Clinton New Era, 1875-01-07, Page 3V _0 Pew , fz� "W , �.v W _44 �41(1) T1W Ut W,rumh(wo of the AT44". 9 _V P.R., 001-0441a Q4W4A4j &&4 no wArkd WJ1OL98AVXAND MAIL DRAUP. IS The now PostAl "AgeMoutt k0- vitib them, it iii *1 W04 oto'hRvo b"A brousl*t talkill, 4, not less V41W At" th4A V00,00-0 in rao'nol and lionda. a N BOOKS j 61 vrigtj the post few dqo" and dispolied of qW004 I HOO ROOKS MISCULA L40IJ8 PV MA 434411,4rh IYO, PT10", 'There isaot muth are Published andare 004,81derWiwal They ft"s auppow—d to, Jim rattirned to 00 L ainskaft, frola whonoo, they ill -at Camp to T44 p4WA All wo ugs, to-ilato 14'PrIom and sAtio4otory to b9th 444AWP# 444 Weqo. -Their OPOV41004 011100 fhty W T,0 I%T M,3& —4- 0: 90 "gaudy 10001 whimtvir bushel OQ go .4 spliago 0 81 0. Q go At proopat, entirely uoprooeAftbod %* bit. ftwe bore, Seem to have boom a doliber. Ats, L 0 J)' ADIX Vol IN 0 07 0 A144 ]h Ts Tus. COUNT, - I's tween two countries of dllTonut nivtloju� willy suvesifui seaw of Swill.- WALL, PAPE Ro. WIN OW, -H iSTORE "I , X RM zVorr" 'a a** wioa, bf. TAtornationd 10i 'I J# 17"ft� 0)"1 TOYS A"- . Duke --f X*�,W1X0-46t#4 0180sk umor, Ro ju, V 970. __7 Wir yo 4 6!02 a 26 V qualuo an. 0013i4a Ay yo the Orqi0RPT C 055 A, Q .00 PAYMOAtS Of 000bA$Q 0 GOOD rovive4' A'go.qa ewry in o9anectiou with 0 17 the POPF41 doomao. Men Bishop Bar.. 0 15 o -1100 -10 0 VOUPTIN41LO, AIM V$XTZ's, iw, Wor net Nre"s. At Rome ho 0.0 -Chris, f.oAdorful doolltle i4'p ig file lot of Fobruar;�. nort, oltb*, A And, Wo rork, --. - .1 - 809 8 1!6 � "Printed CojL T-4 tinA, iiiarkets of Gx#awt , Brll�!N 4% 400 0 QQ poudonce frola, Q08fi3OF8WQ'40nj,%h_61'thOU8 born A reVi PICTURES FRAZI.St TRAVELLIK SAMILELS ETC UAIW, 30101t itad Ooiiisda; 2 00 a OQ -4, o., go a Q�so, - oithers rrQ conate.'Ir I$ JOL be - Wtant, �eoqm*, all athol, A of Ala RS 'o -th Or. 'NEAND 4'' k d,bor whob, she i t of the, IT IS, ALL NOONSHI -80MBA Shoopooiji�. (freeh), 0 76 'A 120 extra chargo�,. and- a pommoll 4 ]?0V0,S infillibill6V. She L o" IQ that QcVej� 6 0 Q 0.25 y. S h 0, 1 B 4 oese, jaad.aiipla faith 14, 777 OR.. "Will, 'much �b or 00 40. :Far Aar, =aA to $&a d tp be paid proolsoly_#q if both 44 di4a tk Tlmotby Do 4 A QQ postaipl, o, now Ab., b, lijo In r1in orjjZk, W -.o 0 A seu SUL, 104 QOVRKeR* than 4mT1' G 0 40 0 50 Q le it sw sy.fQX etleLifa"4or,the same Govern. libility, but tjjftt.j4 "W1 '�"JT,��Ojyao 0 Q AL 0 $5 Qd', 1 .4 0i . I . . 4 hi, 'n .0 12 A."01L g116polo Wng. eSt.' _.AkQ - 410h M-Anco, bew4a liar tC Tbe, b ofA eXeloteQ ond an amotirl4 of o.qedlop.., A �W A rout- of tkor1 KAd they Wol .0 .'r gQ4 9FWi r , 0 V the introall 0, 0 'OU at$ fools that if they 444, not had grr CkHqll� all'olich Con. 0 Oil tb ls�t proVen Ca ddWe do assume to'ISELL'OOODS 04ZEAPE loi� was Opatrojed by :Rre DAJ�Lyr AND J -Y 1, 1 .. ]z L 0A.110ed b� the eiplosion Or' a lamp. Nihcb'per xy� : ,- �, 0 Alto each country, W. not see how W 'A.WD WAXT491 ur llelgOori OR* bay them. fteighbotgi bay@ & Xi kta llvoi 94 colloqts. 0 tlitl. could ever got U104S A klqw� 00laphia in Ali 4sp 41to. Our ai be raquoy. it MERICAN MOMW BOUGHT AND SOL�D. SAM ret jkouldult it house of ill. *o linve. pid, 1%� z-Axat'la QA139MIA'. vmL#* f of goods g , -god OMQ Neu Oil* lw� repute 04 C ejobnalko. a, postage) $0,000 acr9s, has jupit Ams and some anqib4fi beeu lot f0 fivQ It een. tb6 amount of the 44, lieve they. A:Q,. sall A* iorning, and once be W AnAlial P=4 was'bo%4 up 14 the n yearant an 04o,boo. burb6d without the poliao bein� not i�pd oountP,'Qf.th0 two Countries W&O Xe4llY rX. farm in, stocked with I -01EI 90.0 head oj A. NE L L F S oftfiLe 'i )50, mUloo An'(1 L 1,0,09 rcum, alles 0 lug, worth ca V , ry S ther hogs, costing the. les x0rZT. young man (1p Of t of ohroal6ling Which it QooasiQJli41 see ith crops, the, Cxtharinos;'cauglik in 4 pl' in -6f illat, v6r t46.money as'ao'ciie in 641usi. L an. 0�4j2 0.. Heavy 22,"1873' provisions of the arrangements Are that Oct. 1% few day$ silood, aqd �,had elt6ep ranAes of it�l �r & hall Bat out thero they bay ry and ki�ow -�4w sot, in each count S r, the dollapstio it oo'brAly that loQk 160,000 acres, with llo&q numbering usiness 04sn' H IB ge MAYo gi.laof. i. q, oth r t] itory, from 0.01000' to 100�000 haill, while repultias in. hia doMb, . OU -;'--HOB B -Y:" JUST in irough Is0-rWho boRat -of 777 Infr 0 of charge by its. u whoat TnE vNDE OIGXVD HAS I%ENTAD MR: P, .,The qng; laid conneotetl, i SUA max L Are armeF , y the Her -ad unaerstoorl that iln�lnternationl, crops to 60,000 ad 100,000. OPUNT10 BLACKONITA Sam where he X�k6r­ mWo -Alsinketq� Blue' Bropkville Abortion oilie; -died on Thurs. a Pared to execute all kipgo of Job-Wovk. ThrlI *a' usesChina Tooth made'to ed illaukese, Wool Wa Attonfla# Palo Xqijrin*o, )FI"Maoilop dfty* laSt;..aad :the =6�6.r'o jlll�y Ax.ve ftlL be to 3DX.. Goode order. AIN STRI@Erk CEMA STORE a'ye�rdiob of nent interest) ialgoing down..: The P CASH 7ary . 00 Lgoo _S PC Ot WN11? I I . .. 1, 1 �: . . I into operati", A a S 50 f A Clinton, Poo., 0, 1874. ON_T_- being �op th- - J. ge. _.RTH -ea ard aild dairy interests are �ontinxtt 0 7 KA. -T 'r A- da"gRinst W.A Gp­..VqS"-4("Qducer; nS6L at. Bible. U1760ag are,' the -kirku jf6wid� boA­ d' �parbam, through, T a L., whc ed opon'L 0 b 0 AMA 'tempt.�io 'oause mi aViage,� aljo died 'meats a InAllese ask buyers', O ' ­ tray CAT VerV.'e' wliioh,, dppears to, a kre 0 theta and judge for Owinsilios. obaracterize fa, Win that QTrtAYHD PnOM TRE COMMON oil o=TOjq, 'Thi. r - iiving upar, effiect on t V_�y about the lot, of Zuly last, fw62-yout o1a to r we, holel -the. moot bimatiful. lot of son. ll.rael: n .,operatio, hq 106 Of, J'Anuary, i876, or, .. )9 0 a and h iGoodsik-tkocou -*'as �oing� home from that or. OpeoftheStodreaud the H JUlDO. MER P, vWjsandDresitL r uty, aAre red and white, and the other $idjr is noaxly FLU Ry fU I- as'soon.th a ten 048 dilireeently Amelia afind at.10woot..069,14ce. ne fly,. W 'hen * his horse ore ft a the necessary mea ted to. 'Any ongiving Such inforocation US PgRIKMAS -sodA Place. on Nved will lead t6L their at �steck of all Staple jn every as. its sures-cantot.porfected f6r putting them 496 tom"(. wardb, mailid to Any ad4rems. putuxont� *04 ffplead� otctmb�ed, throwing him over h, ad, Containing Eight Coloied Rlaiag, TOHN koonn. upon thoreabipt of 10 a -ing: -er tion Clintoii Doo.9 1874. Ferguson stri� 1ho. bardi froZeli into op IM A '000166 -OF; EVERt.: bft WWI 10 0 1 . . - 0 .T On of tile �Ohtal System an P - an L nolla�le, Sent by, =X4 ter "I'part of the Do- ies in resp6et to correa- gr u1V :W lat. The unificati d for S Stray ith his LK. cl,'c using thd,bloo ONLY 01�fE' j?�t to, flo'vr'freoly from his m6titli, n000' all of the. two countr b t KE'UPPEXIS THE' WEST HALF �L of Lot S, llbb. Can. TOrnb6ni, 6 - CHASE BROTHE HAPPY NEW YEAR.- 16� 41.0 tim - 41e, difA the. n a -_t -morning- - poildence-ax6hangad. a "eiL-them, each, AWE INTO TIM PTILUXSES OF T _Q_DG miles from �Wing, To SUBSCA H in ex- Bnnt Lot 80) 8% eon. Hullett, Aid, or W; Base Lino.85 aln ()LU�TON; ,D66. �16, _1874. A r,,)rkT-in r. ilb � the London. 70ar 001L'nir�:tO forward and deliVerrfree of hand, and, three milea, from Delmore, $or o 004, 1 . in Clin0n; trhore about three moutha Wkeel N charge, 'correspondence -of all kinds, *rit- ch re fifty bejeb ' L ' Ogg, a White rlg" Th&ewn r ip rhosi Johnstone, go"314 1% -rao"WTIValercil. a this, am or to y i3Qtifie4 that if not clalmed"Jjofojo�the 211d ;lamed �, - I.- I . a( -othqr, dBA 75, It -will be Sold on that day r Sale' ten and printed, received frorn the Ton.p IS to payexpausos. Far fo t t Clin 0. It Pon 8 OX liftedi. on a agar, day last, week, a whi co'must in all 4i ALEX-GORRELL, 0. 50 .4eq,be edL ;jomestjo rates, ORIBE , OFFERS ALE opi gai�d At the establish 60favordbl'O,"Whas liajI7 uila Dec. which ic used, for br9akitig old. heels. of Ountky o origin. oth Publici clficton� j Mile from HoltueSVille, andaiLmileaftna- transmit -the do.�. ay o 'he OL n , . Str r� teer.-.�.,_ , - The w6rkniau n* fiC64111 Obc, last 2n.d-.:,T all co ntry will .7 GQderiqA The farm As In a good state for' oultivAtiohi Vith frame- bai% an d stabl0j, slid log 0, ,will now PURCHASE, D W.Gsk�� who lifted: IM0 b m e8tior -Mails of the oiber I closed house ;,good fences ; Won watered; With a few fruit T thobotphering business 01'11.11t2gircono, beg to JAMI INTO TIM PREMISES OP.TjlE SUBSCRI Ii.ovember last, A Speckled trees., Also, House and'Lot, stable and Lot, And $1 take'� tack through its territory, of ohirgo,.by its announce, to the tub,011&nts of Olh&zk AAd'yloluity that nnn, about.the nAM16 of cc ordinary mail-routea _tbeaft1ne in an Ito branches$ A they William Street.' and WJ31. be �happy $0, eOpp, nq�lflod to prove prope rty� pay a y tho,former customers, of or terfaa and parti6iUsm apply to VIC& R..rosTE)l, t, Shall, lia k�pt betwean their predecessor, -and xv nany new ones samay favor- WM.XIDDLETO OV ling-wo Condeguion, at Trick's d 4 a ' r Ited and W#Ite'Xosrling Steei. 'The owAor is her , eby car ung orobaid, in Clinton, oiWato ofi 77 astr aiva tre bioli 1,:: I'Sigeg and take It &We oa, About 12,iso on F ri4a t d—No,accouri and Insurance Agent T H hy :mor" he Post -office Dep twouts of the' two ihoni with their paticaud. - All,kinagL of ragat kot, In -Ded, 16 1874.-�14 ma, and in Spite of t most. horoic �Qf- sesso, and deliyeted ip any part of the town. A trial bountries inregard to intern dories-, solioitod. Shop 4okt to Me arm. Ise . arla.4 PAVsN, Albert a d o 41jr TiLarnbury, ont-�, Sept.. 1874' d, citizens it. ppadence of an TO,TlIE P_TIU IS 8 OF THE SliBSCUT. d estroying a. arge a moul propetj 001 se the ng of December, one 53M tnd goods.' The ! tho-Ire 4s "o inikil.-matter sent.to the oth 3n, nbout the beginul oo'and Lot; fdr: eo, 7 T: raged unca�singyly fo k u !Vionij ech clep -4 Toraf��TZWSLE Iffou r y1ind exc4linged7. etween Strbob., Stray S I, a 0 t rottr houKs, artment retaining to its, ex. ton, Dom -23, 1874., CHE CASH oTORFj-' Lambe., The�oiyiiirldbewebyiiotifl6dtol,�ioy.o'pro.- ALD9L ';centrally and plossantly aitnatdd�j Is -It is understood,to be. -the 'desirc �oa,aufltakotba GILId a naystoi-y.., The total- 4th: ty, p . .. '; HORON or or dej$vory two 15 HALF A'S ACBE 6V RA00. ABLE HOUS 71000 �Vllf leefs 'on per ay (;bar. —16, TM TOHN ou"A adfor said. ' The lot is wou p h rade, Cal 4180 A'000JI Wall r respective �Pos �, I � U6 from $20,000 t6. $njooQ T-1.1% and intentigi I on tooffloe 4 sinall rtio po n owilicTi fg. covered X-epartinjentil at.1he. provisions, of: this Stanley, Doo. 18,1874. 41* W. CORN rio-moo 6meat shall4tiond to an"in'ternati6n, I on ape sche D el 25,1874. y order exoha St Jul I 'October, two yearling Heifers E rope y p:e6visi6ns nin, About the lastr of or of let,Oj PA* one Bad. the other G;!oy The owner IS, herolis, notiaidd h6TIM as. far as it relates to't dtake the t AND-CONVE SITU A. FAJ�IIL f WELL ied iaW edoct o to prove proparty'. I "y 9 M Sage, will -be carr the let XO B ATZV house And lot, lately Occupied by Mr. Moon -k and Own, roloijing th RIGIIAM� offei6a for sale. 0 -j" of-Fpbruary Lot. 1 i 14th. Con au," sTL -E ..N are I ig about 188 That #onto i-w4u.ndapted for bust. trullatt, Doo: Mir 1874, 'uise-s, _L Oth"All�pTovislona of --the, -It willb6.0if sold in block-og-divided to -suit R.A` A' ",W' LS Cold's S46Throat, ... ....... 'ramps- As — -_ - I FOR TIM da 't S, Dyson Land ato araugp�n .9 Frosts Bites) &c. QUnton, X 2 1874. 494 in t r6!a -4AST FL LOT NO. 14,. IN '!HE Iftil e"tko)r hW_IU�_ 7 sn I �� ;W — The CZ4110 _noSb;_j0o__d L ar DqU*6ry_1Of_M, e3na YW good L7 -L-C.K ioni: of this age FA jA lehath of time,. and aeament sh'al B. -��Lld for execution as 'Isootu as iblQ. 21 miles from Ddolmow, and about.j mile from a ollho Of tb$LjjdjJ for Sale or'to Rent. A - . . .. _. __ . , W(,� beiw�o� th,.0taval Bead loading from. Lucknow to Gaderich. gr7c Perinapentr6l1of w loll .in Terms ofpaymontteryeft _iyi have n6ver known Apply b�. letter to HE-. S kALA a TWenty. degrees bolovi SCRBmi NFEits tn.,&T ELIGIBLY before the pu.blio for lana, Wooded with baswoodi'motplex beach and the. H - I - aiaal lik d 8 T at D. 13LYT-15,: U:NXZTT of dusatisfaction, where *6 PI: SShop, on the Bay., havi'obeen properly f4oed, bUt on . N. Medford P..O a. G d1toad, at the -corner commonly coaled 'I'Loftlif Cot.. 2mo , net "forealoortorent. Possession given Immq�We- �-IHEAP CASH STORE. -are delighted with . its Oper- -ad �ntrhr� all Mr. 'YiglleSt j it Medealf former Mayor o 'Tdron- 137 A Loodi'tiv6-storaytoneretehous6iA nnegelon.. ak in t1le erms 0 - Qttoup;-4ud Z.,Pe raluira fit tb9 lowing" tes:: or 39 GcltlgriclxTovmohiP,Xvli;1,1874.,' 28 F rm.f virtuP5=4 t6-, was-.ro-deoe :bv cl an onday '4TS, AVERYBODY; TO --- To CO�IMDI E n 1"IF having- joriby of 474. ' ­� _.9 FO 'UNDr -D'O 'RR FOR SUF ITTS tested it ftoro4hly; and tborefore thooc, who Wd Farm for Salld� A man. naMed-John P rost. commit 1,87b." farm of'.60'jterog, jno�6. or j,' at q Ali afor p., 3_ I UTO 811 Cox'. Goderfoh -Towfislatp. . About 50 acres and Which it is Tecon 'lay'depoild up 'do neitr Point L 4tato of t�ultivallon, remaindu bii& 'Frarra. Cali, m namwe iti Priceo. iffering from any, ofhe on it suid dward last week, on tile 82i 16f j amended iii &.T�66nvenientl aituatel -Faripf form- d vilroild track. g.h.d And Sets orchardi and novel: falEg rpr bein, dign, Ramsay. lyifig,on.i4e, ra The astonizhilig efficacY of the -0anadiall FOR RRID0E TIMSEM X or y owned by �tho late Was, idof- j?iLin: Destroyer, ring tha 'diseases for A coach in an.-4amea 0. H. Finn, Mon� BICIC nol,-t% '(orinaox fd Thl� lot censists of the Weat 'Its whid, T'd �ting O)a n the 15f49f Ja-4. 1875., 4oderi 11) ..3�0 1874. ' 40-tf-*4. (if lot, 28, gill con. 50', ... ) it is ree6mm.. tr "I itteasulaide by ban A40NDAT o .bd' -torturous phinv 'of Fittkyi aud, the - Southeast, pat of lot 2q, 7th- sa o25 P area about 50: ores cleated, the attirday jEjo ­ F an oxcellent­ b id ;*oodr -buhh. Rj L Ouse r t Le, Rhew it 1 ed o1i 'cF-DAR' H lievinc, Nervous A-ffear a:�il I to ' irth rank In the list Of Rd-' AA1 Ld goo Amer Barn Otd6ji 75 theL ofa, bank,: d fr -90, VIO_ Thqtq. is on the atoDekleri, in all parts Of the COU11try, fOr fur- Tonxk Sti-dot, ClIntofi. Apply to ati �Sfables, Or L kL2 - joj fing at Rochel POSTZ NW LU M B MR -o -L t6stifying as to 0 ­ " - WBiAuCIr never-failinWobrinSLOfL-O,i%ter. Itisalso."We thernill r ROBEUT Nr, A agn bf Mr, A. Butchart, of Orwell Oil the,.22m.1 Of.Jan' 1876 , r ; .. _ . I !� , L fenced. Terms-inacl0known on application ivers satisfaction ii gives. 011,thi piolisco. Tle, Canadian Fliu D( -ally'fell into a, istern: Us to .0 str�ycr.nojor fa nd, accident to thoundor d -on-Monday,., M and_,Whs &owned -r For neelfigsil 1, 1�61,,Llh I debtors creditors W file lat nine 0100 Snell are , to sentlLia �heij pr 0 t 07 dff4da Company hereby, notified keep it,11hysiciano orA anct usdit,- 11nd tmo eAngincoros $20 �Lvlll bb,, Irelazid - of, Por 6 , Perri, Real, 'Railway; London. claims and debts Lfor gettAinnout forthwith.- Prieo,.ojjlyT%-onty.f1'vo Conts. per bottle. dentally- on new d3Y . p� Tom1dro, un6r,soal, to be' aildr0000d to'GtOli011, LAIDS IN HUuON_FOu SALEL By S family sv'or -SNELL, lombe ' and Chidley. +q pecoer. A )tchT iku at the offl cd of SH STORE. W `OiD hL 0001��,T. ort =X. Chief Erigineor'of the L., q Canada Corajsny�may be go For sale by Moo4ra_ not expected tho undeful ea. CHEAP By oraor of the Board, FIX60utor of. the 6sft CA Olinton," E, H Oil an Rit lott� Aitgds� 27, 1874.. Olinton, TAu. 11, 1871, diO , Hk 111RUELL, Presidents S, lti4d OlarronbvoA; G. '.title And F.Jordan child fiftmea Grattdil, and an 611d Goderift F. Cnineron, Bayfioltj; J, Bolithron fnan a med orso, Were--bUAVd­'T6 counts M` 4C4:>jW]B]4j�, Warks all its goodaj,inl�plala ftdrsx, and is e ad e 3b-, hn�on-Frlday.... qd YOU Ac HPu4MIS IST BE SOLD -AT A 'Gr TO ND 'THE 1. E, AT EMALE XW MKI)Y. D,r,, U TIM SHOP LATRtY OCCUPIED, BY 1. 't6f7tho Commons fbr.Cent�6 Wellington totIle i;L PAUTIE9 W19111116 TntIll' H 'OPENED. OUT ffiAS. y a the No* 9 101di ant get them on Thursday, f)y it ninjorilty d 129, plelt Ia., a This W611 known ii*�siti Inton, Dad. 01874. done by apnlying to -VO. an a oA. 91hith'S -store, "Oual ph wart' of Mr, H. Stevengt Heron Strecf.'. but 91 auto aucl�safo yemody a new 1. years da cllnto�, add. 8'. I&Lil! Calf 6r Saw., Ho 1W '11C.Garva's' :8 Olkq9 Iduldia wid Obstyajotic, 0, frbm aullyoxil's #t.., brokou into o And'rob. for RTlIOROUGH, he will -out14 000; N DER G4 T fol� Cash an(il Buil 10S I ev�v, -beci-ofb usa. and. Lot keep on hand wgoo(r Weo- tRinS nothing buriful 6 the oft9tital A Colo' a. mArt -1111ED DURIIAM 13ULL ­ . r I . - 'SL . to namea Coiirco, of ..CAlf, hjud =ogthg old.' GoodVedl tion of qon!!al drOgo. - TO MAjljtjjZDL_ LArj)jn V groo.. . . . 11. 1 1 . arged with proatiria-g- *An to URAME HOUSE 14 22 NEW WiTil 6-001) La APP�$ ItL10jdouliarly Stilted. Bhodi robt h6une, Atil saft' wAter clotern A go an-ASSOrtinduir of M,Lted io Nato of 1A I situate. ZOHN` CHBTAI AN XT T X! d� dularity boet�a has been coal r _MtP0V8&1fV1Tyaat6 ,nd, -on �bring oil' ifii a(inthly period with To, trial. Clintunibed. !1874. queen street, In ail o3 of Norvotui and Spinal Affactiono, Garibaldi has declined the national! Lazarug. rriso 04, ' .0 'us . ilia Back and Limbs, Hewduesss. Convoyandbra Per foot Sp . botaejeoo Vid Stray Heifer. Clinton, D 0, Oth, 1874, .4if ei r' stigno Onallght OralLijoil,4 ral'p ' tiOn of 1116 grau� voted him, on account Ofthe 16 - Which he is selling oflt at hodrt, Hysteriep, Sic- 1 9, Vhitoa� poverishod atato,of tho.treasury goaqns 00080ionod by's MIA INTO tHE PREMISES 07 T='STWSORT- CASH STO and alltho painful Ai MCA About the middle of October, a Its& �nd'.White Propbrty'for Ssleb' CHEAP RE -00 ST Pwrcr yoAt old Iroltak. 116-owne, IS hereby 14111ad to ovjh&jj all other �ioano, have failed, dent of lfontre4l,'on'rirlday accidentally PtOtartdroriyo Par Ohhrgeo end to It TAI&T F-11AMM COTTAGE, PEASANTLY STA.x- Clintolli 04.92�1813. Over bgu lm t f il WIS xzDj mi the corner of 9attoninuT and Shipley "jg TEN 1piLat I BUT— T i0o Pillb own 0- a fell from thefiep to the bottom of hid bf-the Mothdills60hurob, containing seven XONTREIA4. r '?.I I k9 wbero the directions On the 211a pago'br�am­ stairca and as, Inaba A. Goaddell tPwt,61411, V�e. 22g,-1878, 82-4Y'. rhome. With all onnyonlences, hard and soft wider; 0. U. 0, ntly kills phlotj tqo1.welLoUerve(11' fibout J. (sets of land, otable,. ft. abated selection of bear - f 6r.V *: : [n$t or WyQeri -0 Oil. tread. on,thc, lot, Forstrtloulars apply to;;. teamster, F.$1,00 oli(L42j eon It.tookibo Arai pamillpt'. f . too, 61 j�aeiQhstfif —d—ge, named B oar ig, r. A.NELL (,dkTH0S;urW�d11thO Prattle wailt to, Nvatat-fackea in the street, f. CLmosts,XE Sori llitopaz=019. b. [113t UND10118=11b HAS A. 0003) INTO to fo?joatap, � euaios�d to tbaf place oh Satiivday V gorthr6p, & J�yrca,' T6riintoj -Ont,, wbo knocked bifti-dewrr� and then boat rzo At the Clinton 'Fall Sho*`j and WAO owned by Mr. Tolmo,0, bopaidatilmoof qtftn. SITtrAtND Ngklft THE CORNER for fait season. '�J and the pu to f6r tho Votnini �ji, �#Ill inatira a bottle 71 T b1itSiRVVOtfLD1 =6ii *Ali6lig zep�414201ja the 1),rhoage of roturnir lip-poterally, that the' Xqu UdMTLtAN, a lately occupied by Mr containing over 40� pills by rotpin mail I . T, R. Poster, have been purolisoea. gold J,, 1. If. C6lub0i'llj�a GeOrgo 0 , 4 by Green & MbXndoo, Haftore 14trobaleta, to 11 -At, A roccab rnfl*gy m eting, It. t 5% on. a era n oparatidni 1011dril they Villa ApPly'to 'b doderlell To,"ohip, Nov. 24, 187.1 -it bj theta, an FISHER. eBAATON, Lumsaon; Sea- Gilbert MoMickon s�irl th ..49 B6W rapirbd to do Chidley, n1okson and F b"t two yearo ateToronto." Zordan, 06d0r: fi, Bay ay forth; fie bad taken it census of perabbi immi 19.74. ST024' W &PR X Wit I uauibV6 t Str Ste r. eU on e'V tI that' nine Fahn� forr.- 4r& LIU-0 :OdA�,o - -------- TD I THE AS;' n PUEMISP1903? van 81=011V Bil uro 040 ol he let Q %b,.�V ft Itod an y IL, Us CREARA OFFERS TIfAT'WE aar&n and. FinishinK.. a 3?,tHCT iotzkol uxci%slp EdmaTnic OIL, t ray r nishipi;ablioui, .,' � SOWO tlia� 91=0, Some .-Poisohit, V? @tedv, The T Rli� 100' w-tuniber of bogd, purchased Hsal6tt, to " take it a mawtarm 'Wourn'Tnx TimOS I$ '%SMUT nt GOLD,�Vftllfeitn why. Itu , it cant nng Rates, 60 bleatod in Toronto but suiij�oo6d to have been 41 AL13ERT VAT, der good lista wood, for We., Thar# Ia on d TON,..Poo. 21); -18,74� to stay whore it IS used. It IN this chehpost modiolno boar, 28,1674. 62.4* -_ ' = I Alt ASOOkTUENT Or odderiqh %O*n341p, a 9 011691oug lbibarn two V ifty conts' worth has ourea, 0 der to NO so �b%tIOJICNOUredbronotltlK. Tvveedv� ]Put i,, 16t,h-, Oiadbhe card ,.Ltd. tll _j� afer made, .4 tommo� Bore hrea-onot it4portod fmx the V4104 �ta'es, d,*ilng f _..; P rol)orted to 'be, prevalent h It a the :.W re Sit' f an apigooti. iqbw, ]Barber $h6�'L curca C #A� afaaln tough, It post ine oil the American Side; P.O. 9 itmqng sw Onhand to gall jorL ijolAr4o tat W, sbman t0 V, 0. Pre 1), 1)., formerly a oeof aud i T= ld thd lyack, And the Same litatitity la t totelf of eight t ewisll'�94bb avertod to Motho, hot opened 6 Barber Shop, In the oil lbe, co)Cdar $ 1.knnzft_in___0A having; Sham. dOfF4 �n Idoadgy, from Cong6atioa t1011419 _P A I "ML at IT&= end Albert Stroate, next to J.r Afillei'o Harnflao -Alea ott, part of aputda, which, we think, Should be Sumd' dont'ho loan give 6688fitotion td 4. L at Loil vooltig, Hair 0diflugf lio 0-tuseaby his being thrown ftt to NAdefy the rabst skeptical. Z Collard, at Sparta, of-theliitig i ja� , TaIAZ N01101T HEW Ana.VJ0jnjjy tilt th6jr,formArPajfoaAgL 4, bep to writeir, 1! sonauc plX dozon, Dr. ThomailAclootrio a Sleigh. SoMor t 'tl whereby. gto ;OHX ANI)g', 8 f�' inform thftthoit ba has "WoV611 &aid opposite Leslie ime, 0, Oil, have so he broke teVbrLRj'rjbS; & Itumball's CArriega Works, to a hbdab a balta tho N'W FrAl Zngligh,Chutob M PINUCT-IM UITS are Otly.I014darkil. It am'Maguires of 8,&nNIA, T01, .. 5 1 . , —Tho fffolodg,bodyof inn g Vbord h6 hopos ba, *111 A 11 wokit s- gronjalg, wrItd#j " ZhdVd Sold all tUo NO.-.. CHROMOS, tto 110 ta�nd like k ohktai-It wits at At Ard, itit ta well, &s- o k6i 'Plamiily' '� man About sity years old, olintonj Ddo. 0, 161Z4., at Oro now.10 n. Colo, of Xonsf vi(oar, forwal,4 six d6d And beariq it respootablo app"r- erRiisins., '01 ,,Prunes, Figs., ftnee, Vvilf; ed in, a vacant house 4W9 Farm 'for Prime, Christmas Cheese.' Choice edwrites urgena fit., OIL Fro 4 U Y lit Street, on tile outwiiii­jr te Th, onto A further supply 011. 1 have bAT7 One owrif a fe.W days ago,. Peon! papers �PAIO Lot .2,7 Con 4 )OSeq4*, 1 . OL Taai� aAd: 00ffel* Alao''Spl Tft "B"curnEu OFFEB8 "ur , j oa hils: viasto is Winglism Gf6vat 96 a' vell, in& north the told6inaor g eesucSUPP 1101ITY COMUN'S of 6holde wi are IN oil the prorAll 7 food, btle &0*6 type god wrIto$, jonaMt a prad, Mora Volcdtrlo Oil.. rb&Va,Nol(I typo and A tudid 11 ndlogto audiomd tj J%W L, - l�9. r , 11 : - .. %. .. ja a, a Tv "110 Win- "I . 6 athe Ste -11 Abu fir—ar. r IU14 BIUBAD 4).Wa deffog 0 act$ Poo. 18i 1:61teirl6ono gbiting a # 04#11 a hist1ollas And the Publio Am he hoid, b bootAutda to by a larpo number of oxedlent writots, P $6 ORHAP OAF t AuTntru, up, O.—An 0ddoat oc- We Ql 11truldlift,oa3l from the loading: Ifull6ik, -ih , be, &t N, And oontrlb !th getu hits Its, 6wh Solo4tlfid, Vmblon, Chorg And resulting in the Aonth -,of one. V UtA atll6r idpoty v6ou --day, r al t 40TWO' loift0bb, dilt So 06-s 'Ourred to it noo tit - Vram6v V.4-j'"I't6f 0.106 glosa L01 OWN odflora,, iniVioboa tho boat t6t,. the A SE10THIN' AN0,81,00H BELLS 011, Wd And 16 to Lim Sold by all flioalfte aba the, hogh466 Aftil M4 In W Aboottimul 61 AXAK�: P, Metcalf, lato.eontrAotor. Ito VAn beat Ne ­., Uj;'Cher 1 — IRA ftAn ormb TIM alloy, dolivering loa�, at th& inill When nnother I IN Inreoupo4tetto, 0116 of the boat Pamity 16umolit �eb.� 0 1141%td, N&Iftple topic$ Iftd- eh4r for on& n, k1flaw ko 6a�,najot y ot, hioud, #&A JL, I May Sheept rit r m 0i by the AN to order in tha Mot WITIM646 htylefit. .4 1116 J%A, V$tV# IN to bu�, Joni _batabll lJoArly gr6AIta Mr. Lana,46f ot6l As A. n NUMV31 Olt Tim soadut- CAMil INta jffj I)LItr fto Will t1d ofth6 IMill I'ftn "AWA. lit. , M at% sebitth, 06ftooi mstdo t6 00460o hild WA& is w are eMotdalf ftn lit front of them W, try, to, IMM OV 1, a b6"Aolo'datioatt' hot istol Lot &I, �11%11.10hd Conq do(larldl SIR, Lot 1W, Can. U# 11buott, Abafti, thA faiddle of mm �01 All WAN, No& ft# :WO J. r6*kr XUtt04j, Us) about two Woo uto Ab( i3old In Clinton by J. Z d6wbo end Goo, Maley I Z Sj%jldgg0$ And D0j6jjjj%#'L *,at "S.tUl if 1:04 ihedfi tvd year At AN Thp 1#' o� Abrjok him o01ta UP OiT tdilr 04a to Prato Pb- h66b jJ101jouL Ana j%r tmedNh, Rd4j6rtj;j �� Xjadj thom"'W11011 the P61 to Atitahtort Anil Clabt, 0"t Dalivaked in miy io tiod, -The Aft or IN M40 1 111w of villow 8 obirdod, AM t4kiv lilht Way. thi libAd. Tile dbigh) loaaoavlthi 16861 $A0,.r4AVU'i0 br0X.6VA.i4, - a , lft% 0 194=111V *� Jogs 00!A�, ootal& To,#AiWj bit, noU444'sAi, k leo, VAtAdd, K44 VA090N 110dit"64 idiliduod h1ul to d4ath, 0