Clinton New Era, 1876-06-29, Page 3timbey which wag low And scrubby, began to A new pest,, i4 the shape or a saiall They ard hard Qn editors In France.,
be 149,ro tilin And ooAttemd, And woro grase. black fly, , has uisdo its tylleamev hi Uil tli�xiagor o
f Zq B44 Pub& powAps'
Ao follov'o-)o letter,, wrlttltu, Iq 4
very A, 8611thern. Y4111�0801;8, and W ., givirig, the per, Paris, h4ii been eenteucisifto three
SoI , pretty flowers which I do lad., to- 'M I
-h Oor.'Of Ma"Y' ior r`j4 rtntiva mnah tinnoqinnou J i 8 WN a
Ott, jr., to 411 pArtiltil, of the ),4ffl, colh-lif bAVIn 2non before ! 0 vetoI filll n f. F. I IA 4.16 k, Is I
I - r R- ? , M
go %04a titar(A, to Many bllitiiim, so t1st I could r9t get,a% spoils, to w rk vi rously on the wheat, At� Catholic religion.
of our rilail.o ra, I
o"M I '14M.-', _ - 4J
is. 0 1 (a wacouat ofhio,trip ailAKI, 'Cho country- on the kjoat a do of the acking the roote tind $talk. a
mountallis Is. altogether diaerent front tbo Baden, Pa.$ will create -a broez at, P�4 fisi 44�84 .0
from this P"A06 to 0olumlill. When first - Attacked- thti_ _vhelit turns tho Centonnial, when its people intrq,- West side, It Is high hills with Maly east
of May when wv,4*04 ter6d, mostly yellow �Aud some and 601k withers up, And tlioa. duce a young lady 'from herM54 0 "1
qt Nye, arrived At Part Haron pla 4,000 or 3,000, 4Q 'The rpQ - ei I it rainis have, to. t H k
And com of Iroo all with
Temperance Atideri.qn, who,posseosen 4.
places 1,000
frol'ua OA
obo I dar Noy t morning we 4aw a sauft troo here qud there, And sorno.
interfered with the operatiolls, of the hil-re wad tb ring, un head of heir Six feet eigbt I
ore a marall. All 44co of trees with graps groN nollina long. rquiI4,01ticago Vao countr Is very flat, but As- 'Rho climate here is ary sail warm. bo (14 t144 relief Will 840 is I gl@ 1 093 'a' Insect ; but it is4care Ally, `ndTo will
prairie, with
0 go wost IIII nois is. a, splendid State, rich Similkilmoon Vallo, where wo crossed it, is not prove pomalient, o(Zk soil And - tenland. - We did ivers 1) it, her have a, grefkt many adin 11 0
Tolegra FA
not no not voty wide. H6rds 6f cittlo are moon oil he ShW 04
.dustion.,of 12,1 0 - 0
tioe much,- dif forece ill vegetation betwoo; thit bills here 044 there. ' Afte'r JeAvil) re r visit at the Centennial 0�dla - 2 0 0-
%simil- C6, q
W - ; M, - , TW
Canada Atilt the Wa4aah Mountains, except k econd any the rants, is' At Itobilison, Crawford Co., 11110 last
unraeu, the a per
9 a narrow canyon es, long then 8,4 P4 wages III the in t4o Volloy of the Mississippi, wbQrQ th eight orino-mil Yorshko
err- Saturday nigh t, Hontlerson, t -11T, F1
I ab he Shes CX$ r4 1� a 4 q T
CLOTHS# y trees were out in blo�qor comes into the open country of N icola Valley; out to be made, and it is thought it z. be _pg �
Mississippi into Iowa about her@ 14 Elenty, of biwollgrass , Thig grasi; is will be moolite1 by tho men. T be. entered. the jail to look up the PA %4 CS -- -----
dark-anA vinitthrotigh 41112ightod said to a the best of All grass ; it' 8V4�YS in wben be wAsattackod, by Opborpe, con" 491 so a
ISiciettlry of the Masts! 'Union llaq 9 01 41 4
not. sooran oil of tbat $late 414,806 bunob. u length W , 4 !3,� 28$ ,
what we so andia About 12 to 15 inches i P4 . M fined. for liturder, � The SherifT gr"Ve4 CCA 0:4,� rD 4 Was notbin g'grek Nebraska seemed a, lit. .round and wiry looking straw, 4 written to all tbo miners' 1 .4, 'M C= 40
%1ges that we W1 t;
the prisoner and i.e. -two struggled.— The Sheri$ receivQtl very severe injuries 9 ti 4 0 .4 A 4� t10 worse. The Valle,7 of the FIQ�t.e are 9A the eve. of W�tqrriblo crisis, nd C3 rd
River in XIQ91A. Valleyelituntry -is hilly And grassy And,
little 3iords of.oattle, are spell in almost every direc. that th4o is not to be 4 Strike, but that 4) bard And rq&, like a tiort th6so bards, of cattle Are dangerous to term froin- the liturderer, bu
Nobrapka:lookq well, but. there is very
Lass t timbQrA*1 the poll looks t, belil to him, ul e 9 Are to be, mado 'sciraehqw, A Firs, t G I hrioll. , FX om the flAto it is all wilosort art, go near oil feet, aq they do not know is until the screams of bis. wife, brought a
ar C30
thou$ht 4ere is eve likeli.hood of its a
Lake in, Utah, assures the mine , ra that if the. strike C% til you broak through tho. Mountains 1xito the. TMAn art foot is. Many a man has to climb
HISTIMIP, TO CUTTINO AND FTITING QXU', Valley of thil wt ry opwil of citjAq4q to Lis assitan e. Those . WHQ DEVOTE I troo to gave Itislifli ;'it is boat to. keep a good bog�n, t' - a; rope and, lutmeaiatei EX:
the Valley df Salt Lake drie of the prettiest distance off, unless you are,ou horseback, for g aping tifife, with .*the pGoi, citimna to -OL . y
I have seen.. It Is 4 if they goo Allyth -, Ni- bility Lung the prisoner to a tree'until, lie was
Jorge lovet plain ing. red they Are af ter it . of having to oubrait to, 0, . Still
around, t4o Lako 49 for as you can seq, This cola Vglley.�Jsa very pretty plaoe-vo 8116W on dead. He begged for a" re A0 for gre ter redt.4oti
great plain And, lake is surrounded by a wall the mouixtRins, but all is bright and beautiful .4 . , , .,on. 11 Ite
T u, priest,'but the 'told him 4re Wits no
A,. Wirial Solicited, of mountabis, at that time white with anow, warm Indian sumnaer one, can sl9ep Outside be. Sad Trancisog papors -latel
Vegetation was further advaneed.boro than in with. nothing but. 4 blanket, 41 QVII1113 Very story c4lquIute4,, The murderer, was a
ubiquity of ',.the :tve.
,After you leav soutfi coldwAtor river runs
tv Ziff
ia�� . isito,the Nicola from th iflustr peratebian. - LINTON WOOLLEN
Irrigation fqr the first time, it risoq W the Casoad . We we L heC
as me I Salt Lake. it is 411 A, nioui�tala desert until 'Aber Valley all. summer, Yankeei ' to this 466""
you in Cho Coldw is a
come to the Sierra.' Nvadas, where large At narrow Valley, irew half mile to A Milo wide T10111411111 I California, broker, named InTAr rirEy SA V, OP T, -A fieto f�cti;
ONLY. ONE -PRICEN troes cover thvj whountaiiia, and the. soplicky is, and about 40 litil a lo very little av -for the peoplo,-Thore are but fe6 preparations
11g, Thoroiw S, is lt tbe,bottoni of all the pre" I It WOULD. TAKE TH _O.V 'XKIX
qlniedic4nes whielt htft,w4mtooil THE, 19UBSCRI13D IS 013PORTVNITY. TRA
grand. The IrAllway trairis run slower Among rain in the alipmter,alid the to sent irotiblo the. ivipartiW a cust6mers
min Europe. They say ho ?,Z4dq?)1e1Lt of the people for. alt- for, th9i kaI.P&troI18
HOU4D ngarons., �omo� irrigate theft- crops , but they depend mainly y great longtA. go in 'the past, and hopes by, close attention to
.'the motintttins, as it is da f to still soodro.'a Id 'e,
times you 044 look 01 -the car window and on oattlo. Owent to England and fortnod a pool of tinte. ona-w tke3cis Zh'.Thomas! Notectriaoil, share of pblic, obafidenoe. llaving fitted up his machi
0 JQ .0 wilof You c4li'soc berda of 20, 301 50 the J9116whip an I be colivincid, Acr_80f�� . see the front - --T. in be is now prepared to
cars And the last, , The'traln is .100 licall-of cattlo� any day, all fat, and roadi X4,000,000, worth of TurhIsh b6no
son, Farnham Gb?tre, iorites, "rhave been Oided
"d Spin,'Weave_ Filli a'
sonlatimes the shape of 4 bow at otbee for the butcher samelinvo 500 or.1,000 head,. then hibil, him away to the 1drze tii;n yorshe'last ten years, and have
HODGXN$ PAY, -tI govIml, ivith 7,11ca?iza
?4 thoform of 'an the Yo, a can sea herses. in'b Car "k n r,
ean d'D iiss C loth
CQ Fl drnod till We moatly,-bulougInA to -molloy; 8- annel.;Shirting, Clot
CLINTON, June 28, 1876., uittldre-Blan
_,iilr Moll Aria ohf
mit, t text onoWdd Idron III _ this part -of the o6untri portion, of tbp:rdsorvo
night, but' next morning. wo.,oama into a. dif- are all h',00ratifi. In viinter, Nic6l% Valley fell, and t lle CalifqXnian,, �vho under-. 1f. West Shefford, lorites, "I have been Yarn, St 32 -arn
ocki ,-Y .&c.
a no or r 9.-
ferent climate, This WAS' California, All h4s cold Theyr bas stood his little tried Was'
tff, stablow- souiotfir4s Tfid'snow dmlwk_v�i_N0�
deal),, but a at- solith wirld" Floon, Peopl hav6. W. C STANTLY ON ITAN D,
came lower down favillers had their hay out .; t !rie Oil,',ivAidiavc immed heivibbored-aret-dried up; - sPribgg"Up wid-iii0ts Ufa �niiii; it'domeg fwd Ontarilpi. 'Dry 01 tM'L L.
Aituc Irled it in the � to se o f 0 ats, &C., zt?� d 4rge ASO en o FL 11 elojhe, S
6 T M M'E. d f: Tw.
1876. We cara;'to Saeramonto and friiiit'thohco to or throo. times III the wipter. � We left 3slicill tb0 past few. Oay$ b6on alinoA roastoc'
A inle it equWly as g0odjor 14orsa as for ?gag. X6 oeds, U hirting lannel,,.
V wicisco, y 8 efimi;r. a pretty 0 a doiV.11 tll� 'aliV&' ith fi 4 A&Are, --lVarkwartA -Elanl�ofs, Stocking Yarn; Gray, Flan
b 't on:tIia4thofDQcqmb6r And am NY . eat, ivill find, the follo "
win9L tin eakdald be willibut -a
captitry, but iathar ffat.' -We'douldecoappleq rIver'to about ne-1, Stri ed
iarks on, the -a Dti- rfia roold An-6eds of. bottles o Relectric P
luth I)allpt Of 4L late dato of intereti:-- ol'�* (101?0 '10014de)'s "t heallvg ald relitiving ne ked Flanneli ft', ft,
And other1ruit on thefroes along the into. tlio Thompson river., atid cross (I tI an
slid, there woro many 4no Orchards, Aftor" merinta in$.bkL. . 0611 Indian tral to the CaTriboo ere thruatil, &4%, and is ?p)rt4V of the #rcat-,
teHOScoming Across the United States, I- least say, waggoil.roat 1 ir- 00 J, HE WIL I L RADE FOR WOOL. '01t.,1511ML. CHEAP,
. nob ouch A fine 06unliy as I had provtono.' thro�gb, nd _Wfih reinilbx-At the he'ad but Folert�i�' Oit fora lame
the OX00I)tiol 4 very wild coutitry, itud the' -gr ly, thought it to ' mouriti4in soonory looks plenilid, bit& I bave it Juts beoll " loosellad up, 6U1116011, Th`6 aullieriber's Ito
pois, Plart,ofjowr and the got used to those if you a pie lido I tly. rtlfagreqt tisfuotion , sou it -suporinteadence will be Ai�ell to the 005toalLroll Carding, and sit -
_4, Sals Lake Valley ce I, the action (if. fficociiiisional .11aMiJt01J,, nvo),t4, may be roliod m,
valley, from Saciamonto tq' San Francisco, of country.ft4argo, its, two or three townships; West &aejIf Vark Persons a distinco from Clinton 11 ay expect to. got,
.,win 6 at We have that vesiels wbieli, were the bosV Mich- ooverod.witb clouds, nd niountai it � tops, idi* - - 1 7 their wo6l carded while they wai
'whi olled Jae verl/ Mijohi.
ana maraby ; irag through twi) iij three thousiia foo't'abo�v' was in,
igan is of a light and onally soil, got throu"ll,it'w.itkout nitipli difficulty,
Rced ertriv, Oil, andbefore Oicbo C.wa�,
the clouds, 1,supposo voi, would think it look� I 'ark- el 0
N-04144ka is almost without trees, and )lot d edi Wanted 0900 bs
CLOTHIEI�, - AND X N -Po R A L 0 U T F IT TE4 n it, , is hardly probable that it. scri Itisareill able m Ad. n
Imutill water, and tlio soil, is said to have n: bad ad strango ; it -is otimiticiii onliagh At Sold by all Medicine deiviors, H
,havlga�ioli " vthor, Sowe d,, c ea. ff ece woo4 on, 2.5 ate, bottom, Xebzj6'kA,-Idho, 'Coliirkjoy Wyo. aokasi� Aloilialain, oil the CArdboo* toad,youl 9. MA, iiii. IFO htile higliest.014rhot pr o imoss will be pai
C thillk we Shall It 'N. THO'
ming, Nevada nd, Arizona, the greater can -86�hd nd loo�, or drdp a almoilt "C' jeo )l6rO t'll the "I Tblt -1,11OP ;& LYMAN,.'Torouto,
%R4 aAnd 1, TJ to .7
'taforthe Dominion.
0 iti, Rebuli to be little - ITT., part oFUt, Ont,,.Rolo Af,,oiL
-1� UT rollir)g down. it- E C TR-.'
A os*c rt, -"d4- Hof Iff all' thw in. oil Lathe 11 IQ eSelect dan Ef4atrizod.
iiiii tilio n for -niit one-fOurth 'road, all'�lies, go that t o spirretill a CLINTON May�. 23rd, 1810,
Illatiolf T, col�ld get, thit osts.soniotbing � to hiat&
of this'plade f0t. NVIlilo of all this large -country will ever llo in- t opoll, the jilliction. of t4e f alo. TAE Grtti AT F RMIALE RE ME DY�.
day' one G ap , harlTor ia Sol
sS, flabitod. The soi7 is mostly snidllid, g'r ?I11011 .11 't Opened It ase q vel pson with1be Frasor,': 1B a suiiiill plaae
tice t o DeIA s.
and burnt reek nd I)Ilrllt chly; evortijing liLe li dplibni 30 ) Ili le, ii�o 155611 �f Jail Not -ice.
()it 0. 1 1368fon libutit 1 4 e (7) ydt we gotler Ily Jois lIX0.8L.'s X-Liturpl)XV4AL P1141.11 No
aseems to bisve been urtit'at one fiao., Tito. is 'whero thb -Indians �lffllcrcll Gel; rit.1-:0f.0,ilv� iccrliero,'in 7\Vb 0)
113 1!ARB By OWEN THA$.TZW Tj�,,
out tell h ionic 18, no impo DER IVL
t -Yoir- K IsIV 10 to Ilowevo our will mot be responsible for Any 40bis contra
Wi .11 doubt . ground appears to linve been -burnt 4 the -Awariefri I fswoll�no*nmoli -
AM from New t 611t ITHREBY,G TYkT A .,L ',&C.
r at-rb"Ohdraforemedy for Female DIffi,- e name without litsritten nuthorlt I I
toot ileop. look for gold And would hatti them but Asti -t-d 0110P 11 tef the lato firu� U qpoonor & Thomn.
Californiff-lo not t6 plac&I tiloilght if the Goverlitnellt iiAd �Iot, nFigbbrs ili. Va!t(inett6 a iiie. altios and ObstylieCions, ftorn anydause*' b0ore. tho Ist of, Tnly, 1870, OthcrW186.
11CYkill,be rutinAdgrt for callePtidn,
showl DO% 1bqIi6vo'ibhas,a fit) to; a] t1itugh and �Itho4h'a powerful remedy, it don;, Irtilizesylile, may 17, 1�70., Ill* I I - 0
tl%o,. cii L H
the i nest Goods. ever A a 0, at tholicad is A sinall III OU fll(k ice owthe 1altb on thp,44 W of , i
not falloy ate of 8an Vrancisqo it' plaeo "with tliroo or four. Hto' rog, hotels, P. J uly.. -istitrition. int-l-snothingl%littf, to this ea; TRO& THWIAS."
aNv and -viiudy,llut not frosty. an few other. ry few nottlors Afi,drows (formerly of '.176roonto, -Flou. And Teed,
0 axi (I has many filf6 oil this part 6f tho Carriboo rba(I-i because there it will, in a'shorttirad
6S; JACKSO r is A -large plai
TH N w lencc lie-Iled
buildings Arid- str - 'a t hav, is voiy little I ning on UND1 RSIGNED IIAS dPE`N'ED. A rLO,xlRi
0 V raw through the inoun r . c�r I , THE Notic
gets, -and is a,,%, a a And. Tlle Frtisor is_xbzynarl- th6 mouthlylioilod w4b ragulari y
Clinton, Ja o j9 "driq -s�oro, foi soiri' tinid oil III all onsbs'ofNervous and.Spinal Affections, nd Paid Store in the building just slatth of the
in 'e,poinilation, but I 'all ald' think xb6u .nin, but deep,. And
one-third of fbadt wore'Chineso. Wo gta�ad iti of not even A cituob.. I net of Clinton "and NValnut str6ets Biif- !it the .13ack and Limbo, Heaviness, NY -W E�.oftice; wherello will keep constontly onand Eand for sale, Flour, og&memi,
Bran, ShoT IZE WILT,
'Fatigne on slight exertion; Palpita' � , Oatg,'axkd,*
tion 6f the every otber article generally kept in eu4 stores. 1143 Xessrs. R. callautlet & Co., of 00 0�blje flill Phow.
four days'In that lawl6sa place; -waltiogf6 ' t 6a riot seen many.wild a,ninials, yet , �uive No 6c6iipying the 'entire building. A 'r9c"; old rattan steamer Pacific, which, has Binoe2 Iseen some doer, but have not killed 'any %a es, Whites," rdmoli-* dftire BrAfibb'ApiAltin-61 . for. t 0 C t
-heart,, '-Headaiili hop6s�b� keeping kood- Articlep-azalL sellitig ano down and: drd�vncil neQrly 200 we have no rifle. I saw cayotio dr"pra , ire, SIAPi9ioils Laving b tb�t abld rate, to rA b
andwIl the painful diseases obilasioneaL &Share of Public anppor.t, collection of'Ladiss, rianoy Nvol-'k, Jqt $ 1 5i �nd,',Sltl, 3ril
AVAT. S5.'Partlilulars, rb�itlktions huti
was It OrIL business mdde rulelly can b61ad at
gers, We sailed up the coast, within sight of w lvba atill We see plenty'of panther tracki.. g dis6rdared'syttbilli theseTillo I.ofteot a extra, Clint-, Blay 17,1876., the store of lVesers. it:
Callender iDy XxOm 3. A,
T -for 9
lee, Sairefory.
of Nor ern', aliforma 'and. Oregon is bare many berries, on Saturday entered by Potective Deibl,,l TI lintonj'April 20i 16" 6.
PoUiI4 6W Wohl6u. 8_ oVer been known to fail
atains, and.away inland you call see here hlp&i-olf ,'saw. seal -in- the Fra�er at the n '.page of 'Pam.
I! " , 6 " , � - 101
Idtk*d think dhyi, The v, est - doast -It is a great country for bears, there being. go that f if dru,-; ist, the b6use,vras 166iAJvHier Means have failed;
14; Pills have n
-C. L a mail youriefe the djr�ctiono oh.the 2 d or: Salo''
dnd there a malletaiii top c6vevild With inow., mott - th of' 06. FAC.River the cinnamon or, lck': in pbJet, ar6 *all obsorvbd - DWELL1iqG i1c, OX Mta.-Beesley, Milliner,
USE, WIT11 TEX. ho S,
Territory is earn- Vrown bear is ivage: ons. - There are Elk bed- lind two others.attehiling them A �'or fulllt4rtiaulari, 9*4 A p')amp4let, free., of fitted up,with every convenience, bard and sofir
�A_Jarg� part: of: Wisliln�ton at A.
out the triltb agent. with half au acre of g6guld TO t�]M LA S'O
mountains covered 'With Lheavy tim ana, moant.
iu4ieop oil the nroulitoills'.'-Theill f'6 W situate,on Victoria; DIE 111
cidar., Corriiilgintotbe are two'ki�ils of y to
ber, enerally. firanil- asmall'Whitelifid. and froin 'the D SOD _�v1QSE8,NRWYOR'X BbLB-PH011t near this G. T. R. 9, Clinton and itsvicinity; lot, bo.Rt favors, begs to, in.
etective, Dollil
Pitied of uoatioli� bront
W., D O.R.E. R.. em.that sho.otill continues the Eat and Boonot.
Sodaw 6f GaPrgiaj Washinton *Territory on. A lat'ger brown colored one ;' roolvrabbiti about -01.00 QuaUj"conts for postagd, enclosed to !*ntolf.�raylll,1870. =s,*St the
oi'e the right, Vancouver's Islahil on the left'jg the,, sfgo of r6a 4quirref threa kin -do, of hu rriedly. descended ifie stairs to arrest Northrop &.1ymart, Toronto-, Ont., ''OLD STAND VICTORX, �T., CILINTON. I
-e-t f
Milion, Ja
Dellis, -ao,o European.
Dr. found Agents for the Dbuilidi6a, ill ingure 4:bottle Oti 'She is 'ageA for'3t
ORGANS4' another ;,poky mount'sillou; place, covered pitrbrjdge-w-dlo common kind, the fool -lion Andr6w's,�f)uttii MANUFACTURE
2�VD (I.EXERAL NVIEDLE LIZ &GE, tlrq-I!�rgest. This that he ad -escapod; The liquse 00'rithil y rturn mail., e.
NT9 3761i witb. timber a's far as via could. see. . We land- aad the blue grouso,w h& -1-s diag o4or 50 pills b c
sl slid Now Yar� patterns 01, garments,.anil IN. constantly
odabl�iquii�alt�ntlie2Athoflviay. mn- 14'� great lilaoo-fo� wild d�kg' we 'Was- searched,,. but tba. doctcir odaia t' Sold in'01haton by,J. H. Combeand Ucorgd Ir cc n theu�w otyl,68 , 1111,Hizon and doseriptiond aro,�.,
of,NVarship, lay in�tlle hrhor4coraied:with. bhve: seer!. or 1efird thern 'all,winter -also Chidlov; R ic 13 1 foiLunill "are rphoostedto do soatence. ' IVI g sells fit prices specified, in the
U hand, whiell. ;he
S -49p] be fbitA. It was defilitely aspertcdu�.d� 11 'kSOn.and P. Lumodon, &a;4. 'All it aid Accounts I will be. pup i a A Seen. all es by trist - care and attcnt!on,,
C ept P flagi ' rom stem to, stdrxi,.Aeltvalilhe Quo swarisf, magpleffi a. sort, of blue,jay and other that at A at,) 110�1� qn, S q the 8 at. last i t 10 b
lid, Carroinbrook; b collection. o continue to labrit oral atrolla-ge.
2qquimalt is said' to be tb� best birds which I did not know. Plenty of 61mon aild F. Tordan, Goderiolt;. E. Oim6fon, Bai
ay I
Wthdai. aturd n ght� Xoith�
- . Z It A , VE is Pgomp y Axxxxpin 'Pa
lort D' rip.. The, t 0
harbor Oil the Pacifit 6oast; bia �jhould illink and stargecil ; the galleys Along- the side of the e was at r wo Wobon. fi old; Ing. Bonthronj Roagi)rville: Ana all madi. Stapleton Salt orks, ay 028, 1876, 71, my 18 it too small for.a large aniount of shipping. liver.ware_,stinking with dead salmon in the found. attOndiug � , oinallealers" :1,
the paiients were' at-,
-XXT -Z -5- -B:P —IrD Ir A� -%r "IF,& aoply three miles from EsquimAult to fall irhert we. came a
iwn ;'we haVe -been. bay� restod," . One of thqml.�avo'ber nwnfi ri:�' 11711TH Wi A rifIr
--victorla ;Ao wh4ch place wit,walked And stay. ing nine lor a dollar -there re two Jimus-
uted A A 0 A 14
0. AL T M
ad at Mr. ones's boarding housi. 11r.,Jones inia AndreA, wifo of the Doctor, Wa
Clinton, April 12, 1876. came from . Clinton about foui'years'ago. The, Indians of British Columbia; go far as flux the' dtfieris empi d I)WELLING-ITOUSE WITIT AEvmiq OR ErG-AT. RUNTON1q, RHEUMATIC AB9ORBENT WItl
-our Cktgdns 'read the followi."ni Testiniiinials': Aromas, coilar, anti hard a a.soft water on promises. B relieve Ainto Painswithin four hours, and all pain
As to the excellence of. ing Across fronii Caunda'fo. here is a� hard wo have soon, re, not so toll as in Canada, Alary Roicr' f6m Toronto Tho. p- Aplijy to fn'Lwolve-hq%n`g lt,iinreo nives. it toduces luflarnt6-
18 (joint oTJ E
TAPLETqN`,: April 106b, 7.6.' journey �, -ten days viihofit a bedf trying QuAI do not think they have over been io1var- toiy Swellings 4nd pains, when 411 else ling'flled.-
tb yes were placed under t1u) r
air, BRUNTOWS JXGE9TIVX 3PLXIID- a cortairi atire fair
ME.18 W. DWIERTY t CO., LLMON sleep onihe cars, and After we passed Omaha like ; but they are no foals, thdy One of Agent L.,, Ir. & B, R. Headache, Indigestion, Sea Sleknim, &a. Sola, b
chrge of''the Poor , T�Iast�ar_.
I have Much Pleasure i tell, were told to look out for robbers, thieves and, own buginess 'They Are very numerous, and pride CtA. it bottle. y Slni-You ask me my opintiou of.your first'Orgaif.
u that I consider'ib a groatr Bu ccess. The tone is very full'and rich, and cer� gamblers. Somebody generally watched with 9*66t; at many tilffercIt tribes, spea them is front Can - ada. An(Irewb the W� Y. BRII$TO14, Untie'?,
it I.,; as good an instramiiint!df its IcinA 4g there is madq in Canada. to -day. I' revolvers all night. Itwas'ndt safe too� out-* ferentlanjuages, Almost ovork vallICing di'f_* 'forinerlyapart r of
ey has a snd f the Butcher B�isindss -for saleL
for .'JV
only hope that you will meet with liberal.patroxiAgb, itnarreap the toward that your, '-aid he ears, one might be-pushadoverboard tribe, a , f a a language of 'its own,� and notorious abortionisb Paul Da'vis, now a 'V4 OR SALE, .rnn'T.tALF. INTEnEsT AN OLD' XWO
Yourif truly, in tbe-dark ; but we gbt.tlxrough All right.. Chair IaTPa . go$ fire very difliq411 to ldar�. xig., e -
enterprise m6rits.' life inmate -'Of 1�_in-atori Teiiieentiary. - establIgbea butcher mliop, doln� a good busineRo.- in San 'Rho C Inca'
zons nAsr,(jjjD.r We stayed at t1w International Hotel _11 4, or. In.dian-trado language, is Siltisfactop Ylia4ons givcnt�j yto
17=1169CO at $1.50 poi day. generally und6ratood I;Y tlio difFerent.,triblis his' nofhfious FOR DW
OAndre %V8 has practisell. SALE - TWO, ELLIXG8 AND
Nvx; i4x.,L
tegtjNbny� all tha 03 aFOSTZR�� IQ attal M81Jr0 .0"
I take greaLplesuro id giving L qt.ottho Really Mquut 1ed 'situato a -
xellened' of the Clinton bu�sincss uudisco�ered ior' tM�. Xer -X1W%hX
qairnalt has not many houses yet.' vlc�
Organ, manufactured by W. Dolidirty Co. ower and sweetness of t6aqr in -jbLL ThIs property
't _aL A&M44w— . 1. .
In' ritlili_ - - " - L . .
911 P, . I 1 11 _1161a 2b1AjS1 61 -dertM%*" is e leve7that-ruq p;tients bav6
old-looking�wcatlior-boatan place, not as large canoo mail'; their canoes ra all cut out � of beis conveniefifly situated. And mill be said on
oil a U e
I'* I 'orlor', toi Any inifrumatit I have OX- :especially fro Tor S41e'? very easy terms. pply to
My e ual and in gomopa*,I,t* a p IWG64cricb, Therg arq'notthany good bnihl- coddr, And are neat And'4AVIft. 'In the interior tit Canada
go 8 to Me that it is as -near perfection ingil in it ;..mostly, ivo6den. ones, And the.long they are mostly all horseman, nd. on the as he bail- it - partner ill Toronto with J). M�TAVISII, Sarnia,
ow me to say tMat I tan cheerfully recommend it to iuly'wh OOOD'FRAINTZ HOUSE, IN CLXlqTOX, WITIT IF 'Yuv� HA N.EW GOOM
As it can Well be. All 0 reins of faIlLaiia spring are )lard oil wooden or'Fraser in.wooden houses ; 'Whou� his cases wore eXchanvdd. Hiz A. Aix roornA. Misr, pantry. well, hild-ot4or coAvenf. Or to W., W. FARRAN, Clinton.
may requiro an instrument a .6 Very respect Well fitted to supply tho want of, . U Iylll b sold on eiagoiniapizLimlit.
a one in' buildings, Its inhabitants are from all quart- but, inland they live inhitor id housiis under scapi) is a m4ttek Of2reat regret.._ Clinton, F6.9,.1876..
the times.L erl. *,'some from the British Islands, Austral- *ground, Uoia hinises. aro' of LA round obape 11. HAVE; llunoN 9THEET
L R. Loweler of the Methodist Church, Choir, Clintoti, i"'s 'hinese, Amaricang,-Vanadians, Send- and cc � the fire Is in the can :7� Clinton, 41duc 14,1870i - It. CALI, ANDE vored with clay,
th people'lill
M Fsslt.q. W. Doup Evry & Co, 'Wiell. I Honolulu, Jews, 0armans, tre, iin4. tho stuako, escpoli through - hole in Among the numerous Cabinet Organw, I have soon during I b4v6 top z this holo is both door And chimney, they Warning.
, the Many years Fronoll ad others. Wo did not stay there Julio 25, 1870.
been teacher of music, I have noi soon a!,x he Clinton byg= : The long, an we atartall
y next inoriiing for Now go in and out by means of a ladder inside; Troaawie
_§uperior to 11, bo A I tlo
character of the tone is both �cautiful'iO-6i6,,l)atlioil�,tho I ""a" 6r,;,,,,t,,fAua Wostininiater.. Vandonver Island, to look at. Their is (in-, "�Udaor —risiag 1 02 'a I Q; OTICT-1, IS 11BREBY GIVEN TrIAT TIM UN
'Ole sn �Ilio filvitiug Ap- ground on the oidoof thd trails or roads ; some 4pri- 'I) Will not bo,rp.aponrl�lo for
q both so NnYAmNi, any debt
the touch easy, and inferior a TIM worl-Inanship I. it from tkd son, has- not a -very n 0 a 9 P R 1, N T I N- G
. it. �* . I.., . I o 0 00 enntriteteil sn, her name, a ter this 400, without a
that nothing is lacklio'g. stance to the sotilor; it Ila one high )lill be. graves have a Vale with. a ling and a red cross Oatat 0'25 a 0 27 wrltton order.
M. W11ITT, Clinton. rAtnd another an far a e, All covered on it, or a gun or blanket Ilea to it, others. liarloy., t0 415 .70B D0901109, Of every description L executed neatly,
Myssr.s. W. DouvnTy & CO., CLINTON. with. timber, .It, is ;sitf tn have A firtil climate have little Woodall, Images About. two foot bigh Was, 60 0 05 Ooderleh township, June 9, 187G. notice, at'
Do6iring to obtairi an instrument that wonl(t 'Cot Ilime All tho 4colrablit improve- bub wo did 116t, -GtQy . long onough to, k6ow, with painted face, bat,. blanket, and clothes. Ilotir, 5 cheaply, And on the stnteit
We left Victorilt, ati(I. sallg4 for. thizii. or 18 tits jw EItt. Office.. A
% ff ti -
a 50
V ppy to'say IllatJ.havit Ver se..
meats in ower, fniness, -of tano'. four thos,%$no&pthoy.usecttobeLwben-.div-e. There 0 16 InSOIVont Act- of 75.
r "he,
Potatoes, 0 0 a 0 2
realind al in the Clinton Organ., Every oxia wbr, heart; it, goes- away ploaaca'- hours among rocky it ilast $arl�, Joan? thY Stand, - looking dowti to the r d 1w yo
"The valuable "Alitiop "ufi-� n:,rrow pass$ 101, "Itirpor go, if fie 1.9 i catio'o-mart, lilt; canac is huntr up over' 9 00 11, 10 00 ifrisolvont4
'into the opon wafe I tbl� �Ilound, ;ioro the grave ; if lie Is A horaoxnall, 1107iso's skin,
London Road, 114tal Icy, out 50 a, 7 00 TIM SOTIN R. PORTER, OF
It you have old.goods whica you %iish to get.
we Saw,the mainlan(I for 4butig-up, TliuJn(iiinqofl"ritishColtlinbi-t Beef �4 50 a 6 00' 11 iba Town of Seafneth, in tba County kfL Unroll, rill of to make room for -fresh stock,, let the poo-
irvingthoroughly testp(ttlioitictits6ftboOrga;tljM'ttllufacture(II)yW.1)olieriv ('a., I take pldaqiire in saying that I cousidFit thent in all. respects cqualo - and_i� thtl first sight, do !lot live, so inu6h by hunting s; fishing .3 50 it 4 60 have Wen appolisted fit 01a.matter. pie who look out for bargains, know it,
The ciso -with which t looks like it great wall' of snowy mountains many of them eloar 4 patch of land, AlItYgrow I U0 a 1 60 Ctoffitorg are, requ,,Lted to file tl�pfr claims bt-foro,mo
Many points. superior, to any read instrument in the nixtikCt stwitling cloall to the watt.,Aj Slount potatoonnd other tboyalso, hire Clover within ona mouth,
its air supyly is maintained -; the smoothness and c(Jn4-,aty Zf its tone ;, its really re- 110, a 0 0 .1, S. -9 a Oquent voicing 6f its fancy 86o a, and tholqlaction. of its I�akct-.%nd niall� others, with their COPS in'tho to work by Clio, day or mouth, And it ireat Tinloft gna, Asalghoo.
spo 0 to the touch the 1 it aw�n loullal n-1) a Fees .0 0. it I1111rdly ge
goieral a w I orgatits a.- far a 0
--T-b—be Let-' --*a
in Z Church, Clintow aas-yoll 'etlit look, ind qway in the be , Dan. -it; Indialm alllr(*Ilitla� Tar zqyg, 7
C. CILAWFQIID, Music, Teacher and Protiont, or distana(f sea the Of mon w0k )I $b iamek art,, I i aincrotig 0,12 a 0 lei by ctiol)
It is a line sight they are b or- 1 11 nor very filimll, and not Wool, .0 mountains 21100 miles o mtjk-�rT,TaN
W Blyffi, tfirodph the'Townobip of on hAve removed to a new store.'- Lot �oii
Xfullott�wfll bo Itt in thren noctions, by rublia A atioxio
I by %ve bV9-111 to 00 a so dark in co, r . Indian, L-cely
SEA]VOUTU tho *'JountaitiV, 0 t nion. ; � —
low of land tit the foot of , . Odr , tr d or woi saino as hite attbii ONT)LqB0110 IIOTVT,, po. it frieuds know'whats
Wfitell turned out to be thevalloy of thd Theii Laid is plited, %vto a long fail which
NO-rICE 'r 0 T 14 V, PUBLIC. we elittifell'tild Monfilt of tltiW�rivor liallgd,,lowu thpir bach or. Is woupd, roulla tlie, June 28, 18 j(*) Xaltl� 30th, 1876, at I P. X.
Terms prid fail prticulare mode ku int on day of tale.
ilia Mountins seemed. to fall'btick until W6 head,: atilt theil 4ro ia tho. 00 as, you 0
10. 4026,91glit of them oil the stAtth And east. The thpirLinvictitrov. 5 00 9 5 10
Mouth of-tho -is divided into severitil �ad hara to 'Ithink they Are the most It, 0 1.11 0 20 llett, Jan., 20',1876.
H A ROTIIERS!� ,branches, forming several low level i4ands, lliglll� of the lltiniatf race, farall'allf, 0 (10 0 65 116, L
.; . . . .1 .
composed Of the richoot soil And -coverall With of wilite, men, a64 tiloy will hold their o Nn in U 41) 0 15 Farm for. Sa
-gross and basbel;
Detilers in STOVES, &a., and.manufacturers of All kinds of Tin C, AlvaAed and 8110t , small poplai. and rab p, time of peace whenever tlw�y go, , Chinni, fill 0 20 it 0 25 )
I ro n Wares, beg to iaf rm their eastern erg -and the p u blic generZy, tb at 66y have addea to thei.- pletross. Thci'6w1anjlLS conimil6all the wdyL tire not very ivell liked; they know Ina mt.+ FOR TVAT Wrt,141TVATED VAItIr OF, Examination. If you are at i9e old Atand',ana now aborts
have made ito front look din U will Make
$tovo and Tin I)Usihdss,, up to Xe Westminster, Where the babho, are Anil carry all the inmey they dial. gob back to 14,,ggs,,. 0 10 V W 10 ll(loilerleb, t1p, about t1trea milex from 'Illinton, ' A you in, rill. Covered with heavy timbet, Now Chi , adintis art! -'at, jf,ly, 9, 00' 'i 10L 00, an -and baru on the plate, Alito A�Ptit 110 ANNVA�; OVCOA, IDATig' the".1083
1her. na all -called IN Lit Ainvric.,111 Am the house
We.,itrainster is built on, file north -bank of tho, 01tinamen, bectitig(r.tfivy are so mmn* ind lyork.* 6,5o -a 'I oo Tlioundoisignod, LI). IERS H RIDYWARE willeofftinuo to poll the codpw by the ggilro, till the land,
nFA R M E Sy AS U1 A -9 river, on the aide of A, hill ; one street lyin eicang Are licro a4ay Wool, 0 25 1.4 Bola, por patticlillirg apply to PIRST, SECOND oad TWAD.Olaes Cortillesteg,
9' atingy. Arno]
above enothor, X6w Weatintnoter is about . wilb, g1lilexation no 'Pla pallpipal
nd will 1, cop Constantly oil hand, a'gerwetal'ansortnatini sue, rIAM9 " * GO)DIVIALIV11t T(AEN liozmz�T, offuton, P.O.
lze of Clinton. I think hll the of the lower Prasin: are liotatna' nd I
halt the ii Will be held l. 00DERICIr, commencing on
of the
i)OPIrlatio): ara Indialls. _t p%l q, poar.4, little �8,' 1h Illoaday, .10th Jtkfk,.next5 itt 0 A., X. Advertising
Friltser river is not a prairig it -is heavily tim- well. her, a 4 boar in live years froni thb sped. Im. GIAVIF. it is ladimponsable thrt Candidates abotild notif th
Lual S 34 1 H1 Gaf THIS . *fh: codar, fir, sprites, balsam anti I licight wine apple$, buil don't think they Spring '0 90 A 0.03 11619 , untlernignedi mot islet than the 20th of, 3grie, of �hofe, aua 5 00: 6 00 CLUTING AND DRESS MAXING I On oth,' tregs. There or troes Whiell (to iiat Into 4o good us, in Ontario are inoto
othei artial ThlrdOlaM9 CandfliateR, In 6rilaf to get it
And am usually kept in A, llanlwarc Store, ll whirt they will di ose of A& Very VIA- grow ;IT Ontario, Buell as the defthapple whiet, 0 20 it 0 *in Doe Ift the Iston sf�ln. Agong for n
Inolfff, 'AAd Clio Ville 111AP10 %Vhj(!It b'a 118 tile gi�AL itint obtain one-third of tb A total inarlin fit arithm
all favoring �henr with their t�heir m6tto being sain'si profits And quick () -fi'2 a ()I' lt�lfalolft patto"A' J"l flir'" told 8tylell,witli large, illu- grammar and spoiling, and Afty pet coat -of the big Advertis
sonable rates to c a a broozi is iou cool fee iheM.
11411it treCA in thi c6lintly 11011' bt I 0 3 a 45, r�!tsifit.nR qna full (Icon rlpflon4, ",upesing all tbaLlittest 6,00",
Aw! NO - Rtyltll !it every department of Ladles" agil
or 20 fact higir, Vith splooth, green batk, Will don't think live an loog s in 19" enlarged in 'it - tim
SA VB, TJ?01;.G,11J.NG TB WA L37ANIZ narre ; po r -'y 11av data %n other Countiem, Phall iiot be allowod to compel 0 &t an. Old 13uAl
of (dt Nild 4Xgelffed 4t a There ie also tlog%voocl, bearbarry InAlIellerry frorn $1a ton ; at-.; haNWIT Unitor 0 16 17 Ittstrunrn tux ftkcr..- in this County for the some eligs of Certlfioate�
ill hzel'. A goott (Jeal of -Ehe tilril)�� -2q 0. to. I.V) CLg.; bPCf 4 to 10 019,; Oatmeal to .,a 10 h 1 P OPPOSULP TIM 110TEL, nurtoN sr.. .. ClaudidAteo 'for r1rot and Second ClaMAL Certifleatoo'
'Will fot*Atd 66 neeasAary tortffltatox of gamas ftia Advertis"ng
the* barle of which is ab6ut six or cig. it 111,; butter M eta., % IT),; `Vgq 50 016. it Pork, 6 0 A, 7 50 and all Are required to forward corttfieAt6a of
Fit And nedar are the do�en ; t raobatatitor.
A large Suply of Milk Pams, Paila, gtrain.etsj,�ild 6versr is re eigilt incheA 1nicl in a 60 3 50 a 4 00
variety. of Ti3iware, tit a RUDUMV- PRIO2. largest, And we. have mcaourad ondot 1-1 'A ct8 - yolo of oxtn a Cayoclso, or tittlin
wood 9 50-- a 00 ADAMAOR0 &yJnNlI-TiuieAg
5 60 0 00 P
REMOVAL Goaorich', luno 7, 146.
16 foot In diameter, blit the general iize is p an �, fro 1 n'$30 t o, $50 �v.'Qggo a %.q i f
Just rbeaivedt a large supply of -Spadeg,'A06by 9ftke9,F6rkO, ft. about r) to 8 feet in diatnoter ; but nearer t1le cowhido-boots $4, Wi5 lirwo got ourJoll fill.
woito.,"o 3rAnICV1,84
coast it is larger.. The largest troo we cut ighodzid, are going. atolind, looking forlau(17' HORSE8 WAXTED. Advertising
The subscribers, thankful for past favors, rospeotfully iolicit continuance of tbil game. down thid winter was" 180 feet long and, 4 grialco in Jena- T6rtosro, June '27,L 1676, AI-? C'0.qT())lrRS, AND TIE, PUBTO GENZA-
4.J ft, �,Llalost every day. I killoa
Att, t please tall6notfoo that rha*6 rameted
ell of trees abodt W ft, Ary, saw A; ro And. mosquitom In February, i, *1 r11HE tMDERIONED WIS11PS TO in dionptor� TheY t Wheat AT $1. '00 it 1 10 JoY WOOZ AND StAIoNrty business from thl old stand oAnY of The Winter I not halt h*, cold as in ontari be, t�9prl g 1 08 9 to that no* store, good, Pound hotoot, woltib from
-in but I have ot #Oeft
le-q_AboYe Mat- 1. do -not. True... '1W ind, 0 to_ft�-4bo ierved Matit lArge busines� and ituarea suo. -
0 tr e nax do P. Cavan a Minster is the Pitt river meadows, As level as r6daht,' 6', 33, a 11.1 A FOR.rJJ
CUNITOV, April.20, ISia. a bovei all grass, Rig lArg6L all it, toWff. 0 70! a Nfir E;6r�,day� except FAday, and,
1p, but it is f1doded at bigh water. The, negro, boy, twelyor year's old, Nifts nutter , i 22 Nt%T Doolk To R, CAMPIUMA & color S-rons. -AtLINTON EVMtV VAIDAY
AM 0 Willild iernsor river 1loods rill. the Iovr lands in Juno, th �rn that r bav inaas largo.kddl-
clinatilled ift a and fie 0 11 g;. tiono to rhy otodir"WA have -now, onliallid 16 11 W10,99 NVh,,a he wilt be pleased to meat vith p6*tilde bollig, Jw There ii a right way atij Wrong- Way t6
Lilighteon milca from Weatininstar is J�orb hboratbo lIndApriNty Up: havo Ae- -ileclared that Ito Would hill I Who do everything. Miq, A man hag thrown AWAY
0 �C and ollfliwfiatk thoto is.% wet priria 6 miles lon� eondactr tot VlAch ho',:Whs punished, prem fa, raviewing the gtnin trader Bays flneioloti6ll of flic latest itnothtt has madii a, little go a'#00 ftY by
laud, L At bad,itfi! t(' In foollq1t ndvortislq, and many
area of splendid )rmeaL of the Mill' L Lmmox;- 1ane 25. -Tho Ma eapital I
THI'j PEO PLE 'S,.,GR Of 2'000 a'
b� 3 Miles. Wide,; 10' or,15 mildsubove Chili. -As GRASH I GRASH I
66LInalehoeo the Ca8eal]6. �fonul'tataq she was go'ing,f �4t d4y'�a Shot. Thoheat trad6 hag Wo6mo quidti Sup -
whack t vapi4ly piishoil foromrd udicious Advortis*
UNDERSIGNM, 11AVING PUTtWASED THD GUMMY DAPA1%TMPDXT OV hot-, ana,sbo died instanfly..\ Plies, are bbilil A1,40 Tpr 8 from I&SArg, S"ftoppar'd Would fief eby notify the, 111b bito Thirty, miles up th# rivar from (,Iliiliwhdk I frora America tind 11ussiay anit %vith thd IX businea a Fort Pitt * thord & trail of Wild 104dAt Qtif`096' A mob of inliake(l ftlen ttl)ptletrod 4t antioip&tt)d enornioull 0aiif6tni,,l, er6p, iti 1JNJ Ifolicoilli Odors, 0,11jillifil 161, prosl$11% 4jjf� Anotht, Ohibiuy Otium"
ton and vicinity, illQt he -will conduct the Aaane, at tba old Afita, the mountaidA to Shailklimeati, Wd started
�yo want the JAil.'et Burlington, Doona I(Y-i, tho baeI5,qround little, probability exists -of lytttilooi Waietil, Csfa Cases, Lkdfaii log t received, iiii u
he 26th of Jano, 0 eye hould he okillfalli, in the pack train of' 14 hotods laado& IatCORNE R Or' RAIMB7UY AND ALBRT STREETS, 01 across 00 Friday night, Obtain keys pricog, The 'off' t6afl gfft
'Wileto 110 Will kOOP oftAnd -6 large And, A�Iedb with, provisiong, tools frowtho And took out a eclored traalt hls ruled quiet, but 4 rather 1),attist IriMM161111664000L Of IPAUS# thoup, not ot", 16 In 010 " 40 6
a'about 20LmilogQ mot#1 doutuld haa Not% Apparent for cArgoess of
STOCK OF AL 011010 r4a nCroquet dtsekel ;*jtd1U`tUtO191V It
KINDS 0 - FAMI oil to doll At V fannil piJAtafo for tila botgell, it wheat, at a decline of About two ahillinga Irtilkhta, StIAS 'and In a 11 it charge of tourder, Thoy� were pre- a Botse Palt Goods, lew, pettlerns qlagivtly lot.,cult or, will be I dolt' CHIMNEYS, made ty the
And as ]to intiinds selling xc Verb Ilope the tmil *iudii AT I to, per Noint.
ratogi-,L�- ItAviblklAd condiaorablo expoi ttisinott, he fooli; pay�ng to hang h1M. WbOft4a g0k 14 Irindo patent In %'rtotd', idwitAt'atif
tiou to 411 fAy6ribg hio with their patt6nasc a tmou ntAffis thtough heavy timber for AWAY PVOV6k11Ont b4ll taken lado for favwq4 ajiloijuj of kaoaklfii� about tha Alfghle4t fear q %:V Tat
V Y. o-onlifident thut he ban gi vkl satl6f4d Mae or iotir, ailyffantit we roadbed the anift, ran, bab *Aathab and ba4ly w6ftd- �Illpffieutg $up 1� wini
ok�wnptly reoapttlrad th6L Prigoftori� Moro tl)Aft illifftole b t Most t4flent� V'#.
wis A Trial 8611oft6d,�+064111 1 mit. There the Anowiltiftit were Aix oreight ed, Tho, mob 0,&t 4t Ilse AmeHoan opsdi 10i 'N"t
cep"o,amw woouta da=dl�= fetiaeop, l?IlmtyOfblUG,gt6 to,Abitdooll" hung him toA, tro0o 'And t1dalod the body quitomonts., WMA4 atld,b r,
31, 6146rably Ittgor than s but of t 6 - I . 14AX20 A,
1 4 now AAtutaii. ere Vio surna
L... ....... ..