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Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-04-06, Page 2
�t�.. r �+h .' \ n , , , ,.. e Y MA i. ♦ n r ♦ n , .. ,-„r — .. ..r•.� ., a v.v � �_a.--._ _ . - a . _ , I. ;: t, . • gun.,,-r.,+r..rm . 'til ..r*„,-rs! r�'n_,.�ry,a. , ,11'` - - 400FT 'Bova BALI[. VAN"s Po"Vit 4F PRA RIV 4 WGIRT& IT P'IL" WOO 11141 o IN isxwH Or witV+� 1 �._ ' --- -a dose of Dr. Fierev's Pleasant Pellets. ,t� � • " :i WW Nva 15 1s ' T•Iloaaled,8nl1 -of Pry$wc4taia by Too Korpl, Now 4lrtAavertoe bg a NOtad Trench !Site- Sick Heaaacho . Dizzin� Coatipataoli in- A! �0w !;yield of leAaa4r� Apeaed Ru Ae}�lrt� -- ` 0, asq BlNliiaier, t vo 1raodpn, __._.._ _ - o, mdntslOt'tliliver, tomacand hta Mea and �1'ugnea. NOTE In replying to any, of tlieeo saver lily yapna may bo divided roto In gn; La Lumiera Electrlque Mr. Guil t, ,, tIF- u&,,d-•�cu�a,aliuiit,J cured. It seams that an entirely new field o! meats, pleajo lueution this eL or. �* { 41 It li Otinet ' classes according to their bert dis.Fliseaz\ a.,, „W 4cst»,.,t;va,tielrc Yri' tt^h°i'ah," --- "1' �' ' 1 y industry has been opened to the onerge- _,,, -, ,,,I P . . -'r, artECtlic►dof piocltrt instr-IA,,,Al*l� 'ri:s;^ it tve.a claimed that the iute'Asity ro- PPr<z oM BuCCarahaii ,iP.Ya. tic young man that will no„doubt :be - •""'""..-I”" uf', t' ()carded ynrps, 7 hese a aiu mtby be sub- maiued coustapt' up to li certain lis- IL n D , alo, uinulatod' b the- clever " '" - divided iixtp th., a classes accordin . to r Dccir Syr -Two 'yam stye. I w -foods pale. and young• woman.. pht -�; '.I,Y o g truce, after which- varied aceprtiipg -,z - emaciated,': jar- This idea emanated in rho "wild Itnd �! rile processes they !lase through. after . t.o the lyse of Clic lave; se sgil'aresi he mental 1n my atcmach, woolly " reset; and seems especially suited IaC dour .I the reelini; olierataOn,, They .aro Usually claims that this is au error, and that that A physictian pronoiina- to the sensible, ou worn n who knows. p ESMR, � . . :� .' gduQetl trop;" the cocoon of tho„coiu intensity-, >I}iitiiait�tiv �uiitliitiouill tliRre ed •any ua&t ••Cttturrhot, y' W .. wa saavett--•-^-"-�- s" ori silk the Btou}ach", but he, her awn sus well. - . mt ,._- , • worin, avhicla ui .thelarva of the {s no interest attached to the Intensity Y tyak_.t s--+'•�- ••••*r v '' ' n¢otlx DouibyA mor;, This was. iiriginally at small distances, as such apparatus : lived a Month wibho young eastern mon, who Have Sy5$OTI2 38 drawing ,Ori ycntt oil inha •!taut. of China, #tu has•been do 'are used only for great distances;' he n'� solid food and when I gone to Perry, O, T. and different towns . P4, an pow , longe P . 'vomit. At tial to settle, and have 'prospered, find life g, XYletY1 iI>!� b A tried to eat I, would latent strep th. SQ llnesticatcd .in, Euro defines the term lumiiloua.. ower as the w q time I , ] a>otities of cocoons are produced in intensity of w naked light, which, when began. 'taking- 'Doctor ver lonely without woinan.s .aaaiety.. t .,.- i� v qct g a l��l' , ..., ., ; ; Prance, Italy, rami the southern parts of plticed at Lha same point, produces at Pdt'xoo� .I'•lotisaut I'qi-, !cos arse, >ae ill �aryhtly liioiv�ra�. trliairsi.�lviee, non' " - ' ,'', krope• r i k►t_., i llzicivs tan-<tiufitmsitS -,equal :to ,,:_:. ",..,:lets, Itnd"Im^arms av 7se 1,11MIXICAi "tit s,Fep"k at°iii thesle mo'v ,townts,. 9 5.. _ � + I "„ L.psi tttsn: tai:ousts'^ .Iitrgo"'.6ta tuiiffi . thut•crncaiau,iu•t1 tai; hwa its u3!' a3tie -ot it : 1[ uv4v ducidedly 3aet lr 'B o Blare, the oxen have hit, upon u novel " '� _ i am now & good � , to a `, g" �, .. slllr-cilcequs +h tiraagiC- las hrliso,xiooe i1- Ad tho search dight ; thin " efinitiop, he Dlie 11iv4 sII,.. health. and never telt ..Pl , , • The have clubbod , together. and • I "' r r 04"but a s better in' m life. X ougaged . a Mr. Emmet Whitmer, lot nr: x= , ... ut pati suet; large quaint- S claims, is cdriect,. because such lights y t 'Ila "China.' The silk moth, before arrid- are used only at' gi; at distances : he. have' a batter 'color, "tit more, and gave, no ,Perry, to come east and seltict.wives,for, k' lug at 1pnaturi , passes thrqugh four states that all, the experimental deter distress after eating -having gaiged, thirteen them, as�thei'r duties prevent them from' it, 9 pounds since I be an takin thhem. i Stages, ;termed respectively the ovum or nidi ations which have been Arvada in Yours truly, IY ANGUISH, coming an ;!creep. Mr, Whitener has in ' ��� �{ egg, the larva or Caterpillar, the pupa 7'raucc and elsewhere ware made �n,t dis'. � his Possession of the photographs of over f i� 'a ' a t'. ' , or chrysalis, ;hud the iMAS,a or moth. Lances. which' were greater ' than the' The Plan of Selling Medicines gh'Dealenk thirty' good-looking young men, who are % :;� It.'alao moults its skin fiver :times dor= (iuiiiiniuna>„ liiu.i.t eJf ;the applicatiln. of ON TRIAL, pining for the charms of matrimony. He • Is'.r1.eu1. alt �o ' Tn'* '_ �,rAi °the C1'oam of Cod—liver oil r i in • the Iarvwl stage. Thee is retial ,rho law of iur arse stivards, wud ..ease is making a gas -line for rho Now .England . s• 4a� ; aild has a, yellow colo„.; jluwhoYi„' the quo IV urt� iu IA1ai►t'l C accord colt;; Lha """""�" ' factory districts, where itis stFauge Lacs t0' giVe•your sySt8IT1 `its Yleed-� : : , n Limo for hatching lie, near -if the eggwis ' dr faHYi'iou ; in couclua.ign, .'estates that ALU"INVIII; au,u, will' cause a flutter in' the quiet, ed strength r !'' ' . • kept• under suitable conditions -it, i10- there is really u'o groitud.for 3isenssitin orthodox �Iew England. , g �i and restore your _-- t ,0 i.' Cornea a .•very dark grog, and •& micro* T,.r for the proposed reform.. ♦ 1[eport• tidal Daltath Bays ii VYlll Be This is as,romantfc as what. took place 'saltily . Weight. r -11,s" scopic appearance she the_ worm coil. -L.. • •._-_ (7keilp• . during. alio 'early duye of beat'tle's booms FhISiCiants,,I . 'r ed u$ in the egg.' After a time the worm y 7.here was Cho usual rleaxtU of women. the, world 'over,, endorse iia" Comes forth, tbnd commences to eat the ' L, say,,. Tom., my- wife The !latent office authorities . sent'to eta a ship started' from'tho cast laden - , Labe' of the o which enclose& itt. It Duluth a chemical expert on an, apgili Rith n unique freight. There.were forty t r. .��r t egg Dont bo deceived b ' Substitutes. . ' , , is' then fed b the silkworm nearer on got a bar of Wide Awake cation for a patent for a now process of ati,i-enturous women on °board, and they l y y - obtaining aluminum from its oxide, says, were..itll married within throe hours of; Scott aBowi:6,Bolloviilo.Ali Druggists. r&.AIL t\, i the leaves of 'the malberiy' (Morns. alba), °i't`t. apd rapidly increasos.ia size anti! the. SOrap last week';' she LLQ -New. York Sun.._ The prgoess 'in landing: They are even to -day referred fifth, to. the seventh da of its oxittt'� clud'es chemical combinations heretofore to as the "ship -women;' and many of '��' encs when it'C.ee s oy !rite! ou,t o0 Says it I$ the'best she Isupposed•io be •impossible, and oft this them are living and enjoying the social O'���ERN PACIFIC � • �, creeps p mP y °' ground the. a licatioa fora stent was ' its s�:iu, and ori oniym nommences eating ever used fo.r washir�' application P triuuiphe:oi their accomplished laugh- agn-R-'and . g•. rejected, the method being• termed in= tens. -Neto York World, GtIUERhiYlEP1T ,� 7,s r•'' �r - ravenously anti! 'it reaches a Certain operative. Three entire! satisfactory FREE' ;t Yts tdize, Tt then changes its - skini-I tried 1t n' m bath -on' P y D1lllfans of �� D ,, a alas, eats ravenously, and changes 3 y tests were made. by the. Government ACRItS in rilinnuse,ta; chemist and he has returned to Washing-., alio `% ukiti tor, >sion- t g a , Lana. l3. colt Sr Malm de* and Ute nn• i• ing, fr /11-' ' L its skin again, and so on—repeating: Saturday ni ht''and 1 tell S� i +, l y ton. A copy of .his report to the paten e. ' Popularly. O TIONS, with no ti , doterU,itiiL f�i,e rnrnNintz, frail. its t .#hese operations five times. +office was received here. After de- • r J hap, ttrozlnr a,ra Limner lands M,tued FAZZ.; _ The, mouth contains two sets of jaws, O1.} it beats thein all fort . • • P . B. GROAT tlenerui Finierntla,t Aw"vit YOU tailing the tests as made b himself lie : ! + X. i•. a. It., St. Paul. Maup. fx.. And between them • an, underlip, which i ! g e :n , w says that .the process is operative, that''. n1 m1� can eomplutaly close at. At thh'.ond' of a t'O1Ie soap.' YOU' Just ;it appears to be almost perfect' in. its; , . . d lS' Lull le t. 10 0 • .. � . this .'li there is. • a, small projection -" l.+41t 1. . �, P' P results in obtain the. entire.alumianm t L E t r Ifiet -with a minute hole; and through try It. g /� o LAND . Value of the oxide. :this the. silk fibres issue. { C; C ,RICH -RDS & CO. 3 w .. Cre«no-%'s lordo,aiad cherwU g s.gm. The discoverer- of this process and his . v The silkworm commences spinning by } y y P w , t .. emitting, a .single •dro of Aiquid, ilk, I Duluth associates as the can reduce Ship in the -famous hard Wheat, Ilett of Mild- r : A t o e t�' at Fart' • of the fail dot of •one of the , . 1 April jt 1st 120 Gross. Mi.naTd $ nesota and the D�k1>tas:,__ -. -•. - - -- wh;ch it laces on, the nearer bj G y,r, pure aluminum at a price Considerably i? P it 11 . P girl' in a Pnrk row dairy restaurant below that of any of the electrical pro- - - - • r oe'C landsll you .improved. or-ungm- theft moves its head away- and draws consists in 'removing from the under side cesses,� aud_Wc�e�per., -bulk-fqn bulk; -'than" ,nkmen - value $2,090:00;'oilddt'&w proved lande'iu•ths most productive por- 4 , the drop of silk into a very. fine thread.. of the• edEes_of -th9__tables.- the--she-wing -copper. hxporimonte have been under tion of the •United •States on reaso4able w -Y. �� i ,,Tkp thread,, is..then_-.pressed-against he,- hum �viiich..-has been stuck there by cus- way .here where' the cls • a9 seal, r -"-n¢est pr &ctiou; to 'which it-immediat ly tomers. It takes' .the girl a full hour to y ' y is :rich in � ter"IT For ll t titulars w i'te to BECTE$ --- '•edttores-tell-aceunut of its umv, nature, g aluminum,' for mach over a year,• looking . F. •T, BARNES, & CIiApBOUitvE, Brown's Valley, Gra- ° t :'.... g y accomplish this every morning,. and she to the perfection of the process. " It was ' , vere0 Counts, btinnesota.__.. %. .:• . . (Tithe .first threads are for the. purpose. of 'has to work hard ttud exercise consider- first discovered • by' a, German chemist St•'Jghn S; : y' - . . -.' - fiixing'tue., cocoon, and are :termed the able atrength,'aa the phe.wing gum Lard- ' , `.floss or; refuse silk," and this refuse small ens and .sticks tenaciously .to tte tables: axrith friends in this city, Nickel 11ti 1Vesv 0alledones. , l silk is made until there is only eb• She removes it with a•knife: Jh many of ? Afllii'L ��11 S/''1 `'oval space, about three-quarters of an the cheaper grade of restaurants .the 'Good morning� , M'.rs.. _It is•'statpd that .two -•fifths oi.the to - . t tial ares of New .Caledonia. tains _ ' g,• g: ' tableware decorated .on their under sides . -,� . 3 '' W . • centre. of the nines. - The-- , wormnthen in the same wa '. It is the men who, smith , I have - ust'� fin nickel, and that a tenth part- ©i'- thf -'llni a y.bast,�i,iUt�iYyy&-ar iry 44 . ^ " - r y i • ti+s,1?ieen -conceded! ix�nnui': nen; ""Tibwuship of Soinbm and County of mbbtm,, x eomrmences•.to cocoon proper :try placing giractise this peculiar habit, and -it goes ; s ' . X13 nga tlhiralrsx threads of silk, on .rho' _inside q!'thia, iii to she h w}• a, -w.. * .. ,s o. ohn •n .•� t�" . f % ' c" s' 11 g% E- � a bht Y2°,a00 square miles being al- op'ti'c banks of the Sydenham Rider; ILO pores ,i - i! . t�=,: coilsy ergo!n+w'tact!�Ar.Isiselaking°'t»Fggrra'•tstmo:„,• ready worked. The. ore contains from b �lces cleared. Fine orchard and' good - ,, _ _- ., _ ..,_..,.. :...,�-,il,,liis-In eating is _vbry. compact.. . VOlide /wake Soap; tt IS 8 til L0 per cent. of the pure motel; in . T;._Applyrto k on elceount • of tile finettesa and gumtr'y„ ' some- .few Cases de much` as 15 per Cant: �1Il31`pp S-%iniment cares D� htheria.1. the best soap- ever . JOHN M�coY, Hamilton, Ore. � i mature of ,the,threads due Vo, exhaus l _- _,S4 • '1. _ . p>- - � � want of , . e Pati1.ranging :a aeries . of . . 1, '' tido of the. r3ilkcvbrin from a,..,, used it washed sa.ea. i,1_ s a - `_y fgod..dlnc l �ax iaio sat o% Tlta f%. rance door of a'dwening hasp t y� cent nnfal fetes.'inrhonor of Pope Pius _ ____ _ o , . .i , :Th#N :l G eai itnd best Coeot>na._ore ore-- e�tantial appearance wheh a ..pone! of ” -- - _'-T"- ' beveled•p7ateglaea is inserted.: match . t'he_.cl.oth.es. #ar,Ig - __.. :�y® �g efl.�'`.foCR� the9 naOF-b PRain , t • g purr r b vestibti e• doge -de.. oaceedln 1 hand- •' v - Served for-breedin ur cess ,the, floe•, f ,.,�.:„„ A. Dar,OTII,'R&1LEtOAD - r • ...._..1_._ • . g. y 1 Cour nrtiuc0. rived for Maps and Clmtlre --- - or refuse silk is_;toxn...'611 the,.rema'inder,. � _ when composed ,of, polished beveled (;leaner• than 1, ever 'had t • ' » ^ iln�" ilio C)iryeulides (or ptipae) in , thein glass of ornamental design. a a(;�{ $ Liniment cures, lays They•will he sent to yog � are', killed, in, order', to prevent the Delicate tints of muffled lase' with out w ' ' w .ns g y ;them before and it, lasts p _ , _. , piercing et oncof�the cocoon, thee• on ; glass alconiunotion �ei$h used o plate . DImeiie�s 82 Sprains P , t P ' f for the upper portion'of drgiwing room and twlCeas-lorigasant Other `Addzens HOPEWELLCLARKE, 'I r . " h closed silkworm, if nndiaturbed,,changos l windows,- a_,eb.•-;o n-umer,Dus-•other° lova• "'' �' '¢ t 'Land Com ' into a ctir sails . an_d:„after._ a.:.tiime, the r-' - S„ „ , - , , t3one: BOTTLED ELEtTR CHTY For Catarrh nn ever used ; an „� 1+.. ; • , __.__ _. a Chrysalis .'splits nd n an , Son, . 78`•:' King 8t.• West, . , : , o. __ P , Cinol�nnati 0 silk-naet Cracvis-off` Toronto, are the, principal workers in such I' I an -_ - - . . , Tho ,moth after issuing frons lite:... Voclaitfee. , - , _ OS '1. • • - ,; ' � . , . _ ANQA88>cR8 VT6NT>tI) FOIA ;� . _ W ' ,r>�r a •i nd s are -- - . Ts. _. s; disc a .e ; _ - Fttrmbre' Friend and ACooanb - Book.” . dicllooarttf__i......h Li _ a . r�:.. • sar�.my . s e& ••;sintsrlL quttnitnty°. of ala a$ka Tae' ,. �-- ...__._ .... _..__ - , . A relenting separate: accounts for all farm ;C ..4 ..... 11 '` liquid; ;which dissolveaw- tips ser cin, or The, ie- 1, of a •test made Sn Eng- • '. I net►atfone with year!y baltui0e she0b;, eta' Dy . ' P g : MANHOOD "s = p silk; lee; which Causes. the si fibre in !anti, show taxa:t. ,the ,steam ..cancan IIses of Hnmaib Hair. Hf ply recommended: Oae agenb has alrettdp vs D>rarLrt g f ar You'ce, " = ;tie C coon to adhere to each other. he r power of town and Cit reuse is onethirdY Haman' hair is in sold nearly 400 copies In one county.' Bend for ' _ y great demand In ' olroulara and berms..'WM. l31UG08,Ppblleher Qto•• positively and.permmnently oured•by' :T, silk threads are thus loosened' - dt that of tardinary .Coal, says Power:: some of the countries of Europe, and thenUo, Lane i BRpeaiflo Remedy: Price. 81.00 psi broken •tis was at one time o ala ly With s eciail built . destructors alb supply' is said to be inade uate,, .Only t . • Bo>S•or Six $Ii.00, tromalllirnagia6q,0e , . , , P P P y t PP y' 4 by Meq. 'Partdoulars'iree. . n. , '` supposed -and .the moth is age 'to' p sh cities Could . realize from their refuse -Consul fn Corea points out that there is i , g p- itself- :'apron h' without • an of 'ii: large amount of, grower for electric .'Plenty y p the Hermit I' . GANANO.QLIE - Lnate ::Mcolairte C�., MONTREAL, CAN lent and to a are Tri , - the threads 'living • inlayed. he 4 lighting, or oilier 'purposes. It as es- ; Kingdgin:. "The Coreans," ,:. he adds,' . > d'oedona AR u [� a5,' p are Arran ed b the .care ip'� timet that the dail refuse of, the .j ".have .remarkably- fine "heads .:of`Gair; EARTI"I V�QSET, • L g y y 14 �rows, so that,'th'e moth after,.its-..e _it i.,ac¢n of Leeds, England, would gave r and they pat Choir -„''combings to a ` 'r: . may elan to e' o bsite.cocoon ' nd'.steam power equal to -over 1,500horse� use hat I have never seen elsewhere. I4ndorlaedbydoctors_and.safentlsba,•_ Itvory -- �'%% p If �” ower for the 'entire 24 hours. Avery I - 1✓v �'7 j . - . , ley its wings. The moth is of a Crea y P t large number of. Qadille-clothe r home-should-ba-ve'one' P oa :U 'H2aniitao i g -- i t= white color. The` first 'operation ho . n1aCC@==palet' rile packs of Choi•.:jioniCs ^bored iryY,ldN..(#BIeR 00.. iie►nanogne, Ong, 4 Cocoons under o _,f'ter the killin Of . h -:' are matte of hair woven' into coarse mats B= TAWNG ��'j I - _ g g. id'e warke . ,people .% - _ enclosed cltrysagides is- the :sorting. is or. •bags,, and. the halters and • head-ropds "' ,y a «r 1EAlr' StexA s ,areast,,, f1GglI1" ':o, - t,;,. k { ri =- -6 consists .in removing double; soled nd `buy Wide Awake Soap 'of their animals' are largply composed of ,.,,,,.•.. pierced• cocO hs, and 'separating he , the "Me mateirial..x .Wmtuiirie#r� Hit ; �lS it RANTED amltie.ena gems!$ ion' adangn twtay and soon are corer! of - Q4Xv oojilflb.L. 116 COCOOae OE dilfeTBIIt CC11or. • iThO don :1e.' bet's} l .a},t .xx4 •,t -,., �b.Pisa ,sZBfStH' ¢ = x - sir , . ,tir- t11�m. sonar . wr, uii.'i.t: 11 ..1 .,-- - n "" — —. M9 [.h.,.e,tva ..• n.lb ..f Ode.O �, ij • "k �" _ and-Aniled• ,,c6c,00ns i ,,-e4j.tblt0• V. t0• �; A.��, "It:1a at.ea. a..frrr,r.ete WHAT PICOT&N ' SAY OrK,. 1!?., ' "' T,:s�cod ons: a>oroservnsitifor thh .educt on a)'1Ct-- THIS COUPON WITH g 4+fese`e°teneao.,i..rYwiaa °.ax r --_. t..; p... _ cheapest they' can - - Mr: J. Rewe, Port n ,says Nby's _ J z srf carded_ erne. The cocoons after be' d y nn';sou• wont w eor►eepond For ._... b . - .._ ._.. W QerYlnas Breast ttlesol b . 4 t g' Your name a, dross and thirt cents en "- 6 b .,. ; f� ..• , sorted' are'boiled'with' water in the C et. T .y, it. - closed to us' will secure a, box of Dr, Vioosure.oe-m.rrmigs wirat;r e.. onuighc Wclne�e'pnseverus s, P in or er . . - ARS - p. Mr. U. F. Elmt h antero. Page f•. k_. , toward a Tom. leC:tratw P-illsby--return ma l: ens gears or weslcnr 1.060 de• b , OOii�� ons o!i . r . „ t soften the gnm via ThemWater' is t}en _ --. -- eorlpttone mailed r ttl:iC: Cataiogpe-of boons,. no rel Industry has no'heslbetbTon iu reoontmend ^ allowed to cool .several -loose, fi es..f.r ' Wb.0 . _Ctirpets-t,rosrdlo "3F-. Tliis"'oli`er. is "trpen but ,a , short time to ties, ,rnbber goods: ece:: forlt•cent stt mis. lug' Ebyt4 _1.1,eamiaR Breast B4llwnm, bho! . the Electr}c Pills at lees thank J,.W GUNNELS, TOLEDO, OHIO. y,sw _epc _ariCoon--caught--•by �t�brlis7��„ lie, ;all, e, !bags t-is_.used--iln--the-coin introduce i - , • ool9dbsmaMr medicine in Qeiaet+oe Und�ehrwoasd I wholesale cost to you. These pills tiro .,. twigs, and shaken.until ane single threw ° eN'" depart ent o e United States the beat and only perfect Blood Builder 1 eaYs� lie gob splendid nwalbs tram uslog'. • I`' . ironµ, each cocoon has been obtained. mint the, mo a it is wort Near and jj� g; t, - isbs K `ieroiata Breast Bslsatas ,and re k'= ; and Nerve . Iteatorer. TLoy. • cure ' all' Ill tfi�l'lSLOW S SOOTHING � ode lb ptgply, :,t Ffvo or:sis,of-these threads. are plat.to-'tear ,do not �Pminlah.it, value..n scent- •weakness, restore men and regulate WO -I' • 'SYRUP Mr. John Hepnor,Manager POrb F31gUog ,.., I gather to form, a staple, 'and two of the ly a thick woollen ear et •that 11 een � FOR CHILDREN TEETHING : . • P men, develop Children. Regular .price 60c. Brda4 Gi., aesys i Rb} r iieRsatn ttresa a.' • - - - staples are isted tot,%ether, untwisted, oki, tLe coiners' floor fo'r seven "airs ' i3 ' ( FornpaeT,sbalDrttf`Lts1 2500st14ubettYwr "1Mi1n lti, an ltttl3sporaftble rldoe�l i y Dr. Howard. Medicine 'Company, Brook-", , i, bonsolirilsi� a manors -Is: ore a 0L1. sad made. i O two separate hanks. This taken up and cremated•• 'The,.ashes were ,vine, 'Ont. - - _ iralutrble yarned;. Cor Co he (3It. a. } twisting together tends to make 'the gathered together, as if 'they, were, the ° . bordev. Ask l,. t Y'' threaxT smooth and round. Eleven to relics of same departed vain# nnA h Pub up to 960. and , 1.twelve O do o. Coco -GO n, 1 a 3Ypaderttil Onri. . ;ti I _. nr lilaglslaLel Cor. ib .., 3 y �Rd.; p f g Y3eltL one -e ago. - re .;pang process the Govern- . ° - r - pound s Fee e U. panke, which are meat recovered 'old worth $5,500. 'Pee .Anew rifle, sur assin all .the otherssrea,, rrx?,r xr' 3,tst Su�� Cu E u „ g d ' in. every par'ticul r is reported in the, - .`Manhood RBSI¢OP d - W ma_de-.iap of west . is; termed racy silk. metal 'had been cleposited there- by the • . , ` loss� o��f�,h,�_T�-t.n_bond,_Emiseigne, A, _ `- Figaro to be brougpt out' by a French _ tar* i:, ' 3••' Thi o! silk •pippin was first infinitesimal abrasions .and dis'iategra-' • _. ,r -6rrm. atorrh Im tency. _ �'n1°" � g _.. l �; i tmwcluCed into Engli% 4d liy ,Sir Thomtle tions _Qf tLe_ Y,otlow, metal~while being-mv.;entor..r:.-.It is a maga; user giTn, ex _ \ eakMema Ige -- ..ray . ,- - t -tremely ,ligh• .and, can fixe-. ono hundred.-t.,:r- E6,mm Vyeplrn nor"d N� fitYs De10 toy ppoos�h Loittyie, who xisited Italy =fri' oxde fie ob 'converted from bullion into coin:; i cartrid es- ti %, -df 'lOverpeatin the bar- tivel cured by Or. OAY S Y TA,TABLI:TS s c LLL s'reuc a " ' ... tain the requisite' information. It is , g P y �. _ _ _ .r.♦ _ ... - .. Ho70il�ial�O. 6801 Addil FC Mac strum, _ g stated, that' the -Italians "were sd'.-3nuC6 l rel• .Its re$oit,' is, so slight that 'the, sol- . . $. i n . e Agan or Wide Awake Soap Is a die. is never troubled with. it, and itis0 1. k ', ' annoyed . aonderning•, the partial; loss qf: p11 ,. f... _ "I �' their.trade•that they sent agents.t;oEng- SOIId bar pf hundred-•cart.}ages, which are ;less than hormotorFceaGnttcr, u re soa half the wei ht of the same number of � � ' __"_.•, ItIRd to -poison pis: ' " ° p f p citrtridges ofgztny. other rifle, can bo fired � Zti`w > `I � The.silk. Ecom the reeled hanks may bg � ''' ' • . :p6 r into three that W I { 1 not vanish I Nee without 'taking the weapon from the T "�' .. FOR, spelt r a "a: statist;• -viz., tram, aa'ganzin previously tower hu.; -nn•• uaiities ' as shoulder. The effects of its' little :bullets. ger o .� . g, a a>ad sin- snow in • hot water. ndebanr,;. Ir ' . �". , . '• les. The tram is prepared by twisting • are said..to•-ba'terriffe .'„t ivottid attilt.�t sit• � �\ �i ..�., . .. . . two or three threads togethgr,._ a d_ -is• -Try-it'', - "• _. in lAl• saliem•i1,er'df tlti4 f,pori; ' See conditions in art- . Try Yt.' t ; » ,T,„ 't' �IIlard S LiIliIDBllt C1jreS 1)1St8IIlper: ”°' a,''eosu au l i`* 4,c„io„r No. 1; noun w'ect peat. r _ _..,.,_ ., __ 'Used for weft -an the best: and mos . ea. a c' r i� t pensive silk 'fabrics. Organzine is pro- _ r . fes i R t . -Dreams oro by iCeattlarlt+p. a ' V , y ' laced by twisting. toge.thhd -a-number of. -- „ rr, f� aiagleis an -an opposite direction to that Now' said the Warden to the tor- ”' o } , a ,4 ""112air,7'tc. 4 , 'A well-known -Boston,. man• tells.'me , ',r. ,� ° • in which the, singles tyre twisted, and is 'that the -other .night he was dreaming ger• who had' just arrived at 'the prison,,k. F,Frtt•r�, M�i Allm ith I for VIM a. ' O'k „ ,,ss, , we' 11 set , ou to work, Whlit cant you„ tQ� . .. need tor. warp in the beat silk fabrics. of untold wealth ltLat was being be y eviltntltetheo-ttln;Ind1.-101:;1;tnI . .'I'll E lea g , P p p do best 2” I' Well, f .you'll i(IV0 p]b a; GI' ILL litle�C Ynt'inlll� :encu L dreularSawnnAStvingstty namn; ”I . , jing ' , .or sewin silks are• re ared� stowed u onihim: - It was one 'of those , k Try twisting one of ,the reeled'threade in .beautiful dreams . th t . the &earner' weeks practice •on your signature; I'll east L%i•ery plunterf4uI . ' sign your official papers for., you,"said ni'O it. tent: crt: , 1. �r ardor to give it .ntrength and firmnosa. •aivoinYd like to see mm ted is the taYgi- pcTd.Perry&Cc.e Seryl;; silks 'are however at bio farm _ the lirisoner.. . ' g , y pTCaOIIt' - .T�.-...,..r+1... -.*..rte,,. '��, Windsor When••he awok from his dream-, in + 1 AAL. '. rgR b .cast[ { usually made from Carded yarns. _ ,����I. , f stead ofhav P fortune, he found 'hu. , ... � I I . . , �Y setts loci a , a of one. There. Was pan e_ �i=E-� T` �iinaxd s Liniment Cttres Gaetrg, iIl Caws, open window in is. chamber •and Aburg= ` r• ;k' o n r n a, mrihur of"Iluv pnprt nor i,rr nilrrrti,rmmtn ' . .. • .. , ... ' .....TIRM Nn,nl a stir r. tlTh '.Ann i, nr hrr,rxirfn rsMi IfErx Lull tm . V }loch' declined ©s O, s inn lad' he ia'd Bostpn Poet in ro Ogkets.r-- e S ES away hurrnftrr. The ,larnlntnr t'n. t,lll dtstrthu,n ";: _ g b ugh �� bis p . try. I • •li. _ , 3 nS man. having ' ; w�>;<" 'h;• court to her aister� "How lady, i you r B .. � k ,. resemble your sister," said`he, the ev uS , M 4f Ci �1.w a Soap Is a Q' �' r t: Ing of -the first call; " ou have the same. „; s s I. . h mammoth . bar of pure '5 hiai•r, the �samt# foropead, an'r the same ` :; .. , IN PA`711, IY PItIZr a far the I,rvt r any, a•i't(rrn t,y tkn ,vifr, van r ,L , .. eyes-. And ,the (same no' I" she ad.Lsoap. T,ry it.! ° w , • �' , + or Qnuttlltm n4 n'Yicr, of n wfnl,I IL,m,:r. nt try p„v.liun, • i' ' led,-gnlCfily, - yr - I }. „\YIIV 91111th i I he Y AI It `rl Y,MIT, '.. �}• i ,r,•ti,.. - 1 - t I ,® • - • ® For eonddinnv of runt. p,•trr••n:nr1orlrr,,llvry ti, 4' t" PM ff nrnnbnr4 of pule. , !,rad ru (},,• ,, A stranger wps seized with 1a very vio. E' �Ct justice is Commonly • i6r0 mer• r thn Acrtnnfdr Co., hir u,•, of t„ ftv �2r,ctli , � lent titin a Chestnut street store a :fern' elful in the'loug run than pity, for it .a 1„rtgcl,c4,lu.Sn„ Fr'.,,,04vri,; itti,j,•, 1 flays ago. The ,tailor . ,`vas. tier much” pts. and t,,,y; iurrraiff, ro y tends to foster in ilfeti those stronger i.0p Bottle, p ' i. �ttlri"6r LrrrYt+:1J 'IriY CitllrrlC ltt`tlib Slonx f Ily, ln.r AtumR: 1. provoked about/ rho OCCntreIIee. < I...qualities-Which- make` thpnY ',gond Citi- : ;: Yicst.l;nttlesr. to Gee, ;itis Uhcap@st rpmi.lnnm,ln, , ,. .ran I'a :i < wouldn't kick,,, • da d the policamlin,^ : zeab.-Loweill. , dineCCut$, * b • Isrkttnrn,N,'ty lr.rkt',ty I• r -- --_--.--- A A FOAYsl'onf4 ,h in Proµ:. �, ..,._X" -.:__. Ito ;tha fir" weal. go d fit'.{, hove over 11 It It is bold on a urauteaa bq till g. wt, „�r:ac.. ih.� Via. Tat,, tnrrrs: ,,pari„Ilea t It etrr'oa n0i ,lOqt Ct. Fist ' ?, , "+ ptrtorrrd in t;ng• tlRh. ArrlY,otor.,Pump•• !2_ �, '. I I each fu your establishiment.,, ,. �Ctnard S Liniment Cares Colds etc' : �smr s ' 4 • . I,t,ts ••x itI Itti'd. t9't« ,>t ,.rat• by mtil'i,;, inB or Oea ml, iamb• price, All SCaoi. ,. , / ' • I and fa the best Co-Aiip r►n(I Oj;s u.m Cave, I'' ItiM; u ( .,i�urr:U.file, 1yarrea, Pa„ . Y tI4UNrsni:ed•Atter, Completion, . ' ,' , . , ,: i , . ) . o .. v a . . 11 F I - I I . I -1 I . - - - I I . . .- I . * I I 1.11 r ' rr •k K� e , i w Gd x ...r m • f,1�wM. a.., -. a '' , + '2bMM nL rw ,c ah. tr •»<rJV:.e?`M•1rr rAt.:U•'J'ndt v. 4"nI`x,,- 1:N :Nrwmrca7.w tn'+ rm1'1'h,r,.m,,, frlv�"n Rl anY:MVta9tt'id!`GN lVnc�.rAavo r r vr; u,,*h,-,.ro..-s s rn . w.a+,.v,. ss -” ., ,a•F .W rY J'st N}ru '.,+,ltl ,5 x �RW.rww, nr., ... r ,,.:Fla':. n.e +,< nn, . s:... :., , h'.e, },��. 'r4+.. 1" ,:',;.n,:.. ''1, 4,.M..::Y.,.Lt.-mmit•Y. nt:.*.a&Nt�1;lWUi„i4Lc„14.,t41 ;, 'n••K .:}ry�p�-+t�N yt�,iWldVs•A{N7. xw„e, r+},i„WYw•Wrwil�d•:w1 ,Na'ty wrDl WY1UFl,t v xukseY+W.,':wYY.•.,r i`I,ry, ,, .ny .t...::df. - ...-.. , .—"i, .:,.e„ rr,.,+,:.,,.inrAt"Y,G' f.NWiYAttY"�y?1..... ,,a o � _ �.r _.-, ,.-... -.._. �, w.-.... - .._.'.._ ve:.nexp;M.m:•:,+ro*x,':-+r*}�'°N'y+r�in m e 9n '');.u"dri,'r. �.. r1e..:...,.,v .:.m.,r:,CIcF�.il"i«rl-�'ki,�t3.'":�f.�tr,'t�+.l"�r'"1�:n ...t Xt k” 1° gi4r, tal,-,C #r4r , �1 , z 3h , � '*"i t r +k � , n . . i X. ry aF' , - , t r Iii• tr.. , r �• { "• w 4 i>I.. ,{„ u ,..�w +.. '.Y,�.d . is •P, 14 1. :"k •rti�Ns+".r r, r''u, �"l�rc5,ait'4nr,'"t�t•-,. x"u, .. ,. '� trrtiy Ia na: ',,�'r°'�, iv, "r �i "C . r* 0.r.,� ��i<\,b v irr ff:, v 1 ir�'�'' i rip i = , i4�KI .,fit , 'ip.!k 'art, t.,,� w ; .+: i,° ” 1' aY111NMi�'ti yi � tJttl%zi P I ,7yit,4 ,' 4�%4>t1; , ,e•a i �•" ;." _fit fm__.,,. t�,u. , . °.r..,,..s �_ �_� L- IP tg&,Jhl - \ %'N d a �_—.._. ,.... a G•. s , T a5. _. a , ,y .. z: ,,,,y ,r, ,�, ,Ii