HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-03-16, Page 1I
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eachnePiece of In Vie palace of 006hink, This, i�4 A
clock with the b.razoA Jm4ga of Ita 9141
TH mail oil the dl%). Whenover'the clock At the offi is about M Arike, the 014 Man Opens
tile 1110, mouth, 044 just up, it. atrikea he 0 ihutg it, Apdo X0000, t I he operation At rrE11M8$I.50 in ailvaltoo, or If paid ill "evoy stroke'. A few 4oiton from, the t Wo utonths front t tine of subscribing ; or &2 country bolonglug t($ themoot 1poraut u t the end of the yea class, of the popula -wore 1pgatl Tile best Job O,� - tile Cou!lty of Iluion Struck with this phenomenon and i k connection. X o)'�kieywcutad in a lirst-claus having con6idored the matter ogreftilly;. t, anner, on the shortest notice, and at very IV. XI—No. 11—Terins, $1.50 per annum. CLINTON; ONtA4'RiIOP� THURSDAY, MARCH 100 1P76., E, HOLMES SON r -asonable rates. agreed U10 the old k�4a in ,the 441, must b'e olive. Seein-6 his =oqth be, man aoi:Qa
ginning, to. open, the country A WIN D )VILFULNESS. ADVERTISING BATES. Tbo. woldc of the SabbA The 117. S. Ubor MarRetIr tho fl,guro Wbothor it woul Ice a
t1t QbXQrv%U6e. d li � Sam thing to.60.. Finding the mouth open- aA i4d'hand ana'self our readers learn. from our ofTerel bi -i 0 aratog on, rat insertion, 8 cents per line, subsequent To so body—a wilful elf, the otti ok the Ha. A lea4ingNOw ' York paper d! I wider, the, follow,
conkling.ville Olga Ieports,,the'plibU kwa correspondent ing 91:11 nat tiou4, 2 cents per line each tillie. Who me io interest.in, the sep- Wiltod Tinies, speaking of the Sabliath in& the oubjqet of labor 4n& wages In
AIVJ. GRACFY, M.B., GRADUATE OF TRINITY heard me through, then turned away, () � . I gar4oil this as �au, affirmative an�.wer,
Surgeon, &c.,'Blyth, And answered but a scornful "Nay Ill oulit"Y' one of. the Most remarkable. video. held4a the. JEUppodrome conti n . takini � handful of rice, pit I
out, *0colloge"lorouto'l? asAnd itq observance in CiinVidail that city shows that reitictions, are still and CONTRAUr RAT" flioe:-Ol)goaito bhano'a Hotel. th, Jan. 20, 1 75 4 In vain I strove to plead my cause torids of GhQo�unterq.`with wild boa to unabated. Returns � frQuit, Eriglod, � SabWtli is veryell observed in 0 in, the number of we down the. throat 'Qf t brazen im g, One column, one year . ..... I ...... ly No gentle pity touched her face that have lately t, going on . been told. In brief it Sootldnd,and Philik4elpIkio �riri - %W8. Thougii there is a lorga proper. emPI0fQd iA differ IDENCE- But listening with polit golieer .4tt pursuit$,, witli a inserting fi�S Land and arm, into.the h.. .............. �W. UU R. APPLETON.-OFFICE AND RES o surprise, is as follows ilag R00OURtS Of the work begun by tion of Prench-04andians here, the do orre 3 mouths . .............. The House lately oevapied by Mr. Janice Fair, Qp- She iiirned frpm mi o her careless e ea. sponding reductions in Wages. Car WOut400"Atit t I jig moment tht cook Church 'T A man by the name, of,Ge.orgQ-_U d_Sankey, 110h one, 'Anti image'- shut its a the Wasleya .4,Wjt:t� Half one year . .............. . W. 00 posit Itattoubury Street, Clinton. and.Arm not appear to make light, ofthe, day as penker
- ------- - sti
.... Clinton, Nov. 1. ?1873. 8-ly Love driven back within my breast, ley was, on bt I , " , half .. .......... W- 00 Friby night., Feb., 25, many pf�ceo in t@ t io. court ry, yet, un- do'their fellow7countrym fore tho panid were $3.50 per — Pride volunteered to do the rest. gville an in Montreal, day, nbw mprisoned the bond of the, 3 months ............... 12.00 CORE, PHYSICIAN, BUJAGFON, AND AC- driving frorn. dorlarth to : Conklin visited by them, we beat of a qt1ickene, Quebec and elsewhere, I ceased to argue and implore, Not that in any re. eive but .$2.50 for a do ineatiticius exporimontaltst. Ho called, t ..... ooveneun, Market Square, next door to the of eight Ono-foui h, one year . ..... 20.00 R. somewhat belated 1 4 11 And vowed to ti6able her no more. There. was no, MQ011 ager , interest in,religion, extendin
half .......... 12.00 Royal Oanadlan Bank, Clinton, Out. �g of those places.,io thaC element of the hours na there are buti4mas iA Now upon the numerous deities aokriow-� Then lo I the maiden's cheekq grew red, and the road waff uncertain, owing to ou�fside of the oburphes, �Now the York) a I
8.0() clintou, March 2,1876. vital population givert to, Sabbath breaking Who Would gladly'wor uo, 1004 by .h�.'�Kthoaoxllindoos - but,
3 montlis ............ k for One-eighth, one year� .............. AMES STEWART, lil. D., C. M,, GRADUATE Or And downward bent the haughty head the rough weather which. had prevailed point in this matter is, -wby have these for abba th. breaking's sake, but because per day. mong b The sweet U lost their careless smile, ricklayers,,the-fe is.1%. fludin, no resonoe Lu, them, address- 4. half .. .............. 8.00 in that section for two weeks or s6, past. two. men succeedekin producing q last- .- .'. d Pd'' Itimself to'. b,e production of. Sch 41 5.00 &000uchaur. Residelice-BRUCEPLELD. And quiverXas I paused the while. they are" leis 6baerVant, niaturally, of more sts,bliolied rate of wages, Ap 3 mouths . ................ He was in A iiliglit. butter, pr6te6it ipl; offeotf, W have before. -now -given �the-day -sfralght4aced good workni w frigIl One -twelfth, one year, ......... I .... 8,00 January 4,1871. 28 A sudden hope within me grew well an can, be obtained' ai 'ke tful howls4liot the whole.pergonnal th.e.coidby iobesnd blaukO half .. .............. 5-W ed from 0, the reasolaw,wioli"to, up, account d for -people, o Are in far as V pler day t 9'th�-Pa ace. RrUVE, Physician, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for I dared to think her heart was true, a English-speaing 8ione on ters w a r was roused, and laetena& 3 months .............. "O DoUntyoflluron. llesidenoe and oftioo-Corner of and was driving a, spirited � horse, It their remarkable I)ower in- attracting Elan though her lips, for, mischief's sake, too many instances quite a 'hypocriti. ceived $4.50 pbr diy bef§ra the �panio to his 'Not however, till Business Cards,8 lilies andunder,l year, 4.00 Albert and Mill Streets, Clinton. Had tried my goffered heart to break. wag about I I O'clock, And ho� was nearly and itifluencing great masses of'people.; cal as the 'liservaqti. The ohl in'o 11 August 9th, 1860, Just what I w ispered, uever�mind- I -at his journeyR.o4d,' Thd,,.r y are. o . - ief .,no.w get W61 ther--trades t 0 repairer of tho'clock hod been suallm,
Advertisements of Strakyed, Lost, rolind, - - - — —�& . 9�4. lay, :We believe it -lies in thbir exceptio-na trait in a Fronohuiai4 ob the braien-image release the, I&c., not extieuding 10 lines, first uiouth) $1 ; _DR. STANBURY, ORADUATE OF THE muDiCAL But she -she answered, "Men are blind thtough some undergrowth of w9odo. ; i ' I " " d oractop,.:ate R, have detirei4od� as moned did sincerity Dopatment of Victoria UnivorsL,y, Toronto, for. When will they learn a woman's nay-- whil an 'earnes ness in, , a I. sting dm ,at engsg�dat-hja- of. -from $5 per -day.. to $2 - shoe victim.of mistaken. ben 60 cents each month, e the--hors0`-was-Jogging-aIQ I URAt 8� 1 e.wbe lie ion u M after first month, merly Of the lluspitalki and pisponsaries, Now York, By dint of-coaxing-meaus but yea?" ag# ghioh every I t * I h* frolA $20 to $80 'per week I remains, it seems, a oorja6r- of tho
ness, or emp oymon , 18 Is f4culty of 10 and still Advertisements of Farnis and R(,al Fstate Coroner for the County of Huron, IJAYLUELD, Olit. `moderat6 trot, suddenIjF.&e-'6t0--)pd-d-- --a- e t s o u I k a 6 ie" pp . In a-. seo fC - U I i IS i � -Xi i g'T, S t i f 6 1 1 7y' -voLld' 'horein su�h mediwvAl, toyoAx. for sale, not exceeding 10 lines, first 111011th, July 22,1874. thfow his ears foivwdrd,, gaVe it furious, inonfoyini bi"S ouldbro-and .11,nishers, fy u *o How a -Duel Was Preyeit IsoutoveTy-dopressing irilluence, $18-.por week to $1.5 ; house. nd - s n citetile faculty of. .artanco to himsW.. � Mr. �d r $1 ; not exceedmg, 15 lilies, tirstitiolith W. . .6 I a R. NVORTHINOTON, PHYSICIAN, SURUEON, snort, and r6fused to go fartheri The X dy is posAitosed by his e.trana; there . painters, from each subsequent month, 50 anti "i 5 cents. Accouchour, Licentiate of the College of PhYsiolAns he is lively., Active, and buoyant. $4-50-, liei day fo� $2.6 Advertisements without speci(ic directions and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial J A Washington letter 'says :�Il Ivry. Ariv:er' urued him - to� go' Pi 11V 'is co sail makers, from $20 to $15 par week; na Jotal, unco'nscioAsness of e4lf.ln the thinks only of tife present "the' $axon 4 A Shrew. Wider_ &to And Coroner for the County of ilurun, Office anti otruck him with th halter,, the 'strap man 'while. speaking which -giyp.m to his on, the average cA�riigo makeri,"from $8.50l to $2, and will be inserted till forbid, and ell3r9cd Me- resilmee,-The building formerly occupied by Mr. friend Colonel* Richard Wintoramith of the fhture�aiid be, cordingly. I'lkwaited, fluron street. was walking up tile avenue one day, so- and of which was. tied to 4he cutter in words a tromaudonspoWer. . Bat, these liv6s�� far mor� pleasant life. . It is Sta- $2,50 per day ; coopers, from $20 to $10 Nearly a. century. ago, when daring nAdvertisements measured by a scale Of Jun, 10, 1871. compartied by Mrs. Wintersmith and order to prevent its dropping out And rose.ons I while' they account . for - the jeid'as. a: fact- ihat,man instances. have per Week cabinet makers,, from $18. solid Nonpareil. 11. DOWSLEY, M.D.. L.R.C.P.S.K., MEMBER another lady. -The sidewalk WAS icy. -'hioh ord.wa. to h60him' an& to robbers Wero plentiful in the badly- b,, �ing lost. The b4roe jumped for- -throngi a thii7jile same
UY Ii. -i4m-and, ari of College of I'llysicians and Surgeone ofOntario, ghted streets of Lou is as 1). W� In a friglitenotimnner efore for his. inimediate effeob upon".t iem i10 t- SON. -goon of libigston C a . rd ap I u*i6y qiiiitbo and madhinWiB, . 'tie E. IIOLN117S late Ifouso Sol Toneral and Lyiug-in Just In front of *them. pekAbulated �blit b I aking-, ill'obaso .41ack
dy'L �e iSt or ormarry-mi in $3 ""snbak-tbieves�' are in onr. Hospital, Physician, Surgeon and Aacouehour. Orrlcx he 4a.4 taken three i. -tops. a huge poubhor. not, explain � the sfea rs enb-iol! er`day;to$I0 Albert street, uppuaito Fair'o Mill. RESIDENt!E.-ilurou perfumed attacheof the French Logo- even, pain ;, it is well kno w.u.. bitt, ,P and $12 p-er weak.; tail.- antly lighted thoro�gbfhres�at tbo�:_Mt. sprang. from behind a low evefredii opease;of.4 t. -after 'lie enly., ALCOMSON & WATSON, IsAftRISTERS AT� It ... )t, oPPoelte Culumerviul 11"t"), Clinton Out. tion. Suddenly the high diplomatic .. inj _ L , Pvou zeal ig0n%� �ftjiniiids which have. been fit-misbing for- .�:ors earn from $10 to wook,t S all challco;'y. and Clinton, April 21,1875. 'close b YL the triack and lmp�d' o1he ancl'i' ent time, a 'gent ma -AT-LAW, Solicitors in boot heels struck upon a pairticularl a placbs where lie has fnever:b -ythinj at the sound'of. a dau t I'0- per cent., Iola than'beforo 'th s " d: i ht TORNEYS oe". got eve]. CQ Ou e toppe , one'nig while. passinn', over Conveyaricars, ofill:o-Next door to the now Royal Calla- y cutter. As it st I R, Brno th spot of ice ; there was a flash of rack the outte't its. fore- -11; was--pre-dicted thAt*.this revival a*Aadii. and fefi tiaiid'pi%r e. Pdr� �Poili`t Neilf - PaxZ *1th a-lanfekil by a" dia.:Ank building. tune panic ;, eigar makers avorug feet in tile air, and the -whack of a others dooeoint wholly- on too . k of the fleeting lire yeary. rough le MONEY TO LEND 014 ]REAL ESTATF luotel head paws came With great force Against like many piea tr they week ag 16 n sling; S as W.t i okingv vian, wlio said, 'pre' -sent-,
S MALCOUS N. are in the world.' arid.$20 the, panipz irou ii�oixlaers. ing a paper� tbia.0 Sdnebat WOUICIL en 'with had want or" Iiinerootr! with bair parted in the middle upon the aud,with.one blow exciteniiint of fe y 21,1875. Ith its powerful nails the man's cloth- the outburst of emetion, vivid, sweep. It ,Lto Chuton, Julo w d�y 11LE'ANS HOUSE, CORNER OF CORORANT cold and unfeelin.er bricks ; then a fran- thi �6dlaoed from: $2 �ee artled"tbe owner of the lantern glane- 0 ing was -stripped plean'fipm. his skin, a, national element,* inherited I . ) I Store streets, Victoria, It. C. -S. Jones, Pro. tic getting up and a hasty glance round ing, - and, short-lived, as a mirie fire, frobi old,Franoe, that shoors receive $3.0 p6i, d4yv the -Pd at.tbe dirty sc'f'awl preseftt6d-o his. ;D GAMERON & McFADDEN; prictor'-'Excellent Accomodations.-Iloaril, poi week, Hinckley had -the halter with which he Qur Christian 1riends' o ; Boil an Iloard, per day, $1.00; Single to see who was laughing. t hap' oned �r light-heartaidness same as. before the purtio. ' 'The - wages n otice, d I o'
dians'may tra6a thei It ad the following If If yon. 7icts.; Bede, Mots. p haa just struck the horse .S'tilI in his woul(I find. it warth'Wbile to' consider under riqarly-every - cirbumsitw :W.tra'des have fall' Goderick. that the risibilities of the ladies who ac- nce,, and in almoil: ed off eon. i ak* III w9rd, I Blildl Stab you. Give Sle 0 a w. n. McFkDDEN. hand, and instinctively- be, laiiI it with why, the piedibtion failb& - �QnqL regs Sab- a Chasing pow�. ine ydu� ,valuables,, and th M. C. CAMICHON. E RATTENBURY I OUSE -L RATTENBITRY, compall - _ _9!1- -noi to any. evil disposition. When iderably, while t, e pui en, xu
'T'J' r., loor mouth of the Post Oillec, the head of his ass%�I- may be 'fo . und in. - a hint given y Mr. ied Colonel Richard Winter- h n . for smith were excited. The furious all hil might -a-vex b bath Qomes,." a. break. in the'li daily toll, of, irioncy hai increased in"almost, equial. yourlife."* Not boing'a hiain 'of inu 0 I � . ph Marriage Licen es i Viet Street, Clinton. The fittlngH And furubdilings ant. By one of the blow& tho- -boaditall- Hood th d' o 611O &y,;�* they seizeit, with avi ity, and whilli of this house are all new, anti everything is provide to Frl-lichnian produced a delicale piece of hen calling,.�ho - I I iheiiffr ili6d'gedtT6iiiiii
I � 11 t - . proper 10111� P lie C, gave up, meet the wishea anti wants of the traVellilig public, and passed -over the -oci-ttered- a-udion�oo,oldse'r-!tbout-thd-oul- o watch afid It OF pas e Ca W. M01FFIE, 'd HtQro. he f,ch; cotifident, from hing expPrience, of being ablo t b rd from the pocket of big silk being a slipping noose, he "n Hener. mak -his Off. 17 Ho-. CENSE8. 011ILL at DulicrtykNouzieb I next efforb :.Pib -we must bring the sticks to. 111g.at . t1to ("Onteniflal to make cumlortable All who mey favor Lim with their vest, and proffered the same to the mar- pld�erly moa g faiihfully to Church tlle� 0 S061f-g�aie however, and the cumpany. 0ood Stablilig and attentive hustlers. He -has yung9r-fly-overyw-hero,to f I ind--,m ri wasjor� tial.Aentubkiiin.' '-S&Wia bld" -to strike Arow.-$ho -nQos6,. tigh.b about :gether'toi make the! -fire burn' Clinton, Jolla 2, 187-1. 1013 yon w- : ..... . j- set -have ze bonaro to protect, have offlared th"anther's. neck. .'Th6. a desperate, ohmot 4n9r.waysInwhAcJli
some. brolight the Sticks ho.aist,. to bass%the day. Tn in tbe ! - - . mediAtely . adougeC of r = Propose-- to. turn the , cerifeii the crim'o of r blor�. lie Rleaded o't' siey, Milliner, Me le groas clisult. , I Shall 1004 to you ha�dAo, -hand, as itwere, fight ensued-' BpttRitfialii% the followeri'Of Cran- -an table s Mrs. Bee eason, �Piusands gook JOlueu In, 'th quatry towon he riv 4 k �dift guilty; nd P ab, p ausible do. ---d -G oGot strantre is -IN RETUIj\JN0 TITANES To THE LADIES 01' JL opamt favors, boto to in" ferzesatistaeshong.' The colonel bowed The in An stvuggled-to-thtrow off,thah6419% ::mbiv an 1ho 14 Clinton end it q Vic, but succeeded only s -these �meetin -that .Sa . id he, -1 can. neither " a ei'litiliue.4 the hit mud 13unuct o far i6prevent form thoul that site still with that peculiar grace and -gi and' iw,� prm'otin 'the. through the city sudeiven. go shooting in. a Earl of W- e, as they d.u.pltho b1ffP(4r 'just, businesm, At the TILE BAINK, nzeia which would driye the hit it from fastening its powerful-J'a' a upon 6rk,outsid join no*here' lag. for the of swee,ping ou't'the the�ivobds. A beautiful S11day itt, that' to lior.write, picke OLD iTAN 1), 0 big now bare neck; The panther' grab- Very -few of his bearers, vrn dus d tkd 0 1 Of. woriat 'qihibiiin buildingg; ;gUarkffite6ing t thq�molinnt,i met thi�gentle nl1*1 -field mad with- envy a -bundre4 t li - io ev0 li And that she has bee, an'd lef� irrn,' �1118,ug,llt f.,r osorg. It ttrick C. CARTWRIGHT. in it'. bit know or carer to whit denbininatid. bp land Nv% Y,.rk Imuerno of garments; All ' Wbicli' _4 and to .1bep the' fifty
ban, which she will CARTIVRIGITT, OF STRATV011D, WILL IIE times a (lay were h(T olive to witnega n the"itfornociis -or it.., upl. naimy- isizes, and d-wripthmS ai belongk He hia,b 6-MEr -a k, through and, through, tebiooa .,hich odTJxcres of 01 at the Rattenbury Ilouee, Clinton I the first Thurs. n . o an -P him to the Xr. 5.1ood rought aiessed men I d'to 1, on� the pe - -q cle"'
g1leg, And hopeo, by C. them, and responded: I bly dear air, I an w Or they ca. of genie value, I 1�olitely d
ell at in thO CUtLLIL flowed only "seeming to. make t inoro thein. to�ether simply ,by'.-t4riistinguaide etl�,,.. 'On� cLzinot'but' ad7. tti liberal patronage- day d Friday of evvry inuuth. Teeth inserted in I tako that view �appear witle'fir ALL 014)r1t. tanstyle. Teeth with exposed norves treated, filled, .11 I I , !]� ra ihi, ingenuil; blisin6ss . fore- -66i A'r1LNl)LD To am very Sorry that yoi toad WfQi AP. �Ila with iny 4 PROMI-rLy furious-. - With hid Strouce righi, rage Briton an Clinton, Feb. 24, le75. of it ;. but, if you ingist -on satisfaction, a a maebipery of.416.9 0 ave is t, And made as good as sound ones aim th' whol' ma and h old- manade. ihan th 4 s 9 -vie* the essence of relig Otis &lit- of this man lish tuflpoutB, drawn by -will show "thk ONEY To 1,L.Ni), IS Olt permit me to 6ake a suggestion which Hinckley ti litened"t g noose' lug to sweetheart --sty atoli �,n I e,hki zan 'off. abduf the animal?s 8� tigh t th,ftithin 01164 .J�04usand'Ritn' by. a vary nodern to throat.. tru gugo otwilliQ, KL nfuL4:ratu rates of I have no doubt will commend itself to spathkinflorseg flit tbro'ngl3L the streets, 6 t" 01X@ I u tereatu gJ� 11(.`11Io1L"Vrt was it drawn by that sttength-whicli dru6ifiea, ib 4 foundation �-on Which dping hi,4 gardens and t6 I ifo-r- 7.tf your judgment. My wife has two tetewa-tetaq re enj oyed, in" the comes.of desperation ilia v spaoo cl,94iT,-Ind by' bding permitted t.6 t.the, �anther- t' tand f6fid-'build brothers, either of whom she could very -see can a togetlim, nt4etl h0apa4, afid e the illARLES IIA-ilfr,To1,,BLYTII, ONT., LICENSED was choked so that A let let- go its hold- Ha-iiQ-.br6fi-g-bb �ffiein thus etair,x". Ilion, ey � nd �Y'alun'blus �fiiund C Auct iom,vr f,)r t hu County of Huron. Saleg of Farm Spara more conveniently thn she could er, lii6f. pasime-catriog on tboir friends. -in 0 13.0 to tbanks, .,w icb , GES, NOTES, , OR t4q. yblln" his. 80 , I- MORTGA stock, Itcul I;6tatc, &o.) attentlLd to Lit ruasunuble those,preg6ori.dq ' �_�Feneb L fad,ei a1W pings, this enterprising ind
me, for I am tLe only husband she has-; not; as Other revival- aya bXpect Toils'ready to '.pei- rat same time stripping its victim's CIO islis have d9iie, o6ntent themseilves: with 44 Ir iti, -rather: and she never could get another like me 9 Vvqr'y Fro ge, 'I 187�. and laeorating his skin with'i a s arp rousing a. me men 6h.ry fervoff. .Xheyare is ari:odmirer�64-$Aliliat . h'aftert ponoession, not;�itlfqt�ndirig J All :,9 HOWSON, crAN'ro\, AIT- if I should be slain. Tf it is all the i6orfr, the h " ims of the. pre- ffi6ri laws. With the fir -SU y,� theit-mo f6rce -ari& in ,those porti, i , -Of'-the This 'proposition as - put Good Securitics Purchased. birtho Cout-tycif Heron, iK priparcd ti, g31110 to you, please hold one iif Ms. :,ba a the colitrai evening on 4 --day, kicceptod the p1da'a4d. with- .8- , W. , I Att6M ;o ual,d of Farm btock And Real Estiltu Lit rVA- aiitlier, accompanied as it was with, a shall: be wastell . iq mpairnodie � emo ion ; not ryet been. ccepted; as thero-is'-some 0 "pl. W, ly. n oity.�wliere'the 'wealthy -'and educated llr6w the 6 01 a in t. wil -a htook fright 'the-'ceies, shrl doubt its� tor. the �ropk&v oi.ttftowingC W's. brothers responsible i this mat- 4, fierce,growl, t1i C tor.' And tho colonel bowed ahother Okings and shbuts,whidli. reaido,. the trening air, -upon, the 47 andran atfullopeed, every leap fairly' Another genius. lias.'pa'ia CtintL of his ovorwhelming bows aild passed we d to associate with 'in, sve6�11eg�aljd w. lksi is.,homiy'7-Wth the --- r, the eu.19taive-privilegQ of hirin'g out lifting the cutter from pheArack. Zhus, feeling tire discouraged in 0 s tit gott fer the Coha,hd Seraritiuki 011, leaving tile astounded little French- music fro' pianosj. harm nions',, violins, rolling or.batb,obairs to'vioitbra ill tile h prevdiliiig- torii, of. which floats oat froi the mg- Exiibitio�. J fifty Q.6 rXh, most sad�essful':bnsinesg nitin is AN,) ag--ta f.,r privatt- while Hinckler �was Struggling.- fof-,Iif� in thog llt,53000 TO LOAN. .-Ill.inilials of I,— t(, %�) b,an sit %(-ry rvas,.u. man absorbed in blank stare at the near- 9-Jui-rvicee'I 111tcr, nt 1.,3 able 3earlv. (,.St I:Xnll),-poSt. n. the cutter, the 'Iid�pe was, r�11,11716.lid -W n )IOUZ, 110 hiA is 4eerful, the niffice 6 drawing -rooms through the open in10 ms hinisolfi- gains' hiisalso.'agree(Itopai-$10oneb'Lohat�ir Al., W,.Iwitor f,.r tbl- t. he who away. But the runnin, of the sou,nd comtlnon,i�asnso nridirliffig, the doora and windows French Iddies are over 800 of ivilich he. employs. -- It.ig, . knowledgo of his business, ana r U b(I des ll,73, away
DOT11-Dancers. horse proved... to be the stilvation of the. tea bing., -Nor 61b,tbay 6light-the ad. more given to Wlrum'orttal than to vd hnowledr6 to a practical, system eabirsatsia that 16b niore than tbis.will, 41)Kt TAU syll gi P it I V A,r E F U N 1) S. C. 13AYFIELIP, - ISSUER OF driver ; for iti making- a short.turn in it Von �,y. organizatiom, . Mr. Pal i#nsic, aild. when an - accomplishd, be neededi which, at $40 pir chair, ill w Y. J. Marrinot, Licensew under the uvwAct, C,nnmis"iun- hich may be reMil' -taucyhtAn&under- f,,r tAking.%!1Aa%il� in tile t1nen'A for Coun- I hold tht-as far da sense can I -o' the road the Oufter was oveiturn6d, Xbady-'Js a, man, i,ri'fact, of marke(t'04- or or be $6 fl�mat.eur violinis�.Ilarops,in an lio' iv. 'Stood. -keft bavo been -acquiring a of Huron And 114111P, RUCh all trusted or history reli(d upa�n-918,voral dumping irivar and 'parilber!.out�upon eoutive ability, and before'lie begihi3 his 000 making $18,000 for this pr Contructe, iiveil�, slid Mortkage.. . �p two is * da�oted-ta�the�.-iiharms which ,ago alone. Yeb another knowledgo of ther soil ancil its &.0ducti%. V mail. paysidis or devil -dancers, could 'be the frozen snow. The momont-tbey *ork in any �ity,brings.to* his.ai4,,the Lag bought af practice, irt AbVINEY An',',", L11 UN la.AL L41ATE. stians.about im as soothe -the savagebreast, .' In BToutreial, for $3OiOOO the pi�ivilcgo of, 1 roduce(l o-mortow in Southern India struck earth,. however; they parted - cbtn- niulitudo -of Chri diapersin� *for Slhewhere tlae English, and Fronchlive it&rt, a �Oe or: a--laulf6hi One end oflyd lialter, beiti' I ingersi preaebiisi., oxhoren, .dyspepsia in tho-Aaiie of soda' , Wow ct1liJS,,1r0nwly o, wh(j. as,far is call bo ascertained, are as PftnT g e webven-' as it.'were,-the-former in the west and, herd 'ive find one. FOIN'Ll'it, WATC11 ANI)CI,oCK- among' the tlkir8ty W S, �iAnwi, Working Jeweller, &c., &c., truly possessed of evil agencies,�ds was to the cutter and the other end tight gers iMo the hi&hw'- a. t ftt�iotg who Will go Sys 0M rs and byways o tho.latior in the east, -7.-s 9A� a T .. f�e'wbc;,y6cogr[i'zas nd cohforins to-th fun-, AXIILY TO xt door it) the ExpreH Oilleo, ALbort the mWn-wlio -,yas fereed by the fiends abou b the wild animal's neck, the latter, 4i'oRap6r-4he`pi3opIe to co'm (3 fn' ' These Sabbath afterno6n or evening, can easily up. t, --sae the sh.ow dufil ' Ig 'the . c S. MALCO.MSONII q�=-I'treot, Cliut�.u, respectfully ilutimxtel, oBarrimter, &c. him to bowl that he as h6t was dragged after the A "In 16te6a 16 oistgymen, busitioss me;7yo monthiof its contriausincel, do . menta pritiox to hie friendu slid the public generally, that he lies on Withill I . , ung *O�n6n detect, the.botindaries. as ho'piroes from 00 we rand m6y. who ScAt the idea 38 hand a aflct stock id clockK. wntole,H, &e., 9- body Jumping and 7bounding -along' the andyonihsi, find tbe�lid The firm hh've' tbe-mouow scicM 7, IF7 I. P hiin5p]P, but tbiit bts name was,-- "L 42. � P vos probably one, �to the other, aind'yot, should he look I't road. , The r thii-ailthority than their o*A� whi0i h ifferR At rekoonable rati-s. poly ofliallidg oigars Within tile, Can. of -46Y 0
d.gr J,,n in his line, the sho�tlest n�,tioe,aud gion." Notafewofthepersons I re- tinning 'away of the horm. at -work fbr the first time, not in bring- into the churohoo, he would-.- be aston- t6nnial Gro'unagwill have'. to' sell' IS tradttlan�ry Practice. Stijl - tb 6ro -are t mimlerate rates. aved Mr. Hihokley's llfii He Was left ing converts into , Baptist or Fresby- ished to �Sieo them� full, but obiefly of 5trong,ly gainst such iloyal C,,Anadiaii Bank, Clinton, unfer to are, on ordinary occasions, calm. 8 , 1. . I causes working i
Thrly have their avocations, - and often by-theroadkida, whenc6 he in. the course t0lan. church, 1, 4 straight ta. their OOP ton-celit, oigilra be.fora. it gets back
women, the I I . .daftsol and by slow degrees a better and HURON ST., pursite them diligently. , Sometimes of time fouild,hii way to. a habitation, Master.. Thev zuarn 'unconsciously the -money itivestbil for the pri*ilege ; * I the Comomial 3 ghS by Bitch directneso 'Qf n more intelligent cotiv.se-is b6ing adopted. b g% respoetfully to luform his frionde thvy linve their wiv�s and children ; The lierso ran till he got loosev fi6m the' les'on, tau the ma' who has the solo right to 'Boil . o $2,000,000. %Woiltulld tile public generally, that he keepH tl Two Friends. 01); . cc p, y -,the publid' ith The invention and introduction oflAbor- cAPITAL, conqtanl 17 (in blind 5 lArgC 111A wAl assorted stock of lay posseso their inherited hiit, small cutter, ana then be went io Conkling- work.-- Clergymen of 611 sects have i p )rh muit on n garden, 'well, and scoro-,of v 140�0007114-ceint paperi.b6fore'lle 'can saying machinery is.'operating' rap -idly
(!1,jckm, Nt Itches lind Jew(.11ezy, whi,:h be will %all at ireo. p1nintui p. The cutter, badly shattered, as been quick to leam it also. - Anil n4w It seems '. that in London, some vifth he d�ruteprives. Ittl�A:Iii.Ntat)fe�crydc�seril)ti4)nl;r(amptly They eschew bhang as 'W vi 4back-tile money paid for his, mono. in this direction ; aliA to ' gether a�ee . L --s- The colubratlhi Itumsoll palmyras. it tound alf a mil.o froin the spot whoro wocome to the 000retofte great re - monibs.aid, a poer,dog,, having..beeii we thorough diffusion of the 'science
jl� h kq1t coreltantly In stock. in( - CLINTON AGENCY. ,i,�ted at roasouable rateft rule, and the juice of tho poppy, and the panther todped from. behind the Val in religious fbelln'gi all 2h is oalfed, pAlted with sticks anditones, 'by. iolyi and the oodfi-vater concern must, of ood farming tbroU& Nov.8th, 1960.. 20.1y glasses be-. and kuowlvd�ge
arrack. The are quiet, sleepy men bush. The animal. wad Vead; choked which remains after X-esars. Moody avid get-rid.o"20,000 lieti-oent.. 11
6ygi Until his Jlesh- was bruise I i fore it gets, t G,p, iob R r agricultural journtL(hkiRli �re the It f the . concgosion ou and women, who occupy much of their to death, and badly bruisdd. 'The 'hub Sankey have gone,' add is extenaingeir a limped inio -a 8 a 1 directly aild
gs fracture I greatest moving inflummaj-,
nt allowed E. D. GREEN, L. D. S.P stance of the correspondent's story is ob b nd thei,e personal influence. "I back. interest from Four to Five per cc time in staring over the yellow di-ifting 0 of"Ifilre stalls was an..7i t I indirectly, that are oper4ting in edlicat- D E.N T I S T, h eyo learned,' said Ono on Deposits. ands at the qtlil-flocks all they Bit given aboye, and e forbear fr6ra cast- ave '. I yo g horse.; lie seem9d, touched,at--tha 'Lf%qpr and Opium, :ing our farm p6pulation). ielld to br6ak
'11, Agent it. DENTIS—TSTRATFORD, WILL Dr hither and thither, or at tile gaunt, So- ing any, doubts on so. tragic a' tate, er* 11 that my work-in the pulpit is not ; ,U. LOUG disk as of the dog find looking down.' measurably, Old and empirical.prac-
I at the Itattenhury House, Clinton, the third Tues- . 1. . Some effective y day and Wednesday each month. litary wolves wbich skulk under the litsitary offbrt, but by whatever means inspe ted the broken log. Then with '. s. T 1. P . argtimento Against the ticos and .idea
shade of thorny thickets waiting for an A Strange 0courfeticeo. is a beverage have plements necessirily tends to
I.y he uei *of impr6ved Clinton, oct. 20, 1873. 1410H " SCHOOL. - THE 1LINTl1Nb,C.1TY t9 compel them to com' big to feet, he pushed sothe'straw into sale and, use of mm i ini,4 ..
flig ,cb( I i open to plipilq of ill sexes, 9 If this effect be lasting, I 'corns of the stallo and. made a bag beenaaviinceaby Urd. Comstock, the 've our practice aiid cultuto, � tends,
LONDESIEJOROUGH unwary goat to pass by.-- But evenin 8-11jer train and laymen. of whateve * sac - ill onse- a pro from ail parts ("Jo tho 0ninty anti Prtivince on c,leal draws near, the stinset redderis over the Last evoning as the pass' r t- W -4 Tlie, dog li� tlowirthvi� Quakeresg,.,who to 6, greater. uniformity, tt-troo. fuhtrill-ti,in 1A given in ail tile higher branoboo of I or 0 a&. which
MILL. Lngloth, and ClaARical Education, and in Ghants Z tile deep mellow notes of the lotte o� 11o*Lake shore Roai to wasts bothzeal And, faith in the oni. 11 -night, tind the horse tooli fent temperance adv6dato. She has �Boils� O"r It, similar confbimation, 'd i -of minor dectrineg'and a itindfig equally trtatedi lead
GRIST and SAW t1w Fri-Ijoh anol (it rman languages. Rodents a pre bar ity, under the di- e organisms f,.r tile Vnivdrsirlea, the learned profug mg, and -and then on' '0 to_thig noitill rlihiml* Whensome s petit considerable of her:' tim S to simila'r r4sulto.
re Sporlal attention is paid to the a wood pigeons grow flainter, was com n a 9004 co�
merollitill, pursuits. cease ; fireflies twinkle out ; great bats reciion of Conductor DAyt 6: pectilisif a arch government, and present � rall- bran ash, i 'T formed part of, big'. the prisora in this ountry'and those in Nature rewards the 'ultivator of the soil 10111-9 requi,ole for 0,mumn Sch I Tomehers, Tuition 3��r, V, 13. Vagl'e), gion jo did their Afagtor, A STRANT AND pi,r quarterly term. Stn4ent.q fl-om a distance flap by lazily overheard ; then comes smell was noticed by in, the simple food, Who br g 6 to th4 horse,:he gent. Europe, and o0 of'. the 120,0.0 ftisonerki prleciigely� in proportion to the efforto he llko%t'h�er machitif r,-, with impr-ementm tbr A,0, li- -a passenger on board, afia on shape of love,to God, and to their bro.. ly� caught the dog by the nook, and whom she has Visited She fouhil th6b, a puts forth ,ccorcrof I%t,, cell "btain bo,ard in the village iLt v�ry mo4trate rattle. the dull tuck of the tom-tom the fire who was
bars feel r(lilli(I"ll'"I � - being able to a I unher vil be on application, �titb in confovalitf with ber,,Iawk, Art. Aetermin�,l tt- tl (pl,ro,,rinflyor by letter) to ajiy weniber of the Board of before the rustic devil-teple is lit ; the looking arourta he -discovered that -it. ther - man, it will be, vA in Hia dayl -A itage, of thern either to merit hy
their elolt(imer� at all tin swiliable person. ii.: hleston. It. 11.1e, It. Coats, A.S. Fisher, his -tooth lifteil hi into the trough, its perc0i] or favors. If he puts 69soil out such work As will 8%ttlif e%ery rV crowd gatbers and waits fore,the pii6st. a onige tile "�Pry lare a or 0 i. Iteeve, Rev. Ft McQllfliR, and A. Worthington, much as to say, 11 Th6ro, help Y*outaelfi; di fay' abl to the dir6ula-'
strange Appearance, of stupor had oomo teal living force . t' ravolati a!ectly or I dire�tl iame to that eon. -in a condition 51 D., or to Cho Used Master, Mr. James Turnbull, H, A. 669, every -day ;�orld. The adcular press for, eat as much as Yott Want I" For, weeks Itio t 'eating drink, Iust tion Of air among its particles, the of- NILL FEED, &e., &c., Ifo is there I His lethargy has been overall the passengers, . Hisstioploi hrough'i&oxi n IFLO'UR, BRAN, thrown aside,, the laugh of a fiend is in being aroused, his action wag prompt and: ydars hits protested *sgainst thi idl'of the two frieudd f6d togethero and:tho 1 Chiiatmag -ahe'was out to U Michigan feats of drouth ur6 less'- falb, the soil is jalvrays on ban4l and for sale. 11. f
his moutb. He stands before the peo. energetic. HowasnUlobgin'aiscovering Obtistitinity. under Iis StatePriw)�, anaoat6� the 800 eon- in better h' 16 Malcolm MeTag art valid k4w strofig.. . At night, the boisp ,c6tidition t6 import 0 Od 9 ple, the -oracle of the demon, the devil. the cul]ptit in a auspiclous4looking chair- nob one �owitful proachor or sweet' arranged it soft bad for vidtg there'she learned that,all but 80, at plants held'therehis . to . -growing -optips.
I, 0 a S W A N ".r E D I ppasesged ! Enough for- the present; I actor who oequpied. a ReAt ia the rear Singer that can, roll away the stdno from the dog, And'da Victims , orrum, sholittsvisit- But there or CLINTON, ONT., w circled him with one of his forefset,- had boon a other' things than the And Lumber of evor doseriPtlOn kept On hand for sale. must subsequently describe this scene end of the bar. - lie lit upoti him at the seplahre. Eery vill 'e"olargy- b n, the carefulness, � Such o4�ovir 70,000 inmates. of.poor-housea, prephtations oftht0l) Boil thdt in-
BREEDER OF Iaco 8 I owi 'eat mj nd of this oor',60,000 bad. vatr agq of system in . faird- more carefully in detail. Suffice it in once and d' versa in, Iiii possessi6a a 'Man, e0ery humble believer, can, do, his k ! 6 W I be copied, by the a a ad t' Order. onstroefga tin cant and de- part, and we trusli in God the day will nil' T 0611 I — Bins for Lumber S96VM to 'Thorough -bred Short - Hon Cafflo. this place to say that, about eight years ouribuslyoc 6 had in it, soda Come: when they will do r, hU man race h iroughi there 'by this. terrible ing ovor, tllo� catoloss JITMER BROTBERS. ago, I was staying in Tinnevelly, not tAanded to'know whath scolara ;, and go -the proportion was., in.' tle *he carefully, pla��, his ftim,.ana
Coffee, said the tello vv�, .vith -the rfbuns. . "�Fo Datitutions. In the idiotic aSY' devotes each, fl6ld to it sac ton miles distant from the scene of a "ei-tV r, Mn a notcrops,
Londoeborollg1l, May 18th, 1875. TO('K FOR tragedy on one accavion such: its I havd --atmoat. effrontery. - -T4kOn-li a It . lama the offspring, of drunken fathers with,suitable manuring, basing the ro- CONVP',YANCIG AND LOAN referredto. Thepriest appeared Bud. I'll cofte you V) said the Oswegon- A Novel Complalut. an d mothers were, to be found - upon tation upon the allaptiori of Ono crop to L AGENCY ()FFICE, BLYTH. denly at the devil -temple before the ex- ian,..as his o1factorieg took k A4411 d000 An American d0roqOnaen6 jollo, ile Whom had beon ontailect the �urse, In . prepare the soil for the better growth of pectant votaries. A caldron was over of atua#hetic, which wag &A �eacaping, Waiotido that some of the English following story —While walking along 18115 the BrItish poopI6 spent onO hun� anotbor, na purdoeg �is operations
W (11 1, T, E 14 th; fire, find in it was lead in a molten Here, Conductor I . thik I Help I papers aro giving 'expression to a mother the Street Ono day EL man found two or' ything jugb 0.6
10N EYANCER,8OT,irfT0ft IN CHANCERYANID �t, 'I lie 1,aw and r StRtO Baboia,,,, calmly cried the Up with'the windows? 111plou, in liquOir,thirt million i Clio ri v wad -stertnin6tion, C At rn,y f4 %quity CovrtA of Ireland, Seiza the rag- curious eomplaint, viz., that the School ton cent shinplast6ro veposilli co *13P drea and thirty-three and a half million with a plan, doing over
priest,` tile demon is in me. 'I will oal I WO ais-all chlotOfb GAI Iesthd B b once - , glitiMLI, -With,u tl DIEHL , lo,an, And I-,.tftte Agent, Law, Life tin cards havi done and are doing. their bdSly On thi gidQftlk, 11-0 a of which -had gone to bjdrea�; . the ro. to make expollience and the light of GEORGE And (-w-ral Agent. DoodR, W111H, )�`on ex. �iokia them tip, - and , exulting in his ritle.,andelalrnAto prljve to you all the presence -within we aame follow who chlorofar'nied Ana rdiii.. -work too wett, Ad might have. I venue of that country. Whion, about 40101100, availabio in big calling) will in. D tie, showed them to some
tmKo In tran,lartvd in connet-tion with Firlit-Claas .�hirty4brso ydats ago som� British disputably rellp tile, most abundant ro- Maker, Upholsterer, I An Law llumt� of the olmnipotent divinity." With that bad -k whole passenger trai o4 the Mil, paoted, this cry has arisen on account "O' "' rt" of his acquaintance, They
Cabinet m gorelpean P irrog; Ovilealf-Rien traced and Po e- lie lifted Cho caldron and poured the li. higan Central last, week I 44ho expense whioh.this degree of ex, gentle t Olt merchants- andoavored t6 in. rodaca, �wti,rds'rbr his labor, 31anyare-tho'far- F.'rty YoftrA, Experience; ehar�en 1=tpl�r %a necessarily e g i ed that odell good luck khoula be AVD y to L,)nn In -rrivate fnn(IR, and 'or Public com. quid load over his head. Horns were The novy thoroughly atouea passon. conew ntails. When the BUS" atea OPIUM into China, the t, nippr Ould moro Who from 'i 1 -by-his treating the orowd,
... 1), bl,t an Notes collected. blown, tom-toms beaten, fresh logs of gets sprang from their seats, the 41n. great edboational-cruaade Was begun it celebe not allow it,,hlictwheit t4ld i '0uld 0(1 It'systeel which, m6eta With most
tjoneral 1)caler Furniture PA I ilytb, Jan. IS, IM75. resinous wood flung into he fife, and dows were put tip and ths, doors thrown as aVeried by its promoters that the ail(t Aemongtratea to him that the twen. nil 6
i- - - - . vastly increase the revenue, h (1 -that abundant sudoeas, yet thOY'bsn 91*4 T1 V, goats dtily sacrificed. The priest stag- open instAnteri ind, ad, the train, m6ved necessary taxati6a Would, be exceea,ifigiy , ty cents would buy four glassai of boot, hoaala n6vor sadto the increase of 110ASOn why, farther than 1� it 40#0 Well
thaniln J o MR nnrr.,Y,na f was tL The Varty, at once Adjourned to a neigh. *6 impoverish find with me to UCTION '." COMMISSION NOR gered about a little, and then fell down along there wad enought f the pure low,. In', though, at first W4 hid kovenuo that whi 'loon. There the, gentlobian tome, a ff,r papt favnr� oine, starting -- u w it ow 6 ng aa ImAt"thatholqat thenldotandand 10,1�SCRIDER if 9 OPrED TTrE TO , in a fainting fit, Three days Afterward Sterlitig air fbroo& through the car to, cAso the tax opgoaily grow 11 n dr � MIX people. 'What oars ago, wenid Int 111FE x RE ASto doebrO5 4 blegsea has ni,w on Land a n4- t to Jilts. SIRAepliard's, Alliert 14t.1. he fliod in horrible agony.. But bin edunteraot the oiTettg bf.gny qatintity stands at fourpende lialf�onjiy in 'the wag niahed to find 46 least Atty of 6 would- be for the United States frequently llC..rrooiq�i,,n kt .... rell, whorche will receive thing i Roll (m rothmiletimi, by Auction or private* RaIll mind was 0 awaiting Ayroa, TOCK I Rn 1 who came CAIM andclear to thi) last. Th of the stuperying otb6r. pound, In. those dqil bf 6ffici4l ateal to -day it the President hail the will and �'iravollqr in the wt 'Of 13i�
WEILL LECTED S Ifounphold Frilruillixre, Dry Gooda. I'le- latest words he uttered wore, el"Nome The oulpiib. wig 90120d,bY Mr. Hgla iaga it 14 know that no hig 4ppearandg. The fri6nds the pow�r to'say *thmt d"liquor. The e-t1lat tile oynee ef ii, tbonsani Oxon,, And
Of was 0 1 &UrOffil &Lnd Fancy Golocla, &C., Jkle. 'orne breathes tho. suspicion that a I)enny' irt, with hint took do adon to tell of, Lis -plSetinn of the sAmo. I Batty saini It is itideed I who am and Conductor Day, find his "can eftbag, a the. Chinese' government -.tLv 11v6 timm aq 111:111V 64'rint, it boa
Aoa w,,ola apkan In vennd�hand Fiirnitnro h,,nFrIlt And oolA. Anotilms at- oo I
tended in Any part (A Olb Conrity, sw nonal the'true God !" In the midst of Iiii f6una to contain ollough 11 cc& 1 16 of the money has gone astray, In re. kood fortane and th6 acquaffitanoeo ll prevent the impollation oNpluti llioue, i., i�t) 0tz� 6 take the.Wool ,1, v LOUNGES, whl�h, for durability JH. HOWSON w6hey the pooplo',figve movda tip to. thp a,'drango tin. , " I H, i, mannfartn' re At the aarep tia rjjnt,,n, R, IA75. fOArftil tortilre, and even in the hour of have Atup6fled A dbion oar, 104da of PASS turn for theif ail armorl conflidt with , VIA to on -the Awl �iopm irticlep thrown. on the hity, Not a man took, boot, Tho knowris the opiamar. 1!116:13riti-k .'rou ad bum im it it ,11 `11 IsIvill ot att
" oll#,p no o,.mo death, lie with the fiercest car- 00119dro. toores of aplendid schools and tho�satis- ani! "arket. s the A vote of than�a was tendefaa to Mr. fadtion of knowing. that humIrbils of dotond, "for cookfitilg, smmhno� and We H. HINE, tainty of faith, that his body wa 9f maine, overmatchod their hriny
�nrkrn�r. and ACC'01'2NTANT, 1100M K ERPER, In shrim, of the almighty do H agle by the grateful pahoeitgers,,whb, thousands of oliltdren, who li�elmtoforb atmightbr were certainly niArvolo, The, h, n�na but ETC inviola man and the wa:� r, as, tol,minAeJ in I—. j�,,IAI ho ean theraf,-r vrUrr Ili fell b t wore loft to gr6w up in thq bAq"t ig- biltWtho entiro: 80M. Tie boat raqoned reft ' I tt,,n, and will. shrink. Floolca Vomited, mad--oup. lostlanced, an Ila adored. That demon was to him the hat they had,boon saved 6om. tob,- in re elt -t,tAqt,r p 41 quprem 'ba demon bery, if lib� worge bl big temat�-� noraned'aro now brbuglit'-Witfii a a. wr wbf6li p6'rWitted 01nitkul to gentleman has spout Wally , work il.cftbAbn daya study. tot Ateovirito mada lout stad eelleated. a. With thAt indwalli G DONm As U8UAT,. .991 V1,t,AFk Street, ppoalke the Rattenbrury Ilouse. So he died with able and prorapt Wit- bf all the gooa'thAt, oaft xaoult, froui in. ing over 60 aftir and llag filially col*b, v. tlimngttelc 1
SW lie identiried hitnaelf. Tho .1 � A nton, Jnvia 20rd, 1875 i conclusion t'hat, it,wils A 'ptlb 114. 1C. or twei ago$ 11 HeA, a cry announcing bin own divinity, surao.-Oginpa Pimet, telligent, instruction, And the symoathy to th tic modo, of ga�mbling wa.; do- In-,; F'orilloll WC(, 11
but It Is true. p6liopman, tit 11raford, I , A Dig is terrible, '466 " ixtid companionship of carefully selected job," In othey wotds, Rome Of big tootoa, L 11m, V il I;; UOG pot tlatod With Ringing;
L. 0. L. *Thera occurred naiiitl ndor had bia the twenty Polito *A btyr a" Olt th10VQ,S, .. 011, palm -bearing - mob coots Ita now. Contemporary Review. y in bolutrion't toAchers, 3ohn 11all has, ti 'prdmbldl frio a it, lie new Ga OLT r"Ad. � . fouKa gotta twenty tile with tlinirraAitora at twoutya,
.0 � 6 � 6'. . - � dounty, Via., three vedding� in. the to grumbld,L'but' if.ha hover 'he Would fin yd tIlAt 'if tile river sidy throwing of WOO Who so
Aport tustillas &tnily in, tile day. The bla fblU Me- onao to cry out thitti hd w06 to Seel a 810 billlying on the in tbo -and pq11119 A pl3nn oliell live cents on the.$, on Wedtiftdaj Nud
A nor wornan of Nowl llarg(Tf in troqping FL dog by the &ct tllgt bTated thoir golden vre'ading, thoj*k, ol4ost in tha Ago of tile sollool. l3oards, hi may sidewalk lit would not piak It up, to the wintior whose xrttft arrived fiflit Ma to dhiirCh, the uxt SAbbatli hi f, Monday of overy rr(nth at half-papt Seven mobo With a yaluft �lu
A r, go, many people will give the dog a boils Aoti and -1118, wife tWr widding, Well, be onvied, 11he milgistrixto
o'clock p.m. tHrVieldni? oo 0 61 60, 1 Afi 'thfit W69 A 01NO 0A46 of gambliftg, Alia 11MY oil the loxi Itok P
NTT -b* I'
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N,ACZ---VI0T01fl1k STAM Itrathren Ara aordlally in. Who won't holp her, and often thdte It their 10f! hu"10 Oif6 thOfr' 11000 Od' Tism-- fma lam vitm. agNity bittmin, meat on tho bons that gho tin 0jit, ok it diig, Abildds thilf, t1i't U14, ot ths whitk aro byoi Uot Oyu I Who thl AN *Oti bitth ta W111,00 0#4 bf W id1fa , too AldlliA bholl), '014 Val or-P114it" thopq In anttntal MAIRL 61HIN 1A Q6 sboe-3 A tit lit I Al C avift bo tiled In talikilld 18UP1 youtio
..... . .... .
.... ... .. ....
E .
eachnePiece of In Vie palace of 006hink, This, i�4 A
clock with the b.razoA Jm4ga of Ita 9141
TH mail oil the dl%). Whenover'the clock At the offi is about M Arike, the 014 Man Opens
tile 1110, mouth, 044 just up, it. atrikea he 0 ihutg it, Apdo X0000, t I he operation At rrE11M8$I.50 in ailvaltoo, or If paid ill "evoy stroke'. A few 4oiton from, the t Wo utonths front t tine of subscribing ; or &2 country bolonglug t($ themoot 1poraut u t the end of the yea class, of the popula -wore 1pgatl Tile best Job O,� - tile Cou!lty of Iluion Struck with this phenomenon and i k connection. X o)'�kieywcutad in a lirst-claus having con6idored the matter ogreftilly;. t, anner, on the shortest notice, and at very IV. XI—No. 11—Terins, $1.50 per annum. CLINTON; ONtA4'RiIOP� THURSDAY, MARCH 100 1P76., E, HOLMES SON r -asonable rates. agreed U10 the old k�4a in ,the 441, must b'e olive. Seein-6 his =oqth be, man aoi:Qa
ginning, to. open, the country A WIN D )VILFULNESS. ADVERTISING BATES. Tbo. woldc of the SabbA The 117. S. Ubor MarRetIr tho fl,guro Wbothor it woul Ice a
t1t QbXQrv%U6e. d li � Sam thing to.60.. Finding the mouth open- aA i4d'hand ana'self our readers learn. from our ofTerel bi -i 0 aratog on, rat insertion, 8 cents per line, subsequent To so body—a wilful elf, the otti ok the Ha. A lea4ingNOw ' York paper d! I wider, the, follow,
conkling.ville Olga Ieports,,the'plibU kwa correspondent ing 91:11 nat tiou4, 2 cents per line each tillie. Who me io interest.in, the sep- Wiltod Tinies, speaking of the Sabliath in& the oubjqet of labor 4n& wages In
AIVJ. GRACFY, M.B., GRADUATE OF TRINITY heard me through, then turned away, () � . I gar4oil this as �au, affirmative an�.wer,
Surgeon, &c.,'Blyth, And answered but a scornful "Nay Ill oulit"Y' one of. the Most remarkable. video. held4a the. JEUppodrome conti n . takini � handful of rice, pit I
out, *0colloge"lorouto'l? asAnd itq observance in CiinVidail that city shows that reitictions, are still and CONTRAUr RAT" flioe:-Ol)goaito bhano'a Hotel. th, Jan. 20, 1 75 4 In vain I strove to plead my cause torids of GhQo�unterq.`with wild boa to unabated. Returns � frQuit, Eriglod, � SabWtli is veryell observed in 0 in, the number of we down the. throat 'Qf t brazen im g, One column, one year . ..... I ...... ly No gentle pity touched her face that have lately t, going on . been told. In brief it Sootldnd,and Philik4elpIkio �riri - %W8. Thougii there is a lorga proper. emPI0fQd iA differ IDENCE- But listening with polit golieer .4tt pursuit$,, witli a inserting fi�S Land and arm, into.the h.. .............. �W. UU R. APPLETON.-OFFICE AND RES o surprise, is as follows ilag R00OURtS Of the work begun by tion of Prench-04andians here, the do orre 3 mouths . .............. The House lately oevapied by Mr. Janice Fair, Qp- She iiirned frpm mi o her careless e ea. sponding reductions in Wages. Car WOut400"Atit t I jig moment tht cook Church 'T A man by the name, of,Ge.orgQ-_U d_Sankey, 110h one, 'Anti image'- shut its a the Wasleya .4,Wjt:t� Half one year . .............. . W. 00 posit Itattoubury Street, Clinton. and.Arm not appear to make light, ofthe, day as penker
- ------- - sti
.... Clinton, Nov. 1. ?1873. 8-ly Love driven back within my breast, ley was, on bt I , " , half .. .......... W- 00 Friby night., Feb., 25, many pf�ceo in t@ t io. court ry, yet, un- do'their fellow7countrym fore tho panid were $3.50 per — Pride volunteered to do the rest. gville an in Montreal, day, nbw mprisoned the bond of the, 3 months ............... 12.00 CORE, PHYSICIAN, BUJAGFON, AND AC- driving frorn. dorlarth to : Conklin visited by them, we beat of a qt1ickene, Quebec and elsewhere, I ceased to argue and implore, Not that in any re. eive but .$2.50 for a do ineatiticius exporimontaltst. Ho called, t ..... ooveneun, Market Square, next door to the of eight Ono-foui h, one year . ..... 20.00 R. somewhat belated 1 4 11 And vowed to ti6able her no more. There. was no, MQ011 ager , interest in,religion, extendin
half .......... 12.00 Royal Oanadlan Bank, Clinton, Out. �g of those places.,io thaC element of the hours na there are buti4mas iA Now upon the numerous deities aokriow-� Then lo I the maiden's cheekq grew red, and the road waff uncertain, owing to ou�fside of the oburphes, �Now the York) a I
8.0() clintou, March 2,1876. vital population givert to, Sabbath breaking Who Would gladly'wor uo, 1004 by .h�.'�Kthoaoxllindoos - but,
3 montlis ............ k for One-eighth, one year� .............. AMES STEWART, lil. D., C. M,, GRADUATE Or And downward bent the haughty head the rough weather which. had prevailed point in this matter is, -wby have these for abba th. breaking's sake, but because per day. mong b The sweet U lost their careless smile, ricklayers,,the-fe is.1%. fludin, no resonoe Lu, them, address- 4. half .. .............. 8.00 in that section for two weeks or s6, past. two. men succeedekin producing q last- .- .'. d Pd'' Itimself to'. b,e production of. Sch 41 5.00 &000uchaur. Residelice-BRUCEPLELD. And quiverXas I paused the while. they are" leis 6baerVant, niaturally, of more sts,bliolied rate of wages, Ap 3 mouths . ................ He was in A iiliglit. butter, pr6te6it ipl; offeotf, W have before. -now -given �the-day -sfralght4aced good workni w frigIl One -twelfth, one year, ......... I .... 8,00 January 4,1871. 28 A sudden hope within me grew well an can, be obtained' ai 'ke tful howls4liot the whole.pergonnal th.e.coidby iobesnd blaukO half .. .............. 5-W ed from 0, the reasolaw,wioli"to, up, account d for -people, o Are in far as V pler day t 9'th�-Pa ace. RrUVE, Physician, Surgeon, etc., Coroner for I dared to think her heart was true, a English-speaing 8ione on ters w a r was roused, and laetena& 3 months .............. "O DoUntyoflluron. llesidenoe and oftioo-Corner of and was driving a, spirited � horse, It their remarkable I)ower in- attracting Elan though her lips, for, mischief's sake, too many instances quite a 'hypocriti. ceived $4.50 pbr diy bef§ra the �panio to his 'Not however, till Business Cards,8 lilies andunder,l year, 4.00 Albert and Mill Streets, Clinton. Had tried my goffered heart to break. wag about I I O'clock, And ho� was nearly and itifluencing great masses of'people.; cal as the 'liservaqti. The ohl in'o 11 August 9th, 1860, Just what I w ispered, uever�mind- I -at his journeyR.o4d,' Thd,,.r y are. o . - ief .,no.w get W61 ther--trades t 0 repairer of tho'clock hod been suallm,
Advertisements of Strakyed, Lost, rolind, - - - — —�& . 9�4. lay, :We believe it -lies in thbir exceptio-na trait in a Fronohuiai4 ob the braien-image release the, I&c., not extieuding 10 lines, first uiouth) $1 ; _DR. STANBURY, ORADUATE OF THE muDiCAL But she -she answered, "Men are blind thtough some undergrowth of w9odo. ; i ' I " " d oractop,.:ate R, have detirei4od� as moned did sincerity Dopatment of Victoria UnivorsL,y, Toronto, for. When will they learn a woman's nay-- whil an 'earnes ness in, , a I. sting dm ,at engsg�dat-hja- of. -from $5 per -day.. to $2 - shoe victim.of mistaken. ben 60 cents each month, e the--hors0`-was-Jogging-aIQ I URAt 8� 1 e.wbe lie ion u M after first month, merly Of the lluspitalki and pisponsaries, Now York, By dint of-coaxing-meaus but yea?" ag# ghioh every I t * I h* frolA $20 to $80 'per week I remains, it seems, a oorja6r- of tho
ness, or emp oymon , 18 Is f4culty of 10 and still Advertisements of Farnis and R(,al Fstate Coroner for the County of Huron, IJAYLUELD, Olit. `moderat6 trot, suddenIjF.&e-'6t0--)pd-d-- --a- e t s o u I k a 6 ie" pp . In a-. seo fC - U I i IS i � -Xi i g'T, S t i f 6 1 1 7y' -voLld' 'horein su�h mediwvAl, toyoAx. for sale, not exceeding 10 lines, first 111011th, July 22,1874. thfow his ears foivwdrd,, gaVe it furious, inonfoyini bi"S ouldbro-and .11,nishers, fy u *o How a -Duel Was Preyeit IsoutoveTy-dopressing irilluence, $18-.por week to $1.5 ; house. nd - s n citetile faculty of. .artanco to himsW.. � Mr. �d r $1 ; not exceedmg, 15 lilies, tirstitiolith W. . .6 I a R. NVORTHINOTON, PHYSICIAN, SURUEON, snort, and r6fused to go fartheri The X dy is posAitosed by his e.trana; there . painters, from each subsequent month, 50 anti "i 5 cents. Accouchour, Licentiate of the College of PhYsiolAns he is lively., Active, and buoyant. $4-50-, liei day fo� $2.6 Advertisements without speci(ic directions and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Provincial J A Washington letter 'says :�Il Ivry. Ariv:er' urued him - to� go' Pi 11V 'is co sail makers, from $20 to $15 par week; na Jotal, unco'nscioAsness of e4lf.ln the thinks only of tife present "the' $axon 4 A Shrew. Wider_ &to And Coroner for the County of ilurun, Office anti otruck him with th halter,, the 'strap man 'while. speaking which -giyp.m to his on, the average cA�riigo makeri,"from $8.50l to $2, and will be inserted till forbid, and ell3r9cd Me- resilmee,-The building formerly occupied by Mr. friend Colonel* Richard Wintoramith of the fhture�aiid be, cordingly. I'lkwaited, fluron street. was walking up tile avenue one day, so- and of which was. tied to 4he cutter in words a tromaudonspoWer. . Bat, these liv6s�� far mor� pleasant life. . It is Sta- $2,50 per day ; coopers, from $20 to $10 Nearly a. century. ago, when daring nAdvertisements measured by a scale Of Jun, 10, 1871. compartied by Mrs. Wintersmith and order to prevent its dropping out And rose.ons I while' they account . for - the jeid'as. a: fact- ihat,man instances. have per Week cabinet makers,, from $18. solid Nonpareil. 11. DOWSLEY, M.D.. L.R.C.P.S.K., MEMBER another lady. -The sidewalk WAS icy. -'hioh ord.wa. to h60him' an& to robbers Wero plentiful in the badly- b,, �ing lost. The b4roe jumped for- -throngi a thii7jile same
UY Ii. -i4m-and, ari of College of I'llysicians and Surgeone ofOntario, ghted streets of Lou is as 1). W� In a friglitenotimnner efore for his. inimediate effeob upon".t iem i10 t- SON. -goon of libigston C a . rd ap I u*i6y qiiiitbo and madhinWiB, . 'tie E. IIOLN117S late Ifouso Sol Toneral and Lyiug-in Just In front of *them. pekAbulated �blit b I aking-, ill'obaso .41ack
dy'L �e iSt or ormarry-mi in $3 ""snbak-tbieves�' are in onr. Hospital, Physician, Surgeon and Aacouehour. Orrlcx he 4a.4 taken three i. -tops. a huge poubhor. not, explain � the sfea rs enb-iol! er`day;to$I0 Albert street, uppuaito Fair'o Mill. RESIDENt!E.-ilurou perfumed attacheof the French Logo- even, pain ;, it is well kno w.u.. bitt, ,P and $12 p-er weak.; tail.- antly lighted thoro�gbfhres�at tbo�:_Mt. sprang. from behind a low evefredii opease;of.4 t. -after 'lie enly., ALCOMSON & WATSON, IsAftRISTERS AT� It ... )t, oPPoelte Culumerviul 11"t"), Clinton Out. tion. Suddenly the high diplomatic .. inj _ L , Pvou zeal ig0n%� �ftjiniiids which have. been fit-misbing for- .�:ors earn from $10 to wook,t S all challco;'y. and Clinton, April 21,1875. 'close b YL the triack and lmp�d' o1he ancl'i' ent time, a 'gent ma -AT-LAW, Solicitors in boot heels struck upon a pairticularl a placbs where lie has fnever:b -ythinj at the sound'of. a dau t I'0- per cent., Iola than'beforo 'th s " d: i ht TORNEYS oe". got eve]. CQ Ou e toppe , one'nig while. passinn', over Conveyaricars, ofill:o-Next door to the now Royal Calla- y cutter. As it st I R, Brno th spot of ice ; there was a flash of rack the outte't its. fore- -11; was--pre-dicted thAt*.this revival a*Aadii. and fefi tiaiid'pi%r e. Pdr� �Poili`t Neilf - PaxZ *1th a-lanfekil by a" dia.:Ank building. tune panic ;, eigar makers avorug feet in tile air, and the -whack of a others dooeoint wholly- on too . k of the fleeting lire yeary. rough le MONEY TO LEND 014 ]REAL ESTATF luotel head paws came With great force Against like many piea tr they week ag 16 n sling; S as W.t i okingv vian, wlio said, 'pre' -sent-,
S MALCOUS N. are in the world.' arid.$20 the, panipz irou ii�oixlaers. ing a paper� tbia.0 Sdnebat WOUICIL en 'with had want or" Iiinerootr! with bair parted in the middle upon the aud,with.one blow exciteniiint of fe y 21,1875. Ith its powerful nails the man's cloth- the outburst of emetion, vivid, sweep. It ,Lto Chuton, Julo w d�y 11LE'ANS HOUSE, CORNER OF CORORANT cold and unfeelin.er bricks ; then a fran- thi �6dlaoed from: $2 �ee artled"tbe owner of the lantern glane- 0 ing was -stripped plean'fipm. his skin, a, national element,* inherited I . ) I Store streets, Victoria, It. C. -S. Jones, Pro. tic getting up and a hasty glance round ing, - and, short-lived, as a mirie fire, frobi old,Franoe, that shoors receive $3.0 p6i, d4yv the -Pd at.tbe dirty sc'f'awl preseftt6d-o his. ;D GAMERON & McFADDEN; prictor'-'Excellent Accomodations.-Iloaril, poi week, Hinckley had -the halter with which he Qur Christian 1riends' o ; Boil an Iloard, per day, $1.00; Single to see who was laughing. t hap' oned �r light-heartaidness same as. before the purtio. ' 'The - wages n otice, d I o'
dians'may tra6a thei It ad the following If If yon. 7icts.; Bede, Mots. p haa just struck the horse .S'tilI in his woul(I find. it warth'Wbile to' consider under riqarly-every - cirbumsitw :W.tra'des have fall' Goderick. that the risibilities of the ladies who ac- nce,, and in almoil: ed off eon. i ak* III w9rd, I Blildl Stab you. Give Sle 0 a w. n. McFkDDEN. hand, and instinctively- be, laiiI it with why, the piedibtion failb& - �QnqL regs Sab- a Chasing pow�. ine ydu� ,valuables,, and th M. C. CAMICHON. E RATTENBURY I OUSE -L RATTENBITRY, compall - _ _9!1- -noi to any. evil disposition. When iderably, while t, e pui en, xu
'T'J' r., loor mouth of the Post Oillec, the head of his ass%�I- may be 'fo . und in. - a hint given y Mr. ied Colonel Richard Winter- h n . for smith were excited. The furious all hil might -a-vex b bath Qomes,." a. break. in the'li daily toll, of, irioncy hai increased in"almost, equial. yourlife."* Not boing'a hiain 'of inu 0 I � . ph Marriage Licen es i Viet Street, Clinton. The fittlngH And furubdilings ant. By one of the blow& tho- -boaditall- Hood th d' o 611O &y,;�* they seizeit, with avi ity, and whilli of this house are all new, anti everything is provide to Frl-lichnian produced a delicale piece of hen calling,.�ho - I I iheiiffr ili6d'gedtT6iiiiii
I � 11 t - . proper 10111� P lie C, gave up, meet the wishea anti wants of the traVellilig public, and passed -over the -oci-ttered- a-udion�oo,oldse'r-!tbout-thd-oul- o watch afid It OF pas e Ca W. M01FFIE, 'd HtQro. he f,ch; cotifident, from hing expPrience, of being ablo t b rd from the pocket of big silk being a slipping noose, he "n Hener. mak -his Off. 17 Ho-. CENSE8. 011ILL at DulicrtykNouzieb I next efforb :.Pib -we must bring the sticks to. 111g.at . t1to ("Onteniflal to make cumlortable All who mey favor Lim with their vest, and proffered the same to the mar- pld�erly moa g faiihfully to Church tlle� 0 S061f-g�aie however, and the cumpany. 0ood Stablilig and attentive hustlers. He -has yung9r-fly-overyw-hero,to f I ind--,m ri wasjor� tial.Aentubkiiin.' '-S&Wia bld" -to strike Arow.-$ho -nQos6,. tigh.b about :gether'toi make the! -fire burn' Clinton, Jolla 2, 187-1. 1013 yon w- : ..... . j- set -have ze bonaro to protect, have offlared th"anther's. neck. .'Th6. a desperate, ohmot 4n9r.waysInwhAcJli
some. brolight the Sticks ho.aist,. to bass%the day. Tn in tbe ! - - . mediAtely . adougeC of r = Propose-- to. turn the , cerifeii the crim'o of r blor�. lie Rleaded o't' siey, Milliner, Me le groas clisult. , I Shall 1004 to you ha�dAo, -hand, as itwere, fight ensued-' BpttRitfialii% the followeri'Of Cran- -an table s Mrs. Bee eason, �Piusands gook JOlueu In, 'th quatry towon he riv 4 k �dift guilty; nd P ab, p ausible do. ---d -G oGot strantre is -IN RETUIj\JN0 TITANES To THE LADIES 01' JL opamt favors, boto to in" ferzesatistaeshong.' The colonel bowed The in An stvuggled-to-thtrow off,thah6419% ::mbiv an 1ho 14 Clinton end it q Vic, but succeeded only s -these �meetin -that .Sa . id he, -1 can. neither " a ei'litiliue.4 the hit mud 13unuct o far i6prevent form thoul that site still with that peculiar grace and -gi and' iw,� prm'otin 'the. through the city sudeiven. go shooting in. a Earl of W- e, as they d.u.pltho b1ffP(4r 'just, businesm, At the TILE BAINK, nzeia which would driye the hit it from fastening its powerful-J'a' a upon 6rk,outsid join no*here' lag. for the of swee,ping ou't'the the�ivobds. A beautiful S11day itt, that' to lior.write, picke OLD iTAN 1), 0 big now bare neck; The panther' grab- Very -few of his bearers, vrn dus d tkd 0 1 Of. woriat 'qihibiiin buildingg; ;gUarkffite6ing t thq�molinnt,i met thi�gentle nl1*1 -field mad with- envy a -bundre4 t li - io ev0 li And that she has bee, an'd lef� irrn,' �1118,ug,llt f.,r osorg. It ttrick C. CARTWRIGHT. in it'. bit know or carer to whit denbininatid. bp land Nv% Y,.rk Imuerno of garments; All ' Wbicli' _4 and to .1bep the' fifty
ban, which she will CARTIVRIGITT, OF STRATV011D, WILL IIE times a (lay were h(T olive to witnega n the"itfornociis -or it.., upl. naimy- isizes, and d-wripthmS ai belongk He hia,b 6-MEr -a k, through and, through, tebiooa .,hich odTJxcres of 01 at the Rattenbury Ilouee, Clinton I the first Thurs. n . o an -P him to the Xr. 5.1ood rought aiessed men I d'to 1, on� the pe - -q cle"'
g1leg, And hopeo, by C. them, and responded: I bly dear air, I an w Or they ca. of genie value, I 1�olitely d
ell at in thO CUtLLIL flowed only "seeming to. make t inoro thein. to�ether simply ,by'.-t4riistinguaide etl�,,.. 'On� cLzinot'but' ad7. tti liberal patronage- day d Friday of evvry inuuth. Teeth inserted in I tako that view �appear witle'fir ALL 014)r1t. tanstyle. Teeth with exposed norves treated, filled, .11 I I , !]� ra ihi, ingenuil; blisin6ss . fore- -66i A'r1LNl)LD To am very Sorry that yoi toad WfQi AP. �Ila with iny 4 PROMI-rLy furious-. - With hid Strouce righi, rage Briton an Clinton, Feb. 24, le75. of it ;. but, if you ingist -on satisfaction, a a maebipery of.416.9 0 ave is t, And made as good as sound ones aim th' whol' ma and h old- manade. ihan th 4 s 9 -vie* the essence of relig Otis &lit- of this man lish tuflpoutB, drawn by -will show "thk ONEY To 1,L.Ni), IS Olt permit me to 6ake a suggestion which Hinckley ti litened"t g noose' lug to sweetheart --sty atoli �,n I e,hki zan 'off. abduf the animal?s 8� tigh t th,ftithin 01164 .J�04usand'Ritn' by. a vary nodern to throat.. tru gugo otwilliQ, KL nfuL4:ratu rates of I have no doubt will commend itself to spathkinflorseg flit tbro'ngl3L the streets, 6 t" 01X@ I u tereatu gJ� 11(.`11Io1L"Vrt was it drawn by that sttength-whicli dru6ifiea, ib 4 foundation �-on Which dping hi,4 gardens and t6 I ifo-r- 7.tf your judgment. My wife has two tetewa-tetaq re enj oyed, in" the comes.of desperation ilia v spaoo cl,94iT,-Ind by' bding permitted t.6 t.the, �anther- t' tand f6fid-'build brothers, either of whom she could very -see can a togetlim, nt4etl h0apa4, afid e the illARLES IIA-ilfr,To1,,BLYTII, ONT., LICENSED was choked so that A let let- go its hold- Ha-iiQ-.br6fi-g-bb �ffiein thus etair,x". Ilion, ey � nd �Y'alun'blus �fiiund C Auct iom,vr f,)r t hu County of Huron. Saleg of Farm Spara more conveniently thn she could er, lii6f. pasime-catriog on tboir friends. -in 0 13.0 to tbanks, .,w icb , GES, NOTES, , OR t4q. yblln" his. 80 , I- MORTGA stock, Itcul I;6tatc, &o.) attentlLd to Lit ruasunuble those,preg6ori.dq ' �_�Feneb L fad,ei a1W pings, this enterprising ind
me, for I am tLe only husband she has-; not; as Other revival- aya bXpect Toils'ready to '.pei- rat same time stripping its victim's CIO islis have d9iie, o6ntent themseilves: with 44 Ir iti, -rather: and she never could get another like me 9 Vvqr'y Fro ge, 'I 187�. and laeorating his skin with'i a s arp rousing a. me men 6h.ry fervoff. .Xheyare is ari:odmirer�64-$Aliliat . h'aftert ponoession, not;�itlfqt�ndirig J All :,9 HOWSON, crAN'ro\, AIT- if I should be slain. Tf it is all the i6orfr, the h " ims of the. pre- ffi6ri laws. With the fir -SU y,� theit-mo f6rce -ari& in ,those porti, i , -Of'-the This 'proposition as - put Good Securitics Purchased. birtho Cout-tycif Heron, iK priparcd ti, g31110 to you, please hold one iif Ms. :,ba a the colitrai evening on 4 --day, kicceptod the p1da'a4d. with- .8- , W. , I Att6M ;o ual,d of Farm btock And Real Estiltu Lit rVA- aiitlier, accompanied as it was with, a shall: be wastell . iq mpairnodie � emo ion ; not ryet been. ccepted; as thero-is'-some 0 "pl. W, ly. n oity.�wliere'the 'wealthy -'and educated llr6w the 6 01 a in t. wil -a htook fright 'the-'ceies, shrl doubt its� tor. the �ropk&v oi.ttftowingC W's. brothers responsible i this mat- 4, fierce,growl, t1i C tor.' And tho colonel bowed ahother Okings and shbuts,whidli. reaido,. the trening air, -upon, the 47 andran atfullopeed, every leap fairly' Another genius. lias.'pa'ia CtintL of his ovorwhelming bows aild passed we d to associate with 'in, sve6�11eg�aljd w. lksi is.,homiy'7-Wth the --- r, the eu.19taive-privilegQ of hirin'g out lifting the cutter from pheArack. Zhus, feeling tire discouraged in 0 s tit gott fer the Coha,hd Seraritiuki 011, leaving tile astounded little French- music fro' pianosj. harm nions',, violins, rolling or.batb,obairs to'vioitbra ill tile h prevdiliiig- torii, of. which floats oat froi the mg- Exiibitio�. J fifty Q.6 rXh, most sad�essful':bnsinesg nitin is AN,) ag--ta f.,r privatt- while Hinckler �was Struggling.- fof-,Iif� in thog llt,53000 TO LOAN. .-Ill.inilials of I,— t(, %�) b,an sit %(-ry rvas,.u. man absorbed in blank stare at the near- 9-Jui-rvicee'I 111tcr, nt 1.,3 able 3earlv. (,.St I:Xnll),-poSt. n. the cutter, the 'Iid�pe was, r�11,11716.lid -W n )IOUZ, 110 hiA is 4eerful, the niffice 6 drawing -rooms through the open in10 ms hinisolfi- gains' hiisalso.'agree(Itopai-$10oneb'Lohat�ir Al., W,.Iwitor f,.r tbl- t. he who away. But the runnin, of the sou,nd comtlnon,i�asnso nridirliffig, the doora and windows French Iddies are over 800 of ivilich he. employs. -- It.ig, . knowledgo of his business, ana r U b(I des ll,73, away
DOT11-Dancers. horse proved... to be the stilvation of the. tea bing., -Nor 61b,tbay 6light-the ad. more given to Wlrum'orttal than to vd hnowledr6 to a practical, system eabirsatsia that 16b niore than tbis.will, 41)Kt TAU syll gi P it I V A,r E F U N 1) S. C. 13AYFIELIP, - ISSUER OF driver ; for iti making- a short.turn in it Von �,y. organizatiom, . Mr. Pal i#nsic, aild. when an - accomplishd, be neededi which, at $40 pir chair, ill w Y. J. Marrinot, Licensew under the uvwAct, C,nnmis"iun- hich may be reMil' -taucyhtAn&under- f,,r tAking.%!1Aa%il� in tile t1nen'A for Coun- I hold tht-as far da sense can I -o' the road the Oufter was oveiturn6d, Xbady-'Js a, man, i,ri'fact, of marke(t'04- or or be $6 fl�mat.eur violinis�.Ilarops,in an lio' iv. 'Stood. -keft bavo been -acquiring a of Huron And 114111P, RUCh all trusted or history reli(d upa�n-918,voral dumping irivar and 'parilber!.out�upon eoutive ability, and before'lie begihi3 his 000 making $18,000 for this pr Contructe, iiveil�, slid Mortkage.. . �p two is * da�oted-ta�the�.-iiharms which ,ago alone. Yeb another knowledgo of ther soil ancil its &.0ducti%. V mail. paysidis or devil -dancers, could 'be the frozen snow. The momont-tbey *ork in any �ity,brings.to* his.ai4,,the Lag bought af practice, irt AbVINEY An',',", L11 UN la.AL L41ATE. stians.about im as soothe -the savagebreast, .' In BToutreial, for $3OiOOO the pi�ivilcgo of, 1 roduce(l o-mortow in Southern India struck earth,. however; they parted - cbtn- niulitudo -of Chri diapersin� *for Slhewhere tlae English, and Fronchlive it&rt, a �Oe or: a--laulf6hi One end oflyd lialter, beiti' I ingersi preaebiisi., oxhoren, .dyspepsia in tho-Aaiie of soda' , Wow ct1liJS,,1r0nwly o, wh(j. as,far is call bo ascertained, are as PftnT g e webven-' as it.'were,-the-former in the west and, herd 'ive find one. FOIN'Ll'it, WATC11 ANI)CI,oCK- among' the tlkir8ty W S, �iAnwi, Working Jeweller, &c., &c., truly possessed of evil agencies,�ds was to the cutter and the other end tight gers iMo the hi&hw'- a. t ftt�iotg who Will go Sys 0M rs and byways o tho.latior in the east, -7.-s 9A� a T .. f�e'wbc;,y6cogr[i'zas nd cohforins to-th fun-, AXIILY TO xt door it) the ExpreH Oilleo, ALbort the mWn-wlio -,yas fereed by the fiends abou b the wild animal's neck, the latter, 4i'oRap6r-4he`pi3opIe to co'm (3 fn' ' These Sabbath afterno6n or evening, can easily up. t, --sae the sh.ow dufil ' Ig 'the . c S. MALCO.MSONII q�=-I'treot, Cliut�.u, respectfully ilutimxtel, oBarrimter, &c. him to bowl that he as h6t was dragged after the A "In 16te6a 16 oistgymen, busitioss me;7yo monthiof its contriausincel, do . menta pritiox to hie friendu slid the public generally, that he lies on Withill I . , ung *O�n6n detect, the.botindaries. as ho'piroes from 00 we rand m6y. who ScAt the idea 38 hand a aflct stock id clockK. wntole,H, &e., 9- body Jumping and 7bounding -along' the andyonihsi, find tbe�lid The firm hh've' tbe-mouow scicM 7, IF7 I. P hiin5p]P, but tbiit bts name was,-- "L 42. � P vos probably one, �to the other, aind'yot, should he look I't road. , The r thii-ailthority than their o*A� whi0i h ifferR At rekoonable rati-s. poly ofliallidg oigars Within tile, Can. of -46Y 0
d.gr J,,n in his line, the sho�tlest n�,tioe,aud gion." Notafewofthepersons I re- tinning 'away of the horm. at -work fbr the first time, not in bring- into the churohoo, he would-.- be aston- t6nnial Gro'unagwill have'. to' sell' IS tradttlan�ry Practice. Stijl - tb 6ro -are t mimlerate rates. aved Mr. Hihokley's llfii He Was left ing converts into , Baptist or Fresby- ished to �Sieo them� full, but obiefly of 5trong,ly gainst such iloyal C,,Anadiaii Bank, Clinton, unfer to are, on ordinary occasions, calm. 8 , 1. . I causes working i
Thrly have their avocations, - and often by-theroadkida, whenc6 he in. the course t0lan. church, 1, 4 straight ta. their OOP ton-celit, oigilra be.fora. it gets back
women, the I I . .daftsol and by slow degrees a better and HURON ST., pursite them diligently. , Sometimes of time fouild,hii way to. a habitation, Master.. Thev zuarn 'unconsciously the -money itivestbil for the pri*ilege ; * I the Comomial 3 ghS by Bitch directneso 'Qf n more intelligent cotiv.se-is b6ing adopted. b g% respoetfully to luform his frionde thvy linve their wiv�s and children ; The lierso ran till he got loosev fi6m the' les'on, tau the ma' who has the solo right to 'Boil . o $2,000,000. %Woiltulld tile public generally, that he keepH tl Two Friends. 01); . cc p, y -,the publid' ith The invention and introduction oflAbor- cAPITAL, conqtanl 17 (in blind 5 lArgC 111A wAl assorted stock of lay posseso their inherited hiit, small cutter, ana then be went io Conkling- work.-- Clergymen of 611 sects have i p )rh muit on n garden, 'well, and scoro-,of v 140�0007114-ceint paperi.b6fore'lle 'can saying machinery is.'operating' rap -idly
(!1,jckm, Nt Itches lind Jew(.11ezy, whi,:h be will %all at ireo. p1nintui p. The cutter, badly shattered, as been quick to leam it also. - Anil n4w It seems '. that in London, some vifth he d�ruteprives. Ittl�A:Iii.Ntat)fe�crydc�seril)ti4)nl;r(amptly They eschew bhang as 'W vi 4back-tile money paid for his, mono. in this direction ; aliA to ' gether a�ee . L --s- The colubratlhi Itumsoll palmyras. it tound alf a mil.o froin the spot whoro wocome to the 000retofte great re - monibs.aid, a poer,dog,, having..beeii we thorough diffusion of the 'science
jl� h kq1t coreltantly In stock. in( - CLINTON AGENCY. ,i,�ted at roasouable rateft rule, and the juice of tho poppy, and the panther todped from. behind the Val in religious fbelln'gi all 2h is oalfed, pAlted with sticks anditones, 'by. iolyi and the oodfi-vater concern must, of ood farming tbroU& Nov.8th, 1960.. 20.1y glasses be-. and kuowlvd�ge
arrack. The are quiet, sleepy men bush. The animal. wad Vead; choked which remains after X-esars. Moody avid get-rid.o"20,000 lieti-oent.. 11
6ygi Until his Jlesh- was bruise I i fore it gets, t G,p, iob R r agricultural journtL(hkiRli �re the It f the . concgosion ou and women, who occupy much of their to death, and badly bruisdd. 'The 'hub Sankey have gone,' add is extenaingeir a limped inio -a 8 a 1 directly aild
gs fracture I greatest moving inflummaj-,
nt allowed E. D. GREEN, L. D. S.P stance of the correspondent's story is ob b nd thei,e personal influence. "I back. interest from Four to Five per cc time in staring over the yellow di-ifting 0 of"Ifilre stalls was an..7i t I indirectly, that are oper4ting in edlicat- D E.N T I S T, h eyo learned,' said Ono on Deposits. ands at the qtlil-flocks all they Bit given aboye, and e forbear fr6ra cast- ave '. I yo g horse.; lie seem9d, touched,at--tha 'Lf%qpr and Opium, :ing our farm p6pulation). ielld to br6ak
'11, Agent it. DENTIS—TSTRATFORD, WILL Dr hither and thither, or at tile gaunt, So- ing any, doubts on so. tragic a' tate, er* 11 that my work-in the pulpit is not ; ,U. LOUG disk as of the dog find looking down.' measurably, Old and empirical.prac-
I at the Itattenhury House, Clinton, the third Tues- . 1. . Some effective y day and Wednesday each month. litary wolves wbich skulk under the litsitary offbrt, but by whatever means inspe ted the broken log. Then with '. s. T 1. P . argtimento Against the ticos and .idea
shade of thorny thickets waiting for an A Strange 0courfeticeo. is a beverage have plements necessirily tends to
I.y he uei *of impr6ved Clinton, oct. 20, 1873. 1410H " SCHOOL. - THE 1LINTl1Nb,C.1TY t9 compel them to com' big to feet, he pushed sothe'straw into sale and, use of mm i ini,4 ..
flig ,cb( I i open to plipilq of ill sexes, 9 If this effect be lasting, I 'corns of the stallo and. made a bag beenaaviinceaby Urd. Comstock, the 've our practice aiid cultuto, � tends,
LONDESIEJOROUGH unwary goat to pass by.-- But evenin 8-11jer train and laymen. of whateve * sac - ill onse- a pro from ail parts ("Jo tho 0ninty anti Prtivince on c,leal draws near, the stinset redderis over the Last evoning as the pass' r t- W -4 Tlie, dog li� tlowirthvi� Quakeresg,.,who to 6, greater. uniformity, tt-troo. fuhtrill-ti,in 1A given in ail tile higher branoboo of I or 0 a&. which
MILL. Lngloth, and ClaARical Education, and in Ghants Z tile deep mellow notes of the lotte o� 11o*Lake shore Roai to wasts bothzeal And, faith in the oni. 11 -night, tind the horse tooli fent temperance adv6dato. She has �Boils� O"r It, similar confbimation, 'd i -of minor dectrineg'and a itindfig equally trtatedi lead
GRIST and SAW t1w Fri-Ijoh anol (it rman languages. Rodents a pre bar ity, under the di- e organisms f,.r tile Vnivdrsirlea, the learned profug mg, and -and then on' '0 to_thig noitill rlihiml* Whensome s petit considerable of her:' tim S to simila'r r4sulto.
re Sporlal attention is paid to the a wood pigeons grow flainter, was com n a 9004 co�
merollitill, pursuits. cease ; fireflies twinkle out ; great bats reciion of Conductor DAyt 6: pectilisif a arch government, and present � rall- bran ash, i 'T formed part of, big'. the prisora in this ountry'and those in Nature rewards the 'ultivator of the soil 10111-9 requi,ole for 0,mumn Sch I Tomehers, Tuition 3��r, V, 13. Vagl'e), gion jo did their Afagtor, A STRANT AND pi,r quarterly term. Stn4ent.q fl-om a distance flap by lazily overheard ; then comes smell was noticed by in, the simple food, Who br g 6 to th4 horse,:he gent. Europe, and o0 of'. the 120,0.0 ftisonerki prleciigely� in proportion to the efforto he llko%t'h�er machitif r,-, with impr-ementm tbr A,0, li- -a passenger on board, afia on shape of love,to God, and to their bro.. ly� caught the dog by the nook, and whom she has Visited She fouhil th6b, a puts forth ,ccorcrof I%t,, cell "btain bo,ard in the village iLt v�ry mo4trate rattle. the dull tuck of the tom-tom the fire who was
bars feel r(lilli(I"ll'"I � - being able to a I unher vil be on application, �titb in confovalitf with ber,,Iawk, Art. Aetermin�,l tt- tl (pl,ro,,rinflyor by letter) to ajiy weniber of the Board of before the rustic devil-teple is lit ; the looking arourta he -discovered that -it. ther - man, it will be, vA in Hia dayl -A itage, of thern either to merit hy
their elolt(imer� at all tin swiliable person. ii.: hleston. It. 11.1e, It. Coats, A.S. Fisher, his -tooth lifteil hi into the trough, its perc0i] or favors. If he puts 69soil out such work As will 8%ttlif e%ery rV crowd gatbers and waits fore,the pii6st. a onige tile "�Pry lare a or 0 i. Iteeve, Rev. Ft McQllfliR, and A. Worthington, much as to say, 11 Th6ro, help Y*outaelfi; di fay' abl to the dir6ula-'
strange Appearance, of stupor had oomo teal living force . t' ravolati a!ectly or I dire�tl iame to that eon. -in a condition 51 D., or to Cho Used Master, Mr. James Turnbull, H, A. 669, every -day ;�orld. The adcular press for, eat as much as Yott Want I" For, weeks Itio t 'eating drink, Iust tion Of air among its particles, the of- NILL FEED, &e., &c., Ifo is there I His lethargy has been overall the passengers, . Hisstioploi hrough'i&oxi n IFLO'UR, BRAN, thrown aside,, the laugh of a fiend is in being aroused, his action wag prompt and: ydars hits protested *sgainst thi idl'of the two frieudd f6d togethero and:tho 1 Chiiatmag -ahe'was out to U Michigan feats of drouth ur6 less'- falb, the soil is jalvrays on ban4l and for sale. 11. f
his moutb. He stands before the peo. energetic. HowasnUlobgin'aiscovering Obtistitinity. under Iis StatePriw)�, anaoat6� the 800 eon- in better h' 16 Malcolm MeTag art valid k4w strofig.. . At night, the boisp ,c6tidition t6 import 0 Od 9 ple, the -oracle of the demon, the devil. the cul]ptit in a auspiclous4looking chair- nob one �owitful proachor or sweet' arranged it soft bad for vidtg there'she learned that,all but 80, at plants held'therehis . to . -growing -optips.
I, 0 a S W A N ".r E D I ppasesged ! Enough for- the present; I actor who oequpied. a ReAt ia the rear Singer that can, roll away the stdno from the dog, And'da Victims , orrum, sholittsvisit- But there or CLINTON, ONT., w circled him with one of his forefset,- had boon a other' things than the And Lumber of evor doseriPtlOn kept On hand for sale. must subsequently describe this scene end of the bar. - lie lit upoti him at the seplahre. Eery vill 'e"olargy- b n, the carefulness, � Such o4�ovir 70,000 inmates. of.poor-housea, prephtations oftht0l) Boil thdt in-
BREEDER OF Iaco 8 I owi 'eat mj nd of this oor',60,000 bad. vatr agq of system in . faird- more carefully in detail. Suffice it in once and d' versa in, Iiii possessi6a a 'Man, e0ery humble believer, can, do, his k ! 6 W I be copied, by the a a ad t' Order. onstroefga tin cant and de- part, and we trusli in God the day will nil' T 0611 I — Bins for Lumber S96VM to 'Thorough -bred Short - Hon Cafflo. this place to say that, about eight years ouribuslyoc 6 had in it, soda Come: when they will do r, hU man race h iroughi there 'by this. terrible ing ovor, tllo� catoloss JITMER BROTBERS. ago, I was staying in Tinnevelly, not tAanded to'know whath scolara ;, and go -the proportion was., in.' tle *he carefully, pla��, his ftim,.ana
Coffee, said the tello vv�, .vith -the rfbuns. . "�Fo Datitutions. In the idiotic aSY' devotes each, fl6ld to it sac ton miles distant from the scene of a "ei-tV r, Mn a notcrops,
Londoeborollg1l, May 18th, 1875. TO('K FOR tragedy on one accavion such: its I havd --atmoat. effrontery. - -T4kOn-li a It . lama the offspring, of drunken fathers with,suitable manuring, basing the ro- CONVP',YANCIG AND LOAN referredto. Thepriest appeared Bud. I'll cofte you V) said the Oswegon- A Novel Complalut. an d mothers were, to be found - upon tation upon the allaptiori of Ono crop to L AGENCY ()FFICE, BLYTH. denly at the devil -temple before the ex- ian,..as his o1factorieg took k A4411 d000 An American d0roqOnaen6 jollo, ile Whom had beon ontailect the �urse, In . prepare the soil for the better growth of pectant votaries. A caldron was over of atua#hetic, which wag &A �eacaping, Waiotido that some of the English following story —While walking along 18115 the BrItish poopI6 spent onO hun� anotbor, na purdoeg �is operations
W (11 1, T, E 14 th; fire, find in it was lead in a molten Here, Conductor I . thik I Help I papers aro giving 'expression to a mother the Street Ono day EL man found two or' ything jugb 0.6
10N EYANCER,8OT,irfT0ft IN CHANCERYANID �t, 'I lie 1,aw and r StRtO Baboia,,,, calmly cried the Up with'the windows? 111plou, in liquOir,thirt million i Clio ri v wad -stertnin6tion, C At rn,y f4 %quity CovrtA of Ireland, Seiza the rag- curious eomplaint, viz., that the School ton cent shinplast6ro veposilli co *13P drea and thirty-three and a half million with a plan, doing over
priest,` tile demon is in me. 'I will oal I WO ais-all chlotOfb GAI Iesthd B b once - , glitiMLI, -With,u tl DIEHL , lo,an, And I-,.tftte Agent, Law, Life tin cards havi done and are doing. their bdSly On thi gidQftlk, 11-0 a of which -had gone to bjdrea�; . the ro. to make expollience and the light of GEORGE And (-w-ral Agent. DoodR, W111H, )�`on ex. �iokia them tip, - and , exulting in his ritle.,andelalrnAto prljve to you all the presence -within we aame follow who chlorofar'nied Ana rdiii.. -work too wett, Ad might have. I venue of that country. Whion, about 40101100, availabio in big calling) will in. D tie, showed them to some
tmKo In tran,lartvd in connet-tion with Firlit-Claas .�hirty4brso ydats ago som� British disputably rellp tile, most abundant ro- Maker, Upholsterer, I An Law llumt� of the olmnipotent divinity." With that bad -k whole passenger trai o4 the Mil, paoted, this cry has arisen on account "O' "' rt" of his acquaintance, They
Cabinet m gorelpean P irrog; Ovilealf-Rien traced and Po e- lie lifted Cho caldron and poured the li. higan Central last, week I 44ho expense whioh.this degree of ex, gentle t Olt merchants- andoavored t6 in. rodaca, �wti,rds'rbr his labor, 31anyare-tho'far- F.'rty YoftrA, Experience; ehar�en 1=tpl�r %a necessarily e g i ed that odell good luck khoula be AVD y to L,)nn In -rrivate fnn(IR, and 'or Public com. quid load over his head. Horns were The novy thoroughly atouea passon. conew ntails. When the BUS" atea OPIUM into China, the t, nippr Ould moro Who from 'i 1 -by-his treating the orowd,
... 1), bl,t an Notes collected. blown, tom-toms beaten, fresh logs of gets sprang from their seats, the 41n. great edboational-cruaade Was begun it celebe not allow it,,hlictwheit t4ld i '0uld 0(1 It'systeel which, m6eta With most
tjoneral 1)caler Furniture PA I ilytb, Jan. IS, IM75. resinous wood flung into he fife, and dows were put tip and ths, doors thrown as aVeried by its promoters that the ail(t Aemongtratea to him that the twen. nil 6
i- - - - . vastly increase the revenue, h (1 -that abundant sudoeas, yet thOY'bsn 91*4 T1 V, goats dtily sacrificed. The priest stag- open instAnteri ind, ad, the train, m6ved necessary taxati6a Would, be exceea,ifigiy , ty cents would buy four glassai of boot, hoaala n6vor sadto the increase of 110ASOn why, farther than 1� it 40#0 Well
thaniln J o MR nnrr.,Y,na f was tL The Varty, at once Adjourned to a neigh. *6 impoverish find with me to UCTION '." COMMISSION NOR gered about a little, and then fell down along there wad enought f the pure low,. In', though, at first W4 hid kovenuo that whi 'loon. There the, gentlobian tome, a ff,r papt favnr� oine, starting -- u w it ow 6 ng aa ImAt"thatholqat thenldotandand 10,1�SCRIDER if 9 OPrED TTrE TO , in a fainting fit, Three days Afterward Sterlitig air fbroo& through the car to, cAso the tax opgoaily grow 11 n dr � MIX people. 'What oars ago, wenid Int 111FE x RE ASto doebrO5 4 blegsea has ni,w on Land a n4- t to Jilts. SIRAepliard's, Alliert 14t.1. he fliod in horrible agony.. But bin edunteraot the oiTettg bf.gny qatintity stands at fourpende lialf�onjiy in 'the wag niahed to find 46 least Atty of 6 would- be for the United States frequently llC..rrooiq�i,,n kt .... rell, whorche will receive thing i Roll (m rothmiletimi, by Auction or private* RaIll mind was 0 awaiting Ayroa, TOCK I Rn 1 who came CAIM andclear to thi) last. Th of the stuperying otb6r. pound, In. those dqil bf 6ffici4l ateal to -day it the President hail the will and �'iravollqr in the wt 'Of 13i�
WEILL LECTED S Ifounphold Frilruillixre, Dry Gooda. I'le- latest words he uttered wore, el"Nome The oulpiib. wig 90120d,bY Mr. Hgla iaga it 14 know that no hig 4ppearandg. The fri6nds the pow�r to'say *thmt d"liquor. The e-t1lat tile oynee ef ii, tbonsani Oxon,, And
Of was 0 1 &UrOffil &Lnd Fancy Golocla, &C., Jkle. 'orne breathes tho. suspicion that a I)enny' irt, with hint took do adon to tell of, Lis -plSetinn of the sAmo. I Batty saini It is itideed I who am and Conductor Day, find his "can eftbag, a the. Chinese' government -.tLv 11v6 timm aq 111:111V 64'rint, it boa
Aoa w,,ola apkan In vennd�hand Fiirnitnro h,,nFrIlt And oolA. Anotilms at- oo I
tended in Any part (A Olb Conrity, sw nonal the'true God !" In the midst of Iiii f6una to contain ollough 11 cc& 1 16 of the money has gone astray, In re. kood fortane and th6 acquaffitanoeo ll prevent the impollation oNpluti llioue, i., i�t) 0tz� 6 take the.Wool ,1, v LOUNGES, whl�h, for durability JH. HOWSON w6hey the pooplo',figve movda tip to. thp a,'drango tin. , " I H, i, mannfartn' re At the aarep tia rjjnt,,n, R, IA75. fOArftil tortilre, and even in the hour of have Atup6fled A dbion oar, 104da of PASS turn for theif ail armorl conflidt with , VIA to on -the Awl �iopm irticlep thrown. on the hity, Not a man took, boot, Tho knowris the opiamar. 1!116:13riti-k .'rou ad bum im it it ,11 `11 IsIvill ot att
" oll#,p no o,.mo death, lie with the fiercest car- 00119dro. toores of aplendid schools and tho�satis- ani! "arket. s the A vote of than�a was tendefaa to Mr. fadtion of knowing. that humIrbils of dotond, "for cookfitilg, smmhno� and We H. HINE, tainty of faith, that his body wa 9f maine, overmatchod their hriny
�nrkrn�r. and ACC'01'2NTANT, 1100M K ERPER, In shrim, of the almighty do H agle by the grateful pahoeitgers,,whb, thousands of oliltdren, who li�elmtoforb atmightbr were certainly niArvolo, The, h, n�na but ETC inviola man and the wa:� r, as, tol,minAeJ in I—. j�,,IAI ho ean theraf,-r vrUrr Ili fell b t wore loft to gr6w up in thq bAq"t ig- biltWtho entiro: 80M. Tie boat raqoned reft ' I tt,,n, and will. shrink. Floolca Vomited, mad--oup. lostlanced, an Ila adored. That demon was to him the hat they had,boon saved 6om. tob,- in re elt -t,tAqt,r p 41 quprem 'ba demon bery, if lib� worge bl big temat�-� noraned'aro now brbuglit'-Witfii a a. wr wbf6li p6'rWitted 01nitkul to gentleman has spout Wally , work il.cftbAbn daya study. tot Ateovirito mada lout stad eelleated. a. With thAt indwalli G DONm As U8UAT,. .991 V1,t,AFk Street, ppoalke the Rattenbrury Ilouse. So he died with able and prorapt Wit- bf all the gooa'thAt, oaft xaoult, froui in. ing over 60 aftir and llag filially col*b, v. tlimngttelc 1
SW lie identiried hitnaelf. Tho .1 � A nton, Jnvia 20rd, 1875 i conclusion t'hat, it,wils A 'ptlb 114. 1C. or twei ago$ 11 HeA, a cry announcing bin own divinity, surao.-Oginpa Pimet, telligent, instruction, And the symoathy to th tic modo, of ga�mbling wa.; do- In-,; F'orilloll WC(, 11
but It Is true. p6liopman, tit 11raford, I , A Dig is terrible, '466 " ixtid companionship of carefully selected job," In othey wotds, Rome Of big tootoa, L 11m, V il I;; UOG pot tlatod With Ringing;
L. 0. L. *Thera occurred naiiitl ndor had bia the twenty Polito *A btyr a" Olt th10VQ,S, .. 011, palm -bearing - mob coots Ita now. Contemporary Review. y in bolutrion't toAchers, 3ohn 11all has, ti 'prdmbldl frio a it, lie new Ga OLT r"Ad. � . fouKa gotta twenty tile with tlinirraAitora at twoutya,
.0 � 6 � 6'. . - � dounty, Via., three vedding� in. the to grumbld,L'but' if.ha hover 'he Would fin yd tIlAt 'if tile river sidy throwing of WOO Who so
Aport tustillas &tnily in, tile day. The bla fblU Me- onao to cry out thitti hd w06 to Seel a 810 billlying on the in tbo -and pq11119 A pl3nn oliell live cents on the.$, on Wedtiftdaj Nud
A nor wornan of Nowl llarg(Tf in troqping FL dog by the &ct tllgt bTated thoir golden vre'ading, thoj*k, ol4ost in tha Ago of tile sollool. l3oards, hi may sidewalk lit would not piak It up, to the wintior whose xrttft arrived fiflit Ma to dhiirCh, the uxt SAbbatli hi f, Monday of overy rr(nth at half-papt Seven mobo With a yaluft �lu
A r, go, many people will give the dog a boils Aoti and -1118, wife tWr widding, Well, be onvied, 11he milgistrixto
o'clock p.m. tHrVieldni? oo 0 61 60, 1 Afi 'thfit W69 A 01NO 0A46 of gambliftg, Alia 11MY oil the loxi Itok P
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N,ACZ---VI0T01fl1k STAM Itrathren Ara aordlally in. Who won't holp her, and often thdte It their 10f! hu"10 Oif6 thOfr' 11000 Od' Tism-- fma lam vitm. agNity bittmin, meat on tho bons that gho tin 0jit, ok it diig, Abildds thilf, t1i't U14, ot ths whitk aro byoi Uot Oyu I Who thl AN *Oti bitth ta W111,00 0#4 bf W id1fa , too AldlliA bholl), '014 Val or-P114it" thopq In anttntal MAIRL 61HIN 1A Q6 sboe-3 A tit lit I Al C avift bo tiled In talikilld 18UP1 youtio
..... . .... .