Clinton New Era, 1876-04-13, Page 3Jus Received
:t)reSs Goods, Fancy Goods,
Grand Dry 9obds and. Tailoring,,
WANZEP, One good goat Koko, Ono good. Pant Maker, Ono good Yost
Maker. Highest Wages paid.
bLINTON, April 12, 1876.
Which havo been purchased "'UNDER VALUE, owing to the pressure of the
Prices that will astpialiBuyerst
SEE, MY NEW41.1.A. CIC 14.$11116,' "Silver Shield brand."
RePt by tirltheialeuse in Town ; imported for?, my OM*
trade"; double face, excellent value. •
SEE MY NEW WIIITE, .COTT,a NS -at -12F Penis: .
shg- MY NEW. AND ZEATITIFUkti*, for .T..adies".
SEE-Icipt 'NEW SI-URTS,--that .4t. and ;gear well.
SEE. uy.Ngw HATS, for delits and. Bo.s.
Sad- at.a great dzIccount till the Firs-4.0/.4prd:
Minton, Apri.
ESS-- wo shirts in one,
*of Clinton and iroundiug country (and morcha th. especially) that, be has de -
to. Allied to -dispose of the whole of prosent stock
Groceries, China, Glassware sill Crocliery,
W"*. House-Koepere and ItotellIceperS would tip Well to livaildirernue-Wes-of-this
rare, opportunity, as.the whele stock must be disposed of.
Special Inducements for any one. Wishink tb go
the whole Stock at -once. •
All parties indebted by Note or Aectennt,Are hereby requested eitnie\
forthwith, and save oosts. •
CLINTON, March 1876.
As some persons of Londesboro aro cireulating
through the country a report that the under-
signed is selling vrork not of his, own mann-
, faetute, he wishes to say that they know' it to
be ENTIRELY FALSE. would also state
that he has not ceased' in the leastebut still
Waggons, Caniages„.40,
Latest most Imilloyed Styleso
And warranted to be of thoroughly- sortioned
_ material.
First Class HORSE 'SHOE%
All work in end allLkinds of Repair.
. Workmanlike manner.,
Loncleaboro, March 8, 1876. •
'Sho-plo Let,
.1.11 stoma immediately. Apply at the Nair lens
Office. -
BAHERiPON.VUT,Oittli. 4d,
Janice IfOrtat will sell bY Patine Auction, in the
Village- of LondesbOto
MONDAY, . Arlin, 17th, 1876,
Ifegyartd, being part of Lit 20, llth coDoessioa of Mil-
lett, consisting of 80 dens, more or lose. Atop, at the
same time andphieti, iota number, 8 and 16, being quer-
there is a hedge, sleep and stable. Posseesion of the
The farm, is well watered, in a uood slate of
en the Wivoltant Greed Road, arta
Oslo Ett. 940 r,
Teems will be Mod4 ktkown on depot sale, or en op-
deisbero P.00 or to dinned Tdoweou, Clinton,
Hallett, Afitieh 1876.
Cabinet are
1.5 Pa ,Cent Discount
nOw offering his splendid' stook refold
tare,. comprising ,
SiDhltl OA 111)8, CITPROARDS,
At &discount of Fifteen, per cent helcW former
priges, for -cash, and continue this. sale
for the next two months, as indueement that
should net bo forgotten by guise •want
good and cheap Furniture. •
//lily Groceries
bought at an immense red.uction prices', Which AM:0110310
opiitS:per lb.., worth 75 cents. . The drawing quality .of ther4e
.. approaching them in, cheapness.
9L71.1.13711,12 -An., Oft_
CLINTON, Mareh Oth, 1870.
TWO Pweliligs for Sale.
rand attached. situate on Mary Street, west of
Commercial Hefei pretnises, This property
is ogevenieetly, situated, and sOld
Tory easy' terms. • 'Apply to
Clinton, Feb. 9, 1870.
Ily-LawNoi , for 1876
Wirannae, the Clinton' High RehOe'l Board hai made
Clinton, in the_County of Huron, for the eura.Of Are
Thousand Dollars, for the pureed° of •purohaeing lands,
Xlfty-fonr (64). Zifty-Fivo (66), find FiftY-MX 004
eibbons' new snrvey, in tko said Town of Clinton, sod
Arm W minas, it will moire the sum of Five Man..
&edema ty Dollars to be raieed annually, by epeeist
rate, /or the etymon t of the gala Debt anti Interest, Ili
Ann WDEuria. tho nalount of the whole rateable
Sees from tlio saikpro arty, and nIso irrespeitive of Or
come in the nature, o IC:interest, dividends, roamer ,
income to be derived fr tho temporary tureen:mint, of
the sinking fund hereinefter mentioned, or any part
'thereof, acooraing to the last revised Asseioneent Roll
of the Corporelion, being for tho year Ono Thou.,
sand Eight Hundred and Soventy-five, was Four Min-
dred and Sixtpariven Thouaarill, Vivo Hundred dollen!
sum of Twenty -1'0M, Thotteanel, One trundred
and iiiterest on Four Thousand, One Hundred Deflate.
:torn tho eleventh day of Doeembeileist past, arid ea
Twenty ThousandDollare from the First day of Deown-
ber last poet, and no intereet id in error. ';
,&14// VhfitunAit,lor paying the intereet, end creating
an equal yearly sinking fund tor ettying the said aunt of
Five Tholuand Dollara 'find interest, ad hereinafter, it will require An !Vial anneal elloolal reed
of eleven and three.quarter hundredths of a coot tha
dollar, in addition to All fetes •to be levied in each year
of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Duronr.
X. 2.4Av it &ill be lawfal ter the•Itteyor of the Sabi
Corporation to raise by way of lean, from any parson er
Persons, body or bodice eorporato, who may bo
the whole the sato of Five Thousand Dollars, and to
millet) the Same to bermitl into the 'made of the said
Clinton High School Boatd, for tho•purpose and, with
' /I. nut it ehellbe'lewfai for the tibial:400r tO WW1
Any number of Debentiiree to be made for auelianins of
41040Y ae may be reguire4, not less than One /lumina
Dollara each, mai that the Baia nobontures AO be
sealed with tlio goal of tho Bahl Corporation, and. signed
by the said itlayor.
Rooms in the county, containing 4 Argo stook
Mr opportunity is given to make a (fowl Voice
gar. Napo, cod Por month i3harged ou
ovordue amounts.
Registiy Office for ;$ervantS.
Victoria Street, ClintOrl,
Fegato inform the inhabitants of Clinton. end •Ies
.desiring MOM this the best moan, of ob-
.Sainingittosamo---Torme cif entry on'applicatiair.
License Conarnissiori.erS..
mint imam) moniom COMMISSIONDRS,
1 for the West Riding of Huron, will meet at the fol-
lowing plane, on the dates mentioned, kr the pinpoint
of granting certilleatea to parties who intend to take'
licenee, vier, at GOBER1011, on THURSDAY, the 1.315
inet.;,C'LHITON, on MONDAY, the 24tirinst.;_and at
NYI5Wili,15t, on TUESDAY, the 25th Met.
ten, April 6, 1876.
VieromA STREET, atm -roar.
xtr. ritir the WI Debenture; shall bo blade pelabte
in Twenty yenro at'rerthest, nem the day hereittaftet
reientionedefor tele lly-letw to take effeet, at the conies of
Alio Treasurer of the said Corporation, atml 610%11 haya
attached td them Coupone•fartho payment ef interest ;
' IV. TirAt the ;aid Debeigaree Omit beer interest at.
afal after the tete et sit "per tenet= porannuni, trent the
date thereef, Which interest Abell la oeyelitelualf-yoarly,
mt the first days of aanunry and July in afieh year,. at
Tuve for tins purpoee of (rifting a Making fund •
for the ;maritime of the ;mitt Debenturceahit tint interest
at the rate eforteakl, to btecom-elno 'thereon, an,aque
speaial rata et Pleven and Three-feurthe Hundrodths
a cope In the Dollar ehell; In addition to ell ethot rater,
mleeel, levied, and cellected, each year, ;men ell
t tie eon tlitipince of the sent Debenturee, or tanybit hem
Vit. Tirvr the a•ot‘M of the eIceiere the
eel'ality shall be team on lido Bydew on MONDAY, the
hear of.Nine o'olock 'nth.) morning, amt. treat th'amel
in the hour of rive Veleelein the afternoon,. at the u•
Itetmeing (Hater,
street, W. TT. mite, Uctemitutotneor..
dinntson • Snot) on Albert Street, Peter -Clasen, Re -
nommen et the Town of Clinton 'after one month trent
ditto whe the letli of Mareli, 100, and that et the near,
shay 'Mid places therein Cod ter taking the Notes et the
ciao, loaf 3.4. glittto, obot.
of tho /Wan Lino, leave Quebec every, Saturday Morel
Lotzp.root, taxi
Paleeengori tor Olaegow by Liverpool line,
The advantages offered by this Lino are vorytow rates
beet eeednitbOdetiate, greatest amount of comfort, ee
(unity and minty attainable, Ond aluntedt Bea passage
Prepaid peerage eertificetes Wiled at loweit sates to
penning wishing to bring oat their friends.
A. sritaxxon, et.
IJORSE arid 011101111110
G.blar ,I News Xtexl : .
'lre salioonez!? E. E. Hart, from Oak
Orchard, with Wheat, arrived in OsweeQ
on Wednesday last, being; the first VW*
8G1.of the season.
n4 boys in Belleville,. 111., amused
themaelvee during the ast snow, by
throwing .snowballs at ta,, funeral pre-
cession. The didn't; And it ea amusing
when ti1See ArgtaclR ... _ ,.._
A ferryGp boatr, whicreh wag being drivezi
across the River Dee at Aberdeen, was
capsized on Wednesday, inmid•atroam,
by sloe- violence of the current.
boat was .crowded with passengers, and
thiir0y perAons warn drowz;ed,
East Sunds�y in $ix pressing Hollow,
ink'hiladelphia. Co,, Mo,, R. D. Free-
man and his brother, M, Freemen, weVe,
shot dead by a boy, named William J.
Bradford, who they were endeavoring to
capture for robbing their store,
• At the Exeter (Eng;) Assizesa school.
inAster.,named-Starbrr a hes been atm,
,.tensed-t-e-iiv at ' penal servitude for
lit'utally flogging a youth who failed to
complete his exercise in arithmetic.: In
consequence of the punishment inflicted
the boy has lost the, sight otbhe eye.
jamb Young, a wealthy farmer near
Phillipsburg, N. Y., was found dying in
his dining:0oiYl: u Tuesday morning,:.
with all the evidences of a severe strug
gle in hitt' room. He died without being
able to speak. " He was alone at the
time, his wife being en-avisit tA'some
friends in New York.
the Iter;-Josephlir.. ferry, has been?
tried by his church in Ashville,,.N. C,,!
and found guiltyof lying, :drunkenness
and -adultery;- , Oft the•••morning:'sfter°
his expulsiort a flag was found flying
from a flagstaff on: the church building,
inscribed, " Ministers •zziay go to 'the
devil, but Pod will save ;the people.',:
remarkable .duel is reported from
the 'neighborhood :°f Toulouse. .The
combatant, :.were two. jo. nrnalists; and
'IOW good shots. ,,.,They met._at 8 in the
Morning, and after the usual prelimin-
trice the signal to fire was given. Bath GENERAL DSOY: G O ODSI- M L L N E R Y.: SIIAN TLEES'the duellists feil dead .on the spot,, each` 9
having received a ball in the region of
the, heart.. .Tahey were Beth married
Tho broken rm�ihea .—
and leave large ft
,hospital at �Tro bone ofa atiQnt in
p'y would; notheal, al- '
ANa $110ES,though all the usual modes Ofcure were � tried, Then he:was put,' under the in -
fluence o a ether, an. aiel to n four inchesd Is now fully complete, and that.we are n.owpiapaied to offerto. cash. buyers a stook of Goods
long woo made parallel to the bone, and. '.....�• P
the broken part '.exposed.' The 'elude 'which,. for variety, quality, :and price,' is unsurpassed m this part of C. au.ada.. We now direct
.:were fitted together after being sawed. your attention to our
on the surface, holes were drilled, and
silver wire put through. 'The healing
;Vias:thereaft'er rapid.:.
.ead c....grattilly a. romoto .41
,0,11 .PRING AND.
We wish toiender you our heartfelt thanks for the liberal patronage you have given the .777
CheaP Cash -Store tor the „year P375.,._ We also beg to remind you that while' hundreds ,
throughout this Dominion are belies -A -this great:financial-Crisis of our times—that
we, on the other hand, owing to the extensive business yfe. have built, the enormou.s amount
of goods We have .sold, awl for whioh we lave reeeived.....the ready Money --have placed our-
selves in a.position tico as to enable us to pay the HARD CASH for our, spring importations,
thereby taking the great advantage (so- seldom offered) of the depression. in the_Wholesale
Markets. By -being enabled td buy where we please, and from those who must sell, we have
seemed -BARGAIN S.- We have .not -failed-to- think, about-th.e-interestrof our etStdmerS, who „'
so liberally' patronized us in -the past, and.ak. we have Becurod Discouturs,. our patrons °
may depend on getting the benefit of -our cheap purchases. ,Wo have concluded:that we can.
rejoice best by allowing, Others to rej-oice with us ; we have therefore determined to keep the.
greatest variety of the best goods that cab. be produced, and to fight to the last against Teas -
representations . and High Prices. ' We also state for the interests -of, everybody, 'that sour
Henrietta: street,' gave birth , to a boy
in beight. • The mother and father are
roportS the mother doing remarkably
, Under ..the eirottrestances. The
baby, lieWever, is not livirig.-=—Bdamore
On Saturday night masked burglars
sister 'were beaten and 'gagged, and the
.11(mi, was robbed., of,. several hundred
dollars. The victims remained bound
The man is also -.Seriously injured.—
There 'is no diseg4ry As to the perpetra-
raise for the crops, they are encouraging.
The fears Viet the open, winter and the'
Unprotected ground might prove ilis-
astrous to fruits end_ 'cereals 7do not,
happily, seerd likely to be realized.,-,
Th6,7reports from the -great •grain and
fruit regions of this•State are very favor-•
able. It looks as if we might expect a
yeai of abundance,, If this shall prove -
to be the .case, it will be the gladdest
Celebration Of, our Ceziterinial;,./Y:
The lourizal de Roubaiz tells a heart-
rending' tale •of `the horrible fate ef a
family who could not escape from the
was fiercely raging below. Mattressea.
having been placed en the roof of an
adjaoent shed, the eldest' dmighter, aged
20, leaped first, and, notwithstanding
she fell on a mattress., bretce her skull,
jaw,,,and-hips. surviving -A quarter of an.
hour. Tho father followed and was in-
stantly killed, next camo the son, ivith
the same result, the youngest daughter
jumped last and aimed the fate of the
FOur powderrnagazines in an arsenal
on the bill near Salt Lake city exploded
on Wednesday evening.- ?" 'Boulder's fell
crushing through the city, some falling
a mile distant. Five persons were kill-
ed, and one worimn died of fright. The
damage to glass alone is $50,000. Two
bays were out shooting, &lough Of thair4
remains were found near the megazine
to identify thein as the remitine of these
bbys, Ono of their hands was fotind
clutching a duck. It is now supposed
that they had fired into -the magazine,
thus Wising the explosion. It is stated
that. there were no men nt work in the
.April 12, 1876.
0 60 a 10 00
..L metre of thanking hie nilmeroue customers, for
the veryliberal patronage they here fed red him with
while carrying on boatswain 'Mid to re;\ end would et
the mates time internee° te. theta, end he public •gefier-
Idly, Mitt he bee Ulfide each errane ants as wiii still
further entitle him to their gnome, so he believes tt,
will he firen,t17 to thole advantage. Ptaiing to' the in-
terest of his patrons', 40 bee engaged the sesvieee at ,
find wee tormiderod the best bootee "hoer it posseassa'.•
its Air also made suds arrae&aments with
alma ta return teWn to prfietieelile protein
Sion, Mr tent onriblo hino to nee liftt eldif in all mettort re.
_s•„, 'Sting' to infuriee and- Maumee of horses' feet,
Solna the'winner or the prige toe
His 'mat with eon:Ideate delta ter his mantitaeters
eapotienty overall ethers, and "Maid 'Wife that he id
about to manufaetuee them on iv meal More °Steady('
dealt, and by tho feeilitieS tfilettesee, Will be enabled
to offer thorn et nituATLY xii,;nuezn
reaaire prompt tittailliod. Nis pride' ars reederme,
SILK AND p4ss. .DEPARTI4E1`411'S..
We are • showing: beautiful: Black and Coiored.Silks, •75 c., 90 $1.13, $1.45.. per yard,,,..
Evening and Wedding Dressei. .We show the largest' variety Of Lnistres, and, Faney
Dress Goeds, consisting Of every cenceivable shade and pattern, to be foUnd Clinton. We-
have- beautiful driey,and. Black LuStrei,at..15, 18, 20, 25,,35,.and 50 as., poktiYely
Prints; in.. French, English and .Amerioan, pitternS, at any price ;. also, that no house can
show yen the same patterns or.sell you the -same quality Of goods' for the'saine 'money, Linen.
Costumes, Linen DresS' Materials in: Checks and 'Plain Goods'. New Fringes, ireW14aces,
neW ShaVils,Lnew Skirts: We have a fine" aisortment of New Trimmings, to match pur mag-
nificent Dresses, No lady should buy a dreSs .until.she has seen 'the stylee at the 777 StOre.
We have* a large variety, consisting'in art of Black Crapes; 131.ack Merinos, Bly„ck Cashmeres,....
. Black. Ilepps, Black Barathea, Blac Pdramattas, Black Prints, Black clrenadines, 80.
FY • plane end epeoilleatiolhe With full perticulara,
their own test. Advertiser will not be henna. to !Meant
tho lowest or any tender, if not unproved. Teetlettrem
he received np to the let of May.
Hayfield, April etb,1070.
For snit; by private thiergain, that very
.We .show the'grandest variety of FashiOnable Hats and Bon.nets, Peathers,.Ilowers, Ribbons,.
'OrnamentS, 0 -apes 'and Mantles, Trminings, • Notions, eic., that has ever been brought to ...
Clinton. This.. department is Under the Management of. a • flirat:-Olais Milliner. We spare
neither pains nor eipense to get the' very. latest shape' or style that is. produced
from' time 'to time. We. therefore aSk all persons wanting Minnie* or Mantle's to inSpeet--
In this denartment we are showing ' all the leading styles in MEN'S W,Q0L AND. FUJI.*
.FELT HATS ; also Silk Cans for Ivien and Bois-, in all th.e new makei: We. have one of the
largest assortments of Fine Straw Hats for Men, Boys, and. Children, in this section of Ca- .
nada, ab all Prices, from 10 ets. each, upwards. We. have all the leading fashions in. Men
and. Boys'., Coats, -Pants, Vests;*&O, 'Linen Coats and. .1Viarsailles Vests. Splendid Tweed.
Suits for Men, at $10, worth $18. Full Suits for Boys., from $4.50 upwards.
ci._1-101.1-SEKEEPERS and GRA10ERS.
We have hundreds of 'Wonderfiir Bargains, but, we.regret we cannot find space -to •tell;you of
them in print, therefore, we respectfully ask you to come and see -them. The following ,are.
only. a few of them. Cottons, 1 yd. wide, for 10 cts.., worth 14 ets. per yd. Grey
Cottons for8 and:10 cts, worth 12i and. 15 dB; per yard.- Excellent Table Linens for 35 c...
per yard. Fine Lineni for 121- c, per yd, _ Ladies Ribbed Hose for 10 o-., worth at least 20
per pair: Lace Curtains only $1,25 per pair. 2000, yards All -Wool- and Union Carpets, at
manufacturers' prices. Ilrown Ducks for' 20 ets. per yd,, gel:totally sold ab 35 ets. 200 La-
dies.Silk Scarfs, at 14, 20, 25, and 35 cts.,:—about half price.. lien's good Shirts for .50 e.
'each. Woraen!s ood. Pruuella Boots for 75 c. per pair. Men's good Felt Rath, only 50 0. '
eaoh.. Men's .Coarse PantsJor 75 e. each. Exaellent Stripe and, Check. Shirting, only 12i
6. per yd. Splendiclqweeds for 45, 50, 60, and 76 c. per yd. _Every farnier should see these
good:a.. Splendid Parasols for 25, 75, and -$1.00 eaeh—about half price. •These.goods we are •
6611ing TorontO wholesale prices. We therefore "resPectfully .request' all our patrons to
secure some' of these bargains before they are all gone. We are showing a.grand variety of
meek legs. mane et tam, stelae 10 hatias
inches high, anti amighd i.noo lb . ; le rieing 6, years old;
ti6ff imported by W; Peet& ,t6,1716,r, hi thee fall of
1871, Mad ado allowed by aeons) eat ptagee the
beet tole that Vito iareir •shipped Chnfide. Eiteltint'S
Wag bria bY Mr. le Xerlotbire, Eng,
Apply to
40/11 11o11.4.11, Juittoorp
Consisting irL. part of White an.d Colored Shiets Bows,' Scarfs, Paper Collars, CLAUS)
Handkerchiefs, Braces, Cuffei, Notions, &e. Nie want every gentleman to call and 'see the
stYles before making summeeselections. Our. goods aro new, neab.and
BOOTS A1413 silots in endless variety. .200 pairsof Men's Long toots. ab cost "
R ERIESIa full stook always. on hand.
lOtter and Egg taken in exchange for goods, at marketable cash prices.
We want every Vtan, WOME114 and Child to come and, see onr Xew Spring and Sunnier
Goods. Odr stock contains every no'velty of the season, and is fully double its former size.
We Consider at no trouble to show goods, whether you buy or only examine.' We mark all
our goods in plain Agures, and ask only one price. • We guarantee that if you. buy your goods
.frcna ug, you. will save from 10 to 25 cents on every dollars worth yoa bay.
he 777 Cheap Cash Store) opposite the arket
=ON) Apiii 1870,