Clinton New Era, 1875-09-23, Page 3T rl "? r I I rr "_1E .1075 �J A" L L 1475, X 8 77 WRI T Fti, IN 0 iHODCTINS, ]�Ay' 2 11.1 :111: 1111", mg, g 4 "NO Mrs Mandh ffou'%' MINTON19il d*,go le ry,,,.: iviantles Shaw W, . �hsuks� t' the, people, for the ory liberal patronage v 11 the!777 Clill',AP Cj�H �'S We beg to return our sinoere V 91 0 TORE 'cluring the pish: .A�t fbr the'approroobjtg SeaSQ115 O t o e. U L�ftso We purob, �2 anqhaye, U9W OR and for Sal Of h o n-- of ft v -b ough -nlete Sto k of --.0o o t'. "to most "b o eUrge'sk', v a e C phave . ad4 cl�urg;ohvsea, in th, l44x�qtg of Ahe. D q4inipn, a luced xates, and in- oider to. 1)laeo -oui- immelfse Within the immea it .7., - at gre., tly TeIc. agqes cow - h mt�r�ec te e.7 SU fi tires M I ch TenaarLub.bly low pripes'a will, be found when octinparoil'-wit4 the, p* L SIM LAIk �OOXEIXITIO A MAGNIFICENT STOC:Kj� Am C) drmler.s,, to D F y RV OL U-1 01 T 1: 0 :'a GRBArP R_ nWA T b� -ODS Rememb t we eati give -you the West atterli, 11d tile lj�rgeat a ty-Aal_ WIT BAT OR DRUSSGO or XI9 Do yott A ��VYLT R" r-wo bftve- a1arge asaortme nt� an4 al wilys the n6w''Ost 'HODGiNP 0 -yon want in10LOTHING? �'-Rem. b seeli. o ve t4o wet -Sbylish .51illinery find Mant es PhINTON"Pept." yon ant AND MIXT 4v Do L14S3 Itpm mb h t Nvn SHIRTS AND DRAWRS,.S.0QK 4n.jr pyioe. prieps that.cii be produced -46 yon astollish oil. y 'Do you.want Alm B�IAWI,ff AND, 'UNIM RCLOXHING ? Remember,wo, bayojx; t.v4i a ycr�l.wlinkfb the C �qlqlug COL W r QQLLA138, D 'WIRITE; 911' C! oather—at Any ice. Do ll� IF�'o bUFr, IRTS I O.M. mbbr :w liAn(: Wo n Qwmb aty 0S. be You, waut. CLOUDS, HOODS. AND GtOVE Sr 7 Re ambor ti,eau.show you an ininionso variety of malwo-, To j"i I. —at a WQr Olin gi ny pr1eeor Dyou vatib CLOTUS,. Me e ud styles b r' ve� yog tb g e� .47 eat Tor P� batt r 4- 71M Do YOU -WAI HOUSE FURXXSHII�GS, WHITE LANK�.ET,9, qu4tiuq aiid',l e Ila,, and sltv4 jo .. t , I101M. DEA.I\ i TS, 'SH "ETWUS TI K TOW 00TTOiNS, DAXASIC TUADLE, LINE, 98 QTTQN- COT.T..QN 0 ',A S, N NG� 14LINGS, UN W TT .] a-0 . R1 VOOL YANS, perr ee�nt below th ro: Q Save Yo QQW11101'r prices of other derild' goQ assortment Of'01 0010rs &1nd'niak&p, at prioes to. Auit he tirnQfi. We guar tee t W Alt'a' 'I C "�'ASB �`PR; th ASH :"a. nd AT G od . .... ......... ... 7. 0 a 4 -1 11 s, 1(?ck SlY ORO CERIE 5 ah� AND SHOE S ahk)ls on, h �OOT of Fw M t Of� Ira Who have justi opened out. aewo; l4rgo, al�idr:splenaili.aa;�rt 'eil rdware) fit' whioh they cat-reioommend to� Choir eadtome rs. r Mv '00 0:1). U &9�:�: at IP WO. WA19TS AT. PtR kE ---------- PAINTS,. OIL GLASS, ruTTy, ANp 00 Sr an �& to btly.' 1Tone our As. Pblig o pq, ',eryb M, �ie - � 'the bad debts of la0b6chr We t ey : Our �g 0. '0 01ifile, a 8 No No.;nopp lq#sr_7a ed. is's for the'Ompn�nj�i Baild, ifi At_GGrtO Bearl.e'&:Dav 11. kou bU+4. 0. nc I you V Piaster an&.Zall Piper Combkod, V-brinin-21-o6f, and *ill priak ':,ar hou ay. e -.s,. ar a GEeiiber-that oil' ices,, are In:-Prop."Ortion to OurptlyT a 66ds,, d6* no:f -ra -1 -arul�r-vtv =_=1_T -s-i -�L)vLxiz� U is UY i J4 ip. cair' d, buu I to w4fird, ae. money er. --Piaster , ­ . :� , & 3 --ces -ad s, ffi-x� lux PCIP B -Z 0 r U as Cl 11 A A ''t �d er h 777.,.,C e." C h r N d Selling off at REDUOED PRICES,-to.make room forr'i larg�',htoolc of Hardware. VIM ALL KINDS OZ:'JOBBNG: Wwm� ;D ONE ON -Sept ! Wild In Tinware, -Galvanized and Or#ament4jt9ofing� &q. 18' 5 -Wammoth'Thi 8 op. �-�tA�R DAVIS, It T'roperty'for Bale. '0ANADIAIN -N E WS iVe sic eaiching..,,' E-inectolk. last- 11, 1 k. oratirod. by oho, establishment CLINTON, Aug.,. Iltbi'1875. - Iwe a AAS Rl).DY6 GLVEN TIIAT T111, tiU- 'Queen and Ohs nd 0 On ornifig an at eipp� IlSiGNED OFFERS idi SALE tRO wer FALXI�T, LATE. *Or so�TL D Was Clinton; will, ab tbeir Volineii3t,", _btoro, t at their rodide 'In on "I PUT.UGH1 contaiiiii3ig sovanroomsandbablikil Two boats -were she at and woundc(l Iloar: 1robboa,of. a quantity of goods, on Thursday. irlade 11 ell "I Town.11411, ilitha said Town ofognton,6u: ise- , - .1 , , lHIM,; when, soft ond.hara' �C�eritl prisonors conli n-*' t.-XV.1T next oo aldencio of 11 at r a law: Ono veto was taleen in Forlduliar-- Win am,-*roC.c t agh 1-4t a labe a' piller went int tl B'Jnad* knet appTwo GlAnatioque. families are hairing ridor, lie A"s iniffiO4 v-poutil aof NO, -flat __CHUon� Aug. Utbi'lalo LT H.CANTEWN. favor. of prohi- .do blisto ip. eyes. 1�lxv. cos�� suitiw6r a bj�iitam rooster. pepper. thrawn Int we WIly-Lavi foi- Ice, balid� Ono oftba lirlaon, a 'd to pass cavy fall. -of n ow a t Rivor 1m-oia man. named 7 orpaoiji wps burned There vw -a It rs 6 !jig oreelt4ain Ulm. ]Beesley, Iffillip(% 43 e y Tba key of the door REURXINO THANKS TO. THE LADMI3 or, PRIOSS. . . t SPECTFULLY BUtiMIT THE roLLOWING AS THEIR tlaj�r For 9al �b ;Tender. dix,toup, on Vil4qy-12 to 11 inchoz irk del�th, to death ill a house which fire in Ayliner, to throw out.. In the 661d Tolivot 34 , �R oil farkilerg, are' oTS r, t 'r a Ira Ot hatsh CVSXON�, Cox-. for.iolling musty -barky, for a lig at it A`dolored.� barber irk Toi�nf;6,- quarrolied r and was tbon. -bbund !a land 0 Sewd.11i,anipt to be arrested on T4itrsday nigh lj�t 11to'hey stritak a G'T', 90 ioras, 70 of,wliloh we 41oskredo Nittlate., Ah b ljoy oil Sttiirglay, and inflic at bitsinasa, iwas bim, ii"Wie orkii Street, 4 all ivithiii the o"By a. a,, Jriladie E froth Gods 'Jon of"Jilo Contitill, � and for sell- 0 D STA a L ND' OPOSIT 2, TUE �B,"Xl -in-A it 1. dolled 6 v a aftts ork him wit.h. a razor, I'lor ham vv.1%, tj!yjki,,v to blj6?L �lio be- hig all ouch ppi'dong.divAld lltkccts_or1 IlOILCIN, to.tLa Fever RAS-17ev'ler such good value ds:.at iDresent. 8 Is i.ldt the 1�ey a Ira 1%an arrestd. f. -011e, tllftt Was 1,1 The London, Hiirl mly, for the 11 And that agent for Miisorq. Battri, w'. 'd pence q. thoi pol tions of t itd go. tan, barn 2laoiable, and log house hrZowoips family faWrtrait,t1reall New York piLtiaiiis of Iterments all joad; on 1he place; VhIoh is *611, w&tok,- b&Wy ascAping- ith their lives.. Waniall a�s sefitbuced. to Ono InouWs im. tI Stroots or Bodda 80. to. be Stopped up avid �dlvertjj ..ri tons ii kept u'� GOOD YOUNG HYSOX, 80.50 $100 ed. Also,. Zones and Loi, suit a piole snA Lot, son-, t1ironkh thii,'oijehio' th Nay, ro 0 oip sea, Which Alto win BEST santod &'&ttbine Ily � sell at prjaos speelliod1t. th tat 0,09, and hopos; J)y taining together 0J noreh of landv;ouwhI6h Is a yduu prisodroont Ili Tylonti-eal, o Saturday, for Ill ' a bol o0l;lbed as follow9,mo# g , Tba aia-to the uttillerers by"thit I I low, do.' strict care and httoution, to Acure VERY'FINE do.' do., 0.75 FINE JAPAN, orchard, sitnate*4 William Street, elialiqu. Applyt grasshoppoia baffa tbek f el door, coralkelllp� theall to ujilo&o 0o,'JqIIor. All tijoto - Aloe of 3Va�ciloy Street linme 'a To. . I . 1 0 ALL OnbL-ma TonoSIPTLY ATT1311MD EXTRA SILVER LEAF ilo.,' 1.,60 VERY -FINEST Ja tho Xorthkest. is W,bo-glvexi tile Ley was thdil foundi. the dol)ll 0 cetfix grdkl atatitigpriceof e4oh t&roeIi-sadtiiu6TcquIro4; for ljii�, oat in the shalya of good grain, rind whore ab- serve it f Alinit titt d' GOOD IMPERIAL, 0.40 ana 0.0 E XTRI OHOIUB SOUCIAONO '0 75,-' ment and Ifitaiest, to X. LOUGH; 011utonj or, to.tbe -VA 'an&th ill. 0 "Mmer 0' ';ioubscriber, 7110S. n. IrOSTER, Thornbilry.' -solutely, xie6esiar ijiL food' fj�%ie -0U-Vr6dh1r0. cattle t6dliNfroo. at tbq,. afe a hard lot, dn(., a . to Comencing at�tlio ftubh* i tist eorn4r ot tile inter -VERY STRONG RICK FLAVOR, $1.0 ry lased on Fri-, rift of Mr. Vollows. - Sb;.-, John X. 13"p Ill ` ASi 1 7`011 On 4ory serldjx,� charge Till tI.Ir of IYArefley and Aluis Streets, -thonce. Waterly tit �.Notokldo wilt be accepted unloss sixtis eta The Central Fair at, GuQlpb� t. T 11 Soo Hou'se's fbr,'Sale,:, A - f It NO riglit'at rig t angles to. Waiarloy Street,. al(wg the lat--t ley ge 1 6 Y, puro bred Cowa,: they OU911CCILin their.cells. §oIddierly gtmi OfAlted; (ley ]list, succow l I ritursdiLy, and Atrll tboir t will Lo 0 Stred tompolkit fifty fcobillotalkit qlng VOLLOWINO. 31OVSES AND LOTS IN QF Snags STRICTLY PURE. S UGARS, AT AFFMP, BS�. TRIC.B.0 THE GR30-T EM:UE REMEDY. t)T6 90ixlk tO try and gatillo A#horlbiao of the !ljr6uglat only $J2 to ?e-16. VOIry Seribds 6rimeL ight angl�ok to the oriolitial contra .0orlImitteil they, 1106 and at) virig �o the Lcndon,' Murou & Mies llailivayf thenco A. 011utoil, Vill be sold on Yary inoderate tarkalol I— 4vincial to hold it thore.71OX6 .6n_ gaturday mor4ing, a 170inali -net 1 will likely filid a hO140411 Kbigstoll,for some, Southely , ialloltouli 1, A good nwallin Mesa of ulna rooltlo, sixths east. So :P_A.3:j:r.,:rs3=a .,-ad - a The cure of Notro Dain.6', nTlia 6" and killed oil' Iwo to oollic'. 19,6b from tt 111do Of Victoria StrooL(Lordoo, need,) Usti, if-tild Mrigston road 2reak., a said original -gontre Ifild to thd Easterly Ebtatidn, with shop-buitalig aids of Wtiverloy'gtreot, tbonoo.;�qrthcrly along maid t6 slwv panoo why he should tiat b6 con- Trunk"cro3sing" adjolbing,,stA with froutio Mfti,7 1x1ji-e8s, lis tile, following llastokly, bias to fll&plado ofbeglialill1g. all Thi�wollkn�wn7iiediolnoian.o.impopition Tho Jl e Lq?dT stablo threo-cinart6ra of an, acre riggr6la - ft4nd- CLtNTox, Aug. 4th, 1875. Toailtoo,bythe oxilvoss traiti. demned to $�,000 -fox, the' Of revisi ' of.tho coin marl(6b'for tllo'Wgek:— . Also, all,� . hat, portion of nowsia Stres but a sure. vind safe r0nii;dy for. r6nuile Tiffl- w 6 lybig betwee An eligible two-atory Dwelling Ifousa, u6 vlatorA Catholic ce'y ry beirit, indio closed to the reminli Tho largo fr�akn barri of Sohn 119gatb. licr Tlio lst g6thering If the -harvest in tlioSotith ti; -O worit"rlylinift of Ilowal"L Street ends line drawn Street, near Cutter Stoeatj well Wanted either as a list- ghL4 pojorful k6lrogdy, ft 'Coll.. of Guiburd, ltlarluru�, wasstruck by liglitiakig, ort'Thtirs-, 'The ustial movoos-sald treet B9 of Mid jiftoillel to, find Ono hun, and althout L �110, of dencaorforbustilleso. Full quarfor-ioteo lot. to n and thtvfy-two feet distant ftom, and nietteure& a 6 S. Frame L o.cittage (nearly new) on Oobdrug streeti nothing hurtful to flic constitution, Jas. I(hsij6J,'6T- Richmop.d Itill, cxtiibit� -tied I it consecitlencea bite Canned, and a re'ductiou in . ; it u of the two rallweys, three vejoins-; ]a, woi_t� ]EX 41ty morning- and lint grou d. in �jles to, the orlglual eakitro liho oftho Lcisabu, near th6, it Otto LAD.XhS %1�4k lit tfic' ("'llolph ex,bibition,, ainoug Nyag.well filloil,with grain tjkn�cl farming.impip, the pribo of wheat lim, b -eon syT gooGgardell, slioarlin�, Ootswbld raws# from Ono to two fihillings par 'As lflo, all that p6rilgil of Mitry 9troot lying botWean q 4ul, of tied A, line arkVir Clinton, Aug.11i ll(kwoVer, �61.4b Only one, sixilling- 4b 1876 IA A BOr Irk all 09 0 d measured. �h bring- on thii'mofithlyperiod with regularity. On S1 Y 0 1 NG' MACSINE ' that togothoe weighed 1;_500 lbs., - This is re- Foof'young men of Toronto, were drdwric(I our ""a, A splendid assortment alwayi on hand, - Any kifia furnished tb order. t' markably- good weight for Bhearlings, Inda in rninfe ast. ftbOVLO, t"fit"ot last year, f lore is'Alatild prove,d arning'-f" 111Tg inel; 11-ttlaroolu'priscany' teed aria, thi;k Pwo fact diiititnt 1rom, an Thi ment of Needles end other furnishings, kept in qtock for every. kind of SewinglacLindi. 'Pains ill tile Back and Limbo, Ileavirkoffs,' On lit moni fiamed P. yo 0,0418 to Ti: aac �io r lhlino,6f the L6:ndob� House'to Let, Ifero crops�for a ftitthavib rp re to ."'Remember- the Slxbbath� day;` 1 $$Iori and As. ificneyr Htaork Machinea lliltga.L Ratigtie art slight exertion, Palpitation of the ohn. PrAul atia - Ifenry .1ficksteia, quarralla t t- gogg 40ggf the 'the enjoymoni. of lioalth prOlitabld IciA 'AlRo, all that VoOtou of tho $t*e�knoWuabftniaO&lled COMFORTABM WELL- y won. Ojit in I heart, Mystoridso'Slok Ileadnoblev, Whites, whiloander the itifluence.of liquor, elcatoiji, and strength, to 'desecrator God's holy day, ngi ij Inev Lt a foul ;Rituiltat the PUR"I'M T41-raea lAng lietiVion Ills wsofskly theit'Of 06 close to the Italway afation is Offorod,16 1&*L Remetriber the Placei-Huron Street, !site doo 'welit, of tiie commercial lixotel. in �Aa coril and all the painful diseases occasioned by a itruck Praid on 'the ]lead witlixi...brick, split, groi -race and it line drawn scror.4 odidtreet East to a good tonant. it contains eight rooms, od Aous ON, _0NTA'1LIOe disordered systain, those PiN will effect &Onto tino'bli okull. died Qrk Tuesday. Eck. and Ahoi-fly lxftcr,*irrdg they are litittled. into vth irj� 1'rance4las execidlid their wants oiagh's tot b dis. collar, sit CLINT 0 �afpjlol to'L and one bujidio'd allatillrby_to Joe sellout volt. There are, two lots and % 100,11 hayo, f aternity: I -Tow true that 'a the- (I Inidet of by about, -.8;,000,000 qilarte!s, but the faql; that froin, ilitIl inetigured at, o1glifarglos too the stable span of horses and aoW Poissiddix imIlliM, whork other m6ans alloa, tilt$ been arres.tod. ta ut'r millaIi. & 13rded Railway. fifel. 1111 are in death.)' 4 ronch. fart. nacilty, ra in out sell moderate. Xhosa rills have never been -known to tail 0 *0" r to line of,'the Lou 0, Thursday night, while it, Constable w ii1va the At VfbarorthodifijotlLdh�ronibb2ndpa'garof PaM-.- as &'yotto Mail n4med TooI61*1*6rt1ug 021 s .: 101DY0381011 $0, fill thakpoition d"Cowpow Streak 1�lnll batwb .1 that jild 00ticiat; �ig OoVongerig. The Paris heWeAtorly'llralt of oWpok-8tte and ft no drA" phlet,'ar6 wbll observed. liVoceadiq, too'161ii the;­gaards at the ;vault ille- Port%Dvok & Lakc: Rurou --Railway, in ord"lieklillsitteettas olo to . 01 lo, and . hundred Ila 'WAS Stratford, was inn oirar by a hatia piir loadell - W6 lootdiii ark -f jvhoro- Ombord's rernalps Are pl� in.,irkdt has boort steady for floor a4d fine na-thirl-f-i T T -T T., T T �T T T T 7 T For full partioujaro, Pat a panip4let, fr4bet-qf fired upon fratri the bushes. Re -rotumbil vitli railroad I toll to -day find his toot �adly a!t1bir to;ths rl at contra Ono, I the Londono'Huron Awll�a thoikidtir it Wabout a ohilling eaglet. for the fire with two sholff from fils.revolvor, but ilowp , Iri the there li again, 11 at been est3�ai 06 0 Choice Noynne T. Nyosong 111. ado. Dollar'911'en, io� *4.50. JOB UOSE5, NEW YOUX got being 0 0.flo�d and 680aped gqner- 080. fill that portl6h of 0oltego street lying between V$AL . , , $1.00 taid 121 cents for postage, 6MI&dilto irityr, 1, 6 , , I I .. aligo. - on tile Continent L Frig ralit J80.an. 12,11bis. G064.4aftba So "! 01,00'. nxo6se'aegr, owned alt Ottawa mer. Ver 3131 o h L ftl y�tli6tlo oil' 6 off he therefore roqiiists "all Eng.1 t vestillo 11tion, Good Porto Me nig bOro has boe� but little Westortv linilk of. College Street and a Ilud dlawn fjolh 0 Chant, will tro� against. tinio, in IvItitchm6r'a the * to%ave them for hinki end hs will send ga, everg ititaid 10 Ibloo Good RensitedAuglars Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Oht,, general ir� r r . across sald 6treot VA96 of, parallel to, ana. fifty foot dia. Now 81480111 13,41, U. ASO Collector of onstom At jjk�k �1oVelnaxxtb' r the tu agents7fok the Domi rdion., Vill 'who I Its in tinany. ling tant from, and meriked at Aght (in 1111ture. a 'bottle tiabasto � 1108* to the Original and gilrb the lilghosp value irk stidly fog them, over 5or pill was commissiotted by tile 00V , al�id Ili others eaglet.' In Holland prides. rucoliallway. . Ir I " 90"84-, I, Gxtoo=ffig, WINEs--AxD Li uons, all of bOntalfting [a by-rettirn mallo r 01-rintint to 1h' 4p the, hall, mile iiii one, minute. It is report- f1rn - Also. all tilef pokilouL of NeWfort'StZ006 Just -received, a Is and varioa stock ot azbtrRA . 4, . L. . . I Got 6atlid-doll havaLouly dc�elijje(t a Ing, and -I lying between .-011niollk, Feb. 10, 1875, rgheich will be sold at the -lowest remunerative Prices... Old'ift.01irlion.by i- 11, gs; ' L I - inside of �wo ith Iletter 4110, WesiffiV limit of No% It on . r . - Hungary, w vtork Steed and 9, line dri*n hardly ihat,; Wtia LtLm it'cll stiod EAE16 of, �Ikrhltol to, awl, Fifty toot Stono Fruit Ja�a, WijhL Corkfj �idloyj E. ]Eokson Ana IF. mmttei. �%Uohlr ibld '16'0 Glass GoIn Fruit Jar6, tho.Best in the ldarkb%-cheap. tillg t4d Manitoba - fto '411 supplidsf there has boon a decline of two. . distant from, ova saaeoured. at right to,the orlgw- WJMS'TkR1-T' 14IR—iS I forth; 1. Kidd�, Carronbrooll:4 Parker a b f d Pat "'t id the sixtro I's true ofDan- -&I contra 11rij of*bhotliondoh� ITurou & 131rucei -0heap. I'lorCrooltery, Chine, and Wasalwarej my istock.1a *rav�ixnd Well selected- I blam Tho.Tororkto Suit, wb;o.h.*as,a and F. lorann, Goaeiloli;. H. Camara a O.L -the course of the onquiry, it uspended a ings ej An all a "tat pffdrr�was Made �o save life by ix�s since, is to be ro-dijea.this weak. Inat c, Aol.ddis tit Odessa still 4rhmand'hig And alsoi 411 Ikkat portiori. at XnPlatld Otreet Which Dinner, Tea.,land.Wolfet Sets-Oompilote. - -, - - � e, WAS I I d I I , por quar orf tit field; Sao. Bonthron- the. ov . 'baitfis thirty.throoLfobt fix v4dih# bdundad $12,000 offe m The, N4d6nal, of`wbiah "Ifinuel BrIggg'l- is they ba dookilo red prizes. tditor, has ailialgentatod with it, R.ig on the Mrth-by the Mittefly $[tie of Newton Strtofr doij]?ET;�IOW,o 7,�jMg Col. Waltham, Ingersoll'L was. ..... oeoil the Sote-h by the North-' S0 LICIT. tD, dine aealerK i dnd'i A CALL The house of, Acilight- that tile force of the two will be abje 'ou orly boundary.otforon Street, �pd on, the '40tr by a M Pa;9' Brick B10*.. WHAT Tlirr SA or A imw FAcTs roj last 'Wedfiesdaf night, gntored b R ao end- Lots for,* Si%le, L Al-ayo the d Remember the place) next door,to ZeAgre, Nod#' yr ib- makii. tbo.Swi, I, line running I;AVa at to, atiA4 Always I stance of EIRM it y with the Intention -if r-OD4. Of L 6 _TbW ' ")I be hbI4 in the City of Imudon, 011 te, Weetorl I young wertian, T1.4- ..A �AIIMFI 49th aind TH9 ftokiit.—Therd are but few preparations' PL%V,'IOSF eVI 4 ar cajo ling'sot f6r- trial- in c�md )fflii of medicines which firlya Wjthstood the' impar; ADO The honnOkeop6ti a adgont for Qnottofi St.L nToreroto. tial jjidgluout of the Ann tantry being Clint. a y an I t, st. SEX68ts 0 01 114 C611-1 tho adl N, �19039190N. 1 J! A N. B.—A George of pure meaw 00 PLOple for any groat three shotw froini. 0 revolver, tilild tile Irts. 11 Roadit, fill th V Aald. The a it said StreebCv ..aggar. 'o be, stopped op 0 PrIlid List# an ime. Ono a t1i rascals decamped, withant..;o6vring anythiqlt. Olivor Staotry, t Papers me, he WUh 6 :�rccny Clititon, Jul 211 6. 4 length of f age is Mr, Thomas' in�ad_ atoor are I 187 f4welitty-six buh t, ts�e act Missing. Etiloatric Oil. Read tho- following and 110 The young woman Tocaiied a torrlbk' bole of wherl., 'w# 0, 1 a foe, d. vis so Fibroxi'l; rt�anxst lior�, thiit� slid was earn-, 0 t r4a a for oy� ii�w '6�Thoo. Itobjilgon, C Ion. ,and ­Was unconscious for s6rfio 114, A, tIlil is ,gareatte haVo bean; slid to mto. The accused lifts lionqoq di of to Tow mittea by, the inagist A )in 64 1 5. WM6 t P. I h0o' been afflicted with bravery in, Rring on tha x4sailla iit woebIty" of � Zink "to . 110t; livod� with hot husbaud for tilw4kda, of 4o fllal�matiskxt for the last ton years, ghdAavo the highest pralao and emlation, t i I mny rolliddlos without any relief, until- The' Prohibition Convention lina &61ded to fouryearo, andas.ho did not support.her, Olint6ft, Avg. leth, 1 �f . LO nsog' ATITIES WlSMN6 TO GET T 20ONS A.'X WHID11TiD SETTLEMENIt OP ALL JD39DTS made uplorAlicaunto maaaclut,caube socommo- X3- 40640 the late I)rt 00116 10 OqU606a 1-Y the under- tdatod by ap yin to the u%kdetslgjxsd�.a6 the PAII44 ilght& I tried 3)r, Thomas' Eoloctrie Oill, antl since ask :Parliaxnent to'crtaot; it prohibitory law. ()1X9 INTO TIM Plt19UISn9,OV T7121- SUB- Hote? Tz%ua MODI&VATs, Ag 00=4 then h Chad 116 sttAck of it. I woula'ro. wbiob 1S 136p= wp av to, be gliblWtted to tIl peollerall Ono of the riodb btatl and doviltaly oilt- Vagag�t1lat_h;xg r, Sale. ablitfiftir" lfb�th thIf lot'g, gill doll. 110kri Ft ert � been Coln �'l$jod I'lIC[ronto allkeof T110S. INGLIS, Accountant, Command it to arl, .11atel Keep- over the Dominioa and voted lipon' lindor the t.0 light yed lulloh, 06wo whits Isp. a, red lipal and eock, about 8 yogra Ola. Theowneglab oly, Clinton, Aug. 4,1875. dr, vrost"Shdfrord, P. �Q., writes, ,I ha;ve ballot box systom. It fbo W for it, burf6d.on Tae9(1iy,oVOnifigL6f last on V- fitl1rull pay alitirgon, and thk at ariblda With liver L Complaint, OOVerAl it, Briaily Sti Ia an Ir will, be onforcosl ; if. libb it ior the pre, ido libroqt; West aled, tija oil thb to where AKER I CT 0 k k4dif 4108 with sent bp droppod:' At laqt tho.foi�perattoo ad� toolig are as lollowa - A lady and gintlainn, t 11f. jjj.,v, Is to be ballto atidot over 100 Fowl for Sale. blis cars# and -have tri Tortilit medic, LA # two fittlo at no benefit, until I tri6d. Dr. Thomas, -vocatts have f3ijuck a Sensible plan and indeed dra Walking.qqietl aloag'Adelauto RifreA, ;Y," 601AIdIf.1 I ;tit jr,.11.11] Jtjl,J U PEW THOROUG11-11MED ZtGTLT ANI) Diult theonlyfaironb, Lotthepeiiplodpoidetbitl *1104 GITO TOWIft TIM00it Win, IrvIuO) Pori) 0lftiS apply,_ ABrahmes, also White ind PA*ttldg6 2AX Vochinvi to Ined question. purposely Stray Mam, 060-901 sualwouldhay that I have used it at J�mdg Mntphy� and Itobt. 11arhill with the best effect. No One aboxila be with. liffelied - agaixiO Illem and �otboiwid orrarea V . W. **61� I tAf3ZD fR2 part with at reasonable pticillisl AvAng the hext two 1�j is MorLXXXAN I iltom, unpeoV61;ed ingultg, Mr,.Jabri OWeno, %Ilk MYROF antit. rliave tried It onmy horses irk asses the COle of,t)OW"?l ill it, b *U114fil tl�llk bad Illihot (is*, Boado too ISO bh"L at of th rof 61 Mr, B. Psltiii WA*, id the Of the 11willif rtbl ifittallyibi Clinton, Sept. lot$ 1878s )ETU 9 THANKS To tie of auto, woutd8l, eta I and -think it is equally. twho bapponea to �asg, i-olixonatkatell With MAUTUX OEGA =4 h4 Vito tonuil Atraling lovgy, 8110A IllbitibitAnts Of Clinton litId 1611litfo $110 It I golt'i& ", "I ba daftylle launieroug trilids and the public yonprally, f6v the- Fow ft t"; dl lia r ell eas good for bored as for Maybdo, l them 61) thoir e6ridupti They attaokedhim-, nice, Ab rbi 110 06" battiollit la, 0 IPS,troudgo they r1%16 &ft I $ fare$ LONDkS730110106IX liberal job orded hinif slneO Merchant, WarkWorthi *dtdo I have sold and though he raide a bVkvd rboisitinob Ito MW114 112tv f fildo sollolt S Abaft of V01111 VA110"' , I — , I ­ atoly allecied, IIN y ottiot comiatiMlig business Ili We sea, &Ila hopot, b some hundreds of botRoo of Electric, Oil, slid fl'AcJOT1% wait being: ljrdtt;�L rouglill. 11finalda.whaft Mr. Wy Ito tim to blo'busivelodailip, beenille GRIST and SAW 1MEMILL aOil iStflue(i. In the t) Itott ieInMnnlg� of hand but Arst-41Aol tmhatfolftdspo j.9 0 it ii pronounced by the public, Ono If the, trAclr-4MT g mbdtA bola. t1tin"46 bf the sifts� best madicibes they have ever tigod, it ha's to kosdue-111� owen-g fforn, the clufallo.4 of tile and relloving pain, ivillains, one of tile three—Irvino—' kickea -'qr. Mrka nevoral illnel all illd beaJ"Itoln t1le tore tbroiiti� did jtthy oallo tilt I A ATIC 2NGINgi A14D Ir ' with tub sabseti. set oonfldenoo,1)­46;cph Itudan, Township which Ito dlod,soork after roaliing 444, Glasuorlo. 1XV10 Z taim I I . . lit at b' 6*'lkijIfl% able to edooftiffibilkiii Percy, "I vih to try WLhil6%gontlorgian, awl:two word to- Till; 6 6b Atutitail o110�hl VA111010 VAtilil, 00fisio Ila ttlog 'a it ATOP th IV custom i af Q Units( 06n tralatorialnold to- itim Thomas' Volootrid Oil for a lama khoa which turnilig frow Kineardlue af *a late hour one P.Oai6 f rom the evidence of one of 1916, out Noah lie I islitt* 6#6q tilielonable pardonit troubleda for throd ;r four year#, find I ovoliffig a few days'Ago, a bear anddekily Ap. '0'at the inquest,, one of thb.othore also Idek, like 614111 tdolw, 10), i r*6iiggy 0A3r.JMSsMd CONFMOTIOMV noVor found fonything like it for curing lanlo. iti'the Greenadi ad him About the body, likii(I the bonca.,of olill L6litiveyio., Oftolty. NO I' to- t of his wti6titaliptat 000 to have been �'10cen o01 0. moun, BRAVO 311tL,-rJ9VP0 &d,t &Itoo ness. It iliagrpat, public bonoflb.".�-A, 11. swainp, beiftea the Black 1Llar@0 ftn( Of &t*skyjs Olt hIJ04 4*4 fils1d.1 A*b. on, pilittloll to nvxo ftowsom, 011,A6 I V4 supivi(od *Ith evoirAwo Hantiltbil'. lVarkworth" writas, Por. Weeks I dale. It ran q killOAd Of the 1MV, lltotl I Oot by thth' VMI01100� Air, I)ASOUaama, .111011 d Wag trOu'bl0aWltbr#, swolll " 0 LIVIMPOot't"Ar I— ba Anklo, which ark. Close Ili Ilot. 11)0 0:111hig (4 t, �ftsb as this bratill toatludb wad going Olt, nta ...... f". .. Lots for - satio noyed nia vaty much, Mr. Mayb06 of illia (114vot, or thp, tpoell of file, llorg.l. 16 0116doeded in holding, Irvitio me to -try Vlolaotnd oil, thd be. dhated, from about'thd coiftro of Me mv;'. up ora biouglit Wien lie ald his c6lup4niolis L 0 G S WANTZ' efildaded 6pt. avxv volt un toTA Ord. Ono battle wAd. Used I WAO I Old 11, lit W D" outed. It Ka. td dotaittorable, dfitauce it i ty I. were AM tih6lit 61 0114ty 441101040A 1691 Ila bA mealdind, in Verdict of' willal luar at ligabiAt best, U10% athuto winditut bf,661ilfboN 99 iso6 dealers by All madi hi o" b to Y, Aiffial raa 10tor tit e bu� At tr6if Ififtall, t6l 0, helps he Will be tridd at tho eisming tbit 014d 91swor llit it, little to olle oldell hud T �, e) xjlivt�i arreitea. The onilonerys jftr� have Sold atll� to th6 other aldt-,,drove lim, . T' nud AV110 &w, Toroutd, y6fal flildil 8 at t1ld ocoillullafty 11, iIq fdoling, is very itrillig, agodriat tho pilsouarso faebdipil(J. had tillij '�Jlj Itlir i1allbillAd' bd gorQrsly otlloL Itorso t troagli they toot Wo It k1000*11 4140#1041W M104 01611i M4. Ilk 14% iN Wn 9F ff M-10 Ed N OOD I VR PAL W1 L D 1875 toe 0 1