Clinton New Era, 1874-08-06, Page 444 110 sod low.
y Milly
Vtoisi the wpdre'a son te tisherdsiottli**0';
Ant she wailed with * merry giver,.
And pi. tetels, "tenor Pa equal oh*noe.
troy Maul Donald, the hordlomoVa la43,
The law* to leYed hes the more wearier'.
For what with the Souire's son," thought he,
"3h� never willtern thought to met"
, Bitt 400 ht the Wade* he ralt.4 the hey,
Veiea 14141r want' 'deicing *lens that wey.
wetched, her pis, end she cried, in Jest,
" ' *TAT bird' -you knew the rest 1"
•Theasuddenly Donela grew 0014.(1
Thet the "o4, old story" sees (wieldy told;
And blue-eyed Maly wee nothing loth
- Oa that surainer Morning to plight her troth,
,"Ob, fooliii4 Donald," she cried In glee,
" To waito log for a list from me 1" ,
4 IMO 'wilily over the dew -wet grass
Tripped Donn4Mil,id own eweet
'• If Brutes •Could Talk.
Farmers, very generally it ia,evident,.
fillto realize to the full extent hew sus-
-40,eptiblethe beast is to paw: and how
Iteenl$;„ it soften from neglect, and to
the Same extent how fondly it •enjoys
a kind act from the harnrof the oWner,
, No farmer should be unmindful of his
day'to lne deineetie -aninsais, or let
berkine ire engrossed in.Iiis intr.
suits ,as to be bum' to the necessities of
the 'bilge,- Beasts cannot tell them
suffering, and advantage is too often ta-
. •„keti of this; ,there is, money to be made
bytbeir servicee; and it pekoe no odds
to many how Lard they ire worked er,
'4Ovi,grossly they aeri;tregleCted aftei• tlfe
dity'5 work is.Ariished.': When the lime
bandman riturel from, the field at night
after, folleWing., the plough for many
- Weary ,hourerhe-enjoys a good 'heeety.
• meal and" a sett 'bed; but does
he ni-
ways yetneraher 'when' enjoying . these
contforts that the team which has kierw,
Vt(faithflilly,all'diii is standing , tied to
a rack of musty bay and nothing but
the hard floor of the Stable to rest upon?
.7U:our:hi:MO could talk.there could
.miinY stories of *offering and neglect
tokii4atrAilci tut the Terriers to shatne.
iiiiinnfOrt to linow that there are".
,hurearie men in the land; those who me-
th° brutes in their keeping with the de-'
gree consideration and attention thin
-is a blessing to both servant and mas-
ter; a blessing to the master In More
respects than one, for in the first place
he respecthiroeelf inthe consciousness
of night doing; in the second place all
his acquaintances respect him ; in the
third, placele..always has a team to bo
, proud of, for Wis. tat and sleek from the.
very nature, of the time; and fourthly
he. gets a greater 'profit, from his hones a ant:-
teals. His .cod-
`110401i to. do good day's work, and .,.by
• • aving an extra arueu,nt of muscle can
move a heavy load when required to de
o.' The cows of this farmer .giye extra
quantities of milk ; his Sheep extra,
clips of wool; his swine superier pork;
in fact, he has all the adventages.
Kindness to aniniale always pays; and
as they cannot tell when' they are sick.
.or ; sintering, their 'habits should
closely studied; and *their inariageMenf
such that if they could talk it good re-
.• port ofsmage would be given. 7 -
Barley for Herpes.
This cezialibeinadi inalbureen, sugar,.
gum and, in7:feitst,' allthe elements of
• - online] nutrition, and Contains in aery
degree thoffe- substances which-
-enter most,o the composition•
• of fat and flesh. ' Asa substitute for
olds in feeding horses it is unsurpaased,
its notive Propettiee being, at; coin
pared with the -latter; ih the proportion
• of three to two; in other Words, a bush-.
el or 60 lbs. of barley contains 39 lbe. of
nutritive matter, whilst'''. bushel of oets
Contains only about 25 lbs. In; Great s
Britain and ort/the Continent of Europe, w
a barley -math iii tbe evening is con- a
sidered indisnaniuthie to the cerafort and 14
Well-being of the% horse,; and there is a
little-deubt thatthis course Ot treatment y
noctount$ •ilargt1y'4" for, the 'plumpness' �E 1
rib .suid glassiness Of coat for. which the
• cavalrY horses of the English, Trench, _
and other EuroVeni::sirmies are so re•
markable.- '
-- • •
• hies for-Farineri'
. • , •
, If you invest your inoneY toolii and si
•, leave them.' exposed ter the weather, it is tu
, the Myna NS iOttnitg *MI to a ;peat ea
with eeetuity,--it dead loin both 814
cases. •cr
• If yort invest youe.finoney' in books in
and *aver read them, Jt*". ke the sae as d
putting your money Tia ii.Dbartk`d'and', so
*ever drawing either the principal prtenet. •' in
1(yOu invest your money in the stock
and de not feed and protect them and
properly care for them, it is the sae as
dressing your wife in eilk to do kitchen •
terra ons.
• A. t.J1oI Melee had Iwo -column
aoemiptiofo", botellin that atty. Thei
beige; after 'reading leaver carefully,
held a meeting and denounced, theme,
for not mentioning them. •
An old clergyman, spying n boy
erseping through a fence, exclaimed ;
" 1 crawling through a fence!
Vise do that," "Yes," retorted the boy,
"and old, hoge go along the street."
A politician washing to compliment a
well•te-do farmer, said ; "You must
have begun life early to accumulate ouch
an estete as this 2" “YeR,' replied the
farmer, begun life when 1 was a mere
A t Dennis," said a lady to a roan elle
had assisted it' ohtaining work, • "'you
have a gaga master now, I ein certain
you can not •do too • much for him."
Faith, Mum,' fetid the greutful Denois,
-"/ don't mune to." '
. ' •••• •
'See here, Joe,' said a gentleman to•a
stupid fellew, 'hat is the use of year
stealing after that rabbit when your gun
no look on it fr You jos' keep still,'
Snarled bet.' the 'rabbit dun know 'bout
my gun's havile no Ingle onto it,'
A Chinese author, na %recent' book
of tras eli,. thus describes an Amerie,an
court; '‘One man site silent and some
tunes shakes 'hie head ; two or three
others talk all the time r arid twelve
wise num condemn a man Who lies •not,
field a word.".
• • 'Whenevot. S'4u see a small bey einerg.
ing from thehottee with his left • arm
shading his eyes and the other smoot
ing the 'basement of his trousers,it is, ea 0
to arriVO the conclusion thelie has
been arising thebootjack around hi
father, -
A Speculative' Vcoteli L./gentlenlan,
Wanting to disposebf-trome-beetrto
tract purchasers printed the' following.
placard "Extensive sale of live Stock,
00134prieing net less -than 140,000 bead,
with an unlimited right of pasturage."
"The, ingenius:trieksticeeeded in whining'
admiration, for his stock brought _high
A New °asap, 'Delaware, woman has
beery tolerably thrifty since h,er mar-
riage. During the twenty-four years. of
litre Connilbial joys she has added a dar-
ling hopeful, yearly, to her blossoming
household. She hasnow twenty-three,
. and don't expect to do better tAwa.,.§k,
lieS".done in tITO yeariV ,
Froridh 4outtemonA:Rho_ouptiosed.
he' had mastered the 'English" language,
was sadly puzzled' oneday when a friend
looked at him earnestly andAtild, 'How
do yoti 'Do vat ?' asked the French,
man. I mean, how do you find your -
Self: Seire; ]i never • loses myself.!,
'` d9 you feel ?' ' Striooth--
you just feel me.'• . .
' In olden days; if a Counter juniper
tOok toe' ranch Wilier arid got into
trouble, he was Sure to figure in the p0 -
lice reports next *louring as a- medical
student. ',No* it Appears another, cless
of men --ire to have a turn, for a gentle-
man who, had a little difficulty:with the
polka/the other night, rind was fined $3
in thelnerningrdescribedAnnaelf-aea
"journalist.", This is too- bad. • Nowa-
paper men have gage enough to bear
front the gibes of an unkind world,
without having this 'sort of, stigma cast
A. man who bid been cruel t6liehorse
Was convicted in Little- Shasta, Califor-
nia.' The jury fixed the fine at one
dollar, and the justice followed with a
peech. This man's been hied four
tithes, gentlemen of thejirry,"; be said,
'and you're the first twelve that had
einie enough to find him .guilty. But
hat•under heaven -did you :make
sses of yourselves for by putting the
no at one dollar,' after you'd done an
verage decent thing. 'Taint rini7
our h_fls.j.O.Aff5-4u-yr:,,way-*,hrit' he's fined.
Ti look efter that rilyself. It'll .be
ixty dollars."
ral tubs Oi
utter ;shipped from•Copenhagen to New
orkintveheenleturned; The hones
e butter is too enterprising for those
ple Yorkers. In the centre of each
b were peeked' oyster cans, filled -with
lt.,end other materials of about the
me weight as butter. , Th9 local buy -
did not discover the cheat- until, test -
g 'a lot from "the same dairy a few
ays ago, his trier struck the foreign
bstanee. .Communicating with the
ew York house, othoLtubse•erefounr1
similar condition, and (veto returned.
The New York Ilerald of - Friday
ys, "that it is in possession of a letter
om the steerage pasitengers of a trans.
tenths steamer that las just reached
hat port. The letter is filled: With
rong complaints of the nriterable dis-
mfort of the voyage. There was but
entrance from the upper deck for
era& and int'erruediate passengers
d the crow. Ms stewards and cooks
re drunken, disobliging and insolent,
stewardess • having being provided
the steerage, the helpless females
re in, want of attenclanee OaFti`whol.,
neglected unless they allowed the
rnefully indecent liberties,pf the male
vents. The cooks aeveral trines re-
ed a drink of water Unless they were
turn treated to liquor, and altogether.
voyage was most wretched.
Islrovrz OANNSE, SHOW. —The literary
lic of the old college town of Hudson,
ia in the county of Surninit, State
lno, was advised that Will Carlton,
author of " Faun Ballads," would
o somethie,1 to say oa Sittui;day
if. ..... anther is Very popular Witi'.
lecture -going people, of Hudson, so
y all determined to give him a rouser.
the lecturer was to, speak upon do.
tie themes, it Wag' 'thought heat by
committee, oat Of compliment to the
ect, and the leading induitry of tha7
orto-mako:Irliplatidid diapley, olonr
ing domeeticlireduet. According -
as there were no, eheirain...the,,halli-
as ,eatted with ktliottsand large -Biz: -
hose bong: lantafiiIIV arranged in
druphs rows ; the platform was gar -
red in, like wanner, and to lop the
ac Or- domestjc. appropriateness, a
apild of $.114 cheese WAS improvised
Itittleheatiiftt *cat for the *either.
offiters o t ivenbig ; also for tha
L This arrangement gave tr. peon.
pungency to the *taloa here
part of the hall, and vet. euggestive -of
sharp Was and atrong sentiments.—
' t
If yotr invest your money in choice et
fruits and de not guard and give them do
a chance to grow and ,prove their value, on
it is the satire ati putting a good hand lite
in to the field with poor tools to work .atit
with. • ' wse
le-youlernoney in a good era
` farm and do not oultivate it well; it per
the same as marrying a good wife and the
so enslavifig and abusing her as to cruel; iv
her energies and break her heart. e"he
- If you invest your money in a fine ger
!anise and de not cuItivatp youe mind foe
and taste so as to adorn it with intelli-•
gencenint refinement, it is as if you were the
to Waite broad ofoth and a silk haft° the
)• • ' '
• , you invest, your -money in fine /Alb
elotheeirid do snit wear them with dig- 'will
*ad `ease as If a ploughman of
`t at a leyteller'S table to make the
a Lair spring. hay
If iron verit your money. in. strong nig}
drink. it is the as turning hungry tIio
z -hogs into a torn field--ritin will follow the
in botheasee., ' As
If yon'inVeist vour money every mes
new wonder Oat flamiug ft.eillars pro, the
claim, it is the same as buying tickets subj
at ia Offlog.Where_ there- are -ten lilac
blanks to ontipriee. • -- • - lead
Yoti-iflicAry_ouirrioney in the last
.4110ve1 it is the 4ante •as employing a it W
• tailor'it to tiotalieet• --11 ed c
.A. country eireblege Sap; l'Seenebody nisi
Sent the Lanceeter intePsiletiser a rive- elite
airiatabox on Tuesday, which scared the pyr
rps half te death. TheyiCalt- lot
• ad it he lye pot to take the vieioue, and
• t. • 1340,11 they opened it and ban
• fanitraronnd the neigh- liar
ewe sinoil profusion of a
ft ring -pot -Who theyt,foinid-therhad
!-spolietta preaniii-Onlierrics."
WC. to y eats on an aver-
age 600 worms per day, making a total
leis to tile latter of 1,40;000 daily.
Notwithatanding this heavy loes their
numbers seen uudiminished. 'The query
now is, 'where do they sone from 7
ct rich. man in Brattlebore" Wee applied
to for a oontrilration io building an iron
fence round the cemetery in tbat town.
But be declined on the rather irreverent
but witty plea, that "the eetnetary does
not need trey fence, as those ineide
not get out, and those who sr.; out do
not want to get in."
• Says a wit, "Last year I SaW .14 mint&
spring, a nete run, rope walk, 4 borie
fly,aud even the big trees leave. I even
saw It plank walk, and a Thierl-ev^. bled
walk; but tbe other day I SAW a tree
box, a cat 4sle-end a titO130 fenen, I and
prepared to see the Atlantic coast end
the Paeifie tie°.
"My wife tella the teeth three times
a day," reinarked pease old fellow, at
•the same time casting a mischievous
glance at her. "'Before rising in the
MOrning soya '0, dear, I tenet get up
but I don't Wont to.' After breakfast
she Rads ts Well, I suppose I must' go to
work, hut I don't want to and she
goes -to bed saying, 'There, I have been
fussing shout all day, and havn't done
anything I'
A school boy'a, toothache generally
begins et eignt rt, m., reaches its highest
altitude at a 'quarter to nine, when the
pan" is intense to au extrabrdinary de-
gree ;teens to at nine, and after
that disappears white celerity that must
be very comfortable to the sufferer. If
4 night that boy hasn't get four %guts
'of walnuts spread out to dry up -stairs it
is because there is no piece up -stairs to
At(heannual dinner of the members
of the Fenrith Farmers' Club, the Set
oretary reed the report, which, after de-
tailing the work, which the club had
performed during the year, concluded
With the hope '005
", oa improving -your homes Mul lrye,
Yourelle on the hills and your swine in the stve'
Your crops of potatoes, Wheat, barley and rye; ,
But if some misfortune should cause you to sigh
buch as seeing your turnips cut off by the fly,
Or prices he falling and wages rise high
Still keep up your spirits and never say die, ,
Nowyour coramitteemay wish you good•bye,
• Aud hope vim won't say the report's '"all in MY
• -The cOnduotore on the avenue card,
Washington, are supplied with little
steel instruments • called pouches, that
Allir.inak,,,svear,,,,elang4.0.--a- belt under
their coals. Well, tila -Senator got
on a car in his -usual hap y condition;
entl'when the condector teethed him
drawing out his Pima• a
man roared etit,,"
drel ; den't' s
into -the lewd'
rode four square
enough to • excla
but dat Senate
Little SMithO
a fact belied upou. twkdence in the poSseesion.
ef the agent, in the Aimee A...numerous, teeti-
menials from Pett.stIfferers in alt the.wellis of
hit, and particularly from some 'of. the meet
rospectoble end trustworthy 4044 44.„tho.
• Peminien,
Diamond Rheumatic 011110-
ra its hiatory thie invaluable Medicine beau-
pieg the 'raoat hem/table position for any re-
medy to attain. 'A few years three it was
known only to the friends"; and neigliberit'and
patients of the proprietor,' and always sought
for by them wlienevertreabled. intliltheuum,
then, and in this way canto to the Xtetke of
phyoicitins generally, and throne): their faVer,,
able expression, and ita,aaraowledged fable
as a Rhuematac: Remedy; the doinand- for 0,
became go frequent end Urgent as to!ohIlgaifs.
proprietor to increase lam . tee:1141es for its,
manufacture.' Ito reniztationtapidiYo*tead-
ed, and soon orders, lettoie eoquiry, fatten&
of thenke, and•oeititioaten of praise wore
received from all.seekikna"Of the United States
and Canada; and in this. web, on whole of its'
Merit aloneunaided by 4noirs of the trade'
and (medial effOrts-4-if has Xition to its preeent
exivialdo position. 'Wherever introduce(' it
litre received the meat; flattering preference in
the treatinent of . all rheumatic complaints.
In this we are reallyikrateful tind.liappy, not
alone because -our-medicine "finds road sale
and ni consequently profitable. to ne do we BAY
this, but because we open a now field in Mod-
ica °muck ,and cure at once what the best
medical Practitioners beim for ages found so
difficult even to relieve. ' We fill a Place here,
totere unoccupied; we 'relieve the sulfating
and minister to God's poor; we restore' the
laboring man to the use.of hia,•injured limbo,
and save' the scores of thane its eget in doc-
tor's bills wo earry contentment ',and, glad.
nese to tho home of the afflieted, and cense-
ortentlY, are 'remembered by milliond of grate -
fill souls. Thousands have been eliingod by
the use of this remedy; from week, sickly,
enfferhig creatures, to strong, healthy and
happy monad women; and suffererecannot
reaionably hesitate to give it a trial,
This' medicine is for sale at 411 the Drtig
throughout Called*, If it happeria that
Druggist has not got it in.stock ask him
• ttfOr it to '
Agents for Ontario, Scott street; Toronto;
cross and tired the other night, and_he
wanted Inc father to,ake..Adra_cui his ,
knee, but liis father was tired or pre-
tended to he. "I want you to bold me
on your knee," he whined. tell you,
I cannot do it, ain tired," replied his
father impatiently, ' ,e'fired t You
wasn't very tired lest night *lien you
held Sallie on your kneeln the kitchen."
Billy got a spanking .and writr:put to bed
after which Ma and Mrs. Smith had a
-little cony-email:1m, the. tenor , of which
may be guessed. That pretty servant
girl Sallie 'is looking for. another situa-
tion without a character to' assist her.
• •
COlireoRTM,-13y a thorough 'knowledge. of
the natural laws which govern the operations
of digestion and nutrition and by a careful
application of the fine properties of well -se-
lected cocoa, -19.r Epps has provided our
breakfast tables with a delicatel3r flavored
beverage which may save us many heavy
doctors' bills.-Civii Service Gazette. Made
simply.with boiling water or milk. ;Each
packet is labelled "James Epps &, Oe.;
mcepathic Chemists,' London." • •
MANurA.ornitz 00e0A.-L,We will now
Ytt ..aat-account of the process adopted by'
essre James Epps & Po., manufacturers of
dietetic articles, at their walks in 'the Eus-
ton Road, London. -Sec article Gassers
RairtrAt TgAvELLtlf0.-Itailway travelling
with all its drawbacks and accidents's the safest
ifistem of travelling ever organized -the persons.
injured while travelling by this roode of convey-
ance only amountbag to one in half * million.
Now white it ia very gratifying to know that it
is so much safer than the older 'system; it is
pleasing to know thatewe have in tha Cariachint
relit DestroYer4Medicine equally safe and sure
for the cure of coughs, colds, rheumatism and
summer complaints. For sale by Druggists
and country dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle.
••••1 Cinchona or Peruvian Bark, first'came hitt)
general use on account of a remarkable cure per-
forraedliy it on the Countesi del Cltinchon, at
Lima,. who,. after her recovery', distributed a
large quantaty of it to tins -Jesuits, in Arbon
hap& it acquired great reputation, that chari-
table prelate, .Cardinal de Lugo, haying pur-
chased it at great expenso for the benefit of the
religious poor at Rome:* It is combined with
aromatics in a delicious cordial in Dr. Wheeler's
Compound Elixir of Phosphates and Caliss.y:1,
remedy of extitoidinary efficacy in restoring
constitutional vigor, and repairiv the worn otit
frame, Whether used.up by mental worry, over-
work; excemes antlhad habit:4, or debilitated by
prostrating diseases.
ISsitit Suresent.-To ptevent'oreencuter
aee one of the grandest attainments ever
ed at by ; and "l3ryan's Pulmonie Wa.
" will as sure cure coughs, colds" tickling in,
throat and pulmonary complaints, as war
pestilenee will destroy. Severe colds if not
rood to sooner or later lead to ineuisble.
umption., and the strength of the strongest
fails if neglected. Tbe readiest and best
TIS known for the cure of thene nemplaints
ryan's Pulmonii Wafers," which here heen
oughly triea lot. the last twenty years, and
never been known to fail. Singers and
lc speakers, will aleo derive great benefit
the use of -them. Sold by all medicine
eft, 2Zi conte per box:
bwzmits oe .lion4es.-..ft IR a well-sittested
confirmed by the experience of thousand$4.
" Daley's Condition Powders and Arabian
ve Remedy': horses is superior to any -
of the kind now or ever known. We
v tbat it lets boort used in many eases' where
iorse has beeo tonsidered Outwit worthless,
the most. atoisfactory. result, the horse
ig been restored to perfect soundness or no
benefitted that the complaint could scarce -
observed. Many Such horses baste otter-
s been sold for from $56 to. $100..inotathafi
would ,_haVe previously brought, and were
worth the difference ,•• let all interestA con -
this. ltemember the name, and sec -That-
gnatgre of Hurd & Co, is ou owe pack.
Mightily & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont.,
riotous for Canada. Sold by all medicine
Ire Nervous- Sufferers.,
. .Y. Bert Stair:toted Specific and reside PA
'a et Englich. Remedy for Olt P. 11 &Wily
whatever cow arning boo already been so
rhIt tented in Canada 'AO retplite little to
ly be
the Si
A.1.• Mkt in their atvor-ita a certain care for those
(flattest• stinptoins *Maim. frost emirs of yen ie.
lir. I. sgoing sae.*pupil *NI friend of the
lam , a %featly, of..lievalmit, Rugland,_the
itidet tedatufwelif in Oro "Algid on this Sub -
leek Ile partner it now 'heti lag Canada, and let
to pi Po Ad v104 Atli to nil, odd forringl dr-
* , ete,,' If a plied to-hddres4Ing Dr. I Itell
1 te . ) 1,. 1,,,•
; 4 fitiefliguiti;Pert
b4.,-,11 of Dills will Aro bettlt4 I. y -
of tittgldri notgreltiNtappe,f Winn tin.lereigiol, on
tiea ileralel, sod by ku whelesatODM4Ista illti ratelit Medicine
AiroliPsteltil•ctinyantil fatruilt:tirtg:
. ;
Reeler* e'
en. TO •
•.DEvnirs 1.4r\., BOLTON,
ware Dame Street, Agents for Qulbee.
61,00 per bottleA LargeyoTtles 62.00.
May 30, 1874. •24-1y..
JustWhat is, Wm:Ito('
New Refreshment Rooms and 'Fruit
.• and ConifentIonary StOre.
MES j20N •
Begs respeetfully to ranttounce that she lias opened
Refreshment Rooms and a Fruitandoonfectionery Store
in tho building
Next Door to the "Re w Era" Office,
near Sieber's Comer, Isaac Street, canton, where she
- will at all thin's be prepared to furnish
Not and esic Ideals, and everything kepi in connection
with a first-class Restaurant, at moderate prices.
Prink, and Confectionery, Plea, . Oakes
• • and other delicacies alwayit'en hand.
Now ot1 hand. • ^
itemetuber the puce -Wort door to the NswEiii office
and near Vishers Corner.
Clinton, Use 0, 1874, • • • 20 1
• -
mincer seeninT, melon. •
' public senerany that th'eylnive made large additions,
of new mathinery to their mill, and ate ndw prepared to
manufacture all kinds a Doors, Blinds, Satibes, Mould.
Inge, &c., to order, at tho denten notice, and atin4044
that, will defy competition.
Parties intending to Wild would do well to OM %Vett
it can, at they Will Sakti /eel, On hand 4 largo Meek ot all
kinds et Dry Pine Lumber, kiddies, Doors,• Blinds,
Mouldings, &c.
'They lad confidant of giving satisfaCtion to .11 wbo
may favor them with their patronage, as none but inst.
class Workmen are employed.
Particular attention paid to Custom /Joining,
• Mooring tongued end grooved for $2 per thonsond:
nentetinta T,Ata P/A0e •
/*Mine OM Stands IttirOmSt. ;
mitten, '.ran, 80, 1811. Se•
p o
mut suns
A.. mid the p
lately °canoed by
by them, mei ere now
be prepared to do all ideas o
°ellen Mill
en punhased
where they will
Cal I Pulling and-Pinishing.
• ,
Tvreedg,..Fu11.01otis gi4 1010.nitt1,
on hs,a, to Belt for cash, or ottani n osoliongefor wool
CLANTON, litity 18,1874 •
A LL simseamens TO Otin PZitfOrnektil
al_ will please lieresitor pay no mono to towelling
Agents unless they tau show wrItten agtherity or Print.
01 recoipts signed by ourselves. Sobscri berg who hem
P11011 their names and money toALEXANDIE W. WEB.
STER will hereafter intre their subtle/Muni forwarded
tit hein throngir the Peg Offite, frtin the alto
di publication at Montreal. Delapi WhIell have hetet°.
fate occurred in delivering were not doe to cc" neglect,
bat online, to tho neglect mil toismanageffitut of the
*hove tinned A. W. Webster.
eignr1jIttlre,aro f14 ". atable
.preparut1en,As140' lxl. .y • inn e na-
tiVe berbs,fotind'onthe lower Tittlges of
Sierra, Nevada Mb tuitaine of Califon',
nia,:t110 medielual,,proportles of which
sre.extractod therefrom without the use
of. Alcohol, The glIONtlell is almost.
daily Asked; 4.4Wliat is the cause of the
unparalleled:miseries oj .)7.7.WSO1ut
TERS?" Our answer. Is, that they remove
the cerise Ot' disease, and the patient re-
covers his hoaith. They ore tb great
Mood puritleisSidnlifeIiving principle,
o perfect Ttenovator -and invigorator
of thes'sYfrtegii • • Never: before in, the
IdetdrY • of the . world naedleine been
;--tentmoinided,' possessing tho'remarkable
qualities' of TINEOSA•BliThile in beeline the
sick of evert :eisease Innis heir -to. They
ere a .ginitit, Purgative s veil as S TOWN
relieving congestion or -Infirentnation
the- liver and, Visceral Organs, in Biliotel
'The propdrtieg of bit. WAistisn'il
Diseases. '
r.I'NEGIAR Barns are Aperient; Diapkeretik
Carminative, Nutritious, Isetetive, Diuretic,
Sedative, Oormter-Initeat, SedontireAltert
gee,. and -
Bre- geol' tanarienaelli7Aeatsir,Wft"ariPri)atitisCo?,'Vellforale.
nikcl WaeltinA:rnend'eliarltou Sta. V.
is tot by all uggists and Dealers.
. '
, Avery large- stock. of
Wan Paper, Borders,
. • '
. •
.010413E1e. ems, BABYWM* PANOT GOODS, • JEWEIL1,,E.RY,
All sold a loWest prices.
tfla'• 421 ,Zeadintl Periefaata, dle.; sOpned.
20, 11071 E
Cure lamoorrinint Or :Whites),• VOW.** Mena
atettatIou•IIIileradakAt ,020•Vtero• *vaklart
dimities. abseil llenstraation, and.iill diseases
known ata Vertigo Weahrrese. VIM** prenared.
with t.lus gw,atest CareorndettllePeRtalttlauper.
• vision of a physician who hes made female dia..
ease* a special study for many leers, and they
are a medicine on which •
can depend "fa Ms bur tad am et weir', as
an unfailing
**71.• Saldhy all Druggists everyrrhere..
• nice, Olic box,111; six Waco, ; sent by Mail
free or postage securely settled from bbserlation.
Bor full particulars write for our pamphlet, which
We will Bend itt a sealed envelope to any address
on receipt of poStstainp to pro-payreturn postage.
Address all letters for pamphlets or pills to
. -Windsor, Cont.
Sold in Clinton by JAMES 11. COMM, arta by al
-Druggists everywhere. Northrop & Lyman, Toronto
Wholesale Agents.
, • •
mire sunsenreen, DES1/101.f$ 411'1. CLEARING
ont his old stook, to mote room for Vail Briporta-
10filt•1 Oircting great bargains
Boots, Shoes & Gaiters,
ffaviny some clantayeet by late ike,
lie will sell Client almost at einp price.
••••••, •
The first somas net have tho beat °hoed of trotting
• 0I'VE 111111 A 074144
clOHN .
'olletan, Jidy 14, 1071 •ee
For •.Sale,
r41111 114 TNE TOWNSIIIE or oontitien; So A good tame house' and grate borne and
•• Apidi to
• O. 111.1)01.1T.
A li??,.47..4110...A.:.naty
Arrir to
• O. IneenT.
Acol;.4,9%vitylvirgABOE, ATTA.Onsp,
ellatoloy 8,1874. • ,.It/nOtial.
• ,
anonv Ecromomv f
Olen Eressagil. COME0202
ZI *I" -AAA * Ot *nig
ROYAL MA Ir. 151'0101181IIM.
• - Nos* yorkiknN Ignirea, SWAM/ %tett 0E120 every setaistry, 51 0*. it.
14, 11.-Iterenfter the Issineee for limforth and *lab The andersigned having been appointed oat for this
ts Will be cOhdritted le Mr. o. WItz,s0N, who fe dor Lino, will gird alt neteitsery infermation and NU tlekete
only anthorited agent, and who alone 10 dOpoivered to at the lowest Wet.
eleet moneys MR graht Med tor at. A. STItiLITON G. T. It.
20 Z.;11rTtittalt 4 Oo• I CII*41# If*: SO, 18744
oe• wb. ha will be
happy te wit hie 0W. ettetasura, to 'whom he
mums thanks far it petronage. He will
aiweya loop On hand 4 good 'took of
All kinds atylatelustaud Clocks -
**11$4112'.d• Cleaned. and. Warraisted.
trevrenerY, Hrolarellita, Paralicle• dtee
neatly `retrOred.
Having had thirty Yeera experience, he
conteleut he eon/give satisteetiou to those who
may favor hint with a call. Remember the
place, next door,to /44teRatlien Bookstore.
Clinton, Aug. 28, 1873.. •9
o•M•Wm••••••••••••••••••••,••••••••••••••••., •••••••••••••••
th Flouring Mills.
TlIE eubsotiber begs to tender hia most
sincere -thanks to his numerous omit°.
mars in the eUrrOUntliug townships and the
publie generally for their liberal patronage,
and *paid further notify them that he has
lately added most important improvements to
Itis machinery by putting in a ner boiler
double the power heretofore used, and by
many other important improvements, toge-
ther with first-class miller, be is prepared to
,do first.class work in •
satiate weighed,ia and ont. Parties from n
distance can have their mists 111:0310 with
them the same day, Good Flour and gill
Feed always for eat() at moderato price*,
I-11.1-31[BHEjt7 • LT,TIVIBEIt.
The SubsOriber would also inform the phb-
lio that.he has a largestook of lumber of
different kiirde and lengths : Pine from 10
to 20.ft,; Hemlock, from 10 to. 20,-; cherry,
Butternut, 'White am?, znaplo, Soft and Book
Min, in lengths to onnt the public, which en -
aides him to fill all orders that he may be
favored witk on the shortest notice and most
reasonable 'terms. ' ; • ,
P. KELLY, Pcoramon,
Blyth, Maralt 0,1872. -2.11
srwr OF THE . BIG . BEDqBAD.
Large stock of good Household FOrniture,
hem° manufacture, made ofseasonedroaterial.
A flue assortment of 'imported work, such
as Wood ,and Cane Soot Chaim, Sehus,
gout, What•Nots, Cradles,Nattresse, Spring
Beds, Carved Braokets, Rustle Primes, dco, .
Pietares framed with Gilt or Rosewood,and
Gilt Mouldings, Ilustio Prunes; wood; mould-
ed or plain• , , •
Good.valudziven to all who may puroltase,
with mederato prices,
. .
• •.• ,
41 ta.4• Tr740
, • • . 410.
_ . .• 7....••+
I ••••
Au elegant ffearSetprItir..,-*A- quantity of
very Zio ShrotWIelies:P; . 'Funerals attended.
ann. ell „furnishings supplied.. at rensidnable
rates. A large stock of Coffins, .inpulded and
plain, always on hand (trimmed -to Emit) 0:thei
44Ver•plated Ininiture.or otherwise. ,
Remember the Stand -Albert street, oppo-
site the Market: ' • "
- Clinton, Aug. ea, 1i,8771:.S• STEVENSON,
/ 44
. Huron. ptieek: plinton.".
TE undereigned, while thanking his
numerouscustomers for the very liberal
support they have accorded him since he has
been in business in Clinton, would inform'
them that he has removed his shop to the
more commodious building lately erected by
him on Huron Street; in the rear of Knox's
• Hotel, where he hopes. to meet his former
customers and as„many new Oilesi nn, may
favor him with their patronage,.
Horse Shoeing will reeeive hie most careful
attention, and in connection with tide part of
his business ho will corobine-jihat-whiek is
very insure complete success,
namely, that of a thorough knowledge of all
diseases of -the foot of the horse. Farmers
and others may rest assured that their order.
will receive prompt attention. 'His prices
are moderate, and the subscriber trusts he
will receive that patronage which strict, td-
tention to husiness- and a.long experience in
ft -a good guarantee for good work -should
'Particular dittantion Paid le. Pat oral Con-
• ireete4 red, Interfering, ,464
, •• • Veterinary ILimoilieee.
Aug, 20, 1813. •SO
• AGENoit OF
Phoenix .Mutual •
.4; 10"
For whieh the highest sash juit will be wowed,
S 'ZEALAND, Opposite the Yfarket,
(MINTON, April 8, 1874.
Q s. 90.
Grocer,. Wine and Spirit lilercliant,
• WXNtS•4es4Np • SPIRITS.
reQui, Oatmeal', Own:meal, Ofacke4 101treat and Unbolted :17our, Oars, Pe,ae,
Park', Ac., conatantly on hand
Jr. !tat leo_kityik*I.allitill'ari4er.i,,nt *of: China; Crockery, Gliiiss.WaiTi •
CLINTON, April 14th, i-874:.
,....fir* HarnessShopin Clinton, where he will keep on hand a choice aeleotion or
.-everything in his line, such, as harness of every description*,
, And everything that is usually found in a fina•clasa ,ilarness'Shop.'
Light irarness got up in the latest and 'nest Improved Style
The best material used, and, first-elass workmanship guaranteed COLLARS' At eVeinr de.
•soriptioninatie'ttr, order, and warranted to give satisfaction. 1.'he public are thtlectfay in-
vited to call and see for themselves. REPAIRINGt PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO
Tleineinber the Place..-Vinra6 doors -west :_of-tiPlalter de Darien's :IIttiretat street'.
JOAN attm,p)ini„ Paornirron.
Clinton, Jan. 14, 1874.-
- '12 '
Agricultural rmplentents and Boiler and Engine ,Works
Nitro' HELL, o --07;"
. 0.0
• • 76 = -.4 0..1.,
• ..• • .
••••••• •.).
•••, •
"...0mmiite. •
1).)116. • -T 0, • 61. • e„
• •
' ; •,‘.• ' •p.
We ate raminfacturing.iorovillh-stmoni. ttio- oeietiated-::
Johnston • SelfRale 8111110 ROOK and ihr Cayllgt. Clef Jr. Newer
lacklie_bakm84,the beat4r,,,ty,thnoe-wi-kiiii-Ti-,rifi-aAiii,-;avii-ln-e-iii-„--
'All kindalf ,Agricuitural triplernents kept on liana. A trial of lniplepiente Win' i, ma
. satisfaction guaranteed. ,
ear peetkce having good, aeon land, ,suitakqe for En Growing are Atoested• to leire
word With W. W. FAIRAN, Esq.; or JOHN mualtsr, Agent, &mon. • ..
. , .
ltfanchesterand all -Material kept for.renerIng at neighboring villsk. . • • • .
Repeiring done aePefer Grant's, Clinton 1
.lihrug;03fmcQ8nstorriNea,,g7wittrutit,I. off
. ..
iiitchell, APril 8; 184
.. •
- • iltSVIIANCE cantrAzinr, •
Of Hartford, Conn. goderiCh Foundry and .'fauufactunug. Co;
•B • eg to inform the priblie thet they are Prepared to contract for
Steam. gi, „. and Boilers,
ASSETS OVER $9,000,090,)e
.SPEoTPULLY announces that he has
LI, been. commissiorred by •Messrs. Rum.
pkrey ,t6 McGregor, the ntstnagers *L.:Ontario,-
to .receivaapplicati es for tudiirance in the
above, world-rouowned Company. Pull par.
Mauldin as to rates for life, and every desalts
tion• of endowment insurance, may be had on
application to W. IL Cdoper, at• the
ornmoreial lIotel, Clinton, Ont.
• prissE,Nlygil; 3, F. BITItNS; '
President. Secretary
Olintoe, 4tli Fob.. 1873. . - 32
„ •
: To sorertr• Agetfs atiAt
c awes ,
of working people, of tither sex, young
orl.'ohl, make more money at Work for us in
their siert) moments, or tilt the time, than at
anything else. Particuiere free. Address,
G. STI.N.Spi•TA co., pqmoa, Maine. 45
AVOID 0.17AO"It 6.
A victim of early Indiscretion, causing
Itervou," debility, premature dlogy, 4e., hav-
ing tried imoraitr every advertised remedy,
has diseoveriA,,ra airoplo woos of self•eore,
which he will 0011a free to hi* fellow.suffer.
ers.0 Addreas, •T. 11. ittEva, 78 /4**atti
St., New York.
/to* sub& sex may totioats anit gain the tore MI
ofteotiowe of nay Womb, they -dame indent,, aid*
thole nanol otodrixtent all 0#111DOIUMIllt tan•hy aunt
tot SS senor, toe** Whit Stornette (wide., Adman
multi Dramas, Mute to Lid* de. A Oen',
hook. 100,000 eokl• Addreee T• Waarnt #1900 litOoth
Willa, Street, IllittaelpItir., P1.• SI
Flour, Grit and Saw Mills, Stave, ileaang and Shingle .•
Machmes, Sawing Machines, 'Threshing Machines
and Rose Powers, Loffel Water Wheels, dzo..
7:••• •
tC11NT ,
Iron 'sat Wooden .Ploughar wen Steel Boards, Ging PlOtighit, Onititrato;e
Straw Ottttefi; &e., Sugar and Potash Kettlea, Grate tars, Waggon
• Boxes, &e., Cooking; Parlor and 13b4t titoVe*, of various Kinds,
Also, Iron and. Brea Crtatitiago an4DlJ200p Wait,
Boilers: and Salt Pans Repaired on, Ahori Notice.
All orilar* addremed to the Company, or beeratary, Will mar. prompt *Hang,
ARCHIBALD Hoppn,- 1, arOnAct HORTOX,
fieereterY situi'Vfiriturer• Pretidont
ItT3110,11ill'A% ,Gpaimatit*(Aoss.
Goaerich; Unitary 18th* 1874._