HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1875-10-07, Page 3- IN •%IMO WENT. I "15 ‘r R A-111;10 S- 0-0 \ OAMplete. in 01.1 4Oketre0/010131 j4 e' att0314011 asked JO MillinerY, Shawls, Mantles, Dress Goo,ds, Black 1 Luares, a superior Make;BLACK GOODS, ' in all kinds of 1V(Ourning Materials% Winceys, Flannels, filankets, and all Domestic . Goods, New Goods of all kinds, a verY extensive assortmen,t, . . LOW QUOTITIONS AND: NO --SEM Mira. " FIVE PER OE* oir • FOR .CASH DISROTION ASKED, find every diePositiOn offered to Meet the vigil of the public that ie realionable.audjua. Manchester otarrow, s'ept.•"Tsi, 1476, - , • ,„ i;• • • • .- • NOTICE. „• • .• istherebY given; that "theliti.pilettler. • ship heretofore one' theg between Ilehert-Cal. • ." lender and Hugh Scott, doing business . as . • • general merehente, in the town' of ,Clinton; • , tinder the style and_ Arm el •Callandereir Seette,..- has this dey been .dissolyedehe mutual con- • , . sent., Mr. llugh . Seat' leitirtng from the . • • , huffiness. • Tlie '•linsiness; on and 'after, this date, Will • • be carried on by Robert and John Callander, under the style and &Meet IL Callender a • cc,,.Wheehare asiumed the payment of all 11- &Airtime: and. the eolleption of all notes • end. - • • book affirounte of tholate firm of Callandee Clinton; *ng. 27th, 1875. __es_ • ' .•, . ammem4.44.' o.,•••••••,•••• r•01.1.••••• ...•••••••• • 4 We beg'te return.our t3incere thauks the.peoplo, for the Yery 1ibe1patronage given the 777 PITEAI, CASH STOBE, during the at fleasons and. aMibun.6e that for .the: aPproaOhing .. • seasons 'we hate purchased, and have .n,4vi'on. exhibition and for sale7. one of the • ee _Largest.. itariect,„,a4d ,Inost bpiliplOp: • StoOk.,..0 .Good4, elret brought: ta7, this spation of tlio.., coupirt:—...:---. ---'-'7''---. . . , ,... . • , ' . We have macle'..u.;.p'.u.- "rob' ases in the best ma'rkets of. ea 1/6minion, -atgreatlY reduced rates, and, in. oder to place our imMense'stOek within the immediate reach of all classes of the, corn. , . •• . . . • Munity we have marked them all in plain figures, at supli remarkably low prices as will be found,, *hen compared with the *prices a other dealers, to DEPT ii,r5 Snerau Conammiox.. .. . 'These GOODS' WILT.i BE SC)I4D at a -GREAT REDUCTION on FORI4E13;---PRICES ' _ . • . • e • Do you want ]5E$ GOODS ? Re5‘..911?....„-iY.?„.••°!!?-0.7. Xii.14.3„.1.4eIM.lia:4,131!,48.' 44.4 Oielargetit Tariety,30.7.9boose--, : faf;-withrptioe-.- - .. . . • , . . .. • -Do you -Want MILLINEItt AND MANTLES 7. ,..„eineinber Nit have' the liitest... Stylish, 'Millinery and Mantles-- - - that •can be produced -at any ,Price. .. De ,you Want WAR/If SHAWLS AND UNDEECLOTIINGc ? ' RenieMber we •ItaVeje8t.veliat you Viant for .the ming cold weather -at auy price ' . ' .. . Do Yon want CLOiT-DS, HOODS AD GLOVES'? Remember we can show yOti. an ,-ialinlase: .Velfiety of '.n.iali!s . . . . and atylea--atiany price. ' Do. yon want HOUSE FIJRNISIIINGS, WHITE BLANKETS; rithSE ...TILANKETS,. BED COVERS, '.SHEETINGS, TICKINGS; TOWELLINGS;* COTTONS, 3?A-1XASItS, CARPETS, TABLE LINENS, ''gTizi...1 - We guarantee to save you 15 per cent below the coil:talon prie,ets•ni other dealera. - ., • , ' • . • you wani:A.,:sTymgrroxgratiii ? Remember we have a large assortment and alwaYs the newest malfee., ..pe yen Want CLOTHING Renumber we can give you the cheapest and .beet_y_ou jittre ever neon. , Do you want SHIRTS .AND DRAWERS, SOCKS AND BRACES 1 ,Remerober we will give you them at prices that will "astonish yee. • • . • • . - - • Do you Want BOWS,. COLLARS, :SCARFS, 0171,1FS AND WHITE SHIRTS '1 .Remember we have a ' splendid itesertmetit and the' 1113Willit styles. ' Do you want CLOTHS, 'TWEEDS AND FLANNELS 1 Remember we can give 'iouthe largeob Variety of qualities and patterni, and. save yon at least 20 p.er cent below nsual prices., . . • Do you 'want COTTON BAGS, COTTON TARNS, • COTTON. WARPS; WOOL V' ARNS &c. 7 *e' have , • : good aanortMent of all colors and make," to- h • • le ---"V\re 8°11. our --C49ocisz-for: CASH,- and, -rn.ark them at CASH PRIC- CALLANDER & --Staple.. ad Fancy: Bry,:..Goods, :Clottlq; • • •. • %. • • ; , :. ' Our FALL AND WIbTTER STOCIC la now complete. in every department, and ha been, Carefully selected.Our DRESS GOODS .DEPARTMENT will be found very attractive It consists of all the new styles and shades 9f the seasenr— • • \ , ......_ . MILLINE.R.Y AND MANTLES. . . : f ------Tteedepartment-evill-alw,are-be-foind--Yrelletssorted-withall-theneveitiffiref the season. Order pramptly and neatlye executed. CRAM eeann_Beema-aletays..ozMhand,,--Eall-an - 31±NTL-ES-eereeptetrie Also; MANTLE§ MADE TO ORDER. Ladies'. Cotton Embroidered„. Merino, ail ,iorisli'a Wool linderoktliag, a full assortment on hand. e. . Gent's Furnishiii-gil of every desori:ption.„ TAILORING. -To this department we pay special -attention, and as for style and workitanship, we believe we are second to none in the county. If you want a nice fitting Suit, or a Styli* Over Ceat, eall and leave your order at the NEW. DOMINION ROUSE. : eiROCERIES- We have just reeeived shill idea. which will be found all new aud h and willhe kept well assorted. ' •., • — • R. CALLAN-PER 'it, CO • CLINTON, Sept 22nd, 1875.• ' • •• • ' • '• • " A full \syock of BOOTS AiW3-SHOES alzeiay. s on hand I ,stock , 1 • FRESg G.1,?0CERI:4S 111 LD -1 Q11.1) F 1 t I (lt--- 33litter and 3Mg-gst tatirstn in T_Jxchanfrp for CA -050410, at marketable. Prices. , " • -None of 'our pations:araoblicted..to-paY-the-bad-debts of somebo else. We-want-everybody-to-examin:exiur--- riots: 8Laaup vr.A. CHEAP_ HARDWARE • * • 6r (DIAXINIT-oN, Who have just opened out a new,' large, and splendid assortmeijr°f Hardware, which they can recommend to their customere: , .. • , • . .WHO WANTS NAILS AT $8.00, PER KEG? PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PUTTY, AND. READY -MIXED PAINTS. No more Plaster wanted. Go to Searle & Daiie's for the Ornamental Building Plaster and Wall Peer Combined, being Vermin Proof, and will make a house warmer than Plagter. „ • • PAOURNS0 srorieS an) rmyraNg Selling off at 'REDINED PRICES; to Make room for a large stook of Hardware. ALL__.X.INDS OF JobBxistcr wortx DONE hi Tinware, Gaivaniied and Orrtameittal Roofing, 550* . PE 4RIA A.P.A.V.M-XPLMMO CLINTON, Aug. 11th, 1875. For Sale. Plots's, Scrapers, Shevele, Picks, Wheeiborrows. TflD1ifls1GNID.1IAS A Litild11 OVANTITY adeond.hind Plows, &rapers, Shoved, Pleke, Wheelbarrow,, &e., which will be sold eireap. Also aI1 the shan't% end barns on the line of the Ir., 11, le II. R. 15. from Clinton to Blythe, end three yffixe of oten. Apply at my oMee opposite Itattenbtiry Ifeuae, Clinton. • C. 0.; SMITH. Clinton, Sept. 22nd, 1875. Stray Horse. . CAIM IL INTO TE ?REMISES OP THE SUE, 'soutane, about the middle of September, a black florae, aged, add atanding sleet lb hand*hIgb. 'Pho owner is hereby notified to prove property, pity (merged and take it away. Clinton, Sept. 221 1875. Wit COATS Clinton Ashery. MILE VIII)ElliittiltER la.VINCiPtlltdThtliEb wnt. ashen-, lately' owned by ldr. Crawford, wiehee id 9b - telt 1 large quantitY of &ghee, he therefore requite all to bare than Or him, and he will send getherere round and give the highest value in soap for them. • Tiles. VOWS. - (m555052,1.6, 16, 1875. • • 14. 7Money may be scarce withyou3 but remember that our prices are in proportion to your purse; and if you-haye the-nroney to spend and want our goods, do not fail to.See *Us soon. We adhete strictly to pO-pular.prices and. populaetreidiot.on'our prices is that no goods of the same style and workmanship can be bought elsewhere for the -same money. . • . 777' Cheap. :: Cash Store, Albert St, Clinton, Noted for Popular Bargaill __ 'CLIITTON Sept. . • • d• MrifATVIIN2 SAY OF IT ! . A YEW rh.Crs rod TVA Peoeex.-There aro but kW Preparations of Medicifteir which have withstood the impar- t Vol judgment Of the people for any great lougth time, Ono ef-those it Mr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. Mead, the following end be convinced. :-.Thee. Robinson, Fernhien Cen- tre, P. Q,; writes, "I Mere been afflicted with ritetunatiern for the hoe ten years, and have tried many remediee without any relief. until , I tried Dr. Threiles' Eelectrie 011, and. since THE GRIfiAT FEMALE REAIVDr. then ban' lied no attack of IL - I would re- gominend it to IL Earl, Hotel Iteep- 3011 MOSES PERIODICAL er, West Sheflord, P. Q., writes, -141 liavo boom troubled with liver complaint goverai This well known medicine is no imposition years, ante have trica menet medicines with but a sure and safe remedy for Finale DM. little.or no benefit, until I tried Dr. Thomas . enfties and Obsteuctione, from any cause what- .D400010 wheel; gave meilemeeiateeelide Cycle and although a powerful remedy, It eon, and/ wouhl say that I have need it since eel. tains nothing hurtle!, to the conatitutien. 'with the best effect, No one Skouia he with. TO MARRIED -LADIES but it. ' 1.1u5Ye tried it on my horses id OSSOS It is peculiarly suited. It will, in a shott time of cuts, wounds, etc., and think it is equally bring on the monthly peeled with regularity. AS geed, for horse as for rean."-A. Maybe°, In ail 0a808 Of Netvonti and Spinal Affections; Merchant, Warkworth, "I have sold Pain in the Back and Limbo, Heel/Inoue some hunciredffief bottles of Eolectrie Oil, and Fatigue on elightoxertion, Palpitation- of 'the ie is pronounced by the public, 'oneof the heat, Hyeterics, Sick Readachee; best medicines they have ever eiffiel-c.„sit has and all the painful diseases 00ereetheed, bY n'dorie Wonders in healing and relieving' pain, disordered system, thee° Pills will Offeee oure sore threats, etc., and is 'worthy of the great. when all ether ineatte have' ; est confidence. itusan, Township Those Nile ham never been known te tail Percy, writes, I was penniatled to try . where the direetione on the 2nd page of pion. Thomas' Weenie Oil for a lame knee Which phlet, are Wolf observed. • troubled me for three or four years, nod. For I till particulars, get it pamphlet,. free, Of lieVer fain& anything like it for -curing lame. agent. nose. It Is it great Ina& benefit." --A. 3011 MOSES,NEWTORit osis Ilitorailiteit. Hamilton., Warkworth, writes, "For weoks X $1.00 and 121 tleiltd fin. postage, eacketed to was troubled with a 81514110d ankle, which an. Northrop de Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general itoyed me Very' till& Mr. 1440•Ibee of ibis agents for the Dominion, will insure a „bottle place induced Me to try telcaria Oil, and he - containing over 50 Pf114 by fiAtun =Alla` fore Oile bottle was used 1 was cured. it is a Sold by 4. E. Comb* and George meet remarkable medicine. Chidley; mitkk555551 and rolaufideri, 8ea. Acadby all mediate deelette Peke, 25 eta, fettle; 4.1lidd, CaerbehroOki Parker dr, Cattle8. N. TROMA8,,kheips, N. Y. end 4ordan,'Undortelu (15tcher4Sti, Ahd,"110tignitor & INMAN, Toronto, a'acilonthron,ttedgitilltitsktnt tnif Solo Amiuti foe the DOnaltlibli. Mfie and -21.iAgn.MTS• • • 00p. 6, 1875. Since last week's sCue ,our, markets have become yornewhat firmer, with a- aniall ad - varier; priecineller for wheat, *high 'appears to be not coming in as fast as•Was anticipated, In ether graina,there is no 01=0 worthy of note. Not a„.yeey largo amulet has beau brought in AC yet,' farmers hiving too, busy with fall seeding. . • Fall'Wheet, per Intel',$0 90 a 1 03 Spring, - - 90 •a 1 03 Oats, - ,• e 0 80, .a 0 32. • Barley, • - 0 45 it 0-70 Peas,' - • ,- ..0 62 a," 0 65 Flour, - • - 6 50 a 600 Butter, .„• - • - 0 17 a 0 18 •Potatoes, ' * 0 25 a 0 80 • Eggs, -0 13. a "0 14 Ilay, . •••• 10 00. 1/ 00 Pork, - ' .- 75 a 700 • Beef, ' - - • V' 4 50' a § GO , - 4 50, • a 6 00 Sheepsitifie -.0 50 a 0.75: . Clover. - • g 00 a , •25 Timothy . - - 3 50 . a 4 00 Geese, ' , 0-00 4 0 50 Turkeys 0 50 6. 0. 75 •Chickens, - ' •0 12 a • 0 15 • • SE/FORTIN ittATteetTS. . . out. 6, 1815, 'Wheat -Fall • . $002 a 1 03 e Spring .0 00 a 3. 02 Flour, • $ 50 a 6 00 °ate ' 0 30 a 033 Pearl. . • -' 0 63 e 0 65 Barley. - . 0 50 a 0 65- Potatoes' - • 0 25 a 0 30 Butter - .. 0 17 a 0 18 Eggs, • '0 14 a 0, 15 Ray, • -; - 9 00 a 10 00 " ork '7 60 a 800 e• ODfltICiI itfAleltiTS ' . Oct • 1875. Wheat -Van - • ; $0 1)5 a 0 99 Sprieg 0 4 0 96 a le 99 • ,Elcier - 5 00 a 569 44. , * 0 30 , a 0 32 Peas, e‘e • e 0 00 a 0 62 , .Barloy, • • 0.60 e 0•70 Potatoes ." , 7 • 0 25- a - 0 30 Ray. 5 9 00 a 10 00 Butter 0 I/ a 0 18. Eggs, 0 14 a .0 15 Pork, • 6 75 • a 700 Hitless • - - 4 50 a 5 00 Wood . e - 2 50 a 2 50 Beef, * 0 5 00 .a 6 00 TORONTO, MARKETS, „ TOortro, Oct; 6, 1875. Wheat -Fell - 8113 e 1 16 • Wheat -Spring ' 1 Il a I 12 'Braley . 0 70 a 0 92 Oats - .088 a 0' M • Pomo0 76 a0 77 nutter 0 20 a 0 22 -Eggs 017 a 0 18 American Cattle Marlette. • • EAST 11tl.FFAI.0, Oct. 2. lloos-Receipte, 4,900 ; shipment); 4,009; Habig, 400 ; market dull ; demarxd light ; Yorkers at 88 to 88,10 ; heavy, no demand, holding at $8.40 to $8.50; selected singers at 48:55 jthrco ears unsold. Cuic,ton, Oct. 2. It2os-Tteecipts, 5;069 ; official yesterday, 0,85e. Market steady ; moderately active on light grans ; shads tinier en heavy; at $7.75 to $8 for gresserae $c/.05 to $g-2.6 ler commeft to choice tight grades ; $125 to 48.60 for common, to good heavy. „ New YouX, Oct; 1. Ilee'vee-/teeelpts of De0Vell Were 78 eat- loede, or 1484 head, making 4,934 eitlbe Monday, agamst 5,220 for the addle time last week. The demand was very moderato and trade extecitioly atm at lower pricea. Corn. "molest to best Texas and Cherokee cattle Were sold at 8,0111c, 154 lb., to dress 546,55 Its. to tile grOSS eVit4 C01011101 to prime naive steers at 90)124c. Vs• lb., to dress 55058 lbs., with a ear load of little heifers atul stetre Kota at 32 per head, or lio. It, to dress 65 %tie the geofte wet. Siisnr-Romipto of Atte hnd Iainbu woe 42 oar toed') or 0,103 hoo4 .making 20,857 tine. Moildeh. affilttat 17.51157 for es ewe ti " Litt wli hO liltilt lolp Welded y the wa ista Of the biltelltirs,- endethe market was ne arly flat. A few, sheep end lambs were takee at ;theist former quotations, but a re- duction of , lb. would scarcely „have in; alma the butchers to clear Onfi tha pens., Common to prime sheep ranged from 41e. to (le. t? lb.' and common to prime lambs at 5.1 (4/7i9-• lilt' • . • - „Hoag -Receipt's of hogs were 23 car loads,. or 2,499 hogs, making 10,748 since Monday, against 9,926 for the same tittle last week. A few heavy State bop were Ella alive ale 8eo. Dressed.hogs were steady iol,quigo, The Hark Lane Express, in Ito review' of the corn trade for the past week say.: "The late heal,/ rains,. strong brooms, and reduced temperature; have brolght a wide extent ef land into readiness' for the plough, and the opportunity has been freely need hers and in France and Belgium. :We trust the autumnal ' fiewings will have a bettor result than in 1874. The downward tendeney seems to have stop- ped. Country markets are irks, and in some places prices have advanced sae Willing Wheat is higher, at Danteig, and the Oerraan markets are dearer. In Rung/try' firmness is maintained. The -winter and closing ef the Baltic may further enhance the values." • • ---eeeeleele•—••—e' CANADIAN v Jae. mid', of Bruseole, broke his arm by failing frorn a 'waggon, on Tuesday of last Week. ' A mategold wurtzel, 2 fed- 2 inches in length; without the roots,' was this year grown et Brussels. ' . The step stables of Mr P. Vlaneigan, Ln. can, were got on fire and totally .destroyed, on Thursday night. , A sailor named Sohn Carrolie'of St. Cake over the oounter. slightly muting bio right day, ated was lost. ''"'; atbrmat'etoPreit,idii3aftegr tnaoltizhnigugat°1oo8kuitat h 1 ui n im she 11 Ere! rimer, Yell off a boat in Lake ' Erie, on Thnni. A valuable reareethe property of Captain the mirror; and proceeded to Mr John Wall's Col, was stolen frefe -a field neer Paris, en store, on ,the Post (Ace corner, whore he en - Thursday night, of lest eveek,. . . emended himself behind the counter ready to serye the firat Customer, Finding nothing to A ahingle factory owned by E. Edgeworth, de he walked up and -down the store AS if he near Langton, ' was burned last Thursday were "lord etifirlieltiareityed," atulagaintook night: Loste$12,000. NO insurance. Ins post behind the counter, when it rope Wait Mra. Youmans; of Pietro, a lady who hae•TPluod Volincl- his neck, and ho was out „of batten an active rent in temperance movements ' tho 14°Te and digPatal°11'01481t° tha sewing mac me it ore. . . = 4 • la - 4 , Another Man has turned tirin Lon- don claiming to be Roger Tiolakorne, and the nutheriticsa.put him in'the 111141.- „tio anYlutil for his pants. • .7--- Oats are $I a bushel at Winnepeg 1, How is that -for . Sergeant Bates,. tho old lunatic who is ear - eying the Ainericare•flag through Canada, passed thringh Louden, on foot, ..en Friday. An Arebestintrg sportinnan receatly brought down twenty wilcI decks in one discharge d double-barrelled gun., Pretty good. • • The Department Agricultere hall re. calved advice, from Manitoba that that Pro - 'vine* Will exhibit wheat, fare, seal and Indian work at Ole Philadelphia Centennial. • The barns ..a stables belonging to Mr Jno. Flanagan, M.entreal Telegraph agent le the village of 'reined? was totellyeelertreyed by dre with all their 'contents, last Thursday,: evening. Suppeised to be incendiarism.' • ,The Grand Trunk railway express,- on Fri- day morning, raft over end instantly killed e iolltitlillailted Mr*Ellebor ,near Ereetfordee- eeomise.. supposed: mlie Was nti, der the nifluenee of Hoer and fell on tho tea* while,on her way h David Godfrey' aid his sen started from Pefferlaie on•Friday morning for ...the purpose of hunting deer. „ When about half a mile from the village tlae awl placed his gun in a emuoe in Which they reeeposed eressIng the river. In getting ie himself he rooked the canoe, omens the gun to explode, the•olainge atrikiag, his farther, who was standing not 'twelve feet from the muzzle, in the abdomen. At last actoolinte he was aliye, but he cannot. • possibly live. • " Early last Tireilay evening a lad Sas driv- ing a black 'atter through Chatham to the slaughter bonne et Alio Erwin, and When near tho Music Hall'it. took into its head to inn wild. It visited Mr, E. Kelly'systore and rais- ed fun there for a shore time, pushing, in its headlong career, one of the clerks, Mr I:tell, in the eatstern countme coming met es elec. ttirer in the cause. • Two horses -belonging to IL Quinn, to Whielt wine attiehed a waggon containing 50 intshols of wheat backed off a clock at Leintingtoe, into the river, and Were drowued: ' • • Small meetings have...been hold in Manila., ba, and anuezation to tho United States pro- posed, because the Federal Government have refused the request of the people of ;Winnipeg in,cteriefitecrteriacnewtaes:,t.he lied River crossing of the , Stops ere to be taken it ewe to have GuiA bord's romans interred ill Nr.514100,1, and re call will be made on the authorities to prevent any ilisturbenee, NTOMIn VIII be also taken, to prevent the possibility of his body being disinterred. , „ At Gunauogne, en Thureday, Meson; lt Bellowey end A. Snell, accompanied by their wives, were out for a sail. When some tanoo out, a sliddeti gale capsized the heat, was $70.0. The tramp WO/lt for the ed. although every attempt WAS made for Mr limes Bredy, auctioneer, sold for Ntt. liwiallsodlut°he trampY. , c * " money, layilig down the. pistol, which kart tip b Cotton, who shot and heir rescue, both Mrs lIolloway and Snell' , Ore fir/Wiled, .• Alex. Taylor, of the toweslip of blelabide, A. story is told of atimeident on de ele the 28th inst., 40 cows iu 70 minutes -go- NeleeIsevelese ealleelea...,-eee jetukated parete sales -being all ilVerago of 1 min; and en ali was sitting on the track Whoa the 40 SOO. tO MO tiOW; The average Price te- , .• . .„ . °deed was $28, a geed, Mine for this period of engine teased him down an 011abillikIllalIt. the year. -Quick work, we aay.-155earsoll The conductor' 'Weliked. up the train to . UliT7'61:azireelea' re il gang of bwoye going ere' rind la fatted itliVe, 110WeVer, 01117 tioniewhit pick up the dead body The victim was Torente, stealing all they eon ley their liends traits:0, Ana. taken. to llorwick, The on upon the -outside ef housee, Last I..eulaye night, five of theta were caught at their ire. oondttotor kindly offered to send, the &nous preetiee on two hieureeondarela street . oian home, a few miles away, in a hack, and St. Cffeinent etrteit, •and Were beoliglat ne but, he inaiated on hit, Ability to woik, at the Police Court, They had done $60o All Iowa girl. desired to attend Earnurn'a Hippodrome, which exhibited in. Marshal - town, Iowa,. rodent -Ty, but was disappointed and &mid not go. So she kook her life with a dose of stryelinine. A mart named' Cotton New Ilamp- ehire, was awakened ou Monday night, in. his room by a tramp -who demanded his money, at the same time presenting a loaded pistol, and threateningtO laloW` out his brains. Cotton. directed the train)) to eeletererinwleere he said there and refused. to be sent home, The con - worth of damages to the houses quaittion. _ . A rami named liehert Evans, of Booboo, ilt,r,l,"`.,'!",„.,,r_wl,"!:"`,,,„'If WM lett Week fined $20 Mideast., fiir running Au-, Alocau-9 LAMIA 46141/1A-14 with a threshing uutehine wilhent having the the covtaittchqt, to well, hri. p kinteklet of the tembling.shaft and platform u away witk,your kiriedge, ru go of the horee•Porier, coyost required by home by •nlyselt, and it X have done any tow, threshers should remember this, AP ,„ .„„„,„ „a 4, /It lay blitA tO ; fear there fere bombers in thit seotiett Who “7fiefigt°,trofiVii,1411 01/ • "in that 'cheek right ovei _there 2" . r enle ' 1 • . ay. • Ight over there ?" said the boy; "'taint no- where else." . California is sending two car -loads -of pears to the East every day, and the sanguine Californians hope - that in a few years they will realize more money from their exports • of fruit than from their exports. of wheat. • , The boardof viRitors atIlieBaltimov jail haye decided to try the eeperienen?, on tho Prfassional bummers of mixine .whiskey with every, ar tiole of febir and drink issued to thein, in the hope that their thirst for liquer may be .pe rina- neatly satisfied. • Mamma:. (to her' oldest son),-;" My • • dear -George, Were are your manners .1 TOE should always say thank you, 'when anything is haridedn'td you." George—" Oli, bother having' to say - thanks every time, ma I 'Can't a fellow have a SO118011 ticket 29 • ...,••• aoAetaTrimofsessietioerceoefimedulino teaatch. TinrigespTai nwn- her of deaAninteil to sing.',A public ex- ' Pails .'was given by these deaf mutes, at which they not only sang in perfect time, but preserved: the pitch, which wite conveyed to, them by the teacher in some raysterrons Way. Theliutto (01.) 3fercury tell. of a ba of sheep being brought 4ov/re--Vein the unnintains and tural into a Wheat geld. OVOr Ono hundred, head died in one night from eating wheat and drinking water. no wheat Swelled :to Buell an extent that the. sternaoli wits completely torn apart According to the Still Francisco. Aut- . Win the immigration into California has been g!bater this year than et any other time since that ,Whick followed the 44.: covery of geld. The immigratitize, from all quarters for the last eight months moods that to. New Xork :during the same paled by more than trvelVe: thou- sand. Mrs. Robert Taylor, living near Greenville, Va., 11AS been insane for • some tinie past ; but lately, complaining of a pain in hos head, she dr64a large nail into it. She epntxialed the fadt'f r: seine days, and when it was discovered the doctor.had great .diffitailty in get- ting the gall out; but Mrs. • Taylor mind has been entirely restored by this. . Chicago), the urged reiiket in ,the world, handles about 90,000,000 busiteldannually, and has MOW in opera- tion eight.ben steam elevator, with a capacity of 15,350)000.buehele or More than the average produpt. of 1)000,000 acres of the fertile wheat producing lands of the continent. Their eapacity Varian from 200,000 basin& to 1,500,000, Tho Oahe) Cost of; the eighteen elevators, now in operation was 400 five inlilton dollars, eXclusive of tho cog tho grounds which they gond. During the put yooto ono of the fictional banks of Detroit has had lying in its vaults 'the half of a national bank note, of the detioinmation of Ave dollars. Iteeently) a man entered the bank, and presenting half a a five.doller national bank note, asked What ite value vas. The teller was rominded of the tell° in the safe, out of Mete ouriosiw hug. gelded that the Dion be put ingothift It !tati dans, tend le they MAI 01 till 11$11/AlliOrlltlit, PON 1"—xtraerdinaiy,operation. The famons mare American Glirl fell deaa • on Saturday afternoon, October the 2nd, . . eteeorecno is' HEREBY* OWEN Ten MU* -LI „limit& Council of the Corporation of the Town of ' Clinton, will; at their Council Meeting to be ilea in ihe :Town H,all, the•said Town of Clinton; on - - In the first heat the Free for All -race, at the driving park, Elmira, N. Y. She . • appear° a the _start to bo tho start to be in the very best condition. The horses were scored a number a tunes before they got the word. The nfriTt-The first turn was nicely ahead. At this point ha driver noticed that she seemed to be giving out, and lot her head loose. She kept stagger- ing for, an eighth of a mile, and at the !punier pole fell and died instantly. The acident excited. a great -deal of sympathY, • as the.inaro was a favorite there and had. been the chief attraction for the races: Anieriotie Girl was owned, by Williani Lo- iell, of New York, and Was valued at $25,-,' 000, which sum had been offered for her Only last week. She was thirteen years old. Elmira Driving Park Association propose, should. tho body bo left thence -to eteott.a thousaini moniunent to the mined, of American Girl. iViarriage Li9e4ses 1XT atoltiVINE, 1s813Eit MEEK= • • y • Miner& Express °Moe, - Clinton Sept.16 1874.------•• • . for sale.; -16111Z1111 MRS 0EOR „S•. ALE AT THE //ADES. "U.•31°4°/7" • •• --EIMER BROS. Londesborongh, mte420;10-.. . Apprentice Wanted$ F01_754 llamas gains% otrsiriEsS.r, • "• • " Cf. MILLEN. • 011atont Sept. 221141870. . • , Stray riAME INTO 'THE PREMISES OP THE iS1111- • sonrese, MR. 0., near Clinten, about a week sine% two emill pigs. The owner is:hereby notified to prove peoporty, pay ehartrea and teke them away, . ilept• 22, .1°EN Wirel" Notice to Debtors. IINDESSIGNEIE HEREIT2 NOTIFIES AL/, • indebted to him; by hook account, that they aro re- • quirad to -mettle the. Maine before the 12th Of Ootober nett, or they will bOput into Court for (*Cootie:1. :OEM 'COWAN, /Intact' • Minton, Sept, 20th, 1875, - . • ' THOROITGII BRED ; • Short Horns for , 811E ShAttlal°,1, old --------- - non cows and METIERS, Coed Pedigreed, apply to _ * MoTACOART• Clinton, Slipt;22;1875,,• " . -Two Houses to .Let, 11011141 IINDERI3IGNED73F—FEItki THI! POLLOWING ;places to rent t --A IleW Ildnee ituato on Huron, i Irf:rdroistigtfitill tierfantelly 1: lir OPOZIVri, tii8;411rilittelresottt,,gellu Of VetP;stilrboYsalgatriblerA' undulate *WA° ., _,,,-- _,, - " WORN 00PEUND. tshitons 8014to Oa Ilro' _. puBtaa 41,70Tiog HOLISE °186 LOT1 WUL be seta 14,triblit St .SALTURDAY: 01:40). tit Othi 18755, • $litnet itdotionto ,r M 1.80 e'oloeic Pa hti Olt the prenifilea of Ster7 Rote Gerifen, Vt.„ %delft Street Dee' ed Mr• Abu Stiel)0 41'1 *Itt411 1110* ill ti, arit401101 reltardimoo, the. Seale litne .4 Aare 104 With 'snit Arljoshig the idles prattled.- , , 'retteti illattaht *notes' neatest° et 'Me) orbr ateniegto • hatiftliettliOR, dtietleattrrdliater‘ ti* • • . 'RANI t0.5 Monday, the 1st 'day of Nov E611 piooeca to pass a ty-Low for Stepping te cart:tire portions .dlYeertittil • • Streets or Roads, ' . In the said Town bi Clinton, known esand„called Waver . • 4 • , • . , , . • . • ley Street, Howard Street, Mary Street, iPugh's Terrace, Cowper Street,College Street,Newton Street,andfdailland, Street, and for diverting Waverley Street, all within the ' jurisdiction -of tho said Municipal Connell; and for sell, Ing all finch portiono of said Streets or Roads, to the • London, Huron dr Bruce Railway Company, for the par- • pooes of their Railway, whieh Raid • portione of said • ; • Streete or Roads so to be stopped np and :diverted may be deem „then as follows, namely • Wavorley Street immediately south of Alms Street, in said Tbwn, -which maY bo described ao nostiined within the following .4boundaries, nalnelY . - Coinmerieing at the South East corner of the intersect. Ston of Waverley and 41ma'Streete, thence. Westerly at . right at right =glee to Waverley Street,. yang the Southerly side of Alnia Street tea point fifty feet distant+ from and measured at riglet angles to the original conk° Hue of theILennoic'llureir A-NriaTiirRallway, thanes „ Southerly parallel -to end Always at dishineeof Fifty ' • feet from the said Original centro line to the Easterly. elde of Waverley Street,. thence Northerly along said . Eisterly.skte to theemeo onioginning.. ,• • • . .. Also, all that portion of Howard Street lying Unworn , ., • the 'Westerly limit of Howard Street and a lino drawn , • • serosa JAM street Eon of and parallel to, and ono hum. right tingles to, the original centre line. of the tendon, „. &ea itnd thirty-two feet distant from, And measared At R u TAIL ,11 4603311rutraBIb at olirrOn of Atari; Stant lying' 'bet -Seen . tho, Westerly Umit of Mary 'Street and a lino drawn aoroett said Street East of and parallel to, end one him*, • dred ant thitif•tiro feet distant from, and measured at right angles to, the original centre lino of thti London, Harm BrunEallway, . Alio, all that portion of the Street kno.wn ea &nacelle& ' „ • - Psigb% T4117606 • lying between the Westerly limit of ' • Pugh's Terrace and a line drewn aerobe ,Iteid Street Batt of, parallel to, and one kindred and thirty-two feet dis tent from, and reoriented at right angles to, the original: centre line of The Londeo, Huron &Jiro' Railway. ARO, all that portion oi Cowper Biteet ying between the Westerly limit of Cowper Streetand a line drawn, inroad sill& Street Emit of, parallel to, and doe hundred" turd thirty -trio feat distant.frem, and remedied at right '' 1112gleg te,tha original &intros. nee Of the Losdado Huron &Bruce Railroad,. .. • . ' 04 4,- * Als,t1 la that portionir .ef College Strati dwee• the Westerly limit of College Street end gaa &MA • j. hereto am Street Eastot,parallel to, and ty het•die• - 'tint from, and Measured at right aled to the original' • centre lino of the Loudon,Huron& rites Whiny. Also,. ill-tlittkportion-of Newton Streak 41111„g'betWeen '„ • ,. . . the rWestorly. limit Of Newton Street add also drawn. • Rowel held, Street Ent of, parallel te,,essi.lillty feet ' •,.„„ 'distant Irina, and measured at right analatergate "" `.' ai centre lirte of the London, Thiroxt 457 Tani Bailtay.. • • • • And also, ISI that portion of. Ma1t1an4a4804it whlch • may be described as thirty-three foot In „bOunded ,on the North by the Northerly' Mae of ,Nosttett Street, proildeed 10 e straight line, On the South by the North- orly boundary of Huron Street; and on Ilse Shit by a line running parallel to, cud alwayo k the .atetariee bt . thirty•throefeet,East .of, thh Western lhalt.ef the TOWitl of Clinton; and Will alter, Short, an& step up. the. field 44.. Streets or Redact, ende11 end Convey theorati mirtione etaf:eanido:itoroe.ets or goads do to be stopped it;y arid dlr. art.. .ed ateordingly; or,,enest au persons ate 'Olmsted td „ 11ELI4ES,,, did CIO. , . • Dated the 1,41•11 day ot Oeptenihetf18,11. • -- --• Lots for Sale; • , .41 t.P! flIIIE IINDERSIGNEV OPPERS reti SALE TATO; 7 'tette, in the Village Of Myth, eitnatd imniediate* ly 110111,10 1111 Pont Office, on the etreet leading to the railroad etation, consequently being dedfutble lbeatiortie • ,4 " TheY wilkbe gold very Cheep, as the °Wrier le obliged to ' ten them. Apply for farther pertioulen, to Ida Draft* Mond, Elyth, or to the unders4ned 4101IN ARMSTRONG. ' • illyth, d'uly 14, VI& Farm for Sale or to. neiat.: Low. ,rpnn 811,9801tItsNli orsdllS Jritiv witm,8114Tfa. „•4'!„ •„1-'1„; 131;112A,Tblet fat 11) '46s:tit:TN ttt,BIZI•tt A 40 einitrildf n 1il h thi5r55 are a log houdelfrattie iumlran. and xi:rebate. There are abotit40 (setae et Girder., Land goo4, potpather partisans apply to the proprietor. • ' • 15 111/1tPlElt. • o Isst 10, 18t15 don., Ooderleli WoWnAlp,„ aoliatfth Tewnshlp. Sept. 08,1876. w . T.toperty for Sale, , t111187131418211SIONND OITS11,8 ifOil8At51110101314 . i. cllglbly sitnated Int.,hios. end 1184, Mins of ' Queen p.nd Merles rarest*. A large OM ototy,x45toboi 4 u 110iltalgilit stem rooms end este eitohee volt ma hate eater, and it yering &theta, enthe plane: Por fell par. . *M4111011 apply; On the prentilled tO , It centime*, m • etes, telt met, 1875. • Vowl for Sale. 4 A. tL -BnE1 ±tflr ANI/ lattlf •,' 4C3• BritsAlkotdaS0 Whitt t11551 Pertridge Coohledr, ta --Inirt yetis .at Odell, daring the Mat Stye ' Matins., email Iworottottet .44 '44 5, • ‘...••••••••.,14#6,444...441_