HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-06-01, Page 1W
In tbW oolinection, wit observe that
thttTorotito 2%W?aav has taken fip the
ou4jeot of the eternity of future punish.
Went, and bas DC04 tue
clergyman of tbo city, in order to� asoer.
their �Iews
the. *ffig% 10;l4p Rroot, a(tArly oppooitill arheuu M V 0 r
helabors r4ay possibl be lutereating, to
in advance, or if p-44 4u our reabro. It woo founol that tbere
agribi j or
QZtea among the Toronto ffaW
the 044 QC the YQ4.
donowinationit Wier
T14Q boot lob Wo a very general sympathy With Mr.
itty, ol Ultron
apeug h
'4 conriq0tioa. Work Gioarited not
V41 XI—N CLINTON, ONTARIO, TaURS 'UNEM 1, re.ploortable ry miloral, rQ05lia
lion- of the lootrinQ of the final Taotom-
and UOY., 15epti-
IVAQ ARO T11101, FOWL, auger whenho qool4od'And even, sworo bearing ptitiolitly with Mus Jones. both personally aIna Tho� f3pirlt or Noma at, h= The fever turned ana lie his petalauce and 111 -humor, nail nQver
pair l4ke, subsequent nale of theiv church donleil'the4sotrine.
pto %ifdhol, 11e* w4WjJbw ab of danger betraying who
risortiortat eezato per line o4,o:h time. It 0 tile slightest of Money cotifors CIA its possessor two The former Of uglit, tii �
W al, b;Lvqp the loast to show, a a am
CONTRACT J. 0110HY, (1RAVUATNQV TRINITY 4134 rapidly advAu0jug to coulplb( -a. his proporty boo olotr
_oaci Qi0co Wor, are they n1waym.foun(T. among aitio 4 question 9 Lobjilid
0o'diatial, cod doe not agrop Nvith1lig d
eeOno columul QUO 7 10 darkest haunts of storation. The phy6iclan 'commanded. siderablo interest among, his rcittions,. I's it first Sight chollould loomo, it, no
AT (!afi �. "to appear incompatible
Ist, 1875) $281,990.67 Shau�g Woo ; I
ot one Mkily West. t1ke riolloot dross* the'ekill and devotion of his nurso, cis- The family of X
20, 4875; , r. X480ij, the merchant with each other, There is pleasure, n gOod could ariHo from thodisol Sion -of
And roll yx� galore, suring., )Jim tlifit, 110, owed his life to her. intro4itecal in the lost nenthere . i this que4tion, while the, latter- ok the
Mouthsa 11001110310" 1111k Voice.
Asalf. one 40,00 A1,11MIXON oil AND uo-SIDENOL— S piettsilre in 0
at Aml still In T0400410 pi�rfaict Sight But the dovori�u at the poor gid cost but two ohildron, a, son and g d
MOO Hamilton, of Blyth, acoupioa by Pair, rawom Valar, op. Be poor, oy, Y ry poor. A bugbeoca seat 'to
sin wOppoito vlow on both poi�ts nd, wish -
Q th Wo abury Street, Clinton. 91
4 , U.1 tghter"'of a sister poito in
3 Trionths, HBO been. duly appointed a($ the Coin,va"Bing Agent for Bit bor dearly ; for ooarooly baol U1.100 G NV110 the only (lat , I Cli NOY!"I Ilf7a. y The brighteit skies May oyet' Shine conditions. Yet in one �id to Sea broader
20,000 thlo, ohl opt%bliollaid. company for the ToqepU recovered, beforo she Was,, takell recolitl
Above tho mouldo". e9oused, Who bad been for. CIA
I go of
proud" tronsactious the joys, m6ot, Jolla lh* ad T, W. Jvffb M�tbo'
APnrlwitll the fow, afid-l'ar weeks many years I r 8-00 IXULLEIV, NOICILLOX, Sit BIOR QX Tli�to Was The lc�
I . . 2 �110 '?tiato of l5arcn�no. onf� b0h bold1ba
With walit
olloy holdon In Own townships will too v4tited on by Royal Catindla lutoo, Out, may no'er be bowed;
g4lished on�tl 0 er�� f the grave. VC WVf0o o Iffi �JjiiW Ono of i 0 ox
Ur. Hamilton, Ili gnod t1mo, ite their policies otijive. All vilutou, March. 70,
One-eiglitli, one year 12.00 Tbo,owootast music ifewalo to Ivo ],or his 111POeS.fill ljoircus, This wit Iancetuily. 'Who P!
so It there Was lio It
porto of thin territory will be violtod purlo4loolly, 00 any a the Cal im t that words tit a
one depritag luourance wIll be oallosl oil by'add" DIL 'WART, IST, 1),, 0, M., GR4VUAT.T Vow save that of a bired, f6llQw8 and i(o Oo could gililp* wollid jkjiver,
: Alay food arWin at 33IX41L, 411 bool400s otatruoted to Jibu vJjI ro- ''Alid xtairth And Flettoure fill the oup Sp6jid without boat of sboti d be
�l ilia.
%)no-twolfth, one year, colve roaupb attention. Oyer $600,000 beve bcon Valid Of all the gla� some year. Mason, ]a w:n� say ilia whini of it' l'itoliolor, 10rom, vVing a
11 oatlof* Co. All hoxicat yed bur ao, he did h�id o t tlJo Same t4itio, aid, who. enjoy trofated. with groat iiionoy, but th�t a
Actioll PC loss Jalnunty 4,1871.. Oxistelloo, find day'aud night 0011wilidloations or,proforc1160 whioll ]to S�ehding it-itopotts a i�tty to 1 -he oxor� Ilairilis could jn'01.bo ullowod to Preach
"Pagly Chorii is but oxic old betublinhoit. Ya) t o indeed imist be the man
3 Months, ,, 0 1 ___
Aral -ollia under, I year, 4. JVV h ad over her wi and dvo-, lint] Wsto�ed Oil 11oarlottit a lior else of their talollt%' in tbio. direct oEacoordanc6 with ilto rooeived.lbe-
4GItTQUWUA" U11TVAL. laiij 19orgeon, etc,, Coroner for (I owlkssiloh joys as, t 'Poo
Advortioems.ittis of Strayd, test, Found, CHXS,T.� DOYIoll, Qw0al Sounil, er his lioart be c5ldly �j
Bushloosc, ,81in6a 00 [th k Ife wou14 fb to
Diatriab Agent Groy, Bruce (Led Huron, provc� 6, be. tbo rtuna of ]too(], it. wag generally belli8ved that site -bis irrespectNely or tho Iq
fits, ollutoll. 110f,or tile rtpv. T, Guttery,
&q.,,not exeeeding 10 lines first month, 01 11011fietta, l4d edlicuted to bol it tioll. Nvoitily 0 of the , Pritaitivo Metbodiit 04�iqb,
To others' Miseries.
I -EW, Orders loft i6 t4e COnTO, N NX'%V.XlIA office will And valn is all his Store of gold, the lovilig heart of tho geit, the thing thus sccurW. We aar�o not
8 oploh, month. t attl)tt!6�, and Ali. sa�qtajoa paid there will -lor delient6 fi
first mouth, 5,0 Octet I " ront' hitly, I nryers werc never tle sex. os- thought there was -'a reat deal 'to be,
Advertisements of Farm$ an wlpqgoal� a Real B state be 4.&P..k.. If 8611fielily he lives - U400 Jos(Tb, too, wo" an art- all6aking of that wel Craving for p.
)IC, STAN11URY, OF ififf, tif-fi-ewi =_ ld x
soil'4-by lous-watch -0 hfor sale, not emaeodly -j-6-1, -f (imptod 4� ewhich isA -by-overytW4.
cltiirity oiler fyb sY recoinniendation:,0, r 61 ; not OKOeoding 16 lines, firstmoritit, 51,50,, Cori) County PC IlUrOli, DAYV401,I), Wit tivIlt,tIlat it he 0 -.11o,4id-hotA
each subsipiont,month, 5o and 15 cents. ty is in'the heart. *as oldlicaVesertsibility to lio afraid of a greater.part -of hi -0 10, away vor of' Aiiiinoll, for refusing.14. dank his own
XXXq .1 6capness, not. of the lo bargains
Advertisements without specific directions a /A /A r -t of love for mail and chargod Aq- .4.4 Xq 20 414, W .24 %voirrillNu 1 6 played the from the gentle influedc(i of femnlif so. that are obtraded upon hisriotico, but feelings, and' vieNvi, bt4i; commanded
will be inserted till, forbid) ON, P"YSTUIAN, SultaipON, Me failure io I;orform a good,
Acoduohour, Licoutiato of the of I'llyokilano I "th passable skill, and li Cieth.'110 SIIQWL�llaa aptrfood in the sick of the promot6r and driver of bargains, 'bil fOl Iiis manliness in bol
OF plailol nZered illy,etatin
cordingly, by, -Lo Td� bless wholle'ar you cn 9
_aulLa� H qLT4o 0anadli. and.Proyincial Licouti-
onor for uctinitty0f 011lootaxict hd ai:rr�
'Will al by Air,'
Advertisements measure %to and (joi gth- on -the rwatlla�-wuld -bt-ve done liezror.tti To, t1jo- wimy-tFondtff,
fIAIN lov, e cl 9f vor
soIA Noripare III right and its decW, sofa, pouriqgover the contexits of the Bon" dict. ing' ground alcuong a1hr& aR3 qf vor
sd d 'd "Odious neoes'sity,
.E. 1011dondoni Oita, ON That, the grotiltebt vjjtuo on4.Qau own was i a prospec xve )a in
I Suhcase 're ief of her aev d rs are
Ullutoll, Jan.-II)a 1871 Othe" bora with as 1. . . SnOharitj;_ i
The alyao-inalit stomelalps beiresg 4 Uncle Joseph 0 large fortune.' -friend, Grace iecovered., The dils�lo preoiation of the delights -of property , tibiliker, an 110 - t lin 4 1v
aAl of the 'Allan, Line, leave (�oehoqoyoryS -wa;a far'frbrn approving.the was, banished frort) the. house, and Mrs; who yet kIli- speiffd�thoiji orreytfa--Pressul�4, ugb t fe. bear on e,
XALOOMSON� & WATSON, BARRIOTERS, .. aturday morn Belot us, then, do all we can,
re, fit Chancery, and In.g for,Llverpool; ianawg Passengers and Knife at %90'lof College of 11hYsiohttaR and Surgeons of Outarlop 116r father D.611ou d TORNEYS-AT-L,&W, flolielbol To help oach Cather' on aaa venhi I red, la re- gly In
L alto Holisjurgoon Of "t mind and hear long as t�ey�, have reason to Ulieive minister for such hopo, Revile. -J-.
Convoyancers Office --Next door to the AdW Royal Can%- li Foyle, for LonaloudorryanalGlasillow. I ' And show that Wealth sIl bad -reoelv ancl,jiortriett
Hospital, P ysician, Surgeon andActiouehour. OFAIJH. o had
OA., qV36)ffuRqCjAlbort,tr0ot, oppol3itel'airlaldill S when gold is gone sed, turn,.' than Bank brah5Z -US Which.live
LIS* F SAILli, usd all the. influence he posties themselves , the ftly gaizfer� by. thi), �H, 1)., ',AL ESTATE Clinton, April 21,1815.'. ---keep th short of quarreli had - ple a' t tran . saction. , 1jon ith the]
,UONZY TO LEND ON Ur VIVERPOOP LINE Aij4 erus is truth it% view ng,l to hav(- these de- m not 13aPtW no. Stan-
aa�l' irust yoki have San - figreod that t1i
S. BTALcomooN. Whereer our steps may I&d-,'- ey, is W
SARMATIAN Ord. tildly. merely ut. t o P
Junol0th.. fects remoolied. Uncle Josepli canic visit, .said Uncle oseph 0 it,medium 'of 'exclioge, it is, dard 0' 0 lible', nd both thoitight,
Clinton, ;uly 21,1875. MORAVIAN' a
Tune A man may be a millionaire -ATr Macdolniells iew (lid not effect
PERUVIAN .:. l7th. jj0d' a I . . - orld, Was welcomed as became the diani- li'�,Iep nay, far from, it, - You do m6n�l sfinfulailt. When the j)uke of
TOLTNZFJrAN ... .... :'... �,Tuns 24th. .-And yet be poor irkdoed. 'ble. -Marlbor6iI411 tooic out Sf Ili faob
CAMERON & MCFADDEN; sARDxr4N,.,,' .,Tuly lat. ty'Of on Who had a, fortune to bestow.. oi t, his Btarldin as, 11 atinis
CIRCASSIA Tally 8W. a ssedretary
-ItLEANS-11011SE, op cdnm Hemietta tbought 6 W a
ARRISTXRS 'ft, I&ILRUAT SQUARE, odhiirm' as.' a: it ear 611 C�OuRt tof 31our dougerons illitessi: of broad pied�s, aiid;'�n some note'cl�B�i)ti�i-iniiii�tei-s-IteRI those
erl SARMATIAN ......... Auly fit 0 andStord 7oneg,Pro-. MARRYLNG'r ft6r '�iqw'
X, 'PERUVIAN 22nd. a -deelitiea, i state:his.
IR y A; 13100GAM. O_V_( a Said Vn&le Josel�l L��sible satisfuction, bid Tb' I a '
God ch. ....... Aor.-Bxoellont Accorud(Jjji1ono.-Boikrd,- pax week, bf� Man,And Wondered that Ili br 0
........... ; ...... TEIJY 29th, noole Bleats,
amilra; is, day, $LOO,; Pi Wof, t
piece.$ .,%yell opini nor on ladies oai let hini reta.ain a bachelor. On oe. I,, his' friend The advantages offered by this, Line are veryf(W-iiifir -a to, Uffetc, -weh for bringing- pbor rdittions 0
be t moco odatious, eatost 4 nt of conifort, .00, Gtaoo; :by1lie, ' contrivance -of '---The4ovo-between deserve. to, -a ara.. popt thai final, restorotioYi wks not, big
on ty end safety attaius lb, aud Shortest sea r "11114
I 1 8 was not %pr ent when heruncle rst: view,
Zap I pa on a oart catesioiueda;tlowbotll?,."tl.a.39too Jr,,'Propl-lot6r.-Orto door south of the Post 01110b, ailed by of kifferim, just�'fof,ty- of 'them 'tis the vary*2'ft U`R rtou�r I really,, b b6 obox, dj' tber
X, to the b6as' eliev6. that a es on
son oh ng to pg out their friends.- tharles bas� gfirl 111' 1 -. Maso, understanding Milorfalist, hile
-fallen in love With the' a lifo, oVictoria stroot. Clinton, The fittings and furniolainga a i but 311 q44n 1 ever' got -in r�rlll ave entartaiiiing no"',such
Mason to Jio.t husband,, ol -in, an 'an from t1fat t seo�-tho-
or. Pug s and evofyl ormation;Aralt, of this house are all nqw� and everything iS-provided to QXZI�imea mi er in ersob, an Ilope-Ilials, If, ]d' not
NOTE. to, and the'tTicli:. sought h ullaltetkble sentiment,- Of course, kiijA it�ajways unbrok Mae aMORTGAGES,* Si_--_,- 1.5 1 T X, G. T moot the wishes. and w4uta (it the trairelling petal it cirdW-wootaneew Clinton, Arsy4th, 1876. he feels confident, from long exporimice, of being able I traduced her to the man of mon.e�. * The Vacle had* not N�iinassod �tbe to,' ibio. day," he was illustratixig. thd eNolusion - of one' Nvlio believed hi 6, 061
to make conifortable all who may favor him with their or the ifitv of 13baton. . . . 1 1. 11 JOSITII .
OTHER Good Stabling modest,amol retiring'.to mutuhl_ I
)t girl- was t6o estoration. Rev�, Goo. Webber, Bib e
AND cont any *114 atttintive hostlors. aevotion'to �him in.bi illness,, In is a r's temper.- Quite di erent from.
t 1 0 1 W uppose he ll�s she, ii. 'f b 'Obiistian had no obt that thii teach-
Tutzo:2, 1874 �a good e4011, tlie'.419tide, 'of - traple -Wi&nt suspectin the existence of Some' thisia-the instinct o, art6r which: ledt,,
Good Securities Purchased.. E -1 girl, is, she not 2" q4ick , responded �y y an them.. . tb6 bay lyho for the firit time � finds ing- Olf & Scripture exclu
ly geupuhr, wag. too deeply absorbed b Strong bond oi. union botwe ded suall a.'
cp , the ineichant.. in'o, httentioiis of Henrietta And.,the. -yo attirl' himself. We. -owner' of a -shilling to b it i ol
W, VAUBAN- S. ewniiott It Oi I not allow..tbe quiet an-:
ag man a untiring a
i1I dent;
.now, but t�hat sbejs -good to percei discoier thij ier in to- b" tertainIdent -of it to, Aut, m ni�A out
ve her. situation, or tidn, to' I her own 'sickness: bad cog. -a whetstoe Is
Clinton, Nov. 9,1874. 47 enough.;' but she is a pauper I" Clize money as 0hristfitit, MZ:9" . I menial caphoity,lu,Nyhicliishe'het6d.-.,ht tbe`�pinlon, Soaking -a. fa- sh�rp' h '' * wher, 'from Rev.
JWN-E'-Y TO LEND, XN*LARQEI OR SIVIALL SUMSj I :.Not ness,� t a, Weapon ewith �he -is .6e' 41eld,"Swedefiborgian, sai
Mison.',!, jeaa U33,010 jq -boin� �( his fellows d -win
On good mortpgo obduriti, at,'modeatake rates of mnity;,bb conersed With' to.get the better' an orge
-ar k seph complained of yorable d, the.
well. Charlas-'on t a su` wbo'reaMy ad the batite, of life. He dead not'l ' b� Lord ca-sN no, One7in'to bell, bu�t all.who 4
Malcolm YeTago t Interest. H. IXALE. 'i :6 the tiliffily �ji, and sn'Idbilt'hp bad not be
Clinton, August Oth, 1809. 7- en ay b it sroto kedp� her from St6rving since be, lai�iled' on the previdus. day. mittbd his 'aftVation. The' bachelorie- b's Shilling but plans -with %it how it go thbre go ocause
OLINTONY ONTRI HARIXB nAMLTON, DLYTII, ONT., LICENSED 'I didn't; 86 unaerstand. it. You need, t
bb 'Nis. Mason and her daughter.wera all b the game'principle tbitf, birds
ommended 41 edihte marriage. pay tnictify, gei;i4bre t 'an its war homb, on
BREEDER Op C, Auetioncer fox the County of Barren. Salos.of. Faran c,a.a young�*6'rhaillo Assist* you i bal
Statei, &1q., attended to at. reAsounble nsew- gympathy. :' The ailing' bachelor was Tile stop Was notj of course, 'ungrat a �tlle motliler oflnany sbill' ofa feather 110( 0 irf:
stock, Real r fli: togotberi7 brie
eftil, and becom 0
AT ad Mployed-hpli o -his to and herb -.to fbelbig:i �i 7tbe -A�d tbe� ings�: - Nowj of corse, barter is, the 'a hell Closire'. to' Como- oil t. Of it any'ffi6re
Ing, a a at -.441f Aho us
adadittitle&.t par. men
Blyth Noi, %J87po wages 87
-gs of, hot-water �iere put in� ol' :than fish desirei' to come caut,of watek.
teas anaju agire'to iediont � -Grace fro'm the life of settee of trade. BulviiIig and selling are
fforn "Cato, "I'Ves a'hol isn't she,` pauper.
for all, 'his
7TION1401% lOr thill Coll je Every�6nebrirlag on -own'punisli-
T Rplirietin",-v6lufiteered t ' drudggjt� w.bich Ishe was redgeoid.by qtw'nocAssary to q,' traile, but:
Ireq 0.
sffiqn-xt-erzt_54� _�ear h- in thei -9 -way
OR SALE. onsit all 6-j ment ;Uj)6Ii himself in tho ame
STOCK r attend to eahio of FaX Mk d Ea. tbait
FUTX. sonable rates., 'seemed they mar be carried ou ir,prop,
�10ently, Mrs., Mason yod farget.'
o.'his alits,'bat the sick mah.did not 4 tlia� a.drunkard bfings on detirtak It6de"na hei immediettouni6n. T'h'e*,* sphereiwithouttellin' uponeithortam
t hat z W BLY isto.is-my siste'r's daughter."? -'said d am it- necessavyi During.all. this,con- INSUR-A N t Ai LA'Ru.1. CFjj .1 ja Clill ?n, NOVI t
A. I , . 11'. P, a young man's Intiantiobag- wa'rd s6on noiSed 6r SOJI'duot beyond that
�af- fur 4
oe M, In a little'sternly. h0 to be' seen. Mis Mason row or that iodt6ration, �6t` sym ihie'b'd
offering his splendid st k rbhah�' P
fudidn'Orace was $46 thionah' the fix ifly.,
Apply at the'r6wn 9&U,,or at the residence of the n rvation -and*experitibco BLOW W
ro, oomp 9 otiber,* near: the o3iUmd,-nuiou & Bruco:10allway "Whatiff She is I Shoi. is a :pen le was nct permitted to assist in t a pre- owed the Opposition "Bile had before n6bo'd" ol�en-hrtnled as the sue' Maodorinell. iii using hi freealorri* t
-itaiss h Obs, 9 a x,'
W is Y. is so E 8 OL'T 8; 0 pretty. mAtcli-for. 'k --roan' ' tufoA.- �maaeiarid even w nt far as to threaten AA-morehaut nat trade' th
URA'NCE, __$OFA% SE TTEES, Station..
-FIRE INS :0- . , . � �joaucr Ojo%rrj a;�Ljo nises._ girl for ll of 0ka.., pavations-4bar. the sic a -co
PBOARD clialidnIAb . . a so at presa. tbo,opinions' he beld:
SIDiBOknDs, CV rft.27t�, 1870. our San.- i4 . . .. I.. . . ...
ything mapt -be done by 11ienrietta's. that, if She 'c riankes the higglr� tit somel
Lin INSURNCE, CHAIRS, evqr OUIP 4ob brear -up-the b ffiing much
1"Ana v a f ii
nt of Fif teoif per cent .1)VIew former SOLICITOR, WIN(THAA1, HAS BEEN Jiy not for our son I W4. own ]land. Notwithstanding- Had match' she WOUld. embitter the-live's �bf deej)er an art I part of's766 In 0 A Ued of, At a discou, appointed Agent forthe coicruhase;i1aics Com- not a millio'niie. If the times don't 9 M
pricesi -for' cash, und'-,�iij coutilmo'thi6 So& terition8lavislied upon Uncle Jbsopb � the partieS.,. Unolo4osifph -renionstrat t No' . does the Hecossity 9f,barz
A D p4any of .1014gland, he is also ftucut for sovoral prNate na tire. r Tire 0 w
for ilab-next two ramiths; an inducouldnt. that eapitelists of Tofainto, who loalk money at ery rdsoon- they have beofi� I Shalt -*yas no iuipr6v.em.eiA in. Ili ad
there w can- gaining nialie b."'. In ffomo�.eountries at Ji0jitlor Prilltar
LIY faillotiforo,tho yen� iw-b t dition., but on tile can . tr I ary,-lie-rapidly sloi r what objection every 'V�irhasel t6.ha a P _I'Tartieg front
E STOCK MURNXCIE4 SIjould._uot'b6,'f�r&ttcu l;aythose,who want abloratop. Iutoriakp%y&bIOy0ftrly.
ch -pap Furnituro. Alsd.Sollcltorlo.�tlao,St Las4ono9j),ank. M; und. n -
.of vVits is,an, unrlersto(
Inich the- mora) reason w y -greir ooe, -nnol at midnighk t - -can�.bttve to th'a niarria& V'gaid be the noi�fljborhood.of the Occurrence have';
good and Sb' I i ter
7lighhua, April 7j b
-class. stook ana:�utual Companies Only. 4e p1ty ou u
ISST tj,jagr jhjt -s more put. UT III of 11046110win'g,
Charles Allbuld look. out f6r III M�Scif." 0 tho-'sollor ash than Im
W. '%V. FARRAIN, gent. 11
aving one 6f, the largeat.10urniture Show T C. X�INTOSH, -BAYFIVILI), JLR, OF,
;sIf -my niedc, I sillcord -bed do f6r , moinent. -S81 parti6tilrs of -it ty'agec y. v,
elavos, 'I ' was. -con,
11. 1676. .- .... - I Y OA the Si )a rind- that ib. -w-ould be
Clinton, 31are Itooma in th e county, containing a large stock, hope ho -will * parfy hot-, for I believe, XpectEf, to &61
an' opportunity ii g . ivotitayninko 6 i6asci for Co6ba- voted Creature in thq� t Id "to it first' 5111111natcd 'on. th(� 6ree'n"
ties of Heron slid bruee. CouvoYanningdolic, Huelt us was the' most CIO IsTbat� obje.bion why,. thejg'iri is.a mere, extravagitrice via le-worid—, iavu "10 azii�-`or boluix X but - - ----
ts be_gggr; employed ber� -aema- tiun,-Nrhich-irhQilld-�not-bu-ict-,pa�jo,— no 76—ade-13 Vel', SOMO twClY0 litileg DelOWR
Foodgmall, nd.- Tero ar" a $care I, the . $th'inst., Miss
certaiiiii -she is Vastly superior to, the 'con d'' -ter n6 . . - 6,� "It appears tba6 0
B1OXHY DVANCILD ON ItUttl, trast bar ovation with the uL famif� to keep benotit of the alrdshou§ej where ill ter IS E u
FURNISHED. 14.1875. - glcc� of Graqb, who blild. not,onco -entorr wilicb, -1 iaAlargilr6t PavDP, who resides a inile or'
�illy, pied, mincinM povel-reading
FUNERAL 6 'of fliishiotiabl is o1jjectioit. enough In fitirs itn& tuarkots legi all a
ON'SffORT ',NOTIC113. 'J,E AVID CLOCK- miss8 a-Isboje.ty. I earn- ad his rooin, dven. to ffi(lqiro' how, 10 repiied �Jrs..Afason, dslikingtheint 'the rfver ill age, ',men -
N �ecs F 01 Or -r. yoor". f6i it; e May Sea in our' Sire
CAPITA-Tt, $2,000,000. Is'. wwEii, iii an. aliis'taste and -judgment.,' aid spdots vere'-da' uchad, "' tioned aboto'had, gorio iuto'Vi6 place to
fereitee of Uricle Xrosepb,,, invitatindis to ill u
kept for Mason, I am surprised 7 'make'sonie purchase andpend tlm
litatito r to the Exisresa Office. Alljort 9 nwary qo
i per, Mouth Chargeoi oil all trect, Cljton� 1,0imq.tfuily flitlin-stoo "NvolL, 311. edly biffliiint,. Yourr -son, I tbink,- is not Wealthy" anuouhcament that to reasonable day..
V I NID6 the".16 -surpris-
no per pen e. pCuorally, that )to has on I.Vitli it YOLillg acquaintalloe.` : Ta,
6yisalueaccouO a 8 lect Stot (of 10(1101� AYAtohoo, -Towellery The lih�.iicjan catne,.and a r feblili� so thut.boted. d'eritand a rich wifb." o&r ill be rofu6d, Judy
4d� !10 , . .. r. . ., - Ir
CLINTON AGENCY— t reasoaluablo rates'. uLlialyIngolovory nS 1 11 11o, �iieod. not marry a beggar; iWith his customers ou: tioliialJorins. alie-Started %for hotno"ar!C
the pulao of the stiff9reri, inqulie& t ,the aftornobiT.
ono-ou tht� alaurtest notice, end ilLot mr on, that I -esidod� 5vlion at homek -who
doseriptoon Jai life line, d tell you 1: Mr, -M
t4.,roe-quadara 11ijtb, r, ob, 23 '1876. tat itunlerato rateo. he i .no bo tit'
-the fj the sbo*i 'itself 'wiltia, tolito
ii0go lrbowiqn-t' ti) sea- Chhi as tIj row from the villge, and ah a Fi5i#tfar fromi
Joseph'-rapliod in a Slio' is wortli "r- prince, beggar out of- botinds%iliat it mayle.116ted fig
a%V&y Oil
Im terest from F our to Five per Cont.."alleWo(I 1112 TO 00 Nly a pauper.* you I'RvO had jiiat 60MO f�om Claouttit foaCuro f chraefor ()LINTON 1XIM, C N N U thollgi to is,"! The tendon6y of llcauoo or belp, it but
on Deposi S. vigh schooijo powit, virling of, both aixov, not the 6piekt to 'prevent so disgraceful
SaSahephysician. Was, 0 Vcr3 -6d tliq-4ady. IS to jCo6P no ive � Spirit Was out on tho,'watev
orbranchog of -lib, ay,',. thoro 'any sickness. on board the Ship I'
(it ttle county nuil ProvInco a santeb, I 4ball -nond t girl aw IJ4 dbore''ahol spraug- upa'into
M, LOUGH, Agent. rals, Ititstrai6tima. is ghlon fit All thelligh ONVA. iny-llirb to bor, and _f-'dan of . bar 1. ft, oill, qYC Inc ,
;jIfIlhill, find ClaHB11;al Ire 0,Vor. 'to mat ilia y6unf, lady, and
SO never censo to be graieft-il all etail, doalins fied pricefl Are the rule. tho.road, RCC64t"i) 0
I;, in it gral do oided. tone. ii lie could walk with her.
Clinton, April, 14 1, inudaill Mr. The I carne y � th 104,6 You do'i W11. Cr 60b of Sight.
limi-vil to,- the ItuivoiodLics, Cho land touto to Liverpool, thence by - fv� �bitijjjtjr wd'40 rlot beat ors fotsoolc'ino sl'ib was' colqiStalit", if �odcrs.are exoi sthe lad�, wftx- Xow'Yor,k liner, Tljoro was. replied L 'C 'Vice she
XONEY TO'LOAN, slimll Inclo J0861)11, pointedly. then). dowil but join I , livil sor r6ji bly .0
the obstinAcy i5f 'ber bus- fall f' board among -�yhow I I � 0 ;a d inoroqs�d He also
ing warm. at o priligrailts, on a know you w6re saia -Arie.: gtvo� Careful wives tfjlo,w� 'their good�
cAYL obtaln'board, In tbo villit& ut Ycry Yaoderate rafiato, trivial mattersi a in thdr ithe T
ON EAO' TERMS$". Information will 'he giver on *apIlloationo balldl nbo, i wit fever raged. fb[irridly. Pi rio ) her side, but
aIng011oelit otherwise than by. a Oti
principal CA (Jactorially or by tater) it) any. latember of tuo of b of lottink her bae,,her own way... 99 JITSt" SO,'). rotur6d - the 0 11 a 0 ro
Ich the n it. WLENNAV TruGtocoi A?,; IL jfatle�-, It. eoatL -80 "did ybu -fail your miable their diaper less tharl( his 401nana. :betwO 11 or iidfll rivdr. The coald
]By vvh A. S. Flot r: (dB
War not," quietly keopptided the at and, you. have got tho-ship f�.ver."
T, Benves 3I.P., Ttel% 11, und Aa W ditilgliter. Youivocli.kenligelsiound Fine Indio old not couffilcciiLl �o no questioir-of the blitelc ife6lin4rdl7a
The repaid In part Or a I at I Ace Turnbull. B . A. gentleman, The Ship fever l" OXCIftifned yl)y pillow, till the deotor said I shi -no's home wrv� ille
sintoiitionri. Miss Pa)
y 4-Th6 b3inx na a Th' .111 r I'S WK 0
6 -.on stiolk it's and r., Eta, rushing out p the fact to *their tll,,,,It licaresti house, arid Wwcau hot: and it,
le of the -ro .6 oil fled Allaney be I t
any 4IM11"UrI1119 the term. BAKE -CONFECTIONEl kri
-0. CA MT; sniirkoid so., thA, I belialre turlsold'; ay got their C dress it grei
qRg RTWRIQ really 9N, Tliti latly'lodked 'as b asla thunw th It lay a. heavy: strip of brush and timber,
'of Loan. ojlaall� to catell lim",
ri 33B - Sigh St. 0
ltbrupt do&r'urc, -With a 'ell Clidipelling (toes' not I ilief#01110, (Iftric and de�'SOJI_ and if
tho ituitotbury nPose, ClInUm, the (InAThura- 49WbaLf race I Impossible I. She rg only call be wrung froja - a baeliolov C4 if *good youitg ludy1ully realized liar fearful
&p]?XY TO Tt;th Inserted In the trusb9a %vijl wjtIldrmi your ob. with rs gain resp it.lis a test c
er. this
VICTORIA STREET) inniath. Xlizel and I ant donsgi *us of his loneliUefS, 110 a raw r the -it., ' At .1 point wl
ay sell Priday of o
TA lat"141, st�lo, Tooffi,%itij. ijervoo troltidi filled,., ig 0 Vasdil. hoasew )reign liat icre, 6n, o9croaoh.
jection to Illarriagei Mri. I ifery Jig fl d i t i n f(
-on d bim, and ' Nobod' in 6ing IflW crowded the roAd to jW very
audnindog 60119d on sure the idea of a ii irtilltion nov.6v enter closol� at n I eive that Charley is rosoluto,* novelff uP domekt a- life.. yp
UP- YGI Pere
- - --------- e'0PPdSiTB T11113 OLD DA39.1r, BUILDI'XG, .� r I
.. . . . .... rob, 1876, ad her,simplo, parently abandoned himself to the fate owit. way abiab fact bargains n' Lrge of the rive�,tfnd Whero3lte bank
'T a------ b 0 it a more 61
ow for6ih- o w. The p ysician made arp irlt'j)ufsa is n-ove upon
00 stock of. WM,. ANDERSO a ter. if, flow, a a is rei it of -the sor.ely'distressed-
TO LOAN f% *Huin�h I"' sneered -th "I hA N N 0 W and Will lilli've 'his' oxcept- for the oye V, . 3toep; an inspiring thougAt flasheil
t ther arettaful discase, i'L ed ('barvaining. a, except where the will; I
11as fa�jways. on. hand a large pliable tone. the brai
'Al. . darns 6old'nifistering her strength for
B9GS To ANVOUNOZ M. kifig love C6 hero ilia provoking jade' his prescription and re'tired. No one .96,11ig- own way I All this from. bad through -all I ws-of . custom, lore.
6r of
................. .... tothb,public Of'Clil'ton find vicinity 0 " Seems to look upon it its. a Iftlatt a one single- effort, whea- - the resched.
'6penod a Hopilfring Shop two, doorsfrom aeorgoDjobl's 0 lbft,with Undo osoph.-but lils.-bro' QdViSincy'f lettzinotprovdritit,parbaps; buying. and Iling affords no roo to Y
course - thinks it is just as m 12 S1 ognientor a
an a. pro- slid ljolitO
CA.&A�S�. 113 ite 111104 0 U - 4L�t:-_= that point, id,,gave1er t
r .4PITerl P -rupturqu rij 0-, t-
d6s A- a r s� ha ri, It is a pleasure teleg5t-. 'dr
Beat mat rs)o 906-urm-t a 0 0 at brot oaiiF the
8761 a oi--.m no a. _hmt-
C I' toil, [Lye 1816, 1 -1 never have my con ? r1i r1mr, f il 19 ii I alml a t
------- our Mailes, as tjldu�h Ao' had boon iolt Ma !it 0 *01
CRACKERSs &0. -sent to marq. a beggar gir ad tounlo eied:Medioority._7�Sae, pL long into a bod. of ioltsitud. Then,
-W. H rn a incess.s.
11INEI , bo s'Noo brother, I am horeo" without stoppiog to."look after the fate
Sr MODERA.T hand Madam, She, ia no longer q'beggar.
CHA:RGE4 ACCOIJ34TA, - 310OXXEM, suppose Ohio Is But there is no 0 woman t a poor wrote)
0iinton,11fatoik 1, 1678.:: ' ETC 41)?oo� thing I -Sho is tho heiress of, all my fortune," A Bold Thefti sbo ran home it tifti,
all, - fill top of her speed'.' The nogro, Of ClOtle",
11111cellf, sid human,. and- actually loves the b6y," llro� it is -a. -dread disease
, *1 ) said, Uncle JosopL,. With sudden energy. one f the Strangest Stories tha 6 ever was illintedistely Swallowed, tip by. the
Ighed �Irs, brow cof�ttraqtod�
S, JfALcOX8OX0,r Iletorls Street, opprisitb the Ratt011bu4nous'e. er's,night: w..8 -that of �oraeious sands. - Ilia body -has 6t,
0' - .21 1"R41a Uli
life usias itiatitide citatt iiind collected. I to�6siiinl or n6t, V117 make an end asufferer si
&PPL"X TO h 01. it b guil a. a Vint
of I Mr. Mason werit down to thc sitting- it And Rearleita. V said she'. ' 0 if
to I I She do, the sappearance 6f a atone,hollsio in � been recovered, though it can be diffa
46. 4 � Clinton, Zane 23fd, 1870- mrs..Masonp replied room, whith6k his "Wifd� and daughtdr INovel- touches ii penny.'
larl aClinton, Sept. 7,1874- 88
41i'mcali 0 osito no%", the husband, twirling' in big fingers R had fled, LOA on, while itd owners were journep inctly felf with tl� long pole. -Ile ia
Pool, uro t act,oalt 0 Sorted me when I mosb needed a
buff en1alope, marked "Telegrapli" air oisepl� io be frieqd replied the bachelor vehoment. ing�in the 11olyLa a s aou Id seat - itipposed to be a tramp Who had-beekL
a of ev 11ow iq this wife I Is -1 n 041 tj
coy appbn in these' dayS of hil'neighborlibod for, 0,
Clinton Mariblo Work tnil a %I - not 6 en A YU ",igWhifat have vou got there abandoned, now tba I ton thousand 16AWAS, .1 . I
llUnoJ4 ji'11113T. .61010C I . felt n JASe t be moib nbeds' it- ly. ItIff but: b Dying about
to 45 lit or in, ad Alin'tish for 'on toifition lil asked bd,of Uri. Mason. nd steatil, Nelghbor� waq
'D ST -TIOXER� "I I gotten't6 Monti they Would be ut, a poor Want toe fill ieWqj(q e� few- week pilot, and who is now Wissi g.
r,tOOX8ELjFR.,k1N1 -k ho ne,ghborrho6d a
H22; B14 Isi at brother Toh done for I make great brick and Btono L
Mo - - th i;ph his arrived in Now "Itowdon't- think We 'Are, going, tor that"Gracir hag' vio. arr (I )n The, gentil belief of t
MONUMENTS9 READST01 4 6- 4oaol- daylight, 116ver imagined the tbab , he had soon Uiss Payne going, to�
rofaj@� Afaieblai" Cartion, igti, 2. 1- tt Yotk, and. telegraphs. thit he wi. 'be stay in the room with the ship fever V ovei,fift.tli�usatd dollatid.to thii nely/ 0
-work e fuarrjoa� eo��pje.af Seat r 1 $Is I the kn at is *Okkinou were robbers, and. so did na the W
I all kinda Amorickta Sit 4 � village,� and Iii ill, - nit to inteedep;
a Sx86uteaTt the boot at7jo, still at 'falasoll, Wait Pop6r# T-Findovi 61hids,.School Booh, 'bere tqrnighi by the New Haven train," replied Mra. designed at,
kbid ng, tte-, on hq�d a lj&oer dock t1ust like you I. Never toll of -a you Inay, it's *011 be. in the room a * Col , th6 r M thing'sap-' hot, on rot , arn."
Matej,.Rki e amily 17ibleo, Pookei S ti, aidan at'ity docea interf4e. 130, that Strane
Aftdellancous Book8, F thing- till the- last tnorq6�t said the n the-lid'use" tel.. pan in New York as, well, as ondoif,
MarItIds of Various coldrad Marblo,9-0- 51bles, atiol Prayer Pooks, Plank- Bookop, T�e ;liarringoto4k plate 00'on*
BIJ61:16 XW06- 5talionenj 0 all kinds, ileo, Clipaj lady. petulantly. 'a- The, ceremoii t the 'wRs
ipaniod on 0 10 is We mtlii lbave the boasoi immed, y was perfortned 4 damongratea beyond a doubt - this Gare llet L1116 fo Allud
'I 11X roceiiied tha diapatch "only tv�o tely, 'Why dtd he hot go to tho' hosDi- hou o'of Xv Xasoil;,in Oilt
preasa; Bt _toldevg� Poiqkel Bdokk, aptirx�, On that part of Fifth avenue
UrkAJATOM a . gd,if 0 dp,tllo -op- blah rAdeo Central.Park, an expensive An old -blind man has 104, Won
11ANIT39 MONU= TS Lt") alid. ra),V, zvoso rapelog ittild 0904464' ho tall It WAS 40tvary-consiaetati of im
position of his ife.; tot wbon.'no Mar,
ing ship, fe�et into th �hotild baso� As bad the. a so in. a nearly un- travalling'wibli his aged *16, begging,
t'llere is atiothe'r kettlo. of 116,11 cou. to bri - a family. Ile ollaut Said it 1. b o�v stone front 11 11
Canadian land )Lmeirlakn DbAs iiid tinned the lady, musing. "That OVGV'r might have known -that he had It's - .9raines 6 earry his point, , The n6wly 10013
W Lein 6, bo to, toon an publiqlasi& As goods Ift
. affy ilf'CApt, iipied block, wns rented by their willy. and 161fdwing this lfhe of the
railroad tracks. On Saturday. they
'600 of yourk I'd, married, c6uple tack ilp X&liv regidende reached, Ecorse on'the CanadaSoathern
W, it, 0000if"o. viad ,kny bA(Lv�, sanoo ook' not In stook start bit pro- 111,6tin ni fil the way Ileaven; forgive your heartlessness I man calling himi '
earsad on Tb Ith no�ouea-tq fyAleall - �'. - 1.� -- L.., * -But--jSLvy-_broth6it--to- die vi 01inton, :Ilti. 14,1874, 4 IIX�h h 6 &l. hag 4id 'nice# care toll him III., di4i d' Mr .-Mitio tod to 'Sami� oldwi-town upholsters, 'pictures,
unjoliZgED Mf AND tATtQ9 ATOOIC 01 Ope t e po r a by Uncle l000ph,'Who c6noon ": iIriago re thga roa,Cnakoa 'a sudaeft
Alto its to br &o. -r wera adolodo great hampers b
CLINTON 13AXERY'. Sl answer for*' indignantly,r I
r IXPUSO' "Where do you, huppoge'your brother. You, niauat hire A make Iis. hotbo with '60M. - Tienrietta rid'provislons word brought, 'curve, 'and WOro Surpriseil by a UAW,!
J,af __ al
_011sh WMI P ia now five atiol thir
Ind years of age, and Of=
L4onjrctj Poa�dr in Niaftiiure� C:7-- .1 whiob. whs upow thaM almost btiore'
�oseph Will Idave hid property V t(.&nf1 will you deser, An 'told nlaid.P I's" Mason , still can- Ali ide ma a butcher, jAker, ana, gro- ThO
t pattorno land -6 raMota§t iddai" We carl"t Atay ti li'll to be a hough her 00, )�dgoj nd the whole eatab- wife Sprang to her feet and
il JjAVc not.th they, Were awAro of their datigor.
briAng 'all the JIM0111 01%0f TIM n a Were on
Go 0', 1MA- ahko to big numeXotli MOMS and add- batti ited DfIttel hero the bbip t6 inegaiii" t draggea 1160
ftayotl iluef Awtili% iota inuoi towor than thiii u#ukl xulatoo, yo. alipposo thA:kIIgello made fever JSL."
In 0 f'Akt01n2j19 lightuenfroady for itq occupants. An
ILTS OF GODDR10116) t Plal 'h t ri� I it P104tintitne, ii thiathi it ht S, In 4ad husband ftiat liq integrity Vitb
k , r (9 old gentleman) a neighbors with nothiiig mightlds� husbanIA fiout the - tr ok
hig now 0101LU4 I% ADootfitilyInvitod: of cuts will Wheedle him o�t of 16patt do No, i!,op '6 woula be* SU101dal;" ad- fir fness find ddelsion, She hug never , 'slifo 'lat loi;0j&Cywnj'r0V 8116
i)X23 .&& of I" otd, i amused himeelf-by-106kitig. at sated hi
it I d He 6a.- f! Itis fortutio would forgiven T-ItictO ogepA for making Grace diso to do, b
$a] hopo so. �the,ctmtenta o d Cner dily Wit acaicely puod bia fro:
W1,111it, SELHOTPID STOCK 4 1 . )p do ug no good if wo daught-tho favor" the probably tovet fr �116 h6tiso, itti i?o
U_AoW regg, �Jjatraieol the fbild btffbrd� tL� Pilot Of the 1660mot
of Itf. If, P00 a 11 n 1; :11, tv, ht- Atid 61 inhabit atts of Clinton Aftaltiall It WILL gli, 1*h,youv 6wil. Amily, �hon. Via sneered 'house wbo has 6 he repliod.Mr. to rejo-IWOVor the aigpos,tiou, he I-Aade
Italie 41, io goo the lady, tho room to Seek tho� lilto� it a*ora d, lip. Ilt r. Oilmen Idalrob, 1814, . Itasca,. C fopevth ana frobably lie hoor tho, Captain di
ife, aftilablifty ttX0i.1 hope fi6 'It do juatl Y.11' , , III .,
Sao Otbe saindilmo wl apartment of Grace. had araftoa_#. different,patent.11 The A young lady in Berlin was IdoloTiLlY
no cheap 6a ddiAi wailtioto artlPles t1irwwria on tho A-igh Sehool) 01111toft, �iah. I �Oujol,,g6t oUt 0 tb Wg J,dadj I'D 0'.roonfont to Itj d,
WI 6 0 6W. family failkid to coma for 0, f0ftnight; oisolloolby working at ambbiolorrvith
tond hot unala,io the siakroom, where tkoubldi. of the 'th i6o trinot the butcher) baker lan, gro- 91 0 wWoll there was' it Ode , A
SOXRE99 AUD VXA1AI9ATtOX FOR AID.�IiSSIO., 'waY'b6f0rif'h0 60m6s", Or Von ?B(I I g.jog Tr(y 1,J)6ri't Attempt it "Mra, bitld Tagatolleas of� the ditopi -of Marti - ist to got, x1p a maphlud: car came for�qrdovr, Wt. found no �da- Shade, attAcked, With
She *Alt
6a with 1161fathlAtill dot aldlioned iftiatorinif he don thereford wokilialt EXAIMH�Izxok bid In livnigh0chool laod omplia., sho load tho liuroing b'Vow of tbei''Stif., ftl thd heighborly old. n to. fall
wilt bar h it oroliant, vjith very dool rong atiotigh to hold the tr6mondotfs. towers hetiarote, tlfen� her tioLir boga
that Angel' 11 'a trying to a U Injurl
1101VU1191 01111011F, oil flai6pi and. aid till and could". power whioili, lie i ibritleftifta told A P61id841Rn; fid, thO bt 6�ii, and. other I lods eftedtq fOlIOW-
&MR11W :13010 �&S tt8f3i, w91 Tua;aa , , aia, f . ' wag, called It!
LWT10 W it, &Y and Wednedays 27 a.na 28, (tIr iffid 'Woro 6fily out, of tho Warl frte figures that he Will tharl,*ad 961901bing Wrong about t phySiolan who
CIAX98 "d CORP 0 A do to ronae, m aomfortable, Early The most -dioao at g, and Ad
cotim M, in tho m6raing Atria Xasofi 'and , )for conoafit to 118o, are 115000 �Johftola to 11611801, and go 66r� was -Ar, on _�b�on- -do d 1106 116110VO Ifeuri6ttkwonlil dame in for tho whole," i
of sit d6lotIptiotio radd W dtal6f WA k1apt 611 1114-41 ca pol; lattot th an thdiht of Iffty, of tiltif Int6fatiolft 16
added tho lady,.aq, Site huttied oit 'or for the radfince of it the quare iddli"'anoil' 8 WO horad- ibg it, WAS r6tift(t enitlroly' oltipty. Not dally,gtow W61,40'. un bil 1110thoit 44,
for oijul ry, � I . "I I Drill 1%dd 60 064 Ad thb roolit W Makb'arr4ngoW`butA Zoia tho friend 116 tho t giant is tha,furrilture is gono, but tho-� goatod that- porlittom the g&ft 91
ariot 1, Wdkg Gracoi va�
C �'TO
LI N�, E A
0 e
It.' L
0 area
IT on!
]a tb fri, S
k p an &�r V
tlir at 0 a di By
ponding, Itoolyss Worts to cap. vilantlegia glistoul, vango, utuact, 6VAry. ;�niedllng, t6,. tio, W1411 her -hilfuoifl. 0 all Eaq., head 1hutdr, Dole jr0goph.
CAra Id, loll- 'OtoloUtill r
4 CALL-801,10IT9130 a, atoo wishiiii And foll'aa tj
1140 wei. 648ieWfoa 141 Ur. Xidoll 014 Clinks tore fiimii'uobool� mews to �fiow I Lilt thing, '�aottablh Was: M158111gi Anil 'WAS , U&MI
Ila 0=1fiAilba Jill tho A 4. had pau- "batild givdf nutsed, tho istv 114.W16h, U11. it In ta bd 110p6d 1 -ft tfiii latuelt ot a Whom 19, th4 4111ift-6 oojib aontAfn An,
WOO bl. ha its W0 wad disp
Rk f',l AM
0111, ji ill ft lit, abathilbij tht 1 1111144