HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-02-03, Page 2IWINO
T� M 4T,
would be obliged to come, pollfii'901 slid
a0 in lorgpr les. all 011�0, and hat in, 11411d, U94&W tho.10411 of a little
quautit ` *1doh, to
Twell, fit Airrears\ vapttal WWI , bosIx lif% a"aw, at
thau Nye bellby(i our dealers here iNill 0"ottoin of the Adder. 11130,"P%yann.
ISSIVE, T'HE give thoul t1ir good y,31itQ,.4$ ill.t.my otlivi. other capitollit,. "ptloplo have got to, living no
WR MAIL, WIT11 Tki too. higIll. RVerybodX to too extravagant,
n Tito -rogultIr monthly meoting of title
ACCOURTF4 Wit 009B Qr, OTJU Sm place. they'jurrot conio down i That will set School Board was beldiii, thelsollOWU004
The Won of bumbluntioala 6rolling, tLo overythingright vven Without o 000 V.47*' on Monday ovening. 'Present Dr. Reavo,
aQUIDER5 WHO A.RB IN ARUB AU, -AlQ'IeCulson, Mr. It. Coats, Mr. Leslie,
proilloc"Of the favul i4 vo utterly at. Vft- monto. Jukt suppose 8,000,000 411111403 in ZJr. XoGarva, Mr. ScAt,, Mr.. Searle and
WRIOU WE TAIVST TITEY WILL SET. the Utlited States alloul.4 pave! 050 3. year Mr,
44 commoll pengo aild. ill 04 - , �V. Ii n
riaAQ0. v I AV.14 � Do $100,000, Ul a.'
*UQA,�,Q14 . . fo
TLz w;Taovy F uATuRg NOT10114 AS 000 !none yoar?, 136t who is to feel the Air. Coats awl Mr. VeGarva, now 1110M.,
rioncei that we thinIcIt altimst needless.
RE TUB XONBY,� offbot of tills 8400,000,000,of decreased eX- b,ors, and- Dr. Reovo And Mr. Leslie, ro-
to enter upon, tho'disousal'oll ot thG g1lb- ponditore? Willit. not be felt by the local Pleated, having mado the naual deplarAtio'n
Oct. In the first 1)12100, 1�,011ld not, it trades ovoryw Of offictit it was moved by Mill Nalcomson,
is,this )lot merely t
Aiu"utlof one pool;;� sec. by ly
Tri Loolio, that Dr. R
o r4 Qo.vo be
Vera 4 have to be vq)ppiatetl. tq . cowle ot to, put. into an6ther 2 'And -so th aque
0, Clia0vatan; for the year 1876.—Oarried,,
',�tortt of -A U w g1l each flarwee-.5 grain oil poil; flon still iii.—What are we going t
by'Mr- Me
(10 Noye.d by Mr� 1400110, 000
her, otrot, vl�ts vor aovy. 4bout it I GarvA . , that W. H. Hine be SeorotAry, for
as t . a, case nl�gh t bc!" liecoslitating, tll Q
It tire Uedl believes b' to bo"tivVri the current. year.—Oarried.
a storo.houseyflcftlesjl� Wheel meon, sec. b
possession of why.. does it labor for the irlaugor4tion of Moved by. lffr� Naloo a
coats, that Mr. Power he. InSipecto
we, and otb�r al.
barro pparalls rQqllireil lirodnoed these re- current y64r,, at.s. salary of $50
'What *1)1 -clutios to be the Ante as last
all coilil.1 b0'
sultv? 1111 red by Mr.. Searle, sea,
t claosi the difforeut grades Won tri6d And found Wnutill- ; hs that tire Managing Coin itt
Of S' in. to give patifactioll I Who is
ra rent year be Mr, Maid, a
I I proilliced uto tv�e I re isi 111t of selling or
t to spoli -,71 it be wizo for, :tL, a oiUxtv to follow Tho: minute.m.of the last nabouting 9
r d� i � � 9 tho. 401
shipping to 4itrerout 0 Of 1101 It its footstep. I 'No, 17,11sarfonable man year'1875, were read and adopted, ine4iAtte Ana the disil
noromed 'by additi
gers. v,t a IanIinaarowo7%r.at_.dA%ld for a 27180 7 Gr titing that those A lengthy report from the 'Inspector, now our rl r
call say I '..yes," , 1 �. - , or, And the
for tife year 1875, 'was read and apprIved. Ater; of passage are the making managomenb more arduous, :91' aTxuspAy, rJEB. 3, 1876 mUtters. otould-be is it to be needed hiltis a same, as An 'a, er Imb, A, Straiton is qLilremonts lIr_e11qW
olibmittod. his 'report of OttwIr ountry is All, -.The 'Secretary, to
-of ag66 Qveral per hundred polindst. which is lqw
Agent for _ew�_b_ 0 ii6fd.dA the r I says, t a a ew
anth6 Census of 06 % r e years. has bee
esponsihil I ity for 0 Xr. 19, Butler, Grey,, g
QRAXQE RS. -T," to-,
year 1875, whiQh WAS eceived and ipprov n for ears I
.00 id bp done oll The people ori�inatod schools before th
11 qpppr by a: 1�44 servat Cerrito and the better cultivatidii o birth to, ulairlib oil Ja 24th. du6e of all kinds is
7, oad. The usual annual report was alqo read Do. Bzzxonio BD w,, of Torout pletiful d h
0, APO n -legisltilm iritorli000d, The one- in thit,
I An 0 eap;
A, num�er pf bills, containing the than by one who is directly iliteres.teal thilt which is-alregay 41id r 0'
a coupation, And ordered one insertion in the Xnw R RA.. firinwho -have. reoently gone extensively into iecti6li, and itt every 4joinilig one, was in Tlio. Montreal police inada a raid on. One OLtaw4 corted.ril took in tul?
an Moved by o6o. by, Mr. the wards of
osquib, havebeen circulated in an is dependent, upon the business fail 'This nall, onI . 0 clon book publiqllinq builiness,"I'and We q.0 F tid 3 00 bushels Of Oats on Frid4y
operation wholl the 01dof Stiperintendelit "Veral houses of ill4gmtet — yy to
09ts, rld carried, that the following Aer glad to say, are meeting with aucelpoll, t(The oil— rX a . , at 2ac;,
opened Ilis laigtorial Care a)nl. ar�reted forly- eight, females, and we, tomake
at% or among thni,
this vicinity by somoporson urzmowa; Ili IiT Schoolmaster's Guests," published on on Arit
8 thC Lumber of. agricultural, laborers, counts be paid� v1z:—S0arIo,& Davis, $40.- r "'to oatmeal
10, ; Geo., Rentgqn,.04.83 , U. Callander & pAge, is. from one of their recent, p Of 600tiOnS elaotion,�Pf tills. en
PROCLAMATION 1 blioatiQue, The The Bayllam. 4C tre pnd $4 esB
.n Fran- Jaw lucharian,
The Lusilloss of t9 Q suo- wliVaro at.pre4ent so limited i TEACH 4 teesi power -of taxatiorri Were �Ic onIv- rid, At young mi�rt b6nrd.'
411pp 7 85 ;. Gcto, CISCO, cheese fA�todtest Stafror4vill jont I
00" 69.03 ; Win. Mollamp, $10, TqR.0xTAiuo ED, -:�This really oxes COOK e, ing At the BeIn Jotel B01nagnt,
Know'all men by��llqse presents, that CleSSfUr reclitir a a -high ileave-a Of l6itj.116 that, obtain 4 -be Valters,,87,75 Cooper & MoKenzie, $1.,, '1 ties for ef6iont h1 0 were burn4b.pincendi4ries,
2 ent publication.comes to hand draw fill 111 1 on the,25th S xturday, hk&hii
we, the IiberaIXiiteifiitk'6f Gilahgem, - burst. the idea that the trn6nt ii a 15ene it a
ing with -our aelfishudas And SOD, 60.
ii ra51. 131 loction, Expenses $17 ;'E. Holmes information, giving 6vidence of tile r ex. el IF, - .- � � I . pended on it by the publishers, in mak it a the schools. I oilly Acnoiv. it for the b. of $200*. extra
slid notify` all Storekoep- ip� and a, rifl� for the �euefh of the mar�ufaoturo I periodical, It i dev ed -in. Col. funda.to mriintairt i car
roll tit, ta straotion of sell' arZing on U4
WIthOUt a 1013'- app I b duWay ,t of Xo y
0 Moved by Mv; ealie; see. y mt. A50118 0 ts On K I !_A_V=1i . - r
elrs,.Mechanies, Laboxers, And s0h 9 =,aMr"e Cid .. n who p)rppa;ihg 10 pay
-wrmi6n. -Rualda Was r6ffirnAin"6ite case orVin 1 raser
ctha"Im r a note
for tbo current who do not recoivo it, ould s2sorlbo f�r it who mnintairx.t4o 611001b&allil l4aldbg
ti char 'Ile has no idea.who.-tillp,
Manufacture, d �.INY:Iab-orqrs, fyota the goil 'and. tho'roby Moved in R0SS(%,.Mc0 , Du i'll. ged with beim� ad after 'the' rob IS.,.
milef, also ba able to" co III Mail cc 10 am ers,, Strioll. t1leir Inariagernent, Ilford 0111t an
gyroos ai;id take upo pursel dyl I . . . . .. . Pirdiiout by Mr. Qaatg,, sec. fact"t i ",a ` urder." of Jang _,0ililiodr, The trial Of Mich'041 . 31096rinal
n . vas overybo a icy. ponsivo by its biterforonco.
own -individual And aggrS-, lt"rs-,ff-o "e'i7frlijortbat our 1)rOdubtiO11-" b Mr.,XaGarva,thatt.he Secretary s salary DO Etastired,
Trip JoTamm, 4ndife il, thoro fire mally liki) lljyself -who will not . ltis uirdevatood.t at -after. the Phila-� the mu'rdir''of'' Mr.. Xel4oir, of
profit, We, further, purposo. to guide Mko-vorlditioll of,t1l.0-Ullitod ��tatos.at b:o $20 lJ6r annum'. �f tho'high.
icbruary, is ivorthy OQn orltA it lentralising, iuflu- delphia Exhibit nn ft.' I, a* tho 0ana- HamilCon, begun. on
could or the Aniendmei VIA. - I lustrated forF S 0 at blider file c
a, cod- itilo pr000n� inoment, as tliown A.Cdats, MeGar and-,6t�er
the families of ali,citims of callad 'i 'by th oat tiornmendatign from moral and intelleffital once that IlA6 booll-at work these -ten. dian specimens of minerals." was c6nalu!ded vu T ill&ht "the
tro I file Mufilciphli Local And 1) linion reAche(l �f4o haxids ':oil libe,* 61isulll the Motion, Mal6apison, Lslie points of view.. -Ita matter-seigntific, bio, -years. ' Logj�lativo t6rapfs
04 lo, . o . stifficient to Sao nd Searle. . Mad oil Carried-. 119 the products, not of povisbgAlle.�,liature, jury bringing i" verdict
4ovo c%Lvtxct ought tt a' stamp 801100131 at m4ki of glduy
-Governments', by Divine Right from th' I suppopin-prich 'I. person 00111 d be Ob, P., - 0 illio, and riliscollanoons-m-bears tire 9.
Moved by 31 tyrauous�; embarassiAg will be rem-oved to\ Ott� a,'4=d:--fofm the
r Searle, see. by. Mi. 'Mo.. nougl Adg'e' kantencing the a 0 u a selection, adapting it to tl o And 1, A., . w - risoner to bek
-tadbfg, Yl Garv, that -the standing coinutittee Shall prll.i.010itnit,'of na ous. constituency, abortive a ;pnr n
Goddess RAm6rican, Liberty. EXtOrllll-�- agnvinoo every One of the foll*# el, De- 'ha ned oa Maroll the Grancors to, trailmob, their 00 a niftseunt.inj . -keldtibri, With 'tIl
nate All Middle..tpagl 0 Oil orill who w.ould, if no% methad of
the la .1,11adiless Ofthosopers, 6 ead, tho.' ries e P a`r_ -L'-m- ent,_XAgricul Cure ------
�s�tim..Of_tgcnui. teJaes--are-p4rtivuIat ry System to suit brusirl it2w --- - body ever
I I'm, -catab Ter�s`df expenditure fail re. or- i vv� . "t I I. tile im
I I Ira
and regulate neta Or I which T don't know . that , An
10 1�effornl tho-1=1 any le. rice 30 cents for
fey coula', lislian orro� O'r tbil7gs, pairs ab.Qtw wo, -family iq the land wanted, alid. NAlioll thpio goaToolyr over t. It is s a th t, rmaciclinzia w-0 at 4
uties, 'chea. or for them than he cotild can any t sittim,li of the whi should be lo gvery
business. .. 11 1 n . I OIL,
0 york.., -a Theie'. is ltely attacked by three detichments of,
010 could do no rr -th6 yea ends - anybody to vat f
ied. 0
it will be"ober 'of for himsbIf- 7 110 0Ui0e.-t7ltt1l.:Ol1d !It Board. OR 1,1 $8 S. It. WellgA 0 w 0
Sol� 6.reildo ballet- the
TI ta'Boaid,thleri adiburned, t1liligInA ool Act. r laai g jw�peavo o _R
yed-that the ol�)jec able 'f h r
oducin the siiin I I emp oymen
6 evil, remlltF, t 0 Wife
inxi a-ga in case a Mee ill -Ment, So pruy, do ilot impose it
the wiiier of the above i t cast odilim The'lliot-0 the tcl�ie'sbioii iDepartments. Mr.., Mowat has been
is 0 peci
Ionic, it iv.ould, ba. found to Supper. Ennon.-!-Itj our notice of the Sale of Mr. The prineiples 6 t Toryi I arn are . the .. can basilegod, Again And agaill by brigades of DIED , .
Upon-t9e l6rarl�e'r
S, by a witty. Attempt tho'niore diW rna.rt mimed t6olii,
U.-Oartet's farin�'Iaitweek, it Appeltrea traliiatioziof a�d the Ad. temperance ladies eeelli to
be, to dafr out 60 ideas of
to ridicule �'tlieir endeavors to obtain- y ffi the employ of Mr. And-rew GrtV&nlnok V'Iocatos� U. OLTErt.�-QpAho 26th J�ll'.,.tllo a
-Vo 49. " - vo -a e ll foil R form Fmrniero. of Mr. J.'Colter, Eagtv�raw nosh
tacooidmico with the A�iial custom, J. 30 acres. 'It"Ahould ha been' 110erty contand for its X6wthat ba aughter
cheaper goods, far aj U Iliul'ti,11:8011 ncy.tl Winthrop, on the -31st ult., got 'his right a aged.
gf6otb -W.ardent Rt)=1331; t be-liela. arm bxoken balf.4ay bet�i4nAbo elbow the Rof6riners are in they are ad; ACold mdri. naiiied 94m. Galathroper .3 years and 0 me tl
it a, in tile
.i1xice is -oo IN) oi� of Mossrs. Ross -Leo, by the ladies, -and shbu -the falling of , vancing a 1).Olioy. to Nylfich,thby owo ilicir hostl
_them: for pKpilosilIg to im rove' 11)61. entartl1ill6d file members of the county Ider- joints, by:. er, at the York Hotel,- Attempted io _1kxvtnsoN-g--'On th 6 25th� LT611., the you ng-�
su p romc y Are n . a ongror
6f the A-lethodist Cliuroh,-,to-dgy, (Thuro-.- deRd liffi�b. � big. �Cainpbdll & Brg.easi, a 'trostee
aTly OLhof way-Ilidn is done a ml ux. Of- liang -himself oil Tbur�d Wh test daughter'of Mr. -Jl 'Ailderzoa; rqb%�,
ill now is
6ndition-aftei this fashiou, 1 iced gupgisi a gap- ay. en
c ay.) the fractured arm, �Iiich is abetibna-, Lite inuilicipii-
absolutela thol
Seaforth, set . e
utter y-Jn-Q-msqib o, as the ifforellco be-. per i it the British Ekaballgohot@" Oil F Los rd to bb r'obb f nd he wag'4444 tO A beam in the Wlawanosh, ag d 18 months.".,..
Although ive have not, showlt QUARTERLY SEnvicts.-The regular ng, !Avorably'. ea of their o6ntrol oil Ii. Oil.
progressi stable would::. no doubt hav6 been call �c 11 1 n
t W. lips it d. ti'lil C�Ilait 'kUL. -Beig
ion in hich day and 0, -At on the 20th',of
John Carl,aged.,86 years
a or favor. t6 this new: as' _.tuartcrly services in: connectiom-with,11re Alienation a4A , 0
I . 4 11 of
osociation, or
thislown,will be held ILOIVK)E�XIOUO.' Will e Tory siie.6Plili. dGad in a few ii�in'�tos. if be bhd
an e''
No. du�e as- le morning.
manifested aiiy faith ill:i� as oiurt osi broiighi,to rr�iarkob is� FIS aro-4e.appareirtly irell' 6n 6'
dn, Sunday the 13th inA, Rar., W, 11.� een dipcover6d',-
CHANS]; FAe -A meeting a d
0 a0 lio Ill.. of that da , only. o6molaiiii�g�of a slight
plapially adikii.ted to rem ve the d a eai bo tl -n,.t" P�olot.�of Toronto, will.'oocu y the pulpit the icyne texqe.ot remorse, he having squan-
Jing, �*rid 'eveni ng, 'patrons of the patronardf the-Unde4boro U eadi but at t
-lie & cot's circulr inrbrms COUSTY CO NZOIL. PAZ 14. lis�h On. a. in, Y lie wag;
drawba.-Irs.. wbi6h..agii" any 6t Aisposing of t morn ; .; .1 1 dared a large fortullo. thuough drink. ei
S"as..a. a -6heese- fA-Uory will held . ndk'� Mori- culturist $?` I d
tbo'busin, s public In III ercial c be ill, 26, IS
class, ireli`eVe thepiv�el�cs'su�jebt to' -,'.1t :day, Feb. 7th, at two dolook, pim., 4 t tho" 76.' bola daring robbery was -com
ch of thia t6itr�t 0 �
failiires' bi (1unada, and, Newfoundland in 'the B. C.'Chur with 0 mitted ;,at Waljacewwn on Thu
a av aT6alperande hall,, to consider some iuipoit;,� Th6"'airleirdment f A r. impson was, car.
.Cannot be said Chat-* b e a if_ollf. iig r1cul tu ral':fiien cis Nvill talco, a. rot, -f unabated rnestnoss_ Those being held b�, i
d one a75 to J,9G8 ili"Iltillibbl, - that the Me soant m ried on a diyi 'n�jorit� eveningy abibat balf7ptiab,6ve -the ANNWAL,- REPORT
th.odist Churplij Blyth, atters iii oonveetiol�wit)k 1110, facto
ct� Awl b es tXWRt0.__. a $28,,
id against their right to colhbino for r-atiollftl Vic* 9f Ulf) 8111)JO, hili�i g we] d -6 Alovoll fartIrdt, iii ariieiidi)ioi�t by Hr. Ila
a Aria mike airangeinerit-i6ith6 comin
. yr
meeting. with much Success. They will be o appoilItlneat -of e sh: y
t 'C us Is Cotmt� Assessors.be left over until thozepprb hita. big iiiare and-. htig& stole'a -offAhe.-
ouglit -AfT-or- commenoe in a a at hurc I in. it 661'6f. 1�
h M th d
th' A
irrt�lit:tndillg fi ext. from the registry.offlee bo'brought before
oheirgea, them vith� be gel�sb vinco(I trures f0t, t Wn, Monday eveningo �l 01 Board for t. e year 1875-
hig inore i tt thex a-ro not, ' 0 on the, atreeti. H6 loft,tl
ie'm6ro and riw tied
Clio ,States are 7,40 - With Fu,-TEnAri'Si-noN.�-.0n SuildaTleV911ing C�nrrail, of the sales in the County S11103 Jime to a r . I I : 1. 4
0-11)ilil'ovo SatOqay last a man oat, - And he h.R left U about hitt'Bilard. Of P111,40 Sekol Trustees, fo' j,
illiker0ol;greatey-mortepol. itstban other �,t,)01;000,000 f liabilities. Stkikind a. last Rev. Mr, Br6ck, of �reached last, -Carrt6d. d only
0 0.1 nniod 16drehead iiras � driviri'd-� 'Spin �:Of: xt'l - to look. for -the Public School, beg to suli people, as this fly Cho tion".4t least,' by uniting ill the, proportion botwobit.111011); We ill ille"Methodist. Churdh.heie, the flaner&l TlIe 'Clien Acijo�rne(T, 7.. tell minutes w en lie we mit t.Q the e-
.49es. flild, hai I,Orsbs thriigh,town, whon. a'studderit jolt, - 0 payers- Of -the Towne of " Clintont tfieir Ali
ser�lon of the laite Hannah Sbiiiv :'wife of At three. o'clock, the :U1 uncil resumed. it, but,was g6ne. She was- a Chetnut' aunt
L Report-forithe' O,f, tholl, pl-O, it. had,so, many-porson. in,, aisi.; cued the bbardlid was fiding O. to breaki. S. 11111-eit; whil. die'd at To-� Wdialerl bi t4d 6 com unioation. 'Wag mkr.e And the A� ' -06 Ir
arge Of 601flohn; �ood` purchase, of goovs- biid
ess, hold --,p
ft. p1 on' uigY--- Thc - foll6wina. table -sit iiosq as-thero wel�o ill tho titates, kail. the, :and b6 fell benehth the'whociWof tile rag. ronto', about 6 T6 gormoni qcolved from County Clark of Alijale'sex,: : dws The And. 'Trunk Railway om�hny umber: pro, --
against every one, iffarmeirb drd'i6lYd goni i)asaed over his lioad;-sevarely olighilierof tho toWil'of Ortuboi), Bartlett. pupils In each';W�Iqiorr, And. the n
1.411,110''Awcoilbge � of insolven4cs. -bAd vor� affocting irad.'Wai listened to wlth-� ..the lao
becaus�':� tbey naod- t t " ' - I ... was ted d.
—611A g C0 er ill �zij four df, OM" 810, tting it. - Re ig, however, ii ringh".48t Year
takeri lilhe'o as did tberti,, wolild C(l ri,la, fair WAY: Co. in roference to the construction of iron comtomplate, it.is said, deep, atten * tion. '., DiYeeased was a bridges, Nyas red. dild referred to r6id nd Vi6to an.'ateration of No.onl�egiste�, pr" ote
ria, Bridge, Uon 0 that , A. m
-:---Mr. G. Fulto . li,.of brh1g6 coinm IttoQ. '60
desire. to buy iti file elliapest market -FA.ver one. will conbodo tbo riht f the voil .600 of L meqI�.Taithwait6, Township Clorl troal,- 9 117001) CONTRAUL'xv. - and was highly esteeilied. by all Who 'knew
0 -ttion.4 rla;, 1 double tvack.can, be laid acros -This 40
-sell in the dearest. It I weko6t farnidrs.to.cuter'into any- a mbin-, lia�il ities.,' This play. s C Tondr,.fQrthQ:_J4gmopdvilld brldg� -,irord thas also been R'llpoillted Agent her. Qur loss iiI her gain., alterAidn is-rottez t1raley �91
Clow submitted -to the �ouucil and reforrod to R,
s a. po�_ of this liaturo mosb -ad when tlmprb- for'Mr. G , . L. Gorton, iu� pumhasing viood. -,GRAwoufL ExoiTr4%sNY,-A intedthig was and B, CocI4
for this spirit what'co nrliq01jj thy picagb the States. ed more . an(I niore.� portion iszo idored, but as -a a nqa6ssary froril tli� -ansei and daily. 37
n .2 il . )oil- examliirl�ion, between Centralia and- Bel th '. llelct irAas' -oil -31otiday, - 'Miss MeKbuna.
amz_Hote1_lidz-e,- 1pt.� raised us 'every o�j� N7111 A_ob'11(1
o., earn t ata on
00 V 11 the 'Mr. Sheppard.'... 68
plot would we be W, I r INI i It -OTI-P (TAY. 11116 1�ereasing-traffia- which passes. over. 55 87
evening, foi.tho purpose Qf organizing a betweept the Countk.of -Huron, Ljv�ton, 4904 .
c6iiclusion that 9uph coiiibini�' ri T to piers and'iiia'sonry are' Mr.
e are, an bso in 'the l4tt0 ebuntry' were 'relatively 4;500- cords 'have already been contracted dililitive �n tho Crown tnds Pepartinant, 9a.
for, and Mr. Gortan. is'.vill1ug fo purchase r C10t which scorns to have, filled 91 ha,
sullolantly,-*ide.arld strong to bear two.'� b ord6ted to tb6,
it. we are stimulated tdinae inoireaped sions will only end. in. loss', and ultilierously. irt 1,87_9�3 arid ma of cur farmers . with a 1dild. Of C;as ro refeilterl 0 Ir and B�, Com .sell pr Iligh School, and -2
have left school. Thetotal
'W rom t4e Liepartment; of Irrimi- number. ofpupil
tracks, and ihu� a coriti"o
efforts in discovl6rioll,, inventions,� pointment. in, the'forlmor.. , Jlat-,tbose years many morp.. that onod'751plodes, will. b it us suec on the School Registeis was 610, a 7Kdm
-td, some business. Aidn. in. those parts. '� .16 Or tio., hs�e�(l.tuilroferr�dto'tLo,llnan�j of trrainj ban be' kelit mo ",ait 295 wera�boys; provenrld-n—ts,-the opening up- of Cheap- -to,tho States, the ph t has been to Hbuir Burtimv.At about 2 o'clock. bn' is rcalj ar . S;6me *'6r iblese C m tee. ing, eSA.w 5'Were girls.
Aa In.'dther'-ftids :the bottom-Thursday'iiabrning last, Lh6ho SaIrplibing to he whon�nocessary.
use Of Xri' y expect to A letter from the County Treasurer, accom- The following is a statement of the Receipt
er means of transpQv Ation, acilitatilig year John I'lowes, situate about a mile d' 'llithel with idbe James 'Wright, 0 foitile
f RA1810j, Bloalf Andpast year
ow -do
THE SITUTIONU TIl I sconig io hft�e talk about the low pric6s the
be6ii touZed last g6l'theiii g6ods at. S�md - really fina- dwas Ais'coi�red to b n,fire
traiisfei�, afid by au(! this, 1 'Bayfield read,, U'laccounts for 1875 Were road and referred t6. has,recohily lost valuable horises)� REC]UPTS.
every other raicallp iril, year rare, so thafit
y niatter-of-fact: rdm�tvh tillo, Coin.; 'Tin 1*— 1875, Balifico OIL hand
Th6followin �s d m4de'gu& h6d�ay that it could gino that - they &h get their itgrictil al.
creasing the qua . � P . . . . oasonablo now to. expect all iniiiiove- and lin Implements 4 1 t half the present pric T11 hy ri'digeaso. WAilali'vletor�nari, ibigeons
ritity 16 bo. -received for' on,the oplirmercial. 6tto' of 1116� uni-611 notbo saved. . Moab of the. furniture a mpor 10 00 ad mg. com I too wim on Ad 40 Mat a for 1875 2100 OD
do irob Appear to be'able lo.'
rhiont.. Thove is not the -slightest doubt t1ferej4'some talk about building a Grango. LL, account 10aall a
romoved'howey G St. and Saw Mill'.. The Aore is fti 1) . atba for 18% 7.00-oo
a given amouni of labor., i Xeith r., The. fire is. supposed to read. u Acelt esti
-thaitho black: list has been .4*0110 ri Uoved by Ur. GarTOW, 600. by Mr. B for or explain; � The symptoms, are ali` 6 tHa e ..... 4 -seek to obtain tlm: greatest 'built oil Mr..-Woodm6lit's corner, prepari- tbat the rapiarb - to ai6nidod by7add1jig: tho, sion and onlargentept of i1fe" ton-
beral to 06h ref e ...
0, clip from the columns of the 0 sC of number of - trdsby, pipO1 180
4 by have, originated through �a defective stove oren
p9asib w ......
tionp are -going on,no __ of Mr. D.D, Wilson to the Oqualization gue oriono side 6fthe mouth, and Legislatl o, rant 9
le return'for a crtA it, Amount. of tt4cb-y and. firm"$,' which A ha then. ......
nird,wbicl say� 14"Wo: must o they, M. :01 -I'lle I 1prl6ss Company Va. lt=P '00
0 lY, crop0b was again
-When,, the ani-.
outlay, nor is it Monopolizing to hould jiovdr have scon. light. By their placed moasentors on the liner of the L. 11. 'SEAF91tW11 subalitted, afid as dopted. a dalre to lie' d0wn.'
Par- the otitiro business o6be collit- hild -now carry parcels -to Ali, Tjwr�port.of tbo County Eitedneer ws, trials once UP ir�possibLe to. Pill "am to 11S.1ripch nearer th
I hna r0pirod to the Il,. uil B, 'doni
ago wholesale 'or from,first 'haiids for lich is I)otll. aa i
Ud be rendred more fi6althy nd parts, -north and soutb:� * ri brmerly-lpack,: Town's 'L=Uitt, -This dehilre rr is get up Again, and*80 ftir no, reme-
the purpose of geitibg t age4hadtogollystage, Thii enterprise of was 'pretti Well attended and inil- by Mr. U1116tt, -disease; Teachers' 75
.&r h'almost by Ole New ,o 'Wllolos�l*o 1110foalitilo moll ow.e,it that board the Statement of �Nfi. Irat dy. bakf �cen discovered for the,
Other Soo 00
goods f6r ohe sum expanded, Noi, is there tba-genoral c6mmuni� the Coilipany in running Express. so early, Votth hearing -'be quitq'new and un -
I io th I a yetrafa t6 Orahnni'l bridge, iho Ell which� appears, to
XRW Fini wallim-'This engine or- pa ars; ill'd ubtless be Appreciated by the public.. R n tol.vaterinary.doefors 110PAirs to buildings, seats, &a., - SO- 30
P 0 gill ins -6 have tl
any irdus& dne to any' this 1111h6althy . car Ike trnated t iosamorplalilba,; know
to Weed Glib griCwth". -d w., ated oil Rent -of Junior School house, 100 00%
ady li� this Tiley donimbireed on Friday last, aird - al- -rived oil Thursday Irkst, -an is to
to tire Sol of Colchester, and . Wood,. 218 00.
et for the mofi6y di=iixgo� others., from. 'Sipxi�ng- rea6l"havP Ono �onsidorablobiliiiiesrlovdr Friday in iho pr&onoo-oi a largo crotva, of th-6y have goo -I el�ide�a'ce- his.sov. RoberbHowie, this'w%e'ek deI6 Interest on mortgage, .......
cours 6i Argo firin o Iran want, �thei firm, of the line. Spectators. It gave good satisfaction. B. .28 00
own, and they have a perf0kriglit to do The Comi. �djourrlcil, 01lectiorl'oXpenses 16 W
bfibe Xail Ali t. it Pivalf aro-in existence, they should' Lr OUT OF WoU.-A good- many peron4 vevedthrbo load$ of pork to Mr.' Gail- I
what they please fibOW,h Company, Vvy, ss OAT,�Wo were shown a Schoola�jtarattrg,.. 111. 1
Ono -Petitf(ing. in", (431 d9ried, by ratepayers 6f, thier of Sand wiell, %which weighed, 2,87.8,. Stationery &
ow m4ttqrs are going with -lay a ficavy li'and'upon - them, and thus Are out of employment At pfesillitt, 14 08
y or two ago a specilion of 'the hulless . , a., ... I., so 81
The subject Of the esttiblishment Of in the West. 1hwia pvotc6t dio fairAealiM, and' lcrrltiP�RtO orson informed ull'that theto.watl*dbout
It �0 Oat I �ly. introdliced into this Permit- ' - Goderlahand. Townships were read, 8,1,18 And 1,200 pounds iiajilee Printing, advertisi�k, 4o., .30 41
throo-failurbs in'tho iroll trado, J'I 0614,- att: . 7 . 40.0, bt,this, wo. tbitilro iq -6bnilt, 111 Shade trees anti jIantit;g,...,
is They woro from Mr. T. MoVarlinet of East abbire thoiraArlc� Asking tbat tile 1�cqllniller bridge be I raisedby themselves, besides ively 211) 0114 -
Granges. by farmers, ffdt olle of prin- in, -ithin. Wmvanosli, who sowod one bushel oil An
0 . �v 'tbo ��ut throo 144015TRATPSi . COUIVr A man named A commuideatIm froin, 1-Niv; Chilton, thoy luive, over'2t000 pounds, A:t � home., GO W.
ciple, bfit a question of wisdom. No ovar $2,600,000 of libili row, from Irishtown,� wao arrested Ono 010 of 01aton llij
leg, 414 yu, al Ontario. acro, and -1111d � return of Sixby-five. They'
day last weak for being drunk and expos- -was _m6st n6itlng'lias- beell gaitl abullb theiti in nd if 1Q.000 pounds raied on 'one
one can deny them the light to a appearAo be a good kind of grain, a fa m, in '
P so, ing his person on the Street. Tho police. otiou NV, %N', .11 011050a�on- Byeantr'et-with
. : :the newspaperstand, the Cincinnati, fitilurta The foll�NVinte tl)Io 6fligures (plaoig they posse8itill the qualitieb they are credit- a I and that without I man who took him in charge, found it ne. poilltod Iligh r.'Gabtbier some time ago, they aro , Sovdral obn
IWA cl' 11 -id cdmot�allceniont, of ad Ivith, they Will bo quite an Acquisition celialari to handle him -pretty i6ughl�'oli 11014, bl, , WAq n%aJ641, to :61i the to� re�ceve<p.� r All they : de... teachers during the past ),ear, �pt the Board
q1Rg9jp&,*rj_ it largo as, thaj worb* did not 0 909,�el!4-36de in the.Staff of
the crime of tre h'" the Arlsodite(l Prass desp%tclics� This ffl�" id-tho farming Community,
spassing upon ot er poo, -b 1 0 D 'a
a, account �f the resistance Ito nir,d6, md it believe thatthe School has msdo very gatid-
UIO'Ontavlo k c1lool, syfftoml--�1&51, 18,61 shows thAt ovary t1wro is a dispoqitoll llvOrA6 him, Xu�lg ---VIe'srights;.bub.no rong is done it 'to. covei. ilp And dihgtliAo the rtifil cOnditio)l Y a! is reported tba6 throof his. riba are broko fatoryprogros, as will appear from the.abova
0 0 1874 in. compari. el
ing so' of rl rig U, lion) will be in
their wisdorri is questionet. )Pbrtldtlo those iyho all- while hblveral men IFeti idwraing to, Air Crow was fined by the Bu�qF inon, that tire oil tho 12th,con. Groy, John 'Slid ddlebovotigb, . 4, w' f tO�aO statern6it of the numbtr of pupils on the Roll
I for do* War ��(Mct loiding" to Craubrbolr, frc)1a tlia 8eafati; gra., injinbitant of.Owen, S3tind, Wilo owns ana the number �romoted.
costs amounting
mot oll af; ;of the homes on a lorry, ou tho. 34.011. & U. R. to $9, d, be the county, the Town..,
and CO -Pub as alt -ARI ICU imp'ortarico SE; I
The Gralagors believe they will be gainer fail's its halL noar.Londosboro.j. a crowbar had grada.., Vol roa The Board regret that
I ins bet -ii the polivy country Am11sl)lP;QA -A' very Amusing c.,46 h`OY 1111`6011 TAU large ulount- to. conSiderabI6 property, went crag thd parents of child-
)68sibio, This I iui4 desire that theseltaold 8 -Divi thill Of G oil. ren attefidizig thb ke greator
11 . . --a --- m was MeA at thli Won Court, Pit Saittr- tire erection, and rurtilikenairce of.gtavel rbads the belief that the end of the world,W.ag
by combining in their purchages of for ove tw 'your. Ilut for trin list ei Ally worke(T down 11iF one oil caught in , _qhoo"o not is
s, ana oBpooialfy The progrtiss of interest in its Al- , t t ortSfrequait.
anageme , y in
goods and selling of produce, and if chat toQu. moil for tho tics, and do the lorry was going At a day last, before Judge Toms, A oortafir, and bridgoi and being butitled if) some equi. t4appea on the' first 'of April next. ly Visiting their presence, encour-
it is, it Is- - 41) 1 . I - i had a vision telling - him to Warri aging both teachers ana puplis,,*
I" Ontario bas been r id And never more� good speed; it instantly thro ai a consideration for tho large amount H
three I Apparent Lila&, -wno of Clio Padd sued Dr. Coleman for. frig wages.
is the case, and they.-onjoy as nru�h Ad- al AS -,at; of things in 86 than now uroli forward,tbo lorry pas'Virrg..ovor him.. The Dr; presented An offset, which con�, conbributod. I;y, the townAiip to tho general
atw lit
for Paddy riding all fund of ilia oobrity,' Reforidd to Itod and Qbole,-and.. e. 'd the'
commodation and its Manybonvenieliceg large has bo6ii grp�vingr wo6ovj 1812. 2951. 1861.. ism, T_Tpm� the lorry was considerable weight, slated in a charge of $3 IIOP . s1�e� V he rollse uCI of was therefore droa& 'old.niaro to.church one Sund�y, ohargo for Bridge coinnutt6.1 t6ii1iVi going throuili.the Streets shout -
now, occur ftcot�i-Ttirr, arid ;�-vory'day Qf a L th6 unfortunate than ., Clinifori, Fob, lot, 1876'
4$6,055* ----------
Ss, they do by puroliasi. iii maghitude that if owl Auch had-odourVed bo, fully mangled, so much go that his life' ig' boarding Paddy 'auring'two� days he Was � Mossm. T)ixie ing. 110 Also. vigiied many Luses', tell -
then we. say it is,*' rl years ago it wouhl hqvo,booll theraill- twc(:n 6 lk, 10 Rospairedof. 1lo firaroonglifall, and had gicki the pkidO of & hik fork which Paddy on, motion, appolnt�,A ou tire board of
and ing that.he was the Shoplierd of Xsrael 111801Vent ct of 1876.
�t illr, VFton, and putthig his al.k. on the houses of
��ttrq of ago.. Idlito 20,G01 884,080 611,003 Audit
rest to combine, j66t of Ilowspaper talk for wook, The Only been marriad about two montlisp accidedtally broIrp, a pair of old, -olives And oil
on mot, q.j was ve-app POP, who woro t( lit tbe 1lnaJfe*-or:jpirTjCp. CAVAN
pr5licy of ignoring this conditioti of thingi, �11 16 was a pair of cist-aft pants which tire Dr. made J. Ill Finla, 1A ointed th be oav�d. Xle was, Vitntono nit insolvisilt. 111to it- -pr6galt of, an old doat-out of the
But we think it. Will require littl� And. of jVuiondhig Qia6 14 Is
'95 64 ad log tollin' yt�lr Miater, I have lived in Canadh talceft beforq the lovely," arld that we have I "tollolu'-d Apadou I;a autl
frighion and ou h �4t, the elbows, 1161m. �rang, of Gala,. by.fil. ITHn-016misr mb, ZOIIX Z PARX., 01
examination to uttorly� takpIddle the idea 41 176 ..Mo Wol) nigh 6lito'lialt-a-dentury, and'in ll' stead conductad the case for'Paddy, with, rich, ittid Turnbull, of QUM^ word o-ap. In, to aol on a charge- of lunacy,- 9 Hamilton, has been appointed Asgigteo in this
id 1!on, the upward �apd - tllht timla I have pagied through some va. tter Otoffitord are t0quested. to We tbar-clalroo,
pro. inlilar k1wilrello Olat4d as board of County agamillera A very lamentable L rid
Omb the system okG�4fig�s �;Vjll to all s; with V�Uhersttahvd, at oneat that o9inposition notes
atift twitted tho Ol)t dair oeourre t Seoul to to 114,11ol 901009 0 2� .4 riod. scopesi you may be sure ; but'bless oloth may be prepared,
filixed oo�, A regardo Cho TRAI I, abI4 a 21 ivi i tho old., -As titrd� "lanallo rg- 106don, oil Wedlies
dilative, Cr an Un In the n 8'shoula ., ..... 1117 91010 416h m6 if I (lid wiior sea Indian stimmor so early niug" A. PAUX,: assignee.,
pro-spact-o bpring trade there irl, n, prd y. T o t it I rdaea,. in i to em'. Tilloxiso caused tn'lloh, Vill;A1113 the Clerk ba histritato(l to pkilattro blailding occupied by, all. let, 1878,
first, place there are'no two Croons it it has cothe this one. The
Unnal 'eRr a" ri ent in the orow4od. courtl, judg.. twerity-four copies of the ANsessoral Gui
p gonotal feeling ' of confillinica thab it will bc of 143 this. Why,
that have the same igsi od", but wo canilat ilvacq this fcolill, 6. 0,20 wilitut Was naarli like !A: as a dwelling, shop 04.baker�t, was,
y 11.411hlentFl. - as rliserved Ulf a futurO,day, - io rdiiith, send a copy t %f'WN —efor
ego -likes And -90 of PUP1161 It rain -ed nearly All winter, and tho,,nrutl, of � - .. I , iari� *antod,.
dislik�s, andAheroforo.W.bat w I tiny other lq�nsdi than "Choof -ilia mo Of ilia destrood by firoll and a young IntLa 11 .
Ou �.l is .%q Rr, 'T,
dId sult' bition And the, gom! �iapw ill thrj qaInvic, P thdactinia sawful. 0 0 lt,. Iford, proved, sea. by''Itr. I E'lliott, thhF named Frank Myles, aged oigbiteon T FatmetJ wishes to rent', ti a term 41 ydRrs, tk Ism
4 ula It 11 s 0 14 D FV. 0 v.
Teaelterg,. $fCO,000 $001,[109 $1,041,100 '9 WAS a snaoxerro . It was. so cold thatylaor -tile Sam of r�i,000 be raised by tire county for years, Who was iii, bed Asleep# was. so 6f Ir
Ohb wou not atilt 0 other, eon, 80 to 160 Aerds, aleared, to be Omit soll, slid I,!
i ; Thoso iiiings iwoliliso a gootl in
if would lmost freeze a parsou!a U.It fo be digUactly a that we -iniptoving the. bounrlary lines of tho,
'hoicidanelvdffr6sponiiiblofoithoopiniontb "i horribly burned before he obuld,bo rea.
that wl 7
nbxt place a great difficulty would. V� adeln1lift And tobo dontt� obreth, rind thoy wouldgoaboat tire, streets municipalitleg, the said to be expanda( 6tking ordev; otiewithin s ot to ir6s of Clinton or
ad �jlirjtlfcr tllcy will (to milth re. f with by ottr o&respondentg. . . aired. that hediod -three Ifoueg after, if,, 150646h, Preferred. Address, gl,4ug full pattioularst.
114bild schools it ilioderato-a-ma icebdra hanging, -to on the hartio priu6iplo as herutofora.-Uhrried' formal, &C., to
experienced in ia dividing, tbb whole. vi0n�,. trade nd tl $17,088 970,005 14217 their lips, ct, you, needn't laugh. But, on it diviSialt by a nuilorify of 21. frightful Agony, On Awakeni'lle, bar
10 R. It.,
sale purchases. that - iill)' itijustice, lVoll1a cotintry:at largo. * he induaril oat from the,,Qd� et,
air-, that of'76-boata lom all; just think of IlogArth movcd,,Soc� ty found all retr I It 0 ITO,
York, the 71 34 110,046 the �Iorjoup days We have brCa aOUotIlll0$, ro, NeW.N1.a.
be dor"a to an (jf GrTIE 1�,,t .10 that the Reaves of tha novor�l mimicipaltim and began to titter frantic tii�s 0 . Tenclors Wantbct
A %illole Now in a Very unfavor- and, of' the 111i4orably wretched k)iiea that dur, which
-dVeroomo -and hdo Able colidition" Tho decline (if roal estato -a enoutgi. : much
matters doilld b6' Presuming that you ate ing ilia first ratio months since garto lasb to be, Were heard Ily those
it) ptirpona.v $tM0,080 1,476AF-i68,7,081 foll6wod, and.Iaga- aneyer; ltmrivnll Pon T=��
Tr2nilding of 0. Palm enmell, In, the village of
eat can it � be suppw the fQi,ndation of Clio whOle Pubilo s6booi Lppr6ciatte the ialuo of municip used in equalizing the rall.q of the titne Was 1096 in getting a ladder, and lthat in. towl, Weather a
bin k i I itarostin Xo %v York in(! New present.' Atitutijui �'Wfsh ffieril the fullosb of powers, current YeAr,,6o that they inay enquire luto at the time the viatiln was! gob Out ho, 11riletrield, up till Woon# On 10filosdayo lrdb-
hglaiid. *of the $7oo,000,00' F461f;f' free from outside influences, and- perceive t, Irptli. Plans and 'ap"Ificatfons oajo� be geal lit the.
experibuced - porsong can buy �s cheap) L Thoatalkod Clio oldestinhall. which'theso 'sales 0 of savii '13 Si.p. Relkoblq, 10'. 160 10 Vlig still alive, but burned beyond ro- houso of Nin.
ifanV� tire other day, in reference 'to the that public business is here m6st lionJ80 hiva been: offected, Antl that tho.Reglgtrar ba trim
'and place in the* hands of the Consumer, ;leliooL uIlils 4t� 8th Inst., Item whorb aby Infertnation oan be obtained.
Now Yorki New Zers,jy, Arid . - hili axpeRence dates fur., c0gtitiob. 116 was laid in a w
--ollo-lialf is either Rita" lsttii�d, booausi �ro t6or lliloitc(Tto Allow the ot blan�: 'The CobimlUdd do. hot, bind themoolves to hedelA ibi(i
'04and tolled. if, Agony, lowdlit, 0 $it$, tandar,
'ghb, storage,, insurarlmy loanod ft or investea in, rQaI. piltlitc, small: for, t1wriAlt, md'that some of the I
-or ther baek, tjltUtbliri, will It 0 in
-4fter.paying tr 8�168 fro the register for this pnrpqzo,- kot, ind 48 h6_rav
Sider, Carried, * � 'r 1. W41t. ORAITAIr, vott, of Core.
_L____S4"LbandIzngf and -other idaidenial 'course, if svingo ill those Oases Woke O�Urds' at* n7o't- 9,11, ulithority On h'c6n1tUb6n6y. re over, prasefit�-I address at 'pioces or -ash dropped, awayf
Wilson, sea. by Afir. youlig gr6
exP8118106, Ad thOgd-Who tire well I -'DRAIIATt�LNvo nderstInd" that the yottonlinotborbmbattAnamenttliro4tonad be itittliorized I Death iku balled
s III that t to 1 161. ro . r,
old�from those largu'real c3tato iav -ton-A an 9 -bil iv6--- given. 11 sentirrontg n P6rk. L 6r
in the 4usinegs I Xauy. Tan,"a 0 f has-been, introdueba to the ateio 691s- Airsegamont Act as to eausaporsonal property
-'bati -,nn praftbl,3 P givirig musical and literary entertainment � -1 1 011o or thte most daring and, leloss siyBsoull3nn ovin a vonA,&trTUAT
Of tlila mllufacturing ill toreta i1v NLO'W Daid to be danaerousl"%-in Sunoqolr, a rUs- to bo, assoei.04 wheravor it is lound, without havthe idea tbat_storekee�jng Is'% Very .1 bout the 18th ingt. We. believe the pro laturo" to ptovide -for the �'el otion 0 t
119ted, V 06 16, dontainingr thritto
in doubtful if theo gavinis will in- lxt�os, In bltslotl Terrace! Sta leyo 04abamilo front Olin-
-land, it I ioto be one of thehost,if not the best toes, by b4llob; 4h,� oxe6ptlon whafovoo,
Trampshrrd; , _ Tortaed�
U %v4nf into conitnitt6a of the 'ttbd at Virjilp hear tn, on'thd 12synoid Itiver,
to a, Clinton audience. Som�' My piogIleative disbelief -has boon tarreft The Coaxial for years, WAs 001111111 owilp.
dindly.con. tpetionce intb liate, Tito Irtib,tima Ur. D. W the oltair. oiling. A, P6*'OZT1dX-
vo boon drownea in the Totni8ca- Of the Cliton iria"'s 11"ve very k is 1400 upon During the,qvoning three Hleii. dilt,6-tp
t alrity to Are citing I-nore-and inore antagonistic,, In by or St. Catharines, o, Tuosd% 0� Pliefitibn to
tire gold'at A retail profi' of tw rthirty per cent.) not nto strike is averywhoro mented. to assist in tho inusical part of the the electors of thi - edunty. assoftibled, i took 1)
taking Into'theip, illino And Uppowal Ttivero, 1%orth Of Ot. I the rocitarlo6i Aild one place to, vdt6, 04TY one was topporim(T thli motion, tilo, 100fingbeirig Strongly In favor the mwhatever ln of Thom ag Toomo whilo
04101114tiOn thO initty expenses incur' d favorablo as&pt of' to. bo yn6llded, talva, Juripg thO,Wint0r. doubtful, ati.4 $5 was Bf koctAtorn tile vote at waking re light comedy to be 61ven by Ut that gentleman WAS allgoill;
sing, INlerolilints, it Was he,14, Should be as. Vi W06 JLK s
In CArrylb, �And U16 10,58 pimchpitaliSt to "wo must' A Helena (AT. T.) atone masori. parti. ofibe joeiofy�' This itr tho firke'dritorfain- of G; A., The neartioto with which tho oil- LAST 0TJr 9 on thobusiness, atlation of Aides approximate to tho rosulig. Slossad, for thir,Atockin thdir and to was, lying ilt in, Led and, unable to, Move,
return to rlv�dio payrnents ! Than oorye was fadantly rmton to doadr, inent, tire kind Chat has b6on given, -in rittentiol! should be Paid to the debts W111011 They atimanded. liar 11'
heAvy-amoulA of shows lit)w 1i the ack 1tUlgs't6gothor wiO, i4o, Qtiv town for A were unpal(I lor At00%-all pro erby Was to be ndUffig''410110 an(I unprotected-,- silo aid- by'W 5th fhdt,, (94tlulilhy) Y111 filid
,stock body, will halilo 600donee ill trio Molloy, in ilia 111, nuirillor of years L 'and We We the proclivities . usbafidst kh6 ARE
rainaining' unsol, kol�aet,'Mes, 110tvy bovau��o A. dollarl Ivill lne�jli a rdil (tollr, OlbetOtg hrO 00ndealcd., 4286AGed at ffir proper value AuT, Vithout diff. nof))
stooks of-gbods Atonadded. t A not A depreciated lA000 of yea, monle, have been'matiag64 UrAtofaio; that I hato the todium of out ballot, aptom- tlllctlou� gave thom $Irv, saying it' was all 8116, tholn withNV. W. rarrAft, Thita Division 0 ourt
0 please all of ll tell or! said if a, rich witih rily'vois to boknown, And ritlieulti the Oil A dividmi the motion waq oirriaA tby a had,, Thoy wero riot satisfied' and de., Clerk, into'Ailholle hands theY art' PlkUd for "Ol
he ?those 'Who attiond, wl
patties)" Alld we opino Cho far fiftoon, par cout., And it 'wily- omlga- thoU.; 'y arament is pretence of b'dorody, wharithere it a nuhibor eand oIt the Cound
hi lit and morning, either by lettoi_ or, troat, The objecb of. the entort , I thot vote wAs OlOett, whioll. site refuse to give" leotioll,
it th-ot ticket aorretponding to the aloctora. onmirig, Tboy tliell� net fire to th"', hith
�a by deputation The Rtrova� of Dayflold, W. IV, corrildr,
ifigtalit whti it will be )l allureff �1, And will porei It i, t6 mako. rullondmonja to f6r tho'bellotit of tho'Clint011 11tass: 0 a bed on v
6 RIP so n 'I plr"bp'ort on'thli nmr%ot, that t1l. a g6vrliniont; flicerlso bill, both by* li. find every and, %�lll collsidor it a %vortily Clinton, V ob, 1816,
we, Wore, idol doliviwed that'ille it Will Ittel" i Esq., pregontod his oe'TtiAcoto And tsb1c, Ilia Watl'*Ing, lall(l fired fhf06, shot$
be.& Ftliorsty to twollfY7.11ve bno. 0111, town Iran A,bawl wlAoll, it hood . At the last election, I had to staa )11% 1
�y ftlrnlors,� 'it), pr vfa,§ fh6m. per con�t. ill tho Value ()I g1l. Allsod, victuallors and tompomdd� Ad. not be atihArnott of, Antl %ght) Are always otowd, in tho frost and snow"'iloar two Seat. frolli at, 1,161, dt
0 y0ont0q. 80 tar Clio, Governtilmit havo wIllitig to thole Ai(l 10 any on(offain. hour# befoild "I had the oppoAnnity-of Uovda by Mr.. D. 1). Nvilaoly; 066; by �Nfr, hok I'a, Illifthowill that thov
V I lay
this collarly, Ana thif(furthor Aliaming a sloctet yowf M1161% Wag as Roca- I a. that,, in 6rdor to fwa� tho 1011mving would blutdor bor, 8116 told Whae, tIla
961VOO With gliOds in vo shrinkrigo-of valap OU Provotiy will callo ra'Alsoa. t6 j0d oJI6, lota to either mont,given br tho people of dio-t6%i it, The It , NAN in pillelent AMP of It-, viz., Spitdon
IV ftvor Li. ly thollianda niord horl no' tho I)rn- btit, oil -the Contrary alallu that Clio preg, members of t to soalpt yovd,Apont, a gr6iA ally regibterell Ad Ila the dAY4, of a v Wild they 80011tea the W11,610
Will Ubb result. in the, 16ngth 6f ti d far lapinionOr a r are too w6 v� n XoAll6fa gravel: sliffol(I eraybI road, tho botiod, $000, find ma(le
40 lir"t Coss, would go on mitil -All, tho, propnvty in flu � tlint 'is brough t to boat, oli them b d"I U-6ma, and, Iflitf an - to pbrattle a over befng,oanvlag"d, I loot S61tofth grA
unot 130 bought 61164per than, it t6rthfil Algil of hat jug., vol*oad ot wrt1to , lio
try 110 b0t;lT tiver to, cho thiv 130 11 ro
up x1r, a Ono living 10. ftbehatt)' Thomae
9 illoney-lopaing whio' wero, out vf tj v,lnfor, my ride ;. And ybtl may, guess my feelings Ana to 1�ippoft, Dayflola, road ia the Ifittorta , ,
donle a thard, Ara no-*, d .� 'a and 0Qqibabl'6 wannar in which th unut6*A A, ox AwAUXOAX T14
01119) Ag, Nvo'b, d61A when'the procegg I)Ogan-$ twd,10 till-, 0' und wo bapo* tot, thom; As Nvoll fin fov the t ilia delay) 014, lexp6softe, Ana the toll of Stanley, I)Ayflolll tod, in, Goderialt TIp., Uay'
Moneyed Aristocracy Cho Areat Illasa of tG will offedt of'or: intaroA boll, tilidl4lica jq tho obitling, to Walkift home. 'And stopheft � r0n, were Idioll) ona ifialaafth6r; 116darlo In pot dalk4
e14 1 0 Ott pvol rond, 61, Ituron XoAd, the V :l,
'it th 0, right wreintilts -nhd Ilinhulaotuting comal tornol, Loa that tho bl1166 thooki bilb Alattildi 140 baturAlly A a 14
to mid A 6 i. a
g ral