HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1875-11-25, Page 21.1 V 0 . -- - ­­ ­ - , " A . . . . . . . . ..... 4 *-111-1-1" MINE !9111111111ill, 111 101 111111 k ­ 4. Mw , Willr'not# MoSteaCtSin- Bouquet to t1to Judi ot the Supreme D04th 0(lbb 11,00, TIM too TUA08. hord to tallibut, 'A6 01 tke V -,fJk,54 I'vIbpi 0rqAJJgW to the oouutry W,,.Q A I , * " %;a agg ua4e of TA Xono of thii boales of tbA tsventy-soyou mrv. Dwvia Igo, of i3attorpA, us-vo birth Friday. bt 11. y the I I Toc myetwor 44d Wookly Moll F-Provin"'Is ft* bavo .4, cilso In point In tbill and a 4,01gh- to throe sople IAOVook., Governmont Houlio woo 9,4 Aotil 'ton witoe-1ha strilsf oommittOO h*V JIM01108 drOWU#d at St. Y.0,14110, near the last. the il of one 91 the Inost xpIM14 wililorl, vi". luming' 90011MQUO PrOPOWOUNx 44 WO boriag. con I vilich 'We have not Ukou taken tho proasution to it 11*444at %I tha, *UM*1 IF914 *)to the *Ater Wks. 1010 of st, Orleans, have Uen racovor4 it 14 updoriltaoil that ap '0Z -it, 111 000141 tatherin as striek 0 .1 , th 01 ion W icen In lgoaiida, on fost prrod 06 t lit pose a! Are gwy will be StAteg,' -04 4 wa In his office, at liquIrIoll, W0,1407 May ther from reports from. various loftltl- notice of till now, 00 t The QQyortiallent of gnousa will begin- be oft f0kh 064aO i Govern. 040 Sit the 0) ayallablo At a in to tba returh in for 0414## QQWO. I t tau ky axorb of 41*110till A#Mk. 0"1444 to 0or the 394W'A" 444 li`4 tie 't Oil* 6ractiou ofl* now Ilaylixuient. IiQus4 on X01114. 1 Coutto, or -Qq qVill, and the n r 0 .0 foly, .tied 'a o tir fr.hipt WAS folso, ancl even it it 0 IX Thureday look 00*441A , A0WA;IPrxT,% X004 (UA* Swoutta A the alto Of thO old JOAllit 330MOU11, Ill. thi) Thq.,Wojitora Medical A th9r4loutertAi"d at dinner 4* Lorilahip, 'al 4ays, Feigns of improve - at A,! ;wJQk *ropom it vould"bave been roally a spring, 04ting of on Xu eolblo Ile f Upt An& th Xsv of olito;lok 04 with th , 10go. oltileQ *n.tho, ea'attlin part hold boonjitioi young 4 ughtor 0 r, plunin, of Dayflol I 1 .1 in V '0. Othjr J.'Q4gQni of big jQ00yery began to 'be xoticl - of th a e:,Vp ' Won't, W'errQfir to Son a, ito States, sucli -as J3oRtQUJ Q whike Attio Air, toll to thefloor f little M the Qlb patecl 4A higlilyprobablo. Be, howover,,, . * b all The regular monthly cattle fole, beld at.' 04, in Strathrof", col)(16100to vollroo the u))"13110 Court, 'Invitations had boen roUa her Arm, 1) tolilhary well flifilledl. a 14 ' , r 4el ttended, taken, by'tho n extendo 4 ca Monday niorrijug, yield_ (I tovery.warly of the, 104,4100 mail QrL- and Ph an ra Now.y, uAdelp4ilu x0twilth. Ron Ilay a AtQlV 1 0 ad reduced the fraota (710 01640o -o g fro. landor, Which, nokwith- to; _h lod, week, was. X oorly ii v,ory, Tow CAMP At for tbo but0pr -being on !,I modiol4o. of the Dominion,. And proparatious stall4iogIble depres,1104 In tratle, and tig, tbe positive donfolo. of 0cae M. S. SorroorA.-Sormona Will o preached, held i7k) totbo. I.,101olica Of tho .40440A AttAck. ,ast,- worn Nichol, oil, the Lord tho usual gtaduo. Wo cowV.ulsory econowy, among, the, lixboto pufferini- I -.Pl! -thQr bp"' of ibed tlotlil to, ll.tthjob po$JtJo" 4 W olm 7 -if .'supported , thoit, 40ni. lid section of the Mill roAkTookero ith, I toly 00 1pied r . P. im As 0 QQ4 Quy....010, Ad Tlko farm Ofr Mt Thomas, Oroalng ir. Wiloon bad risen. by pntlo'14 -­ . of this town$ by t a Rer. X of V-1 contract Jim thi'f1r, in 0, ot by "oil" has bo Chief Justice, on4 his distingulobod oollea- U the -*;KpQrtP' evidence, with 'Strailord, on Dobillr 01, tile Sabba,01 $011061, ra. Me Cliprloo'4 00.4or4basod by ed for 10.1til year$ -with the vidmingat Als b. accredited Lachillievanal oulArgoment hailbooll. Aw4 be bost The optabli0milout 'of t4o politiallIllo 0 0 as pq s t nakos another: ppoolk in, the pro our% I atyingr omployniont to, trbood 'We, JjaT9 PW4 aM ave been fArla Couiraiiial 10 acrea, voa# Of retiring alspohltiott, oli,14 wa.1%. generally Qr nupply' 60 11 a%V than averi., I Ila afternoon at half -past two, on inallroop wU wr ill bo prosecuted dtiring W At r 0% t larger, U14 y ovin o'ure or two Conservative Jouhluls, will be, delivered,, and phigin5 by the. obillaren. od'an Inter, hG njoy, 'fallteamed whorevor poraosially,knownt- Ppj:CQ rot 0 trustees Of $. S. No. 13, Sta r htion. it exhibits as ' een oord141 invitiltion.ior exten .. ad to 411; o1yo history of the Data od, Aug woouv wof or 146" for 0' and the dVo thergr are 0 to A now witho4t iinythio, to 49. 1. Th AuCit . go, paper$. that a ioof and pledgii,of the Atab.!U y, #1 rpaugo, The Nloy 34RA AuA 00404% hialmr rioeikolling about 14 cents, We 0 ' . . TtA JKi;sT*o,4A. top, miketilif, Will take her IKIQ 'doath. will 'OKOAtQ bv, Vq ug;igc fl Mr. John Laird an teacher of our confidence and of the solidifyin Union,fov f A 1870, will be q2,26, The, subac 13 harpins, upon the mattert' "Witliout cc In tha, Turner ChurA, Tuckorilmith, Xavigatiou A olod d 04 the .0ttawa Rl for thoo orialling, ypqr, Mr. Laird I f, . successoristp believe A better paying litleirl000 could be allow. of romoil'o" on'thq evening of t1le, 9, th Iiiokiulo, when a4- q, at st, John, W. And, at WilinipQ18. 00 Jpa Process vhloli boo knit intowhomogenogus be phosen the -result vo.anot 14ut be eoqd- will be,*.4 foiraq , J tile Xz any sense or w drosop.s. the it... M Of. tbo ClInton bigh and patriotio cofilmu -in will be. 4alivorod by uIty, the, Mbit4rito of -4 All the sen!going vessels have left, qLuebOci Jolm Watt hap, be d for S, 1$, No, whoo, few years ago 'Weri the scattered dis- r thq blqajur of St. Lawrence- . On engage illognt in !to bearing upon the Y WO tlt A tilicki 73uggin, and Hopkift, ri-60ods to and 'ley. onimpai nof next dAr. i"ein. TO. 4mi, s., brscribei*wo *111 rrleJ On if ono:.Mombstl ot a Ifirl-la Was' Th .0 hole"'tuattor sharill Vs bQ iture 7, PArr Line, Stan *eNsw RA& from now to lot of 4144*7, tp t ilin 'eltbor of t.beife cities t6 appli d towardo the parsernigo turn' trict of Great Britpla and North American 9 loo te e ;, t6r X ors. Gibson have, boon taken tip for the winter atimep . n Igo ; the, Xgw A"— And tand Plaroi, Nov. 2ge-Ur. John -Van '00, reoetve and bbr,M, _ vlack, of pop o.ppi'lis.11 Ilia gx0elloncy disPOSO Of the Obill"Iellts) and Ilay would, not beset foolish A$. to a 0 proc6qdo4 OuRd.liday-RIQ raltobotto;op VOW Bishop Bollt&t doolaroil, Oil $urlday4liat Toi WAS accidailtal1y killed tO4 to PaY'A handsome compliment to thp. Bar 044 #4 the same date, $3.* , lea Nor is obool tmoh for the will bt, pl$Q ay, while tho,spokwbora. Goibord has been laid'is, in dixy Attltp StonQ millo, dr,11VIng n possible that too mahy oggN Are ter- lmd yle that, 011OP AcorprxT.-Yostera He, ]'.Ad juRi4dliyor, of the Dominio car,Poterson, wqut from -b ig home G. O or 41on rb(timo,, lmd not, rotA Wen d. be Able tQ a, V ultoula bush. near this separated from the root. ofjtho-qonso ed some grist At th.. A' Is, and had. untiodhio. tinguishvil AU4 learned Jadges'liad b " for A"Oho g 4 soon. UFA gain OUppill - . n, from whence those dis , § i1ft.1r. Qe 01 1;;Wd, #oo. portQ4,as bad awl.brokon We have sell; aud-la reference ta, the'00*titsele =r foulid him' lying 4n4d, wltki - A, few map ot Auob. proMisoo to wAl, t o eldqAt BOA of Ur, Joh QW4V 101:14tcd groun,4, to bb. no moro anytbl g, but borons.pripraratorytoleRying, Xtionqppogpd olif ?Opteol' hio,wl(4 vtolit. after him, and to h(r y v . ep ;4 nor. does beon'tQ14 that, as many as from My to, to nogrlj Beipied his fooftj 'the hice -outibing, ;ill a profAno place, Ile qlipi cd, and - folL big-, temple 40114108 uch, for thoa4i Coriservati the, clirdsoncl in tbo'blito®r, , Tie bled he said Such a court is, the parent of peace, foot pl, billhom, . , bones .. 9 ' - L . qMoas ts.,%! Otw 3P*A mity o,bsd at the *"Q' IV" A Chtpubor. of Commerce, boo boon or 'Stone, Qwxigiug instalitAoxtb. d at lima. J 4L, NQU04 and W limIngely. that his life Val lit first deopai6d, And, good government, the guardian of civili Sol Dot for4taill. lj000 p il bave beerl reported As. ,'bad joorpala. WhQ iitill pemis, - -d fortune ill i ouritIlg g medical Assistance, Jae ganized.in London to talke the place of.the iwoolz A Well g Ooo-dvlaat L cylo- Q pploo 0 cents per 99]PTk to-do farmer political and religio6i liborti. ,,. !i -kg the iu` 'One phipmer bio we A of, but, At terroveivi -,-. ; . L44hip of Xtes% King of the w 4 4 active friev walepApg' to a pro -ow-could, bd alfoo Boardot,Tra mily, liolmQd, Thomag F rq , bolie,e ill lux a WAi,. d Ing an well And.' .,do, Which lost itlli' bast rilui) b7pul(Toopposo 1 0 fr , Its, W60 ?ad a oivn 40 t4 ", alildo, count 'IyIng ou ihie,13904-westorn. 'cis who Are cc in chAilgijig Inylluy To- SxbuwALxs.-PaM porters t1irough tile endeavors of jolho 69 A slight Wound on, a,glilkliter as he wag, andhurAlAn passion, and prejudice, exp olild I . =A in Q ; t q great ]Alto Victoria Nyaliza"ho W r influ6n very rola all itswncerim a poli. )?Qtting wood, Ill tile ptorpi ' The sofatch tive tyranny and -mlk we., ai. of the 00, -Q giv popular frenzy are lilike, woo hayg. bqen unable to'= A6'.Ahe x( nt P"dq* tri(10, we kiyo fell thoughtless, or havo net, the to 0 Its IuQm Ake the discover. votes of, their Qw partizariti, 3UTor before their eyes, heedlessly dilve ticallaopoot, ' brought awattack of arysipplasi which, do Impotent to Intercept its, benign julluenge; Ing , 014 Up .-w woredited ithhavingmAd.g. it, t fullowitig, Sam es to -their 4Jt c Ili; con is 4 ce ency a Appears that king Mteso ,he pl, spite ovoreefforbil,teriiiiii 0.1, to .-Amsoyarplai4k sidewalks, greatly In the 'ease of a oomme.roi.al."tra6ller JIY and in, this respect H x 11, poko.of. though a Mugool. the Supreme Courk, of the 'MAIO, 'to Oxford County one! Arm Sent to IT11 W lilyolt I injury, 'Tho street oominittee 0vo made. lifinied 14iqstono against the, Grand Xhr U414 W United States 4410ni" aillplo provision for crossings, And,, therefore, Trll6lt, for dalliages -arising-from-the, ro One day InErt wook, as some I the ropp.qot and doferenop with w A. idtoliq doin nionlil; The' Lofidon DW 21de- ........ ........ Vie New York 'Market over Q110 thou- young men 4114 warn: ail and Sundry to rise thbm. only whon oil r'riiis ok seventy.. dozeo each dowalks f ilbal'of tbir-lafier to Accept an nute.datqd 'were hunting injh -Nyooda -near Druino its deolsi 'a weig received at U6me and 'iia d bit qw that.Xr, Calloiler has signified bi the sum, of 41%0@0 sterling hAa bem lg6q . 1. .$l r Od ticket f -a gen leman at, the disposal to Toron verdict won 0 upon _the body Of a abroad,. Tb6 Chief notice acknowrledg by' of wition.not to allow himself its nia!i, ge dabbat'sixt-fiie, claspe these in elo%uent, ill a was gtvqzi- in favor of tho 00111 d a kevol- local-ancrit -tbo.* Incarceration of Alfred -.Howard a bbiliot-hole thr ll ! y was procure vl l i: ihnil addl6liked Mi ExeQliiiq for the Xr.'R. rd Tiiis' u' ta .0". , p) ter is toobe-agaift-6.o t16 says. :411 $01-40 h MI gh : r , Tho. k M;'8baulpyl, the ard last. weelt . ono.6,y ivies h d and return, splendid tribute ofronpook.'whjob-ba be W van oxpleror, f commits, the blunder otinalk- Ilia oad. as hel tianizAti in A dato-fo re-electio, P, -r teruporaily dev rein or cllriq QA Never br-thlpr -have; n,,. it, is'in,ortlor to ask Ing Clark, a barber 91, this place, thb oasetser ken tbe.comme a Ve paidimpolf itud colle TILURSDAY, NOV. Z6, .1876. Shice the 144, ed fdiot of auWde" Of:a aon,- *ro JIQQuI)r,-,wis4co- borizoll Y, ­but,lheso are.only--the-fia. ura and disc lz li 11 tli -niiht uss the 4116sfidi ,6s: 0 W. 0 8 a r4 o9o, n .. . I I , locesgivdjears WNW rem the ii fttio but' As he cannqt gralifulate , himse pult$ which follow,au a -' ear . OX, Lton aof gio 17th, in Mr. Doqiiis Conn Do Wk, tolfill-tbut. high, 46horalilp and on that'haaa. At 'present, he A.atters himself pangiori in tile trade of a iii AMERICAN. CA -In :CHaton, on, the lasty TRADEP DEPRE0101li, S f 11 13 par l9ads of eggs, house. Four -childre ;qTZLON. y cr,t that the time is niA Solar distant when 44,'cp wore burned to XQSpectable pl.osition-the has enjoy 1867... the wife' Olt Mr. ]?Avicl, Canteloh, car., of, a ad since Y son., a Slur. 06 Boil,* aw, uriningliam and w6. baiel' 820 barrels or 12714 obbeast of acknowl d * , 111-1 death. Mr. C 00,44eus, -and. ouor6us than -1kVViKPT)il), It011 Ono eve - ning I& The reply.of the auto 6f ZTOtr6, Pamo,fo- 'th.theirlives. H6wt4ehreori- The brothers Bpan formerly 9f Bangor,.cour. Fer some months past'there has boon 10a, M19 are more numerous eggs. 'Ube, -ship BEAT.- at the couhaak for the-5natituta Canadian, tod, is. not k -A MARRIED.'- menb fro!n mitted suicide in California last montlh-6u de s pr e- week a man called at the, house of Mr. olrti- on Ck Monday, by h t apili derablediseu sionup.outher ly ard awaie.df p4f4flo.n that r who doulan ed.ccelemiantical Ates over 66 qTO in a dangerous t u, . anging ; the other nqx, JlAdYltl) T,—Jii Clinton; owth ai hAp e*istea for,,sii a time prgt the 1,, Ih of April o the presont date Aikenhead,' Stanley, had. finding no. ()lid at. I . . . ; - morning by cutting histhroat., Their father o 224 al9ti. th q4ires, parson of moi 6A or amages rby-the-RoVj­M , -- . ill remains of Gibord unil Iiain *I d -inst. 'load 11 hdhie but Miss -;time ied-by his to Min 'J 'S Qtt;'all' of 'this, Ajh-%pbqqd,, hi6s­ -foa"p-lo-b --c r - iiiaking -7,140- he . oney tb and his 0 . ,J I . cortesporident'at Bralittord sa, 'it is. ZPAIL *ifa o e -house contained;, but- there will gg , 9, , , I BT6 demands rnad6) and Bolt for damages nosed throi b(tho c, I I t Tte,!Is tTs - 01 , I 'T I town;. -noc doubt, --considerAlf), -no the maii, took Ilia do Arta a, after dwritima US, Olt ioute foli the,-- llqpN _ba si br 499,;8.601,dozells ortd,897,000 al . 01 -g n rally fdii4 Of himself ond to the 'credit. And t to lier'll(d likely follow, Qeqrge a AV ii: n to take t s a at empted weiSht-wa-.891 Prago a oom- county fair, whopoi combined v alarm -ho iir ll 11."ing k th'Webming of carry poundi The , I eii ce in effacting, the eleotidn of r. TAking.14,6611ts as,.th a- a , Browtil. has disposed of Bbw Park to -b fit,Qfphe--t n-.—, Th, -41ayopvhar for putj oac 9 ­ ­ 1- .1, - -9110 O -W l; OPla Ikis undarst6o&thxt-ftring pany of, Englishni6if' andtho wife .1119r - -- - p. —0 ---v - 0 aLocal Legislature an Act will in 413 pounds. .,T. )rIod 414 t4main unt= v 4io. OcAP go" arioilii6a 0 1stagna ion T oession of -the I g onshort horn broading"64 a large scale.. y ware great' ci 0 8 thip notsonly to pi osid at, all the meetings t I thi travellerson thd seviial trains of th­ onormods sum of $69,972. LAuor SIIIPMRST 037 CkTTLIC: - On' Thurs- be assed tot lle re-constructibil, -of the a understood. that Mr. Brown lehTes-for I, at 0, Wastem railroad Town e severely felt in cidies' and largo n Ul of the Couppil'a a Ats -do- day last Meabri, Bpo6iicir - &Moon L of Publio Instruction. Dr. Ryor- Euglan&; -almost immediately; tb complete of H lett Shipped CouncV, tow in the coU116 These..werp gathered Within a radius. 2 ' )ung cattlew4rom two t4 three years son will reWe on a peiisionOf 8i 500 The fjer'of ilie propeT ns than any where 'T iqgs,- but lib'irliust be well poate afrarigementb for f about 4 and'some:balf dozen, d, in iiii, 0 zy, W-ind 'paper -t vlAt Gen. J oombo is quoted by'a Goor la 0 mi -old G-T. 11ailway. By Hdn-. ,Adarn Crooks will beappbi mi after mature-dolib. fry,,and it large number of the voters. . it, ire L6NP, ox,. Nov. 19.The Zme this morn-' As au, oxarnplo. or tho Ilig -11 ihay Would )live to take A trl Inter of Education, Mt, S. C. . . I , I f iriliger to folfaw. He 60mo to the 'Conclusion of" ratil* Ili a lc'adinc article dia6 Sedthe, uo's . f onrpr i of aises. Ilia own Wheat,, oats c6rn and Vag Ot public service at. thei bxllijitla f th A 0 , a able - to look. after -the through Ung Ind the,va ant portfolO v T91 urki nsor-r6otion. It a a, never. bliysvpouua,Qf bacon nor pppli o' present Year, I take this opportunity of inti- "liging-easily led to­bdi0iL1-t0am3-V, Is Szim!a tQrrItorieg;*:orss the r government and foreXtO,Xr.'Thomaa of tW T Wi. i fodder, A SL Clair river ht Sarnia and then -again It that the cotitraotion in business is the F to m' S t ra th ro p p ed -1, l-200 . . I I I tre iiil At -the dist cry that the'StItan cannot save rzogovins'. Nod mikes bid farm ield ating toya alie-facti-alia-at- interest of the t P i1rbpared to it. They 11;be fed 'a IhO lame other - -Vs. so w; r -Yfor th '0 111 selfndfam. 4 WV0ag­ ,- lark o IE48 as fairly out or Ilia grasp as 2f Jesire, to tenderl oocasjcol W is., a r; cc on l of indsar es'l hearty.thapks f6i ily,'his,han th4. lank- you bay.0 ox -bad- Managemen," Y7 repre. en tliq.to etw an t .9 1 1 w 64ttle a a ointe. o eri ll.. a d6iion,., n oil: tb lir4stdraa, of vor shi pcd f xh *4 has been llp6riliterl t, t1l, held Siettled-it-by a Cotiferencob 0 0 -And: lit Stock. artiment of the -cotintry, they Would -be ing thiitee a ten cars P ov Oi4l. unatic sylum in Toronto. Dr. lit Charley Ron pressoll in me, by'alooting n ge, and roquir d to hold t Bill: powers. Peac c n 0 brought abbut oil A. report th a ion, 0 ! ny- 81 oef oft isto*n, who act. A -chanoe with Xossrs. R -Op &L hi I I extnction, 01- ! a ailykim-aes: seen: years, Ao-w seat at the towii '­', to haft 4dnosi;, -Mts' -Xonday w petion UE", A ut 'Fe 78811 Mi 0. Ship and, County Council boards, the duties e-0- atteindinga, aur -a p ces Woj- Ira-fd-5-41-y-W —ne usluess. ,cea of which I. hao-e0danyored to-perfirm to the ,p he h, [a a tten on the subject A a dist 0 no in,the. Thomaston, Conn. excites such a chang 0 old Thompaon, of Bqyfield, whi nuch 8 a1ee 1 -6 at Le ijvht than,. ut small degree of legal ]Ore., and vor of insanity, 9 o era in Tom best of my ability. takibi ledve. of- ink I 61nd i possessod of so .,I such rumors, vith the assiit'.' cular paw,metivith a,lievere, -y nearly during the post-ge i 014".8tt"he4to be but for, the better.' 4 to QWOge I a Iability. that beL will,, *6 trust, a to as r e qb al 6 'an r virde 'the fact: that. the W 11 But. . It appears that in 'turh ag 0024 disappeared with' munia al friends I desire thank all for-thd--Z !)a abl t p Q ave'gathered and master ille.difficaltics bf a v it 'in the child as soo d asset- once of i vo te9m%,,,.h ra round, his hand came in contact withthe SAW,, ery y g posi r..he cess* as of t 10, it to.. It 84 she found that... h Notwttlistanding the ropeate 4JO ghtf toi. 0 was liid pie assigiaboo I have ieceived in eni 9 ith shipped 15. car loads. CELAtim-Whab we need igihbtso, much ine to fulfil the duties ofa, township Councillor olkief fficidr is ther limited at present, -And- he- then li;st-hio Iial- tiori. nearly severing it; ibions of the opposition, but always w 'as our Town Council has. not boon huf4 ance and in striving to Save himself. the inner z - -­ res"ays.: -The Ottawa 1%. dialiosi.tion to give on the pArtof our, 66- SAW FiANCIS60j, ov 22' Qu-tha to th1d Satisfaction of my neighbors and frionds I e s n orl- wa Free I ' ' ' ' * Lt, ' L I I I r I .. If thes placa -,oa be taken so parbf Ilia thigh rooei ed a jash from the saw* he, Oita I or other agency by Or: or Mftdi), which I iwth townohip, 'equest h out proof, we have not learned or seen.. b,fly a foot In lengill district has b. eon more liberally Apalt - with p e as Some socle y ed oh L Sat.ftdAr, L I and, Also;; I A, earty thro ugh.wl di ray a teriol, and we "believe tbej- but 4ortubately rpt [lich our people -'can-*gx've Ju I-- w6io.Capt. Vraves, wifo and tw6"children,. 16 icoespor, that his - hands may g6v I bi the preseni Government than by -Any oring.. ny.cor or t a ad. - n.' a to.., Bev a If artery. Ho'rebeiVed ins - anything that wouId--lcad­.os­ in.. he our-mu-illexpa die preceding drie, b4t ilidt may be. said very be strp' elpi6l, I deiir cc t an ith engo aggregate business. must, ahaid.and in.,now pogressin ciously an, Encouraging wrocke.4 near,Cvpe Hqrn, Aug. .5 th,, And return th El,;tg- atille, till.. e4sily, as. Tiorovi6xis-Governnidatof Onto'-' Ali- OleaA do roe to believe Iliat -the prosen -grgiorg.and legi-dators, to or"nAut-many lziness Ili not benevolen feediiig.drunk --picked 4ip after eighteen * days'- suffibring 9 have beon.done Ili:' eg foc'.06 w.h iA 'is--Among' the sevaral-im- 1 11 , -,. r 0 W and f in r.. are not charity. a by the shipSy el ,,ti ndl 93 tly had everL: in. iiny, way kacogniied its. on " it pi" in Those viliga. a boat,with five seamiel reillf. govern -.ill t"are qualified but Witod. or it , t 'i, Asilak.. merit bad alight to do ith tile Ot, porkpilt changes receh otefinined updn by tie i its i SI.And h U , exponditurd 1 Onds who go about from store to storeAnd of Boston for* Holiolulm he long, -boat the directors of: tb aims to'n, 'share, in the -x f once r dri L t a boot i of th 'A' 'bringing aboub. of this stgmation 'and province, and what. a arge; amount of e On_. L 13111 (1; Grand Trunk :Railway, 01 n -,- oor.-.. -containine.ninc we-bave got to eboose,one, and tb ouse to bouse areL nqt, !f, dei3orvi rstana that,major-Larnioui, 6f j86it­. _public fbndnL- This district, is theLla the 765-Jit-ri-liu-if o-rl, ii 1 eno e, o t lo I ng t a longing to ;the OPM9 $till o -pnj6,V,t4,e,c6n­ ae we look upon ib, and. fully belleye it to rec'eivd-lif ex . rem are a4itim, the abaad the goodv7JI1 he iveal. an I 'same, ship, ia(f not been" H ' fidence and oba go for them,-* Who- Wil line'4jdod to hioLiStijet; than placing the in-,, P ovinco ataot" Iiiell our westem nei , time that the ladjr-of -the house Is ma heir oliment of of my fellow eleetersi I resbectfully be the result of o er trading, or.in other I say' wo.'aid h rig. v farewell, ag.a dai and,projlor person. 'To do fbis'a little -iiro, read, from-BrIffalo' t 'Detroit, 'and from bors u' I ncb.or getin -iiii change,. ey,. e§ael. aaldateto nxunio I 1 1. 1 o are wont t6 ignore b OvWch war trJJ.,3t; A g th .: bid, them f,act i and, ccimmo,reial r1oh ail& London.undei his the G aTe ca'rbf 611y, OX-4rninirig'tho, doors wit' Iloilo' words, extravagance. The people h v6 not EL, man V 119 OVernment will not overlooki rfJ, time -.and conaidei-4,ti6a is,keqii.isite, to,. Stretford to Gods Itep6rts- from digarent ounti'05 iti. t about to ope: NOV.L22" 1875 York St sho, thatAuring the Ilia sijq Hullett, bilaoille!, in r tind'all bro jr-Xgglaci "am- S mong that ,omo degree, exhausted of People after this" controL - Major Lariko v9d th of t4a t4n6n -view Of futu, rations.' StL, t ate fitid.'dut who is,willitig. to- of pony faithfully for. many Years, hav ing'risen The trathroy correspoh clab Jarge, class of tra,r pa wbo WA his town k of.btio weeks, the application 1,0 poslt­ h, Pree Ptreds'say6 :­Wfesara. A, aA.Stewatt, a from trainipw their' means and -involved in debt and withoutany Ilonsensicial n from the ranks to the ',responsib for &Po8itorl: ease on e, the iargaL themselves as cattle -breeding fitin of Lobo; hiavj shelter.and food, at flie'v'rioua almshouses cophi- i'm-ff rde now occupied. trave, ing, from Loudon -to Bir 'If6n, r eir Bold a hard o . mi ed to iio f Durbams, consisting of fotxrfd has fallen oft neariy'oue hunared.por cent. Wiih.rei ard. 03hoelection of Co nHamilton to London, there -ib perhap's 0. qf proaqotivolndustry. .!in RMIt"E&T .-By reference males, tai'Mr,- Terrill.,. of lyficIdleflold, not fis'e6hipared with thq sam'o time last- Year,. Stray, cattid. lavish expenditure and seel?, by- econ it'will be secii that that hund e 'he so vortiBizig d6lopinq 000 ,,The cattld thili sorving,case I T paiintoriddrits say -this is. b oil :boon oaid,as but Ao Our ad bil one de" _d., To an, em liahaeb whilf, is ternida the' giVeL is t CAMMINTO! Wor bidt lit ' tle: has 'b datetwiliad tc retire fr many of these vagalionda mo py b6allie Of my allaseif unlai, a re(np ration of nell, r me7dur ao -of r" pitimislas or TIZE SUBSCEM UXICIPAL ELECT.IOJi$. AND. THE very few anxibilg­to -odc'u- 0. the course of thie State Board of Charities za, lot SQ,-Ifth cent Huitetts about the lsb of lJoy., are a seat the honorable; thpugli onerous-* dirties Seraphinli Strain; and a two-' earwold of the d &-'Worse.thing than.to throfi it aw tramp'applying for. aid, tb 1-twb ear'61d lkeil6r, suit,throo yearling steers. Tb o their financial strength aud I odition. Pk] LOT* L - , I I L . p7 0. AY- requiring every at the board. Thord is ev pr6bhbili- Of a tdwnship and cauntY eduicillor. This inme family wag sold by.them hist yor for It too frequently happens that-lielplMig or owner Ili hereby notified to prove fp9rorty, Day charges, OTY 'At a recent sald'in Ken tueky an aiii- n age, and wh a he la t came jalitskethelaawAy. %U jly holiffig io. increaso -vice afid iring. - the superiblen. SHOBB. up-hii many frianda- and sappEferi will.re- $I OOOL' them ip simpli: IAlthough there has been a gr6at.out- For the first timb the dusuing" ikullicipllq ty l the present members - gr6t as -he had bellin a faithful-1neum slit 'of malf6f. immoralitii -p'erhap . a even, crime; . We and o -requ lot ,se &ai-of. b the same sola.for $2,6001 and eed ill I description of ihp Re of leotigm in this town *ill be conducted pobition, AntlL b toy ,cry about this deprqssion,, it -is not th; as intelligently peiforined anoiller'f6r. $1.,000. The'llint dent to take a ppli. lraita 24, 1876. n, b%r t iemselves tfqr 're-eled - aSociety-that Will oee-out dels6iking cases ill a t. . gai intch severity as: md ,y would en6a or­ --and it is'weU itsvmany and vhried duties to their -entire. sat- Cablhda,. '- -The same bi6ed of -cattle is also can ugh -me 'of poterty and..distr ss irlAovin, andeceive tiorl. uil . ii,ii"uo:idioubb:bo-succissful., i5faction, which IS ovidlicea by.-his.annual I ' ik- d that the elee ra Ana those who have to . take very. qpa At -IP-E glail higi to be Vor public' Spliakers' or Singers, G. AY.ed"Or'.-StOleny to contributions in money, and cloth ray,s Thi-;SyrupofRod -will bii ,- LiRGEDARK, 2 D cow Fnom'TM 00 belly confined election forthp long.ppriod. of twenty-two Th-e,,iJn -0-#s! to the, A make out, and it -is Nv -the in snagent6at -in this election should,know OV6a­jnecinty with applied Ili relii*ing-al years, *fthout auable in preventine that dryness- Of about the slid of'the.L., It. & B, R. --Th 1 6: nominationo 'G OF THE ONTARIO LI We hope that Mr. Snoll'will, be two -fold to the business contres. here has been bow matters. stnind. -w-illi Fong live to enjoy ColunilGift. exaopted 'for tho,nicintli endind e(ludies of Such a society would has S4tdmber ,3(ithi'aix)6titited*tg 810,473,37r, -oceive, and' perhaps even 0 icib,:: the, mouth And threat. complained of by tion bag been 44 Ali summer. Is about 9 or 10,ye&r& th-lionors earned as afAithful hrst to I old, Iorig Sorni and adder hanging W n down,, Am 5a ­ 'o 71S!,wei6 dutiable goods; at depression of.panio among the rural as usual,. take place ou. the last Monday. Ili 'and the-friendilip"Oflifi, of Which $0,37 thoa6 who,'havo user! the ordinar torniction leading, to recovery win be t 0ounty 0, ounciller; nd thou 0 0 Ile at, and 111opulation, the great majority of ihe The On'tario Le islgljnj& electors Oil. Which dutio lio the'4niount of $1 20b,. carin'wero really deiservin rall , - timllba &q.; December, for Mii or at, 10's. m.0 :and for wa oiieve&, fellow- lozoliges or John Ahdrevv, liberillytrowardel. libe 642.60 were collect 'we 'to 'treal, remitrka 'OUaioh,xoi.22js75, The 130rti; Viaitti; Z Councillprsat.11311 -day.' If it P.ili k120 Vrof6gsor of Woouti6h. Mon ursui r,ay uty nnted.. to $9,121,2' assThey have been p . Ing will take'plife a. h of' lit three o'clock yesto hT.Poawif bu -o n n at- that No been of ontidl use to.1 geople. d its'first d Amo M, fwhich, 6105,2W) hat suc4­aSociety,is iiiiii f 1 0 ed,it op the, r f. X(in4ilyr that are taking.p]4.cola t4in-Cown Lard, eigB- self, and that he has on man Notidiar t6 lFarmers. e r oin 181330-279, goods not, the pro, y occa, ign y In free or Sp' ake. we, should almost infer that there,is dil nl.of L f 1gotoll chronicli. even and usual tenor of their way -ill jA ary, Tile voters are those. as' bo'n- the eldetioii -O (3aQa,'aiid-,-tbe-baIanoo - of K,-; indupod-Imblicollipys touse Jkave bither paid or earned as. g9od an( - -whose -wellio0bliplod.that,p6sitio foirthe'two awarg4ifixe- AND VQ smself6h householders, income, C fliV40al.y. 4xpressed the wh with its- eff6otupon thil voi M-EPT Von splt ALL . .'OV .-Wages as before the depression names are.on.iho rovisedroll fbfthio jear. -past" era Again,: oil Tuesday The Renuedy ours, but as tb 're has"bloon h new, mig-Et, t war tauiadittQ4,, On's an a mine, 8218,02$.; 'produqo of the fishO i 111011. ARE! when 'the hour, of eral lefit 0033,874,; i culde of J-31 Lbro4 froul the boot Imported stock in Outftrio,'alno, h just as much in d6man , the stdi6'of :41r.1jablison, from which, avy Up forcat $2,- be seen. by It is, reported that S nator Booth of- thd, winners of man the pr ce of. the ; ballot L election. 8i'Doo tbep, e -or iloe,oiie oloe y. lzos.' Terme one dollar witli muste shown f 0 a patraof bbi produco, 02,-, "isamelit, will Califorhis is"ketting himself ill'oondition iLs often dgmcaossm box. AS and'riibbers, era taken, ind 835,862 and their thoprivilega 61 retum lob 20o land is unchanged, .1 11 .1 o.b ompty,ah :bethen -ro blecte'd. It is'said th other ppoa tio'butcher shop'of the-Mossrs. 014,113 agticulturall products, $1,39a - to act - as the Champion of or if anything it has vill,rellitiiot tO ba inof let c IL StAnl6j;:rdiidoii Road. se4ed up and it aight,:OfAhe Officer thero bn t c 'has'lwen several ndw'os mentioned Tewaleye rom­whieh a quarter -bf beef Was. 401 manufacturp ;.0351,170 Ili 'Allot, n!en Thursday the treaty advanced,, giving good ev*iden*6 that the' betyroen thJ3 'UnftA and. efanley, Nov, 20, 187i, all the ay, . re,,hw tied And. award stolen. shop -cif Jackwat apemred Otis ariiol6si Ind of Doc,.: The.' pross t1ilioughOut the coun. lvloxi6o. '. San. lFranCISOD and 'the entire by brgakizig jg ovisfidence in the stand ixlg 61 prqgress lqr; Rod- to be first entered apano of glass ate Jry Np Ak VC V perfo agdnts of the candi ates may be pro ant iii' but.thlb WQst lilrdly,ones aro, L - 0 hIY'6f t would be -L Moon. benefited' by a - ' L . .1 Cathrinai,* wq rmunces, Stray P find then the. back door 10, - a In. the pbo^vj I is unohbnged. In truth, the, Pollingbootho'L but notie else Thdballot nd4bw rel ),/, . — . I - ., I no, or tatil -iiCenpant of that p6si- The butcher shop WAS entered tive Oswald has completed, Ilia Zanr'.aga for T he following from the dbatWth Planet; D'u4ng.,'tbe AMR INTO THE THEM181% or TIft SUBScalli ', was operied, a Win Ow. L' cpfiscal pilding-June 30,-'1873, Mexico. C zn, lot 95, Oth ton., stsuasy, about the lot of Oct.,, sdepression, though causing some paper, hidnaree Ltion. 110 p6titl6ri, for ill ti,014) mported.from-tho 1LInited States do to AVoR 'corrd9poAdenb, of"the,8tratford. by-raiiin irthe porpatraborillof aigners to, t e roloaSo f peared in-tho Mado Hall . t.er be., , well arid heallow Link last, 0 ­ less, and suffering is- not an uninixod is found 'on the- rolli and he must then, 4 16lied ard not diie6vored and arrest- Millthina KonkIQ, V(Akillg bafoto a l6r9*8 audio * tice and gave SOO 6 ad.- we Ala 1 oil, this paper bag boon3nitiallad. by the rotprning n .)vl o aneats to I lnost cortainly' need i Tight itratifying results. he p6titioll 6v6r4 their-Soottish onto"Rainment of bvya :bourn the value ot.$7,420 419, w I a, our ifnpor- 01ty, Pay, (Illargeso.orkA take them a YAM, NME im, HL. evil, but -will result ih'good, as ib t watchman to patrol the atraets A. rowaril :L20 feet -6f, mannscri ame.". - The entertainment consisted Of' faflofitroin Mexi' o amounted to$ bout this matter, ivrites do' follOWSL let, and cohtiai 9'4 . StculF1, No,(, 24,187r,. tij, mark- the name's of hid favov: q 030. It is thoughe Uring, about a better state of tradi, leg officer, sodf.6 ohould,be offered, or s6wo other efforts made 200` hAgi,,. among ,Whum. aio 1 Ward;n-L And bxplana- t that Californi ad atinida with across, vhetbdr for Conn. - "There ire to-datlaidated for the -Speaker- to-L510'e"thesd vVilliani, otherwise gimi][Ar "Of Scottish customs, by r. Xorrn I OdyL soon monopolize the commerce of 'the went of the county, 4 inembers '-of Parliament, ao ornmenb crfr'hoa Vill U coramittildwith who opened With a quaini doseriptidn of coast Of Mexico, the groqtlp par OR which trust, and more economy Ili livibg. it 'he difficulty wo;:sae in iu both of whom are on the u t st Haifer. cillor or M*Or.. 11 upports P 4 Mayors of towns, 00 uitices..'of -the hounch6ld aff4i aide, and one of,whorafli 'be a i!t by ro, making the audildned rpar is low in *14ands of Rurop6ano, PAM9 INTO. THE PIMMISES OF TIM RX will al Is . country thAkelection.ofKaypr. It will:bb!borno In the Oppoiftion. I say two, for t on t OlInisitmms FAT CATTLz Sirov.-The annual odoe, 3 barrist6ro-at-law, -20 M. D's, 10 with laughtar, W! It " %IiAtoar We Jhusbaid' Madame!Creawall,li, notorious! go cause the labor of tl t 6070))tUtt 14M llayflahl. that 'MIL are others, the content .3vill, unquestionably 'show, uud6r the auspices Of the M B, A.'So- cler fi; three of whoin are from Boling- he WIfO,S dUty to'aabol;t, "L In -big y bA 41JOIdt t a nit 111d. lot Septdqlbor, to be turned into those chanhols ad,tbat the Mayor jig only to- be'Yeted for does it is t . ,I a chat. ' _; swo, year !in betweea.Mr. Wells the late On r, w o cioty, for the exibitibn of lab and other stock,, ville. liprosult incileates that actiir'61'Xind ChdrJoa L's reign, diad a 441for, Us owuerjs borel)y notified to iproyd 061JOVir i, not;.'as has been* 0 4; 'Will. 0 old*inC,, t the A'cllti description of An woman, giving an" &a- pay charges quit take It away. re reproductive, and. hil II.. ' ii 0 W a Once by each alactor, 6 jer. peculiarly *-offensive to 'the 0, osi.el II oil n 0 nesday, Dec.' molits of all classes of tno'cominunity is in c6itut of her courtship&ys, immense,' pilsoner irr BridoWell. Shv­doajre4- by ,ring, W 0 IS r rd- Will ta lid a Berman Vrbikohod at let Goderldh t1p, Nov. N, 1675. Zo, munh the case, in the erection of quifisa, I]lia name being on the'icll- of Mr. Thomas 34d ]g al li od 16 When the'lollowing prizos ivill be awa favor of lKonkle's release, And iire. do not, ke0j)ing the 11(moo in roarg Of fop preachor 'WAS to9 by both sides of tp,! ere are an ad'. Cattle-4est tatted ex. 61 stoor, Ist 94 f uncral, whip every ward, boai Vot,.V;ho,O e is So t I see how'it could be, otherwise, as increasell. when he recited 11 The Ali, vostly edifices that give'no matetial re- qualirlea for Councillor,' marabdra at the. old A6680 as we I S of 26cl $2.60, 8rd .61,50., . Beat $atted lliaw Or 'the gravo doubts arising fi6m. the last trial Tile -ocal part con4sted f well,, have P10 ant Ono, who candidly admit that they -heifer, lot, 4_4, Ind $2:50, 0rdL $1'50,' T1d8t tjl4t he, was -to turn for the labor expended upon them; pres, an to thdvredibilify'of the witnesses. known -Scottish songs reuderdd jo,h very cow. ot ng bilb What -Was 'Zor oAXVA ' 0g. Tim Soum Ing tip present isr.riingamonts, via can- never could tell why Mr. Wellif wag chosen fatted boot ifiini4l.ft .- Ifird, of not 1090 than MOndable EtYlo, " 11ail Smiling Morn/t W4 wall of her, 'a -sormon on the goner. WANT91) nor- will the labor, for some time to come, it i's to:prayentpu alettor vating A Bfdittg of Ittion, for th-o'Canads A#Woulitird In-. ant8peak- -ben i,'.1st 8.9 he recent banquet,that Ila, had rev I A ('Th'Ma h of the (jameron,14on" ove oluded With Saying By the will . of aL who is not Aft , iid of vork, anao.otherntoa apply,. Ai: not $be h 1 the Government last -time, They admit three -head, laboattle, M4 kind, 93. Sheep Mr. Workman, M. P. for Xoritroal West, Oneored end rbpeat4d.L MKennedy,, al 4ttbjeot morality, he preacer, con:. ouranoaCoinpAny6t3fontroia, WOivonts6go6dv ve 0 that he Made but a very indifor fatted w6th L , Ind 82, 3rd $1. Said at t .be so mu6h employed in the production Mayor aLhe itaillot if $I.L, Deaj COiV fro " 16 frie eai often dbas for Cog er tit best, an(! that hw oughtto refrain from Best fattod owd, lot .$3, gatt $2, 3rd ad in, nd ill the Want, Who wan_ coedingly, wll, The Mfosoo Ron r6fakeelcos, nd perm deceased in exp6oted that, I should of,artiol" of lu*xury. so inclined. Tho,mark, is mailin secrat, pressing. big claims, Whatever thay 'may be, farsheep, Ajiykind $1. -Hogam-boat fatted a. strong Cimseivative. and an op ononb Of formed twit, par"It the Piano aild 'a tile mention her, and Bay nothink but what was. Ooneril Agent Cobolug. 'a kbrigi was hi All that i's wanted to again cause the. No ciae . eon know whether -the individual has untiltlie $50 received ' by his firm for,promat. hog, ist 63, 2nd $2, 3rd. 81; Poultry --;;,best the Government, a letter in -which these gangs, with great skin and 011ity,­M r. weU of h Ing. a private bill ift the last, Hdu'& is forgotten, iurliby. 'dressed, lat $1,1nd 00 'etn, Boat words Occurred Mackenzie bas: risaii tiodylilmoolf Ili Ill Or; All that I shall gay, therefoto Ilbase of society to wear a!flourisbiug as. or hail not already 7eeorded Ilia veto for the rn ineiatioiiig thooe-thingld I Am _,only giving so, dreaso4, Ut. $11, In& 60 cis. - Ali entries in my, edtiniati6n bh!6 thb full explannewii self, thro vfng zart and'ipirit fiftOSAIA -of her is thfir -, o'Sho Wita,both welli she ifie'4 oq Xov.'VJ Js7d. L L no 10 Urge L Wit a good 'deal of 'Viia-Ylitime, which, with the ind istry WiLfflan he' ihioiQora, Pliapo -to what goolit L be -made With the Secretary not later -of the stool, rails business. 1, think he can which gives the spigo 'to all hi's entertain, Vol, rg, ared wll, and she died welt o for she was borli, u -it lia-la t9 be . proV6fit6a doing so again And bItt4m!ess by inAnyinfluential pupp tters of than 11 O'clock oil tb 6 day of the' ih6w. , The ith clean handff. That menig, We who wish 1JO enjoy 6. with the natuo Okeswdll, 'she lived in and enterprise, the bulk of our popills, . 0 he Ministry. Mr. Rodgins, it is, contended directoraintenAlo makh 1ho sh0w a, sal( face tile country w eagant cvonit4' to arle il two hours -with Clorkenwell, illici shai died in.UrideweJI,,, Agalil if "00 disposed, Some plan will ba o to hi his friends, is'V-811 TOW in Parlipmentark for.'O kinds of'olock, And fheref6r thoopigionof,evgry man.who linle-iin. III -n 6 request tion possess, will soon bring rgund:a strangad b6foreh;nd, tially railowed the evidence in the case. nn4dY,,,' elsalso*p AnOT144*10 Jor , 6a *all morqed in Par%inontary prac-- the farnioro to bring in' Any they why have to par I ill 1466id their tbi I Ho,ig railortedto be. the, L of, -eat saori fice o himself, M . Charles !0 qeason of prosperity. Parli" - , . SgIyevu &Ur, Soli'lliirs will 16a At a gi Oght to be posted in 6 evy :.biirn, Thera everinal of.tho iglvbe, '%Ila jf4go, he certainly baJol olizie refused the profits aripIng - otj,t. muoli d'iffeidiioo Vatwbou having 9, foiXglyor ill( often Ag thO 46 for 044n-. helii durilik thd year, of which due n of tuew madd gooh matters higatudy fOr A long. or given. - bf ratfioi thari tbat horse -thief around tho stables and - a wiLn Ilot, while OY, . tei .,tieft in a In. -I arnlad to see that In last The Now York Rem& thus exposes in Reid affable. -Iii innup opiAl in tolopeia. hopliduld give elionly lgsqo A clealiing off fibralia ith , pipe de cigar in tit 001179016 1mr, IN TIM aldro6nos, an alleged scheme of slieculatori pietizin P, ppourance . 11 ologtILon law. A' oparalo ballot,papse a4d box.46r mnt, and ban most mplbbors a Oil AV a of the suihis. Wouth 1, and there , ii Do hiiod, fildn of pAtliard RQ e Again .-On'Thikpday of 6d. 00 Si to' 8 u llsainga at the'Grand Ttimlc Station . court Rooln'Il the, Town of Goderldli, oA Wednod-.. for makirkl mover4milliotio out of the peo- on aria,bub retail. -, X -1, .1j4dg pilitl Pil, 44t k ill much the Ona -who, *borr his eyor might !)a roortrnd. Tha:,ratirfiTdi' onoll. ow.n4hil , ob 6 Vaotio 'throughollt was C ft this iown, and am pleased to notice that PETRA ADAVESON pie of flid Vatted States. 11 Thera are ing4ho argoments of many moniboro on, bot1l. into 04trat. y . or now I I Alid alth6ligh hill received 'A thaC Of i mah Sole objoc6L was, to dor roundi diph'his pille I Ui k, he country about 47,000 toii4of 'Offider -60111a 'Ink QOg Of Jha,JJOJ SnjL *he arL ile pronounpaA-ill '4n onraged bal , 140ounail-havd*lmt, down 6 sidowalk'M oVei.Li 44 'i ntimbor of 9006 bitilioi, scratches,,, aull Ono fhb best that could be dono.for his cckek or SRA4 his hand itbv, Im. coffee 1,,t to this probable recoiptsl6v the 61060 VOiad 14r' Viyot b6fe. a . gAiiii 1kint, Avov at thisjodinber'lOr WestPlgin, that PrIndjult­ With, jhohotMs,.'b6L rovldehtl'411 . . that travolfers clin, roach'tho,dara vl ithout Seek fallo#s should be pflid Off next four months 46,000, and the st6bk the Appropriate bAllat paper. orftetl J;g of peni d6fe'ranned to . him Joi the 749 WZ jo TAAAT " J)94VAJ9Atq,*$.1- having. to'Wade thro gh mod; which I 8 Zip hip at Ala' Iiiialf4s. If ill by do, and edcApodVitbout, a broken IhAb or ail fnjiiry The folloidug is il, good jnstano6 of a g(rlys elf. As for tlio roprietor himself going It TWA, 110VItS A.T 13AME." 4 a TO AUY " 01i , hiblite, to aledilbri ion Stich toraini al Will equal 93,000. The constimption to AhisZiud'is lailispoosi Ont. consider. that might- have resulted fat tliink was too long doloyed, ' b 'ties are Me to pro! he plodk, in till ut 1 most pay 'into the botti witli a pipe in his induth"' fto April I any 38 500 will leavd on hand at day Mr. Cold had o6nitruoted a4d of the way to, -treat dead -bests that I.th' k the railway thori icudo, and to seen Ot blind 6omplaint, can be made, but. if his ostabligh. -able fi, r6 iiiiii tkia ono.10to the WIttened of the Clil"not'd6uld n" secure bull, and After calling hili'mon to assist in Put. ali CLINTOX, that d-1 64,566, nVout equal to six months' h"Il for the Z-4bollt hiAe 'olelbek on Fri'duy pight a, tother own iiitor6t Ili. not long ere . tho loldetion, of thIgmilAber. for South Bruco., COJIVO L "Ont -motat burns, tip; nobody should ery, unloss Aty.shall be 6 on, ni , approach consumption for the whole TJnited States. 04 by *6 wJ6 1209 ting it in, he to drive the half tO. fall, rough; ill-I oking Spbohnon of-Jillingr14 this inakiflgii, more it bei the- wird,and childri3n, n rOpLnAt4,h4tL thor# ArdL molilbers oil the Go- nd whilo ad 4oinjolig b411 went a toblicao store, in other vehiele6 to the, plot. Lightning, It the holders, at this*natock ca ' secure a became' rotrAotoo a ad tUT ba formi its t in n ot for the *ani' of lan4- or verlimonfaide, and % plonoithOr to* nor an WArag the Stable tot. /buses and iii'andiarfog atl(I spontaneous combustion v, ry a n an r. Colo, ly L restoratimi of the duty; say at, three cents V0141041 Abuse,* Inantial, who deolato atpy '0111 not, all ad the youtiglady who wiitd at the Conn- bartiato 'be 'ideavoreat pgo4j;dlly runni g, but the (or some tobaccof remarking that he- lor i a pofind,. this will take from the pople and Under any Oltaumstanceto vote for ut"WAIP! wlip it 0 tery h groundlowuned'as I bbramed as the pipe , and &onerail. bull '$It least, Oat into the bonds of the opordives, about tids Isith4o they if i ate against him It will be be; ok $or ii& aucl,94ro Min a had to money to pay for it. He wag In. grdon 66tad'bo b4ttef empl'oydd in being )AYO DET. 2.ndf The bano of Chhadian poll hey do not goes Also. b`-arW-diV-:- 13 Atir-orractly- vfd-m agoo 004 inqvey- blan room th6in round, A violent Atovin provaillill arolind the so al lil the press an.d .au thi) a() there is n6 other cniididaid holainated, tok; followl 12 tI)i8-94me formba that the yLotriptor wag ofif and made A, Mand for 'buses toss over its lif q $3,000k% or sit sli cenin per pound the tire Per a storm wi I aitt 7,0 000. by the buntings A to not -0 It. the laiway to -that Iti hiiih 0, oat plorIttlth a lFa-d n of 0 Oration. 6 will to ly attempt to alleged so much as the varowe and chataef or gostIltip. wouae, After a few minutes of this ki wantlid, And' tobacco 'he would he Wiloh, Was not tile case where they aia fo - any ooctibit a pt liddy"Ohould, a ow on teas t at t a c ntry demands of palilio:rfion. This roAtute iftfu'sat a oat, t on Wh . I r said ; and ad tie PIAca4 his baol , gailist.' merly. otando ffiouia like to ask the- damage to shippink, And long of livog Viiro w play',. which wali wltlxasood by Mt, Dlokpon; I I The Scottish Vlbciist, th b J6kf t t feel., ofall. to, ruri. at the door, and au ounooa his 5wililnt eoheUf Is t tAIft vigor Intd 64ory aWb' Wag oil the road. Abd running tp his aj. considerable, I COUriter tO L . ' q ibft,of qu This 10 6%goily in keopj g With the but it also lowi6to d6bate to a do'- wild an 0 ate does A ai anoi; thaL bull Pea$ staying thato witil ho'got what h odation, ai'is. accera-ed 'other I've his niartalumbrit oil the, 0 at oddiblu4' grgo 49 $800 ve Olen a a 1110 Pdo Bled Alf. Colo got oanted. same acoomm ohn. Walking, a Aulsor, In Angland,waut an 111tild by. at '$ 0 vuliarity. Stratitors visiting us no crib or th04#6y Of' farthor ia To the. -ga-to'che4tIlia inother-, to on4 his doathbca he. lISan ofiftil,141(l The young lady to- k. in, the, pituatic, -6b: it ti reI, L r 010 the pfeelligeli, She advandad to J rdLotly'Jilfo tk O(JuVo N couduat of all, protootionista for it is wit diiao obtainea and'hig woud4oilregaad, 9noo, Quietly drawing F# tovolvdr, AtwAys PaOsaugerd Can atop -front the platforni di. XABIQUY X Oni he ' ' ' h AttUP,Iiillotothdain outof$iso,000. mist an%. auk6b.0 to but T114 poit, serious Injury ia thgr one r000lvild in ka t not what will beilofit thla i asses, the (leakth, of principle which they, init MR. Cal doillingall, fin Mn'lJOsRnT romark in our politi, d,. qn. It is tiow bolog oritid that-thdAffou, Xr, throof in, To rou itRea,it 4 hith, an' fortune I n4th 0 ompany I .......... the t.hith, 100ro tile horn w" PC a V. a, It'll 0 the money back from the b .Ak, how are their pookots to ba fi lea is t1le proven A reparralloa t L; liat S 'n inufIt elf Oil we are muoh mistaken, it similar mati - brig r ba -long. raga. e librao se244*—i, 61r, be adjudgaTSMINtrrof tb toted, Itidqaoirq. fogo, lie 41d not, bat left way fadilitios, A veryuhraliAblo and aontridictory Austria It Itital -qUaltion, na -matter Ut vk6aw-1-9 Vk! a I I L..., - [ . t4otheolvis. it i At Oil- with greatot bUttl th4n pollfen stand, every it dommodation will be pro* alia 11irinotilsoa fkotubh rg, In the United o'hivarr m9 Oss, .., 4-1-- o' mean, to vro.to Milo as a 6 04110 irb the fiftb dog- calwinalico, ponae. No doubi the spec ill, Statee, the.very revelry of abu, The oas%at. pregen n a- $4 follOWJI The Globe and. ka'l Aw. It'L;Aill not pliCt.'a flipitali patch donleB the fruth of thfil, The facts ch is In'iWah t ta 4 gouts tit S, AAW165161i 9ts 60 in11doli In use the spooloug 0 rgu on't,of endeavor p6ulsi, t­Wc assert that Y-buj- ihd -Uafr that before taking their seiltoi the #dOm to point out J114t gift firogillile I _WAX are Dig 66 Ti6io.-A, a . te143[niij fiao,64 d Ong heArly' 000#000 for (litiob a root' treat spread be, maiubtrs of,the, outa-jio jV*11 evojiii$ an foi Dedamber hqvo bo *eon thd, at for ej 'PU all ,,a boat moti, Into ratirtnipot. Tbby we wl prove It* that the itaMfor, W; uld be donip0110 alitAlued, with t a 44VAntogto chiefly 12, And compelling the psopla- to we bomo 11`11 have to, inbarlbe, to the crogd tho ovitohj. wit their luggaie tb"on- the hld"f thV taltold. .` - t )rafbr thel'obsoariltyof .r vata: life$ with its, Mil, Bimplion ou Ila., hog f0t.Wl 760,18751 it' is a iticoess in (Jd Comity -tea Aiii6ri=` ­erV, .Pfgattdd& bbN J the ins of " tl o 't,#s Weing I dy'. btilgai... -__If the Vedole 'T 'Mill Of tor JI)d 46 . I file, 6f't4 CIO pbace'Ad. 66'gla 111461 hnors widt "-A* boWden tba:t*o,­kho pblia- will, of Hat wo4h tpealiing oft The t4nk, 00 Pvtlealearatilly, 'foe JAILON oropiegaut JJJl3 fed P. T4LO41.1 ,not wish to be robbed by, legal pr6coslf Otsa ballovo'Ut. Sfilqpo n: until there lid doiltdilta desotves opepial nientiou., Oral D1 !a th latiVo quopoble, spirliti born for stilfe, brap'this evidence. is brouffit loaajogtL h' , a'; hoWe#ft"aftri Only pattJOUlafild I may, auto thdift, th6 ofili uti6n, which piTAto Axisa %ugl,;iiC1i6 IM tv6 v tUnknOWPL ., Assombly, oftha, Pro' indo of OnWicill makii Hopiig, the - lot them study the priftoililell, or. 06m. t aos#,,but thoy fita tfio pillo mto amattitir An there; taoRv4i. doily is ojrnle ponalt 6 poatl 4 Ilot 'ta*-4 4 4th'o, Me, oath and sa I That, ox6eWil respect , "r na y ly b6- Is gilfily to bd dompatitioll will too It to bf ofto 0, halt Pounds. - , 14 - pay Of,.R tit 8, IIII16"d Wid political economy, 141ty 'Who 'do 136f * or. It, Ile -hat, iny xudh OV1661104 To g, edtfi tribatod b an, oblo, Ral illeiii-0*61pia need noi ftifist pitatiot liffoit be, adluaffcid wht mt. All thoip jntords to 4110$0 Jhht. 'ftMoUdt$ to 50 per rriotith'. UU bd toted r,,ordarhi or sindatho Any: sulipoit ihomr. oto a 800, n'r,&u, TtRs sf 45Xt20oIa4, No. 9I. -A Most, doll h lack of, todif Odufigd'i 'Simpson be, hoill4 be a Labor OVLOO or all 7112tinat I #Ad oold-blaoiled murder *M Pat 16'1 tifistill' ti P Kb P16aburoll of the table, what thby cost el tj 1% V L do; loan ordepoilit for t1io so Iq i dad iblitato I Twolain ours, u6floh for manning, pistfitell Pe KOO Of m1fitt 6 of t oledtiolk-lut­held foe tho STPUP 060 khO *00t i0thlif Of OOVkilg 0111(t, iA about half A mile frote this place last evonlqg worthm6to than Aily dfitioatfiltar CAI I I d* 61 Lon' I ln fpc n tly proadh tht' Goblial, And heal the hiek ; tU, Tho viothii wAa it txtr4dr bag thoqUo iL,iltAking polotrast ill draw L wy, of butter ana, theene, ]MA04 do- Thtoa aga obout oi#ht o1olook. 11%. Of Pitch; Same! of ecou dirl461111688 t'o flodomplialt thotvlyl tit a once &OAVs 'Voice e*A wall fill6d with, Instructivo and fAm4,'vA# p4ou Mtoabijb$ III 'a-ftAtIA. 8 VIM givet InimballIta ttliar dot *40 tob bey.' lid WAS totar )f things ra t1neft I agon'te, 4ppoill lider, ion Wiled, tho other day, when, 16hu. Simon, the oiiiA fitfitlP'll 0il 41lt of,walf olo Tdwbahlg nomad Abill MoDbuald, ho,afttrlba I I P 1 01 to fed 11 a L411606 llifig itIvAtiabI be foirth6r and:'1446 '1611jor iskisting sixty years ago, Tholl. t, a - 11upi- Othat I Tho Utim Mi lack 11ftok itig the Ahorteit tooto tot, the people 6f 6.%st. platish olork, was foubLd doAd inh-1 Q'Ilift ill CiW# J r41'UQV#d by' tho,pJot riltal Will not 11"Olif tot 0* Y61,k a "Atl i0f hia poxogy, . 'A J44ko aifk-phyniont Wit or dc#otib, in.rd, from alatullion, fily hhd Wail with iti, -r A hot of eperson 6iltialitni tu Ontlitio and x6fth,oattem X the k1balidn. At'JIletilno Of Jh$ 1 , poplfrow 'Now Yatk elty, I*Asi b1pilita lb Wao` *As'06 drokilitt Alle, eould net i *han lid wad A#t n on by 66106 Pdtaim of por hist skull badly figoturdil t of b d wif ation4, to A 'all iiie-Iii—oney A b hr"1 ll ill at ro p h A A ud d p A ne bar OVIdanea, 111 flielf, house th(ta wag A6 Wit only t tfto #if 66m,# ztts TOT BroaIl way$, XOW vol"k; Iiii 6§01A or, aggilts, a Pointed under, t4o Olkna Men. elidut half post Ono thii indrAbit, z0f, 41. 1,74,444a0l .0r 14, U4 In that tims, lot tho k oun MA UlAdd I'MW8611 W41 1hut 160000 Act, Tforthbf toy - that I bwoklila %a ballot of ibe opoftifig, at Whiah, boa uor b6dalathist, and this &JOiti %Jbb too trttorli aoa %VhJ%h, *Ill 14 tb#W JJ uy­4 th#-Mla 40m, it' gitiliy it orb to liloop '11% 'of $,hy other oatupt, kia otho idto 'their Avoohodro w l A