HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1874-11-26, Page 54. Of tir Tell me it Imo clot,* the hamlet plonghaso tia 1710) the saludakeastakell teem .That till the Volga) • Vor there is not hi Ws vole, soWlda, Re gem likehonest worth. the man4 ?new, TADAO-Orr, net, lor God will bless, Shirk Xilliaga Patel afS the vibite oho* ie to the VW, Laruled; tiloSe Who oarry weapons; of de. tones vary *sapiently eope with and , their- teeth, have ban `known to stab 44,4 deStroy 'them in their bath. =tie* WhiCh Vail managed by hie father who WAS thus early initiating him into the hardehipa of the niod0 et life he le - waters, a Shark dreW hini Under, and he Woo seen' riOanere. The father lost net' a moment, •but• Calmly reSe; Mid Oa ,h0 earriecfalieatlied ishia an* plunged heaeath -tha :1;4004 lae disappeared for 'seine tithe lint after a, While Was oecatiientTy seen .to, reiee AO then dive under the billows, as if • actually engaged with the fornaidable viewed Withn, Sensation of h ort or by, these who eeuld'only Surmise what was . geing on, under the Water, The man WM. agaia seen to' raise' and diaaPpear, • ao: that the work ot death Wall evidently . 'net yet'aeoriplete. After Some .further of all ve,lielerenisembleden the ..beixeli .-wmi seen ter few momenta -abeve - the: obbed`i.:nba-vien,: Wbappgared: Air- jut.. dent aftei; the- -Man rocio aboat tb•ii surf and Made- for the :share. , seemed `.• nearly eichansted, hat had not a' single' mark, on. his hody, which -bare' evi-Z drinhe'whatever of the.' Perilous 'conflict' in 'labial lic,hatl been so recently god, Ile had crearcely landed, when, an- - .iiiiineiaso.'sliark was, beat upon the, beach was inimediately dragged by the bled native:a, beyond .the reach of .the to a place of . secutity it. was opened, -whon -tile_head and-, limba -of the' hey were taken froin hi; stomach. r Tim body was completely..diamembered, mid the head severed froth It and nOn3 The. Ulna- of Plish.food.. been road° as to the comparatiVe../04:- °Ojeda controversies- he te arisen, on fit ntainte411* that worth speaking SAtie alrd, beef and Mutton. Again, d authority say -that fish, well cooked, with otl or fat of some kindcor serVed with butter when. brought to table, " is chemically the same • as., butcher -meat, so fax as nutritiou Con- cerned." Another 'writer larr that Ash as food is only fit for children and in- valids, and ie totaITY unfitted. to support the health and vigour of men ur women. ...engaged in laborious ....oecepationa, ,As usual in arta '"dieputea; we may hold; that the truth lies ;hetireen the Ord 'SX- tremes. Many. people fallowing laher.1 live largely upon flab._ ln. that country, able portion; and as a elassdisberraeci are strong and healthy ; and tlic wive% who fish' fried in oil forret a very largo proportion of the fo&d,of the pepttlation their fish -diet la supalciniented bye little' bread and fruit, and although' the ',pea,. Bantry of the land never partake of reembeted that fish is a necessity' of life in Prance and Spain, as regards thelat. tar cOuntry, 00natitnt. organization i* et Wolk In bui.own iiilandS to Mipply it with the ,pileliards taken On the coast of Cornwall, :as itS many hundred hogsheads of --eared---and erneked her- , rings are tient to the Spanish markets. Ssiklitie-ni) 0644' In the Vianna.eiposition are a num". her of Mediae illUetrating the etyle which-woreen, of different nittlOnS carry man carrierahers in blanket hanging in front, s'atuawhat, below. the weiet ; the Bingeleae-.Weine.il the child astride low down upon her left hip; and herleft arm sapporting, its 'Intek. The figure-teerrufquite indifferent ail to the thitdstylo of carrying, mance if-4101i0,40-410-Verly iii stately manner, the Child eitting astridd herehoisider WitirAta -hands upon her hied, Ind Wither* iny clothing. taaptelt The Brasilia wonian • dottiest lora; The haty ie carried upright . South a big in *ant formed ra Liiiuket;i6und the hips of the Me. that; WAY. riot here by Winging blanket the northern Australian carries here 'bound a hoard, aftet the iityle of shaped cet, ramie of -leather, it sienla and thew t Milne tied oVee the' openiarg fqr itefaitif whether to preveat it born `. otiket:to )retp;,the ,dogs bum The 'tuck& unique otyle of ell lo that bt higii4bp hoettittla piths the baby ii6i4Wain ether 4404 Wein we. libl • t&ta. g1i>rh. town tnilaie ramal Tho wn a lodg house which be. had long ceaired to e'ht•r, to �x sax eras de err K1W.i dein by ijiM',Fr'ire'va 3 4 S�w�i4i ,u��.., heavy Who f'e pd, t t is et wo�rld; tb ra t i1i�x a lx, Each y g , e d n ere e q iul7i. 4t rte; .. e 't4t;9 h so uneasy that he determined to k all zacee+aapathle Ohamiats, London, ' Qonseglleneeb aria try to gain rdniiv $(.0- raonvan c1oao4.- "" We will now •slow. So one.day ho gaze°a ionitewbat lava Aeeo not the. proem' adopted by eeste• Jame pi `.& Oo„ masufacturora of ti td le k -at the d p' ,r, 7-14-$!$0010-.ff .di -a.' "t, ,,g tufo * the 'which a ooarso voice roars I out, `m ct'a ton a l,,on oar"'-- Baa; article in fkisast'a thorn ' a`nd at the same •momontr a VI. 00440014 We. Qious looking wornarx opened the door .p or Hotl�tszozotto.••-Aad why 'and ordered the men of God 'oway. not? wlio snow ut that their horses are c" -rejoicing milieu; who can veteran). eonirarrf- t tial come in, AAd ��� who o' 1a But their OWItnre reioieebecause Ott astonish - and what he wants;" growls, Ant the lea and almost miraouloue effects on their her, saws mica. ' Thq urissionary walked in sea of Parley's Oondition Powders. and Arabian and baNitiilg politely to tt,e. f'oagh look• 'lugeno ppee tee,:'othersWme ouldidevvou glair fad. ing man whom be had just Beard speak, ravenously yet derive no benafrt frons it ;, sonic said, "1 llave been. visiting most of the were ame.bound, with g11 and shaggy hair • others had severe colds and eottghs; n"any bac 11onsc "in this ' neighborhood to read the hcaveeand� other eompiaints peculiar to Herrn with and talk to the people about good seri en all it operated n a,, charm, the (laws tillage.. "1. hi ve pegged yo door as and digestive 4 Bane corrected, he skin soften long as] foolI'ouglit,fo1•,1..wish also ed, .antiaBleck end eh"nint appearance given to to talk with ;yon ant%. your lodgers," t1"o coat &I w.i.tho"it, ally dancer to, or prevent. +4 Are yOn. V. irat is palled thettown Pia- angd seee tbaat the signature of Iliad & Co. n eionary 9" " T am, sir,.'"' was . h.o /reply,, each package. Northrop & Lyman, NTew natle, ", Well" then,"" < said • the fierce- looking, Ont,, oar at a eta Canada, horn fiold by all Medi, PIM( '`cit down and hear. what I ani • :go; ig til say, ' will ask you a'questioi PROSTRATION, RESULTING Fit0)i gilt of tl�d" Bible T. on . answer me the eitects :of tliw intense heat of the su trier months, is the pre -disposing cause of so many of eight, y, u. naycall at.. house, .and the disease, peFuhat' to hot weather. 'rhe oto- Lead an is with-uo OF ot'it' 10 ere as -mn artaking of the loss of vitalitypervading: i' , y the Iv1ole system, is unable to complete diger,. ofteii ns you•like, if you do nor answer, tion; the food passing uniissolved through the me.rightwewllltear;theclothesoff your.howee.‘inritateethe liningineinbrane.andd liar- rficoa, dysente chalera.uiorbus, and whe;x• pre- llaek ana tum 11110 you ,1leolc auci iee1; yaiiing, As 1, o cl9toler �ay be o cited. Atten- tion, to diet, moderate a ids, bathing, and re- to'that, for X am a man of ray word 3" gull habits must bee o served.. To maintain ;The, tn�isaionnr rtw pertilflxed, 'iiut� :at ya tion.. Dr, Wheeler's(es Cemp d Eand.*** o length gtietly said "" I" will. take you;..' Phosphates,and palisayais unquestionably veli= "�Wa11 tbqu,"' said the roan," here goes.: able, asitsinvigorates the digestive organs, -arid. Is the. word, girl in ,any part of the Bi supplies mnteYrnal for geneiat"ug nerve force, ble 2 if so,where is itto be found and SF,PFT. �ro x nms.,A writer;,in "Putnam's . _ !_ Mivri�ine��,.; anus It ie 5a CnrIOUB f8'Ct tllai ilhoreu �&ifig'. a of 1turcal L w. wY #, fah over4 the opera * a kin n« Vlore is never a white colt nor a Week calf .The tt 'sir; the'Word is in the whitest hors'e Wag blaakest•inAiits birth, and the jet block cow was .immixed. red.q ether but this'. we' do, believe, thit‘the bent Medicine •for renniViiig pain front the system is the'Oana- Oilm n Destroyer:, In coos of rheumatism, Pliiintp;e: stande unequalled,. Per sale. by all druggists and countilt dealers. Price cts. per many constitutions, litiourali- establish. the le S - of corouniptidn in tile gatem, thus converthig- therefore makes 'it 'the business of every one t netely-BryaninPulmonie Wafers are thoratighl adapted to ,remeve speedily all con4lis -And dol and are.equeIly effective' in' the prudery etages by all dragg,re Ana cortutry dealers. . nice, 25 'Bible, bat only. once,' and. rosy ho found in -the words orthe rrophet Joel, P.; O.; The words are, "‘ And sold 0. girl for wino that therthight-drink,m---- - Virell,'!repliedlhej:Aan. aim dead- beat ; guest haVe bet five ppunda you " could not hare told yeetir.. days have -been praying ;that the Loia and this verY-•:morning, when reading prised to find the avoed and,got.thi 'ponoordence to See if it occurred 46* .wliat dome to 'Pass, li'eurprised.,' Ind the incident las-, -been hie wife and.twO of the,1°4gers' SPeeelallog in Wives. , bseS 'very food of Osivii and Speculating in -the funds •Of the city-; but itreniains to reaoid a speculation In Mitt of their number entered into. The Correspondent writed " Mtn municipal. officer' (he holds no position • • • hero ap- present), who.. Aline turned hi* Sow° years' egi his irst wife, who. had long jtee4 an invalid, was declared . by her 'physician to be in consumptiat: She so informed her- husband that she could not survive the witter(thicr wag fit last daya of Novernbea), he west her life insured ler $16,0,00. Under er:. would Irate had the lady examined by a :physieitn; hut her husband beide° pro. raiment -a position, and tar. stoutly -affirm, ted,her health to be gOod, that they . re- garded the examination a needless ter - .the ofGgial-earried it. to` another Office,' and, on the otrength of it, had, another polloilioired for, $10;000 mere, cowl offiCe taking, it foe granted :lhat the first would not have accepted , the he had obtained 1100,000. on the life f• his wife, who died tia, the latter part' of' ' Fobraary. The underwriters probably Diamond ittieutaatid.Oure learned .thab they had 'been cajoled; Nit IA curing this. dhlease is Owing to its tower .thernuailly tested In Canada a.4 to. require little In he Bata in thole favor-as'a ,cortulti cure for thaso Dr,..T. Doll Simpson was pupil and friend or Om •Incit celebrated authority in the World 'oil this sub. lent- IIIH,partner is Pow visiting Canada,. and% prePared to give advleo freo td all, and' forward air; . nth, ete'., it' applied to.-kchiressing Dr, 4.1, 13Q11 boxes 9f 11113 wx11 nlgo omit by mail to a ny part of .0ana.la, securely wrappod from obTearystion, on FMB Buhl retati by alt retail Primates; and whole- NEw ERA." What *Wore thanks mem la the seem _ public gloomily fur farther n lately added meat bn donhle .the Power Ito away other important distanee eau have their' fists , borne, th Deed alwaya ter eels st modarate 00004 them the mese deo. , Q00 .11ohr awl MR The Snbseriber would alio "storm the pub - different Iambi mid :lengths); Fine oak le lie that he has a large atoel of lalber of to 20 ft.; Hemlock, rota IA te 26.; Cherra. liatteraut, White Ash, maple, .fieft and goOk Elm, lertgtht to suit the public, whieh, en- ables•bira to fill ail orders that bet 113031 be favored with 'no the ohorteat notice aba most reasonable terms. . 13lythz,Mareh 6. 1872. , 24f • .undersigned has moved Ws steckito the shop formerly occupied bY Miss Nadiej. mixt happy to meet eueolueret whoh! returns thanks., for -past vatrenage.'-.1,110,wig, always keep en hand stood Steak et; CLOCKS-- WATCHES and JEWELRY Also the, " All kinds of Watchesand 01004' ,Tewellery, 17nabr alias, Parasols, '40., &c.; }play favor him With a call, • Remember the 4 orth 00 8 • T'S Onnoral :Fruit' and 'Confectionery :Store; lintlOAorte'AX.Way$ 01.1 RAND. 'A cAL'It Remember the Place"-Nictoria Street. 111 with more rear sYmpathy for his patient than When 'nulled Avon to administer relief to an ante sufferer with ahronip Rheumatism. ' Itheinnatism id a LUSK'S° Of. the blood, and no-sitbstantial relief can bo -obtained witbont cleansing the blood from the fibrin substance flanunation and pain, Ther great success -of not to mak() an enemy of natil3 of converting the blocial friars -its diecase3. con- -maw ._:rama lutes- the-bowelar-which..i*.very_essentio_ta them...one? without demur., , this ocunplatut, and no one will read the fol., " Not 'Ong. after, the Over-EihrOvid lowing statements from well known Montreal setlitt mincl (heart he ilia none gentlemen -with more interest Alia &mem 'to set) apott a; wealthy woman, niany thait tb086 P4Yeitfrinn whP have, a yeal; desire 'yenta hid junior. Iter rellitires .6°73'6116 thei"nireAng Pat"ns' worldly and mercenary crew, demarided that he shoe.14 settle -a certain 111:1101.111b Montl'esi, 21,t Maroh, /87J. of property upon het- HO «readily ..itsial'sP"`111/3 4d 33"2"' 1 * 4 dotterel hOtmea arid lots itt ' fashionable the iratnediate relief I experienced freati,WA feN4' hoWever, he mortgaged 416 btlildiDgfl 0°Pfte1:114Divi" *444 8°6.91° fr"6 the effects and reel tatate foe nearly` ail thei: Vete„ '15,tottulhfietles:104,11thttillaltalti,v' ziolysitio,b, :0 t:Ou0::::8;tptl.:cril tt:id : y i g, t w ° for a year or more. When it was .".11ia- left him, though:she rettaeci id 4 few arming that she ootild not rertiody the 600 clear. and by `the$ second genie' $.256,000 ; tooking $00,600 by lire' acr doubt lie 'would, 004000t bbrcio Dear Sit p.4tusolleited by you,„ I wish to t,,beoy.tesidinony to the efAese)t of the Diatom& winter, tsuffered. greatly from that 04inatiOn intliteed hi hearing of •• the many marvellous cures aecomplishad by the Agent While stay- suilicient te , say that without any faith that Ono bottle.' vise coin lately relieved, and large_ Slack. of good. Household 'Furniture, home manufaoture, Waded seasoned -Material. as, Wood and Cano,Seat Chairs, Sofas, Loun. slei.ClarrialBraekete; Dottie Frames, (4, • Pictires framed with. Gilt or Rosewood And Prainesovoodrmould- 'Good value given. to rat who inay purchase, aliatall furnishings -Supplied at reasonable 'Rtes. A: largo *teak of Coffins, moulded and plain, ~int hand (trimmed' to iiiii4 ether basil.silver-plated or otherwise. log GpgAir witrom attot first-class Harness Shop in Clinton, where he Will keep_ on bond choice sekctiod of • .The,bekt Material Awed; and.first-class workman's/4p gulainnteed. COLIARS of every de.. volordamomiumwegme thein that he: has -removed shoP t6 the • • more o.oraniodloire building lately.Xreeted-by '•,•• him OA Rum Strigt. -kbe rear of Knon's Rotel, *hem he hopes to inept his 'former ' .onetonieri and is 'many be -ones As may favor WM WISP their Vitro gis; attention, twain contieo ton with this part of hiii .1:inkiness he will rabbi° that which. is tory necessary to ants complete -succeas. namely, that of a °rough knetyledge of 'all diseases of the '1 et tho bore% .Ffirniern and others lay est aniured that their orders tidlL receive - are., moderat wilt recent t t patronage, which strict. at- sbeto..,te,,,,., se le also prepare& to obtaittany.aind it--tt d 'guarantee tor good- work --should • TARGE. $TOOK Or '01-vaRatis manufaatttro and kinds which I* offers orl fractal intorfellsZ THOMAS TIPLINk. • • •fiCderiOL,F,MilidrY' ant *Alvin Begto• Shaul •the public*, that_thcy are prepared tO ,supply -•%., Strati' Outten!, Sic., 'Sugar arid .,Potrten- Rattles, Grate Batt, ' num all Nervous Di ages, such ea Trainore. tiso Of Wilco and, Itohollo spirits, but thee Et 0 RAS '4'114 iinCsitrilD LOGE Aip ViCRXED STOCK or Gook; iatir_orag.. Von alari initanalrs. ,ESS,I*OltEIL au. kinds as on unfailing cure foe Seminal Weakness' .4 ethane Tar converting, hie third;wife 10- Sperniatorth rinfoitario& .sritt all diseases to' dollars and (write. lig .reirtatiOn: would ivy 'to one and all, mor patterns tare and boot of Ware, hit go tct China Hall( ' , Am; Iron Mid andltiack'sS;ii.h. Work. - -revrif tpeetthttioas. taii 130V, .the Alta of ray lim ct and the feeling 1/4 Old v., end many' ottfei diseaset that mad to 1ST 'newlit *Met. atteiblited he -the use of t triiii4141 elnikurffisti" °ICI 14; rtenitkOr " (:)1114914 Dee 11.18 g .alwaye aid have very had Welt titteo. . J. A.. The Augnota (Me.) +7020314t ettyaz dog trill eery° eiti counterpart to the af, fecting exhibition .6i Lanitie.fidelity and intelligence shown Oicagete. dog, w.bo to °lately 'attended the dead body of his %waiter after tho recent ta. tit accident in this city. At the ' of the &note' of the Lite Oapt :13 V Wil- lard,. Storth tertfielri ,quite recently, his faithful clog hoWied so meirenfally that he had to lie Chained ilt tbflt barn lieserilh sorind.'.' When 'he, Wait, let ledge ho,teareltod. the preraitet to find hio inatter, and *net Wulf, be trholied the reniovol 'or the body to the gravelard, where he diseavered matter't gravel a half mile or biOte feint the hate. And no* he.delly gees' to the gum auttiottrnaittallawlitor 410 Wit OWn•ti(l) The 0419rietor. of this medicine haa walked ths aishis of thtrhospial et Loudon, !v. to toi:tenieay compoun6dedtP is Ali he e'er used cakes, sometiniesene fig* dettee sun) tha most chronic.' litiPe it la OM% to e way 'bf the use "of 'Wont three bottles. By tins a 4012$141,1764 talittleii,mady, hanclrode et. 4014 , ol000eisof Working people, of either stor,iciiiig "larkaragreea cilia:110,am din ibmt agora to or old', make more money o,t -work for no in 'throw it away, all aurely it ikby the tuirobote their spare inomente, or aii, the tisk then ist •ofuselest nreseriOtione, . Anything oleo, Particulate free. Addittia, ii people, Xverg bettle lilt arranteee4° 06041n MitiCttig debility, premature deetytItse„, hav. the full Strength of the Medicine itt ite Iii h. ing tried la vela every advertised remedy. *blob,' he will .tend /tea. tn hie fellormuiter. C. %Address, J, IL RaVItti,, VI Mecum Or itelitt/),c_eperilt. LIedieinst IS the reault of it „1"-lf e special diseases, • Pini particulars. In .au pamphlet, Which we desire to senc11100 bY mail* • beams Selo int:nation by OASMS , and trail 51 -ter pettkago. or six isickago.s for $5, or mon be per da Agents oit, state ' of pod* end development. ari Is gist* threagliont (Jetiodev it haven. that, Or lend or it `to blO tg/tOP rue :Dratoitt has net fic ook him Agent* for the _Prirtioro, ttatellitork it lie alienist* ot any Wean they **3406$1* -1311 letbalisil Tatra *gat 14 • 'OBE lel' AIN GgNE;tiat MAITACIE 40:10laturol ,` Boiler pricl"'Irlyin • beve entered lido Co,litftnerelilp for the purpose Of Dairying tm the busirrett 0* mariaftethriire of Oarriagea.Begile4 W4f.no, Sleigho, Oetterii &a, la MI lb *141014 bronellei, at their .144 Indio 44 tiitta to koala. *Oa to any the Derahfiori. Their lone expir$1 411104flA at. 00411441114b10 them to -lolly uuderetead the regairemetalof their etittomert, rod they bopoi by strict atteation to lastimaia, to give entire eatisfsetkin te all Woe who may favor them with their peterelaph „ tstont Ittpithial On on et Rows Seib* Je ttai zielide-81ilili *Reit, eke Jr.,/ lot it:. Jot oatti. ion.,:rsnort •,0 -272*. Pthionlit 'otbotilait:b4417:::::ol,rifTr4Pteelon.a4 tfrottlettna. foe realketted hitt MO tititazyth ; mut I. '-ii&Att•Ittk opt fee aeigicho iif