HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-05-25, Page 2... ....... VFW - o t ting A 20, to lnaki� Aman the laboring Ant 4. 0 11 840RAMW9. --Tho 0,19korament of i7lo t vlll be dispotlood i4 the Fk% �AOQ 0.34.0� 4144 OPP. ni".184lad 1 foliool 70 P. class; 1 -WOU The arturkal meoting of this Aosoltiationwu lanfl of the been prosoblux I tile oponall. 150111 aovenivigs, Aur tho. Qb nd. wqes�l law, by, the policy of the pron wit, oil r in tbio to Wday Saturday week, 110 hada f4ir artalolloo, at 4 0A,, od 040 W., sunda 401tQ81 at. Plot) cut Government, W110 are unwillivo. to ttiria, PhAngets for the boxiefit of it Thoatteu(Ionoo of teachers front the aylouo parts of the NIZUO 'wAs large. The myooting was opened at 1,310. 1), Ill., OTA Vrlklay, CluuNry ox 14itu--Onk Oaturtla night the owulm ekick oil Fair"is will took droi: rxvoii, 40. r MsIca who- mar be jusil totaled so, tho edsThe Urod 11. at 100 4"at., agil QZW4.6., eabool't' 34flytr ukooftr, e4ojsilg� at 7;80 P.m. ew m oMinutoo President, Mr. 1. %Ulller, in the ollnir.- of lapt refolar hiseting weroead and and for a few itioulents the Alums ankl,largo flakes of J�ro poured ont of it 11) rba friond,10 arA week tie with is tion 0 f early radishes. Thainka, as fa� go W9 can discover,, wages pre not � .1. oo�flrraed., The lannoW, 1wport lil read. and rpforroil'Io the Audit Vommittl;to. ThO but it W10 11004 --Put- -Rat witl Out Any "Iftnt" Tax R' IMIkIllwo y TgtoioA-Wable, the' were logo ar at this 0 ar an y ye frosident nominated the following (JoRimitteo . man of the fouthored tribe 4 agiiin hi -our -d"NTON time, awX in several jilacepi 13Qtab1y-- 'On On �Ualloohi- NY,, Cor W41lon MM tatifist. Oil $utiday last we sg�jr two, like' beW,-gotng frora flowor o�," V.30 A. -M 780 L 1 - w ere a arga nurix. ,"T Gregor ooston, find elielipard. put his. promises in thor i king Win Qgh wor , Qtv#.r witbii� 930n: 2:30 �or . f men are, omp they have uesor�. Tartilikill and Annis, were appolutod Audit 0Q.mmittoo. "Tha Oxponaea of mi., is holy proparetl to f 44.1 all orders intrust. ing tho,depre, 6.46'P: M. 45 P. U." 9. 20 P. �!. *0 c�tho jer wages. and gaine R Miller, delegate tO the last InOOtiOgAi, ad. to Ile also requiros. a lot of wool. hmJ , his advertisement in dations of the potato bug 4u. ring last sum- mor there w4a.the largest yiq 14 of t4is root 11E. &- R. Titatio-Tabill). 0 1 sookion, Jamor have great ithe'Provinciat Association, w@re,ordorod to be tbot,had boo'n soon tb6t!me of the groat rot, some far;nero in . tb,14 'noig GOINO SPVTIT. Mail. Mixed, in getting hands, And the The Boava of XxAnklnero for tho oolluVP PRO, troes are now beginning to blossolit. oil giv, borbood having As, tug -1i0ft to ny as front, 1,200 bushels. fill we il�oeo under TIADT, 4epart,. - - - 710 a -m 31 Wa,ut. AvF ........... 7 40 191 40 w4ges demanded are e orbitant, ome being present, were appointed a dologatioii to P29 o A the Am Arr� Crock t til tioll of.an ablilldant fro! is YQAr.. Plows, and apple troofs. are Ill Wit the impression, and, so st!ktod, that prices . .............. 805 1 15 QNDES130110 ......... 8 20 1265 2 00 .4 a price, favmers�;Yather than, p%y suol nation, At the stMidu, �lud.Q.ondlict him to the place of meeting, after, which, the A soodation, ' p6ars bloom, but crab 4pp) r hould would rule low id not thin spring we 4 expect to Sao then, om at; to. figuroirwilic I OTANTON . ........... 8 P.M. 13UUOBFIELD . ......... 0 15. 225 p3rmitting a, pbrtion of their work to .90 4djourattl to. await his kirriygl, the onouing season bo favorable there. will ruled -in this place- ast. wQek, whi i HIP111IN . ............. 980 2 so IXX TZ 11, 40 5 2140 100 unperformed, deetuing such a course to lresuraing. business thq Prosident'in t,O. dsaetj� Mr. Crooks to the moeting, Who thank doubtless be a large yjoU of thloaQ varieties has been. f rorn A fbeen, t to a twenty son, It she!. This iqjow.cr tha# thoi have ho ROUTH. bo more p.rQh than 9 uGOING od th te4chers or their �ordi4l reception of Our esteemed frionfl since the year 180; except in i- few ioola Mixed. Mail, L� ON', depart ....... 7 1W Am, a OU P.Hi. Qa labor. bim� He' expressed Ills pleasure at meeting the toaftbers.in. th t, and thus Ob. air oouvqn lop, fy the potato b7 ban already ma�e his'ap- J­ffq--F I "' so orii-ing. t lat "the ad places whorls transportatibn,*ns: 41moot aibr­.- W 117- -W tfirp66 aa alf6tikr %in .. . ........ ltat ....... 11 10 10 :�oc�ftika�ta di Dg go further trifl Ji of 0C. with, the members of tbo'proleWon through early lin g WillPt'the potsto." After his- 9064 m4r&iU now for 8bilt"011t to places ,pituorrIELD 11 86 7 25 ­41NTON . ............ 1A 25 7 265 t NDESB0110 ......... 12 05 8 0 H I 2�f.m. S 35 -4 protection be a been given to wnufac- I. out the country, And in this 'Way acquiring for himself a practical knowledge of the stato of t he country, eductionally, and of the winter's rest Its it;. ready' to. per. forill his sommor!alaboys, unless prevouted. w4oro thq� tire quoted higher. All o pp9r- turlity is now offorod -to 66ioq , 0110 o' try the aj)001114tion, pke tile, winter ih Past and . .............. 1 55 900 tuvers, there appears; to be as sfrong an clianges therein by n,'doso of :Paris greqn, or some find food In. i��'��TIILTOUAVB . ........ ITING14AIsf,artive ...... 2 8D 9 25 no' as aa4. lination. as ever t ay to. labor in such undertakings, and, we aro� vaquirod to render the present sohooLsystom more a . frioieut� 'Alp, Gregory took qp tbo'subjoct of Propor� tioH, which. he baAdled in A, very caret 4 and other �OQURNCTXOX -Dr IV41 I i 146S'11B to. OnY that the misstatement about 41is resigning cattle can now plenty of tho.' will hardly paylki food them Ana fi`ifloploa therefore itwill"be �606r to sell theill at al most any price. of bo-day'm Niny FHA may be imd at thp Be ok Sto"o of Moj�sm Jas. A. Yalu and J. A, Nelloa. Albert Strloet. rrice 5 oento rer copy. glad to say,.with a 6ir prospect of good* returns.' Wle have j usi lotirned il aon f4riner in this neighborhood lu dispos- ad of his farp for L good sunil � and'in. able mann6r, v blr A Dewar, delivered an address ilia 11�Objeot almod at-fif Toaqlfl, I ll* W 'to I was Well r6cei 946. discUSAOiXensued, 'after which thit'llikepting adjourned., The evening is osion "not the ton liall, U PailUs church, which appeared in sove-- -pilporo, aroop from Its fv that We soup, the Rev. 4dw ard recently of Vir- 6nift, has inted to. and ban an- b eon appo f Paisley. In tere u 0 , the blissibil 0 p n Ditow2mi).-A 64114 of Mr, PringlQ section f4ioman on G� T., R,, of this plaQo, -in- Win this 9�Papellq-,94ve agad. .. .. .... . manufactory at SUatford. As 9011" -..."adVoihe epeiie'noo in me, the Mr.- A-$. *Fiofie�,' wx; oallud t� the chair, who, irk 4 few Approl)r , ato romarkaj. oxtondi4 &'hearty welcome to iN to -lion, Mi. tho'tenchers assembled 0 IV n th FIPO a, mq, henceithe error, will -be remembered Rooi that we'last wool, skatodt.b6b. AI M. 0 an.d was.drowned. SVSTAIXSA.�Mr. ohn Beattie, of Sea - forth, has gained the case. agaillat, Mr. IV toi chanical businesi the an4,to ill the will to . A irxtrddkl�ed the Mifiistor tit the 'which Esq. � was. 1110 ndemnity money fil the way pf'offeritij. prizes at Crawford, which was appoalQd t6 t1lb J odges. in Toronto, 'In �his capaoity'as'a occupation of a farme we fiittst- eon -large audience assembled, ' aUor Mr. Crooks delivered a most excelleilt 'address on -it allows, We have schools and agrictiltur, Magistratlo he �ut Cr6wford i In the lock-up THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1876., elude, tlxat he pmfarg Mechanical pursuits to and 'that he also bonL education, which was. attentfvoli. and appre. -�Wiveli listenea'to throughout, In the course his remark -a lie said he had no� c9) . also cut. 810 to tb� sch6ol le�trned that lie a near to be used in that- way., He has no'd6ubb 'treated the schools in and kept him thero. from Saturday till rawford refused to give bail. CraWford sued, Itim.m. Goderloh for . tiltmitho. VIC O� PAY Q-t 'to Ills s 0 irkkuf t- 'be InWuct iiW No itit t r. W wl 16iiiibotimiaiii , and'gob about $500 daina. its it may,- his change prov�slhat man?A. pd, for he desired to, loin NOmt changes And hqv; you, got to say Xr. Star 7 gas.'.. � Beat6i, appealed to Toronto,. , and �aso�tho A good deal ofartimbling hits taken fiicturets )ed nq further- gqitteoft-Wto. nc impri Dvementi could li� footing ouryetain ofeducation, which he on- in mob Pf gainedthe judges having rover- sod the decision of the j urj�, There. is �con- place among the disa pointed and their a­sufil�ienit 211umbor to. invest, "�( lored the best in the Nvorld, The thorough' I OyStolll In:­tli working. o hands oJ pig the Teaclides' A69beiationo in thin 00, the' teachers of the Inspectoral' onp . friends, about the 6perations of the now their 6alixit;hl and- la'bior -in of. . ­Of-tbQ -is mho"negple)"'i1i 9 dL bo-1boughb. ouic, manloiltal �Iaab.weakp district o t,­Weot-I1-urPll­took-tlV per ff-- 'CA Abl*�01[ N . INIQUY. It will. licenselaw, one and pairtioular phasg-df itir has looked dea' indu try, so so n ­as he v�a 8 -pts of the' 0 t y UnfirahteriAlly aided in'oarrying out aiid perfecting, *t,- W read ie,�erUi extracts, both hity to present their 111spopter,'Mr. J.. R. Miller,. with algoldwtch worth' $120 'no- 60tla,Niared that we stated last winter' that Dan, Moran had left the Catho lies working been upon and 6ommunitv demand it. f rout �lie *ritiugs of Dr. Rycro6a and others to prove that O�tario-stood in, the fp wit Ivanks 00 Cildress OnrossR 9 of mpanied by n and hod become` a Methodist, which many dia nounv9d as a species of confiscation of I private property, and, the government. 10 TheStar'sa's it doeg-not understbind- Y , as.fat R's education was conbfirned,. At the close 6f -the; address a.yotb of thanks a anper in which id til) n f th , i.n.- "PI 0 0,date . hid. offi6o and lie di h a of . 30 ar- for 1� &OFts not believe, but it is a fact 1* n6verthelass,. - irld wb understand he had B'ant 4 lottor.to looked upon as th' concoctors of"a e our comme nts! upon ito,article about the a y 11 C;v4d P. the'Rev. F. MQCaaig, and seconded 'byR;v. A.Z. Couffice, was-1111animonaly tj 'a" r o, romote t '� !I.. in eL, . .. 'r I . I . ' , the Rev, ames Murphy apprising him of 'that ktop. Some of his late co-religi6nist scheme that iolis some for the beripfit o f dear -ease In busft;e8s­ says �.will dared Mr. -Crooks. A vote of thauka,was als6 I iljG.- um rs of the SAB13AV1A3iiE&1*"-­­ '1� '�b - after at;! Ing -in �back, lia,6 boa ; to win hi It is impossible to make any result from the'fall a --wages' said' to ttlidered- to the Mayor for the able'ni'anner-ill -a psothers. hieli h b' oys,of thig jAnce resort ovary. n4yy topT . riducinj g his character th augh the -press, changes in laws of a commercial or social have taken.pl.acelix ibai town. Well .. 7. P -.-brains- The report Of 04 oom�ailbw �11 118solutions was ieadi.aud'itsi c6sideratlon. postponed till 0 Id river a short dig nce alioVe-tb br, go rp 0 oad, for the pit so of oil the, Loudda i" but Dan -is not going to be xtinguished I , -- id.ii about'to sho.r ailen* in that way, ar - Ow nature that wilt not -bene6-some at the a nev r --promised, to supply. to the * bathing, and ii�%n doing thoyL'Ilot Only th9ni'thitit hols quite prepared: to -meet expensti of others, -.and if no attempts at 'madd any _,Re, ani i ir..oUr ConteMpora' la, - ry, As thaf is' entially substaiide'for* 4 - Rkkg 'rot on, I . r. x4 an'-: d.h-abla ' "WhatlSooks'a teapheiAosid broak the Sabbih�, but t)iey indeceritly px- peso themselves -Ao passers-by, ,and -are thorn in that bittlefieldi an we learn'he 18., -soon to' issuo,a, pamphlet entitled, '�A laymiW-s,r 6ir 'f reforms wero b ut such as would, requisite dLoth ii)itrii6tivd.and'--iitertiifiiiig, and at thdroby liable to ])a punished.. . We trust. a asons renouncing, Pop6ry," not inflict any injury oy'pecuniary Joan thoroogh understanding of 6ur.clear a�4 its conblfision Mr. nicks )*as tendered a most hearty vote of-thauks. thisnotiCe, will lead the�n to am nd thbir otlArwise we fear bar activo,6ofi�- The prodtidtion:of this Irish Cinadiiii 6i" niq�y will, without doubt, ihiowl(irwan, upon any one, we fear that few changes explicit remar4, we canntit help 4, ; all The third session commenced at, on 'Ssituidi �yill be �ufid6r tjie nedenity of bring!_ _;etters com0.k§iqlj,in-th6 'shade.. ii6uld over, be made, no matter how we can -49 ig to 0 thite t. in.- With i fty, kinutes of previous session, eon. r1f. ed.� Mr. D.' Cutrig, roceeded with his t he ina -thera.Beford ,or. BLYTEW. much they would cohduce to the general its misfortune, aii.d,-kebommond­a­ ,eon bubject, The Lever," which lie. handled juL a good. tinuaned-of that'regimen. prescribeafor 'full �Iid lUOidL This. Was bighly ap. 'the stand. '. that the a r'..on behalf of"th" yo Our business'nien 1 1%,v -airbed. to aso III limititia the number of licenses a -it by. the I Nlyet4r 4�e4- doqs,' preciated by �C toUi6fiersi who a ordedhima otianiuld, - us voto'ef thanks, toWn'L made applica.�ion- to 0110 uo­ m-p-sn , y� , tQ nl. , heir'sholia,iit eight No%#,* who will ba the o break the bargain -has, no doubt, been 'ihany -se-rictus 4ack brains is learly !evidonbell'by. . its e, R t. ­F. mcouaig W49 next introduced to the convention, �ho read an eidellent,pa�or 'on lo ty,��p�a i i ua f ro in ill s t tion s'n orth as f or as,.. vo� nd south its faK as, �Iqnsall, to . Although Afr'C at his hird- a. I , litigg has not g losses inflicted, and which will never be fla Ublic derv�nt, and. that. ylug we are -a p . -t ' Teaching� blortL.-ls.". This ws-n'ttentivoV ..Dolgr. Mo. Q eom a to.011ntoii and rot-ii-rn--Fo 81l�' ware store fini toind quite:� shed, Its is still d 9 . business in naiis a�d the repaired, but they are not the only,, nor .to 811OW Oueh onesiy we Ong: b 0 .0 w. er listeu6d,to and !not with great applause.. A Tote of thanks was also tendered th . e-11ov, turdaya,ffir on6 faro. Should the pahits,�as none elsewhere in the villfige, the least losses that have been'64t stined t4e, pAce bcout Paper.40mo fifty or sixty ',gentle -man for his easay. Vany consent to this arrantrement, we have bt �ut th' very b6.* no dun ab it would.rogult 0a"Saturds;y ond­gtinda� the trees in ns, by the operatin of the lir� ing system -ere is an increiiie -in its �cents.",* Until t4, Mr.. rooks- was tendered tll.� Rims bib rooQlutioxi of tbinko, tat hid visib and the in - IlOficially to the increased -pas: this.. nelghborfiood ohang, try old their wiu bareness for summov's green fiiliacr�.' No ht different ti st mp,! in tnith, the greate craniuin Argament; *111 b toreit he- inaflifostpil. in. the teaelioi He Also-olicted Alklionorary member of song a ' r traffic, ndlo ' the to*h, by increas- 16 basineas f uorchatitsand: others. Illgl I sprin& here -this year. losacu have.been sustaiticil by is-4�igg li, thrown away�uponit. The- report'. of - the"R6SOlkition"; Cam L mities SEnrous UtwEqs,- We -hro.eorry to heai of censes in unlimited numbers. -About Sir John"ag A Preacheri 10ho-thea taken' up, olauso by cla-ase, and received a bopy ottlit minotes.6f the Janu. ear, but. we* hope u Ddei the. nb reat- T( Is twenty years ago a move wag made in -read6rs will be surprised ta-laril- that ladopted, as, follos ;-7- 1 ThAt0hitheopinionofthis CgLivention,- 4ry and- F cbruOry mooLinp of the County Council, published at the &a; OOur ment. of Dr. - -Glracoy to sad hint'll.round again in a few days. mosb of the towns of Ontario to build Sir John Macdonald, disgusted,.With political Co�nty 2d City Boards`6F14'xaT@bcrs-bo Hot . rich whiob Claims to be the lob` �of �ks on eaevening Archie Taylor, - lv)iilu lagro and respectable' hotels, so that tra- file, has joiue& the Church and become a par- son.' Don't laugh, gentle reader, for the fact allowed to renew third-class certifictites, e xcept' in the case 6f Assistant Wolters of the Isf and 6ffica 06 county. one of' the craft, %ve,.do§ire torender tho-C61inty Cutinoil reaching for the. handle ofAhe slab saw in I .-vellurs, and.visitors t th�iscouui­ryo inight have Botne more respectable place is stited-in A nawspaper',' and coiisequoiWyAt, 1 9 mogt�be true' Unfortun�tajy for Sir John, 2tid forms, Oki the recoltimendaiion of an In. specter and a Board of Trasteei, atirl those oor hearty Qiuks or (lie. libera provision .. ode for the productio.ii'of stich � bartutVifl mi. P.. Kolly's nim, and. at thit stiola time. looking . 4t. a falilty belt 'aloPillere," misard to put tip at than was in existence bef6re. wheilier from the imperfection of. his th6olo - gical traiiiing or some other caube Ahat we cstrtig6aies be, legal -only., for 'the school in -thbu angiijed ; also� that villich they dre an a of - " 4rb proservatf e of -di- specitneq - thd . Aid abijost that a If urtti'e'r arts," and 'w, tile -Ey-16if ilto first abd idd 1 16 fingers of his anti up to that time, which was, even -not, longcom% kn:6w not of,. holizil . orkood his palpit ministratios whork hp fail orior,' olonlontary know logo of book-koopfng, �humaxk . phsiolog, natural philosophy, algebra, all(]. provisioil*shouldbo made' fbr obtain* ., lug. a leather, medal,'-' t o:bu to the right, hand. A large nuiAbei oi our Villages -then, considered a disgrace to.the coun- and in now on his trial for teaching hatokodq: doUrines. Our authoxil;y for this stateiAent geometry be required, and also Cu�laqj.an and English It - presented publiBliar'of the for the manner in went on that excursion triin.to thcFalls, an*asovor- try. In furtherance of this Object, jaiat is -an extralci which we:fihd in tb6.BO116Vjllo *2. That. tlioro be three p6blic examiatiolug I It whic it perfOrme its coritract, and that the al went to the Win ' gham,races, so.that tlid companies were formed in different Ontariol4kbIl from. an American newspaper;. in each, year, of the lot; gold mcdal, nd a copy of the.minutes shoaid.bo only celebration the 24th received in�this :a towns and large sums subscribed f6rilie and this is what' bur eqat . qmporiiry tkoress Ilia litiodhas-iti say on'tho spbjeot;- 3. That natural lilitory, agricllbilyM ohem- sent io.the Centennial, to let'lliq world sea how well the f'ouch a.w0althy.. place was tha.-firkng 'of it fiiv tirliokera�bk the in the niorniug, nd the sending croctioa Of large and costly buildings,. s- Tired, of political life , alid d Isguated with 8try, domostio 000noiny; civil . goyenimeo bi slid oillightoned c6litity its Iluroahao- up of a balloon,with sonie'firo-crackors at.' and they Vero furnished on a" scale of his own Party, he (Sir John) has joitied the Church, 'and has recently gaindd an Una)1, . , b6tatiyj and %46fiian iiiorAls, as tailiglit from.. a text 4*,ok,,b3 made optidr ial subjects. �nowlodgca to be, is done; qdalso how. highly it is . appreciated. " We � hope our tao4ed , in the evening? NZW BUILexilro.-Building 6pdrations t niagnificouco never before equalled and.. viable noted oty by pr�achigg'%--doetriue dii- tas;eful to tho�incmbard of his oh�rohwhoo. C That'the" BROtor be �xcopt'Gooditidayandt,%otorAlDiiday.. brother ypos, -except tbo one, 1pattioularly will �pcbntlour suggestion And are goingotivdry briskly ab'prosont up. not since surpassed.- These hotels had no'sIoner obtained their licenses s nd, for eternal Punishment ; but . � We �ri ba�py to say 'that he ]ties gained tho,sympathy -aiid .. 5. TWt one day each half year b3 allowed to toachats attending teach6isl conventions. . I show thatasolvos-froo from jealousy and in wards of forty buildings ­-hivo'been con. tracted I foralipady, among which the fol- got fairly into working 6rder'thah th ey les' esteehiof4lib m6re.liberal. per iiiiii 6f.his c6n- he are determined tontick tp him Mr. Wood thau'gavu an 0 f 1! The The following officors wore selfishness this niatter. . . . UTC1Jir1t,-J" �A 11YAms.-Tt will be remem- aro'cho principal iiaosi viz brickorosidonco by Dr, biloan, I Hotel by. -wero swomped by the isstio of licens 8 i ,K ,regation,'w through thick and. thiii. An befloville donteinporaiy remarks, the appointail.—Preslidont,4r. A. De�va!, :Sacretary, Goo. Baird, -jr. ; 'Piovincial, dolG- bered that in tho last.inintitos of�Gonnail published, it %Vas mentioned that a by-law Mr. R. Cook, Bar4ware store by Mr, Win. Clegg,- which ivill be finished in a few days, to almost 6very applicant. A well fitted up and ftirnishod saloon, which woul d our display of ouch ignorance on the part of alt. '6. Amorigau journal is not creditable. HOW I gate, H. I, Strang, B. ,' The constitution ,e,.a6 changod as to provide that'the Exqqu� was Passed to the' effect that'no, bai&ors' I tneat should bosoidVoritsido of t is market 8onortt,1 stora byMt. 0. Fleetly and a- U, , a, I rah, which will be a groab iiuprove� not cost titho Of SGWG t)f the' so hotels, 01 "o confound Sir-Solux gaodo6old with themilev: D. J. 'llacdoon6l.1 is inexplicable.-. tive Committee be composed of the Presidont, ecrotary,.and the Pregidontq of the Affillittod Local Institutes.. Thm Yarns, Exet�rj anil building. To piov do for this contingouby the Council some vorgood. iin- . , bitildiner Motif to, the village. IrT1,1110'sTAT, IssocrtTro-m.-Raro cliauco could obtain a license and do as much After All, howevor, our Anteritian friend has not exhibitedore ignorance at our public Olintondistriat Idatitakes,ara flow afrsliatod. A vote ofthatiks was given the iatiring of, pr Qvain onts in tbat-ptirtion of the specially oet, apart for' the butchers-,- for Modio -mqt least V101% ]late --- not.-mr-ov--that the latte r., The corksetlinence was a* great many of ineti than some English Journalsave at, -di,- forent 1imes displayed in iagard to the geogra- .0 -4djourzkod corai after which the onvonUda 0 to&Vilig* do w iia ttiti them into stalls, at some of f 6MUdhillOs-6 di rdidii- 16-F-th-o-pitir-poio- a t them were closed', and remained so fov people, and its vionlitafint, men.�-Khlg$t0n' kpro=�ri�tiw;-W. W. Farrano, Bsq., of thus obtainitj� more room, more light, find othorwiso makitiff the stalls inoro.acceptablo excluding mcpUnics and Armers,'of tlio ­ ­ ", : privilege of'soleeting wives.from arkioug years. Some were sold and turned into Nelvd, this town, has been gazittted -a's � NoU'ri'r, -to the butchuri. The stalls will be lot by� 'Monday' them, We� are happy to see that solnoof I �our mcrchanfs� bachelors and widowdra, other uses. rf 11tsT 8DIPMENr or. ;[sii a r. Public in iind for the Vio�inco of Ontarl;. ACOFDZNt—yO8tOidU7 A auctipn iiekt , t Live 1), in. ingfrom ice of 40;, As 9 thoro are taking advantage, of thti benefits to be -d%!nd tl And it is At the time we have tLeen-speadng says -the- shipment of -figh- for eastern markets bas­cohivionced. * Last *eek'a few- youth natnodlolk'n V ok' , glitAbrown. from 6 horse,. whereby he, or 01 fOlir or five sitalla of aboat, 6qual - valud the .1 iorafrout. the desir adlb� that tho watrimailiallk inclin-i I about, there *aslailt iri 8t. Catfiarines , were altippedby wayof the L., A, -&D., *as`0OD01dOr0lV 11IM7 f0ttuliateli 'not any us Liters are as.to tit.. batchors in ilia town) W do Dot''expaCt to ad profeasionalo-of other towns should, givo. . the AVol land and Stephenson bouses being the first.of-the-scason 6nd tbo; first. 'by'tliab ress.- sorioux, A(CIDYNT,-011, Monday last a daughter 'a Bea much compotitiola for their pootn�-611611 illpill a cal ro so I Wit ledting 010OWILOrO, in llainiltoik, the Royal ant1the Angle. American hotel's Regain The F ree Prem seeina to think that bvdq-. at. Miller, while, playing I n "" Although we are alvAre; it is mot 1)1pasatit to be coerced int6the perforniallcoof any. -Sale Itegister. ;, the house in Toront' OL; the Kirby house in Brantford thing ishipped'on- the L,-, H. & R. must, of necessity, canto fr6m ExOtOC, as it has Oil yard, as, struck on the head by P, stick of cordwood falling from -a, pile -oil: hori and thing that is felt to be against our, iticlitia- tion and-iiterest� and-aho excaptio6al, 'as One hundred ti'llage and, phrh.lots,in Myth,- A the Tecumseh and odo or two others in scvqrtkI-prdvious oc6aiions, made blunders likiti the above. The ]Exeter Thuds novev � 0 wag so fortunate as ofilk-to receive 86V r braises, , this particular class are the only on1m treat- ad itifthis manner, yeb wo, connect acquitts- on the tat oftino next,. commencing fib 1 1 10 a. in. 0. Ifamiltdil, 4uOt. London , in fact, scarcely a town of any published the fbreg6inj paragraph,, and LAuar Jankies McFarlane Ilas c0lidin the provisiatis,91! tho.by-law, its Stock, Iftiploments, &a., -of Mr. D, Ma� pretensions in the provitice but whst for the benefit of the Free'Pess we sak that there is a little place about, Wenty bliles tlloi�D Ila the champion hen's egg, *whiell inches oppbsiti6ii to! 'it would )lot only cause a%. ensei but nifgl[A roault disastrously to. its Aula,i, 11iyfield,- on the 31st inst,, at I lit. ro'.; iihfo�cVfishing bait 11�.Antilo 13a�t- had erected it respectable lictiot, But north of Ekotot that' ships twice Its Intfth measures seven round one wily, find nine the other, . -If be. had not vouched for 0 pposers ; but also, because it appears to be A MeDdugall, Auc'L p a the hOpPs of all tim investors, Nfibbo-ut exception, warc blasted, -lot hall, eggsi graiii. or any other corrimodityj than does that,platie, and fle 'Free' its genuineness as, a henla egg, we -sholild have said it was'a'goosit's or a to , rkoyla.,., the Willof the nitilority of the townspooplo, through . their repr WoutAivo;, that the, Zo 1Q, i-55to; of the clintall W�lu E; -a. - 'p and some them raincd. Sime of these edifice9w" QG& Jin the future noticqo. any paragraph the'll.; H. -9&B,,- it AWb -Eggs-col. this who'esill I ' Wxyoff4u- hear that Ila tchers sho6ld all be togothor. - At least one good resulb will ba'obtained; add that —t, itioticed.�i y0j, las issue. that somo ill-dispoite.aperson iromPotorts Rill, 'when suld, did bring 'of IV particular to -mention the place Acv1DFXT3 AT' is, the market building ivill then olrord I Ibit t arging your olmalivillii corrospon- not the. price iho I in,l they stood upon and the bricks sseveral .0ham). accidents otiourro'd, at, Wing during the rad6a that took place there yes. teraaf. One man his shoulder broke . ins rotk�krn for the outloy upon it, Which P fortilitatitly, is not it, tin deitlg'At PrOsOtlt- dont with Qa6 statements. Now, air, 1 thinktil a Polk its p rson a Urle Hill has taken that were in them. The indiscrimiva6 a 14inateen village lots will be sold at auction got ; two boys, seriously injured -by bwng thrown S.VnEr%-For th a purpos, of more ra- it very goodplanof 4isplayiiig fiii ignoranco. issuing of licenses Was the ruin of all in Wingliam-, oa the, 27th hint, BA89 )31LL.--7-Tho Tecunikell's of Lotidoll frain'llordes during the race,, and a horse' -its lione broken. the streets our Wevo, Mr. L ("llialcyt has madc' a. good suggos� In the first place ho ticousoa me bf stating h that Porter's Hill was going, to have those hotels, and entails a, far it -eater losd than hns been inflicted by the lent the Maple Leaf, of0tiolpiti onefun. yeg- ter day. The "Teountogh's" are-Ai6w the got collar Fiazor C'4fAlibell in the tion,' and Us followe( I tip the 2liggeAtIou'-On his part,, by a practical application of it.' grAngo f lie might have car. tailing of licenses, 0-hAmpl? 1. ­ fd'toWn, IffiloiL ]@$q, I of �hl Halifax, will address A ineetilij V, R M C b 11 1" ' 1 7'30'p'�- 0 The ev� or the Comical t,p6n�i in makinol -Abeutjo6r weeks agoi from Ptirtees, Hill stating - that & grango NVe tbink an improvement oqn be 'law, ha�iiig�fiblshed* big profession I'l bors A nm g amp afe% v wee bee d so a missioti4t to In f - - 'y sidowalki ot"grading Itnd graV611in the holders no bono(Ittod alidu d, by was going to ba" or anized iti thatVicinity, ana by a person that is Dow inade in the present by permitti ng Pass Christian,. gigs., at'wh1oh, place lie .has beith foliotpont W66ka, is how at PhII6 d f I ) a w 8 home. a or atl)n n India , he , ill 1 0 �h lii, t property iid' equal private subscriptioll, ape] - an a. member, thab such was tha'baw. Thi 'a n 0 an unlimited numbev 0 lie nses to be adelphia, ,aoing,, the -Centennial, tn Jere. 0 ptl 10 0 0iiialon 0 regard . , w, rk to, oordiall 1. VIt amount, , A,# fat as this idea applies to, '0111Y 'by Was before the grange who organized, , It 6 ,,of issued, bul raising the standard of the Courts of Revision wilt meat 'in . 11dron y , fare . pleAoOd to see, how stroo to bit t lit'le Aued mild almost thoso who KQslklo� orr th�nl and from which since beemorganizod abouit, has throo, miles from P6rterlg Hill, Again, he says there hotels. By that M#ans the public would Its follows --Clinton, 29th may ; Tarn. West W&WIL110shl, that thq fine wo4ther is coming on," that but a small amount of taxes is collected, I# no probabilitf whatever of the bridge be- 9 Mand. ing b M&I 'ver, I know P 01liftin good accommodation, without at Marntich on 25th - Morris on 27th the bramban4 4ndlor the le4dorsbip pf Mr. Saott,­ which h4 in timoo: pait-added so, thero in nothing unreasonable or anjost about, it, tor frot ble portion I i a ri there are *ovetal plicas along the U.-iftland 0 creating a monopoly. Grq 26th � Ashfleld, t,Xintg1L-6n-2Kh' Ma, much to the entertainment of our towns. a taxes are collected of the town n6 mur -8 t;u river that there *ill nover be m bridg4i. i bdlh,o b4f, there to 'beri6id, T. noliertmith, 20th 13oopl6j. ivv& tig4lift b6f6relho pub. thfin is bOctly aufflaiwit Ykldtjtth 16fibbf i's every reason i� On Stinday morning the Rev.' Robert Burnet, fovdterly Xill6p, b 27tb� flat hokvfilg� give a i) ion hir concert on and railway debenture, rates', the �Onofieff fully A ore ill.'be One put a6roAs at Etolmeavilld. L xowl I think this boshwh:dkor front. of Hamilton, was Induct. TnE Ul Iram—This day was kept III of whitill are at; on�.nyed, Alld often, hit-, t ad with the charge of the London congra. thil 6wAitith& most quiet and peadmblig much Wh6o U d06tod by th6m 'to W gfd� woro$ thaii by, thow who live. and da :Portorle'Hill ixprdagefl, h'iq'6PIfti6ft8 k gation of the Presbyterian Church of $Oct. land in 'woisbippilng go. there were only a tow drisakats' tuitou& q4tettAinnisM. U th4 pliblid, the 'noes in moro"0611tr4l who byboing issessedntloh rather f4oaii ihatinar, lfe� Asys, these are A but I Canada, in the Xe. lot tiffily the boys, otherwise the town was "boys"-deterve h6rfiti oubiitwitfAl recogni-, have obnadquontly" opeolmona of the many blunders make chanios'-Inatittite. The sermon on the so- as still. an on -a gabbath, 4 loji-oumber tion of their setvicat. higher, to pity tho, bull; of tho faMog. ng- r giva in, there, were blundort atatod, but casion was preached by the Rov. Mr. Xof. fat, of Bayflold, Rev. Mr. Dobio, of Mil- took adianktagoof thit-, ehoap' tri�, to Visit the iaiis� aba sovoraiont to the oelikat ava been made by which the above bduted sideso the, improvotnoTits on tho principal otrects, are almoAt s, noiolt uaft4 by those not Oil the part oI the 1101mosvilla, corte. ff sponaeni, but okx the pstt of the chap that 6 -the ton, also being progeni. The Montreal 11'erald, admittedly the Wingbiiib, Thoonly Ones, that were busy woto the ll�ory niono wh6 had. to . get. their Vtjibai donna #ill give a 'oondotb in the town hall, oil Niday who live on the baiakirta of tli� t6wa as' b� thoso %vho livo or do bubinesa upon stole huffalat fobo—thAt wa blander, lind I.thit2k th'rit concerns the commercial rrkan. of tho� -Canada, ----- -- oar claupill.pr8 to Imp, x1p, 960d AiddWi%lks bridge Ov6p thd'-srAttland river#-- or the onto of speaks in unmistakitably condemnatory terms of the facility with which brnkrupts thdir diachatg6 Apno.-C94mAit two 6f st� NOS allutchy 011fitono latand hold ueStatolbOntit Meby the TOtOut6 &0*4 Abd 0190whOtOp WO gstbOr ladf. and roadway4 iii. of the i -own lilt are tho tiloat used: by t1fty publid, prid "it gt4ng fit rortart!o Itill. Ile aTao says that no 06nildonao b6 plAftod: In your 8 obtain and the evils that flow therefrom. Tito wrong. rising dbno the tradov, in ing; jeg oprolt bazaar In the town trill', 611 ThorMity, tho Idt of lobe" fit I O"'clook ef thatoho Is la very highly tol In'tho, that.oaraltliona w4y of monies V hibiving I hall it they lin No, Ntly 411041111,to spoita" kt Aledetli *1106 106el dorta6l:tftit Tb 1 ShAll hot doattAillot this Atatomenti can. solvent a6ftipa- tition with " sales at it saorifloo," In pointed M. At & OFolook in thd ovealillf tor; abld cotrao will be aotvktd,� aod-aovoral tdias mid 4iff 46 opportlanity, of 114t4ning to Ofia lo, the beat vooftl 4na :the ptoperfy,liolacrs nre, v'Alling, to ka�,016- W. hid- �tW lidering file foregoing suffloldrit. to sho* tj We assertififis -are w �tby. of but. little VJ atIon out very directly whilo the distinct a- b tween the in(lividual right to purolihcd in endom611, b6th pi id front a did fa'4041 hAvs tomlied,ta M it wlt,� TP4 Pro 6fL #bl00$Jj)fi3 jjo� M .If with tin, Ily dAmOrvog gretit credit for the OxArdplo nettl6a anwilt tharofordo leave the DiAttov. It the 011,65peat inbricot and natiotal. trade r e. lationa is hr nnqht out �#Ith saftiont rind tionvineinp elemd% tongs, trubioqW "OlUtiobs, v ta Ctl Ol'tho Wilt col omt* h lid htliIjIng ki Will Us kritlAttid, to, 11it hiast 1401diddli, A(Att 4114 �-*kit4 j" r 40110 t rol "i 1011 (6110whia owuplo., 1 t )AdOfn tO Its$ i6a...6i -— —,-- ­ 111MIR CANADIAN NEWS, .q:;; oil A -0 -N X1 Mr. Itiglitinm6r, who carrius 11 ex. CLI,NT -14 WORM LLS I onsivoosit trade frout WAicnirdino to '01.11. 'na, oil W04111004y 10104 133�)0 toils lqf Ailk $Alt 14, toil hours. T11R, SUB-4011=11jut WoUfj), .vAll TIIIS OY TlfkXla'N(k ITIS'. I Mr.1oliti Loyi,'lof Weat Williams, is the nuftletolls Quatorilarit fail 1,1101r. litter IXWAM�10 In tlJ% pt4st, and lkol)04 by olb4ki attention to alldidatQ noillitl4toil by tho'cousurvativeR blAsluva, to'litill poqurp 4 large ellaroof ptiWo cou(ikiolluo, linvikig fittal tip� jill f X011111 U144100OX,1 to, fill 001103t VAQ,4Cd lo, Wet QlAea style, )is to Dow prordeod to )y the doath. -of 3XV., 18patollord. Mr. David - Storton" 114.111., 11.14 rosiguod Card., Opin, Weave,,- Fi,1,11 and Dre lot iq P�affor souiliklyanitob6a, ta 4rcoo the tare- Bl=ikets; Flann 40 pp6intolout of liosim4ster of 0 nolph, ran. el $hi Cioth, lore4 vacant by tho death, of Ur. 1<bjgao Yarn, StQpkiiag Yarn At Rogoraj)rk'a Illill, SQ113hindi oil Sittur,- "-IM HAS ALSO WNSTANIMILY ON Jay last, Patrick Brown cut, 10 blilloboa of shingles in an,bour.and A- bilf, J01111 A6 l3f gQ tWQAt Of TWO0400NU Oloths)-Shlrflng Flaunol, r 34600T Aackay In tb`e same-tinto p-acked 12 -lin. lich, 0, ThO �14011illf), W40 IISWillg, framooh% Blankets, Otooking, Yara,'Qr4 4melo. 01triped' Can any one boat tbat? Mum], Chi6ked VIRUnel, ft On. WetInl morml . I g. at, six 6,vlook ti barquo pame4 John 0, Street,. at st. CA! NV111011 RZ WITA41 TUADN. V011 WOOL, OR SF4LI4 CREAP, Volt. CASH.— lid 111) trollk tila,rines; light, bull . L, Port Col- )OVAQ, wastapsized abo�it mix miluls below Tbq subsoOblorls.porsonql supir'ni a Anco will bo gi%'011 to the Custoln, roll �"Qtrditig and. all, Long Point. Six Of tile crew woro 100 0440104 Pay bo-roli.ml.on., ke ams'living at A distalloo, from. Olintollp 111.67 oxln�b to got aild three. salvoid-;'Rallikes noltnown, Thu their wool oardo"llilc tllpy wait. apt, in �v A �as out oil. bowd. A large Amount of froigl%t. is Dow plissing Wanted 209.00 IN (it 0,0 11, cloallfie' O'� 0 . �). .0 ece Wool ever, the G. NY, Railroad, aiiii is likoly to 9 ontinuo, One do 1qtQly thero wore up, - y For whioli the highest iaarkQt-*Ige', in catih-, will wit -da -6f 000 care ladwi. witli. freigbt ferried X CORBETT. across tbo Detroit, Aybr, Anit it tho com- -CLrwrox, May 23rd, 1876. �any a. capacity woro taxed 400 more could hava crossed. tlm gains day. .CANADIAN NEWS, The Vr��t iluslang, Itacee .A dorrealiond'out, from IN'tigith villagal, 04awa county, sayo:-"Ariotlier discoi,ory has be I an made lipro ill the shape of a silver London XathodiBlt Confoi-orloo DisotB.at Piirhapo' Ware has never been perpe. mine, Louis Vortin hasloolld silver, in 'St, Catharines; Julio 7.01. trated in' New York M.Moro thorough oonsiderhblo (Inantitioq not far from his Only 4 portion of the Volunteer 'force iwiiidlo than . the mustang, 606 a-jainsi pltkco� � Specll�"a have boonforward . bd- to -of Cfknada�wlll perform tho.ousto y4ioll Do off at Psloetwood, On mary eight, timQ N car N16ntrOE1, nihil days' drill this year, so as not, to, expcQ(l 1: TburMay,4 The conditions of the raca thd-uppropriation for the pur me.. T110 w Will, liodg�ins has been lodged in goal lie pro that' one. man should: ride thirty eay of commissioned, oflicors. will- be $I-por, , mustang; horses, roobntly importedfrom n1oodon, pit tho. serious filiargo. of plAoo ��Vt and "on-.0kimminsio'-pa offi, - to,, a id hU.& -bar- of iron oil the track, of -tl i a -,G. - T;- 14 - 5 iiiiltag-itmi 0, ra -2"- -as u Jkt, at 11tralit6n as-far-bnok as April, 1875. . ..... tj Q'InIt' A, warrant bas"been, out, for tho off6fiflor Mr, NY. 11. Frazor,- Scorotary of,the.. Oft- uagors-of It a race an 0 00 �4 ever since- t Akio 'Advisory Board,; says* tita th6row that the stakcs.wore the 141,gost a r hat thno;,.but it is. allecrod that 't only the oth,ev day. Was the acouso'(1 impli�. be- plenty of room if) Philadelphia -for all on ally. turf-matleb." Tlioy said. tba thO visitors.to, tit a Centennial, -oi th6 mitttch,� grow'out of a *bot bdtw6en.tW�L. many At a mectin- I of the. Ottawa St. dooi,go'a. hetole are only 0harging their regular rs�tqs, wtialtfiy lgeiv 'York gontleman; the 6ile -afid tho'iecond %yeak in Jung, will be' early wagorink $25,000 that the -beii�scs Qoulil $Qcioty it wits decided that no relief, sholild %actugh-for..Callad be.iivon tu any workingman (yw-- trike-­ ian. vigitors'to go therO.: ' Could accomplish the feat, an-d-1he Qtbof Elie conclusion was arrived at asIt .116a Oa- Friday miglit, last a' mah, named 9 lately come undor1ho'notitio of the SOck' Myers, from Berlin, o'mploy6d, 611,ft wagorin ' $16,0,60 'ag'a,inst th horses by abd in favor of time. - �Ou Tuesday', th' that the olliWitable funds had booli used. be Ri *ood train,' in attelnptl'lg� --to 3'"'P.Off day originally appointed for t stiPPQrb sto;iemason'strikers wliO rofwoa: ab "Clu'lachie whilo the train �wtka Ali mo- - be rise, o work-for.$X25 &kdity. timi, fell tQ the- ground,. the 4hool of one hundreds'ofpeol)levisit'od.F1'edf*60d, nii�­ 6f*thecarg passing over -his righ - and. knowin that tbd-, race, had bieK��ost� atA from rhiladelphia says th A'desp, at- t hand 9 tb ing voyed to Forest,,where. madioal treatment basaidweatber and tho rain the� unpl Commission, has llastrkicto4.31r. Jette to was procured: Probood.'against the -- 314it , �'x;r : Toronto, for hoavy'd4mages oil' account of D..Larocque, ono' of the Montreal many. of Whom had come at- Bit eF�ab asperaioiis thrown oil his"Xi. Porrittilb's) health otricars, in big report of the death expense to witness the race. I . I - . b otegrity-as a Citninissioner. A later des- rate for April, sta- 000. to Ve, beyond ddq�v: that; the- race,.was' pat�li--plttd�s,t.ho..do;iiiageB at $20t tiatiod in connection with imall-liox,- 11 not run in good faith.' -There i's no 'Vvl-. Two'riten who I -ploy total death 'rate,of. 372 �within--the city dence to substaitiate the statement that are in t to. am] -'Of Mt. n limits duribg-the month ofApril smallwpox Kelly, wood dotitraotor sit the, G. T. -R., carried off 30'victints, 28 of whom or, WOO 'Was at stake uPOn th6issue 0 Wd 09MOintoSt. Marys on W94nesday, and French Capridians, one. Irishman and one- the taoe, and it is generally -b Ii a Tjy. Visited-govieral of, the hotels and partook Protesta t tfiose� who' invest' A igated- -mafte� tba6 too freeli of old -.rye. -After *they. started Who, dare say the f6rbome they got into a AIM will, each that CAA&A po"or the only money that obanged'lands wag th ' 0 0 ' ne knbokod tho, �.other dowD aind country ? The London corres�ohdorit. of 0 $10)000 pa,id an '. admission. floog. k��'.IkZ460hila in the face, and J limped on him �.tho New.York Times says I-" The Dble The rave; or rAther exhibition, f6i 11 WaEp With. b th feet,. leaving him insensible. , lof Devonshire �as' just 'sold tha� Grand only that, bogan'0 - the ap Dooliess �of Oxford XXIX I of the pointed ho�� ,On Wednagday-6ight 'w-hile , one - -of and trided ab 3;26 o'6lock in. the- after - a 4AncO was Holkdr shorthor'ns, to Roil., G. Brown" in progressAn a. tavein On Quotan street n', the j ockey, LGeorge Parker break - 0 . I JI Canada,'for`2,500 guineas; the lijh6st n.00. TdrontQ, weeupfe Of inen named Pillow, price -�j�k yet paid , forn, lemal a all ortb orn i.ng dQwn dt the endW Aiis 226th - a -n -A TdOct-enaefaa hit-&-adispofe as to Wliidh An England." ligainat; Parker -thoXo.As­no.--char'ge'.zf- iad alri ght t.6 dati ce wii h one of the fe- males present. Words were soon followed large sale ofthorouilibred stock took -trickery- -Ae dvidently! believed the by blo%va, and -in an'unguarded m6rA'ent place oi Mr. A. Allaii!sjaem to race Waco - sho7k(efiA .' affai a ngupointe.. bedi.d Pillow struok,Todd such i heavy,blow that' Be , veral well-known itog.1f1ralsora.belonging his N.�ork conscientiously. --!-Is r,odeline(I Nei fell to the ground with 'a' thua,. Todd -tolthe�"Uoftod,,statefi aild, Dominion were and bon ekly,' and'w6rked. him' di , f a, ay moti6ftlest for apmo time and on look-' pregent Prices 16rAlderhay-co'R plately Oil bin h'ii effbrt to rid-47the 305 fro�, a Tang� ng*for tho-causoA was fou 1� $116 to;$225. , Several fino, A nd that he hi. yr* Ti ,& miles.e brokel-i his leg. - shiros Were 861d'itt-About similar priOes. beautiful. sitailioi2 weitt for $475 and it *ell. .. The H-era&Z - ba'ys :�Wheii George, larker was takeD'off the -race tf'ftbk 'at On-wednesday morning ab6ut two hun� knbwn-mare at $20.0,' Donkeys, $95 each. I dred of the,finmigrants ivhu � came ofit. by D'Orking f6vIs,'$1.35 each. )?leetw-ood, he had'.'already accidniplisboa the Circassian, art-ivedit the Toronto lm�- . migrant'Dbliot,-uliore � they. were. reedivail -The dwelli;g�ho'usteof Mr. S. Milcolni- a. greatteatof ondurailce, alithoug� lie a(, 'SL Catharines., w4p entei by Mv..Donaldsonj and �rovided witli. am-. son, ed.by A,th �,ao 6h oved, Wliat 46 started out -to ploymen't'. Thai. wdro for,tho most part the other Dight while that gentleman, w dq�, Alihob;,Ai, looked 6n ghn'brally. by farm hands,. and no diffickilty wa . 9 found in standing at his front, gate, . ta.1140MV, Vi a Ae public --as alest of the 6nAurande' of', distributin'- them alno�g the farmeri� who friend, atid. g6irint'o One of the boXroom§,: the haray'little It d`rse­i^f 61.164 mustangs were in need of their services. .,The bonus from which the thief stole a lady's wrapper. ow the �Pacifio slope, it soon. resolved it - of -$3, which last yedr WAS gIV04 to immi- Not satisfied with thin the rascal got fire to grants to assist them to -pay llielr,pasaages� the bed, andhiade off. Mr. Malcblto�bn's-- gelf-ilito a test of th.e'.r1d=--T4n-nii1es Is ond wbich trio year before last was given to son, who happouod to be ia tho- eaoh,.fQr'thdsc liardy little ani at .houbo, (jig to 111migrants wh9 remained. tfire6 knonthe it, covoryd the fire, find pat it �oiiU before nothing. compallod 'with; the . -W.'; or ey tH9,Dontlition, is not ofrored this -year. muclv duah,ago had been done, are called i -­ou-4o­4g &..-through-in-4h air h6mo country., As *a have before no - .0 rhe prosmri�yof the ShorbrOo1iO,'QuO.,- A melancholy­R-6ilifilfig adoidont, result - occurred Li�l ei%t Company has, led the local farmers to inrgin-tkq-1u­o-3of throa livos, . ticed; the gaib'of thoso. aninLials is eithork neroago t1w price of tbairap%ials. To moot. Vigoon Lake on Tuesday morning last" 11 gallop, or aL Walk,. the Califbrni' a ex- bi� cotnbin�tjioki, the 14rs. Fortune, - 1�itli hut. two yo, ung6ab Sion' 10fib" a esetibing their swift -04nadiati Meat Pro� children, agedrospoccively six,-month8 and to d tide 0oinpany'lind im ported a fow.carloads a T 6; 9y motion with charactorist 'two �oars, started oil Monday morning in p of gradod and well-fed cattlo from Chicago. ness and brevity, Stiro footed, its' gaits. Itis de-,io(l in most positive terms, how- 4 smkll punt-tq-r�vloor to.Xr. qrowloy1g,- they . ate, -1 a ver,thit tile , y'llaire used aby Texas.cattle; .()It Jacob's Island. Nothing pincil 'ITRO mitt thefi%native.mou.. t Ing,, lioard of them until ilia body o Mrs.'T 'inffily rid(fenL at full "Spo vhich are �vliolly -unrit for their trade' tuno *wa8 found. . Thfi bodies f or. ed along - tho Oliell to"h" large oxtonlb,� is done. with of tho'iwa, biihkof precipices Franc'. 'Tlio battle f6obived fioni'-Clil little children hav� not-booti, rocoverod. memi shdelen'kleatli�, Seldom reducea,to 'id to be supfi?ftir ovell'in qualijy Ono bonoficial ofrect of the roptosonta- the tattioconditioif. of ani ;o are sa inals born in 0 those raised ia - tllf).LTOWLl5bip3 . Tile tion Of Canada at tho�'Contonfifit.tha6 intide bond a go, and 1� biokewial I � -,tkftbk a �faahjcl� Company ave tlaugliteridg, from 250 to 300. itsulf,itiani foot oveii-Votoro tho E vp6sitioll as rude as their rid�vs, wa&ban well iin. i -otLd littibLO311-fairly' weaktir, iilLd, are la'�;llding dt the rate (t1J011O4--zThe,Tt1rkisl1 aloill, 46tudiid. 'their unmawtgeability, on �U f $1 . '000iool) nuou'ally fo�r cattle. r ,j_ lke&vy'and mpnotonous tra6k 4 06� A farmer nanictl ]author and pails, and being strack with d:y, a rest- wood. Parlcar had to -wasto'bis lailt of Thorold tokviiabip, a few days ago the satisfactory nature of the priodo, havo reserves vas brought bk-fJJru' Alayor Baxter, of detertfiinod. to visit 'such 111anuffictories "-or physical fored in inastorin fr the wilcl filist Friday thoL ft."OutS of Pill"', 11"Oh.0y brutab ah-nost. every mile beftoio he got rhorold, churgedL with cruolty to his horsel, & -its of naila and well ranniuj. * Xn tho.� . wo hundredand. �rsdy had lcf� hishoriloa hitblicil to a wag Montreal, made a a. �on . an(t 11 shocked" lip fill night, whilo ho acks to the 'Turkish conimissiollOrs. They �t%venby-six milts'l-101. bo hatt to niowit was oil' Idaying dran,-polkor. 'gho horses are to be pu.t. Up in a i allnur 'Upoell.sIly and dismount one I" iin-d-e were wry much diatrosaod wbon found'hy adii�ipd to the Turkish matkot, �ar V 0110 times, part of the time in a 1 1110, pol6man. Tko Wnyoi vor t I iftornocit ox'pross of the or, y 11 ro!! -ay IVOOTOrn a7iw lVest litat with .611 41001,� a. pressed his indi;,filUllon R aiii tn hich nCi(borAw1p'6d himself nor nliti, rt!ivrdttdd- Cut, four hat the law dU ii'ob givol* him po;.cr to, miles %Vast (if London, Involving the pro. til'o, anittial ' a. From what he, accom- Vtoso opon Brad nilar troatn'ient J6L i)MI)le loss of, two Tivcs� The switch. I sing plishod in siAto of fill the d1flIcultijeq, I ibflicted lipany all reason -to' suppose t1int al"t tile horaw., fro finod left often Ob that point, file train rm, off tbere� is im $10, the highodlino, the stattite alhj*-� while dolifig 41111-09t at full spood, The to. 1"Arlittr c09t(111141(`,- on Dwflavorable with d, tqgothur wich �$Lfi.d costs. milsob, �Rtid to stuant Ant00r`J th' iif 0 a in rob, the esca6in allied ard". I caitl- �steam'udalding thu oil- track,, kdo the dist.,ince an'd -A farni6i it. -AilAim Ball, 'Goorn,',o letvill, mid, the fireman, cessitillyagalust ilic tenifle physjc�i alid inj b6yon'tt'Norwich, oil the title of.t1lo. 11., 9 icer, I b�ar 111) SUL- J Soph 111-illrlo his Sofr-jll-J,,jw, ill It bor. 4. fand A. it, "Yaihvay, 'whoso cattle fl -ave i hy Tntinver. "The train stopped without 06D intlia IlabitL Of "ritzlitg upon tho track r nontal stvaht: , T6 latter ti Iting the itlas atid bchl� frig"li toil 6d. by tho passing any further nioriolls nocidolit, the 1)4830111� shape of 1111'Xitity at thcr A-10ious behaviour rdins, threatened 17, oauaping.with, a savors a FULI(Mg 111). of tim, 111118tillilfs) Inay be counted as it boy'Oreated tbsij4,f0llcOg fit fitloo lie Would Cho section boss, David Spenco, admitted serioils item. Of! such la day fbiver re his diffir we see saying Grit ff lt" Was Opolt Ito must havo blab fil, tile cloven Vag found ho hail pub his threats into left it hours i go, The deconsed George Irwiwi was and twenty- wacticb, find whoit thu train approached a man of considerable wohlth in Windsor, seven mintAes of tho race), his delays. ils promises'tho engineer diicoverad the his. rotits bringitig, upwards of $200 ',,, cost hint throd-quiarters ofan,hour, which ails toril up' nrld scotforett abouk I'Vo. monthi yet: Ito worked oti.tho lind from shotild.-havo 'been sufficient for the on - regains tho Cou�,;auy will pro,10 angoroun The average time made 0raon f6r It is,. 6- say tho lons t, d. cato this habit, - The jury returned a verdict, tire distance etion, and'probably inaho it a rather ex- i1trig tho respoi isibility for the death Of Goo. by the Mustangs Vfts 2:39 1., The time in oneivo exporim6tit to 1dm,-BrctnVo!-d %�itl' IlVon thO -G. NV. It. Company and Which the"00--Tril oa�­showul I . be 'done tho Aceliou forbinati, David $ponce, The .'Would be 1.571 leaving a ndgrgin a I Tho shipment, I al.& car.. % 10"Id L Of maollf ab-, The lattor hits boon �aken* into, custody, oil -abdvd- Thursdaylg -r6ord for fired goods from 8 1 tiratfota'to Scotland, 14 t�e charge of rnanslaughtqr,.� Pringlo, has, Inca died: also, 0 langes, And with a fair day'�na a good novelty worthy.of il�doial mention.' . All track -Its would increase this margin Vill recall with foolingq of pleasur6 tho The Quebec dkillo)tlelc p1lblishosuil article n isit of Mr. lConnedy, the distitignished. front the 001fini4l. Stmi'dard' an(I famaic� "On4iblyandstanan Lood, chance 1a wim Despafek.on, the subjeeb of ' cottialt vocalist, in March last, During the West India trade:-" Agitation having been once thTho population of Guelph is above mins is stay hato he called AtAlio extensive, ocisancl �arld adviticifig", Afid itob inif & started in CaftladiVoir the subject of trtCd abi. ornittird works of gemis,.' dantp`611 6 tritits are counting on & near approach of Lbrahatu'ritid romindfid'Mr. Campbell of with the Weat Indips, the writer hopes the day. who,, illor'Lly to find it shalLit; ptirchase-of furniture, which ho(Mr. it.), 49 high tariffs, realOvedt audtho well It iW in n so ac L ity, ado sonic seven yoara-ago, Irgavo 86, ligh utid solid--thitit, 110 thouglib 110 could o8ol to overcome othero, anell as the, Want antlolpatiCin' at as better than &five another and, lar& of ii� Canal Or, g. tailroad, In ", , , , SIN160M,-Til D41iotk;. V. S., on the '13th irder, to,� be abippetl to I dinburgh, The of the actiolnplialit Mont of the impending inst,, 44,ward SI,mpsoht in. tho,80th year ryr w4s: for n, drxwifio toom got, and two 6411go, we can -ottly agg(I'M olii"Oinadian Of hiffsgOo r ty friends that -Jamaio& *ill be quite ready , U6 wag a D'ative of Tjjxford, Xcttifig. room sets, ht black walnot. They wers' and willing to take advantage 6 'sit' at- tip in superb, style, and carefully- ip- it when it hatushire, gng., billing rosided. In thier earned. Looking attha-floostion in A som. country 43 yearsig and in, thid coun�y about Od by Grand Trunk railwqy to Montreal, !non goiiso-poin't of vIoW,* We fool warranted 37' year Xotica A in believing thAt the otemellb of A mutually. CAmrarmr,.-44 th R Ur, John Campbt 1, tie -that, Application; will be ulado.to.-tho frim eggists. L Canada produces what we agodol eAts anag months. leat-Governor in, Coattail for, letiors. pa- want. anct cannot produce, and Wo.pro(loole -a otit for the form Won. of a coin any to be what, she wants �sI4 oannek.pr6dooff , here 'now" an "The Cauadi W6st Tiortn 9t6ck 'ire reciprocal' ta tditions of AomAnd Barganis in Wail Pla 1nd ,,per. mocielfilitif Mmitod:ll The objoob of the stipplyt-%which It ft free to Actiorhoifildate, ompany is t.ho. brooding, baying and sal. thernaelves,­ Z'S't so With adv4titag.d td. 110TISMMEPREVE�1 $T CHAXCM ng othoraes, cattle,, Aodo, lioas and other bofh partioi. COJTd � Sugaff rurn# arrow. tin btook And'Uvotlue'd, root, pimonfo, gingP, spices, dyawoods tefationg ift.My pr6mWap I %vill' for*40" f th'O Cap Cal ' Stock is $00,00 1. ift $100 and Other commodities ure extonsiVoly 128daL harog, an* . the n4med and L, addresses. in CrAftadol,* and may be got �froth USL days, oiYor my lAtio atock Papal, nd of the Ap icots Are --The uhAnk& in wt. . t go )or dent, below 4-gul'sm prioes", for flooe, popk, 461W beef, buttor, A .0-a'-pav, Vtbo-tow hf, PATiA­ -06666 POEM fleh, home', the county of Braiit"Sobakor; the HOD: lard, andth,611ko.whi6h;iOlvAnt. AgIntloo dorge Browu 'at, 410 dity of Toronto, At this Very, parffiij list tine ge rx-thwp eon d bit b 0 ib onatov; the NIL OrAM6.1 8koA,4,,',Of tho WrohnkndW Which the 6 1',; wb coutittid 0111aloo" "so of'ottaws, sonat6f; Daniel all of duO6 will to 6011141ont. to e6b Vinee itiou Of iII&J, Jtay 11, JS�et iloyolly of-topdon, n, qq, Aditto Oliver, of business that 11blegg: itatiodod by unhatur,41 lo towil of Ingorsoll, 'ntiq. I &t6lbald causes the traao botweoq 1110,% binab- ;.f A(Illkr; Of WO 040f 11amilton, Shorlff-,, nocosatty bteomo At, pta, oberb Gibbons,, of thlo town of Godorith rant, 14aclA,, 4114t'Wo Ooula eXpoft to CUA. ; ,%tkd Rolitil 4411 ef, Oiq �QVPA '01 '110i And& UN' Way116 the Utiftod Strites fil- All UldfiN 9466AWN 04 th0blit ifid,1, Will bo Dot ifi(Q. N44, I who hfo"fu'go the U4 D11. kliblIgh'WO thko A Vad deril Ifohl tho &M. v6titj bo i�1:11`411 I tho hia compuby, at odualty, 14 &.11wit laelouti. 141ty sahlroioc