Clinton New Era, 1876-06-15, Page 1771:77W 771"W7
X41100044 GOVOrI110011ts,
The mors we bear of the altuistiou of 1004.
AtAutinople And ill Turkey generally, Ott Mora
or; Ill I Use XithoVact4n, power"109p-
is . rupwAugo Avow( all
"tile government of mixed po-
slAt I tit Aiycfllort to bolster it,, up
riouit 4114 dangerous 1014tollic.
t a �blst the activity of the MA -k
'it-tho cffifl�, Isitao Street) 4061y, 01)polsits, be, WX power roolly Melilla Use sotivity of
the ktou idea ail an, aggivasivo
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... that tu one ofin Intuse on
"Turko withoukiliftaing I orgy. into Turks, 0.10
TZHUS.—$1.�6 in id;4110o, or if Ifaid in Is �anaticfvm, late XA.
LW Mug 1' r .09, That is
Q mouthst from Unsdi Of 40110P alone
at., the esill'ot the year. formidable enough, for good government lla�
Mt.; ends. at least as 1011ch 0 A14"parthili-oliveot
The boot: Yob� ()face, in ilia County of Huron F.
Q�JtlIQ4ght0Of4 a ononorgyinoll,
fo cingropoot fall 4 rhiph pro -
14 connect .
14 Door, 01.4 the shortost, nofieg" And At TQry: Vol, XT—No, 24,—Term�j, $Uo per auuum. CLINTON, 0.WTA310,, -TRTjRSDAYo a-UWE' 159 1676., Di; HOLM'U's-& SON, Puorwms. toots those rights. I era is much more
4'. than' this,
j44404able, rate$. t in. Turkey
.4.40 remor boon a 'Vol n�, IAll, boon no
------ tra o.tradition, in
4.110 r4
U thing nil an allodnis
001,18 IT -mx; hwor-tstrickon whisper, as I heard the .1 ilever itsintoll iss My life, rs.11d I novel lRooltful All Tbroug Turkey or a school of Turkish' statcomon in
. I — . 1 -:1 . 1!1 lsould find something
bs k$ � the iloartoo-lu'llio fel b'Joug. like 0wQOUiugthaU now^o I whonwith to sup tbolr roll !Osis Ultli.
-_ -_ ", __-1. - @,14 -1 1—- - 11 4-. -1 - .11gay, Urii, in,tbo -loo
—con -i RIQ xi�-* 0'of us[ -------
irot illoortion;J OF
OANADA, I . . hada milst. have foi&tto4._tq M - preiseliod I of, mind - to 4, ra!eontl nflni�ejr of Ze FigarQ, RIVQN th 6 ri 04 th
n a eacli t, iA
ortigiiii, 2 Outs por liu rule, NA a QUAA way, tbdraw s1l, a 0 ad all y be despotism of the Counitaltdor 0
140 In in king bargains, friend, will
Assume Assooldi you ,
Cq?iTitACT RATUN. 9040� Of4def, Lonoorts Out, tho Irey. fe�verltly on instraptive ac tin gr how b:
Z. OXIAODY, M.D., GgApVATE OP TRINITY lotpkia MOR 4000 It pa, delay the fearful. moment, oci t, ilirdreos- ill 1148 Alwft)robeon too, complete for tll�ts kj�
Ono ocluralo, Ono year, 4. wo college, Toronto, Physiolea Surgopas $o,#A1ytU,. he truth, and qu this sty, forgive me 1" 0 era me -ge delity has oonitilited, not in rstgaying tho art.
T9 ittro jaclllatOd DOCtOr xp things 10 1 For some
'40,60, 001TAL, (1411. lot, 1875), $284,996,67i 11 offlom.-Oppoetto 044no'a ROW. I) Khort, to toil A 110 r Of government, but in doing his
is go. :2�0 ng in the WeAlls(imo 'to
%,,;ill, Jon, 20, 10.76, 4, Maynard, ut time, w4tilor
MOO Po toles in Vore. g his wife,: bii�4io r0sirri ooPoised wisp or foolish, 0 fo. 0 10 1 TA
to. saillod. and p*14,44 At times yog lingir, a 0 IIA tho ire.
A, bo6rgain may Do ImmIde looking far, WOe oXoktod than "be. Doctor " stilid Is, with a eia, coin. about the ill-Onsequers000 arising . a not got
aone your, 40-00 APPLETOX.-ONF1 0 fr In prosentatiVe ilith6*rophot�di
D Who XIOUA6 lately OQ6UP by Mr. Jraiaos Fair, oP-
Anti battered by A ItAtlo11oo call never fb),give myself for such t20.00. 0. Hainfiton, of Blyth,. Just In the WAY of trade; _To, have t4o latmoot cQuOdance. the. pernicious Ito Mad out of one Mlnistor� 110 atraightsi4y
indulge'd in by
s0 molIthot ....... 940. ))son duly appoints !to the wooleyart0hur strgot, Clinton. In maling bar mine, friend, forqAth,
4, as tile Canvassing Agent for Cliton, No�, -thoughtleas not. Ploak _proceoa,,. My tr Palrifliotu Ullies of Wonting hair whicU, removed him, vIna put another ill )till this old oatollebid Company for the Township$ of
2000 ........... - to AnQtfior, lit, doctor) Ott have, for� 0, Oft 060480
One-fourth, one year, I - —do Te a —ho W
roysIft, OR I aokod a bolle, a flirting �ollq. wis rentlo
At LN, $Vis _ 0$,, AND 40 red simply i It
handoonsis# gay) tho rrou� Joe :person
MoXILLOP and MORRIS, couvinawt, Market. Square next door to the, r open, tile Xtis�nllogea practioe aibJe b that military allegiance to. $1
, that tbis,
...... nto bring 4 napkin to 0aunch the 10 rolyp
Policy holders In the4o townplilps Vill *))a valtod on, by Bank, Clinton, Out, "Ila break incul'A hqartfs, Wridoxi,44 01� you -ea( sont4tive and head of the sy Ich yvaq
. I C , [Pyou will have the g has calused all alaiming,. I I I VIOUS_
12061 I'lomilo tell tile, does it pay 2 $tell ill the litill, and belpl6s Late, gearless apt I*ofva '
Oup-cighth, one. Mr, Aamilton, In good Iliac, as their pollolog- expire. All buton, blood., steins wIll
of 44 parts, at this tor;ltor I still Sat iiv The, at obsortro diseases amon0bo fair resideIi at the roQt, (If its, Wert(lorfUt Contleclito Many
. ...... ..... $.00 yvIl1bovIsItod�perIod1calI sonny Way toll ino in what sslild you gain) oted to illy hdbair.,
Ar Bj wantonly Inflicting 5.00 Qnp dooring Insuramoo will Do called on- b .-ad OBqlx!g -plirlor dbor was open, t-t-nia `lu� it—E60 T a Inapoity for 1,
U010416 tin Vill re. t 0 091ft of the Ila) you, Will find every� 0 the gay. osipital, of E urope. -Tbo lat- r the Alabomothno, are
!X , lie anilloil, Bud with 4 ripplip t b
volnont now, F o
)pts�tWelfth, oneyear, oin tatt, tic or 00bavo boon paid 4000 isoltour. And witching tall, thin man, A-0inni I ayou a the tax, have tAkeu aras a11 .... 5.00 by is a P 4 A oftotl of losss. ll. honoilt ad never -bo- t need, for tb4t p rp so. il a! aild bay egull. doos nnt and oplAnot, exist,
t Allivary 4,1071, 14 1"Als do I galzi? Moto than Ion till 11 9, b till.' to, iefusb to wear any hair ox Thero is wrotbing [)lit A Pith of aoyornm4t.
3100 0 lit 040 old 004111alled uk; hoI4 Wale, i4iyas -dressed in a Iors oopt suQIl
Ola 8 ttera
0 There's flatage to. say prides
C1TAS.T.I).0YL%0w4nSoun. , . 'a. physlolaill surgoon, site, iQr so porplo loose robes a sort - of gaberdiile) . find -a 'Ali, madaruo,'. lie Said,. shakirs a otit froiki the heads of livin
Business qards,8ijpos arillunderil, year, 4.00 0 as hits bee the iust�ootivo inoventout of tllc�001;10,0 lainil
icenootlul� 61 Huron. Reoldonoo end Of To xuark, the envy, at Lay gox. g hpil, 'Lost, Folind, D Ana pleasura when I W X4. is toivar,ls t
ements bf, stray, Ilru�po and Huron. ullatip PrtWly flonceal, Oagaoiously, I I novar draw blood. find healthy p6rsonol Tt"o'YOU139 'We' they DO. (Joubt riglitl,y thinks restore. Via a er.
rsb month, 81 ; 41bei ad a broad forellead, underneath VW011' durihg - Britt have long � be
&a., not exileeding 10 linfili, ft tar Ordota left, INVOW Eh'l. omoo Vill AuggA Dill, 1860. L, u Dian of moil' of an
a Nlirgical operixti�u �tbat is an. F gy Of the gOVOrI1hIg-t)OwOr. Andthus,NvIt6ii-
aftei fitst mouth, 50 cents each month. receive prorapt attention, And, all -nioublit paid there Vill blisplAcramijit profarol- �black -eyes,, bright as, living' brated for
a '.be, duly ackilowlOd 11 -By using Jangvago foul," gattlT, my secrets tinkupIL to the a beauty And luxuiiiislao 'of evor it is. knotyri, its It is 110 rL Iovor 010
emonts of rl arias and 11�al 9stat RTANBURY, GlttDUATV� OF THE other Qao of kish dominions ill .11-arop
V) and--placod, so -near - tog bm Advertis Till
lit, in onth) - -March "Cc facult this
for sale, not exceeding i6lines, 61, -lepartulout Of Victor!% Toronto, for. a1g, Wei; trooses, and or.latet thou h �a 11
a OOQWIQLI, and aii0waroa with is kholl. Y. tit lilt the Tturldsh power j* oZIn froutc(I by. d'
0 y ot tha, Ilospital" lid 131astyaj. it, lots �n 1?401110,n oil b tho�r prefernatlival -in. it" como. to be in great - demand Am9no, the
$1 ; not exceeding 15 lines, first mouth, $1, 50 luorl isobar
corotior for ilia Courtly of Huron, 'Theirplaoffig hi.514.tuid on 01reatoris it N1,411 extinction,
Ft, ruy bosbru be w
each subsequent j�onth, 50 arid 75,cout (06411ion.Ablo ladies of Paris. _ ' - 0
Qns A oglrod a ilrull�arll, Cis )as ruAi9d roatness; hQAyy grizzled oyelids bung -atided*ivitikliortorespieglerie-. ldTurllisli IlDanoo. by it diRcredib w -o
Adv§'rtisemonta without 01)ecifi6 dirood 1 2& . Acrossmypsthene,dity, " , hicit pr -
-w-w But the purclials6ro of t' lumodity 1-mioes
all ad ac- A drow ofw za over tbo) 111ce the h his Co I spbody.ona to auy holla, of hil,illi , 1,
will be inserted till forb (1,-, a' Alr$ PUYSIOXAN, SUROU"ON, A raggadi reeking, drivoling wrotob, gTll scarcely mar that whiter Skin tit(,
0- , .. 1� . - . . 11 Friend, toll zae, does It pay are Wifewd enou h kHow. that ll allarts of Turkcy of It otimulus
M000110hour, Lioeutiato of the College Of Physi0ift'UH lion ; the D0,36 was Sharp aild pro,�Auebti than, snowAnd . 1 9
smootli ws jnmnumentml� .
.1dix on tQ-t1V0_mQ zv 41oh i3ill.
Afallometan POW X&FartiosiaDVA Slllp�T at. It X alwtth, wio ! the colinty of .1111fo diU"_Ae ban fmil-tho .0 ,
n4 0oronor-loi n. oc, auI 1i6qou0ho4,.11 Payli tar aI'l cill'(30 '.i�l 10ITtile cold solid Nonpareil, cuplaa-ilp�
-h-a Mr-iWO I I-, ad on very
0,1(:f3o6w. q,siw,AJtco, Huron stroo. Tole lialf-a-dozon years, -as tile as . to! it Mari mt*thod whereby tbey-carswitbi 6rtabity trivitil. p6teudos, NylliQ11
CI nor's. 1-10 Polit(4,Y steel touch, my, breast.; but with the really not Fo.
blyde-biillt Steamships t r tile, much from any foal, of the tali p.worad, In wonson's. bitter �Oiktq, doffed, hi Cal), bo well replaced it, and. same broath-camo delivorance,. coiln. upon obiaiaiug� a Supply of
SON, A'I- of tile Allen Li a e,Joavo Quebec, every Saturday inoin faith"as of hope front that fallati
AL 00110itois in Chancery, aud -Inglor Liverpool; lasidigg Pasectiore land Malls at lame and Surgoono,of Aye in rags and wrotchoduosol- ly foreiiii genuine article islo attend and porson-, D.. 161 College of rhysic . 11 n 11-slighi, ac(jelit," (vhdok Its Qou&bt�n, heavy hich is t
TORNRYS,AT-LAW, dou. of I '11.1y's I UXQ, D40 ZOVOr Pdys to bli6s.. lie iAtitnatc, resort TIOUBO Oil fait1l. 1tiL
nOfficeNext door to Ilia new Royal Cana- L901L Iro[O Londonderry and Glasgow. late "ingeton oQuoral'ohil Lyhig-lu piano cover w row aSurgeon andAcdouohour, mriaH 41 It pays in. dying parents' groans, Madame, 4 is not necessary fo sts th ri Oyer the head 4 then quite ohiltliali,.to hoijo in re.
tthan Bank buil LIST OF, MANUINGS FROM 4N. op"Ite-Vair's'11114' me to stand on any further cerotnoiq'� ad person of tho.'riiadthilln, and boun( fOJ'M$,Pf the govornMOILt 014110 lwlriotl� Jiro -
v: ayo iutctQ4;1aII qont Paz cents you. eltu.
VXB 1 0 such of t Im) as Can afford to. lye nice.
MONZY TO ON ALA A niatters.6xisonse' is no pl)ject Villues? Before have reforis of gbv.
-so$. TAEurOOL LINY. In praclOU4 as It u6band, , Doctor Maynard, tightly 1About him, As 'qixi kI in such- . ?
...... Juno loth. Ito crouleit you mus't iiave'ift a, golid. mauy per.
PERUVIAN Pays, did you say 2 the drunkard," pay� Illorelipon.he agpin .15iowed . proNiudly)-. released and thongs that 6--boijild Pd. hairdrossers to
Clinton, ttly al, 1075. Carnes in With. Interest,. every sells areal convictifin that the POLNESIA.. une 24th, bits aKidy acq a" send to Brittany direct for ionic Airdam-
ft. 111AIVOU with the ua: rile 866in held the manic. o0alplained of are had, all -'4� NY'
SARDINIAN .................. Suly Ist. precious indonic"blood, mud toars I Lill to substi
turo of my business here to�nigllt,. -1
CAMERON &.XeFAD.DFNsiL ... ............ Taly tarvation, raiver).:, deaths rill$. sal,whoso hair, in "in the inarkeb," - A -tifte fdrAlloin woro or(Jerly. ni)d, L
ARKE T Sq' iw% July Intl). RUIANU IWO NEU oilk cosololtAN
00 U r - busbar d 'had me in It lt-en� 'bub t1lat is jiftuisely what tb&o'
Nita, ilois5lessly, ap is Utit; to be found
1��ayil.,tbls dri181IWiIq#n va" ilo added, ai -lily provyphfid, and A w days after sit a)) an tit .4 I;e
'July 22nd. 0 10 0 3107, 1
And Store stre'dts, Victoria, Be U. -s, JiTcs, 11 a porceii
wkM. 0. OA=RON. 3p�j And. Board, pet duy, $1.09' SiO910 MQS10,- horror of oil uation at Hornetn caste. Oil tho'CoUtrary the plore-
9190 -he pure seris hThe advantages offerbil by this Line aroverylowrittea It yield him thcnA.pm4or.1s' I Yo X.f6und voioQ to stanim6r. 'a �bjc the 1veans at -convinced that -Tar ey
vile, 1" ",6 far -live
rei" a
PZUVVIAN .... .. . .
7- Ill tile ti6ed. . that ioti6rss- have been, the M,.40motall
�i groMost ain(,unt a a re:
ty &U4 gaiety altAiliahlo, mud' allarloot 00% pasRilgo (The Aoctor b as said othing to mo ban carried, out. Accordingly, She.* repairs ia'go'UgL tapioe6fl, the more tlkoir minds roeq
eiisiA pa�sago Cortifleates OwOAtrAtOA to.. 11n, MiTTE 1, RATTI1 TE -At IOU IW-O#E�T tor,the hairdrih LM, the iiatural d
tile 'mad
Mal?, w4Q was
rabout having a visitor it 1his hot tile been surnotnIA orsons wishing to bring out theirUsefide. T r' Ike�'s.-Stiop �Iit tile hAt soollis to roulo y
tLe reassortion of.that,(Iefipotio:t4oweLt..ov�r _a
Vlotoriahtieut, Clinton, fictingg mud,furiLL1611141. D'alle4ring...
the night, i_ oifitea for.tb, A beautiful'. -
-of persons W,Al.end; but wh6 bad escape Breton peaswit, . "dr U060lievora whtell they Ahoy thait iii, an hont.
A. STRAITON,,O�. 11 ,,at ilia wishes and. wauto Q1 the travelling public, (loil, Iltonbearil, h.,it 4 eis;(1.1a $,he pietllra�
MORTGAGE NOTE$P. Clipton.May Usk, 1870� Ablp'he Nylslmtl t6� you no -gilAnce *'( his hacp�v soon after the of w0aliness,, they wore loil. to roJAx.*,' , Tlii'
Ito fat'10. 0031 oxperionco, of boing.010 hwas'-whitenod. tbxbugIx excass. IS grecablo approh'anitti me, of provinco, is slim Ay Jo lisgoVerninent;
IV dis, lie parttie of the nlesonger. who -had n" esque costu European reme
to make doinfortlible luay fayt)r1tint with their Ow r" the n
Clinton, June 2, 1874. d w misned from Rie-i present,-� vbry�w�llif we o0tild got by one
fear, bri as rS4 sa�v Itily 0110 returned; dvanain it, Beat-- _i&i rne , itli tho (16-otov in' p,Ursuib -of tO apply i . t-wbti would 1�icld an'� p�Wer..
AND OTHER never in, nn�r room ad
so 01boted Inm aisp4ea.tobb drodulTAs ots the isofit opposito tile, -whero for it few As the poor 'retch was being w
tie,S 'r.Ul! :ALE -011 tile subject." At tbolairdres L ser'r c I onamarii
inoluen(s be sd Ifid Ojed' ,hurirliod aw4y�jie turned to 111O.i'a'a"Said i that. a
GQod Sesouri . hit' the 8116p- hom can the Silltaii got Ifir
LIE ING d; shir ba,3h- rustistians will
T ORO 10.0 The above'refliark r. d
7 w; W. IrAltuAN. all. to kob witha strange glittor-, � Madame, this is"4 plot to tob 'me f moves her: rViiiie cap, ad seati appolixted them'ai'llis
naid as W a sat, on :tbe.piazza of I herself ior.tho operation. he -sordid tsabordin�aioii in order -to stisfy
47' "in- 3iallt ill, his ejos that myster MyLioputation. his chernics"
C11201 A oy ]<now very, well
Clinton, Nov. 9, 1614. tsYour husband is ouvi;
)III SiiALL RUM$, Aty, villa different -of- 'in dealer in haii ia not addicted to senti� Ald throw them: a
pre CUP andto gaia tinic, *bt ver, us
, I __ I I ine, You have .'a rQuirl - us Of., uly great, a -111 as' a 8 Mont, lj�
AJQNr4Y IN C , I-* 11ragon, SoOn'tis"ever he hall the oil
fee Of terror ou disi nillar toil) perabien ts I)Iiyhiqiio, �fudixtu&' 'hi3 c �j aftor*Aed ft, his� Sheers, aiLd re-� noo, �
te, pbiiov� Atli .1 -ad thatr tit' seiz,es ,
It ' t. . .- s' uM -oT gart of- toil, Auggst Utbi 18130. 7-u Withoritr. re the d.octor Clips P Yjllg 0 mei '�0�0- that -doecive a pow j dVoo haon tin wincilt sllr,gi�ou
UA�IMj6N, 13 j;y th moved sufficionCta.make, asuperb braid.' �Olt th6 ontrr, what the insurgents regard
nloSt but nluzl learning'l.lad made _,0 . proosion, t iry
re cAuctiZueet ter ilia Collut.Y of of Farlm 0 eye regard puttirill and
�j -turned to his wife.and itsid..
r thilt Cahiaet. Mo' ' -p my- At eight of'bbrT6�igh6d lisclis, the-shoti)
altOlitled to_ ral i'vill you lease iol'Ato to physician. DO Yen "Iffel' Whezi,b to th ri
OU 0 at Illate flubjedtioll of the ililldol to 1110 true
-ol 44 6 an ii tearall6w in a pleuteous'stream QUever., Tbg ery emergency -whioll; renders
"Vilable o1 �8400k. my 'bead. table roy linic Nias ad 66�'k tie .4 ra,
Illyth, Nv-0 1875, a iiiCst convincing A. over- eir . its' y'ou tee 0. it now- I " dow, also impol.
WAS. rice
LIGUMSED 10- Argtiihbut I chii paid is It.'
ILUI largo�one her
Thornghbr d Shofit�"Tfs M( r -Tent 11)WOUnt as full blowit cottou,," . I , Tlia-Whometans tllelnsol*os� so far.
-alto) me. t6s. alolle, miles P0,111apa. a;wily: w,hik -'gayc6lored ribbons fmat believing
�,Tzotu 'flaunt in, _beioie proposed, bel
it lot looked At 31ttypard)II. s6rjrisii, a— thd reine4y
frow, lid a i6squ, with. �Jjl " ho !iove in' the very opposite - prescription And,
UOCK FOR SALE. -a �04,410",
the astonished and. earaptore(I oyea of T bad*AsOry 4 that berlair, which lVits
A A llooi tu"F it left to thbaisolv6,- *oul(l fry'to, itdii
VED -BLYTT11 1 .11 , the 8*Ains of her native village 'for, , it, - It -is obvious how very hopeless it �%,6111
LA No 14"I'lanb ory'-b'"Olisingly, baul
our lias lilay�bltvio illistaken :'.a
Slid was .1% fool H BJr slie -W lf� lgovaiu, OIL Bur6peiiii, by tl)6
R X. � . E 9 trullor'.for a
its splendid.ittoli Q� s' but as
loadt�'Uaited Sta.6s.of COICtub teirenionth tor come. Ail
Appl At Uio,rorii uniVor4b. the rooldotioe 4) fthal: f of at easto whiult, ts� �Iways bn tile look,,.
and also a- V( rJr _1)r6tty' I lie 6cou�es reconciiaA to berlom`driia hiSr
subHCribut, -near Eho- Huron &�Brtico halfway W 0 LU, riziLig) and boildill t to stilivort theso' pri6ipM6, ana re -'intro.
I . 74,T T E sinollp" ouflai.504 that ii,ilva.4, i)O��dsrd Yoovu�ir'luo ftpirtis 't. to hanioL in Oil
BUREAUS, TABtES' SOFAS 8 L. lusoor of blarristoo Licollsoo. a; in8l: Ivitriosped, iv terrible
FIRE INS I -brillial�cy bet, fine It it bellt'.to hllisio,�Tlll led' ritt8ny;.bUt to hol!'hotu a1e%v,r systath.. Thasiniple tr this, that
lj� B or of tht
1',',QUPB0XU ioigWeri thes of . L a Areet%
$ID4BOA: Clin'all, Al'rjl �llhj 07�- I thought wtth tragi U
-t of goverinitent, as We know ill Europe,
IAI1t U., Jark a. a. it wos� U 41.
C1 n I I I . I I : I , morob nWtoo for a Is I le� S resultm The grAna Aerial ;iscorisiotl at
LIF =v, �OL)[ClTon, *Ma t14V, irAs z92N T -Call noVer bC practi tlic 11ftholixotan,
�,,percrcrl . olowforlsaoto SociltiGiou -bb.dodtoli alid I had been friends volulf, to op�osli' the, as yet"; fact, tile fali Breton, pe, 011, if the Ma.
ib Wag, idVortiged to takil
cdobi Wral w11.1 toaliuil. QIIA $610 1 Znplaad; he Ij also mgoat4or soverhl privatat sent is. a ridiali grislitte, who has military ca4d, nit for1ht real
, *UduoamotO :4,4 "' 11o' t6Dk -od.k for twom 9, N I' pyt Of mid 6114v�-dtodeniu, . but -afoor 104vitig leas fro4k of. . P�
AND Pic V11001111 Money 46 very rotlsoll- ill ril-ing of the Isesnottin,asta tile (Airigtiflut pt.)pulatioas Ili;, 60
the ' OVA
5iiabli.nl4or ih been a -league Q
wbolil Infer4fiayable yearly. UtdrJoaiAddvr4tv obliago livi h9dL dilftod' apAtt T to Com- hi of* invita do in Earope,
fall 91`1 1his watelipshook y, lai Stb Xay. Oarda a4l 7,welwo RP Oil livillf; side by - 4i
..kNOD, oblw ttl 10, tbodd,Wbo Wailt. hilud-dowh go wont soni 6t%tAo 11 tlj6'IeRd16,,,_ isitiZefts; and
LW E STOOK I.X8UP a QA Ito t6 n0i tben rd ards -of- Paris, arnment. itiLIA J141 into tlio.bands. of thos'e'v'bo'
Yth �'a; in an' Stern, City' aw�y train t ev
7:1876. tia, b6ul ani!.
Well puisuo hio imofafision in n,growin town tI;0 Study, 0110re, 0 town who,of cour'sQ,,: id,i)n accomplice of the arle� bit t who havit learned
in firot4aso Stock and Ut0al!'0070P wtho table, wero,an in tkis little.. tolly'13, of fbw diversid"pi .4,
.V�snj Ono 9i the UrgostFvftt�, Sus� Karziago Licenses under the moil, diinalunion. ill the West. I was slow on a visit to wily vendorof hair..
ollen Case ofaourqical instruments groat-exbIttirriout tin "Sunaay which Afalionict w"ll never
w. W. FAIMAX,A %ridDruco, donvolancing done, slf4 ml�
1'. U the OOUDLY� COatail1iDg'U large OtOOky Or tot taking I&MdAV1 - for& the firt tirue since his marriage.'. D be. Vlarmad -ail oven Was 114ilt iti *tLhe can. -braid has just been reiqv
an ap t, it " , tsiatbaQucon's an for oun hita , all r�0131 Of cofirse
I to MUUO A gQgd'L ties of Huron 110 '.7 oll L'
uni y is 9111.031 selco� . ronaing ily iter head haa been adroitly, - 10300d is just' concilivablo that 'ths might
aAaas'llands'Cantracthl, X11111, Motls'�ud ges. U nin to Ina as I was about to tre of the plaza for tile purpasii of*beat�
,sar, Roca onilril� 0
I on, which F-64-P&I iiot.bxi let:p6so. ther'e'n fo;er ininut plao; csigr id I'll ollariga Ill t1le
Bad -of COU a. 31ONEY AltIVAIRVIdD 0 TAT by my look of incredulity., =floe, and in anqtber itistan b be in,g the Air by- Which tile balloon was to boundaries orthoEulp 'am
If, ILL the 0 lop pr4viollsly to
nowy ei arriv;` ire kiiown as Tur�.
BAY(Iold, Sept.; I-Ij lti7o, smiled as she shbi* '.down' bar s was by also in Iii§ pos� aucond, � and all - the, propar were key in Europe. 'on
illy sido c
ED, 6f,5(fR_- t 0808 Over bar 114091der-0, arid hek' with tile C, watched by the peoploiwltlx,s gre6t, aeal btantimiple, il lie woro ically a ittler bi
FU NISM, Foil re, whi h. time it -had long been.. in Stock"
a,ed thit
S.1o6w, Working Jeweller, &o,, U., herself by list, lAusbando sido, -pn tliq hairill-ess or tw . Q -ON S IIOUT NOTIO P�.- i�d had ilia sbevl6as ot one
CAPITA�L, $2,000,00'0. next door to the%%presa Officlo, Albert sllnv&untari)y� 1'ritisod Illy blinaL and of. ontiosity, There *are perbps� tw rItla, Might SiteecedLi
1-10arse lcop.b. fox- -111re` zospeatfully latlunLoa followin-epid6de thousan(I persons n3roducing-the
91 in. the plaza. The
Co Weirloade wid ilia public gonorally, that he hason U is now nearly ti nee' 0 Sp so Wolider Be Falled. of the Turl,sh Vinpiap to 4.9 much:
ow- Ono par coat. per month chatgqd oil all hand it 4 stock of (ilockg, wutobvs, mllurjr, ft,, �C-years ajo Spare me are me,- T licaeoeb I I balloon, a large or ' der aft t1laL D�iti$ll lalo has -introduced inO
oveiaue, aveounts.
toft 011161310 rates. Itopi0ring at every My husband was called. on, one evortini Ariotts ffludoo, tind
9) Madames' he said stein] Y, and 00olL tisb'ftero- , X.
ly;clasping' l, and su�cessfall thow
eecriptloil in his line, done on tit a shortest n( 310, and' - Mr. Dan Drdw's examination, be 0
�t Moderate rates. 8 . . my 'wrist With. his Wig sinew atinrados. That-!$, 'CLIN-1-ON AGEINCY.- -A. - J�AJVAEXUE. to visit a p.atierst' several, miles away. y fingers, Built appearoo, . brilliat in s6krIpt, and
:_,- . fore the Registrar fill' Bankruptcy it seems a great
Iy1by. Feb. �9Q, 1876. onfLeStiCo'had I bis tato deal inaro likely that lit; -
Our d gold�.10 0 viake'. Vith a �;rili �Psteel, ike- n' gofil-and -�silver.spinglodi, Carrying 111 brouglib but a curious's tic by little tba faliousetti po*er lose
-for aidir SCHOOL.— TIM CLINTO'k COJINTY In the i�icinity,,thadoiild ra"La _Ibe'ug .1 child; I bit a no tinia,to I Me ropes
'Four to Five per cerit Allowed' anseeMs that he -keit no Isaaking acdoiints, its grasp"Zitrof Lb ti
Interest. front 8011001 so open to, Pupils 101 both Aoxcal, relative Of one 'of our adryirig -women. Ilavo Tioeivea, a, 1�ttor fKolli 1ho E inperoi wer lo6sened .6d the. b4lloon shot. up, partly by itizateeQUOlia, �tho. inter -
from till parts 'of the Count�r mud ProvInca on equal ndr4vr no, -cheeksi never,, kno%r dxabtly
oil Dolsobits. terms.' In6truction, Is gkvcii iblull. thohigharbialich6sof ThuB I was left alone.' 'felt of the ' 1.�Io �jn how'infich h-wase-wath, aw positions ofleighboilog Poierg; partly by the
tins that lie is ko an rrow) and the 'dilbuts, Of th6pn� 6ady (legahration of
M.. LOUGH, it Commorolal, Unglish, and cla"elcal daiatftp, Skid of
thalTronch and Gcrniau Itingitagoo. Studont its leari for.wo never lia-a,licard_of bueglarq, ing frotil an iliac abcaag, and is destrotis thfislastio !Qiitutle, w 'on If if,; -b h6detntiraly t6rinforin-atioir ship ot,41 linnce, tire doeak oftho Ellipiro,
fArOa for the Uulvi n ou W11
i Clinton, April, 1876.7: traltics,* the laaftiod.proressiong, ani iny, Seib Of dsL&Perad6e; i r quiet -of my atteudaiidii. I must. -Start for horns and tho-beating, of drums, thiD. tou.e oed'l)y J116 growbit of
fteisestutS doming due and, -procOVEIL-1111111' be roille,
B R. Y: mercantile tillijuita.; Bpoelill attention 10 paid to the, Cat and more pros] OrIL_-
studies roquitiltafer Coalition School Teacher& Tiff L1612 VIlloge, then,consisiing of ft -few a a' Europe immediate y abronaut- meanwhile urning Ott the tra- ornalloi, - ptious locl WV
I after performing �o Iii fact ail big. Vast -
Fees, t2 For quarterly term - Students from s6distusiou ing-houses. loading out the operation oil your bre I ast,' ana bof I ore poe ad performing vat-ious gymnastits gations to -Icig atribitious cliaracber v�ry.
KOREY .,TO -LOAN.) call a ta ii board In the village tit vary snodetato ratos. noss:was one in Whis.6 WO d usual 16 plazza were 'o, past as now., cc Sion. - In b , 'L . I
on utI -ebuld make the slightest resistance he roftta' L It 'waS a b"'Utifill go' n most The great danger is that Russ -
Further inforinatiou Vill be giver n Application, uabusinewliI7
(personally orby letter) to anym6lAbor oftho Board of ON EASY T_F_8M'Sss.' Coli�, A. socura"lle.blifids betfordmy,husband'a it (I carryiisg thau ft tliinuto ho must h6) been At Ill M4 q n4tiktt
S. aam4ihisairms, u *as -fig manner. sit don.,(&coi4jen6 to Ili gorma of though rude aud�unprotcud--
U�D,,, Rev. V. MoQuaig, unit A. W&thfugkon, departutie, and 16,064 tile outside -doors th,01 b of .. 2,000 teetj -Whorl the pat can or *its we into the sttidy, whertl there was u. leighl Xecatol.s Ingi tlircughLhor desire to pro�
Ily Which the*printell" 'R. MTENNAN to the Road Usstor, Mr.11aracotakabull, i3.. A. ould havd left hi 0
all, except.the front one, which looiiappar�n�fy-becamost6tioiiary. Ito W !9 family ail pare the Way for'tho 61tellgion Of her o*fi. E Litz
_Ibp gp for -the doctor -to - 160k aftei - going , ou�, loirg table. covere4 with green balza, Ou corupletxiil� ill the dark as ta his affLiiii, piro in"flifti direction # atidwo'sbonla say that
_pA-14 AP PAVIL Q* 411 'lit hrew atti. the W6 Could
tlib be laid me) aud holding me down than t ag oxce his bigkois had'voilintarily im- the trIjjo U d
0. CARTWRIORT.. so that it .1 should fall as' esp beforb fii�
any Hine -duirIng the telrv� 04 . pb policy to hich any disi terogto
CONFECTIONER, with one trand with the strength of It softreeTY distitlgilish whether it was..the parted some, of tbe necessary informa- Government 4t the prosent MOMOUt should
of Lean; CARTWRIGHT, OF ftRATFOAD, W&L BE rebirng he.c6ulA onlor witli&tt, ara"11129 matiaci lie. brought, forth fo6ni some flag 6r,tho. infln himself , but the -next Lion. ' Therei' is Art impl-669i&x abroad give its Moral oapPort,, would be a policyla-
'Me., I I heard the. daatoro rapid footste Smoker, was do�a lss�uinkfrom ih�'t votablo-to the gradual and partial diitnolubcr-
1 1) hidde'll recess in his gown, sevorAl - long- second, it rry.. on these sp
dayaudA Altai OvOrY snouth. Tooth insorted intho in Cider, td 6, on the grayel, quickat
aV-4utlz rail aeled by the ur�
it stylo.� ooth VIL11 oxiniid
A I-PIZ* atiod,
W. W. rAA and. reade so good as sound oileo� witli'tho, ski of an'e%� O.JetOnflUt A OWeT6 it opo tin tb
me to the table �on and 0 exercise Of melodi�wi to attopl Li� to ymlh p2_%c, Tutkish
N 0 U T., J., Mpiro Lisa �Vffi-offa-.W'Til V1 'an, We car,
-Of-car- irso-E-ent I � I Millions Uhrob, 1870. . o+b6 per was tub Clio worli, .0 Q are 61, nIL
OPPOSITP31THE "bLD ffAllic P.040,x -robo game Ono Los
riago _1w aml -ballo iny boRM.- Inalspensable'; but herd.wo find a man 'a Pl'Act'ce, 'to olul"Oft as A
W ANIDERSON, soatea myself by the'llarlor astr4l. iond- y left ad, and, tho peopUr $52poo TO LOANjl' M. Than, after carefully rn slidde.uly be' without education, trusting to his h6pa
alwayo on hand wjutgo stock of UACTWAL MAQHIXIST =Gg TO, ANNOUNCE- soon become absorbed in the bo6ki I had id. 118' t I I Ord Darby has certainly boon right in To.
to the pubne at Clinton land liciftity that be has . -brtast, lie, sa came , nfulmon, rmni* aud!screand- for all the details of his immense. busi. g to join in any plan of tba, ]atier kind,
boon reading bef6ro,b6ing disturlsda -and 'tearing their hair.
olxuia ahepairlag Shop two doorafrom I'Afadamo$ Your linsband ling made in. ness, find jiloddi il t 'Any ac- has pparently betin proponed-at, 44w__
CILDinat Shopf And ops, ite, 110. old. Royal 980.undian. the Summons, But atior 16 time my -' The lentleniali ttalliding idext -to me .. I - I
'a I find no� necessity tot- illy antate kfio
I OVbrj description repsired. COnt0rouca0f Beflin I101,1011of Turkeyr
JrL A, 45 A K -dbd- -
PRIYAT'H FU$D*.8- a 665ra 101i,
th6ughb 6f retiring, when the -alook,in &t this I g3tva, a 10114.drL,�Vil righ of not ufning. it. i's Retrood6n. �bccf)s]aillg a constibutionat power i9sIIn3P*
aoangtda CoMtlan-y LaadS. tile dQui:,s sLlidy a childish, There iro Ao olimmuts at hatilt for
'ORACKERS &C djoining the pailor and prepared to rine., it, is oi)ly the gpi AcAping but the t, �tj . chnge of tjib sort, Awl the. ngdon ilf
A LIST Or LANDS IN Voit Smr, tv SUU4 welve, io I detertnined to Wait Nit,' lie continued, f I the flAmeo seen, blitht froth tile topli� and Some days agol'it! 'rancOf a gco' doingally goo(l by nil to be 8116-
CHARtats 40.MIU-Tr, War'& 1. 1614. ol�q_ Af afo* womedls more, reeling flint 110 forgot bi(n- by %it PlAnropen, in ter�otitioa ll� a great
-go 4, - to, float (lown- triall, named Al—
dis6ovory that yo ai q cloth ur llo'.Irb i s 1 0 salfor the Viillentioll of thlo revo titiona,
a UALE, wou!d be honio ROW vrysndn. I closed slowly at Aelf in 7 hentod' discusion its to' give a ry
that orkli ox I r will ronloo it so that Wall,; the balloon a ia 6 wild thitt it is diffiert 'a bow
inyook, d6rholl, a-*,,.o&c, eie let. yott suay Sect for yourself, reduco it to first: theti until aft hope was, blowtoX 1) ovinces wfattiell -by Ithy staters -
710. — _ 1. 1-1- �. I i Have, it .00ridIusly ellk
81IDMI430 OMB71 dowl, m bair, nnd then retarned. to my. itatitural size by a Miridtiq process of OvVr utiloss lie ilhodltt teath the top of A asset vVA' akratlg0d, but At-L"n Olt Man oi n6to whoibas given coun
Glinton, Sept. 7,1874. "Vjt Seat. to p�tieutly. wait and , HO t0h., Xot at Ito had boon isi �,da
Blots regularly 0 Lbelf 11, tile medical soloistie- the which is about one ibotr- rollection, geointo to the Subject, , 'a illat Lord
Alies gti 0 has oil olail thi.i wild p6hemeel'to) he
the fainte4b sound. disturbeil Ill- Of' apology by er
stroatio Illy 0* ab Wit, Tha $pticta- the Wrong, sent ill a ate
gro (Ifll lie lbol;s fo?a toal fu1Ji1m4nb;.
0 Wors, 'Die Y Watch- aod Clad 0 N06-0. 1-0 Ir on �61ace ft Again't tI a diro6ti6ii which his see.ond- to -X— lea of the rornism Is is to and Of wlsWi'l am tho Sala discovairer',. nand feet ova th-O to The latter ro-
Onto' Marb.1 Maker, negslif tit - b ' All of It' and tit tots r�tslie4 in
cc Was so Prd- Ila now -began -to. examine thtf edgli tilt, tiarassy note, wo doubb whotlior lio.ia
JRO`X SOM ball h ��A. Aupposed to be coming, sponded thab. d
it T oe(Itocilli At stirr6d thlb lea(., The siloil' be- Wonld Only, , Ceide.
oppreissive� In fiva, minutea U 't aAa8tewl nt (4L
Brethren tire cordially, of (tic atuel, knife,, On lie. pla%� wall entirely Whether to Accept tile UpOlogy'Ot not any iser't ,tit vitca. `* longoa for of the gatit. ttogertu(l, witli-tho exception of one'po6i :when tho� met oft ilia :duolling ground. Fronall And Italinut Ministers WhosoPlu Till !I,,
Jwm 'Olt oycis, will 0 ig., It. is itat in tha poilvor of P,
WOMI-1 ITITANXIN6, His IaNy, rairs r latch. and tho, wall.-kiiown. otep ori the ite- ev ry norVo wits 'in percep, -ound. and On t1le upoitited morning they n0t, Oriticl7if
&ud work 6f all k1nag Ila Atrarlean eird Foreign Tdarlsid, on 6'ble. trdatol. thsbomotan, Government to fulfil Wair I)roftdscs,
"blld 01o. gravel;wdlk. I did not'da�ro to break .0, OV011 that haa prnish-ga tile &lid X—, IVAIWI10, lily
Aesigoed And nd iiier. rhar I .
executed in -the boot styles Ana at reason- r0ho 0 " 00 '!"Ora y ", I. new r, round:14 audit is. not in ko6phig with thatruopolicyof.,
VV 'i, 0 g th tunatio, who began watching i
line I "d let. h h lie 'I
I , 6 , IV$ I reeei Vail, your Englatilil ta, put pressure oil Uon0negro, atitt
intlitig A. reti-itioul Musa, at 1A, Said I.,! Ili
ab xgda� the hush inyself by inoving ol? siging it 0008'tuo 4�k- till.
ana0 ratal. sp, I . '
kLp T WAS so oppressed by. the dooll itillness. nt6ivals knelling and crossing lAtuself, latter, tan riv williller to"acts6pt your Sorvia nit thotil obgepvc btantles of Varloua� Colored n fast t1irf greott blood Vessel that Supplies Itirtil not4ishil :, .
tchoo,Jpwoftysud Sityerwaroof ail 1i true ridutrality, only, hi ofilor Ld give Turliq
'"lls, Tho human mind is a strange torturer SlInilhig nil thelwhile.. It Was V1 ig either to kill you
ort XotltzO u I lilt the lev by r inilitary,foroo- plied on Sh the, (area in A be-stoppei 0 a chance otedoveritig,
whi0i lie, Vill 0010 reftgonatilly rates. Ill$ stock Is; of itself ' I bogAll to "OT111303 up Vivid 0 be hilled myself, but I Tlavd 'Ono
ADIMAOSTONUS Ail of*6 Nvateh, inA the worksi mxl8t boj'scohisil. or ti If. yort, ,tiltrsan(l of the provinces, NVO,
fancies �bout ghastly vi'itarits, in the lie tha.,* , -Sb ware silcall, of course, withoU4 knowing -the line
invited, Ropairfor,;,,of 'every iloseripilon -f opairod aud In titlquil an. lit) ctowd Came question, 0 askyou r1k
a. tile ro Wo y It I
Iuronrtv To OOXA of stowly badk with the,poor . -lik
proulptly att ed to,. naidst, of which Occurred to in still ill MV plabo , 111(t a ' tleen It' -a IictuMty takerly - Loril Derby, and only wq
had' from supe trilty"int6rest'jott ta know that I Was: *th It brokon apology a complete reprationjor all
ratitiods ' ch uA81thing tile poitions porsigtently attributed.
Ill, UVDDLUCOUHL� Ntur stories 4restbing but wi
ar A can respectfully 601101WO Witi; of those liftsent-at tho. post-worteut Ci - tito him in all Elie witious qxmfteii whore some
it lq&arld: 6 WIS Seen, an too
Iniala,&Ln. 14,1874. over wred Are you stao -of it I out it is very 11assiwa tillit flic8o pbsitions,
ist qRple.abolit. tb-o ttQ AbLettv— ll injt1rics, 11 insult Yes or no V acdoont of tho vocent negotiations has loakott.
akor 00 Av fle
Aster Itad 1- twhom uty Servants bad gono� to (wake,.' itt Clio cotnster� 1 am Armed to loAril aril'i.pstakenly Attributed to Ilial- But we
Vle-erosa oftho all-tral
bell A" It E who had twou ls� art ccitlnt tit a vigor. atitst, stvy t1doo that to use our inAtiondo fit
Am, L, by t11jilig ut. ber' ljort ind retiloVing almotib Ivithin CCU, adrosEt the Val- s4id X-0 giVing-%
I - I I y way in order 0 restore Turkish rille
Lbe, sawn0l). In C14o midst of'theso ter- 0
va where Turkis ralet has been, a tiul;6 ovil, Arid,
tile polypi betwe6n, whiLlf-16.1 4 jvcdgl� ley. of Ilia Qptebradul Scca,� fklin ly touc: I- rjus. blo%# -on the cheer with one hands, h
a or ZA 1 tifyin" relleatlous 1 Was startled by 6 ll1119 tile, gCou it(! half' way up, tile,, IUO'ln- Rua, at th : has, for the resetilt c
t4ene.yat1%D ai, B 0 0.1;. S El TL O. -Same tinle with tho,other dased, woull! be a olly
I I . 41 1 , tile piazza. - I ]is- At itillal Tfio coungelhibil,
B L A 0 It ly f6ist-fall on late c.10 rAurning Ulailk" to big frichaff aU4 an#- The King and I had it litdu� dif. tain Olt .6110 oppoi4ito 13fdo; mile and tgeutingfifin a copyof'bis-Ownap61o9Y,- b, In Cliulon five, hope" 1L.101ght, ,% htd(�from the point of 4ardn.&.7 He sootill'"to its the only ?tI1fjy (LATE, OF OODDRICII0 for patt, tarotil not fafellen -ha wasa O'criflau, I be of, I% kind
years hgo, *oald Intirdato that lie Is at Cho old otaw ap.A. 1111114a; AW1001 nou -.4" -bo tho dactor. licit 110, - ba Nvblild se sel in this emergency, would
sig"ow on hand it ittioq, Ak, (in hrrad a larrIe �qtoek. I trust that ill vo retaftled bi; seii' a to -thb A writer in iho toadoll�o�etvs, sAYA Lending to insill4to ilia golifleal problem to Do
9AXXUo COMMOSM &0- Affillty Poebt tralla liko that, the, Step Was too sort and' All I
ie canio to tb'd* groubt! it J t is not, generally tolvea ad,ma6h at pool 10 iiXthe places whore
AWNG PlIRCITAStD THE, bAXINO WIALL SUMIDOT-D D SITOCK Ond for Anything Its% Wily flloft a s, Ito Raw over. Ino, Ilia, loing "
lie crip(l 41 Ilor Dios," add SUuCk On his k4own that in ease of fir'O ill bllildi�gs. salluo immedlato a6liteu 'in iq� u6cesaary, -ftud, to,
Of mr, It. fttforoolh,g rospilethilly IfItIfflates, th the (ilf kindo. q�.a t liatalled 'gaift, my eyes; were White lkoartl illy faco. I ri- reot, UVIII 41higing,io tho trope. Tho ig- Ally latg() AUJ gthnilloso tr6atinotit
nity, thfith4i hilelftilft itto Porkel fixed oil tile wiadow-bibid I sair ilia, urt fll�- 0ye4 belect"llinglyj trying to tWok ot a quottion wltich, inin only ba dealt with
of Clinton An(, viol u lisoo6tiot of, *410 sillkv, hill%, having heard horsed
dartling an the Aboid V96111099 in All Its bri%hatogt a allif lypiltoll (however rOt it it is-itollt IvAlt grAdually I�nl
'would, thelefora, solicit a share, of public Patroymcgo, , , 11�. . I , 114gla 8140 triovo and tinitlyf" aild tbou Of 4101116 N713Y tK) OVIO lothillgor tile lid in (or direslillit$ be., A-0, bought 4nitth6irstables witbott6diffictifty. A 41 gifis 100 1111 �tsjay.not, 1 .11
iho tiya or tv full mood 110 11110 CO'"16 &PeCtly frOM 110V011 and' of thi6 Wt niqy ba-14ho An *ehavo alltehfly "re t10 Abloorollr 61-
aq elloap as ooraii worthless Attiolol thtsh 01 MO Tile 100A r gli Itild ran away as fast its MOM I is
Asfroodgilrb eadaveroull, fm.o, atd bright, Itterilig fool Wo pahl" tit of saving sunny a. valuillblo aul�, Vow that, gradually tia slowly, bub Ateaffily
M"kos" 1 11 ' "I I WOU14 h I
SOIREES AXI) tbMvild %vn4r UAV,,, My hook not fit Atook can Is 11110. eyo.1 J)ncrituy (it, '1111. 0, borror ! w a tooetingthose in search of 1 0 . , in Rtropis mustslia,
darda qu very ohortr bog ke. mal from borrib6jeat .
suppllad�ltb R6trbAhM6utg Ott liorio -but � ! . was it 2 what was it 'I I relt, (he cold 06tuilly, Avit!) yolill. il;h were you Tkot, 111m, W160 atittoon'dactod thdirt-to-the - In' AlgArbof Ibis 1101; only
a warrhilt, JUST OP114M) 011T, VEI;Y LAR0115 STOCIt OF I physiciau or �' skilful but Ono AvIlielfiff not, allit call Itovor
boot perspiration otart. ab livery pore. spot. 'Tile unfortunato man lived but h)
.11 '! river of golluirse, I k, It is fortue(I by b6, 'A despotiarn at the onilittille bet
d frozo11 ih illy Chair. I Could aurgnoll. 0!11ote with What 9
1111d 1101ery out, lily tongito Page parfortil, this -difficutt. operittioll, $fly arid 0014P190TIONViVvY mov% I to T wi3li yowt t It few 40urg, the utlion a two atteams-640 Causing ill its voty 08"Intice Ono of, thil faliatial ki
-husband of th& XljostAch'egg weigba uboat three r of' reffilginotis Roil', the Thag. being the pa'ads, the Ob.
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