HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-04-27, Page 2QANAD NZ 04�104. Of to-k1a 41 X*w rak M3T tie B volly becoming more, 00, About 1AN WS. NOTICE. TO THF, X - et -- �0 of �' , 111.11. 0 �as, Rmml� Jail. A. 'The mIng slittlule of the Abo.vo Coutt wao A1,44 iiaif aso tuo tous. were: tItrowa om, It. Irwin, Bali., loft for Eng. HABDwAxr.- hold In 0444041" wook, Mr. Jus4le Parl" -4%t seagn, 160,0010 goals h4vo And insteacl of being 4ept VIP, ae fQr)A,&v&-;,y ­_­: --- 4 Gwynno I tkv V 'rigns9NAL.- Moser$. garland Droo, have OR the bench. been Junk ad at Sk -yeb"o, X.D. by tho, Clounty Council, they veto, appor- LO"w0s"rif vs, HARLAIND" Blb�_ land'. on Thursday JaRt. Added Art hardware department to their o4tab This Case occupied poluo, tlige, and, r9oulted in Ur. NuI of the Ngu1$Z)u IWO, Yorl;, tile townshipa'AW W be kept, AOFD B4rp.�A pigeon (lie Ilshment, where will be fouild All artiQlavill the urj�, After A long dqlitlersitl�n, rotpirping a was, lag , OA tloed Raw", 4 In this town t voQk robbed of 011W, by a b rder. Dealers, Ilk STOVES, &,a,, and mauufAo Iiiii by tlicnii , bpt, inatpad of doing so, they last %�ooki, that A94 reached the m4ura up. of ko'StQok of Irolui,30, GAY,& Co., RAQUvroalot 'o -in thinroustQm 11) test TJ bog to int i MoUpwonssom vs. racummouppy.-Action has boon sold for six and a Is If out A their them to go W'dostr oti'ari, a Yoarq. 8,rft1D0K By LTO]ITllso.-Du I a o o oil be -mittloc, forlibel. Thollhalwasoohtsitied laoundry is- 4ro re�, 0 ring the than - St" Ii ht - TO nolt Wbe the case,. der stgrul u Saturil Clark will preach, in tile my afternoon 10, dollar. It is true that th ouglit Otis$ of the Druspels Post, A Faller published XXIMettilIg room Oil Princes* Street, on uoxb ising struck three teleg:aph poles, on tile I defendants. From the ov denco it appeared It is said that ibero ato'WToton 'for (110 Cost of tlibtr mainten -)a Lord�-o 4y, At a Aha7 V. in. a .1joad,' j illit we diI ( - to 600 up' FAIRMERSY BU 1 W anco, will I to it this place, talk Cut that tile plalsitiff a youth of seyeritsen,liad been in sellip.g.liquar, And tlio*poQpIQ of licenseil p , pea i R K n Splinter a large ono 010,30sa por,b)ile in vnion th�n What ' (,Avrp Ix.-J,astorolay morning the ovon M . 94,03114 Allger, 0104A from in the employ o defordante, and bad irnu In are wagia iyor pgailaot them, of. g Ana will koevoonutATWY On bAnd general #smortmepti Spoil 04 (5 lit it appears Mr. X�Lepnnn,, baker, opyed Ili, entirely spoil. top to bottom, fromkisepill youent, And. atthistime of his, die- tol, ri - A Strailisroy"Plieese maker has UrouglAt suit 1.3 appearanco 11411- Amount of money was mim!, IS patrons,for delivering milk ox, which WAR AIWAYP vltlll against .040 of b that Beinle towils1iipa ore Incliped to Bbirh ing*wkiatols of brand therein. , JUST3§ we woritto press, we received from the cash b Scarce. lowing tqlo.�rw easy= plaintiff, It was the publishing In which sioat hadbten drowned. Qv�ay,-We wonder if italic, its y9py rr1-11iJtS1).,okY APRIL 27, 1870. � 'to), afflea? If it is, wa oinityb%vorrialicioualy circulated a report that thei'r duty, andAliers, otliers, follow, their' -in the BoaforthUi�os& m, I Parties lit 011oton and f at Simillar to the %bovo, that conoti- A ewe bejongjug to Mr. T_ Hogayt, Ulbbort, NRES, Glass, OHS, 4 G example. Themily-ramedy, for Olis Onto ' 0111(1 AtdieotYpo and Sonol (town. 3, few )Verde we havoiassiguell. Wo have ipstru9ted our tilted the libill. Verdict for plaintlff,,.wIt4 e5,0 g%ve birth to two lambs six the 5tlj Inst.'t and toro, all of wiliall thI will al$ are S in Ill levoir, quoll 4S.Yew E, ra,,'oftnal, 4o. , which oollcitorA to proceed against them, ROO is false, .44magoo, two more on the Ift. -, Goodoomigh, A, llotlioi artioloo usually lcett In a Hardw at very rea. of thingm is their reetillij).tiou by the Colin- mi 11 vil 11.rso of A, 1701rsD 0 V AUTIC Tug umq.vs. PillouT.-Yor -This bri. g.trem, iththeir,patronago,thdr I profits and quick ght velialol;a1tv come. in Laudy for our LIAVATTAGH ARMITAGE. :, , ery, I A Mau named Dors.nbolt, angilI in dolo -enable rAtoS,tQ 4 Motto belugama of A - miffiCien.1; tax to f Y. %a phargea, with having, 45, Front wo ty, And ilia Iss.y Dilo of olar O%QIAftVgQs, g some repairs, At the bottPul'of A gixty feet 'We gorrespoildout bf. I fowed the name. of Bisset to note for twenty A ropalps,. If Nsw LitntAR;zs._Tbe oflivers, at the Ale, n oduosday, rX and GAZV_4NTZ.V, D -wTiti,ag oil. dairy 1 inprovement, iclteiIi oocasi6n itlions, 1,ii. a,good'StItte juRarlin, wait buried Alive o W -J?06T(TXG, alta Job mork Oom. o1olvars. The evidence of the, prosocutpir was tR()IUGJ1XNG, T4 thooliet. an, ilcm;SR CO,,%fmlSs1QNN1Fts; -The Liceheo give prisone rcillalk thlit if ilia (14railgers 1vould give �4batli, School hero, have added missi . one.ro for West Haron ra . at hero oil Mau- that he agreed to rh hote fortivent Craig -Church* Manliks Mannar. -this Ili ilot done either lit ilia June. or Derein, Y Rev. C. J. Green, ofthe Ailsa. all -hinds, txecuted in 4 Work day last, to grant licenses - to those 'parties it scandal case, lies from, the pastorate Such aubjects their Attention, andeavoling to abouttlirpebundrail nevrToluroeo. to..tho. M. dollars. &lid As, he could 'neither road or wrl 0 ci - luoatQ 1160ir patrond boli, to Ilia 3&dy extaillive'llbrary of the School, making the lirliquer did it for him,. and. he affixed hi ke their cows bor sitting of tile County Cunuoil, we four rA whons,t�ey And theIn4pbotor thought most London Disease =9 tile Potter to Pr isle- A otll,(In of.clioese-for tlie ocasou, hl. 6rly ruined in it Ono. of. tile largest Sunday School libravi a- mark. He never signed two notes nor did he in large e apply of 11 Pailfi, Strainers,, and ever 4 will- becoxne sit At And proper to garry on. the business Qfbo. Onto his enemies. Y 3 li, arlaniso llojy� to xniso 40. busbeld 191 Western Ontario. give anybody elseany authority k;' do so. Variety of Tin 20 And V75: , 11I placlia: it is trijo tile past wintei: hao'been, Bois were, examino;l,� � but it gig- Henry, 13rownlee, w of wheali per acre, nioteoi(l Of - A, to, Ltor was lately rgcoiyea at tile ellilton tidet on,"o ones Are - for tav�rus, Masers, -liell tel keeping and liquor sellial;, The favored number of,witues bp Ca, Ware, at a REM10W PRI()E. A, Knox, 1. p6aring that no fo erT rivicted In, To, ailrqesed 11 newyeitay Otis.", It was Intoullecl for tho ,bad been committed, t, a 1ronto Rome tivae ago, #f bigamy, was on Wed- Rattenbury, jr., Mool-6 4, Mcloeano' J, T. prisoner was Acqui to � wi bout the Jul:' lust r i ed, _1 ply Spad Ing tire blades of grawl 1pow where, 0110 110W unnalially bard oil roildis, And t1lat v7o, need a, 51 Y leaving ece V ply oup es, Hoes, Xt4k lRaw Enok Vince, 8214 40 1 t .0 brows -if they Nvoilld, ttlha 11014.1 of Such sul` 1 014 tQ hA,YQ � kell point by art Handley, T. Lane; T. Rose And Mrs, , Patter- the box, nooday sentenced to. two years in the rouiten eat$ is these, and 9 d"'Zoll 1110to tblk� Irligh IwteNpeot a repotifion of such A�Seiiaoll for lippullaut foe thil, Po8itlon of local XeVQ1tor.-ft?ta1, A 4 t STABET VS, JonxsToN,­T1us. was IRA IIII �i q for tile crime. If you had kept 'your own counFel 340 Ono sort, Shops, Messro, SWppard & Cooper and D. S, respectfully oolicit a colitin to I'llvollitso Solna, t4no. d for damages agAinat the defendant, far having Over 00,0Wbush-ele-il; The subscribers," thankful for past. favor unuco of tile same. till" - 1 11--7. 1 ­,",-, 0 n allied,, inIsteml O.AW"Ir would_L=4 kAa1z4Ah9 _010autilor of the, �.VA#Qu� The tavern keepers that ate refuse Aleiv owl) cottons -looks, ete" Pike ind. 014itced, QAli_A-Aught" of tit pA"n ff.' Th6. d f �l ey volild 1-v AL,,— -ppried froin Ontario to Great Brit4in at about t $ foreanid,19tter hailed f tom y9tilir A�4Qttim- ear, proor V HARLAND Bnoxl doing thelilsolyc-s TVI 1.� 1111161 mn,o. g000l, aiAol St-EOII�' AYU_YN!.'$.. J, Dlisob, O(courals, it is to be expected that plaintiff, who is rather propoasessiu $7 per isVel, 01ovOr 007s, now selling UY r�%uwr.­ 1�lr. Jas. Scott, sr., has been ance, and very young, was exanlimig, and swore the car load, at, 88.215., eat nexvdoi:ir.t�) P. caVanb, those who were refused a license would be Brick- l3loolci Alb -f uVef" lit'sm M StOY0 _ox tV have a snuolj'bcttv� 60d ( that the defeidant was the father of jier�child, . , . . I I Pir thern. Thtivo Ili an alulop't'i 1111lit(A tiold Appointed Issuer of Marriage Lioenoiis'for this diosatisfiQll and, fQ The Cashier of the Grand Trunk 11ilI of usefulness gor-thilUra.lilleiii, It, tllv.90 Al The' IT, S, Gove'rniner al that juatiQe had not boon The jury, After be' t' s, returned CLINTO A ril town'Ju. place of Mr. NV, blellafflo; removed,. done them, but it was, li%r4ly to be expected ing out some soil ;Lopdop,.400Ampeai&stwCek� p 2al fractional' I b - urroncy These' al with a Yerdict in favor.of plaiiatija &nil damages, WI "single, biwilat. d �Voctiolw, avil 11VIlLpe to F, of that thp dQoWon Of tile Conanissionors Would $600' were founil. nearly fon ompty Ala oo ilia -or, coa thollrodomptioii his 142firl sk Corn im hapraoticable 61vor, having, tbo fliq�d Y, paid Out bl?saodness to doublis"Ift6tViodiatp,"! will- re. Arouse sucha Strong feeling of dissatisfaction T6 QuzFx vii. Uol"Y',;-Judecent assault,-.- bottles. That's what alo;d. bird, all? ganization switchml off f 0 - calve every pucQur v inarit.on Palling oil Mr. intho community, ihieli -we are sort about aido-is�uoa, avol k1i'vothig its(If toi wl;at is 60 a'a y to say, The prisoneri A.' MoKap a, youth At the noiv Division Court for.West Torou Lftoox, AV In North Molalside, on Monday;. George to, 472 suits have been entered gisloo the c*- _rll 24.�Tho jr(o) greatly ncedet'l, buth by 010 larinill" c6lllmll� '$IC0,0010 ill S1111311 It 'Vill soon be Scott' a the case. If The Commisojenoro have done eighteen wag Charged wit having ludecentlk Barin; in. p, quarrel, struck -his suit a -child named Mar - sit. . I . sou,in,iaw, melloomgent of the year, while Ili that; for. Esst, ia its review of tho grain trade in reference. vi� -Ace 'hAv gili., B " . , 14rge I Zlity And the countily �4 lar"m - Possible suv� CIDENT, _Oa: Thursday eyehing last, blri' Ann Kinsman, Sm on the head with a club'.' Smart died T RIM soen whother it wilf* illnil it's Ivay tO this AC lqticei they must be-posoessed of -the'knlow� "s a -onto of Wheat from Cajoutta, and its :Ings �y matetrr,trt�k)iliaare buti, lis tile Small R, A. -Batton, of this -place, aaoilipapied by it 11"�' "' , , I orontQ 826.1invo-been enterec ood 11 . f a a 2 a ledge of bets that the community are. ignorant Age ten years, a evide -Ing been tlier iyhat,�n�oricftn 001111 bout last Wednesday Al Asia- "ga ar y low' that such facilities are drep urthaVneb-it, tho Mi, Isido, or who was driving into Bayfleld, when of, as the son timent of the latter is strongly -heard, the j ury retired and- retilmed Ili A; W., rested. or 35 days'. offercjrto,�! t "Bit qf wheat froul the lie came into -collision -with anoth . or vehicle, adverse to the decision of the former. Als an hour with a vs .1 rdict of guilty, A dog, buried in a strew stack f ast a now malloo gaiii that wAl'Iricei tio froill better fann-_ -ill cironllsti(lu 11bro w -J 11 f low bltb therpta 'A An Whovas.brought,bofore the Loudon-, ih iho 0 ign ounty of Renfrevri without N�atcr, air class of grain from America and J?,usgIA is al. TXli.QUF8fT VS. MARIA.EliUQTT.-Xu, rder.- policos magistrate on Friday, said hq woulc lag ill RI1'dPPftr111Wl1tS., 7!�L(M`10tl J or victuals, came out SIIYO a 'few 4ayo, since. most- elhtir4ly neglected, and ilifluelloce thile, We illelble to.the opinion. -tht-A-Yin I)e throwing the lady oat, bA fortunatoly not in- another ineetirig of the*Commisgiouers will The first witness Zialled was Mrs, Marti Ing 1, Aw6ftty years te brought,to bear on the course of pricqs, 1.% .1 mat, thol4oruiar, if till s6t.ion6 oftho'collutry do e, made, but it 'tbore is net, steps -will, tliMii 0 -submit to his wife holding the purso ----] Tlie-buq ' it is �Qtoneof tile protribtors-of the -Union -1 wita rithef go. k the peult�utlarY Naturally, it was about as thin, as. a .04ingle. ThO Above is all vory well, 118 fal"RS it, itif al y gy take: ace to�day, If a corisideratioii,�.A.,>Moqtiaiitity,,, was bad17 btolI Way Shestateiltbatt o'prisonereame'into her the Moutreal 11 to(f"'C".'Ir.'Cu"trioa4',I,'Iieat hAo-recontit, 1.)oell,take goks, und nic'.44 oil If r �r '. I oat Ii al b eml rititesspilvio ease r tango m!%tters dif, ploy last November; and,four d y.R after she ob- strings, ri f 11 for L , bpq th 0-1 -a taken to 1r from, Gaspe to the'eireat that r6 ii Continent, it Is- plate tile millars thore begii' -.-Howim-21mAn eat line 0 'isnorvad, 'with -C olloo Court, I t Q_ tbilk-olle, pregaunt! olor Monday 1: At the P -Toronto, oil TItursday, fendad against the-law,...and, �bat_ die- =881511 to alipiLoia ry -I out in l)rRCtJ&,--ft9 thC'_Y'aTQ a tttLi valise, which, will be, ab6jit 8�.. cents � takon to the. Centennial from kill, C unt ei RfIf. the to the Artie1q, And i-eXtonsion ()f. one its Any- one- IQ. . n!akii their Cecil 1) utl Lill a. Will be four belonging to Mr. J, J. isher, of rose early because I heard the qlri wai ill - went Xomes.l Evans -ias Aned'$30 and dosts1or prac. arreSt him for tear of b tratell. rerf used to loOd- the. English trade in this direction may possibly .......... oil t a ]III U L,16 F4W9L!'4� down stalra"aiiii f6uud. the girl out of doors ;� tising medicine without license, triiI llhb(l iIi tiMtr, If drovers' sidprod-1100 "Simon aire," lidavy draugh t,. be looked for. courie'o( tra(lo two 06ltS,. shortly after she o the sanio man -was. Aped .420 and coots for -gone little Change since, Carl . ast W I Bek) , y ropal-t, profitablo.one but th( or6r. 1114t 11 Young Peacock," coacher, And came in, and I askQd her if she ag dealers from ove the b find ont 3 About, to be confined - she answered that she the jsm� Coal, art of the town of :Borti* t al i6 tlib f pvtl�cr improvement ill boAkiken All iinalsi 'and vi�ill sustain SUPPAT811 A10 PRiLPSIMNUT1 were wal Co. and the 50, aster liolidays hverendered tho tran- great obs A a ioatfolls, of casilida it wil re really not qont Lean, And when -he was last week flooded by ib� Spring thaws, line an was for Dr. No � lives AS gailled ivarded to the pupils.oX ft Xoseph's Separate had I F ionaintainiiii-its late but,there has boon no o! their land, nd,that m the groat bho reputatiou this acetionli for fine a' oxa ned her he said, she had been confined; A Hamiltonian, last wook, hilleel tw6'tur ore lost the inhabitants gottin eact'Ons somewhat limited. WheathAsstoadily at par, thoy.will nvoist cortainly, flood tbat hoijiIs"L. School, Hallett, on.MondAy 24th inst., ..wben I then challenged.1er with havingilvell,birth to kojr�, the wsight�of which, when area , ,dr I our_ �Ilas Ill I the worItV as they couvenientr ty of ol�it&ining labnr tit a un appeirarX of improvoinent, -except for tho.gnis' at the close of the diskiribution, Kate a child and she admitted haVingr One 00. She passes anywe have yat'h6ard of, being 23.1,.,- And ly could, 900tioll with 1yould sooli-OftuBli it- white Whj(:h hiis bolin. ocell4ionally a, srtrain on th6 Sotltllorll gara. Thoy havo lately "'ear Reynolds, Al. J. QeI isild M. McIntosh, Said it had not cried. and that she had tied some. .251 lbs. each, 0 tu be [lie only circlilatili- inediuln there, time Some of tile prinoijal Sidewalks, ill town: We wouldn't mind receivilag rah into it littl dearet. al I . A lid th J. i f are, ill Arose on behalf ofthe solloolmatea and agroik-, thing around its neck and left it behind the cel- a, couple like. those. the calial,.pisair Wel . land ra on Taoisda 0 no ticed aact, patprit were repaired, as lit some places they r -. He istnted P.. Vilf Storekeepers nd.:"othcrs find. it nooes-. d Ably Surprised th6ir, teacher, Miss Winifred: lar. JaniesBailiaftatheil qallqd . f OPOUT 0 instant iliat *,being f rQlatlag angorotii condition. . That portion on Al- Rg'au,,by pi6seating har'wi L th'a beautiful Music that -he was Ono of the-proprietozi of tb6 Union The Loudon Adltiei-48er is curions to know coot P a Owing, 11113 1 go� sing ; in L a goo e, C WOL 0 sary either to 6hpirgie or. d bort Street� ef.ween r' onto' and, AlcOarva's tand Hotel .-IkQL remembered the morning -,of the .6th men r alu ca, lit; it Ile, it, 1when the isjudants pelted their examiners farills, of YQ,tln,- .111chy IV the Store; mhool, ad-Alblim, accompanied With a suit. bad, And, if illtly gap isus-. able address as a, taken ofAWr sincere gmti�­ DeoeUer. � Mrs, Martin having told him that dbulol'be called tin ova-tilin As will be stopped ior'sovoira ay" aril ture, of Alm. IT., Ifuffiblo;r klar �'discuiint, spirticlilarl� With-Lagge it con inuia y ?in-, game of the students were pluckoWl heyorld aChilton, Friday, April 20th, at Ip, ps -Ii6p, 8 tudo And atiou �of �kiud And t tim. 561 di6tres bainaclan�i�jalyllirougli tbiim; it mlightco�t In. Mar!& Elliott, the prisouir had admitted having haL Up to tile preselit . 0 it out tile toivnmuch more than thol now. Sidewalk given birth -to a child., He as told the place hendurance, it probably Could.'. -warrants for tent And taxes have boom ox4cate(I J. nowson, auct. orbasing their -wtIlAilit is and 'Able, their teacher, wrile resvona where the body -might be loiihid,' and oil iC' oceed- yould. -dial and L pleasiri; manuer, and L tile A oftlid quantity, of mucl'kLt pres. Ili Torontoy'�'okkoo, the. beginning of the year. Pasturage nbar Intor; 6n IV, of faint ide onorgies',of the fraler and Ili's fariffly tile t tho, otindicated hefound the dy case oyer a corres- May- 6th, -at I P.m Di'aldnif6n, juai" Bit cxrli,�011 Monday a 611di -11ispareed, to. their holies, takiligith on the at: riplo inor t -was partially c®ered with la.iltic ht - roots of Toronfo,may W graspid This shows..ii, t -all the work necdolI aa - more to perform. The that J�f r'. Thorbas1yourig -of wood. life; he having 1 1,0Q0 cart -pondini-yeiiod - of last -year, and iadic�teo_ 6acup:1ed*bv Child, belonging to Xvlr.,�Iaok -hAd a them the rein'binbrance ot- li b4py_day that it. -showed no signs of Dr� IlniS4 May oth, at 2.0. 0 do ir memories, exavallied it for that g teh, TaLly tile ideli that the' 'Groo4way, for S6utb Ifuron, wh Se fail� nai-row escape, from Atli. Oi. sGiomi injury. -i day, 'and dum ea. h Ing amon Wilfne�ar be o'bliters. ad from the 0 s6 Considerable evi- leads are removed,evoll mile Buller �h P6,latod to the live was.racently anuouloc6d, is likely to get It was PIrI Co. ille-'stibet, when a 4 buggy i Adduced, tull 0 whic into apart a inrthS piers, of dence will pros niad About hxlf�paat ton 61cloolc'ou Tuesday prof jso severlil. inteliests'Aro: Such itto djftlOalt_v. -ITO ]Rtely IJlJrCha5Qd,'MOnie 11 a. jury declared the 4.younj man of 16 lyho ii;6uld'4. ug", . Occupied by.two Va ronaiialmaiivof'birth Upwards -of 41300, have alrisaili been iuV-.. Lis to hold out stronger inducomorito to goo a w o. Ill no ice-ille child; lb out --of. bi night, firO. Was obsciived 'issuing from. -the bil; own sabilrity lim Toronto find t i'oe scribea to the, Nud Oollv -baing, -raised -t6_pro- 'Y(1qjpg.g9�. b"'MC SO 2 -Prison _POSSCSSed, Of fe Thso goods, it is asserted, 'rd6wn by tile borse striking it, but fort4lia. Z - -�rdfiiises occupied by -A� Wr. 4 Belf ry,1, s. a gro-. is ei: tance deferred. spoil than wat ibe farm'doo A trial of fariitinI iniplemeilts, plows, qa�l care A ;ixitAblo mepdo;lal to the momory'Of the 'a 0. want out.an ' committed. silidider a diiji v,-crb about 'tile country' and. - Sold t tely it escaped iiiith it slight bruise oil.qt 11' CoLrirp4 VS. CAifMLL.-Theldeferidn cery,and liskliterjr, iii Slaynei villa. and tey �re 'lilt ont 46 -ills an' 'oarged.with publishing certain )Ibels About the 'Into Rev. 'Goorge-MeDougall, d, wl�b�ii mol- short time the whole building wa7a eaviiloped er, so before that set for,his. marrilloith jet. plows, harrowr, cultivators, seed di 'ruilli to b auoi6n bofore'tho bills matured. Ifid'er 11eith in the -snow-?we have already in A lifes, which speedily, communicated to a dadh'ing. yopng,'daiinsol. 'T a field rolle'rs,, tile auspices plaintiff. A diet by consent wa for 'Analsoly- 0111 be held under. a a 10 tiniorou� lJoing gooll, beill �y *110dlij tile P is A 0 a A feiida Ilacople- tof:the-Huron,F�rmlcr , and fecha ill ' A8Wo- thirplaftitiff lor'sio.withluli costs, c iit to recorded; athe Adjoining premises, AIr.I36lfryisabjrbthw Swai Owned goille pr6party, and ilia dash. �iitbnut Re oredito' rs aro old, C.r d' detailisined that.ohe WoUld chase of goods fit. wholeardo'. _y ViAing for the by-laiv do the'areo- ciat-1, ii, on Tuesday, M By 2nd, on the farlsi of sign an al) y and retraction. 6orpfield, sor of r. J.. R, Bolfr�, of Clinton.. ing. amSel ankions for tl, Kotticmcpt� - They ivill,'Alk is, vlop of a High Salsool bluilding, the 00 0 Clog -T The Rev. . G. Moore, of 411 -gr ( - - utract Mr. 0. i'VIOI)Onald, r Loudon -Rdad, Tu',oker- TiiE QvEEX N'S. JAIlIES FLEUTY.-Libel. he tried at 'ca Court, -on a cilarge,of in- t be phenied out'. of inheritnbe bry We have ho ho, if my vQry',c.,-. unduttou, thir) maGraud jury roamed uo'bill"irr-this case'. the Pali A heifer oalf dropped onthe 6rin. of r.. no will'be awvded't6,Mr. W. L 016f this toivli, �gmith, a short -distance north of Brucefield. deceiit Assault 6n thei'petson of Alto J a6ks6m, Oliver Owen, Dover,'I�ist wook, ill Attracting a rly each fcoolishneBs,as -that. Sli*iibiI ensiva ------- Ilia t6nder.being conslder�d the 'Post satisf4o', Thii exhibition will, no doubt, be intdre$tin, eplerea. HOLWAs amiuittild,t6 stand his,'trial enlro,.,�tecEip. , The Call is -of tire aon-flie, g6b�d. -the heela of All murders comes. a 9 c i6ii dgaiat-his It]' jakeL great noss of laild, till is Q. ior cheaper the, inuidirers. tory. The cost Of,thebuildhigNiih bre$3,050, Andaeful, And Wilir,lik ly be attbhdol by .4 0�.011ZESP05DENOE;.. at the next dsliizes, bail beidg: n for hik Ali- If 116 had lielibe cry fur ific 'parilshinent: ot 1Y.,dodic-lias Also bioen-awaided the wood large nulliber. Lof Spaftatdrg And to usual size, but. is Coverall with wool, of ii'verjr that Ili killing hiniSe rately, produce 4carer, for tile ratio of I,yllch, law is 4v611 till -eat; ailietitoris. -r is rriage, pearance. earn mittod a breach of pro enda new brigh house, to be built at Blyth, Three prizes will bq,a7i each class.. riled Lill' fine quAlityj which growing as NI"OJI go dil prod notivorio.so is; id*itoop�li`rr'�yjti -nil swi� We wish it to bQ distilictlyanotorstood that we do not, St. Ns* has sixteen 6hurchea There� -Any iamb. The viruol-is 1411 black king .i i. ft CaiiAil And, the judge gave her 'rycrdiot carrying 0 MY' ; , 'r time fors ;by,'Drj �Slban,­ hold ourselveis-re loonsibla for thojiintplas oi)r Wrill . f -tonpild nothei- , UY, �,'Qes- Up-thiS Ae�e,Ljow AThitec. Liltial dalnagds� 'This., f w4rLing t116 laud illiJ Boy. KILLED -011 Monda-3, afternoon Mr.: bY our.corrbspondetots.' increased. ppat pjt� 0 lee 3. Pra- abytorialli 6; Methoaiat, 2 Baptisti and 1 Coll-— but is cOyerod. ith wool. e�aotly fil, to Wilhaini aged.13, y,5tting man who like fifei wniallinet ve -of the 1) so, f r6di M-ollipiloh AsI Ito gregational, amb's. The elilgagonion 3 -is, 'tile limit of ciliployilig Ltibor oil, lan d,iii t. 'Ail elfbi,tisb4inglionde tolia graph going llemande C fisolditiopiothis, rollgiousser-. 1 IV It �ouug ladies t] yagedin �dtheriiig Sap,. when it tr6, IV Ito guag.col by iitc�pr;ole at- which tile of dcath !passed upon Jdb1rTUrd-- were 4110 Y. Tices are hold in SprWgbank, the hop P I at Of ill* irs� hat--IbOy *cannot Switch.; 41 — , ! � spital and lsize'of �h6sls of 6, ftill graw.ii ill at) 7 Atiiino' tell on.th`ay-o-uth--,k-il1.--Viisu 0 0 n in irl 4%dbor is human Skin tainued. T fi I -is a to thd labrutally murd4iid a far... To 0C Vditor �'New. Etia, vesemble very Mucll, ca 10 0 of that labor ia Sold, wo believe that h' ' t all. Tile late 11obt. Cook he goo Or h-amed ..4bel' McDonlI Of man person can scarce 0p.Weduesd&y, in Montreal,' -a verdict of i#6 lit matuiI not a now t Ing a thire ,ire inay farms in commttted-to-4mlji-iddnnicubli)t-life.', 6f(fo4orlck Township, had dpieco. of tIannea �11 d y ten a paper. aki6, (t&kdn from the body 0'r tbe notoiI GO'DERI(CH'. now -a. Aye witholit coming across An Account, $12,'400 *ai`given plaifitiff Ili the case of �Mc. Oisity of of the Cen*' doni that the law has stronger. reason or. ear. A'fa6t,.ChPpPi And,. there 'fLind�ay,*.XughAIIauI Thei The toilowingucident r this�pl . who 'n of .1 ig Sawing 061 IT Lagass, o relate by An ,ire worked to 'their J.'i liest pro. as- houged in, Glasgow,!Many the late Mr..SoaWierd' d ort the. 21-4 tl ploying. its eitmost 6aierity, in iti.-Vie li�u6 ofkr'. W.' Bali; fare, jto giv n Suit wag brought. to.'secure, 4magew.,for iolla go'. , It,oCcei The murder was a pu 00 duclivoilers; incatillred by thait-standard of it Culprit. ssionless go,) which lid. had,fised M 171 e.a little varletyi, hend you A ii r, red twenty'yiiI since. Wife a was bprpedrto the jround onFriday inornliI item of ilia opposite 'character. I on, %�Rassewger, the, other as Alr,.Scoritehord, book foo; i a nuihber of years. pitaiiI by.plaiistiff - I wh it, bosid Of Mr. Nail Math -4ol-0 inion, on. tlic' 20t ms tile The 17l, �Tler e lallt Tile nt City, officiAl. ' This 0 o!ip, withdtit orille boa . , itud­wAs ilia b L a. a job of chdipping'11 .c: 1 6 aty liaR air _�_�d projiIessod to anch7 fty cards of vo6d t6 two to' . t.. b ridw x prominti f, prollilited. by tif-a-meie lay:& of monvy, Yoron- a boar Wife of'Mr, D. F bog, son ou6ly militated against th�� CV0upation of a _'�rce'-befiire discovpr.that but little wag 4aved. mastalor �ouug mon, Rb 50 cents a coril, and -.'rlxo prisoner Smith, 'charged with the 'mur- ficial -Reems to inise, throe handred, and bout $9,0Q0. t6'board them. My. lid.ilige was � some dis, fta 'Vc�torti authorities to;give Loss Insuritnco,:.$600 or of.a.forriser nallhell Findley, III Sombra, pounds within a d Y'inr loss his si tioll. no, ha � 'it... tiol) ofthe, Gre�Lt N ;htor.'. farnicr,, lie it has atiniullifeid'Poveral over t6 t., M. & B. an(' : COMPLIMENTA:Rry BAYQUET­A�complirnen-' '�'tanoe roln the w*ooas. find they, coniiie.querlily, last Junei has-hadihia.'sWtiince'66mmuted t�' cille"on Mr, Soatoberd aud:rol4fed the air- VA A R I E 0 aakilig of Ilia cteel ).ills purchase the� G, NV. R., to Niagara Falls. aud Detroit bill to t.ar� �5uqvC6 �011 be given to . S. Sin6lair, took their dinner with thdra and ate n - a imprisonment; for life. The conimutationtvas cumstarica, asking -for Advice. 11 Well," said 0 the 24th 6f May next. Sh(lula this be- iruo 6h,.this oValiiug; , t, shantyw' - Thiy,,:`C6mmenecd* work On Monday tL ohtroal Ye rald, Pays ;-'� Witil the cuoption qq , in Gooloy jus previous. sillwollt�ll 4leg,rpe, tile- : - 4 a p. Is strength of a'patitiofi. the sea nothina for gu;ss� you the rer'iderico at. the bi�idoo fatblirj- by thd gr, ted.p tly.0 t 0 3,000 W iiell. are, n6t waititea h thoy Nvo Iii vili Ab doubt a large numl 'Itbaj Ills inorni6gi �aA*d by Saturday night iho;y had. frolu the Inhabitants of gamia. will lose your place." U0 PUii(118 'Chatted W, W Sniith Mr. Henry Cartei- of Qf'1, Lis, 0 rwill visit t Ilia dejArture fok Hiiini tlio: wer6 i -is I h'Columbia Lind oil f a 4pitntity of Q cards which, for 'a whIloi, till finll' . Y eNpeotedlo'bei owing to unferos6i�i these as bdi,'6 labor in �O tile duties'no County Judge eh61oped the. li�j A.vardict for'46,692 has" been awarded I Mr. Sdatcherol 4 ait, to:A-4rinah folhi-th --Jaughtei' of l4s� 11 Brit tile iiarth have had no opf)ortunity, of going. 'Far i; -5;., . �' Codetlob Temperance Amonted to -about 75'cents each forthii week a on gai farnim to pay fri -6 -4�, tit a a W, .: . ' Mr. Sylvester Chi, now a triea at -the present spokis By the 141,%yi till my clerks wre out 11,0Dlbrill I I Bay Branch, Oil -a of. r ilg 1' 1,11 tilerVakibuifirs ill follow., 'had suffer : - . go... ac Association lia4b engaged thii famoud leofaroir," but dtiring'that tinat the �Pbvlsioi6s was is Acii6p to 7 Halton As 10 Iabporr be, country is required by ilia engineer as soon as -uhico Gen, Neal lie' for A- limite& a reeiles D voted, and lso fl, ourse of- lee,. ed,ds a chum.of theirs had travelled th: Sli4s. , It n recover Y-OifITIPULPPvcociTy.�Asborh.titne ay stole� from the plaintiff by defendint, this-letterasyo a 1),�ss to Vt. naming a they call be delivored at the opening of naviw a son of oladf our townsmen, aged �bout 7 tures- Associatilifis desirous 6f securirig'his each�day th. lia4b *dinner with -them. One mono gation, rails have not ])can bought too Mills is Said to be worth $31,000, and is ser. bank man * ager wall known in those days. Xhis F&.c._�_On Cor. G,,derich on -tho yClsrS,,bavingX0.Json to believe th&t a whaling -services shnold-ooramunicate with Allir office day on4 of them was getting the dinner ready, . in th; Fenitandiry. for, this ettdr was halided, read, And the mahager cn� X, 2.1th in,4b., itabort, son of-,Xr: W.'Foi;, aged 1 they have. not been bought at too high gnid., al a. -answer, ving five. y . ears ILLOUICA . La, a . PAC6, and Cx6ort on theso thiirtison thousalcild WAS I a store for. him, doiCimined-46 r6ceive It nil Oil -Co. ad, calling for ilia plate, getting n Well, Mr. how *ill'you li Va 11113dAl.mantbs-. am possible. he.WeAtand foand.-,hiln Asleep. To -wake Posayt re trocurinty, Tho -letter coutaln�d 'a check for Ze tons, ho interest haS ev'Oribeen sacrificed. , If sbinglo lie adfu'sted it nicely irt a small troo ob himil tvhic4* A Arunen'tuan. named arre;t.' NYO givol bolow �olipjlYitif'pjraig ,,Is thilll,,, throo..-hundlied poufide, nd �hw­boeu given BASE BALL. there Igone.0 �RILV.T . ., , running.: without -the, knowledgg 'of r. n as was expected us pantsp an ii6n his -fond znamma'xdmino caused soifie scrambling avenpor-L'sProfelejonal, dead bAll$1.5.0 clogiethaLisbehignsot1by 'would liavo4)ecn none oil thorrO Tot which went- to, Se6 h6w. they Were .1'etting.. Ca,. �rid naked about Ti�'6g Argot. `Hfi__c176t1I Ryan&D., -specimens of th, state t 'a, 0 the Atildnitic the protedionists in advoea -the Ifumiltoll. 77mrs adds T., i t is,'yL�ry. SEPioiiis Row, -A few ovionings' fig'o� and As- found thinds-its. oquently founil it mile The man Two diligliters bi lit. It. Stritlijorkvill' "'. a* 6f tildr, I I . 1. A are I JeI to produce larriontations . above stat6 and -also the� gubs: it-doea; not 60ftie,hp� drI pagilial; named. os6ph Daly). Of this -nin* -.in oil ofi . "114 -boy )lag the-ilakin of, 'K c . I . I am, but left Toronto by the Saturd. "bod wi for As it goes,' but" 0 shanty nai`rly burut down; a'g they were to: o, raid'ho thought be was in his 6d. to ' ay inox g is theory, -and, after enrefully rc�adftjg nim place, undarl;ook..to run' Brownlee's hotel on . nolrosoing f6und it a cold he Atarlied in a visit to Mr.,* Brodie it Y ranklin, and 1017- tl� tile Opposition vlw of what is �Yigh� Dr, a (,'Olin lor or an Al. . 1". in hisn,, with on Axis, knife And RA but pefore doinj lazy. to, get. wood to co'ok their ainner, having u 8, .. I ath .50 ovis rticIA snpilortin' ,"a Tapper's idea !a to buy '0210: rail aF tinie, built a fire Wone comer for ibst purpose, 1, search of.bed clothes, -at, their destinatfon Ili a -afternoon, Guaranteed i6gulatio.p size and -svight, seat carry it to Ito destination, spike it. dowiW. loix . I rived liostipaid, on, recoilit of price- _NI terms and Q wiysetious'ilainage-helabthai good fortune" lit once pai&them�,offj- an"eteriuinci�i"u_ mmediately after Supper, the Yonuddat Lillian' re compelled. to. co�tpd.to the, Concluion, then Caeto E'ligihild f6l, , stdplicd, when lie SAYS. Ile IQS*t anothm Ili that flarSeqve his -to -be fellisd bya poker,' 10 -did ilot feel itit- f tuid to make a different Ilargain with lab r" 'was Attacked with a severe -vomiting of blood' to _Clubs. that Ril the statem6tits- lhaAd' usild-theveivirloolent, mdue) ", daiiias his statoinefit, And shotfs, how ai*b'e would like to Toilw few days' aftai the 0 of stating-that,overy- 'office. ut, the gift of the Baod ifilf Ofil A F4uzu. cAused-by the burotiXg of,& blood vessel.* Ths do of 1870;710 6e6s' most I "was filled by a Scotch.' lit as s ghdatly -left-tho Also.best Ash I i0, no rjad�rioh townellip, April 1.876. o.prove this is 'not tile that Wis. �Brodio )at$, it Avg Iv011, improbii1ife his story ii b tho,fAcli that Ilia qcoiurrouce,,,but after takin'g the' advantage of present Govern alone drawn ire equally truthful I moliey and watch were Ill undor,tlio pillow, the privilego of paying $27.53 to ih6 Police Ciao, in 01- r gamee. bd BIEZ in� 11 vis h Zol fainted' whilot Mr. nt for' C 10 1 at 0 'it is .945 'Money, Migilitril,be, he felt greatly rdlieve1 A t'liefis a Sensible. The first; froin Mai andetlidt be, took the wifoh but left the t, tile Feii Pi a gives -tho na- I n wit0ing t utterly at vrince -with fact lit . I A Celli-, ll� IS tho general talli among bashl ad. meii- ii -is-not very likely, VynATF -A debate took pf Tea6hlt n naity befid fionalities *al' P086ra, holdbli'officag thai-d", same neighborg, he bedrooill ;-, ace in oonnee- rupt Theowner of tli6lioorsoord. Had(lo, which fion with- Maplo Leaf Lodge, - No. 357 1. 0. G. 89 -, English, 24 - Scotch 26 - atid gazing upon the gir), itnuililiately-retiesi., Aino lcoin man sense that %-.,a Can hardly ill acanaaa were. "..I;ank I b '' Je 7' the 4T420 French 0anallialls, 15 ; Americans, 3. ad AWd left, but. soon galbod strengtl� to AT) - I ey itooke" thr alk0t to each an took second -prize at Brudeflold, in Mr. Win T * . on. FrIdak evoiling. - The: subj.o -was roac, aillian saturateci Clintoill APAI, 27, �876. bavo wrote it-othorwize thmi-fir hyborbo,o, , aftiount,;ht the same space, bf timoi Furlol�ii, iiedeilch� township, unfintelstio'nally- &$Resolved, thaViouritry life is more.preforable It is abuI cortain'tbat mauy tooeii�sia -in , A Dr. Dilahwood, wits' Iriolibed'bil Friday to town 6 ith -loodfro 'hornee -d' ntollerfectind jf they did, thoy must sup oso their tho lst two *ors. . Alt: Joha World, for a omitted last week. life, ".-Undoi the able. 0apitaiday of *some of our Sunday schools would turn blue night of afoneyanCv-sTt-Ub1bs'to the extent. of 411111WE MURNgElli A�ND era 1 1 Is f her sister APPly at tho Town 11all, or at the residanee of the :nuniber of years back 40iog business in Orillia, MoAsirg. Sloan and Lawrence, for- the affirma- w�eo they to be told'that they did not know 82,000, TT6 was takeii Ill -A. -fisolsi froni the' . ....in a car a in tile Arm Q Otis incapablo of roagoul Any, .%V.ritea td tile OCR, journals to tt�XOVATXNG.---LTho h6uso,d1eftuin case, . oron are , ose nervous a ate was so shockod: subsoirlbor licar the London, Huron Druico llalliY4 11g, or kbowin& g season tive and negative respliotively, �.After the. how to teach. the very years H T i to, wilen. drunk , gesb',pupils sinder Rossin an 'T, say that hemow has arrived, and noiv the industrious wife .. . . �,.n t at a a i not looson. her hol . without for. Station, JAMES SCOI .1-otires froin buginead, or the reason solely &.0th about with aretanant of a. sheat tied splendidr6blarkso0dr. John B n favor their charge ; 'but exich is, novertholelij the ho*ay to.bio house a companion of the dnver� ' 1bl6 'fiiemig. Her' hands and dress stained Isoadr of -Marriage Vildiscol, hich ca] foii, Artil Will, t%76: that lie calind biI in the reglillai vray'L of town life, W [led forth Va. case. Many teachers soarcelk 4k a questi6n got 12 wit"he doctor and rifled Ilia a The AWIlar pay,; for vlieat intondel and Pay 1 100 cents in the dollar, in the face Of �Y6,r list head, whitowashbiush aud dust pan w#h. blood, rbinxined in that Condition till.two IrIng.flour to bo -sold for conqliml�tion- in her hands, ihd�s . 1 1 1 1 ter, this.aurclionce was: greatly-diiappointe'd Ili frorivonis end ofthi lesson to thleoilier. 8ho kinog,0,210, a gold'witch, and two bigh-iiriced. o,o,w,.�n taying din the- ludmitig,beibra Ahe wmild, Allow' wash - 1 6 ru�ah A one li�avkftiptstook after another thrown On tbkb -she nevor Coll 'Ith tile Ruder iq the decision. was given, it be. fact is th'ay make 1% sort Of Sermon, 6f it, lind. di ings, ' A cabmAu hifs boon. Arrested near home than lie can fford to pay if intend- The dootor pionouilced,her deranged. -Xotice—ondket. ed to be exported or sent to a di.A,�X)rt. the mr1rot to be sdld'fdr what the good� ivill accumulates," at the sam'?.4"time Stating that ing in fillvior of the affirmative. then think it -is vary wicked'of ilia Scholars in'comsection with theo afflain, has, had no sl6ep and speaks ineoliciendy, 41 to birgc briln ;to NEIV INVFNT1OY;-It I$ much to be regret, not to sit still; an-amondor why itrsbou)d be -Such a (Iliality c)f Imabor s wo so ,� It iuust ba said that by -alfowing. tile also will h avo to 'I n. I two or three times Thp Can of gly4pring which was lost-atTort LT, LOVE118 OF. ORICKET AAE rZE4unSTEI) ocowitry to to loloot at the Commerolal 116tcl,on Moodily eV9.111,_ '12 IlOr be flooded Nvilb. these- bankrupt so source in so. -They should rathet'-wolider why their Some good stories are told about tile idealis 'A Auseri a your. 011', liorWr..T hall the fair sex are getting ColWrno, from the glyeeribe beat last Deana- - 2 1 . call Ile patient busband tell t ingo %fay ist, ab 8. oialook, -r�hen will bo takal to is noksolit f or stookoltho wl isollatuen tire trying' voty go. takes big moglo in o'back yard or thowowl. this -a pupils ever sit"still ;. the b)oocl that bounds on Saturday morning by Mr. orgazaxe a club. bilycrz iolL , b,, tillage, . So.muoh 0o indeed th%6 that bar. Was Cup c traders, ho carry' whiskok into the Worth 10 tho of thoir best keo Goo app, a 'diver employed, by"O.Z. Dun- We to Clude Clinton, Atiril 2k X870, home use fin loss tharx A I or %Z, Shod, and wond7ed it women oTot will - got worthy son of. VdIcau being disappointed in through their. eins is, fill! of life, and it in. at Territories, resoit to in order­ il) ve it air o Use.1) one dijectilin bAd vecourgo to thd utooerri. in-, those ichildr&t lively slid restless,7 and not sq,j harbor contiactor. Thevoiselmon thl3vIgilan6 of the lynx -eyed Mounted Pollee, The fullowing fr ift tile It is said that a French half-brociltrhdor, %vho 'I, f lying creflit, thordwould not be each bea%iy' 0 n 11 vontion of agdtttialamb'ool�thing,.oi.iiiotVor adapted to sit.3till and Iisten. fo a necond-.1i4nd. to bliant in consequence, as well Wey of an bZiuI the call exploded while they had a Seed..Potatoes r Sal pears. 6 be the a penion who oado of thaso-Mocks, put. upon - ilia - Iflarket. - It MAIDI:�;,-XiUt lollg�.Sluoio a - T I . words he drosabol pp aoutig. gahtleman who slip -o cop' ef a bernion, , This -life -9 Weight gallon keg of the " 0, be joyiul". ly Sense are os' opinion- that the -evil of Servant gil/EmTployed in Ono. of -tile liefels ifi has see'n something of. both ilke Old and Now be crushed iiiut, -but only �p nt; a pro or, It would have blon'tile on one of his odrts, e%peoll&l to be searched 'can Oil retain otio MCI% in �1 the town nil a po 1.01. 0 ware in the bar or, i. in SALE, A r. ZW i"Tiur -V�Ry PAOLIFIC pairtation here has its beginning in Englaud, ket-book in a bed-rootil, Con- Worlds'isa ladles' wonting apparel, and took channel. What' they Xdl eling Xt 'to- by the polibLmtiii staiii�cd at Shoal lake, and Folt atoms, "Sioloir Flakoi" and varletleol, that haV6 0 ilvo )area dcalors there 11shovingl- goods ulion, ta'ui I� 0.- Without in forming any. Ono him to ;in ellit6ftidament which was held un�' they have. anAntereiii; in4ho lesion, Bud not on arriving at that point whon.within, View of recently Come into prolifincilit adtiedon iteemitib of (boir isco-vo like placed it botweeli, two , Au. extra of the - Clanada Oozette. issued on enormous �ldlds. Price 26 cis. per lb,,, soil liket year at pression that file repurt, CAuntlian- buyers tq in'exterit far'lleyoud, the If der the auspices of tho'Giod. Tomplars. .� The to.bo made the subipats, of a.dull lecture. Bet, the -officer, Ito removed tbi� hbg from ilia oart, f.�Preoafed . . alt 'a claimant, as -worked Admirably W( , ter pd%auently implant Ono single graili, of anxt proceeded with it to the beach, and there clintoij, Avy1l2o, 187o -.- t osgs"to ffl,. f�r the Friday, Contains all'Order in Council for this. $I, - Aiiyly IVIIIIIA NEW EVIA OJI100, the in t1lis ieve t a. n would ietu'irs. fiir it.. The resilkirictioll'and regulation of-' the importatioll. young, man in question' passed Ids weuld:W truth in -the mind 61 a pupil, than. fire off a It;�pjng (low,,, hdia itri the lako for about'. a a r, W 10 in 1) ))al -0 sormo ;thii ford tort minutes, as if �tyoplollishing life supply of 0 b Il v 17, it f -ef-ii �_T on6IT16'bli n'Aili a of cattle and, other animals vis, count of is 4 ry9t, tho on 6 6f ifit bull Any, w I . . manyp'sits of 7��u o -wh 'It 19 very bli like Ta bull6l' fired at tile noon, expanded a privairing Ili water, after iYbich he leisurely roplaab'd it ft, Ay frequent ilt-oubirlo; my. discover hill los for soir�ia time, and . lontagious of..16 dri�vs conclasinns iwas noticed audadmirod by � All; aild1d;wassot a list doubbful about itaZdcover probable tbae.heneoforththe young inI long before -it reael tface appjared*a 1`1111E P.AS1URtVV 01,,.Ttrr; SITOIV-0 OUNI), It'some ond-boill." ktnlool4f doWit i to iies t6 object aimed at. - If 2 uroDoi The ort4tion of Cattle from. the cart, And with E' sifopli I$ prohibl except lit 1141ifa:WiL inereat ty'ro ill political voonolily will p,,e but oil 701611 thq ;Ilbtol jos 'to and -or rome oils's house bel rg'broken and 'm In' bolieve that the maxim necessity is the -L the lesson is not Worth asking Agnoitimil abut, al of innocence, invited tho OM CL or to in, JI for the nnlwhor of 1670,'.will be coiAl.. by. PublV wftq I atly-pleased.to iuvo titer of invention,') is founded, art ftiit. Njoitilor tile wrtcro of tllr,, to., Th known his less, to was Joh� and (Agobab, and till irfiporta.tioni through inbe absurd. �ro Was I -line whau don't ask a sols6lar to stul%S#it beforis coming pect his- train. �,'vorythhig iv tho SIX,114 aft of MA 46 One 016100L., V, M" at tbo Mill on*. ahis propetty-rostorea to Irk, these ports aeo to bp subi�ateol to a rigid -ms find liollditio 0 lictilo kuown on dal of sale, port nor tile, oupporbirg (1i 'froo trade tothoolasaw Ifteschors will Acepin church, amined except ilia water dripping k f, find To L-outras of population, but ill' got, fire cligrigodi quarantine, ,-to hiliffar the establilillicnt Of 166CILAtiloal (J10 WorSt Tuesd* -evening IdSt, (and some offhain do,) Apring A sersnon� 'be. the teador%1lowad go on hit way rejoicing that .1af the worst bberies pol);petra, -jail bird, anfl-onco-ft- tile members of tile Young People's I'Vai" ])al�otaL Obrkes�ibnclence. cause they, perhaps. -think it ilither 4�11, 'Ifd- halt escaped 4lotedtion, and was, on. the Clinton, April 20, It ong ill (Ytlr tell sense, call or 1 AdLtoj�nrdo eafili manisfact.aring ilia ifulS Nvithill tbQ IR$b yo.j al. Meeting, Lin connection with the Mothbobe6 tneml)er of the Townsend gang, was arrested high.ro inaking more then a hand- , tftlt'n what, in the name of 0 midst, quite tile Contrary, And Sholild they eXpeetL Of thel 6n Woduesdair, �on suspicion of red dollars by his dancing little go Ill' V -r I & qf this plaae� presented Aft-, It: !Va, i1jil kilito of the Glinidn'New d. ir scholars ? f ox. at WhAlly f -but oppo Once 111 le'llato Upposcol n colicerricid in. the PAir hot bod' Stimulus, a bittiglars ere, Once times le is likfor than precept, wh� scold thbion having boo ick Mona. lit L 0 work in or i"AtIley follow the fornaer?- Otv iniumuirdet. gotnokoyir,ballmofdittidlowick,, I'd 010 1011(161DY Of INO' IMI't Of thlilir no to (1l)'kito main larider, their 'With, 9 handsome silVtr- Sirt,-A:% you ivefe s6 kind in fo' eg 81ciltdarel. plated orriet sband, napkin ring,' And troy,, ac- so 'to allow lod, space Ili your ever -welcome a ihe pupils 'and a huge augur worefound in his possesion; aniod by a suitable ad4rosso no a inark of lial)or, I again ask you to insert - a few., litiob Abrthqts.14. i0ollandert, $00, lit Iill otliew lieu cities in whial lie hall thbir aft. interest in the. lesson, lef,thens. be jUifti6j The till Allow, but 11019, th tile rural dit- upposb yo�p parItuara with the teachers, and; to'gorms ox- juic! it was shownAbat Bemis time Ago he on� It ii a bad habit of somo 6f ilia lolotgy- of tho Itullett 13raniliAgriailltilral Suelety, f4r ills beat; tholluironilpteeiationof -if yen doom thein worthy, I colleetloi; of LaiI FanoY Works lot $16, 2nol Dd hilf. Mr.Collander, whowas t4koncoin- Il'ove tile gohl favar, In reforossoo to the Black $6, JArtletI repulations slid ibleolo Call J)o badjtt ple!s pochob; to wirich ro can bo, no 'i' tent. it, lesiat; 'they will appriolUd' their libsi- disavored. to proengv ohlorof6rm Ili astdie in mon of this city aildlWoklyn'llot to men - 11 At whioll. Scale' farin HAD, Arkona, 'Ile gaie vory.coliflicting The re, of f,f ill of era lino of pletiily,by surprisp, replied, in an appropkiii(o !fills, ill Huroll county as woll-a"IsovirliolI tion and pay more attention. tionother places, it) induce their licoplo'to the str4ra:6t Aretiors, it. Callanolor Co.i or Ixota X. A. G i.?I JI )II I'M (,f vriji(ill, keepj g large ru in,,+ of in,000y i a their ).long, -,a Cliton, At)ill 25; 1876� - build bostly cliurohog N4,41067 Soerelary. 111w,11 a( it great deal us: do with. marI expxmlvo of his sincore be Ilillo P v(sy algratitude &r flundrods are daily going to i theyL Callpot, Avol 11111�4t XmIed or mes Ili Lilt,- Country., In a ldrgo, mi�, the Gaspe coast. Flout is very scarce, and 'or" These clergymen are Ili pavti li-A prnfoi*4 by be their unexpeot6d testinionial. - now aqd- then A trOill Of '111`1111-10 holloont r S Titere would sewil to be great distress on of mea tile lxtrl,lioi rolbljo(I'Aro tho WaggO118) IASBOSW Which still 6 his OnAiribaiiiii fifty rly disagroolilblo sififition in hard tiosips that, Ili, 'a, ant I so RDIG.-4he weather A Ontaki -four car lauds igatiori, opens speedily a famito will t .4,11 i 11 SL lurin Seen EcvO' of goods to the Centennial. uslie prolsont. 11opurotth's 'Atdilson 11011se. and Lot f0'r Sale, otb(Irs IV i-4 not ilv K -w to) haye been knuiva'Lo I-= diyolias hoda all itbat Could IIgoil'oplilstfew keeps -up the oxcikolnetib- I have i, v 1) considerable dosired fol imo of gold from there, some in Zold Onli caso,of starvation is alraidy rls. (JIlujoll is for Tal" lid in 06 elilages ;yn Tabernacle is liond over Care: in iii", It is that a frnibig t,)., Pat Ill 1he Traltoll case, farming �perAtlons, and farmera havls', taken ral The populatilon,61 stialford'i'd no�v I irted. The fainnsto *to killing CA` their gro(ok dust 4nd so -no '4 (in trl;2. It prins out in tile jl0o Ve flay alt it, uL%robboil ha4,.f,-5j0o0 advantagis of it forward thair seed Ing, nearly double-w1lat it. was in 1*, , !� 111114.at the rate of from 5 to 50 eta. por poll; whWe stock, an(I horses are dying PUBLK0 ASUCTIONiii. - �11 'v/ of thernpidly' many other- plac6ii-of AN'brollill or in, his bedroofri, Ili the late caso at Already a very, large surfaele Ism beeit gown, while quartz jig woth -abotat $4,000 tothe ton, London has issued liqu6r Menem t� 97,'ho. X6 al! e�idcnoe'of the Severity tronblo ly to ill-illil'i't, sintritil, touk placo iolitand of Ault if ilia woitlior continties favorable a loW ditracte4 with fear of ThN6 de,,sifiI eorner lit No.. 200is 612 handred dollars (1, Farmers ata'pi,ofty wall thrOilgli goading tells, 'go, retail and, 2 wholesale stolrog. it rally be illinitioncol that boy is selling at $32 it 1)ooplo to jRiijor - , 4 ays 16119br, plog� of. the spring -wheat will, be 'ion, quel has t6 be datried, thirty 'miles'At or the she panic. fillighdA jig lauch ; a 05 Acres last Sati. r- A woodcock was recently killefl by byig ill the iontrie, Mid 1110 �ftra knowil, to town. go far, Avorything-inolictog a good ycr t, Little itoptovenlout need he looked ar attend each Churches w1wra tho clorgy 0111RCIT, Clinton lip buill thellabit, forroduriers fAt whoat looki Into, in tile seagool, still 11 9gainst a iclograph wire, heat Paris, ilia 'neu Opposite 1) nvoi,t, thO Ing wall - good at once, as thereis u6* oil'the ground to the ara Constantly duntling thein for Blibiscrip- Ili sevoirod. o . titer emoa honsol time 'Pro3poeb of a good hitt siboad of the Canadian Mrs. Williamson, sister of Sir J. A, Mac. collotgo fibil are hof wil(L'geato depthof seven feet. tiond to meoi the oinergehey. Tho* clergy u% o,4o1,*,o,t1 1,� pr. AplAotorifivill Ile %,01,1 ty intt u Ivednisolay. , At', 01TIONt on the on X inidiedlately After their o4ttlao'k -good-mradiddilI an amuninq'iticideh�000(ir', ..OtlLg.h+,.toitrgetfioir,,.poo.l)la-�to-lco(,p-,tvi,tliiti.� Iva I i -Station of the G.'r, R, their means wliep, boildilig these cliticc*. TYESDAY, kilAs of-. ill prairie aig, b6okoeller, in Aluiente, died "113 1 11 1 vil of owner.+Ijil col(I WA or stook, the suppooitiot, pi-olific. J* ; Ja mea 1. Groi being (ir all grass , 4 ; 16N gruwlog, fine, tho weatliet. is- red 9t the Point Edward o wo (I., Tot lb� be1bg tht-tho waro In tile iuddinsty of heart disoase'On Thursday night, The. morning :C, xpregiI had afriiods And the And to sea thlbt t)ioy tire not overivIielined 0 Tax, AisstsgutNi% -Tho Aegbasors for this and everythifig seaulos Combined to &i'k 1) ..Want of%Ti Th ii of oll"Ilt, to ho Abiricielle. L6 *coadliotor wag Impatiently watchinf, 118 of- with debt, inourrW for IiI allow. I't ongag) wit haver 6oholuded their, labors, and after for tho lateness of 1114; suagoa, Brisk i 06 as. Fettratells of NIaw� York, has secured' Thr Irotiold 114(t 1110 acliflona ItIA Inipril�cninta'f1lir O'lol I 'Pricilturo would fooling up'their w ore this'seAsoni The doubtless it fine thing to preach eloquolit, II lialipli(A wlflt hir(t anil soft n Y615 votild not AvrRy berdro­ !L�4 of Qlair I figuresi fibd that the to' is aro anticipated b ills Conti At all getting his family rom ibo ariwt is 0 1 And , radt of b4flaing a Methodisk church forto of a in Alt his indrolls6d. in population, to ilia extent of in Dakota is raillill ill 6. XineardLuti, to Cost $18,900. carit-, After almost QoV6ring,the -platform with a )oret;; i a to t&fltll dressed audience in a wator sitlifition of lot ixoljo bf the 1096 Ift cllft� 195 �ovcv ]sit yaAr, luaking the nu lftbeV in t0i'll Ing, fresh arrivals.coralTig in.gontinually. Two cattle deRlero at 0 roula be out lif cl;l. "I �_ �_ I - than settlement ilo 'to m 11 .n. '14il4tect". fly tho thol itawe, named his i1oliva bro,"fichco," t�e Conductor Asked Ser(66 ton; ohliorhilillia elotio to railia stnot, PI ist, 1 lilays allif tolograniq help .2 inf ; ThorissessmenthdA also inal Yours, , d t ( rilainals m woli as lioneRt men now 10018641 1� A have become insolvAnt. Their him,if they wre all 61f, Walk till I count glittiariw� churchy but it is a poor thing to W unit r6gultil. in . . 114bilities are $75, ; thpir 'Wile'ts, 0. A id ; Aft9i doing 00, 110 roplitedy be cr�ze' wi , It debt pn.occoulit,ot . i L 0 Arc 20rr,� tO 300 t' it Y1103 b Of thn' IN it- HdOlhd gO to amotint of $30,000, 'tho f. , I being Sciatland, DT., 006 ad� them " he 13P -Y. Still.. t fo' X-,)&ra publMied in eltial lti d- largo towlig "'a elay $ M, 675, A tax of two Copts on tile dolla 14YQ Alt right.0' Uo had Atioitioiftiloir, alla �, olloral a" ivilon L116 is 1* pat lilt 'Y by oil this incroarso will be rdore than Tito cliatiln'ltit 121, %Ala. 1101vao. Are 81radnft1iY itiorming to tile. local wlity kilifov whor6 themoney is t6 be dont The paaseugersA4 the tiolghbothooll. d a Chi 06�.0eeml, of April 20i Th.0 SeAtottll. Spring 81101Y. in the dxamination of Ono Made , this ON gentlemen's expense. pliY tho ftitpt�st #lid raise a Pirtking fatpt for it wag Coll laugh at prints telogramis front 6�1110 two hundred thoory, not because they think 1b.is righl, Ias t locali liest thro Ara it'. manufacturer of Afontrodl,, iri#61vonto , It was said that lid hall.twide boon tito rooliol. few lowvl zels, who aro. iluijo ellmair to thr. timl., ()Ur High Solloiel (lebont"ires, 'go that no isll'� Tho spring show held Ili edorth oil Thurs. ghowri that Ito had "borrow0a $30 000 at the _Rqkqfii %in Illinois Inainna Aficljdn Ol,kio y that Nvia� a grind success, Thora -was 'a modest linto, of 6 4totait: otatora, Ahot borgat, A durl6tis legal d6lsion haii Jogthoon given ivinter'wheAt is growb, allowil)g tIlo pre - Ma. but boo-tials their is NGry little 1,011cooillplialldviral �a 'C 110 Of broaking into A filr1ilel"SL bodpooffl, Al eisti'd ilia Que6d's by of taxation ilia "par a6uC tiny labif 0 Al 0 Ily pritrullis large Atipndnnco� of spe 011 Wednesday -last, -tho tug. Robb towed favor It, roblicry, , None but an ogliart. go Rkrltva -Ono day thla weak two In, litilla tile diorhis, Wag Alifiall, Although there out of th6'Tororoto hoirbat the schiiiier M&r. in a �. eboof case Ili the f6ftshipg, of Aninvan th Iseht condi(iort of the grolVing or,oliq of win - through" 'T I A0 or bloW ol)eu A first-class saf6i lipt of the prottlost �Obing ladios VAIA-laadd 660 bushole of And GAWNWA, A Union School section was or_whoat und. fellit, 0 A Any Tuflian with 15alffi(if(Int amount of nerve tan. *ant to big pla3b bf buAl.. The following is'dro prizOlst wheat for Kingston, This !is # said to be the recently forined ont,�f ihatownihips, isor *who k o' 9' 116881a; flb(l, bird, oo Imported IteRvy w1ught-6 6tries-48t, Intost outgo of whdat that ling aleat loft'To. " Pay Ono to provp a failure but by far tile nI rob, x farmhouse, The m' And on one Of: the 'ratepayers tONSing, lliont-vin Ills hijuse becaugo ho I$, IsO fond e7if, Mid apubtlego bavii)g boon b6foro ontrappoll Chile, Alagon, Gylallolg,.124, Brown & Love, his twkaA he was stied its, th Orangeville krity 0 :M ISr n :0 Xt a We belieVa it ally' to tll�� Qlt Ito a f tile repoits, are olc is go li 6r annot AIIONV it't04 t)a n I Thos. Colquboua, Glonoixim, routo. Division Couff. * The Judge, 1b ilp ourag i tUMN 6UL of his thought they ware. on a 11 missionary toorl' NVQIII gtO 04 _POArB,'u6ft- . Ing. oven -it Ito is or begglug foe gothe charital)10 inotlt�jion, do- Mrs, TIJI of St. Poches were injurod by the cold si)611 dar. yll A CAthntinep- Wife of tho listo ("baloa Tooker, wag In thn, minutes of the Amaranth Council -trio tago of all collilkluniUO3 it) I)q8qd8A it i�3 not %?I Object of pity IiAn Wool on suited. ilia Trq§td6o tin the groputl thtit, thera tho I%i a ing Nfaroll, but apples and nearly all v. ro 1)0(411' Olin ailed a tear totminod to ovqo: Aga Fishor, Pat, I alloy) 2d, L, NIONCTI lo sea (loot of tile -allooll tile Oung tion W 10, W1 I a rava Y a fie 0 they are in ibo ba8b popitiml to 1;1low, thrr lial)(Taliver tba Inoney whiju 11lontlig* before inan Andat, jogan Dow� Young Pistol I thibb- Vvas'lo"t - 0 he6niellt vim, lnnl�ftftft the sea 40944 small fruit look well and promilla nil ily pasised out at tile back one, beta eltilloded, Ana h bail strudk s; tibi lit hot, of this dosdisi6h* I file 161WAy", bo T( -et till to should havo been need I'll''PilYint :saff Do, 00heral on."Isti, L, till), fhob thAt township Councils, as tho li�v n6w vania repore e,%eollent prospects for all 1"10 ; bla store Thli laclkR bosvevar, wore not soli6iling, An))- sitayB. Yront thil it RIA1106d 61T.And indicted of Monday, �May for tho And roq�iiremollta,. aid nco frilik llilaora and mob: who verlptiong," blit, on inom i1pilortant business, Ilanter, y0ong 5 stands, have hothing whatever to d�'With 310 weEolt ilk Conollmall , O'Connor' thd killdrof tsome. Parts of ill 0 Mt- charigoel'. topaira tl aniagl�flefth*oupdinhatbidd, formstion or of union *or 'State poliI "And early i , cinento dont p ebts, thoil'a I%ro nyl- alill wort bound to sea oat young So, the bjATy is not dangeroll. t Ill r, Atoll In Avis tho M066 diolounly And. econ, Abildilgly Allow Jolego likilil'A of molloy to to- 11 possessing thomigelves In Patief)66'11 iley It, 11otbaffi, Pride 015yogland 2d, L. Ranter, 1heireforp it Whis Potfoddy absurd tib look to 1111iferodo billb tiot Seriously. h OA I 'I a ti a Y' whiloltr. Hurt of Colborne their tiny Action in the promies. JXOIV�16, l, - i A.StAiI of Inaill in t1lailr dwelling.l. Snail. pf-470tine Is dx. ratavfv� whiou 64rortod holi llJ 11'irl(16 tit It , i At r rmgg-45 6n, . -048vbduosas artlor, hor worlof bilt istill. thoro is a linnit beyourl -14t, all)08 -Tohngt011'a W - 2d, Townahi AboompAistipa by Ills *Ifo find I% bOY, The only prittles'siho bdvo anything to da *lilt ntile winter att(l Spring Wlilt NpOd, division and otlLdivigj�tl of it frivAriab y Ile (It '11, "SO oqe0o, Dca hdries-2 Nv n t Ir iva 0 Illar, they 'on isliddolia: how Are, the reoven or duhavo pt6vs(l uditvorablo for svintor 110loAt or fteptlor, whialt thi -positedfn ii bank, Ill: these inau color up, Rild to notice f 31obt, J4 0 ftlis, io Dentin Otftpoa tim 10lars orline 4 rampant 'and but Ara ilia lading, 4rohy xU ;'' hotel if, Mmiland;111C. ro6vta, And jtn4er 'tho ol(I sob6ol Of (11(y Eviii. 0 Oftfr. _4ould Almost have cringed a inuto oft—Ist A. L,'nnis dontitryll t V 400fring, uanrint 114 ols, or 'to Aboat-Nvial Darilig Nr, ITAtt'd 4� 6sloo the' 4oro6 took law toolisgip ocionoila had to do withthinn M116 POROS, but -applel; and Small truitis 4 ba carried with ront,to tile vJsolo collitkin, $6, Inorill Of this tY61111464 a xeptoaL ppeat to be hriving. Wporca Ohio tha Conditions 12 L lona-A 11. 0 d h d d,%fiy -iDud-asid oil owtaiui od At re h dill PAO 0 till, Ille(I with Coll 4ptoAtf, 2d, A, lAyirthitli-j fright ant�,All Away. Irs.. Hatt Y And prallh ly the brf6pous Judgivant *as dub bank 61119, A liaid. nhoiwo thnt *11110 t lo, young klylon loolc ,pan Gbo, ., ikp4tl�a bo' n tho ptin 4 to in 1% Arg 1pl%Y a in t -A., T, fown oat Of thailoon OyAnca, -vto, to 66 ate; of -tho old Wool misitud. its 'an ro 'to tbd, oilbet Aklixt whoat is hrsdl� dam� att eotilDitel wityl, night nteriggle ovcr 1% f0W doll Ilia - rate i3ax Ili thomsolva &g w, lsolubhino �outty. ovaisti T Oro 2111 b"MIAT, Addl of' this county, wl;jlo 164611t to tl%O 40(1 SthlOg t� flilig Z kill4d IftstiliAtIf 44till huthoth Thai ftn6tooN 0 to t1avuVol vo. th.5 NVAtforil ed5o, Wall to bitir I th6b A' 0eit, to, P041 I agear okoopt In �well drallma bottom WON, d -11filint'lll , NVI Ira 6g, slitoboll I k4a W, U416 thill ot Wit to Avg tha bliflor 4u, It 46to, 4n& a uduadd Y161a of fill What of trait 4 It, At oilf", Ilk the tApitelt rb ka", thoy drold, i I iflisfil of priblid W,6�d, his ted0lipyk Apill 9419 WC