HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1875-11-18, Page 3r • trnu viri3A4m. OUR NON r ALL GOODS, * TUB OREM. WINOBY$, .,THB CafEAB' LANNELS, .01%M.131Ellar,' * mi. MO YAWS' IN BMIKIUSTABE3, , 0111 Vi zitos ir ui. OOLORS--ysia LOW :PRICES. • O ONG THE MILLINBRY PRETTY HATS, BONNETS,• PLOWNRS, FEATHERS, RIB- BONS AND TRIMMINGS. S A, Jr..4S „4.13 nlig; ' We hold, yesi believe; the finest Stook of Ohoiee Millinery and Dress Vabrke, Shawls and Mantles, to he had in thie County, and itair inspection of Stock • frOm intending' PurchaSere. • NimaMOURNING • The stook of Black Geode in every kind new worn is pow mid werthy of the attentitin of ramtlys Wanting Moat'fling 00(411 Of any desoripti011, Hats; Bonnete and *Weil 111040 to order in the meet ;satisfactory manner, 'OVER COATS, IJITOSIL COATS,: ram 444 -V-S' 0E4 HATS, CAPS/ : •FURS, 1,111DEA OWTHING, QAI1PgT8 and ROUSH FURNISHING ' GOODS, TWEEDS, oionas and COATING -fir; - • Snits made p order MA oatiefaetion'assured, . We win not`be under sold in any department and hi Goode of the Paine - Every effort put forth to please and only one price Ashed. • * liODOINS •86 PAY. OrTON, Nov. 4th, 1875.. DER DEALERS' - StOplaalld YO'Bily C1OtII1HL Millifley, aiitlGroce00.. • . • • •Our _,A,1.41. AND .WiNTER.STCifilt is. now complete _in every.departmenN and has ben carefully selected, Dur pRgss GOODS DEPARTMENT will:130 found 'e attractive.. It Consists of all the new styles and shadep Of the eeason. • • ' 11,111.1.ijNERY AND AVIAN.T:LES.- This department will always be found well assorted with all the 'loyalties of the seasoh: Orders prmintly and neatly executed. CRAt'S UATs AND 130trivETs always on hand. Fall and Witter •MANTLES- spiendidvarletlso, IVIA.NTIABS MADE Irp 'ORDER: - • Lunde Cotton Embroidered, Merino, ail Isinnt's Tirool,taderolothing, aui1 assertModt on hand. Gent's • runiishings of every description TAILORING. --To this departiRent we' pay special attention, and as for style and lsorkmanship, we believe we are second to none in the county:. If you want a nice fitting Suit, or a Stylish , Over Coat, call and leave your order at the NEW DOMINION ROUSE. . • . GROCERIES. We have just received n full stockwhich will be *found AU new .and fresh, and will be kept well nas,orted. CALLANDtR .17; b0. -CLIN-TO-Nr-Sept:22ndr1875. . eltirelr ES...STOVES STG .1-'49VerfOX El a rlaPicl. Brothers, 9 • nsaLsas IN • " • • -- _STOVES, CISTERN PUMPS, LAMPS, .0,0AL OIL, &o. awn arAnunc. TUBERS or ALL HINDS OF TIN;GOPPER, GALVANIZED ' AND SHEET; IRON WARE, Beg most iespeefully to return thanks to their friends and customers for past favors and at the sale Ulm' would remind them and the public generally,' that they have received a Large ii.sOrtraont of COOKING. STOVES, All sizes, and of the Most improved natttrns. • PAInon &Wyse Of the newest designs'. POE STOVES of all kinds, all of which we are Killing at the very lowmt pnces. SPLENDID. COAL '11017:Ep, We would especially call the attention of the:904/M contemplate puroluudng °Cal -Stoves, to the ' Radiant nome 313.3..se Which has been but two vine before' the public, and in tbat time has estalilished a reputation of being second to none in the long Mt of *Base Earning Stoves competing for publie favour: Call and see tbe RAntAxm HOME before purchasing any other, We would also callattention to ournew • ... WOOD :,STOVE, THE CHALLENGE HEATER, Which we believe to be superior to any heath* Stove ever offered to the piddle of Canada, for minimum consuniption of fuel, maximum radiation of heat, and beauty of appearance, making it equally suitable for the Parlor, the Hall, the Office or the shop, • Call and see one in tuna at our Shop. Wehave alsorecebred a large assortment of ' • • Lamps, Burners, Chimneys, Globe* Tubular Lanterneaso:,:udgetuare marked Coal Oil, -best qttalityi., no second grade, 30 cis. per gal. Stove Pipes and Elbows' for the millian. All kinds of ,Tobbing Work proniptly attended to. A quantity of Hot Air Drums allYayi on hang - A call solicited. No trouble to show' ioads, HARLAND BROTHERS,,BRICK BLOCK. cm. Kat, UM. RE M.OV REMOVAL. VV: H.:SIMPSON BEGS TO INFORM HIS OCTSTOMERS AND TAR PUBLIC GENERALLY, THAT Removed to Smith's alock, oposite the Post Office, And laving enlarged his stOok of r:agitygpotttelitg•s•twTs AND FANCY GOODS, and•. • SCHCCI., BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC.,. ETC., • L., Iils steek,-he hopes to receive the continued patronage of bit _ ilfg" 'Stamping, for tmbroidery, Biaiding and. litatS, at; -Wind. CLINTON, Nov. 10, 1875. ,W. H. siBirsoN. THAN THE CHEAPEST. FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. A; S. FISHER,. Montreal House; .Clinton, xoti, * SITOWING A LARG/Er iSsoPirriNir 00 NEW .(fOODS4 Whloli for VAiliETV driitAir XAD404411VAMSTI • • • . . 4 • Aft9 e 4 NINO / OOPS. THE STOCK it .IFULL, AND CoMPILETE., . - 24/1/11,11XtY, GRAND D/SP6A.V. OVER COATS, A tA.ItOR AssonTmEV. ' CIENDEJ MINUS/MA E'ATM Grtoolanxv,04.3sTnw Aisfry ESE gvliv ni.ignsts, Itmv ettarm.vvo, INT.t* AND DRAOrtArr TEAS. ' FIFTY OENT TEA, REA= GOOD, TIM XT. • 4 , tale gen die Steak and prteeft a the etn IND roman 1q0ItTR.1AL 1-10Xt9111. 8. PIER CENT DISCOUNT FOR, CASH. NO -01100ND 411,1011, °Askrot GOOD) PACED Unlit* . • • * A 13, zuraim, szobOia Mistime oit led Etiwit CLIIITOA Mk, UM sogesArirOX 's • Nov. 17, 1670. Iferketa have remeined with bet little °bange for the at ture. or three weeks. The, only change life have tonot thle Week, ie the fall inhiittert 'Ivitieh hoe declined to 17 °mite Nts po,rk of any atieount bee yet been 'brought lu,but•we believe Orney be quoted at 001 $7.00, Good lieoft by the querter, io net very plentiful, and its readily bonght np. at $4,50 to $6. Poultry is'begimaing to come freely, chickens being thorOnIt la 40M04 Vall,Wheat, per Web, g0 90 a_ 1 00 ' Spring, ). 9 0 •99 -13' 1 00 - °ate,• . 0 00 44,•0 30 Barley, - Peas, . Butter, Potatoes, . Eggs, • . Hay, POrk, , Beef,• 50 a .6 00, Ridge, e 4 00 a: 600 .0• 00 0 60 0,00:a 063 • 5.50 a 00 0.16 a 017 • 080 A 0 00 0 10 it 0 10 00 a ,4 00 . 750 a S OCR Sheepsigne . --Clover - Timothy - • Grease, .. Turkeys, • Chieliene, - . 050 •a 076 600 a .6 20 •P 3 09 A 4, 00 ..0� a.5 00 :.',....Q.�o A 0 70• 0 12 a 0 15 aratrialaver 111041ECTiV- '. • Wboat-Pall SS Spring Flour, . . • Oats ,Peas - • Barley • Potatoes • •Butter - • Eggs, • Hay, . • Pork, •.. ▪ •$0 90 a 1 00 . 0 90 1 00 ▪ 560 a , 6 1/0 • 031 •a, O3 • 0 60 •a 63\ . 0 50 a 060 ▪ .030 a 035 • o 17 a 018 - • 0 16 a 017 . 19_00.- a 12. 00 • 7 50 a 8 00 atinzairosa itrAiantEli Wheat • ' Spring Plour • Onto, • - • Peas,. •,• Barley, . •- Nov. 17, 185, $0 95 a 008 0 90 a 0 90 • 525 a 560. - -0 3,2 r. 38 •. 060 •a 0"62 - 0 50 a .060 •0 Hay U00 a1200 • Butter • - • • 18 a 010 •".""'="70 16 a 0 17 Porlr, • •, . - 7 25 a 775• •-.• Hides- -.• 4.50 a 5 00 • Wood - • ' 250 a _ 300 ; 63eef, - 500 a 6.00 •,"rokoNiro MAMIKETS. • ToliONT0, Nov. 16, 1875... Wheat --Fall . - - $1 05 a 1 06 Wheat -Spring 1 01 a 1.0g Barley . ,, .. - . -- - 0 60 a .,0 89 Oats - , . Buttdrr --- , -071Iv - -,. -° 3- - a-41-328 Pais -- --and--measured-aroun-d-th-6155dynne awl. . ' - 0 20' a 0 22 a half feet,. • The next largest, a female, . Eggs " ' " .-- " •'' ' ' - '° 22 '11 0.2. Vir4 StMn. feet:long-mud measured 'one - ._ ' ' Leiner, Nov.15.--Tbe Mark. 'Lane Rxprese foot.around the body... The largest this evening, in its'regulor weekly,- review of , snakes have. Wen. preserved in itleoh01., the British corn market, has the following; and will be on exibition at our fair, free ism, ThedeerdeefieVanwnefraz.orwahbil,seh•wweaasthatirrchg ..mmi.archii Of charge. The swat° referred to had in armor. The condition of simples has eon- 110 rattles. The cave was hterally; idled' @iderably deteriorated:- This, with a eoritinu- mith heads -of nbeej), pigs, etc., which once of heayy.foriegn supplies, has nillitate/I hact been, captured from the surround. have declined a ehilling per quarter, against the unce of wheat. Several mar ke! whiles ing Count17.-liTorcl'fi Southe.rn Shield. all are More or less dull. At Path; best wheat, ..e.a.e.: owing to 'err offers, has advanced a shillingAt St: M Al ' ll't 'f per quarter. Complainta collie. from . the . Mary, o., a saw own a ew home market, as will • as those of Rolland, mileS "sOtith of St'lleniil, a ' yOung,golort : Vonsamption or Ziesi Tart. Now York, with its ele*ett hundred thousand people, is A peat Swimmer of edible dellosines a business which the metropolis thargelfitidedliiiliblie; ban 'village of Brooklyn, with nearly half A million more. To •feed all these mouths earth, air, and sea are rams*. Od, and the consequence is that many , curious things are brought to hand to gratify the palate, including tho ,pono, paw? 64, Which costs *a dollar a pound, and frog legs, which bring ha/1 ft dol. 'leiteh pound., IsTew:Yotk sit y taken 0•e• 000,000 of eggs and 10,000 *ego every week, and in Lent it is said that 8,000,- 000 eggs haye been received in A single day. Each week, too' 800,000 pounds of oheeee and 020,000pounds of butter aro %mod: and something like 11,000 beef cattle and oalvee, 27,000 sheep and lambs, And 19,000 swme are disposed of in tho cattle yards Of jersey C/ity and New York. Every year 20,000 deer, 8,000 buffalo saddles, S0,000 wild ducks and other game in great profusion are breuglit to tow. Altogether, it is cal- culated that the people of the oity,do• tiotTiiPialess than 0,506,00 dak _ forgOlid-olioug-ra-faid; not including Milk, sugar, tea or coffee, 4 a • a. Snakes at Kentucky. • • • . . . Frepare to meet it or -Freeze. You want WO While out hunting' on last Thursday, Ur ItidhardIves discovered .4 large ()aye in the Rae of a hill Under.' a Mgr, rand, while ePP904o. beard the,. Squealing . -of pigs inside,- 'lleF stelifeli ' -close to ,the MOUth Of the mouth of a 0 nave to in- vestigate the Matter, and to his horror saw protruding the head -Wan immen- se rattlesnake with npigin its inchith. The pig was about four months old, and weighed alio* ssiventy-fiVe' pounds. - ]Tc summo ,)ed a tali/abet., of his neigh- \ hors, with \ uns and. pitchforlik who hiiilt-,a-lergd- ig3-in the -mouth of the. ..cave, in order to drive tho snakeout.- In about an hour they peplum/iced potir- in,g.out •over the . burning colder ' As they Eton:oohed in . sight the ladies fired open them from the top of •the cliff. They continued to ppm' out until the On#941:taillg.Woeds for twenty yards. square was literallyCOvered with dead and live snakes: Tiny killed 310, but. many made their escape., ' Thelargest Otto killed -a niale-'--was ten feet -long Pelgiotn,-ansil--Goinianyr-of-short•-cleliVeries: ea:girl while being rcianied to a man with hardening prices. In Austrie_tho_win, `MOM& nr0041tifrWedire;flairni shot through the headby a discarded glit- was ' occasioned a rise in wheat of from Is to Is .6d UV weather and generally short suppliesthaYe per quarter.. Should the present early froate -herald it severe and Ling winter, "We Enust ex. Foot to witness'an advance in -prices, notwith. standing the 'present heaviness of granary stock." , -• . Amerieure Cattle Markets. Cuickso,.Nov, 10, Hcias,-:-Estimated receipts for the clay, 21,- 500 ; market chill; 10 to 15o lower. Packers not buying many, and the few sales to ship- pers fully 30,000 lead on sale: Light grades mold at 47-to-$7.10-pii.foci, shipping at $7,25 to $7.35 for gond to choice heavy, and a very few to packers at 36.95 to $7.10. • , • DiTYFALO,..Nov. 16, Hous-Receipte, 5,800 ; shipments, 4,700; sales, 2,000 Yorkers at $7.00, to 57,20 ; heavy, $7.25 to, $7,50. .11.1arl4t dull ; _slow yards ; full stook. • • A London cnrrespondent writea :- " Some fun has been caused lately ..by an accident that happened to a. curate of High.churoli tendenciea. it eying, a horae that did not like thewater, ho tried to are him; He stripped to the skin and then =noted his steed,. whiah he 'eonglit to force into the sea: . But the brute did not see it,: and' wheeling round, ntarted.-fillr paeb for the town, throngb the main street &Which be dashed, greatly to the surpise and bor. ror of his rider;the male GodiVa. /tie Said that the curate did not ()Eclat° the next Sunday," • '• ,ffietweisemine TEE GBEAT FEMALE:RBigEDyjr JOB MAKES PERIODICAL ° • This well known medicine is; no impadtion but it sure, and safe renaedy for Female Diffi- alties and Obstructions, from any gensawhat••. ever; and although a powerful remedy, it con* tang nothing hurtful to tho constitution. TO HARMED LADIES rt is peeuliarly !mite& It will, in 4 short time . bringon the •monthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervone and Spinal Affeatione, Pains in the Baok and Limbs, Heavinesti;•• Fatigue onslight exertion, Palpitation of the Mart, Ilystorks, Sick -Headaches, 'Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned by A disordered system, these Pills will effect a cure when All °thin' ineanis haVo failed. These Pii1S 11*170 110Ver been known to fail where the dirSetiOna on the Ind page of pant- plilet, are well observe. Por fail particulars, 4eta pamphlet, free, of agent, • . • JOB 11f0SiS, xnw YORK ficniPlicenfitoii. $1.09 and 121 cents for postage. OnolOSed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto., Ont,, general agente for the Dominion, Will minim)a bottle containing. over 50 Pills by return Mail. • Sold in Clinton by J. H. Combo and George Ohidley; E. Melo= and F. 4.nmedert, Sea - forth; .1.kidd. Carronbrook; Parker & Cattle and P. Jordan, Godetielil E. Cameron, Pay - field; Jag. Ihmthron, Bodgerville: and all medi. olio dealers. - • • READ THIS TWICE. -Fire to thirty drops of 'Tomas' EeMicritic Om, Will cure, common Sere Throat, It never fails in Croup. It will tare a Cold or Conih in twenty-four to 'forty- eight hours, One bottle has cured Bronchitis of eight years standing; recent. eases are cured in three to six days. • It has restoredthe voice Where the portion had nob spoken above a Whieper itt Me' years, As an outward appli- cation in all caisets of pain or lameness, nothing like it has ever been known. One bottle Will cure any.cade Of LOAM 13aok or Crick in the Reek. For diseases Of the Spine anclContrac- tion of the 111tieeles ilia unequaled. In Rhea. aticornny other pain ilia •firat tipplicatio does you geed.. It stops Estr Ache and the. pain of A Burn in three minutes; and is alto. gether tho boot and cheapest medicine over Offered to the people ---the oheaPesb becauee it takes to little( to do you geed. It_beeertmost. -ea Of six or the be oilIaown, and nothing but olio, It is worth Ha weight in gold. Vi7lay tiot bay It to -day 13, Des Itoolice, an. Blatant postmaster, Arthabaskavillet wrieus %....s( Thirteen years ago X was seized by a severe attaek Of rheumatism in the head, from vshioli I have nearly eonstantltenfterecl, After having need, 'Thomas' teieetno 01P' for nine days, bathing thotoreheasi,1 have boon iiemPletell cared, encf have only used halt it bottle, ThlirT Oen certify to on oath if you • wieh."--Rev. 14fallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writce, "1./r. Thomas Keleetrio 'Oil has ,ourod me of Bronchitis in etta Waa,g," Dealer* all 6ict the daillittY soy, 'we have -never sold A medicine that hat given ouoli complete IOW f*ntkti as thit " lover; whose name isnotreported. The girl died shortly after being- shot, and •her nuirderer escaped.. .Major Bethel Coliewood has just Mar - -bitted five camels, two two -year-olds at 050 each; two tbree-yeair olds at $350, and a five -year -Old at -$450 -11r -these camels Were foaled Within twenty miles of Austin, Nevada. The fivelear.old is the largest' camel ever seen in Ameri- ca. , ' "She is:perfectly gentle, and will make her firstappearance in the ring atIlempstead.• Tho breeder OH all tho the circuses in America. / A. gentleman arrived recently at AA - land, Oregon, from Lest Rivet, in the Kalamath Lake section, with thelargest steer over exhibited on We. Pecifio coast. Recalls it the' "lost River. Ranger," Tbnanimal is . nineteen hands.h1g1!„_twenty .feet.frOm tip to tip, irid is estimated to weiab when fat five thousand pounds. The owner intends taking it to California this winter, where he will fatten it, and.take it to the•Cen- tennial. •• - • • 3.1.r.Taylcuy, Of SPringfield,111.1awoke on a recent morning With histhroat out. The matter puzzled him a great deal, bewailed he knew that be had gone to bed/With a whole neck.. . His °wit ra,- sibearea with blood, was on the )16.d.,and he smelt chloroform. Ife,was aware, too, that Mr Stevenson was his rival in the affections' of a wornan.- Tbia led him, after critieal reflection to believelhat 8f0Veriiidti had 'etcilen: into his room, deepened his sleep with chlerofortn,, and endeavored to kill him. The wound had continued to bleed du, ing the time of cogitation, and Mr Tay- lor -was nearly dead before he had mode 'ap his mind. He is going to live; how- ever, and Mr Stevenson has been ar- rested. The Zintrciontin tells the story of a woman who became tired of a life Main: ly eniployed in eating and draping, and resolved to devote herself and her money to a nolfer purpose,- the close of the rebellion she wept to a sandy island Q11.010..Al1antie. cost, Nyboo, about: 20.0 persona were living in poverty and 'ig- norance, and established her home there with the :intention of benefitting the in- habitahts. She began with teaching, by example' lor to cultivate the 'land hi- oratively, and was soon imitated. Next she established it school for the children, and afterward'it church. Now •the is- land is a thriving regidn,„With Ruin- dustrioue and moral. population, the change being •tho work of one weraari. The "Yokohama, Japan,,. Pavia reletee a remarkable occurrence which shows tbat some of the J'apaneee have an ex- traordinary capacity for Withstanding. the effects of fiery potations. An Osaka man offered it prize to any one who would drink one eho-one quart, one pint and one-half a gill -of a 'cer- tain dative liquor about as strai as pirits-.ofwirier----A--eoolle-Peefor ' feat, but died the same day fromi the ef- fects of it. Thetburied him in a shal- low grave atraidnight, and the next day, tha earth absorbed_the liquor from his well soaked body, and he woke up from his debauch. Pushing off the light Boil that covered him, he rose from hia grave in a white shroud, arta. stoma some robbers near by who wero counting ttua dividiiig their money. They took the strange apparitioxr,for a ghost, and ran off in dismay. .Tlio cootie piokocl op the Will and reported to his wife the same night, it -udder but richer man than ha WAS WOO his spree, • During the last three menthe 1,420 homes, 67 donkeye and .11V6 multi' Were killed in Paris far piddle conerimptiori. • —BUT EM VROAt ou want HEAVY $11AWLS AND ou. wan,,t FU.13S,_ wan You wan You want 'DRAW4 You want TICK •Ravr BUT THE1V1 ERom WSIIVOSSIr8cwoorass Vir,1014V vittorzest. OUDS AND HOODS: Buy raEivr Fitcw_lar*astior,._44.....voirmrzav- - AND :WHITE. BLANKETS. BUY. THEM ,FROM, Virataiir°41 44 1r *WM* * D HIRTINGS. BTJY: THEM FROM lpiraZalatIr VOSIT*0,0 &NDUNDERSHIRTS-...- BUY THEM FROM_WRIGHT mik FOSTER. 'OWLS AND SHEETINGS. BUY THEM FROM WRIGHT & FOSTER. 11 want EATS AND BONN BUY TErnivi FROM WRIGHT & FOSTER. want GROCERIES, BOOTS *.A.ND SHOES. BUY THEM FROM WILZIG-MT aSz u want FUR and OLOTH QAPa and—IU BUY TIEEEM-FROM, WaztiGOE-Tal You wan LINS and LOW PRICES. . • C.AN-CfET THEM FROM WitICA-JEIT You want the above goods for the Winter. We -Want you to call and examiue our immense variety. We -guarantee . to giVe you 'better .yalue. for your' money, in all kin* 7_oAltilg: of -Canada: • . . 741; 7 • C SESTORE _ /OttigON,. NoveMber Oh, 1876. . Stray Shepp, 0A,BIE•• LNTO :THE PliEldISICW OP TRp IL/ sonnitin,lot 80, Base Line, Mullett, *bout the 1st of-Sept.A zwE •.t.ND LAMB. The owner Is hereby notified to VI:We property, pay charges and take. them away. BODEBT MILLER. • ) Hullett, Odt. 20;1875. Stray Steer'. riApaz INTO TUE PREMISES. OF THE SUB. BCBIBEN Lot 28, 11th eon. Hullo% hbont a month since, a dark red TWO 'MAU OLD STEElt. Eno own-. er le hereby requested to -prove property,. pay charges, and take it away. • . . • ' JOHN Mit Hallett, Nov. 4, 1875.. ' ' *41 .ThtfrliER. BUTTER: THE' SUBS011IBEIL pAT CASH FOE ANY quantity of ' • Good,Yellow Butter, in.. Tubs. ALSO, VCR ROLL 1311.PTAR Dens up in nioe shape, in two nkthree pound rolls. W. n. InNE. Olean. Oct 01h, 1875. A LI) PERSONSIIANING CLAIMSAOAINST THE 21. nnilemigned'are requested to present them allay •aloe, in Clinton, before the 20th inst., as I wish to close up my business preparatory to leaving for the States by that time. mar:toter. Clinton, tha.,troy 14.5354Tit' • c . Shingles. Harness for Sale FOR Bann, A SET OF SILI7lIE MOUNTED Double Carriage Harness, out; used on horses four times. Apply at tho Huron Mills, near the Station.. D. 121iWIN.. Clinton, Noy. 4,1875. • Dissolutiont: Partnership rrinn PARTNEESIIIP *HERETOFORE BX$STINO .1. between the undersigned, aa LIM:Mors, has this day boon dissolved by.mutual consent: All debts due the Arm are required to be settled before the and of the pro. ant month, and all demands On them= aro requatad to be-forwardedtramodlately. • • EDWARD WATliON, 1 • • HATELE FITZSIMONS. Clinton; Nor. 4,1875. 13ropert3r- for Sale. .MHE tiNDERSIONED OFFERS FOR SALE TITOSE J. eligibly elttutted lots Nos. 1188 and 1184, Corner a Qtieen and Charles 'Small. A. large . two story holm, containing seven room. and back 'citation, soft and hard water, and a young orchard; on the phut). /?or tall par. tit:tilers apply, on the promises to ' CANTELDN. Clinton, Inly Slat, 1874 • • THOROLTGII BRED . . ' Short ligrns for Sale, 1 ONE BULL, three year* old, ONE BULL CALF, 7 months obt nos COWS and HEIFERS. qood 'Pedigrees, apply to 1. M. MoTASIONIT: ' Clinton, flept.20, 1874 • ?TIRE SUBSCRIBER RAS FOR SUM, AT BANS. -1, roans millein Blyth, 1,000 Bunehee No.1 Shingle ,s Farm- for Sale. .3.0 it largo qqantity of No, A shbviar,-Whiah ho will . , ....- t sellehettp for cash, __,..,,' „max StalSailIBER OSTETIS FOR BATA THAT . W* D110IIMOND. J. welisiteette term, let 170.29,11th eon* Hallett. tilytb;Nov, 10th, 1875. . ' • 4 %outfitting 00 acre*, 70 cleared, on whieh there te a log 1.J9t fot Sale. . house, ane alinvindgeaostrairsammoofbwastais: agnooda liorwoabirdionocf.pa.stglowirtt_.etthi * good wheat farm, and in excellent order; the pea rjliiE tnomuswilin ovirmis 'von aux TEAT and possession iminedlete, For furthorpartioulara ap- the grounds ofthe Ow railroad station, also, to let, lot , • "' • eligibly situated lot 804, on Vary street, batting my P17 ats the wombat, or at tourilistmeAni7timo:cri.1;)1;es. 830, on Otto Same street, on whieh'ill a smelt house, eon- Idrillott, Nov' .4 iiiWi.• .. Nu pillisrulotniniothraseaorli000tnn0;baonprd kelmitehsesonlogood, orohar_d, For • II, A. EvANS. _Clio:Lon, Nov.11,1870. *di. . • - Stray Heifer. rIADIE INTO TRE PREVISES „OF TEM Min. sonnIza, lot 20, 7th con.; East Wawaneeh, about three weeks sine°, a light grey Helfer, *bout 8 year old. The °wank. hi herb* notified to prom Asfiperty, pay Charges and take her War% East WaWanosh, 1874,7-8 MaratnE*44 N. Stray Heifer. • flAtiE /NT() THE PREMISES OF TRU trai- l•./ sentnitn, lot 85, 15th ant., Goderieh township,. home time in September, RED REISER, bellypaitly Whit ,e coining Wei) year old. 'The owner is hereby notilied to prove property, pay charge* and• tilm:h4tear.vactwaornis.. Oedert:th t'p Nov 11 1875* • Stray Steer. • riA1111 INTO THE PUBICII8Es 01)4 Tita eve- sosimea, lot23, 1)th oon.Ooderioh Township, about the middle ;of Septernbere a BED • STEER, with white belly. The owner Is hereby nOtilled to prove property, pay Charges, and take it away. • • • • - . • • BOST. %RUBIS, 06derith township, Nov. 10, 1875. • , • • • E'or Sale • . WOE SAT4E-DInECTIM OPPOSITE THE ii0IITII end of the Brewery, on the street leading to where thoneW Railway Station id to be built, and not over 100 yards from the Station, two lots, containing halt an sere, with good pump and well, and never.iiinng spring of water; won fonood. For partionlans apply to • . Eh HALE, • • . Or We MARTEN. Also, for sole, a s*iidid Sink and Butter CoW, • Cliaton,iptg. 25th, 1875. • "IITEN MAXI/ :CONTAACIT. T E t S Addressed to the Posittnastbr Gerierat,_ will be • received at,OttaWst, until noon, on • FRIDAY, NOV. 28ral 1876, For the conveyance of her MaJoity's mills, on it pioposed contract for four. years, as under, on and from the 1st of April next, th„ BRNEEN GODERICII and KINCARDINE, Si *1024,010ov ereek...safkritY.......------ Printed netters; containing further information • fleent and blank fair of Tender may be ob 00711 ard. as nt-o $2OWILL 1111 PhD TO AlIT ad at the Post Offiets •'bore kninationed, Sad at t6 the disciwory delltihition of the 'party or parties pneirsWon,Awnhpe will ...1414"ac. who placed the indecent and sestidatotts plaeitai Mt My Iciat 00104. enspottes onto, - - gate, Madan& Concession, Ooderleh tow:141(16'0u the London. Novo 0878.4 night* Of the 'lth and 8th inst. • •6""!!!!"! Notim ritherobitifoti that if ani Of the nivitamas, family ere round on my premises, they knit he severely rittlehed, AN X have Made -arrangement* tit defond rny Vatiollatiaerooarty, Mee Mate that the diagreeehtt plaeard* put upon my tell06 itre false, and if repeated, the perpetrators thereof will Suffer as the 1*W 0000 At to:deil with sic& beset.: • • pnauots 3,001/1t.• Gael& tsvhollit•Uotio,tais. sat For Sale by Tender. t It0At) (101401t£40#011, CON. TArariro 00 acres, 70 of whir% ere &tired situate • Sibilles front Clinton, Inn& bete' tfigniii4136) Mid 8 Milo) from tlederich, the *Minty Town. The ferni is in a fseect state of oultinttien. The bullailigif torePrile filtris5 balm and stable, analog hones the tandem art good a few fruit treee Mt the pined, rebel is wen water. SeirtbyA Litt Sunda,' night about eight (Ado* toy eit, ISO, House and Las iihd * Stable MIL* can., S. 11, TROMAS kbelPs 14. alarm ot aro wail given, arid htr. F.j. Chubb4o Volt& witgrAr. rub iirg 0010 Vita for the DAtninitdk blight Watt in tliti gala. 'Three -Wire ba '041% • 0/ N 01 atOth 44 Id thli And14010111101, 4$ ilium% slitztto, stabla Gasalph, was forted to be hi flames, Stininitr106 Nob targlinind gre=rfor AI! oot-44 ottio-414404404)410airkiat *dual luta shi ohm P041141400 04140, 12.09 to. S$trOp. o* 7 ed Spruce' Gum • oiana (vas, BitardatAt *ND OT 'APPEOTIONS. Peepairad Meant ibis &Wei Led NOAH Sank, killecitesente flavor Isalesitute, • "4"10% 121 " 1r" ro Bow() Publicb; E• and sToyt S SEARIJE & DAVIS Beg to remind their numerate Mends, and the public generally., that they re Still adding to • their already largoetock, • liou.se -Furnishing, ra,rmers', and Builder's Hardware. Just received, a large lot of .NEW PATTERN WOOD AD 00..L STOVES; handsome • and useful, never Womb offered Lem . If you want -to buy cheap, go to SEARLE & DAVIS: Por a brilliant light, get Searle & Davis'e BEST EXCELSIOR COAL OIL. Stoves, Tinware - ' • • and Hardware SE1.44111G AT REDUCED PRICE. • No.1 Coal Oil at 80 cents per gallon. • Painter's Oil at 70. cents per gallon. Nails at $8.25 per keg•. - Five thousand lengths of Stove -Pipe. Best American Water. , 4 • • • air Try Soariata.13avlo's; C0111011fr TOi PROTECTOR. No.:more trick' falling on the roof. • 'Searle & David for PAINTS, 01/44-iijint An.10/141..$0, PUTTY, and PAINTERS' STOOR . • • • fir if. you Want :to. keep feint betties try the tailLD1140 iti.iER for float or. Xt saves latliand,plastor, atta t. be km146.4120 • • • • 112"rlia; equirmeArtiThinititt hi • thelr orders to gaols at Davit, at 911004 StARLE do DAVIS, Mammoth.- Thi 'Shop0 aratilToe oot. lath; 1875. 1875. FALL. 875 NEEIROSANT Anzik Loininitit AND- agiiintAla otittinti BelA tY alt rasneitable distaste. Sete PreprieteA sad raluinnetureter 41 seiget etdAttYtlltie11, 0 °t14C2441011* OTANVON's 01121. run ElitrtTni A, Iti.eq11110/14V StOON,60 Worsted Trouserings wad fieSch Tieedsk ottani. $4,0100* . Clinton, Nov MORI, Teacher Wagted. li3OVII111/1. A lillitArle„ 014.11310 *Cal! ZAN' elVtiatioRViraddigisier 414 Ititatita • ttt HUM . A000ONTANT, plowman% !aim 5,14 aka omilo