HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1895-04-12, Page 5•
•1" 5,
• 8.
---• '6.1,111"
11.0:1L.1 S.
,•1 r 1,1\•01.t
%% hit yo•i
th.•i t. ,U t a on to
"8 1:101 111 11 11. 1'1.1 ' to,1) 11glin•
5'tI 1ti„, •,ip
11:y ...t, It • L,
; I ,..%‘ ill „nolo.- a Iliitter,y in his
' • • vi" • . • •• • •
'A ad plereteleth the .cie; ern of ,1,11P.'1fl-,
, hide poeket •
, . eili.tt.bLe,....41_
Imre; kept for mom- t 'need; agnieet
The eell. day.' '
. 11„er tears A% ill pierce Into a marlde
• • heart,..
.‘nd. ‘1111.11.? -111' s'preadi her 'elbo‘v, for
• niOre Nairn, ••
.....1111ratC,I; Own thaukles; tooth
ft.pent•-•cliird • •
bl'ipnet tcrilis that guard
that. heart, ' '
U J ITIt1 FrAlty; tley name
e. is, ;lemma! '
A littleeeamth; or 'o'er,: thoe .slro'es
%Vero old;
now you %%•;.tet
cau,-••• the fil• • '
•tuninier iii,a•eains 13 petent
feather; • ,
•••• sVithere'll.t.e's, fel".eiellow heels, for.
south, •
• -a • shoe of •gr('en. SOat.! • Get
• , to a nunnery. ' ".
.1;01)ert .11urddtte..
• ITU: •.• • •• •
t•a, 1%1., - .1.:1.1`/1 j!1•,.1,554
1'1•56.151' N 1,1c1 is. •I:n,ti,,,ned• • in
(111. :1,v,;.1_4_,Ltai„ oit *a 1,1 p
i.;,,,y ;I •
• (21:14;11r 1 It KI,ES,
• .
choppe,r,c'elery, t‘v4i
quarts, chopped •• cabbage, • one-lialf
oturee crashed gli.,,ger root, One-half
, ounce', tairmerb,,. 01,e-ipiartir.• pound'
• white mustaril..secd,.. two. talilespoun-....
-.14-41-ento-o-ntuis. • ewleite-
• e-eng-tir-,' three, quarts of vinegar ; • put
all in. a. porcelain kettle • awl cook
• .81OWly- until cabling! and celery • 'are ,
:tender.. Keep In 'azie caetheal jate'
•, "closely covered.
BALI°. MO-I;11NINO.::-
.• -
nail • Moulting' is' no' lon'ger: wOr311
• ;14%..#004tZr.„..fand •all the violet..
'Oai.dei4,. gray and 'black., ion] •being
fidw use.d. 1o4 emt, iii9linning -colors .too• •
genprzilly to. 'give tlie,tu their • former.
• ignifica ace. ..e.ourse.°_,' the ,..bercii,Vell
pp.; does •, abruptly froin
deep. palm -him; to • bright colorae.' lete.
• en:aural-1y •adoete' etibstetide. colors first
and TOuriis liahltual wearing -a.ppar-,
gradual , the hard,
• it is • It • to• • their eluifi • prelene.noc,. •
• . • .
'oh ,Nothing so much e:spedines•
••.' work . as 'plenty. of -the ',proper kind e:if •
•tool. .:-The best 'vessels to ,cdok in ars
• •
rts..• For ce.;-eals.• 'and
• 1101141g -06c° should be used.' muCh
•• of the Ca in•o16 noivadays -poor • and
,,Serapos, off When .you aird •thiegs.:
' Iron, f)o.itS .nad pails. ,Idailien -almost'
. eve ry'tlu ng tha t' eixiked . them.
• . bcsl-cats gceat
and` 3von1,3 out:. .tinte',. imt good
Cartlitoovn:rii .1,2stA*.fore.ve, utfless" you
,nre careless. n'a),....b.rciik •it. . • • .•
.1.10\V INPAN'TS*Ailt FEle. IN FRANCE:.
• .in
14rit.ri•Pe'''....'-.-r51"C•Titt'-'404,11/11444};°•••••.--ir 11 de • Oeverd
•. .• •• •
tiltiesi-.,'Te'r- • n'ay-One-'-'t.0 --11.1fants:-
under ..one year .anY -f0.,(01 Sdlid fool,
&tiniest; •• such. be •(,r4lcior: by. 'written
press: r!pt I (IL. red‘l..)-y a,„ legally qualified '
inC41al-maa. Nerses.a-reatee forbeldou
:tense, in the refit -elk. of itiftints confided
. to: theie-eareeeet any or iindee
• peeteett esehtteeve, hey • 'nursing "..bettfie'
provided ,w Itii• a......rubber. tube.' Sern I -,
.ather aud,equally 'st ringeat •Tairs,
re_cently.•...beea enacted by ;the
'French. -government,: Which; despairing' of,
'obtaietree-•.any increase in the birth ••rate
'in their is now. turning is ntten-.
tion to .th'e saving..oi the few childreu.
that are 'barn. •.
. • 1)0 .Y0e
• . . • , • , .. • • .
. . • . • • 1
That' gullele.ssness IS the .a.race 'for.
bugrpicto4s.. people ?..t. • -
'•,'That • sielf-cOuscieusfiess .;• is: an
• ..pedimeet . to ..suceess
• • , • •-•,. • ,
cup a. 'little., ornatiiicat
a re .a it. ,g4:,ther fe, tic %%. ig ;OA N. •
Val 1).10.•l4tiene pt Ow opal 1. erg
greateNt ingennity sseerJ,lu
%%orl.in,;"1 t fat() new awl beautilqi
forins%•Itli the aid.of, diamonds. •
',umber• 11"11,' M
(AON ar4e
4\11ark; of iiiiegled gold *and
Tho niknt attractive, if one
rn tiy v.91'1,1111° talst...3, are those
%clot 1..leader, oblong Midis alterneeting,
(,‘ ery t\), 1) tbree 11411‘s, 'of duel and
peileenie-elewel'er'8 Ciretiler.. • .• •
AN1):C.11(ES. '
.1 1h.-( )jie quu l't Of milk. a
Lee% .1.1 t, tour elegeetterbue-lialfecue.,
eligare 1:11lik`. Vs WI du undur:cru'ht
, A
l:roti111 Oike,-.011(.1 cup of buttee,
.eups Of eiega (4. 11( )ur,
' / • Cie •Ii,Stilrelt! tire( • t1101(%"
• )1 51 /111111S 11 1 11117.1gFINIVI,TRAER
'Of mirk. mid the wilite8 of 'eight egg,'
snowleills.-epile ;pep of rlig;11.,''. oiut
eno Ali 1.1411115 1.‘15.() • t111/11."•51/1115111ilk
• lllHk,(211(.` 1..411/1)41)i)(1411.111 Iffik-"
ing fele-der: three• eggee. trait iieyor
• lemon, steam • twenty tninat.,•!.
11- 1tii tcr•ed (-lips, one tItivIN-Anionflii
)u 'ettch, .111aPro11 • in ‘‘ alto i.4tign L.' *while
two ' . einis if
plece• of lifelteikhotter,
wo egt.,,,s.alitl the jutee tsyo
Bea t together th( ki otk.tliu evgs
v-ti.g4r Iltil very 1itht., add
the lemons: and stir In the . • .Weee,
beilten Met,. relief With a rieli
Cookles,-(tne. eilp of .
,onelcup :..itgar,.t•wo eggs,.%%.111t,(7.
and yoilc4 beaten • geparutely, three
ica:-000nfai Ot Hala 'and .a.' little flour,
./.1.;-• 11f-,-14-1.141te s-v4i4-"-em4ugh At).-
v,SPrialcle itli.s.a.g•ta• and e:ratA41..
. ,
auti,14-...c;.,hefore pas.,s ..t11(.
OVer, then 'eat a
oi,i, ;VI :0031E. •
isii•ehelori tv'gt 'Pay I'm' 11. Sliyi.j lite1rii4iti1-
'. (vizi 1•43. V.Vatio'cli, oI 1611'1161s. .**. • .
The lee which Iteeresenteteee Wai-
i:ook. has intrtidueeil • declaies' to . be
1)ache1or:4' a!1!•iaalc . persone of . 'the.
-age . 'of 412 years- an -d over; -being- • of
•tifl1din1ud-fltF.thfl1t, Who are 'single •
'and uever have been Married." Every
lieachelor residing' in' the State of Illi-
• nois for a period of' siX Mentes or
,over' it to pay 'an' animal tax of 825.
Every heieleelor who-irasereuelred the
age :bfyeare; or *lib., hos
• convicted' of a felony, or' whose .phys-
teal 'condition is 81.1eil as to make mare'
tinge. undesirable,. or. Who, can prate
"that lie .ha ' proposed :marriage to
a female of -ft. marriageable age at
least three different tiruee tipon differ-
ent ',occasion's, and has ,beete refused
each time.,". shall, be exempt •froin- the
tax. • '., • . : •
• T.a.'carry: out the.p.rovisioneeeet. the-
leete,,telierreels: -eeeatedtal.L42,131.40.,,Je
known as the State Board of
agers•• Mfi-
of 'Old Maids' Horns., to con-
Ris.t. or • •three unmarried . • women,.
;60 . years of .ager and to, be appointed
• by the Governor. '• Each Member -of
this, Board. Is to . receive an 'annual
salary of $1,000. .
• The, bachelor tax is' to- paid Into the
State treesery; • and: when the 104.1
shall .ba ye' reached • the sum of $1-50,000
the 'Board. .pfeite'ed to ereet an
aseelenne,te be known:as the Old Maids'
Home," and •niaintale' the same there-,
'after' 'from taxes 'collected feom 'the
bachelors. "The '. purpose .of said:
.honte,." Says. the bill. Obeli be •treen,re.
'end. provide ,for • worthy ' Indigent.
single V470,Inen;,wja.o. have reached the
. • ;
. Tha.t.good Manners Teetdf-tiT be trte
a diScount nowadays ? •.
Thatandroinnnia, is. the aping of
•yeVerything that is. mannish? ,
That the 'people who influence, you
• .are .they who believe,..in .you,?
. • That to be a good listener is An
accomplikhinent InuchAik be, desired'?
". That toac• e:
cuse one ofalwaYs having.A, motive?
That to. Mind your ownbusiness i5.
• ono of thegreatest arts.. in the
, world ? •. , .
PINS, 13110WHES, CHAINS. • •
Brooches ate rental, dead-el:fly reund,
. A black bat.- N.vith wings outspread
, is a new •eancy.for.a scarf Pin.
• . The daintiest' things to, beeseen tire'
'` 'Atte „IvIiite enameled; alcohol. tamps.
Fahey spoons of - silver ,glit lifeee
.thele handles Modeled froin the lotus
„Hower. •. .
A. silver n111tor 11.1ili a segment of
.blue 'velvet on his haek is. a ,new de-
• sign for pincushion. ••
.....:WreMeeeteeeeteeMeetiii.' •emenetetel
• perched _on • the top._ of, hat pins and
amber shell: hair pins.
.Sterelk this -Is a watch -for - eome
• -Irish girl: The body is Of :green en,-
athel ; in the centrOds a harp of dia-
• ttionds.
`,:ffelection-at a ;-sul table -.and-attractive
. .
site for the asylum, the Rohstruction
of ;the •beildings • and -the .'..furnishing
•of the sathe .shall .be !left to •the
cretlon of the •Board, init ell of its
• offiCees : and . et:P.1)1°3;0es shall: bee 'sub-
, jecteto 'elv 11 -service „rules." . '
- • --An--• emergency." clernee '•attached to
the bill, Will .this.. fad 'Spread to., Our
fair..Domlnion? . • e •
-The - question-. of. the ',bestcarriage-
way paving!' is • "A, 'vexed.' qu:estion,"
as. a .glanco at the •varied nat'are (if
the- principal London thoroughfares. is
:sufficient to Prove. , The rivalry up to
the, preSent 'has been chieflye between
„Wood a.nTasphalt,-.711Verr-VaIneTorgThil--7
ite .set,s. 'being undisputed ' Where. the.
.16Cality .velli not pem
rit -ofenefere exe
pensiVe material.The bounds. Of ion-
troversy wili new become enlargee. by
-th.e -Imp eeta-tio
whose claims to popularity are etead-
:ily extending. Tenderi have . been ,re-
cently 'invited, for' laying" -comPlete"
about 0,200;3 -ants super of jarrali,
:karri, or other Australian hardwood
paving, between the proposed 'lines
and 'the'. Orb, along:both sides' of
Strenthani. Hill and, High --itond..• •Otie,
of the , objections.. made tp the 'ordin-
ary wood -paving 'is' it 'friable char-
acter, -which, besides the dratvbfiek to
durability 'thereby occasioned,- is as-
serted to lead' in dry Weather to' the
diesel -ideation of disease germs, and
eten to be responsible foroplithalmic
fiffeetiops throughthe floating par-
ticles lodging in the Rye. There is no
•deeitet that in these Ausetallan 'woods
the existing. cod -paving "-Companies
have. found ..a forinidable dempetitor,
the more especially should they Prove
to be free Mtn the disadvantageleged• er
• .against, ..: the ' rod net-
ted hitherto in use.-Intleidtries. • and
eueLetre* etestriiireQ-14.-gatagetiree,
. el, 'I (e,-).'‘.1'1
• t
1 11 1.4,1 1•11 *1 ;3:A 1 Rt,tltd :
„ „ ,
A ty.111(.6
.1 .;01,441 11/1 114*
111( p8t., .1111.1•4c111(91.1N • VSCI•i.p.,; \11*(41'i li
11P:t1'. 1‘.10.1i4e.'11.1114410 .11 1,1, 111,?0, Sunday
night, eeye tile San lleancisce •Pleaele
returideg frela 'erokel-
uniee,... It svite 1L , dark night :fuel Jae
lost bleIseiY. UP seanderedefrom the
path ()illy about •ten feet, but .
was 1l 14.1p1ee3 to find, It as it he
wore, tifany milesfrom it. .---• • •
At a phiee called Steelet.oe Ridge' lie
stepped lute - ht lpeo ..sliaft • of en
abandthied Inlhe. Suet' shafte in that
partictilar plitee are' us .nuenerous
squirrel liehiek ,,;,1cortunate1y .10went
dliwne•feet 'foremost. Theeklhaft, mai
3:3,1 •feet deep, but the' bottom was.
41101 with water. 'Wheelie istrUck the,
suraizz4vev31teir hoe was almost, stunned,
feet. • When ito arese again above
the ,water lie braced WS feet against,
the eleee theellaft. It W11.1•1
wide enough,and* in tha•t • way he
managed to' keep from drowning. •For.•
aii hour lee:Was In' that 'position: Ile
called ter help. at. the toe of 'his vole&
teem and again, but hie cries were
unheard for along thne. •• • , '•
Finally,. fte :he had aheut despaired
of ever getting :to the surface of the
earth agaln,•. a cry, which wee.; ,given
in a inlet -hearted way, eeas 'heard. by
a nom 'who- happened te bel paseing.
lee, went to the Mouth fd .the.shalti
eilleison' askol to jovver 'a
robe to Min. •Ile _declared he was jllRt
a 11911t' exhausted and.' could 'not keep
loraxpr. The passer-
by • 11a4e13eil • MOkelninrie
where he •' reported • thata nittn • .was..
down 'a ShAft. X partY-,went
1.fe m131.1autorns.. • ".• .•
:the .shaft: .they;lowered
the rope to Gleaeon., bet he, was se
beaffieleed, 'fur the."Water.. was very
tilateileegOUlel torte
tirounite;hie hodv. Another man was.
let duwa, the 'shaft, ,aid he 'tied • the ••
rope eeOurely." :ftreu.nd. Gleason. Ile
.was tirt peeled up and then Glenson
was ''broiight to thesurf aee... With
the e exception et: a feW .bruiees on
his niens. 'n,m1 hands. Gleasoneev:hs
jefert: Ire eras_ taken,: tb'elle.keliontie-,...
. and in a. fe.sy leeers.. had • _recovered
• S.,
• „
. ,
IA044 ti° 1
1.0 . ,
Jj ; 1:, f' vt.a.1• Ivert 11;""--tite
80 • 1.18 of Ftett:y Cancel 8 111 11V
.1„%.1;1":!'?'„1i 1.4t1t31 I
,,• •
114111N, .111 i(.41:•:(3‘its.t.torielli.“.1 ie. honor 04
nilo. Fashions .
Ch Ulf re/4.14 (41.011(b1 311 Il(V 61L.t'4.v -1411VI'
• Ilvg 1.n.mraddiv 1'0.111 Nt4telmok
ils isehes '411(1
; • t'scitatikil Ilrint 11 **al tlittlS.
.1.h.114tY ierge • boimet33. fur eaial
bablee mud° of red 01118,
laivas,..e.hainbray •U1141 .6f. pieue.
Pretty- wia-summer bohnCtfir, are of
Point. d'eeprit net.- White helmets are
trinenfed weth lace, coloi.ed on,ea' wltb
-erowns let svith )u,rge cerded
brims, are kiedee for hope, 'and -
these are very. pretty. aud booming,
t'or larger gerls'ebliere are handed
ea,I16r. hate fur' every -day weur and
plaited Cuban 'straw ,hate for pest.
NVide„ low ribbon bows, cluotere. 9.1
flo•svere and rosettes of. • chaegeable
'ribbon all .around .the erdwileare the
teinuniede .fur; these .cimileing.
bits of headgear. ' .
• One of the."prettlesteniodefs for a
little girl. ik of" white.. Swiss, Covered
tiny dots.' The bacirstiovv.0
the eunbunnet fend on 'the briin,
tite,feinees whic,h le regulated .py
severeel rower of shirring; is ,perched -'a
coquettish, latg•ee lece-edged- blew, The
brim . formed by. a lace -edged
rtiftlee-graduated.. to ward the, bottom.
Direetly in, trent is a bow of blue satin:
daisies:. • The. stiingsi of lace -edged"
eitettett---Selese.' are 'lipid .eo... the -.bon-.
net at. oat:di...side bye:email huriehes
daieiee, and buteercepke • •• ".
sweet • little •bat,e. stiltable -foie
.eitleer a girl. or es leceee.je,;et pere white
crewe .1i.ened to tile• brein. whicii ts
.Tnakie very full, by a' etwilinuation Of
double and_ triple boX7W4.1t, edged
With three ,rdws ,.of • pale .'blue • satin
-baby ribbon."' On 'tile .tep: 0 the erOwn
is a: lull box -plaited piece of the not,
edged with rilibon, and this in
the- ceritreeby- -seVeraleribbon rosettes,
--The -Wide szrings' are • oferilehoneedged
from bis fright, ' Gleason about 24'
years ,01 age • arid a. man of eteong
constitution, else what proved to' be
a very n:arrow escape Would hate
bena chip -aided .akt hie -death,' •_
• Sponges,slates. and .elate.pencils are
no • longer . allowed in • the"...• nubile
schools, of .Caluhridge, Mass. Paper,'
• pens and lenelle,liave been substituted.
• • I • ' • •
After all, the 'world it made pp of
two classefir. • These, 'wleo .never get
what' telley want. and those'vehO ' al- •
wa,ys_get what they do not want.. .
triati rOYai fainfly the 'terse 1611.6'1V:1i
the funeral proceseldie Co-Vero:I with: a
black 'cloth and lame in....one foot. The
elathenesseeisecansed-hy. a -nisei -driven-
• into the hobf., • „
• Fraultin Mabel, (to herydttng man)
.--But• how you must ask ,papa, for his
tOnsent.. :Voting Man (very shy)e-Oly,
0140.4 e'Arm,
• •The imbedding'. of ;medals .stortes.;
. dmends and,sappItiodi,,JlitintcadisF
• ttiad rubies, checker -board fashion• in
_ sword hilts is neiv. - ,
•. ,
'Inc czarina holds its own. One that
caught the eye •was an Interincing of
vines witkelitele round rosy posies. of
diamonds and ruby 'spinets. ° •' •
„i• '
1 Match 'safes of &Ill eilVer find Cot-
• ered with repOusse or ' ainent in Which ,
---godtleases sand 10
- V0t 0 -.00114:404.10uaj.
' have made a. sudd ' and prominent
. appearaneeo
•. An entire set of table spoons With
the edges beaded and meeting at the
• The- hoitte-nOsed whalerecently seen
• off the coast of. Ireland was headed for
.An aceomniodatieg 00.1net player, just
learning, kindly stuffs cotton in his cars,
so as not to disturb his eeighbors.
• Somhody in Alexandria advertiars a
'toren 4nr•sate vacithipa.lang.
hands high and elm years olderWitshilig-
tan Hatc'het. •
"James 1" whi‘krd the eitartled
"wake up! I, hear somebody in the,
'cellar I" .
"It wotil do' him tiny geed," gram.-
-bled-thntarot.the.bouserturning over
and composing hieptelf to. 'sleep again,
took the potatoes to the office this
afternoon arid locled them_ In '' the
'eertalnly I , Year papa -has --1
telephoneathis-eoffice_? • •• 4
-the Ayinandattglais--:one of Washing-
ton's ..benetoleee women's Heeletiet-is.•
.a; 'society of ewoulea' organized for
,benevolent purposes: It embraces tart-.
iitie kinds of sehoolsearidie the inspire
ation ofmuch good. charitable Work.
1.1-artlireanYone ,know*-formatioe
of the name. • That iia -Me suggests its '
'e,seneemeree..- °...1.eteieVisefleanetikeettreFtlestee-
eere thelrords:!.:15/1(yfets),taclMierS)t. _
daugh(ters),' .:•
The 'cigar trade of Russia'has been
almost' coinpleteIY ruined since the
coronation of the, young Czar. .. He is
devoted to, the Smoking cif o ineer-e.
sellatin pipe, and all.hie loya1. subjects
likeieseaS In duty bound, 'discarded. thelr:
fragrant HaVanas , for .pines, and •the
idtger:•they are theemore highly they
are prized. ' The' streets 0! St. Peters-
burg are now said to resetnble.a. Ger-
man country town, for • more than
half the nien otienieets..1S parting a
gigantic Ineersehituni. • ee
• A-re-you-gtr)•ing.--to- -the -opera -?. Sot
• before you go ,
•Discuss yoer oWn !affairs at hOme, and
don't let the people know • -
That..Miss Sarah Wilkins •has -a bonnet
•. out of etyle '
m'et-jViikiP•165k St het ter in
., a Derby thannitk •tile. •
Sornepeeple like to litzitto the.eilv'rer.
• liquid hetes • • • •
Of the zini`., lc upward floating Jr= the
- -singers' sweltingthroa-ts; - -
They don't •care about your- • tatt1e4.
•-••••- floating, upiyard ,to the • dome -
11 you (16 not. care for muste you had.
.'• better -stay, at home. • ,
• •111 I t • 11 t:e r. 'from; the
hii.eiNey velveteen of its ,rivers.
Vereela1.1 14() '('!111?"1 beeause . the
i.ieer lefsna 1Jo%ve tbroUgh.'It...
toba eom me in e ea. tee the Maul -
toe or great' .eplilt.ef • the Indlae...
The Sahara eo named -from, • the
'Ara hie word signifying, " desert."' " •
. _Egypt -to. the. Ifebreve's • feud ever
eitiee.. was • "the land. Of the „seppree-
L'enador means," equator," an 411u -
felon .• to 11t14 thnrrnalical ,spaition: •
Itt77'11 ea.1100 because It was •
fiett/ed by the ,Boile a 'tribe of
tanzibrer, mere correctly Zangne- •
bar, 3ite/1141es ",the CWASV of the, de -
• •
• Tiulgariawas formierly Volgaria, so
ca lied from the :Volsci who 'inhabited
',Tatiana was originally ..Juteland, •
or the ,and .<)f, the,. jutes, a • Gothic, •
tribe. . . . : . • .• '• . •
• The 'word. Ceylon "Is ofl-Sanskrit ore.
gth,eignifeihee the-" Island of -notes,' -
• Algiers is so-called from the Arable .
wordf: .AI:Jezair, meaning "'6, Penin- ",
stile.'" , : • .
Greeee was:, formerly Graecia. It
' bed,its flame from that of .itseinhabl-
tants. •
egii)e.hri,:p,re. ,..,0.e.,0,e,.e; `ei. village 0;4 itv:
rican word, meaning a abeunding in
mountain." `;•...C..- :•• '' e 'c-
ode -yea .was named from a west Af- '. .
• Ontario is a corruption' of the II1T
r.• nollaral IViti4 SO Minted bk. the•Danes
from • a word signifying " marshy
ground." ••
• Jamaica hafe!ft name 'of.' Indian. oil -
gib. It means; a:the,. country with
• Asia. had its name fretn the Bans,
Cltrfilet dlYits9wril.41%21"•
iignifyiege" land of •
.. _
,. .
Brussels net.
, niaterlais. ter. the . spring and
summer trucks of young girl's and end.;
(ken are • Silk and wOol. Mixtures,: in.
'dot's and cheeks, challis, 'with. colored,
grounde and ,Dresdeodef4gneirTand•ore---
. pons, striped, eross-barred, and' • plata.
These ere for bestgOwnS. For general.,
ent-of-door :and at tereoon'. wear the'
are pretty 'Scotch 'tweeds,- in mottled .
elf eete • and lrredulartheeks.• -The " pop-
plar.. sergeS, " hOm'espunsand..- covert
cloths are used in. Making . Ontingand
schoot. dresses. • For. parte,. dancing.
,sehool,and- special' .occasions silk cre-
pone; •.talletast,
with neat figures, awl the'Prettee new
Persian: grenadlnes ere. mcidisiii:
,daintiest, washable ..gowns for
'tons. These are qnita Plaia• or have
color introduced in . he forritot dashes,.
bars ..or ntripes: These. cotoeed..pat4
terns aro espeCiallyepretter in the. lie*
grass, lineds • and :Cern •liaere' batistes.
Very beautiful . are the .twilled • brown.'
linens and ' the 'smooth lin.ensein light.
blue, ,navy, .14114 green,- (tern and yele
• Iowisfilirew,n.: For morning"dresiseki in.
-the ,eountry, and at' :the shote, are
-shown. elquipite piqties the fieWest.
coloris being lilac, pale blue, pink .and• •
heavily. ribbed -,White.,
Simple little .. dresses of sof t-' Hindoo
.,Paetif4teeaudetwll1edeeieeviot.4liesth.new •
manner • 'tabries) 'maCh•41draireir,'"..
,hanie, zephyrs and 1.1,k gingham...ale
• ways remain. in tater: The neet..nain-
soaks this season haVe-colore.d figures
•and ,raised '• white . tordS,.-stripes ,•oi•
'.cross-bars..:•.Sprigg,ed Swiss; Inuslins;•in •
white or delicate. tinted grounds and
detaChedblosseenia or .printed,W_re.athS,,
in. natural COlOts ;. .. swivel silks • abd'
crept* •muslles ":Inake Very . effeetiee
dresses .-whee trimine'd • with fine
embroidery,, lace • and velvet ribbons.
. Dimity •dresses, triniened. With . Val-
enciennes edgings and'. insertions, are
oceediagly. ,dainty.. and ..• these" •are
popularlor• girls from 4 to. 8 years.
' These . frocks. • have' Short • • Frew
skirts in four :breadths.. -and blouse
drO.Oping dee16w.. ,the:, -.belt ..., anti
gathered to a 'higle.yokeefestmed: of •
insertions' and einbreederYmed. lace:
The neck. is finished with:inch-Wide
frills of 'lace.. •• - • '‘
. The. prettiest sPring coati for •very
littte--girlirwre of "white-nrepons;.-11ned.
'with selk hi dainty, cdlors and trimined,
, vvithinsertions of „guipure or Valene
clennes lace:These la,re made with
Watteau backs and tiny Capes,. start -
,of the fulness. Other
coats are of repPetreslikseinletiffe'plifk-‘
andblue; andare siinflarly made:.
.. The most. delightful , models.' seen In
-the children's' • departments are the,
little Suinin.ereloaks 'of colored 'piques
'-eeletiow, pink,' blue 'and 'Wee. These,
are daintily triennied With ruffles and
insertions of !white even -work
broldery.. ••These ' are designed to• be.
worn with • thecoquettlah iittle•plqtie
bonnets: • :. - • •
Gimps are again in favor for •this
,.summer.: The prettiest are 'of . White
nainspok,. ,with, groupie of fine. tucks
• and Valetieloines insiertioni. The es-
pecial' feature of • the nets/. materials
•for .children'S wear :is . bright eolor"-
ing. • -, •
W1AT. rSadIETY GIRLS •. • t174,14‹...
7,1IE SEA§pis1i'S WASHING7 ON.
Bridget -If ye plaze, mum, OM he
latin' whin ,ine month's up an' goin!
out Paver neeran' Siiintaynth ,strate.
. :MU -tress -Very well: Bridget but,
whydo you go over there to live?
13kidget -Well,- mum, 01 overheard
the gintionan from the poptoffiee.
'tellin' ye laeht ifoight, nt supper, that
they've only thrayuailki a day do -
livered ()over that s y ; an , himself
atin' the fift' thot 'd bin coOkedin
this bliesid house thot day. So' of
thought 01.7(1 go somewhere to evure
ruk Where 'It's not quite go cenvayn-
lent fur company.
A D'ELL 110t
" Thomite, yon bate; disobeyed your
oltl grandinotlier." e• • .•
"Noe I didn't, IWO •
"Yes, yon -did. Hate younot been
In swinuieing 2." _,
"Didn't I hear her gay to. Yoti not to
6 In Etwittiming 2"
"Oh..she didn't tell As that; she Only
came ont and said:: e_Boyi3,.I wouldn't
go in swinimiagf' and I shouldn't think.
she wonld, an old, rheumatic woman,
like he'; but she' didn't iay •anYthing
about obr pelt' iiveivininiinV. ,
. ,
,A despatch fro-ni St. Petersburg" tie'
iliteNeue Fide .PreSse sklye M. ViSeline,
grtttleskY,formerly MiuiSter bf rim,
'Riled, is dead. .. •,
%, •
. • '4
.• The syllable„" la;" as,a terminatliin
to the name ot a. coanrye is. of Celtic
'Senegambia Was so called ..becattsiC:
it lay- befween the-Tfvers Senegal and .
origin. . , •• •
The • Aleutian islaed.s werenamedby
the. Riissians. . The ;word *Pella "bald
'reeks." . • ,
Vortugalis a corruption of .Porte-
'Caie; the Roman name. of tile.town
of Oporto.
• pabrador was' named' by the Span!
lards',Tierra .Labrador,:oe the a Tenitir.:
Vated.land.".„, ••• : • •
was .inhabited by the ,Iialfirs.tit 1.Un-
believers.' ' ' •, .
Poland a eresterne,Fite:etranse
Dos ion' of learal-Piiree meaning,;Rithe.
land of plains." • - •
• Turtle was tba....i.and of . the Tunes,
are African tribe:inhabiting MOO . Of
its territory. • •• •
The Soudan is .so7salled 'from .the,
:Arabic word Belad-ez-Suden, " the
land of the..
v,MOntenegro- • has • its name .• name from the '.
color of its Mountainse .The.Werd
meaaP • " black 'inotintale,' , • °
liPpirrnritsePeilia1d. • Wee, so ..becallee',41.
hilis .were covered 'with a
beautiful. green Moss.. :
- ...,4trzitLern*SE.,-0114TO.
eIn his book- on thhia; Mr. Nein**
tells thikt. 'Story: "A: foreign resident
of Pekin, , who speaks 'Chinese well,
'Was riding along, one day and ca*e,t0,
an ,excited crowd. Drawing. neariA'
'dtscovered a circle. of. •people' quiet,
-watching a man deliberately attempt
leg :to comMit. suicide by daelitng'lete
head against a walk. He dilsraMitikede
•.restrained the man, harangued. the by-
standers, andlearned that .• thief ,-Was'.•
ceolle, who . Claimed that his., pay-
ment for. a, certain; porter's job .'(„w
short by ten caaheeles0 than. a Pee
4 -and as-tha eniployererefused to pay
re, he was proceeding` . to, :take; 0
vengeeby killing hinfself..dee'thteesPO
.knowing,:thatb 807doing.h0,--tebut
get • the 'other into ,confilelerablit,,,OrAt.t.
ble. On another 'occasion a threw
hineself into,the &nal, .1ent was 4r,
go out: so he •sinieelt sat down
had cheated -Min.. Again,
nian was•found Murdered dei
near •the British.. Teegatien; nik la
of China prescribes that a.,.0.0.$0
bodyArtiat..31.01Jeee_remoVe .t
murderer IS caught., There .otee„4.,
covered with a Mat and left,
passed and et month, alidstill •thn tO
ting -bedy lay there till ,at letiet•
Minister, who had to PaleS it e,
day, vigorouslY, protested, and it
taken, off the bridge' and pleleedeal
tie further away. And a thineoe:,
paper is responsible foV Oise sto,
which, •Inolecd, has Itothing-whe0
incredible' aboute4t : One day #4•.:
belonging to a Mrs. row, bii
to 'knock deem and slightly'injur
frOnt, door Of a 1..tr9e "gyaug;,.mi orti
at .Once proceeded to, clout, 'd
which were refused.' Where"
fieree altercation ensued,.
t.Wee a.ligentto
initiated. •Wani.Fothreate'
p take'herown
hearing of this direftd 041,40a1'i1lre
. .at once to take. tlinci IjSr*;theHtireitoe
In. Spite ofwealth and its EieepiesS and steal a *arch *vonher. eneety„,-n
111-gons,ViffIrtfeeir1n.IIIM*Tlib.-::13 Atairitig-her-Own"Ifire; .7iiiii-drUnk:,:to
.who would lure • theln..into Childish the tabIeS• Algal hdr,.....lilhattiar,05,!dt:Of
folly, .societYm
• girls. are very human. threte'heteell inteethe t
,„If you catch the words of - their'con-
versation with one another you .W1-11
find that the subject 'matter doe ridt ,
,,hdieilte: 14wromide,loytitirer gintruolut.4.?rbohncitpr%480VOgneLdi., ,sia,Tha 2,a,..Letteadr,,e_AfwairtntrtetilL ler:
those air car 11001147„,,ectitege,sc,orr_ fur otegi'-.1attitsolkhaal.,•to.hOILt.',da,t4,,litiottvetJt"bran
the *factory: -
no notice of his p •Stieree Mean,
• Nom. -He. • '
PosseeHis. a ' revolter Out O •la. -potkek" •.-
. Obj.-111ine' 6 lastly his 0- . 6.9
, These are the pronoun§ In inoet ire-
-Arlie -ionqueror is regftede.d .with„, ...V%
.qtent nbei.
. . . Course, ar Chletittote-dtiftlf 44
Ab:rdi,Lonteratiti:n,atontetii ' , .
estnaid at:. the.,OntSid wii4
awe;:. the wise ran& -cointelintis , 011T t t
• • ,
respect; but It ' is only the betiete- A WISC. Man 10, , tifits
lent man that Wins Our affeetiOne. - Where- 'he V :Weak OA
Anon,. strong, . •
• 11 4
.% •