Clinton New Era, 1875-12-30, Page 4The NAMCallforn1s4
• A, San Frati01000 palms speaking of
the sheep industry 14 that Mate gores
the followieg.,--an 1874 the number of
sheep reported in the State was 4,088,.
200, and their value $11,848,420. The
wool- crop Was- probably not 100 than
25,000,000. pounds.. Ohio alone ex-
oeeds California in the 'Value of its sties« p.
California taloa the lead of all: the
$tate s in numbers and in ,the,quantilY
of wool produced. This is a very good
showing ' for so. young a State. The
largest decks of sheep -aro kept in the
ortinfStato at the Wier
• • end • ef.the San Soaquin Valley, The
Tejon estate consists of 204,000 acres,
• and abtionget0 elieep are kept upon
it. They are pastured in hands of from
1,300 to 2,000 sheep one shepherd,. tak.
ing care of this Amber. OBC; rides
otghty miles along the road ranting
through this estate, 4 ne sheep are
widely scattered, but each pand.bati its
CW4 feeding diatrict, And is brought to
• cairol at night. This enclosure is uoar,
wAtert and the elieep drink in the morn-
'Og and have no water again until night.
The ;shepherd Sleeps near by in ib hut,
OF if in tho more exposed mountainous
• parts, 'upon tapestra" or platform,
welve feet high, supported by pores,'
This ie to ..protect him froth the grizzly
hears, which, though able to climb trees
with rough hark, cannot get up smooth
poles. „, They Are said not to trouble
sheep -in-the carrol, but ha'a a :weak-
ness for human 'flesh, And often daub
the shepherds upon the platform, though
Lb rt they are always armed, the beers
• generally.-get-ivore-than, thv--bargain.,
for in their search for dainty diet. , Bo•,
d_egutilleae, beasts which, ' trouble, the
the eiherds liaVe to contend.
the Californie.,lion puma, the
wild cut, fox, and coyote, • Foxes,:co-
yotes, and wolves are keptunderby
strychnine sprinkled upon meat, and
the other beasts are hunted with fire-
1111,11 0
Xater# unit rateruattnstincts.
The very first lesson A arout has le learn.
is Mutt whatsoever he Attempts to 004 he
Iskest himself ftrat praetice. 'Whatever ,
vialiee WI child to avoid lie must inako up
his mita to renoueee, and that front the very
eityliest stage of existenee, and down to the
minuted thinga, Xiyoung children the WI -
tattle feeuity 15go enutnum, the reaming
power SO email, that we pound be too care
oh even with Infants, to guard 'melee; in,
dulging in harsh tone, a 'masque manner, a
sad or angry look. As far as passible the
tender bad:should live in an atmosphere of .
,emitinualettusbine under which it may tafely
and happily unfelt'', hour by hour and day by
day. To offeet this there is re.quired, front the
moilli,;,or, Most,: who Jitatiol4iLtlie „parog4
atelik fai amount otielf:Contra mei self -do -
would be almost inspossible bad
not heaven implanted on the me side mater-
nal, instinct, on the 'otherthat extraordinary
winning charm which there is sbont pill young
creatures, making us pot up with theirhudless
waywardness mut love them all the bettor the
more trouble they -giro -per --That is, mothers
do. When I said "maternal jostled" I spoke
advisedly and intentioaally. Of parental in-
stiuot there le also eoine. A num is prima of
• his boos and datigliters,„. heond to carry his
Paula down to eosteritY ; but bo rarely tidies
the sliglftest interest hi anybody else's child.
ran, and in his owu uulyas for aCthey eon.
tribute toitis plearalre, amusement or dignity.
The passicoate Jove a woman has for another
woman's children, ancl,for,the feehlatootoghr.
ties% ugliest orhor own, is to men a thing, ere
tirel,y unknown, .
- The Munn StiPply.
The majority of &velem do not Nut
forth that delided effort to make the
dot of the manure kipply within,their,
precinte as thoy might One needs to
keep his eyes:open fel; these • things, as
well as for the main °Lamm in a good
trade. Hettr man/farmers have made
PartiPular-nrrairgelfrentirlbr - sitting all
the liquid ihrinute frern their stables by
_.pricling au ample supply _of bedding.
for fair star? Dila muck is prob-
ably the best for this•purpose, hat if you
cannot got muck, got the neXt hest.
Leavest make good bedding for etook,
but their absorbtive properNies are not
so mid as other materials. of le:ss mann--
ritil value, ' Sawdust is a great better
Multi -moth ing, forit absorpflyeat.ttaitim
olde • tifeagOod-, while for some- heavy Minis it
will he found.beneficial as an atheliarat-
Beauty in woman is like the -flower or in tho diyision, of patticles, reria;riee
in spring ; but virtue is like the stars in the ' Soil less compact whoa applied.
heaven. • -
He who violates a pledge to Which he
has written his name,, strikes. down his
• The yowaco re our prejudices_ is.
this-=`Aluit every Man should let alone
those he complains of in others,and. 43X -
amine' his own. „
—If you would win success be punctual,
courteoue„„ikentst, ecenemicel, agreeable
ftWorf7---Personarbabits, and regardfal
of your health. •'
When -doing what is right t,bo heart
• but when practising •deceit, the amid
labors and every day-gets'worge.
It isle unguarded word whictioften-
est proves a rootof bitterness in rent,'
of speech -which throats -thorns and
needles into family happiness, - •
• Too anstore a, philosophy tnakee few
wise...iiaen...;..100.-xigerous a government,
few good subjects; too harsh a religion,
few -deVoul, souls; we mean. that will
continue so, for nothing is dul,11,1(Jimt+t
is not suitable to nature.
To understand the vioi4d iwigep thrift.
to condemn it. To 'study the 'world is
better than to fihuti it. • To ' use -the
world is nobler than to abuse it. To,
make the world betterilevlier; and
• happier, is the noblest -work of man or
woman. •
He who always receives and never
gives, acquires, as a' Matter of coureo,
narrow; contracted, selfish' character.
•His soul has no expansion, n� benevo-
lent impulses, no elevation of aim. Ite
learns to feel and think and euro only
for himself.
. These_who have become addicted to
evil habits ma' conquer them as • they
ca—and they must be conquered. or
they will conquer . us Arid destroy our
peace and happiness. And those who
have not yet yielded to bactbabits must
be on their.guard lest they be tutexpect-
edly assaulted and arib dued , —
The man or the ,ttroman Who is occu-
pied in picking to pieces the crown law:
fully won by a succoesfel neighbor is
not likely ever to wear one; for those
who delight in employment se degrading
crn never find those aspirations and
tells eongenial'which bring deserved re-
putation And honor and success.
w,dfist from the resin:one woods is legs -
valuable than from quird weed, though
BousSingadit saps. that 200 pounds of
.as_100 pa:um:IS-of _stable n't enure, • which
may be a' frier, but we should choose, the
ninnuro every time.
Among many. "quaint clevibes displayed
in the_streets of ilombaymi the arrival of .
41W-Prinee--ofVfi1es-wria-Ithiaorio': !"' Toll
Mamma wo aro happy." •
f' Benjamin " slinutfrMie. Tooilles to
_lierireTiinnirrifirrive0,0oin,-out of the gate
" bring me up five cent's • ;worth of snuff
when you come," •• Mrs; Toodles,
snufir he ejaculated,. as lie pantie& with
hisirtenren-tlftridteh:1 " No, ••no, Mrs.•
Toadies, the times aro too bard to admit Of
?siOeh-O.X.t.84Vaproet,--r1 . 1,.rsVtilll8Wy-o---a17
nose with:d straw:when yonWantto snout):
Earl Fitzwilliam has tandht Strikers
a rather,' severe lesson*. Tke colliers.
strtibk for'Ida*bbel. wa-fes nine mbriths'
• ZS •
ago' at his Botherham pits, which 'were
then closed. They'now want to resume
work on theowner's didginal terms, but
Ito Ear): has declared-fliiit the•• c011eriei
slial1-nottb6:reopeoed, daring', his, life-
time. lordship is sixty -years of age.
%The are. the well-off Men of the pre,
sent Mine 1. We, hear the cry of "bard.
times" on all hands, and not wither.
,reabon, amongst some cleases,...:_atIechan-
ics' Wages.: all over the -world are lower
than formerly; mannfacteriee aro work,
ing- on short time, and the mechanic 1108
a short allowance•eirbn of his short pay.
1--Xerchantile-pursuits el ` all-Tkindr Are
depressed, and, goods do not find as
ready a SOD BS formerly. These may
'With some slowof reason.. cry, "hard
'times," but how is it with rtire - farming:
community,i They .have reaped :a larg-
er and more bountiful harvest:than ever.,
They get good Prices for everything they
have to Sell) and they get:cash for it.
Farin property the last few years; has
risen faster than any btheritind_of--real-
eetine. any out -shouletie well of we
think At is -The fernier. Young men
fsholild make .a not of this andlook
well into the Matter before they make
up their minds to leave tho farm and
tak p other pursuits.
- les • •
Solt in Animal Economy.
Common salt is perhaps,. one of 'the
most valuable of the cOmplenieniary
food stuff. Its presence is needed in
almost all of the trehsk valuable fluids of
the body whioh are concerned in diges-
tion. It refinishes the hydroehloria acid
of the gastric juice, and the soda of the
organic compounds of the blood in, their
normal condition,and in this wayis
moral valuable in preventing morbid
changes, which give mire 1 o disease ; it
hardens and render the museular 1(511
other tissues tense, and gives vigorous
tone tone to the, health and system.—
In this wo.y. it contracts, any ill erects
that may arise from an exteas oftiottish
salts in the animal's food. The -abun-
dant presence of 'mit in the intestinal
canal is hostile to almoet all intestinal
parasites; and it is also hostile to all
parasitic worms which it cannot imme-
diately reach, bedews...9.n gives a vigor to
the health that is unfavorable to their
development and existence within the
body. if, instead of getting food nett -
sorted with Salt, as Well as having the
salt -cellar at the table, to takd as many-
pinchea from as we ratty wish for, we
had to got alk our salt by piece
rock-lialt, an if, moreover, there were
streeral behind us, who were impatient-
ly pushing us out of the way:, in,order
to have their turn at the piece of rock -
sat, we think it is very likely we ehould
not get salt enough for our health, and
that many Wore of rta would auffer,trotn
waren than do now.
After this Yea a saloon licence will cost
41404;kin Ittintraftl, $200 in Quebec, and $60
in any other town in tho Umer.rxerinto,
Stiehlethe ratio of the valuis, IA such
dOcument in those localities. The Galt
Tovin Omitted has passeaken a second read-
ing, a .hy-lev, to, plitee shop' lieeileee "rit
$406. As tide is a/AIM in excess either
provided by the A.ot, the by-law must
bo aubrititted to tho ratepayers. This will
be done in ifew days.
' tate reliable advices gam Philadelphia
are to the effect that Canada, will mike a
very oreditabla 'display at tho oontermial
IxInbitio. /1. number of articles have
already beer' received and will be 4 rilt An
tilte 'Of; /t is worthy of.note it•
tittraltitiai of artielos have alrea? -
in AllAdelphitt from Sweden;
fats Shipped Several tagoei for ...
--an!a thorough knowledge of the matted
laws'Whieh govern the rporations of digestion
and nlitrition, and by a careful applwation
of the fine properties ,t•f Well -selected eocen,
Mr. Epps has providea our breakfast tables
delicatory flavored beverage 'l& may
save US many heavy doctors' bine,wil'. It is by.
thu judgioue nee of seal articles of diet that
censtitutibu may bo gradually Wilt up un-
til 4rong enough to resist every tendeuoy to,
disease, hundreds of subtle maladies are
floating hround us ready to attack wherever
there is u weak point. Wo may eseapo 'many
&Intel idialt by keeping ourselves well.forti-
fied with pure blood and. a properly nourish-
ed framo."—Chni Heroics artuffe. •
A houseitorm hilirErar. —No family should
wittlfout some efliostebm,s feinedy for the
cure of affhetions so universally provaleet
coughs, colds, sores throat, whooping cough,
an croup—sonw remedy, too; which Call he
relied on as safe, sure and certain.
ties halsara of Wird 'Cherry • cothhiues the
• A common cough or cold Ahmed never be
trifled with,!)fteu. when hegleet94 it is convert.
ed into a serious and 'generally fatal pulinonary
disease, Tito more prudent, inverts of this,
promptly me brytin's Pulmonic Wilfera" A cu.
relive which luta sustained its reputatioii for
over twenty years, they are always efficacious
and exert a most beneficial 15'tltlOnCO on all the
bronchial and pulmonary urge. a. Sold by all
druggists and country dealers. Price 25 eta.
tier box.
toes.Witt Vollm hh-ntcntiht Lymalt in
lds voyage to tho bead Kea found aiue pillar
of salt en the shore, and the Arabs anftrznodhini
that it was Lot's wife,: for ourpartve LW 111110h
-inelitted to doubt it, though we have ix Uinta.
tion in saying that the best thaw to cit6 colds,
sore throat, rheumatism, neuralgia, InavoX branal.
plaint, Ste„ is ttic ".Canarlian Fain DestrOcr,"
te be had of an medicine dealers for 25 cents, per
bottle. Try one
ing the universal attention of the medical pro.
faggot in Europe and America as the most re.
liable, agents known in the tieritintnt of
C0NSI7gPTIOX# and a aluirp contreverty
is going on at Paris as to which is the brat
preparation, it is a ,potable 'fact that Di.
Wheolorss Compound L'Ilair or Phosphates
arid Calisaya has been proscribeirfor
6536 for mere tban fifteen years in private
practiter with very remarkable resalre, and it
is conceded by physicians: hua chenciiita in
Fratte6, -Englantlitini-tiar Stater, 0018 is ma
most-raegaut and reliable combination it ex.
istence. • ' •
X -3C
Ie g ti? remind their numerous friends, and the public gerterally, that they re st,111 44411,4X to,
their already large stock,
;Rouse Furnishing, Farmers", .014 Builder's ItlardWare.
• .4. 0
.Tut received, a aria lot of NMr. PATTERN WOOD AND. COAL:STOVES„ hinasome
god useful, never before offered bele. It you witat to buy cheap, go to SBARLB.d »AVM.'
Fore brilliant light, get SeArle .4t Davires IMM .:PlUita+SIOR OOAT.,"OIb Stoves, Tinware
• • • • end hardware $4.14114.0.
No.1 Coal Oila so..ceilts per 'aallon.
-Painter's Oil, at 70 Cents per gallon..
Nails .at $8.26 per leg. . .
ive thousand ).elligths of Stove e.
-136.4-Anaerican W*4er Lime.
0- Try stark it .1)m:is's 0111111sTpY TOP'FFOTEOTOE. No more briolgsf,talling
the roof.
ter T6' Searle dr Davis for PAINTS,' OILS, NVIIITh LSAT), GLASS, PUTTY, mid
PAINTERS'„ STOWS genaally. , •
" If you want to keep your houses warm, try the IIVILDING P>13J1 fat floor or
wall. It saves lath awl plaster, and la to be had of Searle & —
Those requiring AUTTJAIN- Butts for house or gaplen ,use, .sliould.-serid rn
their orders to Searle & Davis, at *mice. • '4'
• •
'A toed asioltineut of ;Elites, 3fee;o1Vers, and Shok*G Una 4:10. liancl;.awl for Sale oheap
sEKAL4 ,PAVIa,...gamiti2at4.
°LINTON', Oat. nth; 1875. '
TI-X1D 0.11•0011MS?
'lave on hand the largest mad elieipest 0001; of XUAS CRIOOEHIES yob elsown in Clinton.
U ibo WETITE svq.Na s1.00. 12 lbe. €10-0.0 hITGAR liOlt $1,00,
Chntrort, Deo, 15th, 1875,
S. X''.4°4-X.41..X$WIT-4.:: 80. ,
'wholesale and areeers,Eriek kte,e11,
While GILROY is givin
people of the surrounding country, that 110 is determined to sell out his large tit (Alt. 01.13l/Qt3 and
• Shoes at
Tile took unist be djsoscdof at °nee, so this is the best chance to got elisap Boots end fzilroes over
off1441 to the Peeele--" PONT EA.IL TO CALL 81.31 5.74-414 GO0b8 A ./
• and you will bo satisfied this is no puff. The following o,re som0-of hi pi
- o"""•""
I•••0G COARSIg 1300TS, $2.25.
OUT,_$1,25, WORTli $1.75. . •
__ WOMEN'S :LTJ' BOOTS, $1.0c, wonTir $1.85, '
'FROM 40 TO_ 55 CENTS, $1.00,
. BOY'S LONG COARSE BOOTS, •.$1.3,10, W011%;1.1.
BOY'S RIP BOOTS," $2,04, 'WORTH -- -7-
-----YOUTIMSTRONGDOOT%'UOPP1111, TO1?,S,• $1,25, 'W031'2111'4.75,
CIIILDREisr.S•LONG BOOTS, $1.00, WOrtil%
• WOMER'S 14E:UNELL.A. B4•34S., cat GAILTE18S, 05 Ch.N.ITS.,WOUTU
• . a,
It is .unnpcessary for , t� mention the pries -of alr the-gnotis,-, "Elentiranitsee',.. ans1Ton 7111 Be
•gatisBed that STEEP'S the place tv gitt cheap goods, • • •
Climax Double Cylinder - Threshing - Machines,
Combination and Vibrator Threshing, Machines,
,AndalUu44.,..o14011101111:1VBAI,I1PLEMENTS always pn hand
7To moot the large' and inereasintremand. fie, our celebrated Threshing 'Machine% from all
parts of, the Deminion, e have,: by *tile introdoetion of the latest and most approved
maehinery into .our works, 'greatly increased .our mattufaeturing We aro therefore
in a position to finial orders promptly.
Every machine is run and throatinglitY tested before" Issayin6 Ilia !shop, and warr;mted to givo
ontiie 841140t1:in.. •
i3eAre ordering elseiohere 3024 for Oirc,:uhtrs and &eters. Order
GLASGOW 11140P.11,F,,ria4.$1, c Gr.lwrme.:
.For Sale by Tender.
• me 1 nunon noAn concussion, 00N -
i...1 via's° 90 acres, 70 of which no aloared, situate
13i from Clinton; in ,,lie fri3na Tlohnonville, sac
Ain:Oleg from Godcylch,tho county Town, 'I:10'1;1mi' is
godtl state c,fettlthattion. The bnildinga ...congaing
a frame barn and staid°, end log house rthe fancee are
good ; a few fruit trees on the place, which is Well water -
,d. "Ow, 31onsiy and Lot, and 5 Stable, Ler, con.
Waning- togotbo 5 titres of laud, ou whtob fa a young
orchard, situate on William -Street, Clinion. Apply,
Stating price of each parcel, and time te9ultta tor pay.
ment and interest, to At. L0IT011, Ohntons or to the
aubncrlber, IBS. -D. rosTna, Thornbury-
• No tender will be accepte5 unless' satisfactory
_ .
1—We oiks
. •
ItaSavork of a kinds in American and.Foreign Marble,
Aly.siguedAntIAMecutUdin :the;best. style, auttirfaut
• .• able Fins.
Mantled or Various Colored Marble Stip-
• piled on, S hort. Notice. •
• mgmnr2D To •oramn., •
•A call respoctfitlly foliated. •
• "W 111 ooll.riEll, ra
Yen. 14, 1273 12 •
Gl'eat Ainerierin. iternotly',
for COlUttlIS, GOILDS, ASY11114t, 11110N-
131111.41:1S,.1.0Siii Oil 'VOICE, 1141Alisz.
• 1111.4.4S into VIIROAT ArpooTioxs.
Gray'i Syro.of Rat Syne Crum.
• • , TE •
ntrin $tpsualmit wmr.: pax CA.S1I von
Good Yellow 334tter, in.Tubs.
Pone up in nice shapeyiu two ov threp pound •
'W..11. RIND.
(Minton, oalSatb,1879.
t• • •
• ,
]ELISH-11,1131E-DY I
StiDD BY amatasnieTratt =turns AND
GlIIVY'S attreathesmfatforrati of Coughs
Colgo, •
synttr cures -Sore Throat and Vous:man.
• flYD.DP gives immediate. relief in ilreacbitis.
olts.V'S BYlitIP IsUot best rOraear fOr Jaime. '
O'DAY% BYDBD raieves OrOu» aMI.Wheoping Cough,
Guava Mater ib exeslloifttinttatitittaTiguiattthn
GUY'S SY11,111, relieves all affectionft of Throat,Lunga
•• rind Cheat. "
-tittAt'S SY/D1P1s any med1a1neofforo1 fo
all the above cora/giants. • •
1B1( 2t9 CENT• O. •
.Tnazz nnisegs von TISO!'d TDB .
Myrtle Navy Tobacco.
%tie onacte ottlte Pities& V.0g,,ittitt Zeal,
-" SNCOilD,
tacit 2.110-1Tei0he 1-3rti It ,Pju)itZ,
The irrtitattartit weigh, only atout 2 414 of
tt round ea eac1,. rig, anc . ard mactd
•Yeati COITtlilOtt Leaf,
• NO tin OENT//bIn nriloteS
T, & 31.073. each :Mgt
(11STABLISIIDD 18544, •
Large stook of good household Vintitdre,
home mantifridture, inadeof seasoned material.
,A row asSortment, of imported work, end)
Aft Winat and CA110 Seat Ohara, Siifae, Leith;
gee, Witat•Note, Cradles, .1tInttressesr-Spring-
Beds, Carved Braokets, Rustic Frames, ese.
Pictures framed with Gilt or Rosewood And
Gilt Mouldings, Rustic Vranioa, wood, moult).-
od Palm
value all who may.purehase,
with modelate prides.
tirsarsonr.Savs So ;Thaertilx,whe , have -
either inferithe ftlieletimill201VB2 Oil Witnessed
its effects when used by others ; all such, and
they are only fit to judge, Are 11/1411111)0110 141
tile opinion` that "Darley'a Condition Powder's
and Arabian lIcave Ilemorly" is superior to
anything of the kind heretofore or at preseolf ,:•,,,
in use far eottgbe, onlaa, thick wind, and all U
diseases whieli affect tho wind of horses, ,, As
it condition medicine ithas no equal ; thete ea
nothing in it which can injure it horse whether
sick or well—nor need the torso be kept irons
tverking *Idle using it } ft is just the Article
'ethic). dill who own horses require,mid which'.
'ley should aye constantly oti hand, elle-
tither the II, iner•and•see that tho signature
-.,_ turd-atidO . is on each pa2kago. North.
, & Lyman, Toronto, Oat; proprietors
for Ottuulita
N Cti ERTAKI (1.
An elegant Beanie for /lira. ti. quantity of
Very line Stromlo!, cheep, Funerals Attended
and all 'furniableas impelled at retisonabIe
rates, A IargerStock ef Coffins, moulded and
plain, alwitya*Itt hand' (tattooed to ettitl. elthor
silver-plated furnithro or otimriviet.
Itemember tho Stand—Aibett Strevety Oyu*
cite titeNtarket,
Taos. STIAVEV15014.
Clinton. /tog, 1101 101, .
Before Taking. ' er.Taking.
Curd al/ ..11,10?,vons4 Disentseft,•• sucl; ar Tretrio*A
/*ebt1itr, Prost.ration "oh., which, In many
048013, 410PrOliaCe5 by eV& indulgence 111 tho to of to-
bacco Ural alcoholic spirits ; but the Specific Decliciria la
more especially recommendeil as au unfailing ;Mr° for •
weattiseas, Opernaatorrbea,
.113,i1)01011c3r,. gen an diiallEIPP that 10110W as a se-
sames of Boll Abuse, as Less f.r memory. that.
versa! Lassitude, l'aist iii t1te
Dimness of ViSion, Frentatra*e old Age,
and many other diseases' that load to Imola ity -0ffi
CONISittliiptiOn, ens a Teel:a:store Grave,
of Athich,11$ a AtiO, arofir C.comsed by -.deviating .frora
the path of nature and ovartindulgenee, .
'The Specific Medicine. is the result o/ lito study and
puttryears of experience in treating these 13)180151 di&
oases. rullpartictilarii5,, otrepamphlet, which we de••
sire to send free by Mail to averytne. • , • ,
Tho Specific Bfeclicine is sold byttilDrUggiStirlit
ber package, or slu packages for $0, or will ba sent by
mall on receipt of tho money, by addressing
GltAY & CO.,
. Windsor, Ont,
Sea Inatinten by JAMBS. If. conen, and by all
1)raggista overpchoro. Northrop & ronan, Toronto
, . • •
• GItEA'T iftor, .
C RI 8.011 PTIC
Which ,eart 1i3 cured by a,
timely resort to this stand-
ard preparation, as latls beOR
provoa ipr the hundreds of
testimonials ieceivcdby the •
proprietors. It is achnowl-
, edged by many prominent—
, physicians to ha. 10 mond
• roliablolwrctnittion over. in-
troduced ior thQ relief and
Cure of all Lung complaints,
,,and is ofeorod to tile.publio,
sanctioned by the experience
of over forty yearsfr. 'When
• resorted to m season it sel-
dom fails to efrect-:-wspeouly•
cure Ir. The most/ severe
oases of C.ough4Bronehitis,
. Croup, Whooping„-Gougbv
Tnguozii,T'Asthmao Golds,
Ofiest and Side
• Liver Complaint, Blooding
at the Lungs,.&c, Wistar's
Balsam does' not dry up a
Cough and loavc:the cause
behind: as iS the ease with
most preparations, but; it
loosens nna Ploanscs tho
lungs, !Ind allays irritation,
thus removiulY the pau440 of .
tho complainC
13132 W VOWM $010, llettosr lgacMit
A1114 sela1)71me5iot135ta11t11itf1toutiAup,
. etr DOT POftGT 'III B STJ.ND,. -0
• 4
Albert Street learly apposite ti„Fair'slifill, gll ol: to Bialoot
sept...soth; 4875;
. .101 STEEP. -
FOR --
ow is your chance -to se -
:cure your heavy Overcoats
and Pea Jackets. -A full and
omp4et9 Stook on hand., in
11 the-rsizetyIlfws;--q--"-ualities -
and makes. Remember they
are all OUR OWN MAKE.
with each one, if wanted.
S ecial Offers for the
• CbOlee 1101 nne Y. 'Myst?*
f, Fragrant Japan,
• " • EngliS141Brealtfast Yowl,
eW Olsson Mack Yeas. • .
' 0 lb. Quist, Doflar !0'�a, for S1.50.
xn The. Goo41, Ca0a Sugar, $1.00. •
11 1bs. Good:Porto 1ttro Wager, $1, •
10 Os. 41.10941 Relined Sugar, $1, -
,Tust received, a large ancl varied An& of G1BYBRAT. 011001312,113g:1 .W1NDS A.ND IiIfilfORS, all of
• which will be sold at the lowost remunerative iiriceae
Glass Gora ,n.a.110.,,Tare,,,_tlata..Uarket=abea0—ateaelF-reit 4ararwitircorks-
_ a se ec e
Pinner, Tea an Toilet tets.ComIplete.
Rententber- the 2)lcoot7next door ioiI8 Hodgins (.6 Pctv's, Th wL 41gek,
„ . •N. RoBSOIi. .
13.--Ageat for Qeetton St. George at co.', importers of pure Medicinal 1:Vinee, Toronto
Cllinton, jUly 21;-1875.
The undersigned beg to„inform,aie inliabitatitii of Clinton and isuroundirrr coontry•that they
have entered. into Co.i'artneraliip for. the .pfirpoielof carrying on the business ormainifeeturers
of Oarriages, Thiggies, Waggons, Sleigha, ()titters; &c., in all its varions brsaieheS, at • their
elflatand, Huron 'Street, Chafe'', inader the style end firm of ,
• „ .
. .
jEt, 'NC .& L Et -11 1F41..
, •
sins lie spu• rod to execute work efAt&I tc; Dentinieu.Their lorigaueri...'
rievin IrOmuitymiab:lortheraloltillyttederstathrthe requireme 5 so 011 cue rimers, and
they.hope, by strict Attention to business, to giv<. entire satisfe.otioa to all those who may ,
* • • favor them with their patr.ontii,re. '
• • -
Jar A largo luta select stock of the best seadoinal material alwaya on bawl. Orders executed
• • 'with- despatch. Repairing deo° ou the shortest notice. • •
• 1
..0Mwrox, duly 22, 1-874,;',,
'• STIQ 1\1•"
. . CONLItTINAS Aist11 rIpTavEsi
Berlin Wept, Slipper :Paiterns, -47tel Berlin: Wool • 'Geo d$:
• -An the latest Parent and Periodicals always on hand, Also Agen or the_
CLuirsii; Out' 22, 1874.
10011NE11. 111A1tEET SQUARE.
A -1).g., IRE.. D-..,. 'A. iiip: - .APPID1410I VrED. '
„ . . .
. .... . 4 . .. '
..1. t A I - •
, .
• . • .. ' BY 1110 %PUBLIC' IN
. •
The OSEOBN” and ROYAL SEWING, ArAcirriu;;S, both taking tire load mat first prize
. _ . :where ever. exhibited. The ithav,e maohines for aide by
, . . . ,.
E. Norsiivortb.y.• • General Age)* , olintOni -C)iit
.Any other SeWing Machine furnished to order. A spronlid wiiori;uont•olcitaya•cnt hand. .thill
and 1100 sampIes of stitehing•done by Mrs. Nerftworthyi on tlicsa Machines, Sewing intichines re.
. ' paired Needles and other furnishings kept on hand, . •.• ,
Itetheinbe* the Plate,-11nron Street,/ one 4100* treat Of ilia Conantereial Hotel
The Goderich lilottudry and Manufacturing Co,
Se= lie publie.thab they aro prepared to Sultrily
STEiX .1**1-04-Xl•kr)Of.t4tc110)11C1:1'4 "IIS
Aka, Grist oia ssw mins, stAvo; Shingle and Reading
itoop *Machines,. fat).-.;
iroWoodctt vinuann, won steel. Itoo,fde,.• Gang Ploughs, ettltIVAtOre
litit*tr Clutterd, Sttglak,&flit 'csta8I5 getties, Grate Ears,
cookingr Pataer-and - Box stoves; ,61 sous kbiois -
$AkT PANS MADE TO 0.11.1.)Elt.
• -Iron ilia tram/ OutIngs, and rflailillth‘th Work.
Bonen and. ail 7telvoi PettOt 8ont igit'OVt
'AA °Alois haditottod 16 the 'Oenstsanyo or &natio-A wilt rneove prompt Attention;
nonAon itonTox,
SodretarySitIl Tretumrer.
32O13XT XtTh IZ Grni MARACIttli
Oadttiolts 1eptom14i2idi
A1101143A,IJD ROI) X;
Children's Furs„
Pea Jackets,
Rubber OverCoats,
ixts & Dra -er?,
iovsand Mitts,
Qollen Shirts,
°oiler! $00,1s,
In the Tweeds and Coat
In -6 ieny::-.Stbek ..*as: never
more corn:pieta' T.ho*fbao-o-
--tenth Coatings from:$1 per.
40 high as $5:50, and all:.
prieeloeVweez),. 'I Ilavegood
tweeds-for--5Qc that Can't be
anywhere. It is ad-
mi.tte hat my .75Q. tweeds
would be as cheap' 'as dixt at
getting izy.)-sujU to
order' for- $15: and 816:0f the
olploiest . Tweed in the Iwo..
et Leave us youie,-orderfo'r
an Ofr*ereoator gt_pea-jacket,
just to letus. 8liow.srot,twliat
we are doixig at the. .
otb. ATE II,140 01-IOUSE.
"• '". COTTONS.
8t 8
-te DRESS -000p
88 •`' 18
88 •
it stuvetis.'
Opposite the Post °Mee, Caillton;
cliatot ni)01,:toti 1674.