HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-31, Page 3!ut;
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WEDNESPONt, DEO! 3'Isx,;.1952,
Happy N !w Year te• All:.
and Mrs', Ronald !Treleaven':
Mr, .
and Linda • of Kitchener visited
Friday 'with • Mrr, and Mrs,, Jack.
Curran ,,and family and in the
evening Mr. and Mrs. 'Curran; &
family" and Mr. . and 'Mrs; Tre-
:leaven •and: Linda. visited with Mr,
and Mrs. V. J,. Hunter and Mrs.
Amelia• Treleaven in Lucknow.,
Ohri's:trnas visitors: Mr, & Mrs.
Jack Curran with. Mr.. and Mrs. Mr; • and Mrs. W. J. McDonald
are ,spending .the. Christmas holi
days in .Loddon, •
PAGE Ti,.:
acal and General...
a Mr; and Mrs. Floyd. Wilson and,
Max spent -Christmas at Petrolia,
Miss: Mary E. MacQuaig of
Chicago, Ill., is holidayingdaying at the
family home:.
Mr, and Mrs 'Bil1,,cHewat, Bob,
Nancy and Ardonna of Elmira
speht:• 4Ghristrnas with relatives
here, ' • -
herb Curran; Mr. and .Mrs. LDene,
tasty, Mfrs. L. Crozier and Lorena
of London •with Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Crozier and family. and.
'Boy Maize.. Mr.. and: Mrs. Percy'
. Finnigan of Weston with `Mr. &
Mr. and-- M'rs. Orm Moffat,
Marylin and Judy of, Toronto
were. ;Christmas visitors' with Mr.
mS. C; Rathwe11
1VIrs.. R;aynfdnd Finnigan and fan,.
Mrs. Jones, Archie and Mild ¥r,and Mrs. Elliott Fells and
red of Wingham, '.1VIr. and Mrs. Mrs, James.. Webster spent. Mon•.
McFarlane and family of ; : Holy -
:rood with Mr. and Mrs. .Gladwin
Campbell and • daughter:; Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer Harcourt', and Mr.
and Mrs: Orville Dories and• fam
ily of Lucknow with Mr. and. Mrs:
Benson Shackleton and family;
Will ' Shackleton with . his sister,
Mrs. .:George Feagan, Goderich;
Mr.. anal Mrs., Jim B.paik and fam-
ily with • Mrs. Fred...Cooke. and.
family, .. Bel{grave; ..Mr. and. Mrs:.
Tom Phillips' and family ' With
Mr: 'and. Mrs. • Herman Phillips. •
Misses Ruth .and Sylvia Cures
ran .of • Godericih ' visited over
Christrnnas-with Mr., and Mr`s. Jack.
Mr. Ray Culbert, Mr. & Mrs.
= Duffie of;: Hamilton, 'Mr. &. 'Mrs..
Allan Ritchie .and Brenda spent
Christmas With ''Mr. ' .and . Mrs.:
Tom 'Culbert,, Sr., and. Tom.; •
Mr. and: Mrs: Alden ;Hasty . and
girls ' .of Grimsby; visited. over
the ' week -end with Mr. and • Mrs!
Lorne, Hasty arid. Will:... • •
Mr. and Mrs. Colin, Crozier
Douglas' ..of . Blenheim. ,spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Clif- •
ford : Crozier and family and Roy
• Mr: and Mrs. Jim Sherwood
day at Blyth and Walton,
M , anandMrs. Burt Roach spent
in Goderich with Mr,
:and Mrs. R. J. Brewer. •
Mr. W and Mrs. E. A. Reynolds;
Donald and Linda .of • Toronto.
'spent the . week-endwith Mrs.
Annie Struthers.
Mr. and Mrs. .Roy L.. McKenzie.
and family of Oshawa spent the
holiday with Mr. -R. J. McKenzie,
and Mrs. Alice Robb.
Edgar . Ritchie 'and Miss Jean
Ritchie -of Huntsville were Christ
mas" visitors with relatives ink the
] Irs, :,G: W. Gardner of Grand
Valley spent Christmas with Mr.
and. Mrs..:W "R': Howey and Ted:
Mr. and .'Mrs.. John Martin': and
David of 'Maple' spent a day last
week at ,Paramount at the home
•of his mother, -Mrs.. W. R. Martin..
Misses Mary and Donalda. Mac=
'•Quaig of . Toronto* and Joan • of.
Wingham, :spent . Christmas with
their parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm.
E. MacQuaig. '
Mrs. Jim Smith, -.-who- _had been
and Norma are :spending Christ- 'a patient • in 'Winghain' Hospital
mas holidays ;with Mr. and ,Mrs,, for four: months,returnedto her
Harve Ross •and Janet at >Fal-
:conbridge' •
Mrs. E dna McWhinney its
spending the winter. at Echo Bay.
The seventh ;andeighth meet-
ings • of "The Daughters of the
Xairshea" were held at thehone
of •Belle and Gladys Graham..The
meetings : opened with •the theme
song:and , the minutes Were read
and adopted. `• The roll 'call 'for
the seventh meeting was '"A Spe-
cial feature in my record' book"
and "My Work buttonhole"- for,
the eighth: 'The meetings were
Continued. with sewing and we,
were shown how to put in a zip-
per. Some dresses are nearly fin-
ished except for buttons,' zippers
and collars. The meetings closed
with the serving of a lunch
LUcknow. _
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. N. Winn, B.A.,
SUNDAY, JANV ,1,11. ' 4 h
11 a.m.: 'Morning ' Worship.
12.15 p.m.: ,Sunday School.
3 P.M.: Erskine Church,' Dun-
7 p.in.: Evening Worship.,
'. Minister: . . ,
Rev. (L A. Meikleiohn, •
B.A., B.D.
•home rn• Winghani on Christmas
ever •
Mr,' and Mrs. Harold Freethan'
of Buffalo and •Dr..Wrn. P. Free-
reeman.of .Springfield were Christ-
• ma.s guests of Mr. and: Mrs. J. W.
Joynt. •
,Christmas visitors with Mr:: anad •
Mrs.; Harolr! Treleaven` were Mr. -
and ' Mrs, Ei I) Treleaven and Dont`
ald. 'of Beav+•1 • Pa., and, Miss Mar
gar.et Treler..ven of Toronto..
Mr. •.` and Mrs: W. J. 'Irwin' and
'Lloyd and Mr. and Mr.s. .Charles
Wilkins visited. •last .week, with
Mr:t. and, Mrs.• Charles •Riach at
CMajor and Mrs. R. F. Irwin vis -
ited last 'week, •with Mrs. Etta
Roberts .and Mr. George Webb.
Major Irwin returned recently
from Korea: • •
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kil:pat-
riek., Brian and Cheryl of • Tor-
onto were Christmas visitors. with
relatives at Dungannon and Ben
miller., .
Christmas ;guestsat the .Rae
home'were ai1r. 'ancl Mrs..'William
'Rae • of St. Marys; Mrs. Jean Skin'
' Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew • wei, a
Christmas visitors at Detroit and
Plymouth, .
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MacD .,. ald
of ' Orillia were Christmas gue._
of Mr. 'and Mrs. 'Wm, MacDonald;.
Mr. • and -Mrs. W.. A. Porteous
were among the guests at the
•IVIeKinnon-Johnston wedding in
London on Saturday. 1
:Mrs. Wm. Murdie has returned
Thome from Wingham Hospital
where'she was a patient for sev-
eral weeks.
1Bert Eaton spent • Christmas in
St. Thomas withhis parents, :Mr,
and 'Mrs. H. W. Eaton.,
'J. W. Joynt and . Harvey. Web-
ster •attende.ci the funeral iri Tor-
onto ,.on • Friday of� Mrs R. H.
Miss 'Lorna :Campbell of. To{ •;
onto spent a few. days • last week
at the home. of Mr, and . Mrs: R.
Keith Collyer, is :holidaying at
Ottawa with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
''Donaldson and Mr. and,Mrs.:Jack
Hethering. •
•' Holiday visitors with .Mr.' D.
MacDonald. of. Lochalsh. in -
eluded Misses Sally' and. Louise
MacDonald, `Finlay ; and. ' Donald'
MacDonald:.. '
• Mr.. • and' Mrs. `H: S. ,Lavery :Of
,Toronto spent :' Christmas: week
with Mr. -and Mrs. R. T., Douglas
and , M is s MacDonald;
N1rs. :WM. MacKenzie ' of Tor-
onto is spending the holiday, at
'the horn `of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
MaeRie and Mr. and Mrs:' Tom
'MacKenzie.' . • .
Miss .Mina Graham of . Chili-
cet-h-eT Ohio., 'was a,•ho:liday :visitor,.
here,.• and :.upon . her return will,.
leave for New Y.o rk •to:attend the
spring, millinery •showings:' • .
Mr: and 'Mrs, Jim DeanBill
.and Judy of Ingersol1 spent Suri -
day with Mrs. Mary J. Webster
and family:
Mr.. and Mrs. John F. Ross . and
son: Earl of Detroit, were week-:
end k isitors with :Mr and .Mrs;;.
Ross ' of Lochalsh and: other.
F_1 Irwin of Markdale spent
Christmas'.. ; week -end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs..Emerson•
`rwin. :Al s, .in the,Co--op.tore
under the management, of :Jack
Stevens,, 'formerly . of Lucknow,..,
Christmas •• guests of Mt, and
Mrs. ' George 'Elliott were Miss.
Una Elliott of :Toronto, .Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Elliott, Rickey; and
Jill Dianne 'and Mr: and Mrs.
Bryce Elliott and Ray, •
Mr, and Mrs. Donald Johnston
r ' Toronto, Mr. and'Mrs. , Merl:e
J'rston, Sharon • and Dianne of
14r don, ,Mr. and, Mrs Al-Guse,
L: u.;las and Donald of Galt•were•
Christman visitors. with Mr: and.
Mrs. 15. M. Johnston. '
Holiday visitors with Mr'. and
Mrs. S. B. •Stothers were Mr. Bail=
lie Stothers, Mr: and Mrs. W. B:
Whale, London; , SteveStothers,
Lansing, Mich.; Miss .Ruth 'Stoth-
ers ,, Guelph; Mr., and Mrs. 'R. C.
net and Mrs. Edith Porteous of: Passmore and Ronald of .Woo
Stratford and Mr. and Mi•$. Win. bridge. ' '
A. Porteous
Mr. and :Mrs. Donald Mc in-
!Mr;.and. Mrs. Mac Gr alliin and 'non, Douglas and Donald, spent
Lois fel e son of Toronto; .m.),.; last week in Bowmanville at the
Donanne, home, of her parents: Cin Satur
and• 1V1'rs.,�Don •�raham, day Mr;' and Mrs. McKinnon at-
tended and Sharon of Sarnia and tended 'tile wedding of his bro--
Mr, and Mrs. Doug Trench, Lvnda therrnstilliam McKinnon and Mary,
and Bob of ListoWel 'were Christ -
mas visitors with M. and Mrs '' 'Fred Ritchie of Manitoulin Is-
land Ifenderson..
laird 'visited for a few days -.here
Dr. and Mrs: R 1k. Johnston and after' spen.ding .Christmas in Port
'Susan of ' Toronto spent some Colborne•with•his son Russell and
' 'Christmas holidays. at' the home 'Mrs. Ritchie. Fred, who,a is em
of his narehts, Elmer and 'Mrs.' p1oyed by the. Ontario f-I.E.P.C.
Johnston; and on Saturday, ac- has been on the Island for tthree
companied by) -Miss Lena Robin-. years,
son, R.N. of Goderich and Mr. -- - �-�-
Bill Chin of Toronto attended the tchers Meeting
riving Sti
The meeting 'r f fhe'Par-.
amount Flying Sti'tchers. was held
tit"the horny' of Mr's. Orland Rich-
ards with an attendance nce of 11.
The meeting opened:by discuss
ing the work of our last meeting
Which was hemming 'and slip•
stitching. We were taught how to
make a bound buttonhole, 'after
.ohich a .d'iiciOus pot luck sup-
4 cr. was enjoyed by all.
MacKinnon -Johnston wedding m
11 a:m.: The Sacra/tient of thea,
•Lord's Supper, .
12,15 Dana; Sunday School.
Dan- "Itt The Need Of .
Prayer". 1
i lvith ' r.ane[ Mrs
John England over the' week}encl
were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond IVtor•-
ris5ey, Miss ,tacqueline Ackerman
and Mr. Edward England,
Mr' Joseph England has retuned'
halite after spending:'• the past
three weeks at the. home of Mr
• and Ark "Jack Swan, 'Bervie.
At the threshold Of . the. New Year ' it is a ,pleasure' to
expressour appreciation of the patrojage and
good will We have enjoyed in the past and to
look forward to a continuance of , these
pleasant 'associations.:
Best Wishes To One And All
The first' .community g.
: nig ht .un-:
der the auspices of the Women's
Institute will bp held in'•.the com-
munity hall' on Friday evening,'
January 2nd. commencing. at 8.30.
Everyone is welcome:
The January meeting of, the
Women's Institute will •be held.
at . the:, home of Mrs. ,Andrew
Gaunt on. Thursday,. January 8th:
at 2.30. Roll C 11 all • hints on caring
1 g
for linoleum. •Subject m 'charge
of Mrs. Harvey' Webb. Program
and .hostesses • Mrs.' Chester Tay-
lor and Mrs. Andrew. Gaunt.
Mr. Bill MacPherson' is haute
after, spending the summer sail-
ing.' on the Royalton..:
Miss Margaret MacPherson, R.
N. of the ;staff Of:St:' Joseph's
Hospital, : •Londori, was home for
Christmas and ,the• Week -end
. • Miss Myrtle Phillips of, London
called on old friends last week.
Mr.. and Mrs. J. W.- Dean of
Ingersoll, • their son Bill, Leading,
Seaman on. the' , Magnificentand
their granddaughter, ;Judy. Mac-:
Gregor, were recent visitors With
Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron and
other relatives.,
Mr. *and Mrs. D: J. McIntosh
of St. Catharines, Mr. and' Mrs.
Stanley Todd and Andrew of
Southampton .and. Mr. 'and Mrs:
f .Strat-
ford 'were ' holiday .visitors w_ ith
Mrs. D. Todd.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Br. own and
Mrs. Murdie arid Bob : of Waterloo
spent the •' holidays with Mr. and
Mrs. R. .Woods,
Neely Todd and. c , ldren o
Mr. and Mrs.' Gordon >511'iller'. &
Larry of >;:.ondon visited with. Mi.
and Mrs. Chester Taylor.
BORN -Inc- Wingharn Hospital on',
Thursday, December 25th to: Mr.
and Mrs. Norman •McDonald, a'
`Mr:. and Mrs. J. Kakskamer of
Arkola, Sas'k:, ;are visitors with.•
their daughter, Mr. and, Mrs. Al
lan .Crarnston,', .
In . theC.B.C. Times . there is a
letter :frorn• '.a little, girl :about 'a: •'
Ipet chipmunk. The' letter'ends'
"One day my:d:addy and uncle•
Fo,alr:ed peanuts, :i.n •rurn' arid he
r, • c'ry� brave and --very drunk..
He'.d sit up to Wash 'his face and
fall over' backwards.,
`, Then' he:
went 'and .had. a sleep, and When
he dame out.he would •not touch
the • ones• with rum any more.
Mom said he. had: more sense than
some 'people".
We who are concerned that, our
people shall not:he victimized _by
i'.hose who would ' profit. 'from
their intoxication' sena the greet -
Ings of the .season to all the of
ficers of the law' who,. in a ;dif-
ficult • situation,` are trying to
'maintain the authority of the law
against. those who would .'dis=
credit' or evade its—Advt:,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan MCCharles'.
and Alex of Arkona were v sitors
for the holiday with Mrs. D. C.
McDonald. '
1Vir. and Mrs. Lorne-Hampahrey 1
and baby of liespeler spent the
holiday with Mr: and . Mrsr; W. A.
Some. men' 'would be b; off
in • church on Sunday
they ply golf!
.i .'> gx0rOirol ��`..i "�"soci:i t w. 0WOf .vlri�,'4`�[!t'�.�fi�l.�';
It is a genuine pleasure at this tihie to thank our customers:vi.
for, their loyal •patronage. It: has beep a p1eagure to serve
you ' and to anticipate a continuance of these
friendly relations. .
deed StoreCra�wf ore� s
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