Clinton New Era, 1875-07-01, Page 44, '*W- 7-_
tP0*0111 0101 —7- 1 Im I
aid FIX ]a ve
Y, bold- T40 mmutlol
-Julow09 I I , 14AY
A, ta ia
ftllowb. IT*
INY 1 for the,
all a4uv 0
X �uw 04, kn q0 i in ]?Or 4,404 —1 Alto
all unpIppi"
A Hot,
Perth i*Diniditv on elizim. #A
ch bof f4*04, 4 on'bobin or AV. or
by 014 Toll"Ituft 1VWO I fmin Lim4on. lbat, the XAr. A gontleman *owed Vowtog$)r oaaws
a pig tAtt, TI& bo P bile, 2 TZ
4liegoo Of good"ir h pyo4oh w
40*1101 4W I Wag, hu yzgorii'. *4"o In. the talwlishi "Niass -Sys,
OR 44U14 4009 ku V
F 1W414
itlis of 0 444 Princess Uni0o, in. kip of ow
at, hsR*Al19`A 4udq., To rom NMI 116* acw:W on po� I I JQft 14 hoiuo About three 0,4001fix'o, ftht
in$ A tour bf tfix United b
0 *ko *�Obt to k4ovro,thokit 40 prox. 001190, *h1p.h. *W0 do four AM 10.�
Yin t Iwo- qutortallil,04 01604 Qf, ProolAgat OE the too demolvotp to pow violt to'xomo.
One) 11 -halt pod hoot -A
ain mu tur#J 04toon* ton. 14Ao
. q.otor, Jpg1a&h*wJ$Q
CNIt 00 , _ ��i P, Coat
Mqll" 49
doreIl hIrA 'With 14,64kky' OU$4,000. 4 1 11auio, now�iaj?ilrjs, 014141 Ana 9hudi & little'.414 ot About
pect, for 44 Aysr P r1*14, 9! hag,10 4914 out.
year 941 th W140 , Thoy tmy luled ale
4 �w 'Cow, fpr ftlea, -Y, I
billet he wA—# )iim la'1620, arig-thAt he 10 'a' I wi , " J104 Alan
Muslin A IMO40 ciusull* of wo6i POIA,04`111411 to herd or pirtoon. 4,11ort-horn cattle 206 yam pla. All t10 itwift 7 In, the, 0001 of-tM mormog t "am PONS ok.. m ZYMI
pigoting with Aur 40614ton* until, Q =0 4,00A to In
they vim , A spumpai Cow FOS a", O'l; Tax
shippoil to IQ b A - pi of oordtiro -ros, p camo. ,
obb0`11-0*4 him, 11OwOyOr, Lofoslysiio. Ab, two And, P4 Thuft, peop.1
frl fo 0. k, the next little, sum of 14oroiid. 61 t Rj*o
M 1 w ror . *14
foarftlO04) OA.UO04 bT 1104,v)r rains,
Nost, pomparAtivoly, are enf% FrAAQO,, last week. gh, wbog the horoo, bolul.flivit ty A XM DAY
tons Olin 9",
Grenadi the one lialldrsd And tweilitY'A" tho`110 KAd vocurredpkt..Toul
4earest Arkinlo 1A. ;he 1404"0 An. they AVO dellArsxving been p414, for the an4iols; N"p, made as A44 0 134 rwt Ira 'Jiro "_w4ve N
A4%9 Hunar as, of houses were. owoo aymy
COM lig. 'A) 4L ru w,i "Akgw ruling vvottt Armly at. 12.0M4 Ua 041 040 bull cost o; great wany livo , 0 -M. tip 3.0 000, and 4, 14 DO lost, And twent 11adw.hCol lL?r &t at fomo, the besides wroo 4
hile in former 7ears. they Were 4, prlv
Cy o an
A or , dozen, w "I
0 0014 at thi nessoA (or 10, e rgo poplar tree was recently out Eight tiiq4sana boxes of oheo foun hi I in Sk 0 W0 AeOld -for down in Waroocoulity, WO04,virginis, o presume- this advaroo,4 js� wiioh, turne W �014 4tatJOR'. 1lip'to OIW Nv Q?
4.01it, 9,500 feet of o know no one, with A brQkGA ri
e ri 94C440484 I)y thw opening of an Ogg 40PQt orlb,-; ave , us T "T
The troe proil,4664 tea 1pgo?, one of wlitoll, ragoprice,121. Trado and the almost vertical rays, of a June so -ty situated and luglible rosIdepos On
qqaWlno s'14 WN towo, -where cash is. al& for: them., 0 4; At 10 $,Wo. 4torMIMIL For. Sale by Tend
ength, The lumbOr 1cl, was tea foot I I depresso ond
0iriva down on his ch
a one troet 0,40LO bo�j$ B614.%b 12Cr to 121Q por 1b.; endeavoring to fm
was a 0 Of the �viy b6ab fruit, sreav_fp6sa whioh a" been
vasqxqon. The alkip MU04 from 011uta 14 frorm noha"Tive. 4;14-L
Whether largor atooko� Non, kept froin, t1li his waggoa by binding, LO - unbw 4� colt;'
uffloiOuto ermot, T i4,'
it lape'L". arip 12 - akee e cannot t9lli but a good-sized, dw 0 'Whioh
W d ii$
h 1011 A Wt to the A kind boa
hose, n%TA tj.;00 Q, we, po infQrr
od, In Vo i(ron Xt
And dult, ii Tbo farm Or
*0 40 1kno"'gr 04 v wag irk a good otate.of cultivation.' The buildings zQ
14'a Tory large ilaorOAAQ -is used,, 14*q from. Mira P0 a frame bArp, and, 84410$ and a On aAt an old M414 got Ao the a , bipmeukof oggs,, 'We roisod the foldq�� to him, Ld on learning facts 9f ths Can, 9, placed, his . i4v rig at,, li %.Air
fam : .
good'o, few fruit tried on gto p so,whAhiw i
n29tb gives 444009upf of thp oartu, of' X N rton, who. g1p, 6nd Lot, and a WIN And
uJideratand, thatomo 71000 44on'arobeing up 8,14 0rAVOd for 4, PG4 nov in a, elb4q.
V. , '011 so, House 1 soat carents'-.on, the 18th, The, togothor 81 11hipped. wookly-froM. tis,plaoo And- we—SLell It Th are -0-being 4 rather.
f �hq*IW. fA�Kft orobard, gituat acres of land, 04 We
_A D on William' street,' Ilutoii, r.:a
7 man4rembling joined, his prayers, every �104vy one R'llorso OtAting price 04 each brool, and time now
deLOU011, � . � lox, payi
believe the. number b1ppQ4 from dtho aiag xl% 6ronrl tout or to the
inNewton' and 11 T1W;oTJAV2 i�
' '"Et" 1rao *7-
r Jaurney, safe bfi!�t't .4t . . I . ralles, . .
mm. e Qniol 46 P
�,Jiad, been p-e-oplei-oUt-�,of �a-popu.atxpa o uOrt 'In., I milviropi the WIA0.11am GrAv AoA4 No, tender will be Accepted *48 4 Murd9ro4, Their new _11 Of 04U
oo Were
so was a very grc to Ador 00
4ulking dog belonging to X44foLaroukin 'a Q04 10
t # A fOOli 0Of $oor �At f4yorltQ with a great oontabins I
wheat is still. b al no 80,41eired-the
sing brough b h0194' ouboaquent.., dipd hr
ade. Ica
buoyancyii c6 murd "n
��Jag prodo , by t prod, house Ana oro4rd. traino. Wa and gt4 01000i on dwyolul
Bonnetg fact ever time the hors was token off th A RA
he iMPrOY- Wokes and.jamoo Fisk, j.,eotood for from 111jurieS, RU4 Many WOi?e RE CHAN09
zoo 1100t
49 as an Qroodpo
Butter -the first t. me 074i f��Tri, _ dog had to, be tle;l up, The do$ 09 1 .1 or 344wileat, 14 990 0 r, 61
9d toilditiblix 40hka gorioralli�.� ibhb 0 shooks:cOnti od and 1 : %ter falling opking a P 6
arm the
lssI st.fraotit, ghei here bu�"marketo in bue.
X ki the fires, p on -this OCCasion"lloov9r,
-other saved Re htAf 4. The APU=111 ZW_Mcf. To Secure a Bargail2;,..
waqant it, ai c'�Jdce A r a NOA4 Carolina who.wab aollolio
. ..... h'Who sumed their journey 0 r ac4d%liri 4two , e I I ,, .
ul be found to dinpo'0'06f Ait t4o oon wiab Xowtous T
'thWelie-, paid )love. Thiwanomili- will Q';*' over"tho oidQ 9 irriogeand, ob-
steamero-were, sent and, chivhgamrs.:
after his a64ltittal by the jur, �ng to tho.'suirororm by the American BOOK.K99PV14 "ETC
'*f "I ili it, f% use& ia� I bar , wito aj�
P so the way
'on 1300 Od. 4. large. black: dog gag
corpo of
qd by the lawyer': 14 Rapier brightl 0011111 a�4 subio el
given for it no e a fom,drl
r-�_& otitibui prio6 the side of the rig, th 010
wili be'. 'ppi g1rom
'doetpro And acom Accoulatis fii;= 40 0.4d 0611.,ftd.
mittoo to disburs id, 1is heavy jaws and his large. red o�6s, fixed
novr ' Bill, youdid stoalthat in, the purch4sor.hoping, 1 0 orff to proteot j
-as to attkaot-ounto " wig .. y upon 'her usband as;" t s, Instinct
you 21$ : "Wow look a -here, judge' ggypri a
A. aBONI, ato make a �r6fit on the sa,e.o is goods'; IIA116 dia, STATIM.
1 f hi think 0 wton P e to of the animal told him that, M H015GI N S 'butiblit IIL4.t� 'th0'hoe4,, Dili: since I bearn your 4 The.changeo,'or -oit importance. in ;had no right- to
Ot Iso Uiia 0_ thoh
sn , On procedure, Xri�:Ndwtq
p6eoh JtiyOL -tein�ermbiiLt, no S
'y. bf the Irish (diod being of Ali imakini
Ad'it,would be a good thing for All con- 19,th4t, lerojury,1111be dogoned.ifiailIt theLU4 �d)
got�my doubt' alld
2� earned when it doase4 to exist,, and buttir,, Chilreh' mAY be thu , jL stated.;
874f a(iAratit, lot 86"Oth Fast Wawaposb,.jabout
LMTOZT, lie, Ah., .1 The tion 0lat he flashedompihee, 1h6 10 09 'Tuue� -a two-year Old roan !letter,, The o
'ill, other C6m_j od d weab light for ""A y6ung lady in Indianapolis sought 1. 1. horobyraquqpti I S I.P., L EN. D MERE": like ce, . 0 daili..U86 the 'Morning and evening witl1i a -shriek of terror�I'sho efainting )taiy�r is I no Ion I ger zequide& L -(2.), Co1a4- -into d to prove PrOorty, pay ob4xgQi,- and
cash �y�96rwarderg, who. would give the to imp the hu Of, t6 her I -hvvliusband'a armsi The- qgmb Sao.. take It away.
highest reiiiunerativ'price for Mks 'L dthbrQvPnihgwhendroosing , . I *
G IVIED' 6he :ifig the- dog, And standing I
o6 longer Made 46ondibiou pici n flailicia ovbr W4 Xowton, on a, e"Pari I
ST, E . r 1) Sld* of L T O� Ate olr;owhat higher ndt found the raquisit'e' OfCommunion. (8.) Communi6n lq� no
thougli -longor rec6mj�ehded On ago lip hipped,hig horses, into a. ft Vat ancl three
bloom in the coloring mAttee b occasion of ma-. Small, M
T E— firine 6 o'gonerAlly"Is on thw, wto W i
_T_ , for 4 parb�, a 0T.
Bl�qln � 4 No adoner did .,the d6i Isee. No Co*dyt J).Utigg e e .6 i _th , _ h 4goli&
e e 6 _)Pay'requ Are- no( m*04-
MLaren,a- ior an -7 e-spVau
giving:vVidonca,that the -worst is, oll -o - Mingle& rageand, 'It S
-hevqheoka_6� oll tq-Tartake
onleveryT"- in c, carriage with A howl of -MIC Vii�160 G,�LLOXS OAPAOITY�'�
nothing worse than up*,
a year;, bu t re urge to COMM unicA to hat , do, vored tol'got the Corti- yert0itablet for a. privato 0 ALE.
dairy will be'014 it'balf cost,; also i1irg'e,good isill;
Fall Wheal itself to her ekesi h now quite" ofteii, Tfi,� 0 wil"MUIVisebo sold To
and'the poison soon 4ft6r communi, d nnaba
apocryphal soon$ are age to aoize, Newton,'_This', confirmid. Mr. waggotne bud som harness
NTR prmg, d,..aad. thera-seemstoL readilig of. the: �Nowtonls_alna lei almost wild.with o- 40 be littTe hope .'.emitted from lib public p
-0-42, toyror ho,urged his horsep'to the top of V 8&ita ele-
B0 65 a 0 70 that she wl A er. 4 -he eyesight. Oes. (6.)* Conseerition of -tile ton April 21, Ia75.
r theirspeed. he fast6rhe'went'64.n UNDE;1SIGNED OFFERS, FOR� SALE THAT
Monts ofthe I I ;f�
0 Ue-hborlites tbe �6atos,_Own excited the dog. b d Just opposite ilie'sitq
New Fancy'. Worsted"10—oatings) 06 79 a 0 79 Th Lord'La Supper is' to talEd lore —
escamp. IntTaiudWXr, bt.Aiiyant4geoun lot situate
I .'along 'the Ve
OOL about 150,000 ixeresof lanc place from the'north'sid6 of t Newton fling first hi's horse cover,, then his ro r y—for Sale.
ings. �0.35 0 w". 't " - , , I' ,
New Whitt), Coid, Wool' dS pieces frou; the the London "Ouron & Bruce. Railroad Rtatio O�J46
16 -A '0 17 ino-of tne:A.tchison, Topoka, an 9 erLhis hit, then his cost, . HAT XAAMR COTTAOE, PLEABAZJTLY. BITUA.
in a wiiets. ohdwl, -th 4R. TZID1,6Z the 002ber of Rattobbury and Shipley. north sid� 61 the% unron Bob;, x�4, the railt"41
Bitter, 0 forin for -the vi )Ie si nd: the: doi., -stroots, wpat of the Mothodi"t Chinsh;,60nisining b6ten
sitatidhof t .04, .4 an&finilly the. 6arriago oughion
NOW FanCy e ).tiftg, PotAtoes, 0 70 0 80 FL]Ulrdad, and hav6 w brought' some I
0 12 a 0 131 $%00.0,000 in gLold late t the from the communicA ser,-� which never: notibod them in the leastj but poorad,- with SEE Qttft4lenoels, hard and soft irater, -for a arst a It 'or spy other buslnWi
g9s; he country. - - '' t*L . . IL . 11 suitable -ol so oteE,
vice. ques ion, and ans -a fixe
NOW. Trousering%- 1000 a- 11 .00 Wer � ex, with.his red'ey6 d alternately. on the Obut
ing fr-At trop -on tba, lot.' ForpartioulAro Oply 6 j As it lu__a4Wira_blo location, piftles Their attenti�n is hiefly directed t Vp'p6 a" u of bear
h ator4p,'the Lord's 8 10 Mr. Newton,�gilloped on Witht t
13ork 6 75, a 7 00 h
MW 'Drem Goods,. IsIllgi . pan ortso and
Bee llg timt Cal drtiro�" q.:CieL wouldilokollto
500 a 7 00 - buAiVating Soil btd fo stock r6i ".-Goo. th U 91 g7lab malce iianaiate application. For far
aSi. 7W bd that peoplq at work a,
A. -1 60 t4orvArue , . 0 prop i.001
1 00 91E� . . i ' th ulars, apply t tho
various- a work and: fled to their home Jn W- kind bf malitifaq Tho �iq� . L . No kep.
xtr Wring Vill. be diown Pince of Prussia's, lwo� left their'
New L res�—"- va ue #f6sh)
Clover 6 00
tta-Valuei. intr'o'duciid. upon they locked, the 4eox%'*a,
New Black -Mciiirnink Goods—e. T14gy-dress in� u4 excee& olde d '
4 00 - at sots are now ISMAY0 No
her. fastened the wffiidowsi' �and' p6iniod -shot., rV410blar .60 They eat five -tour in Wald is *ILL i3t ;!orIV9DB7 11i MW TRUS
010, W50 ingly plain man eck. , A� the' Princes are. unA_ana,pitchfo !:R7, T3110 Of'.0011061 R00105 -14Q. Ii STANLrY, until
eys, 0.1 a6 95:" time Awout of -every OLTNToN, New Fancy Tark ro a day a 9 satuldasr, Xully 106h,tor id sQd-
our$, d' inoynito, accompani- All the dogs in the country tura� tion,L'SPBAZZ 80jXOOLL1IoJJa]g, With itone
4uLtori., the I . Ace. undgtion.
0 15 - 0-20, 'aie healthy and wealthy, bd only,by thetr in6sh laugh- , d. I in h6ilor of ibd evcnt�imti byL
u ns, 0 �4 4 'OL Tondero'frii the Trustees, at thd SohoolADL.'VE
OaeL of over w0l] caninea, notbirLd theroselveq to Acdopt the lowest Or tiny tender,
'8S heproprietors fthe,qlpaco, able ocour' with re- wre, t t House".'On oply IQ,*, at Ao'olOOk,pM..Tlie1J I S IN G
New Ldn- 'Striped M Sli 36 vtooteop ao�
New SwI Check Muslint, nil lia 1d,&R1KJRTM -11�etorj.irx Chautauqua county,- N gard h a carriage: my bd,kdti at 'D ught
Beautiful Patterns, Q to- t sit, condition. -At G6.eek' in u,bunch,. uttering all manner of if KeTavish's, IoL'
EnA, office, Clinton.
Printed Mus ins 180, 1875-.- 'no h t I ijj,�. Fribzlar the. exclirsioniots, criesi rom. a, eop. th trGLAS. M�TAVISH'
�regmted..ith� . pair 0 e 0 6 87 of'Angorst goat attempted the looking,ppr apsT
40. 85 r6.mArk+ ather'tired'and`friiiel.�, 1041 , Wgilificant.bla!Irp of A 1?0, O B TONART,
-enadin �Spring 82 084' cids ftoln-,tbei� stained, "ordered c6ffe he abdilopfoduceaitwild seasatiour, TO -0 Qun.''
Gy elap. able.feat of taking the.flee a, f6r whichL tl
teams Coming alongthe road, tow sta `Iq, June a 500 L . -
ards New
L r iks, and Making 'a fashionable 'dress. land1dia.'considetably charged, t�jot t
New Whit6.-Brilliants", oonerio 048 0 ounwo b.' !i6d the of t6 woob 4 . I I -i 'y the -thah'lh h
0.66 b and sun.' sil b6l
eall, 0*00, ..etween aun rg�4 a head, an the 9'rquin
00s, or. HEAVt, XINE mmEn-
aIid at aiceirly" ll'ur- the rnoon lichool,bol Q. 60 �C' Of WradO
White Pia about. -,and on. -a �-C-
t ue -e -commented at -out wer obably4la Couple of '.b a il h ` . r, -4 -0� 00 0 65 ore'were'a dozen
13 go a I oo lassel." ' In
an Uah:tl6if _a on a rip, from ing along for very 146, ' At did bthbr;end,
fjhaWls d 10 00 'P.4,12 00 veral Man had mounted, horses -and were L far salej being Lot No. 40, Con. 6, East wawanosh.
the goods Were ready for " the dross-' anotherplace their order -for three idonfi Be The land to beavily twborK with rlso,� said to 0 15. oi� 0 17 Ong at full speed behind, firing Enron, it is ton -tow eFour ladies then In 4e used, alid - they were dashing al best, JIL the comi -1
WIPW MITAll '0 1.2 4 :0 -16 makers.
ado tliO. was bliqgtl f ty of
Eggs; Shot guns and yelling li It btaA, About #'of a mile fronithe I nd t e�
gork, 6.76' a 7,00 'areas, 0011114ote im-evety particular, ana otherwiol: treated with a.contomptous mileik,froku,tho VM6064D
eW Li6t of Ladies'iUnd6rc1othin 4 A . a
N IS Impossible - td tellL 116-W the affair -'would Var yeare A1101111.1pt.6 t a t a or
(i 0J&prIVAta a
rea t liberal,
ro dy (or wearing a suas pt, disiegard, for'Whiolt Mine host could not. live ended had not Mr. Nowton's 6arriage i5t
Men's, 'Wopien's and Chiidren�s, Hose of o0vtombar It 0 lots
4cient apolooes -soon 4S,L hs�' �;oken ddwno,;th.rbw,ipg the inmate into soldbyAuctlo a 10 ro DO
TW'X. Y. Herald tells tra t1i4t trago' al' the ditch.
snuo -th- liadlm�ii�,l &aoquaintow to QenV6 Buck-,G,1ov.e0,T:A,gbt#' Wheat Fall So' 88 A__ L oo. dibs: dip= Instead of.,,worryiiig mijbod,
ske; for Sultalner.' . 0�. &-dr a Ch
0 85,'L a '0'87, day and� as'ihe liv see ; a to be 'unus' araoier of his% visitors, 'theL' dog s' - -forward had throw.
Mely L rung himself
Spiing M it
prth uPdn the horse In the obsticy of delight,
Shirts for'60 Flou 000 a 500 �±Aolj� Taub, 16tb, 1876.
ually� lenient with'the offbiEder's, there -`.T.ho1dllowing i6redible 18 told licking his1acif) and howling fritlLpleasure.
040. a 0 0 'ic LOt
Irting' 00, is littleho" at ptesent of� 9, cessation in by tho LeavenworthL Tmyste Not 0.
ew Oxfordt S crowd
0' 65 Orilll*'� Muidoi. is. serve up orsed-dogs-and -And Mr. Newton
st P 01,05", V ry was soon Cleared up, the OPIO
There, is e; young qol ore Womi
Full lines -of Gent's Ftiriil6hing 00odS, Barley' 0 66 a in' the n:diep All LL HE SCRI.
'Piitfitoes 060 A 070 do �ap6riin.� variety, of f6rin, Akin who has a atri�je llistor�, if the 089 furnishecl witha, carriage,and A53minrikero'by'request6d. to callmitoottlel their 7.
dodonut$ OULor beforethe. lot
0 15L A' 0 15' W n a bf uly, a ter which date
Scarfs,. Ties,'Oollars, Shirts, Vestso'. to iomalice,Or.dim"e, hov�i. The'lateiltl' stery tel& by'llerself and friend be true. 0 t on hi way rejoi in
Egger, 012, a .0 13 unsettled'agoomitowillL be Olatedia Court top edlicotiou.
instance is that of a. father takin -She is- called Maggie Adams, ; ana in. GEO. jn�
11 00 12 00 all 9 Until rem. A
Hats, C Hayi !, '. . . 1 .1975.
aCoatb,'PC 600 erring ter out on the river t6 to About qen y6ira',Qf ago,.
Hides 400 A "'Von' al . Warwick- g6btler' has, haf6fi-ed- out a him y nath
New Carpets, Wodd. 2.60 a 3 00": . inA,colliv 0 g bar OfJhG ,error �f her, cauil� sbeii ived with, dozen chickens# -hivhig�drivon'the old hen -
Beef ---
not d All -somuLth-pa 11 -
NOW 5-1 Adverti�e.
a vork fall asno. rtme!�-. 400 -a 6*00
tiblimm'' G.
a, logical' sequerice the paternal ad .,ty, who �ieme from Missouri o, Arises. Mr. W, �B. Robinson, -6f
I$rougbami A JOB LOT OF 5,OW YA JVST� REMMD EXTRA-VAM "RONTO NAIRKETS- viser killed hImself. -'a, pair of mares, four koarsord, audw
RDS OF AIMCAN GOTTON ra ince the war -�Rhe,-has rVnZ AIMBORMERS DZSIRE 4-0, 19 TIE11 TIM
_.1)urinj all ' yet% ' ol ei&
'�$1,200 to*. Mr;, -44 PA1419
1,630 lio -�oAc *kb they have entered into partnership,
OR0166 J1110.30r, ;18751 _b a tite of. slave.r receiving itig ufidg fi, for
CU !V1 � a bad 11 Xf ou. hava-old goods which you wish tO'get
ab _rCo_r"B_ei_ work)-.16-ifig-liolapellea Haskill, of tingilturc, 'I Thomas, and.hopo, by a tb make room forfiesh'stook, let t1w Poo -
the. reporb.of tbo'e books fro �Ilob 1119 Pie ty, good agod the good will aid butchering business
x 094 to: do washing
094 1. - -- tiou is streouramliaof tioriustomers, to tho.: United MOrlb a o6uthraknoo oftbair patronage. plo who look out-fer bggaing, know it, slid
OWUL Barley 0 63. "a 0'70., q
a ton of -TTEA, -.-bO to 80 ots, per y giialL4 prov 1&cSt_,of. he. boSji t Iii, a on, 7'
NE_W fr6in �eatv' _!WRea:n bj9kff& was h6ld
_ Lr. 9 1
T �,portuities for h6
:0. last., uality,'k op. e a
Peas 077 a; 0 79 uea at spsli,950� dis ut follows:. . baj slid opt in Ignoian6e - of the- na Any. part,orthe Town.
fact t s);a 'was Irb -16ager a, slave ment over the last -'-Over 5,000 h 'A
Yell Butter. - 0-18 0 .90. 0auidli;,$i38.,,i86 . E riglaila, $95,688 'ere off -d-but`onlythni . jT4 ow� 12 ea that e
W td, 5,000'Packages of Vn,
E 0 4 614 AdVertis.
Vgsl 0 34 -a,�,O. 34..�id she ibld, the price about,10i cents.
00, Brazil, .48�,222 ; Clbliiiabiao $77,809 ; Pho WaaL*ke1)6 hatb*ek erty f Sal
Germany;. $26,615. � knew nothing w 'he abolition In its accour 0
4in� $32,66.4 ; I 14ghtenid kt of the gitai -o at Barrio -,Prop
I r
An :8.' FISHER 011 f (and was on On I 5�e 18th, the Northern
1872. Arg6Lntine Rej�"lio;L $23,821 Cuba 0 on #riday, Ju
AT FEMALE - REME DY. $23,779 Me3jiCO - P - Gazette OFF9RR'V.IAT lfl"6u haye removed i . 0 a li�w Store.' Zot Your
,$16,207 ;-Adst aoung says I ' "'As,an inutance of how the Ivalu. T"Fluated Vroperly on VI
ralie"i- 0 olorls street directly oppo-
colorod"' an nor 0 6 saved at a fire the foi. site thd Royal gL Of& hop.and
014,208 China, $8,756*-; Frince-i 87,. who , tiell 'w 'learned of ablo'.goWa,hre Us' o.; friandskno , w where to find you.
jolt 2KOJOES rJaC14i)iCAL P"ZO. 0 her" owing will. nerve :-A mdn dwelling, in *14074 there tire eight roomir fo� askle# The
. . . - I the facts and wen,Ltdrwork to hay I ' '
615. ; Sandw h. TpUtAao $4,62T. nd Went lato' lot has to. front "Albbig through to Mug otr6et,,
Thiovoll known medicine is no,impbsition. Woods' drug store to gave thingSL and ala� do NO,
47611161M611011116 UR&Y. Applyto
other countries, European ead �.haiatie) Bob at liberty.
but A sure and.sefe iompily for Female - Diffi- though there were Inany'articlas. ot yaluoi 4VZUY# clinton
oultids and Obstructions, from anyeause what. purph6ifig.booksin quantities atyipg 'The London P -all Halt Gaulle say P.9. Advertise
and of , easy - transportation, withilla' his Otto 1Afts gdwdolt, Mich.,
I although A powerful remedy it con- front $8,000 to-sm, md amountipi to 1! It is, perhaps, not' too -much" to say.- toach, lie.psasoil'them., a1l'Vy andiackled
'in SIX RE
, AALKKS TO THEIR FRIENDS AND TH thing hurtful to the boatitutiok� that'lthe ciumulated' wealtfi of the 6 not wor
CE It I, PUBLIC Was, a huge drawer of einpty bottle th Tiand,
generally, for the, sliaic of patron 6g' that has, been bestowed itpen thein, and having leaned, TO ld"311MD Lnipss -1
Xtispeculiarlyoulted, Ttwillinashortilme on is OV13BOMIE1114 OPP9118 Von 9ALk TRAT : f, YOU STO at 'the, old otatia, Ana iiew stoieg
A noti& Will Make'
ity, birthaay� Samlitl H61draft, 6f Dio en,- Inuoligreater in proportion to p6palii- 001iyanient]Y situated 140 acres*of wild land, belill haVe made its front 'lo'o'k n yoa
the monthly period with. iogdarx 4 few diya hi bvelitieth Vni Od Stqtda at the is very say ng, and rbalied. off with it.'
bring'on di
1) do 0 t and Lot I 86h a in, Hullbtt, about 6
-At Dig
N Wil. died up the loss it you ADVERT
ces that Mr.' Offi�.ry
Xn an cases of Xerv.ous and - Spinal Afroetions, oon, Iown.; docidealo ride hr . ihs'&86 istion than that of any anci ' am ird�
ent it in Uto from the L., H. &Z,
quell brRndh
Paino in the Back and Limbs, Heivinegs, timein-his'life-on% r Hd had oven the Roit &0 12th'lftlt,,.,aged 6 Top Miklithud tows through it.
Dohor4 & I ailro'cid, an, at its most flo bing 'About, -twelit minu a fore' . - 1. or Rit aptPlytotho propwAtot, Lot 17.,
The bre I Onto ssrs. Fatigue on slight exertion', Palpitation of the ithi Gig �t a of years. ietl'�gob lip _ , . efore' ro I 7- .. .6, : lived W, n h III � a a station on period. In the firof place, th6 so tler6' deatliJie qu 0 is . 911
heartf Hysterics, Sick Ileadachio, � Vlkx't I - -0 un. L. MELVILLE.
x the Btirlingt ,ad',
!ut on -dine, but 14 nov6r' bu� 'he United States started as., -a locked hi a too 0 i
and all the painl J , ,
Will open the game in a few days, with it choice oelecitloii, of FRESH GROCE R198, &0-' A's disordered System, these Pilldwill effect &cuts fore felb like taking the � risk.. no sent hlig��y Civilized, industrious, and oirder. Which li a a a too or
8 aellormlAqwth keep it upf Ana when failed. to the 9uporintondent of the division ook- J�r comm a numbs
we have got quite a name for our high flavoreaTosof wi unity. III. the seo6nd, they have rs, then washeci a too. DISSolutio7a of rartnerslffj�,
will mqtke a reduction of from 6 to 15 *onto er lb.) lia'S or 10 1b. battia. Theowhills hnro never been. to fail.
p .. " 1. ' a th coo of'fheir , savings* ia war, sea him urial; PAAT., A ttisin
�vhoro the directions on the 2nd r -enemy appro ed to bloso I.9
lago of pit=- Ing w ich we e safest'iriin, And was wast411 NYheu the fas
is- On. amuse- long carpor NOTICE
p dve
misc ed �o, take One- that on raligous festivals, or up a heretofore otiating botwtin Augers, 0.
pblet, Are well oboerveiX.' hieVously Ad* Of intense 81160ring,, lie exal imbil in des. Spooner 8041. Thomasy As butobom &o., in the Town
BftT VALUE GIVEIT IN Tlt"E FOR P DtCE, An.' "or full particulars, got a p4mphlot, #66, 61, ran the fhatestf any, On the appoint� ment.than, any other great P-40plo bfin't tac�e of Mato 'has this day baim diagolted by mutual con-
Weloo 24h,_1 me, ddath), I have test, All:partfdo lhd6biod..46ibb4�,liitaArmielther-by�
agdut. isted -T -third
ea day Me, Haloraft was escorted to the has ever ox .a the
Place, waito4 !or theo iidtd- or book acaotmig* his �Otidod fo pay tho hamb to Tra', created many A Now Ausintse. music kild a-0ro- th.6y ha�6'doyoted themselve's mord con- AW, WM W. FArron, *hO Is MOUQtked to collect the
$1.00 and Nivents for po�taga, to 011.1ast Sunday week, Me.
eral * 'bu 4' 0 -Tohn M& waxio,
t 'tGrooer Brie 0881 -villager� in, gle6tegqa6. Ca. tiduouBly, iiaorO " zoolOusly, aiid 'with' 'Phdroon, lot 28, con 4,'Groy, missed two,
�Vhdleoala and Re. at kbto&- Xorthrop�kLyman, TOf6nt6,,Ojit, n M.
agents for tfid Dominiono.will insuran bottle tumesw 11is, excursion, Wes u4tteded, or suooead anaingenuity to Indus- lamlig, and found the careass of one with a '--cifixt out, 1676,
Bontaining over *90 pills by return mail. b cident, although the - hertoud ex- pursuits, 4' a- thdy1ava constantly co�iple�.Of alylall deep holds in theJugulat 06, o jrAt ng
C1,181`014, Jupe 16th, 1871 soldinolffito by.1,11 eorge
t, trial
Combo anaG
okson ii -id :0. T4uiniodoxi Soa.' 0i ement -idada him ill 0tor*ard, beea, xecruiteafrorn. the industrial clawt. voin. *On the Mond&A the R dv,
chialey; - 11 Hi NOW
ji; ii'jha 'fo4it4 pla�o, 'a glatt throo, more dead lainba were'discoyer-
forth-� J, Kidd, Carto;ibrook,, Parker .& battle a of E urol.
fgrasolloppors, the Chicago 1, ed. 1.wo lay across legs, an it oarofuli�r
t and F. Jordatij E" Cameranp Bay. Tribune mentions one swarm in partion- larger proportion of tboni'ig productive.
Cgs& Asia; Jan, BonthrousRodgetville: and All medi. i loyoa.than in, any old cnrplacedthero, but theother one win found Hal onlargod in.aily An, Old tusiness.
let which, movirig at the rate. of fiftoea y gorne distance, in, tha buslil. terribly n
e. I ?I stlyj Whit is, perhapg� mbj§b. ii lutla4 : , . A, Vait and ikitee 0rop.mi,
miles an hotir, 'occupied six hours in" in' -tod, -tlio'%roater portion of the sok And,
rtantofa% t4eMechatticalinVbAtions breast hAvin1j;boen torli off iLlIdL ft�hL ftf
TRIM SAV OP. IT I A VZW FACTS P61t pegging ovot,a, town in, Missouri 'And PC Mr, MOP) devoured. from thir" of rooefit yo4ri 114YO hialtiplied a�'onor- totalli unaware
AG R1 C -U LT U AL W 0 R -K S Zo r.-Thbre are but few preptirationg ag bstila'atea to be ty, to torson .,who was T 0S TaOXAS,$ 6t timeu. the proatictiv- of 'th
ild which' h withstood the impar- miles. widd-and half a Mile
rmius number 0 e full chareeter of filb'dostructive visi.
'd it trap close to the dead lamb, and
tibi 54ept,",of th vople for any, great - d OrAthookh labor," lai oppoolto Mdloylg POP Vaotoryt nattenlittry st,, Weat.
longth Of ilide., tfidge it Ilk, Tlibmig, er hand, we hgar'of in such a position that, Should the destroy� ounto,',rand is, is7o.
6, 6' tremendoua reins all Over thd��Wosb, 3 1� I . .will riy
the, f6ilo.wing nd, t . gan'FrAUIA006 PAP6r says, that the orteturn to ftg proy, its QhOnrq Ivi, al. . ` , .* zmosjo
(Jlimax' Dbuble Cylinder, Threshing'. *achines E I 'aft :,come frora $6 manufactu re by Chifteso in tba� City of mostcortaln.' Npxt.morningMr.Mor.hOr4J' 0 CoAvino LOS. bingon, Farnham Celt- Tho grasshoppers, whi tea, P ' b ' itted with Ar A.
LO.0 �0, 70 can, aill
aa"�thgeW00nr�'_a0i=nq1atvo, un d6ub.6diy killed* descriptions, jo�Wellory and the almost. iatOO& And were Astonished 6'dfid a groat
vi4iiB-3il W.011TIr Op
tilaa many remedies with I t
M 11 1. until ldW securely fAstomato'it by, trio tight 301cIff to bell. r *11 giva to an Old etpriAlvil onev. Advertisin
-And all kwas of A==-TuRAL ni PLEMENTS alwaYs on hand,' I Wed Dr. Thomas' Relee 6,400 "them by rAillions; Moroov��,.ib should unlimited ntiluber of other business 6ri. " 96111 MZ one-half, for 9611ing thatthetbal , The .9
I " I I . forepaw -or. rther three of Lila cl�aw, folio ne fit patt of theBbolcd 81gon of the Times,
then bd nbuad flint, W torprises'lli W'hich they are reguIarly ou� On Bible n Inerfvt h * Vo1edoI0od,atbrflllbgAc-
have kad no,attack of would to, veratit r in orop is
Sep. Boeing the Ohedbtmf� story of Ottoattabbath and Virst day of the
iia it to 110tel X too fat-advai6od to be seriously injred, gag64, ii Jloing daily'augMento a a ay
o rudbt the Ittrge And i isasing demand for our celebrated Threshing 31aelihiee, from all r0mmsl have ' Thb lambs it mado aoSp6rftte off6rio to g t W
atts itif the Dominion, *0 ji&% by the introduction of/the1atest And Isoot A#pt6Ved or, 'West -S 61rord" T., Q,. 'writes, 'I'! by the insects, ana hencic"' latest brundh Of btiginegs which illay but, thb� trap was a WoOl"Modern Has, resenoa inafty a rallifig BusuldFig liss pro -
P been troubtd- with' liver compl' � kvetal ocuroly ohainea do%#n The St%W of the Dead, by Wilton , Christian Baptism,
machitery bito bur works,. great]' 'tido. We Are therefore Tests. and have tried 4ifforent me 'nbs V, "bJeots and ddelo T464i,bath natl 14.110lt sarvL4,ifidg-& due -
e Appeated in enormous SWArIlls, o X,7
v goruly- is that LCf end the gEil).OnLjh oil- as Lion; First And 8OOOndD0h6hN, or the Tianggreogoils
y incresiod our u;Arm ;h _0, Q1AWS,.,k , , Thd,
ittla orpo. beliefft, until I tr� bfk ed if, its efforts to escape, -the r rhotd fof the Times, froid cmlwu&Authovo�
in a position to tilt all oraefa pftmptly, �64 Dr� Thdinni may hope. that ot, bi6n6y-brokors. A year or two sin 0 eature rate,
turned in, the tvap, And with' ]late Ana so- -the
,Z Qn6oklohN aniW06di Pr6phoby of
Edldotr!6 Oil, which give me imme At6rollof, greaUlestruotiog. one or two Chinese &pitalists, boilig-a 9. vage fury glearning in to eyes, Attempti3d 00yo
a2fiwonlaay that I have,ugl it olpao in this direction, " .11111.11ffliaTrworks not mentionoZ,
Eve r - to give i , , opidi, to Spring at the Mon. Y 1 1. 1113INTOSIT
with fte best -'eftect. Xoonoghouldb6tlkh� onet. a -oapable of m4n� things. well directed rifla-
6,(. u a a o o Cow yftr all - of the. Cruel
entir oatisiactio�fx- eitit. rhavoirieditimiayhorsesin oftoeg Th o ' d t f th a a stable, formed It co�pattftersbip Ana OP6"4 'it bill wali'thoh seat into one %AID.
of outs, woundai teq 64t$ *hibk it �s ually cbaugod`,,�ato eithers of Variougtaorts plato of, business in-sk votiv4"A1114 "--X, brute rolled , A
as good for horab an for I Aglybee,
Watkwettli, vr1te#,. !FT lloo so) a'ght way lx� I wr� Make, -very hioo� pol-Almos'ana &Vorin' Dupont Street, btlying and selling gold b6sido its mutilh,od, �toy,
9 and silvor doin, Thoy did, a thriving -Post. 09 Tharo-is it- ri h- t n
some. licudxa& ofboLtlosr of Bolt oxinots for-$ 4, *atipt, 411d. 'ica erdow. i do, pvepythm Valiv a mait h 6" xwey
Uoro, orderiog elsewhera sod -for CirduUft 49d 69 if is Pronounced b$' t1jo pliblid, Oloo, of the Thi 'wouorallt �nowzi but boolness, a0d, six ipontha ago 6uq ofthe RO'SrA MAIL' MAAISTIM. :ft
16.00, order, daely. 4 is uo,�v llv�or%y 6 Irlds, baliftlT III foolish Advartisiug4 all any
-4-f of anotlor has made a. little go. a g4ht w b
eGr,ASGoWy XA.(3:plffERSON done wondori in heAl 0.0' ing. And talib;tui- p,al c�n laims, to have disooverea in the h o, th a-' I e- -rk' a has"J"u8t, both madoon toot by X.
1411-0—.0 egged a onx,
Aoro throate"Otd., And id. worthy of the 8rdAt.
eat donfld4nd6.,,_,T000pll nusAuf Towiiship 4boplood llv�db-g "Au\bdor, as doll- 6�6nd allfr1dient to, setisfjr hLg want Dq lVitb 1)x twAnty, six days, thug ieinn. V116 pft&ed, dlyddlbullb sfotiftiAlpa
of thd. All
0 ifig A wAgOr of 8600that�lle wQd (to. orX.�u a Advertising.
dayfli Idutiffig ud" *
'To Oh aso Manufacturers paroyv� writcoo tot as persuaded to try cate-Aina d6liolova 44 i� wp Th hF issongoto Ana 1 101011
-1fisolvent Act Of 186 1 1 0 1' h Zb Thomas, rAloafric Oil lot a, lArno krim which disguttini�" This roa,�lia up000ss. attending Lis offbift" Wah ot eousplish the distaftoo; 702 Efig it o go TIM troublel go Wit �&turat�jl- 801q. loj)je in qro4ding, Aua has since eaus i6YARYIJ, actual 1104 OW SA19,1 N-06 vitorl 4tx. fma,
the dounty dotiri of the nayerfound.AnyLlilag. like It for curing 14mor a me for,tfirbe or four years, Pn4 I It hi66 tat bJ 6 nCounty 0 Itatim, PAtid A346 1106PA" Ift the Dominion, 1, 46 btr6by glis nooso It is A gtoat public tin of 0trato -of po tagh iA water axpod.� or sbt�oblleri 4VOV4gO Who hot!" that Any Ali wanted to catch' thi pub
at6rl)fsriltd,oish6rbuyltgo'rratilitL-' it Am
'btltiOng 01111raOti% 6001 y4pyous 14 it frga� ......... ........ lie dyd';. therefore I dd bd skillfolly Uditifibo 1116 fib4telfU60 Of 1160 k *Ithota my oossolt Ifilibilt6no WarkWatth, Wkittift, ItIfft- weeks I odto" tile 114, for govoral odor b !("at' V, 8
t""A"inUO will bi held Hoptuallild to hid so heftiahtZ w f1872 wA0 troublaii W1 'htiC
6 Ith A owablod A416, W111611 out 11ftlike tiny Other perfumo,, and, nd one partito Or.gagid Ift the buainelig are Iso of. tbio. lo moftd, titaotts*that. 1 it ItOnVUIT .. . .............. hot, brd�vdcdl but cloar, ruta1a 1B
............ of)36b is- to kivo 1nTSrMa6)ifAt the 14astpoosibler
i6flla sUsp6ob Its -origin." Nitrate of Obinamon 4 Means, �ua iie,46 from or),- tile wilelb populatiow or t116 *01,Ido sap The havalit do oderid fly this tine Ktoefylo* toijal, 0040 t(y the dotest potalbla numbpt of 1*oplo,
ftAd lt� ict nepotAgh�� Is ciloapy tile taw Mwt6tial in 000 16 $20,000, dApital OA611. Tb6y 46 ond hundred thwaoaAd rWIlioUg bf'por. A Zi
ON &1 00,. of Clinton, to, Att as A onto for"tho, milf, of rliao fpdaoigg me to tty')?,dleotria
T 6 To (Ia., t is in the Countyof U
by big Ckoditora, AM on WED1489. tha at
187t 0 trial under proper it at, the ll& night, oil Ahuhab noyi, po;7196,
and Unit, tha Proms And Iloopt do not off* v*11*- mecday
Uy Ot ho will a"ly Atittood6 p1drififul, an4, as' tho piccogg is quite a latga busiftets in buying 'and, selling gone, Were to deal 6
of juasi tematk diet" th ilia said Court top a do-nilknihtl6h of 06, 41146borgo 60 Sold by 611 M, 4 Ab A 4 erg Pride, 2� 44, simpla, th-bre Is no reAsorl Why iny end 014 liow American trdo dollar,, whioh for a hundroil Millim of years�� thev - rtspAld piogago 1606A bt 16*01t t6toa to, ADVrAT1 A P, 19 THE
do rt $sale the =4 R of
'IT 4101 0 1 ,
thJo)rJ6tby offebt6a. 8'X, THO As Me 0 deed P-6foona V10hitig to bring. Out their yfl6hag.
0 ocosesnenFor Through TlAots� ind ovary xtitofthtlolt, Apply to
0 t ..
la,of tfie a 6 do o i tion, And
itile just omi5ll OW4kot Aga blossom. I am a m he
r Loved ink sold by vol 66 *J16 had not th# tight. fliou0iindth part, of t1in possible, &Eilo of
MR00mam . - 0 �t min
$Ole tod , 066-lexcibuip.muc1l: pap,6 tv pack of-cado." tit Olt A-wo, (frol*
MN, Attwor witxiis ort Nompotdo Aika roloirla
lhi"oa w,
b To t�
elie I
4rimil a
d rds
r4oa in
aw 0
f "Allo
aw IT-
.. ..... .... ...... .... ............