Clinton New Era, 1876-04-20, Page 2-T - -M6 7 Z� ;Tx- 77M _:7TTT=T -1 Z P0 X D 11 NO I i;ellnuil cotricbero for %yo-ir ortwoye!t. By 'Allyll"W, FiLo"wN. 0$64 4 tO4 -jj9lcw ru&'n,.X IfIrlinil, at pheecook bAllklug, Alla A, 00fly fallacious and ja0lQvilut SPRING SHOWS, 00PIRI U10 pj�vljyl 0howit tar "tue Q'XIIIJbItIon 1,1 J�uflro ail , 0 , - . � i , , , , "' I g1vllI4,* thi's letigr in. epaco Ill your yolaa b 1i held too. f 11OWS 1 prooe4out, that of the Soflitgh, b4lik PO'� BiRAIN10111 Wou-1oh It to be 44111-101 im do not papor, you will'obli"O youl 0, &Q, took �ja 6WO of 440. A. V uIll 4K �. A. s, boo boon 0 volly. I 1010�, er cyoo Of those. whool" linvQ been 11, Pit Filifortla, ThurAilqi, Witt. 11rico 0 cents r u1joll to, Wind, the The President, Xr. Jailles Digging, start tile 1, live), Oil h o�* irra- kite Ilylos", 0, t a gr -t of till$ 'gooluty, hayo rotilion, to Whmillog, Apill It, 1370. It, 13 -,a base b, log 'ft ilg y Ifa t1lat'phis soasouls 0 >1 anq irgludulent �Otidoriey of making t'1110 Of 51 1KID- DAMM DA144--Al 11111111)OV of tit 011119 t4 o' upoll, M iFohn'�10Xillan,, three k jileii of towfi�havil forined ill Club, gratulato thernaoil$ IV, which cattle air Ili. this tow u, . on 'nee Mo; aud notes �Oley for bige, JlUrpose of �i ising 0 Pilo 1 joney, of privatoy no it were, ago, has been remitted. % I I to bo oallo(l the IluIlonso." day lait wile tile most ou0cosorko, in every re. Tit flf.. 1AC. Uhnfilll w lloupof and lot all Itattol street,, ocou plo.,it 'currency, w4i -� Paillilliall, 09 the sfioOtj that. has ever tak,414. place under-thoir by Dr, Al Olt the Loglilitburelf 4 11 daclarod I of I (JOaD Itoll, 01) ;'o only of Clio State and of X"M 'PA in tIv, 601, 1 Clio 2 to be the Privitoi ton, will con4lot sorvicos Ill tho INT(Alloillat 1 211(l coil, f5tallIdy, 1133 q�.(J%Voj whI91; Imt ousploies, - '.Luc 467-iiyu Una, shough a. jhtle ia:l but ljorriamion; 1,11(t I! -Ijit� obatio tool, place ill the Tjodgo ifewpo cla.vtorodbatoks, thoArue nature of which toil Ca ta, t ILI, "Notk a Vary spiribed d 01 Ih here to -day (Thurpday) at 10-33 4l. 1 wook -aare birth tit twin laulbs, Ono of cold, portilitting a large gatherlog to Tolunla ra. All. lurc 11too" A tile Bluttfield Triump1j, X�. 210, V, Ito Suavembeeo being publicly knov k L 121 JJ)S. Two; is � good (,Wtito �,,rQuna without liusco.-nioN. - Thoro -arato bif Ac(plailit(sil NVItIOH111lith'a Wl"111,9t tit c ug —I, Xbo benutief; of 8peaUllp, at Loo4, other Vise form o�f frAua Ilic Ilard times line welf")e'l a,�)pg vutlld not iiwo boon laiih than 2.000 vuwolla -inoolit-utimired. tiltbi(t b , t - or .­ I - - I -, - , � -_ , " - ­ "-,- , , - , - * ""' - I" all N-PIth ls derived frt , %in, labor."_, VWchr-M brought to light. is, 4004 ja-tha- suit - bro 1110- _. -Q#U Th . Q tresent. to Outr4eS were woro nuuicr=3 mt P 0004"fion, alla tile (_111all Qu +1,0 911,11-rof-ILiIe dole Nvv.ro Rev. Aft, jlmo� tbrQugh drunkollu lately �y the triastoo of A lady ogal;lat jot, there is, 130 originality abu�lt tbil overago (jiqUOU ON SUNDAY. --3134 J-, Tli y proviou �Iil an�%v thii. %net fri--lawitly wi.1-jim " worhlu.-, Tiles. 1(cesack NA I I he horsoa ill tim _t CIA whil tho llalld�l %aQ illat 1i guivl," " that tiftrollifti, a Worell'Intill, bi-h 01111441F, wIlO Calladian, butth� address- on till :onvolopu I'lloaffly yl- tr ers. Violier tyan all !ill son, (JI1143ill, Mill M08I hfo 0 A" C irs, J, 4 0,100,00.0 of trua is led before, T&s, '410alea wifus. Woro I�ueggn And IN. UcAulay ad, t ia ii t monq to alitable received at this,A)f0co, is fibout wi original K arva, �,eutewhyi Am tile 6113.410 Of of t . In some iii-st"wees IYU lany lutyy ptek of liothing", alitt Ila 1111118ell A10AIllf'y' I!. _ with Several 0 - ith P, A very rowarkilble'. escape (w of is, Prot -class, otioraotar. Un the nefintive, J, Broilenek, Captainl4nd M nd lost it. no. Any we havo yet received , ]lot Q, ib" is Selling liquor Oil Sunday, '%]Ill was fillool the judges expel iencoll, great, I1101oul ty in f,,,Iv- ""ro"9110 ll"th la")OP -4114 trovall 111,40 aull day, Olt 1priaily, IV tb '604tirOt t, nelv�zeary I ON." Fortunately, Lila it $20 fi�id costs therefor, Ing tile lIlt lost W cilargablo to aily." Holism, V, Wood, 1), 01111Q11, J. ol TalJ119D4-y, APRIL W, IV, k is "'a"itardian" lilt$ I.A44 frolli-010OW that 110 wil, baold, an(l nollb, front, tbe Scene of his exploit NVO, aluo RU d6pisions,whioll. �voboliovo tfi6y 4nd 1). McDougall The subject -was ably haualod of the part�v 4 a )AII Olintoni wA4 A tl,ijft,) btfqpt spelt than, this., jyjjklo finally did with Atflet impartiality. The late 14aonomy, fly -wbioll, aitimt4rrt 4coumulaty(j, aill, )I, ])oil, Sides, anti at the close of ilia 44 to have 4PIlwil offendots-irt this line coulpolled X',%rmy the purobase of 311,. Chas. - Allison, whiolli lie Olt- ladividual of Ilecessivie" ant, eme, 4isolopsuros doolaWn in fav�a ,4Tr ab:41) P'i, to leave buslitQ84 for life. 'h STATtION.--Mr. Joh4 Doacom' arrivoil �jjd is tj �ajjjpl of rill . , grown, in. r of anturoweto gRon. ,ire terilble: Their indlier-co- abrORd is a"Ift- homd-with his, vow pnrobase—ti, 111amble- vy'lliolils, 0,yor 0, foot ill tain94 to, replace, in. dome measure, tile &M dquiroS. TheroaniloV110 90-M.-Cat0d by 109illlla- at��, Which had he lately sustained, was greatly, a4mir9di And tion, Oil the contrary they inay be embarrassed Ur Vishor'o thma-year-old roce '11V tile sta� of tho Ull ill a tile. ton, der OF 60-nilai'la-i-iiallion—on Friday'lar't. , It' Is t� finy' aftdr,this tlli�t ived Itatill4ro by it, and loaded wlill tile mithiteikaiwo of re.m. GAISTADIAN NEWS--_ JUST tioual an Ill wo dwell ill eso.�pe;4 our notice till �our attention Was thooe,c slesp eally-by those NY lose 4Qt7 it 14 Ono oritnal, a bleautiful, bright bayp A&Tids' the.11yperboregn regi6n'�Y, and, have to, wait Another largo lot of RWrTjSjl WA L VA. of;—iso Mr. John Beacom's," "Young lotions. - L . In 11, to, )told it a ii1terests of honest trailing, bad uW#t,16 hands b1gli".1thd will 46 quit till midautilillor for opring-liko delicacies. Ili 1753, Adaw So tterus, now Cilia n�atj. &ISO Xr. 11111,ttt It'" a letter Coln 0 till bletouian," draw the. favorablo 0aze of a large n4l, qavo lecturwi upon trade IIEM8; beautiful prk U in n It !a called tQjb,'Z IticW(f(j.SbrOAd 3S O'li-illenca of o'coIllisitio * to' expressions. of 'llinburg; ana tlie opinjoll:j t1jon Linulllated 6, 1,000. %Vill be offorod as prenlitt t, t4l o Wit o n our remarks Ill relaX,"on to 0011 r y CI 4 t1ils'lonality.ii lie, ivillstanol t number, end many* Btr in 11, w Winds, Plain Ana t1gured"' ong Wonting 11 P lational e rru tion, ill Clinton,, Seaforth, Exaterautl (Werioll. bavo.rocoived thti f1i -0 tile 10re amplilloid ill llisXAcory qjAfora Wfiltira Fair this y W.6re, Win Any pro, bl rQen,, untuber of the Eec-iii,fio !r0legli-api, publish- Rlliso were givero. He Promises to W.41. no,, buff, drab, o�c. h1q. e,�gjonpo before floe depression of trade fa4toot.horeq ever brouglit iutQ t find Ili his IlKnUk yj Ay4tiowo, the -first appearing vioug llnwunt.. and OMT 13010),41US. 13nrgains in the aj�dyo Nxpv SXD41YAtio.w�:01 ory preparation is ,a(-] at 1110ro'nto, by, bl.r, .1, R.')ss 10bortiIbil. big section, In 1759, anti Chu; otlivy 1%' 1770, Of tile last work, Ali Ottawa raper, says -that, -Louls-Mol, of goods, at,. ill s� Wait Ila given inore evidoincol 1ye are 1) jea4ej to,� see Mr.' Cartwriglit, �oitno being inade by 06 toNvit -I p1W wi�h There were a number oL homebred horoe.9 of Mfiakjlltc�jk, In q, Strongly kuthorWeq, to lay It ig very 11, tj Vob lip, NVOII Bill) a we tbink tile time is Afallitoba notoriety, Is all initiate of the A. 1'U11,Ll,9 dolyllnev Wilwalks in sovorAlparts of tba frool, ,,a Splendid appearance, an -plitl it, Ag, I, Perhaps the Only I'lo'(1-tiAloll -pro- Wounded, feeling tliaki com.nion, sells(,,, lie 'out fo bold ly oi� free trader as to (10014re that adingo) atter,'s ploy and briolit in Asylum'of Montreal, a colatirmod lunatic; (Vice �420101can cto" ,hQ does not raarq ulout our gasortlobs.., IIQ-djol pot believe eVen ill incideuial proteo, town, as s6oli off tile WcathOP"vill, Pelrllli� its appearance, and u0 far distant whad we shall raise an fine duced all infomedinto, gultol-al Wid irrovocable ,.0a"Thursday, Irehmoil, of ilia flim fif 16011 tjoll, �Iiicjl is, Round political QQO1IQ bids fair, to. 1160611io "a barges as call boi- olone in any other oountrY, ollin.0 in Rome of tile most important parts of As. to t kcs rogardill- ftl)� 048, of'theirbeingconstructod.. 'This is, 41 shillin4lighttlatnogg Canadian JOURA18. We -svere glad to see go I I flany fart . tiers present, Clip legislation of 1 Itqs�" A later orNyth k- CO-, (611 into thol crifo'k at Plluda4t Clinton, A�rd 451, 1876, Wlike, a 41 civilized 06 -be Ari�,Iol Era. Q)jn'f' t)Iat Will Ile' lippre(I'Ated 1)4t t1lone I(I more And was drowned before lie could be got out, 'alift1l take lio. further notice 111011 Sulfoot, BY.LAw,—It will bAvo, -as it gave them tin opportunity of jud�iug by al sit " Prob- oursel ill tit A, nittaber of boya� at Obtww, last Nyack. A Otir coittellaperAry is only partLilly 06rreot. who'have heretofore had to content 0 - . Comparison, of thoi inorits of,",thtf dJiffvrent ably the most iinixortant booU'll-bich has ever a) 1;" 'Solve been noticed ore thic, that by anirregillar. Lot 1011 Sale ptj& tlutt our counti is it is true that if notbmg�bottor, call be obt -tvij�nwltteuj wbutbor we cunsitle f and the horribly muti �4(1 romains of an Uodse". -and _aL h with mother earth ns a walk. -her 1, tile Alhount ,in Ity'Llil t-IIq.by,.jt has bein, horses shloiyn, and nob'depQuiling altogut roteation motlatua-.politilaill. a- �. _�vi .1glaftl thought wbicll, it couttlill .,,ja -bwe. Tile. heart it of ol a rit8ln - Infant, pack;d lit it, match tZ 10 awarllp- mado-by 010, -A!.' idekR-wi tile Rlsoblevous- lees uttont is unknown, ndii-Ar Zi�; a'fid S-fiUTQ,,r -S-65'. -Arr-. forind nece-senry to postr4ne 'tile' (lay of Pon t' coononty,",but the Soundest liollitibal600loonly .0tection thfiCL 'S It()$ j.udf(Je'Q t1flo t6vn, has, solil his � celebrated rt ronch votiu, _J� UO2S of Legislation avo not YeL So g irade Ideas lioro P'Ossesged. and. exprossiptl kipoji it. -By reftireucajo it in tin- following is the prizolist : enerally 40- Mlittle boy, about . two, years of ago, soa of PUSU 0% A. involves Ilia pi I n � - omtry,-Sir : T 140 A 'In a- P�wtjjjoe," to, ),I "trathroy, died oil finuday, given 0 tl:em Wore the WON bad horse " Young St. L I � . . r. J40, other coltimn ilia time and Place$ at IVIII611 coptod ". t1losof Oil Vrot6otif 111, 1114 ItAy be Mr. G, J.'X Arson,$ but abooluto'—Havd1lon Times. , Archy, A. Inuco. $14 triiiised froxii, Clio following ifialviduttrIc 1 off 4 That 4aAlrable quatfor acre carrier lot, No istence, Pollook, f I IV, It high figure, We undoro4aud tile votill- wip take pilico wii5ya learned. stinvato: fro.pi the bffeots 6f eatina the Phosperug .2001 .011 lint. Hiarityy: DRAvaiftw.-6 entries, —1st, GlenolS, -Thlit insidjolip tilid QvItfty a"litilhi'vW4 , 01,111' buxioll'of roatchols, toubury stroot, If our contemporary SlIppostfs tbiLt, we, Climb Mr, Poll6ok-intends to trnvel, 11411 iuL To tguid;our readeis Ill the right 11 V Who"80 "adi J. 3" .1000, The mention, by Ila; of the Part, no collroo Olt", Mason ; 2 ad a Sta*noluill Or politician, '%Vllose,c( 114111111),iL are The baby farming business to now, gotting Opposite �,,=TIIODIST CIEWtCAJ, clintoll., 40 that 11 thiA Season, � where we liavo to bZ pursned,-'we refer them to thofQllow- Two, -YEAusf 6LD AND w0m',;-2 en.—Int direoWol by tho inimicutary. f- 1 0 1 1 snit iatereit was 86 ikitiull ill OxOPs.1 of Tdr, iiicl,�u) which.,we do not thlinic it es' ItictuatiAnis' of tile light. Out of 7.1 . 9 iufojitS received at the. nuTing, goloil fraino Cottage and hunaingo "'lobi -71 Will Provo A. i;tleems, ad 110 i"Is - jort I Platt% was Only lijadel.11san illustration bo. 11 incidental protection is Sound politic d6allt )Ara(iraph tiiken frorh an wxohange';� Young Viirmiar, John NVoir, 4nd, )�4uilg 1�jjlf, affairs." thereon sail le 0 'roy Nannery, Aloatreal, during the, year, 04,1 now do uplad y r, Appleton, Nil igh 3 H -w I be $,)Ill by VUDLIO 'Xistarzi of 041414ottioli contains ail show th6t,the �yoightof intc rest Was On Our. borne ft lif unino'in thi kotiun. A econamy," we beg to, covrect it. by Saying Alithere I,, lit) C,,ljuty Ifi-qll $01,001 it, Mount eury Oaks �eata * and digit finder one* year old. 41�0'41ON, oil thopreraillaRjon side. o GsNERAL, Illurbsit,*-1i: Qn,,-Ist, Youn." excellont stimulaly of Swith's argain 'at all OnNue4day xiijht gr enter6d the - L., 11, 11�-Wo- are pleasocl to'hh;' 1� Ono! the public Into st Of tb;lt I cality seems fire contillually that we nwant that Mr. Cortw0glit'a as.' 0 bo q forciblo an(I hicidextia. TUESDAY, the M Day of. XAT, 1876) asserting ta-Aw balf of the priYM4 Conqueror of the - VVest. Henry the interventions org4veriffilifilis, whatlier guile, house a t Or ilia afterneel - - - - I - i tllft� thQ paSsQi)geK'trafTIc orl, this lilla has 4,IV Unlistpil'oll Ila Beadle 12nd from it I a na bargt thatthey olily need to .1be. aalc B.A".j -who carriek on tile, - Pat Malloy, David Fisher, livotected till School of Qhiirlo4 ]if. f Russell, Sirittford,-an4'�iole 4 A the he of Two, o1olook In n, Aortioll tbat lie did Ilot"belie4 in it all ft inqVeRsed'so- InAlch-that: ib ling been follml ral or �lijinicipill, pait of pants cogbaining',$70. He qfterivards if the lti§titntlon were 4 TWO. YRARS AND (INDPit­3 , years, fold in In Substantial repilK AvIth oxtm thj3y Lave entabhali�cl tboinsolveb, aild 01011 -ad a any wit m0s�rk ttitl, I Intl, of,work: as Like1olarly all politiolot;lo, lid cx4gioeistA1116 valt a Stole wwatbli find chaiii-and other-valuirfibleqL last tiVo -a nittlilist. 111, moans.of fostering ti �, or Ili �7. Ila to. put oil ali aatlitli�lial 11 publie one. of the Dominion, John 10pining Pud" You .IV I "". . ". I L I Tito lolo;1*1oltor -and inagistraw from, 11, -Giblettj canyinapnoos, find ont y, will"bo able to, conve, maklug'two. each. daily;- Goirwriortil ng otpouticairomilaials ppliod,,with 00041 harcl-gofol. soft , I)OOB Mr. it 00 -y 111 1, 10 1011�f 44 It Nvould aurel� be inn -ter foir the wiltoP wells. 'Situation Of lob in one 01 tlio boot. In cull�tfr, �rr b0IkQfitLiDK I liti I ru t), w all ba� Dick' Turplu, John Reynolds, way,for a moment, pAlliatolan evil; they*oan never wor)c I 1�,ji�tt illeall tO, IiSeL lit. , p 0 �W. . 1 .1.11 the f oidauts, ton; o114 117?�v I ' '!�: I tgo, ft) ave a Ilig)i Scliool pstabliihad j.ND I% care, General miceblefu ilaps� ltl!611 endral tr4hiii leAvo hore, A. 1)). tilia Ili. order arther to prevent tic ortaf aTAa close to ritairi street, ound, sense. -anti thbAOT TE 1pt Ing If tIIO th ritict have t boea J1 our'contattip thc�x� wasteru Raiiway*0ou 0 _iA , g0jr. ­­­_ r, ti a qr -hild '411 -Or tI0-v7-qf _jjj.. If t Q' loufj .. d SrE- IIAND -BILLS. - that .2rary j 6, Mir oung.1-1-AM --olisoulto they can-torich, w flo t a ill at . 110'j, one ark day of� '9j, F&FUt 1 t ! b and a Hamilton me_rol;�iit has been 11 olm r 8 iij-qolii-0-Feacock,-J.,L bahcr7;-, -1 fairly t�-c . . Ott -grolitbited-all-person :Wh1*k7t:l3[.r7q:-:k1110 _R­&d5;6d' froill G(�Vcrnment an;. coi n tonian, John Ileacona-,­ tneir caurts, and 10 too 6 te i4agibta fostering care of it paternal' govern Inell it vi-ould lirove it great lie, JAS. UOWS the ON, 4uati nee reliavQ itself from th$*prejudlcial efrect T\ro YrARS AsD IJNI)'jt. very wall that but as it is tile ptiplIs Imvo to pay.. all r, -2 ail. -let-, Beauty fill niab Ono or �wo of the Dominion,-. David Fi m b Onat t ey luv Intl r OwIlt hurt, as tho,cUlty of 25 cents Chat its locatioi) pioduces, wo fal assftire� C.�ICRUD AwAy.-On Saturday last tlxrc�l expepspq .,of ilia P011001, - We !hope our- Overnotion a one side prod roa it Afro., R. I No, helml it twas fosterl slier' d, Jos bliflaus attempt for. so doipg� Clinton, Apill 12 hand, leinhut Rtlp�j :of t1l'o township of a Ilin at Cointralia, rould soe-tho grea.t I B . exter, Jolla Walter, ad to Ud &'Of aboard'a ti, I 014� readers v, ose,we would" ilia (,the]', soul tile Ila ilea of tile, f"I'lo' ill (11"tarlisa, Grey, oommitted'suiaide'en Tuoisday morning 0, IV J. liot bel a 'nat The show of bulls Was small; which may,, Ili 10 made Aunoloulo. Mw altiplobities tire kind - Jell, Old y I . # f By tbD o400kef odoliltatling intilrovt9i the schema (if life b ill Oil I, ow ti 0 0, 1.0 soni Qwing herself intalbe �riycr Maitland it. o4berprotection it gtji:rtd,-w�iLh 11 boan. Two of high oerlOol a measu'rq, be accounted for from the fact ones aro, onlibUtarO4, and, the, nstairpl, fit a mone but a barvel cauded the ilivestillent Gf't0':I"I1lOb- Clint it, ill il i'vo in either titt'.1141ing tQ roll)aiii n4ain, it by ally tile, a W0,01101114, 1 a .0, S66d Pbtatoesfor 5a16. Chain ()'I jal"And disLol!d, neor Ethel, while laboring un(lor a .0 But'to lot our readers see Cent on SALI, A rEW ()r TUB VVny j?rt0LjrjC3 tile k i lid of -tile tbivol was Allat it is �retfk well kliowlt,which, aulmills 'r -avated, ull'uply 6i"CA680. tile villars of Inall, parary blBallity. r "Snow F laledi!'. and,"Hurillm,". varieties -a that interferes.with. the free itIteecligrige.of �hopi*riianaged to got off but allan live ag 't ,,can uttlar, Wo ------ neenoo lit -its fill- as this -place. The anxiot will carry prizes, as they are not very ilumerous kind dda�cL Ila b --TVrboyd, naine(I Kelly 53M.710'"Cri 'recently coma int(ITZ"Olablent notleb,oll a, lying RCOAIlut of their 0 .,not expect 'a prize, (10 not with a Fecat coantry, they havii to lie Idth un orgoiliza.. - Moos yields, Il-Poo2kets. par ib,; sold ituit your at give ihTfoll traffic, and to aid thein, in - coming -to- - th4t j:lroug, 'hii . whereablitits Enron, kresbytorly- ana thois who d on,plex, ana wi�hal so ob- fit WQIIingfou Square, qua rre . 11' Clan me subUo; He v.Ntrofaialy ci a (I about tile Ono '011eltisiori Nvo refer tbom t following of his parents, as to I was card t6 take the trouble for nothing. -or they $1, Apply at the ypiv.UaA o1ae6.-. Situated lit. we are, we still have' advan.. C 0 tile selare, as to wake it highly probablo, that v,,I1ttf,m ownership of vi'dog on Wednesday, when. tile, Clinton, Aliril 20, 1876. rolievind by 'it talegrwn. -Doubtless, "llill asbitery milkat'Clint6n. 6u�T,nes ay -that INdre shown were splendid a'aimalsir a slier In it, they Will lilterv"rongly, lowl. that while -Tbe-Pr d Choir latter stabbed the. former with a penknife, ILI. a as, anAwitli legighttiall Nvd 511411 be paragraphi clipped froul their own Cal ill rl6xt Cline doe'. 'at illey doa b.get 1, ditto thiir owners and a source of go. eat 1111111s: boys W. argely pt -tended. 0 X. i It ore OiTortfvtoprotoot or to Amngtholu. Its particular parts able to. disti is.h 6%;rsel-�eg- and boast of it "t, and Nvai I pebijiops arolIxtrowNy baZ40011131 'It floes oubtedly pomli;, 11 iotiug a daugerovgi�wonnd, barrlo�ii' away. es, unit thFit, The bea4y rAins �f last. wo5ok did, conside, eep, allulautorigs 0cond to none Woi Ilia greitl�.. pleased to' -bi. fluthorlio4- to froon. the' cdngregati6ri ot BodgervIllo, , and, boneat to the section ill Whiol� they are kepb. I ViAn . o ­ Stray. Sh ore- injud r' in ig the prixo list nation with I ail o4ube that tba-Amarican, Screw Company Brubefl6la jyej,�` prGROjtq. Th,16 folla.wing: ir-on, cootij. fijl�or, -PERSONAL. Wo are pleased t(Y I able�damagcin difterefit parts of thdPrqvidoo. AME INTO SUB9.0RIBER's praying or iglsdofrm to under the Sun. Wit-li Owl 'ati6ns in calls" to Cl till 6ter p yor Tireltuvon:Ialgilb,�2' entries,-Ist, Third that tima aua ildedoint �rbioa itio Iutoxi�rouco of power -1 C Plinnnar.9 LOT liayo decidod to lophtetheir Works b Duodall- Mr. -J4U'1Cs'ATcLiig%if, forinoIrly'6f Chu to%vii, The I'll s n . b rI int a pp was liladb in the Surnia ktiIA eon,, Godarlop township, an the Bra lost, salt, �Opper, lead, playnbago, ilia,- lie resent factory is to I 0�elllar#d' Earl. of Goodliess, Fl.- Snell 12144, Auko of fill mifir ban oitan �pravun0 it front c joying," a ai,4 la -r90 P. I . t at ouce f saidl)cCie6na �vera granted, said Mr. 0racey f, the,G", NJT.� R�, -n.. IRYn STMEP. - Tho,ownei Is, hold�y. notified W prolvo, and -bi -law of All'. J.-CIIIIIIA)GII, � 0 0 but,beyoud a date teiials we oould bold out inducemen s. -0; cap- apraved in, HaImilton, M, M6Taggart. Mr.. Sulloy objects to Bank lelnics, antl wIFAII60 on- of-traills":` no gotjoits dariutgo wils a property, p4rclmrgoisj-. ancl. in lie inei- 15fit in �ufllloiaut- tL6 no NTC48 apvolnt�d "to.nioiaerate in -I% call in the rthIST110-y- othorlolke thioul away. talists and devolopo our mities ingtowl. of poly-* pti hilit fol In who, went lq sail Jose, d1til';-Soina 'tit TWO YzArs Azil)"I& .0xjuZ on N:ojut, i entry,- d tosee them.regultitod orsnperawleab I . I - N TOH, 1IOT --iiig out the-liard gash for one halt the 'coal create the ro im, tbrrii*di,-�oiigitig�tion,.a,.id*iNIr. MoCunig Ili the Xr� 'Win. Conn lliveIN-nowil fariner, li a d'ribhtp, Xpril 19th, 1870. '-1* T, hort,thil -all tyl 1 0 8 lAilutfrOeture(1- -b ki� Ilealt i3aitaffly, r". Manning. *rOnitint ; because the 11 banking lair admitel.-Of. v- 0 . 0 and salt aild. all the Iran r3quirool for tile coull- y ad �Innd ill6c latter. : Ili accordivico with tile request of the an iii(lLfifilte ib'dreasiI ofmoiley,ll-tI-boo extrairtt. ing near Colborne' villagb, hid hid %arns ail- 9ppor- 46 last Mrcdneiid�y Ing I I iii ovidence will a 0 1 herii,fis.thql TrOv eedod.so-wel that It., ,ina oon�gregailonz of- Blievalo- ant-,vingliftiny gant as3ortitift-ahol. resultiq`�.fi 8 1 tirely consnined by f .. I t ` - foil try'suge.' Ii Clio labor required for tile Monil-_ iple callijal to. oatilMlied himself in busiae r Ili It I JjuDo�s.-L.41r. J. Washhakton,.1 * - ver-trall- togother with; his'Arm -stock laoturo of the'abovo named arti Ian business, ail it Vitwanosh , -out thi Hou�e and: Lot IS (I haye it ing'ircro separatooll and each tllflit� for borrovving, there- hzjs been a Rle. alas was 'por- the w His mally-fri6nds here will 0 -d do Me. John SAIkold and Mri Ili- H�qth,, Q'Qde-� Ing -edit, ariftfailures in. u lit would gl COMP.GtO with, any o6mba . ity 90d. a forin it Separate charge. Aln� PrIte - fi, a I I . , )a ou conge(I enco. Xow -sixteen 110%ol of horses. and cattle Perishing Utid formed here, iv.e employment to -orilio piosperity, and4, W111 (m iielit- Township. thisixtho mi.,erable rIIbdOUlQut4(10 Of tIlUJOIll- �tlIc thqij Ejht, 0- Odull. to- remalit in, Bluqwolo, oculist , tly J- in the flames... -JL. filtuatodtwo-storoyframaliousb,.intoiybocupiedb3r tbous Ifour' nt' )PqrAry..9.fte alit ible. NViiiglinni bacorries a.vacaut coltgregatidn�- Tile Davis' conviab in tile Penitentiary is Arr. �T. Nvilitobilail, on 11attonbury §treot, two.16twwat 00 on ands, emplopneut to. r A number of. Imp ament mamifaoturarb and crantie famotico':L oar youbg nNen who. are deteralinod to- soleness Pose their,ftgents took a6fmUggo of the day to fo beciluftei tbero is liquor thoro- vor this' Sitat6uient, with its, qonnedtiouil, a ex- iFe fol�g drink it ; and if they drink it, they "'Plos yea in tile -failor'if , shop making panta- troides, rho -are conip0led to da -to a forclign 0 , -; t . . BUTCIlExts'LioFr§Fs,­At Park I e r t*yTr. '�11olto-.11 was ippointed to '4aoltire the "his rev "tho ax, of tile Methodist Churoll, for isle. still refi)ains a believer in thC impositi(ni of V ant 'on tile 23rd iilift.,'atid bibill their machines, the market ground being� inust bi5coula driflikaid" ergeS. country.. to rsati6fy th�ir. desires till$ is a Seri- _Ls�A rla, tween the- buteltors-atiol ilia Wingh-141 VVIllAt ac 16ons.for the,cc�iiviots. - - Ile is lookine, Nvoll Will. COBV, _afnidg -be aa-Alodev;abcir 6t8asnion. Thaf;lillow- pretty wall Covered with reapers and mowerb, i(nl that d imiand leads to Supply_ Itiilikeft- 0 Clinton, April 10th, 1876. One lossto any:aolllit�n tribaiing fraud to commerce,'covatousnoss to and go0ing sto be pardoned. alILI DS long.as f6iclign fat,! ff rates fol; the be'll"ofit of a fcwo� ire. %yill consumers of nloat�bftt '1104 p'.0faction the drills, gang plowl &e�, and"grPat ut - 1-10 llilpes to ' lie inj in the doiliverance of Presbytbryarient the, 5, bay r, ape tion end 6f PVd years for JfifA ot-videnoe in t countries can's�nd their productielig -free intoi blling.tboui as it --dc arty, war to wQapolls, lust to� Ifeality havo, to. come to Clio conclusion th3t'ib*i,, forular alijoy, ena Ice to interest was tak 11 in 'their in 0 by the P"Pk LG`st $10 ef country j 100il� exist,;- Charge 124 cents per lb. for steal, ; higher, saparatioin 'of congregaticlix -,�-4T)io Presby- IVI 01-0ov, s it I'll & inAhe.wQdtern plirt,. I . , C­ST;�. IN 'CLINTON, �-Iift.Wtnl X. !k=� 6. 'T'� liftv! . il . - atjQn the pa- p8rtid niost practically -affected by their use.. tile coinintIllity i8likOlY out as� sonlong -srill tl e�h6no8tine�,ofbiisiness-cappei6y,� second not of the trrgedy. Mrs- Davis is also ward. to -the. agricultaral in forests it - has, ciiher nablen".6 dra. g tall:64,i]A� abulider to be bentfittod. Witei looking well; She is.�mplQyed:14 o u w Conclusions 'it is, � d I etle d . I thaninany6thar plac to'* a16 fOr,'a dig..' A,gradual improvernenfis visible in'thoili 0OZI- , Inc N , V . . , e A ., . k�` "1 *1 7118 in lvns�iroui Wili6tiniautl B'tiev ifilito.6void),voi'l'if, -svit4theirbandg;afid w6rL foli the pris6liers. - - Station and -St. Potallf; OhilroIlt, on FxIda'y last, it .211 on illitierfect .it the Ina fr I'd ofgiyirgjitto�ane6�to tintri,..- -struction-ana finishAho resultOf free o(Anije. ' a ofltlio province. All we call say is, they -of th6 irin�on nijv�- exi'stitig h6twe6il. akwoloney gwy,* tboy ivi I borrow rThe'MontreAl Board of Health oil r�hursday- roll Of bills amouptinq to 180. TV� finder *Ili race bmhel of wfiedt has' 6 pay 20c.. par bugh-al ,I,tjCn. ar6 fools to ond-ure it. � It is the way thein and liavinfl'bea�d -the olopufation titioft, the alf6yereward oil returning tile name to and 20 ]let, cont oil flour, tho game proportion Ef-cf Flo This (jig �orlq�of& the frightful . mortality existing of tho paotor; a an only lie. accounted for. by tb ol P. PAGr, st remuIC �' e. * for'stiock, itoi., that is -exported into t14Vuit6a btIctiou. always worIgs--makes. livitfg� dear;. -botli'congregtitiioi�,:as well:aa noltials among Ilia foundlings' of that city, slid8lally o the is, especia - th, Olt Friday existing abnorinal ­,,meil and gi4sping 'after pTii is, StAas, at the Q CANADIAN:' E 77 and'ilieref6re a barrier t Pr OsP'b I'l ii (if' find . Ist, That thelo conoyegaClol* Thic allow took -plaoll Ili Bly th.s. I. the Grey Nun6 Hospital. ,ame, Lima the United'Stabes can last,. and notwithstandii)g..-tlio..uuft�or,-,ble i0ijalth, which sceins to be. -the. cliftracitcRstle 'of Out of 719 N , )1 oila tile place. IV. tile. onuaregatiDn bf IV!ughayn,. have made real there last year onlk 88 'Survivea'. expqrt them into, mr. covilltry ft 00, - What w 0. 4tate of the weatll Btitas,6'thL-v6ar.00tliersyste-�iig IM, . fi want is,to encourage our.wrlinif toborios and* Ila- "trolilclY gr, Ing irograf;s ollirlrlg� tile mia- or and the reads, the atten& Tito conclusions aqived at by -ti 0 . or: Mr. Thomas- cat,cherd' m , -At, az to Board were ;4 Any evidence I.,'as of credit, NvIiieh ,ire an inoalbulable evil to Vic "VAR LNQ i ir p6Qp a that illig DWI) . dt da- -�cswai� 10 c olivi5co-i" -T- attar, -Ziihil' Tthhb�gucll-A dh,­ the great interest the- exhibition of, talcings," ho*1rolich i6ulol speculitioube chock- milk at stated houri, and that their deatli was f ilica 'edrry.bif. gituir to �y �pq blo, _pP.pqtI, _giXjijg.Ayj(jqupe & creitd"K. cohnuinjitibil'.fdr the productio ;107)L _t -a- -our-lande, -,:- �.- __ _* I . y Able, -not"only Ili the iuWrests goo Beef, it - notorious iestauranterr 69 -is. , : - B)�- To r -0-Ell-r-oir ed by curtailing ban]< quirlitions ? it 'great loss to thd ccdnt�y In. -popula4o �,AjSr By W exti-ii, challeng, O'wh ort w6irr"c1irs IT -0-4 I - n ol' I it anOo for t in pastor; Ag�jil,'US "-tile Statesmen. oftho-Tr0ah'ti day On of Lifv� iullnf�#auis ar, 1'� L 0V_F lyr if we b nive, Sit ab'ull -.of resources �Z obti proniifnad'g I �d t 0 tavLtho 1117witilime Wclldoida�Y filet ' r;n ' - Dl�' 16ntreal, cotriza out_with an b hica-by armor is a1iie- F_of`efnqca`r4_ F iv ��3,rdd Volilypoliticlam rivo -jabqs., find, th hig Rev. Cau6n.Bald*ip.to wpiblie debate oil Stroot oil any "Saturday, evening., f6 aTer 6f .'tile pbbition,bo graht- !rig th�b i�troductiou ot tho.:b6stpos4ible ani -I ly tile use of beor-tToe to sqpply the M�ch nics, yeirs sinc6jon this i ry (a W The violat6r, lot, a day working for. 6 Ilaityj?' wily O.'ellect .1 'wiser 0 largest lot that,I)aS collie Out this year. xun-z )Nrij. as the above p&tPgrppIj:,r �vening, bili ve Ill 1110 lar as the. disugliltiotrofthe union is m4s4n.this section.: at-,- not �611tical obblibiriisla, bu Llhat tho'lir r -a rib. Clio sh6ds in Toronto. This. is.. Clio ��RS, )rOR- TIIZ 11Unl!Q.$p*S nElijftNArTS4_ can be develope�d At aqyofi�, wo 14111 pav- 'Unlij or two, lial liaen,,vory ulivropitioug, and in bonestpr,iPAue of lia;p6 from them than,froni Since TV ree of edjarge.-,� oad, 1tit I mad, that 'Talluary Ist Soule 250 bave been distAbuted . . -P. I - , 1, , s persons �woro �abr, at U1`6 � pro�61it solid (1133olutioil takb effetito.11. antee� that capitalisti; -will no-ppYinit-tbarn - SixLy-throaXova,Scotian - s, Who left home tinto a w'ondcious Change has takell,place: colical _8 the amou 1) ti tile -morning oI that,dtiytlia, B:tl)lc I)II-Let6a.6 'The IsItitficitm]. Do.an F find -the 2-ith insE., bdt Uiat a4 remird ­ I thr t. litario, tho.groat4b numbe are-, tho.clint'nu Iligh Sohool',Boal-d hag -nodir r �in torrehts, renderihg-t Nvb,-, expg�, Let t it of good -and ]Ion I r , - -1 utterly r6gavol'-; nearly tw.o-.weeks ag04,on 6, small Schooner for The stfeet-is goncrali�� Pero* d ad by.all it s: tRo preslitory table _t� 0 di� fi. vast amour -appliclititin -to: the Alualcipall4ontlail of the Town 00 f long'to remain underolnp�.,(I' -a -promisaFin tile papci;s ca %N,611 ealculawd to,ao 00---bilb it 96im ...... Y 11 Clinton, Iii the County of, Uumn4or the sum oflflyo I ; passable, and laidting it almo-st irallossable: to ­. -Za"t 6CO ly, will I is Coll- GICU ss., to man the fishing boata of and b bec.31130! a fund for bribery, and pliant Corlstitu- nialt "I Thousand Ddllurs,'for tho purposoof purchasingiandoo, cadle". a oth.sexes,'giving, ilie t0ni qui!:6 an as'Ptilleilds of filture . paltors, the Pxosbyl cry less oflegielative hid. that part, InII.Su posed tolioiio, gdne,dG n takes n6 aciion-ab,preselit. licybod an oxpres- find ground up6n rihl6li to- exhiloit Ilia horso.x,- �Vr arigtooratio, pNosperous and City appear cles obtained wliat funds- were requisite for idigrab below the fotal- rea It - 'ng;the Profitless lindo],rta, ialk,'Ils lie; with the VdPsel 41 tto pass ljoit the' aniounts - nientioned withou.t tileti ainkifigId-tlio" kiielis: Ili IY age. Ilion, t Mr.'Ifin-k- also Iwo- sallio poiiod Illst YOL f tic I Ili Ing employment it is 11 once. ibnV oph a At a latili meeting of ti;6 nivorside G� are nob adetinato to fliciabilitics of the c6jigre- 'The olljrjej 1 wOX6 not' a'$ nUillprolls. arj� they joutild-a B6,111c of re 'any I 'eafson who -arrived Wednesday inonin 1 'Its Gibbons' njw sfixviiy, in t10 cold Town of Clinton); and knows -very well that Jalor io no high. n0w. III,& , bub is the nearl. till �brcotingthoroi6u a Tligh School imfl(lin ling" 'EXTr-18I0N' .0i". Plogni-ni-S. -lul. collsol.. i��tions, 11;6-, to ill might have been. if the woathar bail boon title, M KII)II080 lilt I U10110 wisely still are farm laborers, and most of t a , are single gi andiurnIallthij profib 'in itd oltionce 'of i the inarp.ase of their b usiness, goctil-ehow, antl tile . the gains; that th6To is scarcely arly the subjecb of encourag-iiig loffal.trado was'llp 0 )w0cs-3it!"es . of.11 r�illistor-" it ivould linwou Ile ppreciation t - fewer embarrass. man; They oxprew fllciil�jorvcs a; wall SMG.- .. Altli Said Cox' for, diserrigioii, Oid to'show their In accord-ineo v�- ith i h �1 request or tbi,� doilgre. Nibittio, Stildwit; lwqa the -said Him of lhoudYlar the j)UXpO6bq'6foroWaid- nnnot iiow aCpIIc'rSon`(% CO'. li;iva (Allo6rd,01thet"iociety have rea'ioui.) tnbe.ssit- imuts than.-ollil bin first muntioned salitlino? I *ploymebtr * : Unskilled labct, at of local elrbort, Ille followilig� r a Ir"o's. Glas-ow, M abion. of 13;yfleld.. Mr. 4 fied with IvIlat they 1100 each of tllo.e6biatry be obtained foi less -than one dollhr Pe es0lutiou waW4 taken g. islid,that a, lot ''Of 11310 (IraWn. I (litits, agice ft,� to the -ri(h0,uI:)1lAlleslj, (If tl!c to witheat R disperitiont, !-Eesolved ill a Tv�cf�nb.lot ill -the'r6arof )air 'a;pointr;d tdlabo� 66re dnrl�g ilia faoxt thr�o h,thei.fu ji;o Ii.. I of the f tl�tft6. ' A'fmv, tal day, even by farmers, ql�idjhy�,Idofy any one r iiepntion of those q'Itercatat". Coaltuitteo,ou De'pv�rsioa ; 1)'llt 1�hat is to be and neen, Iton6fo, Ic d AHi) WNPREA014 will rc�qulrkI t1ol gum of rxvilgrid. prefer dealit:ig - with 16eail merchants 11 r C' t Upoil. It a arge iretflar lettera �wqroieid alibilt1iL8 lit) liwa of m-stiiig tlioir. wpy to Uanitolbp, b'ut-IXy. fv�r fDd anti rlity DollArs to be riligiod, niliidal)y, Ili rpollial linistef - - t1w it I -whasa reading allot t1thlights r1te, for tbalinyment; oftho taLe Capital and inyosti Ill' 11 IMIST, 01 -into "one It"01(yi ' ' ' i ' I 'nl4atlls t, t Ir nais6s,'niowd. and pu -another sl I dol Nlr. 110-hro"Oi., I'll -cater number expect. to gettle in Ontario, , olgo,harolutiftor mentioned; to t , any under- and mcaZifaciturilra -wberever we ca. jjo so 611 Shed, and inteii(I to erect receptioti 61 Ing -4=0 tho'&t To 0 of' owner followilig that qf tit& aulfiral "Ith filckv, Smith, bleliffillul iltonis�pvd,vor taking they pica§6, and air iqu I I ' all with thoso at a dist, gjIll' tile' f Of 'N r.4olfixi- nic ipl�V unskilled 4.1 the g.lI;bjIII popular facultips aud aftfliltioni'; u.. a arms anee, over,,wio hutidrdil feet Ili. fil f "' i'00111 Stono, a Illinister of tlf,3 - American to a soned, rou was unused ill pi 44*D NV11HUSAS, Chu amilunt' of J119"whola fateable This does tot look li4ei Vein,4 evusheLl'by T�rd ? . a . , �Opexty of the said o4orporation, irrysinctivil of 4ny.1n." labor at a dollar- Par- day and n1ile intereAt pl�izc, Back of Lugland, I 'I if lai-dit be ")uCi.jf placi. NLaver d`aj (jui at tllp,r�tta of six par. cent upon ibeii ill- Mr. Charles Mason hag got anotifee' firio ini. iircs ill L tolriall Uhurch. allit of Mr. llawtlio�rul� a. 1111. gove all .011votave. agitator thait. 0orbIlutt, InLt' that 45ity, Vtho report t'lult two,- boys' ]ilia turn increase of. the tiamal an, Irroalicetiva of &n7 I Ported atallion; which- Ile- purebased fronl,a. fo�ei,-fi tompoitition. All ir re(It vlok Turpin T. J. BalL ill tit& Urralnull'i'l,3 ajiticar.3 as it flat. As diff haugeolaftother. cc, 0i fhoiirttirooftous,in�crost,dividen(Isirontoor vestment.. This talk of employing oar 11SIUARS, nirmzof tho Ualtofl ?t,. I I - . 1*0 1, of a you . ng inen is doing more gdntIomauaoa�Toronto.. Thishorse, !'Glew, thh, country to be successful is, 1) Ntnth Alnerfoll, WinitiWora of tAltq OnS'PR.M :Lllc lloil­aollf,�Trflkl, chawpioil, -Miall; agaleo fllif �Xe6rgo BujIlife was, laying u;ith Iwo 6omfadc� fees -from'the ginid immortyvand alisi,irrojaptietiTe, 11) iiij ivry than. good) Brifish -, , . . .. a] is rining fonr years old, Is OfAarlx brown Cacti Ineclutuical ability, and a roaacitiable land's Wor 1 0. B.-Willion "Ind Ywing pliil6� IncomotblIa dorivildiratc, the tomparalluns oictof 1) phic .1. S. 'Ilill. �.,'ottlyall politival. a:,!- in tile fobroct;, lint or'llillf0vt1j"natelil hag Buf- the slaking furiol Lqreinofftor mortio spy p -t of 11dengra f, I . aldno" it icult fif Color aud weighs 2,400 pounds.- Ile has never 'duiount; of plaigoveringe industry. C. T a, si-d younw. mil. Illpi'll, 1j, tr.lor' o `bollIM' 3101b ' 41-b fe'red from a'pttiftlytifl istral-o'. and is Some- th,oroof,tgeeordingtot lastv San A6.9 Is ant 11011 as it is. m.f niore.dig xilarti I tare '1 (Irmey' alla Canioron Ni'�)q appointed ou.'Ib3 bcon, baXon �n A ovoinirg in it State, of, rujir,im�'-Mr. 0 w1intffeakillinded, sold igtho butt ofhis play, a' 16rPoIriftioli 0 C ATO l'o, to qnalifs 1-1wir ali0r4tions after limircr, the said'L I be ij for t a ydar Ono Th6u. tb btain help. prize ring in anad.i, 0 1 1 sand Z1,0tifundred slid, sov6n "Ir"mars are not so so �eless, is not to Y' si �rivea wherever he ha5 the store of Iref,=t" State' fir Tivo -YEATtS OLD.,ILND 1CXDI matif,­. The. twill b d t lilty-lituig- ty. Va, vs.$ rour nun. drod and'SIZU Aevoin. Thou mad 0* lin 0. h.�oflrt )60 for blin 'it li:iit, It !41;IiAiii ,, ­,o-ily walittmiance"from, Qu oys - )ropoza 0 _--know that tho dutits Ili the United be A a6oh lifaiti. $3, IC! and said Qpit 1. or would ifialte. a good Alm Williantly illuminated; by a libenil ii;a of )li(�nub -8 Of "lie As u ,of tl�a,Dorainionj John Curni g'; vivo Iluildred dolloortt Ol S6jiljly18 conlplitkct� (If -as ourprtces are gav- -itil cm, tit of ilia. 0,1d0liv, dobt a IIOTI -thefift, st now agitati`�._ —ib. _i%ax. candles. The- windti-wol pa.�ticularly, T�iill, ftlid Oveiittr,�;�, '4nil- i4o%gra, Forgnn5u subject, Butler flocopted" all-cl li rope waa, the itaid corpqrBlAnn is so follows :-F or prinVilial, thip do not offiect A-cale bf Scandal is in 1) urpin, ifdfila Reynolds.. arned by England. Boyers -bare watch Cqi�tojj coulliouroyi. ja Baia that a revor­ in"Ilt 5 Ro.,Ll) AXI) VAlinmax.-I OlMy'-Ciptaill 0: e�.t her� of tile 8"llod , om- dust of TwLnty-FdurTIihaqand,QnO 1rundroa Dollars; I, them;- L were Bob bff lit an a r I ., ", ". �l ... l k�ill fit I, z vi_,44 '111a 11-030a round his neol�, i0lornilp?n tho other at, interest on Poor' Thouquo, 0 biii. ItiOij (4'Eazt AFhfloT(I-,n`Is taken up, n". -- "', �) i I - the. Liverpool-�,Iccb,aiid, goVer Coll gciilfiiifilil-R.�Iiat Illim l4in becli eall"llt. ture;. Bcdfoid; Robt. Vo�erson. hira rounil tho yard at, frill gliaoat frail' tile HT (11-th &Y* Of December loot ptist, and,on aidin nIjtboa. 6f�j ijbj 0�'()vor 141,1111 (�f 4overIaocjl1i;.j !."�Ia lads.dragged he 11undrild Dollars: ant inotiv firiniber of U ut.Zlt oallituil tolou It[) W1111, A ova" oiveii a I�aan*' `fwentyThw0'.`I;nd Dollgrg from tile First day at Doiloxa. accordingly. Atfliepres jilt,� Idising, "notwinly but twowdl,"a 1�lify, I sef6s lit tile display. A G -go lintabor. y*-4our I, I not lially p4esing flia r . - beill" 'tilt tile 'ife a metfibc of It its whol it.was�nr�med t1lat4he saill 'rehigoation, .14, -John Washjug�ou lZlid, T4�si I'aylor ilia Al -r. Nucken-,itf hoisted tho Idd till ]to (GngQ-graoofqIly-sofno the highest possiblopricas 40 It. it' of r torhwt liftsit, and nointorost is ill �jrdav - ppeo an I to - their qUitiosify 'at Ii gu tile -ari(l that all parties _IqtLrtus�- . . . 0; 'Ali jilvcsti� )I Into tbo:(jirQI1l10 I - ;,!�, 1-11v.tivb*.�'gatiolle; �z;'to Prollibitiolla413, -three fact frourtho grotiLn�li - In'tiliti fri,,hbful . -AsD NVIrzan,in, tar paying the !ntorest, itricl cr,,`gfjn� for all kinds elf fat -in piodactf, niid ab' tin� atio Italices word. COWn 0 ill � Stqd 3rd, J;bri'dithI1491. .1, ,. . _4 Units al, displa, UX I T%V atrics-lz�j Flilinim4l. 81 kl, ".4, 1. It- Vm-c aur Ili-;, - rujill"-�i vreri - 'I I' F . b tin 11,11141 yorly Making fulia far psying�tfupsanl guru j higher fitynro -would not be 11�1141�gl recently licild Intl the Rev. gontlontall rciple."t'. tho I, �y.congzk*fllj� ill. ell'bo'citoa to Appeir it next i,oglItI4r*iiieo1i1l" - IMI 0 y ot, position 116 -was (11806,41'reil bylisonle. k tar. I v c FiVe'Thoupand Dollars an�i. intorept, sit .4,jaillitijer miiiiii 2ad, Sobri N, t: -1 with safely. ca to re:i4ii-bis charge, %vj&-h -Vd 15iiii1qtry, froll - of, t �vbilo a 4ieag' inauy. for th6r. illtorc6bi. �vllcli said, reAlgriatiou will it Ifn Tile mentioned, it will requim Iin eqnal annual specie, file s Oil od,thal in clue I - ) , �,l -4. bo�'� face -;%-III (1:;ite blaoir" allil Wivas feared ill the. If Air. Platt foola that the Sail; businvils other' teriar. .4s 4is ni will be diirpdsed of. Ilwsra. Ver.-usion,Zrown �liwdti-_Ulli J, mw' I f thri.2,w)-f Foil., 1� IVI-1, -, I r . BUIL;�-1 entry -Xis, 10111iti.ed t colmolii..(If 1,1110 ti dollar, in addittort to all ()f"drlvortisi!�g.lia�.itirnecl: out So -And Gibson, c1dars, wore appointed to prepare o s: 'SIr. 'Rob't. booft, I,oa- lwva t".,no sitlee gavoIlis gricf6wl 11 L(l) 103 Ito wal fatally injarell. : Mrs. Pl d' Lr�tbs`to be 1074.4 ill each year;' cannot be o3arried Ott withtlilt. a I�Lw'to t6yn-. A,corrospou4ofub of 66 Diindas ip, 1jaij-' iting fionI',TvK0eyviIIe,'sa54 that tile MO-eXPOCb t6 900 tl%Or$ 01110 0 f the Inds arrested Axll AVIIEREAS"itisroado* necoophrylly law to �p. )1 6 C 0 as I.- ills� all 6verhire to t1w A.�su ribly on the 11o6o - Jruawli,-H lisli iii, tLe citintrv; but pel Boine Sections to ])fly More for their jalt rr, Nvi :bcro� ; Aobt. Ueold, Wiwanosh ; J. Iletoll, t Point the Onto an C. otber (lay Mr. -It. S. Howell brought down ill.a.lights." 'Missioll Fund, nn!l to repart. htt anwAing Of .(lck -tin lbvo u�tfr flI&rffn iivalilk�irruectoro, -4 for hpPoii1tiliglisturnbug officirs than they now drI,, lob1fini, abandon tit '61 111:. ., lokl)�L� a,4 fil L!:? .0"le'dalatin.or 1)"ll"w "The course ot ti Ill' dTIdC§ f0i'LoW411 the votes of Clio duly dlla(Vat one shot- 6 'bier U hol(I it Ijamilton'durin"t"Is ali,d devofoilis ellorfles to gon;a_ P lees than eighteen IGOOD F AYDAY W3 0 v 1114terforl,�IUq. I I . I '101100th'? ij a tint c_w4n, *ntlilg, a, Ni-lilch tile W,,k. to take thiivoida of tlic Field, 8100tor t the t Pnyibytery to i IIIULI,11­�Ur. James Biggin's, Stanley,; JAn 3 a into in 6rAllj nio, Tho- fore part wof, tile Afy 11"116"i'M CNS�llod. g; . thin- else�aay farniltivi where there is: druvve. 11 This,' says.1116 Bana-dr, I I is. 4, - "en6r, 'tillett ; �jda. pottoi, - Blyth. jo-ity of �roli.tl'llll folks, Is ft 1,1110'.give their BE IT T111,111:P-1blIt rNAOTM,by tbo'CilrporAtbin. We Cori or If -ever hearil df, and that mail and hiogtiu sacaull Tileilaai 011AISO *lot I'doad4o6kIl Ili the rffuirsbf a now- Ii-Tlrs:1qb. Shall tic in Too kat have was. Web ari(I very divagreen'blif, "all'il Ill (I to liol(i ifs rp�lilai ntingin Scaforth, on'th, life rw p.oix-l-ty, 3 thitil; lllo�e harf, thail l. I' Ill to� Bprat d Ilitildelf,'ana a freQ May 11'.63' AIDE'iG.' . . . ()(It M adherence to. - IV this-i,l the t Aia!ly 1.1 10 ho told, 0 wful fqr the )r.iybr of.tba said for all that lie enn produce Ili England, 11fteraCqn, tile, Clintop; Brasil Band olill-c' T�o' o6w for this riding took IAaC`a*" on T. I r. 'IrpOtAtion to valse by way Of lotin, from any parson or 0 Ruil Chose crows adglit tu be sent to tile Can. .. _: .� —, . %lillere they will givol him: tile hard cash fol, out and performed a fe tatfou lit their Thurs(lay last, at'Kmith'i 11 ill ly-lanisrit)(1. 6:1111�11U'roidillg Ili the township of C allnoXof Per"ong, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing Wer,4infiniter, wohnow Jim, 'Still tile a usual splandid rnalui6r, .1a. the niorn" vary utifavorable, *slid the rokni Ili a 1parful to OtIvIl"CO 010 8ftnIc upon the credit A)f the Daboliturao Ing : Milis ATaggiff Bond and A Ur, ltte&, W vVindi tai"but notwithitituding, i large nuni-bjr of Sonle boys aill�sod thchisolves Iiy lirin" An G'01 a true. ,,'the iunle pal*- beroinaffor inantionedi ft SUR 01 11101joq, Irct exetedies nor, were married on Tuesday, latit.week, ("IfE M Wartitobim-- _erp ondo.ic e ticipnt.�rin the aft'hir is, me I I ru 1) L, I) E P.P. L�;. 8 tox, On ofr cracheva, and it youti,; mail -whr) 'vram tile cvejl- horses were alit ;,;Lvery few spi:ctators wera 'SP x1lievoj a fanner in. Chu wbale III$ Hum and ED Thursday Afrs, Ring Started for market, but ing of tile 12th lust., a ineeting wil's held in'the. 0 fallow,ng,S the In -gootl circinnstaliam, :k�jiil6t tile ],ride is Oaula the fifoo�.. t. bapittlol'into thil'barlds Of the sKI(j ly prosent. Th, prjz'3 t3t Clinton ingli School ljoakd) for the purilijilo mr(I V;lLh three sheets in tho w�inzll r164 ft) collil- TalLpranda ].fall, for the Purpogo a orgaill- e cv, B Ud 'tO�­I& a rat)Ai good-looklog, yodng kht: 014ot ibovol recited. neVer roturnod., QAt Friday )ter body was rio tile ra'."'.-Oft"'ex gta We havc, repeatedly atIited that"wo. did7 fopudlti t1ife river, whoiraib.is4itipp poto wiih. them ilk firilig off h roval-mr, but' ming,,alipOilitilig officeka,had- filuldlig filraug a- SmithIsHill, 2ud,J.J.Vhh`ifi, Woman of twuhty-threc sufamerfl, TEL coti�kl asea'Bbo Illy JaNt J;)ft6r. fo )inn tjOICS Ub a IT. TuAT It shall be lawhilfor t jljoi�l&yor -lie foolishly 1frod off severel shots IvidlOilt molto for thn condug ciwca� seagioti. Timm Colborne 3rd, Robf, Browii, Znri�h, ship was'earriod on%is 018noll cbUrtsidigg are, If oberitureft to be mada for such HUMT lkr not look upon tile to qalled aepicosion. of )Jill t1irowil herself. - j,;b eduso is assigned for Zinj it from hf�_POCI�Ct� ri ortol)ately' jjo),�: -juive vot; ditiler E&4!, 'bu6 ill a I ontlilo tit' anywonborof the act Ilar Itll$ g 11 at I of farmers, onnsider- in thor rural districts ­-princip.,lilly �ojn,, to m(moy aS, may lid required, tint led$ than Ono 11undrila ,]a_ tand Pon(IL'Belf 7-we'ro on iho CAI WAS a AOJJ "OlIt'd- � t iftl 'vivo. YrAwl'.4,01) U.%pru.-Win. Ferguo&i, thijlg� will taku a ebang", at law -tit is to [)a �414g, �i lbollardooach, Anti tbat Ilia jaiLl. bollontuies shell be trade, ffirourrh which the country has 0 it% dono -than tile perfora- in- tile Ants of tile koa&,��, ` Mr. James Bart rom oburcV, Inc is, and appoirentl orno., llobo,(tSo. What indublulics n to Ileve wil I fill (I and returning . f (ft! Real of the safildorpotaliou, goal Algiloa beat of tart) y As bappy. as, a greater iiijury w. (11011) 1. nottled with, tile tely been passing,*,as,aniltogether unrnix- neiviy.weddod.rAir cc jol b 7 appoint&I (Alairixtan, .1113 1 31r. And, �Ibait, It-wai rather Ift.gthy, slid at I u 6. ilofi.of tile salliv, was Ill Beadle,, $IQtity of alinpl6ywrllt ill Urty, Preparatiou that,, inlog. people by the Xilyor atia Treasurer thorei�fj. mee. - .11r. lll� 9traillf, then watle a few Iwo- �tllt tile di,.Parlty ill tile aga %votilil bo'd I tj� .. . ad evil,- or as one that not have, been OA Woolneoday, ligntnilig strtick two'barns FAST CuorplX(I.-Last week' wo rocorol- ,�,2nl, J. P. Visitor, Colborne ; St.d, is lining made, by a li�rgc firm, to (acet a (Ilia 'TIMT ilia foahl Wbilitureff f1hall be maila paysblol. --()no belonging to . o_.ofikers to lie are . . brial vAutpull 14*46,q tile collarl aftior, in the long rnif,_tb tit , it 11 il'I'vinaty Years at furthedt,, tl�ojll Mr.. Any hereinafter avoided, and as time clapses abil dovelOp­ Ntdl Alephadimll, Ofte ell: tile f4o�'t, of limillary I!,"w"o."n , flid. 1), A fin its, & I a large.q1lantity of cordwooa alifloilitta, tlleirswr�ial (Itideq atiol Clio general Snell otirijiigps,. har"OvVI., wcfe doomwl to (lid, MoAltioupd for thiA By-law totitimoffii mile east of'Wanstearl, with all lti.i farmijig UNIMM TWO Durnion, Ivigst yoll -,i fil hai'6 Lit Ran 1.0ott tile frost is 111'ri, t, nb tile office of Ingots tak bohIg Sawn lit Ali ip�uaaally quick tillic'­ inallagarneilt -(4 Clio factory. Ilis ramarks, , w n -h . . ttIo Tve,isnror of Trio-ir-i ic placei wo are nloro than CiVer, iluil I R'llpoilitluolftf Be goll,Lck or t�Vo ago. ghof lovirr- : - WoWpoll (it'll; ILIA Hball b V' :100 hushols. of w),icat, - The We a as 10left cl y is filmal 611,16 tile, salfle,its-if it wik;-, attaclood. to them coullons for the paymont of jatcrolA .rjjj%' week- we, . giva fill acoontit of INOno though bvic-f, ivi;ro to the point, giving evt., 11flin stolid *1 .001100,7&0 "made 0110" the I f -possible, call fil rmod' Ili t hat opinion. The belonga to John xljcjl� AND - CAUtITAOE,-AO1,b:.'!--1 fit, I,- J, Tile wtiather is 'sonleallini, tilatehn. IV.'T�nA-r Chu Wit DeltentiaromAfiall boar Interest a 6 choppitig perfornied it tihort acquaintance oil his. art I and oil 'Stioday last tIld Or� pretty bi Was Wililked Ill be ritrpaoiAfufl; its eflind Inevuki before, cv. On tbo farm Of Mr. i'll'argliall Mr, phi.66.14.a4,ty -- bankruptcies that, are so being. artisan, Ito was entwll�,t, out of the bara.-w1jen time Bince' Fisher,' Colborne ;.: 2ml. .1 1 16bert _NfeCtilloglil not no rain. -silica 41t dittoi tharv*o9k which hitelligt jal"ll ).6 jy1tyablobali.yo rly it wd.i Struck, atilt liad 61y thno to loose M 'Goolodch Tlp� , 3rd, J. J,.Viffber, Colborne., ' perfel cell. There has bont A maiI6 public just now'ard not evidaneies� of �2 Brailliwaile, on,' tile 14th con, Jltlllet,�, '1I ralth U1,10 read. ovar, Ili(", a W. "Ill onths flistdayff of ]!urged and got out his cattle lit tinjo.to sit a 1,04119 of 114rcclucitt � U,,qi)rtt* 0. 7vrxng,-1sf, 'Xia. Waltoro, �!ol- fall but ollop'- whiull wan of 110 occotint, las,b. LO )110.46 uktraoriliniry fact., ljow� betv-con tile pationsallit birliself, as follo bd toltl. - Whil'At; the court. tile 01re (if ill(- c4iolTioasurer. any lack of prosperity Ili ilia count * biA tjicw. thrCe, rimn chopperl down and mado ready we " borne; 2ndDArld. 10isher, Colborne. ing nil two Or tljte,, J;nut-g. - Tito sturni t1tat V, r"rom ic.i o ry, - It - -Y W 4 V I TI(II't forllte Pilipapt offormillff a �Plllkhlg long Anggingi fAoit notes b-soVeh ah(l a- Aurd nud box tile cliceso flat as ja,�� all ca( ill 11a,was tollialwfac --lat, T. ic It -evailing tlinughnitt Amerl"'ll I it waq whally understoorl tot, tile payniant of the olht.luolii, nttfl,oi� rold twhit"Oilt lot U`j,'LS-!,r1t6ftOVO3BItPI), D,'� lit 1hat th-ftv,has boon, tl-la.ok (if dotumerciul jamo.4 'Seatoll lfn� IdlIoll on ri'l(lay, )rd 1.1 lier-11). autl tho-wh9v. farniAdlig-irlt 110 Mjt-7­11 1. IAJ. tit 1110.10 -flu ?I w near rolative.4 -equsills, at tile rate fflorositid, to lizvojjl(� (LUC I !I(.rf I -Ill Ith egliAl. "I"', half days', With tile I of fo'rty cor .3 . Tolor, E, Wilwano4i , 2ud, John AVoighing- not paill thi.4 provihco a xl,iit yol, it gly-6111 PriiiiJuville, by ii, f�tllitfa tree; on the Same day 13itas for that lairposof -,_tild patiquo to baul,iir 01111noli bondsty, find a l(wiriCanningliam. fell'into a cattle gnarl on, 0 wool' that wful :(uf� This was toll. IV. -WaAvallosh. over �ho W;,isicim litatcs,.Vvitll ouch V1 1104 Ili,) wfla,ll AbIqjzi;,w(l, The announce. Of UO -1 afid Throo-fourths Tfundivilthp of ill ark-, lioWovt�,r, -gave rise to 4 0 DeMar shall in Ilildition to fill otbor rates, t a "In wl" Ctoppvd et�ZZ, val, a I UVI0, slid doiloat�d, in each your, ollon flill m1a filed A, 'Oil!; Atid much ii*Vire8t manifest­ nabreach .0. (;r nf, T ullk 110 1. park Lot's 1ear Pay rOr lXa#u1";1' tile inilk, Tile w6eunj, was Uxbjm 2 Yzilij.-l8t, John 'Wasbing W to IIu­ most barnionj 'R wulatfou`oro the SO' I V 3 rid, if . t�L -t of confidence. frout 9(itna ofour kiral frion3s, �Iiwalloih ;' 21idj il�bi, Mutch hero pild t. 1*00rtY in the Oftlil Corilopttion, durine prudence. and a a r a mxt work .;, who oan..'bomioit ? toil, that ilia' voul4kiudi t Marc I1ftFJ b0all 1?,Ub fOW �Ist-frolll TI ill,. lay t), 0.10111 to b a ..... I Anoll after beillif trbl'ori nu I nnd Alex. ItInelde -Cry Oita scominx-fillniourl that 6'. orythlug avid, (301bor l'uh 1, 1 la eansterflatioll the .,,sIj 'jy of '111S' w. no, rcootniflondled. Unirosday U foaY4 are enter. of -all tile continuation of the 8414 Dobcu�tivolq, or ft, broals lately but (;f thoso that wer; t0l tl� drowned In his in aca If ear Iticbrooml cd, m tl;v litl(lortaki a" ..;L? givethe sh6uld 61 dont, to.1hake, "9 " 'lie' Juoaps.�-Alogdrgj Seel' Whitely, Godariall Inine" that tilis Ivill 11 tally debty­- rIl U11011, last W&OC,4L Wa2 dig- VL TnA.T Chia Ify-law 1311AII tAke eftilt and coufalato Hill ; bil S *,edit, for tile really beautiful riae *. Tfic-01wer.4 wore Olell as Tip ; Jag. �Bigglnoo 6 gulej-, and John Uoore,' it itj but it �Short (till lalo it wag lant unsomid, even if there had been n%f Stop- -it Or tit 11 rillograoill'.4 fathot 'kiotioll upon tif Vrnt day -of July, Ono Thousand atilr(iii."Ufil. Dewey, Wil-Ala'a ball oorn. 61 Ope page of trado, aud it is wily thia AtopVWg1_' rait over by a Dwidou'. (tied frollillin rI t at li a was onq of tl'e r1j,At made bi'Dastev niq1t. g,,tg followito ;­,Salasinan, �Nlr. 11. Rtrs""" (' 'am' DuDginrLon. 3finishod(?)and "I .. I that has brought' their rot Ait, .injuries, and oil �iunday alligg King, ol Ile, 01 ", I iti­ i -tentless to'lig dig 1-1.:,to wifil S 4.w� for sell. I �, tit that tho brille was ]ona of witta't fear of contradiction', t1mb ive (4o, 'lliWo to C -)-op P111.111 lie a( lee SOUT11 ILIDOW, rannitig therit will ljo ay by t - )n luelltoy, t jeru I, aullton, ..both g elicosa anti for.1fic matt ag"In out of 61POILY Fillall lid tAkOn Olt this lly-law oil PRIDAV; tbi and instead ONAUSing deillot I' olito, and faines Black, of U in Cause for t: anoilxer towil, in Canaila, of tilt.!. 'is! they boin g thu colkq[ito Led , ; The Showof Ilorses, and ill 10 ';iu!­i,f"IIIX 'win sprNg ti fftlf DAY 101-t IrA rejoicing that the commercial died Suddenly front hear�diseaee.. nq� thitil, Z. Cialing.,0.1lichmond, ulla,. undor tt' (Of b, wx6 inn, it I I same size could barest of a" largo au aniouut,, the factory, ( 1. ,Y, One MhoupAii(i iliphe nundked 4a,.)mo woas�ire 'b oC 1,1it, - of'tho .8, It. 11. A. 8oci(!ty; Wilk which file slage�'10/tfllable`.fi) 0 Ogj 1�fthotlt left atthilhotti-of Nine o1cIrck community liiis, ill f3cf). om* � (,, I 04cf(Aimmit Treasurer, Nlr. A. 81oah ; auspices nior to hll mother's deabil, anti ilover in the lit orn-lug, nuil front thimce bill the hour bf Evil issiondra for * 84t Lit llurt if t pte- other fine great flililtulty, SolflAinic " 11118atting and get. 11 s �sistor till he had (unUnown to hansolf) sty, Find -decided 0 1� a-4olt ill Ojo!�ffa weii'lleil, Nit, place.at 13ruegilela yesterday, tile wia purged �ftllulia p-ft-iall-3,.afv1 thal"It'goulld- 1110,t aji"rojesol, and clVAtioll A superior quality, 113�0111 ' 6 11 O'clock 10 tlt� Afternoon, tit tlio Ulowing liliteen., n the ltf$telq It' . 'd till$ �gftr ily trIle ()Jill -toll I)JIL61104t, 0 'hoaltlrv� 0ate of Unite wilf bit Sonforth whiih will -be -,lionsool. 1. - PaTC , Audi[iir, Mr. U er and Woro tllt�Wftlt� atjb�`t,. 4 Ilutil. and the gathering respectable, but not as inforvintod Her in tile 1,010 of the lovor, * Tito flithe, I.Cow_ """"'at There inizat have b2orl moas,lyfutir to, tj (1, Ill, .0�agrlt Clots (lit* Ly tho q�rc-ngill' of filde .1, 'Of bf-r of rewlutiwis, ragni-diog illocava,of l4ilh US UgUal -Tho show of horsed wasil'splendi, it,- v("y ouag,ltollurniu 0 r certain tofbifow, 'A.1 a prviloftliat ofir con-. will"ba grallt(Nol, tu"tho folloiltyllig. Thol-16 Vollll,�, lady's mother-tbo 'Itilol in* low COO btItjreu;.ill,,, 'it 14"Il dead­:qulco tho (jiscov W,, wit I boo ga ,,r th, t then M hir as (plality arned, it oftlil Ilot 11) In ST. Mpm � WARD, in VaLlin"i &'Se.It'S C.AIMUCils clusions-aro in ritct-tf, we ra, Stephen$, jt. Cat, fkivids�n f al6ne, besides a ];It muiotint (if othei, a, , ft, of liti N�Psl bone ory of tile itfinve facts jailchapl, Alex. _ i Id'havo'been mol-ij if pa"Ied'; Tho FLI. '0A.1 Ilia �lollpy auX ill a fv; dtlyq t1writ 31 an. been allno4t di8i;rjfjctod� ()f couran, the nt 't Thai. V Oster, James W�t* atill 1). TY. rose,, tneats,.,and there, wou jilifriltillpiltion'two Ila 6xeelled in the Dominion', ovell equallill� nofl�ou Victoria, street, G.E.Tanitetuining ofna6r. 0 _ , Im 'in lit ST. JUIN'S WAIVID, In 1111:111-itt, & Lr8WZV(JAf11t1- fiNr to the following front ilia. Mo relt 61 1 , ition. There were'Jtioprizea will Lff Ili) TI 0 witilui: There will thuq'lic six licen8ed bolele Ill xqea. whiell it V tht't-111. Ivi'le bill4 a guott rlivilloid, ox lit) goid' P5 are having :I idab time ill t1lacussing Aclia,.4nor. ca Ifuron. stroa, Ww n. Wmaj Ileturning, P1rM,pijAho,biJlh for two year ofj general ottoll/a, t0ic Uf�ll fe0ta. th�� 4m, over -the forth� The folloliring are the unfortunates not. 'indicate variliard' timh or an -inlem, lat, Th'At tho.uliolld fo draw tile - milIttOWbIlt tile IT&WIV-1hirried couple Offlocv. o i-ailk orses, and, thereforeaa sefov&I �voro. limtrie fliab lt take,;,�-,rcnt, (-rjudt, oil the eyco, The revelations noiiv being faado: as to 'tile who wi V, ill 1, t'rn-jifify divi(lea over all the porl)(383 Ij 6. lilt. gi�ali any I fleflnita row to the nil. Ili RV. Gi*.CKWr,*ff WARD, in CAWTPtOs`&IlnOtI1Xnal,, off- 8, Powoll, D. and'je tied to "'fast" ol; Chis part of ilea ilifiam. th avery Ore �nat ha" I y 4 paTr wl'. nieroils InIftIfi-foo; as twtvhoit they rucall to do, Cannixor sloop, on Albert Stieeb, Voter Cavatij no - business policy -.Intl niona,iement of, manV Curry, Robt. Um's; Jaines Me. Innis of this place, � 6nd thoy.,were exhibited aceorffl-ngTy-:� '/ tUrnittgolAgerf, . 1111?1� 111�alr!.11111 patron keeping tea on the, ground, I swool; stake: prim Nvas form. ling (Iliving to do,waars go affords a sad cciamptit%ry oil tb`e Bride, Win. AlldrMs and Air, f)�Vfton. ter, the large firms Or Upiraril's, will get, their milk, tAon a(,, P 9 6aid the, Lrid(f to a fainale. inforrogn real condition of our WISTIA1100fAL,-Wo hall -it ca I lure 10 0 We, a sholvef bulls was tiot,lar a,. but thWo glea or a gro..-yx veit to; Sava tit(, sholit, By n, 1 0' TfW n PUMIM1104 Oi Elio Aot'of the' out rj theie LA�,yalf j rL of let ( fly, 6 one nitilt or' 'WO have Log-;ttlatut, of the, rrovince of oot to, 11apiloa in the the years just past. which liavo been doetuait. Collce'or Cavolil'and offloot Dutlor on Thura, weak frown Mr.' 1. 1�. Ifargrave, of the f the, 11 were two or throo Lino aniraa1stx1Kbit0d,,,Afhe _�Jjght rhe ill tl!o I Ivor old WR'Llers" prodiC6 an I at , Ila 11, Ailt, a v. 04, hr�llty ffal. _M41, , I I * I 1 1. . _ , Still -16 fia6ii Yra Ki.i§,­who, whit I -WI - - - , IN04 __ ca 4 Is 8 a ol.- ill full operation 112 ilia dolit a 0 Ion calls w te o r V a till I U., ltod�4, ifw. thoill- I,', t v may. bo a Ubtla.difl! I AOL to lirovida �for viltingby lialluton Mullielp6l By-tolwo ment orthe aiTairg Of glib fli'mi hidli ill 1.4."l ta f t�, DPAVOIM-4 /611, IS t SPiffl-R" This is *]IaL Iw3 beoll Clif',ary,for tho dihl,uI C. They found two IM4 IQU P Or ill, a and ling lint 'i'sill � f lie I U'31, t a 0111 sd, cobtiln. a requiting ilia Aso it, of the Iloofollayern and P109ti-riably doil),rl Aft, shoshew a OCO the Interests- of that. P(tPel'i In Viia sailth, Ths oto v t ail i�s n-arly, 100 feet 4111 tiIld, Ity far � way L Tnit the Olefle of the ifahl Muildpal Corporatfifol Ing about 225 grtl tins a. Is th" is at wt or-jolkin oil tile c6r. Gllillodg `C, Alan out 6 CL peed aro. I , 48 Tho I iver oycrilowcol. I of the j!owti U Clinton shall. ab the hour-.qf 12 olo)64- lid I go, A itifteh Cub, Ob 0 Cololulloun; 'taken place. ?P. I, I I., noighbotl)ood.- -Mr. llit'rgrave wtui a littlo in length; is I 'a r, 2 'l W Ill 060, Brown yeuvil, I -whioli Shows Ithat 110 piopor balancing of tile 0 gril, (,R0,41m, T Ilualbok ('at 6 copper rtill, and other at) its. It wag)b. unfortialiata:whilo lore. -At, the hotel nor of Mr. Air�jrcw liloan%j karro, Immediate. & 1i v ia get.' II(Ithe I toll ornocial atotile artjog firmo books has Wien pilloo -for some yeirb, �, I 2at � i4titing ruli, the n1glit, 1Y nortIr Of E 13401, Cfli� the Mringliala gravel 4th EutorprIza, 1'. MdUwou. of yeard age, bod' , J, but, ilia aliannul. Ar- node, oil SATURDAY, the 13(h. t1fty of MAT, A.D., Oil's and that tile partners kept on drawing from* dated in the Louse of' Prank Logbille, w1jo, where' lie put lipe Ott in 'Ond 71 0 Preo Thousand. 3-Ught. llvn(V4 ttnd 86vantpSIX, atflo TOWULI with ouc,Fred. jfow4rd,, were found oil the he placdol-$18'banbath big pillow; ind got. I r0r-d. �Nrr. yleflitft iq Vlg6ronaly pro8detIt'lig e114 * let Aviolot allfl. d6offor Ovory year. 11111cre will I Itall, All over Pf votes allio 1br-milLdeClust I till ro, top t1loput to $39,000 per annum, utterly regard., ire, J. J. Visher -, -ZA, Scotland It Acnin"I's ply1flo b­Lweell here A -act =Z7---_ -iiin&i,forg,ot Elio suin till I hu4 XT. T;rA'r (101MAYO? ilia MIA 740211 pr miseu It is durrently rumereolifiat other ting.up, in tile inor thif worli, and 1.4 dotartr,�invil. fn hftvo tl Jac. 1.41clon Ill 0 "' lea, .60 h uIllboi Offlat, MARRIED$ A brilota- los"? TIf the question whathetprofits weramade , olot, �Sro ir thab - 10 , lifoon. 0fol Urd 11addof 11, bn�A'(1'03, 60 741 - ,a,, e4 l ter Ili operat it not latti 1110 j6th of C 1017Y, 0, . I ir wito! nearl on raturning fo -tile ro�ldeucof of the troft tiliatl attolia at tit.) Town Ito% lit 9 td,thatextentornot, Indeed, itiyearp w4oa itfWaited. The w9olo affoll y inidday, And it., boa0 flint will CC= clawn lottled with tuer- Ith I()X -711". c own, at a IllAff. po profits at $Ill were made, tile private constructed In good shape, showing thatAlIa fogrid, that it was gone. E"voily. offort wan Dn.jouagt' 2 Yrin� OLI). -1 antry'.- chaildis" u'llicli, uhcil bold, 010 boolts; tire bridt"s, f.htlier, oil tile' 13th Imt bythe Itev, "Of 131'.6t 86vC." Qlcloak. p.nl, 031 TIAJE4DAITI, It th do of I (Itton PRosriiiTa.- -Tlirre 19 ny0,Y Indication I,, a Ught Hundred event parties were pollovialle tit the business, Vmnr made to, lina the money, tile proprietor 6f " )kefi to IX,coli wid tile Aimber sold at th Dr, Wall, Nf,. X. liolmon, jn�Aantj to misi 11,�,Y, Am, Ono Thoucau(I V Ing was kept iip at this enormous rate. !]'file apptitratieca it had otafty doninioncatt thiCiinsipess will W lit isk Ili- tit is 1plaao, qd voting Nrodel"U. Phillip, Isabella Dba'sley, both of Uinta attop v estate now showe A deficit of $135,0OU oil opera- hot6l'rend erjng. ill assistance in Ilia 1),)wer, GvNFnjLL lifunvoss, iliavil.-7 en't lab jigt rate of $25 por thotlemid. Thern are fatir or It. It a goroat darnaiiil upo t 6oth skitled *and Clio Vottloug olling 11!11064 allot ibo 1,111al pli. In 'up of five milra Wate, 1) Vilrboll fast., flis. votes by flim (,11ork, rocipoletivOy, M 1) about- one-third" biiffig -to,. but wl topratell lativo, of (ho Ifulloy; 41?, Visher, 2nd Gloty of tLe Do- lying On tho Ruol Ilivar that IFFMII14 mraoilr 4171irthel4th q ofe 1VO., m 1) alf oft a 8,105,000 03 n About, availo: uAL Ill illod liibur will lin nirt-To thid suilliner, M nglish mory ___T "o town. *call watora, RcV. V. AtXhiaig, AN r. IV, Pmpliq, of personflArillfrolVdil'In antit Im,moting 12111%iff. Win.. are, uc?t, tdloiko,l to go Into, Amon of oril6obbel. the It is de fA66 110i gifnarally known to Colhadlitir London Adveyffeeir jong, alSOL In Ur. thora are, several going. 0 Wild, Tito 11,111 i ONAR, Horton ; 3fd PhOncinclion, is that thelavetaga drawiligg -inerg L"Ist gleapoll t1lara was,bliffosition from Alr6or� CimtQil, to lViss J!", �T. 1,1114bi of Gocjerjell� of tile pal frull-groWerg tb4t there is quite It difrarenca .'N61tea is agent � for ther feeling of the 1)(,61110 i�'Ov)pcfuf, na,1 thpy, rri� 116old to beft", Win& I-gdUac(l (ile PoSt t inthis firm hall boon $14,447.71, and, Averillge. Ili Am between,'thei T*n R.1FA.1113 ftb,-1 en, 14'4�11119 Tidr(l Itad- o brillro. Immatoxv ---Ili Cliab011 Oil tho T iklt El' N4T 0 T I C - B I, todh%tatoi andiho Cn. 'And Mr. J. &, yttill for t1i 6 Aflrerfl.sre... - makitig preparutionq Jilq,, from 11,�ai,Li�ad'ovor ona.h� 3601 inst" by the Rev. V. 11jeciffiliv, Ur. iv, $1,148,41; so that these lzentleirleft nadi6n ai�pla barrel. holorlit That ilia abom Iso u trito dopy of wrrqov�fl Lly-tavvy 1� 2nd,, Young Rot) Iloilo Sohn Trilliner. j�f or contains ox. Calit if 'at att:� Iwo- �14 Of but lalt, fall thA Xerchatits, Intarlififfinnal McUllr011iti-tO A1183 X I)rUtilmolitf, built ef a uItfalaftly finsto-1, tho datti of thd A1Y 100 rittRits, IvIA16 the lattoil. which Is 11, 031 1 L, h a .1 Ciintoll. CIP6 for fiffnen. years boon Hying luxuriously' Ile Tut Tto.&Dq.-WO d , 2 TL"kAq of.r)--4 out.-Ist, Toung, Istin" I s tile gnina rally be on the. mooloy of Chair draditors-ft meaner Vious time the ro4dg, woro in ga Util a c6n. Clio: I)omillionj. Cuilling ; 2lid, Yotifig mok Steambo.it Tftio liOcaltdo' bank tat a,* Which lit Old CLYNT01 M'W VUA harmOny AD mode of life than a Imuper"g, Another ailBe tobler neatly b fill & bilah6l , Word, . In. dition no thax, h6vel 6oix (luting tho past Tvi,pin, John Uoyfloldsi lican' paid to tit& 014'lteil R Uvbt Transpor.fatl 11 T1!1v%'rr Tri the 'Scotch diurch 6yPnty-S1x,Z* A. GOOD 1;ik- I.;Bt 11,4YO 'my I' ond Thougoiliff "Ight, nondreil . tit, 8 compi'my, Which I Ill laolfbilO1121 to lit ilia vatf*o or tile 4106 A a Ruill 9 f" I 9 091,011 in. ruro', Ellis 44casoll, cold it iq U *111 Ink tslon thordenn 01, 11(107" thelpth. anyof ray, onlinilon Parlianicut wit1k a, view' to secure ritinal' together with the confinxied 4ravol fey lui, v.,witt'i, P.)I,l lj�. I\: 1. t, I rdtogotllti� liko , taulli � T., 'I : Capital nor proflts-a forail, in short, of tile low Ay t1levo will10 0,11 adilatloo fill T. ono ThonAnnil L rea Atid! $(,Von fy-mir, Ilo the -general Introduction of tile 100 quatt baj. 'sn) an a 4100 IXUAN11, -At. the res"'Jellep of the `-.1 To"Ll no illo followina itopeo of a Bill a I aell'U1611 1"K6-tt, Ur. U14A. 1,111,11or th is h6foro us of exceigive driwin go YdArL by �oatl 110h9beelubroirght befforo-tija twO wookit TJ It ' froqto and iffeent; licavy villa;,o lov; Of naree 1, flold, Ila flo' 13th frist.1, hy tile Ijav, Ructio4cw-j" fqjf 1, -11, r ml them, placed thexii lit a deplorablo onu- mthaua,��tds oil a wide 0, is1ralla , la� confidence gime, darkled'on. linger the dis. T-61 into thig ootiutry, flin, dealers I ter. tile price of frelett Ulm �iea,'7,ou Ovep la4, Uill!- a Canadian didom Tile mild Wait frolit ilix to t�VILI'lvo: As, thore, warty 110 (-Ullall Ile high alloilgil, at 1111,�svli�, withnul. all I lilt it W fatlit'r, till Ilia 13th iti9t.v II&V itov'J. Outgo of trading opqAttotig, :Eobn warnoi 'if fruit -have potitionold Agaitiob 0 qh the groubd noli'69'dolip lit aotno_lolotoes, fliq griwo T\V0 Ytit-Tiq OUX-0 eft. --sort. Boxtep, John Robs; are, I A thoTo-an Rall I for, lit �$atkwq' NV40. tbirl jj; oiolj,�Ilcrfl I% vcr� goadligill'Oft, . , III I lMi, lVellal"T Corley to IzAboth parrlivo 18" .0 e hop, N10orla fltriti't; for waraj jj� -tile 0�*W tile, bairel I10AuW oflh�M tworyUjing, o2i an avorag TIM Capital 'it, not Cal yy - p -r , ovents_eanafj� a-Vorn -being 96del (,Ill "Jaw - 'id -- Irm . I ! -it- _r r --- 11 iti .­ . 1. Sllol).Albia-6 FO toiblo, is a thit'i liaso of 0, fiffil Acing An ifil tile: oflTom"old, fil U) tar onifillont DAY. _ __A Iii -4 -Aa- �_TAY! �i - - , ' " ravol by ws;3 elino.st totallir no I W . Any' fit n1t, who Illive Manufal" hero waq rolij 1�yv ftjlrd� it On, 'i'tlest.14A 411 lsltC� - Lured oeoorhmo� W1011 40108 from tile United 1MVIUM"but lfl , n tile -sum 'D U)n._J 011;. -Sir A InnIal Strellf, ftnil that tile poll %fill Tic ol;ollod Ab tho Citlatril- Atibiloftyled. 14 town thot roads were .14%lOcted 46.1111 to .1, If 11 ft III e� Intl pjae%ja (it Nine of Elio ro�jn to thol islArIllfim itti , to. Pal)(12' 10 A, 1,11`96 ftmoubt, 'CA 11 ft0w thill doom UnItoid'St t6a b� rd to collie over An'ti lid teekift of thd dA rdfila opee t'll Five oft U pel, I It., baiter VTANT?,R,­Tn Tuelterplalf,11, ()It U10 Nth ill, ,olko oil t4 anotho last ThurAday and. lxffl�,4 't, a Irauld e dopm,twellit of riompoto �with fol, Dill, AppIps. %ur horneit'. nuift 301(j" oil pot baircl, liotatico $1.5 )1 r 1) tilat of 6�g I Ing I sigi liAd ttV be usatt to a waggoll, I oggit JoInl0q, oldeSt, gon Of 'N11y, 1�1j, 11,Uvook, Agoa latu) 0 is orthy of 410to UlPA �#itllitf ilia last %If_� Uiqla %,v lait, Wo f -wit h-lonAtri, to, tile JAW Dake, oi Iluddlellell 1100,40 et4, 110V Ili., larol 19r) cle. 1)01*lb*. T1115"flaosticiii,of aodentm4da fe8ol; 60 0. per do?'., frozen 83 0, pof doI,; And' P0 yeitrg, &NIl"Tual NO-Pri"t" thai illd ilia CAI, Draw tioll piper �as to ta a rApidly the ibulks6a 114d to oew gady' I'Ande Afthut, A. Eldohil. , jej be met by ofir CAIIAdiatL bilikors in a. vor. it 4h iod 960tal waggolia, oftnia to grilit, tho 1r)tiv day X)f �IATJ A.Ar'6116 Thonaitild Light It"no rx I Mat b PAL n 0 Fit at y in b rY104804-to I th du f rt a, n t n A n I a t a In Ultmidit, njid It is coil �I% 'fifto dayi liko Titend A EC�j 1 Thoi. flarlAfA, btqhlplt,�Allill CM)l Bill. -r here tit. n tit 'Clio funer, -will 16, \aj 4,101 GrAD19, -4 on,, -lot, Young, Dixie, 11obart rout is afitft five tiwp� higlic I ore, %I &�o the, rL I enda of lot 1-tb Ho liql4o to Un liv, Dr X a 11 arda ana as Mo day for, flehils, voultiAttitig different Apirit �tq that Provdililig and h t a 1161100 Sandy, Wra, Sproab; 8rol, 1`646118' tU111111P9, Of 001111111,1 It I'd Nv6xlld tole, father, lid eon, Tuokeroulith, oil litidAyl,21i tendif t at 0iiiing the 0414 By.Lk*, th# 1,111b will Its beflouil donha,i It t TOV cf­.;�_�;­n-i�icillarg Bah tile weat Itlailit 01510,111 lr�tl to, S. UrdW1116A., ........... wall'tothink twitfoo bofora Witting, ' 1wQdJd. Inot;,, nt thol &aj it tv a trile VO&N, Alld 'idle' is to of a Milk battA IN V alod Must oil llotcfs wt (10doritth. 11AVO 11401100(t t 116taolla Iming homeff thord U poulld, A� d