HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1874-08-06, Page 2Nees ot te-asee Weer ses, way Wise st Woe awe se swam a. se new inteetes, Oast *we , ries 6 new we cope. ,(Cbt (tlintlitt lAnn (!r4 OLDITON, AUGUST 8, 1874. Tim RECIPROCITY TREATY,. Tbi oppOnente of .thla treaty begin to And ft will not do to tidvocate onlY pre- tesetiOn tO Minutfectiirers, ne that is a eaanifest injustice;4and now they are • urging the impoition of a duty epee, agricultural produce, hoping thereby to throw dust in the eyes Of. rartners, and make them•believe that thisrare their • real friende, well knowing, tie they do, twit no ainount of duty would enhance _ • , _ the Price, as thertrie moreProduee than 01,o 091IntrY consuPles;tind, therefore the . price ie regulated by the quotations in fo- reign niarketS, The case ie very Utter- ent with manaftietnrets of diffeeent tides: the imposition of a dritY some inanufileturers havia menaprily,-,and even when there are several manufactories they can, form a ring and ther.eby fle?ce the Public. To please or to carry out the ideas o,f_these anti -treaty people, a Chinese would require to he built, aria 'IT act passed diet.: no one should ractke'n4iiiseeverles, ,invent lebor-sev- ling machines, or that any improvement • should _take plisee.:w hereby tbe cam 11111: -01.tiatiinOs lifeisballethirelisturbedibu. that eve-ritrhing sheuld-retnain stationater , for ever, That is the natural con"chision te be drawn from, their coutse of reason- ing. ' THE DAWSON ROUTE. TPA PROTgAirt Person* often ask us, what isboUt the proteet, is it going on 11 To those encluirles we will girl It general waterer. All,tha maehitiery IA in %notion awl it ie expeeted the day will be fixed for hetwine•the evi- donee before long. In the meantime the member for Tuakersmith ie in great anxi- ety •, he is fretting himeelf, well imowine the fatain *tore for bine -Got/feria &or. Perhaps( ear eotemporary would tell us tionothing about -the meeting held at Brucefield, seine tint% sinee,Ao .disouss the advisability of withdrawieg the pre. test, We presume the reason a repori of the meeting'e transaetioas has not appeared, was that. it '‘ 'had been un- aireidabry crowded out," as there is a rumor that the feelingo of the meeting were not entirely in accord with the viewe of the SOO. The complaints made in relation to the auffetingwof the "emigrants by that rontohas drawn from the Meeirs. Cer- pouters an explanation of the causes, that hive produced them, mid any unpreji- :diced person, after eeading them, ,will feel that they have es mucherecison49, f.erapihkenf their treatinentliyalfffifent - 'parties as the travellers by that rept() bad. In the first place. they found everything belonging to the route "in a wretched. condition in consequence of ethe, potties, who had been appointed by the lath Government, neglecting to take proper 'Niko! them, or designedly put- ting theni atuch a position, that peat - difficid4 svoiffilbe mcperieneed get, thsk.,:them into working oider, whiCh wu done Sut of esiite, as they were be- ing_displaCed by he new oceiteactoes: The letter, _cm pro. eeding up the line, Emma folir ,01%th stearaers sunk, end ow) of•theni, tliree lies from the Abaco, and -only ala top Of hei sirlokestack to show her whereab ts. A. large num- be- • ell testi and berges were in. e.leaking condition. and entirely tins fit:for Use, although the Men . that were foft to taw. ebargeinf prepertY, :Cot ported all as thOroughty.repaired. • The difficulties' that Were eneaufitered by the cOntracters; alohg nut° longer t,han feont 3fontreal te London; Cannot 6,i) easily conceived, mid, the eniy won,. der is heir they have atioomplished the feat of transporting more up to the 'pres- ent time than was carried over it daring the Ontieie ems*: of I.878, -and that they haw" now eo therOughly perfected their arrangements they' are prepared tyansport' passengere at the rate of about fifty a aay, over the entire route, in twelve --- • RAILWAT EXTENSION. ' 4" From news jdet'recelved appeaes s •e• • that the Government are very aetive in makii6 preparations fcti the tonstrtie: tion of railways that will afford an ed.. . let for' Manitoba.- It is aaid by the Ilamtltoii Times that the Government' will proceed immediately to build aTroid from ThunderBay to Lake Shebandowan where the travel by watir upon the Dawson Route begins.,LAt-thee-tiare time wOrk will be tarried on uleen the line from Winnipeg to the Lake ofthe Womb. These lines; when totr.pleted, -will over- come the main difficulties of this route for summer travel. The heavy .weele in. wagons will be Obvlited, and nearfit. the whole route will he open for rail and water carriage. Tenders Will also be called for to, construct the line from Winnipeg to Pembina, which will 'eon- ,ntict with the American 'system, and afford an all -rad passage winter and sum- merik The two lines terminating lat 7,Whinipeg-itirdoulay important new., as - ',the poor emigrants in Manitoba will be :relieved by the money expended in their construction. It is hoped that there " may. be as little delay in getting tuvrork ste is consistent with safety. Meantime the Northern Colonization Company has decided to proceed at once with Ayita er, near -Ottawa -City,. along the northern bank Of ahel Ottawa, • ilvir Mattaera,a point Where the Mat.• tawn, river joins the Ottawa. The 7tfattaava river has liktiource near Lake ' Nflpiating, 'will& empties into Georgian Bay, This part of,tha. Northern Cohn. salsition Railway will in time form a : link.4L411 Iiittniflo System, though:other Ulies Olt to the Main Pa0140 road in • carlOtti 'Arta of Ontario, - ACTION' EOR LIBEL. 0 The MeV IRA will be yea from this date to Set Jan., 16, to new sunurthere• for 50 OW. edvance, Conservative-papershaveliceasolongin the habit of, plandering their opponents for hick of some arguments te Overthrow their reasoning, that they hive become utterly reckless Li theie eharges, and, from a long season- ef forbearance on. the part of filie slandered, they appeared. to thiuk that they can do so to any extent with impunity, but we think.the follow-- . .11 ing notiee • cease_ some of. them to wish that tilo, lad been, more cautious arid not"lineecepublished a libelous en:try Without they' bad positive ',aeon/ itS Authenticity, We learn that the Na- tional,' Sineuel Briggs"' paper, is the one that started the story, and it is more than probable that it will apologize for its unjest eliargO: 'As we did not' no - tick the libel:_p,t the titlie, gilt% regclers vill, perhaps, bain ignorariee •orit; And we,...thertiferetjnatstaite'that Mr. Brown is Chatted -with being the father of an - illegitimate child,. which was- likely. done for the purpose of betli „diverting the . atientien of the pubile frem 'the. Sangeter scandal, aed as a sehoghigainst What suceess• will attend that manceuvre will only be knoin after the 17th -inst. • The roiloveing note-eppeared in SaturWs I find that during my ahience at Wash.: inetan outrageouti slander affecting my punnet character appeared in an elmoure "I'reeirly papcir -this -citY; -and has since nfidetsitied that the remaining (kind Trunk broad guage tritek on the swarm' nest Of Montreal will be Mang - :‘,sal to the univereal 'standard on Satur- • sitiyi the.26th. of, Ben next. The Ptiteld Trdnk &MVO \then be able *kg b ot MAK. NV ibt Ingo • been repeated in that and other newipapers with aggravations. : These infamous. striteinents are utterly faLse front beginning. to end: They aro pun inventions, without a ahadow of truth to 'millet° them. : • • I was not aware that any such ;scurrilous - stories had -been nunalshed, until Tuesday evening kite when instiuctione were he. stonily given to iny solicitors to proseciite all the Journalists who have given them currency through their papers.. That is now, being (Ionia aad thhashWite has only been delayed until copieR of the severe' papers containing the slander could be eecured, _ Geo.-BROM july 81st, 1874. VStr.le relifloWN. Hullett Brandi, at ("Buten, on Sept; 15th aud 161;11. Tuckerstaith Ilreeeles„ea Seaforth, en Sept. 17th ana 18th. 11/4Tertis nhilng, at Myth, on Sept. 17th And 1801.• • Stanley, laranele Beyfield, Friday, Sept.25. Eget Waecepeab Bratiole at Belgrave, Sups. 30. . South Reline Huron, at Exeter, Oct, 0 ana 7. Elina anti Wallace, at Listowel, Oct. 7 end 8., Mitchell, Oet. 6 and 7. Previucial Pete at Toronto, feeph 21, 22,-23, 24, awl 25. ' Weatern Fair et London ,on, Sept. 20th eni 00th, and (Sot. 1st aral '24d. ' The Appeal Case. The juslgtht decision in this case was, given on Seteeday last us promised, which is to the effect that. the equalized A880113- 41110 of the vvliolo countyhas been raised from-- $14-,124;801-- to $26,230,70. The whole of the municipalities wore raised, bet in different proportions. The -town -of Godeilehisill have to 'AY:alma $50 move taxes,"and the village df Clinton will bo gainer tp, the extent of $1.30,,ane the other villagesFof -the conety, -to es less extent. •The following hi the reel/irks ef the judese atehe conolesion of the counsel's aderesses; A. political meeting, • 'Called by • Mr, Rykert, was: held at Sh Thomas on. Monday, find was- attended' by abod: 1,000 persons. •1/fr. Itykert sPoke .for abont three hours, and, as esual, charg- ed. the_Roaernmentewith all manner of extravagance, violating the constitutton, Arc., clios, and eloied up liy denying that. eier -Maeived any money from' either the Canada Southern or Great 'Western_ Railway Companies, fee, his vote and infinence the Legielaturi, Ile was followed by Hon: golceliar, Niho reiterated the "oluifgellejle had: pie. vionsly *Lae against 1/r. Ryirert, and challenged hini bringliiin (McKellar) before a Court of Law or a .CommitteO of the House, when ho woela proveTthe cl4rges by likontiliable eVidence. • • His Honor said that he should be eon/poll- ed to take the material whielt bad been /aid before hire and decide upon it, and, although it Would be a manifest injastleete these town- ships, he should, epee 'the evidence, before him, -berohliged to raise"the value of.. the real and personal estate the townshinsofTeek. erenuth, Colborne, and Stanley, . Ile also' thought he had peWer te deal with 'the reo*n of Goderieh in the ewe way, and lie consider- ed that both the personal and real property ef the town had la6eG andevassesied....:, Asfar as the.village of Clinton was concerned he con- sidered, 'from the,evidenee, that it. was fully assessed. Aa no evideece have been given talii r e ids wt 04-E:1117s apsrseessismmt evil:. woof ittl ocnai:er. municipalities, he would not deal with them Ilastrongli„condenmed. the inanner of pre- ceedure adopted hy some.of the assessors. Ilo said that While they professed to be ac- quainted with the &Anis. of their oilled, 'and the natere of the oath which *they had taken befer6 entering open those duties, it appear- ed by•the evidence . that tbo gssessment bad not .a.meii ' made • in accordance therewith, •Should anything of the kind come before him next year, he,weuld. be compelled .call tha attention of the Oeenty Atterney to it, as APPeared teldin tehe yorylike perjury... „ . be welt tor all asepeaorem future to ect in strict echerileace with the statute, nor enly,,,,j40„eseaPe; lty,. but.te:'pre, •v. ent sech aceeeeesi The depieciatide. pi/elk/6 of etveidin - ' ViiSecit ionf lo et,, _ theemere more edits in' thsratio. •clise greed/Al, het else resales in -lobe, fur -out- siders-who often 'read Of the asseesed value of the ex:mail? net knoi; that it is a faLse DM, 'and theieforetwe are•not looked upo nee tne light, and woeld-be aeetlere pe -haps, eitrieirsontesseo other places.- -se Asseasors shonid. no ionger cleave/et° the value the Told roll gives them, hutee pen the eath,takentit the di/eh/ration of office. .11 oral. Rehm. . arrionotraisny„ macre are a' larsre,tinectiter ref 011te sub. tr./where whet are eenshlerablr aro weave, the amount et• which they esti at woe see by of ;refer enetiAe, „lhe llotros on the printed othivitsS. wentd. earnestly reunost 01 such itti. tat tenet, tbrwartl the amount One% Ant .we are much tra need or At. lilanitehat PORT Gatarre Auguat 1.-TWe hundred and eighty Mennonites errived by •boa..ETaiir iiirght, -and they' expedis themselibs well pleased V•ith the, try., They expended seterel thousand dollars to -day in making purchapea; for farming operations. • Reports frOin Sectienteof the Pro-. vince indicate thatgraeshapper'a ravages arenot so bad -as tit first thonght. Ooe hall' Of the ordinary crop is fully expect- ed. . • The news received from Ottawa to- day that ,the Gov'ernment had dated far tenders for the Pembina Railway and other branched -gives,tereestropesetersthre large tember of unemployed men who have been hanging .round here expect; ing employment- eti the- publie worke. Lient-Gayernor Morris returned to- day front visib to the Western portion or the Province, where•he hao been per. serially investigating . the damage 4049 by the grasehoppers, pLord" Goedoti shot himeelf on Sat. nrday lase tit his••residence; Ifeadingly, in this Province. TWOt doted.- ives arrested him. He said he would go with. them if they'would• not take hilt througb the Statet,:end Went to his room ostensibly to prepare for the journey, Juit blew out his brains there with a re- volyert.' retac.-r---"; RerVitits.-The ing are the returns of inursigrants who have Arrived in the city during the last Month :---1,124 Ittissum Meneonites ;• 882 English ; 175 Triiih ; 188 Scotch; 20 Germana,, and 10 Italians, .407 Germans and Norwegians have paseed through he the *United Statee. 300 of isrne on 'IV/Ale/al and 500 ott,Thursday,ana they are. now all on their-nrayto Manitoba Via Duluth; The latter number bad sotne $80,000 monger them, WM& will onabie them to commence operetions With a: fare de- gree of' comfort. •This inamigration of Menzionitesis the moult of infor4stion circulated, by three delegates Who aft over last year; ' Soon after arriving at the Sheds oue ef the women gave bieth to a daughter, and both mothee ohild are doing well, the latter, keel -said, ,having the honort.tiltheugh nileoneeious. of the fact, of being the first Mennonite, Uatitiaititi. by nativity, Notwithstand- ing that the ‘resourcea of the /turnip& tion Office were borne upon so heavily by the large nuMbere of persona' arriv- ing in golek ancoession the arrangetnents were toteellent) The various buildings 00101111 and tit trod trittri considering the' ilitittiOutioi,*41.11,11/000k414' .011dIrlet Mittela. " ' - A return rnalaiVvas place en -Tuesday, between the Clinton and Sea.• forth junior cluhe, game resulted in favor of Clinton, ,Vy 39 rues. Afessrs. G. A. I<nox, Clinton, and L. Latimer, Sea; forth, 80ted Re- umpire:stand gave eatiface tier/. to both sides/. Mossre P. G. Cooper, Clieten, and WeWilson, Seaforth, were scorers: etelter 'the' match: vit,ts t.ho Seafortli club was' entertained at a zump- taona'repast at McCuteheon's Hotel. ,Be: low viegivnthe score CLINTON--FIREIT j. Remind, b• /SfeCloy, a Jas. Mulligan, 1 Winterailr J. Elciadley, b . USIcevY1L11:tir girWsle, • 5 Johnaon, Grassi°, warm. 1tulligan, . 0 G. Weeds, b Grassie, - Wm. Coats, b Grassi°, Zas. 1 • Wetter Coate, b Grassi°, c .7,1Vatson, 0 A.-1'tvieef not °lief ........... •g W, Jaeltsen, /Seeley, e Gtassie, ' Extra, 0 .. • 1.1aratactat atone Trunic 111111Wity Illete0441ble. min 1, 7n:0 t Asr.;.. request, • - 1040 a. tn. Noma, '. las p. m. MS, . . 7.80 a. in. 3uhattl, - -.. Ivo a. m. OZIK01,1 S'aneliro 8011•10 wpm. 1.28 p.m. Mud, - - . 440 p.m. Mars „.,- 4.so p.m. ma, - • 0.•0 e. m. sesseese _ - - Coin -rem -The usual monthly nintine ef tho Villege °outwit was held okMon- clay night, but no biteineaa• of Imp/Attlee was tranbacted. • , '' " Ihrinum.-Wo learn that N. .litinriro, Rig., M.D., 'silo has been on, a trip to Manitoba, has returned, and will routine his practice at Bruce3eld. ' • - -ttirranurarDiseriroe Me MING. -MO Pi- narielal District Meeting of the Goderieh Dietriet wiii La hehl in Clinton next. week, The meeting opens in theWeeloyan Olnireh on Wednesday, the 12th mat" et 0 am. „ . _ , ;Sane STANI) Tyres'alr.--"-Rartiessel'ha saber - scribed money for hie perporo et oreetieg a lettel stand on the hiarket.Sqvtare have reTnested us to AOC 'What has lemoine of . . . the fends, and why two they not applied_ to the object for .whiph they wore raised:- Onors Deernovue.-We leau•re from a private source, that. a number of the far- mers who removed front the towittlitp of Irunett to Redwood County, Mein/seta, nome . time aincee.have this year est all their crops from the ravages of the grass- hoppers, whieliiiave appeated le that end othor Sainte, le eotietless,roeriede 2 na..0.e•nia o .,o enoons.---The Cont- . ..iiiini.Schboi inthisiaillage will be re -t• men.. t ed on Monday, the .10th, ins -e, end the, High School, on7Mond,ity. - the 170, Mr. 'R. k. Orr, dit nuclei -graduate of Bowman- ville, has . been selected as the Assistant' , • teacher for thelaider echoel, .: 1 4 ; s . REDeuEd FAitns..*.:In. OT(..01` .4 awe these who clesire it ail oppoeteinity of seeing „Barnum'd show, at Sttittford, next fester.' dayethe Greed :Trunk Railway Compani flee tickets fretri any 'etn-tiOn -gong the li p to that' toWn, &oil to retura oa :Mow day, for piiiie and a third fares for the (Unable join. ley. - .. ... .: Ramadre es. Conronelexuree--Ateelee shistheittin ii- ci,--M-;1W7•Diaision-Tijoinii in • thia eillage„Mr„ Reynolds seed the dorporatiert 'for in • tary to his harness from a Meet in / a str et "oulvort, and we learn from Mr.. Mi einnson, Nylio was reteined on behalf of ile °talents, DSO last wok the jUdge gave I s debisien in ke.vor of defendente: . .... ... Total, ea• CLINTON-SECOND manves. 1100107, ...... oa. a 14 Wlatefe;b J. Headley; bilfc-Clay. '.... • .. r• ro t, r• •• • -1: -Wm. epate, IfcCroy, 0 . • D. breTarialt b Graside, c Ottossie; . . . 0 - W:"Jackson,j, 111cOloy, 0 . T. johneort, b idsCloy.,6 mae, a A. Tsvise,i) Graeae - G. Wm:Wei:lot out .. 6 R. DInsloy, hi:Ira:161o, a Malloy, 0 Waiter coats. stomped, 0'01o. ........ • • • -• • • Eatrniii .r. .... ,Wptal... • . 4:: I f 01 45 steveneir-rrase x.:,31.4gerts. • o•V'Atvon, I/Xenon/1i, ;T. 1115.1, b Coattr,„ ' 11 D. ildeCloy, Howson, 2 . W. Camino, b Winters, , W. Graosfe, Coato, Coats, Jas./Mangan, h notosen, 0 jas.Watson. b Coats, 6 Coats, a toratargioositepg before wicket', • 54 Carnalhutel-, nrit Ont ' 0 ' ' 8' Ongibit011.1Xduts,......,...4.,..,-....,-rr. --'Eitiraii, • --.4- 6 i Teta) 81 \ 1 • • : SPA3105011-AtCOND TNNIZipS, : r \ G. Watacmcb HoWsOli. . ,- ' ....; .7.. .T. litdd, b Coats, .. ... ...... ' .. " • D. MeCloy, b llow`i•ion'. . W. (hassle, 0 Hoween,'"d Coate, .1 Za:e. Alullfgan. etuniped wit ....... -- 0 - /es:Watson, ran oat, r....1#i•#•.•",'•"• (k. John Milligan. b Itowsm, .8 d: W. Cardtto, la Ilowadif, . 0 ' C. 3foran, b Holman, 6 T0140011. a /1, carmtehata, b Rawson, • . . . ...... .. .... ro ' . s. mantises, not out, t Extras, . . fCallitsp. Aeerincter,-.A little, girl aged 0 years, danglater of Mr. John Russell, of the llth eon. of this township, fell from, a hay mow on the 30th ult., and broke her atilt right above the elbow jc,!int and dislocated the joint. Dr. Campbell, of Seeforth, wee celled in and attended to both fracture and dislocation, and the little girl is now tieing' wen, . . Seaferth, - A raeoeintn..-4. boy of Mr. Satnuel Stark, thoduaker, 'diving in the wooda a few claye ago,. fell, end broke hie arm hist above the wrist. Dr, Campbell set tbe freeture, and the boy la going around. • Settforth ratepayers hy votee of 38 to 42 defeated a bpi/Ay:to-rave 05,000 to . pur- chase ft atom fire engine, Grey. halear Flei;sieee-theshaver reeeived opy of," GaligesnPs AfeSsenger," and Also:one of "Le Soleil," from- Mr, Win; 'Melba°, who is now in.. -Paris -in -company witai-Mit7H. ,Sharp, of St, . We have ne doubt bat. that Le Soleil contains some very interesting reading, hut es ,our edneation Ivo sadly neg- lected in our youth, we -shall Toro the plea- sure 6f peraeing it, • , ' SitVDTUti', 11utioeg tlie Siiaforth Ilse/es/1er states that. 'doe le the A Dersraanex OUTRACI50. - We learn that a trlict,peaceable man of the nein° of Joeopli Avevy, who resales on the 1,4th eon., Grey, WM 80 upon few days ago by a family of the name of Billings, who live near him, me stoned fearfolly, and he has been conflue4 to his ever Since, Ono stone took circa upon the bone of thd leg above the anide, Awl Dr, Campbell, of Seatortheluid to he taken back to attain' to The De Bind that the blow had. produced inflammation -of ---the .eovering of, the bone, and motterhaesing formed ilfter ,down, he lanced ,it, Ur. Avefy will lie dixabled tor a length at time, Re intends to bring his oaawilefore John Beattie, j, P. ' of Seaforth, to Bee what can be done iith tillovfoontrirs botoyassofiiitgileneisi ixoto a°, naenecif t bweh oont oi ,two younger, It is sanl they are Nome, 'fligns,' and certainly they EtTO savageh CANADIAN IkTIONATS. A carter named Osiorge Asinpson was sunetruch in London, on Friday, A. hotel owned by Mr. a Whet, Iine- peter, avaa almost totelly deatioyed'hy lire on Monday. A body, supposed to be one of the crew of the Foam, lute been found near Niagare. Tho township of Ops is distreseed by sheep -killing dogs. Ono farmer lest nineteen elleep, another ten, and .severel ethers lost more or leo. Mr. D. A. MeOrinunon, M. D.,ef Leek- now,hes beeit eppolated an assistant thiro. nor ferehe County of Bruce, Rey. Mr, Graham preathed his, farewell serinon to hie ceueregetion at Eginende eine, ,on Sunday bet. The revereed gen- tleman has occupied thespulpit of the Eg- hnoudville 4ereh for over 30 y re, Re Lstationed in this se'etion of °pun r ...0x? tn was one'ef tlie•first Presbyterian 'nisters poaltor. , .. . . Sixty-three acres have been purchaisecl of sewarel parties in 8er/forth/tad Bayfield -for gee patpeees, and with Proper induce. ments from the locality operations will be. commenced at once. This is a grand op- epertunity for the Ilayfiela people to exert •themselres, being ,olie ef the nrst enter- prises offered. them, " • . -An accident occurred at MoInictsh's•Card- ing l'dill, Brussels, oa.Monday last, where- by, g lad about thirteen yekra of. age lim- e -et James Fitepatriok, ...badenis .left4liancl, ' Nvyist, one, arat ,tpeinfelly inner . Hie and before it was released the middle. in echok4 hand *as diugat in the carding in ine, ger was fearfully bruised, being opened. to the neetesendetheehackeefetheeliandeands -Wrist were 'lividly tore and,seratched; . --7.0ntrninv.7-;-..-We'regret fo 'announce the sleuth of Dr. T, If, Stokea, Clerk of Goder- lab Township and Secretary of the hoard of Public schoola, and an old resident of this sectieee Dr. Stokes was se native el England and dime to this•country and set- tled on kfarM en the Ilayizield Road otter forte years ago, where he continued to re- side till a couple of yeare age" when he movectinto Goderieb, He was a quiets unehstrusive Men andhvas bold in eenerall -respect.-Sitt-eses- ' - . A 'Fiteeif. ,pE Nee/me...L-0n the 10th nate it marebetenging to Mr. John Curry; con. 11,_Hibbert, gave birth to a. colt of rather an unusual shape: It bee neither shedders, front lege- nor breast. Tho neck* sprung right out from the frout part of .the ribe. tinder the -neck, near .the body, was a small leg, about the size of a lambs, with a perfectly- formedlioof on it. The .cabinet factory and residenee of 31r. W. Rupert, ratterson, were coMpletely destroyed by Are on the 80th ult; Loss, $3,000 ; no insurance. While tearing up the floorof an old barn ia Rineardine Township hist week, a swarm of rats were discovered, and no less than 188 were killed. The Morpeth Poendiy was destoyed hy Ere on Monday. Loss $3,000 ; no insurance. Supposed to have been. the work of incendiary. tbr Vriday last the .Duity Globe ap- Nand in a dives Of new type. It wise 'badly needed, and has consequently manh inaproved the' appearance of the r:patierk, • irlape latie belonging to ' the St, htary's Orphan. Asylum ware drowned at a pieeno of the inmates of thatinati-. tution Thersday.- The bodies wore recovered. ' OTTAWA, August 1. -Lord •Dufferin will reach Suit' Ste Marie on bib return •trip about the 18th hod. From there he will proceed to Chicago, and probably retuin to Ottawa oin Washington. . berglary upon the prenaieas of Mr. Whilifile, at Hamilten, was et•tempted on. Wednesday evening, when the roan Servant shot oneeatetlieeintruderee-and.' 'yapturecl him, the atber6 making ,thell,'‘. iseape. . .• In, Toronto, 'on Montlayat yoang man named. Jahn. Sentory ,abused his sheer because she Would' net get him any whiskey, . A. neighbor, :Pateiek•-lltahony interfered to,protect the siatcr,when the other. drew a. large knife and seriously stabbed hina. below the left shoulder. William son of Mr.. A. Ronnie, ;near Isinwood, );fta hiretiFiiiiiit aria his skull amount of deposits lievieEcan made a {la The colt in every other resEect was fully institution' in thnt village, tied thee° fas it developed and perfect. • 8 ortly 'after it, . .. • was born; it could stand 'on he hind feet in any ,other office in: the county:: , 1- with a person holding tip its front .partt thOugh we are glad to seasnell a dedree o and appeared strong and smart.- t'cac7 .11 c. state that the office in. this. tillage 'is not. )0sitces , • - , , . . The almost sodden death, and tlie eirs propriety iii that section, we bee leave to . . . . . e . fat heliiielstlieir figures, eithisugh there ere • local causes that work fo ite disadvantinee . VciTE1113' 1"..115T. -The. riSt of Intters fOr 11110 'Village, which has been_ priuted• cording to law, le now -polite& up in the of- oeoh• the:Villa-gee Cleek, And pnitiar. sirous 41R/eating the 'same can nowq1O. •so. All corn olaitits id errors or oinfosions . . . _ must bp mado to the 'Clerk' in writing,' and net, as mealy suppon, tho ciarefejudge. The above reniarks apply to the voters, list for the tewnship of Hallett, ea will be seen by acinetisetrient. • • _ " Yoe Youno fereseie"..--On fentardag. moning. led, it -boy. about eieht yeers. 'of ago seemed have been seen " pleddleg's ;done one of oer mine/pal deeded 41 .g.4,0 . t.• followed -by an elderly. matron,„wlo carried in her liana " sprig of a shine-, lagh," svidele she evidently wantee to ap- ply to -Mi. lower extremities, but •the. 1( youth". 'being' inore fleet 01 • foot, .scion out -distanced " the old lerly," who was ap- parently vorY mem, that.ahe had not the. clumn of " bating that young ' • :Sam Lew Fiese-We observe -that the . lete limn of Ceenealin. 4*(7=0 liarzisters Goderielle hes'beentijese)Ivcd, ana that MP. Camerou hes • asaociated. with hini in the prectiso prefession, Germany, Esq., a Barrister of tho Middle Temple, England, nod ft gorla Canadian Bartiater -and Attorney, Mr. (fore/ally tithes cluiege efeiliel Chancery' Depattinent. .The besi- ness of fa • Cameron Garrow new tirin • Total, .. 10 Examination of' Teatiterie '• The examination of candidates foe First, Second, and Third Class eerti5cates teak place -at 0 odorich mane clays since; butthe egainleers only got through the* labors' of inspecting the papers on. Tuesday morning laet. 'Thee° were 38 male and 41. female canffidatee tor, Third -Class, Cortideatce/ and only three Male for First, helow we eive a list of the sueeessful competitors Tor Second and Third °least- •Seceifil Campliell„(nakh, J. 'Ferguson Gracie A..; Jas. Grassiek, A.; Arch: A. Hobkirk, Grade A.; Thos. E. Case. Geade 111 Jas. Standish, Grade, let Ann Stevens:, Grade B.; Colin, Campbell, Gratie B.; Peter Cantelote Grade B.; N. 11 Hug. ton, Grade B.; jes. Pattefson,. Grade 17. tfuflta orytss.-.L11. Alkenhead, Jno. Anderson., Oran lg. Belfry, George Dyke Vir.,11. Dalkon, As. If. lirszlewood,•Ste Hogertle deo. Ifolanen, Caleb, Radford, Henry Irottort,'John Ingram, Hugh Et, Jandeaon, Rob. MoNaughten, Peter Molt, W. P. Mey, Thos. II. Mathers jamet Orr, Geo. ftr Odidtir, flak One, W: Itegers, •Jetr. Sardine, Ezra,. Spider, Arch. Taylor, Rob, TM:mason, Alb.' l'heobald, John T/ Watts, Maria 11. litair, Eleanor Densigle Sarah Getnmeli, len Gibaon,'Hato A. Hardy, Eliza .7. Jar Via, Theodotiti Kittle, Sophie lifaitland, joaniut MoDeneld, liebella A. MeVety, Matilde Meleiren, Mary Moorhouse, Ordlititine Motive Little 11. rewiiihnrie Stith StAileef literay.Stereett, (lationine * . 1- . SO een • Moucley ovenie Order was lee atitated ge, they organiziree witheabone -twenty .imareareadiere. • lite following is a list of the olligera W. -Psi -Mr, A. S. Pith -ere- . W. P., Mr. D.j.. Wade, A, 1)„ Me, D..Iforbes, W. C., Mr. W. (Teeper, W. r 1 ; AA • • W. 8 t Mr. W. anits, . , ' W.. A. S., Miss :Nlorrp w, VT, C.. Mr. A. Seethe ' se.,'0,, Miss I. lecuiphill, W, le Ge Mis,s INL Smith, -W. O. Mr. W. King; . " TitS WErifida et. mstances connectect-therewith bir it, of the wifeett Thomas Farrow ,•Efig., M. . for North Huron which. opeurred at Blu vale on the 26th u'lis, hati eastP 'sad gloom•over the County. Few ladles were mere univeraally respected then Mrs. Par - row, anclas nwife:end, mother the wale:ill ;that - -coeld • lio- . duirods •Theeveteenr in. which the deceased lady was henheivakfully evinced, by the large number.who :followed her `remains to elle grey< the funeral be: lag one of tile Irsigest. over behl in. tip cpuntY. Thseleweevect huslemti end femie ly hale pie lienetfelt syiepiithy of the en. tiro. cemth unity. ...--- • -4........t.,..-......- URPO11,11 DEMONSTRA. os.: -Tho color- \ ad people of.Chatharn go up a goat leo: form demoristration en- Ta escleYe whell' thole) were not less than .2; 00 people badly fractured a .feve days ago, Et kick frem 'a horse. At Ent little or no hopes were entertained ot his. eecteverY, „huteeattlieugh his case is yet critical, he iss'Progressingi favorably and. may Jet present. A procession oil And about 000 eeeen_ple marchec pie•nic pound. The company dressd several coloured spe. hen, who ifrged their licerets to claim send use their privileges as Pettish sebjec s. The lien. neeivekon th groued rather into, bite gave a-brict fulciross. ILL wee repeatedly cheered. The ailair seas a grand suness and pas- sed oft eatisfeeterily. BALT.0011 Aseexthox AT STRATrOED. Seat° three thousand people astembled at Stead* Tuesday tit witeese the bal- loon ascension of Piot. Wisn's son. The state of the atanoepliere and all the rangements wercispropitionseand the coroz naut took his flight front the .grouna bt 5,20. The balloon rose , gradually in .fi sentleeasterly diremilin to an altitude ot 13,000 feet, and was`lostne view in about one hoer. At half -pest eight the town be- came suddenly surprised at the tidings of -the returieof Wise and his balloon. pseud through several vatted eur. note of ew till lie came to the great eastern °tIliiIrLiinret'eti/IntilfolIrt 1145tintrtelta, ameitli4I°11; • itnirwiriiiliddianndildli6matuaes°ttiliey went in, abciut as sound gornirtillieg aveectratihat bniallalolohn; lgiveeissef4oPricnogd As a wood sawym, named Thompson was walking Aleut:10.46ton steeet aua 'te deseends On eepronaing the ectitlelie turning, the coilier at King William, a cast his grepeling linek, which broke on a. twice, Ana having proceeded a short dis- swallow, sailing along an. the wind at a tends nirther, lie landed safely on the great, Velocity and about to Come around farm a Me. Johe aboet three milea the same corner, but Leing rather low,' Edith -wed of Tavistook, having gone nine struck Min in the face with a blow that miles due east of hia startiug place. The tagg(1,,,,,,d reight'ened hint Tto'bir4 fearless a•lventhrer Watt assisted by some thoroughIy.scared, too, fell into the gut - men, by whom be and his apparatue wore , ter and veined half deed, and. before it conveyed back to Stratfied. • roe phveneiegient Jeered awe we v.. could recover itself Wee Picked up by a Matted for August must please ell OM- lad and triumphantly carried down read it, so °venom is the variety awl street. * Thompson's face showed. no treatment of the eubjects which fill he marka other than a red sweets Where, the , ;tape A &ince at its oontents shows the nese eeeteee te 045,6autt vehicles to the re ad- . Parties may • span themselyes -the time, paper, and mange in writing to tire judge complioning of • errors in the voters' lists, as he oan take no netice of complaints laid in that Matter. They should give their notice to- the clerk of the ratieneipahly, who will , then notify the judge, and the, lattee will 'appoinha and place fee hearing, :" t•ttfili STOCK Last Week or the Sale. -.X, Ae we must pealtively clue on the 16th of Ariguat, wa are now prep rea to tithe , , LOWER. PRICES THAN. EVER For the renuander of the atech, Cremes Aug. 5, 1874, TERMS CIA:ERL J. 0 MARSHALL Manager, Waterltzno Flo.use. On .A. fatal affray took place at Seort'a The St. Marys Argus oays DAV, X,54. -last Wednesdo.Y, whoa a daughter. of , Met Ilenry thekson, of getitleman who resisted arrest, whilate 4 .West.hrissourie wandered from home on alleged, engeged the,illegal taking of Wednesdilf ef'lest week, and has not shad, was shot in the left leg, and died.- ;been heard froro since, though diligent • oeierch lias been made for her by her friends and neighbors. The girl was nine years ef, air, and wad tongoe-tied, . ono itttperfeet Was her utteninee that emigrants against going to the United. ifernee outside of her own_fernity nenli States, as thousands there Awe uneinploy- eneeeetene he • ed and stareing. If Irishmen 'will per- sist in emigrating, let them, he says, Ect to Canada, rathdr than the.States. in an hour. • • The Rev. Mr. White, a lioman Caths olic priest, has published a letter in tl e Kilkenny Joicrual, warning intending .A Correspondent writes to a local pa- per giving it' the heighb of the h.ve tall- est men in Victoria county, N. B., as follows :--e-Con. Manus, 6 ft. in ; Thos. Sullivan; 41.r., 6:_ft2/ 'in ; Crock, 6 ..ft„.6•01 ; Jatnee Letigl-0^1T e Chas. CU -Heise s3 ft. 5 hi. .Totel -321 feet., Average height being 6 ft Oinhandhever. fOrtt. Famiow.-10, Bluevale, on Sunday, the 20tli Mate Mrs. Thomas Farrow, of a son still born. • - A' little girl; aged three years daugh- ter of Mr. Icsoph Drew, East !Whitby, fell out of bed on Tuesday night, the 21st nit., and broke hee,u'eek. The girl with whova the• child was sleeping, hearing her tumble oute unionscions that anything serious. had happened, got up and put" her back in the bed again, but the' morning the child was found 'dead. . • . • , We ebseree letters patent have been. 'issued for the' " Presbyterian Printing Co., of TorOnto," with a cepital of 20,- Rlackett-Rohiunott,-ite. chiefmaluireliolcler end manager. The publication of the .Britislc American. Presbyterian, commenced by Mr. - R. a 'little over two years ago, will be con- tinued•by the Company. It is understood in Ottawa that the Department. of Pu.blie Works, on ,the . return of Mr. Sandfield Fleming, Chief '‘Engineer of the Pacific Railway, will advertise for tenders for three branches _ A Si. Catharinesenote shaver dent Ind the Paelfieltailway ; man $32.50 a few dayi since, for ehree one, rrons Win- ipeg .to Pembina, .another *Om Win- weehe, oil:toting foi the Saille•a, note for nipeg 'to the Lake of the Woods, mid:, $42.50 with an appended eonditie, that the other from Thunder Bay to ' the - for every week that the note remained heed lc the water eyetem, weir Lalse tinintfa after maturitY; the drawer Wink' seeseloewee. :. _ ... .,,-• - forfeit $3.- This is at the rate of 800 MEArozte;.-.H.A. g----.--.1.,L,Ad-twe per cent rr annUtri; Who dares say tha,p. Cariadd isn't a good.countiy to live.ine 1)44,a -eerie of le. Elliott Thompson of this/ Place,' Were bathing in the river . • At au earlYT:honl: on SatordaY morn" thieeafternoon, the eldesrgy, Georee, ing last, while two constableS at Lon- don were atterepting to take a , inait.to- and was drowned. aged eight years, got beyond his depih, itttei flea, paint -I Pail atsilheedP His brother woe aribsaQunr lid&retwallaWyr, tOnliensdijeiriary-allsdis'taa.tdeer Iiieligwt:t Yl°1 ou ni lige cutting the officers in 8... feightful Man- and inforreed his mother of..what had ner, who. still ratiiineittliele man, end. happeaed. The body was shortly after - locked him up, but immediately after so wards recovered, but lifo was extinct. '' doing they-foll down from the lose of Last week a Mrs. Alelickzice of Hali- bleed, and lie ,iu a precerioue.state. . . • .. s• fax, went to neighborine- carpenter' . "Weeentoo,- Jely 31, --An accident athop.-to pracurn rnatchee wale Whieh to occurred here tbia. 'Morning at the build -- fell a. distanee of fciurteen feet through While returning she lieeraetlie screams etart- as -tire, leaving her" Clore sixteen- ineeeof theiew market bongo. ' Six men months of age; playing oh ther"lloors the breaking ofha joiet, C. Letter got, 'of the child, and rushingin, vas beni- gn° of his feet brqken at the instep, and fied to find tleat ie had, got hold•of some other lirOntes, 3-; Bush.thad. hie side, niatehee ands -hid with them set .firce to 'turn and kg hurt; -A. Stinim's istinuld- its elcith'es; which were in n blaze, With_ or and- nein: were here The ethers .thostheistance of a neighbor she putsont came off with only slight bruises.' , the fire; but the child 'was So- baldly 0101‘1'14°Ori*Oe:4aLtileatia-lutlYen tip.' nTio4ematamrabini7-- : Ilaserreeoe, - Aug; 1 .-'-LA woof Mimed' buried that it only lived ten minutes. ed Baiguet was made about one o'cloolc Phibbie,tibout sixty years of age, made to -day, in Port street. Baignet was ar- a determined 'attempt ah suicide last restieg a drunken man 'When some of evening. Ile had been drinking heavily his friends attempted a rescue, and one for iteme time pat, and last night lie, of theist, named Con. Dory, seized a beterht five conte worth of Paris green, on flin heak laYing -oPen tlie altaill• ana edilitillettlgthietni-adesatik° awitiatregre Saafts101"rof- stiek and dealt Beignet a fearful blow battering iii in, Several tame el the whiekey. :This not limning, ter hien „kboornsephra.oviieoxibillneiltasakernb000vu,464nidthit)h9essiilboke: poison. in am .sanie m.a7, and . in a faw any direct be look the remainder of the '''';,An accident of e peddler nature oc- minates ho would have bedn. a corpse °urea to a team belonging to Mr. Lane. had -not adoetor been in the neighbor.. bert,lot .1i 4th cenlesition, West Ox- hood et the time, who admioistered &Weed powerful emetics. wilt& caused ford, on Monday of' last week. Whilst Nr., lii, wng. ongaged .1.6..vialting the the vomiting of most or the poison and homes from e ciatette the oeverb% gaee prolonging the waies life fee, the time way and precipitated both animals in- Whig ; but whether he wilt; reeover or "tern is 10.feet ncross aud fl feet deep, ' • ge, tsessee, stantly.in the avater beneath, The els- net is'a riuttfer'oAfudgouusbbt.,1:1„..Aboi .t.14,6, and at the time Of ,the oecerrence 'spoken. o'cloek this morning a tire was discover; 'Of pontained three feet of Water. In or- . der As reactie the herses•from. this sorry. dedo,iiiin4nillerp„IT;45st. waahroyhouttuseitownaytIlicto.41vLnoend. nrechoonlentAbeir OW,ngt-ag88. obliged -to- and occupied by M. A. 'Gilbert, and al - dig &kip- trench at the'side of tile Olfh most -sitnultaneouily the warehotiie on tern. The animals weie ketieJured hY the opposite Aide of the railway sudden- ly burst into frames, leaving .no doubt as to the origin of tho fire being the work of an ineendiary. ,The pony en- gine 'on the Canattai Southern Railway Pre the alarm. ,Tlie Fire Brigade were promptly on the pound, het, oviiag to a strong wind, they were unable to save any of the warehouses, and it iite only, by their utmost eitertione that Mr. Lailehiiii Campbell's residence on tho east, and Tibbett's hetet on the north were ',saved. Viva Witeoliouties were burnt,. Total lois about 05,006; id - matinee, $16,000. . „ , folloWang aa worthy Special e0o0140ratiall i weather, during the pest week ot • two, has , 4 Problem of the Ihingdorn-in width thee beenaa finesendeatysaa cella be elesireay author drawe a remarkable parallel be- tween Job's " Leviathan" and the Groat and the farmers have Lou making good Restore ; D.r. Thomes re Ilicke editor of use of the time, in socuthig ennte of their 'see // weyenie..t, t Hypnetnet aid me,,,,,,er. crops. The fall ivhcat ie about All liar- bill -showing the results of some , novel vested, anti some i)/1 thie neighborhool have already eensinciscud thrtsltiag i' t wr.itten and ilhistra.ted article; Irish Court- exP0611011t0 t Glances at Paces -ea wen. and .niel•-the yield -to to ieneli Letter than gWillitilE Nrir4loltlionlIr(11141411PILTIS;vrcePfeel4edmi'tblittiglall ' was at first antiCipated, 'lite spring wheat end barley 13 toady te cot in many places, while eats. fil fast teenier:. •I'Le, reiliag 1104 00.11:11010CeAT Alla 1.6 w• gva crop. Ithot crop!) of ell Litelo iv:die/hi it finc yield, tureipa hatites thus far (:,;63pett 140 taid,3e3 1.11i Altogotle r tlee been A Vt:17 fitt•or,:hlo ratas.nt . for tillo far. /nor, owl ,..ro think et:,,ereely ally win lose inst. elute 1 as the yhthl raies will be folly above the teemed of ovate years, s lateeeenens ; Bending, the Twig -hints en chlId InaluirMent.; Colorado for the Tourist and geattli Seeker Umtesis aud Liter -Relation of the Scienees.--4 bathed, instroctive paper; W. P. tolekose the Englielt iron malor ; illustrated ; Preaching end Lecturing -- nook hints, ete. Tito -"Ali bey city Iteneoef declares the senti- ment of the donned's many readers, Wo believe, when " says ; There is no wage. eine more welt in/ to our teble then this," Wrieette, air, for the mother .20 tents, 8, 11,„ 41 ,Pohlisliet, 880 Btoadwayi Now York, Hamilton, rims. • ItOVINMAL 4XIIIBITION.--•The prize list fey: the Provincial Exhibition of 1874, to be held at Toronto on the 21st 'of September and four following days, hasbeen issued. The rules and,iegula- WHATR C1111.13 Bean Olt DAW- Sou RelITE---We Ana the following in the last number of the Nor' Mato,* :- We the undersignea, oubjeete of Iler Most Gracious Majesty' Queen Victoria, tourists and others.,. te WitirtipegoALWir. toba, have leariled with rileastite that the wife of MOMS (103 1.1011, an anis. grant about to settle in t o Province of tions are much the same ea in previoni‘llanitoba, was, on the fifth a %Tub. in - puttee and the ohangea in the pike list, though not numerous, are expected to be in harmony with the wishes of pat- rons. Entries Of (settle,- sheep, twine, poultry end agrioulturel implements and machines must be made on or be- fore A.uo„ust 22nd ; of grain,. ileld roots and other farm t!rmlucts, maehinery for other than agricultural purposes and uninnfactures genmailly, on or before the 20th of August; hortienitural'products, ladies' wet k and the fine art6, on Or he - fore the 12th of September. The man. nor or matting the nutria ard ititadh thn SAM* as &bristly, Stant, safely delivered df a male while detained at Kettle Falls, one of the portages on the 'DaVifiett Retitle /Waiting the arrival of the etetsinhoab Itainy Lake, it Wag unanimously deeid- ea upon hy the toutists end others, with the consent of the parents of the child, that he would be named Dawn, being the Arab white child born on the route. Your s meal orialists therefore respectfully pray -that Your lilreellency will be pleas- ed to use yonr power in obtaining a free grant or Jana in the Provindo or taint for that infant, and your immortal, ills trill liner pay, Wamten.--in Ilarputhey,. 26th ult., the - wife of Mie,Ephraini•VITatker; of A Bon. ALL88.--IR g8th ult., the wife of Mx. Wm. Allen, of a son. Garsve.-In McKillop, 31st ult., the wife .of Mr. Joseph C4rieve, of a son. • -Ntirr)eiy.• CLARK - KEYS, -- At the Presbyteriaa Church, on hayfield Road, en the 30th ult., by Rev, M. Denby, George Cleric,. pecond son of William Clark, Esq., to -Margaret Jane Keys, danghter of -ROI). ert Keys Esq. ell of Stanley. Antiseriorio-Ceenx. -At the Presbyterian Church, on Bayfield Road, on the 30th ult., • by Nei. 31; Danby,ealue.Arme. , estreerfelinth son Of Rainey Armstrong, Esq., to Ellen Cheek, daughter Of Willi- • ani Clark, Esq., all of Stanley. teb: Molrearnew.-Ia Clinton, on the 3rd nude • Elizabeth, wife of Mrs R. McLennan.. The funeral will leave the iesidence. Mr. R. McLennan at Four o'clock, this (T.hersclay) afteinoon: . ' CAMPBELL. -In Clinten, on the 4th• inst., Alexander Donald, son of Mr. J. Camp - _Jell, aged two months and fourteen _ days. - , Criimarroswearit-In Clinton, at the .re- sidence of Mr. J. Inwood Day Chillingse worth. ofecerebro spinal menegins, aged 17 years. TOKIXi. -At Goderich, on -the 1st inst..' Thos. Burnell°. Stokes, Esq., M.D. aged . 04 years. Pennow,--In Bluevale, county of Huron, on Sunday, the. 20th ult. After a few hours illness, Mary, the baeved wile of Thomas Farrow, Esq.', M. p. CAMERON, & .GORMALLY, Banismins ann-tennamons IN -CHANCERY, Id. 0..„9Arsuriow. :J. J. GOIDIALLIC. EfOuse and, Lot for Sale. • _ , FOR sanp•-•ts. noon AND" LOT ED. 299,- V-10., ' ruuls Streit, Clinton. Apply te . . ROBERT NE Wluancai, , .. ,,on the premises. ( Union, Aug. 5, 1874. • . 88-51' Notice to- Painters. MENDERS WILIIRE RECEIVED BY THE TINDER-, HIGItXD ter painting Blyth Agrieutturai uan, tot moony, Mb of Anson. rim/nether -partionlara-cmply- to James* Logan or Dr. Eloan. . • The loweator Any tattler not neemeirrily sourtod. - =CHARD ADAMS, SOAP • Myth, Aug. 8, 1874. 8341 List of Letters tilt• POST OF/ICZ RaEtillptIst ino7st, 187.4. ' Cloworth T. • Meslestall 1/.."` Campbell•Wm. Or.erNolt A.. A. Bugles -Carolina Hiss ' Smith Donald nolman Ralph Scott Geo. B. ' Riney Thomas- Simmeatti•Velsou Loeb% Ann lire. • m117bez71..1,96'..4,R9Sli ,f,„'*°W.;04,e8 TRW. VAIR, rostmastor. Trisol,vent Act of- 1869, And Areendreente thereto., the,niatter tif David, Potter, o;•.0111.1tort.: rtti IllSO1V*311t. ' • A EIRST D/VIDEND SHEET HAS PREe PAttaD. orlon to Objection until thd TENTH DAY OE AUGUST, NEXT, after which Dividend will be paid. • JAS. 31, BOUSTELD,, Assittnte. Toronto, Stay 5874. 813-21 ' TOWNSHIP OP HI.714.ETT VOTERS' LtsTit • liZrOITICE 513 HEREBY 11IVEN VIIAT enn LIST a Voters for the Township of 1101/ett, for the sop r 1874, prepared pursuant to the "Act 'Respecting. Yam Lists," was first posted ttp In my °Moe on Thuxsday, the Sixth day of Aegnst, A. D., 1874, and I hereby call upon all electors of the said Tihrtis-h-i'r 1, of Hulled, to examine the eat& List, And if any omission, or other errors are perceived therein. to take iinmediater :roll cde have the mid error corrected according to la*. All eornplaints Mutt be in writing, Undue' Iv qulreil to be lodged ivith rae within thirtytisys after , , :AIMS BRAITHWAITE. Hallett, Aug. Gth, 1874. 'ToVinstto Clerk. Voters' List for the Village of 'Clinton. lkTOVICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAI THE LIST .1.11 of Voters for the Village of Clinton, for 4he assr 2874, prepared pursuant to the " Act Respeethag Voters" Lists," Was first potted up in. ray offide on • Tharsdiy, the Sixth dey of August, '1.-D.,-1874' and I hereby tall upon all electors to exanlino the said Liet, and if any tettissiong Or other emote are perceived therein, to tate imtnedlate proceedinge to hate tbe said errors corrected according to law, All complaints intuit, to In writing, and are required to be lodged with Ine within thirty ;Jaye after this date. - - • - • . • .4•3', J1-94, *a. X..% a • therk, 88 alifiton. Mag. MI, 1874. InCorporatiOn NotidtS. quirt MIJNICIP/Lt, COMIOM OF TUE VlitAOS .A. Of Olifital, Irt the County of ilutOd, and Provined oi °Matto het6Y Maw notice that atter Um expire. tion Gf three menthe from the first inserthm of this no- tice, they eta apply to the aorernor hi Cowles to ereet the Village of Clinton Into To•Wn, under the intMo of Clinton, 'and the folloiring ate the intended limit* Of said Town t The limits of the said Town shall be those at present embriteing the Village of ClintOnout described in tho Aet of Intorporation lurid Village. entl shall in. eldde Mid terabit Of the &losing Lout or parcels Of land, that is to ilAy. rote nuntlierriAr, and 44, former. ly la the eolieetetioti. Olt the-11111ra assa, In trio ' Township ot Tnekorainith, tots Mitubers 28, And 241 tor., mouy is the. first concession of the Tornialdp of /lUllett, Lots 1. Si 2.1. And 24, torMerly In the Boron Road Cori* ceetdon of Tetribilifp Ge.ittkAiahd 7,61r hiViatisr Ellty formally in the Ilit$ net Volitaallieff, Mad Toridd Goderieb, All Of meta 1614 berat !low In the euntor 1. A. NAtittg Nigh