HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-01-13, Page 4acet en e got Athena some reretea --- t feat to the auction room. A lad named Xathes AreCkiiiar, 1, was. . tossing up a penny piece awl catching it 111 his mouth, at Wolverhampton* in the other day, when the coin elippe,i1 down bis throat.He wetetalunt to the hospital, 44 efier lingering for two nighte he died in great pain. ; It is eta that about fifteen thoueand ,e it Is said that time people have what is celled " epontaneity," and some haven't but nobody over sat down on a pincushion yet Without manifesting tiornettung surpris. ingly like t. Tell me, ye witiged birds, that round tny ;pathway soar, do yo not lutow Bow spot where women fret no more? Sono lone antr Praant delit-noren " huller" in the nroand re babies never yell, and creator, are not found.. The loud wind blew the snow into my face, and Welly answered -1' There. ia eu no ch plao." . , The boy at the head of the clans **ill state ,whal wore the dark agen of the world." „ Boy hesitated. '1 Next, ?.taster BIggs,,oan you tell mo whet the •••----ohamt refused -to -take baelt-the gooder-Ourtnervere-2"-, o trienn3rey weo . and has been Pied for. the =Piney paid the ages 'before epecteeles. were invent- • ed." " Go to your nate." for there. . we believe, wire got People who wish to retire from beat- It Was Janoa, ness and live a life of elegant leisure on^ mita at his the other night, when $200 .a year are invited ro move .tO pa: he thotight he heard lnirglers in the yet, 00 008 of the AzoreIslands; "Here," holm- She wP.a.lan't lot him go.down says a letter writer, "you get it bottle of .itt'any more than the single garment he wine for six cents, a meal,for eight cents had on, lest, he shOuld. ;get stabbed, board by the day 25 cents, while 06 sisa'd hava to meta his 1)ant% cents will buy as muob afn$5 -the .wife aallght her -hushaud.kiasing - States." " • .the dross -maker, wciman. de, eidedly repUlsiVein fort and ..feetureer A _bird trf the _amigo. knO.Wil-Ati- uctiligtied flying into a rage or fdrn - "butcher bird" recently entered an open ing away, she simply reinarked, in a window at Bangor, Me., and seized two in bis The owner t e Cana- mustr'saY•thatrYwr-tat"ssirme-t171" eoriderened than youi.• morals." iit is the differenee het'wee who le a bad shott and 0, brute gives his wife a Week eye 1 One theses his mark, the other marks his miens I A woman is vet7 like a kettle, if you come to think a it, stio sings away act pittemagr-4-then she stops—and, when you least expect, she boils oVer bunches of violate are sem per day in •'Paris. They Are not in so much favor ' now -as they were dining tho' LI'mpire, for the violet is leoked upon as en un-- perial flower. It he, therefore, a politi. • eat flower,• and some people fear to be thengiat Inmertaliets if they wear a vio- let m their button -hole. A:Rieli4/nd man bought 00Me. clothes ell as to be in. readiness for the funeral of his *nether, who WiiiiiiiPperied to be dying but efte recovered, and ite re- turned' the apparel, claiming that the purchase was oonditionaln.--7-Theenter. touchinglY sad tone of rome, irohla canaries, °win his beak and the her ries, b.owever, happening to•observe the proceeding, forced the interloper to drop the frightened singerendesucceeded in taking hire captive. The suits of ex -City Attorney Caine- ron and bis wife, of Chicago, -.each seek- ing for a divorce from the other, is novel in the character of the witneeses. The husband's own daughter, by -a. previous marriage, testifies againstlbitn, and against the wife Appear her -mother; Mater, and brother. A cleigyman is introduced as the writer of 'improper letters to the wife:- While two attorneys named Mos and• engaged in a rough and tumble fight in the Criminal Court, at Mem- phis, Tenn., on Wednesday morning, , Bill Smith, a prisoner, walked off with his handcuffs on, and escaped while the sheriff was separating tire atterneri. The judge sent both attorneys to j2fin but they were released on payment PI a fine. A. sheriff of Bt. Alban, Vt., hist Week — -Iraiitiitiro-insane Piraeus toconvey froin the St. Alban jail to an asylum for the, insane at Brattleboro', calledone`Of the lunatics aside and. asked his aid ia keep- ' ing watch ef his companion during the . journey, and then did the same with • the other. The two lunatics . sat side by side, silently eyeing each other through the whole route, ant thoY have continually kept guard over each other in the asylum ever since. • - ; . Boston's current sensation is the dis- coverof a Frenchman who has been turnieg his Masonic knbwledge to -ac- • count by organizing a lodge and cern- • reanimating all the signs, grips, 'and • pass -words at ten dollars a head to 'all applicants, without regard to age, color, or previous condition; of servitude. . In- cidentally'. it turned out that he was ._, __ WI acting ander any authority from the Grand Lodge of the State, and the police have interfered with his business. He now threatens, unless diseharged, to make a terrible, _withering. b alto:11g_ i, disclosure °libel secrete a bb Order, and every IV/asonic heart trent:tiles with apprehension., .,. _ • San Francisco life is thus sketchekin Hepworth Dieon's new book, "White Conquest :"-No one is balm': -116-Mrin sits down to smoke the pipe of peace; no day seems long enough for the labor. All men and women aim at empbasis. An actor rants, a preacher roars, a Binger screams. Stroh talk as suits a London dining -room sounds tame ; such colors ae bosom a London dancing room . look. dull. . Theepulses ..of.society-beate too high for ordinary men and ordinary. •. times. A storm comes beating over- head, a battle raging in our front. If we could live we need to be alert and prompt. A citizen bolts his dinner, gulps his whiskey, puffs his cigarettes,. and hurries off as if he heard. a bugle call. He Bite at the table with a load- ed pistol in hie pocket; he fingers his bevrie-kinta, while asking a frien& te. drink. - Ticnievent the aceidents to which railroad trains aro liable front one ..eiti jumping the track, the plan has been devised of applying to oars a kind of shoe, consisting of a clamp -like arrange- ment which is placed between the wheels of each truck. This runs aboat two inches feom the rail, and if any- thing happens tending to throw the wheels from the track, .the olamp..A Once grasp the rails, holds the ear on the track, atid brings the train to a speedy halt. Suoh a Shoe Will; it is claimed, prove a great saving of railroad rolling stook, and add considerably to the strength of the truck, it being con- structed of iron and weighing some five huridred pounds. txperiments mad* with cars provided with this do. -0..e., show that the arrangement accompifilles very effectively the objed.in view. Mr. Moody writes to Ills °hovel' in Chicago about their new edifice as fol- lows :-"Anxious as I feel for the build. hag to be readynornsectimuld not give my consent- to its dedication till paid for, 1 ara thoroughly convinced that it is a great mistake dedicating any build- ing for religious service with a heavy debt hanging over it. My experience ham been that it haft always been a drag and hindrance to successful week. ',I. know that the custom has been atmosn• inveri- able to commence with t debt, Vita ht lieve the whole thing in 'wog, and plainly proven by many of ouz. churchee and religioua bodies now. would he glad to (some to Chicago to assist in the dedication eerviees when the building is completed and money is raised lo pay for ; but not till the building le own- erfiritreitrr-Wrderlinateti,,tt to God's' serviee. 1 tfould - People may say that adVertising don't pay, If they want to ; but only a little while ago Srnythe advertised .foe a lost •cow, and tho next day Ave °own broke Int9 his' yard and ate up the ehrubbery,. a yearling , calf, fell !lbwn the cellar hatchway. . into a_ coal bin, , and a butcher s. horse ran away ,With a •Orb'. Itifid of be :and atinified • it all' oirli Th front steps.. . He had made a hearty meal' ata restaurante-and, rising up, he •said to . the -cashier 'declare, if rhaven't for- gotten my wallet." The cashier. fired up, and hurled bigworde at Irina for fell three minutes before patieing for breath. When a chance mono the stranger con= tinned : c-‘ But I have fifty dollars here in. my Nest pocket." , The cashier could not fimile to Save him. 7, A Chinese , 'with :a bateher's littchet as sharp as a razor, wM, in ton seconds thoroughly bone and skin ,a, fishiesAliat.not a pertiele is wasted. - He will giVe you a -.kenrage. Tara ten different ifielimoi fettles. • A: Chinese -acrobat-is the only man -who: can fall from a trapeze plump on the top of his head and laugh at 'you. • there le a law forbidding Chinamen to carry their' baskets along the • streets Of San Franciseo, . • , • • Scene at a wedding breakfast. • COM- pany all seated .aboint the.. table, A pause in the generel•consetion... Happy husband; to „Itia,..wife's seven-yeer.olde Sister at the Other end of the room Well, Julie, you have abrother now." blie-t--,--',--“A-Yei.,4-ttirlatothersaid to Pa the other day that she was afraid you w00.14 never aMOlint to 'much,but that it teemed.to be Sarah's last chance" Litenee silence for 4"MOncent, followed by a rapid play of knives and forks. tilt. , • The Rev.' Dr. Ritcniej of Tildininargli, dirt& --a -.my clever man; 'wee niet. xt Ur hie :Mat -fir. When' 'examining et dent as to the claeses•he bad attend - he kali_ " And you attended the -el 71 far mathenraties e-. • How many aides has t •eircie ?"-• • " Two," said the stndent„ " Wlert aro • they ?", • What a laugh in the court the •student's answer .prodireed when he said, "An inkde arid on outslae I" The "doctor next tratlfrired" And.you attend- ed",the moral philosophy °lens, also ?" " Tes41,' " Woll, you would heae, lec. tures on\xarioirs subjects„ Did yba even - hear one en,,cause and °fleet "Y." " D 4 oes an '00 go before. a cause Gi'Vkine an instance.," "A.. than Wheeling a barrow." The docton ethenentatedowzr-und -propesed-novore, queetitins,' Eers'eCocon.ee-GreerreuretntioCouroneiso -iige a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the 4crations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of the fino properties .if well -selected: cocoa, Mr. Epps lies provided our breakfast tables with a delicately -flavored beverage which may save us many heavy do-oto'rs' bills. It is by thejudicious use of sueh articles ofdiet that it constitution may ho gradually bttilt tip un- til strong enough -to. resist every tendeney to disease. Hundreds' of enhtle Maladies ord. floating around us ready to attack wherever there Is a weak pint; Wo may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti- fiod with pare blood and A properly nourieh- etl .Service GazetU,--Tald 001 in' Packets lahelledt.-" Zama tres Co., Ha, 'and. Ohotnists, 48, Threedireedle ;street. and 170, Piccadilly, London." • • • • Wg HAVE ' BEEN SELLING DR, Wheeler's Compound „Elixir of 'Phosphates and „Collative for three years, and, from our per. 'nal • knowledge of its Merits, • have muck *pleasure in recommending it as thoroughly. reliable and scientille preparation. It is held it' high estimation by physicians and thep.ab. lic, and tha demand is oonstattlyineres.smg, LYMAN S. CLAIM It 0o., Wholesale drug- gists, Montreal. * the work should go ow illictvly tat 414 funds on hand werrant, and if a strilleie te doubt it, thengh we have no hesita. out amOliat te finish otteret be got, then _IttiettITriniftle'litoVelegiorr: °hitt until the eoenetet le the " Canenteet Peet Ileetroyer," To WAFEItS, (The great imblio rim* edyl) have now been in use over twentyyears, lionee 11 cannot be said that-they/ire on trial, They have been thoroughly tried, and pronounced, on the Authority of those whose lives atidhealth they have preserved, to he a cure, harniless arid eminently salutary preparation, and if taken in aeagott will invariably cure colds, coughs, sore throat, and and all Bronchial affeetions, Otte trial will eonvince the most skeptical. Sala by all medicine dealers, at 28 eta, par box. "Tittle trieii all things." and has proved that Dr. Wistar's Balsam ofWild Cherry is the,rerne- dy per excellence for the cure of coughs, tiroup, whooping.cough, bronehitisi, asthma, plithste, sore throat and Infitionta. It cures coughs and colds instanter. It sootlui the irrit- ated parts. ; it beats the inflammation ; and even consumption itself yields to its magic.influence. A tin/illTIFint UOIte5.—T6re iS nothing that eatootitributo so much to roudertbe horse beau- tiful and elegant, to.improve his *cOndition and snakoldet alithatisdesarable, as "Duran Coe - dition Powders And „Arabian /leave Remedy t" it has been used by many persofls. who own valuable carriage and other horses with deeided suedes/mid 110 well pleased are they with it that they always keep on band 10 case of 'emergency; it may be given At all times vidtlx poled safety. Remember thenturief and See that the a' era ture ef Iturd et, Co. is tie each package. o • thron tt Lyman, Toronto, Out* proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medieine dealers. LOT'S. WIVE YOB xti...--Lituteitatit Lynch in Ids voyage to the Dead flea totted t hue pillar of Balton the shore, end the Arabs informed him th t as I one Wife * for our part Wears touch arm:Mitt is raised fOr Colopiction4"' i rat mediate° dealers ter 21 multi poi, *1 • DAvi Deg to remind their numerous friends., andihe public; generally, that they re still cid lug their already large stook, • House Furnishing) Farmers'oxia-Builder's ilardware, lust rooeival, A largo lot of N.BW P.A.TTERI4 WOOD AND COAL STOVES, habdsOme and useful, never before offeren here. If you want to by cheap, go to SVARIdil 4fo DAVIS,' Vor inelliarit light, get fleerle Devis's BEST EXCELSIOR COAL OIL, Stove*, Tinware and Itarelwere SELLING AT REDUCED. PRICE. igo.„1. Coal Oil at 30 'cents per gallon. Paixiter's 'Oil at 70 cents per gallon, pr •Five thouSancl 'lengths of Stove •Beet ,Americart Water Aar Try Searle es Daeisti 'CHIMNEY TOP ITIOTECTOR. •No, more brieVelling or Try Searle ea Davis for PAINTS, OILS, *RITE LEAD, GLASEi, PUTTY, and PAINTERS' STOOK geuerally. Alr If yea want_te keep your houses were; try the BUM- DING I.'APER for floor or .It saves lath. and Plaster,,and is to be had of Searle da Davie. " •ger Those requiring ADTUAIhrg• ITLBS*-Yer house or garden use, should send in their orders to Searle MVOS, At 0000. PR?,RE FOR BURG1,1.4.:RS, • A good. assotterent of Rifles, Revolvers, andSlret Guns on hand, and for Sale cheap. 4411E,XeE 85 bAVIS, ivItunotb, Tin aloP:. LiNTON-Oct.--,18th, 1875. MINIM r AGRICtiLTURAL Itts WOR Clirtiax Double 'Cylinder' Threshing . Machines, Combinationand Vibrator Threshing bilachines, • Ana all kinds ofAGRIOTJLTtRAL IMPLEMENTS'always on hand. ., . ., To meet the large and increasing,.nemand for our celebrated threshing IVIaollines, frond All part.;3 of the; Dominion, we have, .by the introduction of the latest and most approved , machinery into our works, greatly inoreatted ciiir manufacturing facilities, We are therefore in a position to All all orders: promptly,' Every maohide is run and thoroughly, tested before leaving the shop, and 'warranted to give • • entire satisfaction. • • - ., • Bo(oriorde fend: for .eircidart and Postoi4.1.:. Order ea* lt Gluts.G0yV , Al.A.101411ER$OINT. & CO., r BUTTER BUTTE -CV 14, =BON itaaooNaBsexotr; • (30X- rill= SUBSCRIBER lynx „DIX CASE FOR ANY w.,mute•oo aores, 70 of which are cleared, situate .11.. quantity of •. .• • 81 miles irons Clinton. ir a +Mile from liolmesvine, and 8 miles from Goderiel?, the county Town. Tile farm is* in a good state otciativation,„ The buildings comprise a frame barn And stable, and log house; the forums air good ; a few fruit trees on the plaeo,whieh is well water- ed. -Also, nouse and .Lot, and a Stable and Lot, eon - tenting together 81 sores (Aland, on Well is a yining orchard, .situate on William Street, Clinton. Apgii stating price, of each panel, and timeirequired foray - wont and interest, to M. LOUGH, Clinton, or to.pthe stibscriber; THOS. E. FOSTER, l'bornbur1, ' -1•4 o tender will be accepted unless eatisfaetory 111111•111•11111M1111•111111MMIMMI Clinton 11-arbte Wor nonon enrtzA.I.• MONUMENTS,.XtEADSTONES; ana work *of -ail 'kinds 1 Ainerleati and Voroign.15.1arble, dogigncia and eiteeutodaibn':tphrioorzt.."0,31, 0,ve . at !oasoir, ia -Good.- Butter, in Tubs. , ALSO, FOR ROLL BUTTER. ', 1?one up bi nice sliape, in two 0: throe Pound rat. • .• ' W. R. BUM • Clinton, Oat Oth, ISM Mantles Of Various-. Colored Marble '1113•• .,,,,,,"_.-,<, ,,t47 , . . 131.164, ml—Sh(n." 14°._.tic, e:2,„..„ . , .. eine Lencerrbdo (or Xhite.$).Painful. Alen- , ../ Cilth.NITS .i.t.(ifx.tr,iiitExiTt;.,..fittlitillE_All,gT_OLEEL.,_dalsrea..surictioolbinseonetTramtlitRoutt-rutogf tek; litroirrtailino_dralseri4alan __ 1.- Polkaed. ,. - • known as al'emaleyeali ' .. They aro prepard e with the greatest care, nder the personaltupor A call rcalmethluY Ta . yleion of, a physician ho has 'moo female dis- Iwoopp,nrspec s u, y or nutuy years, and they . 12 •• "' arca Median° cutwhieh. c., ' ARRIED LADIES. • . Clinton; ran. 14, 1874.. 'Great American Bemoan yor cOVOIIS, COLDS, Asystivca,atnoar- clixismis, Load, or voiCE, noassE- NESS soia TunOit.rikriescrioNs. Gray's Mill of 110(1 SDritgi sow ALL RESPECTDBLE CllEillIste AND ' clENERAL DEALERS. Oltele'SoiSaY0.1111P 'Cures the worst ionns c11213116 and , 011AY'S SIRUP cams Sore Throat and no4seness. GRAY'S Mann, gives immediatti„relief in Bronchitis. 01tA218 senor -Is trie badyeineciyibr Asthma', • GRAY'S gentry relieves Croup and:Whooping Cough. tatAilkSTEMs an 6 -colloid Palliatile Consamption GRAY'S SYRUP rolievotit;11 affections of Throat,Lungs Chest. a RAT'S SYRUP is saPerior to etyma/114m offered for ail the above complaints. P1110Ej253CENTS.; SIVIOICERS. VIIIMR'111£611014 Uslita Myrtle Navy Tobacco. • FIRST. • .rt mado of tite Thgikke .4enc. SECOND. n• Ette.h •Plite Weighs 1 -3rd of a Pound. -T11111,11 • ' Tits iniitattong teeigh Only. about' 1406 of a Pound to eaoli Plug, and are made • from Conunon Leaf, • noind GrENII/NE tiNnnee STASIPtp T. & �n each Plug. On, 21s1, 1815, " - SIttbrtir Tat BtPSTEAD. (ESTABLIsIntri 1854.) Large stook of geed household Enrniture, home restufacture, made of seaSoned material. A fine assortment of imperted work, such es Wood end Coe Seat Chairs, Seim, Lorin. gee, What-hette Cradlea, Mattresses, Spring, Bede, Carved Ilreekete, Rustle Prattles, &o. Plettiree framed with Gilt or Itosewood,and Gilt Mouldings, Ittaale Primes, wood, mould. ad Or plain. . Good, value given to all Who,ifinyfitfolalo;* wIth inocierate.prices. UNI:)EFtTAKING; • An elegant Ileareefer lItte. A getuttitY of very floe Shrouds, tentp. • Puteralir fitteuded eod all fureisinnesteppltedat reetioneble rates. A.1 rge-etoeittf Conine, tumbled earl plain, eltert it on had titivated tomtit) either silVerl)late \fersitare or otherwise, Itetneitibet tile Stand -'.Albert street, open, site the Wein*, -Gilliteln ailte. 20, 187 ' - ........ *ORM ZTEVEttikint, can depend' "in ilia tna .tilnd of leer)" au unfailing , /FEMALE ItEGULATOR. -. • 3337- Sold by au Druggists everywhere. • • Price, oho box, el; SU boxes; 25; sent by mail "free 6f postage securely sealed from •observation. rer full particulars write for our pamphlet, which We will flood in it sealed envelOpe to any althea! on receipt of post stamp to pre -pay return postage. .. Address all letters for pamplitettot pigs to ;WILLI.= GRAY & CO, • Windsor, Ont. • Sold in Minton .1;.y SA.DIES (10181IIE, and yaU Druggists everywhere. Northrop Limon, Toronto ,WhololialeAgente, • numtple F-- 'j1IWGR1gA1 OR. • . CONSUMPTION Avhich can be cured by timely resort to this stand- ard preparationiai las been proved by the .htintlreds of • testinitsiiials xeceived'hy.'tho /5ropriotors.. It is..acknowl- edged by many prominent. ,physicians to- be the most 'reliable preparation ever in- • troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints) and -is offered to the public, Sanctioned. by thO ciiperiotioo of over forty yeas. ' When resorted. to in season it sal. dein fails to effect tt speedy ouro in the most Severa oases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, rains or Sore., Il086 halm -ChestAna Livor Complaint, Dieeditg, itt the Lungs, 4e4, ,• Wistar's Balsarh does not dry up a Cough, and leave the ettalee behind as is the case with most propardtions, but it loosens arid tale,anses the Amiga, and 4114ta irritation, ' thus retnovingthe 'eat16(1 of •• tlio complaint • Numotro. Ivr rovin 4 SONO, tiltat VA6110 said 13, in tiegtia arst Maris pima* La 411 gene and of the . eirovnn-of SPLENDID„COAL We would 08,1)00101y call the attention of those who contemplate paellas itadiaut I-ICoute lEtase 313At Whitt bait been but'tivo years before the public, and in -that time has KO, d a reputation of being second to none in the long list of Base Burning Stoves competing' nubile favots, •Call andlse-the Barnum Roma -before purelmstugany other. We would also call Atention to <Agnew • WOOD STOVE THE ClIALLENGE HEATER which We• believe to be superior to any heating -et -ave. fr;ter offered to the public of Canada., for minimum consumption. of fool; maximum. radiation of heat, nnd beauty of ...appsarAnce,:makittg it squally suitable for the Barlor, the 1-fall;t1te OffierffirtM-blieR, :Oen-WM 9.-211.iitil-WA-A-ellg, large assortmait 104mPa, Burnere, OtilimaeYs, Globes, Tubular Lanterns', , which' aro 3ettarirect ow Coal Oil best gmality, ,80 z , . .860 1Z :gi to e, c pe? Stove Pipes and' glbows for the minion. All kinds of ,Tob ing Work Troteptly attended to, •-.A, quantity of Hot Air Drums alma), s on hand., , coil solicited. No troubie to show Afoods. * , JECA.AL.8,1ND BuoTaluts, 13RICK.. BLOCK, ee=nemalneeeneeeeennemenen, 1.• cr,isTorT, oat. gat, 1675, 11111111011.1111M01110111111110+ •-• ' FOR Oha:n04...,to se - euro your bevy 'Overoats • and Pea er4eket.. -; A:. ftill and CoMIA.ete. Stock on hand, In all the size, oolors, quallties itt14.44-kost-:!...--Rdmeurl*ethtY7 are all OUR, . OWN MAKES We .wffl give a Quo,404ziteo, f-_:7W'anted Ti--x3atr t 0 . Haiti On hind the largest andelreapest steick of C1tO0Eli.IES yet shin in Plinten,.. . , 10'1130. WHITE ST.Taill, FOR $100.. '12 lbe. GOOD SIT":4 SPeCial. NEW CURRANTS, .AND Q7STERS, FINNAN . HADDIES, .BONELE4a_bODy411-kirlds St RIM, &a., Opnicut, thni. 1501, 1875. , a.' Wholeiakand Bet' 'IC:Meets, TITTT • Citollee Repine Y. RYSoit47 ' 3-1b: eads. Deiiter Ten, for $4.150. . 6", 3E1Forfiristassahisiat Ji.enptuarna,sit' Tees, C . ' 12 lbs. Good uba Sugar. $1.00. . 11. lbs, Good Porto Rico 0111471,11r, $1. New Season Itlavit Teas. •. , ,;- ' . 10 lbs. Good -Relined $tigar, to. , . - , , , Sustireceiveil, a large and Varied. steak of GENERAL (1RC;OBRIES, WINES anrelaerioes, ali of '. . • ' which will be gold at the lowest. remunerati•va price's. ... • , Glasig 'Oeni Fruit .70ri, the ihnit in the Mariiit--elniap... ' Stone Fruit ',Tars, with °erica =Cheap.Fee Crockery,'Cltina and plastivkare,,m7 stook is large stud well selected , Dinner, Mem and Toilet sets complete. • _ ,..%-.. - rj-ALIn-LLiS.°-.-.L.k. -V,S.P.Ort-'-tt.1.-,,In-V-------i§•0 LICIT -ED, -Iymen:46er the i)tace,nsce,t....clOor to • ..k.os.07v.. ,.;ffodgin4:st, Pay's, ...Briek.4,1oet ' .! •.• -' .. • -. • . ' : : N. :13,013SOAT. N. B.—...4gent, for QUetton St; George & Co., hrmerters,Of puro IVIodicinal Winee,Totanto, , • ers f�r Moilepy in Eats and Ca Gents' Furs, asclies! Furs, Pants- n ests, Pea-jacketA Clinton, 3'uly 24.1.875. • • . TicE P til3L The utidorsigzied beg to inform. the inhabitants of -Clinton and siirronndiag country that they have entered into Co•parAmnfshigjor_timpurPoie-of-oarrying..onthe business.of-trianufaoturet 7jt Carrivs, Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs Cutters, 4;c., in all its -various branches, at filioir : stand,'Hiiyon Stroet,'Clinton; under the style and firm of - 1 • *le TT 'NC 33 A;1_,.t.,Sr:71.A J-04 No p!tins will -be spared to*.execute work etittat to Any in Derainim'Thelrlong .0:Ian:- tope in tilt; Oetuit3, enables them to fully understand. the recreiroments of their customers, and" they hope; by stria attention to- business, to „„aive entire satisfaction to all these .ivliemay . . favor them with their.ratronage. . Or A. largo and select stook of the best Seasoned materiel alWa3litI1raIltr—OrderseX0euted • , Reptdring, done on the shortest natice. CLINT0N; Jety 22, 1874. RUMPe&LI,.. & 17 :1V/IOLES4LE .AND. RETAIL.. DEALER int . 801300L 1300K8, IVIISCEILANgOVS".. BO- OKS, WALL .PAPER, WINDOW SHADES - • -TOYS FANCY GOODS, ° VIOLIN'S 'AND. GASES • coxEwriNAs AND wziprEs, ICTIIIIES :011 FiAlia; TRATELLING: SATCHELS, ETC; VMS°, .ASSORTMENT OP • Bedinte. Wociti Miner Patterns-; and %Perlin Vpot .0oodts. _0_ .7. All the latest Papers and Peridnicels always our hand. Also Agent or the , DAILt" AND *EZIKI.JV GLOBE A.:&3:*) MAIL .A.MEE,104.1t MONEY' pOUGIIT AND SOLD: ' air 'imam... T11B NAMR .&111) [CORNER MARKET SQUARE. Iny • ' Currrire, Oat,. /2, 1874 ADmiliun .AND` APPRECIATED „ ine Tut rotiaa Tisr GENE1,1AL. Tha motor and ROYAL SENVING MACHINVS, both taking the Ind nutt. ant Prize • ' where ever exhibited. The above machines for sale by , • ••••• E. Nors•worthy, 'General .Agenb, Clinton, Ont. • Any other Sewing ritacillee furnished to order, A splendid-assertinent always on hatiti, Call -and ado satOplea of atjtching dono by Mrs, N'orsworthyt on these machines: Sewing wahines' ie- . paired. Needles and other furnishings kept on htuid. liententiole th0 place,--ipturon, Fitriect, ono door westet' the Cornitterelal flotei ODERT01-1 FOUNpRY. The. Gotta -kb,. Foxindry anct Maibaftictiiring Co i'll'Aluoz=1,113og to- infohnike publie that they are prepared 'tei' Stiagy ._......,.. , _ . . . ,iii,I4/VJE XaliCC41tiNTJM.g Ar.,1301:1LAMItts -0'14-tiro Grist -Ina sof leis, Stivito,' Iiirigle, dial Reading UaOhints,, Hoop Ma:chinos, (14o.,4, iiadd, 'Wooden tilotights, with Steel goards. flang Pleughich MAW:tate msr"`IV Cutters, ato,, iiitlear, anti Petah Ittfttlea, ortm Bare. 1.46., cooing,- 4.9,14,02, aid vox stot,e.s.. of .voom.16 itindis. „ SAVT PAXS MADE TO oztDEn Ahoy, trozttivi trfttio Cothigg4nndVolta:Ails Votitt teiiteri an att kindg .of je:15409 dorm Noeie miordortikddreaSed to, the 06,1iptinyt et Is!iorotttty, wIlitacelve pronto ationtios Arial:IMAM 110DGI4 1101iACtil IXOATOX# seorotoety and ..Pittitaatti iitrgotiviAx, Gria0161138001130 bat 1t4 Aaet Goat oarts.;:i & pT:Overs, Giovesand Mitts, Woolien Shirts, WooUen.S.66ks; Woollen: tifileit; In . the :.T.vieeds, and Coat- ulgs. my Stock was never more complete.. I .b.,aveilthinay FreAph •Coatings fro • 1. per yd. as high 5:50 dLatil--- inelices hetwen. 1 ha good tweeds for -5000 th.at cant be. ecitial6d1"4-ilyw4ore.. It is ad. mitted that lily '750. tweeds ‘wou1alae-a8 cheap 4s -dirt -At -- .$1. -1 am goetting-Up suits -to - .. order for $15 ',ajid $16 of the Nobbiest Tweed.' in the Mar- ket; Lpave‘p,s yow..ofde-r for .aaerco or an Undercoat, or pants and - vest or any article you like just to let us show you what we, are doing at the. oTED WATERLOOEIOUSE. 'SPetiai Bargains in *Ixdirsts. el gt COTTONS. SE/ItTINGS. TICKINGEL DRESS .000DS. CLOTZING.- PLA),1144LiSc TV'VEIEDS. LADIES' ZA.azntrs, oLtotrneL atrAvalt: SitlitTS„ ITOSIVItY, ,Oppo ite th Post office, ciinton. 0 bli1ti'bo04 IAN 18764