HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-01-20, Page 4• 4 Nert curt for Amiga,
114 AbOat Yealr aga a orients thing
happeoed here," yesterdAy zetnarked
robust. aUd rosy4hecked bt4tohert whom
we had been complimeletinie On We freele
end healtbf appearance. • 1(1 hum"
confirmed Mer hatcher acpailittaluilet
"'that 00 a nil% •man engaged in my
baiiittefia7ohjor geed. health Ana ion a
• free!' rosy look ; but whether dabbling
in blood Ara breathing Awl, absorleing
the. fumes'and vaporsitriSing from frgsli
• meat ti has anythingIo do with this, ei
yell appeer to believe, 1 cannot eny ;
neither have I ever seen any blood
drinking, abbey by brathers, or -others.
But, ae I iirla tiaid, very.enrious eh
cumstanee oceurred.here about 0; year
ago. I generally work in the morket-
eo I must get my red cheekthrough
• what I absorb from the meats I handle
-but Omuta year ago one of or hut,
oilers t4iolt sick, and 1 filled his placein
the slanghter•housi for about six week;
' I had not been. in the slaughter bouse
long until one afternoon alhnit 2 o'clock
-our time to begin killing -a carriage
known to inc as the wife of the Hever-
intendent of olio of on/. leading Com.
stook mines, and the other a young lady
-from Sin Francisco: as I afterwarde
` learned. I saw almost as •soon as the
ladies arrivea, that the younger bee bed"
no use of her right arm,. It was ise coin-
pletely paralyzed thet whole she wanted
to get her dead hand in lier muff she
was obliged to reaoh through with her
left, get hold of the hand, draw it to
- where-sh wwanted ttst as-thougleit-
been a skein of yarzi. Well, it appears
there hail been some understanding about
the young lady owning thereebut what
she did not a little surprised some of -ns
the first day she eame. 51nrieliliesatood
looking on whilee-htiuled up a bollock
and knocked him° on the heed. NO,
eboner had the knife been withdrawn
from the animerathroat than the young
lady suddenly threw off,the large inan-
tle she wore, and rushing foreierd,
• sat down upon the floor jeiat at the bul-
lock's neck, where 'a torrent of °blood
was gushing. She then bared her right
arm and thrust it to the shoulder •into
the gaping and bloodespOuting throat of
the animal, holding it there until .the
blood bad ceased • to flow. We were
then killing about thirty animals every
afternoon, and every day regularly the
girl Caffie anil•thruat her dead firm into -
the bleeding thioat of one or more of
them. Tingirl had great courage and
was none of younover-niee hind, 1 can
tell you. She had a .coarse dress of
porno heavy woolen stuff that she wore
for the purpose, and when the bullock
fell, and the knife had doneeits work,
she at once ran up and seated herself, on
the floor, as regaldlese of the blood as if
it. had -been so much water. There she
would hang across the neck of the beast
until It ceased to bleed. She waw so
brave that we were all glad when the
got well. I remember how happy she
was when she came one day andshowed
us that she could begin to open and close
her fingers. From that time forward she
improved rapidly. Seen she could move
her arm, and finally could grar and
• lift things with her hand. • I think she
came for aboot three weeks; before she
was cured. The last day, she c /me she
was quite bright and !perry. - more so
than I had ever seen her. • After putting
on her mantle she thanked sza all for our
kindness to her, and shook hands ---With
us, giving Os the cured hand, which, as,
she laughingly said, we had some right
to.' We all felt a great interest in her• ,
but never saw her again. I neyer learn-
ed her name. All I .knoVis that she
- came here from San Franeisco. I sup.
pose I might have found out by asking
Mrr -----, but I didn't know but I
might be considered impertinent'. After
the young lady went away we thotight
we should see many persons there. to
try the blood bath, but none have ever
come. The girl was the only one, and -
.1 never saw anything like it before or
since."-- Virginia City EnterpriSe. .
1 *a,
The Schools and tire Press.
It is estimated that the number -of
copies of newspapers and periodical/1
printed in Great Britain in 1870 was.
350;000,000, and an equal number in
France. , The census returns.show that
in the same year 14,5.00,0.00,01a_copies.
were printed in the United States. --:-
Whore there are n� public schools, there
are no newspaper e ; where the teacher,
leads the way, the press. follows. In
uneducated Georgia, for example, with
a maiden of nearly 1,200,000, there
are only 124 newspapers and periodicals;
in Massachusetts, with a population of
nearly 1,500,000, there ate 280. . Telie
circulation of the newspapers.of 'Georgia
is 14,447,388 ; of Massachusetts, 197,-
691,952; In educated 'Ohio the annual
circulation was 1870, 94,000,000 in e
. population of 2,662,981. In unedu-
cated Texas, fivefold as large as Ohio,
with a population of 885,00a; the cir-
culation was , 5,813,442. Only seven
copies of a newspaper aro printedyearly
in Texas for each inhabitant ; in Ohio,
35 • in Massachusetts, 74. ; in New
York, 113 ; in Pennsylvania. 67. . The
totalnnmber of publications in Xortit
_Carolina, we are told, would allowi only
one paper to each inhabitant every three
months; Now York prints 113 copiee
year for each of its people. California
stands next in proportion, and allows
° eighty-three copies a year to each inha-
bitant. Its people probably consinte
at 'home more newspapers in proportion
to their numbers than any part of the.
world -a proof thrtt the emigrants to the
Golden State have ben well edneated,
and their common- echools effective, rt
would, indeed, he ungenerous to •pursite
further this contrast between the litera-
ture and intelligence of the different
portions of a country. -Albany ..rourno4
Mr. W. 8. Williams, of lilinolati-
nounoee that "his wife-,-Ann-Blixa,
having • left his bed and boar& without
oauso, he will not be responsible for any
debts shelf/Tay contract."
Ann Eliza, Ann Eliza, •
Once I loved but now despise ber
And as I no longer prize her
I will go and advertise her,
Vor, although I'm not a raiser
1 won't pay for what she buys her,
The Coneord (N. II.) Monitor saye
-"As the mooing train from Bristol,
was coming down a le* daye Slime, ib
came across a fox on the track, be-
tween gill and Franklin, and an exeit.
ing chase took place, the fox Woking to
the centre of the teecir with geeitt per-
sistoncy. The engineer whistled, whidi'
seem to paralyze the for, and stepped
him still on the track, where 1it remain-
ed until the train ran over Mel killed
him. The train ran back mad picked
him up and brought it to thio. city." I
.Aa 1001(04 mether has her ,hu
ter' s exuaileonoe, and chooses well the
families with whom to he intimate,
there hips+ Veasanublo fear -of harm le -
in. taught ; and as to correspondence,
the ohildren may waste time and write;
easy, pleasant letter -in after Who
nonsense, but up ono will over Write an IIIA.ED
*isnot acquired the art of lively use of
the pen and if, as is usual, the letter •
is the tinnily show, there cannot ha
"harm ln" it. Still it ought to be the rule SEARLE] 4:36 DAVIS
tliat only girl friends Should be written •
to-rnot boy, except brothers.; It-
reueh safer, both in childhood end later,
,to exclude even coosinS,, As. to tho.
showing letters, 'when tho child begina
to entgtow the triumphant delight of
asking every one all round the house to
read the groat despatch, the Via6fit Way
is to livein Contidenee and honor'. The
neether;ehouia- road all interesting por-
tions a the letter's .04 receives' to the
Testr•oftho:faraily, and the girls will im-
itate her, and generallY briug their lot,
tors to her as wanting her sympathy,
ana-having4-41gertil ?Run boy, She
can palely tell them that if their' friends
obioot to- this, they oannot .he good,
frienda but es they grow older, some
.clislretmn rind consideration becomes
needfnl. A brother will sornetinisa con,
/de We. sister *hat h will not tell; his
parents; an.a all hope ef geed infitionee
• NY9144 be lQiit if Ile knew his letter wonld
be public property.' A. Mother can and
Should 'have her, daughter's fUllest and
deepest Confidenee, hat. she cermet be
etteitrotha equal,W„.a., friend to her be.
,thinse there is a. certain equality required'
in filendhip. What the- girl -wants 14
neither a wise connciller'nor a playfellow
to share the. 'ebnlition other yoittlifiii
epirit,htit a'kindred spirit who,bari look
at the world 'trona the • same point of
yiew, and -has hopes and fears', gtles/ies
and famaia....liksieherepereneemether`,
• has tried it not newto her e.
but the friend sees with the. sate .eyes„:
n.nd'a ittle bit 'or' experience .gainat by -
one in eclVance: is a delightfiii .addition
theestock Ceinnen ideas,
The old adage, lanKana grow fat, is
not of '• univoaal .applicaticne.
1VIorris,•a/oung1nan, about twenty-eight
yearieof age, living near .Langley, Ga.,
went to. amasquerade the other,night;.
• Fle 'had' always been noted': for laughing
linniOcierately atany funny inci.clent.
Sotne linlieerene.fealeire. of-.4ie 'Prioig.(1or°.
ade caused..trim to 'set up in a fit of.laughe
ing, when soddenly he stopped and .fell
to,thegrOirrici. 1.1.e `Was picked up. and
a physician out for, who prelim/need the
base hopelea, v;s mup-
tume1 The' :unfortunate
man lingered until the'riext morning
when he, died:, : ' •
•FlOe negro thieves .19A. theirlives in
a remarkable ,wesye on Boanolce''Ieland,
receetly.e, Clarence Meekins wns
aivitkoned 'frOin sleep .by a neiseeen. his
premises, and.fehua,Itla a t some Person
were attenapting tQ robe smoke
bouse.. Ile ininiediritely qecurtal his gun
and advanced- Clintionsly--,-toward" the
smoke house. There he .diseovered
.marogitttng ;On a pry witleeehich..h.e. ka.d.
• yaisedone mid of tho 14ui1ding. .MeVina
filed, end' the'thier fell back irriottaill
wounded, the.building also co,rilin,gdown
again to. its fanner poeitiezi.....On ox -
amination Mr. Meekins found: that by
the buffing falling back four negrocs,
who had crepe ander .7thO 'raised part
and were robbing the place, kad heen
Crushed to, deeth:
.Speakieg of .theenrieue 'drat:lea efinie;
tithes sent:hy mail, • en 'ex change, Says ;
--,B.onquets 'of flowers ere: frequently'
sent through the melte:. On Ono occa-
sion e'bougliet nrid e young ,elligator
were in eiimilar heites.in the ,sarne bag;
The lids of the, hoxes aceidentally came
off,and the flowers and iho• alligator,
Were at large in, theSelne • One
• box Was; EtthlresSed to ,a lady at 'Albany
N. -Y.; anti the other to a lady at Bridge -
pert, Conn. The ratite agent was
troubled to know in which to pled° the
alligator and in which to' put the flow.
ers. Finally lie.settled the difficelty.by,
putting the alligator in the Odiniadtieut
lady's box and writing thereof/ "If,
yen veer° expecting flowers instead of at'
alligator, forward. to Alre?---e-e-, Albany
N. Y." On the 'Albany lady's box he.
ligator instead of these flowers, forward
to Bridgeport, Con&r.• fly
good lriek theagentgot the di vont er-
ciolee . into the right boxes.-- -.-
__tiny a thorough Itnowledge of 'the natural
laws tthielt.govern.thc rperations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful applipation
of the 'fine properties 1 well -selected cbcoa,
Air. Epps' has provided our breakfast.tables
witha delieately ilaVered beverage which nuty
save rus. many heavy doctors' bills. It is by
the judicious use of such nrtieles of dist that
a constitetion row 'be gradually built up un-
etrone, enough to resist every tentlency to
disease.; Hundreds of militia /naiades are
floating arounct us ready to attack wherever
there is it Weak point,. We May eseape many
a fatal -shaft -by keeping ourselves well feria,.
n'at with -pare blood and a properly nourish.
ed frame. —Civil•Nervied Car:dia.—Sold only
in.Packets J"OrIts Errs & Co., Ile.
niceepathic Chemists, 48, '1'hreadneed1e straet;
and 170, Piccadilly, London."'
Wo•all eonsider iron the embeiliteent of
strength and power, but .how tow are aware,
that it is this same element in thasystem. that
&reaps streegili ana vigor, and an insuilici.
eney of it causes wialrneeS and debility., Thri
Peruvian Syrup, a protoxide of Irbil, is, pre.
pared expressly t� supply this vitalieMg ole.
went. • •
Wheeler's CompoundElixir of Phosphates ani
Calisava for three years, and, from otir per -
Serial knOVVIettgo of its merits, have lunch
pleainro in reeommendingib as thoroughly
reliable and Scientific preparation. ,It is
itt high' estimation hy.plivsiciains and tho pub.
lic, and the demand re.. constantly inereasiov
LYMAN S„;CLAIIII & Co., Wholessle dug.
gists, Montreal, "
tuyxurepWlygnsl, (The..orpat public rectuicly,)
have why boom in use. over tWatY:year.jd hence it
cannot be said that•they are on ' They have
been tinirouglay tried, and pronoiniced, on the
these' whose" Ana heaItt
they have,preserved, to be a cure, harmless rind -
eminently salutary preparation, and if tarcen in
semen will invariably cure colds, coughs, sore
throat,„ and and ail Even:Mal affections. One
tried will convince tile most skeptical. .Sohi by
all molleine dealers, at 2Zl ets. per box,i,
A Peetierruelloestee There Is notliiin,. that
can oontribute so muelx to Tendert* ininie beau-
• tiful and elegant, to improve file enivlition
inalid Vim all hat Is tIoSirebie, i13.',Ilarley's Con.
alert Powders and Arabian. Rome Reinetly•t"
it has been used by Insey prramei who oWn
Valuable carriage and other horses with doelitot
Suedes:4,4nd scilwell pleased are they With it that
theyalways keep on hurl in %soot eteevetheyi,
it maybe given at all tiro es with perfect' fatety.
Itemerriber fhe: none, and 'Kee that the ALillt0
ture of IttlE" Co, !q.v.() oath. package, Nor.
throp & Mena, lotoete, Ont., regulators
for Vane:act, Hold by all medicine dealers, '
LoT's Wtitn, rouNP.---I.,iviltaiiint Lynch. in,
bitveyiige to„i4 DM! $ett fauna,* haga 'pular
%nat., aa tb.,0 tint A rah4 informed hilt
that it WAS Leit's wife ; for our part we ere much
Inelined to cloott it, though:we have no besitti.
tion 10 saying that* best thing to tere,colits,
ors throatt-riummatism, neuralgic„ bowel Own.
plaints, titel is tho 1„' glum:thin Pain 1),estroyer,"
tic ha had of moolottie dealeut tot Lieconts per
b341e. Try one I
Beg to 1.044 their ixturkotous friends, and the peblie eerioranY, that they re till adding to
. •their alreadylaree atOOlc;
Hotfse FurniShing, 4u4 Builder'silardw,re:
Just riecived, '0 large it cif NEW PATE1111 WOOD &3» COAL STOVES, hairdsome
aud useful, never befall offered here. If yon want to buy elieap, go to SEARLE,
For abrilliant light; get Searle & Davis'e RhIST EXCELSIOR GOAL OIL. Stove*, Thaware.
and nersiware SELLING. AT ItEl/TIOED, rtuon.
No. 1 Coal Oil 6t 30 cents per gallen,
Painter's Oil at 70 cents per gallon,
Nails at $8,26 per keg.
Five thousand lengths of Stove ripe,
13e.st American Water Lime.
• - - , • -,, . -
•••,,s1r Try Sher -le -4 DaViketi C111h11fpiir TOP Pii0TB0TOIL No more 'brislogitliing
-on-the roof. ,..... „ . ., ---; _
. go' Try Searle &'Dceils for P.A.INTCOILS, 'WHITE )3U1 GLA,..s. s; is:(1%iTV, 'and'
PAINTEKS' STOCOK generally, . •
•SW If you want to keep your, houses warm try the BUILDING 1.),Ad'Ell. for tloortr
wall. It savers at and plaster, and is to be liecl of Swale,* Davis, • . • • . • --
sce- Those reeniring AUTIEVIN BULBS. for Iteuee or •preen use, should. and -ill
... . . -.•
their orders to. Searle & Davis, 'at oi4ao, ' . =•
.' P .11, ET' .A. It E F 0 R B U R. G L A. R S .
• Avg.ea assortment ef Bides, Bevolvers, and Shr duns on 'band, andior sale
BEART.41 44 PAWS, Mammoth, Tin Shop;
or4NToN, Oct. 18.0, 1870.
Jur nveriox•wr ?me s•
arland Brothers
131-4 meat respeettialy,te rettrfn thanks to their friends and'eustomer's for past favors, and at tire
fertile time would, remind thein and the publio gmerally, that they hove received a
Large .A.ssortment iof COOKING ST 'NIES
All sleek, and of the most improved patterns. RikaK.On. 5'40Vitii et the new 'mrs, Bo4..
•:i$1.9YX6 of a14Jdss,aV, of which we ate selling at tho very, lowest pri
Wewould especially/All the -Attention of those) who contemplate pi/lei/male
Jlaa;dia4t .IE3Loltuse lEgasto 13u n
Whiohhas been but two years before the publi,o' anden tbet thee has established
being second 'to none zit the lona.iist of Dase hturning• Stoves competing for public
and nee the itADIANT MKS hefore purchasing any ()Owe We 'Would also call attention
which we holeye to be Superior to any heating stove .e'ver ()tiered to the pilbliCk of 'Canada, for
minimual consumption of fuel, mason= radiation a beat, and.beauty of apPearalloo, making
equally suitable for the Parlor, (tile Trail, the Office or the shop, Call and see one in asp at oily
.P11011, Wehaye also received a largo assOrtriletit of
I.,anspe, Burners* Chnnneys, Globee,!Tultultg, X.azsterns 8vo, which are marked low
COa 'Ot best qtality, 9zo second grade 30 eta per gal.
Siore Phies and Elbows for the million. AU kinds of ;robbing 'Work promptly attentietl,tio, • A
gunntitY of 40.t. Air Ponta always -0n hand.
A pa 1 o 01 lotAe.d. No tronaete to show goods. •• .
_CLINTON, ' : •
Now ,is your chance
pure your heavy overeoa
'and Pea Jackets. A.full and,
omplete Stock on- alarr.c1,:in,
all the sizes, colors, qualities
and makes. Remember they -
are -all OUR OWN MAKE,
e • ive a_14 -
with each .one, -ifwant
SpecialOffersfor the Money
ats and. C
Gents' Furs,
Climg,4' Double Cylinder Threshing Machines,
COmbination, a d Vibrator Threshing Machines,
-A.nd alt 14341s o IMPLE1MT ,on hand.
T'o Meet the large and increasing demand for-oitr celebrated Threshing' Machines, from all
paits of the Dominion, we have, by the introduction of Abe latest and• most approve4
Machinery into our works, greatly increased our manufacturing facilities. IV'd are therefore
position to fill all orders promptly. ,
Every machine is run and thercStighly tested before leaving the shop, and warranted to alio
„entire Satisfaction.. .' •
. „
ee. 04. Orger-early.'"
• Fqr Sal& by Tel4der.
tor14. nnriON 'coal)• CONCEBSION, CON.
TATNI1,10 00 acres, 70 of which, are cleared, satiate
fromClinton, lainile from Ilohnesr_ille, and
from Goderich,the.county Towaa. Thin area is
in good state of cultivation. Tee buildings comprise
frame barn and stable, and log house ; the Moos are
good; %low Witt trees on thenlace, which is well water.
ea, moo, House and not, and -a Sable -and Zotreon,-
•tang' together Si acres of land,l.ott Whieh is a young
orchard, situate' en 'William Street, Clinton, AppLy'
.stating price of each pareoloind tireorentilved. for. pay.
anent and inter0st7 to M. LOUGII, Clinton, or to the
subscriber, THOS. B. FOSTgli. Thornbury. •
•NO tender will be accepted unless satisfactory
Clinton Marble "Works,
nvnoi TREE •'
And 'work of alikhida inAmerican And Voreign Ilfarkle$
designokand executed in the.best style, and at reason• ..
• able prices. 41
Mantles of Varlou.s Colored Marble34113-
011ANITE 1101•711111p1T$ AND • ELEADsro;sts
Plied on. Short Notice.
12.1r011.:tn._,........„'D TO ORD
• •
• la' A Call rospectfally solleited.
• W. n. cooenti, se.
Clinton, a'an. 14, 1871 •. • • 12
. . .
.Grertt Anigripan. Bellaedy,
• for COUG11$, COI.1)$, ASTI1111A, BRON-
CIIISTIS, 1,018S OE VOICEI. .1110A1t$E-
• 1'ESS analTlf 110AWAPPiECTIONS.
Gray's Sim -.of Rai Sprace GUID.
�msrs S'YlillP cures tho worst forms of Cough e an•d
wee. e
OrtY2'S.SYltill, gives immediate relief in Bronchitis.
011 fiYitlir is the best remedy for Asthma.
rtlieves Crbui; ana Whooping Cough.
ORAN'S ii7ItUble an exeellent palliative in tons umfilos
ORAN% STUB relieves all affectionaof Tkroat,Lungs
ana Chest.
ORLY'S SYBITP Is superior to any reedicitio offered for
• all the above complaints.
Tuntt xmAs0148 Fon vsnia wnE
Myrtle. Navy Tobacco:.
It is ruale of the Pinest rtsviaia Lattf.
Eacit Nrag TeiStjta.C:IN-81)rd' f6 °Poultd.
. • .
Plie.intitattons weigk only,
• a Pound to °salt Plug, and are made
• /atm Common, Zee,
NONEO1I ulintes sweezenn
T. & B. on. each Plug.
Cet. 21sty 1872. •
4r.0r.antisinin 1854.} ,
Large t3took of good Housdhold Purniture.,
tome manufacture, made of seasoned ittaterial.
A Inc Assortment of itnportett Work, such
as Wood an'd Cane Seat Chairs, Sofas Loun-
ges, What.Nots, Credles, Mattresses,' Spring
Beds, Carved 13rackets, Rustie Frames, &e.
Pleteres framed w;ith Gircer-Reilatioed and
Gilt Mouldings, Rustle Frames, wood; moul
ed or plain;
Good value One to all who may purehaise,
with moderate. Wee& °
N Ell KI N G.
An dogma. Muse for, Eire, A quantity of
very tine ShrefidS, cheap. Funerals attended
and all furnishings /wet/lied' At retokriable
rates, A large stock of (ATMs, riterrided and,
Plain, always en hand (trimmed to snit) e„ther
ailver-plisted fan/here or otherwise.
Remember the Stand -Albert street, tip tt-
ape thelfarket.
T1108. edrONsOit
(Alden, Aug. 20,1a7So
,r-fi.E.,41,3zsoeltitE;1 'WILL. PAY oasnyon artz
Goqd 'Yellow. niter,- in Tubs.
..,..,, AL..„0,. 9Lit4ITITTER" • ,
„pone up in Mee shape, lu two alines pound rolls. ' '
W. .11:•11.1n.
_ .
Clinton. Oct Gth, 1872.
Ns." Nmasuma ja;./ ,
T I C P 1 Lt.
Caro Loneorrhcea (or Whites), Tainftil Men-
Arnationetleeratiob of the Uterus, Ovarian
diseases.,Absent )reestruation, and Oil diSeal.seS
", known /is Fenfalo Weakness. They aro preparecl.
with the .greatest are, unclothe personalsuper.
• -vision of a phySioirtnwho has nutdo female dm-
•' ralt0 o special.study for many years,. and they
. , • 4.
...tot a eieezmue on which
depend "is ilia hew; Ind lime of' near
an -unfailing . • •
21E, Sold by all betiggists everywhere: •.
Priee, one ba*,.$1; six boxes, 5 Sent by -leen
free Of postaim securely 'mac& frena observation.-
1•••Or. full particulars write for our pamphlet; loath
will rend in a sealed enrelono to 'any Adam::
tat ireeipt of post stanlp toprepay return postage.
ii.ldress all letters for pamphlets or pills to
. -----wild,rAsrultirrATO:,"'—
, • • • '1,,y1ncl.ser,
sold' iiiClinton by JAMES H. CelliDE, and byiii
Druggists everywhere. Northrop & Lyinari, Toronto
rrOal. in tile Blood
PeMlian 81114241,a Protect-,
ed &lotion of thO.Progoxide
• iron) is sa combined as to hare •
the ehdraeter of an alintent, ci
easily -digested and assimilated
• with the blood as the sirliplest.
. 10Pd. It increases the quantity
of Natttideg Own Viiatiging
Agent; ii,012 inn, the blood. a2i• -
et42•es qathoUsand ilts,” simply
.by Toning up,Invigerati2tg and
Vitalizing the SySteon.- -The en- •
riched «nciritatiged blood pe-'
lgtegies every part ofthe body,
..repairing damages and wastet
• searching out morbid seere-,
lions; and leaving owelting for
• disease to feed upon. e' •
,41&, This is the secret of ill* iron*
Ticeful stioces* Of this remedy ita
owing- Dyspepsia, LiVOE Cont.
plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Var.
Chills and rovers, Ilinnors,
'toss of Constitutional ItigOfp
--Diseases of -the gidney'S, and'
--inittitleic, Patna() Complainte,-
and all diseases originating in,
a bad State Of the blood, OP de*
contpanied (7ebtlity.or « lou)
. state of the system. Being feed
from illcollot, in (MY f0Plitj,i61
eitOrtliang effects are nee
&Wed by corresponding retie*,
but dee permanent, infu•
Ain- strengthj rigor, and- nen,
life into alt parts of tile system) .
mut building itp an iron Con.
affliction: . •
• bit
he U56 Ortiti.9 Ofenzed2 "rent,
IVettlei Sieltith Suffering eream,
ittees$ to strong# healthy. and
happy' men, and women,' and
•invalids comet restSonabtliAlqa
itate to giveit? ^
eb debold0 has PEFtti
wAN SYRUP uoibii, the glatia•
Pamphlets rtoo.
SETH W NWLE & "3011S1 Prapdototh
, *6,1, Milton Tatice#
• flor
ne Oneeoppeteppgnalethfi,
"Xl-ellin • .C1-.0Ca=1R.Se
• ,
Have on I2and thelariest and chea,pest'iteck of qp.oegltiEs yet sliovii.in
.1.0 lbs. \YRIE SUOAR POR. $1.00.. 12.1br. (ii•OOD'. SUGAR FOR $1.00.
HADDIES, BONELESS COD, all kinds of 81C.) 4415$:
Wholesale and Retail GroCers, Brick Pleolz.
C.i.mort, Den. 15t1i, 1875.
• C I!): kr°agYM:ri Isaue; ti:4 Irv' 0111 lErt 1 tTasi: snt: eaSi
New Reason Black Teas. „
Tins• reoekved, a large and varied stoCk of GLNSRAL GROCERIES, :WINES AND Locus,' all of
' Which Will isi7froldrai the` lowoSt remunerative prices,- ---
Glass Gem Frnit Jers,,thet•Etestln the IVIarket-cheeP. Stone Fruit Jars, with corks
:•-cheap. For Qrocisery,. China and. GlasSware,•my stock is largo ['IRA well selected
13haner, Tea and Millet. sets Complete. • '
.„ .0.4.1,1_, IS
lionien'zbiorike place, 'neat door :to: Me'Ssrs. _1focZgns& Pay's, Brisk .-
• , : • . N. ROT3SCIN.
B....-zAgent for Quettets St. GeorgeCo., importers of pure Viedicinal Wiaes, Torento
Clinton, July 21, 1875'. • '
' 3 lb. Cads. Dollar Tea,:for
12 lbs.:Good Cuba Sugar, 81.00.
11 lbs. Good Porto RieotSugar, $1.
10 lbs. Good Refined Sugar, $1.
The untiLsigned beg to inform tho inhabitants, ofiginton and Surreunding country that they
hate entered WO Co -Partnership fdr- the pinpose of carrying on the business qf manufacturers
of Othiages, Buggieic -Wiggehs, Sleighs,' Cutterii, die., in all its various branches, at their
old stand, .1Iuron Street, Clinton tinder the btyle and firra of •
, • .
JlEt IV' A... irc.4 1L110 .
No pains will he spared to execute"ivoik mina( to any in the Dominion. Tick long .experi-
once in 0'6 County enables them to fully understand the requirements of their customerse and
they' hope by strict attention to business () , to nixentire •satistvtion torallthasewho rimy
favorheith their patronage.
zoo A largo.AncIselect iftoek of the best seascined Material ulways it hand. brders executed
With -despatch.
. • . :m: w-1-topan
doite on CM aliortesf nOtiee-
. •
Oianeme, July22,1874.
- -
sir ,..r x 01:T ..--z,• .
i - . TOYS AND
., • •
, , , ,
Berl* Woo, SUpper. Patterns, 'awl Berlin ' WoOl Goods.
• All thedatetit Papers and Periodicals always on hand, Also Agent or the ,
fre ItEgimtsx lign X.IiitE AND PLACE,— • , ' b
Ctieseer, octi, 22, 1874;
- 1.1y
BY Tilt P TII Z prENtitAt• ••
TheOSBO•til and IttrrAL SWING 11f ACHINtS',. both takingthe loici and first prize
'where ever exhibited.-' The above machines for sale by
XcirStv:orthy, Ge4eral genb, .Clintop,,. Ont.
Aily other Sewing Machine tarnished to order. Ji. splendid assortment always en band, tail
and tea hatOplet1 of stitohing,done by Mrs. Noteworthy, on these machines- Sewing Machines re-
paired, Needles and other fdrnishings kept on hand, .
• netneraber the Plaee,--intnreit Street, one door west of 'the Conintereitstitfotel
The Goderich Foundry and' Manufacturing Co.
' %Peg to inform the publie that they are prepared to supply
flour, Grist Dina Saw Mills, Stave, Shingle an.a Reading
lloop .1nehines,
Tr' On, and Wooden Vioughe, with Steel Boards," Gang Planate,'Cuitivatprs
sassitto cutters, &., sugar and 'Potash xetties, orate Bars, 604
Cooknig, Parlor Juin leole titoVee, Of' *Various klude,
.s4LrPANS MAD T 0 % 0,11D
Alto, Iretiand Braga' Castings,. anal Illaeltainith. Work,
Voiles cout et4 Unclebf Beictire done _on Sito)i•Naitt
OittrY1 WlIf reiltilittirotaptattention,
,opfurtstp probar, It OUT011,
Searetary and Tree/Mb:sr, • 4 - Preeldent
itonvra utxolatAx, Ggiltur, InkR,,t.ttEn.
Godottell, Saptambor gadk 1874. •
adies' Furs
ildren's Furs,
Pants aud Ve1s,
Pea Jackets,
Over Coats,
Under OQats,
Wooflen Shirts,
.the Tweeds artd, °Oat,
hags-.myStock was was
41, per-.
yd:as $5:50,•• and an
prices bet*e60. 1 hare good,
tweeds for 50c„ that can't be'
equaled °A.nywher.e. It. is ad--
mitted. that my' 75c.. tweeds:
wo.t.1.1d be as..ch-eap as. dift-bt
$1. I .am getting up suits to
order tor 11315 14644 $10_of th..0.
Noto'biest: Tweed in the.:11/lar-
ket.: Leave u8 your order for.
an overcoat -or a ppa jacket,
or an, ttnclerobat,or tants andvest, or any article youlike;
just. to let us show you**hat
we are doing at. the
_gpecial 13argains WINCEYS.
;t• LADIES' ..t&OXETS.
office, cunton„
C, =ROY.
Oppbsite thp
Mutat boo. 1stl