HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1874-11-26, Page 3SMC
.. wwMlMruM��► •w�..,...w..gr,,. r
the ploughshare i Till me no
Irk ace atte�ade the toil
Of those d i'k,gro n eotl,
Or tiU tice f �u
Whyehoutd the boast plonghtean sh:iaic
p'ro)n mingling with the vas
OfIwo* Aga ot*Utiour, spud
•'die the, mild that makes *amen!
00d -speed the. pplougheharo, aril the bode;
Thet till tete fruitlul.earth •
'or thers-Id n eta tbia worldizea w►c'te
.N'a gem like .honest worth, c
,And tixouga tho bande are dark wish. toll,
And fup ed thely brow,
It utattere: Pet, .for will bless
Thu laborers of the plough:,
41'bitarit. dulling«
Fatal. as the white sharks0 to the un-
Armed, those who carry weapons of do-
fenao very frequently cope with :and
anaster bim even women, undaunted
by -t ieir teeth, havve 14064 hnowra to
'stab" -and -destroy -them inr- their-bath.with and talk to the eo 1e abort
Ong day, u ;little boy 'about' eight years p p goo
----old happened 'to be washed from a °ata= things. •I 1l�+ve passed your door as
• marain which was managed by his father long' as 1 feel x ought, foe, ,I wish also
who .Wee thus early initiating hi�tu .into to talk with ,yoq and yonr#.pager.."
- the hardships of the imodti of life he in- " Are you what ie oalletl,„the;towu mis•
tended him to pnr'aue i and; befe'ro he sianary r'T 4m, sir,:. was the reply.
could be teamed from the ° trbn1o.it "We11, thox',,, said' the fierce -looking
waters, a shark drew hint under.; encs, he man, ".`xsit down and heats what I am
was, seen no more. The father lost not • going to ;say 1 will nape yeti .a question
a moment, but calmly rose,"olid pJac out of thy; Bxblo If you • answer me
between his teeth a large knife -tw, ' - ?fight, vote May gall at this!„house, and
he °carried sheathed. in his auinntei_
plunged beneath the ' lashing waves.
8e disappeared fpr Berne time lint after
' a\w~iile vas 'ooeasionally'seea to•"raise
and--then-.-dive under: the billows; as : if •
,actually engaged, with the formidable
foot ` After -ii while the white foam was'
viewed with a 'sensatioi of horror by
those •who;could only'surniise what was
goingon under .the water. .The man
was; again seen to raise and disappear, -
so ,that thea work of death wasp evidently
not ygi: complete. After,' some further'
time had elapsed,. .to the astonlihment'
of all who were assembled on'the beach
far a •considerable. crowd • had- now
collected—the body' of ; a huge slink
.was seen for few moments above the
white spray, which, it dompletely erica-.
soned,and--then disappeared. An
stant:after,: the man rose about the surf
• and made for the shore.' }Ie- .seafood
• • nearly exhausted,' but had, not a .single.
4 mark - on his bedy,-which ;bore no evi
denee'`wbatever of .the perilous conflict'
in which •he had been sorecetitly cage,
gged, • .He had scareely landed, when;an
igifnense •shark was: cast Myon the be:wh
by the billows. It'.was"quite dead, and
was immediately dragged by the sissem
bled natives; beyond the reach of, the-.
-surf, As soon'as the shark was drat n
to '%place. f ' Bean ty it ^was opened,'
when 'the head:and . limbs' of the boy:
were taken from his , •stomach.,: = Thio
body was completely :dismembered, `end
.the head severed. from: it, and.nonJ •of
the ;pmts .,were. mittilatede,-1Cccssell'e;
Popular Natirat:History,^ °.
T e Valga-of-Fish►foo t
R .i In llig Sibigit
.'English town Missionarg et tato
time rielate4 renutriteldiliritie ' 'tic at the ne p a� of e
There r A lodgl l bouae 3a 1 8iat. A Fpp provided our
txhieh belied long desired to entdn, but co with; a delicately floored
waa deter%14 #1001,110idyingW Iliafxdou,d, 'Ye e ji:, h .>pCa40114 ux xnasay laeav
who feared tb ie i'i ,�wotild;bthem,�a• .implywitli�, water folk, E
by endangere• . e became at ength pa is abs l"ed--'},Tame. ��.: d� Opo,, Ho.
so tiueaay that he determined to risk all t mooPethio amide, Leethmn, ;
c um,: Ana_• *~ix g 0
►traac a uaa air ooe4. " , will now
cion, So one -lay he gave' a isotrewhat' t a# i , opteal7
timid kn00ir at the door, in x.0b t11oe to Mete. • �s'l�ppa' es, worseaks etesurera of
Rt , cir worlsin the ]leu.
dietetac. a>�lee �►� their
Which a coarse voice roared out, ,Who s ton It ad, I on our ee article 4°aa8el'a
there V' and at the same theme nw' a vi• Taf9use1,alcd , e,
pious-Iooking woman opened the door ;pi p oa o llai'opexx
d d h of Ghia %awe
t ha 'wants,'" growls. out a ing and almost maraeulotta cif u e9r
• sea f l'1ar14 'e 4on8itionl?aweeptris attd Arabian
Heave Remedy Remo were lean and poor hqv
1 b h l k ur tl oir food
ing xnan hoin ba hid just beard speak, ly t d b lit fie 't om
said, "1 lxave been visiti
houses in
stet3 --•. 40 ACIWa ot'that t o
• t him 011110. int and see who he . ora as
BI thein
this nei
ug roost �f the other. had savors colds, anoughs, wavy hats
orbood to repel the loaves sad other complaints peculiar to for
it Sea ; on all it onerated1 lora. charm, the disease
beenmade as to the, coinparatiVe. food-.
wallies of butcher-ineast and lish.ead 00.
the subjeeti4p,ovhich the Utmost diVer-
tAlales and beef and mutton. . Again; a
, liWrited autheritr say; that fish, well
served With butter when brought to
table, ,"ii \chemically ' the ,same ail
- 'buteher-niee so far as nutrition. is con-
. corned.” Ano er writeii eaya.,,that- fish
as food is only fi. for- ehildren • and in -
the • health and vigou ...of men oi *Onnien
usual in snob. ";disputes; 4 . may holds
that the truth :lies between he two ei-
, triunes: Many people fellews (i' loot,
live largely, upon. fish: In that co. . try,
the 'fishernien themselves eat a eons]. r,
able portion; and as a class, ii'sliermen a
strong and healthy; and the wives, wile
undertake a pert of the niereis work, are
still strOuger and healthier. In P,ortu,
gal, fish fried in oil fornis a very „large
Avoid aud fruit,. and although tile •pea-
gesirmeat, yet. they are a hardy, vigor=
ons, and breve Reople; • Lot it be re-
,„,., itiem.bered that fish is a necessity. oflife
- ' ',in' Franco Ana Spain, afi regn'ecin the lat.
it. withthe:plichardastaken on, the 'coadt'
hogsheads Of i ... red .tilicr-enitiked her -
of Cornwall,,,,itziiII aS many hundred
rings, are,sent to.tlie Spanish markets.
In the Vienna ekpositiOn Are &Awn'.
bet of Modeliilltietrating ilia' 'Style.' in
'which women of differentaiations Carry
man carries kers in a blanket hanging -
.in front, soniawhat, below . the waist s
her • left arta supplittingita back, The
The • Egyptian. woman carries lierS in a
stately:manner, the, child sitting astride
ter *Milder With its „hands 'upon her
,heed,- and Without any -clothing to speak.
of, Thatroxiliartswoinan earrieil. hem,
,,,,, The (Untie bail .iii carried, 44110
„titian tiii.:biele,". In al blanket, ,and the
7Stidth li.frieoli-in a beg in front, formed
li ..a liliiiket.ieutedititsrhiptof•the. mo,
t or,- -Tliclowor Anstraliatiwoman tar- 1 Tho Atigusta .,(Isle,) ;Journal says':
ries hers b sehlging it in a blanket "This 'brief story of tho faithfulneas. Of It'
the northern Australian carries here
.. 1 Ship ed. cot,,mide ef leather., It kiwis tit accident in thie eity,.. 'At the " tIlhe
$ to have hien Andrea in, feet Aire -Meat, I ot the fitnerat of the; late Clopto I? Wit..
..,.-i) . 6rititifttg. °At oi,te keiP.Ihe deSs. kora that he had to be chained in the tilt
lcuisingat is More than 046, he imagined, to lessen the Souriti....! When be Arali let,
;"‘IE- MiLtlir-1441g vbitiAti WIro WOOS Ille ttleafeff ' ittla .. mit :Adding him, he
401,0, high4p 'Wadi. Ana paw thahaby , banked thateniovsl 'of the body i‘,6 the
lit-411€1,..•foreintisk, (IOWA in the outside-, -gtotrvslard, whore ho rIble0Vered 114.
read anti pilisy with us or often as 3,0 like ;, if yen do, not aneWer
'back and tunible yon ueek and heelS-
:inta.the etreet• :Oat de you say
The missieriarY Wes perplexed, but • at
,length• quietlysaid I' will take yon,"
" tii.on; said the Man, here goes.
Is \the word girl inany,part of the *Bi-
ble Pit* so Where IS it to be 4Ounds; and.
how Often ?.: That is my question."
-Bible, hnt 'only Once, encVnisty be found
in the wor40 OttharrephefiTeeltiii.,
The words , are, '4 :41,34 sold ;ft gni 'for
beat ; I•dUrst haVe bet five pounds yon
" And I ocield not have tom. yester-
.daye I have .bhari praying that .the Lord,
-Would open a•Way into' this house
and this very. morning, When-rea44i,g
believe that, god. dia kno,vi,' and. (140.
lino* What :wilt doine te,'Pass,, and sure-.
The whole of the inmates were -great-.
lynurprised, afitt.the_incident his been
.his wife andtwo of the lodgers; •
Speculating in Wives.
ST-eW. York, officials. Lave ' for yeara
been very.10nd of tieing and speculating
in 673 funds, Of the ; but it reineirui
for -El; correspondent or the "Boston -rivie:s
to „reopid. a speculation: in Wives Which
one of their number entered into.
correspondent writer: " I mut ;recall
but one instance of this sort.' That
was of' very high and well-kneWri
municiPal officer (he holds:no. position
here at present) who .,thus "'turned his
,"-Some years ago his first Wife, who'
had long been, an invalid, was deelared
by her physibian to be in: cousuMption,..
She so informed her .hashand. that , she
could not surrifellie Winterlthis was,
in the last ddys broveinber), he 'went
difee'to an insurance office and lied
physician; hitt. her husband held 00 pro:-
9dher health to be good, that they •„'re- Say.
gutted. the examination a needlesa for- ,
reality; ...The policy having been honed _ 141(0"-Aijrg.....trEmti_Alt-E_N/Eity sy
or complaint was stiesdily removed, the appetite
ing the borne being used, lleraeMber the name,:
the coat withont any anger to,- or prevent.
and see that the signature at Hurd ai Co, is ea
each paokage, Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, -
Ont., propnetors for Oanadas Sold:by all Medi, -
clue dealers At oto. perlyix.
tlie effects Af the intense, heat of the Senator
months, in the pre.disposing mutat of BO MOLY of
the diseases peOuliat to but weather: The sto-
mach partaking (if the loss of vitality vervading
the 'whole system, is ,unable to.-Oemplete Algae -
tion the food passing. undissOlved through the
bowele, irritates die lining membrane, and diar-
Aniatio cholera May be excited. Mteu-
the vital forces and. prevent lassitude and ex -
able, an jtinvivoresten the digestive ol.gausi end
Supplies material for 'generating Aorve Airco.
there is never wbite colt nor a black eelf, The
wiiitest 'horse was blackest in its birth, and the
jet hlinfir..-eow Was unmixed 'red." Whether
bnt we do believe, that' the: host Medicine
.for removing pain from the system is' the Cantle. -
die!" Pa n Destroyer... In cases of ilienniatisub
-sprainse bruises or severe colds'Ausrl summer dom.
pleautp,:: it otrieds-tracqualled Fin -sale 1)7,41
druggists and country dealers, s Price 2.5 cts. per
• Two or three colds in stiecesSion will, with
many constitutions, 'securely establish the spedit
'of consumption the system, thus oinverting.
;what Was originally simple, °livable' affection!,
'Inte"-dtfir 'generally' fa tal• Ordinary; prudence(
therefore,maken it .the -basineSS of every foie to,
take dareofit- cold until iris got --rid 117ortig•::
adapted to remove speedily all conghs andeolde*
and are equally, effective the primary stage:a
of consumption, •astb.ms. and bronchitis, sold.
by All drum:4.48.mnd poi.uttry dealers., -Prise
Prctit whatever cause arzatity bare already brt°4
thbrotigilly tegtott in-Cana:10 ass -to require lin le '10
be said la their favor -kV*. eartidu eine for
last: "lite partner is now •visitiog.Cartedtt, nod 1:$
preottred to give advicerree ati, add forward ea-
Sinallon )rawer st P. 0., Ilamilton. Two
• bores Of Bhp -will Web be scot 'by EMU TO any part
-rtioeipt: of 11.130. 8ubeitil treatment if .daelreil.
Pills sold retail by an retail Diligaists, nod wiaile-
'triem in the almond
pub1.ie genteelly fuer b"
and ireald Author na
lately added most km
his reacinnery by p
double the power lee
many other im , rtapt im nv
then with ersb-c milia: e
GRIST 'G):0OP1 ' , &o
Grist. Weighed in and out, 'Perlrieo a.
slisteuce cal have, thein- homewith
them the -04040 day. Goo our and. ill
Feed always for pale at moderate prioea,
The Subsoriher would else intone OM pub -
lie that he has a large eteck Of lember of
different kinds and lengthei Tine froM 10
to %) ft;1 Hemlock, from 10 to 26.; Cherry,
Butteraut, White Ash, umple, Soft and Book,
ables lira to fill all ordera that. he roeV: be
favored. with 011 the shortest notiaeand meat
reasonable ternierT"'"'"
HALM' PnenitIncni;••
Blyth, March 6, 102. 2-tf
The undersigned has moved hia,steelete the,
shop formerly oceepied hy Miss Dedie, next
door to the Express Office, where. be.will be
happy to Mest his, old customers, to whom' hi!
returns thanks for past patronage,. nt,
always keep ()ahead a•geod steek of
neatly, ropitired. -••
, had thirty. 'years .experiencet. hp is.
confident he can give satisfattion to those who
may faVor him with a call.' Iteteember the
Genera' fruit end Confectionery Store,
Remember tbe414oe-7Vietoria Street. liEt, NI 40 -V :A. .
the offeitif eitfi,ieti it to:. another .-',irffice,
and, on the strength of it, had another
policy joined. for $10,000 more, the se••
cond offiet taking it for granted that.
e first would not have accepted the
unless everything had 'been satisfac-
,repeated ,the operation until.
his 'wit°, ho 'died in—the fatter' part of
rebruary. he underwriters .prebrilily
ledrned that key had been cajoled,, but
not lihiug to Mhke an enemy of nun
possessed of so nuach power, they••paia
the, Money without -4(7i. • .
"Not: Jeng after, the over -shrewd
uffiehil pet his niind (he rt he had none
to set) upon a weejthy_ Woman, many
year* - jtiniorer relatives; .a
worldly and mercenary crew; demanded
that ho should settle a eerinin 4mOnnt
ot property readily
agreed to this; making over to• her
uses and lots in faehionablfr glebaracledierte relief, I. exprelencod from a few.
„_1 p . Diamond Rheumatic
several he
quarter.ii of 'the town. Before doing '1"1' having'imen a sufferer from the effeets
and real estate* for nearlY all they_ re 0 o
tt.aheenratattrin. I am now after taking two
letter if
for a year or More. 'Whew it tvaa dia.; .Yeit deeni it advisable tO 4.0111:
eareunistances under which a physician la 'ors
with more real sympathy for his patient than
when called upon tb administer relief to an
Rheumatism is it disease of, the bleed, and
siihstential relief can bti obtained without
cleansing the blood from the fi:brin substance
which .obstructs the circulation, caiiiing
fiaramation and pain. The great success of
In oaring this disease, is owing to. its 'wrier
of converting 46 blood frOra its diseaSed con-
dition to a healthy circulation, It auto toe.
bites' the bowels, which is very essential in.
this' complaint, and no oilti will read the fol-
lowing statements from, well known. Montreal
gentlemen with more intiirest and. pier:tsar°,
than those physicians Who have a real desire
Montreal, 2ist March; 167,1(
Dear Sirs—I with pleaturti concede to the
Agent's wish that I give my endorsatioe
e6vcred, 'She was so, Aticimsed that 'ehe
left 111,m,„ though she returned in a fe
weeka, unwilling to great° scandal, end
Ding Sir t-ll'intolleited yoir.1 wish to,
ai3s, hie grg,t, spowto -114 gatrio. d61 ArA 'bear totimony to the efficacy of the Diamond
4theuinivtiti auto,. Daring the whole of hint
600 0100, -rt. Eiba by 1110 seeoed aolxie .'whiter I stiffered greatly from that tiommoa
marline/1. 11:1•3 were viiksiide Again" Jedlided-br: hearing ‘tif the many marvellous -
scheme 'for convetting iliiraswitel
Sufficient to s Say that witliont any faith in
dellarS •( and .Oents, His reputation: the.! inedieink or its relmite,:hy the faking of
for honeisty never 'Stood -very fair ; .but. loot one bettlta Was coinpletely relieved, and
.fevrit. hit, uxorial., liatioutt„ no•W`.:the title Of iny limba mid tile feeling of
laving been mindoled 41tli the.. ,hina0000 touts my teatiMbity Atka eneriemse
of secolo vire,. refined w wen, • Arland ter the.henedt af suffering humanity.
dog will serve aS a cotititerpart hi the Af-
fecting eXhibition of -canine fidelity- Ana
',body a his Master after the recent fed,
,t404•4 anklonbtiess, according
ceoription of 'her 'Style,
maattest grivo, a halt mile or mote -tram
the hbuin, 'And now ha.daily got to
the rage of the hoispitals, of irendon, Big. for
specialty,: tiri t o prescription from which
this remedy is 'compounded, is all ho eyeruiled
Ot treatment of this &Wee. In eimple'
oases, sometimes. One ,Or tWO closes Sinned. In
the meet chronic. wise it.ia aura to glite•Vray'
'bY nee of two or throe bottle*. By tins
eel -Moil arid einiple rowdy, hutarede of del
laza eve savOct te these who tan, hist afford to
-throw it away, as surely lkhy the parehase
Tills reedieins is prepared by careful, ex;
diet:mote the desire Of nureborlis4 friends in
the proftiiloit;liiTtlfritildel luid,,antont the
people, EatirSt bottle warranted tO contain
the tallbtrOugth of the Medleine
it fht tete: et tho Drew
gists threnghont Canada. If IV barons that
o° litild.ot it 10 $0 TIOLOP 'A LYMAN(
Mt" ate
401' tie
_LEstantsisgED 1854.)
'Large stook of good flotikehold Furniture,
home manufacture, made of seasoned raaterial,
A flee -assortment of imported work, such
as Wood and Cane Seat Chairs, Sofas Lorin.
Beds, Carved Brackets, Rustic FraMes, &c.-
,,Pietures framed with Gilt or Rosewoodpand
.G6P4tvalue given to who reay*purohaser,
very fine Shrouds, cheap. Funerals attended_
and all furnishings, supplied. at reasonable
"rates, „kluge istoOk of Coffins, moulded end
ref raid, (trituried• to suit) taher
silver-plaled &lit or otherivises
s:itceitiu.litoehnl:141,rkegt.. 1873. _
supPOrt they have accorded him ointe • ha hits
been hi' imsinesti Milton, Would inform
them., 04 he has removed his shop tO the
lintel, wham he hopes to meet his • .foriner
customers. and fie many iiew ones as maY
favor him*Iiitirtheir patronage.
Korea Shoeing will receive his moat 'careful
attention, and an connection with this part of
his. bluenose ho- will combine- (that -whieh-
namely, that of a thorough luiowledge ot all
(literates of the *foot ef the horse. .Farmers
and others may rest assured that their orders
will. receive prompt attention. His /*ices
are nioderate, and the subtoriber trusts lie
Will receive that patrohago which Strict at-
tontion, to business and 4 long' experience in
AoliOiditr Attentiori ?cad to PIM and cu.,
THOMAS Trinoti,
-mum, .eitig..24..4vieste! shsooe.,rs.
urst.dass 'farness Shop in- (Anton, where, he keet• on band a choiee solnotion. of
47.4 ovorythingin,10o „such herneSti et 0very description,
got Ili in latest and *toot improved Styk
Tfie gisiDtinneiNDD DEsinES• TA
tho public generally that babas a
14,A,RGX- STOOK- pr
011OittfilOittro mid blabs °which he oilers en.
libstal. terms. lie is also prepared to'aibtalwiny Mad •
t'utes all Nervous Diseases, snob as Tremors,.
lino or tal -fflifitrukohblie epithet but theilpt-
ease.s,areArodueed by ever. indulgenee in
as an unfailing cure rot -seminal weaknees,
stionnetorrlien, IniPlatalloyo add all diseases
that follow. att seapienee of Self Abine,as Loss
'swarm.). isatialtaide Pain In
Old Ago, and Malty, alibi. diseases that kali to -
Graves of w lobs as Pt rifles are ilisYcaused
The iilpe Idedieine is the remit of st
study anu mauy years. of experiencein Writing'
itheie special disease -as. Full penicillin* in our ,
'pamphlet, widows/a desiro-os send free by man to
ate,. eoresoxoss, or stx patkaget for 85, Or _ be
Sola Oaten by J'XIVIE8 Tft 00111110, end by id
NSW /Mtn%
dee., dsos
*No ugtrous.-01 ele-NtW SEASOI*T'S Trak 74, IRA "VALUE,
Vol' patterns rare lind"-best a Ware,
hit' go to thine gill,
elaisea Of voting people, of °Auer tek;$0nrig
or old, make mere money at work for us in
their spare moments, 4ir all the time, than it
anything fres. Address;
debility; reinatUre'deOtty* eto,, hex.
lag tried la vale every advertised renietty,,
has discovered, of tell:cure,
whieh he will Pella free te hie tollOweniffer.
Otis Addretia, VALVES, 18 XeOett
St., Xevi'Vom
Valens arm/ pinion they *head baiting; s Tint
4.4 9artiagosiauggiona. waggons, Sleighs, Oattert &0,1, in all fit lenient litinOliol, kt their
. -old steed, Htitbri Street, Clinton,- tinder the style Aba Aim Of
ellaeht the °anti walls then ta folly Understind the ricittlrereinateOf teat 444tet4etlo 44d
Flour tirist BMA': Saw Mills., Stay°, Shingle .and .Heading .
Midi:tines amp' makhinfis etc,
troe. and **den 1.11Adu0 with, iteel- Gang' Ploughi; -Cultivators
Etta* Ontterd, &A, • Edgar and Patash. -Kettles, Grate Ears, &o.,
' :Cooking, Parlor arid 'Box Stoves, ot various. kind's.,
ordept.rtdd:essed„ to the Clem, lay: beeretary, attehtfork.
, We are inanuftioturing,largely:thia ;own, the Oilibreted
irr Nitughatho,t104.0l'elni land,: datable for Floc Gratin& firo mu 4.. Wet*