HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1875-12-02, Page 3• 11V ,r1730E10. au* NEW rts.LL OOODS,., THE 011E0WINOZYS. THE OHEA.P FLANNELS,,, THE Olirmkr MAXIMS* . THE. OHOJOU THE (MEAT VALVE IN B1401 VOETEVili _ OUR. NEW vonarop .4.L.14 coriow—ITATI,KAVISIOR AtfONG. TI -IE MILLINER PRETTY HATS, BONNETS,. FLQWPISs MATHERS, BONS AND TRINIMINOS. ' YU4JttOii MOO . Dee, 1,1875. wheet,Trolowen,*bnel410 00 0 00 Soulos, - Spring'05 a 1 00 , • Barley,,% • • • Peso, Flour, Butter, Potatoes, Kggoi UnY. Pork, • • Beef, - • • aides, Sheepalsine • Clover • • Timothy- ' Geese, • Tuykeys, • . • Cluelsens, • U4WL4S ND'NE A:NTurix,Aus •We hold, we believe, the fineOt Steck of Cholde Millhaery and Drove Fabrics, ShaWla and Mituttge, to bcritad in this CoUntY, and ask inspection of Stook fyom intending purelisserp. , 'M. O. GPO. Theeteox of Biaok VOods in every kiz4 pc* worn ut new and.' worthy of tho attention of Fomilyo wanting Mourning (toode of any deeeription. Hata, Sonnets andMahtles made tcrorderiu the most satisfacte'rY)aanaer, OVER COATS,- UNDER, COATS, rANTS and' VESTS. HATS, d'At's.. , FURS, UNDER 'CLOTHING, 0AuPzfre .ana. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, TWEEDS, CLOTHS and COATINGS. ' Sets made to order and patisfaction aisured. We will not' be under sold in any dep,artnaent awl io Goods of the- oanie quality. Every effort pat terth to please and enly One price aaked, • - ' • - 110DGINS .85 PAY, ;Nov.4th, 1875 • ';••'", • ..;19 Sob: pi.' Tgiln .Dty. G000s: whit • -4„.. DEALERS '1'41 a ' Our FALL AND WINVER ST00.1C. is noW complete in ever3r 'department, and has been. carefully se1ectd._ Our D.RESSloo9ne..11EPARTMENT ,be . found. very. attractive. ; It . conInsteo-f all the new styles and shades of the season. • • MILL!INERY:AND MANTLigs„,_ - This department will always be found well assorted with all the novelties of the season. Orders Prainfltiy and neatly • exeeated. CRAPE HA7TS AND /lessors stlways on hand. Fall and Winter MANTLES splentlid variety. Also; M.A.NTLES MADE rro ORDER,. • • • . • Ladies' Cotton Embroidered, ?brine, and Lamb's Wool Underclothing, -a u11 assortment on handl_ _ . Gent's Furnishings- of every .'d.eseriptioxi• TAILORING. -To this department we pay special attention, and'as for style' and we' rionanship, we believe we are second to none in tins -coyinty. If you want a nree fitting Suit, or a Stylish. . Over Coat,' call and leave yottrorder at the NEW -DOMINION HOUSE, GR 0 OE R ES We just reeeivIto. full stock win:eh-Ai be found all new' . • And fresh and will be kept well assorted. . . - rT solo. 22iiaT1875. STOVES STOVES STOVES ar '24moverzex' Psze.r Harland Brothers, nE4lins , , .STOVES, CISTERN PUMPS, -.LAMPS, COAL: OIL,. • &O. 'Amp- siAaurAo- . TURERS or ALL KINDS 0-P TIN, .COITtR, GALVANIZED, AND SHEET IRON 'WARE, . Beg most respectfully to return thanks to their friends and customers fbr past favors, and at tlie _same.timemould,remind-there-and-the-pnblic Benin ally;-tilattlrey-liTh-receiVera- , Large Assortment of -COOKING STOVES All sizes, and of the most improved patterns., taxmen Sroves• of the newest designe. BOX BrovEs of, all kinds, all of which we are selling at he very lowest prices. SPLENDID .00L STOVES We would especially call the attention of those who. contemnlate Purchasing Coal Stoires, to the 11,a,diant.VConte '33ase I3urner,.. Which has been but two years before the public, and in that time has „established a reputation of being- second to none in the long Hot of Base Burning Stoves competing for publio loom.- -Call and see the RADIANT Henn before purchasing any other. We would also tall attention to our neiv WOOD STOVE), THE CHA.tLEXGE HEATE13, Which we believe to be superior to ?myheating stove ever offered to tbe priblie of Canada, for minimum consumption of fuel, maximum radiation of heat, and beaUty Of appearance, making it equally suitable for the Parlor, the Hall, the Office or the ohm), Call and see one -in use' at' our Shop. We have also received a large aAortinent of - 1.43,mps, Eumers, Obiruneye,WO.bes,..Ttibular Lanterns, &C, 'which are marked low, Coal Oil, best qualy, Ito"secotyi* grade, , 80 *cm. • Stove Pipes and Elbows for the million. All kinds of Sobbing Work promptly attended to. A quantity of Hot Air Drums always othancl. A call solicited. SO trouble to show goods,. EtARLAND BROTHERS, REHM BLOOM CLINTON, Oct. 21.st, 1.875: REMOVAL. REMOVAL. W. H. -SIM.P.SON. -BEGIS TO INFORII HIS, CUSTOMERS. AND THE PUBLZ0 GENERALLY, TIIAT ' -Removed to Smith's .Block, opposite tlieTost.Office, And having enlarged Ms stools of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS -AND FANCY etOODS, mid , also added , • SCHOOL BOORS,. STATiiONEgY0 ' ETC., . to Vs stock, he bopes.to receive the contin2iike ot.likcustomerit Stamping, for EmbrOideqi Braiding and gats,,as•nanil. CLINTON, Nov. 10, 1875. W. H. SIMPSON • . THAN THE- CHEAPEST. FALL AND WINTER IflitY. _GOODS. A. S. FISHEIO, Montreal, 'Rouge, 4 ClItitoril • • - SHOWING A tAIIGE ASSOliTMENT OF NEW GOODS 1 Which for va.amry„.OUSAMEas, QUAZ4TZ and STVLE, IS azinetranran nr Tut Wm'. , I MO eliNtr* OOPS 11.1k STOCK IS FULL AND OOMPLETE*. • 90 a 005 080 a 0 32 . • 050 * 9.65 0_62 a 0 64 " 0 40 a 600 . 17 A 019 • 080 a 005 0 18 a 0 17 * 10 00 a 12 00 • 650 a 70() - 450 a 0 00 400- , 4 00 • 0 50 a 0 75 6 00 a 6 25 • 350 a 4.00 Q. 45 a 0 ,50 050.a 100' • 0,12- 0 15 smAnotnic Deo. 1876 80 90 a 005 ' Spring , . 0 90 A 0 90 - Fleur, . - ,• 550 a 600 Oats . - t „ 0 81 a 0 32 . 4 060 a 064 Barley . . ... 050 a 065 ,Potatoes . , 0 30 a 0 85 Batir. , ; 4 . 0 17 a 0 18 016 , a - 017 ay, .• •• . • 10 00 ' a 11 00 . rOtk, , . , .. " - 7 50 a 8 00 ,.. _ _,_ 007011171ZWIt 3141(11‘.11*$ . Wheat -Fall . Spring riour oata, , Barley, - Potatoes", ; Hay - Butter Eggs, - Hideo . Wood- - . 0011 c3., 1aay 10087. 91 55 • . 5.25 A 6 50 4J 32 a 0 33 058 a 060' . '0 5D a 000 • 0 30 a 0 36 110'0100- 'trt6 /02 2000-- - 016 a 017 6 25 a 00 4 50 a 006- ••• 2 50 • a 300' Beef, - 5 00 a• 0-00 TO.ROPITO . MARKETS. T,°4".....r°if11)(/(42°. 1187054.' Wheat -Fall wneet-$pling" • 1 QO a 1 00 ; Barley - 4 • • • 0 00 a 0 86 Oak *-• 0 37 o 0 37 Pelitnate-071 a 072 r.. . 0 20, a .0 21 B ggga .. .••„, - •'= 0 23 a 0 24 . Atherictics Narked.. E4sT BOFFAL0', Nov. 30, Eft:op-Receipts, 1300 ; Shipments, 4,200 ;. gales, 4,200, „mostly Yorkers ; 97.10 to $7,20 for n few heavy -1$7 to $7.25 for rough, to selected, ' Market ao- tiVe. •-•Amount all sold. ' . -Crii 0AM:4 Nov. -30,---Ilogs----,Estiiiiate a - ceipti, 6,200 saleri...at $6,75_ to $7 '• _common to extra packing quality, $6,80 to $7; ship - peril, 87 to 87..15. Ca.zzix-Steady and "in fair enquiry at .501-$516--fer-zhippl1triteere-1-$2:75attr $3.76 for stockers : $2.50 to $4 for choice,--• -Receipts 2;500, "4""*" .‘2Eissofsir Corn Market. LONDON, Nv., 29, -.The Mark Lene Exxon in its review( ef the grain Markets of the ppi week, says "that England, has had a' dragging trade, with an occasional decline, owing chiefly to thd Want of couditionie samples; In }fol. land and -Belgium; former rates are in -an -dam - ed. %In Germany, there has been 'slight flue--; •tuations. In France; quotations aro generally- -fludhauVA-alttiOngh-in-some-prolgneiel-ma kets.there has been an Advance Of d 'owing to sinalt Supplies. Algeria -is. Suffering from g 'severe drought." ' ' • . . • An infidel said,. " There 43 one thing that mars the pleasure Of inY life." " In- , deet V' replied his friend, " -what is that'?" He answered, "1 am afraid that the I3ible is true... Ifr tenla know for certain that death is an eternal sleep„ I should be lief,- py--ray joy would be complete. But here is the thorn that stings me this. is the sizord that;piorees mysionl ; ii tho Rible is true I ani lost for ever." • . . . . 'Clinton Wfaiblo' Works,. ,r4EUR01' -STEKET: _ -11i0n-u-BIENTS-vji-E-A-DSTONES' And Work ni all Minis in American aid Foreign. Marble,. designed and executed in the beststyle, '.inntat reason- able prices. . • Mantles of Various Colored Idetitle Supt plied on .StfOrt Notice. • GRANITE MONUMENTS AND EEADSTONES rtiponTZD To OldOLR. • : .1311" A NM respectfully solicited. oun,ton, 34404, 1874.W. H. COOFER, 12 •• MILLTftBZGRAND D/SPLAT., OVER COATS, A LARGE ASSORTMENT. GENT'S FURNISHINGS, ETC no' .. . GROOBRIES—IsTVW.,„, AND IrlIMSH, !ThLttmv (Witt Airs, NEW AMY tRAGIIANT TEAS, EsETY QENT TEA„ REALM GOOD.. TRY IT. fir Soo the stock and prices at tho otn Atm terna,1110/4AVAt. IIGOSE, „ 8 PER caw DISCOUNT PCIR •OASH. tro szdoin dASII 1$61t, GOOD, -PACKED MITTEL , $23000 In cash, its i�tottt c 1b tiortgigi o MiEIWi MS/MR. CLINT014, Nov. 1764 lOtiti Stra'y Pigs. QTIIE PnEM1SES 01' T. ST.,113SORM- Nu, lot 26,6th son, Stanley, about the 1932 of Oct., two .men rigs. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay chergeo, and talcs them away. , • • VALENTINE DIEUL4 Stanley, Nov.9411870. • , • _,• THE GREAT FEMALE. REMED:Y. JOB flIOSES rilaionICAL PX1AS, ° This Well known medicine is lie imposition but a sure and safe remedy for Female Diffi- culties and Obstructions, from any canoe what- ever,' and although *powerful remedy:, it (91 - tains nothing hurtful to the constitution. TO MARRIED LADIES It 1is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time bring on tho montlilyperiod with regularity. In all cases of Nervous and Sphlal Affections; Pains in the* Back and LiinbA$ Heavineffs, Fatigue on sliglit exertion, Palpitation of tho heart, Hysterics, Sick Ileadaehee, 'Whites, and all the painful diseases oceastioned by a disordered system, thee° Pine will effect some when all other meane havo failed, These Pills have never been known to fait where the direetions on the 2nd page of pain- -ph/et, are well observed. . • . For full PartiOnlare.• get a pamphlet, free, ef agent. • • ' JOB htOSES,.NEW YORK floin Pueraniwon. $1.00 and 12 oenta for postage, enclosed to Northrop & :Lyman, Termite, Ont., general , . .„ . agents for tho DOMIDIOD, ,znsilre a bottle Containing over 50 pine by return - Sold in Clinton by 3. H. Combs) and 'George °Maley; E. Hickson -and -F. Lumiden, Elea. forth; J. Carronbrook; Parker & Cattle awl F. Jordaq;dodericlit E. Cameron Bay 'field; inis.Botithretf,liedgerville: and adttedi- eine defame.. Rlie.ri TIDO TW.102.--riWO to thirty' drops of Tnotael Ilenzernio* Om. will wire common Sore Throat. It never fila in Croup. It will enre *CoIcl or Cough in twenty-four to forty- eight hours. One bottle has cured Bronchitis of eight years standing; recent ceps are cured. *in threeto eix days. It has restored the voice whore the portion had not spoken above a whisper in Eye .yeare. As an outward appli. tuition in all Oalesi of pain or lateness, nothing like it has ever been known. Ono bottle will mire any case of Issue Beek or Crick in the Back. E'er diseases' et the Spine and, °entree - tion of the Muscles itieutequaled. hatheu. matte or any other pain the ..first application 'does you good. It dope Ear Aelie and the pain'ea Burn in three minute., &IU1 a alto. gather the best and cheapest medicine over offered to the reopla-tile eitespest because it takee go little to do you goad. It is compos- ed: of six of the bast oils -known, and noticing but oils. Itis wortb its weight in gold... Why. :not buy it to -day t -A. 8. Dee Roches ao• adroit pedometer, Arthabaskaville, Q., writes Thirteen 10ats ago I was seized by a severe attaok of rheamatient lathe head, from -which 1 have nearly conitantly euffered. After having Used 'Thomas' Eclectrie Oil' for nine days bathing the forehead, I have been stompleteli cured, end have onlytitsed half bottle, This X east eortify to en oath if you • wish,*)-Rev..T. Mallory, of Wyoming, *ates, "Dr, Thema* Balearic EDIT Imo cured mp of Brenehitis in aim wank." Dealers all over the. country say, two have never aokt a medicine that has given Buth complete tads - faction as thie Sold by alf medicine dealers, Price, 26 Old. • s. N. THOMAS, Phelps*, N. Y. And lioRTREA,',* LYMAN, Toronto, Pat) 80Ie Agents for the Dominion. NeTatmaElibletrid441.01.10ted and Eleetrisea. Yo- Pratied Saggedlen& :No animal eheuld ba required to drink water which the owner himself Would, ranee, and espeolally an if thkt SWAMI 10 a cow from which you hope; to nuke fs9od buttor1.. istAufitoten.t. on thio point to say that pure water is an Indispensable artiele to the auceess of the ,dairyman, for good butter or, cheese. cannot he madewhore good water Can. not be obtained. Sheep on a farm yield both woc4 and medal. They ,naultiply. with mud ra, lajt.Y. They are the hest of farm Sefteeligen, eleattilig a eour AO no other ohms of animals will. They OP, hitek, 1110re in proportion to What they ,take from it than any Other animal, and distribUte it better With a view to the futnro fertility of the sOil. Weigh; measure and %Milt .4Fer 41E10.1 But the advice should net be restricted, to giocers, as it, is specially valuable.toofarmers as Sellers :and coo. Moors of produce. Fe* faraters, lin** exactly what they sell, and a 'platform Seat) is, wo.pgret to say, a rare piece of barn ftirinture. A, very important thing, and one which few farniera itnqw exactly, is th-e7;quantity , they ..,feecEtO their stook, and how much a bushel of grain, a ton of hay, it quart of milk, a pound of butter,. or a pound . of pork costa thew_ knowledge Of these things is necessary' If thq farmer_ would hinellkweighsts,buntina:s4srepzoadntaabliceo,ottpns da6tictiolueunt Of°,evary,,thing useduponseld from bite farm be cannot tell whether be is working at a profit or a loss. The--Ecientific eveilbo fol- lowing pod receipt for the manuihetllre of writing ink': ,TweiVe ounces iu- galis, 'eight ounces oaeh' sulphate of in- digo and eopiTeras, afew cloves,' four Or Ave onnees.ginnsarabic,' for a gallon of ink. The addition of tho. sulphate of :indigo renders the ink More p'ermanent and less liabre-to • first NiTitteli ivitb but soolcbecomes an intense To prevent a horse froni a trace chain arena be ankle or fetlock of the foot mOot used, . id lot the other' end of the chain lie 1oOse en the floor of t, stall, and 411-ial 1); ri , Thu,%ply_eat.;erivelePe-for-Eoehionablepeo ple opens like a book -and Teqatrea, •La. seal_ oeniona'granfai big as a lien's egg. A. newspaper bedded in gravel, and tinn- ed into stone, was lately found:dr' LI:IAA:: land,- V: r. ---the Printing being :plainly vials, to, the naked eyes. • • . ' - A " winter .cane has been invented in Pari8, for gentlemen onIy it is a long, hollow tube, and, before :the swell owner gees out on his promenade, it is filled with a chemical PreParation which generates heat and keeps the hands warm fr•hours; .A gentlenian experienced in poultry' keopinft-sayli that 'Clonei it reqinres more attention to get eg,gfi from fowls in winter. than in suranior, yet, IliFy canbe had , in iing tie :-.11gP11111"trit, keeping-Ali:01;11 enldbil"r'-;13:tirigyie them with' varied food and plenty Of it. They got tui it.mock marriage for amuse- ment at a party; in Portage county, Ohio, the other evening,„. buta real magistrate, - who, was among tho,guests, performed the Areniony, and it now appears that the couple are legally married. At last ac-, connts, they hadn't spite decided whether' to accept the 'aitnatiou or get a divorce. Two 'lovers at Wilrnington,-.TM, have fallen out. The girl was about to.inarry another young.in an, When her former SUitor replevined a Wring- machinehe had givhn • her, • She :responded by ening: hini for it.ie value of meals entan. at her house, and now he'has sued her fOr the time occupied in courting her. : Lit GErraRTI-hEs-inveniet17-tric:alkimFcane that is ft lamp for one?* feet and a guide to his way. The top portion of the cline is a' hollow 'cylinder screwed ori; and contains a candle.that may be pressedupwards by ineans'of a arming, as. fast as Consumod,;- It is closed by a cap,” which, forulifiran: veriient and ornemental top.. • At Iowa City, a lad named Stummel was leading a spirited horse .0 waMr, and tied 'the halter to his wrists, when the horse took fright and raiz away, dragging the boy under his _feet; 11e. was stamped and mangled horribly. The horse ran With him with the- halter thus tied to his wrists, until beth arms were pulled from' their shoulder -sockets and literally severed from his body, stanched to the. halter. When ,found he Was dead, and haraly recbgnizable . While it is an, ' Ocepted busmosaakioni that Money -earl in DO other WAY_ be employ- ed so efficiently to seeffiji an enlargement of trade and a consequent increase of pro- fit in judicious advertising,it is just as true that money cannot be „Nuandered" more certainly than it advertising injudiciously, The sole purpose of an advertioement is to give information to proem in need of the things advertised. To be of *able it- -must, therefore, be printed in a publication which not only has many readers,but readers of thei class which buys what sdes- cribed.-.211; Y. Etening Post. There aro oome practices,which however. coinfortablo and soothing to the nuticuline biped, a woman can hardly jmitate with Safety and success. For instance, a lady in Troy, envionS possibly of the solid en- joyment which she had seen members of the frock -coated sox take in standing with their' Woke to the fire, Placed herself in till:Name delicious position. ' The result was that her dress took fire behind and she .wae with difficulty Bayed from a horrible -fate. The neighbors quenchedher cries and her garments at the sash° . time, and before she was all seriously injured. A' milo. east. of Leroy', on the Detroit, Lansing Si lake Michigan Railroad, , is a tairiarack swamp riolno 500 -feet wide along tho railroad. A short time ago the track - :began settling, and it was elevated up to grade by being filled up with gravb1. Re- gularly as it. Wail raised lip by day, it set- tled down by night, until nearly 400 °car- •lotels of gravel had been dumped in the trenchers:ills f3pot WithoUt snaking the road. •bed at all steadfast. A force ofmen was (set- to Werk to fill up the strange chasm, and they cut trees BO feet long and cast .them with untrimmedi brandies n the mys- teridus sink•hole., It devoured* up the trees and the gravel with which they:were accompanied ; they slOwly_but irresistibly. disappeared from sight. No one knows to what cause to attribute the mysterieus,pit, Many . thoOriiii . have been formed. to ae• count for it, the most acceptable one being the' supposed -150fiendii' of ii atibierranean iakAe.diiri 'owl accident happened at Boulogne recently, where an Engliehiteamer, load- ed with coal, dunk at the of the harbor,: and at our lacer advisee had effectually cleeed, the port for a period of five days; - 15 etreng galeyinterfored with the labliiii of tho wreckers and drove away& man-of-war which hod been seni to blow undo wreck. Meanwhile eighty or ninety- largo traliihg bode Were shut up inside, just When her, ring were plenty and prides -good.; 12,500 people Vero thietviVont of employment t• one or two inward bound vessels were lost by striking tho wreck ; and the populace began to rage at the supineness of tho Go- vernment, though they luta not yot av, rived at the point of accusing the anthori, ties- ot treaohery, AS Boulogne 10 MI im. portant landing point on the routes be- tween England and tho Continent, the in. I00111/011101196 and loss to. travellers must have been enormous, while the ombartau. manta And poonniatg clannigo in bilibisoil can Willy be gonleoturoi, ' • • • • 011. Vian Frepare toi.mee WOOL DRESS GOODS. BIM HEM X11034-W4tanur___ SPOSTSS,14- AND J.A.OKE TS BUY THEM FROM Waltantr 'Po wrest AND HOODS, BUY TIEM FROM ViratOrr VOSTICCas GREY AND BUYTHEM ]ROM VirStiaitT V0621041* CLOTHS AND SHIRTING'S. BUY THE FO Wa203$21 VAMVXCSS* Want HEAVY You want FIT pu' 'want Wi Youwant HE. ree.ze, E BLANKETS. op. wan. TIAlAr,E RS - TINDERSHIRTS, BUY: THEM' FRO* WRIGHT $c, iFLCOSTER. You want TIOKINGS, TOWELS. A.ND SHEETII\TGS. -Nir-rpOly± WR HT&FOS1ER. •••• • . • You wan You .wan You wa Rra BUYTHEM FROM WRIGHT FOSTER. OCERIES, BpoTs AND SHOES. -BUY THEM FROM Nvirkit3r4Griarr & ENC)SrilJelEi. ott wthit and LOW PliCIE S. YOU CAN GET THEM FROM WIRIC43Err Yon. want 'the above goods for the Winer We want you tocall an0.- examini3 our immense variety. .. to give you better -Value for your .mohey, in 411kinds of Clothing for-Illeu, Women and ChilAren, than you, can 'get rn any other -place in this seotiOn of ganada,' 0 CRE ‘g 1..IINT ON :November -4th . Stray Bull, euldr-ncrcr-Trce--s---unsantimws.Yliiii-en' s, Inoe:Ntoh4e.Rriatil::::: on, alio_ut.the midd:o of 00- tober, a TWO YEAR OLD BULL: The owner is here- by notified to prow) property, pay charges, and take it • • EDWAND BRICEMNDEL Stray Steer. nADIE INT -0 - THE PIIRMISES OF MR SUB - Bosnian, o t ea, lIth con.Hullett, about a month Since a dark red TWO TEAR OLD STEER. Tire own- er is4ereby requested to prove property, pay charges and t e itawity- ••• ' • . ZORN man. . ,Attilatt, Nor. 4,1870. BUTTER.. BUTT,ER...- rrhro sonscrozza via, PM( oetur rcul, .1,24r quantity of Good YellOw gutter, in Tubs. . ..ALso,. FOR ROLLBUTTER ' Done np in.rrice shoe, In two or Wee pound rolls. ' W. IL HINE: Clinton. Ool Oth, 187ff. ^ • - Stray Heifer. OAVM: INTO THE' PREMISES OIr THE. SIM- somenti, lot CA Bayfield lino, Goderich township, about tho middle of September, a lighs'red, two Vior ola hatter. Tho owner is hereby notilled to prove property pay charges and take It sway. s Tomv., ooaerich ttp, No,. 24, 1878. " AGENT WA.NTED. A GENTS WANTED TO CANVASS THE 0011TIE XI- =ingot Huron, for the 'Ottraida Amicaltural Io issuance CorimanyetMontreal. We want a good, live man, who le not afraid of work, and no other need apply. ,54 - dress, with references, . • ,latatorelAger4' Cobout.g, , Or DIFH0 WATSON; tioderieh, Cohourg, Noy, 94,1870, , W61.1.128E, Eat). Stray Cattle OA.ME INTO Tilt PREMISES OFTHE 811B80IIIS. Jur, lot 80, 113th corwlIallett, about theist of Nov., 1 two year ohi Ireifer„ and three yearling 4steers. The Owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take them away, , • WM. 011911DRO, OE. Hullett, Nor. 24, 1875, ' , Strayed or Stolen, . . .. _ . . , , A LARGE DARK RED COW /SOU THE Ctild. DoNS, about therelte of she L., IL & 11, 15. s„ Sta- tion, has &tawdry sU eutoradw, Is about 9 or 10 jestu old, long house and udder hanging well down. Any In. formation loading to receverywill be thankfully reeeived andlibetaily rewarded.. ' • • A. WORTHINGTON. . Clinton, Nov.,02, 18715. . • 1.87*6. HT _ ray -Steer:--- ^ OAME INTO TEE. PREMISES Or TUE SUB, ssaussa, lot se, 8th con. Ifullett, about a mouth, since, a DARIC RED MOOLE sTnns, about a year old, with a little white on forehia. The owner is hereby notified to prode property, pay charges and tale away. Mo011.1:70BIET. Hulett:I mov.17th 1876 ' '• 4'41 - Isoii.ouda BRED Short llorni for Sale. fNE BUL thrsayeare old. • '11441.Ei u0.411/IF, Inman/sold. (food Pedigrees, 1.389AXsipillyt:!1- ()Union, Sept." /875.' '• • 2.1. -Mra'AGgAltt' Farm.for Sale. THE suisonistu 0111EltS FOR SALE TI/AT waltsituated farm; 106 Ito. 29, 11 th con. Hallett, coniddidaS 50 stereo, 70 cleared, on which there Is a log house, and good frame barn, a good °retard of assortid fruit; stream of water, audit; W011ie31064; a good wheat farm, and in excitUenthrder•, title good andposseselon iromediate. For farther particulars ap- ply on the priming, or at Loornzercnocon P. 0. • %%SOMAS MOGBIDGE. 'none% Nov. 4, 187a - *AL For. Oa EL ' . POBSALD--D/DEOTLO E PPOSITE THE SOIITH. end of the Brewery, on the street leading to where - the Mlw Railway Station le toter built, and not over 100 yards from the Shawl; two late, contablingliall an sore, ' 'frith gootrinp and well, and* neverlailing spring of • M4R013A.11T TAILOR CLOTHIER AND GENERAL OVTFITTER, CLINTON, ONT. JUST RECEIVED, A MAGNIFICENT STOOK OP Worsted Trouserings 'and Scotch Twiedi. • • water; vt framed. . For particulate wpWAttz. • . Or Vi. /SAWN% . . . Also, for pale, a splendid. !Of and Rutter Cow. Minton, Aug. 25th, 1870. , ' V4 blAtBTI3 THOS.-XAOKSON. • , -Clinton, Nor 10, 1875: " BoarPig for Service, train utunkszoon EAR ON Mai PREMISES, 0:94: 056 30a116 Mato!, titot•ole011t Boor Pig for Service. Shingles. lisono __Public°. •••••••••••.#••••••••• • " • . , MEE SMISCIIMER HAS FOB SALE, At ROW. , -l. leans =Mein Blyth, 11,000 Reacher No.1 Shingled, Also st large, quantity of Not 101111300f Which he will sell cheap for cash, . .. •••• . WO DIIVIIIMOND. , Illyth, Noy. 10th, 1870. , ,-' , . 4 Notice to Farmers, DERESEME SUFFOLK AND FOR A FSHIRIlizons T.21-EPT POS SERVICE, ALL OF ,WILICIE ARE • bred from the hot imported stook In Ontario, also the winnerirof litany prises. Ternie one dollar, with Old Privilege of returning Ai Ofteil neeeliary, lot 20,, 1st con, Stanley, London Head, Stanley, Nor. 28, 1815. 1.'411'113"Z PM. The ZW. . Ysteni Athrettiser anct..Welity Liberal, IFOR 1.06 *reiponse tO nemerone enordrieS, Memel Ray that wet ewe novkenabled to effertherigit ERA and the .•-•4# menu ievantrunts ann•Weskst labsitit (LOW 'eon, Ont,,) with premiere Mop of Ontario, (revue prsee, ei.Copsr year) kr oti.70 purser, in adyinee, hie eiPolitage. Do Now EMWooldy Globe aro. 1E3764 We have mode itrrattgenlentit to hop* the tistrAit.A. and the Weekly. Mote for 18?8, for $6• free .of.postago, The NSW BRA and 'Crastacia •Porsite* far late, will be 8240. The oelbao413' Oen pries of the Ntiv Elia will bo, m fatherly, 81.50 per &ohm% To unw Subscribers we will give the gIatglIA fro4nOW to 1S6 Of Afidtty, for 4;60, lio advance; thellot 2/tA And itiAto eta, till the lame date, $$i fat the alai NW* will bi WW1410$40$ Lot for Sale. and $1'0VE SHOP. rpm{ UNDE118MINE11 OFFERS .E011 fiALE THAT eligibly situated lot 884, ott kfarystreet, butting °A tho grounde• of the new railroad 'station, sleet to let, lot 888, on tho same etreet, On whit& le a em*U house, eon. tatting three rooms and kitchen, abed Orshard, Por parliciulars apply onthe )n01311601' to • ' Et. A. EVANS. • Not 11,1 876. . • r. *Al • Stray .Heifer ., • INTO ,frina .1Faltrilt9 01? TME tit/D. (J AIIM Miamian, lot 86,15theeti.4 GoderlohtoWnilltip,10014. tints in Eieptember, a BED n.strza, lionypartly dewiest thset ysar old. Vat 0 inur ll'hereby netided to :pros* property, pay burst* kid take het aw. -0M116- GoiqnD011t - ...-titoderloite'p.,•14ov.-11, , . . • -Stray.' 'Steer,' /Vail!' INTO TME 1215EMI815g rid' 110*; .obst•diatisr.trazaiiiblitticta ihro, 041 nos:4:111e, :29:ibiaah6 iorwtoynaft;to,azooialarta,,...110,4 ozTroitio: ii,o_watotap_its 10•7b:rat,uti! 'Oreiitt Atrierib' • o&lerisii. township, 1874 • for tottanO, ccitoo, ASTHKA, nitO. OlttorldtS, Zeta or 'voitOro aiO4,1tOto* ittlitt alto ilizOoAT Arrrilr1101414 Gray's, bit of Rod Since' Gs, SOLD BY Atli utarroVnil onlitatTfi •01Writt•Irttur caul tit *tiret fatal of ititigbi led 0:140, GENERAL Dllag.41ARS. 01tAllli SIRUP crime itere Tittoti MIA fIrtAril SIRUP gIvis linnedlate Attain bittitilitt, °tarp titrattS is the heel. moody los • .01V‘10/3 8i15t30 whom; oroup•said 'Whoopint.Simithi Ours 8!RtlPI. 44 otellot sialilativifiCond60460 put, ,satta!ritotuttii, rgitto t11 , Multilt tAtkii IWO 14 Inky atom too V11111014 iiMitt. :4 .44,,,% NOV atb. 444 Beg if" mutt"' their v. ithilroul:frfolihdaSitl Alarnailtabagy iitodagtoottokeroallig that they re idditig • Eouse 'Furnishing, Fe.,riners', alio 'Builder's Efardvia,re Just received, it lege lot at NSW PATTERN' WOOD AND '00,41 STOVES, headoonts and ilieful, uever,,before offer,orl hero. If you went ..to buy cheap; ge to SEARLE d; DANIV -roe 4 brillialttg1ltlist Searle arDaYbili BEST EXCELSIOR COAL OTL, StoViiit UMW- " • and Ilan/ware SELLING AT atEDEOligs No, 1. Coal Oil at. ea cents per &lion. • . Pabitet's Oil .at 70 cents per gallon, - - Nails at $8.26- per. keg: • .......-Vive-tliousand lengths. of Stotte-ripsv-•-•-•-•- •-:7-- „Best Ainerican_Water Lizne ,isr. Try owl. & DAvies..citiMIY.101% 010T.M.qt. 1/6 in btlakoltalui on tile roof. • • • ife Try glib& & DAVIS for mitmo, 010, *mutt zzAti atotsa) priont) Altit - g,AINOttst STOCK generally, • . , • Or If you want to keep year houies ward, try Out 11.11m1:00 rilstit for 1100 40 ,wall, It SWOP lath and plieteroad is to be had of 0441141 di Davit. - ate Thom. requiring AUTUMN BULB* for haute or -orb& nil, benht solia 14 their otaitt to 8ost10;* DA* Otiotr tO`a' PZEZE It' Bt1Gr4AR Et 9 9 $80414tootimotit of anti, RoVolmilj tu4Shit Guilt ta btd, otut for age °high. 0.• gatiOtitil & tfAilit/0..htniviiiioth Tin Shop. et/M*1', bot, 3.0010 1e76. :Etarness tor Sale. tia ifultpl, A Vitt GY 110til4Titts $ 144,A1Vti its 0815 gloom *ROA UN • W. H. nilitimi AccOrrAnz' rsootiositne too urti,04.06460....,.. ...„,..v.w euMilkill 111 0 IMO MIA itiluelli t lalkl • ti Waikiki kiiiottOil116514 ' . swim . .