HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1875-10-14, Page 3--- -- � — - 11 - - ­ . ­., F J F10 pit 0 1W op h"07-1 I I woo P t! I r 1 16 P ­ Pee, 'T ftM I Me all -0 P Fi- At JL 0-0 mwh ofa 104 It It tht bitao of It. the of a W41r Offer j tie@ 0 a wora of'o malk oft"""' 'I b1lo -H, T:. b;#ar!L"Nko m4slatsk he I'Ati 0 IN 0 t, t I ask, oil , rejolpaor4to thot fossl; of roalioti P7.0 r r0dotnaWl DC 4 , It'# 001001ty'ar ile A far As wo, at# 0 4 0v co 1 4 04810t..kr and will 1411tely retirit 0 Vt. .14, tot,) 011911 Ot 4040 thin and Whit* we, woald larefor kilavink, quisti _494*04 ,VIW, . I �_." ., o t .1 MW. a, an Iwilt tq to, be brief We wout 48 We "At to relative i#..W, �J% f , oklas who begins lit 14 rather plossan.t, .ronSr prQ$4104 JrOni the 'a 44VIOUr. Ur bat wo wo 40tri. he flooll, 11povars to loose, for a heas for it ixot il, rh 411910104t, )ills go(4 *114, 0,809 V QQ vall'i w- to it We tbit.uglit w served, we W to Wake Aloofids for 4400 him an aividoe. we to rot be oliould, ttud nesar sphere wo doeliult to foll W in, pad ondo by ehasolng t.to T0 AdV104 W= gf4yo, ypUU$. inen last wintarl'Whon tgolr conduct so righteously 44.4erved its was sotoro". �Av firo Ave"Woro Inclmod ;a thinic.pur frienor poetaorrip art&"" -is lathe okoro, tilt wo Paw,he, Was 9rTNPX0 Of 6001011410fl, aid e tw"the loan blin 'be .VgJPV qtty fair. Ila deprip 491f, Ana As Wo' IXSV* r Mike be k - tloua we it gr,)W l3arrol ty I of Yankee roads that start. broad jaVjtjng,,%1 Vqr tanatrinvii, till ilia a -ti -I like, the ArI who bit bi$ 0 0 t9rV'b% blow Owthe'vilook but' li40 figbt, , a SQUIRAHL TRACK and run u way, Bud 84 mand the roota. 11 We o4id Ili refuting tligr of the postscript 4pppa.n trolip P%Wfloil with all the I eau lie joade, th4t 4 displeased at, our rowust) t t on spjpiQn� on. It at, Arot. . He I* only he ajyAlr 19 Ungentlenixor to the sail in the 1% . . . . . . ..... t% &Q.1 ilail thal; the eilitir Part our firm is nervous aid imwell,,aud bas,dr. npe&vlueu r tier o Bstroner is drowit on 1.4 m4tiozi At. a 1. speak froni'muthority. il&'Ahe information Unsolicited by us, #nd we could esially firidah'the , llr-pof It at all Jtidlvol preopme it, iq:,-a in#tor Opry.ofie is walt Aware of Aoywai, !Shrewd mea some I gineo' make mietakes, 'Make blunders',- at Asti you oat a don't. *call to be understood as being Importi, We'. be to return ourlmere thauks-tO the eciple, for the very, liberal P_Abrollager giVen the 777 CHE STOR234 darl 404t 44Q.ulo IvOr allt(4a'to Such tblui�o, and we onlyA11044 to it to show him how unkindly it did P. AP CASH .. th t I A't--for Ile "J]� 'bition And: for Sale, olle. blillb Whit he;fid" intown who hadapartnerollip im to. pu sea On 4p mr� forh $V,() Uro 10680di, 41d have n6w.. rent, Ana, it out pr cotrument in a, Pit we. WQrQ. cnat of jA�p number wo felt Lvl�go to rt ___-jLn so many one instance moy via rofitable, not satisfactory 'it, V 71 a w. to ng o a-6riiA­f6o Itit", to roflo�t'40 Larg of h nice, to pay 1 o oar, No w Advied, c k -.o. -f--. Go 471 be" 14 glye Wso ti.ng y ol�*iiiiiih ill Qui YI we baila, perfebbigbo to refuto. it, AIL4, we diiT so in what We consider wall courteous an in Lit what we'feel to be truth. But we are neit or ui a W es,in the beot illarkets,� of the'Dormni6n, at greatly reduoO 'Ate6t, a:ild in or 11 . Auly and we s.sid gotbing b, e have made our % all, purchas Within the -Immediat Terma of all Jin resioll a der to 111--orjeliOusyinsodoing,' Weare onlydefoildiisgotirselves front allywro, leave We would ot be ungogtleinatily or im- on the mind of Any one who might not corosider. mullity, N�'6 have marked them all 111lain flp'es,'at suchremarkably low, Prices s r a will be f4ilud, when com aied wth the PoWnent, to any one In rehAting ag arpment or rattreasing's, grievance inil bi aware of it , ithout to 10 .1 'i'lu and pointed, and it.may hurt a little, but then It soliji he4li �p, and t a w is clear apl"% I CE k fl�airtlli ego our opinion of it," than to S far porhapa� faitor frl6ndship thairbefore; - It tally be very naughty of uq, to do this, but -we are of These GOODS, W1 L those who. think it'lietter 4 spett, of a gn, expr RFjDUCT1ON.Qn'.'FORMBR -C ,the back brood over itandulukeg' 4141ill pprhioa nto-a.,mountain, and Bay liglythlygo, andshrinkto say1t 6,11le face; beiterth u to, look sour and jealous lit& man ll, thotime, nd -Ntil oulBel v that " tliat fellbw did mo �ya wrong -and I don't or' 7 think to come out"with lt:�%A,4 be done, and "V� think LTf it Wall oftener practiced with follows after all better we all moll, ere r as ousy, am ng niftlid th lot be so, milbli J- I 6d And D We two none of us, t4o most per, opt, and4o'neett a little bru;lting tIt an tQ keep� us, Do y,6tt Want, DRESS GOODS W Remilinberme can give you., tile latest, batteviis ond the ttrgest variA� 0. Do�y W� haIiroiI; arge, assortfileut and alwy st, Ina R14 g we expect to. be peiticised, and t get- a combing�dowri if We deserve-iti, o4 wan. A STYISH, ITAT Olt, CAP 2 straight. If we do Willa au4 are glad to stand'Correeted, and we it as bravely A;d gracefully m %ve 011,11, And. hort fo;u _` at� any -Ot( a traces, we do not Do;'You want ING ReMeffi6x wo'can give yoit tile heapost ana.6e skyou..bav� eveto� 'e *11 whifiv chants bag so lye Retneniher wb will all 'D all, 'Y . T'LES Itemember,.wer'l LiI Mesk� 8 1 High '.Killii I iery and �You want 8HIRkiS AND DR R S men ,,at refractory, or even altirchants kick over ill lieitlio or shrink youn, 0. yo W R o our Senior Partuer may bq,, ona, he is,' to, help give thm a dressing down`and t ff f LL I N. SOCKS AND hein all attiliglit, illid ate not I pipbeld' at any price,' keep't u pf'the boys or alf�topa of theitivit iVc,.you the doso.. We woula notlujim 41ther of them Ilvery bail, not -for a dollar, ant WARM, SHAWL AND. '.Do Y611 w UXI�H RCLOTHING Reoieiltber Nye have J list what you want for ilie d'to e'vqiy one ` 0 ri�lit to,t]"Ink We oheorfuliy accor th f6r'thera$Q�Voll on all these co-14*wcathor tiny price. tie, yQu wiiont"BOWK,� ( ANIJ) W IJ I 11.1� Sri 1 IZ16 i d jai it" w do not, haM.tato to. expreha thein, llI only ask the Those are our opinions, v privilege gilge to aothers, to have ilia rightto cbmige4 W4d think far ourselves, and in troiu� So. we are neither Alut, boou Want CLOUDS, 110ODS AND GLQV of In AICOS'. r.v q 11emoniber we. caiiihow you,ah initHeiise vario or ell vious, we &is quite g9od niturid; &M in the best of humor, r bat we hold yo V styles Lit ally Vilco, D u.t_CLQTJ,lS T Z EDS AD It LN, ell we da �T ive U the lar"es et We would not presume to -toll a mun hat lie shold put in Iii;'Adve ti. 1'.1., d - , -I- � � ;. W �g arl Of IffieWlin J)atterl 8 , alla, save y0ii at least 20 ll�r L 10 oii �stidl' w Lit, 140URE FUTtN1811INGS'L WIMTE BLA-NKET �41 it 13LANKTS, BED COVER a chooae.�whelt it i 0 $rl, ilia right to criticise it if w GS TICKIN G: 9 TOWELLINGS COTmNr, We did not drearn-of bein. n.IvI SlIE E.V1 TABLE- LINE, NS,- 7 8o to othy ILi $ur realarlis, bat the"inude was upo'll us, and we said lb� you- watit COTTON-.BAGS,� CQTTO�T YA11NS,,6OrrON IVARPS,� WOOL YOM I We, Lave a cc 9save you collilliolk-price per lit belo t� tl' 9 of laote, than ive ititeuded. NVe golit:411t. ge Gea iissortment of.alLePlois and makes at lwices to suit t4e timos'. We will- uow'bring our pan to an�ljur litil,ject is. thormlily ventilatid lieteeli t and that -the public fulty eilified 6aAbe'aubjeCt'bf WIND WArHR' MOT R POWER PARTNE USHIrS AND SftP- RFXT-and low priced city �oods, we retire froluthe cout;;, versy, full of good feelin s, and not a 11ad wish for anybody, 'A tilting tile Poor Printer- is not any polirer, and that. ivhehl to us , a considerate and,, S. he'. m at S, H 9 .e 'UP.. od fo,r s. A-1 6 G cA an either a Communication or.alivertisiment, 'he us is )so .,to e� 29 C IPRI GES6 h m courteous, As lie certainly is in all thot we1ava hall todo.' wit ?it uthese,mr4tters. HODGMS PAY B 0-0 A- A 7D "S -h .'d. 'GROCE ?I 111",4NC4ESTER HOATSE-�-_' VX C -L I N 7 filk oc';�, V ES Noted for the MOST- ATTRACTIVE ST60K b f IN IV (.,:ko 0 Eli I'll tile, CLINTON, Oct. 131h, 1875. EFULL PLEASE RVAD -UAR' BYV is , y d24 C TO MONTREALIOUS UN )N o r patro�is are bliged to b (1y, 14 WATER OR Noue of 1`�ie Nil debts; of some 0 Se "We: everVbad 0 _P.4y w4n. . 'Y.w 6.X o 6:lie� is c 6 ru ell' d t o btl �lr t are' -in- r yllrs,. n -ifyou have tbe' "t fail td -§66 -L h* bi-- kakce wit i y6 -proportion to ycitl it kej�a iag Goo Om6r t1ilt o d monev 6 s, i� our go Ids oend:.. 6 do Ito, us: soot-,:, ac a 01;� "Vougl�u. Cis qu h -z . . '-I - el ur th A I16-uoods-of7the _t &n 'vikta P -n Y. NE�V STOCK now being very conNplpte,;wqIwoUl4 resi)e6tfully. requeatLY00, 01 c, e , er `--oiia. ;pr, Our ai .V+7- C1 t -0t .1 oy r, 8 �e AM 8 sh' I to give It'i ioareful inspection, knowill& as- we doi that all.Articles, . . . . . . . . . . . . down to BOTTOM PRI esent,beat vAges waIllaire U, n -required by ol Of ell L-si-nd WINTER. all tile dli& ent. ines o ry oods, [a both sexes 0 AA shielll'them from the cold sear ilag r L OLJ�N, '�'r TJ N: r S - '22nd', IM' TOX­ Sept G S* - G E -N T Consisting of ew Ties, New Collars, XiW Oxford Now Manuel Shitib; �e+orsibi F m for..Ba e. ip6pitli �Aas 001EL of N&UAL-lViS: bosom and plain:, Now White Shirts, New Undeymbirts And, DrMiers, Now.13raceii, Ns,�Jiats ar Tile 1;Or'.9e of and Caps for Neu and Boys, N6w CoaU,. New VeSts, New Pants, NEW OVERC61ft. in c9li, - away o: iattirday, throwit)4,11im W rah ti,, rJ11133 SU.11,901LIBER OFFERS SITU-, Out -and. in' ie till" injarleswhich x0aulted � fa. it tolcs EL -Wousand of Im''mitkj6 great arietyi &c. SUITS MADE TO ORDER, that cannot fail'to give satisfaction, in ATED and ]Ina farniq lot 28, Oth con., Iluilett, only tally, t- UTTE'R, as mauy� can tcstif� wh, dollar. We have a FIRST CLASS C 00 . 13i' 1 1 :AND 0 ES quality,. price, fit and style. 1875. 0 81 ruiles fri-in Olinton, for male. The lot otiritaina 100 Vt all Whogi,,.per, J�uali, 86 68 - I od -elurizidetgbod hardwood, , with I Dr. Robert Walk6r, of tho 46wnseiip. of. The " pa� sdh'()ol maring 12 per 'Sprilq, (13 have Worn the welLfitting suite MaN.b him�. Bru, 45 cicarod,'the I Y' acregoloodar, !There is on the preitnibeil a good frant; U"oodho6so, . was found . dead ill M.. iotber they.11fit.id Wit, 0 30 0 32* - CAAPET-S in All Wol, Union Tapestry,Ac., &o. -As-wo are- going Out Of 'houselbai-h..�Rtil ,lar stable, flue hearing oreluredi and noar St. ohn' baggy week in Wisconsin, *1 ftrUibllwaiirud ­ct Pf further particulars apply at this Is church, last Friday ni lit ey,L A 3K6 - - - 045 0 70 - Carpets, (upt having room for them) We, - ate diterhig them At Vag supposed is� no a. ted T QM00, or jo the pr4irletor,,on the promises. to be intoxicated,. aJ j;j th4niiel 4-D Peas, 02 a 0 63 ALY 'PLEDVO lour, . throat across the dashboard. A n1l -F� -falls in' -six- years old a 6.0o XA��Eg QUIOL Y. . a itli. his nAy , F 50' Ilullett, Oct ath le,15. ` . . * .... , , he stal;iodl-oube " b 0 17 ff 18 We havo an experienced' Milliner and If A verd It in otroit. antle maker'. ict has, boon' rettlyne 'ior 0210,550 bKought to t Butter, .30:' e, was 0 no: MILLINgRY6 Mantles, 3ontlets an(! Hats made to'o a.,�ainat 'the Ottawa River xavi�ation qam-' otatc.0, .0 25. rder, oil short drunk, ' On e. w4ra [d think b Store an dead 5.'-. ji. 0 lo` -ling hoiise PaII for ..N.1 1. old enou.- -to now el"., od . 0. a I .% I . ' li k c all , in t�ie'vory beat etylea':L' dDwel FULL ASSOR MENT OTAMILY GAOCEAIES.- - F -Sale or -to Relit. whose Infitbar -piles. Ikero] fi roil Ind destroya belt R '81THSORIBUlt W6UL'L o 1% "OF. IL all 11 OJJtj_ .y, t ]at he is Or cniionsi epideolic, iS'L 'I, Pork, people ilf the Burro di 91;b I deterI t6,8411 out 11614 a stoolt J;lrevai ig 00 nT by tt� spark from the obiffivey of on' of the' $hoes lit, OR H 7.6 OTS vidence 1- 80 WORTH TENS AT 501CTS,,VV-­ impany"wstoamers.. )o 'a 6 '00 no *E8':N-EVE.RL*.' Hidesi a 00' =A' 1g: House "'llage of On whilo A nutli'livitig ourX �O 75 TE A.S AT 6n- the, chiolens ot Pro Wj� uskolca le SOW etimIrs' t6aalt� fatal' L '4 to ,h We cannot attempt to md&iou all, norbalf; the lines of jorldii, we sell, in'an adveriis�mai,t, Myth lofultiq or, to let. It I ou the main street, find 1 4 ;. 0 50 aR 0 well pituattidtor thallbusebeing well artangail, lalce,. by the' name, of Charles toc6r, WllfJoL Y -ill Sheeplikin ,a it ai'a favor if you will cai6fall lesstban an' bdur. One- nian hag to and -Would therefore talc y�lookL"throngh obr took and theii t. The lot colintinstrit eighth ofort nere, Pit alkilig10 solue mon-oh the Islia shore,Aeck.' or a ithrally, u- will not be unddly irgea to bay o2vt ouit. W6. ,,hlch 11, fine fitilt trees. If4soId, par of dighty-th on b of a. flock . Oto The Anckiloatli�-disliqsed of 'A is the be t j edge for yolroolf. Yo j.qdJment may �rleos all goo ntally disdiArged. it gan lie was sboWbij in Igh ty- Timothy -60,� a 4 00 own , I CAA rareafil on mot, tge. Further reese, once;'art thi asb-cliance to 'heal - ould act as y6ur alita ib. Par. `60dr&I-t -Ub'- I - DON AND 91 �3 rather prefer you sh to.. slon, Jelytho-or -his bat)(19, and t4 L 6.00 U peol) a. F.Ulo TO CALL AND SEE T tainea o01r. NV.V, d contents biliterad the lower $oven, arld 01 ther has.. -lost a We would call your Attention to the folloldug fact% othe I 0*50 a 75 afiQ�u will be sati4fied thfs.is not, puff; The followin'- are elime of big pric am I part of ME Ali . on, causing.li-fearfullw6lind- �Ut Of a7flook of fortyo, uslatisd secures. to ages in bdying ewVM TF. I'M elfg, -0: 12, -li, 0 15 Ile only lived al: accident. Ist, That our long oxilleriehoo In: b NX )ont an hour after the Chick clintol�'.6d. 0, 1975, L L � I . . . possess. LONG COARSH 130OV, &it inquest was liold by Coroner Bridgeland, �k lh�hteriotis. stoppa eL Of 6 2nd, That we are satisfied with a yery small advance on cost.. and kybi'diotL of accitlahtul'Lle!ttli returced.- the Savabriah and Char" IVs K L' J30 loston Railroad, 116 11failkLane Reiii-eu Sltturttly' IP dtsj cusTo'.V1 43.00. 3rd, That we have be rents to pay to a the profits with. - . , I I El!,N . . ,?lot patine i to divid, ME GREAT .0hMALE I ME DY. � A tatal. neciden t happened tI Acton, on Vri- witlloub'-itit 6Nar frout the pr6pej, %lar- the wee.4 11 ".14 Pl!.TIBLE, nimi CUT, 1$1,25, VVOItTH $L70. Soo OM AO yWo) -5, PER GENT__D1 9 '1iGH 6 INT F As H. No poon PRidio. iron X0811.81rMultoll))[CAL PX to a young man narned MAtbbias Zimmer. ter, was l!eecniJj round to llavi ori much brokeii4 theta liavin*g ll;�n bttil in sonic in I., a monkey in ca yab WO. 'S XT BOOTS, $1.'06, WORT1% ap, of that place, , Ila as crossitig the tall- tea with the aggago I:Z�E 6-sH rort GOOD, rAOXED"BlUTTER. This �clll kn6wh-ul,odipin a iq'llp.hnposi�jon tt0T, with a load of shingles, places, bntrtfie interruption to lictil whi6h, 0fter becomific� loose b�gafi only been p4rflal. - Pampfiess bAia inierf 0.9--CALF'BALS, XI(f. $1,00, W011TH. c DifflIo W1 dimes took-ftight and Xb riJHEJt bat it surd and safe Yemedy for. Folualo thq h Brad -as aug, An f Rainplea a 0;Wbat browing1ifin off' The wai it CLINTONj Oct. Mill, 1875. oulties and ObArtl6ilona. from An c �gon,'Pngslid over wingin(Von d the conflitiqat o CHILD FN'% V-Ro-,�i fo ro rJ5 A pe, over;,aud although A pow, isrful roliieay, it, eon his brea�t`L Ana be was also kiokpd in, the-bacir ip� wa The,upward tendency inL "ZOVS, LONO COAPISH 1306T8, $1.50, WORTIL,82.K.7 tains notblag, hurtful to the constitution. of' his he&d. 11.� oni ll�ed out Ad hear AI shi a latbly, stotlped frolu go- pr;ces is continued, though liniiness is restrict- ).00, ollTrt y Avirages as cam pared BOY'S k1P Booz,*4, s,. 140TICE 0 MARRIE I ino to'sea. South Shieldsin�laftd; 1874 are two. , r $lL 7b.. T D—V&DIE S piter the accident, - . 0 YOUTIVS STROX01 BOJDTS, 91,251, 0 rI Was ' wAse riggingL aould be pidk6d tdrpleo once lower ; while in Fritilbe they Ate Blight.. 'DIt M . V aculiarlystuted. Itwill,inashoittimo, While Me., Alex, tinswith, to. oi fly dearer.' Tharp is leis doing at Odessa; Iitw CHX,�L, 'S LOkG I300T8,:'8t,0o, WORTA 1,46. No4ce is"horeby given, that the dti-partner- 111riiail9ponthomonthlyp6riod with r6g.alakity. 'turning from Baden,, on Tuesday week, and With the finger.; the bits for he main. rates Are maintained'.' Dwatzio 14 rather dear.. 'oat Affections, Wailes- itays wdreso rattan and. bro'ken that- India at ship heretofore existing between. Robert Cal- In all Cases' of Nervous And opt when within two, miles of Ilia home,in WOER'S P2,112MLLA, -BALS,, Olt GAITERS, 65 CENTS, W09TH 00 landei and Hugh. Scott, doing business. as klaing in. tho Pick And V 1eaviueas a Unpre. lay villa 8 he Attempted to pass -ft i g'W,411ead general merchants, in tile town. of Clinton. Fatigue on slight"olortion, Palpitation of the of him, tuthia bug oming in contact with they could be Shaken *with the Slightest.. cedentell. The CluAlItY is low, howevdr, but if Xt,, jl�r me to inentitlutbe,pri;e§ ofllthe goodil. COla0LAndLJJee,' gy 0 hip more 11oadachoo Whiteg, Obstruction, lie was pitched dut on his )lend, touch., Thi first'woi-6-thabgee' vientogy, it plides a "Vast Age g under the style anti firm of"Callander &Scott, heart, JI: �e I satisfied that J3TEEP*A ld the, place to got cheap, goods. ygLerlav, Slel eted the ' ' of 'ugland.". got has this day beau dhisolyed by i �nod­ly_a, and di pautual nand All the ph"Inul, Idigaoics capital od from the.effects of th4'itijury next, exaftlining officev ifter he ad made his sent Mr. HugliI reti�ipg from 'the -disordered syAtem,hcsaPil14LXjII offorot-uWare. Aay, -- Milyer,wits,- a vorr-rlospeetable mail, -nown were,. Thank Godi- splean Cot STANDL 'us I iness. when 611,601ar atelths; bava fallod..' tbout 50 years -old, and. leav errand, k AXtl)rkets, D 0 �Bto. Wilf a 4 &a Wifea 'a fanjily'L and I,don't" Thd business, papa of -te, bi" Those Pills have e known to fail air, I hav n —Thd Roil. _JVantJQ Oct. 12� _�U _11"Up .�A��.VML r1hin 'Callander, ays the per1clo. iattivAL Ma;yle"`a�nrffi�R­R,—_Ma phlet, are wdl observalli this." trio" III- th i banks.thtough Ilia cheese opiJbulatioug, to sales 'of 7PQ Volry few Offering erg, Ity fair Ut4iist Man eVer (,'a., who have AsAtimed the payment of %1`1 h- VorfUllpattid to, got a pamplifettircoof he, extent of $70,000, atia has had a private Air. Shishalli. quall good demand at' 7,75 0 .15" Abilities, and the collectionof All note'a anti mectingof his craditot-s. The',ptatement of lieAfy, quilily verypoor, A947.9 t CLtNTM book Accounts of, tile We ftia of Collauder a. bo'en in Tennessee, dieL I Sept. 29th.. 18M JOB MOSHb, 14BW YORIt SOL% P110PAINTOR. , at GrapriVille in. very boat in fair demand at $8. 20i� a affairs shows Assets vil, lie has naked them � I c$1.00 mud, -12ficenig for ploblage, enclosed to 'not folnake blin bankrupt, 4% that tate. aate! bare of ajodk,; boIollould lose Clinton, Aug, .27th, 1815, Toronto, Out., general his position in t . tie Senate, Lankrapt geua.' nineteen ytmrs ot age, and, had he not CurO(Io, Cret. 12, Ly auto it for the Dlivilsion will' In tot is $4 noyelty ill thi worst of times, And Wo beeA beat'by. an. attack'of rh tinlatigm 9,859; mAtkalsteady, and o I -Publico" c I pt*6 .,R 14, 10 19 AI'd tube And Godtgo of f6enda ha lie 6js "ife the I L i L "cipalbily. Way; L *;Hickaqu Anti F, Lumsdenj &A Chi Oct Was 18 inches loug, ittla. 6fid of erg I tile quallt; is rather poor salem at $7,00 'arionbrook-, Parker a Cattle was about ;!be*giLZO of four rdi. jc� r . ' forth; J, Kid, 0 )0_ r. w, do L Sold iii Clinton. by J.* 11, Cc -Aiely'Aotl"' OXCLP6 Olt =11111ig over go pills retur belle thil h6horablo goittlainau is Hok- Would, have liven nine feet big' '11' model r4p N E .0 ON N. Allvices front All pArtg :of so lordall rops raise , Aed of"the lnoi,t fl&ttpri1JgL C Illd rough, utioven Iqla $7.60 to .,and Ca,1laro, Bay., OfIeS. 89 00, for--cominon to - good beav Ila. r 0 sib on a Chair $8,16 to re arvi and all Miedl, g Atot hae,hatapter, illoretUrlisballigiattell wiig lit every Cato atedi I oa�pont to tea 48.45 for choice heAVYL to evtrA go! to, u some hu pick up anythig thre frout $7.70 to $7.90 f4i coalition light gtades to Only is* Ivare fouad Courage. b, _filesI R.'CALLAN-ID .. WIIATTIMV SAY 01? . IT! A I'Avr�; relt cd* bout 14 choice, 00 dug 4"gh to Plant' 'or 'car the grasshoppers inchestilla his chest 71, e J - 8 jo -i99 1"nopbZ-01licto aro but few prepatations would. eat everything, the crops have been .1 p titers An& have done much to coil. fer,ohee. Ilis'coffitl was 606 long, Receipt of lio6vcs I Ydbietdoy And, to (I L AIRDWARE 'alid STO Hot jadginent, 0i the pvople toe any great were 0,06 par- owd, making 10, of Medicines Whibli bayo withstood ilia impat irm the, idoLt, that too. much '28 in-,tej widet. �nd 2J feeb do leads 'or'5 294 It - y 1011'lt.tif thile. Cap of theso; is M ightell6d. The %Vilillip6i standard finds 07 fo lid WQek,L Agaillot 10,75�4 s des, ilia bbliet pre-,*,alouit that wo tavo, iseals ilia last C shnle ad Fomff - Dry Gool. r. Illolusla, in thG worat oferiminall spark of it Good, He Work selling. 6irly at former trkaa an 0 Eelactritt Oil, Itcad the fd1lowin And -be 'lot i0d, oontlilou- eAnil Ad Itolihisop, Farnflam Coil. of the post for soino yea, to, if not for ever. fibblo itvaro will bonietillie's =4d the liub iuft & Our FALL AND WINTHR KTO(;9'i7ltow* conVate in every departuient, Aiid hag ba(l) I havo.becla aftlieted �vitlt The - local" of dis St. mfdAt, oi thq,darkuegi of evil ill 161001).. lid sold at a reduction from, last week (q,lal to carefully selected. Our DR1,11858 GOODS DEIII.UT IENO wilt be foriod voryL attiactivf'. rhoulantigla for tile last tell years. "a have hits ilia, thifig oir in pretty corT04 style 11, Y0401-JAV 1110lailig, At tile Police 'Poor to rnbr native stears rang. Beg to #6 31 -, volo the consists -of All -the new styles And shidei of,the season, courlte" a lad about �tlghteon, tianiod 11libl,. Gil- C(I'frcm- 7J. to 124o, in ld it numerous ft'didd, Mid ilid"pubilo gollerall that thq Wfilli, addl tdoatil"'my rallic(lics w4hout Ally relief. until. 120,101 ib -Allg —Nvo wers in. . , . . . I . V I . I tried Dr, Thomas' Xilootricloll, . still mince to, � "we I;y a; Datollwall, tile other. day More) Colidemileil ill goal for one year em- 0�dy latzo $took,! M I W, I N F. R"Y A N D' MANTLE& _t. In '11164look Was thon have" had uo attack of, It, I wbal(l fo anolowhat no. it 101 pqll to This departinent Will a welf assorted with ait tllq 110elties of! the lipmoll, Ora � ar), sad doln"'lli standing Xotice to Debtors.� J-J�OUBO FUr.n'l§h1ngFarM6rSl` am commend Hotel Xeep� 811NI ')lots ash ton ye, tea nprxiiptly and peatly executed, CftyH YAAts ANrj BoxNttg, Always on band. Vall kod Winfor te"ca waa pronounced t]"11M MANTLES q,splandidvaridty. Atso� MANTLES MADE, Tor ORDBU,' Ica is been troubled with 'liver complaint s6voral t.oft 1gfoll4waglippla ofthals, (in v6doll"t _ * UkD%1tAf6X9J) HEIMBY XOTIVIR0 ALL, he -said to tlloq ludelifod to hini, by book toolijurtl that tboy era to. Tuab lob of XMV IIIATBLIN WOOD A14D COAL Sfo twq, L&dles' Cotton Embilliderad, *rino, M& tiraw;,-Wool"11nasrolothingo a full stsmtihont�oii hanai ftrq, and bx�a tried dijfereitt medicines with Put, flim in ao babor," tlq told him most agigtrNle, 11 t will talcd three quil"Giltollottlothe 9fts before tho, 196h;of October If ivaut to bay chaip, go to SISAM DA. M Tho'L as, nionths inora if y6a,wililat t1iiAboy-olt", . ffla next, 60 they will be Vitt hAd 00tut fdt esilodti , oth and iteeful,"Itaver'before c al -people desired to thitiga va6.'of 'V01y CIO.40ri Ion* al,, it eto fiettl or, flo" bolorl b, till Lit I tried I)f 3OUN 06WAl,;, Dutch moULSIOTCOAL. OIL, pt, plled.. ,, I Worghivxom inoofied him for bii geo(I i4an at. Oil, rili 0 SELTil$G AT ItEDUDIMI) 'a depattillotit We PaY Almolal attentio �nd an tot style and workmaiiali and'I wolild, say that I hav6 it abjea It Fourymof iioao pen6la, It I 11tes,and TAILORTNG. --To thi 41, Non. . - pillion, thAt 116 wbuld tafn from a dented, of we believe we ltre second to none Ili the'coutitY, It you waut a nice fifii% Suit: OrL a Styllf)" whips (lot aiali toora ash two thilea All Vul;# h D. 114 Str;ty Sheep' uOver Cost, a Zaand leave yonk ord NEW DOMINION OUSh. sout it. I have triod'it oniy borden in cates hita owit of do harts, I Male hini1a be brint. but data th't' part '"ly 11 slaf lWdlf T11z PA291898-lbl? THE -801P tot- th6 Iris oirft Oil at 70 cents pergallon. GROOMES. QVIOellassor as, &6&Tor It orall. 0 , or Inaft. —2 . Ay ad, aiia tho, youth, na he "t a takois, fro; tbo,460i. 901tilift, lot 82, oth 00il" 00doliell Town0ship, Ill ALLY a S1%66� and LWA% Thd 6*n6f la,herithy 3ioUllod Itlat llim.o# light, year t6ri,04 Vrbperty, pity chaftft end take'theyAL AW1% Xail at $8W26 per kog. Mdrolluat, Nvarkwftib raf4h -old not 100�1 1 cents'-per-ga-1-10 W6 have lost rocel�ed. full stock which Will be foancl all new 6f,elifit, wout,do, it Ili clitially .1 el-, ItAb fellar whips me, I wants ye, to S cc lia �tantod', Ali ovary Otis oil 0 4 1:1 odlIhig-4-abou611 Dats 14� kina r B-0 0 efiL 6P of rii- iiiiiiijibli b, tt� ZAG., 089PHE D# I opt. 22 INTOX, S lid, 1875, Saturday. it Is pronoutieed. by the public, 'one bt the A101144 ivo thousajid iehgths of Stovd Ploo, b086 aledidoog, they hitvo ever Used .1 it IIAS morhitg b Cable folotain.. The p1lwirig ropery est .. ricari 'Water L . ime. Marri U 6 0 AA 6.5 1?6r al dofxp, *oliders in ltoalinr- i Ana relieViilg pill", Mark 6f tile uly TOii5 R ul"ID IEL919 a. ......... I. . Coftfidenoo.11-366oph Husan, Twvilshipt ssobll soft of t 'a. late ord A." all. $L Ssarla D4vW CIJKltfXEY TOP moto W66 f4liag, I'TCHAP111% lasurkIt -plowilt 0610111pel110j, a tov4AI W Ti Ckmana, Pxvtolli ofadi, *0. It W kWr1t6aLJ OL ry TIM 0. rdof. wAs-rtorgalled t I Wshy 0, SuWigh Aldgd Of 8033il)ll, bOtA 'At lgibly MMIN loto Roo, 1138 and 1184"Corno of Thonfall' I" Z. '0 Edinburgh in 1817, wat-ollueaktIg olit .100trid Oil for lArho knoo wbidl Quom slid Millis atte6f A, largll tvto Atory hall" 04ftlainfila olltqi roonteanabd6kkitehlit, i6ttilia hat ONS SULLOALT I m6hilig bide ki, ttoubleil ma tot' tht`66 Ot,foltf YeftYs, And 1 0011090, OXfOkd, WhOrd h3 Obtained tlldI�o. & J lt� A. 6f,$6ddn&hiLud, 116ft, Obta ota, shorlil, P161 vatlt rivit cows mid ii-itivits, im, Try sesru pa�ia toy pAtwpa, oms, grrn L,%40, otA481 IT :�iil rounilhuylldog B6 lVior ouring. laald� I n8olipt 80110 ars IP ill 1841'. and gtA. tle*11111 a qply, on the toralseli to 81 0009. g4uOrAlly, 11OV61 I LiaYe for SAle., thi 11l ft 6,0a lippIr to 96TA06UT, efilifig, itiaeg it ot, hit- h Nt th6 -flood. Xt- fit sgtoab, publid bdAdfib.11;-A, M. I Ate fit IS 411# wall koon aft6f. CARVPMOM W If You *AaJ to U460 y 11. 1%. fleni CllAt6A tO 1111th6, tiliallolft y6M nAT ttftk tOX1%9i' *pPly 'Lt My 6!A�* 11aluiltorl, �Vdrkwotth, wtitelt, Pot ivo6ka I fty tqr thi 111110INd 1V1PJ9-' toll Mr sha5OUSOS 0 0 TIV031, 000— upydd fflo v6fy modli. Aft. Mliybist, of this ill wh(44, i L t. to, 1876, Clintau A, she' plict ilidalle& ma to trY Velooirld Oil, And b- docI OL , 'Ad is Cho author of nn. ry 11 athd ' ' IUN BULBS for heut, ot, g4raou Imi Ja tote one bottlo w4a used 1 was pared. writ. tlbsoullwn wiLt ton O:`ftHf§ "' "ottow'" lagial the ontly FAthots of the, Clifurch ; lit. Tfffirli'4068 to Hot bilk h(JuNd AituAtd on Union rrin� Umorgstaxtb n)LVIx4 pVRC11AStD T11p, most remarkable, raddicine., Tltsmity. -A. A obb, $ a y pGa-yPrelittee old by All modioine dealers, prlooi 25 d(N., c1tid1bg the Cafitiolsa, ilia WIN0410 4 - -) It I and i Ilk t i'lid thq6to% r6446A 4 All -be Insf 10 "Onli An V111 be t6lidt Y the Btu of, 0 M11 60114 A Vok T 7JF-. Aholvdix Y I Utlkayo tile &VOU AN Milt. hoveld lit Dfatilti, aoqu�lbd by rl'b,'"'i AU100, Vouzobt, *11'' =L,1298 VA Itid ILVtw a 11, , 11 A to 11,06 041ftig1 10010h Ot the 14ilkbisi kt% #00, Dot. b111 1g, to W otultili$ J� 11id bf thol Illity-111ho, H16161;. Ahs tolla� 04.0)ark ttly 6 via UA a %h&H bt W60A Nit lmiobo) Rio, 10i 1811, P TA L. NE OODS 0 L AND 1 18.1 NTER