Clinton New Era, 1874-12-17, Page 2ot"Ity T. 0, Ito, FAMOUT 011AIMM FRO, JF�Ji. UnWAT, loot +ta tool 9two The DeambAr sitting qf th After many prwites owd a gmat 441a of We, W 014 40, itt*to tbAt the rule, Vs - 14 ONE. N141101,41 80401044 OPM04 OA razsy# good proprot ilixt the L, X. 11� X114 01te �storAouoa more than two4tprour Farm to the vroolaAolon otoating this place Into A fare t4 Dourt vae got 4 Stoo'k, Im &malits, 40., of Mr. J. there was labor, thexa, *p ftle "M At I"$ to be mam� walag the obarges oz frolobt lyips. ir Tb 9 1 to W." effect, At the next 0104144, Rome *10111 priftftg- The, siviount; ,i Judge T' Jowv,� 404 PANsed AS s000nd rapillao, 444 Will, jow oriaAwAl busiuo4v. - I*h,o rel will, bommo 0. 007, 04 10"t, 4 rAW04 hours b"boan modified, Ana that in, fk Fraroy, oil lot OW Can. bforr* 04 W. $44 ratloulaa composed the Grywa ;07; neoizo Doe. $Irds at Ono P.M. 111bilrf. thoritforN vaqvi boame low. W. lal omior. foreman. Thop, X _ps, 'ROO* X001AUp-44*- W,11044-` On fr( Hami. ton, Auto. 3DOU44 0 -0 v0der t1lat A�AAIAIWIII b6b014 *4 fV " ture no charges will be, rackdo )i lit —10. r4w4sr 44 04., Own a4m—* halt aw on par will. be so oilealievo, Now hW0 011ouga-twe 14 not wbAt, wall Ott P, tb#t Jo retuoyoa wit�hitt. 4 remonAblo W. WisaiwM, HA, 1 me die, D. Mo. '814 calf tot, flow—U. MoUggyk. SPIlt,1000404 444 IIQV%4'fQP,, �t Will be givon in the Town usbA an IftlWy efoilwft 0*T U�01, has. Park . T, *Saw,, of. Aoss, *4 -at Uossm W.,NE Shortingi P. Thorapipn sa, Tk 0 $01—uodi; kitao aftor its, arrIvAl. %are are Tan, Itt, under tuo *Aleplo." 4 woio Acoeptikbto tbAA no road *t All, and T114 WON and the XXw ZzA *111 bo 0,4PP1104 to aw this town. 11. T or.,_ be oil who 'bayo made it. prAotloo to 1000 O'Xis for the ZOAT 2870 for 00,00.. PAV04 V406140 th ­ %.11 - 11 To J"%X :4 40a Book aq� far as this pla0e, is, oou�einod, it wIll not ret civil OAii7W4;W k A110144% X"uAto, 9MOO V111,46 14 4.4% Of pootago, 'MAY, Q CMXQ . on Rvino.—ThAi SOYAL 1TOtQli in OQrd0n, ef 41 --AU A4100, On AbOatill - re, very Much differange, though it s0oh podo. Wwara "_t, imMOARtely 111014 at t.- 'ORIK, , "'.. vlohliig to oubsorlbo, forlho, Olabs oloiao, to be $nut r consent forplagitifff,26. xr, 04niqT04 for ouIluoted by Me i woulA hixya boon'b0fer and T40PO 041040, *Anto4 in the 0. To OW0110400 for A t cilia 044 40 go by forvir"41ve us Plaintiff, thiii, tow4,, lately owned A P IIA ado �_811 OTOR Al POO . PF the 0104 Aua vxw'su $or #%10. 'r. 0. Cole, of1bio 17 tory, to. 'All. concerned to h4*0 bad the "Toakd- 1119AWA to the, jA4AoyA4O0 Of t T. r0ts'. has boon M014 to U X040 vi? Gord"; 44 4—AA 0641013, OA W VIACO, vJ40.911tered in possession, og Wedues, q0at. Vordlot bi ogive4t, for tile P141110ir (Clio-telt I tra th 'y I sollooi 0 $loot. 04mq,�Oii, to Pig. built' fro M�Xion4oa W take Vurou P)OY-000, And Ae Im. of I e- COP41LO j6 Ung'. day,, and willin future �Oudact'tlia fiame, A On, TOQ Ob Watson vs Aloxfiuiie�, es 01—All.goti4n �04 -QRr081T?4 THE UUM, - COW =acting of. W _Aft, loot Ab, FiOcIv W , Witted 0 0,104 'Will either have to romoviz, their 14, 1—, �___ . - - complimentary supper IF 10YOU Mr- P0#4 a promissory note, V10 HQ� A propQofti6b from tho,:0944 of tile Z. a, q�i I Xvp . �1.11­� . 41 t consent for goodo or, pq for, 11teir otovugf� wwoll plgin#01200. Q.ArXow4 a �.:. � � I.. - I I'lleldoo. MollilAX ev6xiing, Doe, 14th. ProoeA on Taosdoy, night, on big retirement, , � I W X X.p t,)A%'XiOAdQA City �Cqulaoo, to will, be 40 Russel vs. 09r4ou _AQ% 4"" lawoun MEATOO, Uoaoroi, Searle, Scott, Xatlioso QAAAxt=A1s6voAv mog.—Ouroorrior+oy, . SOUTH lthipoi but rigilt. _P e4 a� 014, on A the efloot that tho ()OUnall should slye, tug, . ;; I Pit 0000ty note. Yordict. conoent4for p Walker for if "Oro Of th is proparilig a Now Yo. 4110 Address wbic lie oting of the"'Aef mpulit a 0 eaturQ4 voted, 0100,,� 014M In'the Absoiioa of t4io oular 'man 'it WAS Mo will, .4olivor $0 big P I AtVoag all --he -Ooei is of thi d b oeAl, St et, C L POPT�QAL N NTO a .14 at qoo,'fo 'the oQlastractioni of a T044 40 'ad aCamadian 111ank e $0104, Riding of Unto Wi MMocrotial h Mr. 44 rorkdo nextThurpilay, An4 lichop, 4 hat Is as boon nomw a at the oil i tion to recover the vgl Of 44ain Amorloin ddrnu e d 1�7 the ION, on Tu0sdixi 40#1 the 2244 i� QQupons which defand� t sold 911141) ould be parmltto� tet. An- ARefovolors :of Halton ipany.�U I.. . -we Moved by �Xr. lap 1; lea-brx Nmr-Sicx1ro Oki-lbroughout- the -past They were. --logo- or Alliplaidi, an the t,,' at noon.,,, As Wsinisps of t1io byr- I I d ry tCf. thoL doranify the L., W f9r,thO Local., r Ono* Sought to'miiko doiendapt r4gV'aAAg1h1O for coAccordance With aandParty, !will the new,30119 yc%r,; Dos of rain) hail, Wind w ua,bo appoivt�d to tg � I Own, V or defendant, .0 t 0 M J iMoxor for pulatur a 1i an a Vorrio is �llg Roforin cAiidi( Mot be fqrgotteg. Work os , ; 041'row 4 Wallior fat 40, - be; brouglat before,' the mep�ing, vqr jn� gaot NQrthanlborlalil, for tho, oo.raina Lo. x. Smoat,�_The ox 0 ollwof All the so n C�XT114 elntuation of ill r, aaAOR pqld ondgAvor to, D 9' V —AiA q;tio pro. ololling,the qla.bopra thrttho receive as olare of the Central $ol%Q .4 Whiteford All groIC4 I i dialj� invit�, h() feel PAPY, thus ab, oito- Oli Q1 will take place for,plaintiff 0249,5 ell W_ r ry hot discussion M. 'Baby, tl Qp1jor Ter4jot caused Vo .1 tie a Tuesday ue:Kt, 1�oth moVAilag a4d afternocio Capigr 0 .4a J9.r plaiAitiVi, Mr. $eager for 40fou, W'D� T n IT:T. P% in the. X004 by Me, Searle, 4.0ollile b fr. lii� the a Q of teforil.li. WO XA�, Qlooted� on Thursday for Joli tite, by a OSTE '6 'hoir a 4 tyof 160,. defeating Dr 800tt, VIA the class, !a ac4oj�a in the Apis Watson vs Willing, 0it l—Vadefouiled so. trukt *Vory lReformpr in" tbq�$ the q9b ou Olv�Wbvr�: -were be Mad aQlorm phnold not fail �91 4011d, 40 Nth ieMies W for u Ing, in no Matte .11, 1- . , Cliurou Pe dig OCT far 02Q, AAOto.' Vordi Mg. CA0WPTL teachers. and aoliqlaro Are on couraged, by their. GarTow �& Walkor 94, ckop Wi, I e, llerd. bollda�,o, at Once, the room not boingi Al a at tion,was passed to thp 9fleotthat a depti- haff been for Vast Xidilleaox, for ;elidiuloa gRd. the interest thus ghown 'The following, is t spr ahQp S�wait upou'Mr,, Clijilders, who bAib or state Qfopair for the cola weath r.— eabors. After tho,­ iiimination the, GadETI, tion 6, 4 erron the, art o a enta. _ME 1) " 09tinty' 16 wit. The'Juvoi-o -of -our was t Zvi, in �T: W. B.oyuon,.barri8teT. Brampton, The. aboting sOv9reign I his ultimqtum.,� Thia4oputatiogqffiectw heIt will b6 haYov ATAIr Go VVAT44AI 4WD rA.?X Quteen beglQAVe to ragout that thoyr have s.X. pgou ohosion by the, ConSorvativesof Peel, _Wbo�Fo ad Rvil atailied the Tail 4a, find only three . persons adpga WAS exem fied in. the 0400, of confined thOreino one, only ag, prisoner, age, V It take the �city, but As i6ir Qafiffidato for the Lqpal H ace in Childe , VS' to And could ot prev4il,upon Mr., thre 'or four, farmers, on, � Toesdayp Who 164M Oil riday" cc n of be Hil 0 hthat on ir Ir I illti g t r n q f them t ii, and dispassion of �4,14 thp,roAd'any fartitor than broug4t..large leads of pork to'this. market, will sh,ortlY�bo Teaioyed. therefrom t W19 LL W91 by t- as Tea 1qig1.,Aqg t %cc, according W fg.r ilie'transactio J4 �tA proulise'.to'llt . , I jKLL art �0 0 lie Reformers of Xorth P'rtb,a 0.1 goila iq ii. look., pl, '-wbar ill ha suoh-matters as p &in , the Ref tl but-nct,belii� atiofi�4 �ith til, orpl in- Myth.. a flartreq offer� ailment Va -their canaldate for the coming general election to notice, inst. a and Attgatio vxd,4,gq _of-t4e, fAl US Val, irarleU0, 9 n 11ce pool- 0 a or, but r4ber'thaU Ila ado for the poor - tl - AAAA jail ASSOCIA- that, cindidatos'Ai the Ontario LegislAottir$ leiigtby And, warm iisbussion,fbe�,fto to. gei'nestr as good, au,off The notailAttion tal�oplave th6 iatcre��t was kept up to ille clos of tho. was driv'o baqk..ftnd ing ess ran tho, VA of,piti' Oro oredit:o the Aod viill be nomin�to4,. at e4q Mee logo, an.. tioll: fhw o0ndition'that on tite 22' d ii�ist._- that fOr.*,ntro01 0612tr.0 fting to a chnge in tlie'railway a 0 at alb it i f fare deato h ommenced -by th Yall iswelland Cleanly tole At eve4. one who work was to be -a an Q 5th of -Tanuary, and thA e en)s cars' th for W011ing- time the �reddonh did not arrive ant otOAA d thor;ohair Wag. Jy lost considerale, besides tho joArnoy- an In A so. January, '1875 Cr6ut�o on tho 24th Iorno)tx session, n Ila Is. r a titio interest 6f he 4try at als 46Kdther of There can Ono bull,. ex-preold , t,".After tb6 A NEW D9LT �MQRUS. JV,qAmQf01l & evto �b 2 Turn an O!tgjl. of, this" t 0, sittink -membe'rh iru, W. 9r, IM11NIC r :T isart shotildAe preient,.-at-onci', b doubt,-�_Ihereforq; no, Co E JV -their v te' thdoe meetings, to. give 0 for. th6 I 1�e built, And that it: \�,e-rionlinated by f R at Elgin, reading of, the miu� t"What ffliq road Wil. the RQformj;jg 0 . A ite!i and other, routine, proprietord of that spicy sheet, the* London Oro oft o. unrain tting in air atte m aitch men. as will reflect tvillberunui.Aigbythe L tofTaii 'Advet4drj' intend, starting �� ndvr Reform svisito 3110 nation 'of a their' candidate for. the Ontario L X,,,O,, i I to to,inmates. AV7, plturey buliIiresfi, jr, A �i. llustrated his melha I daily in Torouto,'Io be eall�d the Morning We also doire to, ICbA;gAsjtnlAte His Honor I on the And influ-. io qgTteqCent g�vei� the, G. W� R.� -4t.t rob9onilug g�ueral'olection. ocl of to- Ching, rea4ing with a clav% ill qb� although tl oevidonce of the 4qreue' bf o riale on conslituoucies as, the thre. a OV�aext month. the liket that 6 6 rid! 0 illoui thO MIMI I I f Whitbi,was Oil ties, eattal Mr, J'�' -a -six, months longer. 'brown, p )Yas well', T Ave AQ biu. to pie0out of 413 f t 'hich tile ineatin d-1 With such on: a i C firin at its. head, Session. "a,, are. AtterpliaW it Will b oil, bria-the pla sued dr v I" w6 arA itmo q -the eity,of LoAd y 6ho'sou b g ac ]out a n Foreman, cOs -day uui nOug, oil ile Refox Ono. In the In 'JJTr fl� gieat diait kfterno have 4qrIgAged Ono tho, Most, Clever north of 01 ppointment and 'S �.a r,o to t t. tile riding' in th6i Grand 40RODih, Dec. 9, �OUR XAXt1[ET 'AND HIRILET FEES. r Stran-took up ia�subjectj loss will be felt, aln'-soat as it po riCA,4 at �all Interest, jar Musie, editors fort, be found in the, D Xather,' Bureg,4 -of Ed ties �iu Analisl sd, which NOTV we tV-e siabing ras built',lo'r ifi a intention' 0 4Q at -We. feel' certain. V y in, O� Tyner, Me , wl4o is At proadixt,on the Ham. 04 ington, paid, 4h - -0-iiio, iat Mr.'Joil.0kDonolloo, the Reform momlier. band, W 111 a. ea in % very. able Mannar. V�Ipl q, wa U_r_ OPIMING, Wd to- 9a t Tw I n P riday t ','a, tap tle fine unsoa , �.r. ron o, o,, ere ing discustion then took pl4i;6'on tills' ItAtituto a visit Thdrsdny�. Ile, collect. t Chol can'lle �rtlthfnlly�, is -oiTdidate f -or 'autl a� its close Mr. StAng was yequeat­' Xkax= say that the;farthers of ?tAorth of this pl�mfor-the pa��pozoa of trade last n-04iiiinoda1v Cca as t 119 information' concerning the -,C4=4ian' toplor ATW CquP.T.—On Monday Thos. .8y6tem'of education) and "emed to be fA_ where now they. can, do no business for the tk1aftoecof aM S.- Platt is his ed to eivaltiQuo,the subject at ifieeit Mee this neighborligoa have enjoyed ifie pe- waley, of this town, was brought up before voVAl _ impress6d_with tbo'pro 7 .7 on. aii. * of the Conuty Assooiat The pr6ce�dings far. An apgaolt u Xr. oo., N al- t1le pupils wantpg means of ransit. But' We can cuuleyy�,benafit of one &A mark in �ho afternoon woke enlivq4ea. by Poths, DRE the Me Mackeniie, the Rofarin mcMb`CLtkY1y_- an ghinst lifia -Rattouburty. �A it on. ed bylvf , isses and, atii " Ontario, and takep s a- whole - in, stop at Blyth', 'though it'may do for a she agr lind 0 ind, cost wbiell *a -county, of the azette, the begtmarlcet ili'the in, Clin- timelp its -there ia alreaily� about'. $851MO� d I oyor'Atr.Wbi� bearty 'vote of, �ohanksl WAS uilauimou4l� tell at once Ail dered tile -for their kindne'se in filmiai- paid. Atil toirma;fion'wis al o: laJ ton. To bp sure they have- o "to p� at araiiu 0 1 1 la 0 Tal ing mil'sic. T46-`agsocktibn is also deeply ih- 49ftilloVItim, for.hiviug� thrweneXto, do boAj� a jqted for the tviqlvo iniles-to Winggha;W. a seven "I'll t % ,vote pq led are being taliQu, a trifling fee of five! �or tea cents for- -the. " Awevidence Iliat, t, �S a Z%st year. tebted'to'Alr. olibrty, dealer in ly hzym, 'a musical in nd he %YA. tharef9re, required to hoObb-inst., at the or ''i of his suporloi fin(, two c on' tho'umof onc Methe Capt. SylveQter�N ol atiunleafs, f I I - di#koirson�ske by the Rov. T. Bis accommodation of a: lArge, _central afid to secilie' the Government grant, vid RAAA� sureties of $WO ame i, and gave a Air. Ralph Whit -6f 614 g.gyi.on dio"oocasion, The-assooiation-then ffiowing'aiiioilig th6 thb ho ibes of Auo- has accepted the R�Of OrM. 04uiliduturd_\�or Lill. r. - Mill'Ork, Of an, ] 40 the fe t adjourned to -meet, again ill. Mnjap, bonilof $500 himself to keiio the poacq. which agland. oket well gra-felled mark4 ground; but they tion to cquie u ' 11to, M . . -1 , _­ -_ W_ DS dZi 0 ill qise OQl'A iWt110_0ntAVi6 koas..; 6. 'T.. nyko\t 'hill mouth of Sane.' 1816.1 Inst.", at the were certain"to. meet there ilikol, be his. oppolionti his Pago is an _'VQg1 once of the brido's i th so oolup;my. On NY J) 0 as no, a other !WitraTio�7o.f 1a I . a House both'rAt Order in Couribil lohn Mr.. Tho�s GlaSs, Of 'Toronto, of D. BLANK f 'eager. btqyA, who'hardly-poxmitted evil effects of.ittAulgigg An intoxlcatin� 0 -V shadow of -'a chnce;viith IOU. n111911 Nelfooi. sed6d. dilgghter Llt6ant qo�, Approved by His Honour the lei tOL Farivy. Theies�, errior;-ou. And cotat6riAbly-cir- B. StiAth, rmo9 oheapest ovir thein to arrive on �hii ground belfor a the coirvdation oE the 0 0 nsor� we gi've the Of tue: -a CnoI11,0116y of competitive b! foreticii to the 3400on, Huron..�aiid �3ruee ilives Re os were. -maae. vativ Agoociation. Sot J`VdstNorthumb;rJafid, Jonipany, -Virralr�0rder in Q no 5tiI"inSt; at. -Cou ' ill held.A 4 'thq head. of it is in -liquor; - Oi Moililay- y At CobQur Mr. iff rd for d7ir Jii stud WiFthout'fail they is,tiw tile fauo�ihg odeet - ,�i the lulabqr ot inarka �they each' ch- -he entered hiFf hem 3�10atg par-'Sesfdrth, tbg residence O'juto ad, find aLPXlce_ of Honorable -the Troa- the prosdat-Anember iqr.�tho Local wwf nomi', taine hi.t eir eiandliation-bef6re 'tile f�-, Of,tb6'b1MO!s fath6r� by tbe'Re%, W. L, at obtaineit the highekt maAret price.' But UPI 0 prioes. dated .12 AVM It commenced, th6 destruction of ev.� h' _Dec6Mbo?;.1874v respecting ryt -911! InatimbonVof St. Thomas' March,. notwithstanding the goo& mrhet,the the Londoni Huron, And Brace Railway cc , in- nated. to contest tbe,,� Riding with Ur. Her cal . be, JpstpiemJsInythaCi6 paas'tM is Jt, succeeding to V, irery great eitalit, and Also Willimir lfeapeler,� Fort Garryi to, Mary, Ql-. tile Committee of Conuoil advise that; gr�ft, the'lleform nominee, at -the ar�vreichl bo4rd,an i.obtain'that tabor of fv;V near!' d4ughter-,di.Lu'dwil; . Moyert E farmers enjoy, we know there is much P"Yo, nu orable V.ttiki�g,the- life 'of his oWn. infan sq. subject to. t1te Atification b the Orger. in An ark eldetion. "', ­. " * DUCXAJl4.—,WZv�Tdx.�­Attlis iositionaa 6f the MANTL 8i �nioes., uncil, by resolkition of the.1%. ing S.r sio'iimall degree of laoranzon On 96sday Me; Thm Tipli�cr bad his op- brid' Wh feeling against.being 00111polod to 'pay Co As, brothori Qodviioh�- Townalilip"'.' ie Mon. is of, ollinioll, that ii and th sombly,,(in default ot wiell'iAtaocati0ii.. this - T solioOT on, as the rdeal' b. the Ree�re Reveille; u�,lnfore, Dec. .15th, lly� the the -market fee, --some of tbol- �Gkoiug_-Iso­ a5. �Order­iu- tbc� 'Unto: toi h Tho.�. came was Mr. John- Duckham, ..cf. Qoddrich.to Latiler-gliduld be b0iiii tlIx ey Pais f .1cav msoliholl. of th 24th 'not the casZ, lbuitod 16i tho Ordef in -C 0 'of Goderich Township,se. own,adwnii,pnoes. fat as to say Ab�i it is airimposition day of 'March 1873, -for. i library there Id. then be a Aug to his gervide 'of of acutr'al� Prion Oil osinallamotint4credit 8ettldd bf.Reeillo.reit. M e nd daughter of tho,16t% George, Xgvitou. CLOUDsi, 0 D and an iniustice, which is -of the works, just calls 'of ' iilT)lairit 4,h4t_tJte PiiOguerf. had. is d to tho� sa6ii� ul cmudid t6rila as to- 'for it. tberdirieatione be extended untif the -let gs Thd ft Catbarinia Xevv ..... bf Tuly next, and that the at pupils, in eurbl. ing't 'eng they ceive some equivaleni too much li' ir nadids iapon, the Of agOmPnt- h to L(3t day OP Council be amended s6 that the grant of tad u pil a, remove this and any.other cans say there is. no ab6ut�'it-. .'La.udor is �xrgeyolumo of.'fletlon, And he 1r44 0 oij lit �Givin p ce ad the oofiditi6no thOroof-shall apply Modch reallY IC I r -OVER,-COAT-i g W ay 0'' _ed, si. w ftej� �p lase 0 eir d Ono requir- OP LAT=7 006 W i , I of dissatisfaction in the matter, We no ' porfiono of tba'iailwa as fram me to time b 4if calf T years age; OM Ap- advocate the abolition of the fees, and en London and ing pluch, great r�,A ..apillf4ition, jla�ii�s Alex, Unii, 61"Slaillo3ri VIY40 thO 24EVr 30RA OffiCe". constructed betwee pul elections one -imported Clinton, Doe. 16 1874.. The nev ill Ter munici would advise all intereited to useAlcir Uringliana, and,- i6r -such line and Portions ballot bJ and caling.�nto"czercise met - thoroughly. has sold his, tWoo untiro calta� . .1 . -4 thereof a's flici Cilip owera. They '1VhlSo*be' "011e of thoe PHOOS to Suit thb paily. tind, the -Orpat Wes. coniaflli�a'c6so lj(� atom hu - tivo Canadian bred"to Mr. :ver�, kl le O_k A lf_�Bu tiao of 46teg Upo TWEE Influetieb for the accOfnPlisll1nOJIt Of rn Railiva.7 Companymayogrea t6cphstruct, Jaf the-.Vondo� road D SUIT 91 plic'410 tar th0LA;a n by-laws n of . f t kon, 11 first oile has take' this object. The town, finabolallyi Whether as far,as Wingh'am or for a less die note bighty fav�dlrod with the as:i jj�ceo col ilial to: 'Unce, but-upott this loonditio . ni--thai His EX' inbl �y, This 9 1 first prizes and one second, auil'the other o"Art, Awgonoualt-33=35 nunumBIOLL ying tho'oxpenditure their teachers, aa.�lld proportion 0 - chOl- last fAll, and -bas; never' been Calf, WAO MOntlof Old. Good Zoftrad. in such a flourishing condition, that it� cellency , 0 his 6ption -1.4 lieu will 6me inLo': for was importec An e9L at, o&e, tlou$4 the. bill n. h 0 Ar. UcTA OTHIN-Gi ffor f. th ptymint of two thmAnd dillaro pot ih'So�ooi ig ellowilin, this, country. They'arb said, t� be �to. . .. - - 1.30 can -well a 4, to surrender this vource, 0 Nviii n t. 64 qpllcui�lo to. th4 election of,. ran- u, Che e. or.tfiasad PGAi a thaiA the 00fillnoin 80 three As fine colts 4i can be foand in Ontario.' Clffito�i 13ce, 1 '1 mile f one of gilwity;- dircet Yt_��X �. , c eAp, pno siderably I so he We Wis' -be autlsdilabd to be uade. w7tp; officers till Xanuitry, 1870. There is h Air, Avery paboess with --------- of revonueand will still be able to prw that th'oigmen't out at the Railway SubijilyV uAAJ to the ability �i Oil which is quite neeessaTy, or �iherwioe the com. raQrii� prob op f tile* sum of coo huAidrod- tirting system, ineanng.tio vib t ide the mark.et ground, for. the adcom- , . L by. and indph. at. pany o joQts of high Ischildla, �&u d n CR FURS At al INTO TIM- 1%BM 0 C_ ., four dollari-ind 'forty cents.pOk iii10 4, AMS 01? TIM am Tnoesi odation of I who4ih to u.se. it, any. be, rbalizbd --- .1 * --. 1. said portions of raftway, mob, [*ivg, than in 'Other, Casio 4�4 tlib ballot is ATIOat the POIddle-Of NovarAbor last, &Hpop sum- karks obtained., d nd White4eirling Rear. kled The 9%vnor �s be T4o -petition in which We are isittCat- ps,yable J)y even half yearly payme .9 n6lit.., MOG,6wall .................. . IOU. -VX- XMD T ed at present, and, will be in the futurdi ninety-seven dollgis whd twoiity-seven So will be,- coutinned- as �orctofut4 hi the elections let filldl,�g that the 'or,,so of atten alica Lit . .8, Matthew Watts ............ 340 6,4874. a4d SHOES -Olon .... 396 - sbitst each on,. the Stitlirdq of June And Slot -of chi the, erootion of u, Monk BOOM 00A at lin-line prices.' with -regard to the free markets around of of sehool'ttuoteo.' an a con- orJoh Towngbip, Poo. I Dboombor in each year duria the. Per a -Thoffias 31, Hamilioil 336—,- commodiouxac,hool house"have giv Up, should also prompt'lis at once to vrenty ears�otobe..�omputo Irbra.tho-lat day of and H�610, 11allrdad Ito beryo Arcbibild Gk4lacy; .... , ............. 3W traot to Coopki McKenife, :of � Clinton, to b AadrpOt M. 20S., erect a sehool-b near of the most modern atylo Stray Sheo in their Seo,iofl, throw off the fees etion, C. Mombwa. ....... 270 of anuary, 1872i arlit thatio th0ull To the �east, norili, �and that the time for the comp! it It is, to be a INTO T=- X1UZ=,8V8 01? 9,04 Dec, 9.—Oilo'ot ill - foundation,. 003Z TIM BIJ13801M. th6 Ne*est no*e ties inarket, of tbo nidorks be oxl6uded,,tJl1 first day- 01 0 ohn AfeXellar ....... v ............. 27-1 fiame building, good stono Pau, about the baginutug of.DftOruber,ouO--9*6aud­ T'S south and west there are kroo Tandary, 18764 most daiing train robberies on rodo MogAW1.,:, 260 5Ox28 fdot, and 0 faft COMat6d On OV t*6L&mbq*. The ownerisbaabynotmed to ptdva rd' 00' 'Pro., and some of them will sooil have sdA currad this afternoon about 4 p. Ali., at 1870. before, the 15th 'a Bra away. =Uoi�j reat advantages added to, their IST11 0, In ATIZZ,Pi 01 T. sq ..... . Alt OX � Hattie T. 24 Lot Ora Con. stauloy. 9 ilroad, ithrn Sight miles of this city" 215 356. 16, 1*4, GS f4e Latest Styles. Ones, that they will be very great rivals Of the 1641 Lillia Cots Loadesbo.. gbo' LADI HIN ut 4ire heavilyrmed-mon plAcad ire -4iiiation of, Oe stud9nial The bill for, the. re -d 12 rf The public exAt lloolr Will and com stitom for the prodace and it across the taq, ad stopped thop­nii6i�o riaings f Ojitttrio 'has aroused the Ill - of thi express from Denver, and, f ter intiaidi-t. be hold in the - Mothodist Ch b� L codes- EAST nALV LW146, TUE 12TH commeroi6l, trade of thig cointy. b jeolin -andtld�&i close ,fbr b 511 thd ovdiiing of Chris a DAY, At TEE teresl 'S in tll& InAll of the Co.id- ing the passengers by,fiting siveral ihois; tokt,;,ttio 22na. 'a I oroug 001100801012 Of 100 norag good Peh sa e As the period forthe re-latting of the &Ve two.of w�hiah took affect in the enjine eibj the wint r lkofidqu till. th� -7th oWanuary. five o'clock. Addresses will be do 'yorod by 100, wooaed *lth bitawoodjr- ihoiole� bcoah And olmi eir organs I roar- t6oi posso"iba. *of Frank Webster, mossen�� tyrfign fro a die- About 2J InUed froat Lookitow, abd: abdut i xulla from market (ees I govoidildialot0i and L, is,�lose at hand, some stop! ea. -Out t1is V161dof tli�4v vrmli agoinst gor for Wells, Fargo & 00"i Jmxl�iass, taneg , and a AAUrMber of Anthem Vill Pu the - Olrilval -11oad leadlOg froo Luo)mow to; Godarloh. PA66�26 danrg per Odra. Trint Of POYM611t Very 6111 should be immediately taken tq.-ai For ChAstmas Grocon Y.� der� I am they comp011ot! to ;nlock.. his safe :so gee the adver- by th6 Ohoirfr o Al Apply by letter to ou I The Cou. its hohors with t; aftt. 'give fi� about $36,000—$5,000 in gold, -tizoment of Atmore, 1o4 Woe & 04 arneillreelding at the Orga Oroo Co. Gro,*. tain the feelings of the community upon stud 1 7., Ad then V U ford will be-gpared 10i the Com-Mitto serv4ive journals in this-:001inty, Alto dust the remainder ill ourre !his. - noy' OAll'UPO OPPOSI the subject, and. not lot them b8'r4taill- so A 9 a OrYIIIX otit,- 008frymaudoring-iii1fix, a Tlici-wor"tWfifieen. rainutos in adcolrip- -'0, -an r twelve Fait a till eLt by default dr neglect, as we belwvo lishing this Work. The rob.bisrs were all, no 30 colater. Children till thdilga' r 0, 5 ont;, Proceed a.every onedf them he bo,.,av� Farin for'Salo. 9r. MoCtialgo for two' or how GO jaittaked, and their' conduct -towards' f i t ard iiyig debt on the cllifii there is already a disposition in the -he yea A . county could have *do rathei clever, inasmudh its three has boon sailously hildispo- GOOD M1.1d show ll 'a -L T.r nituatod Farm Lot 2 40 trulleft. 2 7 minds of a majority of the' Lt rotsilay'Ors bean'diviadbotteri eithdr tegritakily. or no attempt was mado to rob them. Two sod, stud quite unable to attend to Mg jhinka� GUAND CeNCEIZZ—A Concert Will he liorth of Olbiton, J -mile from he'WjbgUwA Grafe U604, 66. shbald. . watdhoie.wero taiceil, but aftorwardsettirn- dotftinlug laor fi&6�, 80 oloaked, the rehialudev good to aboliah-them. A requisi. ion adeordin to p6pullition. 'The litlia 6f, ferill! duties i bat,4'Wa underst4ladi he is ubvr bvtho TempeMU6 Aallo have 6n.the evening herawba4buth. Thqr&lgunthtptetddcigxL"6d$Tiolr 9 . e4y the robbqg, stating that theY 'water not -hotiod find orehard, Irania barn and stablb, a to ad 4 r JIp o n - -tfie 0 'Call a pub- platidW well: be eve 0 diviglofthyd Veer, dtaisli, as strgjgh� as ifter,pordonal property. They. shot, two inljlroinlg� -Doe, 21 long find olstdrno ii n6varIdling aprimq ntooktotouing JkroUabr hories all that d Selected; consisting 0 aboloo Globi, the Und, 10 notes of fell Vhest In gbod order, ioil Arit- lie meeting, hich could be oermitted P WOV8 14 thO little 111%016t, Hole otatigil for,toudan IMetp, 09injo Songs, aladjustrameattil music possible, Ito provellb being followed; and left with, b , '�.t , I , lisinsaw - 'Y A=X"DXU EvnNG A140,aCorafo Lectur& on *�' I Ittillott, io, decide the qaostion-46r or against, pact afia� uniform As thoy li�quld , 160, gild teit booty'iu, the direction of this city. Astroitom�.: Stage Scones a *ith L", U. B. Rq h4itig liden. Who ill). take that stop I Vila Otpreso eompany have, offered 4 tbwar goosio Ropitationt, stump specalloo, .&a. Va -there 1�as b0. been any - mich t1ling tw 'he& for 'by, 'the B�akd there, which P�j% a to AnAko it an of $5,000 for the recovery of the monei, br aing bespare REF ORM MEETIXIG. VE WANT TO-.%. CALL AND ff.tOWn8Jiip'ftAAa.at_ $1,%o ,ch for tUeo, rikj)000rs, dead or tbljqa� me -will be "Evanyo an, tatentionto put the ioakmildoe' and pleasant 0utertaiment, Tee oing. if t6 hhotll This: sum: 1ha taph ek,ri4ing .�t -Vqako uth 111d1ull of Huron, will bib THE VINITP age, old i . . ndeof THE CONDIT ON 01r, wolut hg�s boda ovldad��Ih st6blW4 ItE ati&-b th 26 v thditlovernor of ka' EX q4e -riding t certdiii y for their patty, at otioequatiao, of the boorsopon at 00. Perfarinaudd to -cull, NE' '0 R -to. saii �2,iOO, ;Inal<iog� $11,500 in all, * T illueou bf the 116v. Me, 96C`ua2gJha pulpit of. tit' workilig 61ase6s itr p. The condition of a , I ., Ott -was Dominipawinistry., tobbory as L4010 late oid's Hiu robbery tha'United States ,a_ b..;r* Into'fbii bhade� T-6 peoplio here 6roLgreat- NV.�Ili Church who, occupied tAft, SAbbAth by ) - But we, supposs - the* 0onservative 1, fift�air, Ji _,S"f4 -a jht the ivesout y e:tdroiged-about� tho n4,parfloa ther Rev, -Mri Itudiegost, of aYficild. Xdtt Egn16ndtille."' ing ggraos momefit 'by ka bustudog of the gtaktdat irdpotthuce 40, the Party vision To, 060D NO _M90 *111 be brought 'baf6rd thA tnOatlngi &6% Reformer I at, tho time *1101% A JOarha g must, to, be iankiatbA,. raise -aro forkning to go in search of the� robbers. Sabbatli iherd will 136 Ito rdotning service, but Allnxedord IMIC of employment it �,mqunted upon handwita 11mucklo"s against anythlkig,that. the present The Men Wdrf ia tht ovewng the'Rev. Mr. VVO, of Ooderfoll. %dftogday� the 9�h ingt, -the IUV, Mr. 80�jb wholool Itittraktod i1i thal dilise of Reforul. its pr�adcta see most needed. wb hb, bay liora�so whioll Appeared. jaaect;_-Vio Iftor inducted into the Chiktge of the that GoVarnmont Way do, whother it be Al -load- tho hour, calve, amounts lianufootorldo, slid robbork4bre 1*4 reach . , IV 'Ill , alatg000ngreg'ti ub I 4110 0, P. L ureb ther industrisl Institutions ato 01060a Or right Orko ofisole our. fig OorbillOg �nd, niltk 14VIDIVOrs, 'And AP" X&us ADVrnWXXN0,--LTho approsoll of the, , 9,10 a 99 hr' -0 a pteaout.� Ort SubdAy. the''19th in6f., �at S welitly rookloss anc! dowkinfilea. A. lot- -I# stirring tbO morobants lap to the o'clock, thq� Ror. g6ritletninx preached his fir that hW tra a idays rolosting, and the sinploydet of such thrown selvts with firi fiAot though , they Pf gold aiii it, wares, If the -tie adiende. t Wag one at Jatioii d silver wisiloin -of kavisttisiq ill#, tormon, to j Is Reform., Assm- tilt of 6liployment. down the ra of the miniltry', but he sibliot sermons ever preadhed In this part MOTT itto doilroug of lstfv- �m People �tbw What t at the do deaUbg Lkka ­-t-mJ. 'I —r . .�puawon untry. Mr. Scott's Oaks !na -clear, 0 - - ------ a -wrd Vall- The 8606fi& kefialila Of this bill caniii Upr that IQue Who t1o' "lout, Adoitlliind Are turned, in all sdalaUfAotift'8111 and _V -J�M - rshvigorous and or, not. 0116, aid eveothit ar a to be 16pragout. It* ing a lsqiforod of omloaoslin,&W York _gq uoii4y a& MAIT,atxill �l bast. thing wd *auld may, botore (11069'9 is that sna in tho, course of lh� d 4qioadonably tha thera 1A not the 611&bat aftoetatiork-.1jr big i"_ walavitty Uto illautior, suathero ii a real genuine hafhsit-' ------ bullaing trgiddi Atigli4tibu COM11111011. lug h6aka" a man. iAmod, M690VAr Otaktox a a dr - th note in the mita o,'Whfdh tells You plainly thA Tvili� tit r, 214A61, Spd ko would not :htvd W00 4i"nibbiloo, was ejootoa bybno named Elmemj, hb'PrQMhe%L his Dfyine Uss6t, And not him- eng of North any. kandatka -on tho mouard butfor ilitit6*14, an(i dailug the soifile, Iseybral others, having bito of all, (a jet -good talua for iihatqvai iho-" thi nefdro Asooetntion of the late R1 arly, 1,00 mon ag, 1410. tn th sh X0 self, whloh dkut-be� said of wifery man in his Itufoll"Aud by Virtue of my offieb no praildefit of 1110 YOU can - ---------- .1itid-ill Vlbw�lqf "thii migim of the Rldlapo* I --expend Mida o4m, Ather to 0 -%by they.. timy i -Oftrodiljr 601' lie *ill- U Rov" That onlen had JP6 So get*iiiiiii. likilotostioUsliy , , I' - . lug. 0 1 batabl"ll 0616T62ition' Of belogateff for the Za" AX4 derlagf an had exhibitoct whAt. p�avportad to '0900 when aty.goods Arvi being ptroh,444d, other. 6 141.46L 6011gragAtfarlo Ana we believo W4,it 14ingg of 0jiL county, to u t 0 IntarestA tioty doptassod, nearly 61000 evening about Ave i 4960, # � - Olt Tuasiatty services W111 be b1tobtid of his Msifft. 11A dgbinet,,itakerit �-srd- --doing - �bia a -plan, of Conift Welliv ton 00.1001 'Wi6ek ilW br6ka but fit 'it TO* of IiAM6 i , dpro. 419 - 1. � 1. 1 � � 1-1. . - ANn Tsk-MRIVVING.— .4 A ay$ zih6p)hsa taaridtt Sowing the a.' iSointil o 1? A" filk was T18161i made 9. t, a 0ounl at. Iluronr%' Whieh walil Old. 4,04 woll 046b. 4o a Iratels, 146 of 00 'all but now of IT090 206or printerai ArO he wouldsho*,koh, m6mbots, , Along, with It bderi liall4a 14411011�8= Wheto.tha Vill. not t1je, i8ux last, iolab will - ba "bald, Id tha 2 W At# 1416. P� 0huroh, at 7 blolodlr, The Rev, Mr. Stott I he would roam Tho families 60411pylt 016 -ood goods At a tomonable pride, Oted St1dr pOpUler p#StoV of the fd1s, 2,400 006psirsAfta sagat rofinort iw I )a another P10 showing the wilugs imaoZoa4a in ttvhig 24650 of their only fml g the newly indu : I 11.1ohlisiabseuiaido of Huron by hosohola goods. y atoiole Alt their lino that dari'vo ohutoh., %Vill WOOP the. chair. r Cline, of Path at t�ho hour of Roong tot 66, 1�0*0§6 of o2oplAsig $die, 10,000 unskillad le"Ooroft Reo �u It *aq *1%,ths, almost ox- batflha an Sdafartb na'a at 16r choir will be and 614hoosing patiltdottois fot stii, to faq Coo. RK P party6fhou. gentlemou; al? 6sita, (Tho #rttoub *h6 4djoiting buildings were it dallka for, , Go Ah4 see, =1Z r hailodoll thif the vouvingon way pitlatnu produced the P ft vata! op 10 1 N­ i0ould too thm while In Ono onia the. division Mtiow VOAAUY Of lilgt*661 opening of % 116W goh6ol in tkat0f, lng,,,.ThQtR%v. Ur. DitriHat urh6y; Rev, ktary gob,401 8641611 of 1)&A at a 0011601 tibita 14 ingo wors, bdoudoa Mossia, % _altuelli,. work. J�;L I V.Dsvig and A, Go r., CiiiMpbollo tiiiiiii aidAgg in 6titiflita to said Ono 35do AL T 1 40 the lug, ld, tho tinkhop of Mr. G, N, David '1144 - it laab wetky 'a 001hoott'WAS OVG Ahd4VX0'11,,JohV10; IUV, *Cutloii Of tb%t Alditiel Aila ill oned of towns by ft*OX. btlItt os fired Te'v1sh talthig pg.4 fix the gamo$L 104'Opoko a' tsUd vlftebo fear 1)816 Atoo Imob or 6Z4, for, smy uarroWosoape i vaotd. 60, r the V.Otded L ett atdr I list6by 64 the, g"o wovAuto, ItIft the *A169 tthor the ai A. W, 840oftli, 004 others. go rd I ad Imanty to say that it the lbloAL In, which' tllroft6 t'har vorkshbji 'Window," pisdnpA aii follows, by the 110W, 1MA doubt a large attdiand& WM be present, 44d A juala t#4 ja� uA6 tossiii intonaoct to alk, tito 10 J%JJtJOJpht6jJ. 10, 0, Qh,jbio Ilsdr 1%6 the sida of Mr., Gomfool 0 t Iflobool ouso of stolt StAtfout oil ehirr. - 18r4, Af, iLtv s000ti ttttA 0vUc_Th6 PAV. *4ra to be jt�idgsa b�, the Md, itia stain With 010 Exot6t SXS ot, I 1 6 this done, ho bull6t Ing M46 horsilf a I M'PJ6 it efiedtafl-th4t 41#1jibit" fiff4f %14h- it %Wd ona tdmoot Vtdoublad me, sadtl IN SAbbath Sch tJJtJ#L 1*6 logafly Ito re,bls. thii I I before, T61 thsy %*0414 t664 Ott 6ft 4atJ6164 to Neil two 4616gs&so and Until the it, 14 "thd ninly if knob 6 thing Were astible" And Mid olt%da In Connection with hiton. Ch Might-% doo tt Well firit iw _11% WOW " furthot, that If A# Rubt lit tho 'di- dolie:Mlglit hoo lida'4, IMAM, V116 III hor hJL Va: alftod Of "411 T lam# anil Amruiag f)f tabo V) 10h sho Jrghtldji.� We "vhe t4a a"* to idtotia'. TowAsbip It "rilaularly r6 uakw to ati6pa to the li6ld� (ah poll aU'Solniflithg. thiltvolloull lit An ht%4, 12ywill $0 b6siolitk4 t of these =641A99. Ana 1461WU VIU bil tftWM WAX XJ* & r4o VWla iit. Mdi *1464 e eated by 461t t!�, Ilo ballot W A6t'L 406wo.., IV _ "? ' Ikk. *1 Va 'Ll Watabudl tadoml at of ibe 1664116#� 'G TZ a6M. the is stigAW �ojod thililid 11shoolo 004#1* VW, $6 100kait folt ��4jDttt �J Z :1 )ANAII, rung *Ito viCrI666 'to lit go t%, hi. Tfiiro: It pytV r n�Iing a Olt had JgApi _9 ��O po" O'A.1�1 f Adm ilo, Tfty 4644 APPI 4111 0 J&H sh 0i2t1il ka Town- *91 614h 44 bust. k C. -AU Xdd*1AJ mi lb§% vo* wit,