HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1876-01-06, Page 1I ''... ltw lw
00i , "J" Im
.1 I % d, i t : at or
. " 0140 U., N =
... 1. 49rPO-baff, which, the"reitrilift.
. - - . n , 138, a f
"I 11 -7 M S, & SON -Ruorutnpus. . ", , I
- I _ I ,_ - - - . " , r tug Privilog#4 I
. WISDA-V--- , UVAUT G;10-70. ; 0 7_ X J -10L E i e on., , , h paissengor, o it I dida
I . . 1. I I—- I / .1 . I I V I . .1 i w .
6 I III I ig,uglg: . I 1:111.111 I I . I . . I I . . I . Anythl" and got Oro Ort
.__ _o 11it", oMil: III Imit.4=1 11. V 11111 , I I I—, 11 - = := " : :, ,.:,,,,,' ot er4; % for'All TrIt 'A
, . I I _ -_ . , .:1, 1. .1.1, 171- I q viah
"r PO , I . . - i didn'tinooAvonio nee allyll, 46 of
Isi ,or, A BLOW. ec0,1400 0 my it storle,so ' I Standing Armleo., ,
I . — I I ieilt roo _ , , . relime. of Mo4al.14 " otirious -Polsol I I . . . . - - . - help thatil' said the host ; 11 otata
, . . . I
a 11toloollfton so happy mild good Ma ot the XioCraws, dechred rebels. . — ,. 1. , . .
, 11 ' I ' ' table Are it dollar apieqaj, and 1
qalamraro both naught ,tot the king", - , - . ' 4' jiQq Ji.- going rouu , ,f
, L
- . ies, . . 4 Xt I .
'4017, 14Iy,0.dUViqqed-b,r tbl$ jog,ftf,* tiI
-t; I 1. I 4. the daily 'The nomber Ores -eooldt =A1U* 611 994.upied 9416 it, M481I.Pay,
L. I , ,u, at pi
AW00 I and Mde, , , L . , .
"I' alyllily'lltlo, 'Llill, 'llI , Ist press to the RIT00 that a man once spit tallied 14 bte StA1,0149 Arm ,9
a rQolzI:-1,- 4flo.i.iii44tllowiDrtvbonco'tkopbpk4 . ,4, ' . of Q.4vilizod', ,
I . 9 4 0 1 . . I I 1. . . . t a JVattloolRska _moUth, oat! 4 '
I thetri,11 p ingarr. ,"LI141 'J'wGUJ4 'In 0 , and, ill* Qu ",not loas ,th4n 4,OQQ,000,. All , , , d
. ,.,, * ' - , 1.
. . capnT14. . . ..aid'Gle Y, .. . L
. for A blow,P ,. I sualre died; he did the same thiil oenger b4nae4 out tile ox r' % (1911%
ugh tile 1.14 -to the , g to all, thos
as for a blow P, I I A, kips m Instantly priidncod. " .Lea a, frofil'u ,
urnoy of Ilia as OUVA vs 1.10W Shall I pi,oduce thom, ,Wlleu addqr, And it died I%! L " , . . , r ortatolted away I soral in. , . p t
.. I I over VQA . Td we 09s . 4Q. Another adder dustries And oondeinzied, to idlQueas aad Then be walked u 16 the, -oarpot.
.4 them I'm rase (or a liio, . .
... . I _- . . , - g. people an agpoat rap Wad it, thus-, o();lrPet.,1 _
. i . I I thou 10%not 1000 ine nor any 61114 not OPQn itis mouth', so hQ vit on a Vieiouq liro'. Vhile. the 100fin said.h 11 you'vo 'been I I..
foe 0, . , In Odell, stage of life, O'en from Intpoy's yeare. , one to W , pro . 'ia
. .
N. 094 110, 314411116041S IsHt stop 4D this yall o4paro, I move V 0.44 lKintoil, I . I A Stick, rabbed4lie. spittle On tile adder's, Are taxed fortbeir support and lor the 'hil, i$ - ht ' P%ti
Thwe'aiiallstio whiolicaulolil, ue-sal - - and. it' di . ed, 4 . no.11-poisolious ,ragr I L W e rve been eftbl'ng, and too J.)U
I 9 rn 8 pleasure below O(Zot tb , oy'retipire. ,:The . By
IrAMES STEW A I always r0tll 1119 "06 k 08 for, qblow Ill I , y chaplain thereo tbat un. IblIQ002 I I q costly % . ilouts th
enses " Mo , . a , . aCk snake was tl,6064 in the same annoal- Amount or tbg ' r * , tend to you,, and now you sh'all-have
Q11.1 Un TILQug]Lxmqnfilloulacondprizkv,RR,iaoAllubbui'tc,61p Artned v3sn. of poace-- Iot him p odaco, . . . ailitary pirld .
Q _ 1. - LL I r '
Moottalteur, I . .. 'L' I way., -but it did not, die; and the con, n4 Y04 want", Sosayingliq-tioloolred:
I NouE R OV MARRIA E Ll- Oranudry,41471. ' - . Tot 0011 wO mligt love them and praY for their souls, .them," said 01 , I
*1 . . I . .1 ., Throuslk Chi% $orlruey of I,fa'L as We Pat,61ttly gal , ongarl, L L 1. . ,Yalbudgb,to(,;fm tt oj ,i 6.690,960,,300i bag.= till
. .X a .. 1. Y, - ' _ _ ai$pIJkylnf;._P, ya,W.Aing'LeMp
, . ' deuce, Victoria Street- , . 141., . . Kilo atliliman oalimj L thq10 e Ibb"-
a. A .1 We- QV0k'VAI V611401? " A * If G - n is drawn th _ _"J bor itivolf6d by.th W
.- 1, . I I Qklss ker a blow PI ' . o t4en,'gadd. Colin)' said Rintall OIL -
.. R. REXVE Physician, Surgeon, eke., Coroner for 71,L, _rr". ' . .. . f- . __ -_
_ q .
11) UV K!, - ' tQJhe,_e1xaPIo, . -Poisonous or Po - tiny, Mon from.productivo wbioli the contents of 4 hfilfrbushel'=
1, D, Movt. IIN074. __ DGounty of Huron. Residence and Office--0orner of ' 9:10 r _.. . S49414 any'assail Us in, 4;ed o.v in , in -j- ' o, to yonAW7eaVlWi L or monowl 4 akos as, the drawaI of tie in I
' . worA , U1 iL as .
_ . __ 'f' i:j , " _ -.Ob, then .lob us -z - --iiiiakpatlaq - - ___ - n . L ' well fill -and, beg
__' .
.. Albert pad Mill Stroots, Clinton. b __ ea —.- I 1*4 air i"Lord, 7-t polso of s6keo is N? loan. , ift4ustry costs $660,874,460 ;. and the sure .14 so,ircely
.. _ _ 3. Who, 0'ea Ili tho'soptho -hou knowest. #her.@, the li .. Bring I
.. . Beesley, Millin ,mgmi. Nil, ,669. - - __._1-tf- - , . L - ea 0fChBbJttoXo$t,woe. L L . .. 11 y 0. . ''I" - ' : heaping into it, all thA t o Qo
__.. pr, . t , "i-', - . . Aqturuod In Ali an%Wsh " L I n'orddr to realize -'the improbability ibtereat ofeapital invosto , table
. 06 kios for a ).>low I,' thWo bither." - t. , I . I 1. ,dv in ,appre
I$- LADIE, 8 OF — , W.oll'I" Said - . , . ilit4ry ta,ned, the Other pgssenAoja,_. a .
a iti a , . . .. of this story, we, will otate, Plat, tile and no,val establish in, onto amotints'to . I . a
14TVIININO T ANKS TO THE a to in. d,liRURY, GRADIfATE OF TL MEDICAL F nou Tgiy - I . .1 --- -, — _ . 49 This, is _ Glongikrry . ., .
, , for past favors, beg I it. BT . I . ....... . -
. 1. I .1 _ L ,not their s t I .4is '.makes a total of in JJ ---
11 DD tineut of Victoria Univeralt-y, Toronto, fff- . I& 111911LANO OFIEFIS ]REYEN410. ntX Fl g tile ajtLl jjOlf, inip4jq 48si4t
, th that she 0 .ontinmus the Hat and Bonnet 2 thp Hospitals mud Dispensaries, Now York 11; , olA10hing the parolime th -his qrru- Poison bf stmk6s is' , alim but $162 2Q0,0Q0.*T ., .. I I I—. -, bi
.. . I - till the carpgt b' -Ij d, ejojoyed. .auell
bloqu,st the . ' _ jif
. q ccle aia; tug L,000. L
, tico v,ol)e6t%lflkiids.ecritediatLbaa,i3i Aed raore thaw $li40Q 00Q takim every, 0
merly t. , Brantford Tea 'Co ' - , a L oare. meal" .that it L
I a Coroner for the County of Huron, IJ.&yrxzLD, On I
, POSITE THE BANK, July22,1874. 81 HIPPY . 4. band from\ the trem4lilag i ' ' L ' . . ... L . 11 . I . J Was L
I E ISTITUTION. e ' fr in the P601116 of Ql1riSteAdQnl for. Was
I , '*agent for lifossrs. Duttr % I VY 0 ATX D RE L d sqL I li
, STAND, ,O,P . , 6 . i lIdW GLExamir , PT goo I bor
. . . , and. -thrusting them Itaktil into his bo, near the root.of tile poisquQus fang,' y 0 .o.. L ...
. . . . . . . . I . . . . . I I ' , ;
W.. Andfi,hat she has become . I y . I - with gre C'l
. i `G TO iNvong Tio,;rvizio TIIA.T , - . which is- pro balail I establish,. away
. I Caeopuropean and Now York patterns of ga to ; all It. WORTHINGTON. PHYSIOLIN, SURGEON, WE Rr I I_ . .if_ . . . I V 'so f4i this in vfelt,' Nowsibiliee vided witu'p, 0 _ el t' the raointoilaneq of military At. diffi . by. its'owne
nd descriptions are kept on hm;I ,he will Licentiate Of WO College Of Physicians . 1. " Tho, ball"U'PlAiloalit fyonall was arowd -0104 ; , coudgot the, poison troni the bag to near m I - -; for pi .,W n ,! --2- O" 444,119, r', _,tl
oh 's 1) Acoonchour . 'Who -7
aiza a 8 one ol, 6 .1 I to
0, and hopos, by war Canada mud Provincial Licouti- - reverend air, and forth 'to. ,?n V- But$llis'iM not aIL . early r pp 5,;,c " Q'- &
- 00U'#kt prices speoftle&ln thp Cattild _d, whIrm n And argo L Mr. W. Marten, Peiller,01likton, . oitz.0,01e-Agent beyond all, former ,pr6cedent, T dolwInt with,wri rest """"" graot c M, C'iia
. I -
k ., trIot can and attentiox . Coroner for Q ed , be. out a l6ttir from thy'IA to the king, the. point, sq -that it nPity be ifiTdcted 'as many wore men.are -req.nired to wait - . of the 6 . I
e 0 Zberal patrouage. stQ and a Couut,y .1 Huron. Gillum mud ."a . . . . . I I I I .
residenoe,-Tho building formerly occupied by Mr. For selling Teas in his aistrict, an hat, ive are Oupply , I I .
ALL ORDERS PnoWPTT,Y ,&TT1rTDr.v To. fea,A was ill ready ori1r, -and, Allord, K' . :a 1- , I ,, . I .. .
tug from , in- n 'tbem-in Some. -XG,rny or,otbe.r, " 'k .1
Thwaiteu, Huron street. i7 him with the finest Teas, lea Md, Varl -mine in the. eyes" luto. the.. *Dund_ . _'_ -, , ,. -: Upo - . , ,and -i ' 4fMtloll I I 11
. I - - ,
5 I I _ 'M80 POistil ' '
I Clinton, Feb. 24, 1876. ( to 90 cents par pound, e1JAe 7: ... ,fully clearing. mo -and I
. re, ,or Qreen,,t%-ak _.,t.ai1-.w.As -presiding bior I the iong board , . I lo, a'ngorous if g6n. by they, too, bifoonle, consumers" P 0 L. . .
Clinton, Jan. 10, 1871. 1 . r1histed from 10 to 15,4 -, - 16 ,-", gObIots-'x-rro gir6ulaii ' of big majesty from all blanie and sW d f il3 " . _ _
I" lf.,,,.,011ltoty ,,.,,'.tld,t,,!."' V.1l'ore 11,9wing 11 I . I, *=, -Doz
der umual retail lbrices 41. - . I .. ,---=l l"vpi.Y,O"o6d-.- e-Arst.-e *-- .
11. DOWSLEY, 31. D., L.R.0 P.S.R., ME Prepared to fill'allor q. I HIM A al , ng ti.nk forth in true colors in OW12 iRjjQ!iO ;. are harM11eQ4_""am%Qll _ , _. ffe . . I . . . . .
Mi3ul; He is no , I - .1, . I .. _ I
. T41AL.- ,,, —, _
.V&?0V.ffr Ile A 191AVO 0 . a. GIVE )long the nomoKotM Lrimsts , I I I i 'ol4,n. , I -Wfie el - I " *P,o*qi-s- of the of t -is tha the firrances of nearly idl I
. - ___, , - Vn-d bt-aw-OT 111,1iii ,n 1Vr - , y his
A I College of Physicians and Suggeous of tar'M', w1J.'rXWZ & co. KAQ I - 1,111)_. rave -Most - i lWg itive. I ee-BA-1r--,ThO-,;1,Ojsf-b-1a
" Tlom,, t =1,A1*y-J9rl87f,.- - - I _'-poor-ol.", I . . .
y4uH- - - gf!" I . . _&q0m'-- Tinto -P . bet -9 4 Satu d
. . — late Ho d A000uchour. Orrw% - _ ----t .1 - - Wa i d T. 1, t iends-0-r. tri a a". 0 r , ii t 'thei least . -6ther i*qM_"t40XA1V _St1t6Sare_e=1*r_a§ "e_._CrW ,
case Surgeon of Ithigaton, Quinna-mad. L in .cruelly hav6 * b4nbelied, f r before Wo and ean s, of Boa
. Hospital; Physician, Surgeon an -, - fe-tired to ildolare theinpolveS to be othe' . - _Pi14d_(1_d ----- ---'h - _$otbe-yac ' 'the other band, lot as f6r a Moment shp . _ay at tbo ]lands of Bea
AJb,,.igt,.Qt,(,I,p.sitoFair'uMW. -Rxan&i -Alkor I -A. . r- arm as ?1, 1.
MORTGAGES) NOTES,. Wr . tbQs -gdntIetndn-I-dq honx svv6i5-,.-tliiib 44 7=09 - 1 5- 1 otVeri, h4d been - in numero,
Wo 2, zd,4 wr - 11 a SA; = Visc_' .,13 l ,-ttlll"Li,. v-a -e:--o r- . I . ,u
, street, opposite Commercial Hotel, Clinton Out. . We uja'qoitilin S.a( I cine,Virus, .wbi4h by ino.olilaii,on' proi poso that, byau un6istanaing with.the, I ,
, , I . a_ all be my"Judge, . he. hath - no . . ' . . tight places during his ovePnt"CntIl!'.f0LU
J, Clinton, April 21,1875. . , materials'of NY hich tbis,gro# assombloge. . _00sh 7 ducaq tba',well Icno*i yr1cw,,5a.P6ffect1 groat .powors, a - disarmbig in.,tho pro, . ,n
. I enti ,I -an
. AND OTHER I . 0.7 I " . I ,
- , . , , ,where eye. faithful subjects." . quered, lifik. The y6 ' P
- -4 M . I ` . r oial portion..of .one-half -was" itected. I ' . . I Unger
01. ,PA, PS. ,_ . .3 $1 Use thy pon ak' be die b ralleis' when. swallowed ,., ana tov .
witi,401liposed, tbo chief of the X cken ! in, 0 , obinson
I tates " said. a I Was m4niiging the allow whioli wa
. -in I . ? . * 0 . , I
- -1wa Most prudent, , f6ldilecl Kintilil ,poisbilid, e j)6oially of the rdodiabely -more thra.2,600 000 of men, b
AMPBELL, M. D., 0. K., . I - 2!
Good Securities rurchased. J- C I ROYAL BIAILITEA zies , ly ' Wr I . 11forif. be speak thus I will other Organic I I ) wb -'tbe. particq-
. 'biaircsb i'l0i $.Of . .
. NEAFORTH, owr.. Liverlit)(4, ionrlon_(14' .af w' . Plasold'. 'the stontest and .9 1. .. : ere. on Saturday, related
W. IY. FA v ,. _, vidz4 tie hind, 9f anintal, orl'giu,"a,rp only frbm twenty, to thirby-five yeari of ag -
RnAN: RADUATE OF McGILL COLLEGE, MONTREAL, __ . , - Ili$ OW11-61annn1b ' tlie6strapg freely own he l4tli, been wronged in, the- la"n" - lteritig'the ii . yatem * by. I I . . 's ltirs of ak friglit,674 0041,0 ,old 14co g6t
G I , 11(y - .
. .
1 47 and Member of the College of Physicians mild Sur- Tile first-olans, ffill powuml. Mydo-b 8 11" ; 1J _ pra O'n.al' false ruinpro; which h aivo been Conveyed '. gerous wheri of constituting,the flowovof tbe":polnilati6n '
I . _ . . . I into on ef sluria.g.jile, torm of seVern
, .. Ptlnity . '
t It . -
CiiuLon, Nov. 9,18 4. of Clio Allan Line, leave Qt. Ar oil, ,Wyeis.tv.! as was pft. oriiary lit those. r1ifle'. timos,, to me and,thio far- wouind, And; M4 witif - beL of that a ,o, are,restorea to'thfe labors of
ing for Liverpool; landlu 4NIVvy satur
_ = i Coroner for the Canuty of Huron. Office and >Vqr a I ,,, , .. fight, mo to his r6ajesty', I . I years 'lie t avollea' with lais father'
BOO-Mixilk Street south, near the Railway Station- g nd - ails at 1 I
_ " _ — L -- Loch Foylo,fvr Lutiftuderry uu4 fizow. , 040111.1non Sit Nv ili his,amtw, ii dirk-g.tick-. . I I . pfir,67 and at OnP,e 'aiI annual 'aying'61!
. L I i ,talrqu ihto the. motith' or:stotfiach ' An ' .
______ —,----- __ __ r, . ., )fill] ' 117 , hanestiit least i4 file6,.to. say ,' a show. ,It was il Texas Lee -lIaA go
.Q,,5,000 - 0 LOAN. ii V'in the b6ai'-d'befb I excuriatiort or.sora'Wi on thelips' or,. $040,000,000 If , eirbotb(torf Ike totnlity into
eg LINT OF SAILli-us jrjaoffjr 4Vizr, 'ng lip -I 1.0 0 mucli,, tord'Kin'tail,'! s , aid.Glengarry;_ I . L troUbJo`wi IILai)Odyof Texas ru,
. -
]Dtef - ollrbs. . I 1o. u -se, in caiso:4if i P , . .. L, -on EurpRe ... h, L"n. -a suln' wbich fl - 'ho b4d objue to the she* at,, I we I
11 I LJVMt1`00L LIKE. 11 is a and sitice -thou dost g-rAhf,'m.6 this . .iQngt%' by,whieh' tb v ritay. ter theL of. !a , pan'budgets , an8"V
?y , SX1111IN AN, .. Jell., fl. serviocs being rbquirod hnd this pre.. . I I diiettlation, id d4tivirous'.-as lj s beeii - rou , pity ol i twebty:. year* all tile ..thj k.
6ii L "
16 More, n ` "Aiistin, Fulriolig with
, Jan. , I I thine amatWe - I , , ". - _ , , -aiager
__. V(ROASSIAN :::::::::: , " usis here may 6,s * Il 5 .V I I
____ . Lau cl I ... E . W" aid
N- AN_ - -.2r), ion1was ., AU611 6p t o & de6apledgii1g - Hl 0-0 'th% - .1 - - - OAS.—. - .1 'k fi i,bie.key ,-tlioy,-set--tipolT 'bilnwjt1i
11 P. I. V A T 17 F U N D S. RLEA S ROUSE, CORNER 0 RMORANT Plt TSSJ . : .......... ::.*is, . . . y ad . wTit me out a short -1 I I theoL prw.,0_4 by ex4mliles, . on e (an- i tiropequ ii iou
L I .
0 HkIMIANIAN ............... Jam. .W. . Upon fliolir'd8ek1b Occasion, e . I T I . . . :.__ :__. ___"_ ,
- - .-
aud Store street&, Victoria, B. C. -S. Jones, Pro- . I causee'very, .wounOs 44ring. 'disFieCtioll"'L.by- I - 11 __ . — -
pristor.-Excellont A000modaLiong.-Board, pal week, , PaRsongors for Glasgow by Ll%,Pj,l)odl line. - - Ioi the restitution!oNlicie lands.of mine-, ger' . . I h- - - - ., refto& arid ' bovio.-jinIAL-Th '_ as4
ThoadvantagoB off.rod bAthtA Line Rrovarylowratpo, ... -11. . -1 . I . ,-ht 41)d- _1114, L of 1. I 0 , -?';h - *W le _ -I , 'L I- lt in -f-IiirlLx.t-and-- w6tg-Eifik,I-
_.___ .W.C L Vl , ---
One I t-.tLbAt'tAble..ivas-i,enloti.,j. imil ddlitit_' I --Iftlediqid studontd' Y ----h __thQLdec6tnw , - I Ile 00 ) "
S6.W; lied and Board, per day, $1.0D; Single Meals, . w,hi6h.m. ere .1alcen Srorii *o-bytho kitig's .1 . - _ __ .Pvc i";!!W Ao* - ^ _
, . _.. ;- . -.-.a ' .419i - O . .
87jotio.; Beda, soots. beat mccommodallo-ho, groa(oat amount of Wautprt, et fill of thos6gi M 49 0 ad--aniii-i- l=-fiia-ttMpr 116-ki j at'$-- . J. , -'-: 7.-. 7 - - , - -, igg.jill, . ily
L I—. . ,qin : t6 -r Aac 6&"_
1. =1 corkly slid tOty Rttldnablo,.mud Hhorom tao p saago. . L .. 0 ., . " : r-wer4alse-statem-ent"t-tiE -.-POs' . Uo _______ ' it-olli-al !au1t_-Ldo4d h"wapod
11F RATTENBURY HOUSE -1, RATTENBURY, i;, q :C,.: a t _. - ______ __L___. - . . .
-i - 01 -AIICxE- S M DE RATE4 . . 1 ... _ _, -,- 10 -Cit ... . . I 1. . .. "_ tll fir
i,_- - -.--- I -'- Xa-d`-Ne_ `__ iotlo,_Aost_ - - , - __ . it -onset aiiir tbrot m off. the
.L _ML i, , Z _ . ii Is -the, poohxi um_ - -Xr- I 'L ,
Jr,, .:7 , 1. __ - - Y.; WhileLstudent.8 , ith ajl UlJiM_ . . , , 1`60ple Who Mai ftsim tbati
teR Issued I a 1(rkbefi, VT6 d66 - , Rail Jw - 1 rld Francisco.. ad -1 L r*arfte &-a t zs
. I r""'Id - bit". -0- — ;cuIat4m,;tC&1 k PliblaGIn".
T, Pr6priator.-One door south of Cite Past Office, P""n, , t their Irml .'. - - , 4 =__.0eUy,fG . tb ',
— 'Vic Am Street, Clintom The fittings anti f(truimbingio Y,rTh, o &y hifuri6tion, mrVly to , ___ .I,.- rib a,, thOu liesi ? Mat fiffiood lord here may i4iial ' I .. I ' I ,tmelc for moment.* .1fe -could--bear
. . . to . . dir,own oiai, aild a huge 'Mall *st,riAv , I itiffer too lo Wfr'M. thL , . L tired skin on their hands .may dissect gersA. - -_ _. . 1.
at this bell e fire all now, anti everything is provided to A. STRAITON, 0. 111. ,R. . V . . I I poWappear to incur dan, h'y "'y iheir,howli:and vc,ngefulthroats. Tinio
. ot the W"ishes tied wants of Cho travelling public, and Clint . . k1low]YL find erectly into'tlie middle'ef it, I I I I - 0 , e Woonvenience y sol jeob'wlth impunity CtLae is. eecape olsewbeyei_ -:omploy7 .- '. 1. L . - '
" me "" . , Lan . _ A. , The veq4els was precip 0 t
I'll,, Ily TO he feels confident, from long experionce, of being able . , - I logbjils awkward posture ia which thou I . .. I . . , AP and a 4 sp raie, deed fo
,I,lTb J . , d both'tor Z-6ssbing .and. opean. traffic . P,
S. MA CONSON, to make comfortable all Who may favor him With their -.-------- . Ava mu. ftled Up -iia ni,larzo Clitrk PIfiid L t'thyselfdet'itiningbita-b' " tb ' On record of a young lady' ivllo kisfied e . ,. . safetybalfto be d6no quickly, He ap-
I I I I . 10 . . . I y slow' . . .
,Dsrrlste , do. company. Good StAblitigand attentive livotlers. of 1301110 nameless tartar, upd. it .waa so. I - , . Ad dead body of her father. Slie-had.a, Appear io, 6e ofien. utterly unseaworthy,
, 38 , . BAKER, COXFECTIO 1. i ."I I . I I ' ',and i0expe - rb clerkship." I . I . I . 'exb'61 ,. . I , I I ,- proached the keeper, of tb o lionla .. Cage,'
. . . 1. 'W _V. I -bado:
Clinton, Sept. 7, 1874. Clinton .June 2. 1874. IR , &.. blded ver. the unc or part of his race as
I . - , %:, f -, u'a t bid:! ana, ag 4-' v b " hich ,W rotten bid tubs in fact discarded Plif, an upon peril of iiiii li6, birri., do-
__ . . , 4 , , I ' ,. cc write $to tito r little . riation. ou or lip, w as he a, ve, the trAffie in-
. X to cofnplotel '&nce,al ft whilst the. . I .,Y,; thb 'mWiftwo'on th6 lips -of r'"but inade to 'ser' I d , Ili ,nfi .
. liy6i 4iminstaully t , , n-
- . :np- peditioiisly_as may- be," .said Rintail, t6l"it'" .1 14'kevr.'' Beil %`iei:
Royal Canadian - - . . d the corpse ; ,it soon inflamed W4 Pacific -wat i,s. . - Th6 lately missing ves- .
ank. r"foullanous %ourbro. I . per part of -his foatu eg were. alzro ed, nl eeWo)y i c'oiijol.Ain , wi ' ith .a.11 1. 1.
I 0 .th OlennIrfs . looked the d'oor nud'entered, soeki ,4 a7,.,
by the extreme4breadth 'of W bonnet he I I ' I , -. 06b" tos.: Angelo as o co, a United I .1 . ,lin
gly, the -- '9).,w_ . n 9 e don lie well knew was lot.
- _.— - -..-.-- R. McLENYAN the charatifer4stics of'A, virplent .4isseot. .
— _ - - - . wore. His a Insviddo'nime4dation. Aboordin" . Siates -Gover §ut ' revenne cutter id the lion's' .
-Ak ppearande produced a dud.: . ra were made out ixa'6tly as h 'd ' ing w. ouna,.,and in k.feW days, sh was a I I nm(. I I . outsid .' ,The rus , sucoiisfully)thr *. ,
' Tape e , e-, I . . , I Q a . I
BE? THAXXdTT6 nis den lull in the loud talk ' .. to od. knqyirn- as the Wii an'da' She was gold I , I
CzMTAL, $2,000,000. . LEAVE TO BETLftIN . that, wad - then . ter so algo. The, poisoubiba cin 1* . . .
909k 0. CARTWRIGHT. erous friends and the public generally; for the ed-sigued 'by Xinbgil"-- a p sdent-, He -r ae the'..
KL4= ai- ising.f eiii.dvery,''m.otlt,fi ,"::',th diu- of all thehi q tile ,
I libpral share of patronage they have afforded Ince ; " .6 . liniq the'eirculatiot-i of her blood.' ' - as unsafe,z and has since* dono duty as a. I . " - ... . * .
- , lhbia'in- the 'C'apaqidus--7bqwrA , _ ,, . I 5WVQRiiO!;A_-' - - I _ .
. .
- -
x erim- ]at, - - n . - - . , . I . ..-
1U -%triot I -_--flxe-v&ulto4 I e Off I net-ais-of-Go'u. I - I
CA,RTWRI IT, OF STRATFORD, HAS OPEN- commencizig business in this place, mud hopes,khal 8 _WJIiQb__had_1 *in , ,:4 tbF. In -A -Mir.9 .1 _ ...I I .
. 11 .
. ED S Dental Vince in Clinton, 'On _tlj".rket_ attont4on. to his buehwss,-*nd-th4)oeptff4:ufrL -an-ir . a 44 a - Maeflonnell Ohl f ' "' 1. .. '. . i-Imye-b-d-e-n --A ile_brate-o -noblek-tb .; I umau ..
. . I I I'll 11, ____Zt __ . . qI. . , . . . )
,y&I Canadian making of none but first-class articles, to me t,ft f " ' . .to . ,fl
ri con. roo to ring agiiiii [be nam: : I ''I . _O f_tb _Pa MRP Striiln! aill "I
Square, immediately West of the new Ito . L Is , , — , ea lona a; ut- as4ar7asLc,y, - . . , -:,- :nleo him 'with
- .
0LINTON AGEN . B k, which will be conductod by his son, IV. E 1 0 P roun -au . 9rd . . 'IF I 'I Ir 4 ' 1-,--..L,. .sai' 19011 . i6fied - most p6iaftS of cast .,.,a4 — found _6: be so af- brutes who pursn : -
an ,--- l Now -awe L . - I ,
. Catt. tinuanco of the w c._____.. - - __- I . . . . hor . iiid are' I
Wright. ' eatIlPeotte-d iii,olao latest ytyla.. Tooth _ilh. , a yi , L Coati . __ ar, me solom lk: that por L ,had shown, . . I . .. . I. . I oi,onfi6r - a doubtless, tb ".
-1 a - . - 'Xi _Ilg . for 6 Ill garry , I .1 this-kinil may with impunity bb.-talien OtO - M
- rves re 0 N a allaulacteeksgoodassound — . L blail. hinisalf 11 . 'd ' iiitli dri rot tliq- .'all
- .- I .. -.-,. . .. ____ ------- 1-1-.1-1 0 Re . I . . I aball bil -pArmitted. to ntuin :home . - . fe I - . ?" ._; to ieces only ifistauc6 on rad rd wherein ln'6r4l,
, , -
_ . . . - . - bit '?' I -
0 - tat so - in- the sto' ach. If the saliva 6f mari wh n haudled, Cauadiil* 4 irv,an in- * , r , t
one,,.' * . , 11 iliat barat fl. , witboiii molestationl arid* that thou voilt , I I M .. 'L - . t'and'ob6t6d*sgiety from his An— I
lntcrmt from Four to Five per cent .11owe Mr. C. Cartwright will visit Clinton the first There- Eread dt-livered daily to any part of 1he Town. , taken up ther od 'rf- t I ., ,-- " I . L , , " .
. t1lo cornpanyi-SUyned to r y all L " '' . .
. generally sdized - or anim,ils:bgs any an ;- tereat'ill . thiWiliatfer; as -13
. day slid Friday of every month, as usual. . iaitlpll ' d " . . d gerpus ilvaliti:eS, . I I . I .dth fravellors i
I . ou Deposits. I _ trul,r, find honestly,-. . .- I I Vrs , * ,4n, no. , ,
L - I . I . 1: , fsll , a - by inking refuge
I 10
a is
1 1 L
_______ ,
.". "' 1" '. 17
_ - ___ I
100 . 6 LOAN. )
, ap "
0 ,
SMALL SUMS, , . Us rwneichal. Co. lisbe '16 strAfigbi - t i :mostly only manifest whenL entor- ,and-mails1o. Britiih 001 mbfit, haye t&'' : .1 I I d :'211e? . _141&& (2f'g .) Aferoury. . . ,
1-4. LOUG . . . ... . 1b, Serve thede-thin6 gagementsjll . I 11 '
I .11, Agent, ONEY TO LEND, IN LARGE OR. I . I
1. I ,
" f ' 0 table where * _ing tbe 6irculatIOUL" of th(i'-bitten - itidi- "G!P-,ountor erils oC 'a voyage from L I I . . . .
. on -tgage security, at moderate rates o CAKES and CONFECTIONERY - 11 1.sw . L 1. I .. q " . - I . .
.1 1 se 0 I good moi . wards th6uplipr ohdof th % . . tho'p' . . - __. I .:- . .
Carpet. 11. H&LE. I WIL I . , earl" said I(6.t4iI I I tsplemn o * - : --'-------* I
Clinton, Get. 410, 1873. 1 , _to I . I lie bimself_. sht, and. iore a , vaeific , - -saliTa San Fl!kndiSdb to Esquimalt.' . Tile oriai- ' - . . . ."- L 1. L
.y , Union, August Uth, 1860, 7-tt . . .. . . ., , lyt;', ,eartliatth6 .shalb.pai 'li c6.4ua vid.ual, and 08pecifilly. W116w1he .. I , .1 , to , I . .1 I . . I _. - ,;.
. L L I , * ... *
_ I . ' ine was ex- -I '. - . .
__ ___ - - - __ __ - - - _ __ - - __ _____ __ --.—..-. — .-- __ - __ AlwLo-onhand, and parties supplied with everybhitiv chair on. his. 6ght bad - been left fof the . 1. ,has been ,changed. in its nature -by -the n41- itiail service on.. this 1. Sc aps b6nd Oleaniugz` -
11, .. I - , Tb . - - .
&RLES HAMILTON, BLYTn; ONT., LICENSE requisite for ail ovaning'a entertainment. returti-irito thine -0,0n, obliiiiry witkout 4, . ... ' - .
..t y- - S%Ons, .5110__ as " 114 , I ..
'L , . . . it L is to I . .. .
chiif of Dunvbg4n.'.:' The . .1. . - . m , reat ecrably. bad; iand to !L6pa& t _ _ . .. 'L . 1 0
k lie . . . strangei obo a, hair of thirl 'head -bei j'llurt. ' ' excl. L - I . , - t.
LONDESBOROUGH 1, F - , ___ -_ ,,t" :, . ' '
. C tioneer for the Cuunty ul Huron. Sales of Farm . ' e ,;L'and I tdrqdUt, a4as b - i ' In. F r ' * '
.c , Ito I Estate, &c., . - be sat not, shl Lilly L. W. ' .1 - - '
Stock, ed the in - d d.,; in the fature --fliii' ifilb `U: ' will, 7nij-te,
rates. m attended to at roa8onablo . . Vitation in cc but' 4114r ,and fai6f lly -obserVo every- foo, singer, 6tc., H n e aTises It. often . .1 _ _ ovidence ,the 'other day.n 'boy.
.11th . a QO , i I . . - is sister was
GRIST and SAW MILL. .Blyt Nov. 6, 1875. . down.. Haji fl_ dcb u ' Alignant dlip6ar n e othiiep. by itifuri- Paid to vessels in All respects su,Wd for. pulled'itwa a chair that In
First Class Slunmer Drinks on hand in Season. . I .n4, motionless - thino I li , d'liromis d. whether in `w`fit rd L . . .. . I .
41, : 11 11 +. I U - al 1.
- r . . 4r . . I . . 1,0 .;.p_*. T4. ' '-A I . . . I - 'i - ,,_', I A
I I I- A i ILAL.11 Lrqar1,V_ AND
h ielproNcmentg, tile a abRerl-
_ "'I'll' .H.,7 . ..';,',,,Ii,-T,"fl",,.".,.,i"baing able to accommodate
I their rowcr t gall tiluep, and are determin d to tuyu
out 0 ii Work Ill sati.,fy every reasoual)W )?Cr1Vu-
4 , —_
FLOUR, BlitAN, MILL FE]EX), Ate., .ke.,
ni,trays on hand and fo r sale.
I, . 0 G '.--, W A 'N T E, D I
Ana Lainbor of every description kept on hand for sale.
Bills for Lumber Sawn to Order.
LondegWrough, May 18th, ISM ____ -
- - - __ __ - — __ -
I % -
Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer,
_ AND. .
er in Funzitvre,
his numetous friends andon.-
.1aince starting in Cl irtoria".
that he is (it the OU a mud
)w on hand m
Alldw.uld respectfully ask an fil4pection of Clio same
TI, j. mannfacturing LOUNGES, wbirb, for durllbilfli; I
ana eoinfi,rt. defy couipetititin, but itre at the Maine tinle
an CheAp (is Some wOrti,los4 articles throw u on tile
'.%I ar1c. 1.
,,, , I, ,mpj;.g,,(.d wo,kmrn,ai,.l ii. c%n,,ne bnt
, A-u. maturInI I he ran th, n-f, re warrant
-,i k o, bc (if (lie beut d,11cril,ti,.n, and willuot shrink.
Parke ClIalirm re-44pated, Am Woolf a4d new*
A CAM, ,,,ci .1t,l'I'l.,,l ,
Clint, r. A ril 22, 1 71. 18-11,
. - - _ -
P111;'I : I 1. !,,, I. p J F.(i,q TO TNFORNI T1111,
. : ..,. ,f1Nrn,ihftth,- i rif,win 06 Vcmitwn
I -.111 1", 1" ,, 1, , u13 tt (' 0'' 1,e 1"11'.1re'l
- -0 Is, uI,12NION, LICEN. ll .U. — .. . . r,a &mQment,.w I ey-as""u-J'APP illlg b mtb.orwiov,"... 1. . 11 . . .. 1''. atea en or animals; wolle Tale lntro, ... 1L .4 , qk?y . 1 , X10.1V A00us to 4 Upoll'. no I L.6 It le dur,
__ _1 . , , , w'-Lww ' 'I IS. .,
J A U -'A , him. I I i , 1. Ta Ua6le liv - s- -
a,ioNE i for the County of Huron, is prepared I. _. L . duelio4 of"Such - s4v.a into tbe stipm ob . that in & islon ,,,:.-,-
I : . . "Ild 06rPdf- hurfiler spi6,' woift- nt -con
I - kin t, i. I f, Theif;1" sai, I , ,. . P,
attend to a lea of Farm :6tuck and Ilea Estate at rea- ORDERS rVINCTUALLY ATTENDED TQ , a 411c,ngtirry, quietly ro Wclil,& ill. . ' It I ,
. 1"ALEloloccl P. s:hid_Lovd--,' : .. laolbbtedfy, in, t" I 96M not' pondod,10ce t P itlio A. payin -, , lk-ely-to,die-ns a.'aontb&16iidix -L .
I - - . . . . . linq , ", _. , .. I . . '. , ,
donable rate I qX PILOUT NOTICE. . . I I I u_isWing .'Is grasp'ah6w6ing hi A,iik - mos cit 'o . . . . and.is'li. '. -
Xising,to ackno yledgo his. priscnca' by -a ..- . per annum,, -then) to. t d
Clinton, No . 18, 18-o8- 4 . I . . jud. 6oG1Iy*qSgting.Ilimj6If a ba aitentlea ivith seri6hd.c6fisP4ueocos. . That'u the result of pr6otical'J'6"i Iiing. , I
. . .. . I v t the board 1. It, , .. , solid ..,. , , . 11 . .,
I 1%. w . *
- VICTORIA RTUEETI CLINTOX., . I bow, -'Tho hvro., Wo. tarried . " ' - bOttO . .1 " I appears1fron) the official onlira_
ICKINS X, LICL SrD AUCTIONE . I , : . , .. . , - - - - - it ,
— R For - . — , for, as if,netbiu had happdriedi' 11 then Jat This., phowg-the. hbsardit of the idioa, _- — I . , , , I
. , .. ,,,, , . ___ ---- , .... 'bn i Us
D-Ithe Coun of Huron. Sales attentled to prompt- — thee" till our* stoniaslis -o'er atchod, our ' thattbe ormalbuman)salivasbo_ Jdbe . .
Romitleace, AlLert Street to Ila have Ono friendly Clio are wepart - - I 1) . - __ . U et'rtalf ty- or weilid, , ti -etuy , Mai there is ft dearease of;. -
at reason le rates. courtes3% - But stay; arb I. right 7 Art. , . a poison in the"mouth ..or any ini` -al .. .. tj %i * i . . . I I.." . I . igirtints wh . 6 . ;
inton, Ont. \ * ' I . 32,111 in. the -number of 6m . .
Clinton, Oct. 13, 11 15. . I . I . , - -health indjo thy- wfi6tber'poisessingt poison b 4 . a # , . ' , . . ,
,would pledge to tb .
ly and a , RE"MOVAL 0 tb.ou Macleod.or -to-I'Come, if thou &VO P T . , duriU
I di 1"' and J.4 is a,660'cotlrltry vefy, * - left Liverpool * - the last eleven;,
1. I . toof-ti-ceenly-L Id=K-i7rkfI I . -,'sfty -?a,,q epn dct .is a free in ;
EEN . .11 Iffitelood,"why standesk. t1l;u vitb tb` I , w1no ed, VitfiJtbl4tvor not.. - . . . I , . bis, a compared 'with the correB- -
M. LF . WINGIIA11, HAS 13 1 na m( . Un I Y . iqg sti,lie filled ri largo. goblet of, , . I and: arnong, the consequinces of met' I , I . . .
T SOL '(" Coin- a . n , .0milias ils df one' hi . _ I I I ,. --'---- . .. .
J. ,.f. E I'A I The undersigned h, -wed bis stock to the 'face cloncealed f6ld thygelfand be The ,story I W lob (121 , I
spi to go,' L I le. Colonial Securities - d drained it tb -the bovtorp, turning it . di - perio
pany of Augland; t several private shop forniarly occupiedby Miss Eadio, next I 4at;fradddm is tlfb ext.-66ding. it rico I ' .- -POP 111. --d-11ist-76n..
also agou f r seated ;-6r ther6.'aro nona 1ut'frimids I rs. 80 ni, a" yeal, a p,/ I . - .- I . - ' 'I .
he i! all in( y at very reason $1 . . . . . . . up wherk'h6 h4d'fiqllshod to .show *tliat _ wout round tile pipe , , V14 y , .. AdIn- _ I -
'unpitalists pf Toronto, - io lo me ' door to the Express Uflif,e, where lie will be here. . . . ,:. I . ty of fin'4elal inattsrs The Phila
able rates . I , . et in fin dellibie ,0ommon "C'
, Inten, Ipa 111,o yearly. Charges moderate. happy to ip,Qet his old esetomers, to %Oiom lie . -, , .. about a man *116 Nyas,bitte " .. . . .. dipie OUTM
'it.r ,or s Li7ence Bank. * lie loid done fair j astice to the toast. . .. I . . , _10- ess pr( - for the,. lapt Wedhosda. . I (I AlrelsolU. ".
Mao ii0lic ,C %L I "I'm not . I through his boot. , hc ter his is I widons mado., . 'y fliglif it .
Wingho . returns thaidis for past- patronage, 110 will Macleod," g,iid the Stranger 11 Glengarry 1",.'dgid, -Xintail "I thou anako I , r SO far as o , Ttibllb E ducation....".
, ' l
I — alwa keep on hand a godd atopk of C, i . 'I, I . bne , h ) tried- ur'children Are.o6n. -ti6n that tbe.Doardof I . .
spealdn cUs*tin i)y and d6liborately,%Llb . death, ev&ry . = . . `7 ,
I or n courz 9 that boot I y-pirpub brlii . --,, ("Stod, to infoita tile- Council b
sion 0, , ,. th folds hofise wF,eo Z e . 1. gs'Up a requ
C. M.INTOSH, BAY ELD , 11SU"i I .. . .. . I shalt Dot find me bebifi& thee I , a comed., The wesitth 6
, I. ile J,., halJow tone, roal wl in Y, ,
J. Marriage lAcenscs under Lf"C.211. . fil . th, di d, 6f 1he, . q nee is scratch it
.. . . . I I , !g W . . 0 O
. C ... : . . I tesyi Thine,to be sur6 hath .been in , his Sons and daughters as though ffiere what autho ity the teadin-6 .of tit' Bibl
. I I I I . I - . ,
r taking Affidavits In tto s,13,ench,,foi _Qf_lliS plaid. ' . 11 , . , tile foot;.prod 'I . - IM, .
r, (
er fn ,=en'o . do,, [LOCKS W' ATCHES andINLERIV , I eiertain respects somewhat of thb rough.., flood ), I)enes tooth worQ,p6t: the '
ties of Huron and Bruce. , each as I . 99 _. x ;&est possibility that hits boon di8continued in certain Public --,
Losses, Bonds, Contraetat dill do, uA Mortgages. Also, tbor .1 Who art 11*6u, 4lien P, -*minded projodtin ;' inside the boot ; and tbe .. .- I
Is' al 1. . . esi torfti ,'ht,.and 1 must -own"' tontibu- they could ever bepoor. 'If a rich 'fa-, Schools in that ct y. " . .
_ , ,.c'. not, L,
Fees small. itesidonce-oppoeit . Kintafl,'*ith s4j nq_flegree;of '0011i;Usi6n " flug'll Cause of tile b;z,iof.,was on ,discover- I . . . . I . I . . . .
ON ILEAtTATR. ED RUSSELL WATCH. .. . . , ad he"Clia - is -throat, , 'q66 -6, , I #S . .
MONEY ADVANCXD . . of manaer. ' - - ... I .. .. , on!) Ty , ,,, thev should insi, t. Upon. his oy learni-q - t " *
.11 I .1. - of.wrine. never qotrWcomer".to ' ,;a will en . an, potpolis had been kiiled. . In ' The , asidachusetts Tomperabo Al- -
Dayfiold, Sept. 14, 1875. .Ia More ll. i _ a trade he would be set 4 wn - liance at Bostoti On Wddg ' day adop! (I , "
All kinds of Watches and Clocks it. I am an outlawad",Alacdonnoll " ' . _n I I v !or _ 1. 0 -aa-0- mild 09 a I
__ — __ ltepalv, d, Cleaned arid Wartanted. . I I I I 're' desirible.th.an, at tilis moitent -" so I . I Ili ( this story did not know - mitnPared lunatic. .If i -it rich mothor -...I I I
,Q= r BIDDLrC01111E, URON 11T,, plied the stranger.,-' Aaid tbo'n, after a' . h 11 76rattlesnake pois6a is, - . I a reso ution'reque.sting the Uassachlr- -
Comi orcial Hotel, I — . * , , now drink. -to bbee its a.fii6d , ior, eil,97 t .01t . 0 19 _6_ l —daug ter rild I
qJ . opposite the . . 11 ' ,al 1 ula ii2still in't ie ,vh '
0egarompectfully to inform his friends Jewellery, Umbrellas, Parasols, &c., &c. short pause, he made filid bold step for-: mi6though we have ever been,: thy. "n. freshlyinjee.ted from setts-Centoutdal Commissioners.,to. pro-
- , . . - ideas 'cit- aconomy ancl industr , _S C bito i
omstan 1knd the public generally, t thekoops ne&tly repaired. I ward-, throwing wide his INN and statid, 2 - I . . . I 11 . . . . . . I te t against the-sale'of 'c0ing li; - *
Qocko, Vatocuesaud a large mud well ausor dotockof I ing o enly bofore them all, be .. . gallaribcobrage has *bn,!n)y*4%1II a", .10 "I I . 1. I .. I . I I would, be- loo.ked. Upon - as eitlier '
d Jewellery, which he will 11 at me- p . cxclftim , - I o .. I . I . I I ! . very - - 'ii 1he 0 , n
. I . . po eutefinihl grOu ds at '- -mt
it E PAi itirio of o very descri lition uqiptly P allso... - . I , . --- . . e' iori3bolishL4 mb ably .both . . .- -.--
d irsta prices. I laving had thirty , hi 'br ""' a " .1 .
years oxpprience, lie is ed in a voice. like thuiido '41 I ani Glen' I I in A , I , ,ifttdo, ph,a. , 11.* , .
. ,
otoc ted at reasonable rates. 1_,rThocclo1Jrat0L t(ISAU11 r, , -' -g ,a 'Defith. - - ' ' Yet every d ay we Pke iduglit ilia. neceaw .
W a L'C' .. Confident he can #t1vo satisfaction to -those W110 P? I . I. . I. . .; .11 And I r6peat tbe plad o ' in tile I . . , Stoned to I ,
h kept constantly in otook. I ,vi " . ., . I I aid Glen- . . I . I I sity of this r6liminnry. diiielplino,.evoiy At: Corpus Prrriitj; Wy', Vreaerick
CliDtoll, Nov. Sth, 1869. 2 -ly may favor him h a call. Remember the S&P" . . same friendly'guiso, Kiht*,*l 11, - ' I I I .1
____ - -,--- - ___ __ place, next door to Mellaffie's Book toro. There was- one momen t of fearful at- . I " ' al -bandi', wid e etit' of a re ca 6 teollilb mni4 day we see lxl efi -an' d wornou hilling, from Browne, a native of - New' Yo k'cicyi,
, - lenc , dttri,rig which all eyes were turn- king him *by t , Th ' d Ila n . . . . . . .1 . Nvith big.' -
L.; D. - SA31UEL FZOWLER. 4 "' till this m6fistratiow, 'of der of it ew in 11amadan (Ekbatana 'O'D .%fit while iolaying, an fleeordeon,L
E. D. GREEN, ed Upon tbo cl i6f 6f the -Macdonnelis ' . ga'vy"in it . atince to .povertj,- wl "L _ 0 .
Clinton, a lie or - i - alttlost . tlidlancie&%) in -Per.,fiA,.-lioeboonrer traid a" -"'-- - _' - _10'L -pro-Porly 6&6 the win(] IV fn'blar housf,; Which
1) E N T I 8 T , Aug. 2% 1873. ___9 as ri,.wt a frion i 'beciiiie
- with the flxbcl'star of i)obpIo.Ny-Ilo.,W'ere . p e' , riii-li b riot, have falleti at all oi-
__ " l I - I lind 'a. pane of glass broken onfi, i I
' . . e fall, could havp -risen '11011111. . -
. — __.- - _____ - as incontaniont the chief of Xa4keft. azih,ad A, Wealthy Periian 6W'cr a. if they did .yas,
. . .1
it. MWEN, DFNTTST, STRATFORD WILL 13E I utterly bonfomided. Then, -W'0' every - .1, , shot throtigh 'the - h6ad, and instWntty 0
Ill at tho itatteribury lloume, Clinton, tlio'thlrd 'ru--- GIANT02N BAKERY. dirk-lilli6kodfrom.the board, and,tho fies'ai the e ets. of Ilia enmity had - go large,.sum of niVney totho Itabbi 0hujirn,., It is a shame and disgrace that, ifi
day and %Veducsday of each month. . I llatel be , ., I And now, I Must. bia Who itsked ilia 'P 'i - t lay"hiln land where labor iia4posed to be bon-' killed by.some. uklk 6wh lfarty outside,
__ - - ------,--, __ . . — crash which was thus madq aniong the *ky . . rsitin, o rer. . , . I , .
( a od'sp girl and'bby, betwo'en the age
li,ff SC1100L.- THE CLINTON COUNTY y ),., . , , eed-in a p'nating draught, one day whan thq r chanced to Hied in otai)lp, aild,where-the rccog6izea no, is- . A I 14 of '. I ,
I igh Sch.ol is open to pupils of both isezes, w? . a . I .
Ll L breakers - anti ilag,gons was iort ible ; and zt ?P -" - _ . a mit-'ral. ensuod,'and,tbe t-iije on ofeaste
. .
from till parts of the C,ounty atilt .11mvince tin equal G. C. BLAC . X 0 the savago. lookia,ibich ' dch mail d4ted — ' ' ' . - I ": Bazaa . . , -A iii I ti , so smalf. it pr6portion fifteen and sevOritcen, were notided ih'u '
6 .
torana. Inrtructit," i given in all the higher branclits of . . . . 11 One ciiii more, Glengaii ,10"D6 fi crowa, which had c6l1poted asked tile of Cho soni of-tho wealthier cle,ssoa learn ]onor alla Close L cc nveirsatiqn in. the At- - -
a Commoreial, LuvIii4h, mud ClagKieftl Education, mild in , LLAOE OF GOI)F,Rlclr,) . on his neiglibor, in his app . L
Jell al"I (iqn,sn latlffllftg' S. h0t,tents arc pre- . . . -oubld. wag, He do- lan't'a' dqp t. At length the boy b I
parud for tile Univdraitiem, the learned I)T.featii,,us, Mild . rollellslon - .4 dor'us P'.sa ,d Itihfail. .-. Plctsiah what the ti: 'till
th. Frei treachery, whero each' almost fal ,e .11, I . .-iW I . trades. No younn man b Las a right; . to - eg' , _
q Ing fk
u I Glengarry, 6 ria r. i ai',,I di. ,,,,6, kndi ' .,bifilscl 04100a attra t, ,
tile purmnits. lipacial attention ig pald to tile BAKER, CONFEGTIONER, ft of bis.own life ig iZde. " With All my Whrb,!I.said teirminba tor go f Zol-Clighly in lap -to weep, .his load be .
i considet Q endent
Teachers Ti I.n - If, tll g UL I fi;7_ , , I '
4tudieg recillimite ft r Common t 'deep one. turfiing to the 6rc 0 1 'i 8 M nybeatiot
Inercs. . ithat.the saving If 1pi _Af' and this last plQue , was * ) wfl "., crowd. 11 Whaes- thtr*tf arl,`.fgked
4chotil 4 1 flip I a . ` ,; a 0 1
roos, $-a per quarterly torm. Studellts from ,li%tauco AVINO PUR0111RED THE BAKING DIT14INE14S pond on'tho qoick de otta. et. f ot I " - ad A , ,
. '
noiltrate rates. of 11r. R. Patterfft)ll, reppectfidly intifnates to tbp. 11 11 ` 11 , , a Again )to. squeeze intaws blind,unw, wan haa move 0 1 should lletilth permitting, he ciift al 9 Ins 'a . ants me to MAtry, .'_
I IniliLiAtitlitm of (3intim and vicinity, that he intalid . WhO sn" tI16 1 — - illi t . rb 21 ' 4-ha 'gtiused, our 1* . -nlid I w6ift," npli-ed tllq -irl' 'Tho. 7.
can oht pill board in the village. at very H _z ;Tk. .1 . I n C which,
Tc f. - .G. - fly inji: fted-j a Sympathizer. Ito, W,
['1141unt,r -rei will C,,ralile"re wl xN1(1lldfly,1'fthAllg.,, ., , .. I so to a. -116 iiiiido the fears.coma ijiw I his yos, have kept silent, bak, 4 livifirr. And the be'st.aAd a ", . bimi
1972. mforolati n will Ile giv-rollftllpthlatsll enrrylnl ml tite Rivt. ImAiaesm in all Its branebes, ends slidetaciq wbi h iiiigb. la'a . if resh- L -_
Furdwr . I frozen tile -isai(l be, ,,thy eta. oat loll " I, speetatovs.-witl I I . 10.- _74-- -1
(peraunP.L1v,,r 1-3 10tLer) L l Rt y'llIcinin r (if Cite Itoarit (4 WoUld, LIKI'dort, "illicit It "Illirt) Of Pliblic pittrollago. 4 Do assufad", a fd I lotter to roligionAlid.blasphemed the propli a . are those ' ittrow. , . I I . . .
Ik,L L blood of tile stoat , loarb that W16108.4- _.hall(lo, Lilly -j- - -_ d . I for_which- ,thare-J."a , i .
rrmALvvp,'%'1x; bltomiR. rr. I , IL Costs, A. 4, Fisher, .. I Re Icing is ill a Lord I Cannot, tllat0r6rej!J,)e--0vfu ,`l.- Tho wayq , a, onianc . La ' Ivy ' ,ord) -Ao6tova, ' ,A 4 g
J. l(ney" N1.1)., Rev. F, INIC(luaig, and A, worthingtoll, 7_7 I. - ,- - - .- -- - Cid it. Pl u t or stroke. was -Aruck, or j, 1 - _ oloritiao. ' ' _ ":
, - I
I , . . .. intail, for I shall 460 ib,atlivered.-my. upwa, foil upon 411 Ptabbt and throst prsachers, profcs 40 a, .Clej4l s' ' .. . . " po.graco na,li%ed Fhll '
, . I - hinaeb At BoonVillol'.1 ., .
I I . , I
u p., o to Clio fiend blaster, hir. James Tnrubidl, 13. A. . r is, ill Pil ,16 on a --
. % .. ___ - coultr Y6 , , ' I I I I . , —all 016u) ':
___ __ .,--.--- -.-- " — SOI-ftl ES AND PARTIES " fil"gle. I I ave 'lils lilgeo) If!$ : . I I I . I i i , ,J . .L,. 'in and. ihoit'- 0htdre(l, ftro- *vqiiatitl I L'
. L a. I . I 11 I oned to -It illji ,-Ve'tock, rofuid,,.
L fdr, Glen- I R ric I
(,L'()N V E,YA NC I NG A N I).` -T, 0 A N ' Glongar s(irang.911 M116,01, with.,the. . Y.a charge of assault, His offenea Consisted - ,
, .., . 11 Lights nuil an escorb-tho' te* 06 IA oring 11 use of " I Nral ll, deug ill the'Warka - b6l If rood,
h I ) in - if, hi lol,ocking his Vifd down' Chigoe - ill *
'ENCY OFFICIP, f3LY I'll. - - I I . . - , it , on . peotection, -it tilat, a- 4dod carvento'r, blacksmith 'With a fence rit mid iii -Co I——
slipplittl wit, U oiv goldo
h 10mobinctits ou s iirt uotice, - Swift' ,sS Ora fillcull ,on I a qiinvey.; lie ' ., kin and the to V l , I . . .
. _, , 9 ry I" crIed Lord ' i tail, i( h..ba ap lea tot .
AU - , '. (if I
__ . 8, 0 tile victim with a vice-filfe *gripe O W I . . I , . il, . . pting to,
r ifit; lerb i il , ad the Jew ill an inner. machinist, wngoft .nial(or, shoemaker, shoot 1114 dilugliter. in ylli
NV . 11 , (" . c () 1, LE's, . tail aud Pil),110d llial motion- bold chief of Ill Vacdonnells bo Ing- Tifd Is tto conceayec( . L I ch antlaole -
CAKES and CONFECTIONE less into ld,q cljailr, Av 1. Thit 010 dirk which coil rteoti sly - 91froun d him to oil that were room andbarred the iloors of.tho, house. tinsmith, b,00k binotip pribter. bfw.16 ando' i -taking li'o ' was frustrAtodby the I
Colj,' % EYANCER, b0IAC1T4)1I IN VTIANCF,hY, AN)) . . arch ?*Orlyullellat, , * I .
t T'. atisoulblea in the hall, left diew"fu*11 - of The.- crowd 'demanded big -surretider. travel far in se. 0 1. 1 - 11'.0 OtA revolver of his stop.-
t.ancy of the Law find Equity Courts of Ireland, Of ail dooel I ptiolls, inado to nr.lor and lippi, giallat"I. lie had collec. iot his plaid now , wonder 46 his bnt dlhood.. whilfJ6 he 'Was' the no'ble Persian, refused-, . fx-nU 'the . . . . . wn,_ vbo brought
fiellapl, giol, T,sn,], Loan, and F%tato Agent, 1,aw, PAfto - I I . I . - left arm, I
and i,iro lesilrauce, nitil General Agerit. PeFAA, Wills, . — I-,' gle Ld. ill hiq ri'g,he halld ' 'NVftJ1L its it- . , 107111011't, . . : . L mif, 16 V Ith a sbob ill llis ,
A 0 ..___ olimilalleft wi h, all due Ceremonial abd doorg wero'br.6ken down., -The'lawles8 . . I . . , " I . . . .
11A)rtpnp Ar carf-fnily prpparnd ', TWOR, end elitiol t . eit',witli-ill.-all 1110111or Lho Btaelcon I . . I ,.. 4 A ty,& . . I . I
11r1g1l.),l;,l i ort:ign Estatem inVestigntLA. anti LAW . "___ TOW N. llv Z'o's ho & to the beat, and. fdrriod'ficross red'in, .foufid' tho, fUgit10 L I . A adubltl SllididO OCOttire(I last- Wdl * .
1 ;i, lota,m) DE1,1VI"'11 IN . I I to rabble pail . - .. '. .. . I
'ur t -C ass I oat. . , , ,, . I The 941to-day. flr vielv hJISL Ono 6 6d voiday niglib aV I ., '`An elo
Efin,prun y1lmR; (1i-n(,n1ogJPA traced and I'Migree fire. , his l'1nj)atidilt,poQIyI6j I dragged him into tile atrooLi% and'Atoned oa -,,cal, P. -
o sink, ,)I,Ptrangicti,,Iine.,nnecti,,tiwitliFiCA .
"I 1) L I . 1 M
pared; Forty Ymr"' L?xperienec; ebftrg(-8 movivratv.- __ " ,14LI.ilw awily gellilvinfril) 9.1id lafen. 111i horso, Alistor T' evied Glongarry, him to death. The, dead boay Was,, tlilbg' to Say regm,ding postal-eai* . . 40i wtq-w6t - , .
I I . _q ,_k'oatetand CelU To( .
;%111.rly, j., 1,, no -privato fmAR, and f,,r Publiccuin- . mtrrv, Cal filly ; 11 but ir that be your gaine bhoy onable as to disponso , ,. Word L'
,Ilnj . po,to and Notva e,,11,!Cted. R1P:N1E5113Z',l1 TTILI WACt", I I - I LM80011' $13 1119 Xooti 'had touched the. dragged. About the tbwa -with,jeer , and, . Wit I th o-Lraarrfea the reviolis ovening'
, .. MOCILI! pis' L i e I
I 11;1 a 1110 ,111,11G Cock 2". I - A)l4ce, old-fitshiciied Otis ofo -1 tbun4 -ad in fte I othor .1trins ill t1lo, ,
li1)j1i,.Tan. 13, 1M75. 1111itrosm 81A.9tri, ollposi$e IL110A,ts 111rodel. # allore ; ft;4d throwing himself into tile- finally brouilit ftito, the mar6t . I - , if V snolu I. & a
- - - - - L- _ __ - - - The Tkfaclronvi IsIfttd ,all V1301) , I fati6ll, ,,I .1-i i
- - ___ ., ib i3 'e " ' Ty4w,-'r ,*Ours idthfill 1, polilia a treet, tho cause of which was -
U - *
a v cy sk 'g "
h I 'Im
-0, t' is by ' , ,
- I f,
- l
_ I
,I,. - ! ,
' "N'U"' ' '
g'o' .'
iAl,' 24d'a till)
and., lea
R t bf and
a' ' ' '
.rlou lPI Ili
'I 8 in e -w_ or ' i th 0 C
in nte" 00
as co I f tl
'i CS as the e C ts 0 Ili's 'a
I t ,
a Q,y be - ' I A I d now,
a d, p ed -la av
ou 6 . 0 , 0 a a p
'Ili ."
_8 .
_ a 6 .
" , 0. ", . .". . r C",
, h e 41.n4
L by, I doc". ,.
w y
V *0, ' l"'i" _'a I . tt B,
, I "
I outo I
'Ile 6 -
a stl'ol<c- I
` U t 0 ')
I I It
,y"V' nego(l,lilitritre.'
- , - st'ra ir
"i", "
(I i-714 I L(I
Ims ilitc
to y
1 I - be let no grass grow at his lieels ,Wbore tb(i'MouthIvagIi lied with powdoe, f., ly
I 1. 0. C. BLACX. Celle. Nay, somo4 tharn Ivad even: I'd1lo, ' . vil 9 in " trychnino, r6ULtr mail who bad clahn- ' '
, renco of thtfi, I - ail . I .A- and others,, now wo6, iqpi4 1 fro al' a
Clinton Ashery. . .. . tilulo reached' the capital, and was d the Mail wag blown ii pieces.. - '
__ 1"oved. a sto ror%wird fil (to . . obs.fil oto order of thing4l The - -
cJd,\'T01T Aitr.111b,1875. - . I P I Sit 10', dd the woman -as fils'wifo, caxising tile ' L
IIll 1. 1,r%r)ERSIflN1,'T) 11AVlN0rt1llCFfA8LDTllr , presant d A6 Court,. whero bek speedily' flre was ffieni'kindled and (be corps wrla L I
r . - --..- ___ _____ cllio . 131'ItIlley markad the -itrantio da,y goea'in for hitppliciby, n we 11re . I 't
A hery, lately nwn d by 51 r. Crawfont, wioliva to ob ' - . - . .. ve,establisbe(I bhu,selfin the good, opin. litirtit up, V0111, ,TOW$ who bad fallon L act, , , , - . . .
. . . *
81argo qiiartlify (it aRbeg, 11A therefiwo retlit Rts all' Allills. irigitrial " O,t, I . that * .
tain a of (41mu 4rvy ; aill3, aeciu E., , I I' Ift 10 a J d, from
to Pave throl ft,r hini, Atid lie, will gelld gathorers' round Blyth 9 t 1 'e toll of hW sovereign, I .
a ul gi c the highcmt Rltw ill Root' for thein. . . . . . . ournig 10, tronerth Ila possesse'd g lye him as . - - I . . I I I . 'into the hands of the nio ' b, 'veto ill- perfectly willink to liekn dg . Detailq havo ,just been. raepive* I
TUO' S. -VOTTS. _t4l, tPlItIC-P M4 InOqt . ri A 6ao" "' 'L '' . 1fbatOd and severely woutiflod. 'TI , io ffia superactiptions of the lfas avo In O' n _tIm-ftillipino Llancls of a drbadral If ur.
. .1
tile, ftuliqvriber I dinch power over, Tiord Kint il Ps. tin . . L .1ii0a Wflr plUti(le I lea -
`0). Id, 1875. t11114 .. -,,' , , L I. . -oftl I 'I 1. _0 r'l e
Clinton, I I '00CM 3 wit A dwellfft6s . , ,v. a Val* with tho toiiehifigs of Lor& N ritane which oc6av* cd ihore on the 80th - '
- - . 0. Ilveeft r) a ILI .
- _ _,_*____ ___ Tsitamn; thalikH tf') Iiia numerous ('flat ordhint1v nintl bAg overa more child; and, , A boy iva'.4-' T1V1fi&_; , If. . I ,! I 1 L terfield, and* m-00117 suited to uracti., .
— 'Mulm"Mu
I Canada Compain,y Lands.
rners ill 01(l stirroliliding townships and tile
for th -ir liho-vil patronage,
that any movettiolib Oil bbeir-parb rnusb
hi a 'attell
jacknille,'-with which, .boy-ilka, tie. cut-
.. .
ea an A, erik ral '0 a t, lie
I J.i ti 8 ilk
10wo-&?0h $ (in owisd—would
6j'i,ton-_" ____ t L I
Call 40rom so ag I I IN, V
- .'e. . dearl" is
OPIAOMOIAII. Th0-A6l'Mi,WWpiVtl'6d- -
lat-ly Severe in tho Provinoes: of'Al rajr .
of 1,1AT OF J,A\-n -
,; IN 111TR(),
I lit Cftnnd% (;c)wpagy Infly be scen
— A at the otlice of
11111)lic generadly
,in that lie 11-1.1
( till-
and w 11114 furt1wr notify
lat(,Iy tt,jiled innst iigi)or afit improvinnenta to
instatill irinn, of
,y seal
tilfl,11LI ,-t- I)p(, .
a ,(I J)ft -k alid imused*A wl all,
-markod cyorythbig, that earne lit
. . I ZY
his Way, fron, the dioing roota table to
have - not tit() "autboritiog
it, followea hall
terveurd. The Sews of tile 'City b4vo
10111V it ra
1)' ble in a love lkbor, but
RI'Learl. to the matt whom ou are. about
all d Callatines, which f rna tliti South,-. , ,
'ill Island two
. I Iml under4igne-1. .
ul; "'IALD . 11, 11AIX.
Chvion. JAM 17,1971.
11is filachillery Ily puLLing ill a ilew hoitur
(lotible the po-wer beretoftwe usvd, nn(l. by
mvful and itiotiotiluss silence once' Mora
resigrynd for sonic momaxits
the! oat's taile A. few clay's aft.ir Ila had
become 1hollappy P08808901. qth, knife,
,qont a abbu4kt ion ta T fieran to,ap-goaTL
to suo rot, a al)tJ ,,.yoUra
tV'UIj,l" br 'I PRith fulli " .017 " $hJ00rk"l'y,"
eAstern pad of o Lazan.
handhd apd fifty lives were' lost and
1. _... .. I 01
- _ - - L -_
- __ __ - -
WaggOLS and Sleighs Rera (Wal.
niany otlier illiportant ifilprOVaincilts, togo-%
tlier with fir-qt-elus triliers, lie is prepared to
the hall. I I . I
. 4 - ,
N; f"f '?Iy Inaft trif it fl. h Ott
his riilb r, ..", a atartleil by see Ing4wo
irle , bringin.Lg liorn.b-' th". giung._16pe
for, protection to the foreign Uliiiatoti
theta' as,they havqnq,hODqgt f_'Aia
, ` -_ L - .
- :Ila pArty'w 110 11 ls.j',
, 110.1tweatanott-40-
161 _,,__6LCtb__( 11 L -
turd You tit ou e an(I hall seam as
3,80Q_Awolling Lbouseg dostrbyed - L I
- . I I
AT rtjvAtt1diiqT1Aed, ain&tW oropsia
()" )'"" "'' "" "I"',`1 1, 1-r TnAln tn orAPT on Rh,0 Vir. COOP]ER' GUNSMT,H,
I b,
(10 first-class wor1c in -
L GaliSTINGy G1-10PP1NG-i-&t-
. . . ,bub
*,I_- J"'---'- , L - ?_' L - . 0 _-,
?-,TF-- -- h
. _#rrV-.---TlF -
.-Akt-GlMd . NV'
' _
' " $ " I L
ir mWiii'iq
- I - --Mldj .- _ pe
ln.axd y ififiidd d6ndition. is
i 'and
. I .
. rom . 4 . , , I .1
I I ,
. . . 4-40''. '
Mu0b, out of place w4 a Charles Ir, wig
all dlr otiond, ra`ruiued.
. I . I . . I
1 .
",l)-, -;k- "A ,,,td ,, t'. be firmt-clasa. auh lTff,r TTTANRTNa'MrT-0TiI.V cr
no ,irnhng. for their forynerplit.e....jINTON
orists weigbod in and out. Part,& fr*lll Al
voice, 11 and tl I , of
f4ce seomea* tor bo out and'bruiae;l
4 . I ;
' "' 'OlAhef
UporkaLMq44r%.boa(i,*,or thepatches 'Of .
. 1,6U*
I IdVille TiadL tee 'ii'm .46d by row ,
alltl vicinity begs to
1nfnrm them that he han removed fr,,rn eppefal,
& It 1,0 ,lie
A large (r A., i .... .. f ,n1)q11,g Cwriaga Works, in a hiqo pp,o ito the
or th, w?", 1""I
griAts . Itil,
(I, t a can havo their , hoino %vi
IN an If
thom 641110 41AY- (;(io'l Fl()"'r 411'V 'A:i'l I
. 'Rtntail'a Iffe-blootl shall SPOUG
, 0'1" ,
ll, _'
f 'If 016, gobftit'lir Im
; -P
Uri r till If .61)1eiii4
Covered *101" Wood_ The. f4bbor,ofL
' - ,, - 1
coul'se'-war: r
much AlftemeaX and,inquired
I " X-a ja ,',Wllo`,
rA,1 10mig iiian Ili
is - -r tl I . I I
lc lAr abont, -hit, washing, tile
queen 1 nnti Upon the. 011,001t of, Ame
I A-
- aith beauty, Tilorowa,q avoll more toov
in it raslilo4blo. boardt . - A . L
thi IoUge,
boarder ref6gad to either pay big bill, ot, -
Kngii.h Church, whore 110 h0Pefl be will- tlll'an .Tjt Q
nlqy on ha)),!. e*ntfwlan oof the. patranagelmuded him. ft Palirinft
1 00(1 e1v%-.,tys for sale tit ffindornto p111,008.
— ,
W ON in th6lmiesb sont, zt, t -bis li'6ard'i
bo ' I
of tho boy wbo'Lid,hit bi di, ' "Nobody
p . wv6to, a. had JOL Ilia WoSh(.r.
other day
soli in the " 'V
. bUrSi, infornafly, ' of Tony
td,go away tittit the m6nth for wbieli
. f all ktrl& Proroptfl, Ittten cd to- I
. "IChilton, 1) , 0, 1 74-
I "-ara
LUMBER, Lummal.
1got. bNSJlJ'r&f , L
let not a .111 L . " 'Ind. Xintail,
1 .
didti't hit lne,t' the, boy nnswer,od 6
.. . .
0A ule
woman Atia ,one to his girl, alld', b a
. I
Wallov, or tho mark of intorr6gation of
hoL h&A'bar-exibed had okpieed._. TA1I0__.1. ". -
N . , ."
- - --- __ .— - - - __
shall ba seatchlogs", .
tweonhissobs; wit4only a
strilng6 fatility, -put the wroug Addrosa
.the Irte6nic, Quaker, Were, V,00ple piar.
Jet billady, was tof(l by tile lawyer thht thb
,- L. 0. L. No. 710
, 4tibscriber woulil Abio lnfnrrn tit(, pub,
,Jlt'if too1r, of lainbor of,
at lie hag largo 5
" What woulast tliolt Ili tllmo Uae-
Itioked Too fil t1l, 0 0o," "A Muld klck--11
, 'on o,,%oh ouielope Slid sent tlioai 13 I
N ,'
rootly gim I Did I'll their style of lettor-wit.
1119t likeli4bod,
. . (Itle litit'l the end
n1ollay was,hot logally I
Alllh.rvl `f 11!11 1- 4ft,o hing, w, rk 4,,no, If
difTere-ni; l(in,1% * 1'ina froni-10
aoll,1011 P deinkmaed Xintail, With hW-
O' oll
da you i-4 Clio Py " is
e;lloed b*' &tb.
wo pleased M
The Washer mah;'Wag Well .
we 8110111a, in All be
of'tha nionth, afid that she* ranat, fulfil, .
I.. I ; .1
NterfA rogularlY at th"IT
, all(i longths
T'c) 20 it.; I InTnloelk, front I 0 to 28.; to'herryp
oboolcotl uttoranco iliat gave suMelont
or, 1 6vorllb T told.yon -0hoitsawl t%MeSL
fin Invj to$jon to take a vidathonext dp,.V'
treated10 :Uotes in tile PolloAlg impo.
her pArt of 016 0ontraot liofolyck slid could I
Ir 17C I 1. M .
-T, IT C D ID JU it Z-,_ .r Im 11.11 nptLrlyoppos1taXnnx's
1111ttor"Alt, WhiteAsh maple, Softftilil lZook
evidolloo of tile 11AI0110819 Of ffitIt gtlpoL
'ot, f,noro that inuloft atid, gubp6wdor-woA
bub when tile young lady, ro.,%d .-_"a Iff
)lte..bub,perf6etly homt, form-
I l—"13dastl
(ilia Iiiin., She 11ext, took' tile ,case into -
I It Tj(.t i, flume Stroat,on till-
, Ill 110 Feeorld, ht"I 1d%y of rvoxy
t? loeo
U111, in 10110h, to allij tile public, whieh Jn
pbleA Myn to
. ,
by is'.4throat whs hold.
nob ' 66 thinga, for boys to, fool with 'I
you, Mass up my ohirt, b6soms And rub,
70111's rol3dived-16 to Clio Didkells.'l—
hor own limids, pht damp pheeta,ott. ,hiff
nerneinhrr %1;," fir #lie Lon . . . . . lust seven
t"a I: " I n,,,wh at half-
41em',-)r0l 4 nr InKo worliq. I 1, Iris
V iting
fill 1%11 Orders 1110 ho I*hny 1),
favored wlt'h On thO anti 1,1108t.
, I ",ill 11 11 gotton'lott.e.ro of otitlawry
WhAt wpra you, (loin -to the mule V. "I
I ,
1 r
iho buttwia, off my eolliir any
I fllordl. LAO
11ore I can'llond you a cent-broka-l".
bpdo tea hint on the poorl4st viands, Ana
Wv1,,(.k P. M.
Pr three are cordially in-
V". - _ ,-, 0
alibrteab not100
reasonable torydn.
And of flrh And nword - Againat M0 and
'IV ati!t, 1100,11111A With hiftl at albll A'ald tho
- I
Yo, it did Ligbilmo, I will ,6 ,,,,,,rh,,,
q0 Villian - I look it, up- for yotinelf Ill
- ut it, whining, j,npp#tq the A60% bbit ,
I i,r, I :.n,inm ,1h r,, I;rl ,
- NJ . , vited.
I I . 11r,NR7 DF14NTS,
P. Itr
,ft,y, Pli 'L tT" n
agaimst tny elmi," said Glexi4arry.
b 00
oy'; It I watltry!W 0'allb my' n4m n
,I 61ho," sU cried till ovorilng, .ai(l,deofatm
1 ',(
VaTimpther lba wl
. sty lf
his. ITO refrottea. 4tor thno days
Jml ; 1,1,a,;N" .., I 11.1
.0)0%1T. 1 4 ,
4i 12,187C,. secretary,
I- of
CPR. ,To,
march.q 1872, -tf
Dlyth, 2 .
' I have," said 9 ifttail , t; lboy wera
Idix 'b'101C.", I 1. I
tW thVdIr hover speak to him gpin'.
0118go0thomilolvet. .
6t aftaurande" I I I .
I cilliton'toot. 9 . 878
. I . ,_.. , I
I . It
I I ... '
I 11 111, L I
. .. I I
. I I I I
I .
. 43 1 1 1 I