HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-02-03, Page 3A florriblo Plur-dez e, t4o The Bill 'abolishing the UXIs ptive On Friday aftertionn, a re4deab tit' (I M, INTO, '11(m -or, THU MUD ncof 11 lilt] Greenpoint, ) 0i , .777 a two YeAr p1d 14ho rip reading, in th man Which 114 irola fho 11roliq J)roI)ekty,P3y
, Won 040, Veto bellig. rour to three. b o lying botmon a pile (if billiber IOU$ X.ZD&, d tTbero, to a voopucy in tile, SonaW for an 41, -- - ---- the division of Bedf�rj, Qqobecik �mlsqa ad tile tile 11411iliv, lwd t1la rest head, IVIII011 Stray lWfer, onby tile ,91'kWoll of lion. A. 13, Foster t!; IIII(I -o thfill ocentractor .of the Geort,lau Day'branch tiot beer; extilleti 111ol -6 11 T FO' T11' of the 3paoloo Railway, hours, Wits V01111(t 'l to tho 6 two elIeITbotilas CArawall, Who fAl into'll 01#tIQ guard on Tbuisday Iliglit, W1410 tified ila that of a ill.an W, W., Simmons, of ilatl ,ack tile G. T. R. walking on 04 ti e;y t! been lld0 r a r. roeand worked in a wiggoil In:,1uuf4 grr.Ay Tir'll-m 0 THE, pltrx I ISES01 01dared, 4�gerous �1�4ftlI Aort, time. be- I . ctol We will sell 1.14v folloltig a;.)94# at a 'in Williamsburg. Alnolig 01080 )VIt Vill sub8tribar, lob 21, Tuollorsinith, abtqu. f6re his doatb. 11 0180 (it wbom, blie- twirdored inan, was wo.3b iliti. Tit,) N hor9by ref4utiowd to proya proverix, rq was 4 , eld lasb Fj day andto W110111. oflioero looked ri mato .-loston, on a body f .4 tile An. 17,, 2870. *4i B e'du4i,A. nioit nthentle informa�tl'00, wits �Wod, UotlectlChamborkt, who was ig Xret;i. Ila Was a bef tilt, nad the night before, Tri by Qlarl Notice -.16 Debtori,s. Onea a'Tordict that he died ironi the effects- of drink an bis,,aide, and waR also believed to �o tb(i. WITO ATM T.ND1,'13)TFI) TO TIM UK. UPON FdXtWE*R rRICES, :FOA d the evidence prov- intimate fiand of 'that decoased', , Tho tot, In'llfesidonial at topd4icoe, will likid or WIth, ror "114 ad W4 the man f -bad in' detootives visite(l. Xretz"15, 11MISO 'Allil. 140 s�4bhrlllor, lit Uro, MoRidds. dulgecT iti Alcoholic "bi�eragea to ex s A. w 1401t, VX, A few. oriva. bTI Va Thursday afternoon a b?y, -living fb� map,Tearq baplz- I '900 eased with, and that is they cai� got thd opefi4ing almost tio,htly t1lat ;�' was Opened with. great. Air. J ob 1� cash for eve thing, if they 'are- williiig. to McFarlane, -in, Sarnia every contlo 'made in this way. He diffloulty. 1:11 hthey fonlid take 4 ie4iloxiablo price. Farmers '6m."lif townsilip, wao,.acqidentall�kflled by a lQav 0 Str'ay - Heiferkl 63 DAYS ONLY. as A wife and overill, obildion., -go of"t the Arms and h end to. trucking swhile, �ngagid with Xr,- Xr.,X .1 to pitt. an a own This" 0 t had, the qr4go on tim, and in, QQ henW'is otth. beat way of doin busi )AM17AL INTO TIM SUBS0JIJIIFU0S Pltnr4JUS 0 g, day, to suggest that the Election tI'W priess, t wheat,'Tr6adwoll, J),.bV4b,Sq a, O 90 Law trunkof ih6 body, sIcinued and cut rleiuu two old. The 10 $5 one 'was o'bot by tio otep-pon she 0 00, a 0 92? uld be med'as well to. prevent an. The entrails W1 been rernoved and 6 in , ingston,.on Friday. Thowounded innloont m being� found quicklime put, FO [is to ) callse GICHM Spring, Ki candidate fro., nDw,&UD Pj[ Oztt$7- 0 80 a 0 32 man may recover. 4 The son, gave -h.im- guilty prevent a juilty 'Ono from. speedy decompositi 'There had beell *41 oil. Do not lot thiltoblituce slip through yogrSagero. Barle5 0 00- a Q AT� 'self up, 4119ging that MoGinn'sill-ft t- escaping punisbMen It reall requires 'a pocl-of blood on tho goor, but e5orts 'O ON.Ly 0 N 0.3 f � 0 0") mont'of his mother hall d 'to 00 endei,6 riven ink' mo4 Mile -age td'put f6r(Ji' Such a bad been ni�de to it 1) 'A) SFlour,, 6 00. _o, 6 60 1311ttei, 0 17 a irds werp �rilt ost hit TIM 15-rit runmyAny rO-3 TI . 119 CTIPEN. HODG PAY,� 31'ANCITESTER 11OU910 0 18 the whole, tencr,qf. opinion and iug until the boa n W V., TIT' VUrf.7' a 8' in, name(1494w-H piilor�: law. of late o'be- -.01 now `susonablo G ods oos0 as 47FARW 'Up6d tiiii4ibss' 'of N`k' 1 IC I -CLINTON, Tali.- -I tin Those are -0 1`6 a 0.17 th' misssool 0 'Son, dwifty eA at 0 tel, mehtary candidate as being pretiump, -bad Juit '%ofi switiq o ),He 11,001,40111CO Of,tbasubsorilmr. Soo- 00 � 11 00 Itrequireil.;. I .. . 6.50 Ili! 7�00 'Ie'atlending tbw, stable" tively a criminal from the first In'tim6lit blood,- Sit d sh, craped A. Pork Hinmount), NvIll atile, floor t SLOWi lllyth,�, - T71 00 tfit): &N— aX 11L14 JLJ: and hisinijuiie.s III: a sh6rt' who shoffld be suspebtedjxt� 13vory rp9ve! mons clleti",it tile A.RPAL Qs, 9 R.' 13UTTER,�L 8 . hi3eps%illa 0 a 0 timb proved fatal. he raakes, And assumed to be guilty,un- niglit all(] Id I dV BUTTZE they. It tO 00 `25 Clover TO 3,50 4 00, --:SAILIE I Timotliy The London Pree Press; of 41onda, til he proves himqelf.'innocefit.'� R is drinks. beingt mado ,kkv.[r1r, PA. y CASH ron ANY BARGAIN
0 5,0. 11, 0 55� ay�: 'Dtii,iiigtlie'past-weektli�re,*er,o bilt'fair,tO asslime, the contrar :list, thatl* those of tile 01 lers, 0111t. 0 50 I 00 very candidate desires to obser'V6, th'o -�h Il8213 instances in which solip-WAS dis- e en. he' ws ovv U�attar,l in Tubs. 0.13 -0 15 nd:he stiould, at leask -1�retz took a 'hatchet and RET ptinsed to tho poor free of ohugti� with law a receive as AL OR E LONDON _-AN 0 URNN KpAVORT11 nIL-Hur-Ts. Dow lilt ill Wet, Shape, In two oi!, three Which Ili - vildrolls, 46 -�eguarantqetabe-'TTO H`U31B"UG, 204, loaves: 6f broad, besided il� large i, onsideration. from th6 litw as pr hpall, : . 11, HINI11. ......... 76b 4inary offenders against it. have. TWs, lit�i :Tr6b IWO, cat. c Into", Oct Okla, 1015. q �antity of Ili 0 step -daughter, Mrs. Xretz said W Mat "V1 U11, I. " _eet_ing_,f FREE TO AT, - oN i-ior SE BACK OR ON-VOOT, PROVIDED -THEY , �A: m -o many gentlemen in ern w iT1.10AOUGH BPUP,I) e of thete "I , I J�: �pring 0 ',9 5 -(10 X644's Bill will,make it. so a Kretz heard file bodw vas e(l 11,� You waut som ber t 00 a-ade, was bold' at ifter the a t4it her6 t il�iU, NT 06 01&�'TEA, (io eswil in tba.1oln ndidate, who honetly admitted his-crililt,und Iloiviti Slibft Horns :f6r Sale. PURCHASE ONE POUND OFi� THn- E74CE oatj or 31,, n. 0 :12 Tbranto on Thursday,� to takd"steps to- 0 ...N. . . : : .— . .1 . , , 0. I 11 - � - deavors,to obsere the law will n6b find d ktim Peas 0 (M . I D 05 -it bewinso Im. 11, I vl.! a w5rds tile ting'a- good display 6f Cana. TRES11-THEM ONXR.E OF struc 0 a A' TO'-C-R-RER-A-ND`RV1 )tivel� conv6rtea int WAY . t's 0 5-0 `D,jr�r` Men 0 tits
0 0. a 0 '10 -,7 -Votatoes �� __ t_ z d li�17 o�axhibite ral-oar loads- d. reality a criminal'act for a man wAs.lio 10 0 1`7 not in whol sale;lualRotaii c, or BrickZlock:- .E,"gs, (lays, ago a-� young mart *he to rtfii for. Pwrliamenti,-it.is but jkW to T116, Vrisol and 00 a Hay, 10 00 a 11 00 -in gaol CLINTON, Jan. 26th? 1876. wi6oned. iiithe ct5rinty. olet such'hav� the benefit'Of that chavir- tit ,!I White Bell PJaukots, Jisja;�y fol, Fork, 00 C! lit tl,� t,k ndBojes Suhs-or Ready-'�Iada Olothiag dobt, married big, lietrothed in tliae ini- fur M en and Boys Winceys, anuel Shirt' able hoher f4bor -took 13190 titifflon. A friend of biartben stepped lit rilt" of 15 cents per moritht pay r I ers, t Friday. evening, a constable Oents froni tile IMCICRH, 9f tile D*awe ; and SlArts, Muffi Feb. 7,- 1876*., in ind Pali] the. debt- 44- the happy Lms" Lildie Xilntle�.q and, Jackets, T=� Q0 .0 90 from five till, ox P. 1875. WINTIVAlfle. 'Pli to illo Tit "a and -7 5 ad been in Ibn. filan. At, I)OW lut8Ktlila chanem. Alkt!y in,, -Hats '.,241w�',�nnets, Boy Men's Hats d
named Egnuedy, who h wtlo till, 11 Ill -fast Shawli, f .4
Capsi Boots and ShoQs, j§reak Spring P q's ..% don, and who arrived in Luca'n Per station house, confinod ill 'a 80- a -evening stag man, or pii "Itc. -and Remnants'(�f ilibbons- im -balf - -cost-pitce, tb aia the 5tratford. 'an d a.. ORNIMFOIlD., Dresq Goods.' A lot of Fancy Dress Trimmu4s (10 e,_ espied, a youn Oats 0 Ili i12 t tb 00 . � 0 o o extentcif $50,0 whom he' 'held ;t waria I' Carp ts.in All '%Vool, apestry, 0 613 nt; for asnu t by- tfid act inittod Some time back.- Kenned Lot 4: a 0 5) 5 - ,kyns defoate I o�i Wddnesdi� f6r,Sala. Barley, y GE NEPAL r TaND "'Frisr—ORSALnTHAT S 0 'Poiattle 0 30 0 Conlici-14 vo jumped -Oft the. stage, reall the �varrant S ertb, by a te Hay 9 oo 10,00 bf.212 to 40 qlt'the men�bers of 46 and took the. man in charge. , He was :mlow now, on'tilo'. 0-18 i0 20. Union Pacific R. B I ...... new iailroad itatloyl, also, tb lQt, lot Yik� anSr kind of ..goods, -,46. uot, pass Wright & to W�u 9 not tobe so' easily captipa IS. a 0-20 r whic I I was pro- 4; -however. street, on is a small house, con. .Fo8ter'sifyouwishtospen our ney W ere, to foreti 8110k;V Ana wtrii�n, aid; Kor "'10 tI 91igl 1 *6 i go4d ckr6 you will get th6 best v us, or t 1J 0 so JA the dohoty of P. nJ))0JI,r' Olt nton, or ggs sod� to. pass,- votiln st I i ter po g again �.DraW a revolverik he thkeat'
5 0 4.00 Po r� k,, IbischancT his-capto�jf he -n —a irvill Ime )Or through jppsayou to bu Our
l'bramps ent to, y -Sever zbelibuse Of sbooi -did' "�;V, w ic Ian _A1AM4�,YiIIiiM _j,' -who has but one av in, -7 Ivb itf It do- -M-ERCHA_NT7TA-ILOR -7 . b � : ; gairi. yo. ot get e of t ose 13 f .5 00 I.5 00 oon Sun d �y',, Ili oi nin iloftr N,111 f xk-aild- domanded,money,- btavoly held to. -his priQ "00 lasti'VAM . - ' 'Stray or ITOROI%rTO. 10E1 �Itb' 91' Ratikf6pti Ill which Was. r4used. After ire"ating him course *'as. powerless either to take tillb IG B -A R Q. -Al, N TITE X1n1.1,7,r , B ne of th� tramps.'drew evolver ;from hinf; or tbdraiv the 4-o'n.e mi,s or, Tftv SU13- It' k Iwo D G E L -OU all I 00 t Ifaltillud. Gooericit. about Pool IV" Y.
—Spring S: vetellytilit `t* I r . hall inflneiiec'of liquol'. It is 'y(lur owru.
6 pistol nd.'ehot the old,man�, a ising' whiA lie had in his Possession -%Ob- ]a-st,q thnn! -xe r ON beat -fa 'a hi . tile pris6liei -�again drew �a aull t,i ],a liar Away. Aed to lire . ve, gn 4 we rn'eafi- it, that we ,will only SELL, FOP. .0 6 ileh. it is.. are may prove serving t is, .86 4.wound, lwy eblraq
3 at oho 1.. I ... . commenced to beat jiii), ttempted to escal) by JQriihl, revolver and W,ULGATI1TZBBVTT. 63 -DAYS, tbe.abovo �ooda at these remarkably': At the, ex�bMtio 'ni r Oats 6. 0 7.1 ia !4' low prices. 0-Lil-T-TOW .0��T- . . I . 3� � "; . . , . I �end,'6f the �buj beat n of that ti 0 we
oag .0 72 the constable most bruta, ly'�,o'n the 'fce It prepare, to take storckp *after which we will' 0 23 f'Qnebed; Stole $6,000 which 'he had to rot 11_1�3t_ A In` 8cuger Of the BanquaNatibnal. w0a � $!� wil 0 24 a 6_2� -W-ARD. titter and hea'd—so.mutfi-sa- til 'as ated coming 0 0 RE, urn t6 our�usual prices; and commence to rim
by an itinvii1lin & to our tcport� all hall) to oxtingiiish the - lli�ivs and ious for 187 b g�sp'eotat d�ive our spring impgrt4tt Q. ntrusted todeliVei. Reand oeli'e plice, b, and' an Iver was covered 1plbieinselved out., 11ENN-ARD, W N thii or . lie] 'ElaiglAsh: klorxll �cooxn. te been ai�TL-Bted - �i, h eve with blood,, T. , . ILL 33Z QIVE JUS -ho ay tent fe th BOr" T RtiOEIVED, A MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF' - . 11 9 a fi,,'tlin 6id-liouviction.af the.pirty orrasbibm aand the face of the, constable was sear- tion. 1110n6y., rdeov red. Thii mesiongei, of WMIGH POSTERI, d atolo friin tile vroffilpes ir r, Jan,.31.L�:The -City into tin
gcognizab V of thv nudi-rsfigoned sovql. I of valtio, on the stilt 'of tile grid. who eel I a. Aw "t the. del, B Mas. *Nkho %,
.eekly,royiow a lc,� in Montreal has j ust. rt 'HE �ttj�E;ET. - in itso * - . , - I . � P9 -b 0 the do im W. n nail Also ( ther I TG SKI should 11'6115 Lim in t Namh�ir,of tVe'vasf crowd fdr 'assistance--deminded,;"i ; - 11,�s I ivs, ilar 6ffence,t "o weeks ago; ied .1 I i
DE 61. SILK TIES, -SILK MGM, SHP, R LOTII N SILK SCARF brouht the pride t o licnitentiary for five fct, that the) be ei R ROPERT BAA It. ClintOn, an, 12,.1870� ft:81lilling,* .Oui floating g "in this. countly, Ild. 2,50Q a b,rf4 Iilu 6, 187D. f
'roilldH��s inalle, the, Queents na,me"—but aftbough some,40 t6nz4. millers'toldporarily of ymrs,.. . . ., . men had 'asset bled, no_ tine. offer- pieces Pc&.; I Suit,&ble'fork Christmas Presents.,' or 50 d ty will tberefore, be exported Thii Piiria rilarket hs taino,l. -its prion for 1,#5,000.The IYA=and WEEKLY. both: wheiii and . flour: Tile 1k6ti. oi Bel- odueday' nig t it �d the Wi�htest asiiistance, ii�d of course by At1oxId'on, cii �AV 'b his pAills.. .. Tl)ifty 'plio's A'D V E Wr. S IN G
,ry dull -yeanold son Angell �Ngitjolis of the.,- a-Ilow, his, have a4eady been 7�. THOS. -;-Ac sox" inin,'Rolland, and, Gerinany are vr. of Mr. Wm. to" . -�iier . ' STAR g� �ris our ownweekly sles re i6,149 (InArtois loss ivbilo bis m6tboi wag temporarily 'ab- Six, boliso flnevOR vra ess. fit of ONE than last year, while illo wice il .4, iibillh Rant, i3pened the stove dors and set his pe.—Lolid.on � [in go by, fb Clinton, Dec-.- 4 5, 1875. q ere is ih ' , I, . 'N�li aithigher. Ili ropillpr; of �ilothiug on Tn.his fright the little 1 Gorrimittev. -Th� thlovcs 0 . . Moi6 than onie7quai-ter Wtbb bro I icieney, thou�h willay f;till .1hriK0 . .I� war- otir -Iqs clothes one -aboet of whiah make them the -dlil Callin, ILL dr;Igg! until zl,rcli r.116WI�au, ou-t ies� -In Wiconsin have su§pended for V coildition. lie mat -bi g —AT THE, OLD -ANV 'lack of atrbtihg,e. ' -I,,' trip P t, s1 ra -o t Ir -rcLuTning. fr6ill. :her rran to In ]Life <wf �Vz- do-. Mark Taylor, a young nVp lllal;� 6 Ing k�,aS one to 'Clalin Mo., bail.gonb d 'bt ielieve the suf- dispes*6,of'stoIpn steel,-. Thpy Seven ty-five -cents a drink for whiskey L tor'8 I\To e., Cu himself to bb. the SAViour. �n his *r6rik but to no,purpose. -96 -M -ed ikext by'lYnellell- d fifft ' I I r� I %.. . ''. Dian 9 y; '1'oTrtll� I MY r paroxysm -lea. \ , , TTV-11% ,IVFX TITNT ALL ixprllz� ant dexeilted lit. Ol tie MAIllk M = lAbe Black, Go 'West, youn , d
3PO1-a i be recites whole clitopbors 1:11011113119. I ;tria r!g coiire., f(iiin IV ' ' I � I _ " 'XbtwfthSt�ndiiig the ml;ld inter, a .. * 1, I I ro� it, tile csLta of We late rwl)erk cook,'ol Gode- :and even books without word 11 of- )qahioi. piiViito Are riiflml Io dis�h&rgo Itio same tit b Vriday",ovenifig,' We of John Stellwocfe Skate MAniita agalust the said estate ow -able. wbecnuso, bnker' V to the-untioisigned for mot- SeL ut,feat all the =re ionlark L ore [Lie out' All"rht"I"b 1 well-to-do farmer, living 'has sold 40,000 paiMof skate's this sea- vio" U li�g, cqi�filittoil siici(iti by dt,own, tleilfklut,'� 19 in tlid'Conlity of Ilastings; -near Tyend- 1110111 lie Tead an . ( 7 ASo fr; COiIBEj, Executor. 0 W, s filling an English 1 . ing,biiniself. Iliis �Ody Wag &-nild. Oil eiluto YOtT HA;VE NEW GOODS lilaga railway 9t.talon'.1 y n. Dec. 10, 1875, U boy. vjas destroyed 6 n i and is no bu
in fhe ifames. H oider. -stan bankrupt a Saturday nyo min& partially, out of tbo The. preditirs of r, 13 fire and ho f)erishbd i. 0 . 0 had baan'di M V A has just been ln�troliuded. intO, water froien' so Vag' dbout 1, ar for 'al'o' TAKING'STOOK. iato-abOA, �ccbpLing twelity-,fit rinking beavily,.aiia 'the fa- T-11 IBEFOAE eop ft lifin and'talt the' Pen nsylvania LegislattIie; ina-kingit $400 in..hi cents on the dollar, 6ii 110, flimsy Pro- tilily bad le on refuge at s pockets, ;O 0 bankra A w0ilt,, t6'tllrj' Ono of. . tile. ii6hibbors,le-niving him alOL ne. a enal. offence'to 1`,poinOl a pistol cl'io tM fqT a6y, r 4AST wAWA -Let to P le kii w . text thab, the missiog'sinco tbe f nille (irrin nlyth tation, 02, L" 11 'COU In ee ting, of ere itors 1) hind d -stylish Ile wis ilibmit sevent-11ye years of.age,. gun or any firearna. at a,,lieson, whather li, It. It;, 200 aert-4, W hr-re-;unlorenitivatlon,,60-noro a lkolanQo well timbered; log dwolling' T 0 ' ' . . The assets bf the"imilk aw . unati to 'ater privileges. , This In a A LARGE DATA9 46 .. I in last or in earnest. -I' I .. . l* "10, , pair of horse alid�.a drivor. ill fficry, llil Ints led an inter4erate life,. 000 ; Ii )iliti�s, �. 8 000 I-arr. 1-hallen of prueloing one of the beat Plinated farms 1. IS. Garnett; editor. of 'the In- it, Qoiman.j 11620 out. of every 10,- Sheri� Pkket;4 ofAr-l&Ln-3a,., latiellefl i -i, tho 0,litity. Will* sell tile wliolo br halt, on easy On all -Cash Saleff-of DR)t GOO:00-1�1_: Per suddenly 000 of the popul'atio , Ives 6 I list Motlijfty X I ".Dy,� �6 Still Chronicle, died rath n are under school Casaville, tAE GREAT "' RE) E . -V r) IVILWAY, WiLSOX, CommiftAlonor, ru 0kent Brftlau 1 40 411iqiti�n forThollias Dalfla�011 Dlythi Ont, Up to the 15th of ebrIuary JOB 31KOSVIS W111MOOXG1 ILL VXLL.S. on. Thursday,:,. Mr. Gurnettlias been for Ipst ction in 0;'in with it re 10, 1 llipe. it1871' I. 1,i6o in �iel n s a prominent member of tho France, gium, 1,140-; in. indicted for Yr imposition to ig. no aThis d* ' =aayian bein Austria and Hungarari. eaDameron to his biding Advintize. wellklioynnie lot press, g more Particularly in 'For Sal II bilt&sureulloliferonledyfoi connected- -with Rdform journals. He R�ssia, 150.;- 'tri'andell'bis snHendart' Ditmeron blow e. F THIS is NO PUFF -9 BUT A GEN 'SALEi,: cultist slid Obstrricti6ng, from Allyeaugewbilt bqs edited Land published for a number otil the liglits in tile hou opPi5sim TnE XOUTII -a-powerful. romelly'.it con A cron ral reduction in passenger armed * P, lnhIf yoti have "old goo& whica you -Wish to g616. _ay0r,,gnd although Sn 0 r lines J!'ItWay St rs tile ('712-0111610., �.pal�jr rrilquetit rot a -rifle aild'. two. tile Rti(,Il is to bbL And will be FAITHFULLY ADHERED TO up.to the time allyortiseil-1- tain.81i6thitighartful to the con,;[itiltio. of �e, I - rates o I th t unk- nised Wkit4. built, atid,not, over 104 'for fresh stock%' q1RIED LADIES, 'a Con'tem ri Ce,' affi-li, hit.m.entitainlun )Ilk: o roo& lit the'lioo- To riesi -Do- tbnnial season.- Tile pistolq, attempted lh-frau the Ht. Ifanno-Q, rid 16o outfor bargains, know it, hud ng n %A lilt owit t,ornp And well, Ana it nover V, C
suited. R vvill, ili% ollortilmo poled'by i, Ilo�� -fAlling Apring t#e who k and�gpnxllsl dis. a ill) doubtless, find tbol� profit molde, Dalneron was' 11bb well fianecil. Votpartioulars apply to bring outho'nionthlYperiod with 1`09121mritY, ItALM. In silonods of Nervous 3114 Spinal Aftations, positiony,nd 6 Jove a respee 0 I 0 in t ' anL req, increase ., -A. a en- in ta' . . , . . I V .. Pains in the 'Back- and Litilba, ' llilaNiiiisa, peopla 0 Western '.nWi4o, tbrou bout d is Od Of a Swode I narned Petet U_ E I -M E. TO' fall L' athrVy Abe, for i4ale, A gplendiii Milk And 33After Covo, AdVertise.. N IS TH B F atigns Oil Alight bxortiofi, 1-0alpitItion of tho w1iloh. be viws widely nowin." lo Wilmington, N was 611 W. ArAnTEN roan, iVas on t'riAl isIlia eto the 083- 'ng DRESSES, PRINTS, �WINCIES, �FLAN RL%. SA&WL$j nd'all the painlult areg ooe'agoned by The alinual oyster supper Dal., redently for babit�Fffi dilibuibi M a soutli oV - Id 0 dise a teiii e at the. inquesti,that Pete lis will offiet'a crd of tho Fingal k�riculiural Works Ah� family prayer by h.is �teli6thher,— , W ots, -for Sale.* disottlered gy8tola, 01086 Ii . 0 n had been, very cross to. her wid -acenged : L . . BLANKE TS, JACKETS,, OVERCOATSo TWEEDS.) all other means havo WWI,' (ATT-cPhersba 614!ggb� &'CO., Proprietors,- His defence was that the ptayers were If yell% havit votaillved to 0, 116W stro. Lot yot% IU her off infidelity r6bontly, lital that tbat fr dh kuo%v whorel to f1i d Y u.1 Theod Pills havo never boot knowli to f4tl who* havonlao, an establishmont in 01�-. too,parsonal and refleo i - 0`1140% 111,90ttTHM 01110M9101t 9Xtt.TnJLT Old 'Al `&0'41 &64. ,whero the 26apage of' pam ted upon the. am- COAtINGS, MILLINERY,*C IPET9'$' , - 'If, molming she got 0.6t .-Of "bad alirly", to"ok bituatod 14 on Milo Afraet, bollift lit of ion') camo of� at the residence of , i a, Iroutpack nt 44 feet, nuil axtotirlig' to treoeHe was disbhArged. 'cul rot got a -ppmphlet, free, of I 116VOY, 0110 Of theL proprietors oil a Ffi-rt it In tho I -Ant, Alifflel6at foe IWO good b41141 a 'I -Will Ill. F'(11.1 eltbor In btle or two lots, to stilt Pitt. T -T �g 30 P tile temple and fillishod. tho deed by of ,lit 1, navA Id all Xor f till partl -The passage around the wor�d in a 'maii-axo and strudic wtil rep Wedilesday evoning last, The on % 70cm - .1 agent, Seventy days is to be mado.by the Aug- s cipawing 'I Y4[):aX 9 Lt rltaftal��Toii. tluttipg his throat, arterwai-d 4 r"s 'StN1 to the Illy A. S. VISHER11 JOB 1=8 mandtible polf4 of brinjind maslJdrg And -tralian, now ready to sail 'fro mi 'London, SLOO and 14caut0or postage, encloced to body across the rowl to 'Where it wn� toWn.quitabl for lininnoon prittioneg, cilia CLINTON, Jan.' 17th, 1876. �phc,al moa together ontle, a 10 We game Thero are' to be thrao.Un�liah and th' 11rintAold hLyman, Toronto, Out., C I 'e" found. Tho inurdorcss cointnitted ill ii�siiko it bottlo social'board-bas been by this. V will be h9ldby Prilillik
itimiaitin,,% . Ameridati Steamers on Ris ' line, �vbiob to goal. uIA 151,11 r,t tilt),
agents for flJOLD &i it, I At 11"tol, iit nari;x. till Wit dity, Terms. if you tire 4t tho 61d .0tand, and, now WV(A
r of Porre' oturn mail. firm fdr a Ion- I vent is, receives a subsidy of $90,006 a year It, V t)Io 0 2, ii -on (Jay of haltli Of bil ap- (;06 rel
Anoielit Orde sters. contdining ovei 50 bills by r %do Ali front look -ding, �Eyoii& Vvill loiiisko to the Sold it one I from thekAustralian' colonioil And -ity mor I p1likathill �Xv tho 10 W=.B1EgT THOSE I Clinton by 1. If. Combo ati(I Goo ifti is' ZtloipaW rith ile At thr�o -oclock Oil Vvia so if you ADVZRT 8 0 R G"A S 11. wishing to form a branch of, the above chiaiey; Norman 11thof forth� J. Kidil, Carronbrook, Vaikor'& Cdttlo' by.0onnen. The festivo oc'easiott 'wak�, Zo,,Iana, The trip will, bovi&. No 'W Halliday, it at IlAttenburylia Hotel, Clintou,on rtidgy, th4 E Ili �ear James6wn" IN, Y,, wpilt, to ------ robinat. . Catileroff, BAT eulivoned by music, 0060 abd'sp�eahos York, an Francige nd livi Y, tit haif-paq oevoll ko,ohlisk, P.m,, when ruled and 17. oritan, Goderiiel 1; Hang'Kong tulil[r'% . ox� R S' nlations relpir,lilig theta. will be faralshod. Me homei taking. in N6 w Zolaw Watch L 0 :L fleldt by.t1le mail,, which uddoll note. li Ilia insand fatharls, i�ootn to' Ji# Bonthron, Ilodgerville. and all me ienI and Ans- fl Dine dehI&O to the Whorl bftlallOO' Of n old from. the tleman roiweil tit(, Roma Volt VNIN . d TAll OAL I found tolling -1y Tito' T,�o, boysi 'aged. iait, and twelve, years, ram, conla bo twenty who foiind tho scin (1ying fis hXVNV Lutilugglik
a IraThig accepted An aRencytrov the Do SIE WORTIT trV; wrtowr N ootti. (,ars!.tbtitiiittgilLl%perion(!e in the gaivie WADR -CLOSING' A (t"I'io, case 6)i thIs a torribl ' wound iti flie-thi
fffiefdd, -A -Cindintlixti police Station one
Y Yqu ICNONV s, night, and the eldest told, art affecting COMPANY, ate offilting tjTJtJXG. I r tt o T\ ty y, ToN DC irm, i(i.speakx more for the in� father sitting ill) loot. lit thii N1
�ltj YotTDIfy. of tile f story, of parental, abuse, They had, he beside hill)' PEP IV. NOT, IT ISTI. togrity -and, of their doAlings AdVeTtis IaWhole�Volll 0 Pliere (tre bit[ of vith their-sorvantsth I m `c!dk) il; L , 70, t VAL said; been driven from and 'were two -bladed knito. Wishing to frifte4ndo .Zelongfng� toth t t 0 the 1,110j?zag I 'god mfilly au 614 :0t4due"
in their oxallout instruments. or L42 s, 01 r whidt hape WthqtooR, the Judginod of 101)16 jqurhaj, extiaustea with wandering, besides being a fit of temporary inaniky. those organs In this auction, they offer a LATE of nO'n Wednesdayl4st there waaqnito an One of tile - rhost, scantliloua qg i$ 7V1oiwrA. 6h6 �isir rightened mother A& REDUCTION IN PRICE- insr, . 111.0 04 it ibehij aM' �tbe truth came out. ilC�V V/ _*0 lit e (It tit t: hexi 0;1,r 114a I it re! n dii Stintbren Rat - tle po f G I know 0utl 0 0 of C1.10 trillt 0 oulky dboul I -11t will Diiy 1� nuil Thloot
That Is worthy of note to intclIdI119 - rot WITI1 HEWN 0 TR IT t; A.6 Springfiold, und r tit' fol- emV, e y low�ing For over a y Scannell, tile murdarer or Donohoe.—
Parit of tone elegance of design, and dutablllt� 61 7 Ing tnadd up � their toincl to travel as pllto,� falilare wadd wor� SHAnte rt manallip, these Inatkumontw. past,cartftin faxmer8 ill that neighbor- --- ---- Ile was fleat found guilty hud sentancod ltoij� I'Vi -i . , for a term 0i voiks, This lit A good Investment, bring. .Po) Ilona 0J ramps. to. lie 11kriged, Lut'obtairloa it no* trial', ... log Ill itgood, rentilli. qua�terly;snd monthly. - head havb.'beeii bAnlifig WOgd: to thd' Advortilsing h ich, co ii�a thejujy finding JJOL w. 0 in. 11 roa(I on a" olitiaot, at tile rat� �f three clerk etripl6yed by Itha Dornosfle si01 00- Xt)t;r, ST4UPEP -SECOND. 0 too ftild Tratiolt of 17ti no Om.PAnyj, ey V6-1- on quitEed Wlfil'f V" , I 6A -Wa,,� M WAt UAV&�
r 11 )n Ruc I h r or
Store, Store Xoicise'ana-staW# ce, to r 71 I i I I 11 it tizi it, I -11 -h l'i'll rrl I th III 0 I' Old instruments fallen to oxegange, anil fail viinctIl. fro a for hard 01i, ,glw,jwiiea tostir a vAlitox puktil
made an Ifelt g6ft'wood,,atLd, ig the Tuesdayt wag sont to the Metropolis it necessary to motiYA1096 W1401111 I Ad 1"Alilki 8440* lowea. SPoetal Inducements oftead to 'AdJoInfrix the above.' Lar a frattage And, cl Wet bit anypoeaibilif� 41. I hil4tq pay an Z' National bariI4. ia Vnion. Square to draW daigeroba Inilatio in some q the. "it cOmpany, bad f ayl(t __ _ , , - d or foly ( olt since 0. i , a conir , so, tg were ma a, many $9NO'_ Whi% �6' W'" b6big PhiaL by' Thither h6 wag tent, by the judge) M 'up, ana Saannjlll� friends soon Amo forw4A Churches 6nd "Societies 04171intr inta7r, (Jil` 11�74 It'll ?P) - farmers had eonslaerablo sunlig boinibg thO faller a stranget 'gtaTP4 10oal Yard. Store Rome, ditee; Vi e winst harin 4 1, WT6210,W404
Eneotimao Home �anye of tha), MW Ili, to thom, Ali wi�o*d contractors 'were tapping him or er -Said ethqLt- #1 i doetorwwlid Iirotioutwod hiffilpil Thora It 44hfi�wat, a htdw WAY
Is won *t.—. and not a fit sabiao�, for tile P11100 llt� (11%*960diltig "Halt professional sayX of thent.- With it largo, splendid, Ito collArflor Atbridir-natter, a I tp bo on hand. on �VLednogdayp, he had droppotg=6 of hi 110YAT, AIT, no alcOhOlOr nOtifi 't M, W�Aut ffi
will thert in. ' Ana nowbal mist bo d4o IYOLrallId lently, ?oq,.q to ree(�ivo pty, on&ftll Who kno.wl Quickly looking down ata atsodve;ing any , 0, littlb go. a arw W0 14 ig by llyLbing abot ho6 'be tho tbe 13trailgei's information'was in- charged V TESTIMONIAL it farmers need P;rQ Idt)o 0014" la that they L era to, a rilan., eel, uPOV916d, 017,10411116 Sta6mililpt A Z, W W rd�t, fda'ayog wave quickly returned thus baolking jostio and rolibil,91 thit'
-011 fit is lost ta, A a tit Quelled 61ory Saturday tworn, peeparoliolls 1adicious. l30W1ltAMftP,.3)6& 201 left. Situate, It must IIftVJ)6oft a Whb to see the ba the vina0w just, hi tim6to gallowg,,Or its, dlic, $callilell's counol way, antlyou f�-Pilj , , 11.a orninlon OrganCo.1- 0A tile track of the rana Trullk naltwar. � 1. mon 866 anothei stranger aelzo- thb tuoney on hoo oboamatea the law ag 116107AS if To the Drsuagarn D they may .. I . V An catch tho- pubf
penvemen-that, ejne'jl� to set6 for, thig wooll at the glass gill and spring with it towardis thatrials bad boom goilmny V:awas bf TANT, OV $.4'AXt1N0%
excellent qn(tIltleA Mite oritan auppma hj,$ouy at, my 8014 by all Inoill 81Jl. pally lie eyd, I- thoto(ovil leahould bo llklllf%ill� awo
oll6gs, ytho po tt I
ockincept, last SL%tnrd&y evorilpa. The tone ld awkiot and VIO,UA,14, PlAtin, It. Y., tile rate of fifty cents. on, the dollar) 16, street door Befora .110 had, gona playing until they well do- t It 61 I ivy" xot croWda but cl6svo an 0 0 114' ' L
mon 1A , , , . ,
fin(t liU ObJ40t Is to g Ve infonhatlAq
powatfill, aba the colkiliftlation o(Atopil t,VNrAW, Toronta, be tit Pit tht lbalit Id lit pApAlitibli Ana finil n(l XOUTUI $tb god, the official half a doten yards from the winaow title(! ViAory. , 110 will ROO b6t of F R" I I I I ;—.11ob. S N11 Am Auro rourifist I fArt nituafet on TWO IfficA of rtitilway VI.e., MAND ont., sole Agol,frir tl)6 Donliniom Athi(il. dost, t4tho, ,%,I they Are Alngnlfttly eido, kuolo. Moh- u' Loltz Neizdd hial by the oollAr ana cried .1.botty to be 06i2oll Wit], nfloflmr- da,t Lis 14 'Ifod for Tllriltllt AND; 01MAT WHSTPUTT, anif in the oantra Wdb by Vvolvbol 111)6, To log 7.6n ovoky nil N&Tr I hnitl mfpw took tile monoy and ethe flueat aftr1oAltnJ,JXJ in tha I)LOkAju, 1101110., (Ja Vinding 'f the tnaniavIdell collippla 111111+0 Toll i%rovevslbkvt616k
aes0111rit)g that failroftda Wdfc' AL to tho I k6JAMIN, 6611,06111611, lkliq r�gedtfal% POINT,, 4nd tAvIdly IneTnAln OIA06 of 11, Canada COMP Laij& all, chookiift, hityloelf c9inared 010 thief turhod to big those who Iloo oftdoct Min.. A. IN ow 'The, abrolo. propott, ��URT all buipbug nuil railway men t 'BIlrity An't 11 y This,:mIitainly ia, hard On tba. fatmoro daptot, and hilhillng t�e' toll r bills— York joutnal *,)tn4q tha PropitO lit 10*60 Malli 40 A tli,fo tLN,D8 IN jfto* OL,�joL hil' out 661t40411� ,; r 1104knit ill b, Olt. Z nil, t f woutlitig to $58 ti;, Nedd laconi. 11 at the katq tbin�alhro golfig� the 941110 A 6 givon, imag ond. the fil,. .6:1-Ottria 6n Whibillott ht thaltfo6moo totf ktoa V��b* wid w1lo alwayd mftnag t 0 u
I'lkb or it Cold, Minion, th Call4di, jaotnp6ft� litiI.y b6 Ailat at the. ollli& of _q 0 4ro '411 in tIlq a tIThAIT001 Ot k ion 4.vpty ths udtitoljutd. b t all they, Ilavill tattiou
wor inom, it mt. Old d6filt''maks ii, Nil lkboui 040 404 WfAlai iOt thillkIP?i W& m till, outo, Dif, M 14% Unk, $041, till., vlmw per, td
Al 1" t'lf
- W n
c6i ne glil
0 on
I... .. .. .... ...