HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-06-08, Page 271
0" NEW
world 9010
01r0#1111 TrOWK poiilviipy. wAine-Toble, TRAIR', TAKI CARBOY 1""
A- — - Or number of new build.
z?l 2),rM (con. tectivo Wilt lie oidylpos tile 11111)O31tiou of njurit, in another colnuin. Adams, abont which, there w�ls so mucli Call. q,
7.00 A. X 1from the Londoll X;1
"DWNTON Itile art!- Thin Now York T. 1mrs, gnysof Bic A.0 arot ill conlol) (it creation iiere, allaour;
itone! 'Clip. 1"PorLills
We volly tile follovirla, speech —WhIlis (161iroatatilig A r000rk to a Jiro- Town col nell'. L
w, It ja th' W ttow" being built b�. All'.
short than
collimena it to of the United StAtQ8. F Or COnAlln'tl cc on W106447 �Mirtg InOi rl I is unavoidably crowded w4t this 6'(('1;1
QIo , L46rimillating. duties 4.9 floalust tile 'Pilo rogular illionthly mooting of the t"It The 11 Oaupoawl Cure of Vilb.arpy Mar- troverey thlough tllollln� cohluille a L I j
00XViltive).aud iiispeoiolly Council tooUtila
31. Ill' adherents ofthO 11104' trupt that the v4erlmeat will not the Afaytil In, tile -obajr, and all the mo!w Wit -011:1, Will appear in noxt_1ssQ9.';!_,, zoitX—Tlie cropq fit lillis aloigbilorhood
1`011 �11
e, Oliusal bf 0 04kol We 00
a uloa. bers. present except tile. Roovol, Mr. Chid. it et looked batter than. at tilt) pr0ent time.
Xts offect upon We -prospects, of re" 4
)IQ Anticipated, Bunmox.—Ont Sabbath n UNDEP810."T ,P, RAYING DISrOSM) OF TlJJP4 GUOUL RY D1,MARTAIENT Or
W r the organs olproolt� would not 1p. what —_ lonnoill . oxt, tboro will ov wtandi)n tile lilt THli, U -V
Xo,,, Ui, 'TAM.O 01 number o loy,,�ybo Is attending the County Q Notwit Q spring, thoW bo"
be Norviop, ill the morning only, fit their busisloss, 'will iu filtum dovotQ Clair wbOlO Attillition to the Liquor lJosiiwos,
h tj not. only AdvOcIltO A Policy -0�ious I g. road Arid t, t, Welt It 444 JyowUl.D11(1 thare IS (Ivory
ONO 09irrn,t of t atpor A paragr4ph"taUen from tile London 84921(1, Tile- wilintos of Ili ueotin 11AU113 oliffoll, At the usual hour of 11.1 a. In.
MOO. Mixed, iuWfor somo thne, in
3100 4,10. 0011111- ant confirnio(V Tile Vire. anil Wat iudicit, on 1hat. it vviy bountiful rieturnwill ro Having leasod'and opertedout in the,
Ilia$ bool going- aria it
I 10,11'm cc rotection, but Rona that �110 � I P,—Ao Mess lird 4%- ward. lipr, - I I
whioll the refus oil it. rbxvl;. aAnyi; rs. Slwppz ward araltor forjAi �IK
ill of Call I � A.
ada, to undertake the too mado thoit -pott, but by resolut!
4f t1lo course itowedintai Construction of , the lybolo of tho WIX13 laid overtill ilittXt, '111401,111g. !Premises,' form upied by the ate J, B
740 11, IIQ 11 Coupor have dispopod of tile ry busi.- "a
11TAY-Till . .... .. 6 Q5, Isla try is doiwessod because, 1; . erly occ Racey,
i. 8 2Q ISO 11incillic Unilway is called Potty and iritating It %van thou moved 'by Collin. Menzibs, Items, they, W-101 it to'bo un4o9t100-0_(Zi that all
OXJNTON . ........ lit. oboutomy." 'We cannot 341111ro tile species of See. I b��? Colin. 'Smart, that 11, Wal4or be outstanding 0000unt
1411-k. 060 9 Do P.M. pursued by the prosent Governme 0 rallit be paid before TIMY WILL XPAINP ON
tbo� collptry is not jiber4lity that is free - with other rJeoi)le'o Ur, 1440 Wn't'son, Deputy Reeve, Of clo�
...... 9 'goo ItS, statenient that aillployed to Ueop the largo Are engine in, tile first of July, deriollL has, boon appolatt.41 to the positiQn of A LARGE- AND WrMECT $TQCU Olp
400 Lin repair, got it ont on, the alarm of fire, Poo, , 'uorrow'(Fr
P"I �se r itholley, q XATUIT.-TA 1`114y) a Division �!O!Ift
-thitt-1v is 15 "R -IM, �p �nyWofi tile - A�rrioliltlll!4 Tw�einty_ quarter. 8014 1
Thero is only stagliatilou 'in. tradQ bc�- build it Ill a wpok it they aaa,'_'44ondon. Ad, fiinedh will -acre, rots were
engine 4�)Oila, Arl(I lert in propor ord Ild. BID glo Aflughara, Oil Saturday, at prices ranging f rom
Fs IIII11i i Grounds between tho. magric a
Mixed, that Ing.— I lit 6 00oket, Club. Wiokoio to $100 to $225. - T
roxDON, doil-tt I W A.W. 0, 00 P.M. qatisoof its beingoverdone. hd ropoivo,82 lie I r dq for -0o.40 embers of tit lie totai auiouilt'roovi�oa for CHOICE. LIQUO
10,80, 600 0 Oarriod. ilia lots Was 01.1
ZXETF4111 S itobod at 1 oliolo6k. 299. This Fileaks wall for
Galt is 111$041010111 VVIth, tit be pil
AlMiAllOr A �, tile small
`7 90 t4te bf 01mada, He Wisla the toiffilago -of tho " On motion -of -51r. Corbotl
l3JtUCJ-;J?IULD 1186, SINOINU CLASSLO.—Mr, Ward has,suic- WIlloh they
7 6' stored business will-liecompas Dowinlon has decreased since 1867 ; that tlqr, Ore. ongine was givian into the Itandacif Mr. A voting lady disappeared mys toriously from 'offuptio tho.publia ot the lowest romoueratiyQ'ratm
As 25, .8 48 rV Wall; a I cooded in forming n largo juvenile class, in
a a tile, irnports have ex- Boarle, who oft'larocl to take Charge of it winidlain a few dayaugo., Hlio was deliver.
12 05 our yeal . I � I o
'I 25p1w. U0 us ever jt �war,, if not m6re so: We ad, iug the last 1 the Town Hit!!. The, adult class-willmoot ing taken All, Oixlers Pi,,oralAly. Attenclecl to,
111141TH - - 0 00 ooedilid t 000, gratuitoilsly, and hoop it in repair, the om- I corsets, for Which 8110 bad previously
165 hoexports, by ajoro than 9140,000, oil Tuesday* in the Tomperanco-1141, -whout
NO. A mArlivo ...... i goo 020 vise those arties 00 a�e 411"the tinio And that u.ndor the cloufodoration the public ponso to be boron by tbo'Canucil. orders, when mile suddenly 4isappoarod.—
V - ftl - Ir of v -a COOPE11t,
(Ile t, Ila$ increased ,�63,000,000, He does not A by-laiv f or Striking 11 ro 1i mits, I iy desir6up,ofloarning to sing Py not() Her carpot bag with neyou Ila mrsnts wex
oney,is' being sent- "ro mid place speoillo as in a f6pild oil tile o(I'te, of tile ro - CLINTON, innos, 1$tw.
crylil.g out that the m tootial but ha,wc y join, Ill (lain. Tile skis
roduced, but, on motion of Mr. Cqrbott, it Is that ill"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . long4y_ duties on articles. front tbis country in.roturn ..the,,[ Mthor -ation of it wus Dot- F AUX 111410 to )),%a drowned herself, nuil. at
9OLD.—TvIrl-Will, Cudruoro (of last accounts tile I)OOPIO ]lad tatuml oub And
e rK t' p, coMay. 'S.t-illeoting of Vol ra joal; IV'
our iv. - 11
Now, 11" tit me is not likely to be tried. Me. war riddlig file Ili
ncery, sale, lot RRY
a to Miller was introduced to the farm lie Intel may have Dealt Uali'dog'p, .kill
.0 not yat I T
oilling to tax ithozusolvL 44 - 1
tile ideas of tho J�rec.Prps on tbi Can,4, poned till lie. 1003L. )ttom of tile mill dain. - site - 1,
tilativ. . tim. subw . 's 1.), Saba Alt. Jas, I f botight-at Ohq TH - 11410-PLE"
pipribe ror Me 40 VAISAOR ject, and thoy will soon add- tbat its diln's at Council, nucl. mado A Statement as to tile 27, 6th coil. Ray-, to Mr, Tolinlorratt, for tllai She 34.11"A havo lilt
ani.ioy us._.�V. Y. Tribitne., ail soltylo 111011ey oil fici
progress lie' had loado in the p6il§truction $0,000, He inal, a considerable oil his person, THE UNDRItSIGNEP Lv1N 46
paper . d6otripni isi sound, out at' alorbesides-this--vt*4 HAV _(ULujB_ofAnP_TnfW =AII�11
ll� of- _Jjvy, Whitbigi,,�n U1 1) toll corroS loud of _tlJQ'_sU=d1L�tS0 0 front. Messrs. ShQ pard & Cooper, would heWy notify $lie illhallit6ilts of Cji4.
5--W. mucir general-, Philadelphia find,a writor o-floo-nin 'Crabio re,
no which 0sun. Stevens inoyod, moo, br. COuti, * -1%Tzw Oit(;Ax -Tlio ,authorities f, t. 81411AWOU11,111
1 6 S toll And vicinity, that he will conduct the same, At the old stand,
Sjr A, T, Galt, in Toronto, it may be very pute, thus ex:proi�ed himself with regard to SI oppurll, that t I -Ile Taul's church have receivod-fr6int Mr. T. C -N, V RATTENBURY ANE� ALBERT SM11
�bo $treat Committee
much, dbubted if the folly oL' ovarimpor� the Canadian department in conversation with OR 13 R. 0
qvov* weelE as any 901pr stritiatod to',coutinuo tile B1001VAlk*011 Rengh, of Toronto, a handsome now Organ Wo Itiarn. that tile very Itev. Donn Alurphy,
tatton" litos, lit tile biattom. of tit t3 deprossioll, the M011's spoeial a day or tw0`59` "Oft4ad% Albert Street, from Coventry's lot, to cot', which that gentleman -Wher 1, ill 46op on hand a largo arid select
041 ),looka around, it astonished i asagreatsholly. In will part0kin upon at Pastor Of 00 80f9eth Catholic ChUrClICS, it; 10 W
country- paper -in 8 in trade., Because, if Ott( myt Shelna4 neat �with tile, Sidewalk laid down. by Mr;- Ill out of dianger and is improving rapidly. -0
the service oil liunday morning next, TIloy -Tho bollus Ity-I -fr. STOCK -OF AR.L' KINDS.* F FAMILY GRP09
is moo iartm6ut she io. roj�eseuted andwall lklillor, which was carried on a illyision," to purchase ofomnow orgall, airgranting $300o- A .:k
1province. n that large importations are still go- every,dol and in thd' " I d 't- And As. 110' intotidis polling exclusively far cash
Arin will con. represelitied, machinery opar edritornplate 0
ing on, Now, no business. the vote standing , Yeaa,.Oorbotti- hence ihe trial. �Wliltolaw, of Pit!$, to establish a, fouildry in or prbauce he will Ila in it position to sell at
-be it rbinembered Alt, -Whiting was the -lowest-Toraulloratiye r6tog-., Having hit oonsiderable-expericaco in the business, lie fools,
xnent"- iid
Do, oil
Millierli B*Unnail, Ail ; atiS
educated as an ong is PC: it.. coofideilt that Ito can-givo a favos'ug him with thoir p4ronagg.,
tutlitlelat to make Sales, piiRht be done -Steviuns-7, -NTvs, J ohnsion;- 8111arti.0 itor�of tbo,Clinton Xnw-, $ANY
ad tirmf�r one OT-1wo- featly Wbitiderful,-The finest fire, eligine"by, a oo� The ad Oil Thursday lastAfr. Simon� Powll hs 71ronklittly Deliv4pratil Pny�y"re,lu Town.
by some inexp rieno
long way is aent1rorn, Can ,%lid J'amieson,&
laaa_ ' Hee Spliced par, Menzies two,hummirig birds -last Supda Nothing �v IL 11IMU
only better'thall -th 0 _G CLIN
tile tiling soon cures itselL 0ront, Ally On InOdDIR Of Colin. Copilor,,the assess,., -strange in that. 'Why, Irian; im. lia-vo editor broughtSoforo-tha MfigiBtrates! ohargod with -
exhibit is not selling liquor without, it licunso, rant intor� TON, June 7, f876.
As a rplo, consumers do not'buy wore than , K ... gston- and Balloville 'w
r�wallt to us�.! Folly people. wbar two K;tat,. of but it is the way. thing )to have dst wit$ wanifoato(l in the wise, ever 100 POO'
thol was confirm.eO UZ - . riga..r. onstranwa"he two
mefit rll for 1 $76, its revised'ant.Pt anaUes, spidors,and hilraming birds at 41 or.
Britishschool (whibil dI -by the Court of*Rbvisibn )To,
wiutor,� , ucer _L nttibleall last, plobei
have writteth"illis llOmQ;P._% tile arty And liquor, rop)iot and Solicitor. Such is human naturo
A- but�
ivai waidrobe in (Illy departinont,i, As. The report Of th Fftintico: Committe-C," Party, Onab-druilinling Ill)- Fsupposod� this- life -triumph - lInd-dispIlcantmout.":
rule, peoplp at litrio btly whit they want the editors, 010V
r r000ln Ilion ding tile paymout. of title follow to be friends, Tlio were tho fol- 'pursulin at Pho Solicitor Wout hoinQ crestfallen, AllifflAr to
ournment, oil Mauday last, the lVardon
And purchase.1no more, And those whose oo-; -.41 The iss sa�gge be- read and 4LIOP lit tho*olair, And proseub:: Mosors. 'I'Vob� oar, dol; filiatda-bitouLalud-benton-14 9 ning T,._11. Tiale, Hdq.�, who has I*Ingt L,13enttic, 4-Annitago, A. Q the
this mor PnnsO�A'
on1jatioll it is to iniport goods, learn -64uge bu a � b a o'n t1). (916t one, nativa Of irl; on �tieetst $34,113 Bapj,. 4011 awy for several rhouths, , returned. to. Crew- with his ail between his foot. T40
�T, Appleby, do.', town last -week,-18bking as,lytIc and,hearty nandtile Young, 13uchanan, I-Togagn, Garroiv, Wait-
Uninball, db,, o6.4aek- "to", 'Brown, Counoil, since -their oloctioli, have �Ccn pass.
porience what. -to, bily arid how much of it; �knighted,' lorderedt or Ititled'as a. distinguish- wall, TV Downoy, JOB. It'vilais nd Lane, Connor * Chidloy,
When the general public buy, it is riot OulY. ed colonist. We dQilbt very. much that ally 0011. Tile case was'au oxciting 0 iug some potty by-laws preventing liorge�rac.
I U, t a titlip-oxcept. that )VI , It 98,80';'T. Shopoard, do., 0 Peakett as ever ring, and the like tc)
otifills (��nadfuia deplirp!a a a long consulation And dis. sell, lValker, Ford, Elliott', Slemnion, Q01v ing,.1011i'langago, Swan
because they vraut,,btit -oa tile 91 ado "40 - J- Daj, (to., We are -pleased to 1eirmthatMir S. Data,. onssion after-ILho ovidelloo NV48 t1thou. rhe ger, Kann, Wilson. Molitpith, NVarviok be done in tho villago, but when I go thern.
tha, and. Nvork�,
t 'they - have the m0ans of payment. evory true. ci tizein: Should be stlifitolentlY ambi- ' $20,25 ; 4a Mee .who hai been quite ill for a aliort"tinio. oaali fully pro�od ana.tho evitionco; com Uaysi Malono, 'Kelly, Proct
±1E[TJRSbAY, JUNE -8, 1876.,, Though in coulmor6al'eircles many fail "res 'tioup'to atriwo for -a title which is thellaturia quarter W �,O in tile of the pea.
o onps for home, $1,25 - NY, Pon- bAolip,is00 or,, 1). 11 . il,- can moo no Chan,
mishaps inheritance oi honostyo Probity and patriotism. w graduttily xccol,�qringv plate, but the question as to tllp ownelship of Son, Simpslon, Castle, Ifogalith, Yearly, Ilia: Tile Bayfleld, ouncillors 'uspa. to be
--------- take�.place from �car t year, such founcl, unloading Itimbar, $3.5.0 walk..
rty do riot ooatesee very well, the bAr was rltstla. ' Your Of thd magistrates Ifunto�, Miij� very'llarsh 04 tho- Stanley Councillors for
generally arise froin Sallie radical defeat in. at-, serviqeg,�t Mlittffiy's fire and'pritting r -LAND. -As an evidlinco of the
It.is not.plonsant for it Prince to. be forced to, it is understood, woro-favorablit to acquittal, di�vbi)� Gaunt Da,� sing by4a.ws ll�id not'llutthig t4orn in force,
Titles and pave SAL�' 0
SIR A. T, GALT'S ADD111,90.8 -confidefi�o entertained-, in, the stability of ais. twil Gib- Pas
thoiridiN,4dutLls..cotill)osillg tit. -a 00 vans holdl d orgaik in order, to p�y house fi L ppttrattis, in* 6rder, 8.83 Jil I HOWO? viz."Jacl-esoll, . 101 1xiiii, . Ddwiany an(I ljut the 1, �onuafl,h
1�udicions inode of con- play, a Win oil are contented J,. Fox, IV, F, aster, J. - Faster, Wllelltly,L� this town, and its pir6spectivot programs . 80111 . . I , oti-Ithe, Sallie' d is
in ber of tb o - I � fl. 1 .1. I conviction, viv,., -MiniiG-R last day of' And '8at, f
By e 8 a firm Starts ra at yo may Mention. that a4 Sale of -an &ore and previous 00,8810.1v
th 6ridtaflitin.of a nil Th6.'pooplo of the Doinini ortu.
ducting their business. enodgh�let thQm�stivc to -make the. title of J I�Owie,'4nd Jo -Boattio, Avilsou. - whilo adnately for thoul,
Onto, witivm-otr�jtal-of hO'n tit"M19,11eitf tile -balance o'f-,,)Owcr in the owork . 'a . nil 10011801fdUt0- dof: To. f lots business -itifficient" distiaction-witbou IN 3 extionto .1041V a
prinol al coMmorcial men;� 1ool o6tskiits took place
p a fow'dayd ago, at what wo-tbink the, high e1111ally y6ted lVith tj Tile Warden thinl* bli
to tile e.�ieutof $160,000t` and live, tit 820, ing Imigin-gly towards'Downbig street for thAt diL� �osts -Jobn Irving, work,in or Tlimporaned , daroosokl tile' �voa unto the parties, J;o them. what they)LY,
Sir A. T. GAIt was induo -Council upon tile tl�tut will ilifrilwo those w1lon, parfootod.
to deliver price, of $A10. -As- this atill is yet used and. the '000 acojaod-$2 jnua t
a An w 11. Bel -
Q00 a- year, it is ovideat that a hhy"o.' do 'Ithout for ihe proseu iiii-arket. btiucli�. Itural. * pur�_ hasev. costi". w, Foro'thow. f6r tboir dolibbrn, At Euluo futur'. ivbdu 1, $)),ill ig, liio: matter he -for, agrico �0960, the, pilrb ould corno-bal
an address there last Wednesday even t at at fire, re -_ ` I
bver inust.comb before Im In *these remarks the 04L -w dentoostra as fry lo pairing
-its head i IV . - I Df, aY�11 n -o 01 00,1 C16arly,that lovel. . IV, a aull 11'e, sManic 1�, Iiioib6ii P 0 tion, and disposal 4 . f the cleai the financieiing may be. S 't enz runst have good Ito as f tile ftltugo'of this - - ----- 110 wore i0foiniationj Af�.
iIng, on the financial cOndit10 2,60 ;'Cooper & I . stocks are unduly large, or crodits'unwIse. at %toorney other than that of. true worth and , town. tile gravel roads; the equ-,
foi .8. Walsh ssessment xollo,,'and the S;
-i. front 140 al�ain
country.. The andien lar -e 'ilf'arrive merit in Canada. ce was ly eiten4bil,'th results w oh:wegavd Tile potition. of. W. Qlogg Ira- .,Stanley,, June 6,,1876,
respectable, and his reinarl�s were. listeri- -by another process. Work., $38,26 chat was than present . ad, praying. that the vil-
8bbilpard E. All itoin under th6,atipive. heading, stating 1101intisillo Olt
180, such. cases- aria exceptionslo the rule, $3.13 8 Gilpin'-sim,
ed to with7atterition, and some of his' Seri The record of vlc�cnt deatha and Serious Roptledge, Mrs-- that it occurred at ri "place" Some distance the 120th, Afay, is a Qouit 6f Itevisi'on ; nioln-
'Well, so it did, but i . t,sb6ts bers all ago of Blyth be itiourporated,,which,, fter Sale Ilegister.
that hou`iea� buy in' this dir6ctiPF iinos for tile !4 -car. 1.876will. Day, $9.67 . -qua o 4ig inado ilia legal 'in
which is, or half of thiil') -it ni herS, lb g reald,'was 4i4fitodi.'
or- tha t&a, la�ger or to 9_guI4II0r-eXtent, be large. Many yeall a 1 lumber, $10.20 ,tIlat peiiatfis her6abibuta. tbought it had a qualifcation, tfio appeals Against ssosal sec.,by
statements eris received witij approO ry, 100 fr�fth t o i It was then mov6d by Mr. Lot Dinsl6v torl ace, nd Iota� 391) 30,3
asurance that,they * s'-siieh an opidernic of qnrl Capdda.' Thyn local reference and cou�l&l 1ho-. name. of 0ro gono hito, dha Churiihill's'assesillnelit
becaus� they EtA good a i I wa Bailey, & a, . Mr. 1:'roctor, thkLt � It. %V,. Mitcholl. Ito nd 8.34, occupied by V. Grant, as it liae.
Bud applause. .11 bo��ble to! Sell,, TIley may. ral with Tile cause of,thia is..hard to discover; 71VIth- sti'llls, .$3 Mr. NValtoi was �rcduccd $100 Tho$. Whitoltay's, $100 , EUS_6,:tlio
wi it Dodsworth, with it. Wo a:ro, bb'S, --the a *
Mr. Galt, having formerly, been Mill- idisappoiptllipnt &jifi'g Ono s6aioii$,�ut out i1oubt drink is C.. Crb a S200 ; allies" Lititl to taikb (in Smith ollop nd, resitlonoo, t niarl�et I lause,
iwaite's, �)i)o pointedL 0 of
tJICL limits, aSSIlown tfle
more or loss �onnea�ca with J"oy, w okk, illy surprised that people display thpit, Clinton, on �',)Uh iust `41; N), iloon, D.
IL the origin of : iliany crimeS4. It actS in tiA'& jiine act -as to much it, iho Blyth, - within'
nof piad ence, a. sftccoedin� Ono �ii Trouto, work, $13,75.; W, Ifiggins, ih Such 6 manner, as bjt no pbs,; poll, uct.,
ister of Finance, and long regident'. byeans By depriving antarl'of his reasoning frcatting. -The following porsons ore ox- potiti6iij -�nll report tile same -to this Coun�
The 'four inillions. of Statil
obsatio for it. work q6,25 R. -printing, can' it be made' to War to this. ell0to'd from _00 laor a*ild taios fOr the oil on or before the Sth instCarried. frthe province, would, hiturally, bO.Bup-: Comp - - tong its inevitably req powers it deadeiis.his sensibilitAps to the wick- ice tion for hit L vh porsorl� wholias ilo connedtion with it what -
people living air re .'20 ; m . it Yo,'tr Joseph BrhdIO31 Thor petition of"Williarn Iruttbu and 40"
wlodgO [ - t edneso-of oranin4lacts.-and -excites all. that 14 ft -IT- ])read
a. iiiertain amomiti a poited goads,.Jus chq 1 -posed to. possess. a thorough kno f. im 'Provinebil,Exhibitio Xiantiltolii sant. 18 10 oo 114
brutal and sensual in is n Ponnobak AIrs, MoGibbou-,.Mrs. Big. 6thbra
f -food' 1),illi, L 0 praying the -dou'llibil. to pebuild Ori -
a lid -�ranti of is they -require a:certain mount at Err. Worthington,- secretary,of,tho.1ligh �Ex aal)�lobtl;. gnvt, and Mrs. ait' Tfid'asessmout bam bridge, , was rend n
of the condition, resource ai ness also leads to want,'vud,povcrbyAB.q!m cuiaslo_�. 011th d referred to. the
ed,.to within, a small ry. ailtOndon, S*Z, 2% aud 29,
be demonstrat tive-6, such- crimba'as larceny andiobbe S ool Trinfoe�, made :appliention: for tho. excursion train oavo'this-stati61l on ro 1 b.e*tlg u6u;� or Roac id
the country, and'�would, therefore, be traction how much, that quantity oeeds t,&- cato� that insti 0111dod, auld the 'Council assumeil ordinaTy .1 And Br, g4iiiCommitteo
There have IlVjiLcrinios -r scorded 61 Into, such' 1) Colitral Exhibition, Guelph, Oat, 2,8,4 and 5.
tutlOul, tbe L�.i, H. for P.oit Stafilo -sitfiato oved by M�. Girvin,.gbc. by
f tile no a . I '*
ich 'bereasing- ----- - ib as. era, 64 fmoars�mydrresort-
looked upon as i iiiithority d66_e_r.v69._ _bA_;_ ntlty--YJI _gaes,,ien_J to pbo, . a y elf last iunetin Itas then
all Oil to am( p, - ased., Mrs..Alaar6i�or-was 'rant;.
-n-6t, Only on ccount o a., .. to a' d reap his'viewg yel ir by'year; f tile in- d a 6f thvworst inotion.tu TXr. Cool or. -a alook- . piiton-�J D6m peato'nIld
; apparent, t -7. a. m'.'- cal ificy-at all st�tiong mittee bid initruot6d obtain, the o on
of notice n reo% eve I 'Me Of. popIllatit5n; , -VA, becailao People' turos -was the utter r6oklesspess Of detaction'.. Lor ad $10, boin a i a d igerit) aIid,W;'1 04111 a23.
ere 'Thu CoU1JC11.tI;en djo uin(Id, the Ito Alonday, Trom�Nliagara, an nilute fa ll
XVO. I . I . 1 1. --- - ' I - - , r —,,_ ' ir ontreal,
. q. .. T farelfom dlinton and till C..Cwnero
aeool with- others. b6i�,, -' 7ioller thain. fori�erky, are lable, ot ate sorry to'se'e, can,adl falling 1116y even Over- cc they la
did not altogether P. T stations as -far as. 1XUtQr, Wil be $1.25. i,,Iit,, wlieii propoil'y'rung,.Ao r :for use � at tb for which pla iiind bVbuilliy,
PO 'h b ffis-liLie-sty rinciely diovo -throfigh'tho (Tity
b rarily ill the bigh.positl6u. 4 a Inis liv, Nv at .0
only to oy more, but, to purchase a more So
w n there, and back, "The; on raturn, will 'large, (bora oxcdpted)'was rend and passed. 0 anin-
In our opinion, t4qugh we are ill! 9 to ountry. ' I I question whether duncil can
-at 111-rivin-at
gpensi�e class of goods. . The dais of held As alaw abiding, and peacoaolq' 0 In Ma- id And r6turnod to the Queon's 11otol. �. The Enli,
Mr, Galt a man of fair egi� All that- cap be done must be do Idvo Fort f3tapie _��Yfb6raa$
nq- to Swaku and jillieh pagited'through'ibe The follieiving-accounts wore pa pelled- to rebuild tho bridge i�nolrn- au'Gra,
houlespun," aro,ltiearly over --in Ontario, Pr'�Waa. With )'tin' Ilia visit Wjs'striet�l
acknowledge -'',waiyiunivei,sali!espeot:for.�ndt 'Ofthelaws. -And taken to- Oliftion'tit 10 p.m. -Ample timoVvift I'llus I'DIlliott, f6r worle- done Cantle
at least and the i car been putchnAed -on Ist con�, 9, 11 .; Rdbt, halm!s, and, 'second, 'cab t ly incognito-, it not R60V%,Il
aste'of-Alle-day-letains-4n- ttear be given.fdr-person's to objy themselvesat -vorlc: don re g�, bo.was Conlarly A;tti A Elan with a tendency to.siiiaido cannot IYG till, riliti $1.15; l close iho � brid Find 'll ing till a quarto . r
ubilitie as a speaker, and alole r rable' to tha `66 rarl and f. EQ, 11011
ection'of a inore of an hour before lo arrive(,..
tild'dir hapsbc reistraitled by'41ly other ffiedne except �ry tWriis.. a's to conifensation, &c.--�-Cnrried
cannot all tt hearthstone is able to e(I in th-6"foulidry 'of Mr. .11cPherson.' place.,*., As the' d is not ti
c -the industry Of the the vigilance of,his friends, but 0,11 Classes can greatitild, the fare -Taas6nable, -we presullid epairing culvert, Ist con.i. $1; Alfred Galb,. ' A communication -from White
for such iinporta- in -bis speech but what hun lilready..beeh- provide, .A�& thia',calls be taught the folly of any hof5c of escaping T`_Wl ail Clark, 'serving.
as were t Mis Ion To ri. notiacq of nppea -in reforonbe to tile County
means of en dyin day, ti ing. It may. betiuSi that PO far J as - puni�hraanHn the cases whire the fo ing iriaifflY 61-50 0, Elliott, bringing was read of R�nwov
we think i it much m6re* to . t, Perna . . . . j. . .. ru referred to the
set forth, and a . d orproperty of others' Lay be AM with. to the.buffiildrol�o �nal;6rspohpu, of by Cop Scrapers from -..-Varna to Ifolm0sifflle, $3 -L S.
gold is con.cibrnof 11 I'll, atino, CommiLitoo
t tionL-keligion, a athwell, l'id "otbers, turnp
clear and definite manner. ance of tra0' is ilalgainit iis, is there -E a tic restillative measure ilinesvil`16 correi-poil ent, but -as ve See 'TuE.LTE-31ISS SN11,11.--�As once $27L; Goo,
'Into lie Couficil-tliOn Aq�lrn 0 110 Clinton B60k Stprowill be ranlov d
i�l the ciaiilriat be m'usta riaony iobrind about &Utt good to'be d6no b� is publidatio'n, we which tile' -Mi5s 81,011 a ieson R,, $20.' Conneil. then -T (1, 0 on
work in ha, Cr no WadaCS4ny, June 14bl": t6 the
In- iailroad mattbts we consider, bg hO country.of*h I cifthe esteem in'
Sat(l. 7 L, itE nt�and: imports vastly. more, than itate of socketY.-L&?rdo?& Adverlisc L widillold it. Tile Subject has,bon auffi was 1eld,:. and sympatby, for tile family urn 11 18th'of un
in alli 0 1)(1, t act 0
t ;ioxt, -Clark., R. OALLANDER CO!S
ive 4ewspapers in'N 'Will open an ontirely now stock
sheciports, ilfititted Couildil met purqilarit"to 1;,ajournmeM
is "I Ibiftly. ve,
has struck the right key, and' that. wiia becomes fabillonly wealthy tll6hO del their IOSS,r *0 inighi mention Alin TunCL (Uh, Now'St6re, lioazoor
Oat on the brda6 and stop expendi: . ture'. by, the operAtion. The that comes ov&Scotia
-The-Conson'. 'we believe it will be best, to.:aTIo'lv1h,. Thursdny last her., remains ere followed 11 t1 01111cl. of STA .
'ire follciwi�t,the: exaniplia. of Sir J61in Alac-, arid Warden in the chikir, nd a le .0
It sn L ice. 0 1 MI 'TIONMly alid ItANCY GOODS,
0 w matter to drop ,,plate bi About onehiluld A
intou country tile, inor6'vilub resid's � ith to th ir resting
on these undertakings. Iffe. looked, up- dorSLI&s-lazwtpa;per spil, manufacturing Grit . . I , . . .
it; and of this -we n*,j Ge suie, thitt it- alt lors present oxcepi� Mr. Strachan. Ito , The Balahoe' of- our -WALL PAPErvS in outrges'. The latest one �is that the fnlley Uxii A89 01l IftSk WOOIC we i4- red and thirty con veyances,nI.Ally, 6. f tholn will
did n
%r ... on.�The population of Blyth is
o send Son, . being from 6 distaric minutes 6f yeat ay�:%#bro t io rcAd An4' bC` 8 A.0 ItIr, fOEDr for one iAecic' longdr
on the-IAtericololliall as an incubus, And Won't 6fho eicept those ihilt haV6:it-_t r ball recently. given by Lord'Dufferin'%Y'aa not coiMi iti.it-lotter froul-Mabitoba a a; If'not the largeii, Go . .. Lr/A " L..
As to money, Ilia �was one..of 60 most - lilinicti-onsli' at-- 020�'�' approved. . A: 1'U1J1-,
paid by him tit I -foot And a. '$'no 0 a good thing for the countr' if it coula find. it Profitable to do so III but by varniuentkmt. of, giass 1�liicli lileasupod a half, t
-laid down, should be _Clogn A p ti ion of A. H �d and Awrs, pra
Here is who Tl�i our cotrotap6ndent, tended fune that over lNv storo'frout is ',the - PC It whi?jh On. the theory -oftho public funds. 6t aria 678ir, na.' fng for al-�granb of $100 -to, improve tit 0) e 7, is:,
o eaxbe.tilat dollur cl&-bc-� alliri- %lifav, the Reportcr,:.Says t0*111
be got fid of, which Ill'. had no expect SOS John"A orgilius in H, "it is vidence Of the rapid growtl- At lior grve't
initiation of a bill_w writes, All e h6 -Sabbath y line betwoon.
tio6q of. From the very 0 it is in,abifnilance amonjrtiui, Th6 T*noZr* Fernantle" boundar he townships OIL!
re sang that appro riato Ana z
tho'ball7was' wg'rand 0.6yernintlit a#hir year," Here in Huro, how-overli.wo School- Schola Are fijIl'O'f4t t ioties have Untry Paid L for. it-,.thedost Jinvin this -as,botte� gram at this and Milito" wits road 'and referred; 13. 13,
he.loan mad and thmo 9 can surpass ii #ffectil)g l000r ainiout in ilia Templar's Halt Howick
nstra nearly tentyieight tile year, nvto tile' Finance Committee. rprin ��=AlsEjls
knolvili than Gone to the gra;*c iH onr IoVd one, ANI) &Lr, TiiO5
inoro4han thQy'rCal 68O.P. Sura than VA'day a ruart 'r lie report of the 0ounty Engin;or' i*
this road we opposed itsp ption, as 1*11 as
�lso to advantage, and beeii . led I i At T to bailout
bein- e sary.and'a, gr At tMiy Y03i Sees the thoulitind dollars. That amonut of mollOy, that to bo,found in this county..' . Gonowithayarithfillblo4ill, _,� . 0 members of tho 'wel limso nall Club,
not only unnee 5 0 Itgoes,.^.abogging. Lowly we bond, Fraboolrosto ]tail ni portiog 'of bls hand then road thio Road and are requested, tb z4bob at tho'Connnerelal Roteil) on -Fri.
g allh-pro- was taken out of tile people of Caphda by the i__ , ' ,
_citiffig richer in the'wo� I idayevonlubf,luneoth,for tuaimrpose, of goleatiliffth
fly' bas-� be�n Pass* aivak to the tom tuill, �Eavt NVA- 13ridgo 0brumittaq.
1p a r forests are cut G6Vdrnmbnt in its dotermintiontogivWfash- lable,'and otbcq inlportan� busines!
but a a ag. alid, there was acaroaly a ova in tile W311011,
ra 0 swamps drained, mokeeldli i6nable clastoif couliteiianec to it golf nodparty - botl�orsoinlS for smno tWc,'�60 A�ii esti.mateof the exiMi4ituro oil Couill r -at least for many ye d6wn-, ore I , - I -Ir 'Pill' E.UORUMV; Sea.
neve, Of ilib iniLisqiitto. has been f: Crowd Orr Sundak iiveniwtt hov. Ortont Xuuo 7,, 1.8
nt gL ul� and tile Governor-General kindly fathered the 0 was. then.
ty�bridftds, for'fho curront r
e )r Coal it. stum ��d. out And brought filto effloie 6tea of b jitto ;"now tile potpto. bug,i8: a I' funeral Am Iloyal Black Kniglits of this Section of L iillanoo Cot
-pay running expens s,, nc -bdilb. ffir, as was of pourkL toill country intend colobratifi, tlio,12thbfrJnly in. road, and referred to . tho ture, 'Moie barns aud�Ilotilocs-nrd an Tor
worm by a largo
ey pra y ing
PE tile, icu,r,rLnt s,%morl hichlii�aa. To fron�.-hiz 7W.all-k-nowik sftuvi�.%. make. Ilia a )eftrince this VM11"o Ili ap ed ea� au4- worksh6ps are. built It wasmoved by Air. Davis, �OC. by Mr. A ral
cabbage worni, the _tIle -e
be run during the winter. Moro factor the lively Wilt, ecs3lyo.y
it �moio cattla andhors' - of 411'kinds'riiii" That* is both fin I; . : . D 1 -rs,-Ab the sale of. village lots
as ;uJilutod' falsoliciod, an ov10
-gas grsshopper. etc� 4 hAve Started -into -activo, ormvd.ed. karie, that tile uslial &4nt of $200 ba.pni&
that our assertions are - correct, Main ftndL moreliblvildren. 6batseinsulttoLoi-c!Dui)ez,iii,'whodi-tolial. ". : . I q .- har0oa:.TJJurSaqy'Iast, the attetillance rIll ANNVAL r,UUXNATJON� OV CADID'ATES
tho of: more emigrants 60' ife; And tile list iilf.inscot pbsta is promised, 0 to tile VillagoL of Wirigham. to Aid in build.. T
was not only bnow.ed a on'the,17 are botn to cafty'an-thew6rk,in tile f.ilture.' withalming off as Ilia own Blethodist'illiniaters am, lots WOW WI 1, Owi 9', Wo SUP- for Public Sdhooi Teachers -
P MixisTITAL. %11, Will that the cilantry had'to pii� for. au'addition, in the. sbape-of. tlio whito ant, in. this nei r'hood Iiitvo gone to attend -P08(
wiU Is ' t All �bj#'Wenitb` _ghbo �, to, tile dtilIn6;J of tho tillies, ing a lockupysaid bdilding,boing now com.
ay last, but its supposed income no It if; noLwLaxwy. _qin'ment one ofoilieb,�raii�tpartic�ularL-%,vhat 16 -cry destructive insect,,4bich is. making -C-. f VIRST) Vat Which But Tor!68 -out on erenoo, whi is,behig .-hold i;f St. Monday Iasi A, plate and'ro'hily. for tlko use of the.0cunty.
ar' eJ;Iytb' fall far sbo b of payin running elpen ait th Vottiah, all true to Will be hold I G6 a on
is beiter that' mi�inay. '1t:ili* intLnding.'t6 it DE
of they say or do i4elleving themselves of their 'jil wriy w6stiviird.- - Truly, - it canhot be
0 bile, - olibe" when in oppoisitiono they Soothed that Cnada 18 a,ppor. country f . or -in- becorao, Ono JlOslli but theY found thAt b9b], - A numbir of Accounts wo 'a the
'be ligonly us6fulas tbd*urAVersa1 Adjustor Rev, ))r.. of'flicy D, O'L CbJlfQlI, 0 eoCo , . 'r 111ro Trod Int1l 9 'A 'Ifi.
froln 1101II0, And thQW, to itFinan , In 1 t
sea. their partubod spirits I)y rotten eg ing,ft Gov- seats which take tbo beat that is goingaud Vill were away in't 00.
n -less
With regar&_ to tbLe- rigrily for niord. thenetaa tbei 'y to'sollike placil un. Mr.'-Yoang then- mov9d, soWlideA,bi kr ndblatea.ahouitt t ci
n"etwoon man an wait be
$0, a ral,- so ilit"ust Ila be d to be ra- r Vs. is Indikkponlablo thfit Ci
nn a anot o 10- not later thilill the 206h:6f Julie'. 6f tileil,
Ountr .4 lon" bath to untlertilglied.
witon oxie r Ile ther modarAte now when thOYA Confine thamo morning and evenitig. This gont lotuna Buchanan, tilatitlid.Coti'n-t�asst'tliio*tlio (Ad intention to present thortigelveg for exaialn"Itan.,
t a Pacific .11ailway be takes B'(10014- as the people of yla�nada. Bro ind 11-attiQualand Salves to iriventing falsehoods 'with which. to, A othal), mail; having tandorlid his'resigntition to, the A lJoy on mill street Ii �- .
na " of toll roado'.and also: tbat,portion hird 01�9,P Ctludiditte.q, in order fa got it cert'Axftf�,
castand apinst it, aindalavises the use. their fields -fruitful It% the rosult of it, we 'jng1JtrJjor(1 4)uffq?1n Ifamiawt Tbitts. neral confQronc it was, with much r0-! becomal tired of lif tile bob w
bn�, 1 There goes another lamp chim- -90 cath- called tile Northern- Grav I ItotaL. Milt Obtlatill Onc-third of the 6otal ruarkg fu aritlan'01c,
Ilia iy proqutod 1-15 cents and 0
arksafe. It.istrilotbattlidroMply be tips is an cxclaffi�tion so common in. every, greb, accepted. ntends devoting or, gramaiii nud ruvelVngt and fifty, per cant of the fi
ney 1 toll then went inko cot tteq' L41:0.
M 0, IDWIn .8 of Ottawa, Are fain UL , 6. , - t1lo QL
Pacific fiom Duluth 't6 �arly bintod lit,'. but they I Ac( r tile wholb, Mi. *Connibif ill hatr," Candilthtawnho: have obtaineil a Thfrd-Clsso Calm.
of the orthe and downs in conuffiercitil lif 9 0 Thb Ilicans&I lie) ily tbat,nearly all re becoming so used t1rho In inly to tile cultivation of Ilia (;irm stral-11twity %vent to Jvukiu'� ice creath saloon- yietua, ate 1111 illiziedly attollillited 6 the Pembina 1:LranchL2id thus afford'ab. P course in wbic -londev startlos1hem, hilt oil the ba I onseqtAnces fort _&Pting fw It- we hope they '%rill to tt'that it Ili) (;jjol W.,
tp by rapil. - mv oldest After the t was Aiscusaod'iti oottlinif. Onto Ili other Coul shell not be,6ijowca I
heir nature, 0ile 6 fllow�d by 4 Rev. Mr, MeLptin, Myth; preitchbil in Ily llowing tile, a
* breffiton thkoughdut ibb offocta; I ate as Soriopsly
North, i0c, the NNIardon asatiolod tlto�chair and tho
are transitory in t I tile at 4h this County felt tile settle class ofertilijito.
easy and cheap approach to the. 0 0 CA T bra binditig themselves felt is over. But'.111inks to LA - Ba rosb�.terian Church, lhgt Sunday ice, -lioenrable.
umniating�ealtkof broad WAS "' f t tilo provincei for Certilleatm
OW. ont. oii6ft was referred, G 66 Roact and ilia -laccongAry. futleceso-ju
v. We think the, advl� 'teld'and dfhords of sang and hotistly and loyally 0.00blorul L -P 00 T-, 11.0 to Ila de A t o0ning. ONvIng to tile 2,
Br . idge omiutt Co. -
West Torritorj, m6looind Village d'001166" a -or" neii. Mi. samicson will occupy t a pill- or, its Or h J tlerman n. in in. a a a, a
is good and ought to be adopt -ed, -for we -remains I our nerves shockody our temper I at a juOuple driVillf, tfut . Oil. nloti6n of Mr. OibaonL Mr. 910ALIAMil-
the Jdanadiari people are a frugal In allow t�st tbey-are in earliest, have a9cocil or oii'r fainily I)CVIGO ilisturbod; o pit in t6 Same place, pl:i I, Sunday morning , o ti, �6 11'sq took fi-ight, and coninicn-: was' Appointed 'oil . the Equaliiatioit Com. EX loon.
Vy a one 0 it
ion to utf. bifted %�-Ith "to Is every one of file cau,see no rea iiah con) voiS, Soon niatle Goderich, Tune 1,
ponable object people, andfliat it is Wl t air sa.1lation w4d, whall tile shipo (if br ken nd initfoo in place of Mr. Strachan, who IS
�anall_porvailing industry has placedus in bOts .40f o�8. �Ojlr remain. Rev. a. Gra6iiway;'who. ]Ina Wally been woo,l or dg Want "oil
ti I 'I
pog fok transporta- latq. chimn 10
at home (in ccount-A)f Idmil olu A
met) -haopil y ab� SALE
_qg,*A.merican orrito oft trial!" 49'ar -mi i4fatk of, thor Ili: 0 1 %y olmilm.
V lc� nocount a t9lorit , powAra of 46'fo qV1 , v6ifitdl banbv
tion or travelling purposes 'if it can 10 Ations of a T116Y fi�rt �r,oWor , nomiation, ill tile southavia part nto attribute, to the.indiser time of tile discovery of a niode �of so Oh_ciiso _Of;C0 . dodo more convenien:tly,-und-cousequent- few bnainess--men areauso il a ition to these rlost pralgeo amcalitlg �faas thap it�tacame naTMI, MAY= OV
Thm is no solid c jeco of. till, �Vo are glad to onco in 6shawil I"t-Saturday, es6rz to R11116 outtatined, fit a cortaia Mortgage dated that
nume foi, �ny such feeling worthy resolutions, they Agreo to iftise the toittrIL as a p oitirned, requesting, -at tho,silia, fitne, the lith ly of -yalluary, Ihil, told Irtaile 17Y Peter Oranto
ly 4eapor, than over ho. Same Ill IN 11
so far - as the material.. condition of the i J, I'lolmos" of t doncinina. our brother of tile op rlY Collatolso E I Ntion Committoo to h0o.tllCir To- Johil thirilln ter tile purlamia of bartfugr
price, of liquor to what may be reckoned tv iniocin thein tlit tIl0y.0ftn nOw-130 61111fil Oil- Acv.
Thiswe do kromMontrer to. Portland coujltr� is conoorod, -and'0 charge, as -they -hillitlOYS inittlu'Of"this glass, tion, (who resides about Exciter,).- was ort (if ilto Voiiog port read if posibl' by Vi AAOW 11114f
And as to the loss inntal Atisocintion; yJ idoy.,niorning.. a) there I be Vold by I'lifille, Auction, at thar
paying gint wiffi lamp o whictircominercial failuren have been tbQ to have 6no 4 Along, a certain tic for which we all VflU0h,fori% Superior to any� dainod.at the Same time. no -AuXT wtmu'l�
daring the winter, and we haW,no Itl,at owing to tho
I Rev. Mr. Thompson, McKillopy'lias , nofi
oeo no(l'JaIlto Mutch on the stabling horses, This is nil riglit, and tboy
cafiaia of, thatid thing wo ever saw before.. chinincyofill too,
80" fiin the doubt we Shall continua to. not- peopld of this ct)uritry its upon those in ought t6 go further, Lot thdra, have a atuall be lot fall froill It hei(flit bf. 6 . feet on to rib�epted. oithibi, all to, 'BrneefieI& Dr 1014arge for evOrt WatOrilig horses' And for 4inlit, Saturday' 24th of June,,
withatanaitig the opening of the Inter- Grant, Britain wh4 extend uifdIIo% orddit' fixed a wooden floor, ivi&)ut Ally risk (if free. nZidgerville, � Ili$ people are Pleasd with vii understautt. that A few
trxygllors ifires. for %
Monj incautious firms in Canada, Trade ture, AS ai W'St;o VN dropood Ono on ilia Ilia notion, and ilive'ptogantod him with, it We tit b to be dirdinotly 0"110fifood tbat we do not AT 12 waoci(, Nooul
fin 'a - I;ch a, plan ovelliligz; ago -a was 11 cut out'! 11v A "Urselveg tespotuablafok the olArilunii 6xitraospi. Ut riglit (8) Ill 11ttualoy'" T(iraVe, colonial. The American people d' - 'It m� be Safely left to adjust itEtilf. , Thoto .4 .1 q will *Oulil be bettor top of1ho *s',AirS',' �n(l alftho way poese and address, Ice had 6 take 14is ovo�in 9 iti the, Fill
very many-bundrods of shrowd tvalltin- every.way tlxall do 'ali. by ourzorrasp ilul� Thirty-six of Ma Township
to their advantage to use Canadian ter, tire down witbatitt, tile 8ligliteat illjory.., When tafinlits Alul"y6unginedi. tit thuclouniyof Ilutitia, eialital"Ing Ono Arm
-a is. brought Cc bi�ar U jibl" all Wha olTheei W a 6�it khm4lodpo lind Aura tirossin �Ovst tried ii; tjy letting it rall,'wo lield ulail wilinat, havo Wd a. oblation Ito
formed man it; it, All I IIAVO oodhsioq to, go to & tavern fit order to WC The house of D. F�iguson, q. otlori-eli 'waa Illayflold *111age.
tory from the Detroit lttye4 to the Xia.- eperience tells 10011 What they ought to h flid. exPeclat0t, Of seeing' bu�glariyeiil on Thuridgyiliuornr�g heratotoro, berTlifeallundred and, XIzidy.ywuii'( )aand Thred-
-it, Tb�aro aziindivi . forde them to JQi li(por wboiller they our brSafli wit itherefrom. . mot-thig of-tho residents Ilundrad and lilnety-Thtile, 1,H)l C aot aide of
0 t� Very $,/Oula Only too It
qars River, and no sensible perg 'a calls do nnd when to db wish it or no fly, into pieces, bit C I �'o dic EVilo.r rf- !/%G 4Niw'Bru, fteal $treat, In thdTowri. ofelintol tontaining-ifirm 4
a 6w i, undoubtedly, when evelti tit" PrI17 gladly.pay for, the acconituoUtion is b.411, niiharliled, The suSp6ndild Of this wa�s� hgf,l in tile Orango 11411 I&A'. roods eud, 'twatY racho.9 of larld; reare or lose. Also,
c'usi 161; tile udvisability.�of bollovd1haN lanot,%x. the BOOM Will 06 -Lot Nifitalict Thtee 'llinalrod diad
dent are caught ii" a squall and l; this is allotlnr�pratical illustration Prill"y 11-Ight" to a 1( 0
them fools4or .66 doing. When, populd- 'lit ,vo down, not- iieniod them oxcpb on conditions I Eighty -Your (usj) on Clio weit Vida of Albar& Street, la
GRAIVU nown that tile above villago-was in.
ti:)n In Manitoba increages io. that ex- hilt in the, iggragitte the trade of ilia act,"'- shook' thdir schoe, of' propriety', And qxpose of tho,folly of Startifig pipers Ili small plaaes, hilvitic" lensively 11 of 01nion,
-'itself, both them. land theirs' to ukulacesant-Y tbuipti. The4uthorides of tha L 11 - 4 U 4", It. -,Vag Zarrida unquila6mily in favor of ill- i6coirpolation,froin Ilittion said oLimit -, berb Strtotg alt a 9dol'
tent as t6 requ'lie mord than one tail-' try i's in Anfe hands anil will atijust bave o"noricticed gveat, difficulty in -pro. Tho barns of q NV'rawlarti on thd Haron corporation, The n0asi;ary Stops arobeing Stanley, yet such is. tile cascr = VIlaeksiulth. Sholi lein the lcing.run; toltijb needA of alt. ticillartainjury, nniattyatilvarnoi-hotolAr rill 0 gravel 4or ;alaotifig purposes oil 'TuakersmAli. Were destroyed by.fire on At, and was nceoniplished by the County Coulloi fluo �ouiig Orchard of choice fruIV tkilek
lady traVolling ofinnot, as all) ,, r
road outlet, then lot it be built, which. ov: gothe wi6h d nuinbok 6 last Deectabor, and enlarged and confirined by Tor made knoWn on Dity of "lo.
by stage or outt Wean kdiy last, to
%ingai are it present managpd, gqb the rest thqt; railroad.. VOT a good distance from 'ter votes of thlallcg to tile Toliushil) Of Itorlig
Ono of the roost audacious robberies ever, implements, &C, for fit(,, ltroat colj�idoratioll allow,, 6 the vil- Alid, Ontario Govottiment; I -am'cradibly- in.
would itiost cortattily be done either -by CA and warnith of a privatoropitifor I% Short time fhe, gpilth -end it hiss" been balasted from the, inliallitants-cleefed Ava. solanin., apply im,
committed, took ntharines, oil (6, ftiiawli whailintr huslyurd'or -ilia -On Nvednesagy, last Ito4lif, Iltirtah, -411a P. lll�th by -that, kna to tile
prtvate bintetpridd Saturday nilghE Two maicdr0o 'up to this' Mal is very, �mpd fattier, having, to call for drink rying MAt, 01toll a dig, SOU TO ond ro, WhOfhot lie I'm CIO cai Patl6rion. of �Vinghwm, And J. A16Donr,14, eliairolan for ilia condack in the chair, th Co'uail.' lie tit"
as it mayt t4eir years would indicate ripa,
ugoitl;i*r�ot, Whatilitopiy? Oli,nbthing. moLthig separated.
Congrolational churah� in I f I Ill ivo or thred, '13lyth, were ttled in 33russola forollilig li(luor: i We tbiuk the position takes with re moved roll the churoll, a hari some Organ tarica m6eg it Vor tho,lidneft at those who are
I. tiley A- hoJ Xes, y "! .. . � ard,zgbaii
gard. to.,emigmt-lo (1-411 t, rwonoo, and fined $2 1 0, and costs each,
W c i eol pleased to announdo this woolit, ']!Ila Toronto City Connell )qi appropplAtoll
tr4ce 6a been found ut-tho missidg to the b%r and drink," Lob taypra .4 bilt thq, linve boon. either d a far ag in tlt4or.
441clo. . aendWinglatirty given 06oriptiolroftliama
of the 1�6rth West i's i liodna on6,.;Ina farn over & iiour letf (Ila dfiiilgo 141overy case. e w4o-found Choy run into that ToGroonivay had survived the late AiI4 Fitim a; lu�nio� 6ivardl ilia eatab. Illation go6s. I West tol 11;A V 0. 1�, T 11
it is currently reported that a Willi narbloid exllaugtod, dF The oxataple is .4
0146'. iavo fiwdly� 4coldell Upory 6lotla which f6.r Some IoW lv�eka ]lung, by %to -of Irish All %11
that thweedrts that are' goliv exOrted tO. Trotterp now under sell toned of doath for mur. gailti; %,hoy ovoi,14 hottil, Ito$ 1119' 000 '11i'lall bla8t follolVed it other placos, olitIO8 it,( yl- in Xdvl York, has -coil I;
encourage emigratfilia ah6uld hot be logo- Fall wheat fOui 64 high is be stiall ill tile making arrAllg6rdt el pit 1063 ad'oli the grix. born it' hitha Soqtch, Ono ftdtn licat tha-wath o Will 'arb
-to that splendid gpkv prott
tossed to 11011, 611 1 � tilts, in la 4 track to at CreditZin anU h0ttr. An Galt palloti pay$ that t loring. Tho otliby� two, it Ja MILL
Of Ottn,l towitiallip of South YArIAO.4i4,, I%fomra. Thoa, ailid �Vm. 6r1oieg, of the Sth �ellonlq there lixid got a vo OLEN
enea, but when lie t1d,ro"jon mollierato nformstiou received from,areaiaont, Vol road julit south'of'Blyth, which At
it op )64ro that it was Ili WE saulo Trot- Hoa. Malcolth CAmoroil, Nf. P. for sr�utfy, con, McGillivray, hav7a latol� fAllea Into POO. to wit-tho ornaillcMaVolt �;f tile 1`06111 1 It in - Politi0s, Are,, I believe, 45 litiff Or I io i 'is I 1i
9 ter a molbef's house that"110000 was 0 go Ottawa. t6f I tod nts. he noti 0 otlior aia Tories, so that wl:iGn it 66ifte to a
proteetion. we think to 'is going U vain4t Ontario, died oil Thu'radily'lp in.Vostigation, W fOUIld Ube very Ox enalVe salon of $40000), by tile death of it brother, )at . olvcsr I a 6=011
Illy, s, ia o,rqo who' has for, some time lition. lffl4g In Austra- Ila r606 Alan a( ria. has, wo Clio a, Ila 3 Qr�t$ &to 1101fated all thily W J
I of Arst-61W'q% t t com- W00r ANTED
On party voto, th(
-find was, about ,to pliter at tile timoAf his rlding4 of Ontar o (Ito nov( unrepi 'a and bear i
big own doe'trne, tot he koya I all,
olittoo lizve d6rilpli L jno 61 wavol do is to gn
'the'zopfossed murdar6r, wag where be aniariscil his waattl[4 put in. Time I itailt It-' X Was iftfor=4 TaL diliath. Trotter, the Commops.. t4 ap Cars, do of whi fthidaltim or ill V98baligo lot Wool,
Pact in tho Dfrontiq station of' i'660(f MI) a 64,
loading. to tho, Us not It orhoo the Itayfidla coulidit libla tit 61r, Coutt of RC.
emigrants to come hm, thb -hidull. At Outh of pa was A mail liamea before 0to 144 06,40, V*o MIRA pit 1160fid Malta MI* MArkitO
wn Wit- -6-ort 8rfCofieg ill Width AfIll, 116, foot 1011
I 4,Al 4 0031dbr- he oreclitorg 11, Toqt. all f4sollonfl, at Itillo, to adjust it is addont that a
Ch be lisea it,
si to 444 th , ecodsocl lying Oil tf,6 fo4tfiath; maild fora Godbtieh griat rdill, The boltwfii roil yalia "live alst) lit the, '101 justillity, :Ro. holioyolq Ito is tile col-4ing T
whiah A quite right, 8dt 110W dail 4 after he wag shott arid togivo tile alitin, it 'n of tho latter. Vow t11 411� WAIT asked by 004 if fin Ocala fast F, to receive nea ft ihi tin the prudent Pomon would r4iiost to
bo used i Orindetion with it Codlig 611119itio. able 11m`tIn -itig an- increased otto, Oil a stock- valu6d; Ilia pr6porty
'1$ said that the d9or of 21yfr Trat 0161 hortill n'4 hnn1lag requt ita 4 Ue S&ys be 64 dollitit out of -big t
In z wioll will SIlv1)Iytho-'rn60v4 pbwgr, to the I � tile n, and that lie iiiiiii way4i not for
country be mada ana kopt Z thb&PL . on � hilrao fiower,, 6 - would b& Intolloo, ol�
"Inua bilA Won Atatill I ' idp'wN wo t1link it I a ha 14th ofhe past, r4otith.- at, nearly $2;000 thd 'nisignect roallaoil only some uns6oml utposq, 1!hor� 16 a �persoll
to live in but by froto. trdij'I it s tr,.d 1 0
o open it, And At As' 'Bapposed 0118 was Advitiabl ()It the Part of tho toi,yn alittlori. 116 claims t ve, Put in t7 -44yof nod is ar. $151 which After payllt,. the costs of Nvinding Alaying in'this villngd, I believe tho� Call bim,
one, �to datAin"hial A08own would 'A ly As btrang as over. 111) dwittilled "to sudh 048og As this Wainwright, or NlineralogiaL, Thia P01130114, Apinblitilro 13' eants 1volitiinlirl,
The, 40MMIgnomrit of, st, oatlofinos
allear 126ne.811110 to* talk of do' have ta In tho I;mll. �,y Ae horno, " s6 'to �109 to 900UM A. giod botj of graval ilig find Ditieftaing.
carry his ainball6al P6 �Ato lb uat,,.Thota IOA(I to speol-00 where 010 gtan,foat businoso ins informed, wis olitiotdil 611AIRK0 0 0 11
wo loatn'that 0't tile r4doillig of tlt� DWO, 0016it, bkstnellil of the tool iniiy be IMiliq at 010 MOthent, 411 order
any other way. How oan living be ato many ot1we o Con- tllat'mio
ollAwrid ail)
30tedv"th, the shooting# which atrongthens. ofill-lawain that CILY, The hilva pui rn It tile town iaontfllue'a dependent upM tqrl 0( tho Wot Uldbig Agricultural 9 unoonsoions of big own groattloas� -the word 11 liberal" I believe was stolen from
made ahatilp by 6batruatling tea4a Brill :11, tilyo extra p6li6itimeti, one at 40 reAr pina the Vat,-) rontraotors for fh6tr AupplY' of !his the quebtloll %( the plalie for bolding the falI
. tII6 Opinion that Tro�tlar wastlilo 11110%, *Ito diouSslon Mr. WO )live r000lve(l the following Caution thie, Grits' pl4ok. It would look ahabby for
'dieating TA froil't (loot, for throd woritho, '411d for road making, they allow oAma up,, aniZ'Shof MAO to AU(I toutista", Nvith & thi4 110raoft to be ohairnian of OU61t nil, honor. W., FULL CLOTHS, -)3UkXXtT91'
Isommeree, and Goopollieg I Atdd tile fatil Allot, Atka it is III) nra ftkeii'tTowh for vlLI p lo'd Rmt It h upt, wl Piclar or free J, otal to 6mish. Sul will be ItLkon bilifolia lie trends ttica 4016wo � 6 epublull it travollinr able alt800lAtion and have no v�to, thoibloo,
The ihing is ImposolhI6.,' toavd kra:de puilighillent add twin elay or othur acco
Titod' cannot Ito too witty of byh?)okotby0to*1 Ila litust halb, bno,
aki tho oibi ition
alone Bud We *ill 6hgagb If �Vllll A-44410 hA CAtAffien orroolIondqato writing flalk Is hot OX6. It was id thfir (,qitma to 11%
teof thren (lara. Itilto aaythat he PitircUU(I 619 And 4-IlAir aptos Of ll =16 mi bt 966 1fd6l, MIA of 011, hWU rAtudatitift
f1lo Above thb followlit; npilebrod. 4planded, in tha verillivnI of trod to- A I A6 41111ifillift fee tq h4 0 4M C191f Olt gives tho lop tin
In&I Witil whont tile kailroade and SiblifillicION 4 aan4 bank nbat thd oomoforf, for
0012 Jilval, itfid thd Aftma tail N Will o -no$ top 6110 TINY Q)o diy'416er this: wili ublithed, 14 rater. ex eAtratit of orlivy fri,int tile )1VIOn Willi rogfbit for, the Ali. ite. Infestea, aria who AV6 (Llily 4114 Ill(JOr! Actoi A Pdoor liq 64110 orton well% �l Thlo
With the IbVeatmctnt f daplifil 041! Aff, TPottil 11 E06hi, J1 It �ro it ai�nw- lotivii of this dot vaty ollairl ty tild Court of ittivilti, WHOLKSAIA I&- to the" R110&(I eon L ON#f, (eggs, brop 11 lit) call 110dly baprovided, robbing tile- travollit , 00111munity, ViAllor A
U61186, oontN , dibiter 9a: - lito -grododo, n '114offid, nbound ptlyingtho Court
bor; le&VO tho', ii6fi&, M&kd, to a6lno t; 96a *f �Jrit, Tto It wiillh Will he Tilit ii�, will Only Unding, and tho orther "Ally kludii of -Wool,
rak to �ovov iTit '100649
-04Y.4 Jit, wild 110 Wild 94vk oiiloywo, 00 00) 'y Aftv �qd� Are 01011 400 -tied thit &M tit
hiii-41 p,itti6a of (libit o, and thoptib 'dwillilot with those; find Vat on tile found thAt'llobad a ulagnifloont woda OhbK �� At hilt ow.t, 1.
Toriiinto, (111, Atruats lid for temporar us � A. aw Pail Wi 4t thiii U141, JkIa WA ties or 80d.; rido il lit o been volibb buiiidn Jor"11110 it Il hearing of peoplo who I �� I his fatift - 9nd, that he must ba, taiaiil (np Arall Wo ninddy it williftlq'id Put It travollorg :16 to Old, Ado Of hit Ito to give hiA -" ottea �,TArmg oaith,6p� go. Dar c -it 11ttAt
tild tit" lit tilt, 1,1011NO of C t a � iMango. *06 � Oar advied to We r . v4 veto,
su channels Atol t W In plixe-1 till with Pit 41, 1-1 � � .,fl, r4hitor it 0A Bag %F44 silo 4X or ASK go
1 1; t) thttAndo rati, 60 qblltit .,Q% -sliraugtf who 9 I)f A q 60 a hilu too'
I bd hl it' 014 01 r ift Una 461 1
lit ilia. Ru 06tiall3to geal"Aro
ilia 91:1104t, A, 0, VAN