HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-06-29, Page 27,
.4&V NV. W -XR s ago litti,00'a0gli; Irol", (WIVWX ANO Fori"It
'jplitlt Akto A 02 'T, Z NZA, 101101 . CANADIAN XBWS. CA WADIAX Goneral News
ow. Items'
peal 0"
ito VA#14444- 4, W 04JAC TI"4 UlAmmoi—A _tQA inootino in 414.1 of the
400t4ifflp Y. Sabbath School lo-tiollool Section. No. 1, Sta
Of 001?
Il. 10 Moody and $311koy Ara nob-oulallig, to. A youth named Artt ott,iviiit'dr �poeliiI tansing, 51W,�,, Iiiat"'00-k
owned at, A qQ(
Aqw-=dmp Is - 46w, x0ebamw InUltute.-, TAAvX.Kb1N(1.�T- F, Collett Qo-, have lay, will be hold in Alkerille.44'a Orove, to. 041144A. Jiondon, on Saturday lie 4shing. at a trial of his, skill, xfiade� twellty-thirve
carried On with a gooil Aeal of vigor, . �, � P� �. pot A Covered atak_4,or� the road between m6rrow (Fri0ay), Rofroohmouto will be served Mr., MoNabb 194�,s pQpuI%U9a is Aow 0,5221. an pork barrels Ili less tfign,
The annual, mooting of t1to members, Of Wingham and TeUswlitor, i0lJoh will bb 11 31. 11,� for Olengary, (Ito. wianl�-
the, lirlilelpal question brought befOre tile M .. a dol v $or or, I Tile last b4rror Was made ill �2o Inillutels.
coll4nics Institute took place, on Fri� run, in prinection. with tile railways, ouly. Royal 1. 0 laoig, and A. 1), M) bas been, unsqatod for �rib V by n04406 Qf OYQr FJOU ]since lost Census.
I ore An putrqge li�y %_ Um. IFA I oport6d-
t146, electors being, "protootionl1l In day evening last, qTho Attondffllco WAS tin blotir and' A. ball oultho road -M ; All esers, -six dollars woro
noull Usthem, '$$onto Orto hundred. and twouty
respectable, t1loviol) iwing �UT 1104 1 a) as. "io ate, 2� cents ; 8abbuth AU Illicit 1115114rig And brewing eotab.1144 recolvoil At 0entralia on 'Wednesday for 4*,Om I�Qzq,,Xortb Arl,joa; Ho,st4kAbe
not 64 IAUQ 85 it wbic, w 1011 bo. it groatconve a! oboo o ldron, free . ot or obild rep '13 ate. went in 114joloy,, ()pt,, Wap
Sintil Wallington A third eftrididatq bao buld have boon, and wo, have up'doubt
vollers, broken up, by tickot% to this Contenulal, eloven Jews, am
wl- "t J
'been brought 2 Uff, w ho, Xrootors wQnla be mnoh better p CABO Inland Revenue. 901der4 on, Thursday.
Mr. George Loop, 0 uolph, Is 'pu. roWng ljlilo� Autj- the. eon of kill Adericau viitio-
toctio TUV�f 'witn0god a deeper interest taken Ili 111MI 801toolle-Ttio examination of tile OVIlt,,1410. A, child, aged'odx months, of Mr. Lom4y, .5. lArgo' riumber Of first-class Wr4ml. Which
fll p atform, Inhibition and V pupils of the 441,P'll school and appilcallts Qonoul In ArQrocoo, Tho, Moor waa.
al the management Of the 1118titUtO, which I$. T01PRAMs rNoT1YAY,.--Tbo 11olmeBy'llio PetQrborougli, was killed by, falling out of be. Intends to. export to England.
ud in his. address speakslof t rulix 0 condn'otod for the benofit of all, Afterthe for udwiosi6n to, the same, are now in pro� bed 4*9, 14 A f( I I*. 'blitilptOO Atop the Mi- T linual . Provincial . plo . wing inatch I ovy.orely bastindood,
reafti,of the minutes of tile last meetlitig grosaboro. 1. 0. G. T., Lodge No 224, will hold A St
Ili Mr, :P
Vie country if thebalance oftrhdo con 11,0118 then usual, and if they b0rrY .11'08ttVal, 41f6rd,a grove, A d A - tromp, giving the nattl'o Ot 'Tolln,
far tbe Western, Division of Ontario will I
$D JIM n, 18ZO. adirig arid
and their adoption, find the, ro aro,moro titimc little 0 1)
90r, Ador , X the -county. of LAmbton, i
till tion of the Director's rop6rt, (liq Opal' continue to inoroasio, tit the prooapt rato north of 11011liesvillo, on IV44neoasy 5th of A , unitoba. fa�pnjor lost Touptooft alfoop be hold thio foll ill Se4vey, assol.ultoll, Mrs. Alary 4'allook in.
gainst her .4,few �eitir.s Ion 'In Served a
tile now school will bomor thartfill.04, 2 P. Al,,, after last. fall, They wilitey 6. ou,Tueeday
B his ting of oftlodre (or the onsping year was. Q od in tho. woods and Casper Engel, farmer, of the 12th con 13ooloport, M lie after.
Tlo�. by, Which uttey#4�0 lie fully abow Yrh ch addresses will be doliyo
TH JUSTFULN, QU91 rod by Itev. were found tbia spring with im 44dition of Gray, fall dead wardg went in'to , a, X001,
40100 Of MAUISTRAU'.8 CIOUIVf�--On Tuesday 4 Alr. 11011dersolft, arid Messrs. Thompson, and ougonday, in ilia
ignorance of the e0ects of trade and. Procoodod,with, resultIngin tile . I. Town odisti, III
he folloivin.—Prooldent, As. TorribulL, six lambs,
The question appeArs1b, be the boy nairied. Emery 1-10Vve wao' Urought up. (�atcojftif Uj�lerich; Itev. It. T, Courtice, of Me, Tholxt4 1141110 Brussels. The cause. is. supposed to meeting and took, part.1,ft. the (lovotioual
nor Ilia wfiw Tfc�-Vrosldollto, Rev. F. MoOrtillo an4-Dr. �1,u 0 , e, Stewartaort, of the, 2�hh con. be li. wirt disease. exercise$. On beii3g
om cc, and, obnsoqueit , Ely, before, ilia, Mayor for stealing a watch, wild the Problyterian Minister of Qqder, arrolited, lie cut
moit important one that is r)Ow 090110,- noss. for a*. Wortbington; Tro4s., It, coat$; 8407, 0- on Account of his youtli was tried and loh T'V- andBo0f, Mr. Smiih, of 11olmeavillo. BusAriqupt, has it three�.voAr.old -helfer, * Capt. his throat And will die.
geat, in tile llouse, If the G. Pirie, of tile steamer S4111060)
blp�, 40ention QCtbe statestnen -of Stevenson; LibV4r!A,n, Jas, � Soptt - I A chair )Vill be in atten awrice to enliven the. which ieoeyffl�, gavo -.6a, qalf, weigh- wao drowned A a
hr6ctors sentenced tinder thajnvonile ollblideralact )race di birth, 1i t Gr verthurst, oil Wedrige" A
tno t as go to tIle polls it will �-M A blisinef-9s meo, Ing of tho 2nd Ad -
Caere, P.. MAlloolij R, Holrges� J', Ale- We guilt fts pro-vot), and'a fine. f $1 a ings with m)o1o, grld'roq1tations will Ing nillety-fivis, pounds t*
43ay night. It is thought that lie arooe
Europe, ana As it is. 040:. that Possibly be difficalt to say' how the election will Garva,-A. A14the son, 0 Shopj?ard, A. 8, 0�csts.irifl o , arid JIM given it time, permits. Tickets, 25 coat vout Church Lowell, Ifilqu., last WCd�
icted, wliiqh hispiother paid., Mr. Brook, of BrArik-Cou,tity, who shot viliflo asloop, and walked overboard,
way result. in one of the greatest -wars, Fisher, J. JR. Combo, arid F, NV. WAtto. a thief in his, bolls I ei has sold Out 'And MOV, A dead infant was found, i4an Aurora. noisday night,,.Ma. M. it, Pettofi;pe,
or of diffier- go, but I we fear. Chat the I pi�obibitiQri The following is the, DmusioN PAY being kept as a, h6liday gaaway through fear that the triends of wife of the palstor� of tile church', iire.
embracing the largeAnnulub b6 water tank litit, week.' The people. using
would tvke some votes from Mr. Goth- 1411130TORS 1111rQAT., all the establighplefits in this town will, the dead miltu wowd. take, rovvp qU. aentod charges, of Atitiltery, abuse, and
out Powers, ormodern timesi,: i6 patur- The IDiroo.torsof the. Institute have much, closed, ana,asnokiud of amusement has., go the water imagined it had rifteral
on, iiec9unt of his free trade pZ111011 been.proviaea here, wo expect, most our UNI:*.N Vi0xfIx,;;;;Tbe Thp St, 0.01thrines ov� do ol ros that a I'l lying. against
rbing a good d Cie plognure in, presenting their Annual repor Motbodist,andl?r a ties. " The. ownership. of tile child is U11 h.erh sbarld, A mAlly is of the at- u
young people will go elsewhere. Goderich Orion SAbbittll schools. of this--pb; ab oxrfc.� Wei
ter the year 187, 6, this being the sixt year co- -intend �oase, of Arson wa rought. bofvro a. known. o'' -tea- upon the aQ6used
will vote for
eople,' and, more eti,' Plook but tho.9onservatives nnpioai6aft 0 rA The Crovornor-Goner'al. waa outatultiod Vile was take by s0prise, o
tentioti of r Ading p th 6li t te in that city.owFriday, bvt the Court
of its existepoo as n InatitiltO41w, TWO- h4p, m4do great preparationifor Celebrating
tion vi the day in 4 splendid mannor, buying got $Ap, AcolDnxii.—011 Shtprday morning 4o. was so d noti be tried..
ririespect th*the Library:Assoclatiom" of' ik peoially, as S. ill at a auniptuo!�� rop�at by�_tlio citizens of' the truth. _Jxud� that he
-thp W6 t'promiftolit nation 0 section man on tile H. � B, were T 4
for venin
dueo ay a Atilt, 0 ha committe... Ilidultory with a.,nurso
qu 1peralivo feelings Irlptitute is still in a fait'arl-4 prosperous a. progranituo in which thuro ATO -g ho. Canadian lacrosse team noW ill Fing" Quebec on -W -a
esfi�n'isla that men and boy ; liprac be g to their work oil two 11 jiggers" a.4, APOIC0 n(, 4 tils one of 11 U'risurpasood in hi, 1 5 erpploy,' He resigned his �astor.,
In North h6d South Ontario both .101"dition, aud, the Directors feel that it is 3tt"S" QX theyoQuitnonced racing, Wbilethusenpgod, yea before the QtxoQk;, ato now Anancally 01), a Bourid basis. It &�Ul. hiko, and illuminations and the hin Thur4day atter which A birdh ba,rk address
Roved to be, doowo4 to dest0otion by cursions on the .. a car struck thQ 4ront, tbro ff . .
partioa appear to bo, cQrifident of success, rpajrltains� 'ito�usuaj position, rf or in ifi gy. fire works in theovelling.. TheG. T_R, , wing 0 'was Personally pre4entod by tho fuldiais, Ate and-tbe 0hri.istian ministry,
UK. James $towart and seriously i uring ) i Mr. ames McMillan, of the towilohip.
niany people, hpoording to. pro� nj s
t tbeftinctions.coyktownplato4bv.tio�oestitates. X )vill, rau cheap, excursion trains. bead Frank Tracy, aged 25, of Albany, N.
but there is no tellii)g what the resul The'allegod Seducer bf the, girl. Dailey, of Dumfries, near Galt, wawlatQly confined
J3116,17TIVU1, HOW CAIjEli. From 4110 our village'lo upon whosu body an inquest is boing.hold to his house for About ton ilays through - -wag arrested at Lawie Am.
pheqy.. Dr. Cumming bag lreque:ntl� The Library is being c6litinuallynlianced Wqdla,r6. inq nce, last.
till the uAlloting is' footed up, in 'value by the addition' of books of ilia now inagotated, the next. question wilThe -I At Thoirldale, ]lite reimrile(I of olark 447-1light, on suspicion of being a wb?,
the 1pso to 179ndon, and having his feet poisoned by pair
aserted, at different times Ill A nutriber of Bplendft sbo'�i case's tat have Who. will ,a our xeovo.?, Mr, W. Drumniorid, expr to be called so a, brown.s c4he li a of inan in malo attire. An o):nmI
few yeArk, -that ther-destruotion. of Tur, The- have 'certainly great �ad,, most recent i.saue, and also by the qddition been broi*4t to town lately, a peraoq wc ald esoos his. willingriete illation
0 ad worn for a conpI
of"book's b6tifid'itip from the Readin spoken of authe fit and imper person, who, at Ilia �requmt, piOV4 the. prisoner?w ROOm' mon here are in'ft if be Cons witness in tile Qaso.
Cuts tojuu,, will be glootod witllqpt�
w -vgtnt es as apd veal- 11be numbers - of. papers in -the 'VorY condiii6n. 'Th6A1faC in- d
key, as a power,' as nearat ha, 09 P oubt, And now- of'45 howl -of oattle statement that he was a3good. a.inax
days, siatoil thy, �e'ng tber6y- in a position to in, Room line been - consideiOly incrciasod� troduoad was by Mesors. Wrjght& Foster, xTKUT4JXXE �f 0 who, wouldxAls when I An ther instalmpnt a
xP.-Inoz Fort% Wiiiorla stab
,has' vitbin the last few ndoz the �10. the arm r ell his hay
amongst the additions'being'the. PhIN J. P. - l9a, 11jesoott, any. 9f.thom. True, his appearance and
arid then followed 1.. CallhiWor & Cc,, J. dred pionist, intends -givivg an priced ranged froft%� $18 to $20 per ton -is last week for Europe. It; *Ay -the bait Action is the perfect. resemlylance of :a,
-Jbat tbe-tiMEI-bft$-,130-W��ftr�r,!VOd, andhat, 4tiefteb." 4 good UiArly�.YQIOS... -
no, 0, "6fittrd over fattoviicXq�:a di. woman, and'ilo one sooin 'birli woul(T'
the troublb'basg'09mm� 064 Which 6111111 Sine'e.the above wit e we larn� Frand4co Bulle0a, aftzrotb�. ileAvBpapelis Itacay and J A Nolles,' Tliev. iange in ..(,.',I�iriluATION,-,:bominion daylwill be 4010. gone d9wiI to so aria.8101. tilldry, their avoragoweight-boibg OD lbs. -as did ill
n fail.to denoui ce. him,
likely toprove useful..-to:the public,-- Tile pride from'$ao'iC, $110,'tho I�ttor �b�atd he,,, a SpIrited.manner, as a oplop-
tile temperance, figure id Pro d . , a
bring alc tbpqW,!�f " tile that "Mr., Afomillal4, -Directors ddom. it, t, (lutyt grain 0 h
glit . the utter OVer P; _ ratibris are, Already going 'ell for lea. It. HiEt height is ruptli
0 Pay being M, �Ii?Opylor his, --which as boon got up, id which 'a Ila . ...... C. ull), O-r9plexion, fairi
aick man," Turkey, and' bonsequently) carididate for South Welfin*( I Yt'(;n', its the result ',of a depitation to the riz -1 &I busin6sa One Friday morning the body of A intin
is a fine 6no, ooas are offered for the sue- WrobW ine of t to Ilirincip hIiir bladki Ion! and c-tirly,.. with tbol
Party ill, .9
Zoos destro b lie r out. Are in St: found IlAIE.r�, mile west of Iroquois sta-
town Coundi the'.1landsonle .5 aVar by of games,
0 'rice WON 'T fta oc! As a6oxt ,a 'ilia lusura form f 4'womafi, bi$ whist med.'
he Euphrates, Acooi- tired,. opposed to be exthe drying up.of _t was granted for 1875�6, and tbeyjfe�Y sure YHI� -YAt i;j) C; at strawberry tion, oil the 0. T. R. track1t siring but 22 inches. Every rnotioA
ding. to prophecy. 'be 'that the Institute hall M i6mc a, fAtival and prorriellade concert, tinder the 40019R]m 0 �av the *ork will killod'13y.iji,�.m�.rnit�i6xpresa,, 'Clio body
1 .1 1., 116. d. c - I' beenladi,
Whatever will lit .0 mational institutibu; and as aspl� ro e9( and the least mention
A priniev er ces of the Iddies of St. -Patif's church, 0 , with 6�cr that of a
lubroglio, nal last poll Will' he giviiiii in the towu. hall, on Tuead Couxom,"The Co sr4anont oduc ;� was out' in pieces, ilia head and legs being
It the, ell. 11' always receive. ilia hearty auP7 uncit met on the 10th 9 groerit Parkhill "village council
the final terminatx f 'Bostwick,,�ru drowned I sevorca from it, ad, the clothing, allAorn his peculiar- appdaranoe brihgs a,bl'tish
'T ly ere of "the. o to hip, clinecks,
it is impossible to ie'il,' but QUO is uevenin nox't: Wto init.;:pursuaiitio�adiotiraineut. Members all n6he od of too ii-iTs fE.
week, Linathe -coroner's jury, ift,.Weir port of -the Council of the 0 rape Hb -has,' a omall's,
xdwQprqa,d and evopingclasseg have bdon Ifo�t in oppr-: concert Wi 1 consist of ohoico solections of Miturtea of last- meeting read And, wod�ls i ; 8 e cli)rk,' At a recent mooth)g the; -directorship, of in singing is - a pure full.
every appearanbe of a -*v.* vordict, said that." deceased came to bisi� h �' ased". Robt. Gordon ww n fly hope whatever, !xll, voice�_ w1li
ation tfsual,*ithmarked,sU'C'cess. :Miss 'vocal and instrumental music by 16cal taltn pa appointed path. asaeos6 treUdwar, are a the Bruce and -6ccompguying bim6
destructive storm bre*in which ent, ind othori. T be in . A . Lt- mastor in place of, H6nry Chirk, who has, left Iso w ab ay W46 Soprano elf
death through being und6i the influence Alourtcastle now holds her C and wll the stainers fr Vl6ry few oth Smith''and upon tho, orgr(ji, he sillo.8-finely,' lasses division. aadZ Miller wasgranted $20 pin its use.' or challjgod,, MoBsra. Carling,
.Tile accounti are daily reqpivetl. have been very large -thua.seiison) ift her �tpndanc6, an Ali, G. Watoon, wall knowil Ili6.tt*i see: plaoos� Can record a. similri-v Johnston I retiring�. arid Hen, I lugh. Chil-,
which he baiiig indigenC � Moved by�G.
of liquor." Y.6 are le�sed,to'Bedlh'�Y. The Tl'ti' .' !- Own rooms in tbC.1%foulitcastld Blecl by!'L Whikoly; -that the coul0illoi ill each - Thq,-Kingstorl.- P afiert, aq� ilers, F. Bpptyghton. 4Tfd Sir Ch rrest ore
be e th -Bar- than- 50- times in various citj08 � b 'the
ore very conflicting, -wbjdh,is nob. t n's, nougb to, tell _iil8po6tion - of 4hich- wotild am t, �procoods'-aro to -ba -lied . * I I . P. -mo 4 i r- -hot-,Nv athor 3�iit 'why any, (tb 'direct6ra 6f the Q taking their
se P y repay n I
�Wonderldd-at, ifis tbbie: ig,nof'.only,' the an� the members of t a institute. With" _f 6r juppositipri tht ho was h womh
h 0100 in excise. Of thatalroady gr -Anted, mone At all in th&t6rric. season, especially. plaCo. n .
the ttutb, ponering 4. verdict not often rog, of t ut of a suitable Tito.
op rd o Mr. Scott, the, iii FOltTO1jjt:. 'D,�TIIO editors of. tho MO,Win Amendment by . Cox, 'sec. - by 0. for newspapor Mon? not waa itecl 'Whitchurh Council 14cided to payup A111111 A*CJj,.$ p
digiciulty of obtaihing true reportsi' thor f Liblislies
0 as. 11 11toatF . sugos h Ustlitiuople borrali
glieb, and fi d' ueh filt. of 'Aili" Br their I)uvidioiIl that nok . more. longy: be .granted to t* rely practical, sornion
ussefi fllirrk A.,16ttor frem its, Uo.
iany Juries o un er roorp is very in account of the unsetled tud'sem sorib6rs is 240. against W of last year,'and repair-Aade durin the present, year Tito claims for sheep killed -by dpga whoro tliore
'imilar one. 'They are unmarried, hpe 9 tfi9t 'a'an be proaobod�to, hil. -editor (King- is�ipq' t, d ondent, dated June 16th,
4 ha lie. �as 0 thp. wail. ssibility of convic Ili lQ r of ii '� givin 0, do
zed state of the.ppontry but it is;to' the -the number ofboDka ialcon put is 79=as ladibs 6 notion au4 amendment weie each thoroughly t Last. the -dog atid mak'ing lib ""the damages. tails'pf *tile atrocitieq d 0 .,
I Apparently,. tlib marriageable ornmittod in Bul.
ppr917 go identlil, .:kl)ere le f 80010%ted. by - the respectiv6'riltsvorT., slid
a pposed to 7110 of last year., The number, Brussels havqjnot sufficient chj�r a drid644ho inatter b.
interest of the different parties o. pro- soi�onl. ors The Reov -'The Fiiianoo C'�Irlml ,f tile Goolph uvoral casOs have Already boon iiiiiii'lle- garni during -tho in8urreotioji, anctwhi6h,
Oks7in'the Library is 120 :1 .
lll� -80 a
p1din. truth told,. even if ofirice is of,vo - .3, iw against trap dither'Dan or, To " we would' ad� voting in iav6r of thcl stinendrnou1V. Mr.,Yce Council, have been: antl oriz -all to spend, torily dippQood of. till 'coilthitie by A.'46 11 Zolika
But n6twith- 1163bf1ast-ye9t. The.numbor.dfperiodt� bill for'damages - go
mulgate false reports. h-cood there'. Cal Niso4hom to.make, a inatrinioaial visit to' to buggy, through all d do- stracts and aigh ways this
given, arid nine ;ifIU,VUU 911 Tlle A raid has- bb�n. made oft�o, dell lielyt. ill -(Tuil,ish liregular troops)., wiiter
standing,. w ni of the truth . . 0 ." I - where %yo will warrant tboy will� foative culverbi.,was inquiry. car. Tlio,-to - 8SQ8ime'lit for 1876 Buffalo �by - the, no
e tbi is V' - reviews' 4,and newspapore, 17 thia placl laid over for a y tal a Tr surer's -lieport n lnu'Ch difliculfy i. finding suit��,Vq. hq�V id-thlollowilig--dmofints mounts to $2,498,600, being $148i3 0 lots Atilljowsi who sionio4dwo ago,,flod from To- heel,
litt e i'n,*ns'tiga'-' frol Tho ea allows that the _ ot IIh*O I _Tl ra 7 All the n1oveablb- piv b
coilillaniolis for lifo. Clititon. is. possesood NVOBtoui cc ar far calvirts, Jis.-T6r-
can be gathered by con receive than last year but thera w.ati. an increase, jrouto, to escapotlie le
the yogtr, and thatilIC �nzn.of $696.08 bai t" Ilu ladi 4,1 ILO(i of ranco and �thdrs, Njork on 6th don. 810; gal onoquonoog,of
tion to make us believe1lidt Ikusqia is' of" sonle'Piet y nice you 0 bufliek.altd. old tfog, tllild�
Yr. ., I . I Coll 'balance of- 'famous calling. Tlxo rep6rt'atatclo
6 lit ai-I advieeil *6ixed by the b ex�ondcd, leaving a Couse we'danDot do them a gi6atdr favor C..Johniitonl, three calverts'Bay. Can,, $16; afanning tbd fiames of di000ril.in the Tur- Clunard,.stesimer :wo learn -t6t iradd, in- with somd.subscriptifons still du tit ndkiavellingn 13. 'A Coxiser'vkti-,,o.pa�ortoniai-ics tht-theto that lie was -a partner of 11 De...
an.recq:)t�izioi)clth6ireli'ilitiietootitftiqnds ..Arthur
kish dependencies, and tbat,-an.-Openi A oto of thankg 'was linan! mously passed, of Elio qlifll And coil., $10 ; W. Edwa�ds and others, filling were.. fort�r, houses buildin� �ili Ottawa in Da�io, and' givQs Boino particul',%ra- :estimated that ilia Province wliiah scissors Ili Brussels', $13.25; Win. �lidwards' 1874 for 1876, ail which, it true, P . case . 38 ail u . n a plo4salit . inter- 46petofbre- yieldod, to tile
the I tintres. of '
leading: mallufactur rig.:c to d, -this falling off ernment
the town council foi. their'libbral. onfl-. grivel 4n Gth.' f declaration of war will ijob, lohiy be do- England w:as. in a'very ungatisketory ii last, wrk d6no � on Wilson's hill, Ot me'ut does xiob -lea enub of X800-00.0 wll not,
on -of $75", after wblolf, the -meeting ail It coil., $10;' bcoausel,tho presont.GOVQ1M b for Canadians.. Unfortunate ' ly, Ali- All nftual�ror
its Mr.' 'Robert in4rsori was drivilliIiiiI IV. hill-oli con. 1, rophpi draws has osca od.the Buffalo.a
layed. condi At Ifiluoheter profitfr are journed;., -know �vvi� to, go�orn tho co4intry., uthotities, pa�. one quarter. of. tha.t, quin tilis, par
tionl Loufs-,'Slliottl repairing scraper, kl,26 - John -:b BE-' or-fo�--`Years to �-con -0 i&94 stallion, PoBcorb, iii a ]sufky-tb.roagh town, Aho"hofivo Ililders of 18'j,4 hao. enough though two. fornalo.asgistalits- word 4NXIM
Servia, being the largest, app'eari siiated. to'be sma.11. and unic"or:taiti OX- STUEET 'WATZRING. - Mr. Itenn�d� it to6h. frijht.at the playi.ng of a b4nd'or- Calbeck" two Cedar culverts, two to do ilow to,pay'-for ilia -11AM' Sea. they built ad,,
ditchoB and tutn�lking, opening t _m6tes; "place the. no mber of Aives sacril
has bleem4warded the contradt of watering gan, aqd became unmanageablo. .. In turn- dit in formor,ti 0.
on ore, line llio
take. the most prominent positi6n. in op teriBion in almost aby.direction impos' )n 0.1 llkola; $35 Ifenry Young, tuTupiking �rcss poin a out ilia advauti. fipodt'at from. 18,000 80,000.
the.strodts, And on Monday last lie com-' ing aliorb�ar lid., it ovortained tile Bulk, k�-raisiug country cor
-prospe0l�for-the QU addA to-.tho-1ofig-d1st'bf ca--'-�os-of-?4anitoba:"-a'stoo f, -siblei- and, f atupir. -fa _flino�% n o _-o -aiia-d-agging - t)vo-claiverto-vu-pido-road,
position -to tbc�tyraunival-�exavtibiss o r ifionci�;a_the ll4rf6rma*ndo of Iii-s-dil if r * 0 'irty-soven vil
0 10, 815.; HondLrsou,-tb6e,'cuIvortson atialti s, f ropi tile. careless 4an'dling of 'tire: So,* filnifldd is the iippIily of tho cattlo-illat, lit%
oin Cheer -eft: dowfiw P lid 0 lagesknownfa, re bee
Tur 3y, ad is at proseiii t 3e' Zeritrb: of 6 Q. . An unbrok him afow. y4rda, � i4oaiitirno kicking.. a Cup. 5, $16; W`m;'Murphy, repairing fiv6-atil- at=: -' A -young marriod_*omain, M -drovers from Minri6soia d Io 'a havo a
��EOTS.110]tSALUi artiesinwalitbl-goq& - in - � - . . I . r.s. an w rl'deStloyed;
.;u P��g-in ol(?so proxipqity.to.hhn. ''The oil 16th Andrew MbKoei �UQYLmond Jacks 'go, practical-monopely of the marketi uridwith Ainprig ,t.1i:e refugees - th. r of
I � 0 .1 .0 nufiibo
. ;living hioat Btacebrid,
attraction. She -is 's6id to have, ovie tondeftey 9.f'* alu hort-4all desor tiohs building. lots alipidd tak& a look at those horse managea 6 kick itsclf'fr�e from the
L ". . granted $15j- indigence ; a0ilossor .&Oil L �10 theieLis-not a girl
adv'6rUseldin thi; isque,by .,died almost. instiptly 6a:'Thpriday, from milah cows at $30 to 840 Arid working oieh who '178 -very sm
one. -hun'dr-ed-.thousand.-krmea-mon-r-eaa 'ced sulk�,. when ib� was' calight before any, f ur-�- for assassin of, bt'
ya d'013,�ld,.wliiol�ar;'Vekyeli�ibly, situated. - , _ '& A.dogs. * The, Council atljoufilo4�to the. 'effects a -woun caused b'tho dis� at, $130 to $1150 &�-yoko, Wit - n(y doll a, over-lon ars of age. In fhonviliIi0of
th6r OnO.L
was Bayou a- fe aia the rsi Monday,iu.Aily.
exton- *.ithin tile past.few montihs. W W. COLVEr . MMTAOURI� bioU,868i.: �tr. ]@Me On Wh�3 11 Lh a, on .Imndit Of h young '=16. trade. Little has beeri'..d6nei Serustitzd, , Ili the d trict :of Phillip- I's n Jit?ri I
to take the field, and is :making AND CIRCUS chargdof a gun' in th� is
will visit �tra'tiord 'on Elio 7th and 6odio- anianwho'Was standing noar,her. thb-intrdAuctign of-. thoroughbred
on the contest. scope was a�na capitl il�L Pqpolis,� j,500 nOW114 to
OLVO proparations.to carry rroir one, peraor�4� ard. 1�
stook,'froni want qf otirplup the'
have been -killed This: villagii
The rich n 8thofTuly. Tbarailroads,w Turkey,is fully aware. -of the critical 0 tile ..A- -melancholy oicoidezi.t tir&d At
co sist-
inarnRANcE LYLITIME, -On' Thursday X1
issu Ohot*si: and prosperous
e ticketq at, reduced. fares 6u thoie days., Q6Conaville, ow.SAturday. A.. boy" named hands of. farmers, though they are "fully ed 400"i
state of affairs, find is endeavoring, by' The f evenin" last 'Mr. Detwiler a- proininbrit 0 t d b= ig,mAn- namod alive t6 the importance of tlie subject, and.
ollow, letter We copy fro " I alle!;, do, a a up ay as , a yout James Ljous,'.olaveu years of Aged$ had been temperance man froul Ic ivered an' undoubtedly-3skuld, singly or in neiAbor: Rild peaceful. 'Every hous6' has -beeirr
Frank Ryan, 'h cl�rk in,Seat J.- Fdel's,shinglb faetory-w1aile. themen . .. :' ' ' ''
makilig promises of 'reforms, tp. 'stave, Nirlanee Beaver, vIliell,.will be Io lid to 6rtb,'diedfrClii p . h-o-odo: be Teiidy-to�'iiiveatiwauc-h.i�br'�L�ght burned, aftd All the U fteoUj) the members of United Tem�. 6loquarib 'and terhparance lecture intermittent 6�kbd 'outside. He n1�41Iwvebeen-mied- ed
aoresulting from;;abadlsss w in for "sale- It has, been stigested if some 6xq6pt a. f6W
off the evil day. - Hertreaspry has bqep give a succinct an4.' inAeFeating. account 6f Porance:Oraor'of this lace,L"beld a picnic in the town hall. �. Although t1le -Jeefore :of the brain- iner�, for"he was draWn Wompli and -childrbir -who.
tBayfield. ThildaywaepleasantlYspntp tvas -free theL attenda This it appears as the re- d1i g1*4i1ild maoll enterprising broader, oitli ailo or into t;' When tl men cauie in,he'.was or in�,Onf to6k.'roffige Lin Phillyp so exhausted by- thafo6Ush_Lxtrav gance- _matter� arid'thifigs- in 'the ]�Jiihtdlph neo was mege, and if stilt bf. an injury received. sonivtime-ago, le Minnesots,-vio,ii1d. try the 'a a- in'the cust6niary, In anner. Manitoba mar-
ibiL. "T. -froin a n is o y ear Wom6n, e - ctirriei
-that she i's alpiost in-' in'lo'd is' gi,pa'auilly lin- 'that fact, we may. info� that the great bulk oil the, street. "He iias very-'ranob re- t Methodist . Confetehda a very profitable oife. Bashi BAZOUkS'L �T . hese Cruelties of her'late Sultan; h tion. he attetia any concluejons at all . -can boArawn. -from hwhaving, bee'n'throwh ligh'i'viajoll id 11 i*ngli4. ket once they Would firril the pppaulation a,
of the People are not in sympathy with -the In the Tordu o
creating Ili al nil
capable of making. siich wiarlike pjr�ps� number,.,anit:willMost'likely broqgflit to our offide Bever stalks of,rhu� spected. n6tice -of motion has beeii.ti ibled, � Which %do a great mpirepoion d.t L, Coil B't�li
'�arb Prince L tomperanbc'movauxerit. !"If the tomporanco , A ' 'Concert wIll be 'given atates at-'s6mo len-th thair th(are.i�� a' difli- We regret to rolboid the'A04th of a youth noTle. ., Tli e rations ;vill enable her to successfully continu6-so to do, till "the.4th.of July, whon. of the' Albert. -and Victoria le of this town eXpdob'to as o'vx 'a to a a the great rush. It is not variety, 6f very large growth. She ia.tpqk� POOP r�vard this (Thursday) evenin, f6r,the clilty ill Pr6vidin; i6i marri ad ministers, iianied David Vveland, aged.about 3:4
W- , a - .� ntillqif principles, they will havo 'to show of ilhtdrvened i;iith the Government to' tit'
contend against her revolting provinces,* p Ing gireat exertions upplytheton the Ciioket Club of' th.o- plibe, tinder the and tiat tile difficulty is inbruLsing. It"i years,. whi6h occurred -about two miles
likely tb . at A-vory, great'imilly.w1il -0 from to 8 themselves On ev4r a early ve e�ablos. y-faturb similar ooc'&--
mana, ion the. pr9p9sed that circuital whida. at present from Porf Stanley at an -early li6nr. on Sa-'
The English cabinet are far from�-being Ilembnt of Mr. G. W. Cli�e, wl
aloh.. Aclioir,�n�ortheleadorshipofBlr. Count f H
a distort a till the r,ail;liak fares sic lowered.. y turday
tiron may.. a sin de and a, InArrici morning; under the follipwing'cir.
ndoed several ortg
united upon this question,. and they, Masonic' Crawford, v pieces of ill sic
Yeaterd4y I passed through G%at BrIt- greatest treats in music, Wsong, theatrical. Aftet, a n time,provido for t�o mai-, cumstances.:---Vho boy who *as in t]
fraternity alvng tile G. T. R,'as far as in �6od style. Alt., Ch -A Murrdw acted ag 110'p6ilit, welijL "a
itca -StaiteA and , Italy in. tile -main perfornian6u,.(both. drama arid 6brfiddy) ried men. empi le
therefore, are doing all �hey gan to avoid in, Vill Brantford, hid an excursion -to Goderich chairman. oymont of Mrs. to -ti
bUilding, found the beat intense, especially evor piog�nted, as the best thlerib has been pasture field 6arlj'on S Stock, liorseo, wag..
its discussion in the House of Commons. onSaturday. Thetrainbonsistodofl`�von Virday inorfiing, of Afarltah, ,it his r
for the P ing the cows home
redfor ilici o0olleon; Ther St_ Catharines Yncls
ill Itftly�-00 ill the: sbade-called -at -the town ScamoL. VPSTJUI rrm;.T roga. driv
Lora Der -by said; inL a brief speech'on, log cabili7le . Ming - 6iis6;4nl;i. partoi Of poik -�"Fa- About thirty-flye fr6m this. ..MrL learn that very extensive di image wag'donO urOose of Clilltont on Saturda July:�tli, at one
School ard La9b,spridga, farmer in'Tuokerairlith 6 - , -milkod. Xo end kn6w'Whoro lie had J, p
h Joined the lar meeting of tile Bo, , was-lield cap to �o
BrIQ4 Auct.
and.beans, was waited up6n by foir dam� (in Mar turod a fine largo-eaglq. '-He brought it to fruit in all partr. of -the Niagara
this mat One. S.0 id'ay* evening y the. -gono, but his Prolonged abienco, ter, that,. no, lit, ivIllob. Mrs. -lot It severe fro % . . . ---------------
PPQKefl: 86forth and told it to Mr GOO. Wiiiteley. at. Allat occurred anxietv, and fj&L
'des the, low SO.-
sbis.of: 1776 (that'is judgiiig.from. appear rle taiilio,'Sc _rA11, wAs
Areg -ann an�i Hiiia, gerp, _W
I-5-u-n-cr-q-5ite unconsci6us,, lying In A.
U� X, present. 1p. Coats ocoupleallic chair.in
COCL ast; weem as o1rare -on n
pire, possible if. the -CYristians become.. hins bed with- a,quilt on, it used 100, th, Qo,, also offer. tickets 6.any. .1 be absoif Cc of the chaiernan. Mr. Turn has tenderly nursed and eared for willbo loss than half. an average crol,
the tird. furrow, stripped of every.vestige of �loth- Avrj fine asortmient:46f -FAX19, ull- ki
hile pdachewarid. poatalhit%�e ali6i:6d I his
d:a shoot 200yeara ago,.go9d y6tJ should station' on.theit? liii�, at'bno'farn foji� the 611 applied for th6 li�e of Mr. kept chained by -the log in tho, loft' 'A Ing, his mouth. filled , wiffil sand,
rly disaiflected. That All around:St.- Catharin9s, lid shockingly birpised,, bA-ViO ' arid -price's. 'Black Thorn 'Bezel, Ilam'boo
W,boen, gor- �_7
it 0 y
-double jourtCy; good only'for Dominion room for, .-two d amillation. of an '� alon . arid ObIc NValkirig Oupo's, now.. siock 6f.
PY are judge, for another 100 years tile OIL, over the. liver'stililb: 1,1"t weeli Mi.. 'more rievorely,
I . hifeley.had- be I Cn-away fb some time 0; g tho mountain to Gritinabyi f
seriously disaffected there isn6t a sba- stout cradle Made fji usei stands Ili thO day.. Tickets good for,throedayo).cano for -ontrdnco,to 'the Iligh'School . P by a bull, a young animal leis'than two fino.'Mo'
ow -Io6k: blightbilll." presenting � the 400.176 CARD OASps�_ cell bu with two r4g babies had At Ong and one-third fare. triies-la C�, j AT-
tro.of the il * ding, W 1. Lt
do w of doubb,. and we think it ill only it, the kind a ted, tho account of Mr.p an(Pon Ilia return the eagle Was so ovorJoy- Years old, that ran with tht cows, He
in in vogne ln:tboso days. Coats� amounting to $3. 01, was ordo in that he inade a' Appearance of h*ing been Fvorchod by fire; aid JAY318'. od to od.ab seeing hi 3unip''to, of ilia. was, ukea to tile houso,'and medical
proach him and broko'hia chaiiii Uean-- igettlicr-6bange of sta a
require a.brief period - to show that' the When you visit the bxhibition, d'on'b fail �gomc . farmers in' 'this n6191" be paid. Mi. 1301irlo asked ll�w it was that up and-Tricat. youni friait is dropping' t, once procured, bur- n6think. coulil bo- DOIA fb it to: ilia
iti, the elevator in tile main borhood have already. commenced to cut . while, the sharp -eya-bf-tbe�_bir off. , Qooei arioties of fkulo.will be I i 0ow'qtore onAlic corner, next, door to It.
maintenance of Turkey, ass, government, to 90 up w I As Mr. Sheppard hall engaged to give, Iii, d Copied a. done for him. �, H6 died about an i�lm
building - It's the only way you can -get h their hay, arid find the yield'a heavy one- tintowholly to the school, hb was init. ju�enilo canino iotly to- aid dear iiext autumn. Callander & Cols,
is no longer possible.- good, view of that grot acres',irf somo'pl�ccs qu and ahalfafterho ndo ; ail Aseensibif of, frolie two to three 1 'ted to'buter upon other ongagemenPiT poasli, in A corner on a billet of straw,an& Tbwbullwassup. JA. A, V711r,
ti jit R9 Cattlo'buyors all ovBr cornplaia of the rit I'd
typo�L -this year, "" -a dart t him he Boon inilao mirico. dullness 0trier Anto-lean fol. only 130 fact, and all the wAy Up for 10 and hay %Vill doubtless be cheap as o comp l been mado again6t it that.provails in tile raudo market liosad to bo,liatinless, L
Since.the above was in the laint It. ce. of duty, op, Thoolderdogmadii at,prosenb, as the
cents. U thlb American deb.artment you v This is earlier In,the seasolit �6r ho,4pg, hilfi onace6untofnn-p6rfor'linan' in eat of the poor'p
lowing itilportAntitelegrahic items have illmotico a restaurant.' 0ood hot-diuners than has boon. known for some time. , M L 3r cannot do, businoss ivt
I- - . . . I no answer Could be (AYCIL to Mr. Scarlo, a dash 'Rite the 6gle, but the quadrtiped r. Alexander Brown, on Monday
ly justifies us.. for fifty cents. There Are plenty of these o wag soon vanquished b7 the biped; -and the, Uie State Misistfug. Individuals. Berkshire. Boar.,
come to band, which ful MAGAMNE01? uly, has been and the matter.dropped, after which it shipped -car load of cattle tol Torontli;'but
ill lirlds. . 1 haye visited saveral of foirlier was -sent off howling with -gain. At
in elieving that a peaceable, soltilt'i0h. of vtd, . and,'it fully ell. Board, adjournaL being,unable to do-.anybhing, with t�o�!a,,,brought ilia 'itiost f thent.back at rarlilt fate
thenif Id" f1rid 'the fare the same. piece sustains its -W is June tire, Mr.' Whitel�j thought it.wag T6,&vv Y�ik says
known reputation of being one of the best IM34 ,the W.4avajonget Bab- , wk-lil all'Ag =Agita tin �klko- tiitio-for�,iiitir-,io:-tiket�Iiia-�tLgI '1tnT�U`MffW f
,!-eaBtern,.__que4io re eshipiwhand;� -stick in
ie- aml Y. 5 �f introducing Contral'Africa an filled iVith matter tbatwill .41
Kable. and beans, 300. ; Cup of tea, 150..; Pip, 150. part 'merits are Costumes, In iialv of. the propogad--stop, d accordingly, he common- tIO from the distillorlba, &c,, arid grii014cil fe to savo thorn fr6ni this, that, or th& rfalkAt, Jah621,1874.
Wand of 50c., its advertised. lo I or
Total, $1.25, it both interestand Instruct. For sale by J. takon by Elio morchafits of that phico, to it flow,against thing, or, to' LI
The Berlin correspondent of Lonil'n Be sure and oxf�ineL ' w I undue all-
iffany's `diamon& indow, br6k it,.hud got Boom very bright, alt'hoi�gh several dealer' all-ingo6vorsomabodkolso, Thenbuscof Ellglb!6.br4ert3� for sa�6.
ynill and . A. Nolles, in to%n'L and cub off his; credit. . Some one. lend Ilim , into the open a . Th6a at liberty it lbok� ki 'arrrtrigom6lits,ioalliplivobcoves
Are lin Ing
at $525,000, Tile subacriptiona, received by ilia Ontario Naive ed around! coiiltbuiptuou'sly upon itm mastor Ungland. Some,fow Iota Ila
Timeetelegraphs on Monday, Arid attichea (Ili & small case), valued . A
serioua import to the violentlJougu4go of largesb opal ill ilia WON is to bC found Ili t i a irit'tako4 the forin of bribery b
Company, Clift6h. vo hlroady f 10N,9l$TlNr, Or Xo. the Russian and Servian press. deprtmouti valued at $25,� red &110 f9r f [Lit wholesale, thoftf the I!iublic %_X the Austrihn Aro"wo to infor.friim tho above; Chat iiappod its Wings and majestically sea WIM1. and, the news roil f ah(l 1,17, xiorUi s4dv.lif Toumsen(l
The St. Fetersburg Gato8,I.O.Mihistelial 0oo. Ruasia is conspici[ong for its 'GOOD.—We liddea, with pleasure thatgur eter mdrobants lt,4ee cut qff t1w crodit (if the aloft.-* -Whon io loft�ib took with it, an of nd, ovbii -tho. TEM U
ic. artioularly vi placeg'aro nimento of its imprisonment -ifte I Provo 7 t it 'of it aro seldom free fvwfi thotaillt Of ty Ull!rtt 18 a Rolvetion *of iwaring fralt 00co of
org iP - Denmark for its Cherry -cordial ; over4'raotivor iown-constablo, isdoing�*Iizt ho- -Vorabler, inatay lots wilt tind, 4bt 131tolal(,11 veyy rrivato abite, tb,rlju�o will set All buropp in a blaze to Por for Ila mummies , and Japan for a the woll-oarnoA nanio this going to do likewise 7 We thank him for attached to its log, About two (it 0 t -1lut Alloutq ilia tovCro be lid Cb oil.
can to keep Up ri . Iowa, Apply to
prevent thae subjeotiou of, kindredlitrib.os in 1218 introductory to an -answer to Clio T. P. AtACLIONAT.1), rohndry *raco
quilt. tit bedotca4 at V4800,'and 'phCaeliaspfbeingorderly. Ifislateatinove Ilia sliggestillig to some one tb lend ua'A chrAitt with. which it had boon tothorod, contini'
11 Bring siog Iturig" at $1000, The allis to compel'youtho who have been in the shirt, btib it ii utinti�basary, nq, with a close- B"positol, 10 -dopre eadJune 28th, 187U..
the coming strife. Bufral tilb
'aft lo",cabin is A substantial,' btiiidhig. habit of lounging about the streets. oil a butttoned coat and a pair of dorry overalla, Tile Political Corropondened Of Vienna' di State ought, to provont , tile railwAys fecal
publishes a despatch from Beljgrdde, stating Fhargitig-iiigliraiegiri,%Yitite �ndlpwrutcs arm for Sale�
havirigrosaw logs for --posts and timber 30 Sableathovenhig, to '!rnove lfi�'Il This is A_ We sliall. be able to ob'throligh the war' thu a ivill. Of Elio lilrrio Its
b i The London, Ung., spealcing of 011 rr way CI -
0 Which wo,'weather. Porimpg, a I"Ilt' Canada's cnterw fitt VtAT
that the departure of Prince Milati ter Ithe inchas square f6r sill, with dqal Partitions, Commendable - action,. and Z, 1�'s ro frow'Now York on./ThtlradAy� In .911mm011, because tile owriors of vessels
army is fixed for the 30th illst. Oil the same 111" OVI, s� 1,
The Wo5t noticeable artiol6a in this dopart�, Ito a wilYbo continued. thrown out that ho.wo'UIA like sorno one. to in o , do artment is a polistalit JP1111togen, of 1:1. It. customs no- rind their property Idle oil their T day A War manifesto will be issued, and on p may Sly subject of P The Times piocoods to say
merit pra a pino plank 8 feet 4.ifiches Ili ' land him oriv, If it is, tile lender very icod suspkious conduct on he. part of it hands. TownRlilp,. all6ilt 9J ti,1169 fyow eliuton, contifning Sil
July lot a state of sigge'. will he proclaim6d, Df6 Nor SuvcInPo.-Th6 o mmenago of tjif ther evening, c,onod-bye, shirt,,, if top thb, 1%il, Car fr Ut is to be rocoguizod in thm'
tbroughout Sorvia. Width; nd A 611t takonfroth- a NflAto -pind (Stuart Dale of Tuck6ratnitb, has pur- mail who rrived in ale Z111, . .0-n the Ill"a there lq 0, log house, auilbarn, awl il, nevrr.
tree, 9 eja diatueter., Th� tin unkliblivri iniiii, Attempted to steal A ride. had cneapo(l himsolf in it. * tillies, it Now York'by that trai ng world that lie who enters 4nto butinoss, or IaQInKol)dijgdrt0k. Apply Us
behind -recent- pgara WAS
The Gibrltar Gitardiai Was that' oi�ing fo"Winghim 1;Iy aderoting himself . ohased'tho fart'n' on the Ilurofi ro�d� to, ductor (if IAO ill() wol*ld At All, for that niattei, runs
mm of tree ivas 303 fact, high ari� 604 years old, 'would, ba unfit for. farther subsequently advised I Cot, 1 Ntgox cooxi
to instritelions from Englarild. the forte A registry book is kept open in the Cana- tha tender of &-ttain. on the' L,, 13. lx oedupled by Ali. Felix Thompson, lot 2 owo risk of losing money"if lie starts with 29" Is$ 0,
ill a COW plate a is man.. ro
Gibraltatis being placed '011ai. a11S1. r $4,15 0. 1 tile eat, thal this man. o 'd.. five dol- tion of detence. dian di-partment, lit inain bullillpf?, " Tlicy 11e was discovered jdgC as! th tarted, baso.�.All match was cull, 1, Containing fo 0 lars to the toftor of tII oui tor so crate arid 411,111'- Tho State undoubtedly should. af.'
everywhere Ito Ivas be.
Artilletymen Are us"it. wag. goill Tito annual w'owing match under 1ho koop the Ptrcols in ilia flight ford him the gorioval protectionof general Act of 1876.
mounting guns ; two abiploads 6f powder a jiuka thi-tigi'livf alid ";,t quito blowly; Played at Bruceflold, on,vri(lfty last,'
-13r in tile Tunis bounce,"-Andoo polled twoon-tho ciriv Of 111 -it �lac of car tind].
'dispas� Wtho grand a Old that auspices 'of We Iluron Partners, And when lie wapla, cull for'thorly, On.
day areexpected to Arrive, aud allfarloughed ing. coffe, and I- . n Mio Alfritier dir
XeB to journey on tile old4ashioned Clinfon., loift1dug, aftors play ofthrea and challical vory peculiar a rwhert
tire , i10 (f glfOrl thif, lawso �buk more than thitt, iii'less tinder large quantities; of'fitno,; fapc� bo Andation, ;Vill be held. oil the iiiforination hit.. Rogers. stated, land kept. irounisiances,, lie . iiia- rio officers have baca recalled. - , �e iMe it, 'plan of trxvolling, with 11.afiank's a halt lioum and tell hillings, ift a victory frm (if Atp. Towle Carling, near Exeter, art close watch 0 the i , . L Illosolvent.
Almost evety s'.dp you tAl,-U-TUq- suspected. man's move. jig] It to I
-tunity to invest. "Pikerd �ro WRT'All ' ATTACMiMNT if �S 1�fj
The IQata, Correspondence of the Mogedw atter olob by onor T Ili- fOl- Tuosday, fho*4th of July. '.Pilo followhij.' IneIlts, In aiAor V tnates Ar- A 4,1110ill. and tho Ildthlod to
for ilia I t 'me two asso"' , ' , , This gotioral doe 1.
Gazelle says Mukhtar 'Pasha has concentl%ted! OPPOt Picnic On, Wedridiany of'lAat week, James Ron, lowwing is the scoro will, he offered. for cornpotition . rived who, bol undonbtedly got off �Yith probt; by any class Ili Canada �hab fools, moot Itt,,11y
thirty-five thousand men ready to attack parties oil the groun'119 every, da ; nd nicks, a ndted gam.blarof Clinton, wa6 filled the 4111106 Ili the, Towu fit oil y $3, 2nd $2, 3rd inthoA'CpjCAIl side '1,1111, DAY oV TrTV, VJ,1,X1ri
Montenegro. Both Montenegro an4 Servia, thougands'eart.bor Been LI R, LM Combined, machines, let� it ell to special legislative proiPotion. taking. their mealB $10 by ilia Major Of that town for plying and. walked Ont.1 iaar now convinced that it would be suicidal Seatsarefound 1111, nefgri inIf the fine had Ingl 0 Illow . 0 , Too '181; eye 1 rtl , to , Theso mion noted so -Tito man ufActuror a4ka :fUr protection to at,
'T. Ninf,
ots occlipation. Win'Itattenbnry ..... ;2 nit it) an t[tey rewfl.t.
to delay war longer. in almost 6very part of ilia grounds, aod T. 16,Shirra . ...... :2 Irmtv dlunqon, 52, 3kd %-50, 401 81 - McfabOril exhibit- itratigely �8, to Arouse BuspioJon 11int keep Yankee and E ngliall. goods out of Gan.
ton tirpos� ton there arafew who would
boon 1�1, Mutl ...... lug, wilfbe require(! to pay ail entrance fee they w6io b6n�ijl ' t e tj ads, so that lid may charge tile fartiior more
A special despatch- froulEpijuo to'tha opilp ana'btindaiiao;)i'gno4iold-l�ttoz A.sinti,11 have been 86rry, as Jim is a hardened siu-� C. pohertop . ............ �t T- nrigizit_ - Cra (36 0 to 1va w Goilericii, ynno isla.
ion of Rome reports thatcommittawx through. boy from 111hims; is stopping t an hot ... I., of $1, arid rion-roollibors $2, All machines had the f)arboh it, brao for the articles which It *a has to Ball,
ol nor, who ha's ]�(iat many -a "grisea tin"' out . ....... I I I t to car. Tb. A
ri Mrt6i ....... ...... 2 it. ....... 4 niut; bdon the ground and ready for work finally 1116t. it 19 stipposedl,that -tI uan few fannerg ask for proteWon to keop out
out Creece Are diligeAy fomenting a-tevolt on Markot street. .--He is- 11 years of age of -more than th%t in one night.-Neafol'th 5. Arealoy . ...... I J� on the Turkish frontiee.-- Volantbert er, -an- -and "ighs 480 lbsi - Ila tried to got into ...... of 4110 ma, obw ,orit Amoricall ........ on ... tho-d4y t
whbiff an opportluity-offerod Aud: 11 two, da, go, that-thoy rudy charge, their town
and Urinate, who to Tb the lenders �vovj) .1n, move rolling, and the people believe that, tolL infer by he above that our voky liopular; 0zhibition--L"gotlo AU, A L
Cho. turn Ati� we Total, iD both among. maftufaeturots Customers higher prices, - Tf .61)o class
be declared when the Xing returns. qVile, but stuck fast. cotem. has oort pUyingith t - ft� fire*, afid f 187&
ingera burnt I - Ito Appeara t to oil, %vfiilo tho, m1i with the parcohi watt to E topossiblo advantago to thor favored, one
A despatch to the Jotmial d6s lVaig from took place among tho leading officiala- #lid had his 11 Mr. W. . rLcf(,(l as uml)W , Uti. And iro, unaoubtodly of much botioft r t Ujd* and tho,,Othor not, thcr6 fit InsdIvent Apt o
Belgrave confirms the report that, 8ervWa cnoiv wh4raof lie spoakA." Ofcourav�du . Goldsmith 3 for Qtlin1on..k_A_-,iuApm inittcYt 0 rind A randozvolt And place to uttpro' them I _. . . ,
he waa Admitted in the carriage WAY. The l(L ollitrlbort seoror for BeLicofield, and Ar, b tit, .1 oca,
llonr,� a
ultimatum -has been rejected by the Porto, and cars passing arolind thergrounda two a groat A vacant issue of file- London 'until'datkness witild,00llcoul thair gletfong, bpb it wotil(I he at the experloo'of tile oth B'8talt. of one :to convonionce, and whooled Chairs are Ili- A' soon as both -are, ptotected, neither is lit - . adda that Prince Milan ha's aliready' g confrore will ateot clear of Jim in futlrtt,� will be playod liore ill tbout, two week high class, journal of wide circulation, it, when they wouldithrib for th6ir dootitttion, a I& 2.101.1,ii (it the army, and the-commonceibent of hostili. the a visiLon Saturday WIlIOlLWQ'aToron�, 'Itio-raddonsidrk'Wifil all better 6ff arid both have j
good demand, especially with Ildleai P England contained a vbiy complimentary list callae to ItA4 Tt7U!r.tN,rD JXis:tTt1UC-
roviowo lit load,�aftd litiia-pot pr6'eceded fa whon oom�lain.
ties is imminent. T io Aelt by rablio, Auction
thogentlemon incharae of them giving ilia last Nbm,Rov. J'as. MoLatighlivi; formerly A telegram from Cattipgo announees that All cenflants every information., The X, Y. of this plaeb, find who for the past year
Wdr,Lix it to not speocheii, Thaliouronyo. "Thesospeeolies Mr. Rogers caugk him and asked � what stoneral pretection,of genotal
11ontenegrins between the Age of 17 as been on Dervio'cirenib. Ila was oil his d. that. Time and Herald are issued here dp h8VO a double value, for while those doe the rarcols, contai*d, lie nswero
: W . 79
havi been sturtmoned to Arita, The Senate InificentoTann intlio mill , toanow field of labor, t. Be -Iqtq
will-ohortly 0ou orilUICIA, Warwick circuity fat, in' removing ioni provalent miscon. Cho man to open to T
Nile- To gov I building, A chime. of bells is heord don. Ap 01, Ilia JIO At One 6101odk P. �t'.
in behalf of Prince itiholsio,, until ill and 6f, lat 210 thr, Editor tof Ilke �'Vvw Bra, At iii tiieeting of the Plymouth ofifirdh
thoar. ai6nally, And 6 grAup of', old.,Virgihih. no. vatt; of* London. . Wa many persor I coptiolis Ali tho 'nature and chaacIlmly refused to d4 Wholl Un Rogers 11ilailtit groes 111'allufactureeigats and. sing planta. friends here will be ploaBda to lodrn of Ilia sl� Un,11 You Inforill mo how it id 1110 of JAItish North Collared him and allood Mill Ilia Authority Xow York, 13,aecher's salary fok tile y169 r rotnifuro, cotinwUnn of Oidint A special from -Berlin saya that III ouso of An tion byrons. duedessill, the work. file to'W'll bell I= of late bwlt rung at AtIch political spocclicaab Sarnfii, Montreal, and he conaoitted to con*, brJt`Qnq Ilia W.as Axod, &t vtoAroxiiis outbreak a 14011100 1 of 1 11% vcollent; working Tforaea"
sJutio 150. �.Wa give the following paragrAph as fill Laat Thursday J'� Uoontledr oloWilovo, thorollghly.-OxPlaili the poliey, with 1111-0. to tho'colv.-otoe of' Cuatowsp of.,, . F firts 'of India. nwj ono lled(Illn, ou" Waagoty four oets oA
Vtftst(Toriblo 16ce oft theirTurkish frontiort, rice ffliore they wor4 opo tom matly p ana one 10Y shfgh, 0h6
nneto our, youth, that'it mlay'stimu. to Ong protty n ar whonover it wanted to puritied by hisUfliatry. Of that policy Avilile thij
orX, a. ki bn Friday, it tang tit 0. 15 AtIA ill 'A�dlmihing tile, 'ddlay, Burnlah, in the pasb fetv wookqj TeRMS CA% N 11111% Atiollottodr.
no Turkish troops On, ilia Danube hAo to The. (Aljoh.) P1*6#g mentiong a lite them to exortion fix puriming their J� I it Inay be said thlit, it is diatinguishold by. ra1017i ViOiO !qP6V 011nek. iliat'oholoea i's ragifig, lit 3,farij, vllilasor and varloto ovid *artidoa.
ceivecl orders, to MI reAdy f4 commando hosUli- I posj�. A has varibd quito a bit at tinies sin6o that. tho Bound co first pardolthe man idakirkod, that 16 *otild '14mm I -ago of 'homesickness atudjos;, that they may also attain to, trillion sense, true courage und sue
ties at the first signal. The n6wapapbrs here Ae�c UpWiUdd of 700 h4vo oultbod,
A: wer,6 tionIk of promise, And becantio 51r, We, pay�x good aftlarY to the ringerl, And it Sagacity thatwoold be, ox�ooted frowria, tolf aull get tile ownerAto 61alm them, and 0`61161tors tot aona S. poilvtft, Aesfgb66.
ril ' 1'. e6Oj%po& to illo I
Ahoort ifiAlt tho Porte huh expreaged,to Priam Which recently, occurred. than Ila IIII made ulan, such 44 Mr. AfAcketwio, andpos ft 00 started O*d C The, Chicago, MURC prifite de8patoh.;
X1611olas of Mbiliblioge6 Its satiotAttieft at his fe6tif that place' with his filmily to Cali. Ilionaldwift has friends in thiaeighborhooll Ito cannot keop bettor (line woods, The a. most gWed faudbrg� will bo t6belvol by lhoAsglarico, kuldf6ag.
Who will, be Pleased to learn of his;ogrcss, rocolltly�, I think the auth6ritiog should got saswa 411 Elio quAlitica, likely to tondor t es from several Minnesota oonfitiC.9 glv,. oft to Illwat. Saidottli., for 06 DUtoliMb of thy.Ataek lit
AnyNt fornia hu t fbeling homesick when lie a who could, By inAerting. this accjpteiblo, to tile majority of CanAdiana, complete oatrit of' bih1i burglars' toolA,
ftnt4 feiefitatialo, Abdoiltormin vtom u late illaue of the Lonclon, we 8011110 Oil Ing ft very gloomk�adconnb ofth'6 ebndi-' t"Aad Of t1la eP111,8114 doblihatill PiQ on flieVacifia 06a6t, Ito took the blip. tllo� 1611OWQ.. --I I Prosonted tothoQ)neofl, You Will61190 Not Can Vnglishmon. complain, for 941110d: Itt twO I d. 001iolAtIng
o the arbily 'Oil ilia Serviali, St aph , The Ot 11" t " ' ' 'a had., st; nerr1r trAIII 0t:Nfilblgan With' his fftfly, Ur. XtAott, honaldsoll, ItA, Sdrapw, on fa- Patently. Mr. Mackouttle Tim at betwt -a de- her two anaodI tion Of the w1ght; crop, A. . Pot (I I boill �t�o strolled AWAY, confidin it, their filan, With dispatch giveg the following cervoliorA.
to pt6mOtd ilia well bail) , of'
Arriving fit,owoaso !ft the tight, lio,xa- turn trom India, And apnintmout to 010 -Rri, olifiton, Juile 26, 18TO. - 11 M11161106; MAI
rno , , � * f Mother 00antry and ilia colonyl. 19
rning -vadlit, 03borlio'by l4ptain Glyn C, It ()ur thO tools, AM Akthroii lithode- UVO testimony —Xmorong tomplainfig aro 1)
110 dy
10 0
11 ?Ctia
tI , All
General Croka of the 'U.8, army, to. dopa;t until C. BI I.f "A, D. all" �lr, I)Onaldsoll is' id ltov� Lachlan Tayint, D. U, 1010 foil policy,,' Buys tile 0Arpaaj&Ij P,�Omior Sar� pot qU!td ldhoon0o r4 a until t1ey Were site coming, in from various quarters of
meet- )fn d
POtta having, had d sharo bAttlo With the *141011b going into the Uwh A aldesboon of the late Ma'Or I)on-Aldson, of �Onl time, rosided ill intends re4' nift, I ivill be, for the, future to do our owu Atrohtod, but they e in d to answer an
big friends,, and then again took train 'Ottli, eturphig t V
Sioux And 6thet itih' 6A R01.14bud, Ing, 110.,ont6ford tho Itoyal NAVY, to OOntario. tions, 'They 6 1 a � had Aomo a Actions damage to growing wheat by
ON, 6 1, workl, but to be tho,foromoAt, and,, I hope, quot large the recent unfavorable weather, Many 166a swoisda Nott" LlAt� eltu blif "Oh lkt -i
Creek, Col.i, on the 1th iftef., i� which for California, Ill big 96VbrA1i6urno;a I p4raft ntanufaeturq� Ili the itrongest,'Colonial Ally thitt Orent Brit. More, or bank in Torontoviarktll tot, their . ,
Alls WaS 11100 r6ipalr:616 �Togfesft In his olloew ealloudetta 40d nowapapet4 dlaitn TpAnn iitor6 of 11.� U. ItAtian rm,,, Wilton, Am ilia
killed od both 1101099 W61t`6 UhAuAted, And ha� ig u0W i" tho B 11,0011old fackory ior tile 11ionthi itift pan posoibly have.' 'Mis piimphlat opdrAtioltis *Ith the buf9lVa tools'. The Corr bfildo of tho Ulidlifil$ll
rofeasioll, flat by fmily. Influence or intorbA 11
.11dag's thd without Py fanas, k alld devotion to big May was 13,11100 pounda', which bbould be, id tho hands of All who Are ift-t [two. *40 ffladii, 11nod $50oaoh tind Adhi, that not more than lialth arov;vIll be Ong S. $6mr it,
Initt tho I'd tho W W68 Of hiraof
L twod to iiiis monibitil !in onalobt., Wioa 414 reAliIng tot thd Mon till totested lit 0411101'an poritioclf UK$ 1104,