Clinton New Era, 1875-03-04, Page 27.
.. I . ' . �, JIM SUSONITYs, Noody xn4 ftukoy at D,1rw1n#tbAm
rA Col. tto%, our to
am- 0 5-mmv-4 V"d sokos Will, DO 10110*ug". toon rVOM a Binnin - _"11 two,
how in Kilwahophsi Almou"ter, Qu aitgwiift Th 4wro
1003 noon ostule 114 like A H". 6 WOM074 Smotig
After routing business ;A 00 Roulto 'the X"IlAA4, �AMI 94' no"PiAr, *1 &0 A Ott
%Uwo, To'b'24. Tho Vokins of 0180,000 to &sslot a 000
0 COMO to, th!0*00411- Ovordog of OU4 arob U,, whou t
X43MO4104 t i0a, ot 3v work bot formed by WK
ofloe to, SnUodbers, fQl1Qwi49Tftv- 4611 04104, 41 aOlivOr A ao�mu#Aoo, of 00 Tom
Or 1,4
0 rep litatiou of Vvoyoll- try 041741110 WIC llyell' By "fOrO1101D. ftroport of tho Oquu� RXw"B" the tOmperonoo lecture Ill the OUngto", poit my ligring. a aft
qiiQotIQA Of veso NMI, 011 01100tillg In 41,00thOr "010111 will be Town, 1 -Tall, this Crbursday) evening, 40404.0a 60 various oubjectsit VIA ; Xr, Vro
A(QWY i44 SO-Akey, 0 o# 019 1004 ON,
oba!,t va,Qgut bytho outlawry of Louis 4 &#MotO4 More Ordinary it y t Ago'? Both J!o As -i too. &ago hwyo
WA 'W'244(l urgs, UPOA our *Ubavoors, Mr. Fletcher, and W. Seyoright "boap, 4AW" ..,.
Wei) 444 0,44ouUmd, that, .114L would, follow 1004 thal *iWimfi of $09 was lis,40-:0 thp XA.. s. Amigay itr wo
bit �0 of the, London Road, rich ;, Air Lisok, St. Roloss go- At* u .eii;
_bntthoy Utroxtb. tbelr.hotb q" the 11111"'ATOW`
10tolattou to'-tuls cloos, of WrWgraAts. Mechanics? lostitate of this town, a 'ad go . 11
tbe, V.V000dgmt ast4blished ill th 4411th ention to their I infQr1os Ate t received -fo yth, Mr, Hartley,, Dungantion - to preach the papel, trusting, in die 41, , onoo oft tr*yo act -ti Be
0 r avais 004001, to givo as.4' . 80 aloic, r Lo�u, J31 , I
0 Q440 and, move'. 14 the ryat )p $100,,000 of It is a. log rand Poirbpp4l all ouO`ta y not be aware his, colt t $,Ave 411,111 credit -vine promise, I Will be
li to be iot% .4oro lao. h4q. we lost" week And others. To% to be 0orved in thp Toni
-pdranQe Hall, At 0 o'clock. The evening Their lAbors
F It That thai000rd in, thoMill Of.T4OUi$ 1401" ond $it$ld up, 'Promptly $ii(s to the 0ovetilment) gild of the fouctiona and positioni 41., thim oor- for., with tboo." Tho 01,10" SgriqWaa, f or rV A;A
'11 be onlivened by y000d find, instrumental );,eep grvAtl� lolossoa ts 4.
16,44 ell tlie'tatIla of the) Hquee, Qa tho 9Q V71V4 I&Y fag aw. As 04. to $148 #00- g9rotto body,,'wo would, therotpio, � 41TO A have 4
40now, im 000=0 upon the ploagoo, of wealthy I list( account Of A UaiWkA SogQ% a ovisa.-A public eAter. 'n mally ithor parts of Will follow iu,the xto%motr sall1q. k7o;U Z
004 who ovsqbody in "P80164 to pay. oft sts"4104, jo,tlila All, England,
I xoioe Admission, 20.0outs'. C 04 !of
"The Motion W44 cor may fairly underst*ua t w�g Itimept will ba given at'thiv Wiool hooso,., -Whot pro- After this thore will'bot no in re free ship -
and honorable mon. liviu in, 0 that tb� Rr011 Twelve a ,So OU0404,041 have 't
ded;Ahe House, laig. been tb% mej,
I P0141"n %Tlth rending f4fio, dootivolit bill ovoryloay Its QW0, we 40�6 puWribor# x140111 gtion, and, will 'tl 2d, wil ud"U'atier, *14 Cents.
ox- of, Statiley? -oil Vrid oioqtp�. 44 tw Anoiiu
ay peUt4be,�pplipa'for tho. bguoat, of the "PA, at Birminghw, IhAt they *to being .49 *Va join$ to Zs*Q
the tab a. when recitations, 4i"Itigues, aiia kinglittv. tinned much longer then was firit thalwflilor
5�1 The Noutionitots for some - yearo past Va 11 '11 ni_ost likol birod that will be, the Dr4er of that piogrotm.we. 0hurc Von
ndw y be rqm6m
Un . take t7w, hins, 044 vro??�,P#y pay hAvo boOA migratiq to thu 00unti"71 W00404,. oil Friilay, U.0twithotaT.14,140, Somayouns rae;% at, xoau,
onzio-1 now move That it V, Iowa,
Jor, thoir Jrfparttes iwarroars the libroq jai ral invitution is oxtondet:lp
I - b ,
it list for f 0 Oil 1 Oako 0,
o once A privAtQ Institution, POP lfi,, � -
*Pp�arg. by the ;4 ivoord thwtLauls Riot Ifullett. i�ullcll,
au4 their ozoallont, reports
ofit to those the, itiolomeopy of the weather, the im
him XQU4Q, has been adjudi; I g to 0 compall.y who establish
I - .11 PIQU& mange Ifall _wA 04VA bX 4 WO04 About to �bo mxrkied�
4 membor oft dQ not pay tfp iminediate4l, WO W4 AZvXVATt ftnvious,'_ Notwithotandipg
fb vary 0 unfavorsble West , her ivilich 1pfsl Council of' the Township,
Odallo�1t1&Y,fQrfelOXly.11 4410oussion'.1- left behind bays. juduc,04 thom�tt also, tol for the purpooet of issomInAting lite th has ex. Tile Untildl
av, Moody do, 1*917, Oaa latteir ate h1e4itily ?f
lowed h a to. maiOhefn slioir oqoounts, Afid apiedtitio knowle4go, at o mote Poulin- 9 Uullott m or9wde4 i4.tho mqrii. X
AS to the. leg6lity Of th 'W144 to oo.ili* here,,- The isoct is of Ger, llrlag� the past wook" those getviook have 0 qk44 lou4tao.bon oA the 90th
whIQU Al fee of #I Par amlillyk-for the use, of its teen largely'attentled, and sp All t4b in luboxi present, minutes ol4red that groak 1444, �bee the blessing$, 14 -he bao boen oiok�oyiw isitim. And is
-a b
bQld rob, 0
rPluulb moved inAmou4ment 0IThat m4uQrI&tb%t% 10119,'41140 490 0114- -boo tiot ox M.ted, to recover, The Or lost
kianil mo azines ; Uto proceeds -being QUormor meeting read, aul oolifirmeti. roqoivgd ill othor, to I -never
W k I a success
d mi up its elliciucy wilo, they ha(
hit? in, the., or!; rA FA 0 R oping w 'ilything that ca, a tipt to the jok
uWas, tQ emcAP0 onforco I. p�liod towar a U the belvg in no wa losaeued, h Moved by.A., 34onlelth, sec. by,7�, War� mot with a ers are in jail a jiti
W V lie Oulu. t or
ptIlaftor1lig wora "I t t we b . i 'y . I
4L 44 . I wer"016 644 o iok that the Tr9skitror'o report a .udited
motion bo 0trook oUt-A1id( 40 fO119 n. The 0 this oompmj' 0 w sA
in 134ry service,, and w,� up(lorstand., thab� 'iovo,becouti no fDragiliatinio, meetings. -in B1VmIngb4m,, and r their f011y.
4 ortod 'It appvars on the face 0219 ra- Immediately after the paging of ti4o. "Act CLINT= LiT be Passed, And that the said. report be he'xtevo
more onjoyed,thop adhing, of the Gqs� BAWA4F V rmpLZaa,
t alitoo, In- �re , , Of ftw -These
cord I go in �011octlqrm., BAY fifty. copies, -
of proceedings iiijui, to wboroliy pia.'Verly orgsilioad XQoU BAAny Sommy.-TI41m, SO,-
�rougbt before this his is olqo their, object in,
-or, v of otituos should receive 0ove"primen, his el 'The very sight, of'ouchow. --geAtry 4ro- again'tr4voraing
Idouse, that no legal slid judgment. 41tint, y usual . Weekly meeting on p Odnadal �a.ny,uo only gave up,tholr stock, but Thursday, the, 26 h tin Q 40 10
t lilt,, 1. 11. ibI t 9 Moved by A. Monteith, Aeo, by J. How- 12, aro. doing wl� o4
s tha Ono before hint was oil
a rendoed giv at the
.at they
, . n. to, sell
L vi9l,. in mbor fQzProva char, - oat q� �tho,in 4.4 ChAirman, Tho. Programme' , : I
every malo that can beat arms i order '01 oo4s, Two�' or -three tiipes� al;
sd-oulbers, madogd(litiol&I gift% SOU, tbAt the account of Robert noid, Q40,-' said,, to make a dum'b dog, b M), quis P 'of rea4hlgs.44 roolt4tions, at largo aiimbtir 10, for Ark,
an It A - I I to raiso� iiu ov.9 " h . Q�ps 9, 10,� rA a 019rout.4atervals, they have. paid, the,
01 lonqppoars from the same' i4cortl rw Army, The to th. luotitutioa of books to the pN(eut of' avel put oils, It. r. -5, 0 XbQ
n'th from q5 to $15 each, atid, for hcwere del celleut 11, 12 4A.Lo . ft(I tbem- Of in tin vi. Paid Carried come then and All, thy bauoi Aoghb
. vus Riel, having been, by
at, the a Uenng oring, townshipil visit, and bli've
-has not b.ponArrested pites are conscientiously opposed solven Into.0, and by T
fio4 for-mAraor,"I Moved by ._ Howson, qo9,JY J- Blitt-011 into the ark.." 'The stories -he ro)044, left,'jil, each A heado
nobtain- assedj rm
to W a ry
nor appo4rod, lier ploa4ed to said indict Ar Rd I.nilita rervtqe. The r.0uU_. great exertions. th� _Wl tbat a, by; -16w be Prepared and C so. pore
Tgn BZU'. lat is the cinit ittate do. and the �,aosionate appa'44 lie ad4rossed, thom, The, peopli"Wh,'buy, �fter past
lnent,,��!Qr k4rroudored to take' trial in sufficienC oil Ono. to entitle them 1 doUoing the conditions or granting pertiA- - Ing whose, dut it is to provide Aud, look we t list
Ancontinued f0 der was Ono. $imou 31tantio b4rn in the tothe Government grant of 0100. To ob- to thoundonvorted, Vrodo;ed. a. prof�pua eT
on.tes. for TAVern
Fpr cnpolenceF And get r
aril bsent And a f m id*Q frtonljuq�
after a Are ;I Arm and fire extingulaidaoo the ion I odtiio audieno
.150 He 'became tain 014 AAin every year it is upcomp4ry to terms. reitilrea by licaut fo improxilt I np, (), hundreds. th;y w
.11 got wall '14401tod At, 'The
Netherlands About 0 011e.otpour. Of Vh0M'W9 Ae-tice'l apparatus. That bell, in cr4o nu. sop
raise and opo04 accor.4ing to opQqlAod stip. Tivern Liconso. For doolarin to to.ars. The 11
the Prd�inco, of � Wtoba',. be it eform, not peal forbh to Warn of dau. ro a atl4arolt Aid tQ' be, Tot6nto_
)ia -remolvo4 That the said Riel dH �4,, 1875: religistits r dr in 10$0, and while ul Oons 02.00,.but.fa Oill carry-
awsww., 34-A sU6Qos ger, and. the enki,axt p Aced In limb,by ity to 'be given' by atiob applicaut� P�or. opreoichoi declared that tb a presitro w6rk They 40b failiting 4( rascals,
i , , , livoly, Oioll be, and is herebt o�pallaa from this ha'A�co�te. the formal -and material Ing on of the, institution it hs been ftind 1* 'tin
�ml the nutilbor of TaVerns to be, Ll- woo QoW. . Mabi said' they �ould n and A� Wtak Spot it
Jack Froot, 404 nearly -All theother io. Ot
toia%eaP4 ape d A colisidernble quisitete for eXtln wohing flres�aro.eaoh in For. re &COMY:, obaraote'r,
STOR t�OXauuioiphlit� 3sana; 'of �eopla -is.
tand the t4p, soon1bun4 out�,b
Ag t
0 f those 1pulationp, ..and, a Ave
After ple; of the amou 14side. 6 i he Taverns to be Licensed and for do- V
a condition that 3ey are not available at'a nigh,t, WK -9- A.vo.or -threo lAughs We .Wa* -to -let. off
wing, twther stor the rail momoiiVs it 0 They were right when Alley'
was adeate ill w9r.l. and praosical end,' 11e, had therefore this re�uost OfIle council ton prowdip nig44._af(;er
wayAJAY-0 tt000 0 to�mniug Ill d "to the
oti 6if wanted Ve) iPal
mot -them. tnuill ipsltty e,,h Toy moetings.,
-follood. at their � victims, and
of TUB% SN'O'W'' BLOOXADB.---�Oa Sunday there were fiiin�'battQr sp k f any of'. read ill:
I -To toll; o The ifigtitulidii his oV0r'01WQ worth' f
mfe!14-to canoei trairis
ea are i
�iqicb6r And r�i a d.
introduce us
oiai, pars 'bad g4herd --around-, At. y sot ill Geni.tba Th, b�.14w W", t and sitigetir thati Moodj,�and 'Sankey. to Qne of' the fot)IsA, T
Thoan6fidmqnt of Plumb was hnprlvaq of ogg a, fe* -ons be d books ont1j" Intio. pan' rl��,ht"Jast Aoitn
_9 gn do
et do sell
T�ii b t use of fr on _yAp, forAhe_ an ity fell 'And Moved by 7ohn Warwick seQ60ed by But tho just. showed it Nyas God's,doing. ou 'splendid gop
'whom Up, taught b. a (loot U
4 vote'. of nayo to
ource of nows frbm thenutow.worild him, 0 oh elbeap, my de'ar"'.
"ry h trifling'fas of,$1.90 iv,hVQrFeutitIe4 t "time. the susp&isioi,�.'bf the A. Monteith that a by-laWbo p"
drifted As to a repared oil
d Dla they. twilk the devil wo,41d crowd
then a if.-our'ro'aders' feel aw rieTea atthe Jiis Object to establish tkaVii alsoto ill � r ng room, pro- railwa� traffic till -appointingag I"iPOOtOr Of'TA-, Nnaley 11sirnigm after hight when the
The� motion of v�a a f ep use, readi Tuesday. niht, 'so that passed for Xr, Brasse
an .9 a JE, ivh re, --W m4ilo'were received 4 --d -d sing, abdut 0
IpO and carried by 138 yens to, 31, nays. in ilia. world 'Which is toAk. in the party warmed and Uilited, ill".bo 4o rom. lgaturdAy verns efining big dutids, aiiii: the amount has bieofi
-th. lack of, news �Audaditorinl, iio, o1ror this 44
oospeil was to* be pr6achcd.ju it i Jf
fifina daily and weekly papers land, month- night iill Tuesday night at elk
ekenZi6 In6ved at warrant vell O'0160k. � of security to be ty� for, the tevralleari in his yacht,:� k, I
If a w Testament
and bing: back the ettier from
be issued toll wa'la mt�, Although the did not denote laithful performa adution.-Carried. hmat Qqnstantiuopl� ti*,
for R new Writ. Wll� Our only e;Ccuse ill one, meal-ha�ipo ly periodicals. they did, then they -did �not -kn6* the
it. W 6, also the, cold during by law devil it; well as,ke Aid. Thi�� way be may
ried by,141 to46- oldon ago of Christianity his; conaken In confiectiou with the, I sti. t Moilday lowo than About The -law wa if The ci the. 9
Sqtur. wind was so Piercing (11 sp altan is XQ 000
ttousathen; een rec ive t6re are evening 61maes, uutlev. the instrucw, twelve Above.zpro, the MoVe�l by J.B c. Hbw�qn the last li.akiq Biemingbam.�
qua i,e it were that n . aw.
-20, tiOu was to be pure,, without '�p4t, or tion of two Iifi d teacli6ro, -by that all stiffored. from it as if that thaT�etitioli rQlrau 4harx Com6,tochris a n4m lie has QOO horsqs
Ottawa;. Feb. i9e, I" Qd,iilf 000 T4 All
T _$pealor announced wkinklerQr b li. .-As'the �Jatnno i- which a I anco to Mary Co nelly th An I -
.4p.y. Is t lemi .4. a 700 wi.vqgqaref41Iy guar4ed by 3'50,
), of, young mein, who -are many. b6low, 'A farnier told. its tli6 snow praying - for,assis.t
ibli receipt by nc6i�verted who .-would-like -to bQ
out,. �engdged in WWiiffbrent vocations during, was so'dq� 144jity that they. could an Old ilidigent person,; -be granted and 6linuchs, bedides a large. number :of
t ab rid. three or four
nthe Clark, of the JEJ Qus(i,,oi a return. declar- DILL -did Uot. Ce up,
TIIE* N E W 6iT ndific Mr. J. 11. raser elected f?r the 'ci -the day, ard,qup ei 16 trans- actually drive over tha-telegraph wA*res, but- that the I Pei- week fro iiiia -date o her - a'
of $ I t ervants. The dAily co
of Lo.udon7. abstract; keligiouA. speculations, .,biiie Is i thousand 'at drice; rose, mo'A,of thein
ctl the business; i
A w to. w
ict more Pei It' h '. 0 are itic ined�to doubt.his word'and will be all�ewod beri to be phtc6d- in the hunds. of fodd-by the. -r it housoll.oK, is --200
e a- 11 1 - - wit4 jklir he� niLwe
e 'glad,ltb cte the Pr�ss, gencw they may outer in thb futuro,,�_
We ar Al. laws and dutiop,, th
.ri p Tho- new1vo1octed"-nieu;b6r for )nth rakhe
er t0o*
am a
A000 -a W or goats, 10 ca, ves
Brit- lug. request6d all to rise *ho 200 h'
eno;'100 picyaons and 50 geeset.
w� --o'r- otherwise, a tdd
cedy-M-essr Farrpw -And De0osmos'ati-dj the- 15ULLiTT. -BRANO11- toil that the, Cjork be. authorized tor woulaliko to be pr;R, uPOP, T d"
a. yita�f6r, where
GRICUiTUlilt- SO- he SuItau;ftlw4ys pies. I bi
tookbis zest.' for... They a, rate' rF we may mentiOn tba:t66 qb1inty 4011901 chase four' copitis of Harrison's Municipal the entire andiencei- apparently, stood a one, . is j!e.
61ATY.-A: JuoWug of the H�ill�tt' Bramb. --djgb6st `*h1l` - I I
Aft H)n. Ali., Mackenzi Postage on news)? , as" in�ito6d of selves from si e- clodef -of ihO *i vice the, an-
er routine,, to outer world, bnd inspector im. required' to audit t, 0 acootints, ManiiiiI for the u86 of the dounpil..'Carried. up.: - I.Dastousistitig of 94 0 -ten.
th6m A Ittiral Society tooll place, in'this t by A, otbor'.meals are prepare&, in case it
or�k to� Admit Irl 11 . � own moved iq6trisitlisec. by J. War -
brought up-tlV'L 6;jo of Air. Orton, piember slid thotnugffily in§ppct. thqjllstitute, ft.;
9 ;h ult,,:iho president'i
boing�a-n improvement it,.Will"W to ffie".fold, ndile. except by seeillatji�0jag, , 4�ire d oil the 20t n the chair, Aous ro inid beldt:td."
for Contra I ellip move that" b-,., 'i , � '' '_ _ ' '' � carri ma
d' d W al re meRt i a and Messrs Andrews,, Wise Wick that the, account of H, A..; Cameron, sho I OM.
gton, an Th pobl, 01 uld suit his fancy to parfake�of fh'
Bell, $190for blacksmit ey inteni
'd V-
S.� HQUAP JaXlu�g � 8' Wi �person�l proftes . on izaar is
04- &�'fto'ntion of- tbi I bien. Lt a -injary-of publishato thout. giving. of." 0 t. visiting Lt�ar
urp IY,--G- ip ing# ason, Suther�,. hWd.rkbe Car-. -e y o The o4IAry,,,-of the A
Ptism;. 6 ter a The Ins.'Ante sands two doleates to the OvAer) -a- bui ding�-cbmposod_entit wood,
called to-'tho,fdot thA:Mi�'0rtdn r 'a corresupitaig be efib. to, abscAbero; lAh'ift.9hrit; infant baijitis and X-efles, Present. ., Minutes of, It annl0u; the Iffinii.ster L
on, Provincial Agricultural Asadoiation, and ouncil ''then adjourned to me StL
W t Tn. I m. Wits re. Pre7 taus mee ing'i .�t 'has been eractca'sc4ly f0i; th9',purp6se
for the conotituency.61 iHing, The C g 6r
h '6e':: 'Vill be 1 making an inyi iotjo jetate 3f,013 -attho 8�gat 'also to-Aliat Mecl t" vad - and co�firnted: n at 000 the Mi er of-,
House- durig'the preiient �etW, 'Asso.cinto Board, agat :w1ion. chIled. b�
nd rotca*i� esma died of 61 Th� ,the 'of the are to be., '000 s or P of Finan e 1 ;81
w 0�
aliflea himaelfto diRt W9 00
followingbusifiesi' as�thert don Publ rk ,0
session without'having-qu inction een lose "subs�rhais �nd therefore:" ba��. A voice in'the man- w lied �tor 'a month at the-coneltigia"- and so n in pro-,.,.
out and rulo45, as the fall pho� Po�ti6 f or t
iavitig:001lectod ab .1i, 4, thRt n hirteen Oth ministerS." sit and �v�to prescrib agement. of, thead associatiobs. JAS.' BRA,TiwAiTt"Ti�!"C
ed,.in--the'128th s6c-� U n ills be rescinded, and that all prizes for. lark. which. the buildini, le' to. be'. removed..
on- Worth.Ariieiica ich, of whot, reeeiv:6. their paperg ill 0, single 1 ho $eon that the as,
V of the British do iis J g body of big followers; wil.e. By the above it wil
last year be, paid its Usual; that 'a, spring st, of its, temp6tary. Will XiOt, In 1867)L X. �B er, a Parisianj.--Ilost
a n 0 am have, during the threo-,sueceading� oen- 80cla 'Oil cis not sections], but embraces Irg
1967; the matter -bb reforred'ib the'$olea wr ppoe,.Ia d th'so'who receivet Ill ghow of horses, and' bulls be beldLin he Oct` URe' .1lig wife, Whom "hi bad �ivarrleit`tbra a
StAnditig Committee on Privileges �nd tfie whole domm-unity, the, -ba be, in 11ch less than 44,00. Its interior
parcel of 'It a ton,. on . tlid Wth 'of April. The 'Society rostal Jo�g jv )I years befor
A, others. wOul taried, grown in num arm. 114�'teet: mt s
'dimensions aro� a. He hail :been At o t
Elections'. 'With to consider common schools, and, that it' equally d& lVing i�
House . .... .. Wide, havin ii blear central width of 72 � 1 11
PI-Oper AlSO'chusa A've bo' increaseiii-thtt serves -the'., support of tW6,06un,ali as, inlich was nstructed to c.onitaunicaN with" h9iif-broYen. i �Yer smc�
And !report to the ry Avy bar of gentlemen t9L request their atteu& Ti.iet"'Lintr'oducedby.,the-Vostinast.
course to bo'pursueAuriolatiou' thereto. 1"0 �mtheydQ, in propqrtioatotb4work'douo. tiyi6s 26 room where' is W*tq�dl�
to a �,mpf�726
e GENERAL NEW$ ITIMS. 'Ved`that the House go r of the publi�h. rif he has to att.ach At the ohow jas,judkes.- He was. also Or General 'melk �he Poptal1togulaz, His wiws
idey d-' ga IWi
Rid* -foot Wido..' 1b,will-ilbe ate aga,,,was a
following resolutions Theiprincipaloban bu . t B a has
the postmaster, if"bel has to � do it. 'If hapa, 'this towd, and a bommitteei gas persons, little girl, It ac�� expanded
0 Commi 0 Mar, Vper, 17 -to may
i. Mr. Y
ingtrnctdd:j6 correspond ith pllg seeon,-read-_
the wage U f ftL*
int ff_6 -of _th4_Vhae__t6-_ or ei t al I th Of 40 -F IOU is billy in&.So
par b0ifil at,
Ln --- -_ 8j000
afo w. - in �ttK plated are :L�4ho. exclusive'. of platfbh�n
'to pro War monthly maitinj 'of 'the congtiajil�g of'the, President, snd 'Meseta, 004 noi hatidsome''w"otnan.' For years sh
ient_ cannot; -The Manitoba Mounted Police-Vorce will WiSL seats, 16'is lighted. by 88 winddWs, ilia
That it is exR�d e.-. 7Thr3. rag
to� n
n Council ild on Monday Va_ appoint AN. ahsters i citiewarid, -he,,
the Officer to be appointed to commaxid thik wa?L_11f ,
Militia of the borainion of Canada,'illider them didbafidda a and Andrevy�, wero appointed tq_qon� f had not seen 31. Berger. T the'r
b o' b -to, fhii!4 Are no lossthan,20�Aoots or. exit;J
a carried freei, the, postoit Upou in in arm presetil.. Mi �vns baing.:perma�ent oalari66
Ab, Uf, 3QL 000
OPL ening., wa 0
for with theL offiloors that gocidi, and
A-thie-Cuui�te tday she - knocked 'at the
d the Dominion Mill- Safoly, delivered of.a , -nutei of last meetibg road an4� approved.. Tangementa that mi, - provided, t6t postage id reki4ration I
.,till.No. 4,Ao,&eu ' ' 'I in �riday morning la, eas 61, make any 91 ght be con-;. all r4 door Of, big
tia and Defebee cts,-khall to paid At ihb� better ren . bangai V . I ai�tart'mont.' The servant was absent
iij it ie, wit oub'c ',Duffbiln i a' Ir 'sidered -necessari,if it shohld be ileter- stamps for" the payinant of C11 h0e. )een,USQdL in
ellTile Finance Committee Anuded iii tra bic feet of,*tim,)ler_
nriu, if in PAP Blt,as i�pri,. which-reccimmendod, the pay'nient tion _And,,8,2,00 supetrfldi�jale and: M. Betgbk oIlopea ilia door. She
rate �f $1, te.- - A, litile bby in Albany bit his,-toiokue mined to hold the allow here... 'Tile Meet -L PdStage. -aild� registration charges' And 'ehtered, And; I Ing' i said
ob Par 1 -411 of all thetakifigo, of pap'ers 0 now thedonstrup
and sllovrA ces. d
VOUI&L of the following-accoun 3 il80:s6llp6a hYalop�s fat 66 like' tr-� feet gmiss., Or vej
2nd.. That It is expedietitto,provido th e Me '�b� g.
at. oneral 'we, t iii, -in a -dhaik and bled to death. t E; Holmes! 'ion adjodrildd.
6' k �itt be while ro6kibg tl
F# WattO, T. Fox A. altdg�kher .39, workina days.. I'Do yoll not rec.9guize rue 2" My
posei at nd.L
bit, J. Jonlin, wa. Tat 9 bcriedi -ftlien, suddenl� 'redoilmhg.�
There is:a-man'N a Parts hosiRtal in'the K6finidj, which. a ad�ptea. 011 _w, the Adiatant-General of, Militia,. to. b bettor to 'pqrmit them to pass through he id �ost-caras_a
b 'fitst"atigtiof Rip Van Winkle 6nds or vp
And c 11affie, for 4 Copy of Harri- a apol'S
p6in ad udderthe' pl a' ism.' He 'bnub of W.440 wrappers, for frbe
4o! she is dekdl The poor girl
-t-ho-rate'of $2,5Wpor �nnum., eop-103 days. -sonle3fanual-suppliad* -Me --N�-`Ro kofif, pin FActroiy.-ThelanilualL nfeeting bbing
ttridd to reassuKe the widower and ex,
I motion, ordered itoi to be paid, as WAPF OT ease Fact& -letters, siall be"' re ut plain that she,'
till founded.theiepti' Mrs. Bernard;,mother-inliw 6f Sir. T. of the patrons of th6Viina. Ch pro An' event of an', exciting b WAS o gh� tbut-b little..
�SL introduced, pats- the Council -did. i�oi think they' hid any' .-Unpoia to the"L VAjJOUS PQjt i
A. Macdonald, died*iuddenlY At his -Otta. L'. its ry will be held at, the lice Hall,, fortunately of a pow !grib*n tip, And wbo�
Viou of thin irtleman "in the 'wa re'piaen"ce a few itais sin' with a copy- of 1�arni,, oil ilia 11th inst., for the purpose, �rdmtii General, Upon�L evidgilce 9'e.. . - Co., Stataniont Of', toryt6j �third rea'ding.'fixid POsi he curreask the ti ayor wo� since; d befor*
sed thr6u&h d6mmitte6 of flie whole, reatil, right,io4u�ply officiali e-harMI'6 cliaradtei, 0 a second ilthe, and the' *ork., T_ybport of*the Firq andL of iocolvina a as. year a oper- in tAJISL i'd arrived t
Water. Comnlitte �Wa Ill that any p6roo in Vanpili
for the following dai., Ouse appeLard:to be. 'v9yy.:un ertaini The'oatinbal iftill of Makers.' 0 'a received afid filed. 0 a a also f r makin�arrangemenbs ed that looAliby re-' �Nao, no,. Up.! ,'he sh�'teked'�And-4611'1
The'House wait into'" I Tboe%,w6 haje visit
Committee7of Sup- Gray .ad down. at. A retiolution: WaSL Passed ll r or Qsewhere is.ongaged,in-..C-()nductini,a,,
at L�iidon,'vias bbrU all it this Mayo -are back dead.,
and for: t io, anagement, We understand dontly to via u
his a todu ti4h ti at -dayaornhig... has-
thers pamaid-the -itim. of . ijitiet jh� ifiap tha although the factory M -,oug heP1 -early. hour on ur ink botoi.of chimneys Ake systomfor btiiningre itialicesilfi, � It. aware. thab-tbe attractions op- the. one.,
s7dONO f&dr`tdh'neg a0djusiment, of -salaries Pro. Mr. 'DetCommos, of British. dolumblift' kabi6il' of ill chimneys, the Post -office by in ans of false piete'n-'. ;'O�r L PARVXOt6Qy. A.Nb
1 thoTOUgh eXamh a oulle, -it that almost overy, one not-
ided for under the Civil Service. Act. T&ro �oof & c a saientiffa.aild.beon " 0 are so gr6, 9 Ali P the payment to -any such. Physiognomy for 1875 diuitaini many Portraits,
- its next meeting. 6r, Biogiaphibi. -and Ohaiaetem of � leadirtg men -
th urchi at tovo; pipes,'&c*. 4 re ori L t6 ill Con oil --�i -n m�y f6rbi(I
fi_ And Aft-. Fai:To�i of INvOrW Hitron, the.'Me 6dist; Ch rincipks, t.,beonas successful to ce4,
Aftor recess Dr. Tupper referred to the towen lailln-last.sntur ouithe illi6tanding the fatigue aiia`d�n'
liancial A�lo L COW' ill sup ut�giiowd thoebterptisilig proprietorsaaftshouldhave person of anymonsymorder dr' 9
position of the countr�i and. the caused Consider timt;. ai�a. if i4eight,of erin6umbe th6 awn4n. his -top of all the, Presidents of the nit a s,iatea ; c
A - deputation consisting of Mesrs., -peguehee of 1k of,patrim- fabr, and. relay provide for the ke thq effort.f.p Ascend to the T_T
�o4n, in con.
report.of Mr. Brydge on.the Inter6616nial - thire is any-, riatvill someldfAllot rumors Tw T. Turnbull, 1�.- -Coats, A.. Matheion,_V. a the cone, and slide down n t6.� Itiach. p Xing8ley , lam�s Lick ; Pore Eryacinth
o serious firea:broke out in London e., . Th is� does not s�oik well far- the m named in a�y such order to the ittea iirepared bi
Railway. He spoke for,tW6 houri-and, x Von. Kaulbach - Ji)hn Tynaftil'.. loku taied -
it SKt,&# G,r'Shep�afd ilie gpiculators for'the
-by.Aha:Hox;, Mr. that m'e urrent, they peitheti�.-ieflect 0 ay, and Owing to tha..scatofty of .,W. Watts, D. I mer- in that section, either �s iegide tUair e;f; And Aniong a Vr�� - - d" 1. - Liia�teis iaga�fcisAre; ou"r Blue' 131mcle
half, and was followed Upoll, shch ce
UP6 sO.�eral And X itactors ofthet. Mecligilics' itter th
Ude re destroyed. sense of appreciation of the,6ffortsput fortli as 11 lug on
P rpose. Grfy,L.,
'It c6nd WateeiL like^bvidaitoo, forbid.the delivoi�..tavnch Occasion: refdrrca' to was' a yoting with more t1fan. twenty illustrations; all About
Cartwilglitand:11let Ptitinier.- predit n upon him nor vi nsfitute', waited upoll,the Gputieil�'for the� lur their bonefib,'or their Own 'futerest ws Gieen, Large, Small, Almond, tc.,-
Afi occukredinalfalifax,661111— the
rd, ery purp000,of. requesting sgrant in sid Of th 6 t6 dai�y litnineg"A so far as they are cAn: person ofany ragistared'or.other letter
to his comfort. while occupying his dressed i 0, and Livin4 to. lz�t
NOT.PLS 'rest week by which ammber of a git u: t6 eti.trems of fasbion, Sleep ; Eatiug to tiv
Imait re Institute. The Pre.sidenti Mr. Turnbull,'. tho best, botli,aa regards *the which It o b4lieves to be'Addresisil-to-fi im who gyrate'd; testOrea*and squak 1 BI hi ig, Causerd Ca
d.stiveral . badly brieti alike. to,- Our Fhces 0 on
in til House. One' ot them is, to the burned to. diaith,. an P
NearlyL 1L. 't r . . . . . y stated the Position- 6f the Institilte ilia 89il, alld a re6ul!n_s.tUaa0. tlli�ough -reason of such. frndtilen't Bdoks ; Horse Phrenology' aCheerful'Face
two-thirds of thwX6ntregll he d foftb: the work it as 'iangqged iTi L May a bluejay Oil a au What-Atit'I.Qood I (IbtfiereAsqfol and
0 cc-. set hoped that,% large that intergt will matter.
any such letter moo. She W - T
tbra are said to be disqualified from voting I 4tirge 1��t4VOL Ull'o$
at pp Scaitcherd' a6d affect, th lied �o it is t 0
foF tlb�4 im Le community iij most gile
At the municipal- elections, chiefly on .10 'a Reformer. f6be pilp I imount of.cheeaealli�pped fronk the , Drbvemelit of ' t ..Jn placei vwd that �tg �inr U; be 'returned" to thb �sa'n' dof 'thereof, hing'damsel,
of'the g.eiitletne science, art And literature, cl6tlfly. showing. I oturesi sent first post forti! , AdfIrps
count nt-o .� ' ' '' Ingersoll station during'the 'y6ar -1874 7was' p -.made: 66mpul lu,hu.domonstr ' abions Pi ceno introduC0 hird, bui tUat gen'tlemarl that it was tin educt of IeOers i of,
of the non-payriia f t, ' Ltional institution wox- joy, and. appreciation Of the �bieadties 1;1,324,boxes -064
being an in�reaso 6f 22,' ay,
UP ---------- Ol.all lettei rwis.raitted by of the scenot., By'somo, mearis the yo ung,
t 'of J.8�3. oun, post. for Any distAca
declined becaute iiis thy of the itipportof the Cc oil. iory .
Mr. Blake made all excellent su' ti Londesb4rongh.
gges ion hMoWnald. then b2o*,ed, seconded within, Canada, lady. ambled tip to iiear the top.: of �tlie in the Housoi to the offbet 111'.it'where iceremduy wa to-b&s Coiworvative.'B6 0ii Saturday. s:woman nituldd oyle, of by Conn. Barton, that � gtaAt..otfl therti
. ... I I I fty dol. sliall 6 heand'pai4i member was unseated. for.corriipt practices as it may'. X. 1. 0. , all HVBBRIS MITL. In- ronsequenoo of the cono on thet, Btopa' cut.. in. thq.joe;
rL Into be made f( pport Of the fthis.1nill', attracted to r92d Farm..Stock, &0,,of'ldr. Thos, 'Brownlee,
reenway - �Lppeara St.. Obathiritles, Vnintentionally, susot6r- �forin rate of illree cents, per. half oom
incressi(I bfitriness o
ad her. baby, four nionths old, t4, death by Mechanics' Ing
by Agents, ilia agents proved ?tute.-Carried when -there she turfied round t� give. 9x- lot 24, 5th Con. Hullett, on Wednesdaj;-`
such praobicea should be made to paj the. tofiRv pbt4nod an tth6nviiib Lb; shpe4br gribifing'"' 'd tehili- 'weight, -any, traictiopi o*f a 'half bunica', be.
, $figsrs.. U6 iies And Naffieson while it�bY I tor eitOP4 0
le ilOtOriet-7 wrapping it. op. too carati�Vj vilibn about pr6siion: to bar gratificali6n slid adin ira 10tYindt., at 11 Tas
costs Of the trial.' Agents would be 1�ss 0 -may a Octuncil-for their liberal grant 'their custom work, the ing,ehirgeAblo- its a half'ounce,'4nd such tioji, wbin, obo horrible to vo , late, b6ib P. In, Auct..
for thti present., It is possibl be t9 visit A neighbor. -thAnking th.
Ugly to indulge in corrupt Act% t they � I I took; occasion to state the -great advantages, rMaosre.. Rub�r Bi�s.'have juAf j5ut- in a �6starnp rate at tIff-4-ecetilip shall be'pre- foot I, - a'f 'to, m'
Ow they would have to pay �ljt oftheir, 6V*tdoticto this by an, in4epondetit mid Mrs. Dunct large 4oam,engine, to ran the t an& I
upon.theAdwil by the pal. e 6t4trips, at-ther im
6�rn -P fu fatally injured -on. Nriday� while -returning existeiiC64 of the iqatitutio,p" o3ppelally,in, at tfie,gaime momdnt*,- and- bO' came
kit ock0a for the consequ6nide: of thei in of Orilliaj- as that Vora; conferred saW milt, and made considerable Add d. �y PW4ge. 6 .43 ippe und6r, their' mis re�s
r show by 3t - gr .9 Of &SdErgg tbo.letter, otherwia her Qttecan Bend'
violation of the -lar'. front visiting a friend -in the, township of providb3g a roWinir6orn where . Oil , ligmen of machinery to.4heir e BU611 Aown keralap" ton, ture'actlo'no that he il. oarlry, O�t Wi -evelAug, -whote'they-i"y pp o_._f4rwaidd_b, 6r oill-will-hot, be-sto a -but
at promi In'*filic -ah and- so a others 'were ri-. -6i too bold to 'ru it. by rat for nowspaperg, or po;iodio
e by a tred falling;kqrqqg a igh -ths6-in futate4h
'Thor&.- ifuku �iay tdw d.M.."McDo' aid$, age.d-_�4 yealrnals
tho huktiti�@. 0 110 receive both moral And literary instruction. wh0h'water is low, kat'started at a: minute, gilt down, tho
toreito and thenecessifies of Canad4 d 'ding., 41ilications printedia. Canada 'Mstied The de4o' id was one df.ihe first PiQ'
the United States will 4. �n. tice, that on i"ha' Aivigio'n in the Irouie By. iesolution-tho anditonf report an(I As Messrs. Huber Bro,bave gi�6ix p ? I deelivity, bounding from. step to,'sfap as
rin- about a Reol-. ass frequently. 6 nn once. a mpiR I . nears of the Burch Tract, having assisted
oi�by.wad lof titlis of DinkleY I n abber bill. She 6 bla,'d tlief London Road,. JI -o settled i
'b on.the a-0t-m-ffint was 44* ifodt, and the 8' ti8faction - in,',tho past, we feel cofiden liob I th like an ill-nitede I dia
Ato, , 0
procity Treaty within .0, Or w.o pon Mr, Millsmati6n, i relAtio at 100 dpoples py n
"ear _Wtod that they will be ablp to give morb general front. tho officet. of,.publiesLilaij; �r
Hotel, a. few "ifights. since; but clerk inatructea to g! satisfaction in the'faWfe; started on hor� downwaira, journey feet; the township of StS616y and resided on I is*
ta l%'6fTe&tors,Xr.GreenwaY's the ;aixthoritiis succeeded in finding the - The anin of $LM was. ordered to be ro�- agen4, "arid addressed an poited by the firsk-bui'very SoonL an ang".e in. Ono
n0equenco o W
trom, eo
Jultimately ratified, will di 0 unnatural, mo ro"'ErUjIfFST. same to regular subscilbers or no 2 of faral till a fow, yeal% 40, W lion he
8 'Und, attlozig the Conger- ther and `6mpolled'hef to funded to Mrs. Finkle, 11it 88 COEM.. became
the Draft which's few�perAons ave declar. 'Suld"i to be, 1.0 OrL a. ate bee ad too infirm Winanaga I
itice t thit date of her o0spFing, , - th46 amount having been pnid twicei runiors-rintal-to the faelingg of thi'milict- oner.con6for-64ch potind jlq a had been SU&
ad to be so obj - Tho Vida go.. to Agents ahall'�e tin aralytic stroke,..
,ectionable. ds f Yatives, in o mition to an Be- The clark was also instrnotdil to get fifty oa fatry, Dr. loeve, of '01intol -.0ord"r, .4 aglided ddwn'heAd. fir9t, to cmtitlue. 9 lately from X p
'L resulted in
lot, wo baliovgj re-ard it as -PP r, he' -governing the wag,reques a or any fiactjou*o ... I .. t-
c6ples of the by-law..'! f6i toil to hold a tba "i� ght
the Treaty dbi f a pound w ei. intbati ositlon-
either dead or in sekous de�til. natp, so tLid fa -may-b"Imased )Vi'h A was being ikall from. P o death we tobe prepai4 b�vostade stamps" QrOt:
They attilb7 action of . . . '. I ; young man who, ocOedings of' th.0-00ioncill, printed in 0 y of Thog, Hagyikrd ivliogi 'the head tdok he plaod of te fe 'Tile
jit6 fhe L cent cohAqrv6tiv0V-,
re the the,'� Hamilton to 't6ronto o be card 4 few pampb ropoited last week. by w1lich the following berwio.o, asIbe� bitinast6r;General BY ydp Mee
political dgya since" on'tho ofijtge of ateoling 1% r 7&OVaa b y Conn. Fisher see. -by con", evidence audVerdjet WELS elicited �irect.,' girl jgckeamej' , tho. hidy N'0L L
Senate to internal When a paper is sant.- -ditt e,Orfwo4EIl -PtrtI6bi0WW
ih a atch; jumped from the"traiti while it was IrWiftF that %he treasurer be, reqirod to $stalk, Hag�ard, widow of deeoasea.- �jt musb bit pr6paid ilibh'- a hAlfcent, To TIM. SUI)SOMIR10P.
in an ihterostin . g faintilig Attitude call hwl-4attlo- their v6q.
short tiltie. AN I&LECTIYE SENATIL motion, and although it!ivas at torn
Up to:,Sutiday ast'he wait in i top roots
toll atirotick; for $12,600, hirilielf $5,- usual 6amp. SaWpI4,' dooll stoiped, he eluded capture. to suredeo'd. 0". -)0 Wa
000 And tm each j and fi�%Ith, iind' did, 'tiot complain of Anything grafts,;nop, to'bo Ch#ga4_0ne_ OM6, P.ME14
The on 'Mo2ida Ing UtIng ch Er#
Toronto Liberal, Viiday, says-. Mills: again 'Clinton "agr 8, 1 7
'With -Whilotw y6ungladiesW&O'co ta-kits bO iaqWrad if) fui- �sitidulsrthoil�-but was volitit'i d struck and iricalitabl� ofrend'etl
. 9 cent Pat fbLir provided.,the ends ttice. Tlfdre Ara al3ont 100 , iteps, t
A somewhat antualtig difficulty arode
yesterday respecting the ill trod ucton, '-of 1)r6u& tip his metictil" 'enCe together A few evenings since, sloungman, for $8,000 ; libitsolf $4,000,, ttio nighb,., 1ab been' drinking hard for a
to. a 0 a0ge I'll aopoxo that
Mr. Gr )nth the 00tkotitu. "justfor,fun,?'pulledthe chair from bo-� And two duration of A000 each,, Oarriod� i morith Iw Ly, slace.1knety him, of the package the top of the dollej �ud the youtis lady's Temperance Lecture.
eenwayi inolabor 61C ld , U411) J.4 more or less r � 'I*AtUrhr_- . . .
wb for Sr. ilSedaf On motion Of Cotift. 3101)6nald, see.' 1:16,101i'llithe �Nik`of Cc a letter; shall be
Huron. 6 b ne4th ofii Of thOTTIF, And falfing).aho receiv� Contra of gravity came in with A 1=0T.011 will be delivered I�A
It e;oems 'that Mr. . Groonway 'Inatead. aing'apbointea by Coun. Fiahor,it Was carrfea,, 611ab Con n- but for the IaA itionth', t6o flinch more ed.$ Whert practicable, to the send�".- 66 of those At and go 0 W J%t
t to be Understood it )ionic that he ad injuriei which may result in her deatb, oriii, stood the test, 4X 4hol itho Govorunionbo� the' ill' Id be The young man (7) line not fisa. thernia cillors Cooper, Johnston, and Chidley -be tbin, usual he did, -tiot'hai4 anything to Ngtmisters are_n�t rdqul'r�
W9161VU111di be introduced bY' a thembor from by' T on el 'to give did the b4stle; thill the. bottoni pi sliall reached, Where there is j depress ' itoto ge. bit the eye ng of
ifforont, local -legislatures, nt 70.1f. In Iigoon 481� 1
each'side of the 14outio, , Thon. certain elooted b 64 di noon to visit the victim of hi's ractidaljoke, appointed piopbr4 cointikitieq for the our. Ilia. n!'�reqdeliyor in a tat
waers reridored it a Tfiatter of impoithtica -Who is confined to. her room, At Hamilton. r.0 that ilay As usual '691111, aon6l 69 ills PostMaster--
MeD=14 - aab_-by .%Vag in CHnion OuThU6day-Ii4:t,ivo wont young. .,A
-spoke to it for a- considerable,�,.ti eConn.
childrout a Conn. 161IDS66% U 't! Immersed in the r ';W
Moyed by as to the pnlitidal Stripe of" And it shqll� demeRnor to Yoe thit h be: �laced' to lied oiv:gu�dny between P� cnest Of: VATUEA,' OISHEA, of GODMUXOH,
-Palmer, at the end.of the Council Room, and- also eight and nine Velock-;'souio tmo After oat Imill 'he _wAd ktrilek � A Ainussrox-9p dank ; 04 hjlaro� half
*he presented the noi� nlember. Mr, 110 Was follow ad IiX� Air. former residing in'Chathian Township, was OieLl It shall of 4
pride, Scatebeed was io be tho-Reform goafiather, 3�r. Plumb abd otliers,. and it be- badly cared fok� that while performing a desk for the use of the Mayor and Clark. foar to'clock next moitiffig he got U& d be & misdemeanor for PoStMAStdr. not to be applied to charitable * but he deolitted to� Play Seectud fiddle to violent 6low between fka ih to li�g
his tasks, 1is hands ifid feet ere frozen. Lost on a division, asked md it it �4as T104i W all inapeoior io 6Xanilltie, the., enresult'ing_*in _JW_tbIN'toUdiflWhJFfgajrdi o ertie-ice, Tlie�ou�g
any M�. Staplienson� ilia Vote was kwards tdkeiif YZAS.---�Masaro� Callander, McDondflajL ]]in) to 116 4oWn agiii, t,4 he would hear It obill. be a misAelnean6r to issup 'Va
other ropn46d. sponvir, 6dlinod'-ta play �he ¬' to.&t tip; pidicea-up 'little njured
Lou being carried by"77t, ',to toe ilia stAtiob, prScuied him,a, ticket for ry TH,
secoulfiddle to Mr. �f 1i Sohnstou, Coats, and Sfieoperil-&. ti)o bell on It *As time hOrtlY '.nay Ordais withopt, -previously recoiVing in porson, but, symetery
catcherd. The diffi, The' Srti Catharines ind left him. The, Town , f there.'
otd&Y find i"t a lie complained
onIV continiietl �yostt Va. f,,,�questiou may, be Considered. a re, WXY,-Mess Fislwi, 13 'Cdope
ning, poor Mr. Council have decided to prosouta the man Smitho D6ani-Chidley) Stevefia, Searle: crittrips in his,feet, and commonood kfoldtig io Moneyo Th Oro was,,uot Apparontly ovoe half be WtPXLY AITD DAM- Y
. : Wr to be gee was otired of
WAy, triezittinio, im olibjA.4 thd Reformer a Voi tt�
e for iti who wits. guilty of such inhoku4ti a iftj J'Coldofit� The'ladi the III
the lobbied 6fthe EiOU86 UW414, his logo About,, he then t sing I gives uxl�-
Kna. the apinst 'it al- t'h, 6 of a Moved by Opun. goo. -by Conn.: maka a�puj%rtg with hid chooks; I spoke o All further deiitst towaah the top of th4S of
and:pooring wistfdIV itito th6 Promised O.Thupaday, morhin por. anee to the Mais allit r Isis
e, of'itie, Wl'itititly Qt ahall on4osivor to dAmoribe !beta ftillyi faithfully aud
0 Skevens,.that -of 'chargea, for Iiini. bid1a did -'not Aillwr, and I found -ho
n Ugh no mombe Hargq 'we the gabeaut� 'j11L a Louis Aepubli.;, con
land within. "At, twenty minut6s past to man, named Obale ound oil r 1875 wao on Monday# majh th Kito 04mag,
the use of the Tow. Hsill fortha ydi allsible'r anahavtir spoka'again ,''I 91UX bliffift aftainja a air
v to th the track ofthe, Air Line Railroad, 4b6ut in. St. Louis County, In
Ilia anxieties cattle to'.4 farmi�atiljn 6 hi two miles fro 'nth statid caA, there occurred I
behititroducad by to Cori 11. Am the be its follows thinille'rivea about twenty of it at over seventy thou'sand coplao. I Fileader are fotrjft&
oasualty�oo.siagtllar in some0t a f6atures, tTus6 think Of I in Oalifbrnla,"�l 'this in every state arid Toltitiv� .1
ritl 10% quality III *ell
18 parout thAt the qudstilft ig 1�0 aWitown to be of dissipated. 114- For, apy 1(ja�l entaktainmedt bbl6nging this� he gop 44PIC dolorj3d, and I think tha� na ono time, Orange trecs can'bo Idiovirb to the publiti. W6 shall u0t ably afiditavo to
And arroW. NVUt would hajo ifiade the �P, would ho,*6 bolieved'bef6re- mean L I -the anto eouv�iil$ed) wits A? YOAV4 old do iiatkno* kaep 16 fully up to thabid. standard, but to. finprove and
matter worst), had Mr. Greenway failed to Coming mote populr and ill' (loom bltib is suppomedr he h4d.10611 on the and that auch a thing wa's possible', The bud, in the, bloscm, An4 witif their Add, to its Varlpty and lifter"
0 over lilf �pkoitainmiknt AtAblea. if be ever A we 41WP.YFJ agrce h: J4010ni r,
got introdilded yesterdiiy, wag the fact track and had been run blltome 1; tor fory I will just ready to fill t ' tb i TJMLWJWBXLX alllf bait,
that Ived. of. the. Senate, its it li&-tppoititod body,, -t1le trains, darilig the mighL 0i sk'ad, no TWes, 0- goldoff 0 a iki*ipiper. �� All th6.hewa of tha day *111 be, f6urtil in I
pb tweqty, years )lat, lived
6. r ccRitiroAd ground, whan' urtitup6riant,'at fatilatilith'trhoi a'
full daimTt5nad - &'11nivanco in-ha.-ptobable s rd c sitt nitch mutiktodF the lim�s tichr W46for, inttrnout, and he would. have been, r mh 'Vi 1� 6r any lgatatlai Dr.' A, Tailor,-WAs 'called to e de -
event of the Howq6 tiAing imelthe bidy, deased ab Ae o'clock Monday moining
a7 Bud.. kv, abloii - 1t, haauin �atat'a' that King Alf�ngo
'Astor.ff Mr, nlarge.,heay nit 0
7 Ortly a quMiaEn of I loVerk oor I a
For trausignt troops: an ot; 1 law;, was iliiiie dead when got to hid X6 , but alta to rhake tha W3EXLV 9UN the b6ij
Will mart
A�gdod thing is related of'jlj� &figorva fearful and fatal aceii fif CP eight years 01 Ontho.daymon y theArdliduohost �UAVW OWSU-' Arally howapaper In tho vrokId. X6 will be full bf Outer
6f figo institutions and 140 laub- oeouried Ing scale from $5L �Jo $10, Mrs, lEiragyard -itifoknied file thaf a a roading -61 iiybfy sort,but Kill
IAna,that 4.eopy of. 611 rotoltidys1YO 1ho first syniptonx � whioli arousod her - at- 'of the QUe6lj "of. the
tivei in t6 tOWLI Wow York oi , on the 'alt are Y coodd ho whii riding fr-611T - Kirkwood W, oa,,dauglfitot of the Are1llduke Vordiftaud'of taluffit-4 PVr JLOf J�ote'iborol, Earl On. cause of It Webster, and to kerp, is"fetit *arm had tiattis, And niece pflu6nothip tdt an
Aallratta,�'Coilij�. tIatd. 11
umou Prqgri*8Fthi4 Vill be"*avo weroluxtantlykilledatidthirty wound- It*il
the ttiorning nftor tlie' memorable Pg, St. givin to tho Onratakir of tiintlion broa6hing, which Tiat! 'be seventeen in Xuly. and romitideo of the &Y, carefully 061doted And legibIt
mange cause, f6i, gratulation,. AA a od, The attend 6fthe'acoide' put 4 li�t 01. hp� n'tIle bottom of BolSlano. $,,he will
of the Amnesty,. lftes6lution#, '1400m, 'a Council the only Ono the hotioadafterho bocnato I'll el id that he report to, thi it 'L rQoVorg4 it J�rio ball recently o4il
'StapLenlg church, wharq A Lenten �oprinon t. its regular intoti the waggonF 46 'A
other, a rumor was. rundotad oarrotit that sible boay is inadnelitont w 'nub all aniounta so'col, he haa complained of - alight a -about midway behietan Webster ght, sigM of Thomilaulintairt
ith, pro. W"boitig pteaphod, when the Wall of 'a, At, the requosb of the'04roper, I When' Th6A�Oini to water and, In thik WMEM 814, itut. its AT06104 *ill, alwayt ba
Sir John X. Macdonald had, by movi at in to 'L, blk iaals'elop�dnbL 1, 1 L I I
119 hil gross, Ana wouiti onlyta,,asi tlioy 114va 'building adioinings'- whiah haa- lat6ly been *hWAajdftkW., a Kirkwood the straw but A zoi. An wh& 6" L da ibo
avor MR 0 out !6
'The 0 h d 6 c arged on' i6. wit Thanumborotmenintif 4 'voiltlex is Indtags,
the wAggon, M�. Kelly's b Ill A' 6 *84. -and mot f1ro 6, 'Jig Worth
burnt, wait Ilown Upon ilia charth, brah. It Aid ilia gav- Ing, abd the wrrrx 8 9, Iff their Paper ospedout
hWV6 full and Coulploto AWAyg been ill the p0t, k. drAg upori I he bodY, I found ther gnrfads of the body 'in pardon-, ng JJJL tUQ tftf'�atld killing gild Wounding Wjth�out size atid'Q$hl p - 6 bolonp to no paq7.ena obeft ho dlotatleg e.0L 4
marks'of in*. I e L . " a _' rov6ptedhi fronigotting ing 4zoapt ilia, 1 -Ing in the need itic! ltg for prinelple, and fat
or Oil apoe I 7F _ 1111 the #angarout� Ait, eHoft. Mr. Xa0ko4d6,A Gov r1iniont *hi 4
loh logislatil6bi MAGI vt did I of Aurora, I
red" abOV6 St#.tQds totbalii`l Or` Not :a ligh try . 16�tnd, the Viocom of tho 4bdomon Of jumping out, Aml a Attemptod� to VIA wax badly bellt. it eipp000 the borruption that ag4tok the coubuy, OVa
had latioa, and' that ilia XfiiglltL h Ile, trill was vloible- the aviirthf6w of abodii eallita once Inbia to, 017 U10110 : in a healthy cnditfou'exoapt the livort, ius pounds Was goiar 1) h4a 10 f6ar of knavok, sin
fol'ra, r, -thd head of oxna. A tatit, 000urrea011 Saturday olv esday night. -out the Awilos without l4aving the Watson, A pig way1hiog no torors front thtfs.
-die it if 14, TO L . which 'wail Wilitly diseased (fattk do u& 0 : I 6nday, iupp6ttarst�
Ib boon night bonfires At ally 1i thObegbs*10 ile subject for 4' morning, about three wiles from the tlr Poiaanb.—A-thorb time Ago AL farmor and In doing so his alothbo Baught� fire, a iction. in ow Zotk city on X A6 Mittkaid of 6*61T
would, have boon, built, buk Ugo of Aboaster ill the stom mill owned oiat on.) all(Ir ille lunch, the mil (119 ift 'I was the largest )dfict ilia' thd laamone - kro ug
e'to"the'161lef irthon get out,. And, iwaaaorattending w. it byter dean, larly tapaitaa in its ao a,mnir,
6it. thie Base Lftip) nejAr- thid towfi,had a
p6isoned,, by batitlgL some mqml�qlraqo of Which *&O'elightly congested " to. putt' 6#Yorkilinaawaseatimatedby. 604 The rid ofthowirExUav
t, tha who were bobide them. and worked by' Is
that the More off r. Win. Smith, Jt, ilia fire out on his burning N N spe 4611ai h jqj
dplo,� a bf thlavidern of thoraxI found inolormal con i- toon (Or A 0966: Of eight PA969i hftd 1114,Y -Alk Mutant, As
2411vog i#ith joys had -to r6sort W this con. tb sappoied by thto Men Working 4tho hIM. litt f a that ha�d'bob OiSoned for" fo fitteiltd, to 4 toil ito tionseg, of-pipot ifia
00 Up alothilig ran tothat hotbold hostcl And seized judges that the AnImAl outd heVa
hilgay 7,094 . . ;� OiWguad of' Adhosib gId to preVont his r4hilin any prbntlutA,
tion) is 06 _j stit(ttl'onal UkAga ol� tudii an o4oauloit, in th6 tInAG, that Xil Smith 'Was 4, the bti Whol govetutnint ii-thi bittor It Is tot tho, god on.thot top. of the, boilart *lion it ox. Tlf% BkAVPJVUt SN #tlnWL the rc pmmouary, slid oottAl ploult OR
r ne
ar ty
nee of Ij
a read q
ritton ii�((
Of J, ch
In U
oraor to. brpta it. arpht6nily the remains Groat, was the olAftior of tight lung.; on ovemil OtWuraA foj�ud that, P661 X6 stO04 in OeYeabut it 411 waftV dWh likd Injok6 i1ndak tottntfy$ and, 06 ould therfad be In ploded with suth, fordo q it tbrd* hiiii, 6bautifill Showit it' dumf6undeat, until ho was gobs I y WVA44 f6OU18thd 408E 4t pt*PbVI V40Q4 added, Is th6 kta of
tL io afrobig-tho Wild winds the membranes in but itsdraggod� up froin the bottoni,
kh6wbr,of *Will before- 4 tolegt4m, ibatat. tavot of 601161tv tho 0611attl 41toothri throdgh the Downil atfta A of gentin In left that it 14 taAldwd imposgibIt for bliA to distance abo+f# jubtolf0flon. U 144166 094t; tlraelub Av6d Ititot, in the AfEdrtiody, thab th�jr 16L A4. I some thirty or forty fbatL piling tip heaps 61 ill& boautiful anow. paj$ig on ilia jol(l
or had bb6ft from the, 'Mill, P, rodovato neighbor Now 04gans, , ok dtys Ag The caiket 6fd4t 4) hayd this ViOEXLY 817f; atthla *Ate. Aby.ork4
'the oata 44 It'ld In tho Uoal- Loglkla- o Volittiolo, hufftoient, to cause sorong A pd., f�
ed, Such hillitit kiln On the spot. :,Atd1atk6ng,thO 'ThO V41!64il train# fit their ti f6tifid. him, lov! titter lilt *am, A kind that fi#A tiob boon; ffia4a, within the � Its.
AN the flfttfng� joy# tL mortAid, awa gie turois. which U#61hbttave 1J1499thti.
whb was workip 0 ptoxi- death bit At lonst eekly
the tracks being blaekaded It k h",
feplely" and to prodilao hlWto 1it loot all akulkod to wwro obsarvbd immoalMoij, b6foro
hpity to ilia bailor, was also badl� Injured allow. On oft
I homs Tiose wobstatz Ount of JJ#k# JAcAt finVO Affift, only *1320
s46t likoly haanything, partle, t Ibl in the 116ituilfal ani it 'IS thare(ore my opinion that ilia Ism
heaIs buppoaad Wally boting. tair don't ptomonado "f, kq , 11, W)f adVO 401th Oil was caused by App6plfty th6 Awaga butiol, T. ha d"k6f, bblftj� air 1106 ibakly ATA*6—A, it f�ur
Ahoald, fh4ktals. be jitud 10, IAr V; i4o.4 out the he" VA 1*4 91arw r.,
tar. - .1 — . ... ... �h ILL. II&A �Jn *Jk '61 ga nJU# Afraula in...
0*114044 4 pailisa to AOKI irw
IWANdf hfid
&JIM -
40" OVS00 N#w tou -fait,