HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-04-27, Page 3rd, STOCK NO W *:.11414Y. ASSORTED IEEVR V DtPARTMENTo Millinery, Dress _Goods, Fancy Goods,. ° Ci -rand Dry Goods 'and Tailoring, Gents' 1111,ynis1iing GOOdf3; &c. RUM' "BRANCH IN VULL SWIN4, AND ONE 'OF. PRE FINEST STOOKS IN TITE,*EST TO 0460SE VROM, AT LOWEST COMPETITIONPBIOE.' ONLY ONE pR1O.E; -I-WANrE:o fivrisr4DIATELY, One good Pant Maker, Ono goo ti Vest .Mor ighest Wegee peal. HODGINS, Jr. PAY, .lUANOHESTER HOUSE.; ' CLINTON,Apeaille, 1870., • „ • tonanounazabowonstnanwanbier 1 8 7 0. 8 7 G . JACKSON 0 1"1" ± 'LOP+, • CLOTHIER, AND, GENERAL' OpTFITTER, CLINTON, ONT. ••••4" ;4f',*',4.74 Jut A2Tat ,MONTREAL General News One white 171411, f▪ our Indiana, and:one negvo -were executed At Fort Snell, Aelt., QA Friday, ou the same beaffela. A, Shiftiep wari ferlad ]ng la a New Or- leans atreet with a (lugger driven to the hilt into his head through (me of his eyes. An eagle whose outstretched winga mea- sured nine feet fon tip to tip, was recent. ly,killed in the town of Sharon Wie, t - aohn, it, Dolan wro hanged at NeVf' on Friday, fey the muedereef James II, Noe. Every possible effort was maile to get a reprieve, but without avail, The milted populatton of the British 110 „„,s , debate in the Imperial Pa'rlianient, watt Colonies, exclusive of India during e late - • • 4! A pieced considerably over thirteen milliens, • At -Baxter Springe; Ca. on Wedneeday •Which have seen, purchased, UNDga VALUE; (Millet° the pateleure of the two men entered the Vetter Bask and times. 1 At, TliBRWORE, BlgADLEp TO MEI% THEllt AT Prices that will astonish Buyers.. NEW,. DRESS GOODS AT 12i CENTS. NEW BLACK - LUSTRES-,- " • Shield braiul" Kept by no other House iii. Town, uup�itea for my own trade ; double face, excellent value. , ITEW '.GENTSFURNISHINGS. • , NEW SHIRTS, that fit and wear well. NEW HATS, STRAW AND FELT, for Gents and oys a large- assortment. - ...- NEW TWEEDS AND. COATINGS... NEW SHIRTINGSr DENIMS, -DT.ICICS,' Svc., 8sc,„,... NEW MILLINERY !.Now showing .Millinery got ii;in the most tasteful manner,- after tho latest. Frond' and w., - NEW TIES and, .other Fancy 'Goods, for Ladies. The very latest.and prettiest•to be found. Just received. from -New 'York.:.. • , ' JUST OPENED OUT; •• Another large, new ail:4. handsome ' 'stock of Hats. ' Comprising the lateet New York. Styles. Everyinaly should se -o them. C1ieltoneA-pria.27ee1870; a:a:a-a:PACS, .SAOKSON, . • NEW HOSIERY, inclUeliiik Canadian' ManufaCture,„ which found far nio.re serviceable than the ng1ish Eosiery, &c. c.. TIT E SiJB CJRILE .13tOS; LkAVE TQ INVOR.lif :17,14,E INHAfITA.NTS of Clinton and sur oundiug country (and enoreliants espebially) .that lie has do toy hied tra dispose of the ,whole of his prpeilt ptnek of • tet'is,China, Gbiss re and Croelikry, AT COST, FOR CASH. ITouse-Keepers and Hotel -Keepers Woeld de. weia to'avail themselves of tlits rare eppertuility, as the • whole stock, must be disposed of. Special Inducements for any one wishing tb g� - into the Grocery, business: Will sell out the whole Stock at once. ' Om and qIce date ',mill sell FOR CAS'Il or its equi.valent. All parties indebted by Note or; Acomint, are hereby amiuested to pay the stinie forthwith, and savo posts. Gr. C. •DOBIE. CLINTON, Marcia 7, 1876. . D Wit—Tr Y A411440 alit.A.NTITACTURERS Or . ORGANS, ,A.111) oretnireiewnetesem: Atwell Feet . J. 363SL CO'S CP U(AS, ' * A.INizilS • VI.4.1*ST104, 1,1730JECC4 3R, 3P3C.A....1N0S, c. Clinton, April 12, 1876, ' e, As to eecalletrce of our Orgatie, read the following t • • STAPLETQN, April 10th,11876. Messes. W; & Co., thairrea , • Sm.e.-Yon•asli me ray opinion of eamir Teat °roil:a-new° much pleasure in tell. ing you that I consider it a great 131100094. The tone is very full and rich, and. cer. tautly it ie as goott an. instrument of its kiwi as there is made in Canada to -day. I only hatie that you 'Will meet -with -liberal patronage, and reae the'reward that pier enterprise merits. • . • Yovaa truly, . • 4 4 ZOIIN A.XSIMAI) I.tako great aleasure an giving MY" testimony as to tlia. excellenee e um Clinton Organ, manufacturea by W. Dohoity & Co. en, power mut oweettiese of tone, in quick/Ina of respenso to the tetra, as well as in it rucellateeal internal atiengements, it is deciaealy oqwd, and lit some particulars, superior; to any instrument I have ex. ramified, of which I have had kameleage. It moms to me that jtis senor perfection as it ean well he. Allow me to say that 1 can cheerfully recommend it to any who may require au iestrement, as one in every reaped, well fitted, to stipple the want of - the times. n. CAT,1ANDE11, loader of the Methodist Church. Choir, Clinton, Almeria. W. DounirrY ee Co. Among the numerous Cabinet 'organ's I litt,r0 13Con during the many yore I hey* --leettevateitchete-ofennisiee I bead, not eeenetnystiperieretethertaintowetergeft; -Thee; ob &neater of the OM N both beautiful and, Ry tai pat k °tic) the intonation is perfect; and the toe& only, mid inferior to none. The workmanahre is both soliaand eIoaantem elina nothiug is lacking, • ,• M. ValliTT.,„ aleseee. Dottetere & Co., Creereox. . , • besiring to obtain rut inetrument. that evocla combine all the desirable Improve. , meats in rower, fultiese, and Hwo Iles9O tpn'a-rr ten happy to say that I have ' realized au ia the Clieton Organ, Every ono who heats it, goes tiway p1emet1.- • The valuable enalititet which thie Organ poesessees aro much appreeiated. It it a . eteneral favorite in ear tinnily circle, GEO. FaVANtataltY, Louden: lamed, Steriley, 1-evaig thoreirirlde-tottel-theenterieeof-tite-Orgarer-nnurnfacturiatityWalte elegy rao„ I take lileasure in Allying that 1 consider theth in an tospoet8 opal, Ana fa : many polite: eaperime to tiny nett inetrinnent in the inatlict. The tele with -which its air supyly is maintained ; the smootimesa ;lett eituality of its tone ; its reedy re- , aPonse to the tounh ; tlm eloquent voicine of tie fericysteme,,and the petfeetion ef jte • infist iniot,, it menepeeial leveret° with evgriniete, C, Cli AWFORD, aluEic Teacher ana Precentor in C. la Church, pardon, mlly peeries ! e' • N weiTed-rover180-packages--crf-SA.PARira.• GREEN Teas, bought at an iininen.se reduction an -prices, which I :am enabled to sell in cat -Elea of from 3 .to 10 lba. 'eaqh, at from 50 to 66 'pents perib., worth 75 cents. The drawing- quality of these 'Teas'far surpassess 'anything you .haVe seen at a price •at all rurY Tvjo 13wellltags. tor. Sale. • ro:t ‘, A LT: a INV( WELtA AND teirdemeeretra, eitriate on Mary fitrtint, treat et (erne, aeial Hotel peereatea, This property 1.4 Aim eiellerely atii4tAa, And will be aela on ti !t't. A i)ply 'LA 1). aleTAVatila, ' o• W. W. VAltRAN, Olintou. • • .1, 1', "), .0, 1870. Shop to Let, in-toft TO TIM NEW Irniatle• seseree tratatalefee. apply Ai the Net ZAK approliching them in...cheapne,ss. them CLINTON, . March .atli, :1876. ------eneciiiseritilaitseeseret• April 26, 1876. Wheataireadwellatabusiee0 95 e 0 98 Soles, -e - • 0 95o a 0 9.8. Spring, , - , 0 92- a 0 95 ' Barley, 0.31 'a 0-32 '. Oats Peas, - 0 45 a 0 05 ' Flour,' - 5 0.0 a C60 0 63 a 0 65 ' , Butter, - ' 0 17 ae. O. 18 ' Potatoes, O. a5 ' a. 0 sif, • Eggs, •• 0 12 a012 ,- Hay,' '- . 0 00 al0 .00 Porte': 6:76 a 800 " • 4 60 a 6 00 13cef, ' Clover - - 1: 050000 at; 401 503000 . IIides, - Sheepskins :. Geese, a; a 00 ,a 3 50. 0 60 a -0'76 Timothy • Turkey', -a- - 0 76 a 1-00 ' Chiettene, • - ' 0.15 a 025 • SEA:FORTIS MARIKETS. Wheat -Fall • --- Spring-. • Flour, ".•• - ' Oats • Peas. - Barley .• Peattoes • .' Batt -ere. '-Bega• • AptiT26, 1816 V/ 97 a -008 • - 0 95- a -.007 5 00 a 5 00 ' - 0 30 a 031 063 a 066 a 050. a 055' • 0-26-a 0--80. eee-0 17 s, e 18 012 a 013 • • 9 00 •a 10 00 Pork, - - - 7 50 a 8 00 tiopienrcet, 21/AIIISETS • April 26; 1 Wheet7.-Fall • STA, $005 0-18' -S,pring- 00 0 ta . • Flour . 6 00 a500 0 32 a 0 38 Peas, • Barley, • Potatece - Hay , a Butter ' Egg, - Pork, . - . 0 64 a. 0 65 • .a 050 a 055 - 0-80 -085 900-a 10 00 - 018 a .0 20 • . 0 13 a 014: 650 a 750 35( a 1 4 00 50 a 3 .00. Beef, - • 5 00 0 00 TIRONTO • Tintotrin, Amil 26, 187k Wheat -Fat! • • $1 06 a 1 11 Wheat -Spring • • 1 01 a 1. 03 Barley • • • 0 01 a 0 74 Oats Pos.e . • . Balt& Ito . - • $risHER. presented a pistol at the head of the cash- ier, Went througla the wife and escaped into Indian Territery with '0.3,000. At Yen -ping, China, placards inciting' the populace against foreigners are peated. on the walls of the city, extaethige bearing the inscription, 41 expel and deatrey thd foreign barharliens," are flying in promi- nent localities. , • Bemuse a man in Portland, Oregon, 'deemed in necessarY for the preservation of his authorityat home to flog his wife, all the women in the vicinity met in coun- cil, puma resoletteeeeand then going to his ,house, Whitioil hinithitii he became in - tensible. • . About a metal since..Daniel MoCruly, of THU, O., moved to limns, 900 Miles diatant, taking a shepherd dog with him. The day after his arrival the dog dis- appeared. Last week he turned up at Tiffin; well, though foot -sore, having evi- dently walked:the whole distance, ' Reports front various points' in Nebraska and Southern Dakota, represent athat destructive prairie flees have been rag- ing for the past two '•day, iuvolviug great loss of property. No lives have been lost': as yet, though in some instances, the peo- ple escaped with only Altair night clothes, General Grant's message to COngrees, along with the vetoed Bill whieb, proposed to reduce: the President's salary to 825,000 ,Eitatetethat.that sum, iseinsufadent to keep up the' White Hoes°, and that the Prost - ead this carefully an 777 AND OD 11140111114Millir remein SUMMER 1876. 4 We wish to tender you our heartfelt thanks for the liberal patronage you have give* the 777 Cheap 'Cash SON for the year .1875. We- also bog to remind yoa that while hundreig - throughout this Dominion are falling beneath this great financial orisis otour times -that we, on the other hand, owing 'to the extensive :business we have built, Vie ':enormous,agtonnt of goods wo have sold, and. for .whioh we have received the ready money -have placed our- selves in' aposition ad as th'enable to pay the HARD GASH for our spring iznportationa, thereby taking the great advantage (so seldom offered) of the depresf3ion in the- Wholesale Markets, --By: baing, enablelto;bay-Where-we-please, and from those who miist sflw hag. -. secured BARGATIS,We'ha-ro_notfailed to think about the interosts-pf-our customers, who 80 liberally Patronized us in pie past, and as we have secured l3xo PiscomiTs, our patrons - may depend On getting the.beriett of our cheap purchases. We have Concluded that we ,dan • rejoice best by allowing others to'rejoiceTwith us ; we haVo therefore'determined. to keep flee • greatest variety of the hest goods that an be produced, and to fight to the last against • repraentations and 4igh PalC08, We alsci state, for the interests of everybody, that our . : • stock of ... • ..., dentaa salary at 850,000 is not. by any R GENE DRyGooDs miLLINERy. mA moans out of proportion with the pdy of - Gongreeemen. - . .. - Lemont, DI., Who have 'been weikirig deree,„, ee ee The laborers in the stone. aantaries at " , , . 11 CA . -leg-tile wieter a a dollar eiefaliik, w ithaiaa ' • . . , , )- 1. - , . ' promise of an increase in wago later in the • , whioli gradually stew in peOportions lentil . • • _ ..„ _ e ,... • AND sHoEs. GRocERIEs.. Session, het innuateril reeetrikealinalal-ohdieyar • ) f Wednesday, when .900 had. Joined the i ' . ' • ' .. - • . . .., , .1 . - strike. .. • • . A strangesoon was Witnessed at a chapel I Is now fully complete, tuad t'hat we _4,re 3a0air prepared to offer to bash buyers a stock of Goo10;... , IA pudley,Eog., On Sunday evening. A Whieh for variety quality 'and price is un'surrssed in this part of Canada. -„ We no* direeb , . / , / 7 ...... • 7 . „ . . Trere's an artesian well aiPaitire du Chien 717 feet deep, -Which yields 30;000 barrels of 'water daily. , At kat the me of the grasshopper is de- termined. He is toabe pulverized and sent to France for fish bait. A pressing machine for the use of. smuge. , Eaters has been invented., whereby forty atards orribbon, worth some 860, can bp carried itt anordinary watch case. _ The last fish story domes from ancient _Nantucket, where a fisherman. coght aaei-teanty-five • pound codfish, 10101a:when ' opened, wasfoundto contain two ducks. The high price of pystere Is beginning to make itself so keenly felt in Tirsineo, that Government contemplated prohibiting their sale. frefn the lst of, May to the 31st of August, • 087 a 0-313 • 03 a 0 74 • 020-a' 025 - 0 16 ' a . 16 • S ' 81.50 .400 "4411E 't NsEN4,4 mix" r ' e :le;rarc:r (;eragr°n:arA‘IrDer(f8 • • . etetteestana oNTAnio. a._ . , , e ' 'I'o Debtors. . q 'Ian rH01:119tONXD Winfx,olfEnr.tix 110TIFY .1- all partleo Indohted to him, that all aeceuets moat tar few stilton oneeeontei oteetwiso they vie be placed ih oonrt for oollootton, 4 .• -, ' . • .301.1bt WEI,Stf, ltotornary -Bigot, (Hntoe, •A erne, )816., , ,. . •. ; .2o, Let . J. • 11X 0VIC VE411, TO A. 0601) TENANT, A /sonar., .i. P 04.1014 of four lots, Etahlo, kn., an ooknolota. Ent $100, to be bog enertetry, or 4i1 nolotl upon. l'AllAtit• lowon•tho.ftrot-441,ty,--T1a-610444-WPOrtY-foititilotod on VidtOtfit swear/eat. the uvula Trunk kto,tiott. For portionlartrapply to • :MN CO-'. • Clinton, April le; 1876.. 4c Stray ,Slleep. 'iAltE INTO Rt C1iIItET' Pfl1dIBfR, toT iith non, f*inietioh.tovenahip, es the •FilfEEr. 'The owoor in horphy ribtlfad to ',novo, property, pay ellargae, ate take them meat. raitioTT, eaderieli tee Apf1110tb, le& 2i4" • Otise and Lot for Sale. •-•••••- frifIn Iftlf3S0101)BIL OrlfEltX TIIAT it,TOIDLY • A. intruded two.atorey lrateoloaso,latoly eaupia4 by lltr. 3, Whitehead, on It&ttenbuty Street, two lots wost el tUa unthona Ohntah),for Oldo• WW14 00141, *111144144011011111i1& To Builders, , • . It is estimated that there are now 240,- 000 Angora goats on the Pacifte coat, and quite an industry is anticipated in breed- ing them, as their skins make excellent lap - robes and glove, while their wool is vera peeolous. • The Xing of Burnish is to have a jour- nal. Ile will be the proprietor himself, and in the *special he sap, that all his pubjects who do not subscribe will ba in- stantly killed. induceinents are evext. more powerful tlian a gift chrome, " ' IXTAIntbr A rrottst,_, ittYrro SeTater,b. VV Vans and opeabloationo, with Intl tontletdoto, tray bo known by seaucanot, toe. Mattoon, Fa. rhatoro Ifotol, DRAW. Portloo tenaorine wilt do A at. tear own. cost, eamtiser wiltnot ea bond to INd t the lowed orony loridor, It not unproved. Tonderav be reared up to tho let of Mat. -11ntetild, Aviit-dth, 1870.- • --- • --••• NOtiOfa. DI,TTI1' /NUTT; 1. intend, neat aptinig havitfio tuourva od tortion of riot No. ad, irt nut at eon. awonobb, old outitt basturb Ooldo, tho meantime tendera orb lavItad by tho nrtdorolgrtal, from pbroono eleime toilet phone. Ago, owing eito of field t04u1f84 end tonna they. *nay propose, I4ititlo8 *Id have to fehee theiflott, iind•will be Remit/lingo, rot melee itifetatitiou tetay to ' i)le0A-.11T11S, nOtfl i,.Etivith, sonottert attt,ialS0 %Alec Saintat *Mt Frederick Gornin was not a beridegrootn to be fooled with. A crowd of young men serenaded hint on hie Wedding night near Alexandria, Va., ueing,hernie drums, and other dininakers. He opened tee upon them from a, window, with a shot gun, wounding six, * ,When you go to the Centennial and look over the door of the ' Swedish booth and reed the inspiring legeed "Snicketifadrick," don't you go in and wait as if that meant an invitation to "stop in and take suthin." from t -he similarity between a ,",tunile" and a " snicker." Te ofileemeans " alma," in civilized. language', A. Mexican walked into a shop of a San Antonio (New 'Mtreico) pawnbroker, took from the countee the hat of the proprietor, whose back was turned, and when Gatlin, dividual was ready to attend to him, ob- taineda loan of six bite on the hat, which duly -ticketed and stowed away, and the trick was not discovered till tlie hat was needed. • Tho ititabitauts of the quiet village of Heeleinere, Eng., were sornewbat }startled on Sunday, by A Mr onlat1 named Vincent, who had an impremion that Rho must offer up a scriptural saerifice. Seizing a cat, ehe decapitated it with a bill. Immediate- ly afterward she cut ofrher left hand WPM thaeteneeinatru inenteteemise,em-islesesaid; It had offendea her. When she had sever. ed it at the wrist, all hut a meal tame of akih, she ran about with it dangling. A eargeon was mat for, who arrested the hemorrhage and made a peoperamputation. Next dayashe was removed to an asylum, where elie atiti continuo to madly rave about Seripture, TiEs) cabinetinakee„ name, Morrell,during the service called upon the minister to stop Preaching "such rot ';" and tis the reverend patentee pfdd no heed to, Ida injuection, Morrell ran -up to the pulpit, 'Rea, seizing 'the preacher by the throat, tried to eject him. 'The madman, for which Morrell 'turned out to be, was removed with some diffieuleyee, ear load of horsee woe discovered in' OirtOrg..0I1SUIlday.:.:by-BergYs officers -irk .famishing eondition, They had been 100 lours without food, and had pretty well gnawed all the frame work ofahe oar. It seems Unit they came from Montreal, and their owner iniesing hie connections did net keep'With 'there. The ettilroad people arehlaniealer leaving the ear oue on the tracks without making the least pro- vision for the stock. ' • 'The Queen .will .contribute the following wore of herself and inerithers of her family teethe _Centenniel : Twenty-eix etchings by Her Majoety ; twotable naakine spun by the Queen ;a hatmer screen e.mbrOalera ed by Her Royal Highness Princess...jet* rico • a tablecloth erailiiradeTer by the ncess Louise -of Hose and Princess Christine, of ,Schlessvig-HolMein ; and four drawhigs of flbsvers by Her Royal High - nese krieeese Louise, '1V,Iarchipness of °ruheR e... Tneh'ester Expres,1 in a recent ar- T tiele on the propecte of JALfre_lit_e, -WinfteenareairYiaakaiiitys Everything. seems to portend an abundant fruit crop, the foreheoming season.. The past winter has neither been toe cola nor too warm to do any meteriaIinjury to either the frilit :trees or the vines. The peoepeets never looked mote favoeable to the, farmers of Western New. York especially, than they elo.now, ref an excellent fruit and 'cereal harvest." A man named.laitee Hut employed on a pile driver at, Cleveland, met death on Thursday in a shocking manner. In at,. tempting to mete the top of the niechiee your itten ion to. our' ILK AND DEPARTMENTS,. DRESS WO. are. showing beautiful. Black e., $1.1,3,, $1 :A5 per -yard, „ _ -which we -guarantee to be fully 30 per *milt below, ordinary. prices. -Beautiful Shacles.foT _Eirening---and-Wedding:-Dresses::—We shOw,the-.1arges,--variety'of Plain'-.Lustr.and 1.ahep) Dress Goods, consisting of every conceivable shade and: pattern -s-, to be foulid-iii Clinton. We have.beautiful 'Grey and Bias& 1.4ustres at 15, 20, 25,.35, and; 50 cts,', .which- we positively assureryou iS .25 per cent below last year's prices. We have .10,000 yai•ds of 'Fast -Colored Prints, in French,: English • tvaa knierican patterns, at any price; ft4o, that no house oatt show you the same patterns or sell You the same quality qf goods for the same moifey. Line.' Costumes, Linen DresS Materials.in Check's and Plain.Goods. -New Fringes, new Laces, new Shawls neW Skirt's. We have ft fine 'assOrtmeiff of Newc`Trinimincrs to•xnatch ou -• / r g nificent Diehies, NO lady should -buy a dress until she has seen the s.tyles at the 777 Store, ••• IN—MOURNING -GOOD We have a large variety,. consisting inpart7ef Dlack. Crapes,.Blaek Meriiios, Black Cashmeres, ;Black Repps,I3Iack Barethea, Black Paramattaa, Black Prints, Black Grenadines, &c, At the Sheffield, England, county court a fewj days Ago the udge T. .10,31:6444gment,---of-a-cager-whidir volved the question of a wife's control over a Wedding ring. The wife dietLat her mother's house, and shortly before -Iler death :pee her her wedding ring. The husband now clalined the value of it As a4et off Against a Claim brought against blm for bin wife's board and lodging.. In giving judgment, Ins honor sad a Wedding ring came under a elasa oMetieles- which- the wife had se- parately and indenentlently of her bus - band, and she had" rower to keep tkem, but she had HO power to give them away or to leave them, from her t husband. On the contrary, the husband had power eoessider, Evety man w OWNS' teal rgpvellnliwe 0;fileiortlIteitiWeintiballtii1110 jpuoawititatot b: intilloYbAjetigs 111511 4k -• - , to tip tho hammer, .he stepped upon a pil which wes being driven, intending to Climb through-thh upright posts, when the ham- mer suddenly tripped itself and came down with great force, grazing his face, but striking him with full force on the breast manadnnaerrin. a, mangling h.. im •,e; frightful' A despateh from Chamois, Iviissou -saye that teleenbr A. A. Spencer was sasinnated-iiithe court -room at Linn Creek last Tuesday evening, by a stranger giving the name of Jefferies. The only explan- ation of the affair is that jeffnries asked Spencer what he had done With his 'wife, and children, • andlthen inameaiately drew revolver land. shot,hian three times, tiviae through the head. Jefferies made no at, tempe to mope, but survindered to the authorities. Mr. Junto T. aware, United States. ce runt atrial agent, has telegiephed to 41to State Department from New Laredo, Mexico, under date April 16th, that the revolutionists have levied a forced. loan on the merchants theta of $1,000, and if not peid by to -morrow inorning, (the 17th), at. eight o'clock, theetores will be forced open. and goods sold to detail° the amount de- manded. The amount is divided between ten nierchante, five of them American citizens. Haps applied to the military commander at Fort' McIntosh for protec- tion, but he refund to act without orders from Washington. Some idea maythe formed ()ape state of. trade irt-thealaiiiteartriattertaiem thiiaitataita n,_our.--Mallinery and Mantle Ddpartment We show the 'grandest variety 'ofFaahionable Hat's and-Bennets, Feathers, Floweri;P:IbbOns, Ornaments, Capes 'and."Maxitea,. Trimming, Notions, &e., that has over been brought to . Clinton.; This department- is :ander .the iaianagenient-Of-a first-elai's' Milliner. 'We spare neither pains nor expense to get the,. very latest novelty' in shape or style that. is • produced fro-ra time to tirae: We iherefori3 ask alliAisons-wanting Millinery or Mantles.to inspect • our 'Show,Roome before madking their iummer,purchases.: ' . I-I.A.TS, CAPS, AND CLOTHING, In this -department we are showing all the leading styles in MEN'S WOOL AND. _Flat FELILKATS ; also Bilk -Caps -for -Men and Boys, in -all the new,PlakeEL 1,T0haveono of the largest assortment's of Fine Straw Hats for'Men, Boys, -and Children, in this section of, Ga - nada, at all pricee, from 10 cts. each, upwards. We have all the leading fashions in Men and Boys' 'Coats; Pants /eats, &c. Linen Coat and Marsailles Vests, Splendid Tweed • . Suits for -Men, at $10,,worth $18. Full Suits for Boys, from $4.50 upwards. To,.TIQUSE.KEPRS and GRANGERS.. • . litindreds of•Wonderful Bargins, but we regret we cannot find spaco. to tell you of thorn pint, therefore, -we respectfully ask you to some and See' thera.' The follovfing are only:. a fOr of them:-.-Nbito Oct:Stone,. yd: wide for 10 cis worth 14 cts..per yd. , G-rey Cottons for $ and 10"eis. worth 121, end 15 cts. per yard. Excellent Table ,Linens:foi 35 .c. per yard. Fine Linens for 121:c. per yd. ' Ladies Ribbed 1:10$0 for 10 c.-, wertli at least 20 per.Dair. Lacc,Ourtains. only $1.25 per pair. .2000,yarde All -Wool and Union. Carpets,: at mamtfaanreric Prices.' Brown -Ducks for 20 eta. per yd.; generally 'sold at 35 cti. 200 La - lids Silk Scarp, 4,12f, 20, 25; and 35 os.,—about half price. Men's good Shirts for 50 o• ! " 1.• each. 'Iritbrrteir's good Pruttella Boots fdr 75 c. per pair. Mens good Felt only 50 c. each. Men's_Coarse Pants for 75 e. each, Excellent StriPe and Check Shirting, only 12} :c. per yd. Splendid Tweeds for.45, 50, 00, and 75 c. per yd. EVery farmer should. see these . goods. 8plendid,Parasols for 25, 76, ana. $1.00 each -about haR.price.' These goods we hre selling at Toriinto. Nvholessio prices. We therefore respectfully request all . our patrons to 8411a0 SOT110 of these'bfirgaius before. they arc 'all gone.," We are showing a grand -variety of 'GENTS' FURNISHIINGS just Maned try Dun, 13arlow 4te Co., that the number of failures fey the first three months of the present year amount to 2,- 8(16, involving the sum of $64-,644,156.--, Addled these to those_ of, tastiest, thew,. month; of I0U, and we find a total for ailt tnenthe of 6,211 failuece, with an aggregate amouht of liabilities to the extent of 8134,- 000. Stich a fact is tornewliet start- ling, and yet the general testimony is that. trade is reviving, and the prospect better now than it has been for months past. In speakir of .,t1to large number bf city Bays :---The Now York Hotel, once so 'fashionable is to be cloaed because i owners wile not commit to it redection of , its rent below the $54,000 tow eliergetl.- Some A 010; WO pretentious be niece on the atrect aro empty from cellar to top. mosit loft, end there is no preeent rdason to atippme that they May rot retniari empty for yearn to dome, Families whoewieh to lure home will not 'pay tr, high tent for them, They can't Alford •to it.. They will leave the eity eathet: •.".Thia the rand. lorda aro finding out, tied they ate making robotism in pekes. When the first ef Ma UM Wee arid apd their Wile Consisting in part Of White and. Colored Shirts; BOWS-, Scarfs, Paper Collars, ' Linen deters, Handkerehiefsi Braces Cuffs, Notions, dzo. We want every gentleman to call and see the * • ` _ summ� -Opr -go odforo-norrn. e -mid tobisy, BOOTS AND SaQES :endiesir* vAriety. 200 pairs of Men's Long Boots at, cost price: GR0CERIES a fun stock alvvve pi Butter and ''gggs taken. -in elohange for 'goods,- at marketable oash homes to let n New York,, a paper of that • • ' Want every -.Wiwi, Woman, and Child to cerne and See our Now 'Spring and Stammer: Goods. Our stock containa every novelty Of the season, and is fully double Its former size. - We consider it no trouble to show' goods, whether you buy or only examine, ' We Mark all ourtoode plain.figards, and ask only ()nt pride. • 'We guarantee that, if you. buy your goods from us you will save from 1.0 to 26 cents on every dollars worth you buy., • • fataileet. la Alt V. Nr -11 - Le istiI rernale sticking to the walls of tho Th . 7 oh 7 empty lemma, Wenn* will, be ghta to ,.„ he terms they, are now compelled to otter or eap Cash Store opposite taic. thi„, the comparatively low - , 10 give there away even &mpg Lee life, estate in,the city may As well et once Make d f it wRIGHT ..poSTErt. 1 worth, or alioto140 wett14 tintiug deg , emit Accer4logiyi ------------1 Citt1111011i IVO& aka,