Clinton New Era, 1876-02-10, Page 3The whele stook selling very clieapf We will not ho:undold.
Conte and SOO the indneeMente we. offer in all kinile, of DRY
-1/1E7e1.41..1NT • 1E31&$31.7k411FDSS., .
:Ana will give BONA VIDE. tAltGAINS.
tar1 fine opportunity t get irst-Class 161004 et
VW' prices, at the Speeial Semi--Aindat-Tilide "Side of our ver
"fine and- Welt aitieited -Steck.
CLINTON,*Jan. 26th, /876. •
! •
I •
INIMINIAOM1111111, Alia611111111•11,
Barley, s , 6 5
' 4 58 et 060
- s 500 a U0
s° 017 a 018
e 0 80 a 035
- 0141 .a 0.17
Hay, „. 9 00 a 11 00
Pork s ,. ' 0 e0 ess 7 00
Beef, . - s 4 50 'e 6 00
Hides, ., - ", 400' a 5 00
Sheepskine . . 0 75 a 1 00
Closter . -.6.00 a 5.25.
Timothy - 3' 50 a 4 09
Geese -. 0 50' . a 0 05
e° - 4160 a 100
; Flour,
Potatees, ,
'1VIER.,011.A.I\i't TAILOR,' .
Ohickees, o 13 a 0 15
Ptli-19,, 4816,
. 0 88 1% 0 90
Spring - - 0 85 a 0 90
5 00 a :5 00
▪ 031 a 032
0 63 a 0 65
- 0 50• a 0 56
0.30 a 0 00
016 -s. 0 11
016 a 017.
-1000. A 11 60 "
Pion ,
Oats -
Peas -
Potatoes -
Pork .. - • - 690 a 700
°seemlier:me *AMULETS
4- Wheat -Fall -
- Eigt Siring
Flour - -
Vats, -
Peas, 7
• . Barley,
Ha - •
• •• , Feb. 9, 1870, -
-.80 87 0688
- 0$6 'a 087
5 00 'a 5 00.
25. a 030
▪ • .003 a 066
. .050 a'. 0 55
' -.0 30 a 0 30-
9. 00 a10,00
- 0 18 . a ' 0 18
SO a 7 00
• .50 'a- -3 50
- 2 50 a 300:
• '. 500 a 500
. _
to.LINvoN, •
ro142k.,NTS-Jr4 SIII111111S.;
• .
Clinton, Feb. 10, 1676. •
• .
S LISEiE. £ co,'•
'Wholesale and Retail Grocers, Briek Blc;pk,
CLINTON, Jan, 26th, 1876.
On all 0a,613. SaleS..of Timr 'GOOD*
Up to the 3.5th. of, Februat,,
A.nd will be FAITHFULLY' ADHERED TO. up fa tho time Oyer -deed,
NI Co 144r E JEA S E
• - A. Se FISHER,
CLINTON, Jan. 17ih, 1876.;
An.cient Order of Forrester%
Having neepted an ageheY bora the DOMINION
GAN 003IPANY, ore offering.
In theiruforgooll;nrit;?nsatirnumits%oti:s)inlitootserinatroanOo
That la worthy of note to intending purchasers. 7,:a
purity of tone, elegance 61 design, and durability Of
workmairithip, these insirements
Ohl instruments taken ifs culler*, `and full talus al.
lowed. Special inducementa offered te
• • •
Churches.. and Societies,
Encourage Homo Ifentifeettfres. -
What a professional says of them
toe. °I, 18711..
To the Itemisers noroinion Organ 06.,-- .
Geutlommt,-.I hero touch plOranto In toatifying 54the
eseollent qualities of the organ supplied by you, at toy
concert, last Saturday availing. 'The tent If, arrdot, and
pkowortal, ana tho dornbination .6f itepa moat admirable.
I am auto Inn? instrumento Will And, falter in obtirebte,
aa they arc singularty adapted fat cleared thriele,,
ing you every andecss, and that the Public inky patro0.
in nstto* manufasters,
r main, Oentlemaii, very, reapeatitilly,
ROSA trilltINA.
. ear 9 on othilattort at their wide% iaert d6 r
in B. Q.,..a.dor Ca'a,
.1.1A wishing to form a branch of the abort, Society,
at Itatteubury's Hotel, Clinton on Friday, the lith of
-Febrearyeat-lielflutat-earter4rte/oek, whca rule&
and rsgulationa regarding thera. will be Banished.
Clinton, San, 56,1876.-, 11*
(lttnI--n Pas. 515,itrlit,
' .00
Belonging to the Estate of the .
int.tO on Albart Street,, oppoeito Pelee Willa, loaded
tor a term Of years, This is a good !armament, bag,
, ing in a good rental, ensrtorie and nittanibly.
a er.:
• Eggs, -
, Hides, - •
, nd, threat@
.tng hem, .got titeir :inone
back, .
The tranaportation of frozen Avail fie
from Northern New BrutraWiek °Ve
the Intercolonial Railway ie muttons
large preportions. Last week 1,14,44
barrelwere brought to §t. jelm alone
:Chiefly . forshipment to _the .0.-Tite
States; 'iluirkets,-- ,
The farmers in the vicinity of Mon
keel appear to bo very generous. .A,
few days since they gave fifty loads 0
wood. to the poor a tlsat city, an on
Thursday last, tlrase of Pit. . Marten
took in 200 bushels Of potatoes for th
same persons. .
Two burglars entered the house o
Mr, McCoy, a farmer residing in Wes
Flamboro, on Thursday night,' whil
one held him in bed the other ransacked
the house, eecuring near $200, ,There
were two young men' in the bowie .bu
they were afraid to render aseietance.
5-1--letterrivere -oolleted from ihe
etreet letter boxes in •Londatirduring
the month. of January, .being" doable
'the number for the same inonth last
year, showing that this 'branch of the
loeal postal department is growing in
A 'fire broke out in the Post Office,
Chatham, about 10 o'clock; on -Thum-
-luttgained considerable head.
' TORONTO sousats9v.ors;"
Touoinro, Feb. 8, 1878 -
Wheat -Fall. - 30' 97 a 0 98
Wheat--4pring , - 0 96, 0,98
Barley -; -0 68 a 0 86
Oats - ° 0 85 a 0 36'
Peas • 012 a 0 73
- Butter - - • 0-21 0 23 --
EMI • - - - ,0 24 a 0 24
Coglish oorn Market.'
Lozieutr, Feb, 8.-fThe 41fark Lane
Evros, in ite reyieer, of; the greititietir-'
kets tor the peat week., sari :--The
weather hes been 'Muggy and unfavoe-
ableto trade, Prieee have generally cis-
eclined -abou t-a-shillingeper-enartere in
eonsequonce . of deteriorated condition.
lien)e deliveries aro - Still short, torn,
.pared with last..year. At.Priris.flOur
bus declined a franc. In d-ermany.the
mcitkete are rather improved. • :
In Iterasaehaeete the etrieLppeitate;
cal obseryence of the Snnday-laws is
etill enforced in some Tette of the State,
:tlapugh en Boston there seems to be'
• little • difference Fetween that city, and
,New 'York in this regard. -Twentyefiee
pais° ago the theatres were prohibited:
from opening on Saturday nights, for
fear, of eneroeching on the nanetity of
the Sebheth:; now, they give per1a-0
awes evezer•night except Sunday; while
ceeacred concerts" .of operatic music. are
permitted, the .noseaboys vend §irriday.
paeers. inethe streets!, the stredt. cora
inn es on'ordinary days, and the usual'
facilities ate effoetled foe Bostonians to
get their drinks on the sly. In the
courts, however, the legal obligation to
refrain from labor or the tffinsaction-Of
business en; the Lord's day is still re.
cognized. as fully. as ever. -In .,one of
these,crecently, one McGrath. sued a
men named 'Kerwin for damages, having
been injured while Cleaning out a wheels
pit. belonging to the latter: • :lhe .de -
feriae 'was that the ework Waif done on
Su -relay,- and the' court lielA that- al-
though the *labor. „was nridertak en in
order to prevent the stoppage Of a mill
which on week days employed many
hands, yet it vraenot a worlc qf newest-
tY or 'charitY within the 'protection of
the statute.; neither did the fact 'that
the injured inan worked gratuitously
affectthe nierite of the cake..
Store, Store' House andStable,
Adjoining the aboVe. Large irthilrido /ma Jur& Wol
adapted for 5 General or Grocery Business,
COalTard 11 Store Hous,
Pith TRtgd,itplitnataegiotSa 411ar, for storing tidier,
Pork, &t., situate on the track Of the 0, T.- Ilaitcray,
lietre'd 2I9b UJ d; 0.4.1111igilL
Well m4414116;1, and dc;Ing a larie booluSto,Situate
on the imok ot the.Orend 3.1;inkitailway.
_ ,
This- well known medicingis no iniposition
'but a sure atai safe remedy for Female Diffi-
culties mid Obstructions, from any cause what-
ever; and although a powerfulremedy, it con-
tains nothing hurtfulto tbe cenneitution. ,
It is peculiarly. Butted. It will, in a Ebert time
bring on the Monthly period with regularity,
in sal oases of -Nervous and Spinal Affections,
Pains in the Back
'Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation •of the
heart, Ilyeteriere Sick Headaehee, 'White",
and all the painful &serums ooeasioned by a
disordered system, these Pills will effect Scare
when, all other means have failed.
These Pills have never been known to fail
wbere the directions on the 2nd page of pam-
phlet, ale welt observed. .
For full particulate, got a pamphlet, free, of
agent. • •
10.131%10$E8,11DWYO1*t Pnoptuaton.
$1.00 dna 12 cents- for postage, enclosed to
.,Northrop er Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general
agents for dre Dominion, will insure a bottle
containing over 50 pills by retilria !nal
iia Clinton by J. H. Combo and Oreor,ge
°Maley; iliekson and V. Lumeden, Sea.
forth; J. Kidd, Carronbrookg 'Parket & .Cattle
and F. Zordan, Ooderiele E. ' Cameron, Bay'
11614 Jas. Lonthron, Itodgerville: and all meal -
ohm derriere,
36 paiting,, populatiort mid raasstaetiatts, asa
tows innate At9 TWO linaa tit Ittaltaly, viz, °BAND
TRUNK AND (111EA8 wnertax, and in the "entre
'of mac 'of this lined agricultural Counties in the Domin
POINT, and rapidly increasing plies of -
Thil abate proPerty MUST BE SOW), in order to
earrtn THE IIST.A.TE-.
retWelirfaile Tering Will be ntiven.
A.t,rtv70g. M1 tA0EY, StttontOlt
filliton, 1'iinal8744 • tre
way before it was discovered: The con-
tents ref the Post Offiiiii will bo* total
lots; also-thbook store cifMr, Morrish,
in the same' building.. ' •
On Wednesday afternaon, George
Gering, aged twenty:nine, aff-iimployee
of the Northern kailwaY at Mara eta-
tionantgroasing the railway bridge at
thel--NarroWs, fell a dietence of twelve
feet on to the ice, fradturing his ekull,
from which he diedon Thursday. •
. In the Supplementary,Bstimates pre;
sented to the Ontario Legislature, an
Thursday, it is propeseLtieen.orease the
Atterney431-eneea1's 6_1_414_7:A4
Treaeurere Proyineiel SecretarY, :Corn-
missioner 'of Pubeio _Works, and Com-
mission sr of eirown Lands, by $11800
each, nakitig them -14,500 eaoh-
'rife lOtetit dodge established. bymen•
dicents. for obtaining whiskey money is
by gong to Merchants" shops and offices
with a letter addressed to some friend'
in the old country, ;and solicit either
stamps or money to purchase them to
pay postage. We have 'heard of one
person who want to.several :places and
secured $1.23 in -cash and Stamp's, and
was beastly drunk -in the eliening.-
Rienzi/Ion Times, ••'
Lest Tuohy night a fire lireke out
tho car wheel foundry. tit, Thews,
adjoining ttio Canada §outhern shops,
owned by 13. Russel es Co., of Chi.
cago, 44(1i:swing to the high wind it was
bta1IydtfitrOyfid. T110 00fitelltli ,of the
builihngs Were patterns, moulds, wheels,
engine, 4e., oll owhielt.were destroyed
or grently dotmaged. '
Toronto, on Saturday, ft man in
cireranstanaea atole a hroom
hiMeelf up to the Police Arn-
e pleaded guilty to lereeny,
eetetrete refused to convict
bun. Ile insisted upen being, sen
down, urging that lie should be starved
to death I he remained out of prison.
The 1Vragistrate sent him to jail for two
111014144, Oil n Charge of vagrancy,
Tbe opposition of some French, phy-
sicians to Vacolnatten bee led disastrous
i'esulte in Montreal. Aocerding to the
Paily Witness, 784 persons 'died from
ilinall-peet in the city last yeer, 658 be-
ing Ft'effeh Otinadirau, Although. Mon
treat ba no 1111.081135 but a splenclid,e4-
er Pure water,. -there -were 5,768
„. _
deaths from el1-cause:1 registered in 1875,
more than 40 per 1,000, eo that Men-
treal,now figures as: the least healthy
City in America.
.T1111 TJO 111,.11111811AMS 11111111ACTI1111110' CO.
. INCORPORATED 1474, Selocermare to.Teemeon 44Wflltsrns. of efitchele.
Agriaulturaj L.N:tigine Works,
1.110/,,a,,WOrleeefeWVISVP/WhIAIY, VAertred,,rtliAle, V.,* V, ;
LellIECTORS ; e • .
onc..-Tama, J. 11EDFORD, 8tt*NrAT, T. CORCORAN, W. imt.ltSUALL,
, Johnston Harvesters, Single 'Reapers', Mowers ,and Combined Machines,
•Broskacast Soe4ors, Seed Drills, Horse Power% Sawing
• iwacanueseeerean veneer:ere, Straw °utterer, Plower etang piewe, ere..
Builder's of Stearn,. Engines and. Boilers; all'sizeso
Oentractors for Grist and Sae Mills complete. Alto for Water Works for sitie5 t..eunut arra
pa the Holly System. Or Oheete leactory machinery• a ..ypeciaay; °
. Apia S 2 THOW011 4 WILLIAMS ,144)111110TIMIN4 gag, •sTRATIoRDI. ofT
Feb. 9, 1876,
A new feature in the catalogue of
swindles' has lately, crane to light in
Dundee and Hamilton. A green look-
ing Scotch boy, apparently j ust out from
the' old country, appears at the honse of
a person known to be of Scotch desceni
Or nativity,. And Ulna a pitiful story of
how his father had sent him to Canada
frentibilohL...ocrantry,--priYing his pas- -
,sage and.„.giving-hirn some money, hub
.nOt enough to peer; his. railway fare to
Goderich, w,here he professes to have
an uncle or tetra, . After a few minutes
conversation, during which he speaks
nothing but the broadest Scotch, thus
bringing up rememberances of Auld
Scotia, in the good wife'3 mind and
"54-4pulls Out na"1411gold.:(?)eat-"chain°7:!doffiers
'it for sale, saying that his father sent it
by iilm as i present to. his aunt .in' God();
rich, but that he will sell it for three or
• four dollars 111 order to get to' his des-
tination, and ,will then send the money
back and redeem the chain. He repIr&
emits the Chain -to be. worth froni ten to
.,1 twenty and _has .also a locket to
1 dispose of in the sameA manner. Many
kindhearted folk will be quite touelted
by the laddie's Simple and -very plausi-
ble story, and iteier suspecting a fraud,
lie will buy the chain or lecket out of
sheer pity. The jewe1ler7 turns-cti
to beworth isbout twenty-fivetents,
-ordelirse the -victim never hears- from
Gederich. . Thi is the cutest fledge yet,
and must be a paying bueiness as if.
the sharper can manage to Sellihree or,
four:articlesa.- day; aille very likely
will, fie will be nialcing from tee to
fifteen dollarree-Dundae Banner:
Carl Simonson ate„11.0 oysters at the
Bast Jamaica Hotel last week on a 050
wager. Samuel Post, hirecompetitor,
stopped with the 104th bivalve.
. One hundred- and ninety 'eases of
' Add murder occurred in*Londen Eng
during the last year, and forty-fiye
Papeprarozioncodnedri0.eted with thein have been
1 -•
There are now 6,803 public carts in
New York city engaged in driving .and
similar work-, There has been an in-'
Crease of publio carte inAlteliSt_fifteen
-yeatirbt 1 ;0777----7 •
'The Grafton -correspondent of, the
qohourg Ow says :-"A dastardly out-
rage was conitaittairmi the premises • of
Reniy4dams,' who • resides neer
Robinsones greW Mill. A .party entered
hii house &tang his absence; tleetkeleia
all Lie previsions, stuffed up his chim-
ney, covered the filer with .bis
and finally :drove the. hogs- :into- his
:spare bedroom. .When he,teturned he
found bed :and bed clothes completely -
destroyed. • We bear 'Mr. Adams- has
discovered_ the villains, andevill bring.
them to the epiedy•justice whiclethey
richly deserve:P.
On Thursday afternoon, in•Carloton,
St. John, Thomas O'Neill killed leis
inother-in-iavi.and stabbed his father -in
lay?, John Fothergill, so eeriPesly that
he May not live. The mimed's thrtiat'
was. cite O'Neill- and his wife have
had differences, and she has heen living
with her parent.. no and his eelatives,
had quarrelled in -their house on Win -
Stow street, And; iuthe heat of Parisio,n
he committed the frightful aeot, 'with
shcrieliee he: has the reputation of being
addicted to drink and of being afight-.
Ifferallarifarel'e • • •
Polka vilio grumble at the -high. price
of everything in this. neighborhood
should peak up their 'duds" and move
off to Fort French; (situated on- the
Dawson route, between Lake Superior
arid Fort Garry,) whernprovisions are
awful cheap.. The following' -is the
market report, as given in the Thunder
Bey &nand of the 23rd ult. !--" Pork,
23e;,flOur, 0*,,porhbl.; oatmeal, 200.;
candles,' 506.4 soap, $1 a bar; ;stove -
Pipes $1 4length; sugar, ; Molt:
nig ;Armco $1.50; 'hewing tebaceo,
$5; candy:V.; Common lumber, $25
per thousand." What a,glorious place
that. Meet be for keeping a earner gro-
cery; and just think of paying a dollar
a pound for 'candy. ,
'r..111011.1ASi EC LECTIate out I
Nor, IT Id viiftt vou exe. • 4
. .
There are but few preparations of nte.dicine
ibhich itaot withstood the impartial judgment
of *people/or any greationgth, of time. One
of these it Thomas' Eckatric Oil, purely a pre-
paration of six e some of the best Olts that are
kiloton, melt one possessing virtue's Of ite own,
phytkians know that medicines may be
footed of several ingredients in certain pro.
portions 6j greater power, and producing erects
o'ltjcTi1 'outci 'nere, result iron& the Use of any'ons
elthent,or itt Aiterent combinations. Thus
I/o' preparation of this Oil a chemkat change
lakesplace,forming rompound which could not
by angpbssibility be madefront any other corn -
breathe; or proportions ofthe same ingredients,.
or any other ingredient& and entirely digerent
frola anything ever hejore nuzde, one whic/o pro'
duces at mokt ationithing ranks, and having a
wider range of application than, any siediejne
et`Or before diseovered, it cont.:ahead atdoloOlOr
-011tfr volatile liquids, tOnsequently loses sloth..
ing kpeeaporation. Wherever applied you get
the benefit of enery drop whereas sofa. °thee
preparatiene ?were/ earheetteekot. le tootle that
spay, mullion pet only the small quantity of Oili
voltielt they s)lay contain.
Bola: by all roodielos doefers, Peter, 26 elm'.
, R. LTHOMA Pitelpsti
y.• Y.
And Is1DET/IROP INSIAlst,' Toroth°,
Ont., SoleApehta for tha DOMittion • •
NOT11.,-4410401.0o4eliotla tuta Xleetrited
• Mr. ThomeFraser, of Kinburn,
Fitzroy, met hirs.deatii in a very pear-
lier manner latit'Week..• It apprairwthert.
he was attending a threshing narithine„
and was oiling the gear when a pitch-
fork that, he held in his hand Was ;Amok
by Seine part of the machinery, striking
hire a slaver° blow over the back of his
hand, cutting through the skin, 1 -Te
paied .nO attention to; it at tlue time,
and wont On with his work. 'The ,ent
beciacne filled with dust and obaff, and
on going home in the evening he washed
out the Mit, and aclinittiatered germs
spirits of 'ainteonia to the wound. /Text
day his hand anst Attn. Were *Cry much
swollen', and a doctor was tient for. -
The nmnionia had effected blood poison-
ing, which cause'd his death shortly
afterwarda.-4-4rootorfor "to.
The following is n exact copy of two,o
written motions, aubmitted to the ]un•
deo Connell, by- one of 'its inembere.
"that at nexeb meeting of Coutidel i
shall move tliat the mnrckitheti be
soald by Publie truetion on the'marekit
ground, and the parity purohiti give
geed securitY and I oy to the town
trodeuree monthley for said, marokit
'1that at next 'reghlar meeting. ttf
counoel 1 shall move that in the onitt.
ion of this- dadooll it is heath, 'animal.
and improper. that, the, ofaciea of
(dark. and. treasnrer. bo.both, °coupled.
by one. and. the, etnifie; pereon4 be,
tharfore roalvect. that. hens -forth, thie.
add. °irreales of, clerk, and. treaaurer,
• of, thin, munioipelity be, iilperAtea, and.
oillYi One, Oft theta r 'AN& J15 one
tftd, tho, torn,
GENEttitri . NEWS -' ITEMS;
' Edivards, of Streeter;
hot cut bread with her child in her lap
• • .
any more; at least she will not ellt off:
its nose -when elie .does, for the nose is
.off already. '
. . • .. •
toys -under fifteen are not allowed t�
be .en theeatreeta erf Falls • City, Kan,
after Sp. ni,eindallpeofinie and 'sinde-
esint language is punished with. fine.and
• The Sanytineisee .7:ournij 'o:f Cosa -
lopes estimatenthe wheat. crop of Cali-
fernia at a value' or 456,000,000; and
, -
what will surprise many people, the gold
and silver crop at a million less.
The British and Foreign Bible Se -
city; which Started ini1802in thcemest
.modeat, mariner imaginable, has already
produced and diseeeeented_74„0.00,600
copies of the Bible, or parts of the,
BibIe in 200 „different tringuagen�r
dialecte.. . ' •
At St. Etienne, Belgium, on Friday,
an explosion Of fire damp took place in
the Jabin Mee were
in the pit at the time to the number of.
2e.0. Of These only twenty-sbe have
been taken out, twenty-two cif "Whom
were dead. Great consternationpier::
vssils throughout the district.
. ,
e Here is an item of "sedgy gossip"
froth the Indianapolis ,Sentinet:-e The
way some of the grangers waltzed theit
gaily dressed girlsi up. to the bar of: the
Occidental .Hotel end threw ale intci
thorn; would kave astonished a turnip
meeting and inaae a lemonade stand ,at
O circus trick.
There aro' two eraeng ladiesein Baia-
-mop residing on tho same street, Whose
ages are ideated, and although not in
the geraoteat degree connected by ties of
consanguinity, are so Much Alike that.
their most'intimate friends cannot dis-
tinguish thein apart. . *
, •
The, London that
Sir Henry Peek, it the annual meeting
.'of the Sutton Obneervative Association,
last Wednesdisi night, stated that Rer
Royal .Highness Princess Beatrice,
youtigeet daughter of Queen :Victoria,
is engaged to. Prince Louie of ,Batton
burg, who is now in India with the
Prince Of Wales, and that Parliament,
- &Wry. '
at the oo_niffig would be naked
to grant -it
-A Orin for ft general deliverer of the
King's ()Minty Penitentiary, N. T., was
discovered in time to prevent it.'- Forty
of the word criminate had,00napired ta-
t:lake their °awe from the prieon on
Monday night. They Were 'provided
by two ex;coniricts With pistols Alla
knives, and the liver; of the keepers- or
any persons who interfered with then:t
were to be sacrificed. Fortunately one
of the conspirators informed the keepes
arer of the plot. Most of tho prisoned
had it civilian (trees under their conviat's
garb. 'Upon a given eignal the keepers
eased the conspirators and keen:heti
them, and took kora' their persons the
pistols and kayos, end put the dowelets
in close coefireenrent;
The following eranevellat eccentrics direc-
tion* appear in a will recently proredin
Leaden. -The testator, a widow, after
.begneathing YAHOOS time of erlouey to
lending metrOpelitian Charities, directs
that the cob mete and griylitiund which
Were her late husband's are not to be
Tlf° niore IR to be kept in a com-
fortable, warm loose -box, as it hat been
;kept since her huebared'il death, is not to
de any Work either in or out of harteria
atia its back is not to be oronse.d by any
member of Ito late husband's
but is to be eichlin by some person of
light weight; not more than four days to
each week, and not more tinti.ene_liottr
fa OSA I% at id w taint paCti, • A gene
of.1615,por anntint, is telt for thajoupport
Of the Mare, ettil par annum fo tho
(04v:id thro.of tho gtvhavitttl,
Stray .
rIAME INTO THE P10121'6E0 07 Tag SUB<
0011113E, lot 15, 758 con,, Hullo% about the lath r
September, 0 Greyish. two year old li:EITEB. Ihe
owner is hsreby notified to prove property, pay charges
and talus her away.
• .
lluilett, Ton. 0, i875: 041;
d'Spipttli:;a:Se 11.01ifileTrre's,i 4inui,
°Wire.* ap1:1221'tgke201.1!Waa::1174:it Pad done, it will'bo
:Op); deltElo pla yli,..3,22_4tre e r Y 14Tv t 0 1,7134„nAtThip,m.y.
- ,....... ..,
5faPleten,..Tan.19,.1870. ,u*TieggAE6"'
A. singular case has just been brought
before the Board cif Pardons in Harris-
burg, A boy, 16 years of ago, is serv-
ing , a tent, of iropritionglent in the
Schnylkill county jail for having shot
another boy, but Witffout fatal. effect.
Strong , efforts are making to procure
his releassaeleut these are opposed by
-youthful prieeenOi-ble-i-ra-
;the jail se. well that he desires to stay
there. -He is employed by the priL.
son officials as a ineseengei.,
• There is a' little girl, four years old
Stray I -leiter,
8.TBAY SEITKIICAVEINTi5 Zen] mums o5110 r
aqbaorThar, lot,21, con. 1, Tuckertunith; 'about
the let or Ootobur last, A white Heifer, 8 years•oldnovi.
The owner is hereby requeSted to prove property, pay
charge° ma take her away. .
AS. traimrn...
• Tuckers:flint, ran. 17, 1870: '' - *41
. • .
greenaboro "Vt., *ha When about
three mentlii Old, fell off the bed strik-
ing on the back of her bead, hierting her
severely: Very soon aftet Willer heed
began to .grow rapidly,' and ' luta: ever
siecenontinued to grow, uhtil it no*
measures twenty six and one-hief inehes
ono Waee and twenty-four and three-
fourths the other.. The expansion of the
heaa seems to be all abevethe eyes, and
all.efforte to arrest its growth loomprov-
e-Mare7-7-7 .
Notwithstanding thegreat dipeession
of thnfinislied trade branches, .more pig
iron was made ia Great; Britain during
1875 than ever before, a. tete] .of about
ooe,o4u h
aia is at present the groat. battle ground
'of rival iron nianufireterere. The pro
duction is greatly,encreasing' in Diego
itself, and Bnglisb,'. Belgian, ,German,
grid French iron smelters comeete
easier for the balance of supply.
A girl.: baby, weighing only half a
pound, Was given-Virth toreoentiy, by:
Mrs. S. M. Dicken, living Within a few
miles of Walerly, Totra.• • It is 'perfect
in features and form, and 'its head is
Zoeired with beautiful black hair. • Itsr
iste-eeis net as large -in eiretimfillrce.
as the .smallest §nger on .the bead. of
its nueireeend . the legs. are __no larger
round than the index finger. 'The fa-
ther of the.aiviid 4. a ,rxitin thee weighs
at least' 175epotinds„ and thwenother is
a good -seized woman. Their pievicrea
child weighed 14 pounds at its birth.:
An old resident, David Ricidlebarger,
who his heed alinost a recluee fot_
thirty-seven yeara tear Ridgeville, wee
termed almost frozen to death on Satur-
day Morning. Ho,: neier epoie, bub.
died' shortly afterward. The old man
was thought to 'have quite a -large,
*mount- of money secreted about the
liqusei barn, and farm, and' aearolo is
being made. Thus fat $3,000 in gold
and old tibia Stte 'currency have beeti
found, and the search is still ping on.
For nianY years the old man would re=
cave nothing but.,,gold .payments . for
anything die to him. He lived' entire-
ly aeone. • • •.
A young. girl only ten yeaffi of age in
Providence Rh.ode Island, who has
squandered seme $fl,700 in the past1e*
monthaintaking her companions tethe
theatre, buying furs, dress goods and
jewels . and hiving conches at $15 a day.
The:girl is, art heiress, and 'obtained the
money 'from 'her mother, who iir also her
• guardian, by pretending that she wet
the faVorite of a well-known, vfealthy
gentleman who invested it for hr, and
that obis, needed it for books at scitoca,
contrkkAtions jit Sunday.schcolnrallic-
like. She accounted /or the articlei of
her puichase by saying .that they were
giVen, to her by the gentleman above
alluded to. . Providenee is a little proud
6f the young 'lady's precooity) but her
mother is not. •
Insolvent Act of 1875.
. . ,
Iry CIO =Otter of ilAVANd Of
Clinton( sot Insolvent.
Ilindlten, bar been appointed Assignee in this
Matter, OreattOre ue requested to file their
with votleherit attached, at once,thsecomposition rietie
maybe prepared.
Feb;lit, 1870, 3**
Firmer,lwiehea to rent, for g term oi pogo, a fact
of from 80 to 150 ieret, dleered, to be eesa mliT, and it
working order ; One within 8. es 10 miler ef .011ntort-or
Goderich geetenta. Ataatee, Partloolarai
terms, tom, to ".
• t_otmo.o.00,1*, 0.
Lettdeitherii, °,'1876.
-10AUTIlde WHO Ant 7i-ratsnmuu TO 'TUN 1.1N2_,
the subscriber;
• Goderiall, 411.1878. A. TAYLOR, ci.D.
Chili °co r. ' d 4
31aR ABZugnIt)nt .Pree8
At DILA. aBb°811' 01 with
sionial attend nue, -Wilt Mid-
' *45
• Stray, Heifer.
a..../ lot 2,(14 oeri.r.Steraley,' about tWetsiO111116 dials% ar
rad, 'and white HEIFER, rising .two yeare old. The
°Wain is hereby requested terror.) property, pay ahaticeg.
.. .
and take it away.. .
-Stonier, Jan. 28, 1.76.• •.
4 'revelers 1:kranted.
renee TEE 1.5xn FEBRUARY, FOR TDB OAR1'Eni-
.1. 01011 'Work, Brioklayitkg and Plaoterlim of a 11O0A0
tarerEetod in,the Village of Blyth. Plans auct aped -
°cations to be seen at the office of tire subscriber. Se,
atir.;;to.,17:ng.i2v071:8767oper performance, if required.
. -7—'" Dn. SLOAN layth7-.
. •
" quantity , • . '
Good .Yellow Butter,' iii•Tubs.
FOR, )°,0,L1.1.131.1•Tfilgit
Pone TM in uleers/iape, inl*o or three pound rolls;
Clinton.' Oct 602,1875. •
• Short Horns for Sale.
01212 33511.1., three years old.
FIVE COWS 4)18 8137151319.
Good Psdigrees, APPly to '
• Clin.ton, Sept.20, 1876.
Id. TAGG412T.
A• _use OF 'TJANDS,IN EURO.* Fort Siddi.' IIY
uttli4eaCsaignualic.Company may bassos at the °Mee of
11 HALE,
Glitoo, Jan. 17, 1671; '
• Lot for Sale: •
eligibly situated lot 884, on Mary street, butting on
She grounda of the now railroad station, also, to let, lot
886, en the some street,nn which ifS a small house, con-
• taining three rooms and lOtchtlWOrehard. For
particulars apply te IttX/UT, Clinton, or
xv,sais.-ntorea. •
cssioa-, tons. • *41
. . ,
.• Stray Heifer.: •
il sonrnan, lot 49,,Ideit1an5 Con., Cidderich t'n, about
the middle of Noverdbar last, a three year old Bed and'
%He HEIPBR. The owner fa hereby notified toprove
property, pay charges and take her away• ,
Goderich Jan. giing7"
LGATS TB/33311*T45T.
MEE 'ABOVE wnuwAnn Num Be arm 70
arty person ho will give ouch information, as will
lead 50 the arrest grid conviation of tho party or particle
who felonionely broke into and nolo frem the premised
p5521. undersigned' eoveral 'Melon of value on the glet
Mt., maids° on gamma other ncoasione duiing the pagt
year. •
tioderich len 6,1876. 30Bnirr,
• Tendeis Wanted,.
ms.NoErto •BRo,tivor. 7011 '71313Building of a Baton Chittuelfr i Olt V111110 01
13rueelle1d, up till Moon( on Tuesday.. &Vb.
15th. Plana Ind specideations man be seen itt tbe
Rouse of Mu. /anus ifmtku, listuctunatia,, titer ate
fith inst., front *hero any information dan be •nbtititied.
The committee tie not bind tbsingolves to gesePt the
10Weet( or any tender. •
Sod. 61 dem(
lirtmodeld, reb. 2,1875. ' 1.11
• Park 'Lot for Sale..
Wan t/11131811I3313Il OFFERS 7011 BALE TnAT
A., well eituated property, Lot 10, aontaftting throe'
*oznt,la Dineley Terreee, Stanley, one Mile trona Olio*
ton, oirtheilaydelditiver, ;ems:Man knoitn on aro
Agitation to •
A: PL/NTOVII, OttotOlt Voir Orrtei,
Ilullett(Ii'ob, 2,1870. "
t7S1PONISI tOP4risTiv1111414,
'OTTAWA, o, tog
A tnitelli2t10, Lifi0OUNT AttltAlCattnt
MO IMMO httide, 3.2 lads
Executor's Notice.
• 1ED to thi *Ceti -of the late Robert (look, of Gods.
Well Township, are required, to discharge the same at
once, and all who held claims against the said estate an
requested to 'gement them to the undersigned,for set.
tlemSnt, , •
OlintoniDeo.18, IBM •
215. Executor.
Far -for -for Sale-
, • .
. 'oFil,PI
We wili sell the following goods at
Big Reduction,
urox vamxit vtIoss, iou
Do ilot Set 'this chance slip thrOugliyoar fingers.1
noss'afe,all lley, ge&soage Goodi,
nas 15 A BEAD
1114...R*4_11V;SA 141E .:1
Wilkie we guarantee te be No Hirmtv47—
lemeWarie-somteief theriefelooefficaneedreiftrecal •
to see Or
en's & Boy s Overeoa s
'Ladies arict Girls Fur Sets, Horse Blankets,
'White Bed.Blankets, 'Heavy Cloths for Meted
anti Boy's woarf, Suits of Read -Mads Clothing
for Men and Boys, Winceys, Flannel Shirtinik
Men's Drawers. and Shirts, Mufflers, pleudy,
Ladies Shawls, Mantles and Ifackets,,' Ladies
Ilats and Bonnets, Boy's and Men's Hats and,
Caps, Boots and aces, Breakfast Shawls, fancy'
Dress Goods. A. lot of Fancy Dress Trimmings
anti Remnants,-,of,Ribbens,. at half enst
Carpets in -All Weol, Tapestry, ko.
.., •
For any kind of gods, do..n..Ot iass Wright ds'
'Foster's, if you wish to' sPendyour money where
you will get the best value for it. If you let
this chance pass you to buy your Winter Geed", ,
you will lose money, which your neighboN will
• you Alo uot gekome of these
It is your own fault.. We tell you_p_ositively,..
and we moan it, „that we will only 5.E1,1, FOE'.
63 DA.Y-Sr-thelabove-goede-at these -remarkably
lit's, prices. *At the expiration. of that time we
will -prepare to take stock, after -which we will
return to our usual prjees, and commence to re-
,: geive oni., spring importations for3,876.-
OPPOSITE 113E 31A11,10Et
0lieten,4iii. 12;1576. ,
,IPYbT.1 DrEW G0OD11,_
. •
1,0 the People know 1
• If you have old goods 'widen you wish to gaS
rid of to make room for fresh stook, let the° pew
..erlfwerr kink out -for -bargains, know it, and
LtantOsT A0vid. 1170011468.
11008, 0120 holt mile from Myth Station, Oil n
& 13, 11. 114 200 acres, AO sores under Oultivittion, moo
pinially "leered, Uganda well timbered I log dwelling
/Wade log.siablei good water privileges. This is a
raft °hum of pMotiring one ot the best elitiated farms
in thi °minty. Will WI Ws *hole or half, on nay
'W./EWA; W/1.800( Counilegionere
. . .
Blyth, Deo, 18.1871.
:For Sale.
VCR SALII-D/REOTLE orpotirm tiOlittit
the. a:411114:y Statieriis 50 be built, and not Our 100
'Brewery, on the street leading to where
yavds 16006 58 Station, two lotto oontaining baton Sere
with good_ptunp and well, and" zeter.falling toting
water; Weil fended. for pirticulant apply .
n astor •
ALIO, ferrate, II 1101611(1U Milk svitinsitet dotr.
• Nitf WV it
ithi 10 a litg,28111, 1871. .
Lots for Sale,
rilus sunaounnEn OPPEIVI 9.41.12 thAT
.L illigibly situated. lot oh King litre/Ashanti part. of
lot sy, ,with 1 frontage of 44. feet, and attending te
Remo Street, in the Veer, eufilcitint for two good build.
Mos. Will ha gold either in one or twolots, to Milt put.
• e8) ii:,:reera., 2A 140obrp. rtitao2f0 Isgt blh,"66B.liwyolli fda heel. aeuenataailnidineg
rifisionahler and matte known on aliv.of sale, Of On downap-
aln iwilottbligrinitattown. ThhtieuittorkotnotXbienn,getiinstttvraoolooptnnatrapertoisiloloetteltoont:Idy
parties wantin Snob. ishohld apply at non, it net NOM
URA's the lith bf tretrasty,ttortginu solo by Public
amnion, an Knox's hotel, iat noon, on that oar, . Torras
plientiOn to th0 wietraleeee.
Merton, 1.0,11116, • 4
Zondattolortry and Oloopont,
Leer Oakland, tell powered, C1y4e4M1tt Sinitmehipn
Of the Allan Line, lelive Quebee every attorney mots
Ing for Liverpooli !hiding Pfiestegerii Mad Mali tit
Look reps, tor 'Londonderry and Mesmer, -
lust, oz, PI AltatitZit 'mom weiloz.
trolo.60t. 8211*
Vassonsirs tot Obissowbi Liverpool Una.
The tettinitikeil Offered by this ;Acid mire gioryitiWratel
bait aelicitimatlitilobs, ;Meant attiontit 10 gorcifott, id
stray mei safety' Ittiiitabltit "rid CORM& tea pottage
Throukb hints 5041
tilAteinitler At Mattis,. tl, selt. intii 141"1"14 4'1
Alt 00,, k •
PrOP(91a totagati tierlideit es netted ht nuts te
omens tfisting4te bring settees frithilli
ir-you have removed to a neWstote,
old friends know where to flad_yottif
If youere at the old stand, and new' stores ,
ileV" Trivia its front look dingyeyou will make
up•the 1015 if you ADVERTISE, •
't itatitaitta andly a 11 .11,11)Selos
'ltae etiiargad twiny oat Ohl Moles*
'WISI nay in Dull Tittilliti
. ,
Rae resoled Many 4 Falling livieltiese 5 heel WO
hoiroVggitut mut {Wall
mil. 5071*50*1*101*.
44r Thilte id '4 riglit way mia a wyong way to
C1» everything. Many a man has thrown away
all his oapital la foolish advertising, and WO
another has made a little go A groat way hi
attdielous Advertising.
An ativertleemout ie widtee to Wel; the pall"
ilo sye tlistefots itehould madi#
not crowded', but idea?, and to the noint. Ito
object is to givo information at the leastpossible
east, to the greatest potable number of people,
To der thitin the County of fluroa,
AliV11103814 .11`A '4 e