HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1895-05-03, Page 2ctu#G
us may be
!.>¢ ound for
the part l wisdom tea brill. off oUr. mil-
lions of scrubs and sell their hides and
hoofs, and enter the field With, as bet -
r prospect. The industrial . require -
enter of modern civilization are -abler
horses for the tenni. the. coach; the
lumber wag fuid the. ar u. y..
Doge ,eb.9u1d: not • be 0,10Wed, to'run;
at la, ge, in the.,vicinity of re,nways.
'over •whichrs.7 rine are ^ transppr'ted.
Iu eted hogs,''are fequently ' shipped
market,, and there are sufficient
Q pima from the car to scatter eon:
,along the, whole 'route..
ien:b, •ringingg- new :begea upon rhe
c =: #1nr1ngi3 , y,A,ur grAr hent lrtl_e.
B�w1 hie they h► hue iteea.91.
fbiti'on, by ail . means quarantine
nm for several weeks, lest you, bring
your whole etoek germs ,of ' the
ynlelpd•r!dlti* ns lchw.
an (plugged When tu"winter igs.. are watered but
-Vista are a It alae i ;day * they Mone from theirabeds
ossible and', sterling.' hot and very thirsty, and
, rush• to. the freshly pumped water:
talfa:can.' they:,d _k -•boo much, eh#fling them-
�r.�4t lrrlga-, ,selves, ants very often the result is
he .trOttble; ie congestion, ,pneumonia or other win-
the� firstAlea ter diseases" to .�trhieh. -pigs are. -liable.
it. will sen Most' of our so-called hog cholera is.
or, more Leet fro+nol, : the weakened constitutions 'of'
} water. inbred:pigs. While it is better to. keep
lmost con the breeds -Pure" and avoid eros id ntr,
►; " • e man oto maintain a 'uniformity
in.$ our pigs we must. look well to
senieg. of ' fresh' blood in getting a.. new -bear
d •,har„ sac�.h season. • •
•crops; . by 'toga'• shipped into the. stock yards
d Have` show the result of too much inbreed-
t food. Ing by careless farmers•, who reason
sen,,„ a theta it , does. not .pay to - get a new,
amst. boy-�r each , year w -h -ale they have one
which, rill. breed, and . they. lode
some 'enough in a litter`-or-two�-to-pay1or
- -•' :€1, I18w:-°Sire = • ..
'�..,�' �'+•�'.�, WhYri� 'FCUFk"i14aiM�H'ir^.. ^5.I
aveA oma , do llosts
eeii„ tetttlie ve ieufeW%fe+eding
'.•nreparfng,, eooking. Portioning
id :yet one of• the rnost important
• is the• snecespinL.growing .of ani-
�itale is bardly, mentioned,.; and, that is
water, aandv how to get .lt •goad,:.puts'
end an aan�d 1 an"Sal`"them.: I!. is alt imports
t]�te : a�iit►,, th swine a• particular. Howler -What- -
• R44 `ICtI,F.RS.
• "What, are you going to oak your
eiilployer form,his daughter s. hand?
Suppose he should lock. you out ?"
I 1 ave already secured another
PlaGe;.'T.•= 'lfgende�. �lrttter.. ,•. , •
"What did father sa when, you
� � k
Y7�+.•-' tai � ^R�fian,, - .. ±C. / vow ia1Y..
' Q ' reAliet'i Augustust"`'"`13e*-Ifo di+d
hie best to be pleasant. He said.
there was something. about' we that
he . really :udinired."
"W ."�Wtl. LiSM1Gr, .',y :l'�,�i,
LIFE: $AY:i O. 11•41,LQONB,
it< titv.ie'vntt ie abas u%, the Crew,titlay Step
, Into aR airahlg,
Rece tly ,Pi ,Xessor Carl Byer a has
completed at the balloon farm tat
Frankf rt, N.. Y., the first of a, .Series'
t 1 --balloon outfits to . be supplied' to,
'eam.e 13QQ vessels belonging 'to: New
York parties for life-saving purposes
in case of leh1pwreck. • sl aeIi outfit
consists of• au " utomatle apparatus
generating' kydrogei ogee. under pres-
Surer SO -controlled by a st'o -cock that
the closing of this immediately.: stops
the. generation .••orr 100, t etta end, o*"
'ta1iw .:1ti .stil•1 - un` erg - ressu '.1My.. !.�'i.�� hl .'
fs arses into 'ra°pldl�y -lnfiate ' ba`l'loon
of sutielent slue to carry a life line
ashore . rom a wrecked vessel 'by
means• or which a heavier cable ma
° °°° A "-"° `. "'"" •ere• where =-stat ons ,exist four grow-
7Jaggs---Is 'lobo dumb in .his own ° ing a lime by the -Use of, a, mortar. The
house ?
'defects of a mortar • system are that
'ga ra , Q y t the stations are, infrequent oh ^ the'
Coast,. the difficulty great in throwing
a" line against the wind .at so -small
'a mark aA a ship and - s 'ed;.
Which frequently makes .such efforts.,
;futile.' The.balloon system has the
advantage of requiring no special ap-
Aeratus on shore, while the balloon
simply' is drifted. toward a line of
coast by the :sable wind which .blows
the ship ashore, and drops ' • ate ,line
when the shore to reached. Utica • Ob-
server. _ ^ ..� , •
. uu. NO; .'18.396+
Tit• ire Miring ti s • an/ Of th -- 41 �'e •.«"kr.-, :..
eve's,Pleasa!lurpnblea this Da era
'Op -cream, �g: %lives Z. , :l'1�r~ gFitii .
�..n.�, ., riiliM.• I ph1'teS.,, isFfQi1! . .. .. R.. - ..
• Coughs,
-Voids,: •�..,
.may � y�/■'��
,Taff°.�r.'.: I ......
Loss of 'Flesh,•
Emaclatit�n; . ',
Weak 'Babies,
• ,-I eta. all , so.
Jaggs- irhat:e the matter ?
Lagger,He .promised . his, wife.. he
would always listen when. she talked.
tand� 'eek ;Welt to the :vigor .of your pure
•other bred boar ; let him be ,,ggood, vigorous.
•root,,• and of ;;a • dilterent family from your
de h own
stop '' _JLL tirel ,;which can te.,done .
easily r
ays 'of pedigree .stock..
Get hilrh from ar . large litter, •and.
ere -18 breed to .sows :Which raise large lit-
sweet 'ter,.of` -good pigs,+ and: which raise
ter f pota4- 4 their pigs well
u es: ° Dy ;It is a Zlad: time •
°to negleet' ,the- sows.
,bout=the-tiu'ie-they are -to: drop -t •
is • , :sly,- pigs, 'br to let them shift for them-,
Well; for selves.'in the :wo�odo, .where :cold. may`
- crop overtake ,them even in the spring sea-
son: Porkr 18 worth foo much .mnney
teretltsi -lie in to per�init this shiftlessness, and'o8onie
rpidly learn sor-dila Shelter , should ;be inipro=
Italbis dace vied, '
a1i-,eropa=1 a ,A good breeding sow is': north deep
lob s° year,; eo ing until q hive or six years, Old, and,*
soil - ,eaw tact, so' long as She lives she is hardly
*O> past the age When she .will bring pro-
fitable littera , but : a now grown old
ill, apt to become breathy or get' a
tate ter ehic'$e' meat, or acquire
name other• had; habit Which makes
one glad to get rid of her
e point' in favor of breeding ,old.
-sb that,tbey'Will 'bring forth t'vo.
1%t4tera in a year. For - this and other
reasons there, seems •to. be a decided
-reversion of finding against the orad-.
Sled, which has so long obtained of
br'e ding immature Bolds.
•DAIRY. •, '
do- -tole monopolists
do for us. ? . ' •
Man on Back, Seat -They' fix it se
we 'dont have to pay any income tax.
She" hat. tenor 'fvas positively
• p ainfui, wasn't be.? •
He= -Not' more so than the tenner I
gave up -for •the seats.•
IIs-There`s - one thing, darling" We---
e-will never'- quarrel about, rho will be
�I�YLti' Vi'7iIIET-1IQu..
She--Noy-pet-;•- no one would- -- ever
dream of sudh . nonsense as your' pre-•
tending to be-• '
"Do you believe that George-Wash-
inon was
refused b five women' be-
fore; •he •finally - succeeded fn getting
married -I"; _
•'.eertairrlyi ... Why. not ? .Very - few
wommen Would -care-to--be-known-as-
the Mother ot their Coventry:'
Mrs. Sidby�Oh, John, •dear, don't
you 'hear ?..How 'de ghtfully - the baby.
crows 1 - • . - • •
---: 'Ntdby-•t'Crows?•-$umpht •-rd :crow.
myself, if 1 herr boss;• of ,the• 'house.
se Fact is" said. the one`. man, "1 .
married because I was. lonely', as'
much ., as . for any: , other, reason.,
T put it tersely, I married for VW
heir , . ,
:�' Well," said the other man. . " you
• have "mine,:' ' • ' •
"Miss S! y'lie appears to have lost
. her attractiveness for the gentlemen."
•said one girl..
• .,.Q, no;" • replied the other; - "she
didn't lose .it. Her father lost it lin
ire :increased
eo will "efec-
nand. Then -
res tens' of -
Ya N hanl� their
ie eeiiig� aa.. tri indns�,
tie velop and prd�.sp8'rity
a %�statistie '�'+f ho'ty. espeelaliy ,,•
-nt>i ntriear tba6t th iiimr'
Alines and towns :.
it a more rapid,
opulation• 01 the
no doubt, to:
pubile t onvey
'steam- and a e�:
lured pr'oduete.
a Iieexa ay of showing
e aCe ends.; env bee ',m'ade _ in
e ctt1e where h cruel .neck rein''
goingr out ole beet . Where drinkl.
"t th b y�avh east 1!'
lltioa of � ind treetment,
fount' i
a nS a e„ ever ere a
• �•ye , er, fariner, ' soma.
vl*e otll tctf the most, le'
m s
r thls regal d.; . 'TOO ; often.
mesa telt to the'. els tints :.
he winitit: ,c • _
Ililoine,.`01 money hav been spent
develo ,,iii°g the fast totter. and.
mob+ . weld• llas 'riot been benefited a
whit thereby. Many of young The best _guide _.�ls to..the--value-of
k ne1C"'havo`"been• ruined -by a taste ae- a, Cow as .a milker is to weigh her
'ret for' ganibting"o�n. the race track. product egularly,. That tells her
V linty', 6 , beauty► and good cis- storywithout any guess work, and
Atkin, ti in, are Sabre desirable" and more is far tter than going i 'blind!).
and el. re Ca11'- ea itp her',�pedigr e 1,dr ',titer t' roar '':
gt 9f pra<eti'cal peq , vn , ,'�n ' y. owner, should know What ever.'y
i bei" ¢'�hOr a br dei once :nip* a is rinifin+_ its that is the ..,.it..,,d .,
btu 'l: AMOOty ;abut 'there midst'
, c'at'efnl. study' acid trnln-
,r,s tVa`department of agriculture
ednires /Core . Perfect knowledge ;to
O tba Success, .And it is for this'
bee �t• a
o n t 'the 'average fernier/Who'
Teter makes tiny profits frdlfh
oists. t+nrn his hand to so 1, ething
i`e, `'tend•give tills art over o men
i,'are competent.
...or -ten -fears o ^ ge and has
ai Sted1 to be a good : e `with good
eetise`;,then the next ten years of his,
Melte is A pleasure and a benefit. 'it•
is probable that as we get.to raising.
fitter hordes w.eill take better
a them, and go opt of diem all
as es shedaort`hims if a b
ktion; tor. furnishing . dairy goods of un-
ng`= nn ueshan le.hl h,: l�ai-.�'
It itherre i'n never'lacking a good mar-
;ket •torr all .tie Can.. produce, at paying
and satisfactory 'sprites. .
The 'torn and wheab crop . 'may. `fall
below "the paying point, - but .tri yell"
iseleeted' herd of dairy cows, managed
With good ,judgment,, generously sup-
plied --at all seasons, witlf' ;everything
they need, will never disappoint when
ttealaneing: of 'accounts;- 1s ._done.
_the" maker -of -good butter has al-
ways a 'brisirdemand for his goods at
a. paying price, and the sale of
milk And the cream to the_adjacent-
Ctt town ' will : return even , a bet-
ter revenue than. butter,, and. with. less.`•
Tabor and Care. - • •
The cows on a farm form . an indis-
pe: sable source .of success, and In pro
portion to .their qualities'_and:the way
they: are treated,. and managed :de-
vends the • degree ,01 ' that success.
Aside troth ihreet_ products, they are
of be anent value as coslsuiners of
roughage ot,the farrh to. be rira;nufac
..tured! into beef or to be converted in-
to the best o1 fertilizers. ,
Never make the • mistake' of raising
your. graded' bull calves, for if ,yours
cows from a- thoroughbred are, none•
tdo goad for you, allow neither your-,
self nor' y'our,•neighbor, to , deterior-
ate . herds which are evaluable -by
reeding in a . Way which can
bring, dlsappolntment only. There is
an economy. which. tends only to ruin:
• She nestled eoyly on his manly bosom
• • • after the :blissful question had
. been 'asked,
"And am I the only Woman you ever -
loved ?" • • •®• .
Well. • yes--snce'essfufy." be whispered
,in ,her. enchanted -ear. ' 4
Qulek Relief, With No • After 'Urlplessant-
nese, Obmes. to Those Who pie Sleuth
American Kidney Cure. ' '
arm • Whilst -both, sexes are sufferers: frem
re uta'' let ' trouble. �^i1i.. many respects 'wo-.,
leen are liable to peculiar• _weaknesses
ideauty 111 soon, get Its orse
Oath*. There are sOme 'p aces
ere hi class horses have been
best hor en are tobe found, and better
pewit are obtained from the comPeti-
tfOri Of 'buyerai .ft le helpful to any
COMMunity to have, established a
goad toree market. •
otir boast that in agriculture
lid in Meat we can feed the world
e raise the 'Wild of horses the
xaeliN1 wants. It mi
'to Come at the problem. of profits and
eliminate the element;of 'chance from
there ,is Usually a. strong -odor of am-
monia,, whieh will affeet the Milk if
the cows are compelled tO continually
breathe it, Spare no pains to pro-
mote • the purity of the •surroundings
if you 'Wish to mttke good butter of
at least ,be free cirCulation of • air
NearlY all .the cream' is .' eontained
IV the latter half Of the milk drawn
from the cow. If -feedingoalves, put
the, first half drawn; in a vessel by
Ing the rest for the dairy: They *ill
'thus have the ..advantage of • fresh,
Warm 'milk, while • the cost of Main"-
taining them will be materially 'less-
• SOmetImes there is more in the
dairyman than in thoroughbreds, sil-
age, patent er,eattier, starter and- all
other- paraphernalia. Regularity,
eleanlinese and common' !lenge count
for a great deal. Prizes are often
waY, and where the epettlyarror the.
ht....be only utensil.
rasltd . e e off 'disorganisation.
of ' the .kidneys.. OObjeetion s. taken;
_and. rightly, to .many•reme les because.
-of'the method of use, as.: ell op after-
unpleasantness. 'This. i never.' the case
with Spntb 'American' idney Cure.., It
gives ease to,'the patient, in six hours..
and. no. annoying. fleets follow, for., in •
a --Short tme,- aggravated"
cases, an- entire 'ure Is effected..There
..ie -no other• -medicine like South:. Amer---
ican Sidney Cure... It is a remedy ---for
the .kidneys and bladder . only -not a
general specific that hit' supposed; to
cure everything and ends- by effreAting
no cure. '.South. American Sidney. cure
does • its particular work ,and does .it
Clara- ha s e matter. Mr.
Dudely ? You "are actually lame.
my 'feet are swelled. •
Clara -4t kr very strange. that you
shoUld het 'ravelled at both ends at
Says the St. 'Multi Journal of Agricni•
fur. in an editorial about Nodroattc,the
famons,tobaceo habit cure; "Wn. know .01
many* eake cured ,by Ne-Toullac, one a
prominent' St Louis atchitect, itzitolied
and cheweti for tWenty years ; two boxes.
cured him Ito that even the smell of ,to -
bocce makes him sick.!' No-To-bae sold
And guaranteed no 'enre no pay. Hoek
taVAliiitl the_ Confederation*
not do -so Until. the Canadian Govern.-
ment comes to conclusion on the
terms proposed by- the NeWtoundrand
• delegates.
No Condition PoNirders like
Dick's Blood Purifier.. •
Cured of I luttering of the. _.Heart- ..and -
Smothering Spells by Dr. Agnew's Cure
for the Heart -it: Always Relieves in 3o.
Mlnsutea* ua.,Th -Saga-Thousands o•r
Mr selman, Member of he
G. - port, Pa., Writes "1•
have bottles of Dr.' Agnew's
east' and have "been -'en--.
tirely palpitation or flutter-
ing east and smothering
= ei1 3XY, tt a -of • x+s amrt.
lila, failed; in, any war to• re-
lieveo; not think the ,value
oftcure can be •estimated.
It• -h t.,such-a.-change-In--iny-
',con I .feel lilts,.a new. Mian,'
A.. 'R„ Weiss
used two
%rltbe E
r cured^ol
of the ,h
e • i k,
but !t' Sal
-me. I 'd
he heart
as wrong
dation that
it is: stated tha$ the discipline is eo'
lax in 'the Danuemora;. State prison•
that. parties of prisohers often go
away. for hunting tripii;•'. lasting • a cou-
• .ple..ot--aveeks-at-a--trine,--and-on t r
return pregent;the deer -they have' s of
to the warden, '
Cirowli ng Childrelfr
-Poor - Mothers... Nlilk,
• 'Anomia; .
in fact,, fear all cohdi.tioils. call-
ing four a quid .• and • `effective
nourtshnlent. Beast^ 'r , atet�=�,RE
Scott 8 Bowfle,. •Belleville. SODreg�iats. 60c. &$l.
- e
Owls. to tiff. InonnO.a
tale of But *MOOS •
i - -
e#� G -o
kit 'feeder
tits fact
• Cold in--•the--head-Nasal $al gives
instant,•.reliefc : Speedily ;cure ..Neve'ir
fails. ..
"Five -cease telegrams are to be tiled
.!n Italy. _ .. . . • •
McKinhon's Interna do,-�-aI
Detectiv Agency
, AND •
Bureau• . aif•inee. lry and Ipvestigatien.
Male, and feinale experts only engaged and
supplied.. '. Correspondents in all the leading,
of es in . CANADA, UNITED -STATES anal
EUROPE. ` All business and eorrespondenoe
strictly confidential. •
Hugh MoRidnon. 1 Oiace.17 Maio sit
General Superintendent S' eaet,nanrilton,ont..
- trengthetils Digestion`
t Oiaderfadty- .a DA!it
PRUTTL. 7.1"
Reese lrr.i, ..tions. • ,
This is to certify that Eby's EleCtric
Salve „and EbY's. Butternut 'Bitters
oit a young person', who had been
troubled with 'this terrible disease for
nine years. -ft Vireo years.
Wd"used the salve and- bitters, and
there has pet been, the least.,higk,\Of,
from tills loathing disease.
Queen AM, Ont 'January, 1895:
us patina tlhs maw . .
under fhb. name' '•
e is never Imitated t refer r-
t' ••Something Good{"' ir;
tilted b a itinerante; to smokers that ik
best g cent Cigar en the mark
purchasing sea that Our trade.' mark
owaboe) and Arm sswe anon each boat me
sthsr is°'genulna Oor '"Sometbing Goad'' '-
sadttregi�tered rsnd-scree} .seine o iw
tpta sada tbds.aaa • will be prsseacted,•
—empira_Tobaacb Go.�. Montrel►
. " - 1
$1Q0, R lO' TA.RD.; •
We are informed that unscrupulous dealers
pre in the habit of selling' plugs and parte Of •
plugs of iuterlor.Tobacco, representdng them tD
be the genuine: .
Myrtle Navy.
The genuine owls stamped with the letter
"T. &.H. " in bronze. Purchasers will confer a
favor by looking at the trade mark when • pew
rewavdW.DilTEYfiilNDfEO::iIQ L,e,Ra
will be given to anyone for information leading
"to the conviction of arty person guilty of the
.nbovetr,:n_ tient omutices or $ufe mging,Dnsinr•
trade mark in any manner whatsoever.
The Geo. -E. Tuoke�tt da -Sot Oo.,
-td„ Samiilton;' Ont. -
10,000 acres of the best land, initheLState,
from $2 to $5.00 per acre. In Lout counties and I"
on and near the kick Central, Detroit &
16...kLtion Lake Hys. Easy toxins, and `Iieso
Atha APPLY ,
1,17. Ike; Weer Bay titYt
ketches Chickens by Steam,
andeheapeettirst-einse Hakim!
GEO. IlltTfil CO., Leaden. Ont,
Pleo's Remedy for Catarrh 15 the
tqat, Easiest to Use, and Cheapeit,
Sold. by Druggiots or sent by ntail,"
Roe. 'r Nazoltink ig,t'arren. Pa;
- break, has. a Jery largo. air chamber, trAtt a very..large spoht opening,
and can he furnished. byany dealer this tido t)f the Rbelty Mountains
Aorrnotor agent .for them. It is. elways better tog° to :an Aermotor
heti a windmill shnt-off
at the' above price. ,
agent tot any -
few 'eagliiigi:' to
, lover attached,
Of course, It is better VII g0 to an '
thhig, you May wafitrwhich ho handles. .
As a rule he is a first-class, live, reliable, wideawake fellow; that is the reason ho is an Aermoter'.eg4nt. It le •dotibde ito '
in our entire !1St of thousands of agents, you eitefind eno slow, stupid, behind -Us- . times fellow. We furnish also q, SPECtrAL ...
Seed for our '
. VAT Censult your oVnt interests by inillitiiitg on nol iiiiii` Aertnotor prices tot Aerinotor gOods at Aertnotot prkes. , llo sure and see our offer. .