvolopo, bitt they rAust not goal fhevawel S. T L, 1-sam,of $1., 500, until the taxes, are oollootod v to Iledbuild I doWde'rril ilia, t6rrn4'6xcGs8 a Idoc to n0v stoto 011 dedi &.auporiority,of the CatildiAn icorner, next door,tojt. the mordlitud Advancement f6i whon- that has been done we have boon Inc ar t ji, he foroign stilt dorivoil fromi tho rlotla Callauder &.Oola. Chap,: moot ilia eurrimt; expenses, of the. township, thla section, t4ou , find Pabatloo 0 1" t. r war, and thinkg olia will n6f letibikii 101111hio-V001111try, %tilt tit tit a by. law lid proparod and pooda tot profailrWe amoilgehildran to Ilion, a Col. compollad to y five 461ita-moro to got the I sources With-whiChL if.1148' Chlefly to 00M.' T119 Undorstatitl thitt unless confirm the, satrid,-Orriod, ' 1 -1, f � tunity slip of stisivilig t6 got a 6 ob loiter 011ttif tRa offidd. AIIYU in year& A trustoo.1 Obt 00 1 olol�ontil Of JL40.. some assistance is given tho'Lown, 13and by The by-law Was read Ana passed..* to-olootion, holiattio -the other tt a I thoso of Turkey, It Rusgia- git4g ltily, A.0gimpxxitt doss-greator. strength of' brin ink Item' n Tun COMIRItt-.41.4t) STRAW- the Council, at by private subscription, to Moved. by 1. Mason. Boo, by 4- 'WAVW113ko boon inLyalgloallito konowin fin onpitgomaht a,. 'Ono of interjoring, Englilild W oared 1 ifil the t0Vfn hall, Aid in the purchase Of - insfrumentoif InUsta) tPoot Again without oonsulting him, and to dia justriglit, purity of the natural product, sTj diddii .1 Ill whioli. app 11titItY FARTIVAL 06MO Offil t Ailid, i �, we Map a dam' if !Nfiolh4liat, Of PUtofiolil. �veiajngL Ilifito 'the, weather be, and other requigitoir, thare in gotno ptoba. at Milburn, on the slaoof Aug"st 11ditt, had AS the ftuflo ievolits proved. *The continFod add, the greater cheapness of Lliving, Ili OV"L on Tueoilay Rovislon bo now OnOd stay of thd teacher roy0al6d hi's inattention t6 nadov-there are any among our mimufao. pallad to faka a Pr6mift6fit *Pbii� show. sonioth'ing of' the olitfluslasm flow that the court ot. 0 013, an she 11AS tQ6 Mijoh, at it) veva tng Arit;lonk Ing beautiful this fittaudAiioa was largo and �blllty fliat it will havor to itudirumb to povdr. pursuant to motl6ft of adjibdtfimunt lailt all lilid-dittleg, but only to Ono,did the retiring turars who" cannot -comp��o VpithL those of luid Mr. Alkonholiala I." Nvt,l, . 'Tho hall had been espe4lally I -and break tip, �Vo would muoh rograt V khown and high �otflbld indetiq trulitbe Mention the fact, thai d 'other liountfios% it will, be evident tllkt n6#44y 1161tr AU1A0R 11110AD(itnt,11 oLII(NAT, 6k on whit indIfflorehae, jo(l in thlil thiw 1* the dealislon, by so atAngling to Lace thro done, find we believe the majot- ' The Court of 110visloli 1*41 t1lou OPOliblit 11, -flilsillod the ttgiAtor. Another (the Old one there Ili lianidthing detoo Tito trizin on ficitloobitak trlal�tlpv %Vill pWALA t ,hai, , a 4antleinnn wall tho teacher ha ely, ogteoh. li 1, fifid J$ fiLftlill py tiva". not In the forrt, at thig 41404 AbA, I#; of towIlApopla ,— I ill$ PAP61-0- Already gaying that It i hall could be' made, by proMohAdars, hud. opinion. ovad by J. BrItton., pad, by X. i6hii but ift their moth. thAPsao8(),td1!6t at a- damplato alroult. of the ity of the towniliooplo, its s 6yor )tore with & Xormal Sohoot oottilleate. 40. state of out loglilAti "4#1J. antertailithotit of the i1bople., 1.0001VIng that, the a9liontimal t of flziiroa, thaL.firat yqar lb wadoponed, and All, 1 ads of m6illf4eturo. whidli they 1) ifivithtlob, fit tile %blea, gupplida w1th that great, Itlah, Adiffill, 10111 0 1 boliovo, lie wont fori), who8o to-odgagordant I mt ove to the Matarfal. WOV046 �f Lbi. 4 Stra y" !sing of A tiagiliflot to sm6nd' a# 'quloW AS possible, in the yad fiany of the, Aaaji6n, the strawberry# And therafor only tholitf) pnIts, ltoannatraA- bora, be $500 to 0400, for real O,�Vogod booau4 lie witi not putietuitl -In At. d to aid the followers of of Ani fQwI1&dhO, Boo., Other well disdotlatod With sonably be expooto(l dint thd filernboro bf Drovort ro Canadim A&H-mikora who are Dtof arod; 00, Aft(IL hfiil littlo guVorning. power'. ce"tor Cherry &lid, Sth Streaf, on TtloadaplAot, bo I t-gol, nuil 4,oworx, pladod -thil .ball(I stlill devgto thdiv Itima to it, pur- B ov 4 by Havraon, Add, 1), J a he was of to hold ill( .01glit coma vi a Irga portion of hek Rabje6to in h6 I d Tito An old dr ov�h agaihii�t tiny, fog The deditsion wAs MAd6 dno of enjoyment And at 4, large'ttambot ohalle, �,na music, Ana pay ottior tuAt tho its revised, Ila n low ivlzhqlpla� (116t iiiiinoral In a . b 6W petition hati6evof, leahzito by the rAembtto 6f Mr. B.'s fauilly duanot) Ana 61ftotL eld" �Tlikv ft Pl youth -too fiftoby viotillod to lir.)patVp at are of that fialth, tha ' )kailt set. p kolnd. pagioa ad -that -the Coart of 11livision b6, itow hail lid elasticity to rou 0 uyll AnduLd her awk a. assistad Indidatital o1por, ot� Without getting der Ilimsol.4 agrooltblo tf 11 an(linvitedguosta� After 'the polo Ildd boon of 44atoor vocAllsig and, piatilat atia -other. provinoog, to gaitt their put In position, Carrit, the bright yoong d4tigh- in rond6ring the musloal part of the pro. the, omo. It 01010d hir tha Pasant yoat.-CArtiod. to thil lioliblara, Tip Clork, ter Of Mi, t, AaLvAllood, dfagAod ill h red, bt thay A be, qulto a loss to the- town, world, The ro alliftfol, :tlfw 23rA, 1876, gralumof And We have go dou ch6ol Atithoritica filoqaontly doplo Well, all ge of normal sqhool toaalwrs white and blue apanglisd bedooke(I iwitume, did, abjybi5dy (611 thaimselies Vild, tind,ttimagh the' monoy Is he sinall porootit, twhouuyl a I Om Oyed orl'oontimto In the vacation, he following in tho littat And broko, it baflity of wineL AgAinst tho, aide of at h6rAo and was Ir Muwhehada, for h1hor Plirpno (ToXita), hj%q who are �4pursiiit of their Own lit- Tha sharmidn Wook Wore Wt. 1044, bushels, of Cat tfJ6 litatf, abriaterringitth# l(Con'tonulitl I diVidUAIL PIO&W Thoter w filhavi R will boldom card for wast. at alkloh 666t Milla, M StIrOP0 And thO Beat Of po, ed by prometutding And con- we bAV6 tio doubb but that the, thin itory ",-A 11601 duol took, jWa Ott ng their timiti ill Thohdwho At the Aamo niolbOlAt, Mi*, Alfted, Bee. too, a voiking to apirhloh 6%- woula bo WIllin to extelid kbolping blind, _ (,On Turkish Anibada4dor p6tilvoly mj6ttlf ffldtnb6r Of tho liffilily, htel)oj Jor*ftrd Anil teilid, Lut there VA'd bric Whloh t)btlLine 110WO St0lbtly ba tht COntfilill 'ift tllfi Id way be "' & , U 960a 10 0A 6 Porto his 900,060 of lit boAt troi�pfil mada a faiv AP �4 to riblida of the 0 TW6 dow, b6yi got : 140 6 14p O'd oil Zak own morW; orgali of Oxtt&mdvI6wA Arid chrobio robklooji, prolWato 1011011 � 01 it Adono of War. thoaj,Xbya 0 Vail in ot.the OVLQ1JtI find feAtIon, And was, loudly ofleotd, . 41mat, a.Wrorl and figretd to tot. it privileged 611W Vibli WhbSd dMplo. llbaA asserts that ilia 6forin pAtty, now (ft, tho liftla tilt -year 61d NI'As ha,P411 Uail Wrooblaunta ai�zlvdll in he stag light It wat with tit, iWality mbilt And fata of INY tile Aodtfouiv lihall halo 'Power at OUAW4, haviN $I 150mmitt6d 6&f1t.411 Ti 4 Johliti, Sho Is 0 �Pbtllgyj find Will 9r, �Iqrflfili'& 064M Anw, iliffll, at othe pretence of rarsib stith as were novot OhArgad to, t1:16*40count itit A of pillb, 61 foot long; a 4 WAO pilt ifirpool. njl�nk 0, t A J hi thAt I t, brtdd tbor6 h Aom; day, Thaholo buip, lit Colbona t1i Idat. hart ill havo tbo iinuffIliar -of tio by �,Ir, 0. Thorp, of t�le r1rm of Thr;rp k. inth #'WhA tjobtfoyojl Dhooll, tho vo thopatly whom they aliceisoa6d ill Ilho eoveih. t tilb"An't foafi& dad lost a b6 %0 f6foo A-4 iftarb"o t u 6, Ag, till Mira. A ght to m6lit.01 When Auch a dibropArd for ttu N I 134�6 It th� Well PI($11116d, flaftl�rably cOndulit. 13 4 CLI 1110A N I huhit is y �1_01 kh lit WI ,,a(, ai( ip a t r AS t IaW of as 6 Ira th 14. thd Do� hiptitibl, of 011611 labor. ol, tho, od, And W49 In ovety4oulld ald ldoi6 of hik OR',, afta" thd othot, A Wdoe Of of 011,101611l, ThIli'ho loV4011 tits 1, that thd dAnk imbilt, Aild 10 t 0,4161 ofte lotight n,, 41 Aqrs and stripi yiRd UOUP 404914111; tiryle to Iiow, by' 046hae t 014, IN dAll6d18146 ho 16116 MIA, magnWAfti db0t the objiot f4p whith it,*" g6t if kp­ ') th It . n tot of the bat -of 1W tikapl t vilit 9tiv6'. birth 061 t66 lit t oted4f 'hittot 6 sokfftt hat '01,01 twh1itthfig AtIA, twft 011A gay# up th6 Wtotll 4 . ........ .. .... ...