Clinton New Era, 1875-03-18, Page 2W 7111 vf I, L, 0ANADT", -ft- Woo 0 - 7 0,4 lWar4por. '04"w Az -p�ntlsm*4 ho a WtUng oat 4W 3%nwt or MU41#4q, 11441 40ow. 004orkhu t 44 040101AST, hotel. A Mw am st wlmj�r 106 maki4g,"o sta4mm-kjot the -chat Mi $1,100 tionva 0 1,041orm to koutlus ft A High School. for WW& 4 thy uo4 Wn u44s t9 6* Willow, "44) oad Afw 0044401% recon the sum of Wtr to W. 1. of, 144 Tow, Via R' W.W; Ail, "- them a h 44&,W 0.0 now Tomporislioe JI&I v 441 14 nrrl",P.� Zoo 11 04 V;TAWPA 00 UaombM VNPVM t the x0okot 'A mo 917111 PATWw" moth9r of tjIe nwro for 18741, of -1 .11 Rood 400 did 4 01 5 1'ssrs 1w I L , 1%, Sn4 to WSW 011ppog 4 4U4 brokq�-#O; Arm * I h44 0 40* -low .0 Uh., %4 ttaAwtim'' Arm 011490106 84(p W 0-A V O� bAT" day$ 490. inK by, W urost, set a a I ANA Just ll"�U, ,a lier "N"IL04 40 fit Miller I Ob he , X*74 11 no Pasteur, Ak k UZ44o'— o'Ats, hok "be 414 wbioll Sir jobli -Vos")A�sa 1POIA Ir 't 14 0404 .0w ory vit lot wo 100410. K*�.; 'DAU161 Users, olork Vthe r for this Hants Co.' A.�,withl W A04, ru in a Bogoozo,—Wthille COMMUR gn If County, die sure tll%t 4'0 00 roto To II V giveal, m 4 in Godoriol �uu, 0Y last, to lady 'W" alroOk 4041010" 9 64 84 There w Ir 'bon, ioemboro, 044 the Uxastioo for as smailloommut ty. 4'k, 00441 3roar of' his A Toro'#" v 0,11114 re. A44 of otiatpurent Ott a will on Tuo,84, .0 IWAbo. igbtf4d H P IQ ochoQu -7 noxt, th 6 111, .a few doyo: OU00A by a 'roo-1 OR, Woo ortiole in the Mait was, Inaccurate. It Jpg,,thie 'he# 'he (f the offloa bingo 1841, � r Zioitp bor bo4a,, 4,40 4,0411 U �­4 OVA* of be, . 74, ro� from the t4tii, it wifi�. be ind, we hove. tQ 23rd fook, (or the Bolter bQ11440, 644 Pik Daw thAt 44y A Milo examinafloo of tile $to* 00, 10 Will ua, - - r' 9 the Pro robs of the 'huu4Qr to raise. direct4from. the Oki Ill000".1 to which Isrorstal, 'WAO iftilk itlemaw of title tAate* and high, 0 W044 a Three ]Ann Aaw, U Woo fo kria V.SQU4.1 9L Xr. TA ,IQ 0out $14,000 for mop dents i With.$011lal Palos, neorly $6 for �vory inhabitant, This no from X-imaollusetts 04, t, -nowlodga of its b4ing'so"It would a Art's 01010117 inv#qid akir y manners,. and, had died 001 004119 to Sclitiltz, Poor nas, was 0'ruok by d tile L guardittriii oud friend To X.A.U011 I - thin. $40rb"OkOo 94000- o atud,494 oY0A,.tQ .18, 18M wyory heavy to�x, And from, All Appear ragrotto4; 41 A home And cutter stsudinol Wirout ot C0nw#t%.'K 4.010, Io1orse, g burat" OCR 'Invio to 41re, point"',huo to 40 prospect Qf 'tIo4ricing M i�r Ono Week) ovo.olk On. 04AW4,*, � 0 oightA44"fro'l ilia ooq440 of hIs4 i4� bundiod, touiii it, r ii%vo b to� attqu#�,. 'The pollogle Tri kom th I T X A )LEAL LAW, UHFOR�X, "no" "'its le lonod. daY5 Nine hundred barreIx of',whitollsh-oare., - The foll?wIng Are Dro �qhrl ItZ 11o'Al At LO114OU'r W414 StOlQu A "t the 3,;,Wd merely say it woo 11 inaccurate," we 416 the reeeipt"" a4pan*, but. urot" 14 arls'......, Ores since,* $ot7etvcQovorod. prioco"t'llo. 00,041 Nty 0 a' ing bid, Ul.10104aus 0 RAY11 1n; t1m) West India$ Wiudfoi�4�`Nqw� b1gliost, outbority -in i0onflervatiie Only, XQu4 rgair. *110A;mo 7 THE OZB­ Wa*;rAllp 1rA.AVA0,r--W1I1 DIsinabird .1;op hrpo. Apgors Acol, Yar -thirowlof these f1sis we're frO,, vwbodii4dj, a., y had t k. Two I `240 to, jebdiv Ilow kockloso. the CouservA- $i26 44, some �f those old frguow who 0419wa on, 094, no a 40111OIli OhOP,004 Off by in FOX6 in. thi harsdo zen 0 -it pow 4C w oREP -he J Q1391 95, a,usia.1ho 1e. ., c4, Qqd.ar e ne w "Onlo*, 1t%4It,AW1:o OPPU w1ater,boo k, I.` fratA , V ".d); of 41A $liter OP. sat4r;la� r; AstlWo irpi,64 t � ad 41.0.01, 4 upon-,-- orlogjauso gi "I . 'wore R R "-a QPo,u�d' Ali- Office. for tho An, its lat's, A-Unallor. OV,tbo :tilro -oa' for rm late Jisx Albliar School Afr 'W T' flayit'farmatIrro strair- a that.*. W11, tho Ia. rvipotrito 4 Joke. Ail a Ili C It fl 100"Or'lt �'fj che Ili 00�. Q�, f, '114 tsi, iiii )i ayl;, otili, to 14 to., i4t, th ey Stroots. And Sid1QwalV4`- '26 30 th boyq, 0 .60,01ight -Nottli 114 '4IftiPQe* Harting. Xr. D. Kptaviy, xest ton ug 0 Won -Wastf, 1;'6aimjttOA Rule* b b of, OdAto.'A"A lit W -era - ounuie 06 ptadtidb of j geot�a. 'Ia a d t rualro ekV�tai, 'OlAt al Me Ad ,:riorm ever, �Iat ", P vp - V I , "of the '' I Q-ASIKXOAT�; Ila al inhis"bgro af4w d4 00'Ut "pin "Wd,-,su '&4* -U 41 follow and oil$ dpp&�e,, I wfilondo J lgs% so ve Lot a I we I . Ot 94. 80 they too ii." If I tted Xis - . - A �grouud bog aoulb:-,do YO to al cont I tug yo pir I Ut disrobp*4im, bounfl4bi.4' &trates' flues 72. P ro, 00 'Lie 1010 OQ esrlyr s, iklial'hovo.,Our A 444fig I, sted,, At his., Wo al, contei lu Q on ",thlijAdWjill XR q I uOuls �-W4 0,7,� will one 0,014 wkbo rpetr 00 Wy T44gan l4st, iY4 the peut'� t 9 010 ended. to 9,dqgtj�i fl�h '14,01LM, -wbio�tb'Oy. ba 'Pr�vi. do a 1 950 �60, of Aw­. up,ory fraud, 0 wl tIr94 "Oro fleadf'? on'the til tire wtite,r) yho idanq A. 'Aifustqj. WAII'llo tho, OAQU Coniltr 9 V10 "14A40 i Apoottiox. "Proolo,14t, is qQw Aftia, fropx No olite; 0414 guilty Ono., an e4talikonuo.'o mfqk� iis,qv �. 1 7 .. , ­ 1. 1 t �Ihia name tof-th TX' 025%,' Q PiAlWo I 'Wo'd" like to bili a dAUghtpr of 1� - W. �8. AobertT well yoind otbo-. theory 'and lismoO 060,%$6afortho was. Aforriptl it 41 to n a A Two, otores'a h '� wero dep ta bf it CO to "tho Btroyoil ll�'tire U4 0, batbor a op f Q*r;, 47 56 verwho WhQ 4 lin t)j1y'Q.no as, 0 at Part Dolhoriiie,eii ].Fri. r e w I Ung r At Iss, -rofunA 0 . A t the.. poor at I't 14 W 0210.407 "'n, I.it"A4 -6030.00 J74 "Coo�' bi?W6 otteo. of lav oeis'-fWh tlie"prindililds, �1#� ij �o;'.PotiA froil 46 f�li 04"at� tempt a4d:otopg-filll�f gubly." 'i to her bye, or4. were;, l)4ru94 At Thor. it. 00, ,,, , .0. " gain; mokink a tory, Painful day'. Throo! at WP tu -or," qplkr�J!4 04, A 0'41 011AAy destroyed, ald,tbe�qailiq tigbb,,., q, urgorlpo, 4 di r TH "oulld' The eyesight will,be 04, .4 or lop antics-,. H A04 -A L*U94 w �wa r6onjtly% ow,p heavy, thAw s �t i!t which 5roatly ved0god aye ub 120 99 A, We learn -that a1ow d' Y Xwq *4tsit,'elloula'�' h c :money ob,44 bo"Op'04 VAIiitit i4o 04,00cessit r of A ;oisqt4A ph in ji'll. Awgit 1p. go Bqbrauch "of the Paci0o III Old *oWnie, o the sli4w nr� I vo'r�. hillch in, A Mi, Jao., IoArlsh, )ibilo, vinAe: 4, $)1411 by, OP, name. of QallagWr, 'f th' otea, i 6 40r, to.fl�rrjyf' atp ft ant a repreoentA iveo a a Ganafi`oqne; It Alit on jured the vi4dd.�' Iniomoplice 4 Awl 'VIA4 g the new saw 01111 garo, #,lid thumb is P-a curious IM rec.qAt- .4 1 ;� - I - a I a I 'kin, the'thdawin: D.Wim whigh . . 6 lniiiaiiiabW in, I a w mptoilli �' 0 the y6i., proper �Hj A.0,01rofil Ktleya,0 ad the two cidenb3o 400 00, right hand Ilia Ovation is one * 6ple, In thlovoe"Ib Was 7 00: ftiot op Of Ili go' 'tile SZOol $79 of 04106 Diet wit refugid� to campl coil Cut of, 4 to aye 69,0A pe ore, t wo th�roisgb, And., of1thedepptat The chief,inu horses Irfe-skjog her reque, t toll, .0 btain iWi* OOR007A bU th�,Vprqlraoo 00904 An 014ovilkiko 3350 14 Aeut. It seenio, that a stick of. tim. foil At will, otart1cr most Ja lowo1bero erg. oroat 4isaillikek KmAter. from, A distafice arid Ili na Wye% 1, t 65 J1. '!II, e I Ayoung mp ur L ho to mmon lieAdiinflictin , -40alp �, Oro arm �73 10 During Sunday it w4o qax e'sipri a aeip aouO, Dr. Was is v I *van feet, Id-boadea Oagler, near Floreii do, a few -W t, v lbao,beeis. 3) 1018 ad . aii.d.shot A larga o Mr., notary publim qf U - iA k A hating a,loeitotin stoo in nitporld itself tboO sense OP. wftz,A�auluch,40� a 4 t, of t 6,40un;, a -orignoly'lu'jilied, last a ikgd ip'tho sivenLs�g lie w ad which measure, 0a Ab4ry of ind,would be raqWred, that a'noml count* Oam�bell,droiod t ou At 6iio - vhQpeldchs bt been 'tj. a .740 r IN, �d thq man daym ai4coo 0 WAS 14 1 13- 'A 0�pd, 'bell) Pi'Violki, saKs qlow�n in i'Paritoolitnii "I., e �. -the la doing wall�, p 00.10 plafling 1 041 feely0her Iw Whip three inchka from ti , t f, 11 - uilfl have fl Fire �, " ;, '"" �.­.." - ." ill �.* I - I ..., -tho, ;% erg p4er' Ana in n' Xr. J., Lee] terio&pfJ qixoro­ riled by iioros 71 lightnNO-boing 'ilm;Y.-oontilluous. ' Qn inst, -itifk i siopoi ancatiors.—, urto n y oat Ir �%'A'rr ophaUga book 'manic, OP I 10WfqAi0h Wpio, t1ii,-Cade. -I)obelit ures. a,man named Mall9y,w).0.1bad been balp. dorn a.-woll to toa, few d fell, �,twolve.-.. h t be44, .would: be -obiRtli its normal. �Oix itiori, thfough-ou -A-he' fol to ilia b ttour ng aye ago, the gallery-,waxiiat 49, -34.30 , t , a aIrfar,ket.8pecial Rite 1110 00 mg.to raise he nOw na Will, met withan Rev ral, rivs, breakingillj4. arill.and, log A�d -dislocating an"d bII64iirod aiw�, lay WoUooli� b T 4 AtIt�o vem- ilccidont by ijbi6h life Ell b was litoially and other�66oinivri;ig himself, JdsbiPJ6i4t,i Re ;4 AbpnQ o 9 h09V Special, RatQ' 100 winterio; Aud 'on . Tue�day aiiit� um it ia a t at C 1 6.70 It A, smart Vol opilo coK Arid. windy. I ituni- , lunk Aboyr;'din -behind1A.'w'agRon at�Miw- ditiOth., . ......... �Tent laa not �arnbracea the, 7001, boll ationded the case, - I eir, t�fid'sh tl d' t1i 19 00, ..or y"a orw.ar % a man, was con- waii end qnli f# illieriiiniiiiis hirtily'� eiiouh%, While Xrs. Calyin ennings", of Aijup- 940 str.1'404 up one of -sankey's son t of purdlinsinUt a Iran, saving an ey arid t1i Uarkot. Iling, early in the peAa4u,. it succeqdod by ,er,ilortyevoryltllin, bi exp 19 75 Veyod to'his horaq in btruck his, head �ou, a rail of -the dtreot gar bogo y Itirdughwo'JiAvo -, d $�00,000 f6r the. cold spell of a,. was preparing.., ill.ner.oil T.heid lia*b Already and -the f comingoo­p .propise wo sh.on 28� -track, sustaining crions.injur -olse-40ppoil-our-of-doorA to get' do X6,qu6te thii BalAngv,§f cA nd1 .0 nx�.—Azioncaurpmant er , or I.Am had 4 rds 0 inter, *,a 'think it some Woo at r. George. McOorm . qck, of V611tby, was vX4. d Won; *bole aissrrsb�y'in the. higher. story 'ell formed herej with have be ' er]I charged iwi long a0d oe�OF9 w ii*d in the ch of 'the writer i which,li 1)rasents in. ouutq, Qley — 7— 1 1 in coursoctiorl-with'Fidelif odge '1,0�0. 'X the Lily f-tho-pslow vould -remain be' pros- �uocked down loyis hors; the, 9th t day occur �i4 orbq tight hear, f b .0. couple of weeks loilger; - �8. it. r2 inan iron jet, with dereliction o, the opposi-. th us Every suitor - A rapid jAcroAse. - Fidelity Lodge Qf' . , woul( -pecits of ­sbei fobnd the remAlrui roceedngs we�ON idth'. tion press.. .; 60 , W; I protect the whoat froku the Pforin$ will d6on- numberr 100 one' was turned of'apu4dint co4!sel the whole p , 16mbers, I And by 'arid trimpled on. Ilia collo'll a an isdinjured, at. rroveL and-Ahe curtain fell until 'the BAI) co4le of farmer" in frosts, which,, oltmate� ihffo to -it' 401 Oell All 'th6rd,was 1. , - , . v x lirokao d he was otherw sciittered.ov9r the rOG.1A;.Jt!iFJ.0Up� -da nee year 'wi 1' ikely r64 200. at he earll of possible stage of I . 1.1* 1. t. Th Ia ,Poplll look. Ransid Lstoum, whilu skating on 0 as There i up. doiibb. some of these siafi4 goi�ghoinefrointowna y,orwosti eon S*w lr� , . injurioual 0 dr.�Els & Olidily. attQmIitd& to Irice, when air very it in' t6wn 'the A fo, the t�p vie�v Like Dori, at Toronto, ran'inkom a holio froin afor d h ' ':6s are mado �vibh' ia, d *4 TRuotGar Dinim."Duiin; the Aticipal men of the olace having joined H Ili. naiks that at pro 6 p o ntia suit at Mud c &me Wcon at,. an one wA badly, DE15TITUTIO, A a 4'lipoir muolij.,14 of divetting the p9lo- broken. yq inato %odge ineeto' W. loll thi.� a*.i6,I4Qkb )artwoApilisi; ]At41y.fr9m Eng&:ad,- the order. Tito suboid Ir ice bad, libin qut,'4nd had ja Tiar. 11, is Ili rofibl�.' Ila' do h glit.0f, past 7 - iled it. .1 . 1 11 . tdwn,togother, though'we, ovary . Wednesday ,evening,, in row escape from drowning. His staters �cz- tho--roligo,om6a ilk rupt" wiog;-�-The pattlievalli r garpti,.gti can he ev Dxssov ir new -Oue4 Prot ..statitigjIsat�4 young Is. T, oVjeot 6f, �Ij 116 0fil, t Ia Inves Ig4ta ...of the 0dr ly 'existing 'be lievo no Xilutioush, mists between.. them. hall. The, Encampment*, o. �25 nl6ji poighboi all - one that'were y pr g� twPeri traith & One of theria, uim9dADalto4, Win re6e'Pt U A overy tarn�to-­Thursaa eviioitiq 'in the tlabt Wit C who lived in -a gg-�Iroirso was hall, he- 'IRV tlouceal Iiis,.ow.,n 1).and, and- ana-iniquit.ous transacti liamaiTo'wilship latd]Y David, f thii. town, as choose manufaotur- in d, Engldud,thoir lukt;bemuso onth�16th ot:., the. - m Age, d -he fin ifi pi 4i ot 13,e iii j, 11 ii eg. Ed, ft d it ill& A 0 ever a w Lei t ate orring I, Ia exi'stiance o. t a pp ant 0" t, porpe r d.d. sion of council, mi0i. the Reeve acting., ad� Memo Q, Anut. with- thenr­ lady rnm tough Xr. D vid thaft,that anic, at 'vne time, a Uk �tO` gave thri-Mepe., bins,, 4o took, out a 8490. I r kgr . to 0 11407 ollad all go J?r. �tbe � sit! ub"bedea in-,- an ASE 06M sev�eral countorteitiisif. well-'kliowiuk haIa e, demauda&' wair . alit, whick . is,,:'ret0rfiabJ .9kort. t inex erience of his otpopeiit' by the invest gati6l he 4. a of''wilich. Wi t 11 a on the'26th ulki pursuant e o'I Tho, Council MQ Uollao and _quaters have been taken in., to of a wife thidq clxildrR, 4ud the to adiduintriefit,'at the, house of Mrs Robert. 'Te, small poxAs committing 'friglitful not liap year., find the notions cm­-wich�16 is 1ails of tile rcoIGni4I Railxmy by this towili gwingerlaoloce. ji rbcerst'manu� other, of a wife Aird -slot childrdsr,,hs�e iuffere4, EgmoildAllo. All the-jaibalibe faetu . to. 114'rdp , a shou . Id examine all silver t hardships frpm p on rs present.. ravages at, Ancieune.Lorette, near Qdobec, al practical-joko has li�m. hoUld be explodea. r. �Bl7dges,who has - doiio�,the confry Tha-Roove in tho-�chair. ed by Mr; Forby-six'dQatfip haVe oq6urred.ainbe Anotbdr Fain -which will; in all Pro-' �Itogethen' ng the badm�y easily seingtao is n Mov aydil in, Hamilton, i .'brit . i&s'bis s r ce en, 'cis by so-doi frld Ay, begides spoili g their, by t the by-law. ary 15, tho .250. ix later - b ting tb ',no ate ll and 0 liability, prq4uceJita1 requltp., Ili oriloo hb.'plaintM, when 'h e'vi' firretffig o'ut-:aud*rb!-. to -Pi4vide pyijiv a . unt 'biiNls��In Gorrie be dototed. income in drink, to t�e4ownshilopshaxpof.th 'M - ruents at,pirespi $0 a mmi, THE REVIVAL SzAyiozs.—Tha spa - cial .-thom'. 1 34A.:P.0 I rid,, iROuntimg to,$17,682, . to a Aan on the 30th biiild ber i;equir" do be ei -c ViDaling th�-.rob.beries that re�09 sariq6"Of, Wq, fd� Week: IftV Not fur frbra the vil d�e of H young woman, Yung. r a for it AR to v'de Park a dranoe4 in a white sh6et, and v 'i4st. i -by ill@ Rev. W.' Hawke; Mr.' W, both., thd wokdn,tav6'�biitV:to,'&, elkild:oao a I I ; general, 41V black- servicesi inconneciii011 w�tthtll6Xettliodiat solzool NW. lid nioly r6ad a third time oungero wg trial, o rate-,exa-etly what lie. claims, toO, one 4fitheia, naiied,'Berry, lo�in� premature. 4 o6urted-thd, f t ''-; irlsirs -a i-rgiT -iinis' both of Mr. Spr5ka Ited h6r,arrival. at, a certain R-W,a ,6t Ve her euOcei;sfuIfy-; but ened fees,; awai Churoh,6f this town held far over sjxpreokii Mo�e&by P, Ilk 13pipliequotice of -ille,ziegleot. amd starved ph�.would'Ioa%, I d and the Up to- he �niinio­ -with t yIrfg" stilts, are -being So. go Zati t4e, Clerk be instruct, plpoo he -knew i gra I re re nest tho*Goi upa J.ob'oij hips when 'lit pro6fb�- Ardra Will.- buditign of tbp �000r wqmar., the ii died An �,As she dable anxiety t6 carry still a 6 womaii, being of ly Ah inst., by tintinue'd, ifu bers 6firrotinding,the, .0 ell 4 larnment tio pla" the, tbdy put _Lo _Wp4s D646N�T4 on -t a be�supported., Iafa -rrying out all dhortl�. aftsr'birth,. sua h i'ille trybaVeshown:1 drunl�-andiruair eMr. ct, ca 4s, '. n4bb after night, And a040114 tLevel] Mr and up. in poorly, altondid and prov"id_Ad take fits th 1 0 A a u. I 'Pal; Loan r. und, to Over twelve hurdriiA*pOrsns ivoro�:fed - whi011 tlle�phYliiciaua'say -will in their" Orday.,30aving-si , . �y .4.2 0, to'N 4liza' !"eneralatteildtfiUct; x-ohit �Xpb tile 4fe-fi, he* I es 1 lelpality in the Itoyal 'at the London, soup kitchen du io;caliB4 Ifir 'ry Taylor OJ Y the, ore i 'of tl VW er, --about rin. en tiff slidtildV6 lit fflib-' 6y twelve, to the tender, eA--�ie ' -e Jarge,, ldest­ slighter �of 1&. QMVe od to gii 4�r lf.w�iYV 0 me 1 0 �ind.Of'pr, Canadian a 16 ta the order we6koand fQfty loaves c f brea4 4 '9, iistributed LigalL jokinjAis. bocoorin litiroly tm�60m, -Hull4tt Tho"poerty, o Giwern- ipg- -father. #ortj, o ly Ia. evo. an reasurer; as soon as-tho tr OY THE R!Nx­-�Beforo ­Jh ites 0 and sh6uld be .to -the aafbudoirit O"f �'ber t , glie This slidwi �here are, eit4pi�, greg, man, witli h are cQm.1 daily. F4 such that tile authoritics, of th rovers -11415—SiLI. 6 residence ing. for a -;u-!CoquojJ, spproves`af the. byrlaw f6r the of penalties. 774 Df thd b#fde nu Uprogilistion of 'the said j"lloy—Catricil.' t y -the* sonson: A fareiV lIgAill6rilig vma many in. want ther or -wit 0 at each one,,of make.'sonie, tribbi pell6d to. buryiI P 'Rifik 'weathor ating Verven At.tho. 8k proi It! (Fkday), of P a oat *01 tision for the ohildren., We believi 'the ovd �'by Mr. -Lang, bee. by- 9r..: Walker, n,.,.Tliurs ay Afternoon. pu acciqejut, RQr,-T.O.obb,Xr.DA3qyde4it will testify,- aiid, b as of all the Permitting, to -mor evening,, 'application, ald . pro mi) 1)6� 'that the 'followi As 110 ' thelix' h*ch is likely to to, Eli�abitb -6 ly daisg �Prd 0 . ng persons be al. ley Ave aqually got the $now cleared. w i ilp , 11 liter' ad this Ani6ro e the .1pro . , ,of Mr. J 9 y 0 'b documents which intbnda to, e- Tiiora. ap a e'very' p'r babi i-� The Olintoli Brags tend *ill be in atttind- eficialresuits in ant 0 Fen 4ff at Ottawa as far down As the.'sidewalk� -y of MeOsriii. -Schultv due Aud patlimosters, S pgars.to b' ancei - Admiision, ladies' Lind hildren 10 it is not for the w -i b � Costifi; Br.ohtf6rd, � A yi)o its., each; -gentlaipen 15'cents. Thi-'Ri k ffiAt isgered - ibem, o6viewei —George. Sproak JamesBfdad- Xn- some piw'td,df tI1Js�.ckufiiy, judgiii n'reitarn, tb to e are f6ut;'John Scott,' Sallies Dallas, JohnTemple- iramense'driff6o. 6 �notxnt em-pI9yi!i defeildaiit 'should, ty kilb hiugh c a in ant antes Johnston, - some, eighteen yehro, f :jhat this too idla ad I ton� A. G.. Va f of w - ovo� 0 "1 ',night be gC�efi to shov,611ero.till near. ' - ­ ­ i . 11-P - .- ill b6cl6s4 after diat. r- I � -1 ".. I I Owl0r, JAP16O' a � 0 ,quire4 to state ully thegkotindk -to ia nEginoiid, r-; r snow ago, was,.engaged'-Ja� ripping Piece Winghar fi� the ceniiiigawrania a duiT r, Da0d Walker,, S. Smillie, NNIm. from Lis to aw. Is h eale'li O11.:$Uudiy evening ­4 thb iniddlcof 4.�ue. defence, 'With a evideAce 0ooper.- e.�mieans as seR -E P,6,*VE,N 0 'N the 000 turned up -on Aop: of..tlie "a from the h i'�i A �, I ac, ri, -fill, such 1VILSON, Clinton, on tli6 .19th fust -of Ot his Vfitiled will give, 4nd to nl;iuipap�'Alities, '�'beyqhd' Myth afaither ethodiat -Church, got'into tin - altercatibn '40 not in; neknala,- One �es rge Wm, of biltter,lastiAll AL,-, thirty-two cents a of, f �4 Iiij dititinvilvundprotcod tbatWe sod Goo roast` t * 0 '*6fe of Mr. 81 Wil -.evies:of his oW 'it -ilia d z1bilsed One Another w I ith- Wawiah it to be on, htdithe.6 ini ub :Ieton; Xhm4s Forsytb, James expectjinj:6 get. more.. 19 A 1. A - 11 Vavers,, 00i'l hold ourselve .9 r-Mes McLean, -0, L. pot�pd� 6 was 10 pr s - nus... a h by oo corres"a trqio� -hll,a*,,s*o' -nee ess.� A� oetorvasjill- watitdd to �gQ �et son,, Aged 24 Y i64 and one T., Ale*. yth,� �tliap�fiil a ahori. time ba& to t t --eAro vQ, y I -citlla b, of this s�.ft 'us modiately-, d. The Bait -ter AilrdAlf6ad hi QW, th inst., f u V. oil, been proniiked.. t 6, resul SLOWArt. 1psong - Ono -pn the 18 noticoit a PUPIlan I or Donald &Tb� 4oubtful eu 0 Edit ich are �n6w Cduiin�bi FU—vei i I igree d -hey- W �of 30 f the'9bits vi qffld'be. Asbambil to 2 0, t"I anooli 4findriid tin s VAUAnOW4 4W4ty, "jW Ur;-1T61*De-- years.4 e -pollit tliair (trW -,,0Jjj ll*.. 6 a d Ila 0 0 off- 04, 1.16 ---- , -6, an -I go� into Z bt XAitT —TA Buffett, R -air 'Ad'anx If- -Jd . Iginil. � mosi -Ch6sney, 0 c6nd .counsel on, a e unsuspecting public as pri Ja Y of Uk. Wgues n ppe0red''iu�ydur 10 Iselle -Durgess,i Will,. Xurtay . 'Wm. Allen, -ve;. 8, The plfadg nid, �by f OuThura �a�� Ono one side or -the at . her won bobid i hai Od od'. .1 , e wassig it fe,of Mi. aur6s, k tin, file, Q a B �a �Pt, wi iseco'bbat his clienes.-case- yeals'. S. Miin"II,Jold- MdUndlosit,' Win. ga.. -high 04 0 of Jiftyt t -Road d1l. of w Ate latgo�nuirrber-.bfthe inembets or,Motroi %vas bopoIess,,;*irhil ir rrars�emcnt AsAbe Tueker4soith his farm a6res, on lie Huron 't quarkel aide io four lambi, g 77 headed Don J 0 0-'Z' Tilron- for Tackermith, t Carter, his next. w i I. the* Chq6ej.i Yhn Dill, WA UcCorin�ll, Rnih attodg, and. doing well, Thiay� are No; ,end Would aAvise bita to yield at one'e' deloonitureir are;I The, pQntrikotors. the Glasow 2h4 d ()ruly t1loso ties, p6bts, fanch c6tt, Xahaffjr, T., RobertOon i J.''DiAlas, J. three Iminbs­ wbg --w It hia'i dentical rage: 4VoDon&Id,-J.'1toblson,,A,- Bell,,' Win.'West 'aboehoavq Thoiamdewa.had to, afeiv' sys'aince, a lord ve.-lartlier- costs. eighbor,, for $3,000" �49b, to hive tile OI fdIl6Wiud �eok d '1kiJ.'which rttmb�ri tray Mare zi�a - ed. ovi-Alh a old - ` �t1d'ifstriet! adherodto-lok ise of the faria. till next, Octobep- -A turaty'- I . Y, ag-twire, rq pieci OU�Poetl!Y,-aPPe M Landcsborouglo;'. and tw 104' corEii A d I$TU TnE,PAEMisEs OF TH Cases ould go to tridl in- very goq& of 'lasid, with 'to oFably I turl of Th'ft' Colb lqd,�r P ark Bay, Mare, thl Iacts, And other piece o when*,S*I 48 thrae. UTY q some good U Nyne, rtobt..ff1lN9tOn,'D. mccil-6gor, 1), of in the-oxis6nto and The to YrOve'llrope Y, 8914"On the But Just, divold pidly fqlAlling their contra 'Was, after the fa6bo-w* g( man h4o,4 We Vidile Of PlagiAiiirn Would A boy -named Ke4tuer, Ji,*ViP'g,",ln the e, in the,full, bell ore known, otrn ocia',builaingsi ;Ut 'do llihik- it -a high, McUan, John McFarlane, 0. Chesney, AV, n 644ng.niateritils are being. placog price for, more. fArming land,' with �ricos of.. gd,uridiitected cizifiiot bo donc4 township of Erin,'during*thrq absimoo-Lof power of Almi�hty Godi-andin the pre', wke nor away, Ovlov, G.. GEORGE IR.RAS41, reasonable doubt. ad to tba'efr6ct of some along the lind;1nioadinegs $dj opera one. p6dilce At their Present figure.' 6o,of-these.wiiiiesses,',do solemnly.1ind 'iook'down .4 Lot, coh. il, oddoilch Townwp. have kxow� that,the Gl&ggotb Newi S�roat, R, plewis, Nft.* 13oll James-.McLe�n, Ili's few,-day� since; mile yer 0 The rout . 6. id -JnAteiia�]� BINdUL UCIDiNT.-�76n . Monday a was Alex. int of th -0 Tiece of oviaence a as t some pph ra�ojvad every, iv-cek in 6;vn. W.0 D... Al Apa'.11playfully! p6int6a"it at, ill& no a Spring. 1 0 t4ll[on- Uan, jr.,- E, - Wi%er, 1.%6sofid," 1 in.' siitct, �4ge:4- tbn i4ars, of , i1i'atly"Wsy thit m6ob �.cin lous i6b4cao' -little girf, daughter of Mr. Brown, of this h6pe that lftiud� ro�u,, will tak I . . 1a I s. N W td,'ina s.indlairo. -To Itfirie,,Jas, Foroyth, -Edwar4si 4n 'tho 'f6r -Sale. law the former survey. The kn�wing it was Adedl," V;ben it'Went, 04 Anotberresult ould ihati he chano, a fr. d ' ' ' bndrable Way�Ais' ge , am r1a the best policy" for his ;not t we will ifi'all. h earor,' escaped 0P) town, met with a singular accident, And, qst� aicoun us, 'bole rKot ce of -I w ul hs *'ill not try -to XODonald,, X. illiams, J, Fi lan a 'a Ito ower a ri BE F p a notbor?s prol� broaking li o, Uee a -,egineqrs are bringing the. Iini'n' 4ori fortunactely, unhurt, t9ke credit for a D. iWoancaii 6o, b thoie a -In nar�, -o the 'cen . bra of �.tbo baiv And co�� was trying i uctidn ihillture. Davi& MmisoT Her. ur p ie, laia of T. of Lot, So Ilthadn. TbMbers7 ,Ilr�rified, nd be aaa thoiroogIlly-16 :o get something front a Vuida�, di 0 nalljo. Yrono wjoog� n I I . 1, � ptn,- Tas, this vile, 4a�#,of,smaking, c g, Arid -three'=Wos from 33afthoriS, in&ond inflafr6m,the. an in oc, lay, afte'eooiao a -son, , : . I hewip. d doing had �nlldd a&. tho'bottorn I- am, yours,truly' Oil Drou� young boyi Indio thui, Smillie, J'ns. --Nutt,' Wfio. Qild�ns, T., G. B., orvoill exchange for prop6rty Thera, are 6.0 moree, 10 cleared'; good landi ail-, clinto Margh 16,' �8751 A coir6ip'iiudiiut Iiiirig it 'irdlo an tiorad. psoly to this office, at to Cold therrbecome in gravel road -past Lobaeaborouglif r tinuing it Cw tile wes.b. side of fho Wing. o M Hilwaril XoGnany, :6f. Dunvjile, drawer end was standirIg in heiili6r f r. TIN t r�. U1410, a. CrJoh, . Ge'orgo Dobson, P. Me C 712 'Eired it to be. it ',w, o weight overturned the. bureau) and in f Taish;'.Wns. � Chart6ro, John Pinlays6n, J. Met wit sad. aboide4C It. seems Lhii t, lit, here is. a man '.-as isroputatlo"to gain ago she was'thrown partly under a bed, 7tt7� Dotie, Will. Ui Jde�, John 86ott, wil- riding on a h4nd-aled, behind, '&veoi Wave, Sbotia, -says :—T .,'tEQAqE GRABIM, Clinton P, 0. a ease untairlyi. that it WJII ko �to, tlio-weat Of Viat vil- . I . i ; .. and thus, escaped with- it few slight bruises.' - T141 TT; 00ii. -or rise t,id to lage insLea a zh, i5xvid Pei AndJimi tho'CleOA' sleig"honvibichwasalug. Bysoi�ernesus living at Lunoubtirg Coutythat foughtill ,by, a quibble a s!Lr --asl f the Oscape., ila byielaw, cQlArmill the -t beneath the and of the, a great in"y of the old English battle,, as the bureau log, break is -thi t r "was th pointment,of his l6ig-waa 6augh *Jy 4OW' AcbrDkIVi.---4iI1 Friday Lit, Roborij the all township Acara, to at next li ill and oihdrwliiO ill-* onerin par icqia e,battliii of the XjI.qi ,cheat in a,bargqin, The site for the, ttabioli in., this town compl f. mi; Gail I HAmilton, slid meeting 6f Laoinnefl_Cfarlilod. :Aloved by Mr. Ue'wab 6,a6 of- the fistsboittlois.tbare. Re younkest don 6 -The 'law reforrhdr ill'oitr 1 6 ToOoiizsrowpu#T;.��We have recelv­' ill t the Reove, be V jajuye is n,. t.,yeb deciaedupon in th ro6f 'vf a, btablo, arid broke. his Sprout, atio.1i Mr, Lang a Y last, the Brockville donot kriow'hii fie.. f� says t . TICE 8 UBBY GIVEN THAT THE PART, ad, a coinninnicatfon in- ans '19, N On Wo6iosda he was 95 -4 Asitni Ileretofop eliathia between 'Neiiiwo. t h,$; . in authorized to cobtract for 5;000. feet. of rock ears olo -hole left arin-jus a R�cordg ', the* 0 ustoms' autheritiei, at COM- NX v�ill:do weli to b�ar these views i V06 the' Wrist. ftrh & -issue of.tho*4th inat.., elm, L4,000 feet to boA4 inch thick and '�P wall so ized six sleighs loaded with Amorl1w 0olviod b mutuil donswit , the rindorsIgnod.having pur- our 1?B"*Y RjAy OAUACIL—Thiw0butch 10 fast was first settled. His udmais Jas. diiand- 80h6b6iManufnaturers, bee bein die. "ana to lint them ini to practical 'ill' a' at HOU. William McDougill -hai deflnit6ly matterls tl�w­LFLVAML Lur,ud AUVI&AW" !10b]. long, .1;.QOO feet to be 9J 'Inch thick slid 12 ap decided to'rui4 f6r the Vacant seat in South, -therefore we refrain from publishin , I hall ca1JbXA";14ee#ng-.Jop.kJia pqFpoxo. of feet loiig, t6 be delivered, at the ollowing 041ft,coal oil,thlit vs being smuggled into 11-4�90 chuoqdt opremisao. -the first eppcsrtunity� Theyinay joly ahoiing: I! site for i �ntonds t the oods And cateh"rabMto"L His, T.' -D. DAVlD. 81incoo for t placeh': -,%o at 0 . Wal crop; 2,000. feet (Upadi. toams A -Can4- isalso alive too he.Local Legislature. - lie will' People should not be so thin skiiine that 00 f6 D belonged to wif Ile ag ys he ­4�p -that--th-a palilt&-conm -enWNq11- the -W 0 -�nqjathe -wciunot-bbar.a-jokoj� h n ilwreal iu� is go old. 49 een-in'-po, lJolopr1sprs by Ui.t Mp Ping r.youbg er" onsuo. �t ill events the forob -AlOved at —on'law f0ai cis an 1nde'pOn,dQzJL. iuri*bAs or can tSdROV M oil over thec; -tb tov.the,liilace ,!u6t be s IoAed until Comm -and' must now dr�p, And if it is any ian church, Manchester, Ilbualilp jog, b b/tr. u; Who 'bag, bA04 ina6i. oth. I�rg utir4lipr: 6f that old person, Ir 'ringclistgo Of b t Ono*, va, A A, botrinion honettty are dolonel Matcher, Lord pleas6rd ior thie partilso Arst mentioned to it" bo paid the snu of $�o tp bo. e3Fp@qded-by'D,. -follud pg4o 4 R. the U riou# In the! Munty Coprt of tLa Coun DIfferin'4 rivate A,ecretary lat-thdIr ail jil Axotlign, ACd1DVNT.-'Oi1O. day lost WCOk Wi4ker for her ueej ft L lid that N. Oremsuo'ba VV' ', L L �bor ugh liarme since 116 08140 166L.offend6di they must ger I r pal -to of tho Thl;1 ls'tf ty of Ifuron. 3fr., &hit Tephsor 9 Olin- Paid, Lis o'sam of $2 6 charity, and that sx. 50, iii latest 6bou 6 the �d 0 the unty Pf 0 .0 1 ft n itji�riiidhin A pr bho.ai6dagotonI, growing oul6f .0 A few nights ago a farmer living I V j) Ti �t�'aa Iie�p FoerocV honj a '1E6 lIpQA us.for giving, ib *nee to 1 0 d r Uero sit In. '6n the Blyth Gravel. Apaiii,. with- a b, b lat" . ;. X.esiline Als loll! dry dutio. toil, erefuudea,to-wjaow.c6r1nor1 eing.amount ism in Mr. Vatio Ida real-: nestAn6tater, liquid &'�ersou thotiting (in -grat it manifestod qt. Ilia rottro10 moncy paid by —0%iied, pro-51illinniOuL out, WeAtroaday load otwo6d, when the rack broke, fur the of stAtutp Jabor her U.0 'eLofr -tild 1. -TIwTe"ru-ji) ego is t Ow ad as i0n aistrosi arid at once went zniftbh h Inai.j' about 10 o'clock A lit somb of 6474 ii within is* fe . Oaks At tho to wsloxpAr, �Irx gimb BAY 01? APRIL 'A� few days ttj front, -t 0WO vact4r* rpporte j the U16%. 0 thwunderalp 'ffi�o kriiko otit 'roil Brantford, The thool ace, what was the matter. 'He'ibu _,ad will apply to thwamid Court Jar a a' the, residence of Xr� Joroggo. Mr. -eplitonlalling �iinAetiiioath, requi ical iators are to rid adc0# Arsons as having thO'A6W?iioa444n 'For - t5a lack of something also, the 'went'd o wn - into a shaft of' the Crawford y law land. the by-laws of this municipality :. the Rev'. 31r.Uarplei - I I j- E11VIi) VdTTEil, 3;, Ttrokorsrnith,� audit broakidg-his arm betwo6n the shoulder and rath6r A seiidy lo6king'Judividual. low 1ohn �A Her 'Mrs. Robertg6n, Eg. later of Bracebriage he Rev. J. R.' ing aboutin a huge, drift of snowy and on to sition, prom have taken to the role coal minei near -Uwssfllon� Ohio While gro.044L; Wit elbow. By BUTHZRWD WAL00280N, P purbey kere, AN Attorupy a4 tell :,Op Clinton, i4arou othing go -ts,6ontant, whi Ivillaq Eaward tllidit, Sohn pi asking him how long.hty had been t they were therio earn t wrong ith' ' bed of I The trial", but not, s Pr(�er place wiM be 'non' Iila 'a Ant! attei4o, DA0y, Egniondville;'Wrii, ry n. th& illoigiti And tbOy, war bushels of oatsi 66 j6f,gea�, 'fouQ th6`jiIA6sm4e0 at 0 eg apparfttus� of LU d� h. f eat le debated is the fol. Mr; Seed gfavaly a week oonipplli In d efreats nd, 800 Will. vanEgroloillil, rsfmonaville, Morea lawlUg i 0 i ' -personal, coming past Tuesday.". Thofaraidr-said nothing rgrOunidd. e.upon which' the slander s d to span t! 16 nightin the mine, and Z of' wheat * the grain being stored. F. `Stjvar�oj this towFolqpr, PaCOU bi I *r. Oprq# 0 th I lenfiiU ' J"� to throw any do A The ViShermn!s the Passage. Of a h by Nfr.­Walker that a U. fio�ru kinypat 0 m ubfbnthis bitembrit, �ut ased th prohibitory' 'in., the heusii because there was Arn all �th 'fo4ehiol the a' Oomptilig.. patitiorrs &i not P'qyq, an4 q took �jnt lit iud ga.�q tile. prom A Fie ht:o Jpd SOILL 14uor.)6wo from all sectiorig of the Dofisin. isis, The' lose is estimated At oulad been very woll.-till-tho $ra "jost., �riq4 aIrpooL. (4%1 qpdldaq pi& I - '�g'- �48.' W"a's J,),re"p%rW'8 to 40,pagt 0 or respddt' for- their' I tons Of conso, no 91111 !oil, coptijuid A�.'be. receiied difly.: Mr, 01500; How the fire originated is,not.Lwh�'whgr was jauddenly takoa�ill ilid-laarse, jjllo—Carn4d. Uov6d -by.34r. $pr6dol. sd'6,. buSred ab- I intho tnoogug the farmer. 0avelk hinted w wn honor,. Whi assarting, I ith the Blippee egented ;Oge.Aq -no by 0i chiii ni 48 well do pr the, Houle signed fully knowili week ho. was. moie� He lia'd beei� A, Walkiiv, jJ)1o­ Ve4noll 4o now fk4, W ri o�baniio strongest 11896'VerAtid4gr by 13,000 fiffinbitants ou runowick. a townbbip for a O'nigot. 0aln 'At the h6tiva- Vt Mr. af Ing 0 it wotild bo- di� 6061tw Saw fiNh, are caugh�,'Rud *har"hey am caught, olden rggi4ent of tb �nttthbar of 41I� 4 her find,& blgg��Qr fell 4 XNJ its trublil neither z toa V;Atint S1091 Works, was - O'iw ftAVJNjXC0. ur. VIM, riftirftiago _TAJ, L or CLINTON ITERARY 800113TY,—Thig 96,, 1 -1- toad; on- Friaay, the Mir day of with Ono of th 611.1 There was groat cheering jhaA tid boon, vaturilid �Iki-,06uncil- iiteh sion to 01 aft ppiv held its regular moothig 6UWTIIutsd8Y arid hAu ohi olvoulAi afia the board �wAo presented. X.Thbrason acted asbhair-' lot for two :As an, dvidehfaii of the March, tit the liour bf.10 toclock a, m, -flew 'buck and struck. him Olf tLe lefb side NARROW :990AVXO,. INARM GALU, 1WAXAxxz PbX6. tied ORV, Rua other wittera arintarout ioneorning thlwim-' 0air Al do are -shown, ui� �,Ild ioi,4�;a There � 00 no* f6rtY election pefiLlond' L , 6� .. aboll.b6y portnt in4tuitty, veq kaludsomel3p 111toetrated with. an esteirn iii which he was e1ris ill- of t1lo face,, caiiiin a fearful, hisury to tile On Thqksasy eve"hmC)I7L last,' ruan, Assis ail dpprs. Gracey and J. high il W I .. ­ I fford lit fyled in -'the Courts Against theL jotaril. of !thojargoiit, -that had over 4P 1160 ow -d 0 finely boaactid.Qloth. Sonk anywhora an facaliot of to have no foundeAlon infadi" 1,6gie. Th6 a III ieral was one ill lose and eye. --,Part­of4-hd:bri played at the Sibioir Tlotoi,- Stra riginal angra-4agg. - Price $1.00 W Vap4t Covers; to :ilia mqWbori for, theL Ontario LdgishLture." Qia towitollip,4ore Wng "herroo is driveu in ri - co.-A&Uor wanted to vhjaw qxaIt1sIyeAA*1tdty will, ;bee ; especially the�,visg dutng, the Three of these the most for ]g0g7liho, her- The N Railway has re- I ar half All )#efit, through igyMnaStl being crowpatitions, leav& uaVYL.J�, oor 4ovent)-five tommi IA, thp proemsipli, &40tly -boon obliged to Va gi" dains.- inch. The loft eye,ig a-isstroyad, Ir cd6t hintis life, Re.had ascorld4clolto Write O,n thdiffiriZilve W&or6,A 816ail ;brit"Plolli `0� in. ­ , . , 4 . L 6 t6p stolzpy to aunifilon guestj t PROCTOR 2110411 V01121ad , it, .. iiagont - 86810A : of ParliaMent, cQuatitmoncies in thh �tilemm'x ldi- d"loted bi.T. Slaiii, 4. o gstt, ai to the *4 QW J" Yin' who wAy All elderly. qoppl�'fediA. Japhllul* Ap- thl 0 supper illea On, th4t, d floor by Cjil?i On Aq"rtlsor 0 a I '! 10 Me of,filpillor impe no. torment,# w Ora Irdsfile, He ityq th 'it order to reach tha gronn 'frofil I. ki�foia't�9 Police lie r I Leitch, And W. 0 VAAdT ind I 90,9 i44. bAya plenty of W6;k--durin wife "an 4! Oftd; .1116 0 tj 110 Otgt n' )[iresent' A, two oliildroh to. niodra 9 the 'Oil the hegAtive yvoid W. H.' Jackson, ea. I Q� a 441,. 9041113 0 per hii 04ving hi's' wido othe, onol beelt, h, onti 116d dor, tustalea' r., L*ird, A. lilie (loath. withow pot �Air'ljad a souceus 0�6rfilons made. 6un 01 tgo isadver4 thit'llit oth ltdo 4 6. fie fhir& of atfi, Thd gotforth ..6ponfor, of 1491 weak this &MOunt ofilholageS.Wail, lid 31 wgu Or lialf hail ego York poard We r6grat this w6Z fitori�'; -tio W4664,hig hold, Arid slippiti tr Iltkb�d Aq'16h, On of ease u Tr g 'A hef chait-, ptoptiatod biderad-tog-large. ' 'IF gives tbq.JQIJowliIg, 1824 her ilia mbfijec6 Was dibOndiod� t tho highAt P.11161y for - U011 p bd Oat! by 'fair in fp6vor of the no.- to,havo, to roccir in, out to b0i .11 the-1060ild.-AeAg. T . OUT, Arar6 and uftor pollA ej foil to I)toc on was it the, 4ea'll Of At tinghimptlon', IT. it man ibild the stalrogs 'The ministiv rilow _ 44vo thoir deals .,Dfxl v4t�, - Urd AT1 6I.Moci P. and ospe6jally the lid �b.,fortned t , r. 011013 rd of the household, doatidful blir,164d, Ana.fado, L,� I I', ­- -with a view of rAto'hig''th-011 9V "-Cloos most for tin wtN 1AVg9 oak log'for firewood last manner that he,' ah Ib AIt f. , . 6 L —* " alla oho' MtrU6,. And '4 hbed. ilia higheol, lit) olip, birnnist6k at the end of tire* so. VIUARTOV 13RAIN O'sir, Ma A. nzi the ollb. no fron! the least poasj�lo *uglAud" . , , . I Woek, founda dber's horft hav' h.1 - stl;uck the necessary raven Martin lot *i, file L droga d, � Igoe P completely 66iorW b ed*her on 4ioked bar, coiia,.storpy ctitting hid-clioek,,�And inflicto. itumber of articles , that as fat as. possible L P)JEST&O OAB$r1V4.T,,—Th0 tblfdL all 4itit, hglis�q &Tifinea to her boil for, In fifulbruison'. Thislotoke Jectofflieseslanderi, go Of 1404 (M)NDON 110AIDJ The, PJACe WJ0r0L, the horry 'Wasi Ylenco�NIJ*r eIfig Abitro Vorr"PA 13 Ia# Of JrOUSehold jr ibVIA0 I as fkom irtle1iis that Are IIA manufadtgtoa or carnivaPof two wo&woh 04UI6 bffoh qJ *�jkk' and' to bope of hor r ple of dollais aid his full, and rob4bly saved big lifoo y day abtring; thbuW inst.; At the r1fik in' had f6lnid 'WOO about" re onto fibx,bi ot'hia journey, Ili The 4 'in the. 'United 4tes I that no ill a-foit below a drotollo imposed b -find of a eon Ad Ott 'the following Artie was ate had poof At 4ist4u�o's)f 4hq. s 4nd. orderodill %iffor rodolliiig the KU: stage gy U#Xa, 6 of 7f tfldtj Of a6uble I Bdgky, vilth l6dth6t tot, Roil apf6 L n40wh. Oviinj to the snow b Okada, :died on U0044 llisio ht,the A hi# fell oil hi"s Alloblder on the ftillnit Ana brought into court in-Londo�,'. England; volor IArJe!J car 114.64; SPA410 40 t1fe wfdokA4ver. Wit Ithat gr h a -fiom of yr without to' of.' f % d Od a; I a a 'get adittoadd one 14 tog - there Vitt' flo vlaiiors a X Made use of to Slander t opromior, -all duties ohou d W op Xro, h A tbo, ompany *As theta Tho dil fare alitirely mido, � sdotlatul. At"! ilia I eaar aiheruiia got& to valuej, Ana dl"044t a . . � eFo a 0 pailw4y:l lips# hayp now I party to the -Brpidt 1vot, w 0 "Mytt i q I Ia distinct. gho. left her ore doaaaiilza� dg t in, but N1044 4*fo q6th it' a 'on, i1thougli the woog it Kaa-be.on ail. AtIveland, and, it); 60t or 'RD %.- 4"A oti asidt; 6vor the iihoont 14� Y. ohpatY with her to b huitilraila or porsons in. an t Vol d ,on) rom PArls raPiesonto the th in the of hr"iq4 lie �is to 4W4A 4 fiiAW. 40AUdetion he had ith it, ias to, solid,& 'young kin D , uAbiind 96ttldd Ao �q faih&o mother, tho1r. Go Aiia-'MrUtd, w'h14 is only opoh WUI Y tirod, Of 11101 tie oognpotitfon�#On r .#nt-a- ived In No* Yotk for several' d use #tit entoro wholfe Joiuf notta, ,_ 4&60; pprig 1827, ha It 'Oti Thursday night a we I-Ittl6wix doctor ralth, 114 in H Ali Aft 6hildraii were: found, with no, fire o villiliam—anA traing Are again run- Poor. telegram. to X,�. -'Jto86,. rcy*i Mgt and htizious to tr his for each. hopfirito �r 0:6,4�0"-0�04 UOUOY 40 1 years, 4pA opally settled allett, oil tile Aglandii 11 -po; ti f�iudl W ill, -444 b"o ing -Ao . J A Ing qgular-' 'of'T.6ionto, wai calle& out tot httoAa 4, �A� no ooffllok '0tj)rV IWA fint 4ay , oil. �hd Jloar,. Arid theraothei ity.- Tito Present *lnter.ji its -,bop Aughteto in. torling silver ill() yg# I of quiet One In A r on, but ill agent be' a y skater Wi its the Char. &!ad Icini. Xiall U. BAY E�1160or the a S48, , 1�' n the big wifei Ana anything to do withit, ag'hd 46fibidered 'not be sat th I'all a oXperiOnood'fo * tomb 14AO X ise ffying frqm,'waut of n6url hardeab oil Vailwo %� hours �s, nd -how, it. 113 P'tophocied that, . the it a great 11wiftalo, vhi& s t, %IV Oy tlli§ "' - - , o - Elio �Ireturnod tit onaly'clodk of Tr I Sootah girli Miss Vino, fil tile highest ostooin., -by sit Who 0 od� oar a doctor had 114 1 istsare still Or g., trbav-u 101mensd the morning, *bon it wity6tori6dis lialso, w�s oq t. him My Wr a,. An, �Ok,'tllo plossaro of her 6quainwd& 9 L 9 JJL!It also put thotli to AX8#1ps . 1, . ­ . t f Indian prificasso to he JDAY09 op" t MY. k UAM,-STE is saas'. ox, Y Oh aL I, there wAs 1% liref 16KE, as ldJ for pla a skating; and ail aged husband an qdW; dollan, 4*V, -,-. �N -- I �, t. tir rg Notio, 11) had, 4, 0 adL largo' fanlilyf''besideg tra. stairs b - I Vag beakah, save court, thIt wouli 1111#4 411446 abn`q� #W�ysarx , Tp al od a. meerschaum nurn6lous VOUAV M4 agreed will T1 'ArUdi male QU fqe FT-Vt. FP81 lase p ir - friends to mourn her, death; 404 44,10141 t1glib. . 4s. hPIV A pist� $9 Is) Ail a 0 004 1 t at,116- era Allan-Une leave yd- 13 oil D accued draw a revolver And pointed the When tho ft�atoltlos on that the rognee, should have, 4. *Atftl k6dop. log for Ujapft p and a 9 k� The Mail Also andeavo oalihobb, man tool it home� The prosiouillig attoj,. f 01 it P stoarntli struggla 46 116116tvato t am I ney, insulted the agottoodt whorai I him in 9 to chat. dauso-the-JrqAtt. A, -to --go, -We& procured, pon teWd' I Ll of af at d6d' Which ftud At h#06ttaffil vo supo&r ill t 8 olqplohds he nigzzlo toward Me Atorey, who loft, JK fafterol �pok plAdo on Wed Loan. Fo$loj for Louftudoo� and Glkegbw. U 60:04MIUM14 frost An4 Whas ek4�y, Jk4jo 4ja wi �, ers 6 T b beolded Itiob0d, Wilson C.dnvago,' howsvoro, c4uld, hOt be � #da the peenitef, folt''Ohilm *n, In lit*'$ PI hud Watrona, `Z *a poinicaitin'cleliberate-sueeebtidnio; an t -Ad -or iii r4moned to open the obtmbor The a he �totoo isud,the Sind, In A. gnooful arid easy egad both &boa 6 14 VU09 PORT1100 fears of tho tAA PUAUVIAN� ...... UATOd in parliament, to u 6fitlattedo, :15)roatis, have during the winter boon tit. noias) adm6d, hub riot w thd,. ark MOM remarks 411 Itiff: Thft - tAo agous 11b 'Windo, 7z 0 raised, ia e OP 4u 1- W I -�, , ., ladies, T W we March 27. henaia in sualf with Omit 1, BOOLE w6ulthiough some vor is killed in g Cho I qillo 111),114soli sit J. il to y diffioult MA- 44, Adr 114vliot t 911 If Jo b0L A,ftkill. over � *dws. him, 15 11 g, . PRIISSIANVI ... pe 16 A -showed himmi at 4 whi 0 too in sg'r.pldpj�-of gfida tl� dark aNaot. was soon� at tire door., V�qrw- ry Pon a t',pieseduf tholl a a' to tied 211i go leig donlpW6 vd, oil', butt of nouvk6do Awl divided ftoni 1% brA ad-aki%tot. ThYudg6s Goo, 11ornolf. Tit r Pt Catli-bd t.thb POU606ion a a KnI a. Altifidy dealing With U -Mfth n the 1#4 OMO he Altovdatibn *as, #0 down morning Axprogs train btr the b4ifig told 'l' :separte4L ouily Welit for the POIJOO'L Ift, the ft 606 in mb6r of dAy, bot*oetr Gr4f., sumed. Vi so 014 ��6 81411doN Olisgows X A., riniont, And R. Y. Mile. the, manuflim 4 ros lie I -At b0glAtl WorO Ill 'thd k. year, woull 14orl t, yO k tin 411�404,, : f, ...... . ftlug lodii1ofit to both coutittl dd' AV k r by botutiful comuvidg, t4a qnA Danbut r#jWni, dro*L knitid frob Pa er V1, �y oud of thwpaswig fo, t nia- IbdIbN Aang 4,vall, of Vat i�,,Ood rodiproolty, jm with t it log ti rit i'm A ova o readfol. d4rkoblisot; WE Tearij%"fo,86 freno #,060 dharg" r 61 Pgooboxhox London Street thl'but IN 16 f4l, T. 046n of 116100s 'Ytj 1, Al* hifteolf lit tatiming -At Glenn Plclhga It! 6 plAtolo, dyig loot4 ! to 41= tpbo'a fig A o0 %Vibb $6 hoo&- lid Roh. laaldxi- 4v be b4 fir 0', Mining ti.6fo kLalosiacki. C ttle below U i4bo Ramat Und aris 16ty low tatilig ationjo of 0 'A Ito wim knoWh to hAvo been isatio, cr4fotto W. lit result won pi-ovaubdit by tile knits ottiking idutia an At& 61, womanalaill 'on the abb Adoftlho 'po))U ition 11 A lit W6 I itougul lijkly-vith 0, 60. knito, thay tilt bing t6cornea, in'o. �iltjwpt, iona. P -66016o vo 10 t� koubm tit I g L - hot- oloillog frolgono_46 o-, 4athy SM siol6tt ittAltiabla 46 P rOf goodst0*14 04 Wasorin 41 1411*4 004'' Its WODO J he baluo train a pasoungar. nismad c A rM, Glenn turping, &rio4lftd olvd docirstap, with MI qat 4 , " WLJJ&JOWn i rrepia pleap bartilloklift 11111IM(I la 10*446 to nd th , I t AtO., , , �� � 0 06r"I't Ilk mychikrit Of Toron. fvdm hiA wo foAtfol ga is It, ult; of Ell v6rbah. frainati6h ill M�v 00 hft U41 Mi I bittia t. of' 11911 ul 8 1411 into It JIVWJ Ix It I antagonist t sho POWnil *101lig 10 brij oat thilir Idjudii, 4 1� (a h f4h%L -W, , iwa-AimungAlle lekk-214itt"* Awl 1"Utow; aIOU bf b1dod 116 10640040A ITtliftoNL f JIL, a. III lie 111 �it* V I fig d4ok, *Ilion rjtaat#a the, IfilpfftJohi th4t It Ott tot., 0.0 94 inW01 n 40T 4 C u h I 14 be ....... ... . ...............