HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1952-12-31, Page 1;9,52: IOC rlj Fie • n•' he. er 0118 • • 1 ige • • 450 A. Year Iri Advance --$1.00 Extra To U.S.A. , L''UCI NOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DEC: .81st, 1952 !stiii,iate NeW! !d!001 Debenture. �e Carried For about 1 MiIL Ratepayers whoturned out for Monday night's nomination Meet- ing heard .an interesting and in, _formative resume . of townand school affairs, 'highlighted by a. progress report ' •of • .the' new dis-, trict high school, . and a forecast that ; the debenture 'costs of the new ;burld'ing can/be carriedfor abbut a one . mill levy on the present . district. assessment . ef. close to $5,000;000. . J.' W. ' Joy. nt, ex Warden of • Bruce County, was, chairman of the ratepayers meeting. and' in his opening remarks asked why, • with a :closed, factory here, .Luck- now was not represented, at . an industrial meeting' of the •Ontario Planning and Board held in Wingham this fall. Mr. Jpyht: expressed the senti- ments of the meeting in ;referring to the regrettable' accident that had claimed the life of J.. C Mc- ' Nab,by which Lucknow lost a "grand -citizen" • 'Reeve Stuart E. Robertson, as first speaker, referred also to the sad circumstancesby which he had come to'oftfice. Air Factory Situation In reply t6- Mr. Joynt's query he said that he and Councillor Crawford had attended an indus.- • 'trial.. •meeting 'in ' Paisley and 'Councillor • Crawford has •been among those attending earlier Meetings, .and had felt , that no Useful. purpose was resulting • from the time and effort spent. -Councillor Crawford :- • added to these' remarks thalt they felt. the; fault lay with some Department offals wh f hey..tfelt'• weren't 'doing, a job,;and : that .theY had possibly raised their ire by ing them so: • The ,Departnient.;has been pro- vided with several copies . of 'a prospectus of the plant and 'Vill- age,, 'but. as. ..Reeve . Robertson• pointed out, the, idle :plant is owned by a private individual,' 'the taxes are paid, and:, there isn't much •'they can'. do about it.' Councillor Crawford ' pointed out that Mr. Joynt had been .working quietly to. do what he. ;could in this connection..[ . Reeve Robertson referred 'to County mutters•'including the 'ap- •pointment of • W. S "Forrester as county clerk to ,succeed . his fath- er, . and the Women's • Institute delegation. headed by Mrs. Walt- er MacKenzie, that sought . the establishment of, a. County` mus- eum ` The matter, .,was • laid over until the January session. • Mr. Robertson, said • that the new well problems Were about solved ; and that the work would lie eorriplete well • Within the $26;000 'debenture issue, sold . on (Continued on page 6 ) FORMOSAt4 GIRLS 0•LM..DAYE :. H ERE Miss Margaret "'Lin and Miss . Carol Chan of Toronto spent Christmas ,with Miss ' Dorothy Douglas and Miss Ghristind Car - OA Miss' Lin . and Miss . Chan `arerad! . g uat�; of the: Music De- partment of the : Girls' High School in Tamsui, Formosa and are now studying in Toronto pre- ' 'paring to return to . work for the church ' in Formosa. OARS BADLY DAMAGED IN CHRISTMAS. EVE CRASH A 1950 Ford owned by Rev, R. D, MacDonald and. a 1.950 Ch'eyj owned by Leo Beauchamp were badly damaged in a Christmas eve accident. Damage to both; .cars was estimated at $1000 .or more. The`MaaDonald'car was, parked in front of the ,home of Mrs. C. H. MacDonald and due •to a. soft shoulder was about a foot onto the paved highway. '. ' Leo's' car, proceeding west, :got. off onto the soft shoulder and crashed into the back of the Mac Donald- 'car, which was badly. caved in. Extensivedamage was done to the front of Leo's car., We understand : that' , charges against him are.. pending. Dan Thome'son'1,had consider- able damage done his car in col. lision with Harold Butt6n's: car on Main St:, during Saturday's snow storan. Harold was backing out -Item the curb -at the ,time. KINTAIL LADY DIED. UPON; RETURNING FROM CHURCH' The death. of Mrs 'John Mac I,Kay age 72 years,occurred sud-' denly on •Sunday afternoon after returning to "her Itintail • home from attending 'service in Ash field ,Presbyterian Church. She 'was, formerly : Christena 'Ann MacKenzie. The funeral service . will be. held in: Ashfield' Church, 'Wed- nesday afternoon ednesday'afternoon at 2.30' with in. terment in. Kintail : Cemetery, FRASER PATERSON DIED IN . SLEEP MONDAY' MORNING The ' death of: Fraser Paterson, :occurred in his sleep'. at his home in London early Monday morn- ing. He was in ' his 63rd .yearand had been in . ailing ' health for'. five years: The funeral is being held in London on Wednesday afternoon with interment in Woodland cervi etery. MAIL COURIER .ON LONG ''IME JOB. A On January ' lit, William J. Dottglas twill' commence his 26th year as mail courier on Rural Route No. 3', Lucknow. This route, over 31" miles in length, • runs. west along the Boundary to near Ainberley an,d, across to and' back along. the 12th 'Concession 6f Ashfield; serving several sideroad spurs enroute. The distance over a period of 25 years, calculi ing 300 mail de eyear,.would .�in tPi „would livery ..days . exceed 225,000 - miles: -- . In' the.,..quarter 'of a' century that he bas continuously driven this route,' Mr: 'Douglas -rarely missed . a day through sickness. For. a 'couple of winters, -'iter he disposed of his horses, .Elmo Pritchard' and ; Eldon Henderson took over the winter• driving.,' but apart' from that "Bili"; as he is Pop �ularly known, has regularly been on the job For some• time Mrs. • Douglas has acconmpanied him daily on the trip. • .. EIGHT PAGES WEEK OF PRAYER, IN LUCK,NOW 4 January ytht to 9th --. 8.00 p.m. Jan, Word of God; Presbyterian Church Jan. 6th --Sharing the. Gospel, Church of .England. . Jan. l —"The Gospel in, Act- ion", :a film to interest the young. people, The United Church. Jan: 8th . The . Consecrated ;Christian ,Testifies, Presbyterian Church:: Jan. 9th—Certainties. of Pray- er, The United Church..:. . Everyone' Is Welcome These 'opportunities:' ofPrayer and Fellowship are planned ,,and conducted by your' local clerg :, , The offering each evening will Abe • used to defray expenses • and to assist the . Canadian Council. of Churches. 1SEEBYT SEN ..T -I`$EL N . .. THAT Frank • Barkwel1 has 'been. a, patient for several weeks at Beck Memorial :Hospital, 'Lon don, and expects to . remain for treatment . for another couple `of. months or so. a== • THAT Capt Malcolm Watson of the Canadian Army has been posted to Japan: Eriroute. 'to the :..West Coast. he visited at Win- nipeg With his unele .and taunt,; Mr ,and.Mrs: Harry Pierce and and at Vancouver' with Mr. and1 Mrs. W. J. Barber. THAT .• a rabbit drive on Boxing. bay netted a'• party of local. n prods some, thirty rabbits and a couple of foxes. W. C.: Attridge, had a close call 'dur, ing the .d'rive' when, he was struck on . the arm bye' some. shot, 'which, pentrated four sets. of clothing; and bruised a spot on ,. the; arm about, an inch square, None.of the pellets. en= ,tered the arm.' , THAT. Donna ,Corrin and. Doug- las Lankshear. spent, Christmas in Wingliam Hospital, but hope to, shortly , be able :to return home :The . two little :three- year-old •:cousins each ' suffered fractured thighs. when • struck ,by a car,. on Lucknow Main St: Remembrance: Day. The in- jured limbs will be. x-rayed in about a week to 'determine when. the youngster'san return home. scDouglas' parents' came up from Brantford to spend Christmas With him. THAT Alex MacnItyre' is spend,:. Mg. the Christmasvacation on a hockey' tour with . a team,. made up of players from both the- 'Oxford—and; Carn°bridde- ,'Universities. This year ,Alen: was chosen cabtain of the Oxy ford teain Which competes. in the English 'league,. and is cap- tain tain of the combined team for 'the tour They will - compete and be entertained in several. cities sin 'Germany, Austria and Switzerland during the . three weeks' tour. AGED LADY .PASSES the death of 'Mrs. Annie Doyle,, mother of Mrs. Harry Anderson of town, occurred in Wingham. Hospital on Monday. She was in her 93rd year. The remains are at the Auburn Funeral Home, but funeral arrangements were not complete at °press, time, `. .• 11 FORTY YEARS. MARRIED • Mr., and Mrs. Wellington Hen derson observed their 40th wed- ding anniversary: on .Christmas Eve : .Members of , their gamily were all home to spend Christmas and mark . this special anniver- sary. On Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs: Henderson , entertained a few friends. PEN PALS MEET .AFTER', CORRESPONDING TEN, YEARS Miss Joyce Smith of Montreal spent the Christmas holiday,with, Miss Betty Durnin. The two have been pen pals for ten years, a correspondence that commenced through the efforts of Betty's teacher, thedate Mrs. Jessie -Cris-_ Miss Smith's'.ome is in Eng- land, but she .`came 't6Montreal` a year ago where she obtained. a position and 'has .. since resided. The exchange of correspondence has . been continued through the years ° and;' cuhnnated °in last week's get-together. • HANDLE/ RECORD R I C H S M -TMAS S MAIL core ,v me , C .. i. as. •Are d., ,ctlu .� � :.. hr. ski mail :was . handled,by, the local post office staff, according to Postmaster. Kenneth `.Cameron, and. the •general public is Well aware that never ;was it handled. more . expeditiously. ; '• The regular staff of Kenneth Cameron, Miss Venning . and Car rie Milne, were assisted during the 10 -day rush by Mrs. Cameron and P. M. Johnston, both well acquainted 'with the job. This 5 - man, staff had 'all incoming and outgoing mail 'cleared daily and wickets were never far behind 'schedule in opening.' each after- noon. ` •. The postal staff .got a break in . this respect from the C.N:R., as the afternoon train was .:;sel- dom more than an hour behind time, at the latest.: The . rural mail couriers . put in extra, hours sort- ing mail in the afternoon and ev- ening and were ready on'sc"Fiedule to start ,their mo nding-trip. All: in all, everybody was .on their toes around the Post Office and their. work , .waseased .to a considerable degree by the co- operation of the public. `'A great, many took. pains• to bundle their cards- and letters. This applied on the routes as well as in town, and rural box holders were especially 'good in .having their mail; stamp •ed,. which saved couriers many tedious.delays of.stam .�li�ckin "... �' P g Largest • single 'day 'sale of stamps at -the Post , Office., was 8000 two -cent stamps, whichsur- passed last: year's one day "record 'of .6500, Postmaster ;Cameron. wishes .to express appreciation • on• 'behalf„ -of the staff and couriers • for the fine co-operation received during the. Christmas .rush. ' REEVE ROBERTSON BY `ACCLAMATION • Reeve 'Stuart E. Robertson was returned to office by acclamation at Monday, night's nomination meeting that attracted a abetter than -usual' turnout Mr. Robert- son was the only nominee for the reeves hip. • " Councillor Ernie Crawfordan- nounced n noun ed his definite ''retirement after four years on the' Board 'and Councillor Russ Button stat.. ed Would like 'to 'step 'Mit Coun- cillor MacSween was going to think it . over. Councillor V. A. Mowbray; who.came to the Board the, middle of "last year, qualified'. again following. Monday night's meeting. .,Other nominees included Steve Stothers, : ' Archie: • Smith, ' Clark Finlayson and Kenneth Cameron:. Mr. Stothers intimated he would give it some consideration, and none of . the , other • three gentle- men •, expressed . any�� desire to stand, yet did not definitely re. . .fuse. Candidates had until 9 • o'clock • Tuesday evening to qualify, and as we go to' press Tuesday ,noo. n, the coniplete slate :Wasn't cer- tain, but it did appear that by some jockeying and "applying the pressure", a foursome wouldsign:• up for'an. acclamation. The three retiring public school trustees, - _K. C Murdie, Gerald Rathwell and' Dr , James Little,: were the only nominees and all were expected to .qualify . •again. Mr. , Rathwell stated it had ` been his definite intention to retire . ,Nominations were .received as follows by Clerk -E. H. Agnew: For. Reeve:. •Stuart'' E. Robertson by R ' .E. Crawford -and -114 , 'i°^Button. For Councillors Steve Stothers by B. Pappas sand C. Shelton: ° V. A. Mowbray by K. C. Mur - die and W. C. Finlayson.• Russell Button. by W. G. Web- ster and K. ' Cameron, Ernie Crawford by Stuart E.' Robertson and R. F. 'Button. Arehie Smith by Innes Mac= Sween and: V., A. Mowbray. Innes ,MacSween by R. F_. 'But- ton and R. E. Crawford. • Kenneth Cameron by •C. Shea-. ton and B. Pappas. • - , Clark Finlayson by Mike Hogan and R. J. MacKenzie..`• For School Trustees . 'Kenneth C. Murdie by, W. C. Finlayson and Donald McLean. Gerald Rathwell by B. Pappas and C. Shelton. Dr. J. E. Little by K. C. .Murdie" and B. Pappas. FALL:FATAL TO SISTER OF MRS. CAPMBELL' TAVENER Miss Lucy Cozens passed . away' suddenly at the . parsonage at .Thorndale early Thursday morn- ing; •Deeerriber 25th, from a fall down stairs:Death Death was instant- aneous. She was in her 74th year...* Miss Cozens is a 'Sister of Mrs. Campbell Havener of Thorndale and'formerly of the Ashfield. Cir - Wit, MissCozens wa4; well known to a number in this community' -where she visited while Rev: aid. ,Mrs. Tavener were here. The funeral'. service was con- ducted. on Saturday from the Jones • Funeral Hone, Thorndale, with interment in • Vining's Cem- etery. •