HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-03-23, Page 3�y7 a B CLA8a Tho 4§.Partment, in charge of a„- FIRST CLASS cUTTRR,. and we can xlow offer '..BEST OF SATISFACTION In the make and ilk of every garment. We are ready no! to reeeive orders,•atnd have ' JUST OPENED, A FINE LOT OP ew Coa▪ tings, Tweeds, (testings) &C., To'thioh WO ask attention, • OUR STOCK,. commusnick.r Men's flats, Caps, Shirts Collars, Ties, &c,, neat and nobs , • pl Y .A.RE NOW OPENED, ONLY ONE' PI NCE. i1MAOIN•S PAY, MANCHE$TEIi,'HOUSE,. CLINTON, March 23, 1870. 1876. , .SPRING.1876.°'.• THOS.j:AC'.K 6Ni'E iCfrIANT Clothier and General Outfitter CLINTON, ON T.. Will show by the .1st of April, the • FINEST and most COMPLETE' . Stock • OF GENT'S FURNISHINGS Ever brought lute' Clinton. • Clinton,,Idaroh 23, 1970. THOS. JACKSON. E, A GROCERIES AT. COST PRICE: TUE SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE. TO INFORM TJ - E INHABITANTS of Clinton and surrounding' country' (and merchants especially) :that, he: has. de. termined to dispose of the whole of his present stock of Groceries, China, Glassware AT COST, FOR_ ._.CAS House -Keepers and Hotel -Keepers 'would do we1 o avail themselves of this rare opportunity, as the whole stook' r at;btA.disposed of ' Special. Inducements or any one wishingLL: o go • into the Groc z business. Will sell out the sole Stock at once._ e ' 0,1 and ajar that,' will sell FOR C:1SIf'azy..LY, oi.. its. equivalent. All part':• indebted by Note or Account, are hereby requestod'to pay the Same forthwit', and save costs. . o'CLINTON, DTarch"'T, 1876. • G.. • C. D©BZE. RA;DER 1 i, „ . NEW .your subscription by jtk M1TTIrG as $1,60 and tllait COMMEND it to your friends and CEIVE oar thanks for the favor.. Caution, • • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIIVEN TITAT thc.undereigtied will not bo responsible, after this date, for any dace contraetedia his name,• without,a written order. Caution. DANIEL Sir ANAHAN, Ilallett, Feb. 92, 1876. E4i, THE PUBLIC ARE HEIt•EBY CAUTION. t ED not to purchase ornegotiatoa note of hand t Farm fair Sale; given by me to Taos. Matson, as I have not _ -.. S, • received value for the same, - OR SALE, THATIVr].T.:SITt1A`r$;ll aJOSIAIi IZZARD. I farm of 129 arra, beim; part of lots 11 and 12, Goderieh township, Feb. 12, T876. * Iiurou Road Con., Goderieh t'p, about three For Sale b3r Tender. miles from Clinton., , A small frame house and barn on the place, also about 30 acres of cedar; OT 14, IIURON ROAD OONCT:SHTOIS, co- about.50acres elearcd. For particulars applj: •1 4 Tanana 90 acres, 70 of whieh aro (domed, attest° to • JO11N HOLMES, Clfntou P. O. A 8Wiwi 4 mifrom Clinton, t a mild from tlolmeavitle, nna 8a miles from Goderieh, the ooanty Town. Tho farm is�a7 e � in a good state of cultivation. Tho bttildIngo a mptiea Tia m a frame barn and stable, and log house ; the fences aro 1 f� 1 - good ; a few fruit treos on tho place, which is woll water- ed. Alen, ]louse and Lot, and a Stable and Lot, con, twining together 84 acres of Iaud, on which Is a young oreltard, situate on William Street, Clinton. Apply stating price of each parcel, and time required for pap. 9th oon. llullott, one let from the gravel road inset and interest, to hi. LOV(III, Clinton, or to mo1•ana 5 Miles from Clinton. It le nearly all suboeriber, THOS. R. FOSTER!, Thornbury, cleared No tender will bo accepted' unless satisfactory r in a good state of Cultlt atii7ny. frith a good bearing o;cbard thereon; -There is 50 Dissolution of Z'artnel'sltip. oeLesof'push land adjoining, which could be nerchasatl, -lento, &e., given on application 'r'OTICE I8 IIEREIII GIVEN TITAT TIM PART• to the tinclorafgned, on lot 19, 8th con.. 0R0i3TRT 'CARTER. Hallett,.' Feb, 16, 1876. , .ti• Clintoti, rob. 10, 1876. tf • • Just I- ec iv ed, A7' THE :WOVTREAL NOUS Which have even. purchased UNDER VALUE, owing to the pressure of the times. T .A,M, THEREFO �E, ENABLED TQ OFFER THEM ,T' Prices that will astonish, :Buyersla ,:•a r„ SEE MYE.WR, IN'�'S AT Z0 CE�vTS- SEE MY NEW. DRESS GOODS AT 12f GENTS. SEE 1VIY NEW BLA.CICLU•STRES ••''Silver Shield -brand" Xept by' no other House .in Town.; imported for' my owe trade , . double face, excellent value; SEE. My NEW WHITE COTTONS 'at 121 'Cents• .' SEE XX NEW GREY.. COTTONS, from '8 • Cents: SEE MY NEW AND BEAUTIFUL TIES, fox; Ladies. SEE' MY NEW GENTS' "FURNISI3TNGS SEE. MY NEW SHIRTS,.tiat:-f1b'a .d_wear_..Well.. SE E MY ' NEW HATS; •fo: Gents and Boys. SEE MY NEW i" VEEDS AND -COATINGS.- SEE. MY NEW SHIRTINGS, • DENIMS, . DUCKS, • WINTER Sold cztrect'.d�'iscount till f :�1� Yf �• lthe.Fi�-st'o l AND ocer- -3iist- .eo'eived, oVe '30 .. m^ ,i z3d :GT E.E I Tees; bought at"an,inilnense reductlon',in pieces; which: I alis: ensblecl to.'sell rn catties of from,.;3 to•10 lbs: each; 'at from 50 to 55 eents per.. lb worth 75 cents,'' Tlie;cliawing quality .of these Teas fad suipassess anythin you ht vee seen •ata price at , all aZpproaching:them in :cheap i esl . f- 11ernfor `Y'ou rcir. • TON," March 9th, 187G. A. S., FISHER: • • TILE MIBSCIt1BEIt OPFERS ]:"OP. SALE' alfarm of 60 acres, being south half of lot r14, J. NansTI P heretofore eri..ting between the under. alined, in the business of toning, has this day beer, die - sol rot by mutual consent. H. Moore wilt continua the bnsineas, reeety° all outstanding ?Sneer, and pay' all •• may claims against the lath firm. T, . • Bark Lot ., or Sale. 4 JOIN J. hot ,t C13L.m, I ITIIIE SUBSCRIBED OrIZES.iaOR BALE THAT Clinton, 1I510 . 1870. J. well itituated property, Lot 16, containing three sent, iu'f iinaley Terrace, 8tan1ey, one. ialle from, Clin. Tile Brockville Chemical and ton, on the Rayloldltiror. Terms made kno vg, on an, n toc11VILLF, OciTAItIO. . plication Hallett, oh, 2,1870. I'm OrarcE. Super -Phosphate Works 'A. rLINTor1, CLntroN El id, It. J.hi'KMAN, OF CFAINTilI , is stir Agent for the solo of onr Chemical blannros, In DM Township of Tuelrersmith. ALEX. COWAN, llinitager. Brockville, Morel' 10, 1870. • • 41 • For nide by private bargain, that very' S1parior iIll 9 € g krutIll' ENGLAND'S BANNER, 14', .8 his.,1: logs, mato and ta1,I, steads laberobt s tn.h. • moil, and whom nrcen lbs.; is rising t years old t wA9 11.rorfal ni Vt. W. Peck, of Biarild,r, the fan of 1871. Ana woo ellow0 by eompetent judgesto be tho 1870. 0:111 OP Tag IkEst, ‘PaPtIte Lot for ,Sale, War. UNDETnsIGNEA OFFERS POR SAF, THAT eligibly situated lot 884, on ➢Tarr otreot, batting on the grounds of the new railroad station, also, to lot, lot sss, on the same street, on which Is a small house, con- tatning three roonse and kitchen, good orchard. Por particnlare apply to 7. RIDOUT, Clinton. or • 5 I8: A. EVsiv`S cif Minton, Dee,9, 1875, .Farm,' for. Sale. LOT NO. 41, IN THE IST CON., Or EAST WAWA- Nosn, ono half mile fro u Blyth Station, on L; II 13. R. R„ 90a acres, GO acrea under cultivation, GO acre partially cleared, balande poll •timl'erea.; log dwelling house ; log Stable ; good water privileges. This is a rare charice of proonring one of the best situated farms in the County. Will poll the whole or half, on easy terms.- Apply to WILLIA.aiWILSON, Commissioner, • Blyth, Out Blytlr, Deo. 15187G: • Itt THE OoturrY CQIIRT m THE CovNTY OF BIIRON, AUCTION SALE of VALUABLE Farm, Hotel all Yllaga Proiiertt; Tn andndjofning.the • l Two Dwellings for .Sale.. FOR SALE --TWO DWELLINGS AND•. land attached; situate on Mary Street, west of Commercial . Hotel premises. This' property is einveuiontly situated, and• will be sold op very ssiiy farms,. Apply to D. McTAVISIT, Sarnia,. Os. td .-W W -Ii AREAN, Clinton, OIinton, eb.9,.1876. VILLAGE OF LONDESBORO, • Tot the'Comity of 73uron. In erstionee of an order made by the Junior' Judge of the County -Court of the County. of Huron, bearing' date the 9th day of Decnnber, 1875, in the matter of Partition suit WALKER vs, \VALZER, there. will be sold by public" Auction, ••ley George Moon Trio-gnarl' at the PLOUGHBOY HOTEL, in the VILLAGEOF LONMSBOIZO, In the County of Baron, on - ,;eand Eight Hundred and Seventy-five, was Pour 1100. Z1 dead and Hilt eleven Thousand wive hundred dbliarp; Y'Yda 1'C11.2-4,1876 Ai.n ,,nnerkg the amount of the existing debt of • By3aw No. ` , for 1$74 A Bk -Taw, TO' IlAISE:isY' WAY or, Low, • THE SCIt OF FrvE THOUSAND '•DOL- %ABS, FOIL TIIE PUfP08S9 HEREINAFTER . MENTIONED: voneeeas, the Clinton High School Doitrilltte nada iipplieation to the Hunielpal Council of the Tartu of Clinton, in the County of Huron, for the spm of Fire Thoneand Dollars, for the purpose of purchesing lends, namely :-Lots numbers Fifty -WO 012), rifty-three (68), Fitty.four (64), Fifty -Five (65), and Puty.stx (60), Gibbons' new survey, in the «mid Town of Minton, and erecting thereon a High sehooibullding, and furnishing the Barna; - AND Witonrss, the said Council hes reileived ft« rale* the said sam «noney for the ptuposes aforesaid; Ann WirerinAti, it will require the stun of Five flue - dyed and Fifty Pollarstd be raised annually, by ePeoial sate, for the payment of fp Said Pat andintereetras 4tro-Wimiteas, the anunint of the whole rateable property of the said Corporation, irrespective of any fu. ture increase of the same and irrespective of any In- terne in the nature of tolls:Intereaf, dividends, rents or fees from the said property, and also irrespective of any ineeme to Pe derived from the temperary investreent of the. Sinking fund hereinafter mentioned, or any part thereof, aceOriling to the last revised Assessment Roll of the gala Corporation, oing for the year Ono Thiiit;' Cl E_NERA.If, NEIW$ On 1Ionday four hundred wind -bound vo;flels loft the River Ik'ersey,„ Liverpo;,l, forming a magnificent eight as they pro. ceeded out to sea, It is feared that tiro -British ship Iralco St. Clair, from New York January 10th, for Oiasgow, and the,British bark, Walton,. from New York d'an. 20th, for London, are lost.with all on boetrd, At Salt Lake,` John Wiggins Was on sday sentenced to be allot on June, 23rdTue, for the murder of John Hramer, the prisoner choosing this mode of death ink: e. ference to hanging•or decapitation.. #;gig Alfonso entered Madnid on Mon. day at the' head of twenty-five thousand soldiers. The suppression of the civil war i and the return of the King was celebrated by three day's festivitiea at the., capital. ' A year ago a Norwegian, when drunk,' froae• his hands and feet 00badly near Dei„ corah, Iowa, that they had to be amputa- ted._ Hitt wIfe'last- week got judgment for $9,500 against• the druggists that sold him liquor; The Queen will leave for a aro rvee'k5” visitthe in Germany on March 28th, Her Majesty has requested that no official, re' captions be'eatended to her anywhere on the journey. She will be visited by tho royal family of Prussia at Cobourg.: A telegram from London, says ;-.-All the railways converging at Aberde en,Scotland, have been blecked by the snow for 34'' hours.. Telographic;•corumunication- is al - MOO' totally lMost'totally interrupted. Sixteen trains are blocked on the Caledonia. railway .alone.. 'Otte . train has not been heard of since Friday. ' Charleston, South Carolina.: suffered frorn.toheavy fire, which broke out on Mon= day morning, and swept a large partof the city, leaving hundreds. homeless. To make matters worse bniids..of.negroes,aro,said to have been engaged during the confusion in sacking such houses; as they could gain ad- mittance to. , A ;Terre Haute special :says that Mr. hoes, an old resident of Otter Creek town: ship; stole two bushels. of wheat from a. neighbor to keep his •family from starving.. Ross hearing that the case. had been placed before the grand jury, -took, poison and died, leaving a helpless widow and 8,or 10 children. • - • •The Court room�_�"os crowded at. Pough- keepsie, N. Y., on Wednesday,. to listen'to . thecase of Josephine Ash, 13 years of age, against Henry Astor, of .thenoted Astor family; defendant, charged with knocking the girl from a.chairrin 1868 and crippling her for. life. The 'defence was a •positive. denial The jury brought in a verdict of '$20,000 for the plaintiff;• and the Court al- lowed one thousand dollars additional for costs. A' telegram from .Omaha, dated 190. Inst., -says , . Passengers --front the West. state that' the snow fall between here and -California ie far • greater_ than ,has-been known for'•inany years past, that it covers _almost tho 'entire country and in many places the road bed is ten to twenty feet below the top of the snow, and that is.has. required almost superhuman: efforts to. keep the roadsoPen at all. Moat of this .sno* has fallen within theoaaast mouth. On the '5th Inst., n young lady. named :Appleton:, living near T•'Sstoria,, Ohio, ap parently died. "The funeral was arranged- •on the 7th; and the body taken to the churob. Before the commoireement of the serVices the minis e£ r 'direr vereiimolature on the under 'side of theglass plate in the cofli.n"over the•faro of the suppbsed.corpse, 'The body was ;examined and. found to be warm, .and was taken honie and 'hes re mained in that condition since,, all efforts at resuscitation proving unavailing. -A Paris despatch to' the London 'Tele- graph, says an arch of the railway bridge ovor the river Ill, 'near Latterbach, gave way under pressure of'the flopdslaat,wek. A passenger train which was crossjng`at the time was precipitated into the river.— The carriages felon top of one another, and were smashed to pieces. Owing to' the violence of the stream urine of the pas- sengers' cpuld be saved ; all were °rushed or drowned. Thirty corpses have already been rcoorored: Ttrotity Thousand Donets from the Firit day of Discern - Pared 1.—Varm Lot number twenty- tier last past, and no interest is in arrear ; r, the Eleventh coneession of the Awn. atm WitarteAs, fin' paying the interest and &natio; ship of Hullo% containing tunety-tve acres of land, 'pioneer. less, of wadi about seventy acro aro °feared and% a good state Of chin. vation, with A good:Frame Barn and Stable, also Log, Uotiao, Barn arid other huildings also a good bearing orchard containing about lou trees ; nover./ailing stream ruos through the lot. .The wills of the boat quality ef clay roam The London, Bodo end Brum Rail - Vey runs through the farm. „Which adjoins the Villago of Londeshoro, Thisie ono of the best farms in the Cotioty of limey, Pareel lie. 2.—A largo •two-story Brick Hotel, known as the " Ploughboy Itottalt" with an acre of grotind attached, situated in tho Village of Loncleshero. This Hotel coo - other requisites, with a cellar under the whole house ; good stable ana driving shed attached.; ,also a rod bearingorchard and garden. This is.eonsiitereth Moroi tho best country stands in the County of Huron for an Hotel,' and is do. ti large business. The present tottant'a Parcel No. 3.-oPart of the village tot number otte,, in the said Village of Lonelea- more or loss. Lontleshoro is a thriving vitt logo on the Gravel Road leading from Clinton to \\Ingham, and ie also it station on the Lon. don,. Buren aod Bruce Ilailwoy. Ie distant in the centre of ono of the best- ferrairtg dia. tritts the County of Hurim. The Ternia of pop:neat aro as followa Ten per eent of the pineltase money en the day of' Of the porelidtAe money within,ono month from ' the day of sale, Inderieete be scoured by mod- • gago payable une.half in ono year, and the re. malodor ‘in two vara from. day of sale, with interest thereon 116 seven por oont, and upon such payment and* otemition tho tnortgago ott the terms aforesaid, the purehaser shall be entitled te the convoyanee arid.to be let into pooiession, the parchuser at the time ofkutle. to sign int agreement for the temple. Mon of. tho pureltase. Tho other conditions bemarle kgowil ratio tithe of Sole. end aro the attuiding eoaditiona of sale of the Court of Chateety. partioulare may bo obtained front SO* WALTUtti or Jona 4444144441 :41$20 of the Allan Line, leave Quebee Crap Sateeday morn log for' tdvetpool; landing Passengers and Hillis la Lodi roylo, tor Londondorty and Glasgow. , TIVM1900f, LISA 'rho advent ges offered by this Line ate veryleatrafeff host accommodations., greatest amount of entntott, de qprIty end arttetzattn,inable, and shortest nen passage Prepaid passage certificates iatnitla et loweetralea to persononishing to btftig out their friends, ,;„ rot woush.Tiokete And every totreatIon, Opp OTAUTO)1( ON Messrs. Dotson it Joarrsorr, Goiterloh, llatral'Ilth Dee., I870, • equal yearly sinking fon ' for paying t e said sum of Five Thoueinid Dollang and interest, as hereinafter Mentioned, it will regnire nu coal annual speetat rate of eleven and three-quarter hundredths of a sent in the d011ar, in addition to all ratee to bit leyied in each year : BE IT TIIEltEr011E ENACTED hy.the Corporation of the Town of Clinton, in the Colinty Of Hazen « Torn it shall be lawful fdr the Haior of tho said. Corporation to raise br way of loan, iota any person or lidreatie, MAY Or bodierl torporate, who they be Willing to advance, the same Upon the credit of•the Debentures hereinefter I:armhole; et suin of money not exceeding in the witolo the stun of rive; Thottsand Donors ...and to cattail tho same to be paid. into the bandit of 'the add Clinton High School Board, fer the purpose aud witit the object above recited, Tirojt shall be lawful for tho saidllayer te eerie nny number of Debentures to be made for sneh snare of Money es May be reotiired, not less than One Htindrect Donors tech, and that the said Debentured than, be totaled With the seal of Gab said Corporation, and eigeoi by the said Brayer. /II. TrrOT the said Debentured Shall be made payable In Tiverttr year* At furthest, from the doy hereinafter mentioned for this Dy -law talc° "effeet, hi the °Moo of the:Treasurceof the said Corporation, awl shall have IV. TITAT the,said Debentures :411 boar interest at and affer 016 rate of air per cohtum per annulti, trete the on the first daye of dartnary and dilly in -each year, at tho °Moo the said Treasurer. V, TriAT for the pinhead of forming a sinkinglund for the pg, meat ot the said Debentures and the interest at the rate aforesaid, to become doe thereon, an equal Special rate of Moven mut Throe -fourths Won ',oaths of n cent in the Dollar stall, in addition to all other rates; be raised, levied, and eollected, osch year, upon au the rateable property in the eald Corporation, during vi. Tzar this Ily-law shall talus effect and come into eperation upon the Virg ad, of duly, Olio Thoughttld VII. TitAt tho votes of the electors oi the hoar of 14416 o'cloekln the rowni"ng, and from thence till the honr of ilivOtOsiech In notaiternuon, at the fol. lowIngplacest Iletnrn tug oitt tor. Yft ..Tortni Worm, in nose tc ten's goer, on king street, II. lithe, neturning Onlett. ationtoe Soo; on Albert Street, rotor Cave; Ito, turning Officer. That Me' Mina° la a true copy of a proposed 110.aws which will he taco Into fan smoratioraby the Unnicital Connell of the Town of Clinton, after one month from the lint publication the Cratttolt Nstv Ettxothielt date ants the IGth of March, 1816.1ina that it. the henry &land Oleos therein Axed for tracing the votes of the elsetors, the pelle trill be 114)1d' Ao NZLLEffi 0104 11001115, 1011 A good deal of excitement has prevailed at Havana, in consequence of the Police hating on Sunday, arrested about one habdred and fifty " Nanigos" while cele- brating their feast -called the ' Sacrifice.— The carpus of a fowl (the blood of which the " Nanigos" drink on such occasions) was found. 111 a rooM, and oleo the crosses on which the member's' •names are drawn 'by loto4he one drawn to gamer to•kill the "firat" person. whom he encounters; The Police also found an altar en which wait a figure of Jesus .Chriat, With tWo knives sticking in his back, pointing. out the exact spot where the "Nanigo" is to plunge the- knife into his victim. The " Nanigos" acknowledge a belief and per- form ceremonies .somoivhat resembling thoee of tho Voudoos. They wero former- ly all blacks, but among the arrested were a number of whitei and fifteen women. revoltiog discovery' bas been,made in Sheffield, England. An Iriehwomai '70- years of age, named Mary Callagham, <lied in, a email honk) in court in Boa Was placed on a table in the kitchen, covered with a Sheet, and remained there for nine days, nntil it.betarhe to - Composed. Night after night file bona° has been the scene pf a wake. On Saturday a collection was made to de- -fear. the cost of the funeral, but the nionerias spent in further Carousing., The matter collie to tha knowledge of the health authorities, and when specter Brammer went to the house he found three young *omen and a ohild living in the same room as the corpse was in, - Stops weie taken to inter the body, and the housb has been disinfested.? With their beads full of dime novels and aching ,to be Pirates, ran 'llat from their home %Borah, Iowa, last week and' struck:out for the black Hills.— One of.tho boys stole $700 from hie father, which furnished the means for anspertation, Arriving in Dubuque by rail, they each purchased a new .seven -shooter r‘evolver,. and. they were seeing the sights about the town when they were interfupted by telegraph and all arrested, ekcept the oldest one of the' party, who alid out with. all the money and two revoIvera, The parents of fear of the hori aro in bubo:clue,- and will return with the runaways— The man who lost the money is using all possible merits to capture the boy. with, the stolen furids. An intelligent black boy was trudg- ing along: highwayht,,,,,iti Out viciriltrorMitiiiVI'exas; There WWI negro woman. rying a 1101%0 in the .same direction the boy WAS going. . The intelligent hhick boy -reappeared that night out of breptir, and AS pale aS 116 Could get% Ito said he SAW it ball of fire eorne out of the sky, and strike the we.. man and seyier ablaze, The horse ran one wny "With the woman afire on his back Ind he ran bat* to town' te tell the people what had happened. The people went to look after further pet ti• entail Of the enri0113 incident. They tonna. the woman lying on the ground, with all her elokbes burned ofr,but with life eneugh in her le tell .that she had been struok the breast by a ball of 4,114/05 Olt M4R4LII L 1bIareh:22, .1876. It will be seen by our quotations that wheat has taken a lamp up of about eight or nine Conte; and the market isfirm at that. This 'rise may be accounted for in part from the feet that the sulnater freight rates will be put' on tho G.T.R. some weeks earlier than lima]. Other grains are without change. Pork sea. son ie eloaed, Hay is abundant, and a trifle lower. Butter is Sdaree and commands 20 'cents readily. Potatoes are •ahmulaat and diflioult of sale. SVheat,Treadwell, V bush,$0 97 a 1 02 • ° ' Soules, - 0 97 a 1 02 0at$, - - . * 0 30 .a 0 81 Paley, - - - 0 45 a 0 05 0 62 a 0 03 Flour, » 5 00 a 5 60 ' Butter, - . o 0 19 'a 0 20 Potatoes,*• 0 25 a 0 32 Age,, ' r 013 a 0 14. Hay', .. + ..n: .•900 a 11 00 Pork, a. 6 75 a 800 Beef, . •a •. '- d 50 a 600 Hidesr -. - . # 00 : a 500 0$7 a 125 Sheepskins - - 5.25 as .6 00 Timothy n . - .• 8 00 „a 3 50 G0013;6 • 0 50 a. 0 55` Turke s -' - .0 50 a 1 00 Chickone, . °� 0 15 a 0' 18 - eaEAFOETAa MAlLILETN, March 22, 1816 Wheat—Fall -r 410 97 a 1.02 Flour '\ Spring - - - 0 95 a 0 97 ' Oats - .. 0 30 a 0.31. Peas 0 58 a 0.60 Barley •. 0 50 ' a 0 55 Potatoes 0 30 a 0 35' Butter - '- -,0 18 a 0 20 East- • 0 13; IV 0' 14 Hay, , .- '= 10 00 a 11.00 Pork, - 7 90 a 8 50 otos IRICitt MAIRILETM T- i�*lleltt'.—Fall - SpringFlour Oats, ;- Peas, Barley, - Potatoes Hay Butter Pork, - Hides Woad -. Beef, - March 22, 1876. ..'.$0.93...a 0 98 . �..0 90 a . 0.93' •5 00.x, a. 500 0 •30' a 0 35 •060.a 061 050 a 0..55 0 30 a 0 35' 900...a10'00` 0. 1.8 ..a—f1-241' grt- g (I) ci 0 01:2 c -t-, 1=74 '0 co 1.4 cio Ceti poop :ti . . pc ):: :1 0:16114, 71:1: 1:1,C D :cti...tzi;ii .... I. 1:: ) = *I 0 Po CD F-1 a 1,...4 cf/ Pis g ril"0 1-cil ' 11 ici)ill cA i -d41 :ei...,5 (gc-c62÷ Tonoomo, Mardi 22, 1876; Lomax, March 20. -The &ark Lane ,Express, •In review of the grain trade for the poet week, says ;-Sine our last weekly report no change in the weather forahd better bad occurred. Advises from France and Germany concur in stating that the floods have boon general, and Anxiety for the „future is daily increasing" .At the end of hot Week an unusually great barometric, depreesion i0Oeurred ; violent storms of wind, rain And snow follow- ed, and hare prevailed 'Wiwi; consegently the farmers at the-pronnt moment are nearly at a stand -still as ye. garde agricultural Operations. Since the present condi- tion of the land [dope both sowing and threshing, it ie only natural that this should be a gierlous source of anxiety to.growerg, though it by no means fellowe tliat has of touresuited in satieraptery crops. 11_itherto the Wheat plant has not boon complainedof,• except in some ioundated &striae Of France; still dab weatherie great- , ly-needed to onablehirmere to getup scree of field. work, and for vegetation to recover from ite tomnororr cheek. 'The generalnepoot of the wheat trade evinces a grbater amount' of condense' iih-the part of buyere and a more native business, with an iraproving tendeney in•prices, than for some time past, owing probably to a falling,off in the supplies on passage and the small shipments from Southern Europe, and also to the firmer tene of -the Some, religious•fanaties in Hutchinson. Milin„, starved their,. little, 'child.. to death ; being told by their pastor that Chtiat Made him sick 'and to let _the child alone. . it o '141 0 et- CD ri2 CD e.1 0 ai 0-4 A New York jury has given a clai- mant S18;000 for bodily' injeries result- ing from the fall of an awnino over the- . sid•a walk. The court held_..thit and thatthe city sves:-.1iable for any found the Glohe mining district, maim, a solid tnass of metallic silver o e lying.on the surface Of the ground a weighing 2,200 pounds. ', A careful • r/2 and low assay et it showed it.to be al - Most a. mass .of pure silver, and'. worth :eon go A remarkable natiral curiosity is Ripe friiit'oflist year's growth is seen on many orange trees with partly grown 'winter, ancl. fresh -blossoms which have appeared at the proper time. -• At -a ineeting recently held in San Francisco bY a Society for the promotion of the Christian religion among the Oregon, the Cheliman, Said -,that ,the best method of cerrying .out the objeot , of the society was to court martial the Mormon. leaders and than bang them as ori minals. fire, The horse •was found with his mane singed, and 1116 worn= died the nett day. ¶rhe peoples think she 'was Mr. Sipley, known as the hernnt of Pike County, Pennsylvania, died several weeks ,eince. lie was formerly a wealthy merchant of New York city, preyed. on his mind that he fled to a wild, desolate place, several mitee freer any habitation, where, for thirty.fire years, he sustained himself by hunting thinge better in • France.' At a trial in Parts recently ,Where it wai anticipated- that the eVi- deoce' would be such ati might hare a taid.eney sbock the sensibilities of the delicate minded, the jiidge intimatid that snob !,,worild be. the case, and re; quested the decent •womenoto withdrew. page, " now -that the . decent wornen have Withdrawn, put out the rest.° An exciting 'Chase `after a deer took plaeo at Black Lake, Monticello, NrY.; e. few days ago, The animal, not4heed. nig his near approach to civilization and col:moment danger, ran through the insinecliately gave chase. The deer rat " toward the saW end by some means his head caught in ' the icicles mar the race, and White in that position lie was captured alive. , An aged tenant en it farm near Raleigh, N. natned Paschal Loyd; lately died at the age of seventy.three. be burled xtrthe shoes be wore every day, *and his everyday hat bh, etc. It Waft done as he rerpresta Ito also asked that the lid of the eoffin should, placed in his coffin, ana tie the grave his friends unscrewed it and lowered him down, hat, shoes, stick and all. - how that that city irt not delierving of its notoriety ati a convenient plaee for easy divorces, 'It presents etatisties of last yeitee, obusinese in this 'line, sbew- ing that the total number of oases begun W113 no, find ot decrees denied 70, Of t the causes li.4„ were for desertion, 11V7 for erueItyy 111 for adultery) And 69 for 'drunkenness, During the year 6,00i *grIrld.:eq010' t'i 1:V e -t- . °`t ..ct-.51g21.P cp cm. tti...Z1 0.30 . 0 ,,.1....1 .Ce-)- CZ": og 0 rn 0 d * 8§1-4. 0 ria le., Q4 tg. 11 Fil,g, 9.,) : ..i. ./V: 16s)-g-+-10-.PM 1:11 Cl Q'' • iff 6 1.6 (-1 0 J... -p: . :a 1 . E. CD bi-' ti - ti.J 5" Ng et .(r1 P C:1.5 cp p 1-71-tzle./41.Lt - ' _ to in'A 1 0 GI 6-ja P61 , `'' • 0 4 gl kit *6' .AI, _ill_ 0,--141: iq fa,„, o i .4. 1 1---3 aro g •