HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1874-08-06, Page 3o ...t.soaslOss • ODGINS 86 PAY, CLINT() ••• ARE SHOWING - New Dark Prints, New Mourning Prints, Factory Cottons, White Cottons, Cotton Yarns, Carpet' -Warps, liomemlsolade Flannels, in Wtdte and colored. immislEssID*0101110111111,1•1111110121INNIIIIIII., 11146 M A NMESTER HOUSE.* ' ITIONIT MON. ' -CLINTON, Aug. 4, 1874. HODGINS 8.; PAY. Milk. COins and Cheese Vats,_ HARLAND:BROS.; MANollaLAgyrils AtuiDeDr0E1.0LEaRnSa IN asEESE VATS,,YAOTOBY 9A•BRVIDTO All Goods appOrtainiiig :to the Milk and bkosois-BusineStit-ll •We haye on band ao.Imgs Opply of the shave named articleshicli: we will dispose of AT REASONABLE RXFES. Great liaducenteitt's to_Buyers lakiar a .Qu4ntity. . We- bave ohand it quantity of.the • CELEBRATE' I) IRON C.14.1) MLLK C1frS7--27.11E 11E47 mint 3141FEET: Alio some of the IRON CLAD MILK BAILS.' . ••••••-••,-- . . • Saving had several years experience an the manufacture sof Tate Mid Canirand baying a the latest,improvements in maelfinerf for -manufacturing; we are in a position • to offer more than orainary inducements pate " in Price awl Quality. . , • A Large LpIL... of ,,,-the Patent Pressecl. Mith Paris," -----7-VereerieniveiltiltAxtveitsttonk.ONVeT MAME. •• Just eeeiiid;Ttitige Stookof GARDEN BANES, HOES, SPADES,. SHWEIS, RA,1; ANP AilaratZ" Ontraf SVC. • • P.S. -A Liberal Discount given to Parties'etting up.Oheese Factories. AgrA -CALL SOLICITED. ' - HARLAND. BROS., • _Brick Block, MINTON: . • OLIN'I'ON, April 14 187i. . . IIAS .1 UST RECEIV ED A. CAME AND WA RIED STOCK OP • 000D5, 0171TARLE FOR. TICE ROLIDA,YS, •• CONSislING IN PART OP ''..•. _ NEW FRUITS, '"' " CITRON, 0.A.TMEAL,_ _ _ L AYER& LEMON, and •_ CORNbaSA.14, , ___ VALENTTA, • CRA.NGE PEELS, OI$ANULA.TED WEXAT And SULTANA ,•. EXTRACTS, • POT BAELET,- RAISINS. ESSENCES,_ FISH. all -kinds; CURRANTS, SPICES, Aso., Ase. - „.., .•. HOICE WINES AND LIQUOR8.M1 , Xir.NEW SEASON'S TEAS, _EXTRA...VALUE • In Crockery, Chine'', and Glassivare, . He would Bey to one and all, . ., , .,_.....„, . For patterns •rare and best of ware, e,.. __ lemestetelastio•to-China-liail ir „. „ . • i A CALL IS •BESII'ECTFULLY SOLICITED.' ninEnnien wain zez.son. . • - ' - N. •RoBso?r, 'BRICK, BLocK, Clinton, Dec, 17, 1873. -..L:v''•• 9 . •.‘ • AND. • 0 1-1.A.RDWAR,g. • • 9 • 'SEARLE DAVIS; CLINTON,' ° • . BEReMOST RESPECTFULLY T* INFORM. VIE PUBLIC dENEftALLY THAT therliatiilnade large additions to their Butinees, and that in Altura parties calling on them can be supplied with all kinds of HA.RVEST TOOLS, SHELF AND•IMANY IIARDWAItt, and, as usual, every def3eription of STOVES AND TINWARE, which tbey will dispose r very cheap. in order to make room for the large Fall Importations, which, are now being_ purchased by the senjor member of the 'firm (Mr W. C. Searle,) who is now in Europe, comprising in part as follows t t4 ^ C1i1it$011 *Amami. A1. i874 There isnothing lewdly coihe o; *Rd Prick ere merely morainel, Butter le ern eitil in de. mud, but we believe thus is considerable in the country, all butlittle hes boort marketed IA yet, Hey le now emen, to Pod 910. Potetose are elecliatter tw trifle, which Wit believe will be &bends* SO eon as the formers art over their buoy 80011011. SouloWheitt, perbuithel $1 18 i 1 18 Treadwell.. • '• 1 10 a 128 1 14 a- 1 15 $Printe* Barley, Pees, "Flour, • „„ Butter, Pets,toes, • AY. • Beef, • • Wood, • MOO, • - • • 4 00 it 5 00 Shopskitus (fresh) • 0 25 a 0 50 Clover • • • 0 00 a 0 26 Timothy, • • • 0 00 a 4 00: Golneetion MARKETS 053 a 0 55 • • 105 a 1 005 a .067 600 a 500 ' 018 a 0 20 050 080 • 000 a 011 of 10® a 10 00 • 4 50 A 500 • 2 0 a 00 Wheat -Fall • • Spring Flour • °ate, • • Peas, • Barley, ••• - Potatoes . Butter •1480,,• • Aug. 6, 1874, $1 26-a 118 122 a 114 u0 a 6 00 ' 0110 a 0 55 0 60 a 0 62 • 00 `e' 1 10 0 -Th a 1 00 • 9'0O a 10 0 017 a 018 o 47- -0 10- A 0 n. SEAPOISTEC IMAI11210ES. Aug. 5, 1874 ▪ $1 16 a 1.18 • 1,13 a, J 15 Wheat -Fall • • Spring • Flour, • ,9* ,' Oats - Peas • Barksy • „ -Potatoes . Butter - Eggs, li Hides' • Wood - Beef, ••0 09 „ a 000.. • 050.a .055 060 a 065 • 100 a 1 10 • .0 75 a 100 • 018 a 020 ' 010 a 011.. • 900 a 10 00 • 00 a '5 00 . 2.5Q'a 3.00 • B00 a -6 50 Calor*paper rtlates hon.,' the gentle ekepherds-of that promising pes. ture landcanie to grid. The..tanch of 4 Jorge sheep owner nu Apache Creek was -visitedinthe night,hy fourteen men,whO fired shets into the house, wounded the herder • and damaged- the ehina closet, • and then barbarously shot 88 improved sheep,,Talned, at, $2,000. After these exploits the ruining stating they • The PennolvaniaFioo&1, Oodeivitik., Amoit_any city, the marks Id the destruOtkni are el e yet ree seen. The following are a few of the many Ileum are thrown together n heap', terrible *ideate witicb, warred dur- BOMA tweatptive or thirty %laughter. ing the recent flood. neat Pittroburgh, Penn. Speaking of the bunting of the weer -scout ever the city a hate deepatch geretteit in three minutes after this ter. tibia erater-spout bad blue; more tlian 100 Inseien beluga were swept away. Down lifidizion avenue, Allegheny, op) the- fleod .in its mot awfol deettezetive- neileOzweeping away zuore than fifty dwelling hpusee, and oiusing the death of seventy *pereone in that immediate Vicinity. At WoodRun, on the Ohio, fifteen were swallowed up in the twink- hostel enthe avenue were washed away. Many huildinge Wit were net totally desatroyed miff seriously dawn*. The w4tr. tieing to the teghe to tifteenfeet, flooed the first floors of all the houses, and In many place* the mond eteiriee. Several haulm were owept into the mid. die of the street, and others etteried off intralrede or pad* and Chattered to piettee. .A.•• house, containing two or ,three families, at the rear of Centre street, WAS destroyed, and it is supposed all the inmatea were • drowned, In ling of an eye, and at Saw -Mill Run 'on Temperanceville and Saw -mill Run the the eolith liank of the Monongithele elements made sad havoc. The fierce twenty-five'more were suddenly ingulf. terrente of rain swelled every little tributary of Saw -mill Rua =too boiling etreara, and the accumulating waters rushed with mad and irreeistible fury down the valley, sweeping everything ed. The threwrivere have heen full of the dead all day, while the waterways leading thereto -have„ yielded a herr* that siekeee coroners and undertakers. Alderman .,Beletee, of the SeVenth in their courae. The track ef devasta• Ward of Allegheny; who WM sttbmerg• tion is marked by the Wrecks of dwel• ed,with his family --hie wife being on a lingo, bridges, immense heaps or stone* sick "b& -.with A superhuman effoet large piles of driftwood, and the torn gathered up his wife and five children and started t� tun out of his house that wee being swept away. His , little boy was perchad'On his shedder, hearing the cry of 4 little babe who dwelt in the next house, antito-,which he was greatly attaebed, leaped from his father's shoul- der, and was found with his little litnbs eloping his baby lover's crib in which it was dead and smiling. The tears of the ten thousand women who looked at this prettyincident wasone pf _the sweetest tribates to heroism that was ever wit- nessed. Mr. John Brady, his wife and four children, lived in a little shanty , at the) foot of a bluff that rose 100 feet high, over this bluff ran A small gas pipe. to 1 h th fl d came and struck their Reuse 1/TriTBrady \it seized the babe at her breast, -leaped- oat n elay a ouse above. When , a oo _ of the back window, and seizi g the gilit. pipe, sailor like, dragged herselfand her infant to the top of the hill above. Ifer husband and Ile other three ab dren -werlidrovined, and carried down ,to the confluence of.Wood's Run and the O 'co River. On O'Aerri, street Rudelph Art Ms wife and , six children, res ed. fauilly about the storm, the flood .broke , While Mr, Kai was trying to pacify his and he was obliged to see his family dug kill all Ihe sheep upoti tile out of the debrts and laid, seven a them, ii#0404 to in a long row in the undertaker's estab--- London has experieneed a great and Us "4"br 9 up bits of broken kardwere, eald he lost - 4e Man, who was poking sudden rainfall, rainfall, less disastrous,but not nothing except his honse and wife and unlike in character that of *Pittsburg. twe children, and was trying to pick up Neitilleckney, omnibuses had to cease something to begin housekeeping with. runni4 for a time from the genes_ _He was &stalwart man, but so demented *rim...Whig Ibreast ligh in witeeand with his lossess that hundreds of .ladies the -furniture in the lower rooms of the who Ilear4 1441 011444111Piteliefik-YeeP- houses floatingabont, The rain fell so .., ' tired people were thrown into the 4 thickly that; at times, it veiled wimplO e- • a n -Centre screlteparty who aPpear".: Fortunately, noneWere drown -ed,- tely Oneaiiiii Of the street from the other, 'aa if by thedown-swe% of tf 'curtain. and ragged aides of the hills, .where the waters surged and gnawed into their 'very vitals. kieven-lifeless bodice' have already been foiled, and from twenty,. live to thirty' portions are misSing. . The iron. bridges crooing B,un Est Main street and five other bridges above 'were wept away, At McLaughlin's, elevenindles vaset--ott-the , Pan -Handle Railroad, eleven poems are reported to have been drowned, also hundreds of cattle horses, sheep, etc. • The ravine at .13utchers' Run is °hole - 'ed up for two utiles with: the contents of the destroyed slaughter -houses, and great quantities of refuse and a loge number of bullocks, .dressed, more than a hundred horses, and, perhaps, an occa- sional human body are embedded in the mud. hofr7 mos A baby was found in a crib fief -din -tin - the Ohio River at the head of IVIontgo-'- mery-Island,;thirty-two miles below the city and was received by Mr. Allen_who lives near the island. The child was living, but has not been identified. ...el.. - AMERICAN .NEWS. he sun, which has come out as caused an....vfal stench , • - -, • ? erC0117111g the working parties. ' bile a ma.n was attempting to rob a market waggon at...,XPYL,Yerk, lot week, he was and instantly kill- ed by the owner"thereof., • . ' . .4ugust 1.„4. re ip 1%tusliegon• early this morninq destroyed nearly half of the city. 'It 10 ))* that atnuMber are deetr About ten squares are ,burned ove- By the falling ne2-it lirklge al Palls, N. y., on Sunday; about o .....•••••••1,"••••••. ever dung or at loot treqnently. At 1011001 pled/a111 Iffilt$011 Ore*, Mo., lately, the boys had a lively time about 4 loyely girl. One young MAU bad all his teeth knocked out. Another enters - ed from the fray with eanguine probos- cis. The third youth, "who didn't Cate tO aglit;" got the ghl. They are trying to build the largeet hotel in the world in San Pranehle0. It la to be known as the Palace Hotel, and will oontain 700 room nes will be 020 bath rooms and 574 bay windows. Accommodetione will be furnished for lagQ/9 guests. The hotel is to be torn. pleted August, 1875, and will coat altogether $2,750,000. Of this amount $1,000,000 will bo for tho lot, $1,250,000 for the building, MA 0500,000 for the furniture • At Taylor' zt Falls, a few nights since, there woe a euepuziotes noise in the yerd of the Hon. Mr. Barron, 'With great courage and preeenee of mind, Ur. Barron gent hie hired girl out to see what the matter was. She instantly re. turned with bear at her heele, but for. tunately she managed teeelnit the door in the face of the beast. Disouraged by this ungracious repulse, he retired to the wilderness, howling as he went. An oil well has recently been struelt near Titusville, Penn., which is now yieIding about 1,750 barrele of oil it day. When first struck it yielded the almost incredible amount ot 2,500 barrels a day and has continued flowing,at the above rate, A great many persons have via- ited the place and they have commenced laying out the oity Croswell, in. the VicinitY of the well One farmer in the neighborhood, Whose farm of 100' acme was i,n the market for $1,000 nowwants the modest sum of $100,000,- and is likely to get it. . Extensibn. of Time ---- ..FrI- TIME- FOX-RECIWVINGS- TENDERS FOR' new Bank Building is extended • rhe To the E3th...-or August. ' , . . WANntvv.LED w i o will give energetio men omen • Bu.shiess that will Pop from $4 to $8 per day, can be pursued"' lairo' ur" Own neighborhood, and is strictly. honorable. Particulars free, or samples worth several dollars that will enable you to ge to work at once, will be sent on receipt of fifty 'mints. ' "'t • ' A drees J. LATHAM A00., 292 Washington St., Boston, Main. 80 1 e ors for Sidewalks. • . • . *tilt. IX E N•D Municipal °Omani of the Tillage AP to • , AligtiSt 10th; the Village °of Clinton •00nOsi ftslit glerkt.ho;eninlerofs- or any port thereof. The. sadly accepted. ' e council. , 82-21. Thelhtning was yous, and in :tt 114 infintinstances • imisPENISISM .4effiesresemw THE GREA,T FEMALE. REMEDY. ' JOB MOSES PERIODICAL PILES, Imssms. This weIl known medicine is no imeoitien but si Imre and safe remedy for Female Diffo- onities and Obstructions, from any cause what- ever: and although it powerful remedy, it con - Caine nothing hurtful to the constitution. . •• TO MARRIED LADIES 11 is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time _bring _on the reMath-IY Period with regularity. In ail oases of Nervous and„ Spinal Affection's, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Heaviness, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the heart, Systeme; Sick Seaditelice, Whites, and all the painful diseases occasioned -by a disordered system, these Pills will effoot a cure when all other means have failed. These Pills have never been known to fail Where the climatic= AU the 2n4 page of pap- phlet, are Well obiterved. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of agent. ... -JOB MOSES, NEW YORE Sous PriosmaYea. ILOO and 12* cents for postagea.enelosed-to Northrop Lyman,,,, Toronto, • Out., general. agents for the Demimon, insure a bottle containing over50 pills by return mail. • ' Sold in Clinton by H. ComIlemid_ georgi /11-lialf0; E. Hicluion and -Pt Lumgen, -Sea. forth; J. Kidd; Carronbrooli; Parker ets Cattle jordan,-Goderieln E. Cameron Bay field; las. lionthroto, Rodgerville: and medi- cine dealike. • RAKES, • SNATIIS,- SCYTHES, HAY FORKS, sTnAw FORKS, • BARLEY FORKS, LAWN SCYTHES, 24 inch, 1.,A.wx MOWERS, GARDEN HOES, FIELD HOES, large, TURNIP HOES, • TILISTLE SPUDS, SPADES, . SlIOVELS,, ' • POTATO YORKS, DRAINING TOOT.A., GARDEN *RAKES, CUT NAILS, • WROUGHT NAILS, FLNISISNG NAILS, PUTTY, GLASS, T HINGES, • BARNDOOR HINGES cROSS-CI1T SAWS, ago SAWS, LOCKS, • BUTTS, SCREWS, TABLE4CUTLERY, And all kinds of , rucKgri WARE., PAINTS, • - WHITE LEA.D,Janies,_ BOILED OlLr-----• ' RAW OILS, • MACHINE .0ILS, TilltPENTINIV VAnNitHIES, JAPANS, • PARIS- GREEN, LAMP BLACK. VERMILLION, t1l1113ERS,, CHROMES; And all colors Mixed, ' oils. All kinds -of Parlor, Cook and Box Stovest:Cistern Pumps, Castings,- Mir Oil, Eavetroughmg, and every descri ion of Lamps,‘ , and Tin—and dpper Virare. sks....Pssa.ss 1::Lern.exaber the V9tsice,... The Manixtoth Sop, opposite the Market. SEARLE & DAVIS. CLINTON', 300 24, I874. Hay Forks. JUST IN-SEASONt • GRANT'S, nX08181.01' HAY PORK, For loading Mitt unloading Bay and all kind* of grain. The beet article for the purpose ever invented, having taken a large number nf flrst prises.. _11.0nireali baye been sold, the entrehaters expressing them. *siva ielI satisilea with its work. OftkiS KEPT ON HAND, Orders by mail promptly sttended PETElt GRANT, ' Patentee 2214 11141121fAti1Urer, Ottittoth OttitOliihi 141 kifil ed with a skiff discoyerea a man hang- ing on the roof of a house. The water on. the street at that time tens- -Owe fifteen feet high. , They to* 'the' skiff under the place the man was hanging and told him to drop, the distance being robbed of it her hose being cet Open. 'tngltf as 6.8 skiff Was needy on.n level -while she innocently slumbered, - • with the segond story windews, The ta, an • • . • " %elite a nainber received serzona bodily. _ . . . injuriesi, . ' i Mrs. Mary; Feely, of St. Louis, travel- ling on the Vandalia train, though she pet her pocketbook in her stocking, CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER. A §•A FAMILY-MEDlaINE IT IS WELL 21. and favorably known, releiying thou- sands from pain in tho Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Cold, SMOThreat,'Spraine, Cramps in the Stionuteht Cholera Merlins, Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Soalds, Proem Bites .8tc. The Canalaniliii Destroyer has now been before Ibis public for a longtle of throe, 'and Whettiver -4--never failing in a single' instance to give permanent relief when timely used,, and we have never known a ishigle ease of disiatisfaction„ wintre the dlr.. °Wont have been properly followed,but on the contrary all are delighted with its oper. atiene, and speak in the idigheat terms Of JO virtues and magical effect. We iMealc experience in the matter,. having boys lino a narrow corner, but did not toted it tiler ughly; and therefore those who Twq negro h. -etchers., Frank Werner Mired and- Wag Saved: -Ile then in:. and Sane -Smith, fought with cleavers formed the men in fhe.elliff that his fain: and butchere' knives on Monday in their ily, congaed% of his wife and three or four children, were -iiilke house•. He shop_iii. Chelsea, Tenn., inflicting mortal, Centro'ntieet the house was swept AY- hawe 80yeral:of_the Tehrtaylvahla Collieries vd dosed, throvving a number of Men and the family perished,' together with ,,,,i or. employment, Amither greet the children of another,fareily, making 'e,, . . . . strike is threatened, - Colliery strikes in all ten souls. have got to be ouch .a regtar thing- ' On Chesnut street, ,in Casper Thane's about this season of the year that peo- saloon, among others were Philip Hess, .ple take them now as a matter of courao. a 001114611e, and Henry Schaffer. , They Se. Louis, July 30.—A despatch from rushed out of the saloon into the street,. Newton, Km, sayr dapt. Harvalin's and that was the lea seen of them alive. Militia returned :to Fore Dodge' eu lieSs's body was found this merlin°, Tuesday -lase,. and reported that,,they clinging to a fire plug with one ban . killed nine Clonauneheafiaiana On Clank Schaffer's body, has not yet been found: dian Riveerupon whose bodies it number Anether man elec.-rushed from the Paris of whits ecalps were lona. ' saloon witladess-andficaffer. • His body ,-_ __•inen ,wo_,.. ' WAS. recoVered-in theyard-between-Ohes not; N. y.:, July 30._--,T , nut and Centre streets, a mile.dietantee: yesterday - entered tho First National Wm. -Peels tied his wife nncl. several Bank. at Batavia,. Genesee .,-0,Y,..,„ /and children with a clothes line in his house, while mut ofrthera engaged the attention fearing some of them would rush of the enir Person Present connected. away in their alarand be lost. The with the Bank the_ Oho ran aWay with house and the entire faniily were eaved, a box containing money and .. bonds Two bore aged seven. and , twelve amolinting to $10,000. . • • yet' is respectively, made $110 of the molt ' 'An attempt to bestow it coat Of "tar- reinarIcable- escape in the histc'rY .13tthat and featheve upon II man in BdgartoWiti extraordinary.calaniity. Their fathet's ass,, auspetted of immoral practices, hotuse Wag etrifele blithe rush -leg waters, bad it tragical ending, as the individual Bl and carried Awn. adisen avenue on Stismilted drew a revolvee with which he the tide: The parents •wore droned, killed one of his assailants, when the but the boys escaped to the garret, and horse attached to tho waggon in, which when the different portions of the build- the Whole petty were, being startled by ing Parted emplAnY) -they clung to tom the report, ran away and threvrthem all roof ; this roof eventually brought up out againet a pile of timber, just shave the gluefactoy, and the rapid accinnula- ' ' • - &nature*, La, July' 81....--e-ki widOw. don of floatiiirriiiitter soonhemmed the named Silas resides with her fourteen - year old daughter in Deeeta Parish. At six (*leek last ,evening, a negro named MarelrefireFed the house 'during the absence of the mother/ overpowered the daughter, 'tarried her to the woods, and l tritged her.. Thm The girl gave alar.. and mounted party started after the .neg, overtook and hanged him. ' • ----- - to another roof. - got on the•-ronf,an ,dirmped: fr,cen.hen he reached wounds ‘04 eaelvOther;7 are suffering friia any of the complaints for which it is recommendedmay depend upon it being a Sovereign Remedy, • The astoniahing •efficacy of thee Canadian Pain Destroyer in miring the ,diseases for which it is recommended.and its wonderful effects -in subduing the torturous pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Aire°. tionff, entitle it to high rank in the list of Re- medies, °Mere are,coming in from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country, for fur- ther suimlies, and each testifying mkt° tlae un• • ivereal satisfaction it gives. . The Caliadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dellere keep it; Physicianrorder, and uSe it; ana no family will be without it after trying it, • • Price, only Twenty-five Centa pm bottle. For. tale by .14tessrli. (loinibe and. inidley. 'Clinton; Ellie ten and .7Taiiiiiden Settforth J. Kidd Carronbrook; G. Cattle and. V. Jordan Ctoderieh; F. Cameron, Bayfield; 3, Bonthron and all 'medicine dealers. _ , VLECTIMAITT 1 TESSA& ZUELSICSI ECLESTRId OII WARES' TEE TIMES ITS WEIGHT is Oorm.-Pain CAE to stay where it Is nee& It is the cheeliat Inedioine ever Made. One doee cures common" 'lore throat., One bottle Ilse cured, bronchitis. Fifty cents.' Worth tits eared an '6Id etanding cough. /t positivisly cures Oaten*, Asthma, and Croup. Fifty ants' worth has cured crick In the beck, and the seine quantity lame beck of :eight years! shusding. The following are extrados from a few bt the many letters that have been received from differ - Oat parts of Canada, Which, we think, Should be suMeti ent to flattery the most akeptleal. L -Collard, of Sparta, Ont., *dig "send Me six dozen Dr. Thomas' Eacatrie Oil ; have / had item you rand want or, now its Cures are truly wonderful." Wililani Maguire, of Frisnldin,svritee, "I lime luad the agent leftr-lt acts like A charro-it wee slow at first, but takes Splendidly 'stow." tr. Cote, of toneonitee, 1 please forward six Amen Thomas' Zeleetrie Oil, 1 am nes% out; nothing titbit; it. It is highly rzoonimended4 them who base med 1. Bedford, Thainternle, writee, "Send at once a further lap* of helectrie 01.11. I have only onif bottle Mit. I iiever gew towing sell so Welland give Ouch gonerel malefaction:ft 3. Thompson, ',Woodford, vendee, a send melons; more Eclettrit Oil. X hoe sold tntitel/ Grit •nothing• takes like it." Miller & need, injure them,. When the waters enbeid- ed theyfound thereselves literally buried. alive through all the derichours of la un - day' 'night: All Afon"dhP and Monday night they 'contiriiie-rthus impriaoped, and at about 10; o'clock on • Tuesday, they were diecovered and.,etaken out pearly -starved, but otherwise unhurt. The tourse of the hood was probably 206 feet wide, and :frame and brick buildings ,fell before the deyasting ele- ment as though they boa been sand. Dwellings, atone, workshops, and -debris of all kinds...mingled togothqk la one confireetl Inass,..making it ingoasible for the spectator toeliscover.even the street lines. In some instances house wore literally turned upside down, ta4rtoa;i7.1ifrirtiliii-attia-itotatile Off id gettitiglil Orbit repination bete, and is dal)* dated for. Sad tit $ bather enpnlyvilthoiddelay," totooptiOiGibbk Co. 11001d0011410, r .11.1 *rite, **deans end gross Eclettrie Rit, We. And it 10 tidos. *NV Sold, by ali medicine &Cm ; pito 25 tents. ' • • it N. THOMAS, tha1os. And 60101111OP & rano, toronto, Ont..tole Agents tor the Dominion, NoteAtelestritidstted Electristd. 61tOil t AGRA Or p . X. WA Mid Tim May 1 24 * 414 On Chesnut street; lit the intersection of Spring Gardere,aienue, the water at• tained it depth of fully twenty feet, but the buildings withstood the force bettor, and in only one instance, was any acet- one damage done. A large frame building occupied as a beer • hall was moved from its foundations' and floated directly aeross the street, ecnitpletely obstructing the Way. It is estimated that in this district seventy dwellings WOO delltrilyed, butnoestimate . has been Made of their value. A large number of people aro missing. rt is thought that many bodies are still in the debris. As fast as recovered they are taken to the various „midertakeri in the city. Thiety-eight ate now known to have come from this district. ' Spring Garden -ave. Hee to the south of Ituielter's 'tun, and is separated by a' high hill. Irt this valley the same scenee were enacted, on it Fithian; • scale ,as regards less of life. It would be iMposeible to give anything like athe- tailed account' of the damage clone to dwellings in this vicinity. Those not totally destroyed were greatly damaged. Beyond, fieclay•ave. fortunately there were but few lives lest; at Iettet as far as could be ascertained.' At the foot of Spring Garden -ave. the lois of life WAS ror mote thmt tt_attlitt lt1 aptiiii •• tilitsti CITY 4.0 ti• white ma ness, and (coloure Ciudad. Were fot without s 2,,—Frenk Galey, junk busi- SW013% at a se - 4 rounds the negro, okea up his opponent an ina headlong,. Oaley then procured a knife and, stab- bed the negro three -..titneiein the back and breast, -Although he is in a dying eondition he refuses td make a com- plaint. ST. LOUIS, July 31.-1 Kansas city special &IS that a vigilence committee of about 100 men has been formed ett Wellington and other points in Kansas for the hanging of horse thieves. Three men named Hashrook, Bill 13rook, and Charley Smith were hanged near lington last night, and made' confees- iomeinveiving other parties. • Great rantities ofgrasshoppers appeared. in Western, and • South -Wes- tern Kansas, and are destroying every= thing hefote then). Mitch damage and distress is apprehended. • aorxmons, Ga, July 81--A Woolly tragedy occurred at Marianna, Pa.,' on Saturday.. Chas Nichols WAS killed* by I. •W„ Mooring, who entered the back deoCand with A double barrelled gun fired 0. fatal shot. Mooring overal years ago married it sister of Nichols nyainat tho opposition a her fantily, SHICO which tiltiti It fella has masted be - ' Weal the opposing element;, Niehnls WAS 11110t While Hitting at his desk,/ Ca died foor hours afterwards. Mooring also attempted to kill Nicked* father; coola not And him, tta ho was 1)0 - hind tho door, After 'hooting Nichols 10 wont to, kill -ivitei Altera When lit WM itti*I101 . - UNDERSIONED ',DESIRES TO .. NOTIFY the public. generally that ho had a LARGE TOOK OF SE WING MACHINES, Of various manufacture -MA Ainder• whi. eh 'heaters on liberal terms. Ho is also prepared to obtain any kind r ,. of •Machine that may be desired. • • OALL . AND .EXA.I84111E.::., n. ivonswOurew,' Huron St., one door below the aommii;OlalHotel. Clinton; July 28,1874. Stable 'to Rent, .1NQVIRE OF . " S. PALLISER & CO., — Orociers, Albert Street. Clinton, Itailk 1877. .• Farm for rillIE SVBSCRTBER OFFERS FOR 'SALE THAT .L, convenirantly -situated AMA on tho Mayfield, Ofin., Lot 42, Goderieh Township, containing SO acres, 20 aerated, Use remainder hardwood bush, on which there 13 A frame barn and stable, and i is frame house,' well watered ; fine young bearing- orchard; about two mile% from Clinton. Fatherp rticulare made known on fsp. plicallon, on this premlse to • 1 -. WILLIAM VOX. ociderich. Township, Juiy 20, 1874. SI .', .Exeoutors' Notice.. ,.. ,( 72.=won's mimeo Crania AGAINST THE :.+M- °Mate of the TATE Witturar Vonnza, are rataisst- ha to present them for kettIemont, and aU pereonatin- debtcd to ,eaid estate are requested to discharge th debt* without delays, . The srandereigned, Hugh Radford, Jr., it autitorizedAtNottretevioveroplyzents and • leatle claims. IIHSIPHREY tingtt, trot:mere. 1.117011 RADFORD, 311. Iliillett, July so, 18/4. 2140 Strayed. • ••••••••• QITRAYED FROM rokulgt...o, ON THE 27sn ULT., 1.-.7 A smell Brown Rorie, ellghtly dappled. Di lightly built, as he is three ;Sifts blood, Ilat s gash On the hind thigh, receiveffi:by A kick. It is supposed to have gone towards the north, as it came from Omni. Any pereon giving gnat information en will lead to its res covert will be suitably rewarded. • • • RSV. T. WATSON. 28 hayfield, Jul.y 2, 1874. Farm. for Sale. Or. C. CRUTOKSIIANK M HAS ST RECEIVED A. URGE STOOK OP BOOTS AND --SHOES- Of A quality and price that will meet tli* view* of all initrons. IM er..loygovwre0....1,00.4.10 PARTICULAR ATT.g11ITIONL,pAIIK.,,t0 CI4011 Vironit, N, B,—All, parties having account* Open, will 'please call a soon as possible . and pay what they can on them; 40. s CIIVICX:rSITA-litIK: - Clinton, 1•Lty 6, 1874, go • to Irn.portant Announcement. ItiKelgtEir'S. Se 1).4...1.4X-41[SV-e.,EL 'eSr CO*, Beg to call the attention of their Aim* and the public, that they have opened the • STORE LAT -ELY' occuMED BY MR. mos. RICH, Nearly opposite Fair's Mill, with a choke stlection 01 GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, DRY GOODS &c.- • ...Teas and, Coffees made a Specialty. • v.., Young llyson, Bleck; Green, and japan Tea, from 0, vents ta.$1100 per lb. F RW -S -1-1-71t, tEr-rt- D ••• C} 0 F -F E. 1,.00., by. strict attention to imainese and buying from tho. hest marketai hope to merit 11, share of public patrenage and eupport. S. PALLISER' & acfr - Owner, JOY 2, 1874. • 28 . „.„ 1\TI.J1 ANtx{p i .T,44, DEALER -1 - ;SCHOOL poopl MISCEILANENTS BOOKS, . 1.9 ma .1=i, WALL PAPER, ' WINDOW SHADES,. • • , TOYS .ANp FANCY- GOODK'',71TIOLI CASE . CONERTINAS AND ELVEFS, PICTURES 4111 FRAIES, WEIN. SATCHELS, ETC., ALSO,. A LARG.E ASSORTMENTOF Berlin Wool, Slipper' 1?atterns,. and .Berlin VCrop Goods.. • All, the latest Papers and Periodicals always on hand. Also Agent fol: the PALLY • AND WEEKIAY ckLo33 AND' MAIL. AMERIOAN.:.aspoNgg. BOUGHT AND SOidi or RES/EMBER THE 1.TAllIE• AND PLACII,-- CiarrpK, Oct. 22,1d73.. . ememeseseb. , • • _TTORN.. :--NE44I.4ES, [CORNER MARKET SQUARE._ Jai N OTICE . TO TTIE_.PIT13L10;- • . The undersigned beg to inform the inhabitants of Clinton and inirrOtinttin' g country that they have entered into Co..Partnership for the purpose of carrying on the business of manufacturers of Carriages, Buggies, Waggons, Sleighs, Cuttersoto, in all its various branchea, it their • ' old stand, HurehRtreet Clinton- under the sitylo and firm of 3Et, 1CT ,1•1[31ESTI:A. 3CA ‘S, JE S I , No pains will be spared to execute work equal to anY in the Dominion. Their Icing experi- ence In the Comity enables them to fuily understand the requireinente of their cuitomis*,, and they belief...by strietattention to business,. to give entire satisfaction to all tired:NOW favor them with their petrenage. s' A large and select stook of the best seasonedinaterialalWaye Onrhand. thderioxeob. .. • with despatch. Repairing done on the aliorteet noticie. , , ,RT:1113 ALL & LESLM. Cenrimr, Stay 22, 1874. • 17 . , Wood Turning. nine UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED HIS Turning Lath to the Planing rooters of Messrs. Cooper A McKenzie, vroad inform the poliple of Clinton and vielnity that he le prepared to execute sill onion; in his line of boldness, at short Aolicie, and. on, reasonabil terms. ' JOHN BEAN. Olffiton, May 20,1874. . 22 • . Agent Wanted.. IITANTEe IMMEDIATELY -A. 000D, ACTIVE v V Aiwa, to 16k0 orders for th()M e aros MARBLE - Wonks, to Whom steady employitientand a liberal coin. InfoSoft will be glvert..„ Apply at 0000 to . • n." COOPER, rn. Clinton, ;lay 22, 1874. 81.4i • Parm. Rent. roue. MIDERSIONED Oelferte NIS PARE, CON• 4.: Marto of.100 acres. -70 olootted, Voil fenced, and • nodes good cultivation, with frame house,..,hart att- atablee„.well wAtered, to rent. Apply to JOHN REYNOLDS, -On this premises, Loi 22, eth Con. /Collett. ItrillettPuly 18, 1874. , 80411t Durham Calves. for Sale. Ttaun sonsontsun omits THAT CONVEN/• Mitts eitnated farm lot, part of No. 22, Sth eon. nieettil 7 Miles from Minton, containing 781 sores SO clear well kneed, and under A good state of outlive - Mon, rem.iinder IS well timbered. Thr o is n Ant Younly 'OralittAlrele lsaft ani ' itaintor,• and a never. failing spring on the plea+, TERMS EASY, ina made . known on Application to exionA.s mitts, On the prerniece. Stanley, duty Et, DN. • 29.0411* BLACKSMITH SHOP for Sale. or to Rent; roan £11711961tIllE11 OFFERS TILlItellatiORILV eititatcd Blfiekriniith'S Shop, titillated Raj. field Road, at the corner comMonly,ealled 31,1Cor for Side Or to rent. Poiniession girt% IM tate- .1y. A. good; twootorey, concrete hoists in ooritiost WM. *alai& TOWitabili, jab 1,1814. .%971314. NEW BUTCHER SHOP it. '14TZSIMO1Th3 BarciirAc: itutoviiron TO TIM INI/LISITA,NTS Bracher $14 irith: tilt 414tsiistiti )glitalttelgi.rat AT: Ztet,tilli ilrrit Itt!attltrotteriket,);e4Tirii 'wh. Ain"; OM as may favor him itita ova CMOS% 61.14 tgliasliof .1 tratZ114044141§ find proispily.i.diesrili tionnwasta i461 tat, 404 NI Itadinil - mnz rer;ied° • frtigiareleifit. r112.11.11. vi Scat cat c ho April 2, 1814,1,:ot 41, oton. Ooderteh Township, N miles fora alatount.ii Vocal all In modal Mao. OCRAWFORD 0E08 to ANNOUNCE THAT 112 is now located In Olinton, whore he will be planed to receive pupils id yodel end inittrintehtermulde. Par. defiler attention paid to oultivation of the- vole*, Tortes riturdid467iffi. arm= application. Resideime-s-one dear taili of Vietorla, on Eirkist. At home on Monday and Sat. OBAWFORD. Clinton, May 88; 1514. Dissolution of.Partnership. mat PARTNERSH/P Ilsantokont 2mX1S11110 betwetal the 'Undersigned, 'hashers, in Clinten, wise Mutated by Mutual molleenti Mt the' 271h of Junk 1874. _ The hooka have been aimed tlithoondeaf Mtn Shuthinghani, fit Mr, Stanburl'i Storm *No wui T1001:1ah 14 4ette 4n.the 1u8.1 511 04000515It. FITZSIMONlls Z. DINSLEY, Iltraffn,441nil 51,1024. soE bIRTIXT TRES! 11. Taranto Nuritoirlisills dasts. (NOM* LOT AT Mg OiPlett V011 That Ind Shettli will los SinbAtodit *WOW tib AI CIL MS tit *Mid MA 114 b. Real Estate for Sale IN CILIHTON.' 1. New FraMe Cottage on Isaac' Street; six menu good well; em. Nearly one third of an acre. - 2. A frame building on house Street, near' the Central square, enitable for A stare -house, stable, Ao. • Stood building iota in various pate of the village. IN STANLEY, IMILLETT, WAWANOSH, ASH. FIELD, Air. L The property in Dingier Taigas (London Road} Stanley, latelyzeiMpied by 'William Brewer; about- ten acres. Now inune houSe of 7 rooms; frame 'table; good well; fruit trace, Ent. On the hayfield River, ea. Janine tls.e village. ' 2. tot 221n the 7tir coneeseion of Iltillat ; 100 acres ; about SO 'cleared. ' vi,8a.wislaffoortIthh;halloof ofalott° 128; izan °three Fitbfitiih Chalionceesigoinvotof;EtIst 311141.1.4111Wirst' half of lot 84 in the Fourth Concession of - East Wavranosh; 100 aerie; about GA *mei cleared; )hewed log house and barn. 15. Sonth halt of Lot s in the 04 e.tateession of Ash* Add Maine* about 20 cleared, • AnE other texas in Milan, fiords, At. t•v 20 • • ; • ( GB101102 31/111116,4 'estbitiot Maker, Tirplkilsterer, AMA General Dealer in Pitittiiure, la returning thitalto to hie sitimenite irle74 Omani for past favors etas Mott:gin Milton, Ate • p0411 ago, Would Intimate alit ha in et tbe sidetiadsnd ho now on baud 6 WLL sELECT4D STOCK Andweind ip1tai17 1t Is InSpiatior. of-thpseme, Vs is sainalisturIng LOUNCIbi,voltialt; for dobbilitf - and tomfort,ddy eeninetition, 1St the sane:time ait °heap ae oar, Weribless stueles tbrovid on tiro Mirka. • 4-- leatosied raiderial, imo 0.04141 0141if As he melees toed vsetbrial. end 111 *orb **be id Al tut itsineteteM enetett XXPA.IUING Atli Awl ; **two • Casio 2112121611 it$011461.11; NA, d ItestV.,a 44- °Atli rim