HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1874-08-18, Page 3• LxNriW AP. ij oxeltert weireite Mew to the rudee fire *he mit. 'Aediselier lee arm char wsy,. curled enuel4 De the Mat, Was purriag �e. . lwas thou our della Pod, OrMlur Uhl Rex hpittiee le her tsp. ' Ude mith *look *o kind. yciti Pat mi het "thinkies cep." "1 really Oink that young fellm now • Should very thankful bel fte ineny handsome toys somehow We never iieed to 'see. The dells diet made your steamy glad, Irtn WOnlil liot pt to bed; The one 1 dressed and.petted had A. dried immesh for its hCad. * And then te think ha* children 'dyes My Nolte* (diva hew gar Dear little girls of five, or less, Make each a arena displaY. • Eeitt gowns of home even we ell got, And they Aid fOr us ; There' a /la 1100 talking, things are not f The eaMe tbeY used to bo,, eZ1 have togschoel once more To keep up nowadays, dies eV three and four, �o Changed are :lathe ways, ,We changes may be pat as great For their meet eyes to see,. If they should linger liere Ho late, • To ohaiter on like me. II•••-•^ drew stine era tilt Arta picrierly provide for them, and as ei (fernier resort, she Stto0d *eel on Ward's Island, in the' elmigrast Hoepital. Mrs Howe then triad to evil* living for herself, but with the poorest possible enmesh Brought up in the lap of luxury and in utter ignorance of how to battle with the liardwork of life or do aught but gracefully preside at it plane or telt, table, &et she failed sadly when thrown on her own resources, and ittep by ate!) drifted into the den the Newark police found her in, and when, for ,tlie honest meant; Of subeletence olio entertained bawds and bacchanalian deveteeealoe tice Lambert deeply interested himself in her cam, removed her to his mother's 119118e, wrote to her friends and provok- ed the fears of the emptiee in Mrs Howe'e story. These proplimied that 'Sooner Or later the -.4\1dg° ,'would "get bit" in the matter. , After a time means were forwarded to have Ms Howe and her children eared for and removed 'to Canada in care of reletives. A few dart elude Mrs Ilowe'a brother, a. dash- ing young fellow, fresh from Ashantee, whither he had gone Aff A volunteer with Sir Garnet Wolseley, turned up in Ne- wark and furnished Jetstice Lambert the ftillestliroof that his faith hadebeen well founded, Mb Howe, with Iter children, is now comfortably installed in her fathei's house, while het; husband it is said still dente around Newark, far - ribbing a shocking sPectnele, compared With the dashing young fellow he was when he denied Mise Garnet.--Nete York Iferalcl., tils,0- A Clieriot et Fire. *.1 But Heavenbe etaised, net all can eliange, And that nay darlings here 'Open my.heart are never etrange, Duflove their Granny dear I" . Then, Granny'e'eyes began te peep, • the Yarn fell teem her lap ; Whde piesy woke, elle fell asleep •keked dropped her " thinking • . Arrival of:Farni Laborers. - On Wednesday morning about one hiptred immigrandcarrived at the sheds /fr Inl• Qaebe 6, they 'tieing pert of the inher of one hundred:and seventy ag- riiiiiiiiiiitylabormi sent out from England -under the nuspi • cos of the Laborers' Union. The men. • good representatives of the :eigticul• tural elate, and with ' the exception :of one or two„haVe all found 'ready employ- ment. The men are' Chiefly from the • counties of Suffolk -and 'Cambridgeshire, many of them baye been among the, lock -outs of the latter. county... But aid- ed by, the .assisted Passages and the Money grant from the Laborers' Union, they have been able to reach. Canada and make a .fresh shirt in life. Several of -the men _games themselves very Well pleased at -the prospect before them and seem glad to have °peeped from, the . bare existence they were. obliged te pat • Some one wrote to Home Greeley 1 ioquiring if guano was geed to put en 1, potatoes: He said it might do for those - whose tastes had become vitiated With tolaioeo and rum, but be pr forred gravy end butter. 'Undue familiarities, between Mr. Pry, Or, of Vinton all. and "Bill" Mount, so worried Mr. P. tilt he shot at lklount three times QU the stvett. Ile then fied and concealed himaelf until live in' the afteruoon, when lie appeared at hie house dripping with the rain ; band to hie daughter, fointeen yews old, who steed in the door, $22 whieli he told her to divide with the children, tken drew A revolver from his pocket, and placing it at the right breast, fired, fell upon hie foe, and expired Without it word. Lightning played some curious freaks at Oxtord, N. It , a few dile ago. Striking A chimney, it pasied downward to the stovepipe and stove of the kitehen, into an outer room, and, thence down the pump eocl, into the well. In its course it tilt w a clock from the mantle corm the, room, and fifteen minutes after it wars' punel lying on its face striking AWRY at a greet rate. The bail of a kettle which (deemed to stand behind the stove was thoroughly welded to the stove. The metallic pada of the pump wee so weldedIegether as to be uveless, ehe gliiiie was blown Weems, and ehe whole pumping arraugemeut disorganized en- tirely. . Last Tlitusday afternoon, about, three o'cileek, e Man °named Friend, -who was journeying from Orogen to Nevada with his wife in a waggon dreawu,. by two. Mateo, had his Waggon burned IT: whichcanie very near burning Up the Searveotee stage station, in Shasta Val ley, some twelvo. eniles south of this town. It seeing that Thiff141 Arld..111a wife mere drivingealong..Iniailtaihr AO about two and half miles beyond or. so di' of the station discovered their waggon all ablaze behind thein, the aro having caught from the igniting of matches in a box under the -mattreas, clothing, and baggage, which inia evi- dently .been. ,Initning some gine before the flames broke mit, Friend then helped his wife to get out, se- that gil could hold the lines for him to get .out. 'While doing so the 'wind blew the fire toward the horses, and ceased themto ge&. frightened and break •leose.froin' Mr before her. husband: could go nom of the lines again alter *Aping oet. The mules then turned.in a circle and ran at a feerfal rate northward toward the and up with in the old country. This is es - stage station, the. beening, waggon set-, , - pecially notObable ameng the women ting fire to the dry greafiewood. folk. , There is one man with his wife brush along the reute, Which burned and eight mead children who came from like a Prairie fire/ the mules and wag- Framlingliara, Suffolk.. He had been gen' appearing like ve,"chariot on fire.. !In the parish Union for sixteen ,weeks J'arb°f°r° reaching the station °Ile... of previous to coming out to Canada', and the wheels was burned off, and soon af- when he was in work his oarinugs only ter -the tw° fey' ward YilleelS name aPart amounted to thirteen ahtnaitga_ it weak. from the waggon, with Which the mules 0,rtinni.-,--se-6-6,rewasilaten. twe, grow., traVelled still faster anctisirdad aViTE'd ing up ;one, a boy of eighteen, used to the stage 'station several tithes, burning mini six shillings a week ; the girl., he.w7 the brush to -within ten feet of the stable, - Skeet% -the keeper of -the ste- ws iiiit.na:Skiiiii wasnearly hausted • and thought of cutting the, -"••••• age::411 tee4; t tliet six children are very tion made every effort' to Save the iitabile shoe4alling .dirt on the blazing smear: Another man. from Fordham, ereee; iye.a.tict, at .haati, . near Newinarket, was out of work, ow- "'" The "'Wind, changiirtilni- the ..south to . nig to the laborers' strike,fornmeteen -- weeks-liefere-eominrontberiVhert, "L' ex - in work. he was getting twelve shillings a week, and during the strike he receiv- ed nine shillings a week... He is mar- ried. Another very respectable looking and intelligent man who comes temuTher- well, neat Newmarket, had money offer- ed him by a farmer'to_etop at home, but he made up his mind to mine to.,Caneelii. Befose leaving, his .master told him that if he wanted to return -;to Xegland he would sence, hime.tho enemy to do SO. -He has a wif'e, ,'nua pt..- daughter about fourteen years Of age, He eays he did not ,ocame away ,because -lie could net get: a Jiving. :In the 'bid' country he could just get a !Wing' and *eep himself te- • immtable, But ibtahe,, "1 could workallniyIife, or as long as My strength -will allow , me, and 1 should have no- thing at the end. If L. get> on Nvell .in Canada.there will be legreat many more come out from our place thaii -hes ever e done before." Theieman was Win lanCildt twenty-seven cimigniite from the -town Globe. . ee.s. Agreeable Finale tte-ati Iristianierlean ltomance in Reel Lire. netruenen- „ _others to Bur well.- • -rn Ne rk, last summer, the police ma a dent" one night on a low un- oeind den of infamous repute; loca- ted at the corner of Bolted and Bridge streets; and *scooped all the intuates• of the place. Among them was &young' woman of striking personal appeakance, Amid twenty-six years at age. ° In the dea she officiated as pianist, and perfor- med With marked ability oil the old rat- .' tle-trap of an instrument which was in the !dace. With the other persons ar- rested, she was marched to the station house and lodged for theidght. in the peornengeuponethe Party being .arraign - .ed before the police magistrate, justice Lambert, the vromatheniannet, no. less . _dweller appearance, attracted 'tgeneral , attention. It was apparent that some- - - how ehe was sadly out of ber sphere. At first she was very reticent about her- *telt, but at length !titibardefted herself totheentagistaittliiiiid -to -a -Banff re- porter present.. She proceeded to un- fold a tale ottivo heiliispheree, in which _giddy girlhotalfaighieriable frivolity, man's heattleesneee and heartaches boie meek it share. It appeared from her story that she was the daughter of Colo- nel jam Hiltchitiseti Garner, a distin- guished Irish soldier in the British Ar- iteravilkeenear Belfaet, Ireland. There the family` dwelb in elegance and com- fort. ',linen. quite. young Itise 'Garner • miiikeica.e4oling hank cashier of the iteighbeihood, named Charles P. Howe, and for yenta ehe honeymoon ap- pearedeteleee itittve WAS quite well off when lie meerie‘but horse -racing fox- , hunting ' peetker- and dissipation 40011 aWallOWOd up his etilistance, and he was fase going to the dogs. At length he 'tended himself). said he was going to turnover. A tleW leaf, and began by getting the World. was Mr. Walter, M.. P., presiding' ab the recent anniverearyediuner of the Print- ers' Pension Society in London, said he had often regretted that lie himself was uot • a practical printer, and he would give an illustration'. of the advantage which a maii in any position of life might (Wye from learning such a trade in his early days. Two or three years ago he had the pleasure of entertaining a most remarkable person, the bishop of one of our most remote and inaccessible colonies, .whose diocese included the whole of the nucleon's Bay Territory. N.Vhen appointed bishop as.a young ivau- he what -would be the Mostad- vantegeaus quell -dee tion hp peelacquire next to dint of. hie Sacred profeasion,in' order to eeemiimenerliiinselfleeethe na- tives of that rincivilized,country; and to render them practical service: .Consid- ering that the wild Indians of those regions poeseesed neither books nor an alphabet, he learned the ra46 book - bider and printer before going to that country, and he had ,hpolot printed which liebound with his own halide, for the benefit of the natives. Thatfeat.May be regarded as a feather irf the cap' of the printing prefeseion. UTY REMOVAL II ONO REDS CURED BY TOE MAIIOND •HIRIENATIC • CURE . . An incident' is reported. 4rt, -Seottish papera which willscem Strange to Cana- dian reader's, and. the ,tanachlin readers willnot be much to blame either. A . . leading- jeweller Of Edinburgh made ap- plication 10 the Lord: Provost's Come mittee to be admitted a "burgess of trade," and the obstacle in the, way of an aceomPlishinent of his desire is cer- tainly .very nevel „though not apparent- ly based Open Common, sense. To, ..bee Mine a burgess of trade -whatever that ee-itwould beeliecasary for the;jeweb ler to bibibit elate° specimen of kis handicraft. 'TIjIiIie was willing; 'enough to do, but there just where the pectui- rity_ocatiTs.. The corporation•of jewel" lers will not allow_ him to manufacture any article till he tan' shove 'a ticket cer; • tifying Olaf Iie is a bravest of trade. As • With - both conditions, the famous query; of barge loose« Taking advantage of the change of wind he renewed his efforts nud succeeded in .extinguishing the fi. around the station.. UR einigrants ha4 $340- in coin, a gold mach,. eonaiderable jewellery; and some One guar in the waggon, all of which they :tonna again, but (hey lost. all their clothes except what was on theirbackse About 200 yards of Wm.. Townsend's fence was also. burned. Nothinghtit the tires and a small -piece of the' tongue of the wag- gon was loft; and the mules had their tails linveed off anditheir bodies severe - 1, 'wombed. Their dog, tied behind the waggon, was also burned badly be- fore the fire 'teemed the rope and let simply wbo rigl ithEai him loose, -Yreka Journal. pac et IS labellea , water or milk. James Epps & Co., . -efe•••eir, ' • mpipathic Chemist:1,y LOndon. ' Boas Tweed wonla Soon to -have, been made to fit theicaee •" What is he •go- ing t�d� about it T' The matter -is not .„ Of mncbractica1 consequence to us in Canada; but will bear laughing over as one' of the greatest absurdities of a trecle organization ever made public. BRITARFAsT--EPPS'S COCoA.-,GRATZFuLAND Coinioxitree,.:-By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws -which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition and by a Careful application of the fine propatiek of -welll-se- lected down, Mr. Epps has , provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills, --Civil Service Gazette. 'Ma e •111. Ill MANUFACTURE 01? „ C000A..1.-WO W ROW _ give am account of the process e pted by - Messrs James Epps & Co., manitacturent of The Orkney 'II erald gi. ves an inns: tdietetio articles, at their works ta the EIs- ingai ccount of an ncident which occur- oe Road, London.:See article in f.' ' Tea in theparifih 'church of ilirsey some Ihuseh°14 amide. ' - AILWA.T. TRAVEr illa ' av travelling years ego. During the singieg Of the le a - - - raeReidilzwo.itlitly) safest firiA psalm a goose entered. the church «lrawbacks evislirnoirg niz and _quietly - waddled' up the passage to- injoenrednwhile travelling by itile MOO et rin.Fs°41. ward the milpit just as .the precentor inthalf a million. had got out of the tune and'almose come le\fow Wilirlear:eitsinvtetfetrear .w thatt it is ao yin& safer than the ollIer to to a standatill-ii not very. iiiiiitsual-oe- we have in 0• 060Z:elan" currence at that time. The Minister, aingesttarokyliere4;:thlgi!:ieceottearltusaf,e and sure observing the gooee, leaned over the side' for the cure of eloU sammer compaints. l'or elle bynntruggiads of the pulpit, and addressing the ',buret -officer/ said/ ",11.=, put out thatgoose." THE GREAT SUPERIORITy.OF DR The functionary not obser•ving the pron. Wheeler's Compound Elhdr of Phosphatea and trice Of tho feathered patellionere and Cali3aYa c°nBisto.jults being liatalY phytiologi• TIYIS STATEMENT 18 SUBSTANTIALLY a feet 'based upon evidence in the possession of the agent, m the shape of numerous testi- monisia from paet sufferers in all the walks of life, and particularly from some of the Mad respectable and trustworthy familiee in the Dominion. Diamond liheumaticOure • • , Itt it histery this invaluable thedleine occu- pies the meet honorable position for any re- medy to attain. A few years eine° it was known only to the friends and neighbors and patients of the proprietor, and always sought for by them whenever troubled with Itheunia- tismt and in' thin wily came te the -notice of physzoiane generally, and through their faVor- abIe expression, and its.aelthowledged value *as a Bhuematic Remedy, the demand for it itt vbroceanpriteetsoor frtoixeliteorteaat ehrfeenta944eitijeociabltr, manufacture. It:: repetition rapidly indinid. ed, and Soon ordere, letters of enquiry, lettere of thanks, and eatilleatea of praise were daily received from all eations of the United States -and Canada; and in this way, on a'basis of its Ideaelene-unaided by 'tricks 01 the and special effortS-it bas risen to its:present enviable, Peeitlen, W.1101.01"91' intted-04tals it has'riapetafidlire flatter:rig pTeleri sugo n the treathlent of I rbellinfitiff-ocatiPlaMtit. In this We are really grateful and happy; not alone beomise out.. medicine finds ready sale and, je.00nsequently profitable to us do we say this but beeluiee we open new field in Med- ioal'Seienett, and cure at once what the best medical praditioners have for ages found so filfell to Tolley°, We ell opiate here- tefore ;, we relieve .tho suffarin,g and minister to God's poor sve restore the laboring man to tile use i)f-hte' injured limbs, and save the sores of times its cost in doc- tor's, bills; wo carry contentment and, glad- ness to the hoine of the afflicted, and;oonse- miently are remembered by millions of grate- ful soule.-,7.Thousande have .been changed by the use of We remedy, from week, sickly, suffering creatures, td .strong; healthy and, happy men and women," and sufferers' cannot -T'hiresaainnediabelinreiNiasitiaotie* st4alegiIatc,a11114:hne.a1D.rug• gists throughout Canada. If it happens that your Druggist lre not got it a stook ask JAM to send for it to • • • • NORTHRDP: LYMAl!IT, .• Agaiits. for Ontario, „Scott etfeet; Toronto, Olt TO DEVINA '11C BOLTON, .._,..;„Notre Dame Stmet, Agents-pi-Quebec- •Pt:iee, 51 00 per bottle. 'Largelrettles 02.00. • • liga30,4874 • -11INLCAR MITERS • Ara. Walker' orals, Tint,, egar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preperetion, made 'chiefly from tile nee tie() herbs found on the lower ranges of tlee Sierra Nevadamountains of Center. Pia, the medicieek properties of which ere extraoted'therefrom without the use doeallAyittecle°41., 03irTVIebQatqlellestht4194CeOiSeeneir t°111 unparalleled success of VnithetAn Bee. =net" our enaworlai that they rOMONT, the cause of disease, Ond the pationt re. ,covers his health. They are the great blood purifier audit life-giving principle, it perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the system. Never before in tile history of the world has a mace:le-been corapolieded possessing the remarkable gorklitoireeeovferVynsossoftmetatarraritliulnorlietalino.. Theythe aro a gentle Purgativo as Well as a Teta, 24trlicisloiollievago,r;°:Lngeityttiroerdl°r Oirneaars,minattle°401inioul The properties of Dn. WAL'wvalki VINEGAR Bingos aro Aperient, Diaphoretle, Coeadrmiatinveet,iovoaulfauetrraltrtrioritans, tlifiguedtolvzionliureoe40; • Live, and Anti -Bilious. 11. 11. lifelliONALD oo„ , • Druggists and Gen. Arts, San Francisco, California, aurdaeoeiritooflvaasulum.reporgagliidoeslatilniteanDStAa., 'Nev. 011:. • t sumo', BooK nun- ..•••••*. OTO The tuidersepeed het movie Wstoolt to the *her fermarlY oeeumed by,.next doer to the ftweeellogioe, w he will be happy tO meet his old elletAtIlailli t...0 whew VII returns:thanks for past_papgie. Ile sem , divert kap on had a Elsi k of Oni WAICKES ani .j. REM, _ 70 -Am 1.1 FOR BAROAIN'S IN (Also the CELEBRATED RUSSELL IV4T00, • All kind* of %teem and Clocks etripairOi. Vielallent and Nitarreintest, JoarollorY, Umbrella*, Feresole, ere., 80:el •ee neatly rapaired. Raving had thiete years experience, ha el confident he elin give satisfactioil to thaw" who may fever hinewith a Remember the place, next door to Mellame's leookatere. • BARITZT• )'OWtEll. Olieton, hug. 28, 1873. •9 Blyth' Flouring Mills, firlibl subscriber begs to tender his Most sincere thanks to his aunierows ensue mere in the surrounding townships and the public generally for their liberal petronege, mad would further notify them that he has lately eddedmilat ,important.ipmrovements to his maohinery by putting in A now boiler double the p„ower 'heretofore used, mid by many otheremporteet improvements, tome tiler with first -Masa millers, he Is prepared ta do nrat-olass work in (MISTING, Cli/OPIANG, (te Grits weighed in mid one. Faith* from it „distance can have their grista home with them the ramie day. Good Fleur and Mill Feed always for 841.4 moderato I ; LTJMBER LUMBER. I steins o Booxts AND STATXONE.8.1( .YZiJi4ROE ILN VOlitr.,48iamoo. • A vera lar'ge stook of! Wall Paper, Borders, - ANI) WINDOW, SHADES, , T.crro, PANOY GODS qlswlir.a4mr. ()ROQUE* SETS, f3AIFT. All sold, at.lowea P11000, DIM GOODS AND OROCERIVA NEW GOODS CONSTANTLY ARIVIVINO wawa opi BE SOLD BELOW REGULAR VALUE. P ODUOIE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE, For which the highest cash price will be allowed. • The Subscriber sveuld also inform the pub. lie thatlie -boa it largo stook, of •lumber of different kinds and lengths: Pine from 10 to 20 ft.; Hemlock, from 10 to 26,; cherry, Buernut, White Ash, maple, Soft and Reek E1, in length:: to snit the public, which en. ab es him to fill all orders -that he may be favored with on the,„ehorteat notice fUld most reasonable term, • E2f"K.EtLY, PAoslixllt0E. Dlyth, March 6, 1872, 2.tf DQNtTRAILTO CALL &1D SECURE BAROAINS S. GZEA.14ND, Opposite the Market. ••• April 8, 1874. O. OP Alt Leading Periodicals, (Iv:, ?Supplied. 'W". 49114411A . Express Office. Chutoa ttug Z), 1873. ' SION• OF THE BIG BEDSTEAD, • (EsTatuatze 18540 • Large stook of goad Household raratture, home manufneterei made of apasoneclmateriaL A fine assortment of imported work, such as Wood and Cate Seat Chairs, Sofas Loun- ges, What -Note, Cradlea, Mattresses,' Spring Beds, 'Carved Brackets, Rustle Framers, &o.' Picture:framed with Gilt or Rosewood,and Gilt Mouldings, Rustic Frames, weed, mould-- ed'of plain. •• . , , Good valuegiven to alt wile May purcluuse, with moderete mime . , Grocer, NISTiue and Spirit Merchant, 0- ALURT, STREET,.• (EAST SIDE CLINTON, 'ONTARIO.. WEOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERIN CiEt4DICE FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISTONS, , WINES AND Flour, Galtrteal, Cernnwal, Cracked ; **heat and Unbolted Oats, ;Peas; • &o., &c.,:,constantly on. kancl. ,fust Itecolwed a fitll ttaiatintent of.China, Crociterfo Clitsiware• OC?411.14011, ETO. Ciff0DS DiSLIVIMOI IN ANT PART flif TIIE TOWN. , C •Otariox, 1874. 17 ottome. Just What is . nted." . • IN clam NeW liteirelehment 01114 and Fruit awl Confect' • ary Store. ' lip S . P S 0 l*T. Dogs •iespeetfully o announce' 'that ehe has optineCi Refreshment Ro s and a Fruit and Confectionery Store" 'in the building Next p or to the "Mew Era" Office,. Year Fl Cerner, /saao Street, Clinton,. where ,he • will at 41 times bo prepared to furnish No and 4oldifeeds. and everything kept in. connection with a ili•st•clasa Restaurant, at moderate prices., Prnit and potifectionery, Plea, CSIKOS And otItor aelleaoles always on Ulla. •• roz coleAlw . AND SUMMER blitilIMS. Now on Laoa... • Remember tho place -Next (lout° the NEW EEA office and near Fisher's Corner. • Clinton, May 8,1874. OtillfiON " PLANIN G MILL SASH; 1)001i AND .BLIND •i'ACTOXtit HURON ST.RRET; CLINTON. 'Mow rutia-82,4vtatit 2$11414Erte mi.country eaters. price 25 cents per bottle. cal an its action m restaing a forms ef debility suppoeing that the mieistet'a direction supplying the waste of tissues resulting from had reference to the precentor, ,rearched any muscular exertion and thug preventing ner- ve:x:1 ,prostration Ai ti, general &Why, For OP to that . individual, and to ,,the no budding up onstitutions oblow vitality from small eilmeeMelit of tile meagre 'eongte- scrofulone, or consumptive diseasea, or imPaired gatiou, collared him saying at the mine by dissipation and bad habits; it IS unequalled, as it immediateli imparts energy to the digest., tinee,e" dbute out o' that, fallow 1" ' ........-,....1111H1114.11.0,:,......*... • . ive.opparatas, and creates healthy blood, toning , St., .7.0a!pb, Ilielied 800 quarts of.striew- U110 Man 011 the 1V1oMaster farm, HOST in the _Setae manlier asc.our daily. food. l'hos• ,. ,., and vitalizing at once all the organs ofelthleaobrooduts: ii=tveedtli; ttlilleYe;IttliPillanat81 Van 'berries in seven, clays. gifi befit Pleh- for maintaining the vitalliowers. 4 °n tog was 184.quarts. A. novel mae took place Re Pittsburg , ifi!ilisAelfsnoteS(TtlirFa;letPrn,etYt'ililigrigliTri: ifteizartfigd atiby Man ; an ,t' Bryan's Pulmonic we - recently, three Indians undertaking to wit asasnUTOpOnilrOonenaugh a , colds., tickling in run five miles and eighty ' yards while the tbro t d and pestAnnee Will riestro7 erevPelaelnettiri4oart four horses -two runners and ..two pito; "ers-LeOvered 'ton ° Miles'. 'The Indiana tro!tusentemed tokeeoner. er later 'emir te iticUranie , Dt Ili Onttthestrength of the strongest relieved each other every quarter of 41 scOR habil if neglected. The readiest and best' means known for the core of these complaints is mile.. ' . . "Bryan's Pulmenle Wafers " which have been Sorrertimersineeirgentieunin Wail tilt)virugeliZretif10121-1tUoLtr4SLitne r :V 'yelling on a Western railway train that ntiblic. sPeakers 'will, also derive' great benefit' had but one passenger coach attached, from_. •the ake of thein. Sold b 11 The gentleman is addicted to the had eera at 25 cents' Per hoe. Y a mediel-ne habit of snioking. 'He had but one To (lemmas or Tfonses.---It IS it welatt sted fad, confirmed by the experience of theusaends, diger ite the time. and longed fora smoke weciatv: lit/leg 9-.tgoit Powders and Arabian fir lietiitilted'ethilikiiee that eineke Might. Finally, know that it has been useg in many cases wher: sengereethe only One AbOafd, be unpleaettne toet faseinating lady pas- thing of the rdad re ot:v17e er uflivecurPriiiiiev;te W- 1110 horse em beep_ oneklered almost WorthlesS, he omild. endlirP th.a..PrivatitM_Pl. Ifmg:._ .witlii the most satisfaciterY result the- hone tir, and, taking out the (Agee and reach- having been restored to perfect stoilildness or 80 much benefitted that the coMplaint could scarce- ing to' tho seab ivhere she sat, asked iy.inxi observed. Many :melt horses have after- itlikeh9131%.71.1424.74,4.%14.1,:p nor, s beelid sold for froin $50 to $100 more than Agar, " left my papa far -iteam•2' eider this. Remember the name, and dee that well worth tin: difference 3.. et all interested eon. many or our nadors. ow/ ,iiit„, agthecsi_imature of Hurd & Co., is on each peek. Northrop & Lyman, Neweirqtle, Ont., aware that there is in existenee an of rietors for Canada Bold by alt medicine It erniclii2 the owners of len khan cat Iro Nervous ffittliorors4 0,11 s romp . Ira g the ler,WOO have"previouslr brought, and were to -prevent the apreacl of Gill tidistleee dealers. cloven time igroweeig uPon their lands ffre../. 13etn Snototti Speolitititivi road pm, not long tilt Mrs HOwe followed him/ to prevent them going to sand, or be li- ablo. to fitte,of not less Abaa $2, nor more. than $10, for every soh offence. 1( 11 the ditty of oterkette of highway* te see that the provisions of the Act are carried out within their respective high- way tlivitiority tO3 pain Of penalty. Clark* of triunkipalitiett are required to etetiondeitittitir est down tidal e ndtheir then bed Illta On this side thiskdhisi t that In Irak .41 11Uppliell tat) • tititat her teddest troltblee carry it heavy oross. Ater Rowe &mafl. drinking up all the ed frOM opulent *Canada. Alt.then n, She allag. at •her htuth totrakohyiti the Oreat Paglish .Remedy for all nervous debility frost whatever muse arising, have elready been so then:100 totted Canada as to require little to be said in their ilivor-as a eortain mire Sr those( Winterising isymptonis arising from errata or youth. Self Simpsen was ellen and friend of the. 106 Willie Moeely, I..ondon, Ylnulautl, the inOit 'Celebrated slithotitY the world no lids sob. Ject. Iris partner is now visiting, Canada, and le prentred lo 'rise advice free to all, and forward PIN (111151, etc. if itini'led to<--tuldreastint Dr. X, 110,1 nircieseti Co. -Drawer iff llaaliliali. Two .boxea Pille Will else be t Mini to rely pet proems, soother linefeed men otenoweei, itt I,ll0 0 e' altretteetnt 1%ilo*Irm. t lithattrithl, t MIAs. 1. VS Ate Ahtl rstdit pateue TOG TO INTIMATD To BUILDERS -AND -THE of new machinery to their mill, and are now Prof area to manufacturown kinds of Deere, Blinds, Sashes, 3,1ould. him do., to order, at the shorteet notice, and at prices ,that will defellompetition. 'Parties intending to buil& !Mold doivell to eve them scall, Ha they *Melee keep en handa largo stook of all • kinds -of -Dry -Pine Limber,' Sashes, Doom, Blind, Mouldings, ao. • , They feel eonadorit Of giving satisfaction to all who • may favor them with their. patronage, EltiOrl9 bat first. •olass Workmen aro onlv1dy0d4 • " . Particular attention paid to Custom Planing. 'Flooring tongued and greeted for $2 per thousand.. , na. • AcE,• • do 110ron.8t. NS da MILLER., 181. • T 0 NI Carding and'• Fulling, 4* -Y -ST I C I . cure tencorrhceis tes), Painful Men- stination,Ineeratbni of the Maas, Ovarian diseases, Absent -Menstruates and all diseases ,known as Female Weakness, They su•e Prepared , with thergreatdst care, ander thopexamansuperz vision of a physician' who has made temple (Hs - Dales a apeeltil 'Andy for many years, and they are a Medicine on WWI) V* /140TED 'WM • • Can depend No the hour pa time of weer as SW unfailing Ito, • Nesou+,!* FEMALE,ItECITILATOR. eeirSOld bv all Bruggialll everywhere. / Price, Ono box, el; six boxes, $5 sent by mall • ftee of postage fiecurely sealed, frimobsavation • Plot fun particulars write for Our pamphlet, whiell • We will send in a Staled eirvelopeIo any addreas on receipt of post stamp to pre -pay return pcatego. Addness ell letter for Pal/Millets or Obi10, •,W1/441111 SHAY a co:, Whidsor, Ont., • maa la cunt.g u, •sazales cormen, and oy tu Druggists over/where. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto Wholesale Agente. ARGAINS ! ntsMOns CLDARINO tat old stock, to make room im IMPOita• HOW, Is offering greet bargains in Boots, Shoes & Gaiters! fraying some damaged by the late afire, 1w will sell elten alnzOsl,a1 any iiride. Tun SURSCIUSURS WOULD INWSME FOPARRS ua tho public generally, that the *Woollen Mill lately occupied by Mr. 'P.R. Foster,have been purelmeed by them, and are limy in fall operation, where they will proished to fpraruktislii of • .-S'OOIL AS -1, Carding, Pullidg and Finishing. • A.1.1 ASSORTMENT Olf • 1W4343111$) FulL.Cloth & Flannels On hand te seil for einth, or event ri °rehouse for wool J. 84 T, 0411)301sTS, 0ttnoN,11.718i lett Oa TYBODMATIoN IN MUDD TO DAXOta., A. NES ot taking an land, how te.00pojpricoa, 0101 !Nat on fseldpfr Of cant!, s. 3„. mottEws, tioodandr Dakota, U. it:T. PRITIT TREVS1 The lint °orders have the teat chance of getting 'good bargains. roe-sri—si-44ittat„ JOHN STEEP. • Clitirtin, July 14, 1874; For Sale: A itott Itt THU TOWNSHIP OF GODERICIt ; 80 ..43g. acres. A good frame house gad gratis bend Kull orchard. . • Andy to , • emote. A STOVYAND A HALF W unsTo-Tvags easr. Apply *6 5. moot*. di.d9T-Togtzggem,.trAIIAIAR!:.,,, • . •.! c, n: ' Clinton, Mir 11,,1874., 20, SHORT Ne4 Pagano. gOONOMY I colifoRT Tatoiao.*Ittworioaf ontlititIte4114.11.11.211:Aatntr/ will% 1711kia4 vial-4kt ROYAL mAiri 841t4t40 tiog i*Esito too ii6n04$1, at in ta. Tits eattittittitmlet ii1141100filit‘tagatit for thii Mos, Whhl siva all MOM/ iiittouthit Sig aid WOW 41 154 Umiak Midi I2I. tittia, 11 UND ERTAKINC. An elegant Hearne for Hire. A quantity of very fine Shrouds, cheap. Funerals attended and all furnishing::supplied at reasonable rates; A largo atock'of Coffins, Moulded and plain; always on hand(trimmed tosuit) e:ther silver-plated furnitilro or otherwise. -Remember tire Stand -Albert street, oppo- site, the Market • . " THOS. STEVENSON. Clieten,Aug..20, 1673. . ItIc ENT SHOP!.. iN "..471E74T . . TuiE SUDSORIBER-IWISIIES TO ...STATE THAT HE ;HAS OFENED OUT A firat-class Harness Shop in Olinton, where he 'Rill' keep on hand it choice selection of everything in his line, ES10114M3 harness of every:description .vanif.PS, TRUNKS, VALISES, BEUSI-IES. OCITUri npill4S. CATTLE* ,(10,hiBS, .• • . . . And everything that is usually found in a first-class Harness Shop. Light Harness 'got up in the latest ,and most improved Style. The best inaterial-used; and first•eles worleiniaiship guaranteed.•: COLLARS ef every de- ' icriPtion made to order, and warranted to give satisfaction. The public, are respectfully in.. si:yited to all andnee for themselves. REPAIRING PROMPTLY...ATTENDEp TO. toinember the Place:1-'1;10.es, dative west led* ;Pinker et Bartow's.; neuron Street JOHNCAMPBELL, PROPRIETOR. , Clinton, .tan. 14,4874. • . . 12 THOMSON -&-; WI PLIAMS, • .21griewitunit ZmpleTc,n6, - colaBo :tngitte tydrhs, .r, . . MITOHEtL ols1r Huron Street, Clinton.* HE undersigned, while thanking his numerous.custpmere for the very liberal support they. havelaccorded him miners he has been in inisunseilli- Clinton) would inform them that he has removed his shop to the were ecluwediella building lately erected b7 him on littron Street, in the rear of Kuox Hotel, where he hopes to meet his former customers and as many new ones/ as may favor him with their patronage. Horse Shoeing Will reoeive his most careful attention, and in connection with this part of Itis .business he will combine that which is very necessary to insure complete success, namely, that of a thorough knowledge of all diseases of the foot of thh horae- .Farmers and„othera may rest wowed that their orders will receive, prompt. attention, His prices aro moderate, end the subscriber trusts' he will receive that patronage which strict at- tention to business and a long experience in it -it good guarantee for good iverk=should Pnlete rritiUlar etention• Paid to Plat and. Con. traded Peet, Interfering, de. THOMAS TIMING}, iteterinaey Horseshoer. Clinton, Aug. 20, 1873, . 80 _ AGENcv. OF. PhcenU. .Mutual Life INSURANCE courAivir, . - . Of Hartford, Conti, 9oderiek Fowl. dry and .. Manufaetroing Co. ASSETS OVER $9,00th000. J Bog to inform the puhlic that they aro prepared, to ne iiiritat for ... m....•"' :team Brigines. and. Boilers, ,• • • .,:nn20::5 4.71 47:;.ff N •••• • We are iiianufacturing largely this !mason, the celebrated • Johnston Solflato in1 Reapor,and. 1ho Cayuga Chief jr,, fold, , Which we believe lathe hest harvesting Mackin* in use. We are also manufacturing the zsiiZ EiE/111,111Eli rATEN'11 BROADCAST SEE'DER. ANL -a0r...TIYArito:a. • All kinds !Of Agricultural -Implements kept on hand. . A trial or linplements offered, and / satisfaction ,guaranteed. - oar' Parties haring good, elean land, imitable for }lax Growihg; ' are .requeated to leave weed with W. W. IPAREAN, pi*, or .101IN MURPHY, Agent, Clinton. • ,BePairing done at Reter Grant's', Clinton, Hugh Blith ;4nd R. 'PoWne" * Manchester, add all Material kept for repairing. at neighborinsg , • ' THOM ON 85 WILLUMEr. Aprif 8, 1874. GOD,E4I011 tat PPIINDRY: W. 11, COOPER, • Ir., ESPECTFULLY annouiic s that he has been...cominitaioned-hP-Ileisers Phrey kMeGregor,the managers in Ontario, to receive -applications for iusitrance in the above world-teuowned Company. Pull per- tieulars as to rates for life, and every defserm. Unit of endowment:insurance,. may be had on application to W. It Comere Jr., at the Coniinercial Hotel, Clinton, Ont. . n. vEssuivomx, 3. P. Buns% • President. • ' Secretary Clinton, 4th Feb.. 1870. 32 • f0 TO S20 trottiri Agaltlif olasseil of working people„ of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for Mt in their spate moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Partiouiara free. e Address, O. STINSON & CO., Portland, gable. •fk AvOIDQ1ACe1fe8. •litirVoilii debility, promature decay, &c., hav. Boiler. .1 . • Flour, Grist and Saw Mills, Stave.), Be Luling ana Shingle Machina, :Saving . Mactilles$ "ithreitb.ing Machines and Horse rowers, Leff0„. Watt Wheels, Ste.' 01NT' Itt§..14§T3D) -411111ULAR 1301tat118- A.M) GINS fl • . Iron fend Wooden Plottse steel Boards, Gant PlOttfrhi, Clainitorg StrIald' Chatter., ft.. allow arid potatat- getout, Grata Dorm O, mE. A victim of early indiscretion, causing Bozo', 464 ;morAng, Parlor and Boz I:Wives' .Intriciul zda AT sADTO 6RDEn, •og tki.a in vikin CV011 advertised rented'', , . Also; Iron'and Brut Castings', tat 111401011Alth Wart. ell, . Address, $. if. ' itamvss, 78 Nassau Ay • • and 'Salt Pans Repaihred no, abort Notice. •ha. discovered a aimpio means of eolecare, , which ho will timid free to his follow.suffer• Sg4t., Noir Tor, k, Or 0 yi(:14;,,Iiit- 1YIAN 0 T," A- ....t0IIII3ALD ITODOV, 0 sout, 01/A111111,10,” lil •1 4141 kaarealefd to the Company, or heoretfory, will reeti..e.e prompt atteati;:tatai 4421. ,118:1 it, otiti 0 0 tsi 1188 ,4 ji7 iiiiiAL ,ritiossatitaiiii:176134414to :tivoitiOnuitiOEia:°,4010:4 TON', Smola Mental antes tan sial * • ill ili 1 ' how oitki a may faieltiate and gain the love isa Secretary kid Wrematra., ilifiletione of any isstion *hay shoo* indent 1