HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1894-04-06, Page 4. i I . I .. I , . I I I
. I '. . : I I I . I I I I I I . I , . . . . . I I . I . . I . .
I 1 I I I . � � I
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�, 1,k � , I,. - . . . . 1. I "iii I , --- 14�- - �- " d', =! 77—Zi!— �711r— —1 .�- o - 4. - � ,� - '.. - -S :7. I ..* I �. , .. �� 11 . I I . .1 I . . .
# -,A',,. ;W��--- I . . . - .. � — I . � bi4ftret-ballat.Z.-Mi 4:x4u"a�, W. . --�..,.- , " , ,.. , t I
. a e- . -U — ,
I-, � 1. . I . . E9R. PRANKS. THE HORNET JS A HU NE—R. — —1 'AT � ' boon' kt,pt. The Wpiu& - 7 .
. " . IM I
.1 I �: . olff, 1110 9
I.. Tv , . 1"Aa A U ,� 'of tile bai lot an �.
, I . . . . J ' .
I , .. I 0 . � 1ws,. Qu � , . I . . $1 � . Its present forin �wotlld not aidJu the do. . 4 :
. , I ' . I
.1 1��'�11 0 , � .. - . : . 1. .. . . J� I ltn �. I I . . I ,
� ...... IN . .1 onnEND, ,cup " - - . � tectiou of 6oreQuation. - . I I
,',tk,�111 I Mr� Clarke (Toronto) rose -to MOO All Mr., Meredith said thist tile bull. gentle- . . . I . 1.
., . -Two tabs - Buduen iad. 'The guglish To 'ao Boat . I I to A state, mail had'guac a long wily back to deny, . � . . 0 � I
�. I .. . . .p Intp WOMB � . . rpe I Holds explaitatidW with reference , , .
. .. . . . , , . .
,7', 1. . . . I .
It I 1.� I . .04im � the'W014's R000r-41 , i0du which had Appe I I the charge that he had av ol]io tillto Q * . I
. � 11� I . 'Fewre. � ., . . t Wred is thp.Torouto , ' ' I
. ' P . . ., . I � I World, -and which-hailalsobeen printed, posed measures Usteti by tile UJ),I)Q. - . � I I I I t.
, : I. , . V , 0 tod them. C n- , - - ".,-
1, % dmn. and a* Servant , . —
, , � I � � .
; � Girl * .— - . iu',ths Gibbe of some days ago, ' Tit UOU 4nd aftorwl�tlff it(IJI) Z!
I . . I . , BEATS THt t4trs or- B00GA0010" VAUS 28 KNOTS AN HOU19 matter r0orred to was a statel"cut that Calling, lie said .04t, It wits ditilionwit for . I
. . .
I . . . ' . I he'll4d eadohv6red to alitAill pity from th I
-1. . . o, lijou. gentlelliell of tile Uoveruln6lit to - . .
, -- I L ,
.. i Philadelphia dcspateh� say�.': Belibid I 11 I '. , .the Dominioii Government, for two extra allow the pr -tiont law to i4taud aiid.-tlius� — ..
I .
. . tjiat a ' a h6daled for 'V 'P ye. I . - I - . . . .
�11. 811hed - t usill -, two divorce suits re c A Viraft That 9'aft Ovtrbaul ANY: I da ' in connection with ,the Prdbibitl(-4 give: a freelaud for iuW)iidqtijrts. 1`40 - - . .
. . . . . . the Jane teina of this, Court of. Comm0A . Y46,40 W.'ar"s Roe L 1.
I I% . I . 4tions -bole 111114 reas Rocor .Collllaigsiq�. lie 'allid that Ili sending, rtumbered-ballot.w1W,it shlliltlt delusion, , ,�.-,. . , L . I
% "#. .. .. 'Nll.�. .L . Pleas, No. 1,A -hers. ifes a rfkther strange . and, , �kr.ft*y Po Better *,uture.- ' . -- qa..,his account, lie had Included thQ two P . Ir , . � I . I
' 'y ,Will-, ,
- ' ,
. , ' iqd lbh� jearo, a strange . . . I ..,t . Ili. , L II and it fraud.'� (Oppu§itiva clieOrti.) The .,� . .
LL N1111. � I 1 I 6' Vic I - - - - ,- - ,- -:
, romantiii stol I " il� - ' dayi. spent tit ravle Ingi , - hall b0- -GO , Nin ent, "MaW, llo lollgeie a .. rio-furixt . .
. li, or LORD RAII . . reeeiiblance to, oue� of the famous Was itr6yer Hornet, lieved himself outitlodL t.�' the allbiwa, part�.' It wil"N fail, lJ14JI14,the, tilll(41. . I : .
� . . .1 The English torpedo dea nce. I . . .
�� � I - .
11" " --� - L. - ' ,of Boccaccio. The caseeareol' Tunisvi. ,which is, undoubtedly tfie fastest boat in ' * - - ie - ' ':--'— ld that Hitwo - the prewat I I I . .
. I .1 I 'In both ' L 'an The'account waisreturned tp Ill'iti*tO have ' I .
Girls, r sun XYes Hems— Tunis and Henry vs. 'Henry. the. world; ',having made 28 knots is', however; -1 liall'ot tj"?s"t' sa ( 111.1.01 lVo 9 -it I .
� . or . these dayp otruck off ,- th' , . w4 hall buk-11 i 'a 4 I fl, , Oi .
11 —Xialm" cases the suits are brought by, the .hus hour, is ojV of more than 80' veisels.Of 10til .refused - to (10, 6ft I;ad aok-cd�lhat oral ,� � ) - . . I
. 11 .44 wataily Surned , as eel a SiMil ' . . several Of D the Audito ' _I,ctiolls and it lai,90 lidalliol . . .. �,
� . r" bye-electiods haO been' contested. tir . .
I ,bands, and each names the other . � der'ed.- from' the matter be -referred t, I I . � . .
16C the Nerobvie'st" . I . 2" 1
� 6,1.14. now -numbpre 200- respoadeni. ' I . I . I I Irma in EuKlaad at a co6t of from 983,- General -for Ilia docisioll. The .1atter , the la8t twenty years ,the bon. gen- I .
ror of, AuBtria, visitea the to last oulumeF, ,,&()o to z8g,o,o(). Two of these b I oats were, h le r . ule4 .9 I I . .. 1. .. I . . . .
.The story dates back. ,overuing tile 171�111eli 11210 had awlih, ppportnuity to .
, when Mr. aid Mrs.- Tunis and'hrf,-'hnd by Yarrow A Co-� .They ,are the eh,il service did not� apply, UO that lio,� discover any ovils Ili tile systein. ,Irho'� ' , . . I
. at Ab4ul& Yes' : mHad'o'ek and the Hornet, "'says. the Now: 'gentlemen had not, 11 0'�\* k, VU I'll Pro . ved � : , . �. . I
, I 0ormany . - Mrs. .Henry,, who were all fast friends,', . ,
� . .. I . I . . .(Mr. Clarke) could not be allowed the ill,. .
t Atlantib 'City � to" t6ik 8un; � They - we,re � b,4ilt exactly amount, ,He had,toereopon expressed 4 , . .
, . ' , their east,, aad,t,w,V._)vvr0 advoca ting a . � . .
ial- traia--varrylug .3.00. 0oW0@-- gether" -jiLch 14mily .,Paying its share of ,Ilk, iii,overy detail excp'pt their boilers. Ilia. - le , � p I iane a ,VIth the raling, chaag(, iii.aja ill,l),rtlint I . . . I
, ' I - . . - - . 1) - llatter �oki 1wilich I
, 'In Ahe latter par ,01 - � . .
r t . be Coo h �-.I000aiotive, iitud had !tell he Olt 11 they -had -no. ovit*riet., .410 1110 -11 -40144"t -l", . 11 '. .1 . .1 . I I I . .
. adiau *Northwest left % 0
. , I -uses. The Havock wa's fitted'*'it c' co i ,--days, tr`0711 :.
I f .. ithe living 6xpe dedu , .
. I axis", .. yqster. day. ly Tunis was obUged to start off - . Ilia bill. 110 rusted t ti tile papers. ad the , �
, I . . of in bolloro and the Hornet with the.Yarr6w . _,Dominion ,,,d olltli-1.10 syst(,jll of , , .
. inei.,"Toutouie, which arrived, 6 his't . 6 I . : ". ." , ...I
. -- experl- � on a busineis trip, � axill, yielding t pateat,water-tube boil4�r.' I inqutio4ed 4ould cQrrect this, itat .
rpibo6l, Tuesday,, night, . tted, her to re- oidin, � a" VO tti'1�11F tp,provo Ilbs-4ti-glinivilt,that -the ,
I wife's porall'asion, peraii . , The disadvantage under which meat, Wlilch�had ev"i'd6utly becit.made'. in lat v4nLtigo; lit' -y - . I ,
Very ileavy w6ailter during the main . t, Uri. . . I . . I hilto nil ail vatel the., . I I
I .1 . at the seashore. In Angus ary firqt-claso -torpedo -boats labor '-'As mistake. .. . . . . . detection of 1il1pt.rsc)ll.tti,),ll1 I # I I . "I I
I I -
. .
' . ,
I I )hu,- kowlye - astio ins Just left i Henry' began ' to Ouspec� that her hUE?- I their 'loss of .speed, in a heavy. seat and Mr. lIuidy ros'e -'to correct a. report. : Mr � McLechu � ia-upoke in favor 4f . . the � � ' , I L— . I . .
4 ,. band was 'too Lattentive- to Mrs.. Tunis, Aami'al'Fisheq the British Controller, which had appeared iu th,o' Bnlplre,, in motion., � . I � . " . �r .
fifil'"V �'U -1. Ad home, with fifte u: and, ,After y "had returned . Ir . -g .9 . . wood I . . . I
0, o is .4 a 0 , the whole part I . 'coticelved,the 1&Wof constructing these w-biall bi - -fil in repli ,to. ,Mr. .. Claifey -de6lared tha-t 'the SyAela --.,. . I . � I
- Ig'a""" # 0`6 'eMifi Jor� his home - - � . p e -, Mr.-. I . .
1 1. � , . It U",86ptellaWl" she,claims to'. - ago, Was faui!ty in aluwst every 1)articular .4' . I . I
qj159A 'I to the c"'y, ' larger and more. po*e ' flul craft 4ftbi, (Hastings), made 'a *few , cv,61ingg , I I . . .
4. %. - . v . � been ,ro- . ''I I
�!., . I have ob�aued. - cOn kur,iug - evidence 61 the torpedo type for the purpose of ov'or, had been, tnisqtioted.- Ile had " - . . 1. I .
I . � . . I . ' A ,division 'wiLs th6li taken, and - the . .
, � '. .if I . .
M, .��,,,,"Z.Wbo aceideu-�&Ily shot . � .
,� �beir guilt bduling the' t6rplado, boats. in a storm. ported. as having .said that he had .. . " .
� '4 "' ,g,'East -Toront Wed- - - M;r;-. ]E�;n " 'did: ndt � make a scene. . ameti.dulent was repeto(I I)y. 53.. to ,,o, .1
I " . �
# ,� "go
- li I 46,, I A I ry - 'The Hbendt is'a twin;wscrew boat, IS heard the, bon. incinber's 6xplanatiou of -turia) asked f9r d --re' I .
. I I ..,�g ,,,,, Mr., Thomas walter0i Sh - I ertaiued Mr. - Tunis'. .ad- .t . Mr. McKay?(Vie .� . � . 1,
. I—' � ,C * , ' ich had ,caused the- dispui-, . tu I . I
E'..� i;!V O simp y Age .�
feet long . 18 .lost 6 -, inches ..beam. he fig rag wh I . I
,� and - I . . .1 u I ru showing'What system of p,tyinent I I
, - ,,Of B OV i . .
, 1. K',- eill ills- -- ,dress,and wrote,him, , full particulitra. � 0 of oightlu6beo, and. sion,-h6 would not havq criticized -t4e, the Governiiient adopted . ' . I . .
. .1. � d9noe ? at ldcKendreii)s . _ 111he dep); has A ris . I I I
I I)" . . 10 dealing with I
"I'll, � I sex:0 . ht;sbAu'd homi I ghe� has, the loxig;�- easy bows . . .
�. " I. ---. , ., A; and, rising as lie did.'- . Us read from, -a copy Of the . -stockintin, at the Colpilibittil, Expositiow I . . . I
.. I . . . . . . . ,�� .. I utld yesteriiaj orning. , in quick time, an -fits arrival"ItV WAS I - the extract -refeirod -to- .. ,'.The- . .. - 4 , - '. .. I . 11,
L . I
i , .... .1 lil lient- . d �du ,lie produced -for I floor characteristic of' the' Poplor boats. papei . I'm"- -The amount cit 1 - d . I I
,. Wand Miss Moll a rga, Aeary, ,w 'A turtle-baek hood prote�ts, all her for-, piessioit .,given by it, he said, ,was ew, e i I ,'owuer receive for, , . .
" ,;, I .11 -.1.:,1.... . met by , fiLres,. maintenance, earetakjujt,,�ir for :. . I
.... . � a. I I . I . I I �
-:1 .t.. � I -- I
" " . . . . . to biWued to. deathe- I" A . erroneo .
ly L � his, beiaolit; -tile proofs she had gathered I 4
, � .. -C. I qla 00 . ire y �. US. He' had made no such . ,
�11!� � . linally 6t'his wife, itud her�husbdnd., . . I . any other purpos(,!',' .. disting,itishijug each . .
LV "; � duliell has, I - - -- Ut i ward �aks, 'and"Unlike moist su, , . I I
, I I . I Of the, gul .
1'4V I. .."''. I. : , . strdetions heretofore, -it' ezt'ends from 46uceSSLOU, and did. got wish t"bo-repott . I I . .. I
11�,,, 'p y " - . " '41' slid, 'railway scheme, Mr. - Heiiry, and Mi. '_Tunis then resolved - � amount axtd- gWngt,hQ. *�jtit,.a)e -.of Zlla6h
� L� Sb*" . I
. - a -- I ,;,---v - - ---z-. -- -- � -'
"', � " ", I � to, the.. .after part of the to go ,to . the, country.,14 . it . present . Owner. . I . �, %-7 . . . --- -
,,, Igo .i ' . . I I . . ': .. I
vlk' ,"id rtakin ,to abolish all ithe bow back . .
,�, I 4 - 'in oraer . to shape. , . I . : I .� . . - --- ''' * -- . I .
2 � ''ay - ' to keep a car6fuk watkil, ', conning tower. .The prorp - . I . . . NEColl a I 'ng . I
; 11 , ellers ar,q'thrtie 3fr sked, I ('r "a ret rn givi I
1*, V. rosoiliga, in the west end. videtice., and -now c6m6s ;C�l � 4 . . I . I
!,,,," 1, , secure more.' .e .c py-of the' retarit of Mr. Ste:wart, '. � , ' I I .
- "', '
, I 11 I'� � .1 . I --go,pdr*--(ifth6 - . - - "' poluad *ty'pe-'ad6pt'6d,.'li* the, firm,� U&*ihv toAtiquire-.1ii-to -the' eofidi- . . I .. I 1-1
. 'this-stroon . .. :Pk6oineIal':Llec"n'8-'0, '1n-4"peC;76r aift.0'ihe-.- ` .. ,. '' .
A , has ' - bladed., ".The ngihes are of the- tri-pdm- Mr. Balfour- moved ,tJhat-.a,cOraMittee a
ulneue Society medal . story. The t . . I gg be appointed , I .
I I tu Mr.'Walter Ctx�sinala , 0 11 4k. . .game �objeet in 66111!, ( ' 16 ,,% -2 tion of natural gas fields in Various " . , I .
, wata. rij having. th . w 1. . , . charge that c , 1. I
tf�` "llford, .for givine 4 - youtit. - . ,. . - -1 cylinders 18 -itichay,..2- -1-4p _pq , ertain'Ll'.!ease Cominiiisio I I
wu a grea - 1 Ibi'&Aith , _4po' 89 1 h. '. , ,
I lz�, 7. dr4l, 1 1 Mon, werb thro t dea inches in diameteiby 18 inch stroke. ,. - sectiond" of the.'I�rovin6p and the. isuppl.v er ' . I I , � .1 I .1.
111, ',!, � ,Vulug about a ye'at Ago" other's society; and,. it is elai * " L Under 'the �'elevitted turtle a in' the c6unty of Eight -wero, owners I .
I - . ined., in e . I
� � . � dock ifor- of gas therein ; , the of licbnj�ed,prenlises, and thati.. rteenges . I \
,� I tW,� ' Ong6ro of the steamer 'libel i1r. ill Henri Vs. 'Henry, easei that arious . companies. were refused certarn pirties"ou'pol' f - ' L
.. 0=W1a!Ah--&irIvedyeo!� . I . '. 0 Ited as ward is a lofty forecastle in whiqh some Operations Of -the v and the desirr , kt eal, ... . :, I. . . . .
�, Aw" 1 ' ei-sabad-kiud-'Of an intima-ey-riksu -Of- tha. zriiw,,.an�hg-rthe�o. The -next coin'-, working'the said,: fields ; grounds. He spoke to his itioti(in. at some '' ,." , , ... ,
, verE eel, were fOrty�' that which, is Alleged to have exis.tKw- , Mr, tutent' ' -back 'of the eo6niug - tovve-r' - abilityi- iv -the - itlteres"f- fle.. cItIwUff----- leng-th-j- -rev-16ving- tht- i-iift-)i!llia,t,i-011--.V-tk-!C�h-.- --- '. - " - .
, ,16�
�,, - a of
�2-#L!Wf,KA!L�M Ak. �u-dMr,`ffeury*— IV - sing r,pgd'tion"e- t- . - -
.. TV�15 1101110 IMP t een Urs. �is a _ - L .
..� 1� � 1P . . - - I _ with 1t;a sree ,given �Llr -tWW44XWiUce,Qf-iUPQ I I ' "IAJ4�1( - - . , �-
." MA .41 . . I ring gear -IS LOU -hO-4Q,&-G" . . I
I V . # "
' , , Neither case. is likely to be contistedi to berths, and abaft a separate epinpart, specting the manner of- taking. .natural . -by the- coth- ! 1 � �', � ., I .
I , kni�imt`Piotz, four miles and..the decrees of�divorde will speedily . . . isposal there- a,grave wrong hA,d boeb done I I. . � �
, O" ... meat is given to the - cook,. with freslr gits,from the ground, the ,a . . missioners in withhol0ing a license from ,, , .
t. , burned Oil � follow the taking of the 'testimony. It .d: " I ' I 1.
.. � ', ill 1� . and a 1§-yesr-old . im� whispered, Ud, that the'divore'es are w4ter tanks And,two berths. From the Ri an -the preventing of any improper ($lie J. G. Nunn, in the city of. St. Thomas, , . I , I
, . . .
. I.. . L was .tin � galley to,the engine room are'the boiler waste thereof,, as Well a's the most valu- for political 116asolis, nallielly, be . cau�a lie , . �. I .. I .
owull. rued 'be Villowed by 'two weddings, 'With, two ots.'6f*Yarrow 01 W - be 'in -an elec�iou . i 0 ' . .., . .
.- . I V 0 ,, I lik,ely..to. 13 8 able � econonxie , Agep, t ' filch it M&Y hall work6d u.th Conger, ,', ' I -. ' .1
� . . b ththe -brides, and -grooms will wateret ,applled,..With power. to send for peradnisi. ! .. 4 . ,
. in which. 6 ube'b6il6ris- Next, comes' the eu- . - ' 'tc .
0M, Paul, Min% says simply have chang0d parluers.' .. I . I vative Ili %rest. - " � , I .. I .
i a storm' was , the moist . . � I . -- .., I , �� .gine,,room, With 'two sets of inirerted papers and reeoidi, and r'eport*,to Jile ,. The House lvOnt into Conlniitt�e ol the . . I . . I � . I � ..
" . - �-�� .1 - iang bIe:oU-de -Hddso.w-Ah...'A1Lb-��a ' He
. . I .. t1r, Iplba -Xpan-glon- inesj-�&Pi _*enldut speed. . ,Kh.oJe-jmi,4- ' . .. I .
U. W. . ist. , - -A TONATRIL his, 1644", Alt -h -d -it . . p0sed -.4k.-A1wktbqr --qf ivate -
I . � swept the Northwe - of 4'sq, I I said'that delegatio . - __pf � --- ----
11 I . — NAA UNK IN f
-, 1)"clumi are reported frozen- .* . . . —. ., I 1. I . ^vel,oping- eolleCtivoly - 8,600_-horso-power, �Billb. Sle-Vie'ral private' 'Dills Were -'it1i-o;',--: :'1;-7 -. 1. .
... . . . each, � a rew.- - In, tive-Governm Ing -tbait-the-�lllattiar , 611-4-a--p6dolfid -tim- . tF-W, 'it-ridut-TI-hkiis . siou- . -- - .' --
. . . -Sounded6 , get of englubs,driving a e It . . .
1, I Pigeons Xet 16000and V.Sebtles . ,. the same 'compartment are two-.surfaee- be looked,lu=1tal)9nee, �Ile war's Ides' us 1, �
.� I I left Quebe .. . . . . - I . _go Mr.- Uyer�on tubved for. a "turn ."of , . I �
1�� ,; 6, yesterday for ut of, the 'L knd, ,that.this committee shou-Id' 1. I I I .
, - . . . - - oilidenaers,"two ceutrif work I " ',. �,. .
. �; � I I �"`� I Tha. Parie catreapoude Olt e an eufineq,� Jxxaale� 'kee' on both co'pieo of all . letteXwp I)al)e rs" statementsi . I... .
I . �-,, -'V'*Y- tw- RoMo.'-`W-`-1 . � AW Teldgirapk states. th&V-au� Saturday, � ong,ine agal pilmPs I liat�ly'-:'to collect. evid�t I. I ,
, , s��&z;�,�,,dr,i�T4,ng,�-thezo),:f , 04 AKUmelits -IM-Coullevilm1�4V" .
* i q'i V' It' to th POO - Isoide -at the ' orator and i6til- sV4J4aor wai,qmp,&UmV4,guab offeid' tOWN " I 1-.1-114, ; � " - u�r�. .:. -111"
� . . . I night -there *as renewedA r %am, R r.;:;- I .1 .
. 1. - - , =, Z ,, .. Z7 - � �-
; I r steam bilge pump, qvap Ines I .and engine', laid -before the Ho hargeEp-we""�V-.,��,vdl-T��a,.�,ag�wtu,%t�,,,D "' 1, ., - .�. ; , -i
, r No � thwesot, .Opera Comique on the -isedoxid, , appear, 'lor air7compressing, . use at the icarliOot H. Bryce,�96creta-ry of the . . ..
11 . .1 2 I I Prdvillcial
I 1b, - -- 'ance, of- lfflle-. - -3An6- .Harding � the. actress dynamo. for the -searecho 819NIe date-.',, 6 I I .. . . � . . I
I R , rVel -I.. � . . go; � light, 'And 'the PP. . -' Board of, Health, wi th'a'coiiy;'of the evi-
' -
.1 rVa I �� Itth'- HUtm *iW:-the'Ehg1ish-xiamej *hD: has: �takeu ongLitio.-I�.1,0�i,Z:G-t.o-�,T-xu , Next � ' Uri Weredi,w th,otiglit thap, the iotew. deucq aftneed, and Vie Rildin- of -the - - ,, - .� , �. . . : I .
� . ag-� tha boat, . . .
,, d - tiontinat - lai--fiie I = air ,wa --� -
1, �i :4 ed , ,oins for t —ii" Of711W Alun�-Of 3116-1 -.' 9 tl-emaa- - 9 to --op-- co ids-ro—n—ers. fve -ii,.-i-,,(I"tf)-fict--tfi���o-o--ii,��r—ux---,- - - -1-7---7 -.4 "-. . - �
. ,�11 � � - -tip the. lyric stage6. Hardly had .she come .two , C , .Z
,. I .1 1. . to began to sing When a.womah, a . I � 1. . . . =: -
i , P, I . rio, lAgis- , I poitation - of J;As from .this' - . t I -
P, I � ... ,Lr ittillk in efigixib'room; and the offieets' mass room PON the 6x . . 'net t had. been negiig�nt' in this iu*esti, -, - I
, E �, �.' � L , , I �isxi for theo, - ' �; . , %, I . .
1*1 I . 1'.,; .1. . .. . , "m .� .the orchestra .. stallep- released three with iti"pautry.' Last, of all', At- the Province., I,— I � . � I I
. . . . . . ,s i ties � . I . .
, 11, . . liff ,: . � k! - I . I . .1 . ' ,Mk. Balfour said , that . - heard a . gation as in otherti. Mr. Dotiatt' *11 - - ft,.; . " ..� - �
. 'hich,flew around the house. . stern is a lar Preelfided. �10 - leaving, the house; obitt be � I - - -
114 111MW i �, � . ,pigeons,:'w ge. storAge room he had .
.. . ft,�, . 'Nia . I , QVI, Some,' iihistles, .Were,. -.also.. blowni the ', The - dralament consists ,,of ,�U) 1�-ineh godd-'46al fiotn�parties qn.both,sides, .. . . ... ." �
� . th -that .. � , . !..
'AW , . %, � � '. . .. -coming, from the . lid3iolid, MiLny - - , , , * t'* for firi ; ng . . dirictlyflda�d b�d only aAked thai'.a,�qommittee'be- .1 . . I
," I—- council to g 411T . sounds . ought, in juAicia. to him ' . .
I 11 r I . I . . I . 1.
11 11 .1", �, ., . 1. I _ .. opportunity "for' a - - full hivefstigation ' ' '. \, I. .. . .
� . � . Allen 'd 19 . should 6ave bee'n plv�ii."-. - ` ! . ;, 1. � . .. . .
X. thov of th& audience rose And called for' the. A, and -t,w -ihek swivel torpa.do Appointed after giving Ithii, mattpr sex
mlahlil , IF me I . . me srs q � I . ' i I 11 - . .:.
I , 11 gr,�-,L, - ... � .0 most. v # tubes tprr side --firing, .placed oh, t de'ration. -: -- i ' - ' I , --
., R,41� , " . ' Harcourt sivid.that theArivest
� �V� -1 �— .� . , inimediate expulsion of the pro' t he ioup Consi . I I Mr. ' ..
.i I 1- , 1, proniptly' effected., . 04,.thei forward conning 'Mr` Hardy thought,that the .appoint- 1
V,;,4 - '' diner t ` 11:01i had. ta,kpik place iriLJ886 " - '' . L I I
lrov,il� ,,,, aer, *hidh',w" . turntable aft' ' ' ion -W IhM' .
D w,as 'the, of: i . committee. would aid ,in ovel. ' ,.,
% �4n, , �, � , 1".. ..judge of � Ofie of them is,s, viscounteds.,anothor a tower, Well elevated -above , the water .Ing a . .r- shOwtl thb dh4rgeollim made. to Ild -friv� .. I . . . , I . 11
I . . , " .
: I O. 66fit - President ,,. . gun." coming a serious'dilijeulty., �. . . .
,� � ' �., ,tis, school miattess and the.third carries on line, is a 12 -pound, quick -firing . olous'. 'He adggcst�*d t1jat,tb6 lion. m6m-, , , . I
11'1�� . mmlsslon,.and I I . , Mr.. Hanimell said %hat. .Investors in ,. .
L., dreent ber could bring: Dr. 'Bryce ' ' ' " '
... �, I &king- * ' ' - There' are two 6-pouitil, quick -firing, guns, bef6re a Com- , . 7 -� . . .' -"
� r � bri '' ��-*&-Jkr1A1b=nM&t,- - ^ '------------%- L - ' .. '. .. 46. . . .
. . - due-va-eaeli.side- ' d* =*- ' plac-' -gas companies bad so. ' anJ diffleillities - � � I
in . .
. ounie'. . I .or the . ". �
, I 49 , a -s a er, . .
4 -j`&ft tt '. , r An A 1MYONJUIr. . ".. . u C e--'- 4 -40nti6 -tit Xha,t-it--Aw-oAId b$very-- mltte�e of the 11ouse, Ptiblic Aen . ,� . �
L nf AL&A-, . , r . rO' . 44L:wj. -0-OUX-1% 00_,nmi_ '' ' ' � L
; � 1. I Vtoltexia. Ii to. ..
&"§.� .1 ,nd on a. high stand near the I itee-�'if-�,b�--%%-i.�lied,',and'oso� L.�. � : . - ..;Z� .
.� 1, im--a--yellow . , dangerous to pass auy� legislation StOp- .Satisfy il,,Jd�' L . . . � ..
0010xing- 19 a -w-ater-tight llat,orj- pwer-*e ,J44 . I Self I I
I k I .. - Ut. . I. .. that'such wt;74..the �ase�' ." 1, � I
... , ----3 . mtw- - I .
ISAW-1101100 i: "" 66-101rilb�,- - . the 4�"Or f.g,ag. � .. I � . I � . " ..
.1-1 .1 I . or 10 . -"" WWv i6or, -- - --� -Th4 ,G,&V�a"11 �l"r-ad-",10--,�d_e,s,i,vq�*,?.-.,�'bilel,d: � 1: ..
11111al-11 -11J`.`4 irm'. And - its $I - - � . , r. onal. �: � RU Vfffirhnx�-t�!�, - — . .: .-
I I- t ey me . 0 Wa -if - .
I'll � pifig, the plant at. the the forwar -stbko hold,. adding ,g satly , . anyone. -'T �
, L T110' - . . . a 0 ' hiiur-with.one, part of r he xcilort (if thQ.bommlsslorl -. , - - . I I I .
1-11 1.1� 1110111111" I . L I .. I I -� I � .. ,. I . , , I
I . . . .. - 1. . ' . . . : 0 Dr. Bryce of the , chargoo. . ,.
, � . - the matety'611he best, had cleared , .
" I' The" - b to in case ofcol. the legislatioit-'asked for was not at all
kL" , 01',W " PlAwt and Alilrtyof, -� . I �JiiO. -.--. . I ' I . %, �.: 1''.
. .
"ZO&MO W"I Do-giVOUL : - , . - . '11ska. `Uddii --AlleAlooi-s- -al,Aho�cAbI66 A040&rX-,L�-.. - . -
" Ir 7, , . 4 . .. I � .. L, - , j' I He-woul,ily-howimpr br 11 lf-the��'-� - -1 I.- � .
' ---
�, �� ".;e,�-T, ", - . I I . W- rd . . r chemist 1" exam" arb cea _ or magailues -�huii � stisrssj� , ' ' The Motion was. CAR16217" and-&"`�6061`-- , � . I I
1. 1.
.. "" L 'I sp� 11 . I , . . .
I .
19" % aga,ittes, of ."the Unit- , ined. . . mittee appointed,- consisting of, Messrs. bon, member chose �to -call for evidence . . . . . � I
�., I . . the blossoms, leaves, -stalks "d The. coal-6hrrying; 4 capacity is, -60 tons, befbrb th,e' Public Acc.oui�t% '.0ommittee. - , , .. '. I . . .
"''i.;*-, vilibilto . tel.*. ,.6 I- . I I
- .4 1, wn, Pit., *11: the' plants sep nd'has . -ion, Charlton; C6imee, Ba, . I .. .
'11.1.11 "'. 14,14I.Am qft- o ar *hii3la Are,stored in unk6ra along each Awrey, Brofi . a I ..
I 11 4'A f A ,----- �4 .1 .,b . . , Mi.� Mdkedith said, that be-.'ebuld ]ioi, *, .1 .
. , %aft. ilk-- 2-"W' -'-'--I' -4 � - -Wottw impartni ' The- 40im- n), Whitnon. e . .
%,,09 � " $a' stir L 9, a 'made dye YUiU--di�7bidf"ffVid7 f-Woo&o-i[Haisting _L . . . I.
.- , ) muti—. ,Wbit -but-e,oftd-emn-tb"-raettm-of4.p*t,t4ug-t.i.v.ii..-------,---
.. .. � ;�, -1 1-1 I - '' Vead--miners-OU the. I- --the,-Iollawiitg.,--r-eault�-i---- - � , MCCIta 'L I . I - ---
", 1, "; ... L I'll � - .with -supply-!.s.boI1ov9d,A*Q .... ,be sufficient fQr, a, - ry; Mackenzi6,- and Garrow. .. 'comm 'Offs. . e� .... '� . . . .
11 , m in- �M- V.I'bion-(.H-sroir)-m,ovedi-or-a,,-retur-n "" ,
. servants on judicial iss, � 11 '* ,
. --
�*. �'g -. of!gat . c6tton . danted., with. tiii� - of,4,000 miles -at 'W!ii�-kn6't---s-pee-`4L- lns3-t,a-ne-ed-3h-e2---a",p-p,,O,jii.ti-n"'e'nr of mr - . `WJ . n - - -1..--� . ..---.
..'' "I * . . . �. " " __ -On 6i _L A. s to, g run: - t' `6n account of, 17 - .,.,, - . � I ...
;; I".,;, �, irdii ioi6idifit-tho'blossoms ga*e,a, -r6d-� - r .shm-w-ing-Lamoun-t.&&-lected I
1L. � 1`111� . I v . . Tha--comploMent,-of -oiffice a-aud-min Jis� - *0 ---L- -9-hciatie,rl-on--th6--Agriatil�tti-r-&I;Colle,�,e'�-COM*�.- --.-. -1-1 I. . .
11111. , � N v . . - .
. §�..14 6ting Oreg 'his - ' . � .. I -7 un rchn , on, * ' I -a- I ..
� . . 1, L � ' 0111# dish gr4y-brown or'dark,'mode color; 426 ' ' - :f . the -Municipal 'LiDan,k" d ' I ' . mission,. gaying that his re0ort oil that . . . L . .
I I " ,I,- VolUtiou. 'IA-.'_- I.&OL I : L . . �
".... 1.� " .jos .. .
. I ., . A �3 '16i ... I -sts-'Ika--Iw-yalliD*Iph--dreb,'--.aad; the .. I Ilederati6n.until 'gist Ded6mbei,' 1871. ...
�� . ,' ilapeed -iii'Ahe- - Hornit. L. � . . I . 4 , I
�. "' -, LIN �`4 1 I ,The -stiptilate , inatt I
I , . - on a o r rean, 11 ...,�.. .k- �
I , � 0 ! , a." � the ', .red.dr'b..' Oxic6ttonmor- - - Alio,4`166tiono , ult-i- 01 crowni .er.*aa--marked-by--ot-rQr)g,,p4 ti ' . . . ... ,
.... 11 . to vibrog ,, be
- t 13io I I .. light a was'27 knots with a,load,of'85. tons on .ship and a d6sire to -effect a whii�Wasb]. : ". :
I 11 1"WIAM-4 # of -his Bays,'. I ith � a weak Ir9n. was requirecl to make . a Olorgy, - comm a 11 .. . ' . .
- 0al*r , *hl ? =641% mordant - -tile boV44- ,Sh� ' on' ' chbol; grammar, and He thought, Dr. Ra6 s4bould .not have' ., .. -
A. v- - � ; �.. '4� wi . ining, lands. in the- same. .. 4 .
L . QLAbOW; a- �bloogomn gave a f6ddish gray;' the thrlee-hours' run -in the open' sea. Av- III period, and . 'tixis investigation, I I . �
� I - an&-` - .. '&W .. ' lands in the four been appointed on - - I .. . I
.11'.. � . leat-od ,& StUawl0li,gray4, thor sta,Uo,a Jr. A-ttrace, Be% Who,'xqpro� ,C9�k1e6tiOlis--011 - same .,. .
1. � 40'. A I , ,DecaxiA,&i,P 4�9 -to his 'couu�dtioa With Dr. -Bryce. - , .1
. I �.. , I . . L, & :� ,owing . I ,
- " .� . -1 I - -: I . I 7eu . 11i *to '-sugg - -Dr.: - ` W Ir w,�- ,�,
i very- 4igh"oUQwishchAV,vqC1@, and I 'Voo., M. I'Brbfidway, a To -'eudii1g.'Orst. . -11-46,11�-,
'L �fo . I- . - - . L t "' .. -'--- f_ � . I He Aid -not 'wbi � eat that
- i I ,
': I . iiad.�� .
. I ol" ,,vice- ident,roots a reddish gray medium. e a in -than 28 kno, a was exPee - -The motion -wa"arr - --.----- cc I -of the charges, but be. . -' . ' - �.,
1-1 ,,,,! ... .1 , ---- . : gre or speed ....,. ,
. .
L '
"I , i 10. Oalbr, IL B.JA,vtrong.*aIuMIx1A- mcirdant'jo�a;ve wit the Isf til—il -th6e ]Uioick, ,' Several Bills ,were read, a second- time. ty I 1. . .
1. . ed. w tr; P 0 , ill -not ' - -inquiry had beea. a ' . � .
I ... 1. I dd,-kr.V8u',the blossoms a reddish merdiu mode. last Ndvember, it. was said, that, a I think the n . . . ..
1, .1 �-. a*- dolat am I -L - On the priisintatioii of the r . pb it - of a quate,'OlM 1. I I 1 . . I L I . ., . . . , � i.: . " ., � I . :
11 11 � 1� ii ry - .. c6loi ; with the leaves, a yellowish mode � 'lei ' the Railway Cpmalit0e. : . I . L .. .. . . . r .
. I I—— I Siotiita , , vUlted Mag though the Ma4inum. hot prissure he -motion was carried. �� � I . . .
11� jap"fil 4y - light red- wigs. 180 pounds. ,the test. was made to . call* ,, r. . . . . I I 1. " I I
, 0 .,.and took A run,� color ; with tho staike, a very - Mr. Wood ' (Hastings) rose
,ro4d 11 in Manager 'dish ,cream color,�and with the r(ro I L" L- I .. .. . -for a re- ,,,. . ,, . .
I I of Only "L 60 pounds, , - . I
I . . . . . . "o, Lie t0s'a' with an average. ,6 the-adtion arr ( ufferin) niov6d I . ... .
,,.Sr,.,;,. I the.attentioxibf: Wb. House.0. it�6 -lit itig turn of -all -c i&tloll� -under --the'Liquor ',. :
., - .
L� ", 10*', idl� to chippa" flesh color. , -A weak alidmina, MordiLut because. Mr. Yarrow desired- to . show Of,the,Chalimhu of,the commi License Act in the co . iiii,ty I of Vafferin � ,. . I . . .
� 1. .111 � I 0 � L an i with morning session, in forcini" the members . I . L
��- I .r�I__�= .1 :gave, with the blossoms, a'dr4b; . d . � . .
L:�, .T- ,: , , I . that.the required speed. 6f 26 knots dotild uring a 1 . I . �
' ' I
�' �, �11 �. 1� tp�d lior two do -- orA-,Ow,--&,-Iiglit---reddi�h-�yefi6o-vti at O�made, -with-ease .. . I . of ,the eorainittee. to v6te,on the question . Un7naft (Dufferits) moved for. a , fle- , L . . .
� V �i"' .. - tfie. 11 . ock . . .
I I --- -
. . I
-L �-;(, I , 1 pro - . L- ,,,
. ,� 'V64 Ii t ned - moib - thaft - - - .. ...... ... L"---"
, , '
1�1 " ' -1$ Ward- tribd for the color, and � with.tbe SULIks. wviify Ii 'At'- -'r�c;ne-�pa�tt,icular-��,w.a�y, .
, .: I.' - - -. t ,.. -A4 ,objected. ,t.a- . J - --VdtL-- -fUi7191J"f-t1W1-fVarUndh -
I . I Rr, 0 A&I 27 k i ts�i: Fd . tWiled -0 ralent
. " arrbi- � ,
I ", �. I , , - 1. ',. V;ai riporipd: yestor- reddish dream'; 'while the, roots gave a 'the Chairman's -decision as being . ' . .
. . � "I'll I -, Ws'xi ablil that, he "inisine; the a& 0 pol- id unjust, &nd.desiked,to n.i emoluments , of. th'e. Registrar of Deeds for I .... .
L 1. - 6d e th at I&I o gi I trary ni .
I .1. 01113
t'" 4 gu,ilty, b. , .1 . I I I
� , *. the cor-;, light� flesh color.',* ThO'blossome Ay iy nL I r , slid that the . ... . prote" this county, '--of P�hffe`rin :'111L .Connection .
p1iided ' not. 4 , Ilty on chroma-motdanted "cotton. 'a full speed' of each boat in an .e er Ork against it. . with. his office'. . . I . . . I L .
Bre ,the. -Pol , . ... 9- dhaimclimi shado,' Land the whole. Plant, , a would be gre4ter than Allat I r - . � Mr. Gibson, (Hamilton) said the course ' . . 'A. . . . . . . L �
� L . .. �7.dl .1 - .. I 11 I .
:, -0, nil 6 L. . . I -1� Of. Ilia 191 I
�,, " . , , 1 - - ad' been very . Mr. White mo�ed tile, oecond reading . . .
!.. .. * f I yellow drab. The author is of opinion . . followed .by Mr.'Broasoa h
ttt - I "f , ,,�-j,,�. , I I
, "I'll � .
R.�". 11 -, - , ! - ' it of the leaves an(T bles'. "as xalni4ft Fig., . " . often follows& by himself ,and'other . 11 to amend the Division Vourts I I . .
I ., ..", � - ' city . 4 = a%1oktxi!d3tt1r*A used in . ng and I . . , 6 Act. "'He explained its i priivisidna, the ',. . ,
I al- I , I . , I -�: . '. *. 11",
l- .law-- I � �f the ont; & .1 4 I I dyei . print- .Jsr��Jt - a couble. of slieds of salmon!' intb Chairmen'of committees without. di. ' m0st� . .. -. - .
, . . I . . which was to do a",wVJ'y ,
,��,�jrja , , , In . , . neat pieces, and lay these.in A apprdval., He saw . y I .. I I
"I" �' r Z16;ral-Uni � I no cause - for - 'an . 1106"Aut Of .,.
.L _LL i* n . I
111** ,010 11 1.3- 1 - I., I.. .
.L I Zt ' nment foi- debt. This prab
. l
�L M � L , I "'W I 1- �� � I., LL,, -r I 00 I Oil I no Mordant is required, And makixih& of oil, pargley, thyme, bay leaf, Working up in4 with impriso �
.., � ignation b bon. MIA- 1 -
,�� I 'I . �, . I I .0 . .LL tly Am woo ' . . y I ties he considered most unfair 'to ill& . . ... . . . .
. . � I ", I . . .. , . .
,., I . ,., I ". I I , I � ".. distdilb. In creams, ch6mbis And flesh colors alr&,Vro- and.0hopped ighallotfor 'two ,hours, or so. bers. ' f . - - . . I aniall debtoi, and his desire, was tj) re- , 4 1 . I
. ."... �, . -, i -y�Mr,!Glad due6d according to itho.,part of the plant With the trima,lagn and.. in* 'i . 1.01 fti' --- --- .- - ' - . I - �. . - I-
- 11 "' , .:,; le�w tter was allowed.,to drop. .
L �,
, �;,! �� sp, �04& , ,. 4`1 L . oniaina . I . p, . .A ,P �
11 1. 11 -1 I.! I !- . .L I i to 5:80 move I �
I ,1 - The use of thcflvlah�Of , I
d , ;V"!?X6ur Ad&m$.` 4611* Me 4 u"d., clai,omi--as -a. ;nordant, vdIld-lialelor,liffing these, The rest of the� afternoon up I .
L 14J - 16 I . �. . at In committee on various bills.* Mry Gibson though$ ' ' an amendment' , .'
. J1 " " 'Q -14A6 -intense two -farce by'poond- might be,made which would have the, ' ,
1. , , :*� �h v r "11 I results in'thd'produetion ofmoris whitings) make a a a I
'�� 11 � � 19ROW', " L '' ", ' J sh&dOo
.... It UMAX. . VU -16-10C �1110` d ` 'Lit '. . .
I " , It, may be, Added direct to thw ing it -till smooth .,an mixinle with I . I � .
; . ; "Ibepn tfie House went Into. Commit- . I
� � $ s . .
�', . . 1. . ,= of.48sintiltiting the decisions of , ,
-1 I' � ,� I . tlad, . . . 1. some white- --,e&Uee or cream, too of supply, .. . . 'L I
.� too 61, the 4chisal 14 dyOlm � . I pepper, I . i .
. I- �;Afk " -kft. �61 1, - .111 , - I . suit, grate& ndtmej;;, and a few drops of . 'Mr.. Whitney lifov0d Lin ' am"dment . p. jA. �4!i -- .
;; , _� mattor, which at present
,a-----lw. .
p , . Rw w1iiiih have. � IA- . L . were very ya-ried so-M-67-ju ges Ing. .
� 1*11.,� n
P I A0. -, N 1.1 , I ., e3l. . carmine-; 'line. Ab Plain rou d tin with 11 That in I ' I
*m: ;;" �08 = ans *I Joint. %6- oolnlox� of, thin House it is y I
, .
I I 1�06' *hdhi ,41idle 0 . 0
L I � , , '' I . .1 .11 '11' as a -When the , oat's nedeseary: for the fre6 6:ipreolsion of thii 1,
L ,
.4. t . I . 11 I 1-1 r'.4111.*` h1c %ppo t , 6 Ail stl liouge ' .spread thin . much mor severe than- Others. He al--'- i, - -
N �� , - ,, are ) jL '*. ' ' ' ' 'L' ' - ' puff or brioblie paste, Land
I � , ,.,; -L.. j`xW 1, 9 411ifides.1 a"",� . I . . 1% lift the fish from, Popular *111 that the doe of the nuxuber- so thought the..judges, in 'committing,. - . 11 I
. `
.1, �, "Iml a IL A , 'All *�'over with the farce, -cognizance of payinbut . .
1: Wt * 14ioViSik �61 . 6 I . . 'it in 'th ed ballot pap, .. .
lack as a �' coal When �t bfir" theL maJ,inftdeJ' And arranlre 0 or shall be discontinued, and should only take ,.
.11" ,� I - #I , . . , I . o* the eleel -Members, to the of the surplus above the amount Which. ' I I ,. � .
" V7 - I �. a I to 1% 3bu 'of L Would,"be-'exempted underseizi4re'. H4 . �' �
I . , , , L",,Welo6k 4on'Wedfids � *bite Uh. - . '; motild L illitig in - tbA-lateraticos with cut� I
..ITWV�lj - � . - When " . is ativii soenibly,to be by s6eret?bal- . I � .
5.�-.'% oca"'i6kaii As block as a hate: .7pu',vii-w0AV" tip beirring or bloditer -roe, cut-up muifi�. , discouraged the epustali't, aiachding, of' - .
I ,� ... .'" ''. - .1w - &,bk-6,ion� bowler. rbomaj or sonto . truffles; covet it .611 .. the * . .11.
, f,6 �j��':bfiWil� ,tng � "L .. . ." itney dlaimad that'itf,the
1; 14 J WOUIR I � ., , .1 "-' - eti-hut would -fiat -objed-i'to 'the - . . . I I
�, I .., MNS L161to'� ' as gow -as a loost--"on. you lkoves!,t, law 's,k9od - Wan possible-, to find out I 1.
I... 1, ILL be- '... . . .. I With knother, layer of farce, and then L -exefcised. his prkylleg0r& BiR.Passing I a second r6aditig, , . . �
"I 1..-, '' 0060 - U ?n6ttiq . I .1 witu paste, and bake tor one and a halt he*- a vot r Mk. Ehirr,(MIferin) .moved the second` . .
I , �a . . . 1.
1� '& -, - b"t 1, 10,0010y. I � A# rftet AN a nut-Whon, You br&ck 8 heim. Bef6reserViIng Jilt the top oradt, . This fact'Was often taken
. I I � � ' ' I bd I ," Pour Ili a fittlo nunde /,.&xM' fln6a . ' .reading, of his Bill to amend the M 1W � � I
,,,� , " -041 &I �Nhbt`611' d "I ; � - and, voters'Intimidated thereby; . .
� , , and ' elpal Act. Ho'explainod the difficulty'- I
.1 .1, 00,4. - - - Ami lAtg6 -aaA 110111118-whP11 ths�.f�mfly'i e by �todglag tokother & lit- Sir Oliver MO*at toplied to Mr. . .
"..."., .
."'04 W."'sh, 1, ' ,L 'L .1, In � ! herbis fmad which, tabed municipalities fir collecti 119. L
Iftv 1 . oi-v"tilik ON s: , . .. I . -
[" I 11 'a &�'bhker'b a I I *hitney at sdn�p Jength. He'said that A � ..
W11"11 , 11 I iyi ..... .. . 0,r,!,*6ts, 6, #00 L I tjo btittir, some mdihrooms�mlnesd pare '. d been allvloeAted licensee or fines from' transient tthdero ...... . I . I..
�.., , - the system which hs, '.
- '", 16t, . I
I it . As white, an wool-.-� When your'servant _r, s6lt and on ticedunt of the fact that by repidegent! '
t 0�:O, thdi,`hpio . ley And sh4116ts, with' pappo
1, I
� ' "
LLL ... I 1 I I 111��. IL,Z, oi,6. -,%us your dog. . . I - , r. I a,, , ' " to of autmet, thott addin u b member was not in reality . ..
,*'ik I themselves 'as owne'ra bf We goods
,-,11 ,; bobl.*: ] . - d, , I. gra Onjulls, Lof EspAgnolo ..of & secret. systsmi'as the numbering of the I
,JJB "Jd''t'OLI"h�L �
,� -! I ,� '""""t"** ""V I 'a 44: 06 JVA &-Whbu , & j#ldgb t*,o Ubbleapo . Ine
.. I '. , , . . I I t 6 peddlers doutil evadia'Atiy payment*,.
. ", 7,�:;,,, ,,,,,. !; -,,: , ,-ie-.,+' ��,- - I . 0 W- , , ed � . louts, according 'to, W -Color you Want .
,� � I ' , I � . � ballotis.,Md'the itubs enabled the vote .
. 1-� I & ,�1'0,�Ie,; ,, V ,,,,.
.. �t I , I., ,�. �-*A 0 'Z t� A ###� ", � . His amendmebt Was designed to &vold'
1�1' .,�i-� 1.1 e�(A ,q,�,W4,-,i,,,,, -L,4 Ael',;,� 7., 11 . vs trAced shoul ad. Thw
,�., I -then ad4 to be d it be dooir, 6 . .
I ,�', I it I ,
r :: .41;,!- � — 00�4# �!'j''t�61g',,;, kk;,�,J`� -% , - ^6111111411111 elp istumo , the 411,106 to be ; lot it boll, &% tfie,41fficulty whigh had thug Ariseu, and 1
77 1 1 i .
,.1 4 ""' W �-:�1111 . "I V., It I little lemon Jules,— lla-d'uil its .
, W `lk-94 b.* it Fend _
'a -L � 0 .. Dointhion oystiabi did not' give
;;� -0., a 6). Cod�-. or
I � 0#0 xn0lit 'd a . . . . . . T .
� . .1 '. , , , .. ad:"Vv,o a I .V,*i*:16t.fgttt�pon��.lber�.-ugef]6,-ifni��i,'this I kat. " I
� .- ;� "; , " ,� Mi d� applicatioti t& thia, .01688, of doaleri .,,-"�R��
� � esent
� - ,L,rlw�.,4-;,i��w�,.;."."��"I-41 , kboolutit seoregy, to the votero slid the ,
� J' 4 rT t6 iffake the section more broad in .
. � im'"ims Alk" -� . , I kl� , 0 . 'L .1 . � ,�� �! , '' f 0. Whs� to or ,:;�;.;,r, .- ;�t. .
- ,
=21 ., It' 'ric. . f1*1d'9'*mLtr4 Use -t . . :. Viietboil W UW, tit Onto i . "' Vi A.,-,
1 I -M - . ti.... W "I 1]XX--.,;i1§1 , `�� I �,� W" Iferedftlif a �
1. , . - " I—. #POjs,& fteL. Bil'tt ali J),P,J?fifj�!--�V, � - � - .
�i or = . " - �"--' - , ,,, %��
,:� JO.J* 6 ,. I "1#6"k,l F - - i in thei A I I "! L' - , L'.-� .,��, !, .1
L# L -'.,o 0, .,W
V I I 044104 _ .,,
1. . . . . .
. 1- - . I
" U..''t ...1, I ,�, i � ,� " . ,*ik6t, ,� . , .. -b 6- -- -
1i ,, to, "U" I .1., As� aby'L *hIck - limit. badat dovide&- 91 ds?� L L .1 b , .. 1
1 idtiba, ON- thw-liberW *Vi��,:�A:`��
;�; , � Cosa: i -.04-4 Ue 1006tioto The Aelff, weapon
�, �, 0 V .
%;i A.,1114,16M. , feudod.'thd -record of th$� Liberal farty A '"1118h 1*06tr .
� , M ". "L If, �tli6 *sig . . .1 � . AL nollbw : trade.
'P�,J �11 - ,:.j , ki Masi, w --" kdeJ2 JL , . .
I , . k �' of the td � gy . f xgugglen have ,it$ ilifids besia . . . I � . . ..
mmwly-,�"'a. . ill this diatteit'llkyllig ,that saeoret bal- The till was declared l6st,011- divisitin .. I I I
r�,&, I . .
� � AW'U"INUF , Aydrage, �ftt0 of dMahaigo U. ,80 6 1" d ,with , vittkaotdifiaty ddeoptiods, lot hjad- alwdya bodu advoeat64, by therno The liouse, Adjouraid At &60- p. fil.' 6 ; ,e
."Lil" "t *6471& I ft',JtW'r-,,m1n I I
R 11 -if 4 Idki bidir a Pavisloone , �Oogo .
, .06 L . .With a MAXIzAaW, . ;$' while their opponento'bad been tsird:� , , ,
wi�101114...�A I i L'.., vr, 4 "w-wo.ha- ",ftlitoo , . . .
- 4 :: --- �' - , I
Au�, - I I . ,.� . . I .,
I I �!��-",A*Md` � , I_ . TW`, 0 ; I Ju their otidormation Of It., ' -i�;7�* 11 -1 ----" I .
, , - fi� wt 4 �
" -1- I ift" sisomis to bo`i1hotiliftingi, I mr. wood,(Hastlugs) mentioned the I I
lk�,!, I i:.� .
�e**-r A . IN:. In "
4 **arms a M call .
aslli�-,� I 64"�� .4'.1 1A -aceoid6dLil -high ,OIW-. , This ,, 112' 'L LM186 Ulbeekar-Do" you know ? - Mar I L
"qu - a? I . . .
, , t-, ' "i"'I �Jjd -twott vote ,of the, Stmot, � t 'Clififli'd od- *4 -..
� �, 7 � L.,� 1, � � I 11 L f4ce61#P4AIodt;bY A "adrale car,� ldhitat'has mcimid thil
:. iZ�11&11 ", — L 11. " ,� 4 Railway onipleyees on the ; 4�eatlon. of � RAY -
.. � .Vj;���;��j#, ,.� ii&I, � 1111, after having brokea hot enga8ein6at . ' I , ..
!%*: ji"' , NJ ' 'Whs" tho* d4y Of ,rddkoh- . .
�, �. .. I
�� � L I- � ,..
� : I _"L . -"..t.;.,,.,'.� I 1.. T . ' V'I'lift's found that % bL L �
. I . . **is "44-i- . I ,40i - bhby a benoJit,4odiety'ad dtit dkemple Of What t6 -him three diffefont,timeaV ' ' I
, . , -
,V � 1'4,4144 * , is difedt-ed y 'A potloetl ot ballot. MISSL 11611st6ti-She evidently bblileves in ,
, A 014ifta .'4ki a. . I bdara 0 *hieh .
:, I � bid* - SM -01 P.,nam-111ME7 I . ..", -%� on 6111111.1 1 Us ipo�o to r6figly I of this dd I I . .
11 �L; . Mai V211 t thd , . Well sliAkpil Ulato taken 10 -
.- �L,.f�., "t�,,�, �;", I A.#i
',:L" . I I "III *1 ,,.%,, Abistiddlidd a , o Whi rven en,,
I -�" . , �; V,1040;-Liuft-olol, &Wt 16 - 1 hidh,Jtoi'fift,',""r'iibthbLi', '
"�.� i "'. �j`, &�F."- I " I . iiagging . A
, . J'L ' satlsfa� . .
' ,, V 1 -411:- J1&#*94X, , ire
.A,,L,-,-",-,� I t40 ". " � 11 � I �, I -11 V ON & I
J*TjL( , I I , .Preddy, a beftolt boy, was
I 41SM"A' �j6,- . � . � ,:.. �* L ' lomrt gjiijqr� 1h,- to I .1 . .
I --,$..?X .',k�,,,� ']k�' , .'. Z n't " .. I .
1 I ':Z-jLt .:MW � -ttit y U �* '.Jiy, L '� �4p.pl, OF11. �
'_LL -" we i L . S OPP . 7. Mt. 17filMighby thbu . t -ptiblie him little - brother dreadfully'. "I Do . .
I 0 -- . '06.411 I -A . 11 I . .
;,��;F I Vififil "I I I I
. j'�,� 11 . 1. 1! -"&tId1sA"A8Lkft0##-I !iUtkk- .d nowl" "!d his:, qther., �eptblfip L $p
I � vv�4"� i-0#6444";, "Aaffim till i �, , . .1, I
fd" f&6*11 0 L", he "11LI, � 11 ! .T"' .
, .�. ' L" -11 I � . "ti , I . .me 116t -, .V111K tip, bruu UK.
.3(; 1� -�.�"f� T"'j, -kL�� , ", 61 . 0 li - Vlot IU .
.1 ... V , wy , . ,.� , � i OiNW1101 ,,�� .T W
, " , �� J,w6f, A, - � I F Ali ikc
�.` �111 11 I'll, ,.~ ,"# � Z 441d t), fidit'i ' ' doltilk thin ?" -
, �,l -11 . i 6 ,� V " fu - flo yourself 0.* dad by by, I
. .�*�:., . , . . 111 V -W -* ',� ,,.,A .
',�; !O .-
i,.�.t . W � I *-1A .11r, AP 4 MA - . � I
, lul" - x - hu ob,wd," .
�' ... z,, �.,, I �, I '4106 , �, ".14M I 11 , do fibfi.tir.. " & �L'11&#j ' 6 ..... L car an , tit "' Maybe J,'&Ju�?'Lbsr,ep,Ii6d# Ii.but-aharlio
� , , ., , � ho'
��,-,Vi� �e�77,4' ,, �; 11'. W, ; . .,,'4 , WL L to V# . do 1111,; a I I V .
- -W .. 11 - - , , f . . I . � .
-, �', "4, 4., " � ;�:L: �, -� . ''. ,,'�: I 11 I # " *. , d
. 111, 44 � 1111k, 010 U,L,
! , !6a�� * I' L ", " . . . I � I . . , I . o I
.N;,�" , I , . ' -V - *4�1 ,�' '. "" " L . � . .
T;��llje,�.J�,`,�� ,, l'U'L �- �' � , 1. . "
I �) � " 1, t- , I '��'L`�' � I , r " � .. , I , ' `,.'L , 11 , . 4 I . I I .
, �
� I , 4,�. !, 1, 11 f� 11 ;' :. , " t, --;, .1, ,,,,� 11 I I � - . I I . � I.
4 :...��i �;4 1,zb�'i,T '. 14,1 I �: 7 �'! , 1, k I, .1 . 1. � I L ' ' . �.'' .O., I - I01 ,,, .. JL,�. I
- - - N "I , . . . I I I I I � , . 1 .R, .
, . �,� . , ;-1 -.q,;�; , I ,� I, " vtl� . I I ' . '1�
, , ,;j 1': ,, � "� .,,"L' , , , ." ", �- ., t ,14- "'! . k" 4
I �, �'L � ' , i, ' ' - , ' ' ' L -
- - I I .18�! it
11 I .1
I 11 d
'I I,
'y . ' � t�a I
'. . .
� ; � � L 11 ,� I '11. I . :,.�,% llift 4. 1 ,,, I � ,.. , . . ' . � . 14 . ;, - �.� ;, , , i ... / � .
I , , �,",31� ... .. . ��41V' . . ))� � ; ,� ,1k, � -, . 114 . ,
I 71o'';!; :"q.�',� � ` - , . k. �
� ... I , - L � .. ". , - . . , I ; � 11� " . .. � I I , .. . 11 . - -
I 1. ", ,',��'%'�,`.l -',; , ,,;;,,,,�, ,� i I
; , e,.'., �t , . I., ,::, -"�� �',e, 4 �-,,, 1'.1, t d. , I ", '' q I �. , I I
... , , � - 1.11� ... , t.,- I ` . . ., . ., �'d . L / "14.11, �
L�' "'At, . . . ��,, . ,�, I . ok.,p , A . .1 .,
1 44,w" ,'&w&.,�,�, 1�,.,: , .. I I tri, ., jL�,�?.��I�Lt' 4 . . . .
.-- ;, �:11 � �1. , . . .11 , , , . .
, � :1,; ','' 0"'IN P � I 1, .1 1, , ,�P,� lf,� ", V!,6,-,;- � .�e,;� - �-. ., " I . L.
L �, ". 'i"', i 11 , I , : Lkk; T , 1 �
". I I I `! . - I -. - - 1% ', � 'k Lt. -, t.1.1 �'. .., � -111%� � . , ' ' ;� '
, , � �
". - , ; I , i I
". .� . ,,* "', . . � I
�- 11 . I 11 I .., � � , I � il - � I � . ', '. N, -A o '. .
7 I I , 4 - �'kt!AW.4�i�- �'�� 1"�JQ*,", . . '. '� * ' - L;' . /
. , i-,� I -�i .. - , �. ,
%L,�17�- - 6" L . .; ,�-W, L'. . 14 " " I . . . � ,. I . I .
� , ...,.� ... . 1, � �. . . �? I , . � . I ., , I � . . . I . . 1,
1=1 *00 V 1. . � L � � d,
--- -- - - I I 1, I ,,, -- . - � 11 . ;I " � --ft,&—*.*# , I ",�;� . / ,
— -.-- Olt" �
, . ,,�.--,. L .. . - I � ., �711 ,,.. ,,;
,.,'.� I
, ".� . ,
, I I
1016"i , - .
"-: -' 'W , , , � �' it 7 77.
, , , * �r� . . . . . .
,. — 1-1 ,,, �, � . . . "
, � ��.'.,,�` � 4.L,�,, " "" -
.,�.-.,�,-��:,.�, �,-.l I'll !.-
��.Io 1 �� 't i. , .� ,
, � -4
r.. .
,,, , , ".. 11 � . I I
, ?�,�. , . , L , ,
� � � .
1 � � � � �, .L� , � ,il . ,,-,� 1 L��,,,"
, . .iA �J-,,� �g -�,;. �,�� i � I ,., � . 1, -