HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-02-10, Page 2A -0K-,* P, TOM- , T0141'. AjHleff SCHOOLSVILIDINU. 1`4410 Poh notissil A o'clito 00, Great no X91. Mod, It Vill be dean by reforengo to Our The Allegory of � public =Z== 64(110�m 7.W Am, sohoet . b4a been 64 the ats$e Of Robinsowis 7.05 7 ou Oouacil report, thit. t1to Ulgh BLYTO. 7 85 R so th Opera Reuse, CinQW14ti, for soverp"I 1,QNDas!pOAQr . ...... I rA, lk 10 L4 % mferouce. v! aigbito, under the Aupploes of thei Cin. OMTON. .*�,wqoito 0 0.0'%- 10 to Board buys reqn0s 04 MQUARY OV04149, After- their usual �fiinati Rolief"Vnion. The, procoo3o 1 Dr theruer. U010rigiip '190 tho. council, for tho payrope of tokiog oxercIA01, t1iii-BUO Qlaes,'UX441, 9 1 1 Illi *0.1- We Mr. 900okill, agrOeAbly, surprised t4t. RPSN. kA*�* , 16 111 . re applied to the relief ot the sufrov- U14TIRR4 .............. 10141111 into 6'questioa.of the ' . oviiisideration, . A -forr m, by mtluo !in with, % Par" 10 17411poori of the city. The Pei ne:tq, gontlema prool h orection' of �a, Iiigli, Sohool, building, numbering 6.00 obil4ron, wore takei 914-3Q, Accompanied by"tho followiuj�ad- 0 Mao MIX04. which by ihe action of. th 4991a of the. so, to which Mr. MoCtuvig made a suit- r .e inspector, from the public CRY, and olia Mild able reply j fe ) p"In. 7' so 0,10. XZT 4 4 9 1105, if the school 1*0 the object being a -,vqrtby one, i ........ 640 21.5 those who -t 0 . has boViome, imperatives, took part heing6hildr-en of To Tou Ray.R. RBU0"=T4D ........ 1 00 are- Wo, 'the wombereof the in, 706, 19,110 to be retained. in t1io towti, and it. th -egid vast, Audiences, .14, . onto of the o L ou I �flueijced by feelings of grgtj�odo to�Qod 0 D 4 205 , 't I tho 0004,410h of each Vi oonly remains for'tbom to Oat were -0 0 10 fore, 0 UJiiia i his,"j*64 Vt. Ex 0 8 55 0 55 wh other, it oliall be retained, or; no, kind pro -Oil oentotion, 0, The matin e audiellOO, W11011TAX4 silest".... 9 OQ. tinder Your pharj;Q, in spiritual mottere, tntaii rail agivibi. gxk Xquility, weliusg. if decided .14 the, agirmAtive# to, tilki Saturda in got part was poinliposed of sire to give oxpieoplo4 to our, $on towards* You as our roliglop d,q 1� T'day salmlib, 'Xiiesday, TUuvsd1k1,,&%kA. 8a, 4 ana children, While tile great pialon into WOmQ giuR,ey;4 44y. %teps"StIonce to a that de m4r I u house was densely packed, and thou, III 016iO mOdern dAY4 W1144' TTIROMMIS to �`ia Alid ar, the.Book e:K lar educition. is go easily obtained- Ali. is 0 pq� 1914 4 FAW A 4 3ozaty b 4ftuds of qbildfen Among the, audience.- OU CL 111V om "a,I DO to being do. extonsivelyacquirf , Loved be is tryi, 0,0 Ma All! 4 1,11N112d ;. A. Nolles, id by the great �dd to how much weary tp, th Preph, u 09774 - were. at file height of their onjoyment, ra�sw of thd people,.auii wloh oceptiism 0 y oll and SO rinlg4'�bo ineitDi itimuciTION or TARIFF. dyt will relieve tile till- ty game, some boy in the galleryi either thrOugla end it) flololit� are becominKjo p enin Panic: of th Qof this life .0 Worev41plit JO ov or of the Boil of, y tha removing and re. r thank iirlso from 'misundeist Wile body owent, Over mischief, or ignorange, -aisea the cry, of ave much 4oa andings. and 4ipag- 1, fo fitting many improyents hAvO bipor� ails aothers, in the' our land, we b MR, addod� Week, find was vcc - Ilf, ire l" no. the red !light from the color- fill . nso to God, that, we 14-fe one XA=4y LAMM.- Aewe belonging to Mr. 0.4n6w the whole. establiohniet A-� rdemelits About ­,be mereak iflea, -The Iqlagara, F . last iTp1te4'S(qtQs find that ths'lligh uies. Proctor, of the 8t4 co, of, Hullett, gave a anol'planned that the greatest pos- fretfulness, of hunlam, -life deotroyp quite S vored ih f'ed firps aied in the piece flashed, Out who can do ably roluove, 4J4itv4icy.P6ud birtl D, to a people of lambs just Week. rAngei their,golvA age, ( bap�pinoo as. wa dovish do not work to At r -to ,r, : IV . Deos erh &uark farther, from. the. wings. Ilivory Uh of the. to the true interproto6tion'R."di- ')act ithatr4nding, Bible Amount of Work is performed by file. 'ily.experioned of thousands. proper t rouglidus the d4 p ore, and aid so, The ma- that it was 4 rubber doll., 1�ing p t the exte -e. wft fificult PAB.sagoa in script filinimum-expoliditure of1abor, --farailies, lit they are Aquirisb9g." 14 scatters its Ij the ra, 1% re kti .a, occupied, and the crowd 'ttle otings. tp . materially in stenimi�g the bids, of inildo- obiery is of 06 best dosoription, and ISO. oMatthiiiis Kon'litle, of Beanisville -Wouloi, a bill -has, Was, ging about the -1 I U.. they iiintioiipAt4cl t1kay preoioing� and :gui 0 -can- bir 0 lity Which, but for such ablo, defenders 9 6M CovnT. a the case numerous, IllaV vay largv ors'all, - for stdal 8le An afi�is from ingle case file Wound inilictea may Appear a is or, . Ime agot w lrx=L-4�1 the truths of God's Word, would-grglilually in stair4*E" . ? g Jqrneol out in. the shortest tilne, The fol� as sentenced to the or f, therefcre., been introduceol. into' Con- air Young ohii_ Jaill(SQU'. of of little consequence, but. the of Penitentiary f9y, one in. the audi6oe t064,141) �thO giierapreall the face of d Olinton, prisoner ram lowing is a -dog priptipjA of its diniensin Wbtol101 V Tod of go Tows, buil( . -160 50 t 11 )4'4emembQvodthAt epgross for A ra�yjoio;j the tarIT, in or�:,4; Fj obO4 fr9m, country. ro I" and it -was re a lingi 0 tier Y Some on% W r.your uni 0 In e-widww f in K thOfiO AffliOtiOns thAt COMO from So ro"S -ade, Onto, O 1170 wo yearq In entra, rig whic duo agnto.. flo'ere occup6d for Tnachine onkle to prov� that, he wa 4 a great ro 4ion will be ma 0 over which, we. hpvq no Control. Forbear- gl'aL f kindness to up as a class, A shops, Wiug, brick, 260 x 50, consisting t victi of a. Conspiracy. f0ii1ed, I , p4e .0'. the red glare, There was nd for your anxi ��A stoi ing the ioulza- f engine room, 40 It 40 in rtedtoni 0 ance is a, virtue seldom Appreciated. poll several articles impo d imp! y is go T.UUR§I) V 101, 18 etj'�n our.behalf that we. shoul ov an iipmeaIate.,rumb, for the fr x 25'; blacksmith. shop, Lhopa]ai week t otit doors. that there is a man in Philadelphia named 0 6'I'Li may be simply repressing impatience, curb- P-4ring I he) e -have been ',wi 1. be in tl 41ildge of. Heavenly tWup, in a 60�x4o]; engine moulding shop, The fioeiAist great' A * Child *a -dew i ohn Smitl wh is lot yiia intq �.1, 170, !rlo to. noes in which Soup has been THE TRPTH9'L a pusliied n'tho 'atepa, word, illat I 'Christ may bo begotten in eikq �moW t Me 014� We jLpolo room 50 x ing an angry tone, oi'lmaintaining silence y on -several artio ediatoly, after. aan thrAoi hip hat rumor to be falsol. libcausti John 25 ; agricultural mould- when. provoked.; an apparently t fling dispenidol'to 06 po r fre oxtoil4ed ad the dut and imr hIng Shop, 55 5Q, a 0 , ,.a of charge, of our hearts the hope of glory." We sal and is not, once, yet one whieh-would with,2 place 70 loaves of who- oleo.of1bxury, auch-as-allk,'vill..be re- Arm through a windbw: And, ocreamod, you then to accept of -and to StWith, lives in. 1his shop, 6.5 Ye 50. Work to-do forL XY. Wip, Weir, qf Monfreal, tfiti� addr ss Bad and at age lirmiloto,-every-day. slid - 9 6UYO,,, tfferiity �6i_ to -1191i, 0, Oil 0 , Ul hollp Ole good, ty"Of me t, at, he I'L due andthe erdsh wai'eneugh, -the' ownpallffilg bu r-B'e 411- "%-L- s t the wliqle length. of Wing iun�in g �arallel I ondon, S eW9 came iii.contact, The oup. a very 't -411 largely instrainental in socurin all With the Lorov Permit us &lzo -is the title o In -�ani fall force,. ceno was bpr- a Flux LEo;zr;Dsl0 with wing,iand, 71 feet'awn, foot' -Xi, -Chen, 0111 the a staiiii !or �G% in trifling circumstances of litblo concerns, arifr Q(, as we 1 'iblelin the narrow,�vestibfle loading to to exprei -po that lierol repeated ti, as' in '60 eo %Adch are u.qw it I be SO!! 1, . thb ho ubliAed ��Bo o Ong protective t Yon tY long be nest' work al Ifofd Bro , by M used for pai exerym nd inalti bbtaiding th r,' so T-OMIR61--T-f F�­ii compilati tiTiios'.00 x 40 nt rooill, o' LIver jg*Ljq rme t ig 0 I'm 0 An ssociation it the. renio _A#t"A IT "pare up tbQ great bulk of"! x e ienco. 'If fo With fear, that�woniaylo'r ojolYoWi4frill I the well known author Will Carleton; and and storage work, also for stor- "P 'aterviewed 'Ia top - fo -cents; -Notivitli- I Oth Lee Is& we duld' trace back t a his for of lie. ma- nuissppe, 'has Iseem., . latel� .,i or. I &mongst us b erdftho i4 -g officers :�Hbnr ri t puah�d on -these in. front, BibloOlasi, ismoirthy"of perusal. 'For sale in, Clinton, ing patteins, andlis completely isolated d 3347 an n frum. the main'wotzkohoi, Th, buildings retA an 0 of- Alienated fi ap ivi is t' oberf Morrison, by a Star reporter; and the sub8taxice of standiiIg the reductions and in'creaseol AhOuti and -as the guardian of 11 the flock ever y- Yuill. I . o I I I unhapp es. stricken, sti: and' a hav Bad - ea 0 ck 'belpliss..w.omep. which 4ho Holy, Ghost has made you over 'an( Yar Sol land, vl6h tb4 oarth,L We 0 that inteiyiew has bee ptibli'liOd, ee. list it is 6Xp Otad that aii �Oupy eiglit acres Of C'iiiao�, 2n r Sido4 n 8 0, iner 6 ORANGE CALEBRATXW. —At 4 largely At- is 6,cisge by the main line of the G'L:T.,,1Et. doined), e, 6ul. n t air orij and obildreri. A4 front and clidib over s6or.." ' luonclusion accept our biot wishes i feuded meeting of thet Orange Associatiqu gin mainly in trifles, sometimes. so ins' T e4sure t which gives unalistakeable, evidenoo of� of $25,000,000 -mill. be, viii and by a nivvr4alli Stream, opli Dig ficalit iattheir noement'as to beL Al. their. beads to the' top of the ntairgase f or the happiness of yourself your partner 9. n $ of this County; h6ld at Soaforth last week, plyi L rotectionist leanin­ bu e The bill propose t;r-� roduc dpitated, , themselves upon the in life and all!your family, aud.may we add,' water foi all purposes required by.. ibb as- copi 04VO to file his � p 9S., nl�k a import and pre it was resolved to celebrate the 12th f most imperceptible, A Illree-yourold chilol, son' of Alfred that it is our earnestprayer to God, that,' JU .0 tablishment. �. The Works at of soreaming'and bleeilling ni4s, or wqme.. ings I whic, are are Bituated Lon copio. eyes of envy and jealousy. There Ottawa' rhet jila. de . th many Wme statements-aud-drix:wo wrong duties qn� anayerage, tb the. extei Whom we have done with tb h ly this year, by holding -the annual Poull file c6raer of IQArie and Gord'streets L LeliiieloX, and chifilro�-i" t a '.The porai,.wo may, one and alli ty processibn at Bayfield. Agiolis involving prlmolpleili truth Are Gel in thO, support of his views.' BSepp, slid tom] rather strange -way' oin Saturday night,. 30 per, cent, and to be the stepping stone 5FC: .­ � " . ­� I.. 1 .11 1. Q1 to 31 Pastor and people, have -Miii 661a, daughter of the And tille, hil which forboaranowcea6ei nei in aid about, tl an et tranoo _rr 0`11111try is Of' ca as rop, e­tpfe Vlighani School Board f CHELM FAOTOUY.-Thp patrons of, the on the Christ. to cheese factory. met at that fint.be.amorificed before'we have occasion- tbet,' wo.hour "I -C i$hj off !ftsfollowing is;an extract to Still further reductions next, session after the heartrending, vainistered. to us autidantl . into thi eve late -D _­ _;- ­hag�-,beea­e ed -b -41ror­ -to play with, -and eat �ff hi Xi- Ili— _r . however, it is found. that self4espebb must' Me gre -T 7:iy�e -� lesson" uff N"il -Ebb lasting- ki0gobin df oarL6--ra7,%­­n-d- ongres ore a. ater betook ill' -an witolfire over the eity, - a:nA 60 'in e very JesnA gricultural interest. wil Stroing to' Put.olaties tip in . 1 0 each eek, to such of the- scholars of ther Loudesbd -oppilsition,'while in aied. move 'etion L Came Pe b th 00 fit to avail placo'orr Monday last And, after reading and' to displease'others by idreat aony, fiArn20 orous, the ountr. dILrQ ople urrying. 0 Clinton, Vob�'Tth, 1870" common school As may"a -r---i q y is would not. be unreasonable to i�Qot.cases. forbearance -is iieglected -ago; during the d4d,' seen a u -do themselves' of 4or Services. adqptigg thp..'topob-ol.1he auditers-of. the '8 -yeart I t prosperous. The Tirmers' have . two Canada,'it ntil the Squares were impassible. -1",-t ­ a business; they TOW)i coune axewlq- from selfish fiiotives of interest or of pride,* sources of Anceme­rtbir 7grain, w ic to `MjII'� persons wore killed'outright, �nd nagnailimoud Services -a a'. church� �b Colchester, 06 bi h stop, andtoRsider W such great eff6r CHOOL or AuT.-Migs Clara Mouni, tioR to,the eflct that they would a pp A person. of 6 abilities and cast 6 will open ber'So ly virtues may even fail to meet1the apprecia- dead.-' A the t ana their toots andj-kro -eing to'put them -doft waDy ore woun a sonle of vii)lonl. are "-,The regtilir meeting of. the to lk to the factory, throuklicat the. season, Mr. Eea suddenly droppeoi y cah expor wn ftft-;� �Art, corner mi y- --d pe--rQabIo-,Artjc1ts cilwas held on, the of Hurom, And Orange str6ats, on Thurs- -.is tapa-, those near otbee bulk' an likely to Aie.. toe,manuf9etured'in cheuabyMosars. duce the good.which ho fo w minutes befoia,he said to ondiy evening'last ti ' r pro the moighboring �Cuntry. day, the 101 blon,-bY %paptious, fretful temper. Though 0 which m1ast be sold at home., .1%fayor 16 the Chair, and all the ffieZb ra of'Fetbruari., public H, -.Wallabe & GO. forbearance is:an -unambitious and `bnobfru-. 'him.flipt ha -would be Willing o t 16 .for ��i cents pirlb,k­A proSent iDo ailing Mji E. COrbett, Wfi L Was are, inylted to, inspect.her colle la he see'tho Church debt -paid- The first two sentences of thd gbove I" A. Missing.Man. 0 committee onsisting of moss�s, R. geaoff� Canada a$ 1k.51aughter Na ket. many of whioh,4re for Bald ivo,virtub, Yet its iridnendb is electd in the place of Xr.Bartom, Mi John Lee, C�,Cgavbn a W45 'towlkrds whiiihpbJ60 he had subscribed lay weil are so self evident that no.''Oup s so 6b.- 'of 145i meetin thb aggregatoi that it Ir, tes g read and adopted. Thii, consequenco and'Alessrs. John Lee slid 14: appointed - Last, Christmad,afternoon Mr..,Jam -In "6btaincd�by- -0 nly', as 8T. 'ANDREW'S WARD. f thanks was us0,otbars. CoiltributiPgfre§ly. -select 'standing 'Mr. Barton failind:to quslif� -for.-St. e Robertson's figures in 'rious culturl.' -it is- not tuse as not to he 31r'.- Andrew. 00111141ttee, appointed io. of A.Baker,.iud1t6ri.' A'Vote 0 fortS more were re t see -that t �-ar. true Forrest and his i6loft their residembe, e- t1ibir rep ioh i's as Andiew's Warcl th Wallace Co,,. for opc' siginal Arobg 6 strug-. qire o oonj� f�'go a long way"to,*aid in d 6rb;:Wb then pasdoil to' a and. it is.to throw dust in Saturolay'is Sto , . 4 e,Mayor issued his war. -t * ity plate th-a Cher -he oT..es of .11 of W6dl_ 283 South 'First stroet.'.to visit' a follo*R: im�proiing every opporhin ished eri i1ohon th hauji, showing that oilt nilififficturet rant for -A now. �lectiqn, whiCh took�pla6e theinhilnerih which they conductod.0ie :glosi but by th' farmer to talk of 'a n n -Xilm �Y6rk.-. The obildreiii: to quench strife sli se armony, till' of dbath fell Upo# Iiiin. e protecting, Jim to STUEEM—A. Jamicson; D, R. Menzies) �bh Saturda btDiiness,of last year. The acting then y last, resulting in the� eloctibn ons aiid *ots and. 'ali.oeddo, not Buffer Jas. Miller, JAB. S adjourned his course of Conduct grows into a 'hallif, in mitke him more prcT�pero S.. `B m. the. quantity of Amer' seven in, number, were left at home.' li ard. of Mr. E. Corbett, by -acelamatiop. ')Ve . .... So a rather startling facks'wei-6 elic' atiolkindness atc, tenderness, become 'Ila u UtL 'greatly fro fti the nip e9fp, hapIii.ird, a, BY persons of, I, L goods, :48lau-1temd". in this maiket. eve while at the WID, Bit, 8, S billievii a good choice has been mad or, asty -temper. it -loan 6 911 Saturdick at .0 Riddell. vs. 0, S. Doan, D. li�rwin. n BLYTIL. ';� ' ` I - � Suit in one knows that the lkttGr �part'cif,the aca ; . rial. This, is A` lihstanoling his brief -iosidence here, BUrke I ffiend's housell.-Thirty-aith At Ila I otw OlilybetLcqtiir�ilgradtitilly,an(lb�. III, The Inipot:ts Of woolleha for last �year FiRP AND W�,Tzu�7-D. Bpollang'U'L W 00 extract is nonsense, for farmers do not taken o In- he, is fitted for the poSition,by previous eX: Burke.claims the i6 at'the A. gL - -r6st fresh- Iref al ated at $3,686,060:: Of -this omer, Johnson. perience ad the p6seassioi, of good busi- 1... 0. G. T.-Afthe lost moeting.of Ma� ct6 of self raint, while if its re 'd Ward ...... to fbir'Sib. Anoiew grow roots in sxy�- quantity suddelili ill, and it was determined that T IT )at Lodge No.- 357, L 0.. of'G. T, ing fruit bo.L,110� 0, ly ctIItivatdd$Q file cc uncil Board tO'sel 'Off anyount,the, Americans: furn-iAed only, 613. Cbjdle�,'H ' pie L( i -nesis a ualitids ontrasting weeds 6f.i�iitabilitj It -would, not ba Safe - far her to try­ind, he follo*imi ,Riddel -theirfarms, and if they did,. they, can:�t $89i333, -a sum, df'OomPSTdtiV�ly-trifKng 'sorioV sness *illL Barely -take - possession of 'ed by the t turn ngwofilclir, man return to Brooklyn that might. it Was CHARITIZ,--las. SlieppAid, H'. Stovdilo, A.Bia *AL ;-Oft Tuesday night of CDs quart rini,, ili all . do it,: th importance; lak hr"Conneebioir with alast week, twelvo`rol4i� er,,. Wo soiL Diffe constitti- any time feea them to stock to pay also decided that Mr. Forrjost.sbould re- derg, W116 appoil -swort that he personated Mr. Robertion'se,Uplaiiiiitions concern-. yent.,.th to have been. out of work and money;, walk.� tion, cirdumetiinc'es find, batotdpts, - they. reeotQrs iti' them as well, if not. bitter, than if fed turn, in cr&rL e, bild L . MenziesP A. Jamieson and K Corbett. loi . Q that Ward, besides caitiug his ing' the I kin*-. of goods- made in his, '4�in opinions, in beliefs And' to pr HI&MTMI—Wim. Smiirt;, Will. Qoopprl, ad. from' Wiaghant t6 ; this, place. 1.� Tlib -tS.-Adward Vloo f ta!i. di. off tko is froini Nyorringi and to.-CAll, -for, Ilia *if@ -i' and'only 111tit concessions lot, Cfther cases of personation were rm. a U. couhtrt,,, hO $18,744 w6rbli of boots: Johnson and R., Birchana--- tiighLwas cop of the colde t of this Winte1r, - NV.T.-�­I%Iisi Ellon MeTaviali., Ue has not -been heird Wier,. throughout andA6es.importe asb y poilianan, E:. Coi derably 6on, its 'W.FS.-'0has. V. Flooid�. all the whoI6111- a I eat' fi�6in the the next day., PRorEATT. =11, B bett And they.,suffered. consi d- a full recognition of the ril�hts of othors proven. of oillab by his- family. .' Me. Foiresf. And Dcai�, They got hare, -about 3 a. in. on W B1 -�-4o F can bridge the cliasins' of contieviiray be- ' On. Tuesday pff�rnoon last a meldn. reason' Yffl "mount 96 1 was I or corner Thb rep.Or G M wean men in all cliines and coun - tries It -11gily acciAen7t occurred at the nployeg at'Ahe -�v of th, terview, aoQs.not..give.ono.gooa,. �ed States is,:in: 'a .f, white Wednesdy -mornin, and 4hr iir seph rairoy, t to prove-llab 6ur m' ilufacturei keep tbo t was adopted. iss Janet Wilson, -m�nufkcturera, at, the ee u Mr. T. re idenee% 40"rotect Str ai and Bioiadway*,,�New. York an a- Oa.motion -of Colin. � Chidle§;. *a 'b number .1 the'lio 'io f, W. 0. G. -J`Ofin Taylor, i)eolilo,*�uld onlyzenlember'how. often all - It 0 a a. y U, a of "Tobil Randle, COOPGri MeNall stro home -market supplied at- all events 00. �Jc Cooper, awokelliat gonileint nped f6rboarai a only� all6w- pensi.of farmers a a the of packer. 'His employers say. thatlie W'aiii C ilinsan, 'the following, -accounts n gomers, Ice;, and that �th . . at, Ktie Buloi.L, -Ba Is pretty, eVidetit, fidni'Mr.-Roberbiadreg Steady.L M k%m' plaivad their. Condition , lien lie kindli able Supplication inuSt be to -be forgiven aii 11amilton, It seems that other ouns at 'L , a -good. d believe thf�t no *ere ordered to be iiaid viz -,John Powell; lamers. atement,,, that 6ut-U44nd Shea manu- .5 es, $8, 00 NL'L. koligon, $100 Ot,up, lit a fire And didiAmbhe could fak- -W.D.M.-ArLsFilervi -Witts wo forgivelthere Would perhaps be less, dis- molds,L a -white 4�tban, ovilo -live's With. factur'Ora are not Wy able t6 h6la thiir apcidlint ha.vd happned him'on $1 0 ; F- 'J'0111 Thaiware qntli andpassapforbiswife' 5. their comfort. 0�r Way 1-f . S. _MijS Maggie Cimpbell.. position to be i;ovorc aiad resontfid towards was cn- A. Matheson, 'Z5 00, J. Scott, $3.5.2 V I ? I NIS' cot the boats, A�s be - is� of, prudent. habits' r, 3.38.; Appletomy $8.00 C, to'Detruit, and )led th6de who iino oloiibh�s, an:d '10 car- acot. St, a in 4�.*bry flo Ilia toute home was by iho' Second Ypitn.� lif ' -The grdudinjunoti m: of fifq'sh& im' in INCREASE OF SAI�-AAIXS "OF Al owa'agii�st,any outsiders; �,Ut , tId H. & been %Yor�d 9 oil the offerid iii the. - sniali �ofioerns. of wasli TERSAZ431MUBERS. lArgely itliply.the WeatItiol . ies: and 'Coll $2 eo. entgen". Tholoolie is Dow urishing Con- r in a boilei full, of'scalding ay avop1io cars and Roosevelt. street. ferry-. wm� 8 eral fund, $6' dition &fill has iucrea4ed' in main . bershi mortality is, love your neighbor 'as jour- �w the �ste, k doo , r,,'L $110 Intrica, P MTED OiDL-%'-Tbe fol- I L witi tlieir� pro4ucts, �en Bolesi. �Ul p p9 at iho:bac rinking,freel argely 4uring file, last self. . Live in In stardf session, on.T6tvladfi 1-1a yvas mot. a*ddictedtii d' uart9r. �eaio with, all mer�,, f6r love 'fell' T IRdti.' compififig guccessfully.in th6se markets ]owing is a list %bove- forward'into �thoi b&Ier, and of the. 6111cers (if the 1. was *110 On is tlye fbIfillne;iA of the law. Moolcuess"! 'Chato And . ersonlats:kes-we6e AL,�.A. geries of retivill.meetings humility, torbearanco and kindness are 'pari6usly 41ded. The-- -ailforiiinuLte 'be estion, lie MX�­J6111180111, -Sec-: by order for the present quarter it 'both'-FuiiopOan'an(1. Unite4 Statis, but om.Aho-, evening in -4ju oil, RFV1v the Blature, 'Voted tO b2okreaseL.the. h nfluence oUlioIu'0r.. are i hold, in the MethooliffrChupch farleb it Ste 0 uture felicity. 'We uiers. Unaw Ins in With qualitiesindislidlisiblot ourf oaaa lin,�eilia ia the -most. 6xcrucigtm of Mifiisters from $1800 to niftnu When in. ifiia ooniolition. he'is �W- V.-XiTonsend xesults. A large _number of unioit gueli as H -on. Elijah 14rai easily - Tender of, Rich.. Cold for wei(ill. or Says the Apostle Peter, in his s0bond g hgony until four o'clock -Sanday. an additional, $20D �Poxeao With ent,fe 'did,, and 1is wifa clings, to the so 3, -9--P.� Gran convorsions.have been made. 81500 each'.. 4VA :p-ersua was opened. lepistle, Ofiap., L, verge 5-iAnd besides thi%, afternboli'L 'when. denth xeii6 -LOU$. the Uiited fated T __MOB yoi,a. hei of that be migl' Miss srs, Yas. Wilsoft &06.aro giiing all diligenc6, add* to your fai each to the members of th; Legislaitire market open to. it, the boot and shoo it: have: i4et an old. �Mc5vedby Coun,,Br W. F. -C. Costs, 2"000,00g.fjot in logo a Pa th. virp: hers ff wiri see. by Coun... U- wanting 'Y too ; and to virtue knowledge ;, aAd to Ministers! salaries will in n re; of Canada, ould speedily Cole for the RL4. Farrow, Jail -was nn nfriend anabeeil, inauced drink more. 'Corbett-, that the tender oi R. a ufactu, -When quite a.'Tdung mZkqL ho.fiollow6d chall for the samc� i0lia1bam e�vft, -isp kill tbe-balalicid-of the. yearat 1n6wledgo temperance -; -anollo tempe;ance -- A* ­ " '' t p Attorney-Gettorial,' $5,500 and' _the afitinle. very., large'ptoportio: weigh 4cales for anit to risonets as a prdsen The e6mnIft- the the s6a,-2nd his wife thinks tbitt, getting $9.5 ; be accoiptqd.w-Carried, -�ir'FIOTORY. -A.meeting, p.tience' , itience an Robertson% statemet disposew of, W. C.—MiBs M. Graham, bold in ihe�Vemperancii4lall, on Monday, t6'godlinass br6therly kindposs and to, ments,have increased 6 -much of li�tg inother M' $4,500 'arid the in- a ini6xicatedo he has 'Shijiged in' A caiz�unioi�iiou,was'rcad fraini Mr. -A. -A Orion. call morL W.; evening nexei to. take steps *Qwards.-the bJzoth, -doninity t in mbers, . 4800 46r th . e prevalent notion that in no vogsel, ' He has been married S; Fisher esignina -the trustocallip im.- tbeL Charity- is is what 0 e - 0 - produce gbods,dil all lines; more obea some OlintqA_44h: --NV- and �w Irmuo0lavej it t& aCo6mmodatian not beini p twenity-6ight; years,'L and ii foity-nine Lure of cheesd, under tile direcd6ii and Ina. wo valhe'the futiii6 life.' May the Gi 008gion. than can. Can What is .'On motion of domn. Sluart,'seci'lly"botin, roll, the'o nts, 9 OL "in nnw diih producirs jV y at, 1 14 )b, N. Y. nson,� 13 age men t of Mir. R Str4i th,� o Cli'n ton, gr till th G' of age.,- ant us odosiredbo6n.:. Aye. per n are ese. n Stevens, Me— Fisher's r Of, A" '�id the c6unry ap6ke true withrespect to boots and - shoes, S.- the- b o less- than fourteen.. We:think itr nbben Await, their trial for tarious off6nces. might also oepte ori wh6 o resli p�ly.to e*i�g ',macbinlii ol, Uscey�appoifttvd or Against, Is'Con- (TheL'pel,gon�L mentiopeol'in the d Dr. Reove re-iiippbintell to the OoIz�Ti--�-Our'ie ti i and %Vhoili lull� qualified t6 J. C. MULTXOS9, out, iA at thi aildIndia rubber manufactures, articles above, place, an LINT.Oir all - 8, �876.- aral will not fl�rgQt A fall iaf- Bayflold,.F& boara aiib wid Life,. guacessfully-conduct the same vo Vowerx of th the �Draffl Th6 list ofinniatealTellidbs tinval incretWe in the pay e I of viihich oli Was a rOsidint. of. Cli Th; ary c -in the town tondance of all interested, is, r6qixesfed. IUD' n.the prooludbior rmanu- Fiton, atid, tivo Two men charg.- � b. . , .. . . ... . clerk ws.initrileted to notify phr. ontertainment,. to be given are -a are, in - proportion' to pop ''d 7 try and memV6iz., But a few years ago.: facturev. illa- be'ing',1a bu'sin'css some years since' in ties holing Munioi�al Manuals,. to return hall, ok Fii4ay, F eb. 18th. ;,'The 60019t Q�l 0 .6ELEDA1T1O$'AT STRAT99RD. a With tLjt6m Y Ptipg to' murder theif' qio Ministry in. the TTOper tion, not fat bellijaa* their neighbors.— them fQrthW -h de -mexlts* Wth Misssis Rat. S vives ; three, with stabbi tho��bbilolifi&'no5i* occupied by, Me. ho. ng; one, arson; Hinareal star. tenbUry, Bay, and 41V Misses J Oft Thursday last Stratford enjoyed flip one, for ti I" 1.�, I . . On: motion of-Coun., Cooper,. -Mr. Coli C Slin to. hA:- F; Onei waul ngr­,pd1lde ha f what w it -was'liell6iridtopay to the treasurer '810 sist in the musibal department, th MCM4 3usinass is vary brisk in coleb tiou.oft'hoet)fnpletionofthreeI CAliada Executie was n A] arge one robbery.; two, fr, 5 tC r havj�g in PC session a OWL Ministry In Coluiinbla. for rent of scales from. Jan. i beis of the societ taking charge-, of the and importrif -works; the Thoinson. & I ix now, yet then parties were, chargoid x town at: present.* The str6oh fiN crowded toolff -literary dopartnien�� and will ippear it, qyery day he Gas na the. rest for mi. On Motion of Cdfin., Stevens, -see, by Many of our." inerchailts who NVillialma' Manufacturing 'Cc f with scrambling fbir offi6o for the sake oP Irwin,& Marshall, Isteata boiler ma- CLOUU. Sheppard, Mr. A WAS re -a . p- nongs,.roa&go, ro the Port Do 0 a Lake Hit nor offences. The vote of consure latof--,-,- a- Robso* Citations; &a., t1e. per.1hayn't smiled for-tho last two months, have AVorka- and voir u thel*e&-andisbes. lt,�ill-be said' y Pa'se ;ra, Toronto. have 116pondedf with pointed treasurer fily -the Current yqar, 'at formsnco to conclude *itlil, the historical. been actually sfiiiliti oughi in reality the rail - but lend within the rOn Railway, 8,1111 i1polt the �Valkm Administration. in liabilities of,$35,000. the sami) salary, $100. slooAclifiom1bi.eken. entitled gs).3ardeli-va.' ladfowdaylg­ way is only,.bailb As fil,�L as Stiatiord,,with UOR No that' t6 isy in all professions -a gi Ad 007- -British Columbia, led;- awwo aticipated cupationa,bar 4va Not as. t. Sheppard, made'application for Pickwick." The proceeds are to be appli- I LuCTURE ON XosephAVil. a, good prospoeb of bein plishild.on to.Lis-. CANTEL6N. —In Clinton, on the Gth, inst., niu�� Wort of-- 'ell. Shortly aiter:two oUock the two.. r regignatloft. and, �Lthj format' the xinging- of tho,town bell, and on -motion ell for the benefit, Clinton � Dress liantsoir) of -Ashfiblil, delivered a, Lectu IN . D. Catteloli, of materially it . ncedo and' toy Wei' ion t the re to theivife of Aft' ason. of a. il o4ted concernirq -visitoid ar- DAVID8024-�­Itl Sehforilt, oil the Tth . inst, tborefqq ofir legislative representatives ew Government. The or' s-wore pub up� on the, shores Off 0'fwCoun. Joliffson, ii&by boun. Tamiea?n, Band, and as all are -p M6 ozi Btirni, in the town hll,6ri7tho trains,* containbig gbout. 500 vening 'as follows t the station. now oonatitutea is 1�ovi Scotia in 1875, holwasuppointedatLaaala df$70$tOrIng merits of this,band theie a cold be end gh of Thursday last, to a respectable audiepee, ri4d -4,11 the, engines in the Wifoof Mt. Aldx. ry a Davidson, of th) ishoullii-glad have iho full 'benefit of ibe in Clinton to guarizitea a 0 the Grand Tkunk,ymrd gavo a royal salute, Commercial-Votel, of 6 daughter. Attorney -General. and Fremieri Hon. A traW won b into ti 'wood shod 'in it six times a day, powded,,housoo. The, lectLUro. Was Ii tamed to With ttefitidn here haef only- Mr. F11iog, A'coramunication'ftom, the high'Sollool Reserved seat tickets m iy be had at J'.',A andf1fooldmandiolverywell, H4 'the doe Silo at the.work. ut ToroM6, fo6be nijbt of"Tli'ursday- I�st, MdXillop, on the. 5th j1nrjt:, rise., D the fact is, t 'I p bass of the whi:* 'n board, asking the Cjuncil to meat'to tak(i Yoill'o'botikstore. 4u'*'p Itopi making an accompaniment, IfO of Mr, - dbb n Adsmi,of i'soli,, been a slight raise ia the Wages.01L the Conimiggion4k of Crown Land 11 but the 'poor fell0r. frole to do be.,.- a poet him f and recited rior�ral piecs Gf the wl 0 . I into consideration the building,6f a high OU The reco�tion c6ninfittee, hiaded by the fore thor ing.' TUAr CABO OF I)Zgril�iTIQ19— r road. his owneomposition" ' . - . 8 of the population, and in, some of Mri :Vernon. -Also asking for $200 Mayor; woleo Alto vialt6rs,with at,'-Aol- FlUSUR.—In geaforth on, sdh6ol, wag granted. the 3rd iiIit:1 bulk era Will remember that *a published a,pa. 3LSD Cwicz=—This concert caine oO� &0 7ed Treasurer, HUD Axi And they Were then taken through the wife of Xr, Alex). 141r. f, TXZ-Hurphrqs;�' In the month. 'of lauuar�, no fewer to-b6,104446d to their crediti which -6k . I aft 0 a son ivin a the ooicu�atiouip not A� pkrtiele', Provincial' Soorotaty, on. I&L than 9,696 registered letters wdrbi re. grantc&. W all also ragraph'icouple.of wce)�s ag. a th_s-to_W"aU,,6n-W6dnasdaY nigli't the streets in sleighs.; visiting all th ob, account- of a Case. of extremb 0 tiono lag`cwe�i, and was well Atidnoled. It was jects -most worthy . Of note. Flags ew'oro The "ople who real] proatice the Brown. adeputation fton�'tho Mechanics, 119ti- in which. the- Ausband 'did. h b a 'ear'� to U oomapllito sucCess—the ijudience -, it eye 4 fa 5 and an arch was J%lit6n) oa y Celia i the tdmdon Post Office for bailag ��s 1, p cc , a Very erodible part. the $th inst., Thog, V111`021th Of the Country, 4re the pneS7 Mr,. Elliott reimres�ntg Victorii (Van- aity'd9Ijv6kyi and 5,20 Passed through tute waited od ibe 'I to ask for a take dve since very *611 pleased with the wholofroepeoig oreet-ed at in his (Vth, e6uver's Island) in tha Local Legislature, to their d grant a' $.75 for this yotin. After a short learn'edllat a farmer,'reeiding a few miles Ingo, the., Market - Square and ona 41- stinktions. ars�- 'Tharnion,a Wii, He is an Englishman b� birth, a har, dobim Uams!e machine works,* surmounted' by a un ral *ill, take praco� thiji, (T 'Who siffer from thi incizoase, of the as. address 111)01� the Position Of � the Institute, from, town,, hearipir. of the. -caso,­68.me and laries of those parties who obtain -their, T;vo young men named. Cooper axia- And the- work it liporforming the huilb-itia-io-rk for a yiiar, ah a 0 by profession, aud"has previlikal* go- ion'on this quebtion by the,Literary So. "Miniattire steani angine in working ordo�, afternoon at 2:619lock-p,ni tllf * . -Va- -Of $210,�,house rilfit free and fire is mllmm� I y Y,,,yfo,;a quarrelled over Soniotting on Turnbulli the suta was granted. 0. L -The 4 06, Which - elicited great Hving fk6m. io Oheab. -filled the office of Magiatrato. He ip a Wednead --On:mdtlon, ub. Johnson, the trea. wood, with a few trifling, privileges, whith ci&ty was, that it wasn't itistifiali admiriltion, at a fillp We opine t9ere, are hub fo;w oonistit L a new pember . of the House, havifig-iakan ay, at Stirtorr Coopet? draw a Surer wag requoted. to give Ili the maimas estion is the beheading of Xing piece of Workmanship. Thoi Fire Beigad"o Fouxul. kevolver and shot Playford in. thd face, was not accepted. Will any, One Soy after next - w9h muff -4. hevere-wound. Cooper as this that there is any nedb6siby"for deafltt, hdj%d the poor fbllb* over g hid 8'eat for tbe"rir time in the proieftt inflietizig ofbis suretioia, by the 16th inst4 Charle2st, It in itipposold that h ill be out in.foreband gavo.an exhibition- of' Illy in Whiell a majority Could not. be Moved by Coun,-Oorbett, sec. by Coi!in, tion,'. where the parties liave, their health,' a ain. the working of thpit sp�arvitus, ana of the POV10, IN OtIXTbX) IS assmyarrested and sent to Otielph gaol for trii I.A. Xelles be.clork fo 1876, on Menday the Council passed the account: Xr-W CoxvART.—Dam. No L j� joined Stoo-fit engine. There e're twoL 6holg in coatels store and the L'i 31, & J3i­.FiilrORdi it *found to go against th" inorood of 8A., Ift .1, Cooper, that I r I ran ha I , ggoix is A. Mainland member$ malsky of 0200.—Oarried. I the procession, Nylilch great added. to the Lady's FtIlt XUVI?, The bwnir- in larlog and menibers' in Mirs. MaXenzief, 'who 06ped with at a of the physician who attended the woman the Methodista. ly eing- one of tka reprbsentatives for Frederick 'Brydges - from Wontreali is Applicationa for hotel licenses w6o te. which we think they ought pleasure of the march, the same `0 roving property,,' and p0jilli Yale in' the Asb*bly. He is Also all 601'Vbd from'J. JOBILini S, Pike, A, XkloXl to kave made is considerable hilck. the Young man pay, its he, At six 'ofelock the banquA took pliiibo charges,, 'cal '13g at,this office, 11 L K956 Boglislitawd, I was 16nee in the army, and amid to have isaildol for Liverpool with is as capable. oX neas in town and c�untry at present. Ono the town LhAll� which was, bijmLutifulIy ed I" ton-, ii 1016,� 'd favor has occurred III, Tuck, ated for the occasion, and *as.of Arattollass THE DULL T W� Dixon T. :�Ano, Mrs. Patterson, 1, Working as, any one. in this town.' Charitj case of typhoi, Cut i L ' J. I I r veryall coililocted. (111ho ld coun. hwfour shildreh. from lordang, Md.) 114ttisnburyll Jag. Ross, C., C610 and John. should not be dbalt 00 ;qdy, o ifit arsinith, and another is reported from Mo. We think too =6 had )Adh, saila tryi' Hiolia8inasi, we bm, the steamor Saindtatiant -on Saturday Ras ; and shop licenses from T. Stanbury io,vrd sh haractefi, and, seiiied ufi in, a.6t6ditablo, believe, i's steck-. ould. soon kave a paupor curse. Killop.. Wore Ilrobably,on the eye of an Dbg Loate nilh ick in ad Shqpard,and or, tho�chtircr being. Mr. W. S. Ito. about the times being dull, it great deal farming. Healgolase'n'tored thoLegis. C. Vader' . Pryageg- is, P,-Civen, X.'Robson a .0 1 so 6piddimic, mitiu I LOST, IN CtINTOiq X SAT DkY, ail 16, Cooj�rijWol oven U0 X Teadings oil - Ir WAS OC4 lature for the Arst ti C . OnhLvi he F"i bertson, of that town. Tho-ohn 0 tM more th what is true, go doi;U SPlondAy cifpied by T. NY, Dal�, EpoI.j.'Utt 'ght *ora a pomplota success, a r�rgo ac" AbotA 400saf down, to ol�riner, and they all. months old, straight-taired, with whifte clidst. aMir., INnipfiroyis ia an repi vor.-Iiiinful aooillOnthappened on deboutarea to the al4ount ofo,. 'Yor. 5,01 111st., -a mediunl-siz�`d COOLI19 IWO, 10 aie discoVerad by, -any, one hei"wi 000, and mii;rket debentures to the dience being in atfandalice.'.The roa4rS did 4-n�lo juntica t amount Your cotr6spondonfof Porter's H 'Must smntaitivo. .. Ito was in the last Parlia� Thursaay afternoon' to it boy about 12 of $3,50 have bein cafidalled and plaead 0 the ifell-r-boked vianold, Bud ballY',, allswirs to the name of B. in.-� oj surely write with colored glusea,- whiA' he.. Were, law�br McCaugby, Rev. Alr: leaving he S�moi at ru thd time to make: it little Inveligs:tiqn, a d age, son. of Tolin Chambers, 'Craig, as, evident from the dploited Any person Air, P. Ch. In the firat Place, the t o the union of B !at, Go - The Bank, van'#, Winter), W ment I audhiila S Seat In thoi'.Counoil Year in safe, 'thinks tha� plaae the most. suitable far the D b�Wildoii, Mr. Campbell of the bles. Wine eatols word armors, who, con- prior t rit 4h, by falljUg into. a Vat of boiling file" adjourned. .. - diBhes on the ta be suitabli rewarded.— ereotion, ofa towil hill. ootighttokifow Mrs. donIter, Mrs. McFaul And Dr, Btir. sproad,oyer file tables, an� At thir bott6m Atiy- one found. with the ilogin, their poosQU- stituto the great bulk df thocom with the Domlitifen. -40--p-at Allauis distillery, - Th4 lower that this wift not, take placis there oi,:Any 11 �of each file significant notice Was attached-, ion, Will be'fir6secutodaoic6rding to law. of htaL hodylatd logo 'were forribly Buiws' Czt9BnATz4x.-t-Wo have veco'Lv- ,othak place"forhe present. goes. All read well a a Were wall-recolivel mUnity, -Mr. )Brown ils from the Mainland, re. part ei A Copy Of the 'as ordering *from that list must 'NS, 11aitland Coi., AM in no 1111181116 ift % depirogsdol, br a finan. ting the city ofIT6vr ' inster, burned; in some- places t6 Ain pbelerl' Brooklyn, TiMeil, The LOIG.T. was' never moVe prospqk. $17 was roalizoid ovbr expenses. that all parti ' PVA weatm pay the eash on dlivery, 61411 weak,conditiono not at� the but. presen Ing a lengthyeport of the annual fe4tivi.,, 16us then at Present. The installation of Golimix.—Quite A number of our Segferth- . Aftei conning vp, r..9. Is7a where he is engaged in merogintile oft, , Hopos were onto-rwaea of his re. ti'94 of the Buma Association of that city,' ikea want down to beat J. & Gough Joe. that'aard, we Came t(i h onct ion, that, I . . which' todic plad . 0 at the Wall lJougo, pre" offiders for this quarter took Disco in their - lthopght,' if 0 0 U bait population in audliitiji impqvOrlshed, Su"f1h on gond night. . Was not announceds 0 idlfngs tor Sale Iqdge.rooiVo Wednesday) gno� luxt"q by G in Stratford, ay Voiriiinee as 6, tom. TW J dueWe frU&t the change that, hits 16'rg�ver by Alt' 'Tamos' 0' Radial 06niking, Lodge Do NOTUE Colfcnia,.— Tito oil conaittlon, that, they c4und ft o South Vroa6rloksburgh, negeds,.-Imis- '0'( puty;� The elected ones A ' ' 9 1 Afollows b, it w9uld boAparly.hoi ma dont of the A8964iation'. who was at Ono OiLgetting Up*d done6tt at tin early Irn DNULLIX08 AND prove kolixiitageou' wexd� wa,wifr6 eonfi led, by our their 4ontod, atnudements, filtho ships Provinoo! If the now t a to the' GiOnarfai 4 chaq .. gls;mink�i.. - Last time,it -resident i)f tht6lowi.' .. 'His -many SeaBrmloos.1- III this therd w88'eadso for ro. land attAobed, -gifile,to do Sfiiry Strooti weAt of is trio do h& will �� pleased to loa& of his w.b.T.—'i, C. Picktirdi'L day, Joloingo or no �Oomnleroii4l Itotel prenuton. - This pr6 ert ofdInn­ ai�p 'how Sunday morni 11 0 " 4 to ob ill offects woluld- result ftom ari, hfillg, d0114AA9 ledtUresi &c,,L bIlemselves fre's train melrbly godtiongl or from thaj place drove into town with , a *elfaro, amolf thd high esteem In which VV6, Is conveniently. situated. A f, Although but little liquor nd w Here we , have 40uih going P Yao, ill be so ol, o arsenal aims, an& able locaddf garden SA& used fix the drinking did he is lidd by his fellow counirkinon, And L . 0. 1 1. L to of & toasts . VOY OULAYtermso Apply through the i3aililtry 11accurliagr at tho not onily'what 'may be regar, od za the a,, for sale-, abd hope'that liniftor mlil pros oritl AV.T.'—Misa A. Robtris,- not discover, big mistake until -he f6und' V may over. 'W.F.S,m�T. 4uklno, GOOD tTOXii —Oit klitolagy, woolroAD thevo was as much. gonuillo onthilalas-th, In goal of $260 It night, interosti of British Columbia, but al ' 'itteibmants fib big atIt"114 him.. I .., 0 to W. W the usual aveniW to I W.M.—T. Jankin ot the riefia8t and'biggest, medical men of the givingand reconvingofthe of s 01hitont.. the allnday OlaU' T 9 a44' poit go. .4� the relations id which i3ritish. Colubibils hotel barred by goof Of Soafotth, who, by the, bye, pretends to ber Othbr 0000AWIM, the usual loyal toasts woro. We for axpetimi, while.tho, stands fb the -whole Ddmiujon� thoit ad,- II -q )rtaftify of tkylo low.they, like 4 W.0.4.—W. Dawa, "out ofpr�ctico When p`bor peoplo call, given in ihoir'btdor, Ana #11az ith he u6r liw, ChOUIng And the Playing of th baud they Ill n6t add Muoli to iho ecluntry's velit to OM06 Vill boa guiljodt rox n- wintor of a Wariller an more oUthern, W.C,—R,. Docking, M, but w1lo isyoUr humbleaarvAnt. whom, ,.,4 ThO p6b�lfi Of CdAttd66kd, Mar Mon. .. .. than the kind they have been In ight toyally.veiponded good, The present so-caled dullness gratulation.—GhIlle. 1V.A,S.—Mibb U.'Janklas' rich, mail clill# hinli rboolved fill utgonto wordi tI)legraIll to Ito to the 12th 0 PrtrwtSUS or TIM troAl, tire excited ov6i, thcrumciva of tha the habit of bxperionoling, With the ex. WAK—C. A 141-96 111140 of toatti than Utiri, I1JT0 T141-1 t0im. is not to be deplored, but ihoilld be hor has coupled 04lisedbor, lot 31, 11th coii, ooderich It I� 6zlitatba that tho Legislature, will be =in of body snatching, *Mdh -has COPtiOn of but a fe%y days the woat It, H. S, —11iss Ly where a man wa's expected to be dying. witli tlic name of nomb person who shily, Alwat four Itiontlis. 811106, a I"El) hailed h -dayi (Thursday.), Oil liv a F-ratieh Cabadlan.i been himilar to what they ox-perl6neoln Carolina Ry The', big man And hia lircthe � bitched. or, *49 04110d 11POI1 to i0pond. Tho appe6hos with gladoea. b every one.v 0 Inor6gubil'to le. jtlp IVE'It, Colming tW(y Years old- �ThO owner W"al prosperity to the 'Oountry. I ha . it is The the'vouthorh States, oid part 6f it—thor th i doubla team and drove -.rapidly'to were brief, �ithYl, gild Pointed, and Olielted IS h prolly notified to pro �e liviiperty1my charges, S6X1OdtENTEaTA1NRR1qT.—A:ft entertain. air, License till pAms(l. Its fin4l tesdizig,ho ho' hita been tobbiiig. giavab tor ome wofnd mod--liko Pliglish winter wOAtb'­ Winthrop And OnfL(lite considerable applatlAo. Sri-, 11, Oliver, U. too it away, 'Monday, and is ilow & d 066 the tolgr It Ox ra failoo ana wtawaso Its io 11�1 a ohook to -part of the law of 4a jim6put" and f6r'war'ding, the bodi ier. I We belldva but foir� ivill �ol of file ment- will bo given by the, aolholit-rd of the ding out that th t vh, anolfild"illo School, oil the ovening Of the ore WAS I'll %or P", �Vooidstock Mr. 'Jag, 1.1odford Ig k6goint' 15th illtLt.t-'to.-'Congikt--Of��reeltiltiotlai--dia'.e co-of-gotting b ij� pathe­ M rUnaRement or Ualuoisg. too.iliamy 4,500,000 dollars worth ofptol bAy;WadAa­ A witi. br but barkla full are bettor thall o govoroly oblit onlM I(skuea, vor rn10, 1617 daptsift moolloial gointlowmi in Montreal'. opinibli -that mild 'whitera liloo tilb 011 ought 111 1 th Ills tealn told drove �acu to it, goods Vrere digpoosol oi with & promise 84OYed by 40 11 Xbw Yorklotet, Tuoitolq al, and Iftstrunioutal, musido &a. ilight, Throe firolmem, wore killed, the Ali. MiAS DAY, or olultolij will take paitin file 104ving file tefied to IV' usually experienced " At tiny rate fast dseveral-Otlittig 0 pleogure. lift, 61gingo CdngittOtt%blOtiMIS!IiA#beongpotit 040nt tO the 0,0 bf PrOV140110 0 W pay, whiA mad6 tilmes ict, of 4101ghing Will bo A groat imatlbr To Oon War brl* Marelints I'll oavaml altia,'IL Of the im' A farmer from he6thep "i �L— I 0 Mich ball 011 fola tlid coalparlyr0<0 inaftilla J� the lotaii ai pomparatively little, work hao b6tn In propskration,�4 AbCtL t114 objo doctor.! g 06 dLAy hold t6 Uaatrp� Iffirgaen &J doll i dtN of Mr "I' XOTIONT TS btib z1o* payday eomoa'maty are plege. Aro autiolpatin if g0ok& ant Of bond. Craig (teb ys;O0 0 reelill that the, wholol 1104ir had. '4601a b - tariff by tAkIng the coyi� Arichillt a, dreomd hog, , r Mliah, 0. it' Adeo 14; no. 44 11log this winter Aior) is tiortiaml mimondabl, th, tile 1 .4 C'Adol�o will be reeeivoil, I)y JJ)4) JDL ing dull times 1119 all bUilft kion.pay. vlz,\to raise fundsiot Imperial patli 4. b wilt P 6d el1114tefoillf f VVVAA lillulfiett Mid etirried to � itioce8S. 04 &n lived, the h im, &Owd la Do logii 61111 bo got 11 P'L tifi4 the people of thIS Vicinity W 11 itoralloadom keriber, ahto filli- t5th I)AY Of ho, iodpl big Oat mar ot, and 4d great a tashf, So long as we have good 4ropo, TmAday by Her Uajeay in p6ion for the lirst �V(j V01811 16 f() lye (11litinet YUJI( 6tiltii0ti. tj(y lji)t t1WIlL ootuniod out to be , boar and' ply of wood will be shoriv it 6� t 7`6 h6g sap contr4ot. ub 'And JU the i(I il, 1OAa bi-out no d6wplaflntA ahould bg%bogird glIciut floss ollow thibir approolation of his Of. ui6ad by Lura Chatiole)l , or Calms, an WAN tak thbtar Orwhosoldit Ithouttliention. or#: for wood.for railfoladis will havo gie&t forig, 6, lar9b turn out, Admigsion, 24% lot 2, Towiship of Ilullett, 11 061t, liatild'. difilaphy of fulfilift1t 64 S.Atig. ildren, nseel11 IfUld ("r 60tory k k t, In both Upomi of bush P0 ildrSkli vill be requit6a im, tho -atia, IraUffi$tilnold fU whioli to 4 betvy flae, 4 -constable oglh 'i lesioliq thwilliers of ilia uovorgiipant Ana, ien'911008.- Almos 6 ot Ole wotko The Conti& do V , ", I ; the. fheitook- fitt" Ulf. I till nearly ovory NO WOU 160 000 ficteis nob bind thbolsolilia to meapt the 16WO94 vil eii� I thdre dpaca devoted to Loitldmbot ar. 1.6n siturality, filtba, lIng Idrclaoin6 flow of land it 'Wit t16H they ftro, Worn by tlly liavitig v .140 WAO oftried At the A&MIJ tord Mq, to 8 AtiAllidtlitY, nil tho 40noy it a'siti 6 flot r opy tondot it Abb A, P414 fhetjldf 91 Ito) VIC 1486, Of W111011 WAA 000116 GrUg INtMAIP 06ki vomod It 6014 tho [444ty;. w1otor wvathor, t0hod 100 milot in loll 011T bttitiq 11 the 110ke, was to ba 0.11. %dii, tasto, whim or pline ot' the wofti�6. 40,Iffal -I p r h y d W g r end p an Vice P y hom h t W- W, 4 vice P oh Henry nDow b It lIO 11 ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . .