HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1875-10-07, Page 4• d 'er:ettuings. Otetus•lest isleusekin the South in paper Making as A iubstitute for raga. At the end et title Yost 'Obleego will hA,Ve ten• thoui PA mot% houses than it bad It yoor Th e• plisoreis in "the Nebraska State penitentiary publielt A newspaper. 'Po round of•tho local reporter 3.8 said to he • SOmewhat contmotell, In Now Orleane,reter GODesioncle. col. • oreil'qeeoretery Of 'State, hes inetituted gat Against aelaint keeper, laying litiMagea a • $1000i. be:AMP he was Pt:30,ga a glesa o nocla Water, :— ThoMas effeetedjtie eseepe from the,13errien connty, Gaq•inil• in n novel manner. --Ois inotber made A i.e., rociena attic* upon the jailor while the dutiful Thogolis ,• • The Hartibra Cotwont n$serea" tha• t. . " Joh a Tkompsen dog tip n potato DX ,i‘ga • patfill, in that Pity reeently, Lu. whieli pair Of sPeeteeles were firmly imbedded, Igr, Thompson lost fear yeek's• ago,Hs ; • An impressionable. Indiana j ru [dist ' " SOO sWaying lily -like above the OburnbeadtymorePerMt than - th at which bloomed full:grown from the bright focus of the see's gestetio•Oaveil;." It wee a femelo, churning. A. hely leaVing one: of the Anierican aum. - 'Per reeor_klestols, lest Week, was charged for anentire natoUpt set, only ope piece, df WhieiCtihe lied bfaen. • She, paid the bill, and, pleading the birdusis of having .PAMIR 9 4.,..to Ike re 9.re and brae eras and every. arthee":Of the net Ad. • . • Warren R I recently two tramp: !stepped a young Man w Wiis riding out with a lady in the evonink,,, • 110.drew a meersehaum pipe upon them telling the rascals to Id go the bridle or he 'would shoot, and thinking, it was a .pbsta, they. ran way. . ,, • At a recentfeir • at Norf-0.outhr several pdtlesof native wines were 'set before the " wine -tasting .committees" -for-eiremiums. There was a greet diver- sity et opinion and a warm discussie_9_,_ followed by/..intens'e chagrin -e it -Ives found that.acena..preetioni joker Tin& filled all the bottles from the seine rel, to test the committee's judgmeyt'. • A •fatal disease • has appeared/among the horses on the• eastern slior:01)0fary- land.- The horse is sudden:11Y attacked with clizsiness, and spins around•until 0:Prietie 0 * •••••••N " weddiege are now gothin• g into fashion. Thi a nevel wedding, takes falvh1,414W. heri the limb born le obi (lough to Now is the time to fall down stairs with the cook stove iu your; :wear, Auld bruise your head, smash the eteve, lineek the etair door Off ite hinges, and otherwise enjoy youiseit. • Said one Iiihernian to Another on the street yesterder :„—"resuk 1 hicrerev.more then l'011i 9011t2 POOk*it." 1'110 jabere," retorted the other, "yon Aro hatter than 1 ain then, rce nothiog ley pooket, and • ery little of that ayther," "I want you to • understand that you are nohetter than your reedier I" edit A Camsten women the other evening as she boxed her boy's ears. for refusing to drink out of the wash dish whou she could't find 'the dipper. . c`• Oh: Inv triends,,' exclaimed ora. tor, "that I had a window in my heart, •thrit yon might all leek in tid gee 'the tretli I tell 'you 1" 7c:V09:141et paitc, I111,011r stomach de just,as well I" agir4• ed a smell boy- ' • , . . • The Brooklyn (Iowa) ,Olirone otjdns ibmBtivertiamept ' Wantes1-4. life- size pietiird of that:young gout ),vhd too -young-laxly out -buggy •ridieg; and then aeked her to pay half the expenses. A rea- aonahle price •will. 'he p:iid; censider,, ing the subjeet," • - , A Oineineati ,mirpse, rose in its 'coffin end guietly remarked ;; • "1 feel very oiteer„." The,two youpg nien who wore sitting up With if had important business ciosvn town the next menierits and did, not hesitate to, pass out through the window. to -WfteiiktO other, Zolurinting I"• exclaimed an old lady, the otlic:Liki,4 as slueepecl oyeelier.spae- at-tlie•advortimeg--page:iif-a nountry paper. f' Peer' Job ! they've kept' him printing, • week after week; ever since I larat,to reacr,; and gi).e weleil the pikueut:• est Man that evee was, he never could have' steed it Bo 10_11g, TIO how ?" • Our exchanges tells of a Mr.. Lyon that married, a Mtge Lambe. - Well that is all right, the Script:4es 'themselves intiMate that144..is is coming When thelimi and the 16T:shall tie down' to- gether, and some these days, we pre, Slime, a child shall lead them. : • •••_, Sem-!," I14011in, hoW.doefiyOn rti,y' new. Sweet a clothes I" Tina- " Sweet ob clotheS 'Go: lone, , • ' use and Lots, for Sale. 4 lonesome ois-ites Ism% rale POW* n YiantaINIII,X altaatial ouse and lets On Vieteria qt., i oppositil ths ashes prow *tore alit. The lots column Whet Nix tbebee 0040 e, an° maul tbrousb to ging fjtseek, Who house iti quite nes? and antaina 001 rooms, ft. pod iStahleilsotit and' hard water. and out honeys on thee, ptenthieet Pettetaidett given' ati mein S'94i,.terPO, 0409 Singh On OA prosaism, to le 11AOKOMOON, ` OlintOu, Aug. tlitli, 1$75, ,For Sale b5./.. Tender, , e'r 1-4, • 31.011,01t neap 00EOEOSIONt 0Ohis 8 utt/904tritimaltiti 900anateornalill 93241 wlawlugholareulelmareedotp, aituoklItil* e oanoo :rola Goderichtthe county Welin. Tbe farm is ha wood Otte ofoultivation. The liaildings eatalrhie a *came barn anti stable, and log ileums I the fpneea are Sega ; * filw-kuitt trees on the Pla(teLW1doli is•well 'Water. QC Aleut: 1104400-00 Lot, and a bums and, Lot,. con- taining, together si soos ot Jowl, on widen to a Yeung orchard, situate on WitubM Street, Clinton, Apply, Stating price of mon pared, and thee I:equine tor pay.. nlent ntld interest, to M. LOUGH, Oliuton, or to tbe subseriber, TAOS, Iii FOSTER, Therlibury. . NO tender Wili be a000pted unless Petietacterft Houses for Sale. THE FQX4LO*INO if-RiaHa T.OT$ Z1k1 iv sold on vary moderato teima I. qoaa Dwelling Renee of nine rains. tlie oast side Of Vietbria Street, (London Road') north o oho •statioth 'with adielidng, au& with *ramp etable Rea three-quarters pf �.n acre' ef ground. remi- sett pow rented for 8120 a year, 2. An eligible two-story Dwelling lit oust) oh Victoria Sireet; near Cotter Street, viell Masted either as 44 teSt.l donee or for businees. Full quarter•aorolor, VErame,„ Oottege pearly new) on Osborne etreet, *ear:tho -1944104 0 Vie twcrrallWaYkr,"-thati-OWs gond garden, _ •• IT, germ. .ounton, 187$. 141144,4VIV 4/100731: ov - -RoyAT, biAIL sTTAUSITIPS. .T4iverpool, Londonderry. and Glasgow. ... • The-arst•olaest•Inll pewerea.,Olyderbuilt Steamships. of the Allan Line, love Quebec every Saturday teem- ing for Liverpool; landing Passengers and Mails at Look Enyle, ter Londonderry and Glasgow. • ravausodr, - • .. 9. SARDINIAN • , ..0et. 10. The adyantages ogered bythis Lino areverylow rates, best aceommodationst greatest amount of comfort, sio. ourity end safety attaulable, and shorted sea passage, Prepaid passage , eerLifleatee isoued_at lowest rates to persona wishing tehring out their friends. . Through Tibkets and every information apply to A. STRAITON, 0, TOL, cliotoh, Sept..so, 1815. • • pumF....miNuFAuo.K.T (11HE UNDERSIGNED BEG TO RETURN THANHE .A. for past favors, and hereby inform the publio gene, • rally, that with increatied facilities and . a first-class mean suit of clethes." stini_aGe•!Jong,. Striae( Material, they are prepared to make end put in wid ver dwnself, you black ignoramus ! Don't folks as knowe French say eWeet of rooms 7 Well, de same applica- tho most ouponor vamps of eyery description, on the SHORTEST 'NOTICE and on tho MOST REASON- ABLE TERMS. • ••' • • - mesa ,door to :A..111atheson'S Black- - - . • itemenalber the placet-nosio's ofd stand he drops dead. The disease :has. -been • ble to clothes. . Go whitewash yourself!),• , foolth Shop. •. • . ••. _ " especiallyfatal among valuable blooded The head et a.....•New2Tork mere 'tile ' FERGUS01•1 4AIIEBRI.L. , ... stock, and no remedy hap yet, been . dm - covered. In one county, that of Kent, the loss in horse -flesh amounts to, $202, 000.. honSe was bragging rather largely of the dlinton Suno Snd, .1875., AMOUR* of business done by his firm. ' 'Tom may judge of. its extent" said he, "When I. telt you .thist the quillsof: -our correapondenbe ..cest two thousand •dollars ' The statistics of 1870 show.thfit Ana- e year." "Pooh !" said the clerk of an- ds produced 460,00010Q0 • bushels ' of. • t°,5thoetri;. who was sitting by,en what iii. that wiseat, krance 286,000,000; and the. titOa'coy' Sepondence, Aen 1 'save four er:-Ed dollars in. Ink from merely emit:; Milted States the sinner liussia export- tin to chit tho i's 7" ..1Efa, icm k immix THE litIELio THAT • ed one-eighth of her grain, theUnited e . was smoking 4 .cigar on a Market . ' ' ' • ' . States one-fourth and France none.- ' street car, where there -mere , ladies. --Of Mr.-W.-Marten,-Pedler; ,Olintori,is our Sole_Agent The-Unitecl-StateS-geows-also-an uraei-hewmea-geritiennin-(7). .4 led mous amount Of corn, which the 'others • took out ,her perse, got' ten, nants,.. ant o not. Another candidate for ijesear handed it: to the smoker. •• "What's this for ?”-eeid. jle. , • "It's to huY • you le geed t honors comes•forward, South AHstralia .eiga,r when you smoke iri" presence of ' iss, this yeae announcing that it has . °C°S• 'dies." Ile threw the cigar out erthe win: 000 tons surplus wheat, 45,000 tons of •chiw, the rice's) in•the lady'lap, jerked the which kayo already been exported, while strap, and jumped out -Lonisvilte Conner the remainderls ready. fOi-slariPment.. ' Jearnal. •• : • • - A horrible incident occui red recently ." Have you "any . five -cent cigars V'- nearFaihouth,Jamaica.. A white man "• Yes, Sirs! replied the 'clerk- " Haire and, his wife 'having 'bad di ff.:to noie resale; -Ymi- 41.4---.191:- '44-r- eClits r ? - - .‘ C 5' 68 . -sir'''-- ved to se orate and a 'udical order to thatIii•ve• you • any for fifteen cente 7 . ••ur- •--0,11-ENN-A N „.,, . i effect was is tame . dispute.arose as to - 's en • - e Pere slier' es' or, the custody Of their yOungest child, and • i WO have,,, . 9 said: the clerk, hindh4- gat a this one daywas followed by a scuffle.- box. -" Would • you take. a fellow's last, Each seized the infant and attempted to •eee- f" a °lig" 7" rather indignantly quer- drag it from -the other, and in the struggle zed thecustomer. " 'Yds, 1 would, ' imapL they actually tore the child in pieces, kilt-• pishly -returned the dark. ‘r.Well, there in it. They were seized by their neigh- it is; solemnly said the stranger an he de - bora, and would have been hanged to 'posited eminent- on the. counter, and walk - the st-tree-hadsnobethe-autheritiessove a 0• •a fi • - n • powered the mob and taken the wretched •• couple to Falmouth, where they were com- Bees3scoco,t.GliersoirdienOomcmirizi-o mitted for trial by the magistrates. • thorough kn011iedgeof the natural: A San Franois• co Chinainan natned . ja..wwhic1! govOk'n the epenstions ofeligestion •• and nutrition, and by a careful application Le Mow Ting is exhibiting an ,extraor- of the fine properties ..4 well -selected ewe, dinary educated bird.. It is a species a mi. Epps liaa proCkled our breakfast ,tables' canary, small in size; of a dark, mottled with a deliettelyfiaiored heverage vsliich may • color, and in the rigueel•cee ia gave us many' heay. doctore bill -S. -It -1s n e , Chi Se lit. called an ".Hour Bird." Kept in . a the judicious. use of ysuch articles of diet that Nit- 01030i0 flitainer Drias An hand in SOSO. a coestitution may be_gracluelly built tipun- man. cage,,Partially darkened, on Open- tit strong enough to T mist every tendency, ^te•••• . ing the doors,in Obedience to the. coin= disease: •Hun recla• ofsaubtle maladies aro ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED: TO " mend of its master, it hops 'to an oblong fioatins arotind *lie readyLte attack iherever , ox suonr nomen, • *. , there is a weak point. We may °solve many. •_. . brae placed ins:front of the cage, and a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti: • .. visiTOICI!,e. STREET, CLINTON. bending down Selects out of a sends •of fled with pure bleed and, a properly nourish - envelopes containing cards those bear/ ed frame." --Civil Servic Gazette. •" ing-flui date of the rnonth and . of. the IT 18 NO WONDElt THAT 11•TVALIDS day, rarely if ever Making a mietalce. 1°8°141 to all specitertlheli sto niiisiny worthf- Teas-,-Tea-R,• . =ON TBE • raittford Tea .Cohipany • era.° g ea. in.nis distribt, and their -We ere euiviy7 inshini with the finest Teas, imported, varying' from 50 to 90 °ante per pound, either _Slack or Green, war- ranted from 10 to' la eents.per der usual retail , prices, quality oonetdered. Ile 0 now prepared to 'all orders. GIVE 4172.1 A TRIAL, • WM. FRANK & CO. .Drantfora, May 15,1875. . , 13AKKR, CONFECTIONER. &e. TOECIS LEAVE TO =TURN THANES TO .1113. • nUrner0118 friend!! and the public generally, for tho liberal &are otpatronage they have afforded him, tepee commencing business in this place, and hopes, by strict attention to his businesseand the keeping on hand and making of none but first-oiass articles, to merit a Don- tinuance,of the same. ' , . • • Itread delivered daily to any part of the. Town. CAKES.and CIONFOTTODTERY . , • . Alwa•ys on handi and parties. impelled WW1 0,017016V • requisite for an evening's. entertainment. . . . • This it will keep on doing all day ese ane _emee are a ye ..sci t euro 0 16nix"• various &seam+ ;.iont winch, 'when tried, are The printing -Office -has indeed proved 4'. found wanting ". We have yet to learn, hoWevels of the first failare 65 De, WiseAt'S tit, better college to Many a hoy,,. ban gra- Ilsseass. Or WILD CirrautV, to chre coughis duated more useful and conspicinoes' colds and pulmonary disede:- members° ot society, has brought more' EVERY 3qURNA1J, POPULAR er Wen - intellect out iitict turned it into praetical, tide, you 'take up, has something te say about useful channels, awakened more ida thevain e of Phosphates as fertilisers, or as th-f, - brain And nerVe food. Farmers •know tliat generated more active and E-e-mvated they increase largely the growth and precluets theughts, than many of tho literary col- of vegetation ; ancl physicians long since die, loges of the country. A by who nom. coveree that they augment Nerve Powe- Menced in such a school as the printieg- office will 'nice his talentand -aloes brought out; and, if be is a careful ob- server, experience in his profession will, contribute more toward an editcation than can be obtained in almost b.ny Other manner. -Printing Trade's .Jour - nae. It was bishop Horne'e own opinioo that there was no better moralist than the newspaper. He says: "Tho follies, vices, and cbbsequent miseries, of multi- tudes, displayed in a newspaper, are .so roam, beacons continually burning ta others froth the rock on whieh they hitCo . beemehiPwreoked. What more powei. fat dissuasive horn suspicion, jealousy, and anger, than the story of one friend murdered by another in a duel? Whht caution more likely to be. effective against gambling end profligacy. than the mournful relation of an execution or ,_,the fate of a despairing suicide 1 Vhat 'Stier leeture on the necessity of economy than the auction of estates, liaises,' atAl furniture Only take a newspaper, an coneidet Amen, pay for it ani it will instruct thee." • The editor of an American country paper his Indulged in a :damning out of some old drawers in his office, and firids the following articles vhich he has ta., ken in pay for subseeiptions Bottle' whooping -cough remody,paohags Metho. Alai trade, half dozen fish labekse nhille and fever cure. $10,000 lottery tieket, incitation, to Wadiog, burglar alarm, bottle essence - root beet, box of heave rw- tadayr-gorn- planer,package tickets "good for one glass lager," boi asaa a1s06 for bed bags, box paper col. lira, itch remedy, complimentary to clam " bake, paper eattiet tables; iiVci valuable reCerptsi dozen patent clothes pins, hot. Ole heir restorative, package Paoli et, termittatori otio for pair fitlependere, complimentary to horse trot, bottlkhot olio* past for Sunday oohool excursion alosping powders, euro for iootkaokeo beetle oit He icirepOsellto Offer the WASS tersialiii *tithed tallittS, '.1V146ii WO% 4.4 , ' •Blytk Floiding w1s, TEE subseribeetbegs to tender his most sincere thanks to his numerous custo- mers in the eurrounding townships And the public generally for their. liberal patronage, and would further netifitlicini that he has lately added most important improvementirto his machinery by putting in a new boiler double the power heretofore used, and by many ,othi er mportant iinprovements, fosse - therewith firstzclass inillerta,.10 is prepared • do firatelii,U5wO2kTa; • GRISTING CHOPPING- &e Then action on plant and animal 18 PrecidelY Orbits 'weighei. in end out.. Parties from is She game, as °soda/its of iintrition io convict- •dietance (MU their r'sts home 'with them, the sanid day. Goo lour awl MI11 •Feed rdways for sale it moderate ?views WIVIBEIt mg tlio development of the cell that builds up the vegetable and animal gash°. The nee of Dr. Wjieeler's Compound ElixieorPhosphates ktid Calisn,yiIl speedilycohvince thew ^ orn o u tin val id that it nature s truly physiological restorative. ',, VIRTIJE,--V,irtue rarelv. passee unrscl35ni2- ed. 1?y the world. A few disordered' optiei may fail to recognize her featured, ,but it svoeldbe as eaSy to conceal the .faeeof the noonday run un- dera mask, es to hitle: her resplendent. features. Ad so it is with the 0,oraimis raqrDe- senovett, every one who, uses it speaks 4n the highest terms cc its virtues and pain rentoWing qualities. Foe rheumatism, neuralgia, 'colds, Oahe, cramps and saintlier complaints, it hal no equaL For sale by Druggists and countr3r cleal- c'iu. Price 25 dents per bottle. • A nate:Ion cough. or cold shou ci never be tiiflod with,often when neglected it is convert - •l into a serious and generally fatal pillmonarY disease.The more pilident,'. aware of thief promptly use Bryan's, Fulinome Wafers" a cix- 'valve whiel 'hes sustained its 'reputation for (wet twenty years, they are idways eflicaeleue .13roitchiel and pulmonary organs. Sold by all GEORGE DIE 1.i and exert a merit beriefielal.influence on ell the (Ireggists and-tenutry dealers. Price 25 oti. . s per 1.)62, Cabinet Maker, .13:pkeliitarer, VrEIRItilonle SA.vsSo.-That all whe have • either used the article themselves or witnessed . ask • its effeets when used by others.; AU such, Ana • : the opinion that "Darloyfe Oondition,Powders Ge$Crai they are only 'fit to judge, ere unaninions in mei Arabian Heave Remedy" is superior to auything of the kind heretofore or at preterit in use for coughsseolds, thick wind; mid 411 disealee which affect the wind of horses, .As a condition niedicine Hi luis 110 riqual } there is do:thing-in it which can injure a horse whether well. -nor need the horse be kept from working while itaing it ; 150 feat the attiele Au.5wo1drupoI1e11yal in inepeetiOn of Sho iiftind. 917114014 -1 -alt who aWsr herteia reqeire, eisd. Witch : theY $110111d 1106 Oontittuitl 51111111. 11e, • Da hireserilaoterhig LOUNOEs, *blob, for duishnits nnd ooratorh$0.000yepotitiOn, Wel 000 1011241thuo pe cl.eap a. ooin. Wer9l5esa artielot thrown en the The Siihieriber Weida also inform the pub. 116 stlist he has a. larei lifioak of lumbes of different 'hinds 'aiid.lerigthes Pino front 10 Buttetnut.'Wli.its4 Scift and 11°4' to 20 ft,;,- Ifinrileek,rm -10stO 26.; OherrY,i Elm; la lengthiSto ftithepublie *high en. abhor him ;Le flit' all oraerk,thattke may lie favored with on thesliertot netted rinibtoet, einuionable terms, . 4. • 7 P. KELLY,!Pnomaiiroli• ' Blyth, &toren 6, 1872. • 2-tf tn °' • • retarning thialcs te lala humorous friends andono. tonacre.lor plot Severe Chia Marling in ()Meters eve vans ligNworildilitintate Olathe blot the Old standand • - hits no* on hand a . - WELL SBIACTBD STOOX . . • membot the biotic, aLscl000tfIatthcalgrsature Of Hord, aiideo. tii_On'Ott011 egka0, ' l'IOrt . - reti 4"Linieu, Tog:able: ,, peopiddt x for Calla 54 • ' • ' ' To:. roTervOtOir Sittliefeitai . tie omit Melia Renialy/or..aft s' 44114 nn• e•i- Dath.sterson's gesetifr li.fiardo PIM, pent isladerse eawit arising, 'WWII 'ft ta "'leen AO thlitorighly.teeted in darities.mi to termite itfie tO bc Said la Thek favor -St a thrtalit gate r' theta dietreesing ayMptorfie *tilting from ottbrit bf num. De, it 13elf Magoon was a pitpli• tilid/ritiad Of Mit east telebreted authority in the World o this nth. ,late Dr" 'Willis IVIetely, Of Loader(' Iiand% tile Jell. IDS partiler 1.0.110Vf VIaltiti; Canada, Mid IS pletiree teit,IVO advice. free to au, Old figallint ells +shim cuts if isP011ed tb-addreating D. J.,psu theat& as CO.yDraWitt Iii P. O., Ilankiltori ', wet 1.0500 01 P1114,14111 ltisaboilitut or bell* I057 Plifi 'Of Canada, aeCtivelYWligrd,trerd come on, op reasipt, or r.*I, v04;411,1,1.11111 i a* alai Old re AI eta re 1, na i id pius,,ay MOO bleilge (I di fin Ddlaii. , , altio.'ehiploysgood werltindinend nikinono but best swooned mating, hs tan therefore Warned) W°I'k bi ot 0"Vitt 40104449.14 '0111not shrink, , , dN'i AS tistustp'..tes Eton, OhhIrRti0oicilitied,00good AA *Awe • „ • 04.M.1301,10ItiiD, Ittraiiiii tit i440--, tom* hurt . N •TAONDMILIIMILOMa GRISTArtd,S.A.W MILL. ,11..T.A.VING PUT * STEIA144NOIN191 AND 1.5. other raiehinery, With imPrevanntittl, thit oohing - bars fool.o.outidout ,f tow seen able to socommodate Neer oreeeiesre et all times, aria are iletesseiwe to tem out, stioli work as Will satisfy every reasonable person. xxolgu, ino.ivonour4r, irzyn, &e., always. en howl and tor sale.. 1,40-0$ W.A,'N'T4.11)4 And Zurekor of every dosoription knit IN1 412d for, sale, BillS for 1-lumner Sawn to Order, . BUBER BROTHERS, Tiondesberough, Ma 185h, DM, CLINTOINT BA1�.. EY G.,O. ' 0 (1142E OODERI011,) BAKER, corTtonoxima, &c, ri.11 ot chalatantosLA,Aurolt'ariAPPI itiqtte"rnut'on; carrying ori the alma hutthata ,.1) '150 oxituches, enu would, therefore, Polielt a share robs° patronage, staIRtEp AND PART,rtS" fitipplied Hofreshmonts ohiet notice, • " -77 OAKESOONFETQ _ Of all dosortmons, mode to omor and .1{9lit on Una- , JlIttAIT'VtIATTIKE-D-ITR,W BERIEMBE13 esSon, . • • leaven Street, optiosite Knox's /1o1C13.' las.olvmat ..4.ot of 1869. 111 tke tuAtter or Job" Otpor, 4-31ntell• An I9solvept: -r TUE UNDERSIGNED *.X,EXAN,DINI W. NUB. AI Pout, el Toronto, seeountaut, inkvalioen Ns:44W •Amiseee thbi matter. Creditors who bent not ab done oo, are requottod to 5I4 tIteh Wane! berm. eafi %Wan. ouo month. ALEXANDZIt W. liDADOOE. ,0104140.. pow.; 55 Toronto, Ode SQLit 401 et Sept., 7875. For ffial lin riOlt SALE 11ZOT4 • ,O▪ P ' UE 0 EA Of the ewo17, sibyl ob g E • tialcitt in b 0, 11 Wireq :Wig AVM tin tones, two hos, out vidt socsl pulse and won, and n R 44474 voter; won amine. -14ar-osrilealsrit y to • ri. HAIL • Or W. MAIM, Alw, for vele, a splendid Ali* Ind Baiter Cow, A MARTEN (Stilton, 25th,1870, rscr vi,tv •seam TIM razzipwwci AS 4/EIE 1401` CV AlOgs, 00 0. T8—Never su'ch good value as at present. •GOOD 3COUNG num 1,0.00 BES'I' R0E111414, $1,00_ • VERY FINE do, do., 8,75 FINE APAN, Ciolo • VV.VRA SILVER 1..EAV 1,00 VRRY 'FINEST, ^" - 0.75 QOOD immaiAL, • 0,40 and 0,$0 EXTRA oilmen soucgoxe, 0.78 VERY STRONG+ RIOR FLAVOR, 81;00 $T,ICZ8 8.79?,707!LY PURR, "SUG.iqe mil.T .R.E.rzyno Rzraps. :s.•v.A.T..xasxo• •- • 1,1920160Ai0-AnItiotAif MOM /Milk 131001c Puna, Ang. 4511, 1875. •. . G.0. kir.:46K. CLINTON Aug.11th, 1875. •- II SION TME BIG BEDSTEAD. „- (aspinwsunn A854; ) Largo stook of good Household Furniture, heme manufacture, -made of s casoned material, • A. firio aseortment 'of imported work, such, as Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, Sofas, Loun- ges, What-Nots, Cradles- Mattresses, Spring Beds, Carved Brackets,sithitio Rraines, tee. Pictures framed with Gilt or Itosewoocleed _GiltiMouldings,IlastieEramee,-Weekspould- eid or plain. •, • Good value given to whd may purchase, with moderate prices. .• 11INDERTAKING. An elegant Hearse for Hire. A cpiantityg limy fine Shrouds, cheap. Funerals attended and all furuishini;s supplied sit reasonable rates. A large stock -df Coffins, moulded -and plMn, always on band (trimmed -63 suit) eithdr silver-plated. furniture or otherwise. • Remember the Stand -Albert street,. opyo- site the Market. •• • •' THOS. STEVENSON. • Olhiton, Aug. 20„1873. .• THE.' GBEAT •EN41811 RENE1)Y .1 • WILLIAM Before Titking. ' • After Taking. SPECIFIC MEDICINE, Cure all Nervous Diseaes, such as Tremors, Debility, Prostration eto4 *lila, in many oases, are produced by ovor indulgence 4n the nee of *C- haco and alcoholic opirite ; but the Specifib Mediaine is nlotO esPesiullY recommended. as an nonillion cure for Seminal Weeks' exit, SpermatOrrhea, Impotency, and att diseases that /ono* int a se- • quence Of Sol:Abuse, as ZOM4 versai Lassitude, Paha in the Bank, Dimness of Vision, Prentaturhold Age, seri many ether diaeasea that lead tolusanity tor • Consumption, and a Premature *arrow°, all' • of which, as rule, aro Arst caused by deviating from Ole path of nature and over -indulgence. • The Specific Medicine is the rosult of a life study and. many yeara of experience in treatiug these eponial °ogee. Full partioulara in our pamphlet, which to • Sire to send freely mail teiarerY ono. The Spool& Medicine is sold by all Druggists at o01 • per package, or six packages for $5, or will beliont by ' mail on receipt of thg.reouey, by addresshig WILLIABI GRAY & CO.; Windsor, On t ' Sold In Clinton by ih.'51E13 XL CORSE, 514 50' all. Druggists everywhere. blorthrop & Lynam, Toronto WhOlesai °Agents. • • TEE GREAT REMEDY Fon-, CONSUMPTION-- •• • _which can. bo cured by 6 ' timely resort to this ard Preparation) as has been proved by the hunsiteds of testimonmlaYedeived by the proprietors. It is acknowl- edged by , many prominent 'physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- * traduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the sanction NI by the experience „ of over tarty years, . 'When resorted to in season it sel- dom rails toeffect a speedy euro in the • most severe cascokol Coughs, Bronchitis, .Croup, Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, • Sore Throat, Pains . or Sore- ness in the Chest and Side, • Liver Complaint, Bleeding at tho Lungs, 846, Wistar's, Balsam does not -dry up a Cough, and leave the,cause behind, At is the case With most preparations, but it loosens and cleanses the lungs, Etna allays irritation, •thus removing the cause of the oomplaint, witw Vogrrgarthati, • A314414 Driftiste allanteenikintrallyi 4 roma laavejust returned from the wholeiale market, .'where purch.ased one of itte;fl4e,st stooks seasonable goods that . Clinton has seen for ra411T Yeiu'R2, •,'.Ny0TO•cl say 'to, 113a PeoPle who really want to get the', best 'goocia, at the loWest prices, to • come, directly to Gilroy's, Noted Waterloo-, HOuse, as I will guarantee they will'save at learst 'ten per.cent in so doi.ng, For proof look itt-"-- • N-0swcon,rrikilLr, GENERAL SEWING MA.CEINE A,GENT. A.' splendid anaortment Alwars• 13and; Any kind furnished to ,order. A.large_ aesprt- Itionit.of Negdlefi dna other furnishings,' kept In stook for every kind of Sowing Machine, Machines repaired. , Remember ore mace- :11;rkr-0 eue-gleer west et the ,conumercialmate;: 'CLINTO1V; ONTARIO. • 12* cent NVinceyis for 10 Cents ; • Look at my,16 cent Wincey fer igi: epta ; ,‘ See 28 cent Scarlet Flannels for' go cents; , 8o00131 Flan, nels - for. ,25,vents 1, ' , . CharMing Prints. for 8 and 10:cents ' Best made only 12* cents — 11 ' ' ' '• ..,. IA,- r-•• ....,-, • . . . • , • 6. 4 ... . Witl4. 4... .6 if a,. ...1k, r _ Mt.DAESS 'CIOODS-being a . perfect, 'new and styliSh, are .a_perfect sight IV see, Aheyr,,are:.soltandsom.er.,4anging-in-_-.: '•- 'pike ftonsi.:10 iii trifeBlits, '. ' • Choice DIOVIne n3'140119 • 5,11); olio; nonai roi .044.50. 811166AlOnliers__alleSt S,nt.00k in liniOn, cif FANCY- CLOUDS and NCY WOOLEN GOODS. ' Come and seetliein. ot,witzin,tlearkerrn,s, Teas, • 12 Lt. 8002 vourhtaottiAcaorslitii0r0. s' NO* Season Black Teas. • 10 lbs. Omni Relined Sugar, _ .Tesifreeeived,-0.-laraa variea. Stools of Gm:lemurs, •SArises DiecORS, a41 o be sold at the lowest remunerative prices. ' • Glass Gem Fruit Jars, the Pest in the Market -cheap.' Stone Fruit Jars, with corks -scheap. CrOelser,y, China and glisiiiirarcic ray: f3tOCI is large e.nd selected. ••'Dinners.Tea nue. ix'onet Sets Con3plete. A C.4..I.A.o IS sPtorrutLY so L1',0 TE D. Renzern4er7the. place,. next 'doore to 211-68:928. 1106 :T.:tvillt; :Barier)331;010. N. 14. 33.7 -Agent for. Quettou St. OCOTS0 ct4 cid inzportors of pure Medicinal Wines; To t 14 o. • Clinton, July 21, , _ Ofinlak Double Cylinder ' Threshing 'Maphines • Com' bipatiOn and Vibrator Threshing' Maobines, And all kinds of AGRICULTURAL IMPLESIENTS always on hand. To -meet the -large and increasing-tleintrird-for-tens-celebrated Tlireshing--Machin , i nr-rill ,- Tette of Dominion, • Ave haves by tho introduction of the latest and most approved . .. . . machinery into our works, greatly ineretseed ear manufacturing facilities. We are therefore in A position tO fill ail or6is promptly. • ; • Every machine is run and thoroughly. toitcd before leavine the shop and .warranted entire satisfaCtion. ,Before .ordeping elseidhore sena for7.00enlars myla Postal. • Ordei. early: GLASGOW, '1140PIIERSO'44- GO.; . owelmoramelsomessezmanigszz.vais‘wasom•scrawne2m;y THE SUBSC/RIBER :LEASED rOfi A TERM Or .y-litas:,ritE CLINTON OLLEN MILLS, And added another Custom Carding Machine, and. oilier machinery; to what is already in t_114Lmills and inising.fitted•Up antt.placetttlro.wliolti in tirst-class running order, would re- spectfully inform•the farmers of the surrounding eountrysthat he fp now prepared to , Card,, ran„ and. 3Dite...1€iloth, a.mx ‚ Spin wea-ve, • on the aztcl. ID ;the best -poi)l)11.4a; Styl. •• •• • •••••••• ••••••••i• • Re will also keep on hand a 'full stack of TI'VEDDS, 8lifF,T114G8, FULL CLOTHS; FLANNELS, &c., dtc., of first-class quality, which. he will sell or exclunige for wool, giving the highest market price for good olden wool, to all who wish to excluingethe smile for cloth. Persoes living at a dietande from Clinical, can get their wool cardod,the. Stine flay they fetch it, asl will run two Carding Machines day and night thie sinsimer, and 03; to accommodate all whiz favor me with their patrenage. The oubscriber having had 25 years' experience in the businees, would respectfully inyite the public to give him A trial, and judge for th.ern- selvea what kind of worls ho eau do. , C.191R.EIXE'VT., ' CLINTON,. May .1251r, 18757. Al111106111111=113.1111121111111111121111111111111111•1 oLEsA_TA* AND ItETAII; DEALER IN •S01100,1, BOOK8, 41SCItliL1ls,TEOTTS BooKs, .A.:111 X 0 X•7' 343 *ALI. PAPER, WNDOW 6114AljES .FANOt. GOODS, • !r?.-g0.tNIN:S) OASES, r- „,...00NERTINA.S 41.INTO ktilefiefe, • PICTURES AND FRAIVIES0, TRAVELLING, SATCHElls: ETC„ - ALSO, & IrA110E ASSORTMENT Berlin' Wool, Slipper Patterns, • and Berlin - 'Wool Goods, Ail the latest ?aper a caul Piniedicals always on heed, it'so Ageht or the •-/ DAILY. AND wEERLY • G -1,018E AND MA.114. A.IVIEVIOAN MONEY, Dat7l:3111T S9LD, ItEuxunr.li„ Pltn Nuit AN'D kLACII se, SdkIN- .NELLES, • cormun, MAIIICET SQUAltIl• ,1-ly Ceitricee, Get. 22, 1874. ,h thAMPION RAY FORK °FINE DOMINION, • 1.:••••1,9 • GRANT' PATENT -SEASON, OF 876.3: T110 nnarbignOtt h▪ aving put hi A stoath 011010 and other improved maehinery, is now in a position to supply hid IllfORI.SIOn 11A'r !tom en the shortest notice and at reasonable) terms, lIundreds of these Forks littVo be511 sold, and have invariably giVeh natisfatitiort. They only recibir° to b° Seen to be fully appreolatea, likViug token panes at a nilittber of Provincial exhibitions and eounty and township, shows. Butt dived.' Sons given for using, end All information tarnished by the patentee tandreanufa3turer. Pulleye and other tookling• toemeite for putting the implemsnt in Lull Working: order, kept on }moth ' t1lAnS ttlittool tlgt 64.'66 MY SHAWLS and IVIANTLES are being, sold before they are fairly opened put., ' P,eople cannot. stan.d the tempta- tion. Come and see them also. But I believe MY BEST VALUE 'IS: , . . -I, have- this season -made- Tweeds, and have -them stodk ranging in price from 5R cents -..$6 per yard. .34 75 et. Tweed. is sold in Clintowfor11: Don't fail-fo secure a few yards IL ORDERED CL.OT111 In this. department, under the express direction of Mr. . Thompson, who is well known already as a first-class Fitter and Cutter, the orders are pouring in thick and fast for Nobby, Perfect Fitting Suits. It being., my purpo'se to make' this a leading branch miracle, people may restassured of every satisz • faction: Suits made from $8 up to .1 would 'ask every persoii who wants to save .money,..at least -10 per cent„...to_call early GILROY'S CHEAP WATERLOO itOUSE--.CLINTON. .• - razza\vir TI --1333 Fx..•3A.<3.333.: . . — se.o., 22nd, 1875: Grz-Ro OTT:OE. TO -THE -PITBLIC.... The undersigned beg- to inform the inhabitants of Clinton and surrounding'counny-that they have entered into Co -Partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business of manufacturere of Carriages, 'Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs, Cutters, do., in all its various branches, at their •. old stespl, Huron Street, Clinton; under the style and firm of ' flE 311E -la • No.pain8 willinrapared to"exeoute work equal to any in the Dominion. Their long experi- ence in the County enablethemto fully understand the requirenients of their customers, and • they hope, by strict attention.. to business,. 'to give entire satiidaction to all those who may •, • fixer them with their patronage: - or A:lave-am. soled *stook ofthabost neasoeed material always on hand. Orders executed ' • •with &watch. Repairingdone on the-11000st notice. .kr.ThIE ALL it LESLIE: °wank, July 22, 1874, GODERICII FOUNDRY.* 50'7.••••••••-•••-• The GOderich Foundry and 31anufaeturiqg Co..- • - Beg to inform! the.publie that they are prepared to supply. 336iir:AjElt,0 Flour; drist and Saw Mills,. Stave, Shingle and Heading Afachines Hoop Machines, 8te., Iron end, Wooden Pleughs, with Steel Boards, Gang Ploughs, cultivators . . . • . •-•:: • 044-w :Jotters, sgo., Sugar and Pot"iseh IKettlesiArate •Bers;'.dte4• • Cooking, Parlor arid Box Stoves, of various' ,kind, • - • SAL.T 'PAX S -1VIA Er.' 'TO ';, 0 R .1YE R. • 4 Alto, rroti and Iffilas. 044111.000g Blacksmith Work. Baku. an alt kinde. af ,Be.ictfil done Olt Short Notice': AU Orders addressed to the Oorapanyi or becretaryriviltreeeiVaprbrnut atteiltion; • AltiftAnBA.Isp HOD 0.1) 11011ACV uortToist . • "4 Secretary and • Treasurer- . . president • • BOBEBT BUNCIMA.N, GENERAL . MANAGER. • , Goclerleh, Seidertiber 2nd, 1874. THONISON & WILLIAMS, Agricultural Zinplemenk _foul Boiler and Pnyine Works, avIritcalEzt... oNti- • We s.re menufaetnringilargely ISIII sea8on4tho oeleinatea Johnston gelfikke i 1i1ea�, arid tho Coliga Chid Jr, goer, Which'v/44116;4 is the best harvesting machine In use. We Aid A.1,16 AltiAulAtitting tho JcertErttit iSIASIOIrAtits)ttrATENV, ° o 131-1.0.A.DCJAST srf.Drat &N1) OICILTIVATCitto All khultiof Agrieultural Implements kept on hea. 4 talal of. lmpleniento °Oita, and. soitsfsonna 6v4rse,t0ed. or Parties' having gout, clean:land, suitable for Flax • <honing are rev •Afia, to 1003 word with W. W. PARRAN, Birk., or JOIINslt71tP1TY,Agent, li-titert, • Iteptdring dono ot Pat yr Grant's, Clinton ; Rugh StedOnarriebs, IllYthi Ai 4/to, iotivAY mAtiohtstot Auct 11Inktocillhopt .for repairktrat neighboring villagese• • rft6"14i'll & Wu LtAitisi: •