HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-01-13, Page 1.40 J00461 OR Ilb 0010DO'..
The alitimero, Y'rade ledvism, in 14'
nis ogp4tlojt w1lioll
interots, in tb(s
oaor!bee tile panto of 1,873 and
Su4sequent deprelsolon to oxtrAvagitiloo
Y, so 'tim
-of eNeV! �r4 ok"J. illegi wlto OP0044-
ss oil
A;d believes tile ta"ralnel
QlOir reSUIW to bO
In. re0ovoting ft
U uttor
owing to a w4ut of confidence:
tweell man and spau, 010b 0400,
4.7 if) I
r ;lit. for
CLINTON -ONTARIQ 13o 1870, nover btaforo in �JAXUARY
E. SON) RR Toits. of tile' United 4tattis tile PeOVIO
mom reck ksa in e n d i t ural, 0 ore I oosP,
.111 or
�11U OIITJJRVR 8P1Vr-,R, be, jil'bis opinton
toke'g of vts[b xile, rrIX!ve'vf MiloWs Entortalonlont A mea -to luxury and oxtr4VA90ndo,
n oil. raw pith, on to! the ill (1) bla the figljt.� give panic
torority over thoPWo flinil wero in 1878i wbell"019
Two spiders, o the story gopit,_ r travellers; and Parod Ing demon is rampan ILI the duo, 1i and 4 bent' _q appAe v;ry little except occasionll 0 - reaw on. them, blow ita ho.t.4 won.
Ulij his very oh�iore, thanks to -y aeInilly der there w
rol patronage bestow. ittered. tgo, one day, T od coln�
to W4 , Some oupercilliotia ro -k or he, QLAhlo ore loosed f'rom 00 109:3 Sustain tile unequal contest lin,and it
, mai
'a; and Would intimato 1111y were heard to ilMr. ames A. Will, ask some question Abou .81litin elephants, and -is, a i The very firi
4411 have '4t least fair play,' t third class Of 01Q two' olief from the ib, gips of a -
me te 04tie'.4 0... spqotacle
Jn20, la75 waiting on all With notbing to revent.11 app�rently to produce upon tj ance to meet ell shrivellod. � the $UP -
a lose swywbea lie wheels and, dasliftig blindly in intai
Xtbh choose -ill as tile impression that lie wab'A. you
Ui illwofk gaitd.od by e with javelinR,., enticed rt e o tbovsa00, 0 W, . 4 . 0 balf.
a p1mog and wont to
The House lately ocou . p The light -,vebs grew apa n9bleman, at, 'ill 4jo. by piead�rs. ll;ingiingre befbre' cr6uob6 ied. by Air. James Fair, op- co , 4 aprince pet time passed, Ruill, '6vertoo. thatiotkadO
. . ................
will gonti th L-33uh shortly exule Win _ F how Ordinary' onto of the latte rook- undo is lost jj& liad siippose4 themselves
TW Uzlirl =04 0 ABOVE, 811131
e 1
W. 11, MoFADAPIC, 011ato, Nov.ev 18711.' lei r appear Of Others who
X, sol04119 49#10,16, 11111i'llfti Jio one Q he sexton dread, hla�l with pain And torroj,,,bo, r
MAjdf the old A*a,4 iNApIlthn off, antl so,,half d9a;d, rta s r whak % change b, and ru , at. "lit 'bqovid its rettob. Tbli Rev* SMYS, WO
It sQpUt to Open, the soiar6d poptill
-STEWART, M. D., U. M., ORADUATE 00 usin a e 0% ed. ad Wasly bold, ice fly*tlg
—lexporionee in the book and t another place,
AXE$ otand� ant come over -him now ; theeye,glasq �ung narrow osoapes,'as the hugo. boast,. with, NVildly fo, know no6 'with, bow watch trath, that
XeCallUniversitylMontrea 8. lo r' 4 e. to be 010 -to oil pply everything that .13 hiainfura,
Marriage- Licenses tr . I i Physiolan� Set rgoou'4114 6 11 ill 1 *01006-
48 4 'I'll tZ Y'the pulpit ja� dAngling hither and 1hithe with the.,�aisod trunk 6 'ging at teO track - A fresh V -od ii -o n t i r e I y4, -vn
0 0 Cr r thein. pir MOHAr.= ISSUE R OF M&BRIA0,30. Ii. 4 t and T404t a continuation Of the lut.
i's past; eightiNn
. . ........ r to, e p hip-,predegospor. erstpok q
I .1a, griqwet `R;__ ii the 6W6 elephants olosely'canfro4
W_ Roulk , , ' bioli lie had been so W( t� inst hod, vlth'tv. t4rriblo impe. ita benefifs, fpt-, diiAng th
Coroner Ifor large, and, well 00'Qotoll� And the pub- '&4 -1
Clinton, an. 8. 1676� Physician, surgeon, etc,, P or for di!nty 110. Lad grasped tho;(Iusty f4oing OAQ4 other, and tusim-clasli, to�' tup.
ilesidollaq alid.Offic,4_�Ooruov of look tOgOtlier, they'gtrnagle
DQQunty qf Huron, arethp �1001 and. was Btr;AW 'z6 'geth iberb andUAll Streets, Clinton, 'ga er with a mighty, bipker; Their' ftnij 'car tail in.,,,
fng his
whirlwind at sittl(lp
until the poor mother s-itarla0eA t 4 � twi,
no sted knot,, till 11 t 101) tit, with a tnio.11 ty - tire living ex
lieu ve'. ti
Mrs. Beeley, Milliner, August othi 1809; Ifirrif bilokward, trilnk stritggling-
toll 0011 81 Olt'
RE LADIES OF was It Aheir loins strain as they push against �njajle by indtistry alict tiae, OVID"
N RETURNING THAIRES TOT] longer to be �.soeia, and tit on, fo r, FA r one throw -a tile, latte
avors, begs to In, DROTANDUAY, OR&DUAW11 OF TUB 10DIO&T4 . I , Q, . . . -
epartmonk of yjoturls, UnlyQrsil.y, Toronto, $or- shopes proved
Clinton and Its vicinity, for past h 4 . e 4sto their flanks ieof dep "f'oo
I Bonnet tit duNtin ward. to. tho a e f6r tile %lo"Applies
form them that she still continues the at all, DA t&lo PhLoo to proour Irext tatioll, wh0io news Ac, ry) Ilia back, and Strives hdr(I to rip opet,
New Yo
d spo, arne Irk-tho stonlach of his pros-
mor!y of the Hospitals slid D, Out rk.,. a suitable brush the se.�to caui In( pla
businee fi"118 Coroner fQrtlxo County was to j,eaoh its. . Now gt. last , Nye xc beave, fiud tile tPuscles, stAud out.,.Undev' to tl"o in-,
-o milill Ilis'llo
OLD OPPOSITE T gilvl Jilin thno or spAeo t.:l �'Ialw the thick hid; AS f0t tile, p6dror 'people
HE BANK, i1g,'GIFTS; Wei it tolls, at fligi, the �rain halts, and, one of tU And that sbs�hss become agent for Messrs. Buttrick 0 r are iff "y p
N, guard runs quickly into i1e, I A "oflice atid, tho, - iiTg6;rP r -colo ed boito 611 liviyl- fL.Olt li44d to
Co's European and Now York patterns of garments; fill R. WORTHINGTON, II, which she will DAocouchour, Liechtiato of tile College of Physicians H-OLIDA At IL ngt1j, ilai 4nd weak And lean, over whiQli IfTelograplill- is :painted; b0M b lo-the'le in t opeatest
lzea and descriptions are kept OIL 11sui 'd hopes, by #oons of Lie dra I he,
And Sur 4a;sna Provincial LWOW— no so.Ught,4% fbrujor neig i or, tamly; this :all (d prices specified in the Catalogues, on nty of Hurog. 0JI16 r7
bso Itna AVI 'big, or 6 6phant,but. the: sinaller....ontl lia: 1) 'of tile OrdinN
ound; . L L kild liavoJ)en uiito' ti ' Libo` a."'
strIct care and attention, to secure a liberal patronage, etc end coroner for the ()on 0 21 v bad growli st) sl6el� and i gverybody who cim p6saibly get� .-I fr great� ''Iyo Pwinft to 16 a. goneo
10 roddenoo,—Tho building orocouplod, Mr. 33001M, g I inoness, tly Confroilt.,. f to. ottril It IiV
D 8 Ii , frk er V). 0
u, Feb. 24, 1875. ooz� 9. ALL On En PAOMPTLY ATTUNDED T .ILLIJST 00it au her head o4b ln
takion of a pound, of thevindpw..Orl that Side, And �onsti
Thwaitea, lurou atrootkt Autl looking, as if tU art li�k!tL�qj 0;iL '
-of Tli6 4ttiii, i�Orlii _V1119 wa a Clinton. Yen. 10. 1871. lid INU fu�iotlsly a
so Suspense bore coindh flie' 9U _. I I I , Wiblilg oil ap,4 o Oonly N! IoIV P
inten ard ignobly. fcciltT IV and forebvLad* or
11. DOWSLUX, X. D., L,11.0 ld," heamkeA FAMILY,BIULES again jjjtlj th go,tIld of* tli".
Lfe of College of Physloianm and'SurgdouH ofOgtarlo� naure such thumps and knooks, ag4in-,with a dispatch in,.hia haing'-* lie pohydepmatous back aromill, Seems i 12 e. a f
While YOU have Stan i'about midway between the lid, Lujilact4. Tile, NVAS
lato 116uso Surgeon f Kingston, General end Lying-lu, SS 9?1 Waphine, id -to bid hi 1110fritil
Hospits 1 1. Physician, St LU -
trgeou'andAccoveltour. Drr;oa KETRID S,�. 18 p -it Cut in III tioll '11-11 (1' IDuttl 1--W i6b "' t a loss of tbotraill, and begirts,,t ' opponent 1( takw-his cliana� a * t of that, �A.lt-t Of 0611adc
.Albatstxoqt,oppositoFiiir'f;MiU- RLSIDENdE—Hurou o. read hal -uly peol,6nged; and a
MORTGAGESs NO-T"I I've inet se wits it . argues, that iintil s thb, b4d habits of
tone maw doe6orates in to: iii so fat, s t1le o
er, animal, keeps butting, s6riolls, :(Y'ivcn tip,'c6niadence
Street, opposite (Jolmooreial Hotel,, Clinton ont. cial I L bat
HBIN.�AW.D PRAYER BO 01U, clear lqgd OX Tile combat owbats *,yere
Cliziton; April 21,1875,
AND OTHEi Child -is -perfectly sound farce - the smill linsine-is iien vid somewI)At bilildiall AS WdjI
110TO AUBViS, fliftillYi4to thogret rump of -the" Qtb6r,L AS &JjLbaroi�s in vLL Is. pile OF-Stfaw. ill a fieW, uob two fee
ased . ........ 4,: P: M -CAMPBELL, M:. �D.12 12 A GER no -odace;
Good Securities rurch ldAAk1L!,VAy ItY. il I throlugh�
+ I declinesthe fray, and bligillois -is usually -pt
SEAFOXVVIII, ONV-4 GOLD 'Pt, 71JS PE NOILS from-a.ston' *a w ot3 concluded it pfoine..
�Stains ofd
W. at. S1) n a,
W. FARRAN: -1 RADUATIiOF McGILL 46LLEGE; MONTREAL. d nr hinnir -des- TF 6 Ws- -It at �6 ff-i- i- Ing against bs
TAR'clasa cania She
t ; � . z% -, _�y , n.
Vas --In a jind glid. trumpery show
-A-X-oud Member til'the CoUC90 of PhysidAn"rS ge,.� liffing
874. scone ; Corouor for the County of Iluro . OfaM d, ks a pleasant6ebil a 0" �moment and4is--wavi cheering. walls fr6al thebRinttuslis of t6'-,�nimal
icad G -a 'Ir- - - e
Clinton, Nov, 9, 1 y tilid w6man k idenoo—Maill Street southt itear tbe,Itailway Station ng --a�nd 0 I),1y.IlTPnt$ by u
ros of -parrots and cocatoos. NIX;
Ry. INKSU, �ng. I thinic for the first time kifter -beti -if ho.would S� lilch; tor' j'S notes, 6r. too cheaply in Older,
as ji� be thrdat ;-evely. vi6-- w, sake, Sul3posi
fier P' rents in her old
1051000 TO LOANN marriage, to visi, A nian is buried in he bo'called, big antagonist. It is cripple conipetitor, and, ive are
obviOus ii frontof the home, to.showtbom tbeir-two 4ne grndL tilitt,t1jo consequolit. wait of confl"
ohief;� ciying . and L. laujyjl.inu tooether. , tilik'ibefiglib is�a`ihu�m, and so the 0 12 m 6 P )./� i iq o2idon
Schildiellr At least this. 'Was the bearer Ar oother"in,
:dARD itTile stout o4t egotist and.the vain young- s. adYtince urk( up. "The ele, hisbory'11milt up for be' '�12,:P, n
Y O.v da�dy have tbro-wil7 their - arr6s krob 'd pliahts clearly ld bqg�
PRIVATE F U N D S. fIRDEANS IEOUSPS� CORNER -'QF CORMORANT Tjoether;with a. complete and immajiso kiopk of all tho, n undersbaud Ad act Nvith U1_db_Q§-�—
an )
Jbnb§,;Pvc1�; b4iain'fr'otn� "word. o'f-t%vo,th4-1--ha-rd
q�olla-noous -Books, 'It� aori, ti tl�piv fortunate A,]low$ to
sna tj ea I"
eofte A 'a all at on o xcellent Acap
oar&,-porda SingI Aleals, W
trd, pol woek�. her int -fig Zin !Zt I
. ..... -beh6e A tinegs-that-belongs-to -2 9 -T
h 8111 0 11 t station, -as 0 put !lei iitt6,tho- b, Sp Otto, soots. S ands. fast atnopg . .0 as, �.'Bijtlor an Y oculati n i4 AS tile
adips' 21pney Static ------ of %e Vaterland, sm,okoi-forb S.
V I*y e. I h, �V�fL
ria,@ vvi � n a ec to
(7 - 'possiblo 'f)rm ot 1 mal i4L,
(1,HARCIES MODE BY 1IOUS.E_I1 R4TTENBUnI, V I - stiff 0 -already at Iii own -end of thearenic; IS wo children -t worst .0 ere
-4o., lth-ffi- na e Lrc we jr t
:P RATE. FUHR RATTENBU a re-( fa- mei L is mor'ning. The Id alid' JL Jr., Propriotor—Ono door south of the Post 011100, td%vl�ys iin the dorner1as shaken my both, the 8.111alle rade q�ibia in* -a lowdp liface 3n the (I the dtibblov i i i b r
gS Also, a large and exoollene assortment of, maid . r C-114ap in.' ludi- . 11 il� t at, . 14 9
far my f6llaw- hands USIy,C)UMSyj=jte.jG his OLNV wood
Viotoria.l#reet, Clinton. The fittin and furnishings Swells &lid gieebino, of s nk-ar tbe.boad- watetki of'the �Qal_ od as bell
of this housero all new, and 6verythiug is prolided to :in hers.sooftell that I bey :era n corner. fiypaorite fbr doing iu,6100
'travellers, and Ila t to,. I.eL ell
he feels eonfident� fror oW cc above, this pjc ta APPLY TO meet the wishes ftn&VgntB of thu, ti-pelling public, ah(l. ve a fashion q!6 Sore. All the inhabitants itre itidu' wa re 't%vi ty 4 1 n il s 1.4willarge his 016kk
a long expeiionQe, of. beingable TOK OD S
S. MALCOHsON, may favor him with th* in,-, ou4 myself the whole of heir thL- sem6l'-f J3kItl6l', N019 ll,18 in another, itild, iti th
to make comfortable allwho, thii,lil'tlb villaae 'come- runnin'cr round- rie. ago, a same
&c. cG ay p from 0. . I o 7'
rdti6us live;' -br"n It
Which will be offorodt durix t,i§ W eke the train W la , 'is' June 2, 1874. 11; the holidays, o�t a very It he I there, is Soule itiffllegs t,
Bstrrists th little hints! that. bar! and O�, Good Stabling and attentive host lors. atting with f6i
't in this way.,. It is to ne as if J 01notlimes away in' tho, -%Vood;j�o If meroantile -mon could"Oondne,
go Is it izer himself, or 'is it" the tasks; and Uit
Clinton, Sept. 7t 1874. argo,-roduction from us I
to Open the s6dond Vol-
va! permitted ley ask Bijb title. 8,wos we tbomiVhIV0;,; to bus'apsq, be
4 ja Bouglit-aud"Sold.. Tf jkig so,.evi(lbn,t
Royal adian 'Banks U N'Vild gain(,
time -Of ninteresting romallce,. �ii(j. �I- diiived exciteinonb at tile of 'Ours. brutes ndorstafml-vach -other tli utit 11rofits,
Ofice of (he ARZorica?z at; in ant
to.rolonly. one shor4b -scene In �But all the Kaizors nd Kron'prihz'49 Ili the languae of,tho been llilusmffly nb-nnd inteiiists,
JAMES A. -YUILL. AS neggly -as -,r -t0got'her-cou1A7:not--hwve -IS-11- crrows fe- ucs�. till eroaa- 1,110 0
01 kit CAPTjk -pL the revionq is . on:fIdd 1)k tile n fewer do pro-
ilutonDe 22 IM siblo, r6m 'big one so�i (I i n)p It d an see lar
'itory suit t
'000,009. 0. CARTWRIGHT., aroused the flood of feeling- �h t Sure, ed 4M f6w unek". It IT' r, ti4l. woul
-of the . W 16. - r-trioks ill bi,isilless
'coi;rse of thrcull tiffiR tkiiiii. -It -was, mpntll�, 't or� 0 th�n O�frope rou than whigh fi,
T. OF STRATFORD, HAS %01�Ew e -urer di'
fttohi L
cc in ulintonj Olt T, e mn
e- 'txi6 Its, ol -very quiet ind good; the bb -final tyino, Up .1 1'�J_ jjjj�
0 new Royal"Canitlia i hom loyal. flic lopa,, I wti in. have suffofed
Eb'a Dentl Uftl la! was an infant of - 6 f6ve i blazing and st'o.ke.of 0i� ftc-ir
ON A GE NOY. Square, bimediatelY vest of th oldee than. the Zift(ys. to w nd tit
CLINT d by his son I Clot &Teas, nt -(I '' , , I- d-ughter
Bank, which will Do conducts .. - , 3 . I .. the. ' a ), .. b - ,
*right., Teeth inserted in the tys-du6 w * It *asiLirrinor 6 tlin..opr it �'iw
hie ifts
wis.a ijrotty,.restless'little girl ;o ill pathy with . m le pos ors. lks'llil comillotion. aino the - of b, ecoll'iny " and,.
.d n t �ingle A XE!W. E-LEPUANT. en.t rnitnagQm nt i better time, yet,.
fille a draldeA9999kAws und other.. it -was -S '01)
bxposetlnervea treated, L 0., otl r�i, love in retrenelloa
0. Cartwright will visit, a in n h a Sb 9 til�oe, -wh ill([. no a sbi A, -A)pu, a few rods4�distaiit the prad e n
oce' Ito ter Whar OL Co log In terelit from Four to Five per cont '016we TA C any in wl. Vft OMP -Ahe ex houdo.latldio6kin, Out th6y the panie'
on Deposits. BA Afad tnen i, kept ar6,al little ia� has it 1�8'soh
nio 7 Tliese. r�ni d iird day and Friday of every month,. an usna f
busy. by bbr'qliestibns� alid 'wants., nd hu�e dunbiaod Id 13P f fts too., So Similar arb. the blt�iuess_
rogue; is 4 at bhick bear with.a, ft.&t.pig ill or 0 a
Sfie Was trying, to ICL,-.. tbaiit'iny
-on good mortgage . I I . i�s'bUCi ' L e 011C.O$t1re. Ins
not at all -His cbrtainlyli nuirkablo getolit of th. I
ro reviva, -one, port-, while- tbl-odgli the --&hor 0
courtly, at moderAte rates of up a daracQ es 'It - 4 of 1), 611 1
us also in t'" ' I 0 �00(1. Nvith tho,
Cliuto'n-,76et. 20, i8M, I -y-* Interest., H. BALM. bikshful, and'soon, tall;ed, to tb�t, is.now i:,progress (3 wall' be sid what6ver ltoiollesll
Clin t d4tti Us Agelit jji�h L
Mr. W. M toll, pialer, Olin* ou'i t, Ono �does -Nvith he �other. 'Aluch. tl
ndeseend- the fem'ale revivalist, 'bandso-in'9 grey ton, August 9thl 1869. sucil a-matural, coquettish; co, beiti. It rop over
For a olling T can �in his distvict, and Met w i ar6 4WuMu, vary -g at�d well. backed on: lih; hauncho a sit -me ,,LONI)ESBOROUGH 1HARLES HAMILTON BLYTil'aift".Li n: QVO The. tilother., lid, d;tfig- )ofat&d-in-`both countries,
C Auctioneer for the,Oou�ty of Huron. Sales tit Farm to go Cents per pound, ai th�r Black or Green, th9a �harniiq -and bogged CotC. 'The d'esetiptions h tot, I let save thp Iiig? If new e-resu4s enstied.
tis NV1d6w:.LV-.n orsemian rides aild- hi and Sol hat'th Sam
Stock, Real Estate,, &c.,. attended -to at asonable Vaikt,ed from. 10. to 15 motts,j)er jb.,*tsn-
rate". niother not to- lot.. -innocent. 4t gl# olqui�atioiF —retiinds: one' it Tile roco.vur will act on-t1lo
HIM A f6rcibly of GRIST and SAW MILL. der oti pit retll jt)rleess qualitycorisiderod. hot 'I' of on within the past Nyook Show Qf tdilll -l1ordArj.'kjjvE Nov. 6,1875, it�hd.t i�uc.h more vivacious* and, on'. -tile 0, 0�e 1)6
ddvan a I", , at-- 0 mvkul,', U.4ed for driving wtl ges In other,
00. ]IS a1, , , _ jIll of its etl'er 6' Mo.6dy frecrand than' m tho ltter. took th,,- - axe froqj appli�:%bl� P 6ic
beefi- traYellitig tog I . r -t 0a br three org6tic than' He revivalL o' other.:'. The, a.
hours, ail began to feet quite lik nd Saiikey in. 33rc Uld to,
A noNnEirlor tile Oounti At Rurbd. is prepaed to d' 0, old 'tell US.tIle Vidlij of .0cononlyp'-
N.-ING PUT IN A STEAM ENGIN AND AMj&S HOWSON,.OLINT d4woQ pilo; "Tivilsiquipp6d and' fte-* $110
H other maottivierY, with improvements. the subscri-
umodato attend'te, Sales of Farm Stock and. Rool Eststfj at Iea-,� rAng)r Ft pprote its
bore feel oonfkdqut rf z1ow being able to accol acquainfandbs, -while thcAmiri was'-goino, philt. Mrs; Van tile %vai6il (to� t-1414 Ilia. t.morif at all times, and are deter0erned to turn sonable, cott�is to be a thq, Inl4n
slateq. ter ineint; Ili Clinton, Nov. 18, 1878. ator, and. cabn6t hell-) fat- a3fie; I)db,. at their
Out mch work as Will Satisfy every reasonable person. at iitll �peodj tile niotlier half rose ftom p6W6rfdl or, �we InAes'a SlIdden'rush gild fl o_- tlo after�roadiug -the aoobunts a 'his tr , 0 nk is �on the
heridatt plao�Tlie -it-] who hadithinkingr, f the followeil 1) )e d �,xtra�a�gance,
FLOUR, BRAN, MILL FRED, &e., DICKINSON, LICENSrD*,AOTIO$EERFO11 'ilL, t Sb horse's. 0oup, And.
le&, agaill. on 1 8 tile bile ThIcy a rs i 11) v 1,,,o ro u, profits by it.
, . Itild lit) Nvill IJ6
Ltoprompt he., olipasite her-se�nlon�, la in advafid�e till �ut chitche , � W i S'e w Il
D. the county of Huron. Salosattoudd left her pli 13 is far' aitoc6l 1) N bo"
IslivVisys on -hand aikd for Sulic- Resident ly and at roksonablO ratCH. a, Albert Stfeet�. a Tile h
seat. HoNy,itboappo a � q)iy,- other emale Dio-achor'of the speed of tile -Arab tel Is and ca e ly, and )to JIP6 , IV110 are Nl'i r 0 ol�'
Olinton, ant. -,,;McLLENNAN'. e& 1. 'have navor f f tit 9t 0so b ofitted., and thaso �ad i- Sh' mo6 O'�IYLI)re�elioSi'-si'np'ei-i�, 0. are at. will remAin as,Aoy.
Clinton, Oct. 18, 18' 5. understood ;,it 0 t m a nd. man 6at o each 8670.11110 do,,, and with 611L lleeZ6,of tv, 16 l
Qjlj�k AL 3 light
LEn n ll,llg to'I6l?Sell)alj is, Ij� his'eyt t 02.11 1 'a -it Ire foe
de ts,which o6ra impossible, and, 'in bfit slid %�ith. hein, sings, to. thei roul)(1
appointed Agent for tColonild Securities UOM- -B junuMus -friends and the the fact, oly once iii. aliundred. and'tjjC;rL leiVilitt the Pulpit, She singly�'arOnnd tho 6lepli. thvinvif to one, sid(�, Tho' i -tted I e'ss e at illigt
,n hand for Belo. pany'of England; he is also agent for several private liberal Share 04 Pttrollft9d they havoiffoi-W hftn since oes ering tea, iiforit oils would. tech tb 'm Il
And Lumber of every descAption kept 0 d hop0q, b�' Strict thousand tintes-; but j list it's 9he stood down, to;' 11,0011. M61S who loan rii9ficy at very re�son- cOldynen4ii; business in this'plOo, an .,the belichoi-adlabors' mliosu, rushog in quick 0`ltcc�s�lon,:'and
pitalistm ofToruiito.: _afte
so u4 thu kdeping on hand and lie Alesattention to his businoug, a half cree r: sloeping, b pickly - Abe. ally wit i. Ono r other of'them. ivlolt� cei4ainl s' n, of
Bills for LuniTper sawn t( 'Lawrolloo l3itak. maldug of none bnt Incrit A 40111 Y, S001lls.,a.'StjCCeS 10
Also Solicitor forthe St. tinnalloo of tile ffUolo' b Cllan;ed HIS kiflud,
_Nvingha, April 7, IB75. upon Otto and her littl'froliesi$mo 'She has, 6tried on the Opera-, air ricadth oil, tile 'past of'th tile now girl
HUBER BROTHERS. maideii--somewhrit- awkwardly on., tllo� tions abL jST6�'vburgll for tb re , a , und ride . r, 1roe 0. to h;
66 Strain the interut of in Is onibi-acer, but tbo :.A 'stv;ipping big stranger a
Londesborough, Moy l8tht 1875. othori fIld little 6] a one. of -1101, has held dail yj almost withoat tile spectators. The Courage of both blows-ftoiji the maul in tli�) li-mil,4-of
0. McINTOSH, BAYFIELD, 8 r. I n on. Woodward aven,110 yesterday
J. Marriage Licenses IMiler the n6iA6WOQm on... Bred'd delivved dditV �o.a4pak qf the T�,Wl, suddoh,'quick"inovowofits, And ia- -r from ni�L in tho,!morilin- Adel' and 'horse -are undeniable Mrs. Bader Wcani6 to qnick'atrd sovere,
Ir ttkirnog ;jrualen the Queen's Beach, f r coun� Intel ossioty, thb.
or 10 an, and bevily on t6o'show-citse
ties'e, n I= Q
Convoyancingdonclosubb, Ad "4 Wini she w i� gone frool- OlAr eyes, antil midni6hL 1-16t, Strength former is a filiishe0 h that 116 left tit girl
D. of tllo� &JeS
Losses, Bonds. Contracts, ills, Doods,'aud blortgages. obro�!to_ on g ass.
Foe ail. vN116 it.tnoillont 1: The paor�-mother 11AS llot�giyeh out,1041 tier enthusiasm. to ]land '04f. allil the latt6r oboys 43jury, anil-hirned Upon
K Mn I 'Ill., I , "That %�,111 cost yqq't�vo dollar'�,10 silia
-it, -ts in witli b -dext6rity the girl It -he
SIDNEY ADVANClilly ON 1MAT, ZOTAM. Stood fixed.ni)(1 I iiI oxactl�'t ' hosatrio eatitiful 0licrity of ad given tile t
11syflold, Sept. 14,1815. still- libn6i U1611911 the lo*n re- d' nnallwr over three OM oi
Jlwayit. on band, [Luc! Parties Supplied with'Ovorythilig X11 a. y ItpSt hilit fr ol� leg. over 110al. womld'with the gCt repliell, the
b ood requisite for an avoiangos atitortniumetit, aeound tier Child, gazing with Wide-open, hundred, some if 'whom wee' hn cied And o�or ain thio, rider's lifa see and -front thotil tile
a e(I n ell, Ins
Hotel, This iii-teniflo(t his fur -pliico sho had sinners and Strait- -inflijeis, rito, other not wo I U second's purchse, ail. tilt,, cc Site. the fixed oyes'at , the whove piouOy. Witll you caln't 06 Of the store
Vowl r0spoctfully to Inforie, his frionds he soomed literally sudd�n- d rv. 16 indtlexcl'Isivoly bruslies � his shouldtn" mid- be rnsbeil Upolt gla%
-re au, the publio generally,. that hokoopS sceyokl'.1)AY fat, olft iantly on hand a large and,:W011 ussott Stock of a On 3't",ln ly turned. to Stand.; with the rest of 'us it, prodaned sudh powerful influence but 911plile dexturity Iiii j tws -%vido part; ttn& his' groat fore
CaVmet . .Maker, Upho�ste r, Olmsit'Summor Dr she ]I Id so him1hilough,
Will o 11 at o., shopkeeper in a.douermined voldo.'
looks, 'WeLtelies and lowallery, . 11 o,1. I - . .. tilogasa*was almost tile sftfiiLv�_Row- upon.thein"iltrough 1. and t te4ilod -elepl; pkitrs extobdod to draw� liar into his et
AND derut6 prices. nX11AlHI,';0 Of 0 L ter oloqnonco., that, ant at longth Itipes Pill 9jorry, but I'm willing to - be
executodatrnsofiabIeratej. I -Thodolabraicanuoudir ZYATTENDD-b TO long -not know ; doubt. he fillooted to her dauhter to
CTUAT many of them foll upon. their knees I into sullon apathy,
O1tDt1t$z PUX brdN
watch kopt� constantly in stock. 41Y t' 11 it I'* id, if thtit will da you any'gool"I
ALFOSD '110 iOU,
in, Farniture, Clinton x?v. sth, 1869. Jft5 it seeinod'6 be miwli longer timit it ponij�An6 aml ought al�4ion, Thero TIIC lid fetch. the 'Atlie and- 0
I . r0j)lied thO api(liy getting CIT
IT, ILINTON.' really wits. Then 'file young tnother ajo ma�i�j spectacles a6 hot- WAY thoro fur tlju rliinooem;, his.
oftiIi SVILLL 0 two M.9jouU vest, and shawl
lius friends and on Tho girl loaped fro�i- tile "Pon affd
in returning thanko'to his numelous friends and on D. GREE -N- L.' 'Ib. S.' sconiod to cattle to herfielf, %lid inadO a 111(jetill,,S ill Nowburgil', W'd--sliall proli, thick hiddlying oil Iiiii'lick i 'CjjIL
tomel: for past favors since startingin 71intoll, five m for tile like jointq: of StOV6
years go, would Intimate tbathe is at the 0 d staudaud (,,it loovoinclit as'lfsho -,votild pring ably S611 Rdo, her in. this city, aTul if bile folds -that, hide of.which'it is writto"o
his now on hand a D E 'N 1 8 CLINIT0%L�—BAlit 11'�r "I'd' had kit itile- 011) 1 guess W �Vdrcly Accidon
throtih tile wincloiv after &Lt. vall'Sf1i'd join -banda intli Aloody and Sankey that It tile Sword -of him that IftyeUi - at
tile nick (if tinle. The be0 tIje oll4keepee, in iin attsv�d
ad lie
AIR. GREEN, DENTIST, STRATFOITI), wILIe 13R weapon, at the RsttCnbufy.1lmARej Olin tun, the thiftlTues. darling Zlow fa,� way. I .,c bee when they come,
.. Alig the, revial ou'lit to it Cannot hold tile Spear, the dart,. nor.
WE'LL SELECTED STOCK day and Wednesday of each moutit. quickly alld �. held,' her fast, while the be a greab one.-wLff. Y' Sun. .9. td� -hiiborv�or." and pressed her into a coraen. -Voice,. as b4 got behilid the coiinter Ina.
G. -B L A C K o I . Tile. Patrirch asks: litirry, �ou uoedti't mind about wait.
youxig-lady who sat,opposite to.md took Butler bad ceoll0lied'down Ott tha fla6v
toil of the game. iGif scirooL.- TIM, CLINTON COUNTY'
And wjuld respectfully ask an inspect
4 Ur
1PItigh Sellout Is qati ts�xui -0, of bind'in tile farrow 2 r ticket it' y re going up th
Ing LOUNGES, whial 'dursbliffY ftmu,, Ono listening to-. thott 1jut an book into big it 'resigned to her Ott $1
tH. Iflonsunfeatct h,for oM1VT0ai,!rj age I a tmio
-petition, but oe at the same time tornia., uStfuotloti
and comf orto defy so J�glivou in All NPEOTI0101t, &C' go' hdie,
worthies. B 00 is . to be done Afr. d cheap as some articles thrown on thO a commercial, Eng1lili, ail ation, nud. In tIj6 other,jibbut NAM *. his jaw throitigh witll aL thortiP A -Igo. tile French and Golvesir languages, 841douto tire pro. I n of more thitil 1orby years resi- dern Job Visiiing Baroda, could soap -
as eltize obink i1% tile logs, took Mill), and fl,rod.
Market. PURdIrASED T111113AXINO BUSINESS- for liar. � SomolloW NVu mariaged i *
pared for the UniV6rsitie9t the latitned prolcooloh8l end hnateS toL the 'out,
Spoclal attention is pald to tile dence in tbig county, md6 a mosb singa. T
mercantile ealy Venture to as k those. qi
As he employs good workment 4nd uses none but inhabitants of Clinton And violnitf" i at he Inton Mont to do, all that wits posoible, tobirdatit, 'on Ins, studies requisite for Common Ochool Teachers, Tultion & warrant Ing on the above business in al Its branches, wid lak- death at his homo,. neat Piiii Applet, liflundlia fei'l &�d, b6st seasourAmaterial, he can therefore for Iler.; the �quat'4 came the trpi'n Was imposgibiliti0q, 6t nuil,
t, 3 n sVocu,$2 per qualtorly tcrin, Students Ifenradiatanto therdoto, Actiolt A tihoro of polld patronage
work to be of the best desorlptionj and willnot shrink. can obtailq board in the VIDatio at very UWderato ratelf. mother �Ithout a ofiort time since.' 110. 'WftSL Sitting. in rhinoceros, aF, we see kim brought into The SunamrTorm will coultnoned all Xontirly, l0tbL'&.0,,"" o juiddilg"y good roe
the WAZZV - of. his boage In. a*. r it into tho 0
wr R uiPAIRING DONE- AS UB*AL, 2191- '1872- Furthov4dbi 0l-b"ivar,714�q application ing to one of as, loff tile train, support- 00 "ug' tbii ardfis. here,'.1las a great bi 16 was hoitr bofot-6 the two n'i - notiling 01go, N
(personally or by letter) to any Board, of Chair, andL nir the rAllibg or b�urii8ter, month of hi from tile 're.
Trustees, viz I Waste. If. little, It. Costs, S. Flipht-ri -SOiREES JLXID PAP.TXES. ed on , tho arm 'of �01d' Sympathizing in, and Majaive obains roiatia Itgoong Woolen X,�usei tile lf�liy Seldom.does, 'afta I yet lit
ly action 01,46 fullowaa their J. Reeve, Rev. V, Mcquafg, and A. Vir.oAhingtout guara'-while lie held the sleop1bgL bab his feet relit,inel 6n'�t& edge of tb� Aoor- his. throat and legs. This lxugo i
M D., or to the IIaAdLMsstor,,Afr:JAm6s Tokull falit it, the other.L " of, Call L y _linttul Oft0l' firillg f4d filtu-1 rSe. the train fjtj'4 - I
in tion llistAl
ndhoA notice, tt glippect off monster e6mea forward, hobbling d its TbA girl f,
-seated, so good as nQvf- lltrpl',� and pepitiolous part, LOAX algtan9 contra re 'anh 16,�jviffi increased speed ta make In :toltwsi�iod�,ii he grouni , Ilia body lie comes be. roti to alotig-th gr Sol Who alleAd hialf their - timo
can CONVEYAW, �D talloor t I ol�lnd.with- being allowcd, to follow -on, account of t�at V,
up f6r the"Amotint of delll�j go tbore lojo;s" Soli bo�rL into on
wry hard on Ilia not' ill invon�ing foi what thogy do
0AZ E8 4nd 00 Ry
AGE11T0*k OFFIdBo BLYT the movillo, forward of the obitir oft the sfolloirs, scarcely 'no oninjL 11
wag no chance for us to s 0 woro of the, Aftotbor rhinoceri tilt) in othav hlf ortho time. , NVfta_b
hin'caugh6 n tho,upplier I CALL So)-I&M. Of all aescriptlono, made. to ordo" Atal kept on band., bereavdd YOU13g WOillor.'O r6okors ; flis 6 big, but rather tigliq, moving with it
W. H. G . (11 0 � IS 1, .1, T�jertrapjj to US at, the 1jelb siatloh railitig, Anil the back Zf the. Chair coinae Ingh sic Of thi" adventura. aoull 116t, b
z PLM131-VICTORIA STRZIT nOTIVAiANCER, ourioli floil, hit it iissfiil chantiel, avia. mada,
901,TbIM IN C1fAXCPUY, AND head* and so longee.born.' ' The two are; 10 It. p
'd Ono 4 0 46 'Ve over OUItj�j,
N-) ni Df tho railroad functiodariell up agaiistAii baWof big oGenealogist, Landi Loan, and L'Aake &Ilowlto Law, Life �JJJVF"VVEt) I OW Wag guapandild in to benefit into,
g 4 AD 'DI a gn, reZtned, so thit h W -ch in hobbles on their fore I oil 'Pilo 614 -or
Clint.n, A H122,1874. 18 -IT BRU al.d.� I . � fbr� 1 6 -at egs, 114
Mortgages, &d, caret#lly prepared;- Titlegr and claims to yeq; ys, be sure to (10 H imr�odia- this singular manner. Doing quite old and they Sluggishl� appro-fall each Oth I.- IriWaD4 Fore gn Estates investigated, and Law Bust. o'
r. 'if some ana itifirm, be was litable to extricate s*11a begin. There is mit e gritnt�
ld conuectionwith First-class tely oriod� it dozen voices f6i i bb Acre
European Firms Getealoglah Wood and Po4igrddL Pte- ajBER -they WdtIIA
g .. � . �. L� . , I
rate be m (Ilarecl lim oil 'the outraryt
fl I& o hig 'body -ingand, great straining. Vei Ing fi; 61 It
BUSINESS. BUSINESS. pAred;'Forty Years' Experioncei obargog mods Irnron Street, Oj�j�bkjtd nno3t a 11rojej. ni)tstori VAV the. p�ws. of this- 'acei- himself, and, tha wet f trier has Tilt, followl 10 0
I run C its �pen- much stomach 'for the tray, --alid the oop�of&i impartantil0cumeilt, whit'll our whole �Hmary oilhooLay
Money to Loaft-private funds, and for.P4blioao aolit, hl broli"ll resting on his ollin prevented 1
tile -trat n as if by,
ponleg. Debts and Notts collected, stobt is
it 1�uilt O� ii, plan thWfoaterg tho fabriott.
Blyth, Sen. 18, 1670. elocti-1011y, tv long row� of sly-tilpatbi Ing his month to nall for holp, and+ thus hort,striggle tndit iW the indoTytitient al)�ttj'Qn of tho I e rdg 81`11
faces watchea from tile carriage the he ded trom-stritng�lation.-Gr�g'v'-itte theL 1-arger,
NDERSIGNED EGS To INFORM'THE CLINTON' Ag. 11th, 1875. and Cowardly, bolting Of i6w poilaingin one of tilt, c,)drtsift this tioll of excuses, mgny oewl,joh RVO littla
T%,Ujt4nte of Huron, that he In now In a position 01int6n Ashery, appom-ittg foring of the fitather and the ebotterhorned brutes, �Olth d1um8Y_.cftk Tbo-letter beging thllsl� I- 'Oki' 616*1 and of it
fel funk " - ydarw T
to supply f rora Boventy-five to one hundred Blyt Flqurihi -Xillso ivarcl. A flOrid ivltft*i�-�llier throat, bouilds 0 1 tjjf� if t ' 1. t* r who called up"One of
T`AsUNDERSIGNED nAviNGPVUdHAS2D THE profuse gruntingg. A�siiaond t1w,3 f t"ll li r6W. lingo 4VOrit.
htry, lately OWno4L by, Alf. Crawford, wishes to ob- -,It will 6.1ie her an hour to Seat nly boa pap I Oy a gallolgra and Ank"d hitu Wily
F IR ST CLAS S CARRIAGE S tale, a large quantity,ot ashes, ]:to therefore roqudsti all 00aMerefaILIbad flila 'two are brought to- the scratch j, it, go. ta ILat Yott no t am wall f v(sq-16to. 014 411tila to sieve tbe= for him and lie will send" gatherers round H:b subiloriber b6gs to tender hisr m6A rea0h the Spot, 96nd it'9 jllsb thirty -06 'The Cincinnati 6d I hoe ho 1.4
mi hek0' 'neg will r -00, to
and givo, the highest value In seep for them. Tsincers thankg to his filimerotts, ousto- I nutoi now to,t Xt'stktion,�� Sit' acdount at' "a " h6rie With a -ailVer cO114 U1119, dOes the, Imposter ahun tho tjjog� few It Ilia ilia, hal tf Wit
TROS.POTTS. morsr in tile slittoundiq townships aucLthe the stout gen 'threat Ito proldn'l i6n of tlli; 1, AXY QUANTITY of CUTTERS& -P-b. 16, 1876- blid genorall� for their liboraT Pat,, on,tht thick jjjtj�6d.of tild j)r1,1t6ff, hdl)Ijy;n6. &�tj
'at frVyIf for tho' furLIld
no 40
tletnsil1n the Corner,, talc- wig a kifidly) kard-work. ina out his watch, boaji) bel�ngfng t " the Cinciiiiiatt Wold further notif'thom that tile gt1jr
ada 001t 'Compagy, bub'Was. witid- AlTarently to onconrago thom to- flahti tion atill dagier hopan that you Nvi to avold, pritiiallilij -hia 61.
EP0 Lwids. lately addedmost importafit improvembil 9 t6 in his eyea upon it, 11c OmnilbnaL 11 Ap.,
his machinery by pattil , in a now, boiler had struck ine AS one 6f tho M026 , dis,- -litoke;,' and on tfiat Addondt'had grown with ilia grotesque resultthsth both pli fictjokiling to dottirrilanationand but ,
�=y �b. 6
'His NOTED LIST OV LANDIII IN HURON tort SALt J31L double the oivor fierotopre, used, afid by agrienblo and selffall old gentleman pos- almost usoloss.- was a. bity, ana, a afolyL bolt in oppo- td n16 li-Aq 144, ril
thti Canada Oqmpsuy may b4 been M thd office at' )r inloortant improvements, togo- " . I I . . tinny oth( 40tii iiii. f1jera t itrijoli
A 10
cl t Sible, y,-Scarcoly polite queso__ loss 44 'wolf, Waggons and, Sleighs o. . .....
An no awoun
t 0 I_ng Wit I you Daw-
millers, lie ,o tietirromaneiglAdr 'nd then in e: won h, was Spears )ijals
do fivat-blass work in Will,1111? to ndapi ax6uw thpt- thov
a yos, r6ima, or tnado to order on sUoit PIXG" &0 A64erjt and gmffi* tnitntlet V6881'ble s' Itoyerx tht) vkorinary� aorg�on, to tty 'Will Malta them take, Wrilly, t6 tho ftays, not M'Qf%b t1ju Railly antl
on bata all tt -18TING, - ItlNulag, ftA4
botl4a. The work to ailauted to bo Arat-alads, sua GR I lie 11 cAmod com�,Ifl rnaoli, grateilqua 1101% 1 jVjIr gft ahi, tea t 000.
ACCOUNTANT, tjDQOKK 16ts howo with his no%vsp
'To, diataUee eat, j1aV6L theit apop and, his shuff-box, not, (kill-or-coro'iomody. _80 two montila AVitit"the: aroni,v.thay dta ordered 61,1n. nolt. I oiloofjoo erdul suibnK tha rest pilpiw- F6 0161. -aild bogltii to rdel a
lorfinen't Of ihe very bell waidrial n them the llam,6 dbY.� 006yPlour and Mill' having-noticod'the little fittry in any, 0, ha.made an inoisiott in the aiiagraoo, t think yoq , atij tho boaqk 9'
A large ail Apiw1bilsit for, I)AWAMI, thoy
'11fa, M
t6oks loostedo %made Up.* bitlhn6edo and, g for salt at moderate rice&. t no tha %
,always on han Adleaut"A =446 ocks ftAd tolkeet6d" Voed aiwAy hy except to glanco tit h6i, ,6w ana Oat, and inserted a glift tube Ift tjj�L
j1d,otla 0j&ot, 6VID6,81is the It 01dat'L _�Vlna od bellelyloth! konuI14 Angfir junip" U., ouswl to of'
pipe to facilitato
=01ftliono stine Rural 1875 Tj ]R]o UMBE R. d
UPAIRING and JOBBING PROMPUY'ATTENM to, roading4L a .06rt of 0rfiflexal ljoilitil At the Pothtr wild bu itaor lovo you Illus 6,V61146 4ly-ollotith lot. 110660% qI110111y on
tile Subseriber Nvotild slob ifiform thap VOW Ilia "W11616 9OUIt, 8O6Lmqa,td be Aloa ljngor�lon, Tho device, . worki like & lirutg th0antibligtheir tot tint(ill you At -al njo - unontr. B6 lie that Ito had a largd'stoek of lovibor. of
'leasly 666 tit$ tigor Oba.
All kindit of Blaoltsinithing 'work d6fka. diftrcut, kinds; and Iongthil - Pino Iro It- oiwlio watob before, bibi, itna chatnio, the torrlbk Wbobglfig hau doitied Will
ii(rtfla wdylliglit of tinto" -agitin 4nd h,%g heale(l up bottl On d laok and qlaek, th-O OtI
11amlook Jrom 10' to 96 - Ohorrv_ *fully, Md the horse lop dun
at their I j
ngL his,flill day's'Woyk,juia e
mit his t,4. 111JO&
Batt6rwat, WhiteAsh, maVlo, Rofi6d UOX Again, ill words M, Oro fordillk. ihan 014. is d6i tot As ilam4i 0144
Ulm, ill lengths. Ioft. 'th; 9tritin. W1.1to §0011 no yoll Aif, thN lolhal�nls(l
sybtg to Ault.tho publid full 8110ance. The it throoll he t itAdt Ni, tho bitttlaj W1 r4ai,lt3ft tert-1610 lasdolida, 11% tho
Vionso-w%bols OW Iliad-, Man of the rAft. month at half tot 86*en Abloix-lim to fill, all ofildtil thitthd tfifty be I . h1g.01"now they' rush , 0 6 0 d 0 1 ,
Vitrriftiro 0' 00 L 1j. . There als ft yotril g. Wottld.b6 �iway bi lemovrl. 44 *11L hilligo "an 136d, it,
4OkjUj i tua bat OrA4. th Un 1030
v1suing f6vorcia with, on'thd Shottoll b notleoL and Moot ,
jfton� otraw.-tiolorod gloveit, sit
117 It' l!460otj#.�10 t4ttall. 6 corh6r, liklit Vub "1 %6 arritn964 -09 ot t killed IM filliti"
W Olva Mid a dill before DWA401hil 611fthAV& A*j 1% blandof band, fitj inrl t1nouligolial, And got dutt bf �hkod W tattoo viny Won 'a - 41016 t4 tho ROMP, ftAA 01fi-fttotlem *64 4
),ny M114t
4n o�a-glasg. otatk lit bhd 6yoll imida '16fido to ilia hamall, 146 W"A Lablibbtatith, bat, It, 18181
TO N---'
w wftwi� P