HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1875-03-04, Page 4111 1* said that. a Premolfinirt. named LA Rastiep after six piste of experl. mot, hae eolve4 the 'problem of mak- ing malleable ems, winch ean be beaten ett 1)0114111N 000per, ande C*11b used for cooking 14947411. " -The &Jones et Health imtresses• on its reader* Vie pernicious effeeta of the habit of breathing through the mouth, sleeping or wakiflg. who riostrila are the, Proper breathing maratue-:not the retreat. A mall way Inhale 201.401.M,0 flattee thrOUgit the maiith belq atfire erft,' but - not threigkthe nose.;.4 lYtagefan breeedhimself against boardin 43Anse ntble Mid tried:040e the knifo. turned bit tbs. meat glinWed r'" caug. alli'a'41tve.41ruttel r," , „ , noton•-my tested In la 1411 to rare Mkt littezittoe0A;-.4104. , "Isy * thorough kuowl ge of laws whith govern the operations el di $admataitiou, and by el old sa of the fins properticts4f ws Mx. pp hu provikled our with a delinately Atwood bev hie 'eve ne many heavy doetors tbejudioloas tise of swat articles of die it constitution may be godually built tit strong enough to resist every tend. discos. Hundred* of subtle waled :Of 0.1. • ID1SI may • IIby Itteo to ars lloating good ready to attsok wh over there le $ mr$Aig point. We may escape' any .4-latel,OLogt by 10004 ourselves well 'to M. lied with pure Skid OA' S'ItrOPerly•Itonrishi.l'•" ea frame."---Oivil Sorties Oar.eite, 10 Nervo...e. ssi.* lc ors, DA. a .BEL.p.4umpsoo 8/0.4t$ and alom$,P, " mere tff. the fitealc The edge 0 'I uL8E6 ova ragost, Rfaudvipr aa.notrouf of.lur • 31.41Oftrk, r Then bie called the -walter. Themast, bao tho• cook used .0o two nnlab /Only te chop kindling Wood 911 • thEt delliumloor steps. 2" " don't know," /mid TimMae, " Why, air ?"• ‘000ause,” •••• said, ,Wctigui4n, if it ain't too dillk Z4 1i!u it try it on this steak. •" $10.$40SPillizo. RIMLA.Nn.-Uarly atraWberries hue. already made •their appearanoe in clonvont .Garden Market, atnt-W ',Michael pineapples are, if yoe- obie:,:, Mier than ever ; radish eg and. galading aro also Plentiful. and • 'excellent'in Muehroorns from • Open 'air "beds 'end. 4 few 'samples,' or trufaeg may likewise he ;obtained, Among Ohoioe; veijal4ble tiro • rinibarb,' • seakale,, pOtatoes; aspftiogOS,' Trench helnai4 toinatOCS., ' _131.0•AlleWinglirtes are not ihe pro, sluetion, of ,Thendoro Tilton, and :have not been qreaci -en' the Aapolier.triil They.Were written by nix iMpAtient Ne'w • ()doling girl ber milwere pu fished by the reint0 !.rof that • , • Gife kirgents-do not stay ' °mirth% io.thatcareful way ;- All•the coins-yeiarlips- Can:print 'Never will exhaust the mint; • " Kish rim, then,' • . - Every moment -and again ! • • Give me'kbises--nay; 'tie true, t: attrjaskati-tielLlis.fbiL• -7-Aiiitfor eie-rfkiSe I owe .1 cuni.pay you back youtknow ; Kiss .me ttain, • ' the Courisr-Beral4 Of • son,. Tenn. a Min "in that town -tired -.of renting' and not die:peed to invest in -a, city lot, has built hiinselta dViellintliOnee on wheels. Procuring' an old-faithicilied log:waggon; he has erected 'hi*? „ o4 20 feet, and 7-feeff rein fit -vita -ogling.' • ',Vhe holism .c--olitainti-lwo ,roiamit one en- ' trance, and that in the end 'froM theiwag- gots tongue, and fate small WittdOW(s.. This house be proposes tif move from place • to place in the city; or •even out of it. as the 'exigencies of his business or erniveni-' ence may demand. His fp,mily, &insisting of himseif, wife,and three children, 'will feed, and sleep in Ulf& little hense __. on .1e.e_lik There Was a panic in 0...,15arii.'-stieet • over the conduct of a magnifibent river in front of a window of a -dealer in picture - frames. i He jumped, yelled, • barked, tried to throW himself -Gran -el the glass ;: and he was. -mad,. Of. course. They, -were about to kill him, but a • philosopher interfdrod, .Iteetxted hitn that all those eceentricities of .the dog phd relation to 'a -portrifie-in-,the' window. So it. proved. Ail this -was joy at sight of the porttait of a lady;. •That.: lady tiVed 1Viarseilles; 'Ind:. the 'dozy had been [stolen. from her Many. • r, months , before. Strange chane t� find its way hem by the picture placed there casually te •eXbibit-the frame.' * tatitin the r SaYer.mae 001,11111„ fur mos. Istresstegs.ritptume litielpg frnfl crror of.yoiiV r. 3. Den Siinpson was a Pnpil nn,4 frlendbt tin late Dr. hteseiy, of houdon, llitglendOlV most ceiebriveirstgletrity n tt,e world ea tufs out leet. IUB partner is now vlottleg camtds, teal 1 prepared to Else advice free to all, and forward Or. tten Co., irewer Ai 0., Remnant., Two- cular, 00. if aped to-addiessing Dr. 84aP totes of alms wl I also lie Soot by rani I to any pert of Canada. *seemly wrapped front observation, on ropopt, ppc,gai treatment if desired. Pills eold retell by all retail DinirOjits,,anti whuli- ale by all wholesale Druggists and, recent lieuielu Deniers. Physicians • Cornered. ----- What the People.• 31B-Ine ao .0eikto ; .,4151lOod VollAW .1a$'00311:* Tea 40 a6itto Juest 'Oolon 45 cent. ;:rtimp_puelym moms „N4T11.7 the Ohne:generally that ' • 14-NBOE STOCIC Or • SE \VINO. ‘MA,CIIIN venene maiinfastere, 611f1 Medi, tie offers on liberal tenni. Be is Ida° prepered to obtain amp Mod 0 Meohine that may bo desired, H..NonsuronwitY, •Ileren $t., one doo'rfiddvi thefeininerefatifotel. inly 25,1874. Rittitifair 4rtitict' ABA. YERT 11'W • elfounistancei under whicti PhYalaiall laisore rith More real?,synarattly for' his .pidiont than when called 'Upon td'asbniaister relief to an. „septa sufferer with Chronic AheUltiailsllt• eu ' '�easeof.tho blood, and 'no subitiiiitlid u cleauSing the blood:fro.= the,. fibrin subetanoe which obstructs the irCti1tion, causing .11"annation,..*MclAnda-•:,.*Agtrpat success of • • the ,; • • biati1011C1 Rhellittatie Otire In curing thi.s disease; is owing to Os ' peiwer 'ofnonverting the blood front its diseased con- ditilen a-bealthy, eiroulatIoni _Tt also reguz latei the bowels,' which is very essential in this aintild'jone iolid thefol- lowing statements frcira well known:Montreal gentlemen with more interest and pleasure, than those physiciane who have a real desire to benefit'their suffering patrons. • • MR. ISA.A,C$ONIS ENDORSATION. 11 • . •MontreaV21st March; 18711 Massns. Davirrs &BOLTON : ]ear Sirs -I .with pleasitre:coneede to die *gent's wish that grie my enddrsatiOn t� thirimmediate relief I expesoenced-frcurva feW ,doses- of , Dr. Millar'e. Diamond Itheunsati - e Cure having beef) a suffer& from the effect's of Itheuroatiam. I ani now -after taking two bettles-of this Medicine, entirely free from pain. Yon' aro at likprby to nse this letter, if you deem it advisable to•do so... _ I Am,' Sir, yours respectfully, JOHN Hamlin Is24esox, N., r.. 1 ' • -"Toionto, April ist, 1874. Dear'iSir t-lInsolicited- by you, I viLi)x to bear testimony' terthe efficacy -of -the Diamond "Nheniniitio Ofnre. -During, thirsiliole-eflast winter, I staged greetly from' that eorrituon 'and agiiiiiting-nfiL. Lotion, 11.1ieumxtism7.1 was induced by heming'of the many marvellous, cures decoinplished brthe 'Agent:while-stay- ing at the Rossin House' to buy a bottle. It is sufficient to •say thatwithout any -faith in the Medicine or ;its reso1-4;1)y the faliirig*of ,that one bottle I Was completely relieved, and •no* the use of my: limbs and the feeling of new: life which I attributed,to the into of .the new •Dianiond. Rheumatio Oure. 1 litive' the kindness to pass ;fly teistimonir and -experience arotuid for the benefit. etE auffetieg•humanity? . ... Truly yours, "• J.` Q. A. 'licitnneog,: • The proprietor of this medicine lias waSk-e-tr • the aisles of the hospitals of London, Eng,for the last twenty years,. Making rheninatism it speelalty, and the: prescription from which this remedy fs compounded, is all he ever used ihi the treatment of this disease. In simple "cateS;"eb--reetimes one or two doses suffice. In the lutist chrome case itis-suro to give, way bYthe use, of two or three bottles. Byllais efficient and simple remedy; hundreds of dol- lars are sa.vettto those who Sari least afford to throw it away, as surely it is bythe purchase: of useless prescriptions. Thie medicirte as prepared by a careful, ex. perioaced and coniscientions physician, in Wm- -dience to.the desire-of--tiuMbsrless -friends in - the profession, in the, trade, and among the • people. , Every bottle is warranted to contain the -full strength of:the medicine in its , est -state of purity- and dovooprnent,,aaidis superior to any medidine ever. compounded *for the, terrible complaint. . ThiS _medicine 'Riot eale..akall the. Drag: • gists throughout Canada. If it 'happens that your Druggist his not got if in stock ask him to send for it to NORTHROP & LYMAN, Agents -for, the Province° of Ontario, Scott • street, Toronto; or to DEVINS & BOLTON, Notre Dame Street, Montreal, General Agents for theProvinceliof Quebec. PFsiee; $1,00 per 'bottle. Large bottles, 32.00.• • • Aug, 20. 1874. •. 1 Tun HEIvni. 7 -This disease is spine - times cured by persistence in'. -giving' Moistened cut -feed. It is always alle-• • viated in this way but is completeTY be: - yond .the power of medicine.. It due to .a -spasmodic nervous action, and' 5s • tfie 'asthma of the equine race. • As asthma is produced in many • Cases by the inhalation of dust (as the Miller's asthm.arby breathing flour, or the 'drag-. • gist's asthma,. by breathing powdered:. ipecacuana Or other drugs) so the inha- lation of the dust, of .ruoty hay. orAhat of the-blossoms:of clover-, often:1;rings • about complete Telief unleas the .base is Confirraed'by long ngldet. : . How TO ALIIVIAXE /A oonom:---The Underi hcinset, which ought"fo' lm-nt good anthority, says: A.nodynea, codes, cough mixtures and lozenges, de pvectically of no good, and but too of- ten increase the debilitrand hasteii the. • fata end. The be vethpA of easing _ cough is to resist it with all the force of. will irossible, until the accumulation of • phlegm becomes greater, then the is something tocough against,' and it comes up yery tinfoil earsier, and with, half the coughing in invalide is ner*OeS, purely nervous or from the force of he- bitois shqwn by the frequency when, - thinking about it, and_the-dompartitiye- rarety when the person is so much on. gaged that there is no time to think about it, and the attention ie compelled in another direction. • SiGN OP •THE • BIGi. BEDsTiAD. (EsTABLIsuni, 1854,) • • • if&ge Stock of143e4Furniture, •home manufacture, Made of seasonedniatOrial, . • -:-.„-..e.:-....rutiL4V5OrApa87bt elf impLor vor_aoht , as Wood and, CifieliiirCheiti47,--Dlltilt= gee, What -Nets; Cradles, Mattresses, itkedsi Oarved Dracketti,".Rustio Frames, cm. whit ,iiilticceij vitir-diltociteBevoitAanir OatIt•feektdings, Rustics Frameti, Weed; mould'ed.or Plain. • • Good value givoit to all Who nay purchase; , , vvith moderate prices, , • *E.R elegant -limit -se for 'Hire. " •'A quantity of very fine Shrouds, cheap.- Ieunerals attended an all- furnishings au plied at reasonable rates, A le.rge stoc.k of. offins, moulded thici plain, always on hand (trimmed to suit) either silver.plated furniture or otherwise, • Its Remember tke Stand -Albert etreet, owe- site.the Market. •TOS.STEVEN__ • . • Clinton, Aug. 20, 1873. D cagcrauss s; PALussa &;oo °moan, Fgars , . " 9, 1875., RAS ,IEST RECEIVED. A 44.1tlln AND srook .000ps", • STAUDT:a Pei Th •llniffillaPfxsifl PAX. P Or. • *1171x,r xrAT.TAirttia, 0,1:44.1;41421.81.1!,; CI. , AyotifilitabirBAT sisssations,.. in au. 'Ic • • QUERANTSI 4X104411, ru.4.404,4akao . . OHOION,IYINEi .AND. .*NN5 SNA4ON'S • TEAS, EXTE.L.‘.• YAI•HE -' •CrOoltery, China,. and Olasiiveare, • Hts,- would say to one and. all," For patters rare and beat of ware, : ' . Just to China gall. • • cAtt_4. 11XSIE'ECY'r;F:t.TLEY ' LicirrE15, „xmgmulEit Tr414.471,40E,. •• • . • . • , • S,..• 43Rzczc. BLooitc, Poe.'17. ••••9 DAti, INEw HAIIINIESV' IN CLINTOX4 , rime vtrottszenro nasIERS li$10 - A- te hip frtends end the ohne ettlteroz APO /los ' /Wit reatilted li good ii eoludit4lownin, °tot, ,• • .,,,•,., , 'llo• t settee!! Plat, '.Alite ; IrS_M foirS0 temattra• tat a nal4'''' liORSE;CLOTHINQ Ain SLE111110iLLS - mode to Oder iii the hest and latest stypiet SePtilltraCoInteItair$soinonidvee.r4root,40,674414.,.ltifoew. •f R4 Areellt.NBEIll of, allisin. 41 kept eonit.041,11 olt 404: 'Oa • • Elhop-Stirea‘lOola west ot Vidor e4 Dartgatsi ur ...._ ..._ . • „ - ; .., (.4.*VP_ 14 unntou tiot*AA,1874, it 4e4f ',',•,,, V r 4) SJ. 0.7`kt€06'sl. I . • . 7 WHOLESAL-E AND ;RtTAIL. DEALER'JN 001{S, MISCELLANEOUS BOWS, ir 41. ar-f-t WINDOW SHADES 'TOYS AND ' . . FANCY GOODS," VIOLINS ,AND CASES, VollEllrl INAS AND 4 DMA 1;S, 'PICTURES AND FRAMES TRAVELLING SATCHELS ETC. rAISO, A LARGE- ASSORTMENT -01101. ,erhtt- -Web/ --Slipper-Pdterns, and Berlin Wool Goods. All the latest Papers and Periodicals -always (inland. Also Agent Or the DAILY—AND 7WEEI:cr.A. . • GLOBE AND MAIL. AMERICAON1OUG1[T }Fr :AND :SOLD. •'" ..P,EREllinEll THE, IsTildE AND PLACD,- f t • -11 - • r • THE MOST UNIIATPY Pettsen in the world . ,is the Dyspeptic. pveryttiTig.look-stdatkond- gloomy, he feels "out of sorts" With himself and everybody else. Life is a burden to WM, This can all be changed by taking Peruvian Syrup (a protoxide of iron). Cases of 27 • years' standing hem been cured by it, THE INSTRUMENT Or sueeiss. Work if you would make.: Few people live by their wits, and labor le the natural inheritence of our race, necessary to health as weir as pros- perity; bunts none can expect perfect brirattei, ty from sickness, it is right that the beat:means. -of cure shnuld always he ready. Now for,colde, caught, rheumatism, neuralgia, °tempi, eholie, &c., there is nothing like the Canadian Rain De- stroyer. sale by all druggists and country dealers. Pritat 25 cents per bottle. A common dough or cold should .never be trifled with, oftercw.hen neglected it'itudilattert-• ed- into &serious and generally fatal mthrionary disease. The more prudent, • aware of thie,, promptly nse Bryan's Pulitionle Wafers" it en* rative which -has suetained ita reputation for over twenty years, they are always °filet/clots and exert a most beneficial Influence on all the Bronchial and pulmonary organs. Sold by all druggists and country dealere. Price, 25 cts. par box. ANToorr Honsas.-Wooly horses are net ea rare as many suppose, not such 'greed etiriosities either, there ate Inany to be found in Var-iiiis parts of the country, but we4oubt if „they will ever prove as Valuable to their owners AS the bile exhibited by Barnum 3, we imagine their owner would consider then! raw Valuable without tho • -woolrfOrthitrottgir----and-weolyatawb-rtliirhalr indicates that the horse is not in a healthy eon - clition --probably hide -henna, or litiffering- from some disease which occitelime this unnatural ap- pearance; in such cases nee Darley'e Condition Powderri and Arabian Ileaiie Remedy; it will purify the blood; correct the appearance1 rt: move all obstructimer front the lungs and IWO, ahd give to the (Katt aide& and shining appear- anoe, Remeinber -the name, and met) that the eisneturs of Hurd dc Co. is' on oath 'Juliette. Northrop ^di Lymet1 - Newcastle, Ont.; proerie• • ibri for Canada,- &Ad by all medicine dealers. THE CSV DP- wiltnnta's COM- POUND Elixir of 'phogptnins nna:Cnlislayn as • food for the braid and nervous system is. 'founded on wellestabished chemical inadphy: eiologioal laws, sine& it ia composed of ele. incnts enterisg the fatatioi of dienr*gtou and capable of supplying them with nourish. meat, Greatnlantal °aorta, Anxiety, alfalfa - Ma, worry, fatigue, blood poisoning from disease or impure air,' exeessive indulgeseeIn liftlag.that use Up the vital powers, 'speedily • interfere with the nutrition of the brain and. novae which preside °Vet' all the fah& tone Of the bpdyy, And tioontir, or later fatal • neoiiiiiio"i roliertilUdtiittirestilf;--167elie 01 4i1d tfti 11' tete Myth Flouring Mills. VIE subscriber ,begs to tender his moSt • Sincere thanks to his numerous oust°. Mari in the ,suriotinding townships and the' public generally for their liberal patronage, •and-Avould-further-notiff thertrtht 0 as lately added Most important irnprovetilente to his triaehiuery by putting in a new boiler double the power herctogere 'used, and by many Other irctportant improvements, toge- thor With. firsi-Olaes Millers, he is preparod to do flist-eliss Work in GRISTING, CHOP. PING, &c 1-44rge ,Stook ..•• Beefs, .Shoes & Gaiters, • snitsbia tor Fauna Winter wear, now on timid JOHN sTeEprs CtutrOU, Oct. -22,1873.. N'ELLES, CORM 1-ly - • •rA0,,\(X • • disINIIS EJETWBD IN 1V11111' STYLE, T .SALT'S. Ooneral:;Ruit and Confectionery Stnk 41420, -CA -lis, -„P -A=X, ---AND: OTHER •• DELIO.WIES • ALwAls ON Van. A A • soLitifiliaop... • Remember the Place -Victoria Street. ounton, Sept. 5, 1874, 0 11 Im • :e IN BUSINESS, AN TIIE— ATERLOO. NOUSEi To' niy many enJI and the goleral Fubki •-A,s *is :nOW 'aboUt•OttitOixthi-oinoe 1eornmeUced business • arming: you, 41.gingl. which, :,time, 1. have path), many valuable 1 • • frien‘i4int gislialitttaliobs4as ir.4131.1444ititi4lid imMense suc. eessi in business, I new Wish t� return to my:many' kind-Ofii-,- toMers and: the people who have So liberally•paironized 1110 . . during the past six montlii; Mr. .1goe'r SnaE1ui .THANKS for their favers, and trust fair.- and squareclealing,-- to- Merit -a- Con.- tinuanee Of tile large and liberal Share of patronage I hav e, .•••..ota.r••••••.. • The undersigned,his Moved his Stook to the shop fortherly occiipiectbp,Miss'Eadie„ next door to the ExPreinDffiee,'," where he will be happyto Meet his-old:customers; to whom he returns, thanks fqr past •patronage. ge will arways kpcp,on hand a-goasteck of , , , , „ CIOCO 'WINKS inf-A1111111. The,undersignecl beito inform the inhabitants of Clinton:Mid surrounding "tiOnntry that tliFY. have entered int0 Co;Pa,rtnerehip for the' pruitpse of carrying ontlies.businetts of inauufacturers of Carriages; Buggies; Waggons, Sleigh*Critters, Zie., in all it1 various .branches, at ,their •old stand, Huron Street, Clinton, tinder the style and firm of • „- , • „ • IL7t, 1Vi 33. 14 S AE.AT/ , . • • -• No pains will be sparedto execute -work equal to any in the Dominion. ' Their long eitperi- -mieein-the-Countrenables-thetirterfully understand -the requirements Of their customers,. and_ theY• hope, by etriet attention to huffiness; to gii:e entire" satisfaction to. all tlidie who inay • • favor them witIrtheir patronage. • :• .-.• • • • .. ' A large and select stock Of the best seasoned material alvirtiys on hand. Orders executed • •.. with cleapatch..••Repairing done entlie shortest notice. . •• • • • • . •• ItTJ11,E ALL& LESLIE. Craoroir; july 22,1.874. THolV1f0.111 Agricultural linpiements, .,ancl. Boiler und Engine Works, •• CLINTON, . • .. watch ne wilt solo the very lowest paying prices.. • • Tho first comets 4111 Immo the best chance of getting good taming. ammomog cynton, Sept, 18448743, pourt oioa1,P1 • GEORGE DIEAL, cabinet : Maker, iipieleterer, ND General Dealer nFurniture,- . , • tetunibig Menke to lilt Mina/dui ttlends and enit. torcers for past favor; okra starting in 011ittoilefive. rata ago, Would lidiniate Matteis at the old Ptindand kes now on hand ii GristS wolglodistande can. have their grists home with ci irolla out, 'Parties ii•Zni" WELL • , . ,EitLECTEP filTOOX :thoni the gam° day. Geed Flour and Mill ut Anii,aoula• riellettlelly tainspattion . the reed always for sale- at moderate irieeri. „The Subtcrtbcr would also inform tlio.pub-, lie that he has a forge .Litock of lumber of different lauds .and lengths( Pine from 10• to sa ft, ;' Hemlock; from10 to 26.; Cherry; WhiteAtsh, maple, Soft and 1100k •Elin, in lengths to auit the public,whioli en- abies him to All all orders that he may be favored with on the shortest notice and moat reasonable tarn& , P. KELLY, PROrtiriTOIL Blyth, March 0, 197,2. 2•tf -The. Colossians of an Iavaliti. Published as a warning, and tot 60 00011111ot Young, Den add athateviajittifericeatvouttrdbilityL-Loom efIdentitied; 'tite.,'sUpplyterthg1ifirdirerseiaoure. Written by one wba cured Ideate% titer undetgoing" • considerable quackery, and sent free of charge. Suf- ferers ao fatted to address, pest.naid, the atithar, NATI:MN/ND litAltPAIlli • - P. 0. Sea 168i 311toklin, 11.14 A V 0-I 1) Q,17 A 0 1C,. S. A victim of early intlisoretion, causing . Y °#' a T a E 2 nervous debility, premature decay, &Li Lay. 'hair xlisoovered a simple Mean* of oelkurei " „/ MO II itTfie HEADSTONIPA ing itiod., in,itain. every advertited rowdy' labia he will send free to his fellovpauff'er- sn WON or till kind° It Arte 54 )466111$ eriii Address, J. `1/. ItEtVES) 78 ilattau doodon/ed iota onoffOita4igteltitipt,!t AAA Mit It Won. S6.0 New York. , ' ' lotatitiertot Variatill Catered Marble Su* _ 5 TO 20 Per dat Ag'its vliod lk% Shari; NOtiO4' vitae I All climes of working people, of either ilex, $oinig Or old, make more mortoy at work for nt in 11a111 14"1211414"i' ' A" IThilaata"4 AMMO TO,Oitintit. fs tesnanotoiteg LOUNG Eli. 'which, tot &lability and cotafort,defy dennietition; Indere at thet Nand Ulna as dISSII toi loonios worthless etticlea thrown on the Market, • be eineloyagood Workroon, and uses alas but ti bast ledeoned anatelial, be eau thififori *Arrant work to be a the best dotetlidieti,ind *Mild Mr". ItIltiAltING DONE As tistr.$44" :caturchaira •itte.foiasano itort tdflIWw DiLii so 4,1rivita Toi *PIA ClIntottoittil 01,1$ 4, Itttlflik STUN 0/101iditi AIN= 1847 Qintoip. artle Works, thew 000 itOttottitr, or all the thite,„then at anything tato. ifargooiat$ AMA ,Address, G. srmsox &co., rntilinia,Nuino, 45 4r.STO.13,01VIAISTOT°1 ttoft 6• 14Or 6011114 Oittlitttriti.00 It set tsar tionnato and split did lot in4 ..thettiOA$ 01knt IftritOff thpy tOtootior int - Tifft lei• is tomtit a attittot Itt out Oa • • ik 1i 1.101 to t lake A tell woollen, 100444 ' 4°6"it 011aten, Sim. 14, 1044 t .000 1.40 grki KitAf, A witiO0 IOU ' Also the • CELtDitATED 11,VSSEI.IL WATCH. All kinds oblyatekce,au,d 001;a, Repaired; (Jleaned , aryl Warranted. 'Jewellery; Thalbrelies, Sio.; neatly, repaired. Having had thirty' years :experience; he is confident litLean, ive.satisfactiort to those who "may favor him with a call. • Ilethelnhor the - place, next door to Alegaffie's Dooktitere.' , SAMUEL 'FOWLF,R. Clinton; Ang:-'28;-1873. 9 - • already received, -and, intend to in. the future, (if spared aniong y,011,) by sticking to my goluen . motto- of feel FlatiStedilii&EV11195-eiabre,V.:' .,- • AND:• BETTER 3.3ARGAI•lS THAN' E , ledge of dip nkarli'ets, .014tTY:Ili# FOR OiSiit enables 'me to do' „ SO. 111-31' iiresent Wintor,Stock is almost sold 6:it,: Any things ONLY. egle7:BI .G01113,;:•.- . know- _ that have left 1. offer at ruinous prices. • Althongh the wea- . ther has continued 'so extremely . cold and stormy for snob., a length of time it is most astonishing' Where ,a11` the 'Pe-ople- come from day after day; that do to. this ,plaee.of business, but 'peOple- -ro'where they Can .do the best" and get the cheapest gods • - am"' -•-m • 4i3aA":`,4,r,_ .k ri Al;t:;:111 s; are riiiii.fictu• ringlargely thisrisiasoni,theeelebrated, Joillstou Sall:Rake ;111110. :Reaper,- aEl'ili.Cayaga Chit' jts Inert Which we believe a the best harveding machine In, use. We are•allaf.iniintifaCtering the • • ES:rEEEE lex.paitAirign rAtElit'fr • Itinde,of 'Agricultural Iznj1ements kept' on hand. A trial of linpleannitis offered, and• ' • . .1, satiliftiotain guaranteed. • • • llie Partied having good, nionniand,, iniintly'tor Plait Gro*iog,' are refitested.,,to leave wind -with "W. Nir RARRAttr, E4, or JOHN MTJfl.PRZ Agent, Clinton, •;tepairing donet Peter Grant's', Clinton; lIugh It. ,Downy, Itaneheater, and Material kept for repeiting at risighlforing vilhiges• / Ailit)14SOit Si WILLIAMS. - • , mitniot, rit p374.: The Ooderieli Foundry and Manufacturing Co. • Bog to irfform•the Ohne that they are prepared to supply IS9L'IL4".4. 330N4st-IINTSi Appr, qtist ana sal4; Mills, -stave, phinkle inti, eading Iron and Wooden Plonithf., with Steel • toarda, Gang 'Ploughs, onitivators titraw. Glitters, dna..• Sugar' ,. and- Potash kettles, Grate: Eart,'-aso.- • • dcookow,, poirior and BOX Stoves, tor Various kinds, 44.44,..4.4.war : • $ALT PANSIkAbn TO .0.1tD2R. • Alao, t;on arid nnt,lis Catitspolud 'Work, • ' Boi1ors and aU kinds ol 1?e,pa4rs done 'Oft ShOrt Notice, ordor$ tb5I&)tO rolii company, Or aeorottim Airlit Melva pkOmpt attention, ARCM:BALD RODG11) . tieotettoantiPrreiNitittirf *01144 IA DU noluov Hopaiox, Cure Leticorrhais Or Whites), •••Painful Men, struation, Illiceratiena tile Uteri*, Ovailar dizeases, Abiient Re' nstruatl' on and all disease" known as remale Weakness, They are prepare , with the greateit careouiderthepersonaleupeti DI a physician:vile has made feinale • eases a speciel study'foryeatii, and MO me a illeclielne on 'Which .! •• ; • . •MAUR,T.ED LADIES. , • Can depend "tn he hfreir ind tiim prneall - • • - -•- - • 1 ,stiap-Sold by all Druggists 'everywhere. - Price, one box, $1; six boxes, $5.; sont by mai; • 'free of postage sectuely sealed from Observation Bor full particulars -write for our pamphlet, •Whiel wo ivill tend in a sealed 66-440 to any address: on• reeelptof post sttunpto pro-pay.returrivistage- A• ddress all lettets,flovritaminApThrleolstokrplItidt004. , .W.inclaor,Ont,• . . SOIA in Clinton by VilliEll IL nOtillE,nd by all Drivel:As evorywkore. Northrop romen,•11oronto Wholesal• Ibeg to inform: my numerous 'cuStinters and. the publio • . . . _ genei- llytia4flkaye secured-the-seivices,61 FIRST-CLASS AMERICAN CUTTER,. • ,Who has iiad very large experience, and 18 .Well up in all the . . T• iot. the Blood MAKES: THE WEAK STRONG., . , ..: . Illic Pe2nivianSyeap, a Protect- ed Solution. of the _Protoxide of • _front is so..combined as to hem:. the charaeler of an aliment, as easily digested and assimitated with. the blood as the simplest' ' I• feed. it increase* the_quantity ' of -Nature's Own• vitalizing. ' ;4046 iron in 711tOrteod and ciires.fe athogsand ills? silnply '''''•''ffilToitingitpolvvigorating and • vietabinittlie'SVAteni• The eitd, *Idled and igtalized.blood_i per - Mentes every :part 'ottlie pottil • • ' 're'Pear411 datnabfes and...wastS, searching °UV morbid secre- tions, and lectoiftg" nothing for disease to feed Upon: This i* the secret of the tVon- . ilerfut success of this' re2nedy in curing rtYanepsia, raver' Conid - -Duda, -ztovsy0--thrsirieltiiir,----- rheen,ThinsiNet.volistions, Chills and Vevalij Kuloor$1 9Xioss.. of ..,Constitutional..Vigor4 • 'Diseases of the Kidneys .and 0104dery F0111410 ,;e0Illitlitiiktflo and tal diacases originating ht . 0 bad State of the blood, or ae- Companied by debility Or it iotli , state ofthe systeni. Being free from ditcohoz,„in, milt form, its energizing effects are not fol. Zowed by corresponding recto. " iiini,. but are permanen4.1410.0.• sing strength, -vigor, and nal, life into WI part* oleic syttent, dud building Up ate ,Irirn Com+ WliOusandshaiiebeencridnueit siitutione bYtitenzeoiciaqsntedyi/:l"eaz,cjgsuora -42:, ilttrotan 011nnaw invalids eatinot reasoria hes+ ittiee liee1(014Catt:aitahabtoekaa • ttlelidopgitu. VAN SYRUP 1462044s thee/ass. itto & iONgo Prototelti• raniphigitio p#,00. btit, limos ova* • trix$TON komi • 14 • latest Ameri�an tIes. -Grentlenien *ill find from the coin-, t, nidnest....13onle;sinutheInest.,French.„Qaods manufact , ck be naide upon the reinises,in a style excell- ing any-city:got up goods. 1 hope to have, a .eall frm botli old. and. young when in want of dlothing. A select and fashion,. ' .a6le stock of — • t • oonstamily 'on, . I.intend niaking the ordered Cloth - ingia special line' in my trade: Gentleroenxill And.it greatly to the'ir advantage...to COMO; and look through. InY stook of Tweeds and Cloths, have' a talk with ray eutter) and see ray • 25 'Pieces uewSrLng Tweedsc justopened. am also just.1opening o0 -My WOPIUM. Call and *lee • Emilia. gee • POWTE104 Otit Watt)